co-cathedral saint joseph - co-cathedral of st. joseph · co-cathedral of saint joseph, brooklyng...

e Co-Cathedral of Saint Joseph October 8th, 2017 Octubre 8 de 2017 856 Pacific Street Brooklyn, NY 11238 718-638-1071 - Fax: 718-398-2410 [email protected] StJosephBrooklyn @StJoseph_BK MASS SCHEDULE HORARIO DE MISAS Sunday/Domingo 9:00am - English 10:30am - Spanish 12:000pm - English Weekdays/Días Entre Semana 8:00am - English 9:00am - Spanish OFFICE HOURS HORARIO DE OFICINA Mon-Fir/Lun-Vier: 9am - 6pm Sat-Sun/Sab-Dom: 9am-4pm Closed/Cerrada: 12pm-1pm (Lunch) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION ADORACION EUCARISTICA Friday/Viernes: 9am - 7pm NOCTURNAL ADORATION/ ADORACION NOCTURNA First Friday 9:00am - Saturday 7:00am/ Primer Viernes 9:00am - Sábado 7:00am CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Saturday/Sábado 3:00-4:00pm (or by appointment) THIS WEEK AT ST. JOSEPH´S - ESTA SEMANA EN SAN JOSÉ Sun 10/08 Arise Leaders Blessing @ every Mass. Blessing of the animals @ 1:00 PM Mon 10/09 Columbus Day – e office is closed- La oficina está cerrada Tue 10/10 Clases de Biblia con Diácono Fausto @ 7:00 PM Fri 10/13 Young Adults: eology on a Plate @ 7:00 PM – Undercroſt Sat 10/14 Congreso de Familias con Fray Nelson Medina. 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM @ Church Sun 10/15 Talk and lunch with Nelson Medina @ 1:00 PM – Undercroſt CATHEDRAL STAFF PARISH RECTOR e Reverend Monsignor Kieran E. Harrington [email protected] PAROCHIAL VICAR e Reverend Charles P. Keeney [email protected] DEACON Deacon Fausto Duran [email protected] DEACON/RCIA DIRECTOR Deacon Manuel H. Quintana [email protected] PARISH SECRETARY Ms. Clara Martinez [email protected] CCD DIRECTOR Ms. Jessica Figueroa faithformation@StJosephs - PASTORAL ASSOCIATE AND YOUNG ADULT MINISTER Mother Maria Amador, PCM [email protected] PRETEEN, YOUTH AND SENIOR CITIZEN MINISTER Sister Heidi Delgadillo, PCM [email protected] MUSIC DIRECTOR Mr. Alejandro Zuleta [email protected] THE SENSELESS VIOLENCE VIOLENCIA SIN SENTIDO primer lugar, me recuerda la fragilidad de la vida humana. Mientras observaba una lista de los que perecieron, no pude evitar pensar - ¡qué joven! También pre- guntarme acerca de cómo tal terrible mal puede arraigar en el corazón humano. Fundamentalmente, esto sólo es posible porque la dignidad y la santidad de la vida humana han sido atacadas durante generaciones. ¿Cómo podemos valorar a nuestros vecinos si no podemos ver lo sa- grado de la vida en el útero y en nuestros enfermos / ancianos? La tragedia en Las Vegas exige que oremos por las víctimas y el perpetrador. El odio y la venganza no tienen lugar en los corazones de los cris- tianos - sólo podemos decidir ser para el otro. Por desgracia, el asesino es nuestro hermano, al igual que las víctimas. De- bemos redoblar nuestros esfuerzos para elaborar leyes que, por un lado, reduzcan las oportunidades de tal insensatez y, por otro, promuevan un mayor sentido del valor de toda vida humana. Esforcémo- nos por construir una nación que acari- cie la vida. Que Dios los bendiga. Something has gone terribly awry in our country. Last year there were over 15,000 murders reported. is past week we all witnessed the senseless violence that took place in Las Vegas. First, it reminds me of the fragility of human life. As I watched a listing of those who perished, I couldn’t help but think – how young. It also prompts questions as to how such great evil can take root in the human heart. Fundamentally, this is only possible because the dignity and sanctity of human life has been under attack for generations. How can we value our neighbors if we cannot see the sacredness of life in the womb and in our infirmed/elderly? e tragedy in Las Vegas demands that we pray for the victims and the perpetrator. Hate and revenge have no place in Christians’ hearts – we can only decide to be for the other. Alas, the killer is our brother, as are the victims. We must redouble our efforts to craſt laws that on one hand reduce the opportunities for such senselessness, and on the other promote a greater sense of the value of all human life. Let’s strive to build a nation that cherishes life. May God bless you. Algo terrible ha sucedido en nuestro país. El año pasado se registraron más de 15,000 asesinatos. La semana pasa- da todos presenciamos la violencia sin sentido que tuvo lugar en Las Vegas. En Let’s strive to build a nation that cherishes life. Esforcémonos por construir una nación que acaricie la vida.

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Page 1: Co-Cathedral Saint Joseph - Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph · Co-Cathedral of Saint Joseph, Brooklyng 856 Pacific Street Brooklyn, NY 11238 718-638-1071 Ext.402 @stjosephbrooklyn

The Co-Cathedral of Saint JosephOctober 8th, 2017Octubre 8 de 2017

856 Pacific Street Brooklyn, NY 11238718-638-1071 - Fax: [email protected] StJosephBrooklyn @StJoseph_BK


Sunday/Domingo 9:00am - English 10:30am - Spanish 12:000pm - English

Weekdays/Días Entre Semana 8:00am - English 9:00am - Spanish

OFFICE HOURSHORARIO DE OFICINA Mon-Fir/Lun-Vier: 9am - 6pm Sat-Sun/Sab-Dom: 9am-4pm Closed/Cerrada: 12pm-1pm (Lunch) EUCHARISTIC ADORATIONADORACION EUCARISTICA Friday/Viernes: 9am - 7pm NOCTURNAL ADORATION/ ADORACION NOCTURNA First Friday 9:00am - Saturday 7:00am/ Primer Viernes 9:00am - Sábado 7:00am CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Saturday/Sábado 3:00-4:00pm (or by appointment)

THIS WEEK AT ST. JOSEPH´S - ESTA SEMANA EN SAN JOSÉ Sun 10/08 Arise Leaders Blessing @ every Mass. Blessing of the animals @ 1:00 PMMon 10/09 Columbus Day – The office is closed- La oficina está cerradaTue 10/10 Clases de Biblia con Diácono Fausto @ 7:00 PM Fri 10/13 Young Adults: Theology on a Plate @ 7:00 PM – UndercroftSat 10/14 Congreso de Familias con Fray Nelson Medina. 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM @ Church Sun 10/15 Talk and lunch with Nelson Medina @ 1:00 PM – Undercroft

CATHEDRAL STAFF PARISH RECTORThe Reverend Monsignor Kieran E. [email protected]

PAROCHIAL VICARThe Reverend Charles P. [email protected]

DEACONDeacon Fausto [email protected]

DEACON/RCIA DIRECTORDeacon Manuel H. [email protected]

PARISH SECRETARYMs. Clara [email protected]

CCD DIRECTORMs. Jessica Figueroafaithformation@StJosephs -


PRETEEN, YOUTH AND SENIOR CITIZEN MINISTERSister Heidi Delgadillo, PCM [email protected] DIRECTORMr. Alejandro [email protected]


primer lugar, me recuerda la fragilidad de la vida humana. Mientras observaba una lista de los que perecieron, no pude evitar pensar - ¡qué joven! También pre-guntarme acerca de cómo tal terrible mal puede arraigar en el corazón humano. Fundamentalmente, esto sólo es posible porque la dignidad y la santidad de la vida humana han sido atacadas durante generaciones. ¿Cómo podemos valorar a nuestros vecinos si no podemos ver lo sa-grado de la vida en el útero y en nuestros enfermos / ancianos? La tragedia en Las Vegas exige que oremos por las víctimas y el perpetrador. El odio y la venganza no tienen lugar en los corazones de los cris-tianos - sólo podemos decidir ser para el otro. Por desgracia, el asesino es nuestro hermano, al igual que las víctimas. De-bemos redoblar nuestros esfuerzos para elaborar leyes que, por un lado, reduzcan las oportunidades de tal insensatez y, por otro, promuevan un mayor sentido del valor de toda vida humana. Esforcémo-nos por construir una nación que acari-cie la vida. Que Dios los bendiga.

Something has gone terribly awry in our country. Last year there were over 15,000 murders reported. This past week we all witnessed the senseless violence that took place in Las Vegas. First, it reminds me of the fragility of human life. As I watched a listing of those who perished, I couldn’t help but think – how young. It also prompts questions as to how such great evil can take root in the human heart. Fundamentally, this is only possible because the dignity and sanctity of human life has been under attack for generations. How can we value our neighbors if we cannot see the sacredness of life in the womb and in our infirmed/elderly? The tragedy in Las Vegas demands that we pray for the victims and the perpetrator. Hate and revenge have no place in Christians’ hearts – we can only decide to be for the other. Alas, the killer is our brother, as are the victims. We must redouble our efforts to craft laws that on one hand reduce the opportunities for such senselessness, and on the other promote a greater sense of the value of all human life. Let’s strive to build a nation that cherishes life. May God bless you.

Algo terrible ha sucedido en nuestro país. El año pasado se registraron más de 15,000 asesinatos. La semana pasa-da todos presenciamos la violencia sin sentido que tuvo lugar en Las Vegas. En

Let’s strive to build a nation that cherishes life.

Esforcémonos por construir una nación que

acaricie la vida.

Page 2: Co-Cathedral Saint Joseph - Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph · Co-Cathedral of Saint Joseph, Brooklyng 856 Pacific Street Brooklyn, NY 11238 718-638-1071 Ext.402 @stjosephbrooklyn


First ReadingThe Lord compares the house of Israel to a vineyard. (Isaiah 5:1-7)

Responsorial PsalmThe vineyard of the Lord is the house of Israel (Psalm 80:9,12-16,19-20)

Second ReadingPaul encourages the Philippians to stay faithful to the teaching they received from him. (Philippians 4:6-9)

Gospel Reading Jesus tells the parable about the wicked tenants. (Matthew 21:33-43)

09 Monday - Lunes: Jon 1:1—2:2, 11/Lk 10:25-37

10 Thuesday - Martes: Jon 3:1-10/Lk 10:38-42

11 Wednesday – Miercoles: Jon 4:1-11/Lk 11:1-4

12 Thurday – Jueves: Mal 3:13-20b/Lk 11:5-13

13 Friday – Viernes: Jl 1:13-15; 2:1-2/Lk 11:15-26

14 Saturday - Sabado: Jl 4:12-21/Lk 11:27-28



MINISTERS / MINISTROS 9:00 Masss Helpers of St. Joseph: Tina Perryman; Mariela Shaw; Karl Arthur; and

Joseph Kwiatkowski Lectors: Nancy Martinez, 1st Reading; and Eric Ver, 2nd ReadingMisa 10:30 Ayudantes de San José: Lida Wickham; Hilda Tallez; Gabriela Zarate;

Caritina & Ignacio López; y José-Luis & Marielena Palacios Lectoras: Gloria Rodriguez, 1ª Lectura; y Norma Rodriguez, 2ª Lectura

Noon Mass Helpers of St. Joseph: Marlene Cordero Burgos; Nancy Cardinale; Ray

Cordero; and Yvonne Laborde Lectors: Anafidelia Tavares, 1st Reading; and Sue Rozinski, 2nd Reading

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle AVigésimo Séptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo A

LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lecturaEl Señor compara la casa de Israel a una viña. (Isaías 5: 1-7)

Salmo responsorialLa viña del Señor es el pueblo de Israel. (Salmo 80: 9,12-16,19-20)

Segunda LecturaPablo anima a los filipenses a per-manecer fieles a la enseñanza que recibieron de él. (Filipenses 4: 6-9)

Lectura del EvangelioJesús dice la parábola acerca de los inquilinos malvados. (Mateo 21: 33-43)

Page 3: Co-Cathedral Saint Joseph - Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph · Co-Cathedral of Saint Joseph, Brooklyng 856 Pacific Street Brooklyn, NY 11238 718-638-1071 Ext.402 @stjosephbrooklyn


Members of the ARISE/LEVANTATE/LEVE KAN-PE small faith sharing groups will join others from



Collection and Attendance/ Colecta y Asistencia:

October 1st, 2017

Mass Count Collection 9 am. 68 $634.0010 am. 196 $902.0012 pm. 220 $1,151.00

Mass Schedule/ Horario de Misas: October 15th, 2017



9:00 am - Fr. Charles Keeney

10:30 am - Monsignor Harrington

12:00 pm - Fr. Charles Keeney

Mass Intention 10/08/17• For the People of St. Joseph• En honor a nuestra Virgen De

Guadalupe• For the Canonization of Father

Bernard J. Quinn

The Faith Formation registrations

for 2017-2018 are open.

Please sign-up in person or at

We happily announce that 85 peo-ple are registered to be part of the ARISE THIRD SEASON, “In the footsteps of Christ.” Let’s pray for our brothers and sisters who are taken part of this small faith sha-ring communities so that they can grow in love, faith, and hope.



Estamos felices de anunciar que 85 personas están registradas para formar parte de la TERCERA TEMPORADA de LEVANTATE, “siguiendo las huellas de Cristo.” Oremos por nuestros hermanos y hermanas que son parte de estas pequeñas comunidades de fe para que puedan crecer en amor, fe y es-peranza.

ROCKING FOR GOD: OCTOBER 22, 2017Young Adult Volunteer Rockers

8:40 – 9:40 Felicia Elizabeth Monserratto Daniel Maricruz Lily _______9:40 - 10:40 Israel Samantha Cara Cara’s friend Marlene _______ _______10:40 - 11:40 Israel Chrstelle Dave Tania Missy Elaine _______11:40 - 12:40Dave Kathryn Denis Flora Missy _______ _______12:40 - 1:40 Gaby Emily Lisa Flora Missy Mike Efi

Thanks for the gift of rocking chairs from Jean Claude, Audrey, Rosalba, Emi-ra, Luz, and Anna!!!!!Donations and sponsorships have already come in from the following parishioners: Msgr. Ha-rrington, Agnes Harrington, Carole Fitzpatrick, Michael Kavic, Phil Reddy, Dianne Hall, Tom and Susan Rozinski, Joanne Francillon, Vistoria Carlucci, Nancy Cardinale, Vanessa Betancourt, Audrey Taitt-Hall, Gerard Quinones, Daniela Canela, Fausto Duran, Maria Montanez, Moises Reina, Blanca Figueroa, Higinio Santiago Jimenez, Karen Mowry, Annabelle Cruz, Blanca Cruz, Erin Mulligan, Jason Resse, Ramona Quinones, Lumene Monplaisir, Edith Morales, Erick Ver, and at least 5 anonymous donations! Sponsorships can be placed in the collection baskets from now through the event. Donations will be taken on the day of the event as well. Continue praying for the financial, social, and charitable success of this new event at St. Joseph’s Parish.

our Brooklyn and Queens to package meals to be sent to Burkina Faso.

Date: Monday, November 6, 2017Time: 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm or 7:00 pm to 8:00 pmLocation: Immaculate Conception Center, 7200 Douglaston Parkway, Douglas-ton, NYContact: [email protected]

Page 4: Co-Cathedral Saint Joseph - Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph · Co-Cathedral of Saint Joseph, Brooklyng 856 Pacific Street Brooklyn, NY 11238 718-638-1071 Ext.402 @stjosephbrooklyn

Family RetreatOur land will bear fruit

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The fun and deep universe of the clown will be presented in the story of a man who pursues the world in his wild and frantic race to find his place in it. His inner journey will drive us to think of loneliness, affection, friendship, love, pain and hope.

Theology on a Plate Congreso de Familias Family Retreat

ClownTheater Performance“Our Inner journey”Obra de Teatro Clown“Fragmento de un viaje”







T.13 14 15Doors openat 7:00 PM


9:00 AM a 4:00 PM


1:00 PM$5

El Congreso de Familias, “Nuestra Tierra Dará su Fruto” es una celebración de nuestra fe en medio de la alegría consoladora de la Buena Nueva, la música y el arte. Como familias hispanas vamos a estar reunidos este día profun-dizando en nuestro lla-mado, en nuestro camino hasta ahora andado y en la respuesta concreta que el Espíritu Santo nos está llamando a dar.

Este encuentro es para recibir de Dios la luz, la esperanza, la caridad y el amor necesarios para seguir como familias el camino que de la fe nos conduce al Padre.

The Family Congress, “Our Land Will Give Its Fruit” is a celebration of our faith amid the comforting joy of the Good News, music and art. As Hispanic families we will be gathering this day deepening our call, our walked journey in this particular church and the concrete response that the Holy Spirit is calling us to give.

We will receive from God the light, the hope, the charity and the love necessary to follow the path of faith that leads us to the Father.

PSALM 85, 13



Co-Cathedral of Saint Joseph, Brooklyng

856 Pacific Street Brooklyn, NY 11238 718-638-1071 Ext.402

@[email protected]

El universo divertido y profundo del clown nos presenta la historia de un hombre que persigue el mundo en su alocada y frenética carrera por hallar su sitio en él. Su viaje interior, nos lleva a pensar en la soledad, en el afecto, en la amistad, en el amor, en el dolor y en la esperanza.O

CT.14 3:30 PM

HORARIO - 14 Octubre

2:00 PM Capsula Teatral II 2:15 PM PREDICACION III. Fray Nelson Medina3:00 PM Oración Madre María3:30 PM Obra de Teatro. “Fragmento de un viaje”4:00 PM Despedida

9:00 AM Registración - Santo Rosario9:30 AM Animación y Oración10:00 AM PREDICACION I. Fray Nelson Medina10:45 AM Capsula Teatral I 11:00 AM Hora Santa12:00 PM LUNCH 1:00 PM Animación1:15 PM PREDICACION II. Fray Nelson Medina