cmta cor3 hand out

COR3 Hand Out CMTA May 1 st 2015 Pastor Jeff Lee 760 272 4692 [email protected] What is COR3? COR3 is a youth assimilation leadership group, similar to the ushers or greeters. The main objective is to teach students to make sure everyone who attends any event is warmly, authentically greeted and made to feel like family (not a visitor)! COR3 is at the center of all we say and all we do. COR3 came from the word ENCOURAGE which means to inspire with courage, from the heart! .Hebrews 3:13a “ But encourage one another daily” reminds us how often we need to do this, daily! COR3 is a place where students can “plug in” to serving in the church, which is unlike other programs. Students then learn that serving others gives them a purpose and ownership of their church and its people. COR3 concepts are simple and easy to remember. C Christ’s Example (Ownership) Christ has established what is significant. Philippians 2:1-3 “So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, 2 complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. 3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves .” Christ’s example that we put others before ourselves is a key importance in COR3 . O One Another’s (Discipleship). There are over 50 verses with the phrase, “One another” in the Bible. They communicate the truth and value God places on the responsibility we have to one another. They tell us to live in peace, be

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Page 1: CMTA COR3 hand out

COR3 Hand Out CMTA May 1st 2015 Pastor Jeff Lee

760 272 4692 [email protected] What is COR3? COR3 is a youth assimilation leadership group, similar to the ushers or greeters. The main objective is to teach students to make sure everyone who attends any event is warmly, authentically greeted and made to feel like family (not a visitor)! COR3 is at the center of all we say and all we do. COR3 came from the word ENCOURAGE which means to inspire with courage, from the heart! .Hebrews 3:13a “But encourage one another daily” reminds us how often we need to do this, daily! COR3 is a place where students can “plug in” to serving in the church, which is unlike other programs. Students then learn that serving others gives them a purpose and ownership of their church and its people. COR3 concepts are simple and easy to remember.

C Christ’s Example (Ownership) Christ has established

what is significant. Philippians 2:1-3 “So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, 2 complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. 3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.”

Christ’s example that we put others before ourselves is a key importance in COR3.

O One Another’s (Discipleship). There are over 50 verses with the phrase, “One another” in the Bible. They communicate the truth and value God places on the responsibility we have to one another. They tell us to live in peace, be devoted, honor each other, forgive, be concerned, teach, serve, show kindness, pray, wait, and over 20 times it says to love like Christ did! Not just love, but excel in it! We read in 1 Thessalonians 4:10: “For indeed you do practice it toward all the brethren. But we urge you, to excel still more.” What was it they were to excel (practice) in, Loving One another!

Discipling one another in Love is a key component of COR3.

Page 2: CMTA COR3 hand out

COR3 Hand Out CMTA May 1st 2015 Pastor Jeff Lee

760 272 4692 [email protected]

R Relationships (Fellowship) 1 John 1:3-4: confirms this “3 we proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. 4these things we write, so that our joy may be made complete.” So that’s the goal that we might have Christ’s encouragement, His joy found in relationships in us and through fellowship with believers we have a new life, the same mind, the same love, in full accord (harmony) likemindness with Christ!

Fellowship with Christ and one another will bring to completion the joy of the Lord!

3 Start with Three (mentorship) Christ completed his ministry with 12 Disciples. Yes there were 12, but He spent and saw the value of pouring into 3, His COR3! COR3 starts small with 3, but grows like a “mustard seed” Mark 4:30-32. Start small and let it grow into all aspects of your ministry. Ecclesiastes 4:12 “And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart.” Choose 3 friendly students and meet with them and share your idea. Let it grow from there, they will recruit and others will join from that point on. Once you start to build a COR3 group, they will multiply and grow. We now have students that serve alongside adult ushers, greeters, food preparation, children’s church, women’s ministry, men’s ministry and maintenance of the church, all grown from their involvement with COR3.

COR3 supports a life on life approach COR3 follows Christ’s example of this model.

How to maintain your COR3 group?

After developing your COR3 group you will need to meet once a week, before Youth Group for about 30 minutes, to teach, train and equip students with assimilation tools from God's Word. As the group stabilizes and grows, you can meet biweekly, or as needed. One lesson from the Bible comes from Paul’s description and naming of all the faithful in the book of Romans 16:1-16. It is a great guideline for showing the significance of knowing people’s

Page 3: CMTA COR3 hand out

COR3 Hand Out CMTA May 1st 2015 Pastor Jeff Lee

760 272 4692 [email protected] names. Don’t make it complex, find an empty room, get some snacks, “hang out” and show students how to be kind, authentic, and friendly to each other and the value of just one new student, then let God take care of the rest.

Meet for a month, and then release them at Youth Group one night. Place 1 at each door with name tags (one red and one blue) while the other COR3 student roams around gathering names. Then play a name game by having people go up front and switch name tags then try to put them back on the right person. Fun, simple and you get the picture that something is new at Youth Group. People and their names matter and COR3 has arrived!

WHAT ELSE CAN A COR3 GROUP DO? Students ultimately can end up doing almost anything! They should be encouraged to try and do difficult things around the church to stretch themselves. COR3 can and will change your church and Youth Group significantly!

COR3 II (Discussion) I would like to teach /share with you a system to help students to memorize people’s name. It is based on a method where you first visualize (create a file or a picture in your mind to attach name to), then vocalize (say their name aloud or silently multiple times or write it down or what works best for you while visualizing picture you just created), and finally familiarize (now familiarize 3 facts about new picture, with their name while you say and use it with word picture in a sentence or phrase to help attach it all together). There are many different ways to do this, but whatever way works for you it will be significant to help students learn how to memorize names. See also Ken Davis: Secrets of Dynamic Communications. Blessings, Jeff