co..~ .3 «bbbj8-s-tÈ« ·...

LITERARY KOTES. ? í.arire i»liotoirr;ii»liH of a life-size portrait of Dr. .T. 0. Holland, showing Hie he» I and S-OB-loTS, »ml dravMi in crayon bt W'vatt EatOB, wi I l.o »riven lo nibs, p he ? ? tO The Century tfgtNBiBI Sifibner» Mi.iillihi m ill ha c:ille<l ¡iffr October. Sometiuie in Si7tr! ¡m Italian Congres i mi Copvii^l.t will le ltcll in Milan. It in th.- seco.ul Cniiicsscalleil lor that purpose, and it issai-! that ?? tl.,· lirst.u.eltnlu.n authors accomplished ????- tOWOI 1 »»f viens and BB organized ellort to titt:iin iluir aims. (fractal William -Batter, of Washington City, is preparimi S work on the Ufa and times0*.lam».s G. Miao», or tho rita, growth end gocctoa <>f the »-ti« s'aver.v movement in the t'nited States. He requests nil persons lUY-tg in thoil potsatttloa Ut ers from James ('. Iltrn.'v. or anti-slavery papers or ptimpli- 1-is published l.etween 1881 and 18-5, to write him giving details. M. I.efeadio llearn, a jouriuilist of NoW-OrlrMiS, hai translated several of Théophile (iaiitier's fan¬ te -? ic and ¡irclui tilte.'it ¡<l storie:-, vvhieli J.Worthing- ttui will fallii th with the title »>f the Inailag tlnry, "One of Cleopatra's Nights," the French title he i ini "G?« Nuit de C'leopatre." Other storms in the volitine are " Clarinioiide," a BOW tille iruven to " Cue Minte Aiiiounuse "; " Arria ?:?p·»·11;? : ? Sou¬ venu· of Pompeii'';" The Mummy's Knot" ; "Oui- pàale : A Rococo Story,'' and " Kim: ('ami.mies." fiction, a .lew weekly publica* ion ile voted to original serial stories, novelettes and short stories, inailo its (irst appearance on Monday last, and is .issued hy Kepler & Sehwarziiian, the pobltshers of Puck. If the first BVaihet <»t' Fiction fairly indi- eatt-s its literarv Ktandaid and puri» is«·, it occupies, in its ditterem !i»*hl, a plane lar holow I'nc!:. The demand for good short stories bt \incrieaii writers is far alleati of the supply, anil th«· unuoumvinent of a publication «leniteti solely to stories has BO ukened dottbtS ¡unitili; nomtbtlTS of the craft as to the possibility of keeping a weekly piihlicution of that kintl up toa good average mark of merit. ? he hrst niunhei of Firtion Kettles the qoostloo, so far M ita initial stundard is onncenied. Tho supplies of material al its command will bt limited only by the physical atroagth to wield a pOB ot a large and growing elaat ol wrih ra. A LITERARY COINCIDENCE. To he Editor of The Tribune. BIB: In your paper of August '_':'.. under "Now f'unlicat'oiis." there occurs an extract, from " Patty's Perversities," (Kouml ?»; bin Series» as follows: '.I><in't names," Flossy asked pensively, "always con- Vi-i a color to yuur mind, Mr. iiluod 1 " ·· (uni fi color I " Ves. like Caretta«, you know ; that alwavs Stake· ine think of pale yellow, ami Susan ot red, and Mary of blue." " What nonsense ! " laughed her cousin; "what color would B.ithnlfmi .sii!;^i't>t I " ·· 1 hat aitiiie " s .id l-'lossy, "always calls up a (Tiiyish dirty irrecn, like faded Ilo»ey-woolaey," und at that nu»- Uit-ùt the iliniier bell raiui." " In The I'roome ¡{ipubluau. puhiisheil in this citv, in the numlier dated March 5, lxi>~, vol. 40, ap¬ pears BB original story, entitled "Nora Gilbert," by "Azile." In the fourth col'imi? of the first pair«· of this iiuinlier of I he paper, and in the fourth chaîner oi the stun-, occurs the following conversai ioti. I givo only that part which relates to the sobject alluded to in the extrait from "Fatty's Perversi¬ ties ": " Po names ever appear to you colored, Mr. Clifton 1" "I <l<> noi indentano you." ·' Wnen you think »if s aS.Ml. when you see it With your miiit'.s's «¦>«·, huw tines ii look I What hue dois il wear, block, Mae, ur greta i" "They do not present SM that 1 know of." "How strani;»'!" BOM Bora. "What Is It, a mental peculiarity I From a child, name» have ever appeared to ine arrayed in varied colors, each name or elmHI Of liâmes WO.TUIS its own peenliar hue." " sinnild like aotM exampl»·«," naid Mr. Clifton. Let me see," said Nora. "Caroline, fur lastanee, a olden is inaile of suulieiiitis. is,, \H William. ¡iimy is a pretty lu·· i.Bond same, James is au ugly hrii'k red. Charle« is a delicate crimson. Lot.OS ?- n l.i'Hiililìil ulne Kcliei'ca is brown. Mary is vlolot-lmed. Basle Is a pale irretii und emerald; luit the full name, Basoa, ir Bt.OUUtoh, is not near et» pretty, tiling of a dark, dingy green." In the next, nuinher of the paper atora is said on the same suhjeet. I writo this lettor and desire its puhlieatioii in justice to th»· Writer Of "N'ora Gilhert," who is now nay wife, to that when she cnl- lects her stories, as she intends to do, ¡nul publishes them in l»»ok form, it cannot l»e said shoOOptod from . Fatty's Ferv. rsitii's.," Very truly yours, JjiiiijhamUin, N. T.. An«. 211, 1K81. A. IJ. SEVEN TEAMS OLD. I From The Átheturum. I. Borea whit«· roses OB one tree,, Seven while loaves of blameless h'avon, Seven whit« sails on one soft sea, Senn while swans on one lake's lee, Boooa whit«· fiowerlike stars in heaven, All US types unmeet to he Fot a htrthday's crown of seven. II. Not the radiance of In· roses, Not th·· blessing of th»· broad, Not the bréese that ere »lay stows is Fresh for sails and swans, and olotes Wings above 1 he sun's grave spread, When the Stanili.ß sa the snows is öweel as sleep on sorrow shell. III. Nothing sweetest, nothing best. Molds so good O&d sweet a tre asuro As the love wherewith once ble,st J»iy BOWS holy, grief takes rest, Fit'«·, half tired with hours to measure, Fills his evos and lips and locust With most light and breath of pleasure: IV. As the rapture unpolluted. As the passion nndeflled, By whose force all paino heart-rooted Are transfigured ami transmuted, Beootaat.1sod ami reconciled. Through ths Imperial, undisputed, Prese lit godheail of a child. V. Brown bright eyes and fair bright head, W'«.."th a worthier crown than this is, Worth ¡» worthier song Instead. Sweet grave wie«· round mouth, full fed With the joy of love, whose bliss is More than mortal wine ami bread, Lips Wh.OS words arc sweet as kisses. VI. Little bande so glad of giving, Little heart so glad of love. Little soul so iilad of living, While the strong swift hours are weaving Light with darkness woven above, Tune for mirth and time for grieving, i'luuic of raven aud plume of dove, VII. I can give you but a word Warn, with love thereto for leaven, Bui a song that falls unheard got on ens of sense unstirred ? » t hy song so far from heaven. Whenoc you cune the brightest bird, Seven years sime, of seven times seven. A. C. BWINBURKS. Xctu ihiblicattous. Will be ready Sept. 2: QEOKGE McDonald's new book, WAKLOCK O* GLEN WARLOCK. Pronounce«! by t-oiiipcti-ul critica HIM jiKisr BOOK -tao-, fully illustrated, 714 pa*«·*, taaty clotli binding, tt 75 I>. LOT H HOP «t Co., 3_ FUANKLINST., BOSTON. ·· JN DIXIE'S LAND." GLIMPSES OF A NEW DIXIE. OK THE 801TTH ?? TO-DAY. 4.BKBIK8 OF LETTER« FROM AN UNPREJUDICED Oils ?IIV Kit IN TRIBUNE EXTRA NO. 81. Price lu (Mute by until. Address THE TRIBUNE. ._NEW YORK. "Four Woman'· ??trae tor Fifty Cent·." J£NITTING AND CROCHET. Pastime for leisure momenti Ad-lrese THE HUB UNE, .NEW-YORK. Nein Publications. jTÔÎÏTKÊADING fou Fl'MMER LEISURE. ttt?·; TRtBiTNE rffYHTrT tat cheapest and best «ene« of fiction. Later?? 111 11. lU'o ?.? i.t.iwi »? .rulla Kevaaavh. Wcvim. la DBIPTBO UV THE OKA. i>y Beery Wliitnoyi.'lovn- Rlllt. I'ln-lll· 17. ¡sKii.vsri.w. a Novel By Kntaartee Oeeaer. ?<><·. i.s. TifiiKK vvivK.s. by tea author oi LeeisaaJ hadim l l page* i'ri.i t, : ? · , |-1. iktOl'SIN HKNRV. nv Anthony TrollopA. Also a »bort«tory. Anale aad iter Ma'stur. 10osate .»u ·; s ii s ? ; ?. ? .'? «mi. (>· .Vili, ?? ntiir ? <'·.»11» ·1- ill. in ? SHADOW ?? ? si V. a learda ittng «nor» *t >cr < dove an I adventure l<)e n s. :.... ruü BJ2BKL o* m*, iamilï. A aova! ota.nir.i- ;nir Interest luceste No. 17..13at New-York Tribeña, |r-, stories for Tases i.east Little l'eolio. A nan.tuoniti 11! ilo boat oi ú,i pa<)«. wiUi te· red bordera i'rlce. IdoenU, »«ai? cy uiAJ, j»u??,?.?. ?. ?.? ijcaipt of prie«. Adirili THE TRIBUNE, .Vow-York. rpJUBUNE NOVEL EXTRA, NO. '-':». "LEFT IN TRUST." ? 8????? OP ? ?.??1? A.NL 1??? LOVlilt. riv MKS. OLIPHANT. ? 1>,?. LOVi: that PURXPtaa By ????????? ?. ???'G. ???? MAJOU'H MONKKY. TXPJCaiNA'H rui/.i:. THAT ?.???.? (?'???. Og MKS. (»LI ??????. AU lu TRIBUNE NOVEL EXTRA, NO. 2.1. Prie« inc. ate Atltlress THE TRIBUNE, New-York. GG?11?? U8EFÜL PUBUt ÎATI0N8. MMA\ I.INNI IIS. BXTBANO.SA in, Kills. rea tri r. ims almanac pon ibsl G????, -' c a It --·»»« M il· 'ITU. 1 UUlU-.N 11 i N DBS l'Oli HaJ. Itaca ^c tL.M.-i. ???t??* THE TRIBUNA, New-Yolk. Gnmmcr ììcoarts. A FEW MORE BOARDERS desired Fot Hie 2\ Pall at a pleaaant Parai ??,,me near the Catakllis; ex- ct-'itiliiflv lienliliv locality dati* sture nini Biailj veranda, inaia,, croquet; lient;, null,, egga, poultry ali k imi H ot fruii partie« a landing, t run reeeoughiei fur reference, 1 lavili l'el lis, ut Qalway'l O .vei'v. ??,?,?-itc tirami Centrai te-pot. Mir-, ????????, Noti,m BUI, Oreen« Co., ?. Y. 4 VON BEACH HOTEL· r\ ?????, ?,?,μ? [Island, fifty munîtes from Me« Vm ,. Rila excellent sea «i,lo fam¬ ily hotel «till lie kept open tluria.r September, l'ine saie bathing, boating aud nahiug. Tims. li. WINCHB8TKB, Proprietor. BERKSHIRE HILLs, "Feroddo," Tyringr- Inmi. Muss. \ few good rooms at ? his popular ? soil, tu the loveUeat part ol the billa ol olii B«rkahlre. can be had lor the uiiiiitli of September al special rat,-, good livll ne ili)«·, s, .ve Ht. JOSEPH .kin ?,s, Proprietor. BERKSHIRE HILLS. >l,enti your vacui ittii ui the CLAFLIN HOUSE, Recket, ? ? «s. No iiia.aiia do nioaqultoea ¡ 1,300 feet abo ru the aea. G?tdeecripUVa ciromar addreaa A U. ciiuss, Proprietor. BERKSHIRE'S MOST POPULAR RESORT. ·> BfAPLKWOOD HALL, PITTMPIKLD, ???? One tiiou«aii,i feet ahore tue «na. Combine« within itself every requisite attraction, convenience and oomfurt, Special ¦eeaonratea, Unen from June ? to Ootober 15. ? KOBO ? w. ? p ??.? ?.?, Manager. D0ARD at Sea ('litt', $5 to fß. Particulars Datino Bast Miii-st. or siinitnet lions,, Bea ciitr. ROARD POR SEPTEMBER.At Locust Pnrm, uJ ou the aide of (t,,· CatakUlai food beard, milk, eh c..u anil iresti vegetable«; high tri,,in,,;-, large room«, ampi, «inule, s; leiiiiid «ceiiery, cieck uml water fall, t'itv reference given. Addreaa JOUN In Hi !., ? an,,, ,.,, ene « oai.ty, n. y. |>(>A1H> IN THEC()UNTKYe.Lurg*grwinite, line t ,ii, rr tan· nalil no an. back t.>v addreaa or Oni in r«· late 11 ai ? ut, and back t.? Addreaa or KM ?. is:: Broadway, city call on V. It. scili: PAPE ANN..Baas Rock House, Good H;ir- v> bor Beach, lion »iter, in« Pi ?ß?? ? ir rui-iii mean «oeneryoo fit VUantio eint, s-ii for iilnt-nt-l book I,'·. a·, ini; .'.il·,· Vim. lln. G. >i. lill'i'.VN pOLUMBTA White Sulphur Springs, near \ ' Hadara, ?, v. -Opea t<> ? >·.·. I; as »ad «?a ·,:t??- .... Iliph !?roiiti.!s. heaullfni '»roves. Por Ulnatrated olrcalara ß?. dreaaaaaboTO,or I. ???. ? Hroadwav, fi. \ /V)KX\V.ALL-oX-nrnso\..PaTmer Houw· Vy laifre I'ouin«, Une abade ? ssteaaire «round« unen uiaài Nute,?,I,ei. ^ PDWARLVfl PLACE, ?-^ sT( tic it it 11 ?; ?, mas. mus. B, it. ii:n kins Will remain open uniti November, s,.? ral vacaaciea in September. FiLBERON, ? NK\, Tlie most uiii'iue anil,t «eaatde resoli In tlio country, will reiiialu opra until October'M. _('. T. JONKB. PORT VTEW R0Ü8E. X v/uitkhtonr, t.. r. Belaci farnilv res,,.-t. mile« troni New-York, an nort'i ¦here, ? "tin letaad, with One vie*. of the sonni) and Port 8c buy 1er. Opea -May r, fine inves, boiUuf, llabtn« ,ii liatlilii«. steamer lille Ail.l I,· ire·. I».·.· ;-sll 11 it,· at \. I '., ilo.. «I.. K. f... 4::tl ? in. ?????????,- ani N'.rlti sii ir.· Itillriivl. traini hourly troni Loas laland ? 111 ?. Tarma moderai (i ne ssi'acuii, i*roprletor. /"M.EX RIDO E, Cornwall, X. Y..Houae don "S ojien ili acre« il Tini («Avatar, t?^?? Ire« fr.ti frintan.lveifotA il.t^, millí, currurn«, «li/.ti, Ac«, oa pun*. JAM KM t 11 IB, ijJRANI) UNION HOTEL. SAHATuilA ???????, V. Y.. OPM ton ???? BbvABOK III.MlY ( ?.???. G^????. HAMILTON HOT78Ë] Rtamford, Conn.- rirsi.class lamiiv tintiti modern nonTtmlanooaj laraa rooms, privat« pluz¿«s. Ban sliAtlit, bcauUful tlrtvos, imatlna II LATH HOUSE, 1 I HCHOOLBVa ??G????? HI'lUMiS, N..f., WUl reárala opea duina the Autumn mouth«. Pina ,, beautiful «ceuery, medlolnal «pringa, Beating arraugemeuta. Semi loi circulai·. J. wakkk.n coi.kman, Proarietor. I IOTKL NETHERWOOD, I 1 NETHEBWOOD Hlll'itri's, NKW-.l BBBKT. Tin- cost oomforfable eountry hotel in (tie world on t!u> (entrili Railroad "t New Jorsc«· 1.", muintes from New-York, tarée minims walk from Netherwood «tatiooi big· elcvatiou free troni lualarl» ami n -quitoes. 0. Ii. KINO, _ _Proprietor. H OTEL SHREWSBURY, .BABBtOHT V. j. WIIXOfKN JULYS, issi. F1r«t ola«« family hotel haeftOOfeel on Uw Atlantic Orean and G·??) feet ou Ilio )Slirew«liury ??t??. ioouih ?????? taclnif i,<«aii and pt?t. i-iir' and Htillwater natliiir.', Ii-hni", lioatliu.', lawn tenni« rmquet. all in am,·, ??,,?? «villi Um ??,,??-,, ? i'ar It ruis ami rli ? miara aililreaa. P. 0 BOI .ti. e. STO ? KM. KeabriKlit, N. J. OXG BRANCH, X. .1 ?? ? ???. ?.M Will remain open during U AN8I0N HOUSE, Plermont, ?. Y ??? ATLANTIC ?????G. Will remain open during the month of September. ??. ii'iWi.ANi), Proprietor, a tew laño·, airy room« after September l. Oood beard tenus moderate, i :l'1, :'i oaud. No miUaOa, J. P. KiNNK, Proprietor. M KAHNS HOUSE, nein· West Point, open fertile entire autumn avarions· Hue Hliailu fluitami vegetables. Senti fur illusi mied circulaT. Mr«. ?. ? 1·.? ?? ?, .lu., ? BON, lllKlilauíl l-'alIs, ?. ?^ MOUNTAIN HOUSE, CORNWALL ON III'lisi »?, ititi· mile from limitili»«·, en the .sturili Klag Mutuitiitti. Mush- liuti hope lu Ulf. grumi [.avilioii nightly J. W. MKAOUKR._ _ NEPTUNE HOUSE, Ooean Beach, ?. J., ?>o vuiiis ii'iuii tin· surf, ooum· a4|olnlat hand»oteely fur- iunIiimI, huh.ltio liir taniilu·.» reduced ratas tur îSept«.iiil>«i. I PAVILION HOTEL, I8LIP, LOB- I8LAND. JAM KM «LATER. PENINSULA HOUSK. KKAIHIH.IIT. V. 7. Ninety nautili's fro.1 New-York. pIOEON COVE HOUSE, 1'IUKON COVK, ??'«?. (cxlluliie point <»f C'a no Ann). ? -Nt» J I ? _ 1 :t. Ml* _ St. I KHUN«ON «ft CO. pBOSPECT PARE HOTEL» CATBKII £ N. Y BpNOstt_aeaMtaB-4attoBi if in. Mountain .111' aeenery iimuiriittS'eil lu the world. L. g. BOUARI) UH. M, _________ i'iiiHp« il. l'urK Until ? tmipauy. CEA8IDE PARK i- celebrated for Hu* eure t.9 uf lia}· fi-vrr ¡tint inalarla. Hotel Htlll opon. Fishing, sin,im:, natimi- iiiisiirpaHSi ? i'. lIAIiniS, St-u-slilr I-uiU, tin-au Iti N. J. OPRINO HOUSE. IO IlI.tU'K ISLAM), O. f., |·??·??.?..? MI LE8 AT SKA. Opened from J un· l ¦'» lo l -tt. l'uro ucean air no hot nlrlils »t'..iil tls'itnir .ailT «ali lali«t«-r.i|iti punì sprilli water Thl" house U supplied Witti nur·· water from tin, celebratesi spriors (from which ih«« hnnan tafcaaIt» aatati uv meattsnf h-dranlle ram*, ami n theonlv .?.? ßa UM latan I furnished willi nun. sume; water. Those apri ? tri ¡irenwnwl liy the nroprietor, ami ara locate,) wittilu few roda of tln> SOSO- bend forcircular. R ft ,, ,.,.,.. .,,,,_ ,,_,,,..,.,.- rpARBYTOWN HEIGHTS HOTEL. X TAltHYTOWN HKItlHTH, ?. Y. Newly fiirnishisi throughout bili) (ot abovo the Hudson., Iti») si·».'» of luwiiH ami suivit, ir,·«·«. The Hotel will remain OP*.? till Novomlier 1. send for do- sciiutlvecireiila.·. W. W. i'AI.MKIt. ???? ALLAIRE, SPRING LAKE, N. J. M. . Now ojien. A new if* tir«, ntlirii »... ? .? ? .til;. Directly on tie Deich. ?. m. aio-U-UMtOB, Pros-una * O.F. HADI.KY, Manager. _ rjMIE ATLANTIC HOTEL. LONO BRANCH, lb NOW OF-N. Apply to or luUlxoaa II. IIOWf,AND. Late of UuwU.iii'a lluUt- MINES AND MINING. TuRsnvY, Aiiir. 30.r. m. Tho tmsitiess at the Mining «Sock E%_U_fes to¬ day was principally in a few of the most erratic of tlic speculative stocks. Ililiernia led in point of a-tivity anil declined from 5:1 to ,11 rents. North St:iiilluni also was unusually ucttve ami rose from 10 to 20- li» Osata. The .Stato Lines were im lined to lie weak, althong- Roe. 2 and 9 held pretty steady at 4.30-14.30, hut Nos. 1 ¡imi ·? t«-ll to SB cents, unti Oriental ami Miller tleelined to ilo cents. ? hi rire luisiiiess was »lone in ( 'ousolidated Virginia ¡tt 2-12.05, and California sold ¡it 1.08, (Sterra N- 1(>7h, Union Consolidated ¡it 14, ¡nui »Savate ¡it 3.00-9.110. VesU'iiin.v'.s closing Bgnres forti»»· Conistoeke in tìru? Franciseo did not sostain .head« ranos of the moruina, and to-day's opening prices show a furi liei· reaction. Our markets closed dull and steady. .v.r. ir/y/yo sToon. s to 11 roa fi-VB SB : iv » f\'.i, -I I 0-t ) :;v -, Hibenua California state I.le' No. Amie COO .r,·· I 200 ..eS.TlTOft 8 aad 8 I SO.40 6O0..D80...B8 700 l.tTi 0'»u..s:i(l..4..1.a Silver Islet .'.mi. lilt». .58 nun., I>8. 1.0_ ? ..¡(Ml 4.3.? '.'On.4?.5·» 7m, ,5« Miner Boy 1000. ..10.4.80 SO.).15.75 4 ,,»:». .h;·· ,09 7n,i aHti .ah ???· , bouansaChlef sun..·_ io iniii.-,.. .4!» 400 ..-...4.801 liai.IS Iron silver Orl'lit'li.MIII'r ITuo. 4.."II N'Iti Standard ta·)., li·.»..2.1.-, "aiti .|)7 200. .b6..4.80 300.17 11 m. ..51.15 2»,i.-.iti .'.!'. 100.. s<. 4.'-'". 100 .1*1 »'nu Vir.'iiua 2·μ? ..;!. ,?? ,???, .1)10.4.80 Hllkill 7 »»..?:; 8.110 tit ?.» .00 IOU..I»;*!!.. 4. ."? BOO .75 imi. .i»:ìu,2.n:. Roblnaou IMS) BU.eUnalto :i. 2«i li .18.01 900...bl0.4.85 1 ami-1 i'u .12.. at Eureka ?»*??0...ß8..1.00 ?(??|?|..???,·»?G??? k 83 87.00 .',<»). 1.00 500.U30. .1 I'lViiM uiUlt'U 100_*S. .9J BOO. Sil lui'.n:» ·. ft.35 IBOO. 7 2UO.'JO' Stain!:¡til ?d??.IH silver Cliff 100.·_?.~5 ¡ Boo .l»U BOH ...4.001_I_ Illllt!» CALL.a O'CLOCK P. M. Miiier Hoy llibernin ltolilnsnn N't. 8Uuulard SOU «30. ,48 Utl'iu .68 ?'?.?_18.60 1000.Ill Hito..??.??.. ..".o BO0..U8O. .¡'.I 801)..... IL'.·.? 1200.17 700..US.. .49 .'.un..siili. .62 ino 12.76 ¡ioti.IM '-Ut .49 'lini s¡!. .62 ?(:??»|?????????·»?? k 2»???.2U 14 ??.???.. .411 20OO..S0O. ,62 .ItHl ."il 8900. .11· .n'iii'u.Mill'r 8000..S00. ,61 800..bSO., .21 lOOO.blB. .2» satin Tunnel Big Pitt·burg ·'·" .aS .:·'. 1000.i»:tti. ,63 lim I. ft 400 2.83 9,M)..b8U.. .»H 2U(iii,.si|it. .fil Ion .1 30 .1 .»'· ? Bnulahav» fttt».IM 1000..«80, ,6J 100, .. 1,00 BOO l.Ofl Con Vilirillill lutin-.,,.',,?. .?.? -Llti-laV NO 1 I lllp.-l iol 6"0 ..lilla ·.· na rtaOO.aOO.. .60 ¡null ''.'»H».12 30 ?)., aü. 3.05 BOO ..«:·.. ..'.I It'll» .!(!» ? hi« solite 1 i:i.h:lO. 3.10 11)00 I..: 53 stali· I'll ? »3 2??)..«3. 11.50 9000... ·.·..., .', ?.?,.?, m.. ,52 ami,! Bed Ulepliant inn ..l»7..-'.u.i I 700..'.1 loo .4.Ha till·» .I!l «Silver Cliä Alice 4?>00.·8 I..4.30 Nortto'n Bello luit., liai·, tur, lut» ?',.?? 500. aio. :to .§».. 17.00 SitMUii' Ilukill ????.-"' 4. ¡u auvor Isl.-t 3.60 400. .. .7.? California 300. IB.Kfl Calavera» llrouMüver loo .LOS 90·· o,nu 900.18 '.''·' 9,18 3"? .-.I.U«! Storinoli! BOO. ...s;t. .12 Hull Homiii^ii meOTa Nevada leu.. ??.?. 8.3S _I 200». Ulli _ AMERICAS \ll\l\i; SFUO& BXOHA ???BALES NIIST CALL.10 O'CLOCK A. M. nun. BOO. slu. 3.00 400. too '.'in ! Kin .2.115 Iteti -HelciYr in ?.ß30 ?:·.ss Ht-teUne No By» and ?t·? Orl'ut'laMllI'r I Bear Creek ? iiitiernia tan».··, |80,i ,;is ;,ini ,7B | 6O0 68 ft in I,, ii. .22 bt.t« lam- No l'oliti Until.μ??? K nul' Cantonna ? ami » to ? .74 2?? ,? Um .1.08 ¡'.no .Min Hard'.ma Malachit« l'Ili ¡.l'I. 300 It"»'. I.l'á ¡It"' .-.·¦»'. I.HO Uli- lil.'.l.lMI m,un boj Bali! M.»fu 3*ai..blo...!.oB Bien.Neva.a 300..bS. .ts .?,?.?.?,G ,Ofl l'on ·. il trilli« ???).I0..J Inn...[?,?. .4M l'aulire ?U"l 200. 3.001 ion. 2 iiiiiii» cali, -la o'clock m. Bear Creek Neismdie.tei Hllrer Niunrot l"i'.78 Ion l.n.'. -"ti .'. ,07 | ?.·?\ 800.'7 Luti G|.??-..· .¡un .98 'Jim B9 Boato. Con Risi I7l -tate ? ine Ño Vandewater n't·.12 ài»«· .40 lundi ino,.',::. .1.1 iti,· unti tue tt ¡liei in» imi ,09 Barcelona BOO.211 6O0 ... B3 ?. lOO.bSO. ?.??,? (K).a30. .19 ?'p???· Milli «ti. .*..- Copper UH).Lisi Hai Hit».. .19 Bull .1 .05 loo. -in 50 rOUBTB CALL -J O'CLOCK I". M. Poppet Knob l Bald MTonnl'a I Bllver Nugget Anil«« l'ion.09 ·'"·' l>8 Nri» :»uo .:i7 luiHt.ti;;. ,t»i» lo te. i,·.'a. .o, '.ai ,r,¿ lilack .luck lutiti ?,??? t..» Mal.icliitr state Mno No 100 .75 HI a:i BT« Ï'··· I" and 1 Caliìoi-ia 800 21 Ort'nl'laMiH'r inn ,98 lOii 300,.beo ,32 Boo .u. 800 ,ß*3 u-« VandewaUtr UOt) .20 -??' .-??. .? "?? i·: l.oo ;«h t.t ? itorni· ??,?. mu. ... Bear Creek Barcelona Ten ,B3 "ti Virginia 200 .7»! UH) 1.00 list. . tut 800. *:t .TU lev rai la.iiU'ii m Tin luiiii'Ni:.! T.r»!>vii.i.r, Col., ans. no.- Shafts Noe. :l snd ? of the New Dtecovery claTiu of Little Pittsburg have lie, n n|,eii, il. There is no »moki or gas and the lim is believed ta be mit. ??. Qilnun will put a tuli force at work on Timi «lai. lie e L'Ili II l·'Vol (il lile Mit le G BOJ III tie, ¡| t II lie J,t II nf 330 feet, lia-cut a vein which shows Uve feet in thickness of excellent or«. ?-?? ? ?.?.???-, ?, Aug. 30..The Chollar and fatten Mining Companies have each levici un aeaeeetneu! of BO cent.s per share. Bullion valned at ¦83,280 no eras received in this :..·.I... /-..,.. ,1... min» city yesterday from the minea IV Vl'Hll'IHIH ?G.??? "lie lllioes. Barliee ? Walker superintendent telegraphed Auguat 120 : " sin ?·?»«·«? liar Hut unlay and one to· ila.v ; aggregate \ aiue ·?. loo " ? Battle M,mutuili, Nov., special says: "???'.?,,?- dent t" the air compreaaer at the Starr-Grove mine, «« hieii made neeessary the lav in« "il of nari of the force fora fets daya, did not interfere with tho work¬ ing of Imtli mills, as auflicieni ore to keep them i'»- iiiir for a con le "t weeka was onl and readj for re¬ duction. l'In· full f'-rec ¡s :il \»(ir!< again. HultH Nos. 1 and '.' «outh aie looking vçiy w II, nini arc fielding ore <d an exl ra auulit \. Toe new Incline is advancing llnely aud will »oon l«· down on ? Im ledge a ciii)>uler.idle oiatanoe. It is being well timbered and put in aplrnnid ahapo, as it isaunk ao thai no t rouille m cd be experienced in üiis quarter hereaf¬ ter, The other lévela and dritta are aim» looking well and continue in goral ore. "?? the iiighland Chief mine the new machinery continues t,, arrive and ia being pnt in place us fust as poflsihte. Work in the incline shaft roes ahead as usual, an,I llu· tile BUI mini« leti I o .em Mes that ill the Mair-tiinve. The track In Ihe tunnel runs Klllinillilv, alni the wulit nl extracting ore '.m DOW be pushed without delay. Ami« road has been cut from mir the ore-bouae of the Btarr-Utove to the mmitli ni ili·· tunnel al ih·· Highland Chief,and tim¬ bera, tut I ami supplica can now be laid down at the latter mine ¡it ?.I) les·, expense tlii«ti furniertV. Manager Bothwell is on the ground daily aud super¬ intends ali work. 4 In the npper tunnel of the Chlorids mine ? dia* tance of 27 feet was ran during the past six days, all m ure, which is ol Inch grati». The winse to connect the lower tunnels waa run about Iti feet, through very hard ground. he face nf cadi of the lower t mincis looks «cry encouraging. A larga force is kept at work in tills min,·, willen is opeulugOUt HI a very promising manner." Green Mountain superintendent report« tint tIm· sul;.huret ledge still holde ite large aise, ¡nul that it prospecteeveuly in free gold the tuli width. It has been cut hito 80 l'< at, and looks strong m tin- face, ? slope w ll s,inn ?,.· rained, A drift ia being run lrotn the Blake atope, wast, to cut a chute of ore in the «vhiic ledge that was winked from the upper works. A raise has bean stinteti in tin· main or·· hod.« in No. .ri level, in ciuitua? «villi the winse III No, l. This will open np s large extent of the main ore-body. I he mills are running regularly, standard Consolidated official report, August 20, shows that the east croaecnt, 1,000 level, ¡s m iiTti feet, i he aont h drift from ? be east crosscut is In 7t> feet in favorable formation. The total length oi the south drift from the esat crosscut. 700 level, la 132 feet: Mie ground at thia point lucks favorable, The total length of the west, crostoni from the south drill, 600level, is 1 10 feel ; still in very hard rock. Upraise No. 2 from the south thrift, 500 level, 11 up (il feet, and Is in a ledge of good ore 5 feat wide. Smith drift No. 2, 383 level, Is m> 123 feet the rein in tin lace of this drift is al,mil -1 Ig liei Wide of good ure. The winse on tue 385 level, to connect with the upraise from tho 500 level, ladown 'A4 feet, The vein m the atopea above the 385 level mut h la about 20 feet wide, and <>n tlie 550 level u is uliout 20 feet wide on ¡m average. iUiumg. ACTIVE minim; stocks" ?.?.?ui,i:s Wh BuoKuaa 55 ?. :,, ? M M K M UK US .?. V. ?1 IM.Ws,M,;? ???????ß» ?.??!;;p.,!?::^;;;!??^,:G'1^:?" ¡ ,,,,iiî,'î ««««m ·*·*» B^ÄiÄJS. B.ff MOUNTAIN MIN- M»n,'Hu,.j'.|nl,,Ktt,e ItoWM« Un,,,,,, .t T.. .Vil(1 1)lltnc, EDWARD II. <.,»! I.V'i'ralil,.,,! SU As t.l'|.N,.v, s',,,, l'I.'*, .L H. ? lltVI.,, --e'e-v '? e..\,,,·. PAR VALU K silAlti.s, sto 1·'ill liaiil. Nou-aaaeaaabl« 20,000 Hliiirea ol 'Iivasiin 5 ., k., . <- . cent· ea-h to defray th.V·a.ea " ?,,. ? --?5_ß? .Ht .ad nei turn nt hunting i.....h...c," "" .»?elOp-WUlt, work m.·' ^..·c,.m:ywa,;:';n;:.,:;;;r,ù,;1.1:,;^ ···*>* <>··¦<·.. Ih.· neh lioi.ina.i, uni, »lu.-t, eVi ?,,? ?, '?,'.,G »»trtkool property. Applrte uoKr?HÄr»iwa?u.^t,lta l'iuaiiclal Agento, 181 iWom.iur.. -,'t C^PABAL GOLD MINWQ CO.".~ *^ 1.ocation ul Mill ami ,1m,,. OIUYe.UI .?....?|*_,, it'.a.M.'a.iV ,':Ví,.;vM:U,Sl °(? ('laiü_^vhotii\vkll, J,MlN14· S*«.- V_* »oilier« 1 liIVIllKNI) l-AYIN.J .HlsdVi, SICOIUll G??1 «BBBJ8-S-tÈ«5r__^^ -.<?'"· »mi J-uri/. :.,.. :u." *- Sat.·?»?? Gold yuiirtz Co., .Nova Scotia. "tllec SO ¦¦ Ma»«a.,.,,., ,.....,,, Qf yy_H .V«w.Y.rk. [RON I JON.NUT SUA Kit ¡itI? INO CO- 1 IncniiHltlriiiÜoiiof the rich development- ,f hl-i? iirelu.l,,. ?,,,?,,?,,?,,., I. deÄT U, rt_-&-£f-t. Hie |,ICHr|ll U.. .,U,. .f ??'?ß??G? «lock 11 I |,. , ? S* _KS.W *"' .drer-Md. be resolaritr,?«_' tt. ? 7,,? ÎfSÎ01*" BO- being enmelen f.,m /¿.,, ,,,y ,'·, Ni, i ''·!' ua "i ,^.S_. »lemon-Irate tint the iron lliunmt »?,·.., .\G-,' '"' """', valu.ii,'.·. Atan early date tlie « ,?·. iv toMiLï1 ?'"'.''¦' New-Vork ai.d ilo-u-u Mining _-_r_? nliL-Ç."^0«.*· A. Q. U UTC UK-UN. li<K«t-rV.UUUWNKX'L' ¦*"¦¦¦» ? íUitiinj. ING BEE MINING COMPANY. STOCK IIOLDKUH wishing to exrliiirice their «lock fur shares In the new com- pauv iiiuHL maki· applicaUna to th«< Bmleraignae baiava ate 6111 ?????.????, ISSI, ou which itale Hits offer will expire. ?. T. RKACU, Aiçent, No. IS Wallet., Boom 33. M OÜLTON MINING COMPANY. .still further development·« ef BBS MOL'LTON MINK have IndiiceilgeseWBStS ?) withdraw their offer to «ell the «tuck ui £1, anil from this daUî the price is BftVaaSSft SB Be M pal share, ut which ??μ,??,¦ ? will lie liciti until further notica DONNKI.r-, LAWSOX AHIMP80N, nana ,al ,???? Transfer Ajante o \?) DOMINION COPPERSTOCK H'iiiu'lil uml Sold, ?. M. HAMILTON" ? G?.. (it Broadway, Booeta -,? aad 28·» tt. Y. onici', or TBS Kaihvki.i. ftiN's, ,?,?? «iiîii Minisi« Com.) faut, efaw.yoas,, inai, î IJUR8UANT to ¡? resolution adopted Hiik <Iav liytlie lioanlol l'iutlee^of Ihis ( ·,?·??·,.???«. Die liansf.r Book« will tu l'Imed nil We ???,μ 11,, V,cast (..nil reopened Augnatili. _ W. il. ptCKEKMAN. Preafaleat's tin a ? ? «nini si a ir. Minisi ? mi· any, > G,'.' HlauiiW «?, ?BW-YOWL S STOCKHOLDERS in the COPPER KNOB i » endOBOWELL <;>i,l Binine (????? inlet »re hereby noti- ta« Ml.tTIi STATI·; MINIS'; COMPANY is now preparali to laaue it.. itock in escasas« tor etteet of th,· aaova stocks in accordance » nil the term« of sale. WILLIAM I'.it.vx iHtiiTii Traaanrer. OKI·« K. Or Till·. lltlll'tliNIA OOMSOMOATBD MINIMI CO., > 1 Iti! «io« a«, IlOOMrJ BO i" <!1. 5 rpHE STOCKHOLDERS mentina» of August ? M lia« in·.' t'eeii nil),,tuned tu Mon,luv. Se]iten,tier r, »t it o'clock, p. mi it n c\i,eete,t each and .«, iv stockholder ·.« ill lie reseiii lo, ou-lilei-thu nuestluu of bollitili!» the mine lor lutili··· development ?. t. (¡oilman, Secretar/. Boato tutù Uooiiis._ ?-ist Sid". \PARTMENT8 for gentlemen, handsomely lui ni -If "I. «Ingle or en suite, 268 ,,???-ave., neu JS||i si. ?? ? cl enees v. iA Ili- ici ?: Heil. JÜMFTH-AVE. near ????? League Club.. ? suite of looms to lent with inhale table or without nielliti. It,Terences ?xc hañorad. ?????.? I). ',, Tribune i'p- lown "tii.t, 1,'j.ts Broadway. I PARTIES suffering nitfi mentili or nervous ili e is.·- can have proper atl intton and noted ? requin«!. Addreaa ?·.?i'i;i;iBNCK, Tribuna Uptown Office, l.-'.is U roadway. I ,> ORAMERCY PLACE..Desirable rooms, 1 W en suite or «ii rly, ui'li lir,te|.iss ???.??? ; reference·!. ¦ /.EAST 53D-8T..Iíooius to let with I I. # In,aid, en si,ito or Btagtfl tiuilo lumpier« a<auni- la .laie,t. ?G?G?-8?., 323 East..Large front room, dot ri*.f unit ? ohi Hater, largo closet, third Boor, »p ?, beard, "Hi EAST 20TH-ST..Suite of rooms; private »Pit tenti 10,111m; prívete teste se wniiout beerei refr .JÖTII-ST., i:\sr.-I'.lcJim1 doors, n«\\ ? »/( » iiuuImIk d. with private table, by they ar. ?I EAST 'joril-sr..Si'.oikI door, four »"I t..,,ms, nudi, Ac. *s.', per muntili thini Boer, toot room +711 ant Uriah ed, aoar reatauraul ¦ J IT EAST 3???-8?..Miss ?. ?. CLARK I « v i «m reopen her Baciteli und Freno« school for Yonne ? mies ni,? ? litldran Mttptaoiber 29. Iirawtn«, Latta ioidi all-t 'leint ni, lud, tl. t ,,'???.??) .nul l'rciich Uillirllt II.« lia II'.' | I ¡(t BAST L'isT-ST.. Gramercy Park..De- I I ·" Il 1,1· inaile, With lu st UVM board, cil suit'· 01 slllK.e lei, rei", c !·>/· MADISON-AVE., corner of :n>t-<f.. I »ri I V suite of .11 ? tiaeiilH to let ti it li ¡nivale Uhi·). Unir· o,oral« tirsi las I jf MADISON-AYE..Elegant floor with ill limale'mil.· ulso handsome «u,(c .rut-nu-c mom« v, 1II1 Ii,,at,I. «ti II tly ilret-ctaBB. I (K>il l'll!l.l>-\\ K.-FiiM-.liss board and l»"Ävr lodging; for aeutleiuHU, in privat« (aeiily, oae l,.,. S Nelli I. l!e¡.,|. .ui ,,| addi.«M V. ?. VV. St i ?; 4 PRIVATE FAMILY" IIA^ LARGE il bamlaoiueli tiirnlahed room« to kit togentteaaea, wlte- oui ,,.,r I. Applj 1 is VV, st lath ,(. 1IOAKD and ülHce litwicn Madison and . ntl, ate... lull mi.I aOtbat«. Address I'UYsKT.VN, Triai.UptoweOBV«, .'.··( limed way, Cor l-t. ? \??;?:. handsomely píjrñísTied li i·, ai,, »Dit*!! le tar μ?· .tell ill tulle,ut tioaltl; .l.'Hli .ll.l.' liHuuoti;family email, No. 'it BTaet UJteet, between Mb BWl , Hi ll.eS. PLEASANT ROOMS irîth~noârd to lot ¡it No. I 1 17 West tldl-sl liefer· llCeft elcllrtli/;,sl. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES ean Und Inni«·, II ,1,-s·.mi rooma, irlth privat« bathe ? Sratctaea table, pri· I,-·!· If ,?,-,?,',?. at ( ," \V e .1 :s||i -,?,. leleiell,·.· e\, |»«???··??. .> I WEST 37. Elegant parlors) "rood rooms .s* I mi cu· li gnor, altra IB sue mid appointment* «Il moti em Unpruvi manta cool rooma ob top floor «nuimar priora. .>l |\\ i;s G 26TH-ST..Nicely furnished suit«·« . J·" for famille« and alngl« rooma, «rifa met. u*. baerai I,niel inn« .nielli . s With le ,11,.· , ¦ ,11, fol 1-. t I WEST ????-ST., near fith-avo..Hand· 'It .1111, lv filini.?,--.? 1.,,s. x, 11. -? board and ho lie ohi lotta,.?. ,,t" |,i ..'.-s small private boardilla ?,·, ?·.,· IK WEST 35TIÎ-ST..Large alcove room, *J '·?? ti.1.11 troni, atei room« oouaocttng on Ud Boor ? wnh board. »>.>l| WÈST 31ST-ST..Parlor floor f'ur- »r^»r ni. al -.aitalile fot ph> «10*11. ex,'ell, ut nclghjor· h>>...l also, .ali. ? loa at. Board and Rooms Wanted. \\'.\\TKl>..l'or ¡? votili:: gentleman during ?? Ills ml «ein al the ??????,? -, ?,?,,? |,iipiiatorv tuent« r ins- liai u I ahume lu ¦ cl·,·.·,ful and reams! family. ,\,|. ili,« itoUua location condittou«, et« bo Imerrttiia hoaae uei.l apply. Mis. 11. M H, si.,. ». lu l,ls-e, atea* IVANTED..Fiirniahed Room and ll.-tll Roññi VT ad],, latti ··. «"h 01 vs 11 t board. Ad,Ir, ss -? ¡,? 11 ,^ ?.? ... location, Olli ut and VIH), -?.. 'taoismi ami ?. ?., .??! ( n u ina ave., Bergen, New Jeraev. tforporiUiisti Notice*. /.ITV <>K NEW-YORK. DEPARTMENT OF X rINAM'l·:, BUItKAU It'll UU.Iii'll'i.V 11? As. HKSMMKNTH AND Allltl Alis ?,? TAX.- A.NU As- Sl.s-Mi..\ l'a ? SU ni' WA PKK in. ? Is. orties "? ? in*, coli.ktos of ?*sass..triai ami Ci.tut ui·' AaagAS·. > July ti, 1881. S Notice of aale of landa and tenement· for unpaid tase* -if 1871. 1873,187 _.lH7t, 1876 and 187S, .nil Croton «rater renU of 1«70, lift 1,1873, 1873, I .71 .ml 1ST'., uinler Ute un· rtem «d All.? < anipbell, Comptroller ill tin· »'ity .I N«·« \u., rio· tinderalgui ? li. ?. in glveanubili notice, purauaul to ? be pro atioaol Uio act euiitleil Au act tor tin· collection of t iiea, aaae.t.nouUand Croton wat«·» reata ut ih«· City ni Ne» Voik, ami t.i amend tu«· Mirerai »et. in relation thereto," ?·.ted Anni ~¡, Is 71 itiat Hu· reapt«ctfve owaeta ol all land- and to.eoi.?ite li? Hit- ? ill ol Ni-»1 \ orli on »hi. h taxes huir |.? laid und con¬ firmed, mi..!.-! in the iVanlM Noe. ? to'.l luciti.ive, tor He· vein» 1871, 1873, 1873, IH74, ?87? aod 187«. und no« rein lin¬ ing due and unpaid tend -i»«» the reenectlre owners ol ail la.? tenement- m tin- « Ity »if Me· ·» .irk, attuated in the nudi :i ion-1.» hi.« m * hlfht'i·« regular 1 l'ito water Kill« liai,· been laid fot th» 11 at 11870. 1871,187., 1873,1874mi«i 1876,and an- now· renmlulnn du.· un.? unpaid, »? ·¦ required io pay the »»iti tut« m, ami intim «rateinut ko remaining due and ???.?? 1 to litet lerk .·! AaaMaBlollt and Clerk Of, al bla otllre 1:? lin-Di'iu»,????.-??? ul e, in the Be« ?'milrl Houee, wit ¿the liiln.-it Ihn,.ul tin- ??. of 7 pet ceut per amili..1 pro¬ vided l»y li.i|it« f ¡t. of lit«· lawn of 1881, fionI the Unie when he H.iine tin aim· due In the Ilute ot |iuvim lit. together with the. cliarge >.f Ibi- notice and adverttaeinent, and if default «It.ul in- matte In inch permeai «, Mirti laudi mid tene melili »111 he »«'Iti III public »mellen at the new ».null lluilie, ill th· lllv Hull Park, In the Cltv of Nee Vorlt, on Monday, Octolier lo, 1881, si 19 o'ctock. noon, tor the iiiwe.ii torn» of yearn aI which any petenti «hall otfer lo Ut-· the mine in . niiiiiternllon of "udì aunt, the »m·.nut id tax or t rot.m eater lent, M the caie mav be, itn due and iin|i;»iil, amI Hi'· Uni, nu ai atoreeaid, Ul the time ol talc. 10 :«llu» »III» lie- ( liaren ol Hi I-in .tie und a.I ?????.??????? and all other coïts ami chargea accrued thereon, urnI that BUI h it le »ill he >" ml I miei from I Inn· In time until nil th.- inaili .ml tenement· an advertiaed for Mía .hall be aold. Km the rédemption of ani property ao aold, intoreal will be niivahl»· ui. ?·»" uinnuai I th.. ,,an lime monej at the i.iteof 1 | per eeiit pet .«»umili- ? olici-1· hereby further given thai u detailed M.tamenl .if the taxe» »nd the Croton water rento, ti,· ownership ol the property on which tose· ami Croton water rento ut\ puni. punllahed in a pamphlet, and that onplea of the »aid pauinhlel are »lepoaitod in tue olilo« «d the collector of 1 Mtmi nienta and Clerk ol Arrear·, and win be delivered to anj por· hou a|i|ilvliiK' for tin· Mime A. S. C.lllV, _Collector of A*.oaamenu and Clerk .,f llliGcelluiieuiis. DOOftS BALANCED, acoo-iits aftuatod; It |>:»y modélate. ?????p?? ?. ?. W. t.llël I'mUni uve., Brooklyn, N. ·». C 1IIANGE OP NAME OF VESSEL. Ct'BTOH Hol'sK, Poltro»,· NSW-YOSS, ) ? oi.?.?· luii'h tuni ?., Angual '.:7, IHHI. ) Under the Act of March '-'. issi, nini Tie.tury circular No, 99 of .M, roh 19, issi, uni in oi pormi.«don graute I byti»«· ¡-Man liny of the lifii.auv, on the '|,|,ii, jii.,,i of Ueorge r. Buckley, through the sin icyor ai Ureenpei t, New Vork, notice - hereby given thai the nainrot the Kcluioncr Kelt.,n Beut, 681.01) ion-, ..ill. in number 190,199, of New· York, hi.? boon changed to Mat»cotto, ami that the t?»»ol in niiw a liai kaiiline, and ,,| 890.90 tona, WILLIAM ?. HI »It ? IMS» >N, Colle« to»·, i UMBER POR 8ALB..Three million feet lJ infimi! ngblll aliiiTuplo I fei'l long, iilinul mie million ?. ei Mwnl¡ bul.noe Mwed during the minti ?,,? purlieu- a.i.liei.·. lin.'.l.i, vV'hitby, Untano, Canadii. VOTICI·: OF ASSIGNMÊN T..Notice is Indo¬ li lu glum Hint trunk W, Mo ne nid ?·*? itici-» H Muore, pari neri, trading under the uan.» ot Krank W. Moore, »u the City of NeWHik. Beai*S County, New-.liney, have tin« «lay imine an .Mlg.meni ta tite aubaur.«er ol their .tat·, tor t.e ranal bouetll of thoii ore.Itera, ami thai the m»td credit«,. uniut exhibit ??p? re.ipei live ? lull»ih,tu01er ouït» or atlirinaliou, xv 11 inn the terni ol thro«· muntiti. UuUmI ? lignei U, IHSl, CIIAItl.KN II. STILI·*.'·», 49 and it LawTc.oo-aL, Newark, N.J. pilline BÜILDINGrS IN TB! ? KW C.UMTAL Ol·' Till·: PltOVINCK op BOBMOB AViiKs, a hui: ???? ? Bki'Uhlic. The i'Oliuiilttee ?·|??G«?·,1 l»v the Hoveriiincllt ideerei· of May li, 1880 to eumini· iha· platinami eetimato* ol the lUoro.a-l e.lllirrH, COU OH Hill»,teil« and elllf UlitelM to prt'nl'Ut |ltHUH of Uto aam·. in conformity with the tarma ami conditioui ·_. pr.'HHeil in the nt.gnunine, whirl» imiv be obtain«I on aepl..I¦ lion at the an.m oi Meaiar·. Frank, ?ieruan A Co., «onerai atlvertl lug a: mill, 148 liioint wav, ut New-Vork. Thee pluni will have to Ii, delivered to lir. J.i'anln, Argen¬ tili«· barai¦ »l'Affaire«, in Waaiim-tun, before the lotti of Hcn- tatnber, uhi. r I Iv.· i»rt/.o.i. of an aggregate value of BABOO frane«, »re grunted to reward the heat plan of «-ach of the live liulliiiiigH projected, Un·, tola« »ohi of «luci» la oeliulaLtd at 4,100,000 h sii.» lincili,« Ay rea, J une ?. 1 USI. Tli»: .Tealileut ot Ihe Committee, it. LAV ALLK. THE MONEY MARKET. ?)- SALES AT ??? STOCK EXCHANGE. At'OUSTSO. 188L THE GENERAL LIST. Alton ,«· 1 11.. Dopref. BoHt.Air Dne. Veda) Kins. '? nti'.n Pacific. Cat, si LAMO l'annua .-????G?.· C.I ( »v mu.. ?????. «.'he*. <t Ohio. ?? atrat.. Dolsi uro;.... fhic. li .t y.... l'in, li 1 Pac Chi* Alton... «. ÎSI )' «? ^ (). Do nref. (.'hi ? .\ w... ?? orei. ("hi. M ? su i·.. De lutit. (' .suu ,«: ? Dei. Lack ,? «« ?' .t il «linai.. Den * It (.. ¦ ?? Va oi Do prêt. Han.- ,v. t'axa*. ¦un e >l Jo.. on ?. t si u. Loan Island o ?:. (.lililí ,«: .Niisa t.. ? ?. a t .? -ulti saure. ? ß.? i.wat. Man Itimeli. ¦? A l 111 IlM III Ilo /ti [irei_ Mei Hanwav... .Mi, iiuaatrat... ..1 »lille .v lai,,.. Ma, imiii ?; ie» Ma .? ? a,. M'ari DMaaa .Mem .vunas... Mn. i, s ,¿ «« ?aau, t. ,t .si, | ? J Centra;.. ? V ? ? 11 -? 1 e.te« al«,·.. * ?.?. ?·. o¿ Dour«;. Nei ?',?????·.. O" l'I,'!... ? ?.?? We, Nora w poi. Armai is«jai ? losan- Bid«. s h »re« Hid. jAflJCdl ' aoo 600 21?I ?,??? asi i.uiu l(Ñj _^^^_^^^^_^^ 20(1 101 >u l.'ÏVl.ii'j 11:", -..-¦»' <> I»ß», l;.tí<a lyA«, lau IH·, IM VMS iSOÍ ?-!·'. )¦'«· ISO .:<("< V'<) 4w'ei 4)iu .is·1, ;>·.", .««»J 3i(7e ,u LiiX-4{ loaí l\r¿\· IciíSi 102 ,?·'!!', 1,M5 uÜ'|l If,', i:tl U'ü ,.li:V Uli 7,SO" ..I .. ? iSB«, uso« ? i&3«| Î Ui'41 r,«-.- USI. i.ö-S, lla'v ül.Otai IHo-V ISO··« Mi', ISO«, l.U | .. \ 20 iAfi 4'.ISi 4'·'·.· I'."·.. -a-a ?.4?1 i-5 B-., li'hti, BasnT^^ ib .1 eu. Ohio Boa'rn... U «t M a.... 'Ilio ,V .Uiss... I'm l'a) car t u Ihn ,«t liea Peona OB ..«. KOCH ,lt I'lttA. lin .V Alleii'V si l'ani ?, ? Do. prof. SI ?- ? .. d Bill«! saai *'. Dolile. fin lsl art'I... lui Dei .v itur UM .? ?'.?? Uli l un?.? G.?· ?, va ab, m ?, ? ?·. '""·":.g An, OUI lei W L le· . Adán,., ?·,?. Ani ?.?_ l e ?.?. ... .? l'.i.. l'.,.Ila ..lai...'.'. Can coal >lt iroi, ( on OBI. ani. o.u Man iaa«i ? obi. No«t .a ¦ ari bou vim llollliHl'e «? n I.IIH, l'itts M.. Ontario Min .. --.antiurti >H u. -liti',, 1 11 ..,.·, UoicKau. ,? im» urei. loia, sale-, in. i-4'e i_a to»"¿l ??,?_ ay*i una«! ¿? eWS, «id Nh« Kl·', Wti« ·.. , 114 lift*·« » 5(1 ?()<) 126 I.8«J 56.4?? ith'H lOXv 4,'.(.." MS,4 ft«v .JO.SjK affasi ¦s*« . -? l»3 al Si .i·» fi a i* 114 114', 114 ?»? il»·« i^'a's i-a 44 ¡ »« ,4 Hi. s.i 1 «7 Si 4U ?>4 ,'·., ...?«. s sait .s· 4,S U ¦-·· , ·'··"h H _ nj ;r*c US«4 4 . ia»«! ._:;-. i. ..y -«V a«* ¿i gj uS as· 0*MJ .?'., (Kl g, MB) (..«¦ 1-e fico 3.a·'., s«»ä '¿'.o-j w . s ? T.Db Kl J 7!" '¿¦a i si ,. S '4 '" 4<l«, SdSl .4'4 a4 .,41«' :i4 _ . ".s 4i-s iti«« 40:14 10a; ,. Uta ,,,., lo.. \ 1,,.... ?..,. u,. -. 'ii 12a 1-1 ISO 12· ?.?, (»J ,;?·? ?»·« te«« ,., " > ,'" 's ». '4 « ? B«J n, ,-?, -,, -,, 4'« »SU ¡'4U 1?, « ¦? »·»·> ?... 1 .:¦', ,:- ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦"* loi 11. IÜU 1 .; .? ?* Initie) 5,6, j 1. Ou 18.3UU Ö-1S,, 4 "4, il- .'¿'.j 109 .li, a lui-. Ui,·« ini··· in,, ...v h4y _ .aa, 4o'4J 4«)»4 Si y »??'G »?·» SI 14¿ ,..t'4 se .II, 0¿ eli fjli ¿?1« ??? la '/«? rfj sa 14. M 14, W li- ,,-' 40'4 M .a.·«. to lt'S. SI > .1, a«i«a 46«; -;.Si ai lee mi . - ..t1« ·;? ¦·¦' ¦ .11 ·., :ti 4.,'·^ 4.. ,7 64'. 1, '- log 1,,', 107 411 M7 ID.s '.'s'., J,-"ii .. o l:i t, ??.1? ti.-n .-'..',,'.' .. tau 2 «1 Util, I9.16U a.'.'.· 1.400 sou 4.· U ?,.-?),) ?,-'??? .(Ml '-?;? 1Ò() 1,0 ¡4,, Mi SI, V, ·'.* .'¡? _^^^^^^^ ,-^j'j i:.;-s i.;i'v iSISHi ,s.-.B 4«'4 ·?- . .s -, -, ,, ^ü·'e| f¿ V, ?, s., S, i.,y«J«' .. ? ... 1? '4 eu -s<St >s\ ~t>V í-s"«, :i..,(U(l 14D 140 IHM MO 5. Si .'·''. Sil 1 s SO b0>-¿ 0-S, 4:1 1.1 4.1 6(1'4 f.lSi, "i ai a ¿t., 19 3>i S.". .1 1 Sil la M llieda«...T7....JBj^g\^B}fg\^mm 71 IS1 4·) 41 '¿à .7 ? ao 2Sj| ;te 22 I «i I| 2.61o 4,40(1 -".o 500 tiovj /·'.·> 'v ra United -tai. ?··. ·?? ??? V 20.?????.101 '4 I - 1 Keif 1'.·()7 3,000. ß 11.")''« ?' S 4M coup 190) .115«, 26,000. ?1**4 BONDS -? ?/' .'·'¦¦» ?,? stocks. ???\ ?. ? ? ? 1 -' ?' ?. > ?. North l'ani), lei (,???| oll ¡,,,? ?,? . lO'JSl .j.'Miti.!'·:> G? ? l'.ic 1st ? (ir inde div 2.000 '¦'- li',non ..... '.c-, /...».mi_ 92·« 16,000 '.e. Te ? ?·* lue 1. (iiils io.,sia 77-., 6,000.7?«ß N L Lake K ,tV nee ¡M OB 6,000 ..... ini ?, a,OHI lui '4 l'en ? ? d 1st eoa 6,000 1 1 G? ? nel W let,, logia Isis" Il a VVesl lu ,.?,??) (17 '/III" .-liti Mi 1st 2,000 loo ? Orleans 1'». lei 6,000 M ce aad I C lacoire 2,000 .70*a ll'.OOO." Boatoa il ? ? Ut 6,009 71 'j Tenneaaee Se Bea 6,000 i;t\ 1009 ., «is Si Ti ini· OS "Iti 1 ».ih. , ,:;i lamnoaiia coiinol I2.mai ' Sa. N J On'.ial lut M l'oli A-·-, ni, .1 4.00'· 1K1 «lice ? i) tur ui 20,000.M 2,000..... .','l'4 eh. - -,ml chai lei li ·.'.·.tl(H) .... K.·, U, Hi st f Min ni ') OUI 8.009 loi neu smith p a Pat lsl .i.ODI.lo5 st Pani ? »City : t . .112 Imi liiiHim <* W 2d a.iHio SO Mel,.'|.ol,l m I ' 2d 1,000. (.'«liai» south u 1st fai.iunl.i'l ",,,1.1,' .lud ' Ol CB Imi ( "lit 1«( i ... ni V Mliudclltf llt«rv I.009.. 199 -'.on,·. 121 .-t Leale a 1 Mt 2,1 00.. 1 i'J·', Wabaah ·.. a M, 64 1 OHO ..101 Inicio ? W'«·, M 2..IIHI ..HO Mol tle.v D 1st tleli tassi as Mobile A O 2,1 del. l'A- ?.·\·?1 In 6.000 7s 12 oVt ". ? i" _"j O'CLOCK. Twinreaee ti* nf er lote) ,i;i ('G ? Im ,?? 96,000 III Te·» l'ut Klo (l'ile Invisi, ,?? 16,000 ..... " "V 23,0 ?). '.)-' ? ,',.?,?? '.cj'S, 2.0?0_ .92 9,000 .99 le« i'.if lu I. titi'l 2,000 7?\| ,000 . Ts:, N Y I. g S West New ?? t ou ?.,,,??? loi Central Iowa 1st 1, IMI .11.'· (lies au,t Olilo Ut Sartia) it li'.inei . s.'.'.j 10,000 ''n Boaton H * 1" l«t Den ant UloUr'ii.le lO.lMIO.... 7 ', lt ,'»!···.'. l'4 6,099 79 ll'.OOt).TS ??,??? ~-'-¿ Chea «od ihm ru 22,000 , Ivhi. I'.ielac 1 »i con 2,000 Iii,''.j ? V i lie ausi ? .»? M 2.000 . 107«¡ Ludo .Ili7, Noillme-t IM S.OtjO ill'·· 2.".?> lOTSi Ohio Centra] ¡st 1st I5.O00 I -t ??. MM ! 1 1 I af Bloom «ml Muli 1st ?..hid 105% dan II ls( Mo Kan .v I. 12.000 as .si Mil .ne! si l'ani lei is M I,,.I'.«Islet, i..' ???? ?,?ills« ill.· ,V N«s)i liell lU'le lll.OOO '··.· Ml A st l'un ?. ?.,,??,? ],,a D l'u< collât (rust 1,000 nuts, , ' .'. ? ? I st M raat iVeenrtf supplement.,i « ?.?·,? lJ:t st Louia a I en Mt Full 1st I1·; l",OtHI 110' 24 O'CUX-g r.) 3 . I..ICK. I .in liana Consul ? Mouul 1st ? tiraneae Pac 1st 1,00 Il In Noi folk ? VV il M 1.,ulti 1'·7'·? Union Pacific ?.? vi 1,000 117'4 ' Texas Pac 1st II ? i -, l«00 HI7« 11 \ l'.i, ine ?. «» .-,.??? ... 79 C C ami 1 C In 1' lei ÌO.OOO 7', Cini,. V ,V l'ex 1st 1,00«.110 preferred ??? .,,?,si ?', aliai Pac 1st Hun J Urani h 2,nun. 112 NY I. ? '. West'ii New 2d ,s tuia!· d 1.1 H«) '.irSi New .1 ? '.miai \.l l> 500 109 Colorado Coal Be ;;,ooo.'.? 000 NJ ( eut Con \>'n 5,000 110 Mil and Bt l'aul l*t 1. t ? Ha« Di« 1,000 93*| C .( " lsl Sir M ,.????? s.",'., l.o,:i-«ill(. g Nasli t,, u iii.:l.',H'i' (·-, ;?,'»"·?. 104 - 11,,«Ion II ami 1. 1st 10,000 CLOMtHQ riUCF.s m W08TQW STOOEM. Huston, Toeediiy. .\u^. Ill), 1S«<1. Y «»«lenta«·. Te-dar V estera«· ? ?-,lav. Water Power S«, H S, It'lcA- ?? sum,? 7.IS, Su W .1. SI V ?. V 1.'.... ~,k ".i lioeloll I..1,1,1 S,"» A B iop. let 7s 122 Do, a.ei :i m: 7s 1 10 11« 2d 7s.lin Ini. land ...US*·. Boa 11 a urie7« ,'o'4 I·. I!. u. 4Sn .11" ? (A ?.?.»G, e 1,110 eul .?« iiitiftsTs ? :ii In K'kAi l'i ri U Ut ? V A s Baa 7ß. IH) A A G««·M It ...l.(l!'4 Ho« .V: A It II. KiHi-j lins ? Me ? It la.iSl ? im Hura ·.,',·· 161 «¦ (h il ?????,.?. .'lui ( III Siili ? t 'le, e Itit Fluii A l'eu· Mai Do. proferiva N une 122 OR B I. en. un. |,( 110 ? ?; ? ?.? .at ??., Mi 16 '-j 14? 1.1,1 ??,in« ... 120 llH'j Itilltatld pivieri·' I 2s 7. Si Kutlandciai ??,· ,",?. 11(1 Alloue« ? ?. ? 2 Si 110 (alun.el A lie. la .-Mi.'-, 119 Catalpa. ?>?ß ill I ..,,,.. M '4 48 Si .il ino Si ... · "i'|·· »¦»<<->. .... 1 l!«7g Dimoili --uvei lST«¡ Franklin. MadlaonCop'·! M 159 Pewabtcta'wat'ai . 162 » Uiitnoy. a;< Kld.'c. silver latat. WlaOea it lt toarj.i",., Wis (.on il K pie. oO 21 a. r>u Dte 101 11),. 1 ?, 11 Si 4j«a 45 1'-'(>'·.! 6Sj 2 Si 217 IS, Ma '.j lia. 1 i Il '-j y :t 42 g . I, 60 OLOStHQ WBtOSeO» tfd.lL ? 0??.??? s'TO^Ki K4¡>jr;e l .'«y J 111 I. ,)«v;· Hid. Asked. . ntv n«. n*w.129 l niled It lt ol NJ.l'.IO G????? ?:. It 0414 94% Banding . 31 ;u I.elin.n Vallev Ul Si 9f atiiv. Issa. prof.... 69 67 tuoitu'u l'as·. Com M'4 ?" ? c ; 1.. ft, i .' .,·,· Hid. \ske4. Nnrth'n Pee, aeat. sn, -114 Nol'lli'll 1 en. It if,. .'·.', G? '4 l.elneti Nriv. 44'4 4 I ¦* I'.lis in«. Hut.. 21*a 21a. BoatonrlUe it 11... 29 9B*· 1'hiUa.ud Km». 22 Si Ti KHDAV, Alllf. 30.1'. «t. Altliough i>ric««ë for etocka to «lay generally rea, lieti liiitln-r ilcviitiiiii than (lie lijitire.s of age> terdaj tetera waa 1i»hn spirit BMaattaateaL 1 'im«»·moiibb rcroi'iii'.il nearly ot)«i-thir«l of Hi«! t«ital «it HIn,m(K) hIiaics tlone in all niocIvh. TaMBS ?1??«·? atoe I. a 9M9B I »ola ware, I.ackiDvunnn. and Vest (in (G..?.400 rtliarcHl, wliieli BoU at lllV#1tt|IgS>IÌ«UBl WeM- ern ITimm (??,?,???? aliaren), wind) hoKI at Bê%fJ Mt-V ¦u H.NOrt, and t nion l'aeilie (82,800 nltaies). wliieli noi«! ¡it l'-i'-i'·· n L9441198?. In tin· baMBSBM af either eventu Off rojuors of event·.·«, «-xeept » rviiewai of the rumor of the I r.-awnrvn intention to inak« lariro purelntnen of bond·«, the move ment m the ntocka inuiicd BB«/a tone, nud eharaet«r HJ Hi·· whole market. Denver and Kio (¡rande »dock o[ienc(l at MI'S*, or °n jkt cent UajBB· than 11a> tenlay'n cloning fiu;nres, and advatuiMl t.t '.»t»^, and aliout !·<) was B9sabliab«Ml an ihe trailing ligure for the Block, the ¡il'ti'iinion (loctnatioiin ranging from ss % tx) 80««, Hut in the last half hourof hitniueaa an onter to sci I I.OiKlnharenof the ntoek r«Mlueetl its i>nco f)tun K'.i:i4 to 88. Later .«talon wore made at, H*^, but, the ntock cloM'd weak at G? per ceut Iwlow ita tirât in n ?·. In a majority of cunee Ute renult of the day'? liuniuenn in that, if m>t lower, afjaaj n,ro no higher than at yeaU'rtlay'n ending, ami tho markot U-hcd weak. Uovernuiout boutls were ouly uioderateiy aetive either «t flic Stock Exchange or at the office* of r_- l-BBI »liniera. Huri· ?,-a. however, fiirthur inj. pruvetn<*nt in the quotation* for tli*· 4*, the lirai 1,-4, ¦tBMB-Bf M a-lv.-uicc <»! Bj «n r ««-»it. The Lui» forth« continuisi 5* alao Man »« hi :l»-r. The market closed » at th»· Mlatjrt-g «ino-ati aai Kit A«.-i Hi ? Aak.I ????,'?.G-' .IIS ll'lV'.s. enr «;«, lo:..i:t; **"--'¦» C.V ".·..':».. «...IM IM1, I'.s. «nr .¡i. ; · . ! t t C. f.**, 1.117. ?«??*? US7«,' .·-. «air ,.«.:-. I'.s, ., . .¡«07.e.. I)i\ 115"*- l'.s. r·, .... IH», le'iï C.s.,-iir. ila, ita ... :.; » .... i;_a.oa_. .Va, ?«·? ·« míe l.Kcui 'k 1S'.i;..H1 imo » ..:'·', 107 «.^,» The husmea»» in S ¡it«· lwmtl- in. i!,-«< of i^q. isiuna consols at H(;:S«V7 »»h1·/. a»» I laaaaaata ·'»·.. «-d, ut <>:'. ami new a1 OhVae^Lj. Cil y ki-.k were entirely neglected. liiere woe mor*· activity in Ute ratina 1 aegtl nisr* ket than < here han heca of lai«·· ani pr<.- ?,·? »Se ¦<IH'( illative kimla followtvl air; I ·.. ¡^BBSBBBBBJ for kimlreil niiare·.. Hut the ii..·..: > ??.??,?-,1, _? ? hit h s·»les were made, general . ·?«·? <>btsio· ahi*· in the late hour». l.r, - ,, à »-«Misóla I were dull and ?*·1? Meady a: )¦>'. ... Kij««. and th«· fumi d G·? m»I»! at '.'?1.·. M Kitaaaß aad Te ? «e<»»ii«ls advance»! 1'¿ ?., Bastia, Hart for«! and Kr«· Ms·.» roe·, frost ', 7'.i, lu.I the l.i-t sale «¡?, at 7_. I al I r. jtl. conies after Tii'^ were ? 'neh. ? ???.?,? .·. ¡ ,v ^ 7H. l'InBBBoaka ami Ohé· m -, tt atH, traasattl(a .? higher al ?','?,?,',?., Imi ti it»_g dehte wen· '? hiarher at ??«;. \ Kef- ? ·1?\: .,«·«! tir.-,:·* were Weak al \ìtt* u 111 '-j. ami Metí.:??.,·? at LaB.retila and N'shvillc general iiiof-gogsa n*. cnnrcilto 105· Kilv, Lake Erii· and \\. st.m m- ?,?.??a ¦ era I _ higher at .huí Evan »ville im··.: Bio Grande ooaaola s,,l \ on ?, |H_ sad Bt 111 seller :{<) days, G.»« ih»· in-««m«·--: 7ß** to 79, and Arate Rio Grs M aio-te imi later -»?? ¡»t hi li hrnujlil .'.. ,/.'?'». The Mitt-Tn a-iirv to-nav I··-: Itati« an«»·, mail·· un in acota toaaol I ur- r«i»oy gain ol Sii,111. IhU ata.,e* tu·· total loss Mit«·«· 1.»m Fri.i¡t> 92.072.013. ? ? cm arming sin«·»· \ <·¦.!. -rdav <!«· i\ Iti- known thai all th·· aoM ;»rii «htej HOt coi.e oil! ·? 1 in· ?-M .'old I ars ¡»t this tini«· ¡ire commanding1 m ·¦>· ? ittioiial, preiiiinm, ¡»mi out ol the -*1 *_''..· UO. - :ir»iv»<i \e-li ulav. over (300.00(1 v. ;»· »irdecvd to be returned in jewellers' burs, b»\ koIiI at *«* iMT oatit at-taian*. W rices lepori today'» recetóte »tí Ja-i «¦· i¡t«? for ro deuiptloii .it th»· 1 >easiir\ ·¦'. Money «as in l«*ss liberal sapplj to-day, aad witB 5 pei e»m as the lowest ra:»· ¡» largì sroi»orti«iD ol the leeaetteae inaile al l> nei <·<·??, ami ? ? ;·' im al perosait plus LUI per dieta. li.« as¡l.\ » lianas te*the dome-tan exchangee ou ¡m advance io :'Ou:),"i cents premium ¡»t ton. lit«' l'illleil ,*-.;i ·- I l- ;i.-:iu 1 ¡Il \? ? ???.'?????ß received <_-31,000 la N'otioaal hank noi«·· for re- »I. iiiption ; be t-tiatoina re«tiiii - wet«· -;·?1 i'«'\eiiii<· i«-«'.i) -ioti. .".?. stieg Hou-,· -·;?!«·:?,«·?,? t,· aget» .r'!*J7 !»)..,s ?? ; balancea ·*··;..".-'? -7" ...?-, ,?! the So ? ,? -Uli «.·>. » ? .fi..? ? "?.'..' i i |i an»···. ,«. (,.,,? _' i'J . <<>?:? L.».an· t ·*·-».. Tu«· loit-????? exc.auge· ooeliiioe du L i-nh ,.t«. hai,- a in luci ton·· ai ratee for actual ?a ?«·?- l"ws: Ê4 y.» i ai si ~,".. -fi s.{.', (, |. ,? >lu»rt sterlius î lr.iuc-; ;?.? ii·. sud 'i 4¦¦· for an.l -IH»·, un guilden. In I.nini.ut. Ihiti-;? cotlMOl» were \< :»'· er, ami ti«. « ;.:i««i ta |??·? ?<nt ;<j M ;. ¡»? ? ·? : ,·?««··??nt. I lie c;i. <m- foi muni «ver. hiirh.-r: tUai HOHt and later »jti'ii.ali.«??»? re ? ? UM ?4 agaiiiNl le ni I«'. the 4e noi beitig quoted. American ra . r, th,· i.<« quo a lut le biglier tsd yet.erda.? '-1 A ~ '.: " ???, .in i.iii S fjfighl rs ue b ???·?? nu ,,? ..?." \ : writing, no retori «? ¦_ly bellioti movi Hank »ti Kua.tud bad ?'>·«·.? ¡· bankers' 1*0 daj billa* at ;i' j «? ;·'? o. « ?. rote. |u J b 3 |?·? .. » S.¦">.'_'.*>, Jini i;»t<-r il lo s ?.??.?: - London la ma ÎÉ5 !_··_ traue« lo the ·. MtT-sra. W iiuUuw, I..¦ ni« ? «.N. t ··. . " heelirill«·». Lu· [>rincip.J ¡il». | vi ill |>H ? on an»1 ai tei "-egfjf-nbei 1. J her- ?? ill .'?, Atlanti«: ?·<· caam t, ir ? »- tv ? .?. « stesa,tini»... . 2.(,sia lies · 4 Wheat, 'insti 144???0 240. Corn, bnali 7. " liais, im .fi. .",.·,.«; il it«.·, liliali. L919 224 IHK» Batear, i«u«h. t,,. ,, l.l.tilni- 1 he G·."?|.·~ ? I - up iietit.s al ami ;i to-«ta.« «mi· as Coteawa: It ?. ? it :. ,. SIB ir, i.hl«... o... 1 Whc»t. · eaa, ; 19.0 a r. .·.<· ? · ;·.··, t'nlll. I' .- .ai.-. iMtah... 64 . By« baab ? . Ban·] mo . ToUi I) " 4< ???,· follow .1. j a re tin and frmr t, ,·,, ,^,< autl IftllwaUK« Batear, iihi». »,«W9 ? ?????ß. ? ¦-¦ ( am. bn«b ..... Ui -tl ~ live, ln.s·, , K-r t . ,.- .Jl.l.M Tom Baa* ; The fotloaring «tioara th· Bpecte ? : oi Net« V a for tin· «reek en lim» Aiu:u-t .,·· nui): ?? tu· '..-.??. iijiared «\itli 4 |H'i'iti,ls ?? m, « HMSa t ears 197 Kot the »e,·. , «0 I ?.« tonal« repoi ····; -4 iota.sin, .la·· !. 224,071,764 4 COTTON ? \ ??·:) s tv 1 ti«, te É ra*4 itng hut «teady Mi i.ìh... o 'ed ? >v c,.""t' in a ami ?·??.,|? ?. . · a ?, ?,?ß? , . luda, « bei end «-ci..a. ,?. .-.«??. uvei.. Cu Mar« «***«ja ?? ai, 1.1 \ Klil't Vol·. *' lato |,. ¦·.L'| MulitlinC ? leu ·¦ "is«!.; ,'». A". delivery, o- c't·. a. " I .Ut. ara« UfSaaBI I«o\» Miti·;.un.· rlaUM·. A,. l.l\ni|s·, a. ? | m. UoUou l'è naje« UM na« un .u·!, a an. laVKIll't'.'l V ¦". SO. .'·:· |,. li, la: ds ? ,,« M .·..,'··.··· Innée ? August ami s, ¡imi«, ? » -il , «In A; .aim Mat « -Insci llnfl vi ia. Ana·. SO * a 11<\. i,nw »lid,Han;, io ¦+¦.-. ,?.,,,? Ordinar] «ni«· _·,>« balea, i«.«).)·« na I2y·.. ix«w Mirili Un«, 12... lioo.l BMiaacy, - - » -. .sbatta ueaelntan. SO amala: nah·»-, ?», ?, tele ·. oti.-ri qatet . Midi«·.!: 12 I .1 e ,?'.,.? Ordinar] . ? a ta t., ,.?.-?? Uni ? μ. ? tua ·. ··' too « Miitunn,:. , /. ^·.. Uoed»Irdtearr :«enuea> 's. ., «.,. « il ? a Mid,oían, IO ..... ¦till, Ills lit«. 240 lues w 1..? i.-\ ? \,,.?· ? niton mita t, \l « - |, V \ ¦-¦ l.n>» d BMI Bft .'.,··¦ l.t.os ?,:,,,·. Untali ?»?·,41 790 itali s saies, 1.1 ,' L,.. Mr. «uni··, \ a·.: 10 ? BMBt .;.,..,- -' lien u an i.. s i.· uoa ·; ..·¦. MallUllIK. 1" · * b«.·« k|s,ii» toaalwfa, .? ?««., \ 11 VU ;.,,.» ai.tuuuA, lu·,.,t Ordinar, a 1.094 bait- ·. «lora, 63,444 hile·. Ntlii',1 ?. Vin; nipt« .tini, s. utfKtrtaruantwu sio, k. ;i. is PHILAliKU'I'l. tas· MY t Otloli uU * Vlddiiu«. 11·,. Uoud ??-,????.?? « * balee; «alea, -,? ?item ..7>. bali « s\« t«\ «u. Vue. .(0. ou. la)» MluUllUg. Ile. ,.?,,.? ir.tiaai l,.Sr»7 baiea. ?·«!«··, saina, l.loo t .. .4 .·*, .3 v » ? « ; . r . I.IVRKis' Vu.· :i0 Pork.Pn u- ». BMi at H-.. vv'esi.TU, s:...,u- »t ;.¦. annerai, an. »short Kib. ttrm «lull 4.". i.l San· 'ici. m,,,,, .. Cul. dull a: ;., i4Boalter« «Bavti noue bere IJxlra Mean. nun a, «tuli tu 92. ?_??1- erme, ·- Tallow . Prime t'itv. nr.? at (lull al ??,?. It.«m Knie dm. . ·¦¦*" mon. hl.-ad. ai Und. ?'hnesn Auir .«, OB» «? ? ai\i «>u euaa on «ali», ? ·*·*· »t.-adv at ?.?. Wheal-No. 1. While, «u ¦* Nu. ai loud.. New M'ian-r w - 'diJüa~ southern «V*iuter, ??,·.«1? at ? ? M t'ora ? «·· ?. n ? ai·**»· N«w. Maeatr ai Mai BSateeaae ·· ? ..»«¦"¦? noue l.nrn Ilosin ? ? nrnon, al Leale«, ar uei ai »*»¦ b|,lntaruroenUna.a'. l.iil.i. dull»' ld«httltS'l., vu*. 20. -Ke.'e.lpta ni Vv a) for Ihe werai Front Allant)' pori*, Mi.dtHi t|tianeis Tì\>m PaclBe f**^ :(2,taai uuaiier«. Irnui oiber aourc««, 1 >.2M· nanne«, iwi» 4-.000 titiari. ?? ..,«a· LOareoa.' t«e >n ? p. m.--«menti* laaai)»*.. sea» 62M |ieru,iiaii<T. fiierm imi a >n ?'**»."**1"! 7 «-1 Oitiit.. Siiiiiu. rui|«-iiune " Pellai,uni ior,i..i. spini, ut Petioleunt. Ì0·»·!" .('Se·· ¦» ¦rallini, ? nmiiniii ...Od Lllaieol OU X 2?..· P<* ,"*"_aee iJVkariHiU Au« HO p. m.-H««el. Ilo I^.,J|7J3 lar ix in» 1 mua M eaa. «'bora*«, .'·6 j.., . ». ! li "" T?ì" ^ade« ol A meri,-ai,. Baco«, 4?:. per cwt l«r ·· *·_: ^5 Iddi»«. Tallow. .M». i«r.r e«rv. la»ni. .',7« «"**¦ "" Aiiienean. Pork. 74. per bbl. or Pnuie M«*«. -^_ UvwittKil, Auk. ,*· 12:«. j.. m. Itieta.tsl uC, F,,r"*V,rì' 5,1 s.Hi ,.. cental tot New Mund Weal, ?? linai. 1'k,*Aí i2f per cenia! tor A ? eratee California W lut·.· illd«-«··"" California t'luti. 10 au loa.) toi Hn« Vini, _, lJVkKlNH'U Aue ti. KnonlpU of Wlittat W "J ?^G UirtHiday» wen· 242.000 c-nlada u*ludui< 1 .-.(«¦' »mmw AKl'waar. Au>r. .«o IVln.leuiu, 19 rraL.-a «'.".'¦¡îi an« paie Aiueriran. w nooa'a LauM cloae«! i*» aaa 90 oeauniea per loo kuiue.

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í.arire i»liotoirr;ii»liH of a life-size portrait of Dr. .T.0. Holland, showing Hie he» I and S-OB-loTS, »mldravMi in crayon bt W'vatt EatOB, wi I l.o »riven lo

nibs, p he ? ? tO The Century tfgtNBiBI Sifibner»Mi.iillihi m ill ha c:ille<l ¡iffr October.Sometiuie in Si7tr! ¡m Italian Congres i mi

Copvii^l.t will le ltcll in Milan. It in th.- seco.ulCniiicsscalleil lor that purpose, and it issai-! that

?? tl.,· lirst.u.eltnlu.n authors accomplished ????-

tOWOI 1 »»f viens and BB organized ellort to

titt:iin iluir aims.

(fractal William -Batter, of Washington City, is

preparimi S work on the Ufa and times0*.lam».s G.Miao», or tho rita, growth end gocctoa <>f the »-ti«s'aver.v movement in the t'nited States. He requestsnil persons lUY-tg in thoil potsatttloa Ut ers fromJames ('. Iltrn.'v. or anti-slavery papers or ptimpli-1-is published l.etween 1881 and 18-5, to write himgiving details.M. I.efeadio llearn, a jouriuilist of NoW-OrlrMiS,

hai translated several of Théophile (iaiitier's fan¬te -? ic and ¡irclui tilte.'it ¡<l storie:-, vvhieli J.Worthing-ttui will falliith with the title »>f the Inailag tlnry,"One of Cleopatra's Nights," the French title he i ini"G?« Nuit de C'leopatre." Other storms in thevolitine are

" Clarinioiide," a BOW tille iruven to" Cue Minte Aiiiounuse "; " Arria ?:?p·»·11;? : ? Sou¬venu· of Pompeii'';" The Mummy's Knot" ; "Oui-pàale : A Rococo Story,'' and " Kim: ('ami.mies."

fiction, a .lew weekly publica* ion ile voted tooriginal serial stories, novelettes and short stories,inailo its (irst appearance on Monday last, and is

.issued hy Kepler & Sehwarziiian, the pobltshersof Puck. If the first BVaihet <»t' Fiction fairly indi-eatt-s its literarv Ktandaid and puri» is«·, it occupies,in its ditterem !i»*hl, a plane lar holow I'nc!:. Thedemand for good short stories bt \incrieaii writersis far alleati of the supply, anil th«· unuoumvinentof a publication «leniteti solely to stories hasBO ukened dottbtS ¡unitili; nomtbtlTS of the craft as tothe possibility of keeping a weekly piihlicution ofthat kintl up toa good average mark of merit. ? hehrst niunhei of Firtion Kettles the qoostloo, so far Mita initial stundard is onncenied. Tho supplies ofmaterial al its command will bt limited only by thephysical atroagth to wield a pOB ot a large andgrowing elaat ol wrih ra.

A LITERARY COINCIDENCE.To he Editor of The Tribune.BIB: In your paper of August '_':'.. under "Now

f'unlicat'oiis." there occurs an extract, from " Patty'sPerversities," (Kouml ?»; bin Series» as follows:

'.I><in't names," Flossy asked pensively, "always con-Vi-i a color to yuur mind, Mr. iiluod 1 "

·· (uni fi color I "'· Ves. like Caretta«, you know ; that alwavs Stake· ine

think of pale yellow, ami Susan ot red, and Mary ofblue."" What nonsense ! " laughed her cousin; "what color

would B.ithnlfmi .sii!;^i't>t I "·· 1 hat aitiiie "

s .id l-'lossy, "always calls up a (Tiiyishdirty irrecn, like faded Ilo»ey-woolaey," und at that nu»-Uit-ùt the iliniier bell raiui.""

In The I'roome ¡{ipubluau. puhiisheil in this citv,in the numlier dated March 5, lxi>~, vol. 40, ap¬pears BB original story, entitled "Nora Gilbert," by"Azile." In the fourth col'imi? of the first pair«· ofthis iiuinlier of I he paper, and in the fourth chaîneroi the stun-, occurs the following conversai ioti. Igivo only that part which relates to the sobjectalluded to in the extrait from "Fatty's Perversi¬ties ":" Po names ever appear to you colored, Mr. Clifton 1""I <l<> noi indentano you."·' Wnen you think »if s aS.Ml. when you see it With

your miiit'.s's «¦>«·, huw tines ii look I What hue dois ilwear, block, Mae, ur greta i""They do not present SM that 1 know of.""How strani;»'!" BOM Bora. "What Is It, a mental

peculiarity I From a child, name» have ever appeared toine arrayed in varied colors, each name or elmHI Ofliâmes WO.TUIS its own peenliar hue."

" sinnild like aotM exampl»·«," naid Mr. Clifton.Let me see," said Nora. "Caroline, fur lastanee, I» a

olden is inaile of suulieiiitis. is,, \H William.¡iimy is a pretty lu·· i.Bond same, James is au uglyhrii'k red. Charle« is a delicate crimson. Lot.OS ?- n

l.i'Hiililìil ulne Kcliei'ca is brown. Mary is vlolot-lmed.Basle Is a pale irretii und emerald; luit the full name,Basoa, ir Bt.OUUtoh, is not near et» pretty, tiling of adark, dingy green."In the next, nuinher of the paper atora is said

on the same suhjeet. I writo this lettor and desireits puhlieatioii in justice to th»· Writer Of "N'oraGilhert," who is now nay wife, to that when she cnl-lects her stories, as she intends to do, ¡nul publishesthem in l»»ok form, it cannot l»e said shoOOptod from. Fatty's Ferv. rsitii's.," Very truly yours,

JjiiiijhamUin, N. T.. An«. 211, 1K81. A. IJ.



From The Átheturum.I.

Borea whit«· rosesOB one tree,,Seven while loaves of blameless h'avon,Seven whit« sails on one soft sea,Senn while swans on one lake's lee,Boooa whit«· fiowerlike stars in heaven,All US types unmeet to heFot a htrthday's crown of seven.

II.Not the radiance of In· roses,Not th·· blessing of th»· broad,Not the bréese that ere »lay stows isFresh for sails and swans, and olotesWings above 1 he sun's grave spread,When the Stanili.ß sa the snows isöweel as sleep on sorrow shell.

III.Nothing sweetest, nothing best.Molds so goodO&d sweet a treasuroAs the love wherewith once ble,st

J»iy BOWS holy, grief takes rest,Fit'«·, half tired with hours to measure,Fills his evos and lips and locustWith most light and breath of pleasure:

IV.As the rapture unpolluted.As the passion nndeflled,By whose force all paino heart-rootedAre transfigured ami transmuted,Beootaat.1sod ami reconciled.Through ths Imperial, undisputed,Prese lit godheail of a child.

V.Brown bright eyes and fair bright head,W'«.."th a worthier crown than this is,Worth ¡» worthier song Instead.Sweet grave wie«· round mouth, full fedWith the joy of love, whose bliss isMore than mortal wine ami bread,Lips Wh.OS words arc sweet as kisses.

VI.Little bande so glad of giving,Little heart so glad of love.Little soul so iilad of living,While the strong swift hours are weavingLight with darkness woven above,Tune for mirth and time for grieving,i'luuic of raven aud plume of dove,

VII.I can give you but a wordWarn, with love thereto for leaven,Bui a song that falls unheard

got on ens of sense unstirred? » t hy song so far from heaven.Whenoc you cune the brightest bird,Seven years sime, of seven times seven.

A. C. BWINBURKS.Xctu ihiblicattous.

Will be ready Sept. 2:


Pronounce«! by t-oiiipcti-ul criticaHIM jiKisr BOOK

-tao-, fully illustrated, 714 pa*«·*, taaty clotli binding, tt 75





TRIBUNE EXTRA NO. 81.Price lu (Mute by until.


"Four Woman'· ??trae tor Fifty Cent·."

J£NITTING AND CROCHET.Pastime for leisure momenti


Nein Publications.jTÔÎÏTKÊADING


ttt?·; TRtBiTNE rffYHTrT tat cheapest and best «ene« offiction. Later?? 11111. lU'o ?.? i.t.iwi »? .rulla Kevaaavh. DBIPTBO UV THE OKA. i>y Beery Wliitnoyi.'lovn-Rlllt. I'ln-lll·17. ¡sKii.vsri.w. a Novel By Kntaartee Oeeaer. ?<><·.i.s. TifiiKK vvivK.s. by tea author oi LeeisaaJ hadiml l page* i'ri.i t, : ? · , |-1.iktOl'SIN HKNRV. nv Anthony TrollopA. Also a»bort«tory. Anale aad iter Ma'stur. 10osate.»u ·; s ii s ? ; ?. ? .'? «mi. (>· .Vili, ? ? ntiir ? <'·.»11» ·1-ill. in ? SHADOW ?? ? si V. a learda ittng «nor» *t >cr

< dove an I adventure l<)e n s.:.... ruü BJ2BKL o* m*, iamilï. Aaova! ota.nir.i-;nir Interest lucesteNo. 17..13at New-York Tribeña, |r-, stories for Tases i.eastLittle l'eolio. A nan.tuoniti 11! ilo boat oi ú,i pa<)«. wiUite· red bordera i'rlce. IdoenU,»«ai? cy uiAJ, j»u??,?.?. ?. ?.? ijcaipt of prie«. Adirili



"LEFT IN TRUST."? 8????? OP ? ?.??1? A.NL 1??? LOVlilt.


? 1>,?.LOVi: that PURXPtaa

By????????? ?. ???'G.


TXPJCaiNA'H rui/.i:.

THAT ?.???.? (?'???.Og MKS. (»LI ??????.


Prie« inc. ateAtltlressTHE TRIBUNE, New-York.


in, Kills.rea tri s almanac pon ibsl

G????, -' c a It --·»»« M il·'ITU. 1 UUlU-.N 11 i N DBS l'Oli HaJ.

Itaca ^c tL.M.-i.???t??*


Gnmmcr ììcoarts.A FEW MORE BOARDERS desired Fot Hie2\ Pall at a pleaaant Parai ??,,me near the Catakllis; ex-ct-'itiliiflv lienliliv locality dati* sture nini Biailj veranda,inaia,, croquet; lient;, null,, egga, poultry ali k imi H ot partie« a landing, t run reeeoughiei fur reference,1 lavili l'el lis, ut Qalway'l O .vei'v. ??,?,?-itc tirami Centraite-pot. Mir-, ????????, Noti,m BUI, Oreen« Co., ?. Y.4 VON BEACH HOTEL·r\?????, ?,?,µ? [Island,fifty munîtes from Me« Vm ,. Rila excellent sea «i,lo fam¬ily hotel «till lie kept open tluria.r September, l'ine saiebathing, boating aud nahiug.

Tims. li. WINCHB8TKB, Proprietor.BERKSHIRE HILLs, "Feroddo," Tyringr-Inmi. Muss. \ few good rooms at ? his popular ? soil, tuthe loveUeat part ol the billa ol olii B«rkahlre. can be had lorthe uiiiiitli of September al special rat,-, good livll neili)«·, s, .ve Ht. JOSEPH .kin ?,s, Proprietor.BERKSHIRE HILLS.

>l,enti your vacui ittii ui the CLAFLIN HOUSE, Recket,? ? «s. No iiia.aiia do nioaqultoea ¡ 1,300 feet abo ru the aea.G?tdeecripUVa ciromar addreaa A U. ciiuss, Proprietor.BERKSHIRE'S MOST POPULAR RESORT.·> BfAPLKWOOD HALL, PITTMPIKLD, ????One tiiou«aii,i feet ahore tue «na. Combine« within itselfevery requisite attraction, convenience and oomfurt, Special¦eeaonratea, Unen from June ? to Ootober 15.

?KOBO? w. ? p ??.? ?.?, Manager.D0ARD at Sea ('litt', $5 to fß. ParticularsDatino Bast Miii-st. or siinitnet lions,, Bea ciitr.

ROARD POR SEPTEMBER.At Locust Pnrm,uJ ou the aide of (t,,· CatakUlai food beard, milk, eh c..uanil iresti vegetable«; high tri,,in,,;-, large room«, ampi, «inule,s; leiiiiid «ceiiery, cieck uml water fall, t'itv reference given.AddreaaJOUN In Hi !., ? an,,, ,.,, ene « oai.ty, n. y.

|>(>A1H> IN THEC()UNTKYe.Lurg*grwinite,I» line t ,ii, rr tan· nalil no an. back t.>v addreaa orOni in r«· late 11 ai ? ut, and back t.? Addreaa orKM ?. is:: Broadway, citycall on V. It. scili:

PAPE ANN..Baas Rock House, Good H;ir-v> bor Beach, lion »iter, in« Pi ?ß?? ? ir rui-iiimean «oeneryoo fit VUantio eint, s-ii for iilnt-nt-lbook I,'·. a·, ini; .'.il·,· Vim. lln. G. >i. lill'i'.VN

pOLUMBTA White Sulphur Springs, near\ ' Hadara, ?, v. -Opea t<> ? >·.·. I; as »ad «?a ·,:t??- ....Iliph !?roiiti.!s. heaullfni '»roves. Por Ulnatrated olrcalara ß?.dreaaaaaboTO,or I. \« ???. ? Hroadwav, fi. \

/V)KX\V.ALL-oX-nrnso\..PaTmer Houw·Vy laifre I'ouin«, Une abade ? ssteaaire «round« unen uiaàiNute,?,I,ei. ^

PDWARLVfl PLACE,?- sT( tic it it 11 ?; ?, mas.mus. B, it. ii:n kinsWill remain open uniti November,

s,.? ral vacaaciea in September.FiLBERON, ? NK\,Tlie most uiii'iue anil,t «eaatde resoli In tlio country,will reiiialu opra until October'M.

_('. T. JONKB.PORT VTEW R0Ü8E.X v/uitkhtonr, t.. r.Belaci farnilv res,,.-t. mile« troni New-York, an nort'i¦here, ? "tin letaad, with One vie*. of the sonni) and Port8cbuy 1er. Opea -May r, fine inves, boiUuf, llabtn« ,iiliatlilii«. steamer lille Ail.l I,· ire·. I».·.· ;-sll 11 it,· at \. I '., ilo..«I.. K. f... 4::tl ? in. ?????????,- ani N'.rlti sii ir.· Itillriivl.traini hourly troni Loas laland ? 111 ?. Tarma moderai

(i ne ssi'acuii, i*roprletor./"M.EX RIDOE, Cornwall, X. Y..Houae don"S ojien iliacre« il Tini («Avatar, t?^?? Ire« fr.tifrintan.lveifotA il.t^, millí, currurn«, «li/.ti, Ac«, oa pun*.JAM KM t 11 IB,

ijJRANI) UNION HOTEL.SAHATuilA ???????, V. Y..OPM ton ???? BbvABOK

III.MlY ( ?.???. G^????.

HAMILTON HOT78Ë] Rtamford, Conn.-rirsi.class lamiiv tintiti modern nonTtmlanooaj laraarooms, privat« pluz¿«s. Ban sliAtlit, bcauUful tlrtvos, imatlnaI I LATH HOUSE,1 I HCHOOLBVa ??G????? HI'lUMiS, N..f.,WUl reárala opea duina the Autumn mouth«. Pina ,,beautiful «ceuery, medlolnal «pringa, Beating arraugemeuta.Semi loi circulai·.

J. wakkk.n coi.kman, Proarietor.I IOTKL NETHERWOOD,I 1 NETHEBWOOD Hlll'itri's, NKW-.l BBBKT.Tin- cost oomforfable eountry hotel in (tie world on t!u>(entrili Railroad "t New Jorsc«· 1.", muintes from New-York,tarée minims walk from Netherwood «tatiooi big· elcvatioufree troni lualarl» ami n -quitoes.

0. Ii. KINO,_ _Proprietor.


WIIXOfKN JULYS, issi.F1r«t ola«« family hotel haeftOOfeel on Uw Atlantic Oreanand G·??) feet ou Ilio )Slirew«liury ??t??. ioouih ?????? taclnifi,<«aii and pt?t.i-iir' and Htillwater natliiir.', Ii-hni", lioatliu.', lawn tenni«rmquet. all in am,·, ??,,?? «villi Um ??,,??-,, ? i'ar It ruis amirli ? miara aililreaa.P. 0 BOI .ti. e. STO?KM. KeabriKlit, N. J.OXG BRANCH, X. .1

?? ? ???. ?.MWill remain open during U

AN8I0N HOUSE, Plermont, ?. Y

??? ATLANTIC ?????G.Will remain open during the month of September.??. ii'iWi.ANi), Proprietor,

a tew laño·, airy room« after September l. Oood beardtenus moderate, i :l'1, :'i oaud. No miUaOa,J. P. KiNNK, Proprietor.

M KAHNS HOUSE, nein· West Point, openfertile entire autumn avarions· Hue Hliailufluitami vegetables. Senti fur illusi mied circulaT.Mr«. ?. ? 1·.? ?? ?, .lu., ? BON,lllKlilauíl l-'alIs, ?. ?^MOUNTAIN HOUSE,CORNWALL ON III'lisi »?,ititi· mile from limitili»«·, en the .sturili Klag Mutuitiitti.Mush- liuti hope lu Ulf. grumi [.avilioii nightly J. W.MKAOUKR._

_NEPTUNE HOUSE, Ooean Beach, ?. J., ?>ovuiiis ii'iuii tin· surf, ooum· a4|olnlat hand»oteely fur-iunIiimI, huh.ltio liir taniilu·.» reduced ratas tur îSept«.iiil>«i.I PAVILION HOTEL,



Ninety nautili's fro.1 New-York.

pIOEON COVE HOUSE,1'IUKON COVK, ??'«?. (cxlluliie point <»f C'ano Ann).? -Nt» J I ? _ 1 :t.

Ml* _ St. IKHUN«ON «ft CO.


BpNOstt_aeaMtaB-4attoBi if in.Mountain .111' aeenery iimuiriittS'eil lu the world.

L. g. BOUARI) UH. M,_________ i'iiiHp« il. l'urK Until ? tmipauy.CEA8IDE PARK i- celebrated for Hu* euret.9 uf lia}· fi-vrr ¡tint inalarla. Hotel Htlll opon. Fishing,sin,im:, natimi- iiiisiirpaHSi ?

i'. lIAIiniS, St-u-slilr I-uiU, tin-au Iti N. J.OPRINO HOUSE.IO IlI.tU'K ISLAM), O. f.,|·??·??.?..? MI LE8 AT SKA.Opened from J un· l ¦'» lo l -tt. l'uro ucean air no hotnlrlils »t'..iil tls'itnir .ailT «ali lali«t«-r.i|iti punì sprilliwater Thl" house U supplied Witti nur·· water from tin,celebratesi spriors (from which ih«« hnnan tafcaaIt» aatati uvmeattsnf h-dranlle ram*, ami n theonlv .?.? ßa UM latan Ifurnished willi nun. sume; water. Those apri? tri ¡irenwnwl liythe nroprietor, ami ara locate,) wittilu ?» few roda of tln> SOSO-bend forcircular.

R ft ,, ,.,.,.. .,,,,_ ,,_,,,..,.,.-rpARBYTOWN HEIGHTS HOTEL.X TAltHYTOWN HKItlHTH, ?. Y.Newly fiirnishisi throughout bili) (ot abovo the Hudson.,Iti») si·».'» of luwiiH ami suivit, ir,·«·«.The Hotel will remain OP*.? till Novomlier 1. send for do-sciiutlvecireiila.·. W. W. i'AI.MKIt.???? ALLAIRE, SPRING LAKE, N. J.M. .Now ojien. A new if* tir«, ntlirii ,· »... ? .? ?;. Directly on tie Deich.

?. m. aio-U-UMtOB, Pros-una *


LONO BRANCH,lb NOW OF-N.Apply to or luUlxoaaII. IIOWf,AND.Late of UuwU.iii'a lluUt-

MINES AND MINING.TuRsnvY, Aiiir. 30.r. m.

Tho tmsitiess at the Mining «Sock E%_U_fes to¬day was principally in a few of the most erratic oftlic speculative stocks. Ililiernia led in point ofa-tivity anil declined from 5:1 to ,11 rents. NorthSt:iiilluni also was unusually ucttve ami rose from10 to 20- li» Osata. The .Stato Lines were im linedto lie weak, althong- Roe. 2 and 9 held pretty steadyat 4.30-14.30, hut Nos. 1 ¡imi ·? t«-ll to SB cents,unti Oriental ami Miller tleelined to ilo cents. ?hi rire luisiiiess was »lone in ( 'ousolidated Virginia ¡tt2-12.05, and California sold ¡it 1.08, (Sterra 1(>7h, Union Consolidated ¡it 14, ¡nui »Savate¡it 3.00-9.110. VesU'iiin.v'.s closing Bgnres forti»»·Conistoeke in tìru? Franciseo did not sostain .head«ranos of the moruina, and to-day's opening pricesshow a furi liei· reaction. Our markets closed dulland steady.

.v.r. ir/y/yo sToon. s to 11 roa fi-VBSB : iv » f\'.i, -I I 0-t ) :;v -,

Hibenua California state I.le' No. AmieCOO .r,·· I 200 ..eS.TlTOft 8 aad 8 ISO.406O0..D80...B8 700 l.tTi 0'»u..s:i(l..4..1.a Silver Islet.'.mi. lilt». .58 nun., I>8. 1.0_ ? ..¡(Ml 4.3.? '.'On.4?.5·»7m, ,5« Miner Boy 1000. ..10.4.80 SO.).15.754 ,,»:». .h;·· ,09 7n,i aHti .ah ???· , bouansaChlefsun..·_ io iniii.-,.. .4!» 400 ..-...4.801 liai.ISIron silver Orl'lit'li.MIII'r ITuo. 4.."II N'Iti Standardta·)., li·.»..2.1.-, "aiti .|)7 200. .b6..4.80 300.1711 m. ..51.15 2»,i.-.iti .'.!'. 100.. s<. 4.'-'". 100 .1*1»'nu Vir.'iiua 2·µ? ..;!. ,?? ,???, .1)10.4.80 Hllkill7 »»..?:; 8.110 tit ?.» .00 IOU..I»;*!!.. 4. ."? BOO.75imi. .i»:ìu,2.n:. Roblnaou IMS) BU.eUnalto:i. 2«i li .18.01 900...bl0.4.85 1 ami-1i'u .12.. at Eureka ?»*??0...ß8..1.00?(??|?|..???,·»?G??? k 83 87.00 .',<»). 1.00500.U30. .1 I'lViiM uiUlt'U 100_*S. .9JBOO. Sil lui'.n:» ·. ft.35 IBOO. 72UO.'JO' Stain!:¡til ?d??.IHsilver Cliff 100.·_?.~5 ¡ Boo .l»UBOH ...4.001_I_

Illllt!» CALL.a O'CLOCK P. M.Miiier Hoy llibernin ltolilnsnn N't. 8UuulardSOU «30. ,48 Utl'iu .68 ?'?.?_18.60 1000.IllHito..??.??.. ..".o BO0..U8O. .¡'.I 801)..... IL'.·.? 1200.17700..US.. .49 .'.un..siili. .62 ino 12.76 ¡ioti.IM'-Ut .49 'lini s¡!. .62 ?(:??»|?????????·»?? k 2»???.2U14 ??.???.. .411 20OO..S0O. ,62 .ItHl ."il 8900. .11·.n'iii'u.Mill'r 8000..S00. ,61 800..bSO., .21 lOOO.blB. .2» satin Tunnel Big Pitt·burg·'·" .aS .:·'. 1000.i»:tti. ,63 lim I. ft 400 2.839,M)..b8U.. .»H 2U(iii,.si|it. .fil Ion .1 30 .1 .»'· ? Bnulahav»fttt».IM 1000..«80, ,6J 100, .. 1,00 BOO l.OflCon Vilirillill lutin-.,,.',,?. .?.? -Llti-laV NO 1 I lllp.-l iol6"0 ..lilla ·.· na rtaOO.aOO.. .60 ¡null ''.'»H».1230 ?)., aü. 3.05 BOO ..«:·.. ..'.I It'll» .!(!» ? hi« solite1 i:i.h:lO. 3.10 11)00 I..: 53 stali· I'll ? »3 2??)..«3. 11.509000... ·.·..., .', ?.?,.?, m.. ,52 ami,! Bed Ulepliantinn ..l»7..-'.u.i I 700..'.1 loo .4.Ha till·» .I!l«Silver Cliä Alice 4?>00.·8 I..4.30 Nortto'n Belloluit., liai·, tur, lut» ?',.?? 500. aio. <» :to .§».. 17.00SitMUii' Ilukill ????.-"' 4. ¡u auvor 3.60 400. .. .7.? California 300. IB.KflCalavera» llrouMüver loo .LOS 90·· o,nu900.18 '.''·' 9,18 3"? .-.I.U«! Storinoli!BOO. ...s;t. .12 Hull Homiii^ii meOTa Nevada leu.. ??.?. 8.3S_I200». Ulli



nun.BOO. slu. 3.00 400.too '.'in! Kin .2.115Iteti -HelciYrin ?.ß30 ?:·.ssHt-teUne No

By» and ?t·? Orl'ut'laMllI'r I Bear Creek ? iiitierniatan».··, |80,i ,;is ;,ini ,7B | 6O068ft in I,, ii. .22 bt.t« lam- No l'oliti Until.µ??? K nul'Cantonna ? ami » to ? .74 2?? ,? ;»Um .1.08 ¡'.no .Min Hard'.ma Malachit«l'Ili ¡.l'I. 300 It"»'. I.l'á ¡It"' .-.·¦»'. I.HO Uli- lil.'.l.lMIm,un boj Bali! M.»fu 3*ai..blo...!.oB Bien.Neva.a300..bS. .ts .?,?.?.?,G ,Ofl l'on ·. il trilli« ???).I0..JInn...[?,?. .4M l'aulire ?U"l 200. 3.001ion. 2

iiiiiii» cali, -la o'clock m.Bear Creek Neismdie.tei Hllrer Niunrotl"i'.78 Ion l.n.'. -"ti .'. ,07 | ?.·?\800.'7 Luti G|.??-..· .¡un .98 'JimB9Boato. Con Risi I7l -tate ? ine Ño Vandewatern't·.12 ài»«· .40 lundi ino,.',::. .1.1iti,· unti tue tt ¡liei in» imi ,09 BarcelonaBOO.211 6O0 ... B3 ?. !» lOO.bSO. ?.??,?(K).a30. .19 ?'p???· Milli «ti. .*..- Copper UH).LisiHai Hit».. .19 Bull .1 .05 loo. -in 50


Poppet Knob l Bald MTonnl'a I Bllver Nugget Anil««l'ion.09 ·'"·' l>8 Nri» :»uo.:i7luiHt.ti;;. ,t»i» lo te. i,·.'a. .o, '.ai ,r,¿ lilack .lucklutiti ?,??? t..» Mal.icliitr state Mno No 100 .75HI '· a:i BT« Ï'··· I" and 1 Caliìoi-ia800 21 Ort'nl'laMiH'r inn ,98 lOii I.no300,.beo ,32 Boo .u. 800 ,ß*3 u-« VandewaUtrUOt) .20 -??' .-??. .? "?? i·: l.oo ;«h t.t? itorni· ??,?. mu. ... Bear Creek BarcelonaTen ,B3 "ti Virginia 200 .7»! UH) 1.00list. . tut 800. *:t .TU

lev rai la.iiU'ii m Tin luiiii'Ni:.!T.r»!>vii.i.r, Col., ans. no.- Shafts Noe. :l snd ? ofthe New Dtecovery claTiu of Little Pittsburg havelie, n n|,eii, il. There is no »moki or gas and the limis believed ta be mit. ??. Qilnun will put a tuliforce at work on Timi «lai.

lie e L'Ili II l·'Vol (il lile Mit le G BOJ III tie, ¡| t II lie J,t IInf 330 feet, lia-cut a vein which shows Uve feet inthickness of excellent or«.?-?? ? ?.?.???-, ?, Aug. 30..The Chollar and fattenMining Companies have each levici un aeaeeetneu!of BO cent.s per share.Bullion valned at ¦83,280 no eras received in this:..·.I... /-..,.. ,1... min»city yesterday from the mineaIV Vl'Hll'IHIH ?G.??? "lie lllioes.Barliee ? Walker superintendent telegraphedAuguat 120 : " sin ?·?»«·«? liar Hutunlay and one to·ila.v ; aggregate \ aiue ·?. loo "

? Battle M,mutuili, Nov., special says: "???'.?,,?-dent t" the air compreaaer at the Starr-Grove mine,«« hieii made neeessary the lav in« "il of nari of theforce fora fets daya, did not interfere with tho work¬ing of Imtli mills, as auflicieni ore to keep them i'»-iiiir for a con le "t weeka was onl and readj for re¬duction. l'In· full f'-rec ¡s :il \»(ir!< again. HultHNos. 1 and '.' «outh aie looking vçiy w II, nini arcfielding ore <d an exl ra auulit \. Toe new Incline isadvancing llnely aud will »oon l«· down on ? Im ledgea ciii)>uler.idle oiatanoe. It is being well timberedand put in aplrnnid ahapo, as it isaunk ao thai not rouille mcd be experienced in üiis quarter hereaf¬ter, The other lévela and dritta are aim» lookingwell and continue in goral ore."?? the iiighland Chief mine the new machinerycontinues t,, arrive and ia being pnt in place us fustas poflsihte. Work in the incline shaft roes aheadas usual, an,I llu· tile BUI mini« leti I o .emMes that illthe Mair-tiinve. The track In Ihe tunnel runsKlllinillilv, alni the wulit nl extracting ore '.m DOWbe pushed without delay. Ami« road has been cutfrom mir the ore-bouae of the Btarr-Utove to themmitli ni ili·· tunnel al ih·· Highland Chief,and tim¬bera, tut I ami supplica can now be laid down at thelatter mine ¡it ?.I) les·, expense tlii«ti furniertV.Manager Bothwell is on the ground daily aud super¬intends ali work.4 In the npper tunnel of the Chlorids mine ? dia*tance of 27 feet was ran during the past six days,all m ure, which is ol Inch grati». The winse toconnect the lower tunnels waa run about Iti feet,through very hard ground. he face nf cadi of thelower t mincis looks «cry encouraging. A larga forceis kept at work in tills min,·, willen is opeulugOUt HIa very promising manner."Green Mountain superintendent report« tint tIm·sul;.huret ledge still holde ite large aise, ¡nul that itprospecteeveuly in free gold the tuli width. It hasbeen cut hito 80 l'< at, and looks strong m tin- face,? slope w ll s,inn ?,.· rained, A drift ia being runlrotn the Blake atope, wast, to cut a chute of ore inthe «vhiic ledge that was winked from the upperworks. A raise has bean stinteti in tin· main or··hod.« in No. .ri level, in ciuitua? «villi the winse IIINo, l. This will open np s large extent of the mainore-body. I he mills are running regularly,standard Consolidated official report, August 20,shows that the east croaecnt, 1,000 level, ¡s m iiTtifeet, i he aont h drift from ? be east crosscut is In 7t>feet in favorable formation. The total length oi thesouth drift from the esat crosscut. 700 level, la 132feet: Mie ground at thia point lucks favorable, Thetotal length of the west, crostoni from the southdrill, 600level, is 1 10 feel ; still in very hard rock.Upraise No. 2 from the south thrift, 500 level, 11 up(il feet, and Is in a ledge of good ore 5 feat wide.Smith drift No. 2, 383 level, Is m> 123 feet the reinin tin lace of this drift is al,mil -1 Ig liei Wideofgoodure. The winse on tue 385 level, to connect withthe upraise from tho 500 level, ladown 'A4 feet, Thevein m the atopea above the 385 level mut h la about20 feet wide, and <>n tlie 550 level u is uliout 20 feetwide on ¡m average.

iUiumg.ACTIVE minim; stocks"

?.?.?ui,i:s Wh BuoKuaa55 ?. :,, ? M ,·M K M UK US .?. V. ?1 IM.Ws,M,;? ???????ß»

?.??!;;p.,!?::^;;;!??^,:G'1^:?" ¡ ,,,,iiî,'î ««««m ·*·*»

B^ÄiÄJS. B.ff MOUNTAIN MIN-M»n,'Hu,.j'.|nl,,Ktt,e ItoWM« Un,,,,,, .t T.. .Vil(1 1)lltnc,

EDWARD II. <.,»! I.V'i'ralil,.,,!SU As t.l'|.N,.v, s',,,, l'I.'*, .LH. ? lltVI.,, --e'e-v '? e..\,,,·.PAR VALUK silAlti.s, sto1·'ill liaiil. Nou-aaaeaaabl«20,000 Hliiirea ol 'Iivasiin 5 ., k., . <- .

cent· ea-h to defray th.V·a.ea "

?,,. ? --?5_ß? .Ht 7ß.ad nei turn nt hunting i.....h...c," "" .»?elOp-WUlt, work

m.·' ^..·c,.m:ywa,;:';n;:.,:;;;r,ù,;1.1:,;^ ···*>* <>··¦<·..Ih.· neh lioi.ina.i, uni, »lu.-t, eVi ?,,? ?, '?,'.,G »»trtkoolproperty. Applrte uoKr?HÄr»iwa?u.^t,ltal'iuaiiclal Agento, 181 iWom.iur.. -,'t

C^PABAL GOLD MINWQ CO.".~*^ 1.ocation ul Mill ami ,1m,,.

OIUYe.UI .?....?|*_,, it'.a.M.'a.iV ,':Ví,.;vM:U,Sl °(?

('laiü_^vhotii\vkll, J,MlN14· S*«.-V_* »oilier« 1liIVIllKNI) l-AYIN.J .HlsdVi, SICOIUll G??1«BBBJ8-S-tÈ«5r__^^-.<?'"· »mi J-uri/. :.,.. :u." *-

Sat.·?»?? Gold yuiirtz Co., .Nova Scotia."tllec SO ¦¦ Ma»«a.,.,,., ,.....,,, Qf yy_H .V«w.Y.rk.

[RON IJON.NUT SUA Kit ¡itI?INO CO-1 IncniiHltlriiiÜoiiof the rich development- ,f hl-i?iirelu.l,,. ?,,,?,,?,,?,,., I. deÄT U, rt_-&-£f-t.Hie |,ICHr|ll U.. .,U,. .f ??'?ß??G? «lock 11 I |,. , ? S* _KS.W *"'

.drer-Md. be resolaritr,?«_' tt. ? 7,,? ÎfSÎ01*"BO- being enmelen f.,m /¿.,, ,,,y ,'·, Ni, i ''·!' ua "i ,^.S_.»lemon-Irate tint the iron lliunmt »?,·.., .\G-5» ,' '"' """',valu.ii,'.·. Atan early date tlie « ,?·. iv toMiLï1 ?'"'.''¦'l.lyNew-Vork ai.d ilo-u-u Mining _-_r_? nliL-Ç."^0«.*·A. Q. UUTCUK-UN. li<K«t-rV.UUUWNKX'L' ¦*"¦¦¦»



wishing to exrliiirice their «lock fur shares In the new com-pauv iiiuHL maki· applicaUna to th«< Bmleraignae baiava ate

6111 ?????.????, ISSI,ou which itale Hits offer will expire.

?. T. RKACU, Aiçent,No. IS Wallet., Boom 33.

M OÜLTON MINING COMPANY..still further development·« ef BBS MOL'LTON MINK have

IndiiceilgeseWBStS ?) withdraw their offer to «ell the «tuckui £1, anil from this daUî the price is BftVaaSSft SB BeM palshare, ut which ??µ,??,¦ ? will lie liciti until further notica

DONNKI.r-, LAWSOX AHIMP80N,nana ,al ,???? Transfer Ajante

o \?) DOMINION COPPERSTOCKH'iiiu'lil uml Sold,

?. M. HAMILTON" ? G?..(it Broadway, Booeta -,? aad 28·» tt. Y.onici', or TBS Kaihvki.i. ftiN's, ,?,?? «iiîii Minisi« Com.)faut, efaw.yoas,, inai, îIJUR8UANT to ¡? resolution adopted Hiik <Iavliytlie lioanlol l'iutlee^of Ihis ( ·,?·??·,.???«. Die liansf.rBook« will tu l'Imed nil We ???,µ 11,, V,cast (..nil reopenedAugnatili.

_W. il. ptCKEKMAN. Preafaleat's tin a ? ? «nini si a ir. Minisi ? mi· any, >G,'.' HlauiiW «?, ?BW-YOWL SSTOCKHOLDERS in the COPPER KNOBi » endOBOWELL <;>i,l Binine (????? inlet »re hereby ta« Ml.tTIi STATI·; MINIS'; COMPANY is nowpreparali to laaue it.. itock in escasas« tor etteet of th,· aaovastocks in accordance » nil the term« of sale.

WILLIAM I'.it.vx iHtiiTii Traaanrer.OKI·« K. Or Till·. lltlll'tliNIA OOMSOMOATBD MINIMI CO., >1 là Iti! «io« a«, IlOOMrJ BO i" <!1. 5rpHE STOCKHOLDERS mentina» of August? M lia« in·.' t'eeii nil),,tuned tu Mon,luv. Se]iten,tier r, »t ito'clock, p. mi it n c\i,eete,t each and .«, iv stockholder ·.« illlie reseiii lo, ou-lilei-thu nuestluu of bollitili!» the mine lorlutili··· development

?. t. (¡oilman, Secretar/.

Boato tutù Uooiiis._?-ist Sid".

\PARTMENT8 for gentlemen, handsomelylui ni -If "I. «Ingle or en suite, 268 ,,???-ave., neu JS||i si.?? ? cl enees v. iA Ili- ici ?: Heil.

JÜMFTH-AVE. near ????? League Club..? suite of looms to lent with inhale table or withoutnielliti. It,Terences ?xchañorad. ?????.? I). ',, Tribune i'p-lown "tii.t, 1,'j.ts Broadway.I PARTIES suffering nitfi mentili or nervousili e is.·- can have proper atl intton and noted ? requin«!.Addreaa ?·.?i'i;i;iBNCK, Tribuna Uptown Office, l.-'.isUroadway.I ,> ORAMERCY PLACE..Desirable rooms,1 W en suite or «ii rly, ui'li lir,te|.iss ???.??? ; reference·!.¦ /.EAST 53D-8T..Iíooius to let withI I. # In,aid, en si,ito or Btagtfl tiuilo lumpier« a<auni-la .laie,t.

?G?G?-8?., 323 East..Large front room, dotri*.f unit ? ohi Hater, largo closet, third Boor, »p ?, beard,"Hi EAST 20TH-ST..Suite of rooms; private»Pit tenti 10,111m; prívete teste se wniiout beerei refr

.JÖTII-ST., K» i:\sr.-I'.lcJim1 doors, n«\\ ?»/( » iiuuImIk d. with private table, by they ar.?I EAST 'joril-sr..Si'.oikI door, four»"I t..,,ms, nudi, Ac. *s.', per muntili thini Boer, tootroom +711 antUriahed, aoar reatauraul¦ J IT EAST 3???-8?..Miss ?. ?. CLARKI « v i «m reopen her Baciteli und Freno« school forYonne ? mies ni,? ? litldran Mttptaoiber 29. Iirawtn«, Lattaioidi all-t 'leint ni, lud, tl. t ,,'???.??) .nul l'rciich Uillirllt II.« liaII'.' |

I ¡(t BAST L'isT-ST.. Gramercy Park..De-I I ·" Il 1,1· inaile, With lu st UVM board, cil suit'· 01slllK.e lei, rei", c

!·>/· MADISON-AVE., corner of :n>t-<f..I »ri I V suite of .11 ? tiaeiilH to let ti it li ¡nivale Uhi·). Unir·o,oral« tirsi las

I jf MADISON-AYE..Elegant floor withill limale'mil.· ulso handsome «u,(c .rut-nu-c mom«v, 1II1 Ii,,at,I. «ti II tly ilret-ctaBB.I (K>il l'll!l.l>-\\ K.-FiiM-.liss board andl»"Ävr lodging; for aeutleiuHU, in privat« (aeiily, oael,.,. S Nelli I. l!e¡.,|. .ui ,,| addi.«M V. ?. VV.

W· St i ?;4 PRIVATE FAMILY" IIA^ LARGEil bamlaoiueli tiirnlahed room« to kit togentteaaea, wlte-oui ,,.,r I. Applj 1 is VV, st lath ,(.

1IOAKD and ülHce litwicn Madison and. ntl, ate... lull mi.I aOtbat«. Address I'UYsKT.VN,Triai.UptoweOBV«, .'.··( limedway, Cor l-t.? \??;?:. handsomely píjrñísTiedli i·, ai,, »Dit*!! le tar µ?· .tell ill tulle,ut tioaltl; .l.'Hli .ll.l.'liHuuoti;family email, No. 'it BTaet UJteet, between MbBWl , Hi ll.eS.

PLEASANT ROOMS irîth~noârd to lot ¡it No.I 1 17 West tldl-sl liefer· llCeft elcllrtli/;,sl.RESPONSIBLE PARTIES ean Und Inni«·,II ,1,-s·.mi rooma, irlth privat« bathe ? Sratctaea table, pri·I,-·!· If ,?,-,?,',?. at ( ," \V e .1 :s||i -,?,. leleiell,·.· e\, |»«???··??..> I WEST 37. Elegant parlors) "rood rooms.s* I mi cu· li gnor, altra IB sue mid appointment* «Il motiem Unpruvi manta cool rooma ob top floor «nuimar priora..>l |\\ i;s G 26TH-ST..Nicely furnished suit«·«. J·" for famille« and alngl« rooma, «rifa met. u*. baeraiI,niel inn« .nielli . s With le ,11,.· , ¦ ,11, fol 1-.

t I WEST ????-ST., near fith-avo..Hand·'It .1111, lv filini.?,--.? 1.,,s. x, 11. -? board and ho lie ohilotta,.?. ,,t" |,i ..'.-s small private boardilla ?,·, ?·.,·

IK WEST 35TIÎ-ST..Large alcove room,*J '·?? ti.1.11 troni, atei room« oouaocttng on Ud Boor ? wnhboard.

»>.>l| WÈST 31ST-ST..Parlor floor f'ur-»r^»r ni. al -.aitalile fot ph> «10*11. ex,'ell, ut nclghjor·h>>...l also, .ali. ? loa at.

Board and Rooms Wanted.\\'.\\TKl>..l'or ¡? votili:: gentleman during? ? Ills ml «ein al the ??????,? -, ?,?,,? |,iipiiatorv tuent« rins- liai u I ahume lu ¦ cl·,·.·,ful and reams! family. ,\,|.ili,« itoUua location condittou«, et« bo Imerrttiia hoaaeuei.l apply. Mis. 11. M H, si.,. ». lu l,ls-e, atea*IVANTED..Fiirniahed Room and ll.-tll RoññiVT ad],, latti ··. «"h 01 vs 11 t board. Ad,Ir, ss -? ¡,? 11 ,^?.? ... location, Olli ut and VIH), -?.. 'taoismi ami ?., .??! ( n u ina ave., Bergen, New Jeraev.

tforporiUiisti Notice*./.ITV <>K NEW-YORK. DEPARTMENT OFX rINAM'l·:, BUItKAU It'll UU.Iii'll'i.V 11? As.HKSMMKNTH AND Allltl Alis ?,? TAX.- A.NU As-Sl.s-Mi..\ l'a ? SU ni' WA PKK in.? Is.

orties "? ? in*, coli.ktos of ?*sass..triaiami Ci.tut ui·' AaagAS·. >July ti, 1881. SNotice of aale of landa and tenement· for unpaid tase* -if1871. 1873,187 _.lH7t, 1876 and 187S, .nil Croton «raterrenU of 1«70, lift 1,1873, 1873, I .71 .ml 1ST'., uinler Uteun· rtem «d All.? < anipbell, Comptroller ill tin· »'ity .I N«·«\u., rio· tinderalgui ? li. ?. in glveanubili notice, purauaulto ?be pro atioaol Uio act euiitleil '· Au act tor tin· collectionof t iiea, aaae.t.nouUand Croton wat«·» reata ut ih«· City niNe» Voik, ami t.i amend tu«· Mirerai »et. in relationthereto," ?·.ted Anni ~¡, Is 71

itiat Hu· reapt«ctfve owaeta ol all land- and to.eoi.?ite li?Hit- ? ill ol Ni-»1 \ orli on »hi. h taxes huir |.? laid und con¬firmed, mi..!.-! in the iVanlM Noe. ? to'.l luciti.ive, tor He·vein» 1871, 1873, 1873, IH74, ?87? aod 187«. und no« rein lin¬ing due and unpaid tend -i»«» the reenectlre owners ol ailla.? tenement- m tin- « Ity »if Me· ·» .irk, attuated in thenudi :i ion-1.» hi.« m * hlfht'i·« regular 1 l'ito water Kill« liai,·been laid fot th» 11 at 11870. 1871,187., 1873,1874mi«i 1876,andan- now· renmlulnn du.· un.? unpaid, »? ·¦ required io pay the »»ititut« m, ami intim «rateinut ko remaining due and ???.?? 1 tolitet lerk .·! AaaMaBlollt and Clerk Of, al bla otllre 1:?lin-Di'iu»,????.-??? ul e, in the Be« ?'milrl Houee, wit ¿theliiln.-it Ihn,.ul tin- ??. of 7 pet ceut per amili..1 pro¬vided l»y li.i|it« f ¡t. of lit«· lawn of 1881, fionI the Unie whenhe H.iine tin aim· due In the Ilute ot |iuvim lit. together withthe. cliarge >.f Ibi- notice and adverttaeinent, and if default«It.ul in- matte In inch permeai «, Mirti laudi mid tenemelili »111 he »«'Iti III public »mellen at the new».null lluilie, ill th· lllv Hull Park, In the Cltv ofNee Vorlt, on Monday, Octolier lo, 1881, si 19 o'ctock.noon, tor the iiiwe.ii torn» of yearn aI which any petenti «hallotfer lo Ut-· the mine in . niiiiiternllon of "udì aunt, the»m·.nut id tax or t rot.m eater lent, M the caie mav be, itndue and iin|i;»iil, amI Hi'· Uni, nu ai atoreeaid, Ul thetime ol talc. 10 :«llu» »III» lie- ( liaren ol Hi I-in .tie und a. I?????.??????? and all other coïts ami chargea accrued thereon,urnI that BUI h it le »ill he >" ml I miei from I Inn· In time until nilth.- inaili .ml tenement· an advertiaed for Mía .hall be aold.Km the rédemption of ani property ao aold, intoreal will beniivahl»· ui. ?·»" uinnuai I th.. ,,an lime monej at the i.iteof1 | per eeiit pet .«»umili-? olici-1· hereby further given thai u detailed M.tamenl .ifthe taxe» »nd the Croton water rento, ti,· ownership ol theproperty on which tose· ami Croton water rento ut\puni. I· punllahed in a pamphlet, and that onplea of the »aidpauinhlel are »lepoaitod in tue olilo« «d the collector of 1 Mtminienta and Clerk ol Arrear·, and win be delivered to anj por·hou a|i|ilvliiK' for tin· Mime

A. S. C.lllV,_Collector of A*.oaamenu and Clerk .,f Arre.rellliGcelluiieuiis.

DOOftS BALANCED, acoo-iits aftuatod;It |>:»y modélate. ?????p?? ?. ?. W. t.llël I'mUni uve.,Brooklyn, N. ·».

C1IIANGE OP NAME OF VESSEL.Ct'BTOH Hol'sK, Poltro»,· NSW-YOSS, )? oi.?.?· luii'h tuni ?., Angual '.:7, IHHI. )Under the Act of March '-'. issi, nini Tie.tury circular No,99 of .M, roh 19, issi, uni in oi pormi.«don graute Ibyti»«· ¡-Man liny of the lifii.auv, on the '|,|,ii, jii.,,i ofUeorge r. Buckley, through the sin icyor ai Ureenpei t, NewVork, notice - hereby given thai the nainrot the KcluioncrKelt.,n Beut, 681.01) ion-, ..ill. in number 190,199, of New·York, hi.? boon changed to Mat»cotto, ami that the t?»»ol inniiw a liai kaiiline, and ,,| 890.90 tona,

WILLIAM ?. HI »It ? IMS» >N, Colle« to»·,i UMBER POR 8ALB..Three million feetlJ infimi! ngblll aliiiTuplo I fei'l long, iilinul mie million?. ei Mwnl¡ bul.noe Mwed during the minti ?,,? purlieu-a.i.liei.·. lin.'.l.i, vV'hitby, Untano, Canadii.VOTICI·: OF ASSIGNMÊNT..Notice is Indo¬li lu glum Hint trunk W, Mo ne nid ?·*? itici-» H Muore,pari neri, trading under the uan.» ot Krank W. Moore, »u theCity of NeWHik. Beai*S County, New-.liney, have tin« «layimine an .Mlg.meni ta tite aubaur.«er ol their .tat·, tor t.eranal bouetll of thoii ore.Itera, ami thai the m»td credit«,.uniut exhibit ??p? re.ipei live ? lull»ih,tu01er ouït» or atlirinaliou,xv 11 inn the terni ol thro«· muntiti.UuUmI ? lignei U, IHSl, CIIAItl.KN II. STILI·*.'·»,49 and it LawTc.oo-aL, Newark, N.J.

pilline BÜILDINGrSIN TB! ? KW C.UMTAL Ol·' Till·: PltOVINCK op

BOBMOB AViiKs, ahui:???? ? Bki'Uhlic.The i'Oliuiilttee ?·|??G«?·,1 l»v the Hoveriiincllt ideerei· of Mayli, 1880 to eumini· iha· platinami eetimato* ol the lUoro.a-le.lllirrH, COU OH Hill»,teil« and elllf UlitelM to prt'nl'Ut |ltHUH ofUto aam·. in conformity with the tarma ami conditioui ·'HHeil in the nt.gnunine, whirl» imiv beobtain«I on aepl..I¦lion at the an.m oi Meaiar·. Frank, ?ieruan A Co., «oneraiatlvertl lug a:mill, 148 liioint wav, ut New-Vork.Thee pluni will have to Ii, delivered to lir. J.i'anln, Argen¬tili«· barai¦ »l'Affaire«, in Waaiim-tun, before the lotti of Hcn-tatnber, uhi. rI Iv.· i»rt/.o.i. of an aggregate value of BABOO frane«, »regrunted to reward the heat plan of «-ach of the live liulliiiiigHprojected, Un·, tola« »ohi of «luci» la oeliulaLtd at 4,100,000hsii.»lincili,« Ay rea, J une ?. 1 USI.

Tli»: .Tealileut ot Ihe Committee,it. LAVALLK.




Alton ,«· 1 11..Dopref.

BoHt.Air Dne.Veda) Kins.'? nti'.n Pacific.Cat, si LAMOl'annua .-????G?.·C.I ( »v mu..?????.«.'he*. <t Ohio.?? j« atrat..Dolsi uro;....

fhic. li .t y....l'in, li 1 .« PacChi* Alton...«. ÎSI )' «? ^ ().Do nref.

(.'hi ? .\ w...?? orei.

("hi. M ? su i·..De lutit.

(' .suu ,«: ?Dei. Lack ,? ««?' .t il «linai..Den * It (..¦ ?? Va oi U»Do prêt.

Han.- ,v. t'axa*.¦un e >l Jo..on ?· ,« \« t si u.Loan Island

o ?:.(.lililí ,«: .Niisat.. ? ?. a t .?-ulti saure.? ß.? i.wat.Man Itimeli.¦? A l 111 IlM IIIIlo /ti [irei_

Mei Hanwav....Mi, iiuaatrat.....1 »lille .v lai,,..Ma, imiii ?; ie»Ma .? ? a,.M'ari ?« DMaaa.Mem .vunas...Mn. i, s ,¿ ««?aau, t. ,t .si, |? J Centra;..? V ? ? 11-? 1 e.te« al«,·..* ?.?. ?·. o¿ t«Dour«;.

Nei ?',?????·..O" l'I,'!...

? ?.?? We,Nora w poi.

Armai is«jai ? losan-Bid«. s h »re«

Hid. jAflJCdl'




l(Ñj_^^^_^^^^_^^ 20(1101 >u l.'ÏVl.ii'j 11:", -..-¦»' <>

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-a-a ?.4?1 i-5B-., li'hti,BasnT^^

ib .1 eu.Ohio Boa'rn...

U «t M a....'Ilio ,V .Uiss...I'm l'a) car t uIhn ,«t lieaPeona OB ..«.KOCH ,lt I'lttA.lin .V Alleii'Vsi l'ani ?, ?Do. prof.

SI ?- ? .. dBill«! saai *'.Dolile.fin lsl art'I...

lui Dei .v iturUM .? ?'.?? Uli

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llollliHl'e «? nI.IIH, l'itts M..Ontario Min ..

--.antiurti >H u.-liti',, 1 11 ..,.·,

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i-4'e i_a

to»"¿l ??,?_ay*i una«! ¿? eWS,

«id Nh«Kl·', Wti« ·.. ,


» 5(1 ?()<)126 I.8«J 56.4??ith'H lOXv 4,'.(.."MS,4 ft«v .JO.SjKaffasi

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tiovj /·'.·> mí 'v raUnited -tai.?··. ·?? ??? V20.?????.101 '4I - 1 Keif 1'.·()73,000. ß 11.")''«

?' S 4M coup 190).115«,

26,000. ?1**4

BONDS -? ?/' .'·'¦¦» ?,? stocks.???\ ?. ? ? ? 1 -' ?' ?. > ?.

North l'ani), lei(,???| oll¡,,,? ?,? . lO'JSl.j.'Miti.!'·:>

G? ? l'.ic 1st? (ir inde div2.000 '¦'-

li',non ..... '.c-,/...».mi_ 92·«16,000 '.e.

Te ? ?·* lue 1. (iiilsio.,sia 77-.,6,000.7?«ß

N L Lake K ,tVnee ¡M OB6,000 ..... ini ?,a,OHI lui '4

l'en ? ? d 1st eoa6,000 1 1

G? ? nel W,, logiaIsis" Il a VVesl lu,.?,??) (17

'/III" .-liti Mi 1st2,000 loo

? Orleans 1'». lei6,000 M

ce aad I C lacoire2,000 .70*all'.OOO."

Boatoa il ? ? Ut6,009 71 'j

Tenneaaee Se Bea6,000 i;t\1009 ., «is Si

Ti ini· OS "Iti1 ».ih. , ,:;i

lamnoaiia coiinolI2.mai ' Sa.

N J On'.ial lut Ml'oli A-·-, ni, .14.00'· 1K1

«lice ? i) tur ui20,000.M2,000..... .','l'4

eh. - -,ml chai leili

·.'.·.tl(H) .... K.·, U,Hi st f Min ni ')OUI8.009 loi

neu smith p a Patlsl.i.ODI.lo5

st Pani ? »City : t. .112

Imi liiiHim <* W 2da.iHio SO

Mel,.'|.ol,l m I ' 2dl.ooo1,000.

(.'«liai» south u 1stfai.iunl.i'l

",,,1.1,' .lud' Ol CB Imi ( "lit 1«(

i ... ni VMliudclltf llt«rvI.009.. 199-'.on,·. 121

.-t Leale a 1 Mt 2,100.. 1 i'J·',Wabaah ·.. a M, 64

1 OHO ..101Inicio ? W'«·, M

2..IIHI ..HOMol tle.v D 1st tleli

tassi asMobile A O 2,1 del.

l'A- ?.·\·?1 In6.000 7s

12 oVt ". ? i" _"j O'CLOCK.Twinreaee ti* nf er

lote) ,i;i('G ? Im ,??

96,000 III 7ßTe·» l'ut Klo (l'ile

Invisi, ,??16,000 .....

" "V23,0 ?). '.)-' ?,',.?,?? '.cj'S,2.0?0_ .92 'à9,000 .99

le« i'.if lu I. titi'l2,000 7?\|,000 . Ts:,N Y I. g S WestNew ?? t ou?.,,,??? loi i»

Central Iowa 1st1, IMI .11.'·

(lies au,t Olilo UtSartia) itli'.inei . s.'.'.j10,000 ''n

Boaton H * 1" l«t Den ant UloUr'ii.lelO.lMIO.... 7 ',lt ,'»!···.'. l'46,099 79ll'.OOt).TS??,??? ~-'-¿

Chea «od ihm ru22,000 ,

Ivhi. I'.ielac 1 »i con2,000 Iii,''.j ? V i lie ausi ? .»? M2.000 . 107«¡ Ludo .Ili7,Noillme-t IM S.OtjO ill'··2.".?> lOTSi Ohio Centra] ¡st

1stI5.O00 I -t??. MM ! 1 1

I af Bloom «ml Muli1st?..hid 105%

dan II ls(

Mo Kan .v I.12.000 as .si

Mil .ne! si l'ani leiis M I,,.I'.«Islet,i..' ?????,?ills« ill.· ,V N«s)i

liell lU'le 0«lll.OOO '··.·

Ml A st l'un?.

?.,,??,? ],,aD l'u< collât (rust

1,000 nuts,, ' .'. ? ? I st M

raat iVeenrtf a«supplement.,i «?.?·,? lJ:t

st Louia a I en MtFull 1st

I1·; l",OtHI 110'

24 O'CUX-g r.) 3 . I..ICK.I .inliana Consul ? Mouul 1st ? tiraneae Pac 1st1,00 Il InNoi folk ? VV il M

1.,ulti 1'·7'·?Union Pacific ?.? vi

1,000 117'4' Texas Pac 1st II ? i-, l«00 HI7«

11 \ l'.i, ine ?. «».-,.??? ... 79

C C ami 1 C In 1' leiÌO.OOO 7',

Cini,. V ,V l'ex 1st1,00«.110

preferred ???.,,?,si ,¬

?', aliai Pac 1stHun J Urani h2,nun. 112

NY I. ? '. West'iiNew 2d ,s tuia!· d

1.1 H«) '.irSiNew .1 ? '.miai \.l l>

500 109Colorado Coal Be


000NJ ( eut Con \>'n

5,000 110Mil and Bt l'aul l*t

1. t ? Ha« Di«1,000 93*|C .( " lsl Sir M,.????? s.",'.,

l.o,:i-«ill(. g Naslit,, u iii.:l.',H'i' (·-,;?,'»"·?. 104 -

11,,«Ion II ami 1. 1st10,000

CLOMtHQ riUCF.s m W08TQW STOOEM.Huston, Toeediiy. .\u^. Ill), 1S«<1.

Y «»«lenta«·. Te-dar V estera«· ? ?-,lav.Water Power S«, H S, It'lcA- ?? sum,? 7.IS, SuW .1. SI V ?. V 1.'.... ~,k".ilioeloll I..1,1,1 S,"»

A B iop. let 7s 122Do, a.ei :i m: 7s 1 1011« 2d 7s.linIni. land H« ...US*·.Boa 11 a urie7« ,'o'4I·. I!. u. 4Sn .11"? (A ?.?.»G, e 1,110eul .?« iiitiftsTs ? :iiIn K'kAi l'i ri U Ut? V A s Baa 7ß. IH) S«A A G««·M It ...l.(l!'4Ho« .V: A It II. KiHi-jlins ? Me ? It la.iSl? im Hura ·.,',·· 161 «¦(h il ?????,.?. .'lui( III Siili ? t 'le, e ItitFluii A l'eu· MaiDo. proferiva

N une122 OR B I. en. un. |,(110 ? ?; ? ?.? .at ??., Mi 16 '-j14? 1.1,1 ??,in« ... 120llH'j Itilltatld pivieri·' I 2s7. Si Kutlandciai ??,· ,",?.11(1 Alloue« ? ?. ? 2 Si110 (alun.el A lie. la .-Mi.'-,119 Catalpa. ?>?ßill I ..,,,..

M '448 Si.ilino Si

... · "i'|·· »¦»<<->. ....1 l!«7g Dimoili --uveilST«¡ Franklin.MadlaonCop'·! M159 Pewabtcta'wat'ai .162 » Uiitnoy. a;<Kld.'c.silver latat.WlaOea it lt toarj.i",.,Wis (.on il K pie. oO

21 a.r>uDte101

11),.1 ?,

11 Si



6Sj2 Si



1 iIl '-jy

:t42g . I,60

OLOStHQ WBtOSeO» tfd.lL ? 0??.??? s'TO^KiK4¡>jr;e l .'«y J 111 I. ,)«v;·Hid. Asked. .

ntv n«. n*w.129l niled It lt ol NJ.l'.IOG????? ?:. It 0414 94%Banding. 31 ;u <ßI.elin.n Vallev Ul Si 9fatiiv. Issa. prof.... 69 67tuoitu'u l'as·. Com M'4 ?" ?

c ; 1.. ft, i .' .,·,·Hid. \ske4.Nnrth'n Pee, aeat. sn, -114Nol'lli'll 1 en. It if,. .'·.', G? '4l.elneti Nriv. 44'4 4 I ¦*I'.lis in«. A· Hut.. 21*a 21a.BoatonrlUe it 11... 29 9B*·1'hiUa.ud Km». 22 Si

Ti KHDAV, Alllf. 30.1'. «t.Altliough i>ric««ë for etocka to «lay generallyrea, lieti :« liiitln-r ilcviitiiiii than (lie lijitire.s of age>terdaj tetera waa 1i»hn spirit BMaattaateaL 1 'im«»·moiibbrcroi'iii'.il nearly ot)«i-thir«l of Hi«! t«ital «it HIn,m(K)hIiaics tlone in all niocIvh. TaMBS ?1??«·? atoe I. a 9M9BI »ola ware, I.ackiDvunnn. and Vest (in (G..?.400rtliarcHl, wliieli BoU at lllV#1tt|IgS>IÌ«UBl WeM-ern ITimm (??,?,???? aliaren), wind) hoKI at Bê%fJ Mt-V¦u H.NOrt, and t nion l'aeilie (82,800 nltaies). wliielinoi«! ¡it l'-i'-i'·· n L9441198?. In tin· baMBSBM af eithereventu Off rojuors of event·.·«, «-xeept » rviiewai ofthe rumor of the I r.-awnrvn intention toinak« lariro purelntnen of bond·«, the movement m the ntocka inuiicd BB«/a tone, nud eharaet«rHJ Hi·· whole market. Denver and Kio (¡rande»dock o[ienc(l at MI'S*, or °n jkt cent UajBB· than 11a>tenlay'n cloning fiu;nres, and advatuiMl t.t '.»t»^, andaliout !·<) was B9sabliab«Ml an ihe trailing ligure for theBlock, the ¡il'ti'iinion (loctnatioiin ranging from ss%tx) 80««, Hut in the last half hourof hitniueaa an onterto sci I I.OiKlnharenof the ntoek r«Mlueetl its i>nco f)tunK'.i:i4 to 88. Later .«talon wore made at, H*^, but, thentock cloM'd weak at G? per ceut Iwlow ita tirâtin n ?·. In a majority of cunee Ute renult of the day'?liuniuenn in that, if m>t lower, afjaaj n,ro no higherthan at yeaU'rtlay'n ending, ami tho markot U-hcdweak.Uovernuiout boutls were ouly uioderateiy aetive

either «t flic Stock Exchange or at the office* of r_-l-BBI »liniera. Huri· ?,-a. however, fiirthur inj.pruvetn<*nt in the quotation* for tli*· 4*, the lirai 1,-4,¦tBMB-Bf M a-lv.-uicc <»! Bj «n r ««-»it. The Lui» forth«continuisi 5* alao Man »« hi :l»-r. The marketclosed » at th»· Mlatjrt-g «ino-ati aaiKit A«.-i Hi ? Aak.I????,'?.G-' .IIS ll'lV'.s. enr «;«, lo:..i:t; **"--'¦»

C.V ".·..':».. «...IM IM1, I'.s. «nr .¡i. ; · . ! t tC. f.**, 1.117. ?«??*? US7«,' .·-. «air ,.«.:-.I'.s, ., . .¡«07.e.. I)i\ 115"*- l'.s. r·, .... IH», le'iïC.s.,-iir. ila, ita ... :.; » .... i;_a.oa_. .Va, ?«·? ·« míel.Kcui 'k 1S'.i;..H1 imo » ..:'·', 107 «.^,»The husmea»» in S ¡it«· lwmtl- in. i!,-«< of i^q.isiuna consols at H(;:S«V7 »»h1·/. a»» I laaaaaata ·'»·.. «-d,ut <>:'. ami new a1 OhVae^Lj. Cil y ki-.kwere entirely neglected.liiere woe mor*· activity in Ute ratina 1 aegtl nisr*ket than < here han heca of lai«·· ani pr<.- ?,·? »Se

¦<IH'( illative kimla followtvl air; I ·.. ¡^BBSBBBBBJfor kimlreil niiare·.. Hut the ii..·..: > ??.??,?-,1, _?? hit h s·»les were made, general . ·?«·? <>btsio·ahi*· in the late hour». l.r, - ,, à »-«Misóla Iwere dull and ?*·1? Meady a: )¦>'. ... Kij««.and th«· fumi d G·? m»I»! at '.'?1.·. MKitaaaß aad Te ? a· «e<»»ii«ls advance»! 1'¿ ?.,Bastia, Hart for«! and Kr«· Ms·.» roe·, frost ',7'.i, lu.I the l.i-t sale «¡?, at 7_. I al I r. jtl.conies after Tii'^ were ? 'neh. ? ???.?,? .·. ¡ ,v ^7H. l'InBBBoaka ami Ohé· m -¡ -, tt atH, traasattl(a.? higher al ?','?,?,',?., Imi ti it»_gdehte wen· '? hiarher at ??«;. \Kef- ? ·1?\: .,«·«! tir.-,:·* were Weak al \ìtt*u 111 '-j. ami Metí.:??.,·? atLaB.retila and N'shvillc general iiiof-gogsa n*.cnnrcilto 105· Kilv, Lake Erii· and \\. st.m m-?,?.??a ¦ era I _ higher at.huí Evan»ville im··.:Bio Grande ooaaola s,,l \ on ?, |H_ sad Bt 111seller :{<) days, G.»« ih»· in-««m«·--:7ß** to 79, and Arate oí Rio Grs -¡ M aio-teimi later -»?? ¡»t hi lihrnujlil .'.. ,/.'?'».The Mitt-Tn a-iirv to-nav I··-:Itati«

an«»·, mail·· un in acota toaaol I ur-r«i»oy gain ol Sii,111. IhU ata.,e* tu·· total lossMit«·«· 1.»m Fri.i¡t> 92.072.013. ?? cmarming sin«·»· \ <·¦.!. -rdav <!«· i\Iti- known thai all th·· aoM ;»rii «htejHOt coi.e oil! ·? 1 in· ?-M .'oldI ars ¡»t this tini«· ¡ire commanding1 m ·¦>· ? ittioiial,preiiiinm, ¡»mi out ol the -*1 *_''..· UO. -

:ir»iv»<i \e-li ulav. over (300.00(1 v. ;»· »irdecvd tobe returned in jewellers' burs, b»\koIiI at *«* iMT oatit at-taian*. Wrices lepori today'» recetóte »tí Ja-i «¦· i¡t«? for rodeuiptloii .it th»· 1>easiir\ ·¦'. Money «asin l«*ss liberal sapplj to-day, aad witB 5 pei e»m asthe lowest ra:»· ¡» largì sroi»orti«iD ol the leeaetteaeinaile al l> nei <·<·??, ami ? ?« ? ?» ;·' im alperosait plus LUI per dieta. li.« as¡l.\ » lianaste*the dome-tan exchangee ou¡m advance io :'Ou:),"i cents premium ¡»tton. lit«' l'illleil ,*-.;i ·- I l- ;i.-:iu 1 ¡Il \? ? ???.'?????ßreceived <_-31,000 la N'otioaal hank noi«·· for re-»I. iiiption ; be t-tiatoina re«tiiii - wet«· -;·?1i'«'\eiiii<· i«-«'.i) -ioti. .".?.stiegHou-,· -·;?!«·:?,«·?,? t,· aget».r'!*J7 !»)..,s ?? ; balancea ·*··;..".-'? -7"...?-, ,?! the So ? ,? -Uli «.·>. » ?

.fi..?? "?.'..' i i |ian»···. ,«. (,.,,? _' i'J . <<>?:? L.».an· t ·*·-»..

Tu«· loit-????? exc.auge· ooeliiioe du L i-nh ,.t«.hai,- a in luci ton·· ai ratee for actual ?a ?«·?-l"ws: Ê4 y.» i ai si ~,".. -fi s.{.', (, |. ,?>lu»rt sterlius îlr.iuc-; ;?.? ii·. sud 'i 4¦¦· for reicu.uaan.l -IH»·, un guilden.

In I.nini.ut. Ihiti-;? cotlMOl» were \< :»'· er, ami ti«.« ;.:i««i ta |??·? ?<nt ;<j M ;. ¡»? ? ·? :,·?««··??nt. I lie c;i. <m- foi «ver. hiirh.-r: tUai HOHt andlater »jti'ii.ali.«??»? w« re ? ?UM ?4 agaiiiNl le ni I«'.the 4e noi beitig quoted. American ra

. r, th,· i.<« quoa lut le biglier tsdyet.erda.? '-1 A ~

'.:" ???, p« .in i.iii Sfjfighl rs ue b ???·?? nu ,,? ..?." \ :writing, no retori «? ¦_ly bellioti moviHank »ti Kua.tud bad ?'>·«·.? ¡·bankers' 1*0 daj billa*at ;i' j «? ;·'? o. « ?.

rote. |u J b 3 |?·? .. »S.¦">.'_'.*>, Jini i;»t<-r I« il lo s ?.??.?: -

London la ma ÎÉ5 !_··_ traue« lo the ·.MtT-sra. W iiuUuw, I..¦ ni« ? «.N. t ··. . "heelirill«·». Lu· [>rincip.J ¡il». |vi ill |>H ? on an»1 ai tei "-egfjf-nbei 1.

J her-?? ill .'?,Atlanti«: ?·<·

caam t, ir ? >¦ »- tv r· ? .?. «stesa,tini»... . 2.(,sia lies ·4

Wheat, 'insti 144???0 240.Corn, bnali 7. "

liais, im .fi. .",.·,.«; ilit«.·, liliali. L919 224 IHK»Batear, i«u«h. t,,. ,,

l.l.tilni-1 he G·."?|.·~ ? I - up iietit.s al ami ;i

to-«ta.« «mi· as Coteawa:

It ?. ? it :. ,.

SIB ir, i.hl«... o... 1

Whc»t. · eaa, ; 19.0 a r. .·.<· ? · ;·.··,t'nlll. I' .-

.ai.-. iMtah... 64 .By« baab ?.Ban·] mo .

ToUi I) " 4<???,· follow .1. j a re tin

and frmr t, ,·,, ,^,< autl IftllwaUK«

Batear, iihi». »,«W9 ?

?????ß. ? ¦-¦

( am. bn«b ..... Ui :·-tl ~

live, ln.s·, ,K-r t . ,.- .Jl.l.MTom Baa* ;The fotloaring «tioara th·

Bpecte ? : oi Net« V afor tin· «reek en lim» Aiu:u-t .,··

nui): ?? tu· '..-.??. ?· iijiared «\itli 4|H'i'iti,ls ?? m, « HMSa t ears

197Kot the »e,·.

, «0I ?.« tonal« repoi ····; -4iota.sin, .la·· !. 224,071,764 4

COTTON ? \ ??·:) s tv 1ti«, te É ra*4 itnghut «teady Mi i.ìh...

o 'ed ? >v c,.""t' in aami ?·??.,|? ?. . · a ?, ?,?ß?, .luda, «

bei end «-ci..a. ,?. .-.«??. uvei.. Cu Mar««***«ja ?? ai,1.1 \ Klil't Vol·. *' lato |,. ¦·.L'| MulitlinC? leu ·¦ "is«!.; ,'». A".

delivery, o- c't·. a. " I.Ut.

ara« UfSaaBII«o\» Miti·;.un.· rlaUM·. A,.l.l\ni|s·, a. ? | m. UoUou l'è naje« oí UMna« un .u·!, a .· an.laVKIll't'.'l V ¦". SO. .'·:· |,. li,

la: ds ? ,,« M .·..,'··.··· Innée ?August ami s,

¡imi«, ? » -il , «In A; .aim Mat «-Insci llnfl

vi ia. Ana·. SO * a 11<\. i,nw»lid,Han;, io ¦+¦.-. ,?.,,,? Ordinar]«ni«· _·,>« balea,

i«.«).)·«na I2y·.. ix«wMirili Un«, 12... lioo.l BMiaacy, - - » -..sbatta ueaelntan. SO amala: nah·»-, ?», ?, e»tele ·.

oti.-ri qatet . Midi«·.!: 12 .· I.1 e ,?'.,.? Ordinar] . ?!¦ a ta t., ,.?.-?? Uni? µ. ? tua ·. ··' too «

Miitunn,:. , /. ^·.. Uoed»Irdtearr :«enuea>'s. ., «.,. « il ? aMid,oían, IO .....

¦till, Ills lit«. 240 lues w ,·

1..? i.-\ ? \,,.?· ? niton mitat, \l « - |, V \ ¦-¦

l.n>» d BMI Bft .'.,··¦l.t.os ?,:,,,·. .· Untali?»?·,41790 itali s saies, 1.1 ,' L,..Mr. «uni··, \ a·.: 10 ?

BMBt .;.,..,- -' lienu an i.. s i.· uoa ·; ..·¦.

MallUllIK. 1" · *b«.·« k|s,ii» toaalwfa,

.??««., \ 11 VU;.,,.» ai.tuuuA, lu·,.,t Ordinar, a1.094 bait- ·. «lora,63,444 hile·.

Ntlii',1 ?. Vin; i·nipt« .tini, s. utfKtrtaruantwusio, k. ;i. isPHILAliKU'I'l. tas· MY t Otloli uU *

Vlddiiu«. 11·,. Uoud ??-,????.?? « *balee; «alea, -,? ?item ..7>. bali «s\« t«\ «u. Vue. .(0. ou.

la)» MluUllUg. Ile. ,.?,,.? ir.tiaai *¦l,.Sr»7 baiea. ?·«!«··, saina, l.loo t ..

.4 .·*,


v » ? « ; . r .

I.IVRKis' Vu.· :i0 Pork.Pn u- ». BMiat H-.. vv'esi.TU, s:...,u- »t ;.¦.annerai, an. »short Kib. ttrm«lull a· 4.". i.l San· 'ici. m,,,,, ..Cul. dull a: ;., i4Boalter« «Bavtinoue bere IJxlra Mean. nun a,«tuli tu 92. ?_??1- erme, t» ·-

Tallow . Prime t'itv. nr.? at(lull al ??,?. It.«m Knie dm. . ·¦¦*"mon. hl.-ad. ai Und. ?'hnesn Auir .«, OB»

«? ? ai\i «>u euaa on «ali», ? ·*·*·»t.-adv at ?.?. Wheal-No. 1. While, «u ¦*Nu. ai loud.. New M'ian-r w - 'diJüa~southern «V*iuter, ??,·.«1? at ? ? M t'ora ? «·· ?. n ? ai·**»·N«w. Maeatr ai Mai BSateeaae ·· ? ..»«¦"¦?noue l.nrn Ilosin ?? nrnon, al Leale«, ar uei ai »*»¦b|,lntaruroenUna.a'. l.iil.i. dull»'

ld«httltS'l., vu*. 20. -Ke.'e.lpta ni Vv I« a) for Ihe weraiFront Allant)' pori*, Mi.dtHi t|tianeis Tì\>m PaclBe f**^:(2,taai uuaiier«. Irnui oiber aourc««, 1 >.2M· nanne«, iwi»4-.000 titiari. ?? ..,«a·LOareoa.' t«e >n ? p. m.--«menti* laaai)»*.. sea»62M |ieru,iiaii<T. fiierm imi a >n ?'**»."**1"!7 «-1 Oitiit.. Siiiiiu. rui|«-iiune"Pellai,uni ior,i..i. spini, ut Petioleunt. Ì0·»·!" .('Se·· ¦»¦rallini, ? nmiiniii ...Od Lllaieol OU X 2?..· P<* ,"*"_aeeiJVkariHiU Au« HO p. m.-H««el. Ilo I^.,J|7J3lar ixin» 1mua Meaa. «'bora*«, .'·6 j.., . ». ! li "" T?ì"^ade« ol A meri,-ai,. Baco«, 4?:. per cwt l«r ·· *·_: ^5Iddi»«. Tallow. .M». i«r.r e«rv. la»ni. .',7« p« «"**¦ ""

Aiiienean. Pork. 74. per bbl. or Pnuie M«*«.-^_UvwittKil, Auk. ,*· 12:«. j.. m. Itieta.tsl uC, F,,r"*V,rì'5,1 s.Hi ,.. cental tot New Mund Weal, ?? ?« linai. 1'k,*Aí i2fper cenia! tor A ?eratee California W lut·.· illd«-«··""

California t'luti. 10 au loa.) toi Hn« Vini, _,lJVkKlNH'U Aue ti. KnonlpU of Wlittat W "J ?^GUirtHiday» wen· 242.000 c-nlada u*ludui< 1 .-.(«¦' »mmw

AKl'waar. Au>r. .«o IVln.leuiu, 19 rraL.-a M» «'.".'¦¡îian« paie Aiueriran. w nooa'a LauM cloae«! a» i*» aaa90 oeauniea per loo kuiue.