coaching for expats and spouses

Coaching for EXPATS and SPOUSES

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Coaching  for    EXPATS  and    SPOUSES  

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What  is  missing,  so  you  could  conduct  your  LIFE  at  its  MOST?  

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What  is  Coaching?  u  Human  development  process  u  Development  of  behavior  competences  

u  It  is  not  a  therapy  –  Therapy:  past                      present  –  Coaching:  present                    future  

u  To  reach  your  goals  faster  and  with  greater  autonomy  

u  To  have  more  saJsfacJon  with  your  life  

u  Some  people  consider  it  a  “badge  of  honor”  


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In  which  areas  could  it  be  applied?  

u  Work  and  Career  u  Family  relaJonships  u  Social  relaJonships  u  Love  relaJonships  u  Health  u  Personal  finance  management  u  Spirituality  u  Intellectuality  u  Leisure  Jme  

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How  can  a  coach  help  me  with?  

u  To  reach  a  target,  a  goal  

u  To  have  a  more  interesJng,  happier  and  useful  life    

u  To  solve  an  issue  

u  To  deal  with  something  that  is  limiJng  your  life  saJsfacJon,  even  when  you’re  not  sure  what  it  is  

 u  To  get  more  self-­‐knowledge  and  self-­‐awareness  

u  To  make  a  smooth  transiJon  aQer  a  big  change  in  life  (voluntary  or  not)  

Note:  as  a  subjecJve  process,  results  cannot  be  guaranteed.  

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What  maWers    in  this  life  is  to  learn  how  to  WALK.  

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Certainly,  the  expatriaJon  has  some  glamour.  Few  are  those  who  are  job  expatriated,  which  is  a  sign  of  professional  recogniJon.    But  there  is  the  other  side  too.  There  is  some  uncertainty  in  how  to  deal  with  a  new  organizaJonal  culture  (even  within  the  same  company),  in  how  (and  if  it  is  really  needed)  to  adapt  one’s  own  leadership  style,  in  how  to  establish  new  relaJonships  and  develop  new  habits  and  behaviors.    For  the  wife  (nowadays  most  part  of  expats  are  men)  could  be  harder  than  we  acknowledge:  many  Jmes  she  leaves  her  job,  has  to  organize  everything  for  the  family  the  fastest  she  can  (house,  services,  school,  doctors,  etc),  stays  alone  the  whole  day,  does  not  have  their  friends  around  anymore  and  could  even  loose  her  own  idenJty.  

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1/3  of  expatriaJons  fail.  They  result  in  financial  and  personal  losses.  The  2  main  reasons:  inability  to  adapt  to  the  new  culture  and  incapacity  to  transform  the  new  house  into  a  home  (family  issues).  


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A  whole  new  network  support  is  needed.  The  couple  relaJonship  may  also  change.  

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Coaching  Process  

•  ExecuJve  Coaching  for  the  expat  •  Life  Coaching  for  the  spouse  •  Individual  meeJngs  only  •  MeeJngs  through  online  media  (FaceTime,  Skype,  etc)  •  ConfidenJal  •  MeeJng  duraJon:  1h  •  Process  length:  

–  ExecuJve  Coaching:  12  meeJngs  or  more  –  Life  Coaching:  from  6  months  to  2  years  

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What  can  I  expect  from  Coaching?  

u  A  sounding  board  

u  More  objecJveness  in  your  daily  performance  

u  More  asserJveness  

u  More  clarity  with  your  own  goal-­‐seang  process  

u  More  self-­‐awareness  

u  More  saJsfacJon  in  any  area  of  life  

u  To  feel  more  responsible  for  your  own  choices  

Note:  as  a  subjecJve  process,  results  cannot  be  guaranteed.  

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What  should  I  not  expect  from  Coaching?  

•  Someone  to  tell  you  what  to  do  

•  Advices  

•  To  solve  life  traumas  or  deep  psychological  issues      

•  EvaluaJon  of  life  history  

•  That  another  person  could  do  the  homework  instead  of  yourself  

•  That  Coaching  could  solve  any  and  all  issues  

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Stela  Klein  Background  EducaJon:    .  InternaJonal  Integrated  Coaching  cerJficate  (accredited  by  InternaJonal  Coaching  FederaJon  (ICF)  –  Integrated  Coaching  InsJtute  (ICI).  .  Bachelor’s  degree  in  CommunicaJon  Studies  from  Rio  de  Janeiro  Federal  University,  with  MBA  degree  in  Retail  Services  from  IBMEC  (Brazil).  .  Enneagram  -­‐  Up9  Human  Development  School  (Brazil).  .  Coaching  with  Enneagram  -­‐  Enneagram  in  Businees  (USA).      Background  experience:      .  20  years  of  experience  in  MarkeJng  /  Branding  /  CommunicaJons  in  leading  companies  such  as  Petroleo  Ipiranga,  Yum!  Brands,  Sodexo,  Whirlpool  /  Embraco),    being  a  senior  execuJve  for  10  years.  .  RepresentaJve  experience  in  people  management,  global  communicaJon  projects  and  organizaJonal  culture  change.  .  InternaJonal  experience  in  the  USA,  China,  Italy,  France,  Slovakia,  Mexico  and  Brazil.  [email protected]  

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In  life,  self-­‐knowledge    is  a  giQ  everyone  should  offer  to  oneself.