cnc portfolio


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Post on 13-Jul-2015




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Learning Outcome :-

In this first project, I had to conduct an extensive research comprising from various sources and ultimately produce a graphical time-line calendar and culture journal of Cambodian history. Throughout this project, I managed to study the changes of the Cambodian from the Neolithic period up to pre-modern civilization. With this i had acquired the knowledge on how to gather information and coordinate relevant information into a concise A3 presentation.

Learning Outcome :-

This project contains two tasks which is a costume runway show and a miniature model project. In this project, I had to conduct research on my chosen timeline of France which was the middle age. After going through this project, I was able to recall and generally differentiate between different cultures by the way they dress in their time period.

For the Runway Project, I had decided to make a Middle Age French Knight.

This is some of my research that I had done before constructing my own armor.

This is the progress of my armor making.





Gauntlet French color Tabard


Apart from gaining invaluable Knowledge, I had also enjoyed making the armor. It was hard to construct as it was totally made out of cardboard, but the result is pleasing.

This is the progress of my model. I had chosen to do a scene of a battlefield between the French and English army.

Learning Outcome :-

The third project requires me to photograph and create a postcard of culture in Malaysia, specifically relating to architecture. I had chosen “Lights on Building” as my topic. With this project I had also learned an invaluable skill of capturing the essence of modern culture in my chosen site .

This 5 photos were chosen out of hundreds and printed as the postcard series.

The design of the backside of the postcard.

This is my packaging design. The concept is like a book whereby it is folded in half and the 5 postcard series is tucked inside a half-envelope.