cmw500 2g3glte_operatingtraining_07022013_ppt [相容模式].pdf

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  • R&S CMW500Wideband Radio Communication Tester

    CMW500 GSM / WCDMA / LTE S e nior Applica tion Engine e rAlbe rt Chung

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 2


    l CMW500 Platform Overview

    l CMW500 GSM RF Measurement

    l CMW500 WCDMA RF Measurement

    l CMW500 LTE RF Measurement

    l Live Demo

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 3

    CMU200va r02 s igna ling te s te r

    CMU200va r30 non s igna ling te s te r

    CRTU protocol te s te r

    CMW500 Platform Overview

    RF test in production

    P rotocol a nd a pplica tion te s t

    RF te s t in R&D

    CBT Blue tooth te s te r

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 4

    1xEV-DO W M S

    Mobile WiMAXW M S

    W = WinIQSIM2 wa ve forms (ARB)V = R&S wa ve form libra ry (ARB)

    G = Online Ge ne ra tor M = Tx multi e va lua tion pe rsona lity

    S = S igna ling (BS e m ula tion)

    CMMB V

    T-DMB V

    FM s te re oV M

    EDGEe vo / Va mosW M S

    DVB-T W

    HS PA W G M S

    HS PA+W M S

    Qua lcommV

    ARB Lib 2 V

    CMW500 RF test The most comprehensive Solution

    Blue tooth W M S



    Ga lile o V

    GP S V


    WCDMA//WCDMA te s t

    WLAN a bgnW M S

    S - a gn S - b

    CDMA2000 W G M S

    CDMA//CDMA te s t

    GS M/(E)GP RSW G M S

    GS M // GS M te s t

    11a cW M


    LTE//LTE te s t

    e NB


    KB036 required for Band 42 and 43

    e NB

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 5

    CMW500 Hardware Configuration Single CMW500 LTE Mobility / I-RAT testing




    Ba s e ba nd Function RF


    Intra -LTE / Inte r-RAT Ha ndove r Te s ting








    GS M


    Ba s e ba ndOption



    S ingle Box s upporting:l LTE up to two ce lls l Inte r-RAT incl. HO to/from

    l GS Ml WCDMAl C2K (HRP D, 1xRTT)

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 6

    l CMW500 Platform Overview

    l CMW500 GSM RF Measurement

    l CMW500 WCDMA RF Measurement

    l CMW500 LTE RF Measurement

    l Live Demo

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 7

    Activation of GSM Signaling Application

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 8

    Activation of GSM Measurement Application(s)

    Receiver Quality Transmitter Quality

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 9

    Overview Tasks

    List of started tasks

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 10

    Switch On GSM Signaling

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 11

    Configure GSM Signaling: RF Connectors

    RF connectionfor DUT

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 12

    Link between CMW500 & DUT

    Cable attenuation

    DL Power

    UL Power

    path attenuation

    S igna ling Configura tionRF1COM

    Exte rna l a tte nua tion = 0 dBDownlink le ve l = -80 dBm

    Me a s ure me nt re s ultUplink powe r = +10 dBm

    pa th los s =7 dB

    -87 dBm

    +17 dBm

    -80 dBm

    +10 dBm

    CMW500 = Ne twork Emula tor (from UE point of vie w)

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 13

    Correction of External Attenuation: Example

    S igna ling Configura tionRF1COM

    Exte rna l a tte nua tion = 7 dBDownlink le ve l = -80 dBm

    Me a s ure me nt re s ultUplink powe r = +17 dBm

    pa th los s =7 dB

    -80 dBm

    +17 dBm

    -73 dBm

    +10 dBm

    Cable attenuation

    DL Power

    UL Power

    path attenuation

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 14

    CMU-Z10; CMU-Z11Ante nna couple r box

    Antenna Coupling

    Cable attenuation

    path attenuation

    CMW 500 CMU-Z10; CMU-Z11Antenna coupler box

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 15

    Configure Measurement ApplicationRequired for Signaling Mode

    Link to signalingsettings

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 16

    Register UE

    Switch On UE(Location Update)

    Test SIM

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 17

    GSM Signaling: Establish Call

    Answer Call (or dial number)

    RX Le ve l Full: P owe r of a ll TDMA fra me sRX Le ve l S ub: P owe r of S ACCH fra me s only

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 18

    Multi Evaluation GSM

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 19

    Burst LimitsAve ra ge Burs t P owe r dis pla ys the RMS powe r

    me a s ure d ove r the 148 us e ful bits of the burs t.

    Re l. S lot Timing in s ymbols re la tive to the me a s ure me nt time s lot

    TS C de te cte d dis pla ys the tra ining s e que nce de te cte d.

    S ta tis tic Count dis pla ys the numbe r of burs ts us e d for the me a s ure me nt.

    Mod. Vie w Throughput (pe rce nta ge of burs ts with corre ct Modula tion e .g. GMS K)

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 20

    Change Displayed Measurement

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 21

    Error Vector Magnitude Measurement

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 22

    Insertion: Error Vector Magnitude

    EVM tole ra nce

    Errorve ctor

    Ide a ls igna lve ctor

    Re ce ive ds igna lve ctor

    ii S




    irerr -






  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 23

    I/Q Diagram GMSK

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 24


  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 25

    Send SMS to Mobile Station

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 26

    Receive SMS with CMW500

    SMS Text displayed in GSM Signaling Configuration!

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 27

    Handover to Other GSM Band during CS Connection

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 28

    l CMW500 Platform Overview

    l CMW500 GSM RF Measurement

    l CMW500 WCDMA RF Measurement

    l CMW500 LTE RF Measurement

    l Live Demo

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 29

    WCDMA Generator & Measurement Applications

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 30

    WCDMA Signaling Configuration

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 31

    WCDMA Measurement Application Configuration

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 32

    Switch On UE(Location Update)

    Test SIM 3G

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 33

    Reported UE Capabilities

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 34

    UE Registered

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 35

    RMC Overview


    Information bit rate (kbps) 12.2 64 144 384 768

    DPDCH (kbps) 60 240 480 960 2x 960

    TTI (ms) 20 20 20 10 10

    SF 64 16 8 2 2x2

    Only RMC 12.2 kbps is mandatory for all UE

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 36

    Overview Loop Modes

    P HY



    RLC-P DU

    MAC-P DU

    RLC-P DU

    MAC-P DU


    RLC-S DU

    RLC-P DU

    MAC-P DU

    RLC-P DU

    MAC-P DU


    Loop Mode 1

    LoopMode 2

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 37

    RMC Connected

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 38

    Multi Evaluation

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 39

    UE power measurements

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 40

    Power Steps

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 41

    Insertion: Error Vector Magnitude

    EVM tole ra nce

    Errorve ctor

    Ide a l s igna l ve ctor(re fe re nce wa ve form)

    Re ce ive ds igna lve ctor

    ii S




    irerr -






  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 42

    Code Domain Power versus Slot Loop Mode 2 for DPDCH

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 43

    Radio Frames and Time Slots

    Radio frame (FDD) U M T S _ P H L_ P H C _ 4 3 .VS D

    Radio Frame

    10 ms38400 chips

    a t a c h ip ra te o f 3 .8 4 MC h ip s /s

    Slot #0 Slot #1 Slot #n Slot #13 Slot #14



    666,6 2560 chips

    a t c h ip ra te o f 3 .8 4 MC h ip s /s



    1 chip @ 0,26 s => dis ta nce of 80 m = de la y of 1 chip!=> e xa ct time a djus tme nt re quire d!

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 44

    Code Domain Power for Spreading Code

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 45

    Code Domain Power



    DPCCH(control ch.)

    DPDCH(data ch.)

    DP DCHC64,16

    CDP is de fine d re la tive to the tota l powe r of the s igna l,i.e . to the UE P owe r

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 46

    Code Domain Power for Different Spreading Factors

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 47

    Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 48

    Spectrum Emission Mask

    30 kHz me a s ure me nt ba ndwidth1 MHz me a s ure me nt

    ba ndwidth

    Limit for 1 MHz

    Limit for 30kHz

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 49

    l BER (based on RMC 12.2kbps)l BLERl Lost transp. Blocksl UL TFCI faultsl FDRl PN Discontinuity

    RX Measurements

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 50


    1. Che ck UE ca pa bilitie s

    (double click)2. Che ck UE

    Ca te gory

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 51

    Determine maximum number of HS-DSCH Codes

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 52

    HSPA+ basic signalingCMW-KS403

    Radio bearer setup configuration

    suporting HSPA+

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 53

    l First steps supporting configuration of HSDPA basic signaling (Rel. 5 - KS401 / Rel. 7 - 403)l configura tion of a ll HS DPA DL

    cha nne ls

    l Configura tion of the HS -DP CCH via :

    CQI ta ble (1..30)

    H-S e ts (1...8 + H-S e t ma x) s upporting a ll modula tion s che me s : QP S K, 16 QAM, 64 QAM

    HSPA+ basic signalingCMW-KS403

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 54

    l H-Set configuration: H-S e t 2 QP S K

    H-S e t 2 16QAM

    H-S e t 3 QP S K

    H-S e t 3 16 QAM

    H-S e t 4 QP S K

    H-S e t 5 QP S K

    H-S e t 6 QP S K

    H-S e t 16 QAM

    H-S e t 8 64 QAM

    H-S e t 8 MAX da ta ra te

    HSPA+ basic signalingCMW-KS403

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 55

    l L1 throughput figures by DL channel configuration based on H-set 8

    l L1 graph and figures for:l CQIl L1 TPl ACK/NACKl DL BLERl Me dia n CQIl re tra ns mis s ions

    HSDPA basic signalingOption CMW-KS401 / KS403

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 56

    l S ta rt the WCDMA s igna ling me nul Ena ble the Ce lll For Dua l Ca rrie r cha nge the s ce na rio from s ta nda rd ce ll to Dua l Ca rrie r

    (s e e config s e tting from WCDMA s igna ling)

    l S e le ct the UE ca te gory for HS DPA / HS PA+ / DC-HS DPA or re gis te r the UE



    Usability featuresWCDMA / WIZARD, with option CMW-KS411 user defined settings

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 57

    l To activate the wizard press WIZARD hardkey on CMW500 front panell Following pre-settings are available for now:

    Max Throughput HSDPA:l P a cke d da ta : HS DPA / 384kbps UL

    Us e r de fine d s e ttings a cc. UE ca te gory for ma x. throughput

    Downlink phys ica l cha nne ls le ve lconfigura tion for be s t throughputpe rforma nce

    Usability featuresWCDMA / WIZARD, with option CMW-KS411 user defined settings

    l Wizard setting are based on:us e re porte d, if a va ila ble from UE

    Ca pa bility re a ding a fte r re gis tra tion (de fa ult s e tting)

    Ma nua l UE ca pa bility e ntry to force the s e ttings a cc. Ce rta in ca te gory to be te s te d

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 58

    Usability featuresUE Event log, part of basic signaling features set

    Ca ll s e tup proce dure

    Cha nne l Ha ndove r

    Ra dio be a re r e s ta blis he d

    Ca ll re le a s e

    l Benefit:l Ea s y trouble s hooting by s igna ling proce dure s like re gis tra tion, conne ction

    e s ta blis h, ha ndove r e tc...

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 59

    CMW500 WCDMA FDD capability list

    l Application note 1CM95 describes how to do the supported tests in manual operation using CMW500

    l s te p by s te p guide a ccording to 3GPP TS 34.121 cha pte r 5 a nd 6

    l with R&SCMW500 firmware Version 2.1.30

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 60

    l CMW500 Platform Overview

    l CMW500 GSM RF Measurement

    l CMW500 WCDMA RF Measurement

    l CMW500 LTE RF Measurement

    l Live Demo

  • LTE Technology Introduction and LTE RF Measurement

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 62

    Introduction ofLTE technology

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 63


    Technology evolution pathGS M/GP RS

    EDGE, 200 kHzDL: 473 kbpsUL: 473 kbps

    EDGEe voDL: 1.9 MbpsUL: 947 kbps

    HS DP A, 5 MHzDL: 14.4 MbpsUL: 2.0 Mbps

    HS P A, 5 MHzDL: 14.4 MbpsUL: 5.76 Mbps

    HS P A+, R7DL: 28.0 MbpsUL: 11.5 Mbps

    2005/2006 2007/2008 2011/2012

    HS P A+, R8DL: 42.0 MbpsUL: 11.5 Mbps


    1xEV-DO, Re v. 0 1.25 MHz

    DL: 2.4 MbpsUL: 153 kbps

    1xEV-DO, Re v. A 1.25 MHz

    DL: 3.1 MbpsUL: 1.8 Mbps

    1xEV-DO, Re v. B 5.0 MHz

    DL: 14.7 MbpsUL: 4.9 Mbps

    HS P A+, R9DL: 84 MbpsUL: 23 Mbps

    DO-Adva nce dDL: 32 Mbps and beyond

    UL: 12.4 Mbps and beyond

    LTE-Adva nce d R10DL: 1 Gbps (low mobility)

    UL: 500 Mbps

    Fixe d WiMAXsca la ble ba ndwidth

    1.25 28 MHztypical up to 15 Mbps

    Mobile WiMAX, 802.16eUp to 20 MHz DL: 75 Mbps (2x2)UL: 28 Mbps (1x2)

    Adva nce d MobileWiMAX, 802.16m

    DL: up to 1 Gbps (low mobility)UL: up to 100 Mbps

    VAMOSDouble S peech


    HS P A+, R10DL: 84 MbpsUL: 23 Mbps

    LTE (4x4), R8+R9, 20MHzDL: 300 MbpsUL: 75 Mbps

    UMTSDL: 2.0 MbpsUL: 2.0 Mbps

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 64

    LTE Key Parameter

    Frequency Range FDD bands and TDD bandsChannel bandwidth 1 Re s ource Block (RB)=180 kHz

    1.4 MHz 3 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz

    6 RB 15 RB 25 RB 50 RB 75 RB 100 RB

    Modulation Schemes

    Downlink QP S K, 16QAM, 64QAMUplink QP S K, 16QAM, 64QAM ( optiona l for ha nds e t)

    Multiple AccessDownlink OFDMA (Orthogona l Fre que ncy Divis ion Multiple Acce s s )

    Uplink S C-FDMA (S ingle Ca rrie r Fre que ncy Divis ion Multiple Acce s s )

    MIMO technologyDownlink

    Wide choice of MIMO configura tion options for tra ns mit dive rs ity, s pa tia l multiple xing, a nd cyclic de la y dive rs ity (ma x. 4 a nte nna s a t ba s e s ta tion a nd ha nds e t)

    Uplink Multi-us e r colla bora tive MIMO

    Peak Data RateDownlink 150 Mbps (UE ca te gory 4, 2x2 MIMO, 20 MHz)

    300 Mbps (UE ca te gory 5, 4x4 MIMO, 20 MHz)

    Uplink 75 Mbps (20 MHz)

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 65

    LTE UE categories (downlink and uplink)

    UE category

    Max. number of DL-SCH

    transport block bits received

    within TTI

    Max. number of bits of a DL-SCH

    transport block received a


    Total numberof soft

    channel bits

    Max. number of supported layers

    for spatial multiplexing in


    Max. number of UL-SCH

    transport block bits received

    within TTI

    Support 64QAMin UL

    1 10296 10296 250368 1 5160 No

    2 51024 51024 1237248 2 25456 No

    3 102048 75376 1237248 2 51024 No

    4 150752 75376 1827072 2 51024 No

    5 302752 151376 3667200 4 75376 Ye s

    6 301504 149776 (4 la ye rs )75376 (2 la ye rs )

    3654144 2 or 4 51024 No

    7 301504 149776 (4 la ye rs )75376 (2 la ye rs )

    3654144 2 or 4 102048 No

    8 2998560 299856 35982720 8 149776 Ye s

    MIMO Multiple Input Multiple OutputUL-S CH Uplink S ha re d Cha nne lDL-S CH Downlink S ha re d Cha nne lUE Us e r Equipme ntTTI Tra ns mis s ion Time Inte rva l

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 66

    E-UTRAOpe ra ting

    Ba nd

    Uplink (UL) ope ra ting ba nd BS re ce ive UE tra ns mit

    Downlink (DL) ope ra ting ba ndBS tra ns mit UE re ce ive Duple x Mode

    FUL_low FUL_high FDL_low FDL_high

    1 1920 MHz 1980 MHz 2110 MHz 2170 MHz FDD

    2 1850 MHz 1910 MHz 1930 MHz 1990 MHz FDD

    3 1710 MHz 1785 MHz 1805 MHz 1880 MHz FDD

    4 1710 MHz 1755 MHz 2110 MHz 2155 MHz FDD

    5 824 MHz 849 MHz 869 MHz 894MHz FDD

    6 830 MHz 840 MHz 875 MHz 885 MHz FDD

    7 2500 MHz 2570 MHz 2620 MHz 2690 MHz FDD

    8 880 MHz 915 MHz 925 MHz 960 MHz FDD

    9 1749.9 MHz 1784.9 MHz 1844.9 MHz 1879.9 MHz FDD

    10 1710 MHz 1770 MHz 2110 MHz 2170 MHz FDD

    11 1427.9 MHz 1452.9 MHz 1475.9 MHz 1500.9 MHz FDD

    12 698 MHz 716 MHz 728 MHz 746 MHz FDD

    13 777 MHz 787 MHz 746 MHz 756 MHz FDD

    14 788 MHz 798 MHz 758 MHz 768 MHz FDD

    17 704 MHz 716 MHz 734 MHz 746 MHz FDD

    18 815 MHz 830 MHz 860 MHz 875 MHz FDD

    19 830 MHz 845 MHz 875 MHz 890 MHz FDD

    20 832 MHz 862 MHz 791 MHz 821 MHz FDD

    LTE/LTE-A Frequency Bands (FDD)

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 67

    LTE/LTE-A Frequency Bands (FDD/TDD)E-UTRA

    Ope ra tingBa nd

    Uplink (UL) ope ra ting ba nd BS re ce ive UE tra ns mit

    Downlink (DL) ope ra ting ba ndBS tra ns mit UE re ce ive Duple x Mode

    FUL_low FUL_high FDL_low FDL_high

    21 1447.9 MHz 1462.9 MHz 1495.9 MHz 1510.9 MHz FDD

    22 3410 MHz 3500 MHz 3510 MHz 3600 MHz FDD

    23 2000 MHz 2020 MHz 2180 MHz 2200 MHz FDD

    24 1626.5 MHz 1660.5 MHz 1525 MHz 1559 MHz FDD

    25 1850 MHz 1915 MHz 1930 MHz 1995 MHz FDD

    26 814 MHz 849 MHz 859 MHz 894 MHz FDD

    27 807 MHz 824 MHz 852 MHz 869 MHz FDD

    28 703 MHz 748 MHz 758 MHz 803 MHz FDD

    33 1900 MHz 1920 MHz 1900 MHz 1920 MHz TDD

    34 2010 MHz 2025 MHz 2010 MHz 2025 MHz TDD

    35 1850 MHz 1910 MHz 1850 MHz 1910 MHz TDD

    36 1930 MHz 1990 MHz 1930 MHz 1990 MHz TDD

    37 1910 MHz 1930 MHz 1910 MHz 1930 MHz TDD

    38 2570 MHz 2620 MHz 2570 MHz 2620 MHz TDD

    39 1880 MHz 1920 MHz 1880 MHz 1920 MHz TDD

    40 2300 MHz 2400 MHz 2300 MHz 2400 MHz TDD

    41 2496 MHz 2690 MHz 2496 MHz 2690 MHz TDD

    42 3400 MHz 3600 MHz 3400 MHz 3600 MHz TDD

    43 3600 MHz 3800 MHz 3600 MHz 3800 MHz TDD

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 68

    LTE band channel bandwidthE-UTRA band / channel bandwidth


    1.4 MHz 3 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz

    1 Yes Yes Yes Yes

    2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    4 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    5 Yes Yes Yes Yes

    6 Yes Yes

    7 Yes Yes Yes Yes

    8 Yes Yes Yes Yes

    9 Yes Yes Yes Yes

    10 Yes Yes Yes Yes

    11 Yes Yes

    12 Yes Yes Yes Yes

    13 Yes Yes

    14 Yes Yes


    17 Yes Yes


    33 Yes Yes Yes Yes

    34 Yes Yes Yes

    35 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    36 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    37 Yes Yes Yes Yes

    38 Yes Yes Yes Yes

    39 Yes Yes Yes Yes

    40 Yes Yes Yes Yes

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 69

    The LTE Frame Structure

    frame structure type 2

    frame structure type 1


    One ra dio fra meTf = 307200Ts=10 ms

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 70

    LTE frame structure type 1 (FDD)

    =1 ms

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 71

    LTE frame structure type 2 (TDD)

    Special subframes containing:

    DwPTS: downlink pilot time s lot UpPTS: uplink pilot time s lot

    GP: gua rd pe riod for TDD ope ra tion

    Possible uplink-downlink configurations (D=Downlink, U=Uplink, S=Special Subframe):

  • R&S CMW500Wideband Radio Communication TesterLTE RF Testing

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 73

    CMW500 Measurement Setup

    La ptop/P C conne ction ma na ge me nt S oftwa re

    FTP Clie ntHTTP Brows e r

    IP a s s igne d during conne ction s e tup by CMW500 via DUT

    (but ma y ha ve to configure d ma nua lly)

    1 RF ca ble for S IS O

    RX/TX Ante nna P ort

    S igna ling Applica tion

    Me a s ure me ntApplica tionMulti Eva lua tion







  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 74

    LTE Signaling Application - Main

    At which cha nne l to pe rform me a s ure me nt?

    Che ck de vice ca pa bility

    Re la tion be twe e n MCS TBS a nd


    Re fe re nce S igna l Ene rgy pe r Re s ource Ele me nt

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 75

    Reference Signal Receive Power, RSRP





    Entire ba ndwidth

    S ca n ove r e ntire ba ndwidth,RS RP = powe r of 1 s ymbol, a s me a n powe r

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 76

    Received Signal Strength Indicator, RSSI



    Entire ba ndwidthR


    inte rfe re r

    nois e

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 77

    LTE measurements: RSRQ

    Definition Re fe re nce S igna l Re ce ive d Qua lity (RS RQ) is de fine d a s the ra tio NRS RP /(E-UTRA ca rrie r RS S I), whe re N is the numbe r of RBs of the E-UTRA ca rrie r RS S I me a s ure me nt ba ndwidth. The me a s ure me nts in the nume ra tor a nd de nomina tor s ha ll be ma de ove r the s a me s e t of re s ource blocks .

    E-UTRA Ca rrie r Re ce ive d S igna l S tre ngth Indica tor (RS S I), compris e s the line a r a ve ra ge of the tota l re ce ive d powe r (in [W]) obs e rve d only in OFDM s ymbols conta ining re fe re nce s ymbols for a nte nna port 0, in the me a s ure me nt ba ndwidth, ove r N numbe r of re s ource blocks by the UE from a ll s ource s , including co-cha nne l s e rving a nd non-s e rving ce lls , a dja ce nt cha nne l inte rfe re nce , the rma l nois e e tc.

    The re fe re nce point for the RS RQ s ha ll be the a nte nna conne ctor of the UE.If re ce ive r dive rs ity is in us e by the UE, the re porte d va lue s ha ll not be lowe r

    tha n the corre s ponding RS RQ of a ny of the individua l dive rs ity bra nche s .

    Applicable for RRC_CONNECTED intra -fre que ncy,RRC_CONNECTED inte r-fre que ncy

    Re fe re nce S igna l Re ce ive d Qua lity

    RS RQ = RS RP

    RS S I

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 78

    Measurements as usual?No! Multi-evaluation measurement for LTE FDD/TDD

    Power, power control



    Resource AllocationTable

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 79

    LTE Multi Evaluation Configuration

    Links s igna ling a pplica tion s igna l pa th with me a s ure me nt a pplica tion s igna l pa th

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 80

    Details LTE FDD and TD-LTE multi evaluation Tx measurements KM500, KM550l Supported measurements Modulation (see 3GPP TS36.521 9.5x)

    l EVM vs . s ub-ca rrie rl EVM, Ma gnitude e rror a nd P ha s e e rror vs . S C-FDMA S ymboll EVM, Ma gnitude e rror a nd P ha s e e rror pe r s lotl Fre que ncy Errorl IQ Origin Offs e tl S pe ctrum fla tne s sl IQ Cons te lla tion dia gra ml Inba nd e mis s ions

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 81

    Details LTE FDD and TD-LTE multi evaluation Tx measurements KM500, KM550l Supported measurements Power

    l P e a k P owe r (dis pla ye d in modula tion me a s ure me nts )l RB (re cours e block) P owe r (dis pla ye d in Inba nd Emis s ion me a s .)l Tra ns mit P owe r (dis pla ye d in modula tion a nd S EM me a s .)l P owe r vs . S ubfra me

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 82

    Details LTE FDD and TD-LTE multi evaluation Tx measurements KM500, KM550l Supported measurements Spectrum (see 3GPP TS36.521 9.5.x)

    l Adja ce nt Cha nne l P owe r (ACP )l Occupie d Ba ndwidth (OBW)l S pe ctrum Emis s ion Ma s k (S EM)

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 83

    Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio, ACLR

    2 a dja ce nt WCDMAca rrie rs , 5MHz BW

    1 a dja ce nt LTEca rrie r, 20MHz BW

    Active LTEca rrie r, 20MHz BW

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 84

    SEM limit definition

    Spectrum emission limit (dBm)/ Channel bandwidth








    Measurement bandwidth

    0-1 -10 -13 -15 -18 -20 -21 30 kHz

    1-2.5 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 1 MHz

    2.5-5 -25 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 1 MHz

    5-6 -25 -13 -13 -13 -13 1 MHz

    6-10 -25 -13 -13 -13 1 MHz

    10-15 -25 -13 -13 1 MHz

    15-20 -25 -13 1 MHz

    20-25 -25 1 MHz

    Limits de pe nd on cha nne l ba ndwidth

    Limitsde pe nde nt on offs e t from a s s igne d BW

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 85

    Block Error Ratio and Throughput

    Rx qua lity

    DL s igna l

    Cha nne ls e tup

    Crite rion: throughput s ha ll be > 95% of pos s ible

    ma ximum (de pe nding on RMC)

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 86

    RX sensitivity level

    Channel bandwidth

    E-UTRA 1.4 MHz(dBm)3 MHz(dBm)

    5 MHz(dBm)

    10 MHz(dBm)

    15 MHz(dBm)

    20 MHz(dBm)


    1 - - -100 -97 -95.2 -94 FDD

    2 -104.2 -100.2 -98 -95 -93.2 -92 FDD

    3 -103.2 -99.2 -97 -94 -92.2 -91 FDD

    4 -106.2 -102.2 -100 -97 -95.2 -94 FDD

    5 -104.2 -100.2 -98 -95 FDD

    6 - - -100 -97 FDD

    Crite rion: throughput s ha ll be > 95% of pos s ible ma ximum (de pe nd on RMC)

    S e ns itivity de pe nds on ba nd, cha nne l ba ndwidth a nd RMC

    unde r te s t

    Extra ct from TS 36.521

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 87

    MIMO testing

    O n e an te nn a Tw o anten nas Fou r ant enn as

    e N o d e B C o rre la tio n 1=e N BR

    = * 1


    a1e NBR





















    eN BR

    MIMO corre la tionMode ls from

    TS 36.521

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 88

    Throughput measurements

    MIMO a ctive ,2 s tre a ms with

    diffe re nt da ta ra te

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 89

    CMW500 LTE FDD capability list

    l Application note 1CM94 describes how to do the supported tests in manual operation using CMW500

    l s te p by s te p guide a ccording to 3GPP TS 36.521 V9.5.0 cla us e s 6 a nd 7

    l with R&SCMW500 firmware Version 2.1.30

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 90

    CMW500 LTE CMWrun

    l CMWrun CMW-KT055 allows automated test of supported 36.521 test cases

    l Automatically takescare about the 3GPP V9.5.0depending on installed SW version

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 91

    l CMW500 Platform Overview

    l CMW500 GSM RF Measurement

    l CMW500 WCDMA RF Measurement

    l CMW500 LTE RF Measurement

    l Live Demo

  • CMW500 Wide ba nd Ra dio Communica tion Te s te r

    2010 | 92

    Thank you for your attention!