cnn posted misleading graph showing poll results on schiavo case

47 posted misleading graph showing poll results on Schiavo case 20005

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DESCRIPTION posted misleading graph showing poll results on Schiavo case The Truth but not the Whole Truth. The V Sign. V for Victory. Winston Churchill gives the victory sign at a political rally, Liverpool, 1951. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Winston Churchill

gives the victory sign

at a political rally,

Liverpool, 1951

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The "V" for victory that Winston Churchill used (with the palm facing outward, same as the American sign for "peace"), when the palm is reversed, it means something else... If a person used two fingers to order two beers in a British pub.. it has insulting connotations…

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the two fingers in a 1st grade math class may refer to the number "two"

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"OK" in the United States "money" in Japan "sex" in Mexico "homosexual" in Ethiopia an obscenity in Brazil “Zero” in Southern France

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“Numbers.” Time Magazine 155, no 6 (Feb 14, 2000); 25

Vocabulary Average for 14-Year-Old













er o

f Vo






25,000 10,000

1950 1999

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BLAME somebody or something No parent involvement? Too much TV/ New media No enough reading

Or question the data? Who did the research? Who sponsored it? Who were the participants?

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We may simply say language evolves?

Today, we cannot read and understand old English ?

We may also argue that our students are not learning another language…

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John Roberts

Samuel Alito

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The trouble…is that we have taken our democracy for granted; we have

thought and acted as if our forefathers had founded it once and for all. We

have forgotten that it has to be enacted anew in every generation.

John Dewey

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What do they have in common?

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They are Arab-Americans

Test your knowledge-

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Oh I come from a land, from a faraway place Where the caravan camels roam Where it's flat and immense And the heat is intense It's barbaric, but hey, it's home { Original first verse (1992-93): Oh I come from a land, from a faraway placeWhere the caravan camels roam Where they cut off your ear If they don't like your face It's barbaric, but hey, it's

home }

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"I learned how to deconstruct commercials, how to use the camera equipment, and how to create a public service announcement. Most importantly, I experienced that every message can be interpreted differently. Depending on the era, personal experience, each sign makes different meaning to different people.Prior to taking this course, I simply watched a commercial at face value. I never really looked at the details or asked myself what target audience the advertising company was aiming for. Since class, I have been a commercial-analyzing junkie. I look at the color scheme, the logo, the endorser (if there is one), choice of music, and the intended target audience.”

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“I am happy to have met

you, because you have

given me much more to

think about than just the

content of this class.

… More than learning video

production, this course

gave me the chance to

reflect on my own viewing

habits and I learned

something about myself.”

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04/21/23William Paterson University 38

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IHow to use Wikipedia for academia

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• The first Wiki, WikiWikiWeb, was created by Ward Cunningham in 1995

• Named after Hawaiian bus service, Wiki Wiki

• Allows users to easily create and edit Web pages using any Web browser

• Encourages democratic use of Web


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“Wikipedia is a great place to start, not end, your research”

Dr. Alex Halavais

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1. True2. False3. Abstain

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Yes N







1. Yes2. No3. Abstain

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[email protected]: MeldaYildiz

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