coconut oil mouth cleanse

Coconut Oil Mouth Cleanse 1. Scoop 1-2 tsp. of coconut oil into the mouth. I suggest closer to 2 tsp. Let the coconut oil melt in the mouth before you start swishing in step 2. 2. Swish oil in mouth for 20 minutes. This 20 minutes is a magic number – it is long enough to break through plaque and bacteria, but not long enough to allow re-absorption of the toxins back into your saliva glands and mouth. 3. Spit out oil into a trash can. Do not spit this out into your drain! You can clog your drains by doing so. Also, do not swallow the oil or you will literally be swallowing an oil-full load of toxins. 4. Rinse with warm water. Warm water feels better than cold water, and helps to clean the mouth better. 5. Brush your teeth well! Brush your teeth with an all-natural fluoride-free toothpaste to ensure all bacteria is killed.

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Post on 04-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Coconut Oil Mouth Cleanse

Coconut Oil Mouth Cleanse

1. Scoop 1-2 tsp. of coconut oil into the mouth. I suggest closer to 2 tsp. Let the coconut oil melt in the mouth before you start swishing in step 2.

2. Swish oil in mouth for 20 minutes. This 20 minutes is a magic number – it is long enough to break through plaque and bacteria, but not long enough to allow re-absorption of the toxins back into your saliva glands and mouth.

3. Spit out oil into a trash can. Do not spit this out into your drain! You can clog your drains by doing so. Also, do not swallow the oil or you will literally be swallowing an oil-full load of toxins.

4. Rinse with warm water. Warm water feels better than cold water, and helps to clean the mouth better.

5. Brush your teeth well! Brush your teeth with an all-natural fluoride-free toothpaste to ensure all bacteria is killed.