code of the grand chapter chapter code - 8-17-2015 final.pdfii preface 2014 edition the last five...

Code of the Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of Ohio 2014 EDITION This edition includes the Constitution Bylaws Code Uniform Code of Bylaws for Constituent Chapters Ceremonies of the Order Approved Forms Questions and Answers Index Previous Revisions October, 1932 October, 1950 October, 1961 October, 1970 October, 1991

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Page 1: Code of the Grand Chapter Chapter Code - 8-17-2015 Final.pdfii Preface 2014 Edition The last five printings of this Grand Chapter's Code were in 1932, 1950, 1961, 1970 and 1991. In


of the

Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of Ohio


This edition includes the

Constitution Bylaws Code

Uniform Code of Bylaws for Constituent Chapters Ceremonies of the


Approved Forms Questions and Answers Index

Previous Revisions

October, 1932

October, 1950

October, 1961

October, 1970

October, 1991

Page 2: Code of the Grand Chapter Chapter Code - 8-17-2015 Final.pdfii Preface 2014 Edition The last five printings of this Grand Chapter's Code were in 1932, 1950, 1961, 1970 and 1991. In


Preface 2014 Edition

The last five printings of this Grand Chapter's Code were in 1932, 1950, 1961, 1970 and 1991.

In 2014, our Grand High Priest, MEC Robert W. Thomas, tasked the Publications Committee to

incorporate all changes approved since 1991, and to prepare for printing the entire Bylaws, Code,

Uniform Code of Bylaws, Resolutions, Ceremonies and Approved Forms. MEC Thomas also tasked our

committee to carry on with the initiative begun in 2012 to have an up to date Code available on-line for

all Companions.

This collection has been completely re-indexed, and it is suggested that the index be kept in the very

back of the binder for easy access. This printing also moves several resolutions that have been

superseded by legislative enactments, or by death, to a section titled “Historical Resolutions”.

Both sides of the sheets are used for printing to reduce paper and shipping costs and the bulk of the

binder. It is hoped that this edition will be found somewhat easier to use than previous editions, and

that you will also find it convenient to use the up to date, “searchable”, electronic version of this Code,

which may be found at

Fraternally submitted,

JEFFREY L. ADDIS, Chairman, Committee on

Publications, Grand Captain Of The Host

DALE G. RAY, Jr. Grand Secretary


J. KEITH GREEN, Grand Principal Sojourner

ABRAHAM KAY, Grand Parliamentarian




Independence, Ohio October 8, 2014

Page 3: Code of the Grand Chapter Chapter Code - 8-17-2015 Final.pdfii Preface 2014 Edition The last five printings of this Grand Chapter's Code were in 1932, 1950, 1961, 1970 and 1991. In


Table of Contents

Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... ii

Constitution .................................................................................................................................................. 1

PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................................................. 1

ARTICLE 1: Name ....................................................................................................................................... 1

Section 1. Name .................................................................................................................................... 1

ARTICLE 2: Jurisdiction .............................................................................................................................. 1

Section 1. Exclusive and Final................................................................................................................ 1

ARTICLE 3: Membership ............................................................................................................................ 1

Section 1. Shall Consist of ..................................................................................................................... 1

Section 2. Representative must be a member of chapter of [sic or] lodge of Mark Masters .............. 1

Section 3. Names and Titles .................................................................................................................. 2

Section 4. In addition to the listed appointive offices .......................................................................... 2

ARTICLE 4: Eligibility of Officers ................................................................................................................ 2

Section 1. Who Eligible to Office. .......................................................................................................... 2

Section 2. Members or Officers must be in Good Standing ................................................................. 3

Section 3. Only One of First Three Grand Officers from One Chapter.................................................. 3

Section 4. Officers, How and When Chosen. ........................................................................................ 3

Section 5. When and Where Installed .................................................................................................. 3

Section 6. Obligation of Fealty to Grand Chapter, by Whom taken ..................................................... 3

Section 7. Officers Must Be Installed and Make Necessary Declaration .............................................. 3

Section 8. Installation ............................................................................................................................ 3

Section 9. Hold Office Until Successors Qualified ................................................................................. 4

Section 10. In the event of the death, resignation or removal ............................................................. 4

ARTICLE 5: Annual and Special Convocations ........................................................................................... 4

Section 1. Time and Place ..................................................................................................................... 4

Section 2. Number Necessary to Constitute Quorum .......................................................................... 4

ARTICLE 6: Powers .................................................................................................................................... 4

Section 1. Sole Government of Subordinate Bodies ............................................................................. 4

Section 2. To Grant Dispensations and Constitute New Chapters and Lodges .................................... 4

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Table of Contents

Section 3. To Prescribe Rituals .............................................................................................................. 4

Section 4. To Assess Dues and Fees ...................................................................................................... 5

Section 5. Disciplinary ........................................................................................................................... 5

ARTICLE 7: Miscellaneous Provisions as to Officers .................................................................................. 5

Section 1. Who Shall Preside ................................................................................................................ 5

Section 2. Disability of Grand High Priest ............................................................................................. 5

Section 3. Powers of Grand High Priest ................................................................................................ 5

Section 4. Other Officers ....................................................................................................................... 5

ARTICLE 8: Recognized Degrees ................................................................................................................ 6

Section 1. Recognized and Required ..................................................................................................... 6

Section 2. Degrees and Membership Fees ............................................................................................ 6

Section 3. Order of High Priesthood ..................................................................................................... 6

ARTICLE 9: Representation in Grand Chapter ........................................................................................... 6

Section 1. Representation in Grand Chapter ........................................................................................ 6

ARTICLE 10: Legislation and Repeal .......................................................................................................... 6

Section 1. Legislation, How Enacted ..................................................................................................... 6

Section 2. Amendments, How Made .................................................................................................... 7

Section 3. Constitution Effective When ................................................................................................ 7

By-Laws of the Grand Chapter ...................................................................................................................... 8

1. Grand Chapter ....................................................................................................................................... 8

3. Committees ........................................................................................................................................... 8

3.01 How and When Appointed ........................................................................................................ 8

5. Standing Committees ............................................................................................................................ 9

5.01 Committees on Masonic Jurisprudence .................................................................................... 9

5.02 Ritual Committee ...................................................................................................................... 9

5.03 Committee on Masonic Education ............................................................................................ 9

5.04 Historian .................................................................................................................................... 9

5.05 Committee Vacancies ............................................................................................................... 9

5.06 Investment Committee ............................................................................................................. 9

5.99 General Reports ...................................................................................................................... 10

7. Grand High Priest ................................................................................................................................ 10

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Table of Contents

7.01 Submission of Matters to Jurisprudence, Charters and Dispensations .................................. 10

7.02 To Grand Chapter .................................................................................................................... 10

7.03 Expense Fund .......................................................................................................................... 10

7.04 Chapter Placed on Probation; Arrest Charter; Suspend Officer ............................................. 10

9. Fraternal Correspondent and Necrologist .......................................................................................... 11

9.01 Duties of the Grand Fraternal Correspondent ........................................................................ 11

9.02 Compensation of ..................................................................................................................... 11

9.03 Shall Submit to Fraternal Correspondent ............................................................................... 11

9.04 To Necrologist ......................................................................................................................... 11

11. Grand Treasurer ................................................................................................................................ 11

11.01 Bond, Duties and Salary ...................................................................................................... 11

11.02 Where Funds to be Deposited ............................................................................................ 11

11.03. Permanent Fund ................................................................................................................. 12

13. Grand Secretary ................................................................................................................................ 12

13.01 Duties and Salary................................................................................................................. 12

13.02. Bond. The Grand Secretary ................................................................................................. 12

15. Voting ................................................................................................................................................ 13

15.01. Who Entitled to Vote in Grand Chapter and Number of Votes. ......................................... 13

15.02. When Chapter May Not Be Represented ........................................................................... 13

15.03. When and How Made ......................................................................................................... 13

15.04. Mileage and Per Diem .............................................................................................................. 13

15.99. Grand Lodge Code, .............................................................................................................. 13

17. Grand Officers ................................................................................................................................... 14

17.01. Jewels of Grand Officers and Past Grand High Priests ........................................................ 14

17.02. Material to be furnished by the Grand Officers....................................................................... 14

17.03. Communications of Grand High Priest and Grand Secretary, Chapter Officers Must Answer


17.04 Grand Representatives........................................................................................................ 14

21. Rituals ................................................................................................................................................ 15

21.01. Custody of Ritual ................................................................................................................. 15

21.02. Charter May Be Arrested for Conferring Degrees in Any Form Not Prescribed ................. 15

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Table of Contents

21.03. Unmasonic to Use Ritual Other Than as Adopted by Grand Chapter ................................. 15

21.04. Distribution of Rituals ......................................................................................................... 16

21.05. Ownership of Rituals ................................................................................................................ 16

21.06. Penalty for Disseminating Illegally ........................................................................................... 16

23. Uniform Code of By-Laws.................................................................................................................. 16

23.01. Chapter Shall Adopt. ........................................................................................................... 16

23.02. Amendment, Effective When .............................................................................................. 17

25. Chapter Inspections .......................................................................................................................... 17

25.01. State Shall Be Divided into Districts .................................................................................... 17

25.02. Duties of District Deputies Grand High Priest ..................................................................... 17

25.03. Inspections Must Be Concluded Before June 1st ................................................................ 17

25.04. Expense, How Paid .............................................................................................................. 18

27. Regulations as to Dispensations and Charters .................................................................................. 18

27.01. How Granted ....................................................................................................................... 18

27.02. Procedure at First Meeting of Chapter Under Dispensation .............................................. 19

27.03. Cannot Receive Members on Demit ................................................................................... 19

27.04. Cannot Confer Degrees ....................................................................................................... 19

27.05. Application for Recommendation ....................................................................................... 19

27.06. Alteration of Petition .......................................................................................................... 19

27.07. Right of Petitioners to Vote ................................................................................................ 19

27.08. Copies of Marks ................................................................................................................... 19

29. Charters ............................................................................................................................................. 19

29.01. Shall Contain ....................................................................................................................... 19

29.02. Chapter Not Affected by Loss of Charter ............................................................................ 19

29.03. Disposition of Records on Surrender of Charter ................................................................. 20

29.04. Charter Fee .......................................................................................................................... 20

31. Consolidation of Chapters ................................................................................................................. 20

31.01. Procedure ............................................................................................................................ 20

31.02. New Lodges of Mark Master Masons ................................................................................. 21

31.03. Procedure for surrender of Charter and Application for Limited Charter .......................... 22

33. Special Chapters ................................................................................................................................ 23

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Table of Contents

33.01. Chapter of Research ............................................................................................................ 23

33.02. Dramatic Chapter ................................................................................................................ 23

35. Grand Chapter Seal ........................................................................................................................... 24

35.01. Form of ................................................................................................................................ 24

35.02. When Used .......................................................................................................................... 24

37. Grand Chapter Awards ...................................................................................................................... 24

37.01. Distinguished Service Award ............................................................................................... 24

37.02. First Line Signers on Petitions ............................................................................................. 24

37.03. Past District Deputy Grand High Priest Jewel ..................................................................... 24

37.04. Chapter Membership Award ................................................................................................... 24

39. Rules of Order ................................................................................................................................... 25

39.01. Rules of Order .......................................................................................................................... 25

41. Amendment to By-Laws .................................................................................................................... 26

41.01 How Made ................................................................................................................................. 26

99. Schedule ............................................................................................................................................ 26

99.01 Effective When .......................................................................................................................... 26

Code of Capitular Masonic Jurisprudence .................................................................................................. 27

100. The Chapter ................................................................................................................................. 27

100.01. Shall Consist of ....................................................................................................................... 27

100.02. Convocations Defined ............................................................................................................ 27

100.03. Convocations Shall Be Held, How Many ................................................................................ 27

100.04. Election and Inspection, Notice of ......................................................................................... 27

100.05. Special, How Called ................................................................................................................ 27

100.06. Quorum .................................................................................................................................. 27

100.07. Opening and Closing .............................................................................................................. 27

100.08. Degree in Which Business Transacted ................................................................................... 27

100.09. Name and Meeting Place ....................................................................................................... 28

100.10. Public Appearance ................................................................................................................. 28

100.11. Seal ......................................................................................................................................... 28

100.12. May not Incorporate .............................................................................................................. 29

102. Officers ............................................................................................................................................ 29

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Table of Contents

102.01. Elective ................................................................................................................................... 29

102.02. Appointive .............................................................................................................................. 29

102.03. Who Eligible ........................................................................................................................... 29

102.04. When and How Elected .......................................................................................................... 29

102.05. Installation ............................................................................................................................. 30

102.06. Failure or Refusal to be Installed ........................................................................................... 31

102.08. May Not Resign, Transfer or Demit ....................................................................................... 31

102.09. Death of Officers .................................................................................................................... 31

102.10. Special Elections, How Authorized ......................................................................................... 31

102.11. Objection to Installation ........................................................................................................ 31

104. High Priest ....................................................................................................................................... 32

104.04. Charges Against ...................................................................................................................... 32

104.05. Finance Committee ................................................................................................................ 32

106. Reports and Annual Returns ........................................................................................................... 32

106.01. When Made ........................................................................................................................... 32

106.02. Contents of Annual Return .................................................................................................... 33

106.03. Penalty for Failure to Make ................................................................................................... 33

108. Fees ................................................................................................................................................. 33

108.01. Amount of and Division ......................................................................................................... 33

108.02. York Rite Festival Fee ............................................................................................................. 33

110. Dues ................................................................................................................................................ 33

110.01. Shall Be Assessed ................................................................................................................... 33

110.02. Dues. ...................................................................................................................................... 34

110.02 (a). Life Endowed Membership ........................................................................................... 34

110.03. How Fixed and Date of Payment............................................................................................ 36

110.04. May be Remitted ................................................................................................................... 36

110.05. Exemption from Payment ...................................................................................................... 36

110.06. Suspension for Non-Payment ................................................................................................ 36

110.07. Notice of Suspension ............................................................................................................. 36

110.08. Form of Notice ....................................................................................................................... 36

110.09. Restoration of Member Suspended ....................................................................................... 36

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110.10. Restoration of Member Indefinitely Suspended ................................................................... 37

110.11. Dues of Expelled or Indefinitely Suspended Member ........................................................... 37

110.12. Payment or Remission after Decease .................................................................................... 37

110.13. Prorating Thereof ................................................................................................................... 37

110.14. Grand Dues ............................................................................................................................ 37

110.14(a). Grand Dues, Amount and Payment ................................................................................... 37

112. Ballot Section Deleted. (October 3, 2002 ....................................................................................... 37

114. Petitions and Applications for Degrees or Membership ................................................................. 38

114.01. Petitions and Applications for Degrees or Membership ........................................................ 38

114.02. Qualifications of Petitioners .................................................................................................. 38

114.03. Qualifications of Applicant for Membership.......................................................................... 38

114.04. Past Master Degree Must Be Received in Chapter ................................................................ 38

114.05. Investigation and Withdrawal of Petition .............................................................................. 38

114.06. Certificate Submitted by Applicant for Membership ............................................................. 38

114.07. Where and Time Application May be Made .......................................................................... 38

114.09 What Degrees Royal Arch Mason Must Have Received ..................................................... 39

116. Objection to Candidate ................................................................................................................... 40

116.01. Effect of, on Petitioner for Degrees ....................................................................................... 40

116.02. Effect of, on Applicant for Affiliation on Demit ..................................................................... 40

116.03. How Made .............................................................................................................................. 40

116.04. Reasons for Objection ............................................................................................................ 40

116.05. By Non-Member ..................................................................................................................... 40

116.06. Shall Remain in Force, How Long ........................................................................................... 40

116.07. Removal of by Suspension or Expulsion ................................................................................ 40

116.08. Effect of Withdrawal as to Fees ............................................................................................. 40

116.09. Candidate Refusing to Receive .............................................................................................. 40

118. Petition by Rejected Candidate ...................................................................................................... 41

118.01. When to be Submitted ........................................................................................................... 41

118.02. Jurisdiction Over Rejected Candidate. ................................................................................... 41

120. Requisites for Membership ............................................................................................................. 41

120.01. Members Shall be Affiliated Master Mason .......................................................................... 41

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Table of Contents

120.02. Exception to Rule ................................................................................................................... 41

120.03. Restoration of Master Mason, Effect of ................................................................................ 41

122. Honorary Membership .................................................................................................................... 41

122.01. Honorary Membership ........................................................................................................... 41

124. Jurisdiction ...................................................................................................................................... 41

124.01. Statewide Concurrent Jurisdiction ......................................................................................... 41

124.02. Candidate Rejected May Not Petition Unless ........................................................................ 41

124.03. Waiver of Jurisdiction by Foreign Chapter ............................................................................. 42

126. Membership .................................................................................................................................... 42

126.01. Member May Withdraw, How ............................................................................................... 42

126.02. Effect of Demit ....................................................................................................................... 42

126.03 Dual/Plural Membership ......................................................................................................... 42

126.04. Transfer of Membership ........................................................................................................ 44

126.05. Who are Members of Chapter Whose Charter Has Been Revived ........................................ 44

128. General Provisions .......................................................................................................................... 44

128.01. Grievance and Trial Procedure and Practice .......................................................................... 44

128.02. Evidence Must Be Preserved One Year .................................................................................. 45

128.03. Notification of Suspension and Expulsion to Councils ........................................................... 45

130. Appeal to Grand Chapter ................................................................................................................ 45

130.01. Must Be Made Within One Year ............................................................................................ 45

132. Restoration ...................................................................................................................................... 45

132.01. Power of Restoration. ............................................................................................................ 45

132.02. Restoration of Expelled Member ........................................................................................... 45

132.03. Restoration of Members Indefinitely Suspended .................................................................. 45

132.04. Vote Shall Be By Ballot ........................................................................................................... 45

134. Amendments ................................................................................................................................... 46

134.01 How Made ............................................................................................................................... 46

199. Schedule .......................................................................................................................................... 46

199.01 Effective When ........................................................................................................................ 46

RESOLUTIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 47

Resolution: 50-Year Member Awards. ..................................................................................................... 47

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Table of Contents

Resolution: Authorize Loan of Rituals to Apollo Dramatic Chapter. ....................................................... 47

Resolution: Use of “The Word” as Ritual Banned. .................................................................................. 48

Resolution: Discontinue Membership in General Grand Chapter. .......................................................... 48

Resolution: Recognition of Grand Chapter of New South Wales. ............................................................ 48

Resolution: Recognition of Grand Chapter of Belgium. .......................................................................... 48

Resolution: Recognition of Grand Chapter of South Australia. .............................................................. 48

Resolution: High Priests May Represent Grand High Priest at Masonic Youth Functions. .................... 48

Resolution: Five-Year Limit for District Deputies Grand High Priest. ...................................................... 49

Resolution: High Priest Not To Serve More Than Three Consecutive Years. .......................................... 49

Resolution: Urge Grand York Rite Bodies to Meet in Same City. ............................................................. 49

Resolution: Each Constituent Chapter Must Exemplify all Four Degrees during Year. ....................... 49

Resolution: Recognize Grand Chapter of Newfoundland. ...................................................................... 49

Resolution: Recognize Grand Chapter of Greece. .................................................................................. 49

Resolution: Recognize Grand Chapter of Portugal. ................................................................................ 50

Resolution: Recognize Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of France. ........................................................... 50

Resolution: Recognize The Most Excellent Prince Hall Grand Chapter of Ohio Royal Arch Masons ...... 50

Resolution: Authorize a committee to form the Grand Chapter Royal Arch Foundation. ..................... 51

Resolution: Name of Distinguished Service Award. ................................................................................ 51

Resolution: To Present Uniform Audit Report at Time of Inspection. .................................................... 51

Resolution: Steven J. Oliver Honorary Past Grand High Priest. .............................................................. 52

Resolution: To Commend General Grand Chapter. ................................................................................ 52

Resolution: William L. Lear Honorary Past Grand High Priest. ............................................................... 52

Resolution: Emeritus Status – F. Raymond Sharritts. ............................................................................. 52

HISTORICAL RESOLUTIONS .......................................................................................................................... 54

Resolution: Dewey A. McClure Declared Grand Guard, Emeritus. ........................................................... 54

Resolution: Titles of Past Grand Chaplains, Guards, Marshals and Musicians. ...................................... 54

Resolution: Titles of Grand Historian and Fraternal Correspondent. ..................................................... 54

Resolution: Grant the Title of Grand Parliamentarian to Excellent Companion George Hall. ............... 54

Resolution: Emeritus Status – Robert L. Jordan. ..................................................................................... 55

Resolution: Consolidated Liability and Property Insurance. ................................................................... 55

UNIFORM CODE OF BY-LAWS ..................................................................................................................... 56

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Table of Contents

23.01 Chapter Shall Adopt. ................................................................................................................. 56

23.02 Amendment, Effective When .................................................................................................... 56

Sample Uniform Code of By-Laws ........................................................................................................... 56

Letter of Transmittal Amendments to Chapter By-Laws ........................................................................ 60

Suggested Form for “ANNUITY MEMBERSHIP FUND” Standing Resolution ........................................... 61

CEREMONIES OF THE ORDER ...................................................................................................................... 62

Installation of the Officers of the Grand Chapter ................................................................................... 62

Consecration of a New Chapter .............................................................................................................. 65

Installation of Officers of Constituent Chapters ..................................................................................... 68

Ceremonies of the Dedication of Royal Arch Apartments ...................................................................... 78

Ceremonies of Rededication for a Royal Arch Chapter .......................................................................... 83

Ceremony For Undedicating Capitular Apartments ............................................................................... 87

Questions for Past Master Degree .............................................................................................................. 88

Index............................................................................................................................................................ 90

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Constitution of the Grand Chapter

Of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio PREAMBLE

WHEREAS, this Grand Chapter recognizes the ancient usages and landmarks of

Freemasonry; that the Royal Arch Degree is the complement of the Master Mason Degree and

the completion of Ancient Craft Masonry; that God is everywhere and that God’s Temple is

wherever men meet in spirit and in truth; and,

WHEREAS, this Grand Chapter has an inherent right to formulate a Constitution and

Laws for the government of the Capitular Rite in this State;

Therefore, the Most Excellent Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio does

hereby ordain, establish and promulgate the following Constitution:

ARTICLE 1: Name Section 1. Name. This Chapter shall be known by the name and style of THE GRAND


ARTICLE 2: Jurisdiction Section 1. Exclusive and Final. This Grand Chapter shall have exclusive jurisdiction of

Capitular or Chapter Masonry in Ohio. Its Constitution, Bylaws and Code shall be supreme. All

subordinate chapters must conform to and abide by the same.

ARTICLE 3: Membership Section 1. Shall Consist ofThis Grand Chapter shall consist of its Grand Officers; Past

Grand High Priests; District Deputies Grand High Priest; Past District Deputies Grand High

Priest; the High Priest, King and Scribe of each constituent chapter under its jurisdiction, or their

duly constituted and appointed proxies, or upon the failure of such officers to attend Grand

Chapter or to appoint proxies, such companions as may be appointed by their chapter as their

representatives; Past High Priests in good standing of its constituent chapters; the Right

Worshipful Master of each constituent lodge of Mark Masters under its jurisdiction, or his duly

constituted and appointed proxy, either of whom must be a Royal Arch Companion, or upon the

failure of such officer to attend Grand Chapter or to appoint a proxy, such Royal Arch

companions as may be appointed by their Lodge of Mark Masters as their representative. No

other companions shall be members of this Grand Chapter. No Grand, or Past Grand Officers,

District Deputy Grand High Priest, Past District Deputy Grand High Priest or Past High Priest, as

such, shall be represented by proxy.

Section 2. Representative must be a member of chapter of [sic or] lodge of Mark

Masters represented. No companion shall be entitled to serve as a representative of a chapter of

Page 14: Code of the Grand Chapter Chapter Code - 8-17-2015 Final.pdfii Preface 2014 Edition The last five printings of this Grand Chapter's Code were in 1932, 1950, 1961, 1970 and 1991. In



[sic or] lodge of Mark Masters other than that of which he is a member nor shall he serve as a

representative of both a chapter and lodge of Mark Masters at the same time.


Section 3. Names and Titles. The Officers of this Grand Chapter shall consist of the

following and shall take rank in the order named:

1. Elective Officers: Grand High Priest, titled Most Excellent

Grand King, titled Right Excellent

Grand Scribe, titled Right Excellent

Grand Treasurer, titled Right Excellent

Grand Secretary, titled Right Excellent

Grand Captain of the Host, titled Right Excellent

Grand Principal Sojourner, titled Right Excellent

Grand Royal Arch Captain, titled Right Excellent

Grand Masters of the Veils, titled Right Excellent

2. Appointive Officers: Grand Chaplain, titled Right Excellent

Grand Necrologist, titled Right Excellent

Grand Guard, titled Right Excellent

Grand Marshal, titled Right Excellent

Grand Musician, titled Right Excellent

Grand Historian, titled Right Excellent

Grand Fraternal Correspondent, titled Right Excellent

Grand Parliamentarian, titled Right Excellent

All Grand Appointive Officers shall retain the title of Right Excellent following their

term of office.

Section 4. In addition to the listed appointive offices, the Grand High Priest shall be

permitted to appoint Associate or Assistants in the appointive offices, and said officers shall also

be titled Right Excellent, and shall also retain the title of Right Excellent following their term of


ARTICLE 4: Eligibility of Officers

Section 1. Who Eligible to Office. No companion shall be eligible to election or

appointment to an Elective Office in this Grand Chapter who has not been elected and installed

as High Priest of a subordinate chapter or installed High Priest of a chapter under dispensation.

All companions are eligible to be appointed to any Grand Appointive Office.

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Section 2. Members or Officers must be in Good Standing. No one shall be or

continue an officer or member of this Grand Chapter who is not a member in good standing of a

subordinate chapter of this Grand Chapter.

Section 3. Only One of First Three Grand Officers from One Chapter. Not more than

one of the first three Grand Officers to be installed shall be elected from any one chapter under

the jurisdiction of this Grand Chapter.

Section 4. Officers, How and When Chosen. The Grand High Priest, the Grand King,

the Grand Scribe, the Grand Treasurer, the Grand Secretary, the Grand Captain of the Host, the

Grand Principal Sojourner, the Grand Royal Arch Captain, and the three Grand Masters of the

Veils shall be elected by written ballot and by a majority vote of the ballots cast. The Grand

Chaplain, the Grand Guard and the Grand Marshal shall be appointed by the incoming High


The Grand Chapter officers shall be elected and appointed at each annual convocation of

this Grand Chapter.

Section 5. When and Where Installed. The Grand Officers of this Grand Chapter shall

be installed either at the convocation of the Grand Chapter at which they are chosen, or, by

authority of the Grand Chapter or Grand High Priest, within any Subordinate Chapter of this

Grand Jurisdiction, or, if any Grand Officer shall be unable to present himself for installation

within this Grand Jurisdiction, he may, by dispensation of the Grand High Priest, or by direction

of this Grand Chapter, be installed in a Grand or subordinate chapter of a sister Grand


Section 6. Obligation of Fealty to Grand Chapter, by Whom taken. The officers of

the Grand Chapter and of each subordinate chapter in this jurisdiction, before entering upon the

exercise of the functions of their respective offices, and every candidate upon his admission,

shall take an obligation to support and maintain and to obligate themselves to strict compliance

with the Constitution and Laws of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio

and the ancient landmarks, usages, customs and regulations of Freemasonry.

Section 7. Officers Must Be Installed and Make Necessary Declaration. Each Grand

Officer, previous to entering upon the duties of his office, shall be legally installed, and shall

make the following declaration: “ I, A.B., do solemnly promise, upon my honor as a Royal Arch

Mason, that, to the utmost of my knowledge and ability, I will strictly comply with the

Constitution and Laws of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio, and

with the ancient usages and landmarks of the Order.”

Section 8. Installation. Grand Officers and Subordinate Chapter Officers may be

installed either publicly or in a closed chapter convocation.

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Section 9. Hold Office Until Successors Qualified. All Grand Officers of this Grand

Chapter, when installed, shall retain their respective offices until their successors are duly elected

or appointed, qualified and installed, unless such Grand Officers are elected or appointed to other

offices and are duly installed therein.

Section 10. In the event of the death, resignation or removal of any of the Grand

Officers during the interim between annual Grand Convocations of the Grand Chapter, the Grand

High Priest shall have authority to appoint any suitable companion to fill the vacancy so caused,

and to install him into office.

ARTICLE 5: Annual and Special Convocations

Section 1. Time and Place.. This Grand Chapter shall hold one stated convocation each

year, at such time and place as may be designated by the Grand Chapter. The Grand High Priest,

or in his absence or inability to act, the Grand King, or, in his absence or inability to act, the

Grand Scribe, may call special convocations, to be held at such time and place as he may


Section 2. Number Necessary to Constitute Quorum. A representation from thirty of

the chartered chapters shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a smaller

number may meet and adjourn from day to day until a constitutional quorum be present.

ARTICLE 6: Powers

Section 1. Sole Government of Subordinate Bodies. This Grand Chapter has the sole

government and superintendence of the several Royal Arch Chapters and Lodges of Mark, Past

and Most Excellent Master Masons within the State of Ohio, with authority to settle

controversies that may happen between them, to assign their limits, to prescribe laws and

regulations for their government, to review, confirm or annul their decisions and actions.

Section 2. To Grant Dispensations and Constitute New Chapters and Lodges of

Mark Master Masons. This Grand Chapter has the power under its seal and the official

signature of the Grand High Priest, Grand King and Grand Scribe, attested by the Grand

Secretary, to issue dispensations for and constitute new Chapters of Royal Arch Masons, with the

right to open and hold Lodges of Mark, Past and Most Excellent Masters, and Lodges of Mark

Master Masons, and when expedient, revoke, suspend or annul the same.

Section 3. To Prescribe Rituals. This Grand Chapter shall have the sole power to

prescribe the rituals, including forms and ceremonies, for the conferring of all chapter degrees

and for the opening and closing of all chapter degrees by subordinate chapters of this Grand


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Section 4. To Assess Dues and Fees. This Grand Chapter may require from the

subordinate chapters such dues and fees as will at all times discharge the engagements of the

Grand Chapter.

Section 5. Disciplinary. For violation of any of its laws, this Grand Chapter may

reprimand, suspend or expel any of its members.

ARTICLE 7: Miscellaneous Provisions as to Officers Section 1. Who Shall Preside. The Grand High Priest, if present, shall preside at all

convocations of the Grand Chapter; in case of his absence, the Grand King, or Grand Scribe, in

the order here named, and in the absence of all these, the senior Past Grand High Priest present

shall fill the chair.

Section 2. Disability of Grand High Priest. In case of the death or permanent absence

or inability of the Grand High Priest, the Grand King, or in case of the death or permanent

absence or inability of both, the Grand Scribe, shall, upon installation, succeed to the office, title,

rank, powers and duties of the Grand High Priest, provided such vacancy shall occur more than

four months prior to the date fixed for the next succeeding Annual Convocation of the Grand

Chapter. If such vacancy by death, permanent absence or inability occurs less than four months

prior to the date fixed for the next Annual Convocation, then the powers and duties of his station

shall, for the time being, devolve upon the Grand King, or, in case of death, permanent absence

or inability of both, shall devolve upon the Grand Scribe. In case the death, absence or inability

of all of the first three officers of this Grand Chapter, the Junior Past Grand High Priest present

in the Jurisdiction and able to serve shall act as Grand High Priest during such time.

Section 3. Powers of Grand High Priest. The Grand High Priest shall have all such

powers and perform such duties as are provided by this constitution and the laws enacted

thereunder, together with the right to exercise all of the powers inherent in the office and

consistent with the ancient landmarks, usages, customs and regulations of Freemasonry.

Section 4. Other Officers. In addition to the constitutional officers, the Grand Chapter

may constitute such other offices as it may deem expedient for the dispatch of its business,

together with the right to exercise all of the powers inherent in the office and consistent with the

ancient landmarks, usages, customs and regulations of Freemasonry.

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ARTICLE 8: Recognized Degrees

Section 1. Recognized and Required. The degrees recognized and required by this

Grand Chapter to be conferred by its Subordinate Chapters are as follows:

Mark Master Degree,

Past Master Degree,

Most Excellent Master Degree,

Royal Arch Degree,

and they shall be conferred in the order here named.

Section 2. Degrees and Membership Fees. All fees charged for conferring degrees and

membership fees shall be provided for in the Code of this Grand Chapter. No subordinate chapter

shall donate fees or charge fees for any degrees other than as specified by the Code.

Section 3. Order of High Priesthood. Until further order of this Grand Chapter, the

Order of High Priesthood, conferred under the auspices of the Ohio Council of Anointed High

Priests, is recognized by this Grand Chapter as teaching lessons of value and importance to

Royal Arch Masons, and the membership therein of High Priests and Past High Priests of this

jurisdiction is approved and encouraged.

ARTICLE 9: Representation in Grand Chapter

Section 1. Representation in Grand Chapter. Every constituent chapter shall be

represented by its High Priest, King, and Scribe, or their proxies, and each Lodge of Mark Master Masons

by its Master or his proxy, who in either case must be a Royal Arch Mason, at each annual convocation.

Each Chapter or Lodge that is not represented by one or more of its officers, or their proxies, for three

consecutive years, or neglects for two years to pay its Grand Dues, shall be suspended from all functions

of the Grand Chapter and, unless within one year from the date of its suspension, the said Chapter or

Lodge shall discharge all arrearages or show good cause to the contrary, it shall be stricken from the rolls

of the Grand Chapter.

ARTICLE 10: Legislation and Repeal

Section 1. Legislation, How Enacted. The legislation of this Grand Chapter shall be by

enactment, amendment or revision of its Bylaws or Code. The Jurisprudence Committee shall

classify and number the sections of such legislation.

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Section 2. Amendments, How Made. This constitution may be altered or amended in

the following manner only: The proposed alteration or amendment must be offered in writing, at

an annual convocation; if seconded by a vote of one-third of the members present it shall be

entered upon its minutes until the next annual convocation, at which time the Grand High Priest

shall put the question upon its adoption, and if concurred in by the votes of two-thirds of the

members present, it shall from thenceforth be in full force and effect.

Section 3. Constitution Effective When. This constitution shall become and be in full

force and effect immediately on and after its adoption by this Grand Chapter, and all previous

constitutions, provisions thereof, amendments thereto and decisions thereunder, heretofore

adopted by this Grand Chapter and not herein contained, are hereby repealed.

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By-Laws of the Grand Chapter

of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio

1. Grand Chapter 1.01 How Opened. At the time and place appointed for the Grand Convocation, the

Grand High Priest, having satisfied himself that a constitutional quorum of the Grand Chapter is

present, shall open the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio in ample form.

3. Committees 3.01 How and When Appointed. It shall be the duty of the Grand High Priest to

appoint at least thirty days before each annual convocation of the Grand Chapter the following

committees consisting of not fewer than five companions each, to wit:

A Committee on Grievances.

A Committee on Credentials.

A Committee on Pay Roll.

A Committee on to Examine Visiting Companions.

A Committee on Unfinished Business.

A Committee on Charity.

A Committee on Subordinate Returns.

A Committee on Topical Reference.

and such other committees as he may deem necessary or as may be ordered by the Grand


There shall be a Committee on Time and Place, which shall consist of the Grand High

Priest, the Grand King, the Grand Scribe, the Grand Treasurer, the Grand Secretary and the

Chairman of the Committee on Finance.

After the time and place of the annual convocation shall have been established, any local

committee appointed to handle arrangements shall function as a subcommittee of, and under the

authority of, the said Committee on Time and Place.

The members of the first two committees, together with the Committees on

Jurisprudence, Charters and Dispensations and Finance shall meet with the Grand High Priest,

the Grand King and the Grand Secretary at the place appointed for the meeting of the Grand

Chapter on the day previous to such meeting, to examine and consider the matters that

appropriately come within the duties of such committees respectively.

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5. Standing Committees

5.01 Committees on Masonic Jurisprudence, Charters and Dispensations and

Finance. The Grand High Priest, within thirty days after his installation, shall appoint a

Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence, a Committee on Charters and Dispensations and a

Committee on Finance, each of which shall consist of not fewer than five members, whose

period of service shall continue until their successors are appointed.

5.02 Ritual Committee. There shall be a standing committee on ritual, consisting of

not fewer than five members, who shall be appointed at each Annual Convocation of this Grand

Chapter by the Grand High Priest. All matters pertaining to changes, additions, amendments,

alterations or interpretations of the said ritual shall be referred to and decided by this committee

subject to the approval of this Grand Chapter.

5.03 Committee on Masonic Education. There shall be a standing committee on

Masonic Education consisting of at least five members. At each annual convocation of this

Grand Chapter the incoming Grand High Priest shall appoint such members to this committee to

plan, supervise and oversee the educational program of this Grand Chapter.

5.04 Historian. Upon his election, the Grand High Priest shall appoint a historian of

the Grand Chapter. It shall be the duty of the historian to gather, process, annotate and otherwise

prepare for future use, all materials, documents, papers and artifacts proper to be preserved as

being of historic interest. Such materials, suitably catalogued, shall be stored at such place as the

Grand Chapter or the Grand High Priest may direct. He shall annually report to the Grand

Chapter concerning his activities and make such recommendations as seem fit. The historian

shall hold office at the pleasure of the Grand High Priest.

5.05 Committee Vacancies. Vacancies on all committees occurring in the interim

between annual convocations shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment by the Grand

High Priest.

5.06 Investment Committee. There shall be a standing committee on investments.

a. The membership of the investment committee shall be the Chairman, the Grand

Treasurer, the Grand Secretary, the Chairman of the Grand Chapter Committee on Finance, and

three at-large members. The at-large members shall be appointed or re-appointed by the Grand

High Priest, to serve staggered three year terms. The Chairman of the Investment Committee

shall be appointed or re-appointed by the Grand High Priest to serve a one year term.

b. The Investment Committee is hereby authorized, at its discretion, to invest or re-invest

any funds of the Grand Chapter in such securities as are or may be lawful investments for

fiduciaries under, and as limited by, the laws of the State of Ohio, as are now or hereafter in

effect, and in making such investments or re-investments, shall have the power of fiduciaries as

limited by such laws as are now or hereafter in effect. The Investment Committee is hereby

authorized to sell any of such investments for the purpose of re-investment, or for any other

purpose or authorized by the Grand Chapter. (Adopted October 06, 2011)

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5.99 General Reports. All Committees and officers shall report upon their activities to

the Grand Chapter or to the Grand High Priest, unless otherwise directed.

7. Grand High Priest

7.01 Submission of Matters to Jurisprudence, Charters and Dispensations and

Grievance Committees. The Grand High Priest, not less than thirty days prior to the Annual

Convocation of the Grand Chapter, shall submit all papers, conclusions, decisions or other action

taken by him in matters requiring attention of the Committees on Jurisprudence, Charters

and Dispensations and Grievance, to the respective chairmen of said committees.

7.02 To Grand Chapter. It shall be the duty of the Grand High Priest to communicate

to the Grand Chapter a statement of his official acts during the recess of the Grand Chapter,

which statement shall be in writing. He shall also give information upon subjects of Masonic

interest, and recommend such measures as he may deem expedient.

7.03 Expense Fund. The Grand High Priest of this Grand Chapter shall receive the

sum of Six Thousand dollars, ($6,000.00), to cover his expenses during his term of office.

Payments from this fund shall be in equal quarterly installments by warrant drawn on the Grand

Treasury. In cases of emergency, additional amounts may be allowed in the interim between

Convocations upon approval of at least five of the following: The members of the Committee on

Finance, the Grand Treasurer, and the Grand Secretary. (Adopted 10-09-2013)

7.04 Chapter Placed on Probation; Arrest Charter; Suspend Officer. When the

condition of any chapter is such as to endanger its own best interests or the welfare of Capitular

Freemasonry in its jurisdiction, the Grand High Priest, may in his discretion, place such chapter

under probation and appoint a committee which shall have general supervision of the work and

conduct of the affairs of the chapter. If such chapter or its officers shall fail to observe the

directions of such committee, the Grand High priest may arrest the charter of the chapter or

suspend the offending officer or officers until the next annual convocation of this Grand Chapter.

When a Chapter has deemed it in the best interest of Capitular Masonry to consolidate

said Chapter with another specified Chapter and has attempted, unsatisfactorily, to fulfill the

requirements of Section 3.01, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, Grand Chapter Bylaws, upon a majority

vote of the officers of said Chapter and the recommendation of the Charters and Dispensations

Committee, who shall have the general supervision of the work and conduct of the affairs of said

Chapter, and by approval of the Jurisprudence Committee, the Grand High Priest, may act to

consolidate the petitioning Chapter with the petitioned Chapter without delay. All other

procedures of Section 31.01, Grand Chapter By-Laws shall be applicable.

For any gross irregularity or willful violation of the law, the Grand High Priest may arrest

the charter of a chapter or suspend an officer or officers until the next annual convocation of this

Grand Chapter.

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9. Fraternal Correspondent and Necrologist

9.01 Duties of the Grand Fraternal Correspondent and of the Grand Necrologist. The Grand Fraternal Correspondent shall review all foreign communications and proceedings

submitted to him and report thereon to the Grand Chapter. The Grand Necrologist shall prepare

suitable memorials to the fraternal dead of this and other jurisdictions and report the same to the

Grand Chapter.

9.02 Compensation of The Fraternal Correspondent shall receive for his services

the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per year and the Necrologist shall receive the sum of

One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per year, which sums shall be in addition to their mileage and

per diem.

9.03 Shall Submit to Fraternal Correspondent. The Grand Secretary shall forward

all foreign communications to the Fraternal Correspondent and said Correspondent shall report

thereon at the next Annual Grand Convocation.

9.04 To Necrologist. The Grand Secretary shall forward all communications received

by him, giving information of the decease of companions in this and other Grand Jurisdictions, to

the Necrologist, and said Necrologist shall report in writing thereon at the next Annual Grand


11. Grand Treasurer 11.01 Bond, Duties and Salary. The Grand Treasurer shall before any money be paid

into his hands and within thirty days after he has been elected and installed, enter into a good and

sufficient bond, to be approved by the Grand High Priest, in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars

($10,000.00), payable to the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio, conditioned that he

shall faithfully keep all the monies and effects of the Grand Chapter; pay out no monies except

upon the warrant of the Grand High Priest, by vote of the Grand Chapter, except for ordinary

expenses which may accrue from time to time during the annual recess of the Grand Chapter

when a vote of the Grand Chapter cannot be had thereon. He shall take vouchers for every

payment made by him, keep just and sufficient books of accounts; make a full balance sheet, and

submit the same, with his books of account, to the Grand Chapter at the Annual Grand

Convocation, and pay over to his successor in office such balance as may remain in his hands as

soon as his successor has given bond, as required by the provisions of this Bylaw. The Grand

Treasurer shall annually account for all interest by him received. He shall receive for his services

the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in addition to his mileage and per diem,

and shall hold his office until his successor is elected and installed, and has given bond.

11.02 Where Funds to be Deposited. The funds of this Grand Chapter in the hands of

the Grand Treasurer shall be deposited in such bank or banks as the Grand High Priest, Grand

Treasurer, Grand Secretary and the Chairman of the Committee on Finance from time to time

shall designate.

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11.03. Permanent Fund. The surplus funds of this Grand Chapter shall be invested by

the Investment Committee, in accordance with Section 5.06 of these By-Laws. All securities,

bonds, certificates of deposit and other documents evidencing the assets and investments of this

Grand Chapter shall be placed in a safety deposit box chosen by the Grand High Priest, Grand

Secretary, Grand Treasurer, Chairman of the Committee on Finance and Chairman of the

Investment Committee; in the name of the Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons of Ohio, the key

thereto to be held by the Grand Treasurer, unless otherwise determined by the Grand Chapter.

Said safety deposit box, however, shall not be opened except in the presence of at least two of

said officers and chairmen. Provided, however, the Grand High Priest may authorize a Grand

Officer or Past Grand High Priest to act in place of one of said officers and chairmen. All monies

so invested shall be known as a permanent fund.

No withdrawal shall be made from such fund without the consent of this Grand Chapter,

but the income and interest accruing therefrom shall be deposited by the Grand Treasurer in the

General Fund. The Investment Committee shall make a detailed report of the investment and

disposition of said surplus at each annual Grand Convocation, or in the interim, to the Grand

High Priest upon his written request. (Adopted October 06, 2011)

13. Grand Secretary 13.01 Duties and Salary. The Grand Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the

proceedings of the Grand Chapter; he shall receive all monies due the Grand Chapter and pay

them over to the Grand Treasurer, when the Grand Treasurer shall have given bond as provided

by Section 11.01 of these Bylaws, and he shall take proper vouchers therefor. He shall keep

sufficient books of account, in which separate account shall be kept with each subordinate

chapter; he shall keep the seal of the Grand Chapter, and affix the same to all official documents;

he shall see that the returns of the subordinate chapters and the payment of their fees and dues be

regularly made; superintend the printing and publishing of all proceedings ordered by the Grand

Chapter, and duly forward two copies of the same to the General Grand and each of the State

Grand Chapters, and one copy to each officer of this Grand Chapter and the Grand

Representatives, and one copy to each of the subordinate chapters; he shall do and perform all

other established duties of his office and shall present his books, accounts and vouchers at the

Annual Grand Convocation for the inspection and approval of the Grand Chapter. He shall notify

each and every chapter that is or shall be delinquent, and for his services he shall receive Sixty-

seven Hundred Dollars ($6700.00) per annum, in addition to his mileage and per diem.

13.02. Bond. The Grand Secretary, within thirty days after his installation and Before

any money shall be paid into his hands, shall enter into a good and sufficient bond, to be

approved by the Grand High Priest, in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), payable to

the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio, conditioned that he shall

faithfully account for all monies and effects of the Grand Chapter that may come into his hands,

and shall otherwise faithfully perform the duties of his office.

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15. Voting 15.01. Who Entitled to Vote in Grand Chapter and Number of Votes. Members of

this Grand Chapter shall include Grand Officers; Past Grand High Priests; District Deputies

Grand High Priest; Past District Deputies Grand High Priest; the High Priest, King and Scribe of

each constituent chapter under its jurisdiction or their duly constituted and appointed proxies, or

upon the failure of such officers to attend Grand Chapter or to appoint proxies, such companions

as may be appointed by their chapter as its representatives; Past High Priests in good standing of

its constituent chapters; the Right Worshipful Master of each constituent Lodge of Mark Masters

under its jurisdiction, or his duly constituted and appointed proxy, either of whom must be a

Royal Arch Companion, or upon the failure of such officer to attend Grand Chapter or to appoint

a proxy, such Royal Arch Companions as may be appointed by their Lodge of Mark Masters as

their representative. Each of the above identified members of this Grand Chapter are entitled to

one vote in Grand Chapter, when present. No Grand or Past Grand Officer, District Deputy

Grand High Priest, Past District Deputy Grand High Priest, or Past High Priest, as such, shall be

represented by proxy. No companion shall be the proxy or the representative of any chapter of

which he is not a member. (effective October, 1992)

15.02. When Chapter May Not Be Represented. No subordinate chapter shall be

represented in the Grand Chapter while in arrears for grand dues.

15.03. When and How Made. Every resolution or motion, contemplating an

appropriation from the funds of the Grand Chapter, shall be proposed by, or referred to, some

standing committee. Before any resolution or amendments involving the expenditure of money is

passed, it shall be referred to the Committee on Finance and to such other committee or

committees as the Grand Chapter or the Grand High Priest may designate.

15.04. Mileage and Per Diem, Who Shall Receive. The superior of the first three

officers of each constituent chapter, and each chapter under dispensation, present in the Grand

Chapter, or in the absence of the High Priest, King and Scribe, their proxies in the order named

or, in the absence of all of them, the duly designated representative shall be entitled to receive

from the funds of the Grand Chapter for each day’s attendance on the Grand Chapter, fifteen

dollars, and in addition thereto he shall be paid fifteen cents per mile for traveling expenses in

going to and returning from the annual convocation of the Grand Chapter, to be estimated by the

nearest and most direct traveled route from the chapter of which he is a member; and each

Constitutional Officer, Past Grand High Priest, and each District Deputy Grand High Priest for

the current year in attendance, and Royal Arch Masons who are required to be present in Grand

Chapter, for like services, shall receive like per diem and mileage allowances. (Effective October

15, 1980)

15.99. Grand Lodge Code, Governs When. In all cases where the law of the Grand

Chapter is silent, the Code of the Grand Lodge of Ohio should, where applicable, in similar cases

be adopted and followed.

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17. Grand Officers 17.01. Jewels of Grand Officers and Past Grand High Priests. All Grand Officers’

jewels, including Past Grand High Priests’ jewels, are and shall remain the property of the Grand

Chapter. Each elected and appointed Grand Officer shall be the custodian of his jewel, for safe

keeping, and wear the same when required or proper.

Upon the advancement, resignation, removal or death of any Grand Officer or Past

Grand High Priest, his jewel shall be returned immediately to the Grand Secretary. (Effective

October, 1975)

17.02. Material to be furnished by the Grand Officers. Not later than ten days after his

election and installation each Grand Master of the First Veil shall furnish to the Grand Secretary

a photograph of himself, cabinet size and a sketch of his civil and Masonic record. The Grand

Secretary shall carefully preserve them in the permanent files of the Grand Chapter and shall add

to them from time to time such additional information as may be furnished to him.

17.03. Communications of Grand High Priest and Grand Secretary, Chapter

Officers Must Answer. Whenever the Grand High Priest or Grand Secretary fails, within a

reasonable time, to receive a reply from an officer of a chapter to a communication upon the

business of the Grand Chapter, the communication shall be once repeated and sent by certified

mail with receipt. Should no response be received within thirty days the Grand High Priest or his

proxy shall summon the chapter of the offending officer to meet him or his proxy in its Masonic

Hall to remedy the difficulty.

Should the chapter itself be at fault, the Grand High Priest may suspend said chapter until

the next Annual Convocation of this Grand Chapter.

17.04 Grand Representatives. This Grand Chapter approves and officially recognizes

the system of the exchange of Grand Representatives. The tenure of office of a Grand

Representative near the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio shall continue until his

resignation, or until his official removal by the Grand High Priest, or the withdrawal of his

commission by the Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of which he is the Grand

Representative. The absence from the annual convocation of this Grand Chapter for three consecutive

years, unless a suitable excuse therefor in writing is sent to the Grand Chapter, shall warrant the

Grand High Priest in requesting the recall of his commission by the Grand High Priest of the

Grand Chapter represented.

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21. Rituals 21.01. Custody of Ritual. The ritual prescribed by this Grand Chapter for the conferring

of the several degrees of Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master and Royal Arch

Mason, both in pen written and typewritten form, shall be in the keeping and custody of the

Grand Secretary of this Grand Chapter, and the Grand High Priest shall at all times have the right

to take possession of same for such length of time as he may desire during his term of office,

and upon so doing shall receipt for same to the Grand Secretary; and any retiring Grand High

Priest having said ritual in his possession at the expiration of his term shall immediately turn

over said ritual to the Grand Secretary, taking his receipt therefor. And the remaining Grand

Officers of this Grand Chapter shall at all times have the right to consult said ritual while same

may be in the custody of either the Grand High Priest or the Grand Secretary. Said ritual shall

not be taken out of the possession of either the Grand High Priest or the Grand Secretary except

by the Ritual Committee, for its uses and purposes, when needed by said committee, and the

chairman of said committee shall execute proper receipt therefor.

One, and only one, photocopy of the typewritten ritual may be permitted to exist. This

photocopy shall be in the custody of the Grand Secretary, and it shall be bound separately for

each Degree, making four books in all. These typewritten copies may be loaned only to a Grand

Officer or to a District Deputy Grand High Priest for examination or instruction purposes at

District Schools, etc., and that Grand Officer or District Deputy is personally responsible for the

Ritual. Only under very unusual circumstances should more than one degree be loaned to the

same individual at a time. The Ritual must be transported to and from the Grand Secretary’s

office either in person or by Certified Mail with Receipt, and must be returned to the Grand

Secretary’s office the next day after its use.

21.02. Charter May Be Arrested for Conferring Degrees in Any Form Not

Prescribed By the Ritual. When any subordinate chapter under the jurisdiction of this Grand

Chapter shall permit the conferring of any of the several degrees in any other manner or form

than that prescribed in the ritual and regulations of this Grand Chapter, the Grand High Priest

shall, upon receiving satisfactory information of such conduct, immediately arrest the charter of

said chapter and hold same until the next annual convocation of this Grand Chapter for its final

decision and determination of the case. Provided, however, upon the issuance of dispensations by

the Grand High Priest of this Grand Chapter and the Grand High Priest of any Grand Chapter

recognized by this Grand Chapter, any of the several degrees may be conferred upon candidates

of any constituent chapter of this Grand Chapter at an official visitation of or to a constituent

Chapter of such foreign Grand Chapter, provided further that such degree or degrees are

conferred in the manner and form prescribed in the ritual and regulations of such foreign


21.03. Unmasonic to Use Ritual Other Than as Adopted by Grand Chapter. It shall

be unmasonic for any companion of this grand jurisdiction to use any manual or ritual in

conferring any degree or degrees in any subordinate chapter in this jurisdiction other than as

prescribed in the ritual adopted by this Grand Chapter.

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21.04. Distribution of Rituals. Four (4) copies of the complete ritual containing the

Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master and Royal Arch degrees shall be issued to the

High Priest of each constituent chapter and sixteen (16) additional copies thereof may be issued

to each chapter upon the payment of Ten Dollars ($10.00) each, to the Grand Secretary. Once

issued, these rituals become the property of the chapter. One (1) copy of such complete ritual

shall be issued to each Grand Officer, Past Grand Officer and District Deputy Grand High Priest.

The Grand Secretary, in his discretion with the approval of the Grand High Priest and the

chairman of the Ritual Committee, upon application of the General Grand Secretary of the

General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, International, or the Grand Secretary of any

Grand Chapter with which this Grand Chapter is in fraternal relation, may loan to such General

Grand Chapter, International or Grand Chapter copies of such ritual and upon such loan and

thereafter not less frequently than annually, the Grand Secretary shall require written receipt

therefor and may require the surrender of rituals so loaned when he shall deem such action

expedient or when he shall be directed so to do by the Grand High Priest. A copy of this section

shall be pasted on each copy of the Ritual so loaned.

Four (4) copies of the ritual for the Mark Master and the Past Master Degrees only, shall

be issued to each chartered lodge of Mark Master Masons and eight (8) additional copies may be

issued to each chartered lodge upon the payment of Five Dollars ($5.00) each to the Grand

Secretary. Once issued, these rituals become the property of the Mark Master lodge.

The authorized ritual as adopted and published by the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch

Masons of Ohio may be purchased through the Grand Secretary’s office by a member of the

Grand Chapter of Ohio for a sum to be determined by the Grand High Priest, Grand Secretary

and the Ritual Committee. These rituals become the property of the purchaser. Purchased,

authorized rituals will not be revised, exchanged or replaced by this Grand Chapter when

changes occur or are made by the Ritual Committee. All replacements will be the responsibility

of the member who purchased his ritual. (Adopted October 8, 2003)

21.05. Ownership of Rituals. The authorized rituals as adopted, published, loaned or

purchased from this Grand Chapter and distributed as provided in Section 21.04 hereof, shall

remain the property of this Grand Chapter in the case of those loaned to Grand Officers, Past

Grand Officers and District Deputies Grand High Priest or other Grand Chapters or the General

Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, International. Rituals issued to chapters or Mark Master

lodges shall be their property and may be replaced as needed by payment of the fee then in

effect. (Adopted October 8, 2003)

21.06. Penalty for Disseminating Illegally. Any companion who shall disseminate the

ritual contrary to the usages of Masonry, the laws of the Grand Chapter, or the discretion of the

Grand High Priest shall be subject to Masonic discipline, and if a High Priest of a chapter, or an

officer of the Grand Chapter, shall be deposed from office by the Grand High Priest.

23. Uniform Code of By-Laws 23.01. Chapter Shall Adopt. All Chapters in the jurisdiction shall adopt anew the

Uniform Code of By-Laws prescribed for the use of subordinate chapters; but the chapters may

adopt such additional Bylaws as their necessities may require, if the By-Laws are in conformity

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with the laws of Capitular Masonry. The Grand High Priest may approve the adoption of such

Uniform Code, and subsequent amendments thereto, without reference to the Grand Chapter. No

resolution having the effect of a By-Law shall be adopted by a subordinate chapter. Further

provided that all changes in Chapter By-Laws, authorized by action of the Grand Chapter, shall

be effective immediately with no further action required of the Constituent Chapter except that of

bringing their By-Laws into conformity with the newly adopted changes.

On and after October 10, 1983, the adoption by a constituent Chapter of the full Uniform

Code of By-Laws containing no provisions other than those specifically set out in the Uniform

Code of By-Laws need not be submitted to the Grand High Priest for approval but shall become

effective immediately upon adoption by the said constituent Chapter.

23.02. Amendment, Effective When. Amendments of the By-Laws of a subordinate

chapter; (1) fixing the time of convocation, (2) amount of annual dues, and (3) amount of fees for

degrees or for membership, when not less than the minimum annual dues or the minimum fees

permissible under the Code of the Grand Chapter, shall become effective upon approval by the

constituent Chapter without further action by the Grand High Priest. Any other By-Laws which

conform with the uniform Code shall become effective upon approval by the Grand High Priest.

All other By-Laws shall become effective, if and when approved by the Grand High Priest with

the advice, consent and approval of the Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence, and shall remain

in effect unless thereafter disapproved or modified by the Grand Chapter. (Revised October


25. Chapter Inspections 25.01. State Shall Be Divided into Districts. The Grand High Priest shall, as soon as

practicable after his installation, divide the state into districts for the purpose of the annual

inspection of subordinate chapters, and shall place each district under the supervision of a

companion who shall have regularly attained the title of Excellent, and who shall be known as

District Deputy Grand High Priest, titled Right Excellent and who, as such shall have the right,

in emergency, to appoint a suitable companion or companions to act for him. The Grand High

Priest may, if he deems it expedient, appoint additional District Deputies Grand High Priest for

any district. All District Deputies Grand High Priest so appointed shall have equal powers and

authority subject to any limitation set by the Grand High Priest. Provided, however, that the

Grand High Priest may, for good cause, suspend the operation of this section during his term of

office. A Past District Deputy Grand High Priest shall retain the title of Right Excellent.

25.02. Duties of District Deputies Grand High Priest . The duties of a District Deputy

Grand High Priest shall be officially to visit each chapter in his district and make such inspection

and report as the Grand High Priest may require and such other duties as the Grand High Priest

or the Grand Chapter may from to time require.

25.03. Inspections Must Be Concluded Before June 1st. The High Priests and District

Deputies Grand High Priest shall conclude all inspections before the first day of June each year

unless the Grand High Priest, for good cause, extends the time.

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25.04. Expense, How Paid. The necessary expense of inspections and visitations shall

be paid from the treasury of the Grand Chapter upon approval of the Grand High Priest.

27. Regulations as to Dispensations and Charters 27.01. How Granted. No dispensation for the institution of a new chapter shall be

granted except upon the petition of twenty-seven or more Royal Arch Masons, which petition

shall be prepared in duplicate, and filed with the Grand Secretary, and shall be accompanied by a

certificate from the chartered chapter nearest the place where the new chapter is intended to be

opened, vouching for the moral character and Masonic ability of the petitioners, and

recommending that dispensation be granted them.

The Grand Secretary shall forthwith transmit one of said petitions to the chairman of the

Committee on Charters and Dispensations, which committee shall make a thorough investigation

of the proposed place of meeting, the necessity and advisability of establishing a new chapter as

applied for, and submit its report and recommendation at the next annual convocation of the

Grand Chapter.

Provided, however, if said petition for dispensation be filed with the Grand Secretary,

more than ninety days prior to the annual convocation of the Grand Chapter, a copy of such

petition shall forthwith be transmitted to the Grand High Priest and to the chairman of the

Committee on Charters and Dispensations and the report and recommendations of the Committee

on Charters and Dispensations shall within twenty days after receipt of said petition by the

chairman of the committee be submitted to the Grand High Priest, and, if such recommendations

be favorable, the Grand High Priest may, in his discretion, issue such dispensation, and shall

report his action with reference thereto to the Grand Chapter at the next ensuing annual

convocation for such action as it may deem proper.

Petitioners for a new chapter who are members of any Ohio chapter in good standing,

shall not be required to file demits with the application for the new chapter, but all other

petitioners shall be required to do so.

In case a charter shall be refused said proposed chapter by the Grand Chapter, all demits

which were filed with the application shall be returned by the Grand Secretary to the companions

by whom they were filed, and all other of the petitioners shall be restored to full membership in

their respective chapters without further action; and in such case the Grand Secretary shall issue

to any brother or companions who has received all or part of the degrees in said chapter while

under dispensation a certificate of that fact, which certificate shall have the same force and effect

as a demit in case said brother or companion desires to affiliate with any regularly constituted

chapter in this jurisdiction.

In case any of the applicants for the dispensation are members of any Ohio chapter other

than the consenting chapters, the Grand Secretary shall notify the chapter of which he is a

member, of the fact of his having signed said application.

After the issue of the dispensation for a new chapter, the rights and duties of its members

shall be the same as those of members of regularly constituted chapters, except that the

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petitioners who are members of other Ohio chapters at the time of signing the petition shall, until

said proposed new chapter has been duly constituted, continue to be liable to said former

chapters for the amount of their annual dues of each for the fraction of the year the member was

a companion thereof.

27.02. Procedure at First Meeting of Chapter Under Dispensation. The companions

named in the dispensation shall meet, the dispensation shall be read, and the officers named in it

shall appoint from among the petitioners a Captain of the Host, Principal Sojourner, Royal Arch

Captain, three Masters of the Veils, a Treasurer, Secretary, Guard, and a Chaplain. A chapter

shall then be opened. The first business shall be the adoption of a Code of Bylaws. It may then

proceed with the work in conformity with the laws and usages of the order.

27.03. Cannot Receive Members on Demit. A chapter under dispensation cannot

receive members on demit.

27.04. Cannot Confer Degrees. When a chapter under dispensation cannot, after the

annual meeting of the Grand Chapter at which a charter was granted to said chapter, proceed to

confer degrees until the chapter is constituted and its officers installed, unless specifically

authorized by the Grand Chapter or Grand High Priest.

27.05. Application for Recommendation. All applications to a chapter for its

recommendation for the establishment of a new chapter shall be presented in writing at a stated

convocation and lie over to the next stated convocation when a vote on the question may be had.

27.06. Alteration of Petition. After the recommendation for the formation of a new

chapter has been given by the nearest chartered chapter, the petition therefor cannot be altered by

adding to or striking therefrom the names of petitioners.

27.07. Right of Petitioners to Vote. A member of a chapter, although he is one of the

petitioners for a new chapter, shall have the right to vote on the question of giving the

recommendation of his chapter to the establishment of such new chapter. 27.08. Copies of Marks. Copies of marks of petitioning companions need not

accompany petitions for new chapters. However, before a charter for such new chapter shall be

granted by the Grand Chapter, certificates of the High Priests and secretaries, under seal, of the

various chapters of which the petitioning companions are members, shall be filed with the Grand

Secretary, showing that the requirements of selecting and registering the companion’s marks,

have been complied with.

29. Charters 29.01. Shall Contain. Charters hereafter issued to chapters working under dispensation

shall contain the names as charter members of all candidates exalted in the chapter while under

dispensation as well as the names of the original petitioners.

29.02. Chapter Not Affected by Loss of Charter. A chapter chartered and constituted

under the Grand Chapter of Ohio shall not lose its authority as such by the loss or accidental

destruction of its charter.

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29.03. Disposition of Records on Surrender of Charter. When the charter of a

subordinate chapter shall be surrendered or forfeited, the charter, records, and all other property

of such chapter, appropriate for Masonic purposes only, shall be vested in the Grand Chapter and

be at its disposal.

29.04. Charter Fee. The fee for instituting a new chapter shall be one hundred dollars,

which fee shall accompany the application, but should a charter not be granted at the next annual

convocation of the Grand Chapter, nor the dispensation continued, the fees shall be returned to

the petitioners, excepting such part thereof as shall have been expended by reason of their


31. Consolidation of Chapters 31.01. Procedure. Whenever the majority of the members resident within the

jurisdiction of any chapter shall sign a written declaration that they deem it for the best interest

of Capitular Masonry to consolidate said chapter with another specified chapter and shall present

the same at a stated convocation of their own chapter, the High Priest shall thereupon cause the

same to be read in open chapter, to be entered on its records and a written notice of such

proposed consolidation to be mailed to all members, to the Grand High Priest, to the District

Deputy Grand High Priest, to the Regional Officer assigned to that Chapter, To the Chairman of

the Committee on Charters and Dispensations, and to the Grand Secretary. (Amended October 3,


Such declaration shall be read at each stated convocation thereafter until acted upon and

if approved by a vote of three-fourths of the members present at such stated convocation at

which it is acted upon, it shall be deemed adopted. Such vote shall be by ballot.

If such proposition is so adopted the Secretary of such chapter shall at once transmit to

the chapter with which a consolidation is so proposed, the original declaration and a certified

copy of the proceedings of his chapter thereon, together with an invoice of the property and

effects thereof, and a list of the members. If any of the above procedures cannot be accomplished

within a reasonable length of time, the Grand High Priest may, in his discretion, pursuant to

Section 7.04, Grand Chapter Bylaws, consolidate said petitioning Chapter without delay.

Upon receipt of said papers by the chapter with which said consolidation is proposed, the

High Priest shall cause the same to be read in open chapter at its next stated convocation and

entered upon its records. A stated convocation shall thereupon be fixed, which shall not be

earlier than the second convocation thereafter, at which action upon such proposition shall be

taken, unless the matter be laid over by the vote of the chapter until some particular future stated

convocation. At the stated convocation so fixed action shall be taken by ballot and if approved

by a vote of three-fourths of the members present, the proposition to consolidate shall be deemed

agreed upon by such chapter.

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If the proposition is so agreed upon by such chapter, the Secretary thereof shall forthwith

forward to the Grand Secretary certified copies of the proceedings of each of such chapters

relative to the proposed consolidation. If the Grand High Priest, after submission to and approval

by the Jurisprudence Committee, approves such a proposed consolidation, the chapters so

desiring consolidation shall, from and after such approval, be deemed and held to be one chapter,

existing under the charter and governed by the By-Laws of the chapter so petitioned. The

members of the petitioning chapter shall become members of the chapter petitioned and all

property of the petitioning chapter shall become the property of the chapter petitioned and the

title thereto shall be vested in the chapter petitioned, provided however, that the transfer of the

title to real estate shall be made by deed properly executed by the petitioning chapter for the

transfer of the same before such consolidation becomes effective, and the territory within the

jurisdiction of the petitioning chapter shall be treated the same as if such petitioning chapter had

surrendered its charter.

It is hereby further provided that all chapters which have heretofore taken proceedings for

consolidation in other forms than provided herein shall be deemed consolidated upon approval of

the Grand High Priest and the Jurisprudence Committee. (Amended October 8, 1980)

31.02. New Lodges of Mark Master Masons. A petition for the institution of a Lodge

of Mark Masters shall be signed in duplicate by at least eighteen Royal Arch Masons and filed in

the office of the Grand Secretary. It shall be accompanied by a certificate from the Chapter

nearest the place where the Lodge is intended to be opened, vouching for the moral character and

Masonic ability of the petitioners, and recommending that a dispensation be granted to them. The

procedure to be followed thereafter shall be that established in Sections 27.01 and 31.01

inclusive, except Sections 27.06 and 29.04, of the Bylaws of the Grand Chapter so far as

applicable. The charter fee for a new Lodge of Mark Masters, not previously chartered, shall be

fifty dollars ($50.00) which shall accompany the application, and shall be returned to the

petitioners if a charter is denied. (Amended October 7, 1981)

a. The officers of Lodge of Mark Masters shall be the same as those in a Lodge working

in a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons except that the Bylaws may provide for the appointment of

the Overseers and the Tyler, and such other officers as desired. The Ritual shall be the same as

that now used in constituent chapters.

b. Should such Mark Lodge ultimately change to a Royal Arch Chapter, it would pay as a

charter fee the difference between the amount charged for a Mark Lodge charter and that charged

for a Royal Arch Chapter.

c. The minimum fee to be charged by a Lodge of Mark Masters shall be ten dollars

($10.00), and the minimum dues shall be three ($3.00). The annual dues to be paid by such

Lodges to the Grand Chapter shall be two dollars ($2.00) for each member who is not a member

in good standing of a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of this grand jurisdiction, which shall be

divided as provided for in Section 110.14 of the Code. No dues to the Grand Chapter shall be

paid by a Lodge of Mark Masters for a member who is also a member in good standing of a

Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of this grand jurisdiction. Each Lodge shall be entitled to

representation at the Annual Convocations of the Grand Chapter by its Right Worshipful Master,

or his proxy, either of whom must be a Royal Arch Mason, and shall be entitled to one vote, and

shall receive the same per diem and mileage as delegates from constituent Chapters of Royal

Arch Masons.

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d. Membership in a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons shall be by petition and a favorable

ballot. The fee to be charged to be that stated in the Chapter Bylaws for the Most Excellent

Master and Royal Arch Degrees, if the petitioner is a member of a Lodge of Mark Masters.

e. The fee for each new member “Marked” shall be one dollar ($1.00) payable with the

Annual Return to the Grand Chapter.

f. Constituent chapters shall include in their Bylaws a provision to accept petitions for

degrees from members of Mark Master Lodges which are either chartered or recognized by the

Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio.

g. At the discretion of the Grand High Priest any Lodge of Mark Masters, capable of

doing so, can be granted authority to confer the Past Master degree.

h. No companion shall serve as Right Worshipful Master of a Mark Lodge while serving

as High Priest, King or Scribe of a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons.

i. Any Royal Arch Mason may petition for and upon favorable ballot become a member

of a Lodge of Mark Masters without losing his status, prerogatives or rights as a Royal Arch

Mason and without losing his membership in a Royal Arch Chapter. Any Mark Master Mason

advanced in a Lodge of Mark Masters may petition for and upon favorable ballot and receiving

the necessary degrees, become a member of a Royal Arch Chapter without losing his

membership or right Mark Lodge.

j. All requirements, prohibitions, restrictions, etc. which apply to Royal Arch Chapters

and companions thereof, whether by the Constitution, Bylaws or Code of this Grand Chapter, or

by the Constitution, Laws or edicts of the Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio,

shall, when appropriate, apply equally to Lodges of Mark Masters and brethren thereof.

31.03. Procedure for surrender of Charter and Application for Limited Charter.

Whenever a majority of the resident members of a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons shall sign a

written declaration that they deem it for the best interest of Capitular Masonry to surrender their

existing charter and accept in lieu thereof a limited charter as a Lodge of Mark Masters, and shall

present the same at a stated convocation of their Chapter, the High Priest shall thereupon cause

the same to be read in open Chapter, to be entered on its records, and a copy thereof mailed to all

members. Such declaration shall be read at each stated convocation thereafter until acted upon.

Action shall be taken by written ballot and, if three-fourths of the members present shall vote in

favor thereof, it shall be deemed adopted. If such proposition is so adopted, the Secretary of such

Chapter shall at once transmit to the Grand Secretary the original declaration and a certified copy

of the proceedings of the Chapter thereon. The Grand Secretary shall cause two copies of the

documents to be prepared, file the originals in his office and send one copy to the Grand High

Priest, and one copy to the Chairman of the Charters and Dispensations Committee. The charter

fee for a previously chartered Chapter converting to a limited charter shall be Twenty Five

Dollars ($25.00), which shall accompany the transcript filed with the Grand Secretary, but

returned if the application is denied.

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The Committee on Charters and Dispensations shall make a thorough investigation of the

desirability of the action requested by the Chapter and submit its report and recommendation at

the next Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter. In the meantime, until action is taken by the

Grand Chapter, the local Chapter shall continue to operate under its existing charter. If and when

the Grand Chapter approves the request, the existing charter shall be deemed surrendered and a

new, limited charter shall be issued.

All property and cash assets in possession of the Chapter relinquishing its charter and

accepting a charter as a Lodge of Mark Masters shall be transferred to and become the property

of said Lodge.

The officers of such Lodge of Mark Masters shall be the same as outlined in Section

31.02, as shall the grand dues and fees, petition fees, dues, representation at Grand Chapter, etc.

33. Special Chapters 33.01. Chapter of Research. Notwithstanding any provisions of the Constitution,

Bylaws and Code of this Grand Chapter, a dispensation or charter may be granted under its seal

and the official signature of the Grand High Priest, Grand King and Grand Scribe, attested by the

Grand Secretary, for a Chapter to be known as the Chapter of Research, which chapter shall be

organized and shall function solely for the purpose of Masonic study and research. The Chapter

shall have the right to determine the number, classes and qualifications of its members, who shall

be members in good standing of recognized Chapters of Royal Arch Masons, or any organization

recognized as Masonic by the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio, its fees and

dues, its convocations and meeting places. These shall not, however, be fewer than three stated

convocations each year. It may by its Bylaws, provide for such other matters as may be

necessary for its government and operation. Such Bylaws shall be approved by the Grand

Chapter, or in the interim between convocations, by the Grand High Priest and the Committee on

Jurisprudence. No fees for dispensation or charter nor grand fees or dues shall be chargeable to

such chapter. But it shall make annual returns in such form as the Grand Secretary shall provide.

It shall not have the power to confer degrees. Membership in said chapter shall not be construed

to constitute dual membership.

33.02. Dramatic Chapter. Notwithstanding any provision of the Constitution or

enactments thereunder of this Grand Chapter, a proper and valid dispensation or charter may be

granted a constitutional number of companions, all of whom are and must remain, members in

good standing of Chapters of Royal Arch Masons recognized by this Grand Chapter, to be

known by such name as shall be approved by the Grand High Priest, which Chapter shall be

organized and shall function solely to study and implement the application of the dramatic arts to

ritual conferral or such other matters as the Grand High Priest or the Grand Chapter from time to

time refer to it. It shall have the right to organize itself and its members in such form as in its

judgment may be most appropriate to its purpose, provided however, that that form must

conform to Capitular usage and Masonic propriety. It shall be the sole judge of the qualifications

of its members, other than those above provided. It shall hold not less than three stated

convocations per year. Its Bylaws and amendments thereto shall be effective only on approval of

the Grand High Priest. No fees for dispensation or charter shall be chargeable to such Chapter,

but it shall make annual returns in such form as the Grand Secretary may require.

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It shall not have the power to initiate candidates, but may confer degrees in and at the

request of other Chapters. Membership in said Chapter shall not constitute dual membership

within the meaning of this Code.

35. Grand Chapter Seal 35.01. Form of. The seal of the Grand Chapter of Ohio shall consist of a circular shield,

having two outer plain circles and an inner beaded circle. Between the beaded circle and inner

circle of outer circles shall be inscribed the words, “GRAND R. A. CHAPTER STATE OF

OHIO.” Within the beaded circle shall be inscribed an Ark of the Covenant.

35.02. When Used. The Grand Chapter seal shall be affixed by the Grand Secretary to

all dispensations and charters granted by this Grand Chapter and to all other official

communications issued in behalf of this Grand Chapter

37. Grand Chapter Awards 37.01. Distinguished Service Award. The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of

Ohio shall create an award, hereafter named, “The Distinguished Service Award of the Grand

Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio.”

Subject award shall be made to those Companions selected by the Awards Committee

and Grand High Priest from nominations made in accordance with the prescribed form and

qualifications listed thereon. The number of awards given during the Capitular Year shall not

exceed four (4).

Deadline for nominations shall be June 30th of the current Capitular Year.

37.02. First Line Signers on Petitions. The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of

Ohio shall create an award for those Companions who have been first line signers on Petitions

for Royal Arch Masonry.

Qualifications for subject award shall be five petitions, with the eligibility final when all

five have been exalted to the degree of Royal Arch Mason.

37.03. Past District Deputy Grand High Priest Jewel. The Grand Chapter of Royal

Arch Masons of Ohio shall create a Past District Deputy Grand High Priest Jewel.

Subject Jewel shall be awarded to those District Deputies Grand High Priest who have

served the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio upon completion of service.

Jewel shall be presented at Grand Chapter Convocations at retirement. (Adopted October

7, 1981)

37.04. Chapter Membership Award. The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of

Ohio shall create awards for the subordinate chapter which has had the highest numerical

increase in net membership of its Companions; and for the subordinate chapter which has had the

highest percentage increase in net membership; covering the period from June 1st of the prior

year, to May 31st of the current year; as determined by the Annual Returns submitted to the

Grand Secretary Both of these awards shall be called the Most Excellent Companion Steven J.

Oliver Chapter Membership Award. (Adopted October 09, 2013)

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39. Rules of Order 39.01. Rules of Order. The Rules of Order of this Grand Chapter shall be as follows

unless otherwise provided:

1. The Grand High Priest shall take the chair at the hour fixed for the convening or

reconvening of the Grand Chapter, when the journal shall be read, and if necessary, corrected,

unless otherwise ordered.

2. During the hours of business the members are required to keep their seats and observe

strict order and decorum, and no member shall leave the hall without permission or absent

himself from the service of the Grand Chapter, unless he has permission, or be sick and unable to


3. When the Grand High Priest or presiding officer rises, all debate shall cease, and

silence shall be observed.

4. When a member is about to speak, he shall rise from his seat and respectfully address

the “Most Excellent Grand High Priest.”

5. The Grand High Priest shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the

Grand Chapter.

6. No member shall speak more than twice upon the same question, unless it be to

explain, without permission of the Grand High Priest.

7. When question is put, it shall be the duty of every member present to vote, unless

excused by the Grand Chapter, but no member shall vote on a question in the result of which he

is personally interested.

8. No motion shall be entertained until it is seconded, and no debate shall be had thereon

until it is stated by the Chair.

9. Every motion, at the desire of the Chair or Grand Secretary, shall be reduced to

writing, with the mover’s name endorsed thereon.

10. Any member may call for the division of a question, which shall be divided, if it

comprehends questions so distinct that, one being taken away, the rest may stand entire for the

decision of the Grand Chapter. A motion to strike out and insert shall be indivisible.

11. No report shall be received from any of the committees of the Grand Chapter unless

the same be reduced to writing, and be signed by at least a majority of the members thereof.

12. No committee shall sit during the sitting of the Grand Chapter, without special leave.

13. These Rules of Order, or any part thereof, may be altered, abrogated or

amended at any Annual Grand Convocation of this Grand Chapter by a vote of the majority of

the members present.

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41. Amendment to By-Laws 41.01 How Made. Each proposal for amendment to these By-Laws shall be filed with

the Grand Secretary, reduced to writing in triplicate, and sponsored by at least five members of

the Grand Chapter, at least ninety days before the opening of the Grand Convocation at which it

will be considered. The Grand Secretary shall forthwith send one copy to the Grand High Priest,

one to the Chairman of the Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence and file one copy in his office.

Such proposals shall be considered only upon report from the Committee on Masonic

Jurisprudence. Provided, however, that the Grand Convocation may consider any matter if no

more than twenty-five members of the Grand Chapter object. Adoption shall be by a favorable

voice vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting. Provided further that the Grand High

Priest be authorized to determine the decision of the Convocation by a roll-call vote of the voting

members present. (Adopted October 06, 2011)

99. Schedule 99.01 Effective When. These Bylaws become and be in full force and effect immediately

on and after their adoption by this Grand Chapter, and all previous Bylaws, provisions thereof,

amendments thereto, and decisions thereunder, heretofore adopted by this Grand Chapter and not

herein contained, are hereby repealed.

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Code of Capitular Masonic Jurisprudence

For the Government of Subordinate Chapters Under the Jurisdiction of the

Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio

100. The Chapter 100.01. Shall Consist of. A Royal Arch Chapter shall consist of ten or more Royal Arch

Masons, duly assembled under a legal charter or dispensation.

100.02. Convocations Defined. The meetings of a chapter shall be known as con-

vocations. Stated convocations are those held on the dates fixed by the Bylaws. Special

convocations are those called pursuant to Section 100.05 of this Code. Provided, however, when

a chapter is prevented from holding a stated convocation by natural disaster, acts of God, or

lawful orders of civil officials, the Grand High Priest may in his judgment grant dispensation for

the holding of a stated convocation at any date within two weeks of the convocation so missed.

100.03. Convocations Shall Be Held, How Many. It shall be the duty of each and every

constituent chapter under this jurisdiction to hold at least four stated convocations each year.

Should any chapter fail to convene at least one stated convocation during one year, it shall

thereby forfeit its charter and be stricken from the list of chapters.

100.04. Election and Inspection, Notice of. The Secretary of each chapter, at least seven

days prior to the annual convocation for election of officers and likewise at least seven days prior

to the convocation held for the purpose of inspection, shall send to each member of said chapter

at his last known place of residence, written notice of the time, place and purpose of the


100.05. Special, How Called. Special convocations may be called by the High Priest at

any stated convocation. He may at other times call such special convocation, but written notice

thereof must be given to the membership by the Secretary. The notice shall state the business to

be transacted. No business may be transacted at a special convocation, except the conferring of

degrees; the installation of officers; or the receiving and balloting on petitions for degrees or

applications for membership.

100.06. Quorum. The number of Royal Arch Masons necessary to open a chapter and

transact business is ten. But no chapter, without the authority of the Grand High Priest, can be

opened or business transacted therein unless there be present at least one of the three principal

officers, or a Past High Priest. However, an Extraordinary Session of a Royal Arch Chapter shall

consist of six or more Royal Arch Masons, duly assembled for the purpose of holding a session

to take care of petitions and such bills to which the Secretary and Treasurer are not entitled to

pay. These bills would include Grand Dues, District Dues, Insurance, etc. This type of Chapter

meeting may be called at the pleasure of the High Priest and may be opened and closed by

declaration, under a legal charter or dispensation, if necessary. Under no circumstances shall any

Capitular Degrees be conferred. (Amended October 3, 2002)

100.07. Opening and Closing. A chapter cannot adjourn; nor may it be opened or closed

in any degree in any other manner than that prescribed by the rituals of the Order.

100.08. Degree in Which Business Transacted. All the proceedings and business of a

chapter shall be had and transacted in a chapter of Royal Arch Masons at labor, except the

conferring of degrees of Mark Master, Past Master and Most Excellent Master.

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A chapter having been opened in the Royal Arch Degree, it may be closed or labor

suspended therein; if labor is suspended, a subordinate lodge or lodges may be regularly opened,

business transacted therein, and the lodge or lodges closed, after which labor shall be resumed in

the Royal Arch Degree and the Chapter regularly closed. But if a special convocation be called

for work in the Mark Master, Past Master or Most Excellent Master Degree only, a Chapter of

Royal Arch Masons need not be opened.

All the proceedings and business of a lodge of Mark Masters shall be had and transacted

in a Lodge of Mark Masters at labor, except, upon proper dispensation, the conferring of the Past

Master degree. But if, upon proper dispensation, a special convocation be called for work in the

Past Master Degree only, a Lodge of Mark Masters need not be opened. (Amended October 6,


100.09. Name and Meeting Place. No chapter shall be named after a living person nor

may it change its meeting place from that named in its Charter, nor the building in which it

meets, except by authority of the Grand Chapter, or the Grand High Priest; nor may it meet or

work except in suitable rooms under its control, except by authority of the Grand Chapter or the

Grand High Priest, nor suffer its meeting place to be used for an illegal or improper purpose.

Provided, however, that a Chapter may meet in any place dedicated to Masonic purposes

to confer the Mark or Past Master Degrees or in any appropriate place to install officers on the

written approval of the District Deputy Grand High Priest after appropriate examination on his

part. Such approvals shall be subject to such regulation as the Grand High Priest may provide.

The Grand High Priest may in his judgment suspend the operation of this paragraph.

Chapters are permitted to confer degrees in an outdoor meeting, when authorized by the

Grand High Priest. The dedication of a hall or building for Masonic purposes by the Grand

Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio is a sufficient dedication for Capitular Masonic

purposes. When a chapter abandons its Capitular Apartments it may, in its discretion, make use

of such undedicating ceremony as it deems appropriate.

100.10. Public Appearance. A chapter shall not appear in public except when its

presence is required for Masonic purposes, as determined by the Grand High Priest upon proper

application to him by the Constituent Chapter.

100.11. Seal. The seal of a subordinate chapter shall consist of the following device: A

circular device, shown by the illustration below, 1-3/4 inches in total diameter, the outer rim

raised and tooled in imitation of a cord 1/16 of an inch large; the space for lettering all around

equal to 3/16 of an inch in width; the letters 2/16 of an inch high, enclosed by a beaded inner

circle; dividing the central space of the seal from letter and border; the central space 1-1/8 inches

in diameter, in the center thereof the device composed of a heavy outlined keystone 7/8 of an

inch high, 7/8 of an inch wide at the large point of curve and 5/8 of an inch at base line; in the

center of the keystone a circle with the letters “H.T.W.S.S.T.K.S.” embossed and enclosed by an

inner circle, the space between the circles 1/8 of an inch wide to accommodate the letters; inside

the inner circle a perfect triangle with three points just touching all around, and in the center of

the triangle a triple tau cross emblematic of the word for which the words represented by the

mystic characters on the sides of the triangle are covering words.

Page 41: Code of the Grand Chapter Chapter Code - 8-17-2015 Final.pdfii Preface 2014 Edition The last five printings of this Grand Chapter's Code were in 1932, 1950, 1961, 1970 and 1991. In



Chapters hereafter formed shall adopt this seal. Chapters now having different seals, may,

if desired, retain their present seals.

100.12. May not Incorporate. No subordinate chapter may become a body corporate.

102. Officers 102.01. Elective. The elective officers of a Royal Arch Chapter shall be a High Priest,

King, Scribe, Treasurer, Secretary, Captain of the Host, Principal Sojourner, Royal Arch

Captain, Three Masters of the Veils and a Guard; provided, however, by Bylaw a chapter may

provide for appointment of the Royal Arch Captain and the three Masters of the Veils.

102.02. Appointive. A Chaplain shall be appointed and a Senior and a Junior Steward

may be appointed by the High Priest on the night of installation.

A Chapter, by its Bylaws, may provide for the election or appointment of trustees, and

the appointment of other officers, who need not be installed. But officers not installed shall make

the declaration required by other officers. (Adopted October 8, 1980)

102.03. Who Eligible. Any Royal Arch Mason is eligible to any office in the chapter of

which he is a member in good standing, with the exception of the office of High Priest. No

companion shall be eligible to be [sic – elected or appointed to the] office of High Priest unless

he has been elected and served as King or Scribe in some chartered Chapter, or has been

appointed by the Grand Chapter or Grand High Priest as King or Scribe, and has served in such

capacity under dispensation. (Adopted October 4, 1984)

102.04. When and How Elected. The elective officers of a subordinate chapter shall be

chosen annually at a Stated Convocation in either the month of May or the month of June, which

shall be designated by the Bylaws of the chapter. If the election is in May, installation will be at

the Annual Convocation in June or thereafter. At the Stated Convocation in the month

immediately preceding the date of election as established in the chapter’s Bylaws, a nominating

committee will be appointed by the High Priest. At the annual election, the report of the

nominating committee shall be read and on proper motion and second, the chapter may cast a

unanimous ballot electing the officers named in the report. If the motion fails to obtain

unanimous approval, a secret ballot for each office must be held and a majority of the ballots cast

shall be required to elect each officer. Provided, however, the Grand High Priest shall issue a

dispensation and fix the date for the election of the officers of a newly chartered chapter, such

election to be held at a Stated or Special Convocation as soon as practicable after the issuance of

the charter and prior to the consecration of such chapter.

Page 42: Code of the Grand Chapter Chapter Code - 8-17-2015 Final.pdfii Preface 2014 Edition The last five printings of this Grand Chapter's Code were in 1932, 1950, 1961, 1970 and 1991. In



If an election is not held by a chapter on the date fixed by its Bylaws or as designated by

the Grand High Priest the officers last installed shall continue to discharge the duties of their

respective stations until the next annual election unless the Grand High Priest for good cause

shall order an election and installation and fix the date therefor. (Amended October 7, 2009)

102.05. Installation. All officers named in Section 102.01, elected or reelected, shall be

installed on the night of election (if the election was held in May, the installation shall be at the

annual meeting in June) or within one-hundred days thereafter, in open chapter, or at an open

meeting where invited guests may be admitted at a stated convocation or at a special convocation

called for that purpose. The Grand High Priest shall be empowered to extend the period of a

chapter installation if furnished with good and sufficient reasons and upon application to the

Grand High Priest for such a dispensation. Officers of a Constituent Chapter shall be installed by

an Excellent Companion in good standing. (Adopted October 8, 1998)

If the installation is to take place at an open meeting, the following regulations shall be


a. If the installation is at a stated convocation, the chapter shall be opened in regular

form, the necessary business transacted and a recess called before non-members are admitted. If

it is at a special convocation, the officers may convene in a room adjacent to the regular meeting

hall. The High Priest may waive the usual opening ceremonies and declare the Chapter open for

the purpose of proceeding with a public installation.

b. At this meeting or at any time prior thereto, an objection may be filed with the

Secretary in accordance with 102.11 of the Code. Should an objection be filed, it will be either

sustained or dismissed before proceeding with the ceremony. All reference to an objection shall

be omitted from the ceremony.

c. After the chapter has been opened, chapter members and invited guests may convene

together for the installation ceremonies.

d. Robes are a part of the Chapter ritual and may not be used during a public installation.

e. All use of signs shall be omitted.

f. If any meeting place, other than the regularly dedicated chapter apartment is to be

employed for an installation, written permission must be obtained from the District Deputy

Grand High Priest as per Paragraph 2 of Section 100.09 of the Code of this Grand Chapter, or a

dispensation for that purpose must be obtained from the Grand High Priest.

g. After the installation ceremonies, the Chapter shall resume labor for the closing

ceremonies, which may be by proclamation if held outside the regular meeting hall. Such

proclamation shall be in the following form and may be given publicly:

“The purpose for which this convocation was called having been accomplished, this

chapter is closed.”

If the public installation has taken place at a stated convocation, the chapter shall be

closed in regular form after the non-members have withdrawn.

h. Since a public installation is done by a chapter in recess a record of the proceedings

shall appear in the minutes of that convocation.

The officers of a new chapter shall be installed at the consecration of such chapter.

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102.06. Failure or Refusal to be Installed. No companion elected to a Chapter office

may, without the consent of the chapter, refuse to serve unless he has been elected to, installed

and served in the same office the preceding year.

The failure or refusal of an officer-elect to be installed within the prescribed time shall

render his election void, and the former officer shall hold over until the next annual election.

However, if the former officer has been elected to and installed into another office, he need not

serve, in which case the vacancy may be filled by the High Priest by appointment, or as provided

in Section 102.10.

102.07. Member May Hold Only One Elective Office. No companion may serve in

more than one elective office in a chapter at the same time.

102.08. May Not Resign, Transfer or Demit. No officer of a subordinate chapter, when

installed, may resign from his office or transfer or demit from his chapter during his term, except

with the written consent and approval of the Grand High Priest.

102.09. Death of Officers. If an officer of a chapter, other than the High Priest, shall die

during his term, the vacancy shall be filled by the High Priest by appointment, or as authorized in

Section 102.10.

102.10. Special Elections, How Authorized. When a vacancy is not filled by any of the

methods set forth in Sections 102.06 and 102.09, or when there is a vacancy by reason of the

death of a High Priest, the Grand High Priest may in his discretion, authorize a special election

and installation to fill any such vacancy or vacancies. Such authorization may also permit the

resignation of any officer or officers who may be elected to other office at such election, and also

the election of other companions to fill vacancies caused by such resignations.

(NOTE: The above section does not permit officers to resign en-masse. The ballot must

be for filling a particular office -- the highest office vacant if there are two or more vacancies. If

the companion elected holds another office he should resign immediately after election to new

office. This causes another vacancy which is in turn filled by election, the elected companion

then resigning from his former office. This procedure is followed until every office is filled.)

102.11. Objection to Installation. Any member of a chapter, in writing, presented in

open chapter, assigning his reasons therefor, may object to the installation of an officer. Unless

the chapter, by majority vote or the members present, shall deem the reasons insufficient, in

which case the installation shall proceed, it shall forthwith fix a time and place, of which the

officer-elect and the objecting companion shall be notified, for investigation of the charges,

when, if the objections are sustained by majority vote of the members present, the installation

shall proceed, unless notice of appeal is given. If the objections are sustained, the installing

officer shall notify the parties and forbid the installation. Either party may, within three (3) days

thereafter, appeal from such decision to the Grand High Priest, who shall, if the charges are

sustained by him on such appeal, issue his dispensation for a new election and installation to be

held within 30 days thereafter.

Notice of appeal shall automatically suspend the installation. If the charges are sustained,

and no appeal is made, such fact shall be certified by the installing officer or the Secretary to the

Grand High Priest, who shall issue dispensation as herein provided.

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102.12. Who May Petition for New Chapter. No officer of a subordinate chapter may

be a petitioner for a new chapter, except that any such officer, other than the High Priest, King or

Scribe, may be a petitioner if permitted by dispensation of the Grand High Priest.

102.13. Names of Officers Reported to Grand Secretary. The Secretary shall

forthwith, upon the election of officers, transmit to the Grand High Priest and the Grand

Secretary a list of said officers, with the post office addresses of the High Priest and Secretary.

104. High Priest 104.01. Duties of. The High Priest of each subordinate chapter shall preside at all of its

sessions, direct the transaction of its business and the conferring of degrees, determine its order

of business, supervise and direct the work of its officers, decide questions of Masonic law and

shall be responsible to the Grand High Priest and to the Grand Chapter for the proper conduct of

the affairs of his chapter. His decisions are final, and are not subjects of discussion by the

chapter, unless with his consent and permission. He may permit, and is responsible therefor, any

competent companion to open a lodge or chapter and to preside over the same or to confer

degrees therein.

104.02. Retains Title and Office Until Successor is Elected. The High Priest, though

removed from the jurisdiction of his chapter, shall continue to possess his title and office until

his successor is elected and installed.

104.03. Absence of, Who to Preside. In the absence or death of the High Priest, the King

or, in his absence, the Scribe, shall for the time being assume the duties of his office, and in the

absence of all of said officers, the junior Past High Priest present shall preside.

104.04. Charges Against. Charges against a High Priest during his term of office can be

entertained only by the Grand Chapter or Grand High Priest, and shall not be preferred in a

subordinate chapter.

104.05. Finance Committee. The High Priest, on the night of his installation, shall

appoint a Finance Committee of three members to serve for one year, who shall examine and

report on all dues and demands presented to the chapter for payment, and who shall, annually, on

the night of election, and at such other time as the chapter or High Priest may direct, audit and

report in writing upon the books and records of the treasurer and Secretary. The annual report of

such committee shall be in such form and contain such substantive matter as may be prescribed

by the Committee on Finance of the Grand Chapter and shall be presented prior to the election of

officers, and all reports by the Finance Committee, when approved, shall be copied in full upon

the minutes.

106. Reports and Annual Returns 106.01. When Made. The Secretary of each subordinate chapter shall make an annual

return as of May 31st to the Grand Chapter, under the seal of the chapter and signed by the High

Priest and Secretary, on or before the 1st day of July, and such other reports as the Grand

Chapter or Grand High Priest may from time to time require.

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The annual returns shall be examined by the Grand Secretary pursuant to Section 13.01

of the Grand Chapter Bylaws and any return requiring correction by the Secretary of any

subordinate chapter shall be returned forthwith to the subordinate chapter. Said annual return

shall be corrected and resubmitted to the Grand Secretary within ten (10) days of the mailing by

the Grand Secretary to the subordinate chapter. (Amended October 4, 1978)

106.02. Contents of Annual Return. The Annual Return shall contain the following, and

such other information as may be required by the Grand Chapter or the Grand High Priest:

1. The names of the members, in alphabetical order.

2. The names and dates of all companions deceased, withdrawn, expelled, suspended,

reinstated or admitted.

3. The names, addresses and year of service of all living Past High Priests.

4. The date of charter, time of stated convocations, and date of election and installation of

each officer.

5. The dates of suspension and reinstatement of suspended members reinstated.

106.03. Penalty for Failure to Make Return. A subordinate chapter which fails to file

its annual return or to pay its Grand Chapter Dues, as provided in Section 110.14 of the Code, on

or before the first day of July in each year, or to correct and resubmit its annual return in

accordance with Section 106.01 of the Code, shall automatically incur a fine of $50.00. The

Grand Secretary shall notify the High Priest of the chapter that the fine is due and payable. If it is

not paid on or before the first day of September, the chapter shall not be entitled to representation

at the next succeeding Annual Grand Convocation. If the return is not filed or corrected in a

timely manner in the succeeding year, and the same Secretary is responsible for the delinquency,

he may be removed from his office by the Grand High Priest. (Amended, 1995)

106.04. Copy Preserved. Each Secretary shall spread in full upon the minutes of his

chapter, or shall bind in a suitable book provided for that purpose, within thirty days after it has

been approved by the Grand Secretary, a copy of his annual return.

108. Fees 108.01. Amount of and Division. The fees for the degrees and for affiliation in chapters

in this jurisdiction shall be fixed in the chapter’s Uniform Code of Bylaws and shall be not less

than twenty-five ($25.00) and one dollar ($1.00) respectively.

108.02. York Rite Festival Fee. A constituent chapter may lower its fee to the minimum,

as set forth in Section 108.01, for the express purpose of participation in a state, regional or local

York Rite Festival, as an additional incentive to increase membership. The petitioner must be a

York Rite Mason at the conclusion of the Festival. (Added October 3, 1996)

110. Dues 110.01. Shall Be Assessed. Each subordinate chapter, from time to time by its By-Laws,

shall assess such annual dues upon its members, except honorary members, as it shall deem just

and expedient, and may provide that the same shall be paid not more than one year in advance.

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110.02. Dues. No chapter shall charge annual dues in a sum less than five dollars ($5.00).

Payment of dues shall be receipted by issuance of a dues card of the kind and type prescribed by

the Grand Secretary annually.

A subordinate Chapter shall be without authority to grant life memberships. Provided,

however, that a Chapter may adopt by a standing resolution a regulation providing that any

member in good standing may thereafter be exempt from the payment of Annual Dues; provided

said member pay a sum of money, in cash, not less than an amount representing the present value

of an immediate life annuity upon his life, computed in accordance with the Commissioners’

Standard Ordinary Life Insurance Experience Table of Mortality, of an amount equal to the

yearly dues of such Chapter, on a single life at 2% interest, said payments to be made to the

Chapter Secretary.

All such payments made as provided in this section shall be placed in a separate fund by

the Chapter Secretary, to be designated as “The Annuity Membership Fund,” and no part of said

Annuity Membership Fund shall be used, except that for each such members as shall have made

such payment pursuant to this resolution, if living, a sum equal to the Annual Dues of such

members at the time of such payment may be withdrawn from such fund annually and used for

the general support of the constituent Chapter.

All investments of the monies of such “Annuity Membership Fund” shall be only in

Federal Government Securities or deposits of the Federal Government. An Annuity Member, or

anyone acting in his behalf or on his account, shall forever waive any rights to a refund of all or

any portion of the annuity purchase amount of said Annuity Membership or the profits and

accumulations of said fund.

In the event of the dissolution of any Chapter with such “Annuity Membership Fund,” all

such interest of said Chapter shall become the property of the Grand Chapter. The Fund may also

be transferred to another Chapter in this jurisdiction if a member of the dissolved chapter applies

for membership in such Chapter and that Chapter adopted such a standing resolution for its

members at the time of the application.

By agreement of all living Annuity Members, or upon the death of all Annuity Members,

the “Annuity Membership Fund” may be transferred to the general funds of the Chapter for the

general support of the Chapter. However, none of such “Annuity Membership Fund” shall be

returned to the Annuity Members, their heirs or assigns. (Amended October 4, 1978)

110.02 (a). Life Endowed Membership.

1. Any member in good standing in a Chapter of this Grand Jurisdiction whose dues are

paid to date may purchase an endowed membership for the benefit of such Chapter hereinafter

referred to as the “Endowed Chapter,” and thereby be relieved from the further payment of dues

in the endowed Chapter effective as of June 1 of the 2nd calendar year after such fee is deposited

with the Grand Secretary.

Any individual, group, organization or Chapter may purchase an Endowed Membership

in honor of or in memory of any Royal Arch Mason, or member of his family living or deceased.

Although a Chapter may receive the fee for an Endowed Membership from a petitioner

for the degrees, for advancement, for reinstatement or for affiliation, such fee shall not be

transmitted to the Grand Secretary until a favorable ballot has been had on the petition and in the

case of the Petition for Degrees, until the conferral of the Royal Arch Degree.

Page 47: Code of the Grand Chapter Chapter Code - 8-17-2015 Final.pdfii Preface 2014 Edition The last five printings of this Grand Chapter's Code were in 1932, 1950, 1961, 1970 and 1991. In



2. The purchase price for an Endowed Membership shall be five hundred ($500) dollars,

and shall be paid to the endowed Chapter. As long as the member holding the endowed

membership is living and in good standing in the endowed Chapter, such Chapter shall pay all

Grand Chapter per capita dues, fees and contributions.

3. The fee of five hundred ($500) dollars collected by a Chapter for Endowed

Membership shall be immediately transmitted to the Grand Secretary so as to be received by him

no later than the succeeding March 31 in order to qualify for a distribution under paragraph 4


4. The Grand Secretary shall place all monies so received in the Endowed Membership

fund. Such fund shall be invested and reinvested from time to time under the supervision of the

Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer and the Finance Committee. The income from such fund shall

be distributed annually to the endowed Chapters by the first day of June. An administration fee

of two dollars ($2.00) per endowed membership holder shall be deducted from the income before

payment is made to the Chapter; provided that no income shall be distributed on any Endowed

Membership fee until June 1 of the 2nd calendar year after such fee is deposited with the Grand


5. The Grand Secretary shall issue to the member paying the required fee an Endowed

Membership Certificate under the seal of the Grand Chapter, signed by the Grand High Priest

and attested by the Grand Secretary. The Secretary of the endowed Chapter shall issue annually a

regular dues card to the member holding the Endowed Membership Certificate at the same time

other dues cards of the Chapter are issued.

6. Endowed Memberships are not transferrable with Chapter membership, and remain to

the benefit of the endowed Chapter where such membership is purchased; provided however,

when two or more Chapters consolidate, any endowed memberships held by either of such

Chapters shall become the property of the surviving Chapter.

Upon the dissolution or demise of an endowed Chapter, the holder of an Endowed

Membership Certificate therein, if he affiliates with another Ohio Chapter, may transfer the

Endowed Membership to the Chapter with which he affiliates.

Any interest accruing from the Endowed Membership Fund from the date of the

dissolution or demise of the endowed Chapter to the date of transfer of the Endowed

Membership shall be added to the principal of the Membership and Memorial Endowment Fund.

7. Chapters are prohibited from donating or selling Endowed Membership in any other

manner than as provided in this article except Chapters may establish special accounts for the

purpose of assisting and encouraging those members who wish to purchase Endowed

Memberships on an installment plan by making regular and systematic contributions to such

account for the purpose of accumulating the necessary fee required to purchase an Endowed

Membership. After the required fee has accumulated in the special account, the Chapter shall

transmit such fee to the Grand Secretary as provided in this Code section. A plan for such special

account must be approved by a favorable vote of the Chapter. The funds in such special account

shall be deposited in an insured interest bearing account in a reputable financial institution until

such time as the funds are transmitted to the Grand Secretary.

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8. Holders of Endowed Membership Certificates are subject to all of the provisions of the

Bylaws and Code of the Grand Chapter of Ohio, and loss of membership due to suspension or

expulsion shall automatically terminate such Endowed Membership Certificate, and shall cause

the holder to forfeit his Endowed Membership and any future claim to fees paid or to revenues

earned from such endowed membership. The Chapter which held the Endowed Membership at

the time of forfeiture, as provided herein, shall continue to receive the revenues earned from such

Endowed Membership.

9. Upon the death of a holder of an Endowed Membership, the endowed Chapter shall

continue to receive the income from the Endowed Membership. (Adopted October 7, 1999)

110.03. How Fixed and Date of Payment. The Bylaws of the chapter shall fix the

amount of dues and the date of payment thereof which shall be the first day of June. If such dues

are not paid on or before June 30, notice shall be given at once by mail to each member who has

not paid his dues.

110.04. May be Remitted. Any chapter may remit all or any part of the accrued dues of

any member, but only in the following manner: The chapter committee on welfare shall

investigate and report to the chapter the names of those companions whose circumstances

warrant remissions and shall recommend to the chapter the amount of the dues which should be

remitted. The chapter shall receive such report at a regular stated convocation and after due

consideration, not later than the first stated convocation in April, shall approve the same, with or

without amendments, or reject it. Remissions shall be valid only during the one capitular year

and only when those whose dues are remitted in whole or in part are named and recorded in the

minutes of the chapter with amount remitted shown for each.

110.05. Exemption from Payment of. No member of a subordinate chapter shall

hereafter be exempted from the payment of dues other than by remission thereof.

110.06. Suspension for Non-Payment. It shall be the imperative duty of the High Priest

to cause the Secretary to enter “suspended” [sic against] every member who is in arrears for dues

for six months after the time fixed for payment. And if the dues of such delinquent members be

not paid within four months after said six months period, it shall be the imperative duty of the

High Priest to cause the Secretary to enter against such member “indefinitely suspended for non-

payment of dues.”

110.07. Notice of Suspension. The Secretary, within thirty days after the entry of each of

such suspensions, under the seal of the chapter, by first class mail, directed to the last known

place of residence of such delinquent, shall notify such companions of his suspension.

The Secretary shall keep a record of the date of the mailing of such letter.

110.08. Form of Notice. The notices provided for in Section 110.07 shall be made on

forms supplied by the Grand Secretary or such forms as each Chapter may adopt upon approval

by the Grand High Priest.

110.09. Restoration of Member Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues. The payment to

the Secretary by a member suspended at the expiration of the six months period for non-payment

of dues of all amounts owing by him to the chapter, plus such an amount, not exceeding one

dollar, as the chapter may fix by its Bylaws, shall restore him to full membership as of the date

of said payment, and the Secretary shall make proper entry thereof on the books of the chapter.

The chapter shall be the sole judge of the amount due from said member.

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110.10. Restoration of Member Indefinitely Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues. Restoration of a companion indefinitely suspended for non-payment of dues at the end of the

four months period shall be by written petition only, signed by the applicant, accompanied by the

amount of the delinquent dues, plus such sum as may be fixed by the Bylaws, which petition

shall be presented at a stated convocation, and when voted upon by ballot must receive a three-

fourths vote of the members present to restore the applicant to membership.

110.11. Dues of Expelled or Indefinitely Suspended Member. A companion expelled

or suspended for an indefinite time, other than for the non-payment of dues, is not chargeable

with dues upon his restoration to membership, but the chapter, at its discretion, may, as a

prerequisite to restoration to membership, require the payment of dues in an amount not

exceeding that with which the members would have been chargeable had he remained in good


110.12. Payment or Remission after Decease. A companion suspended for non-

payment of dues cannot be restored to membership by payment of dues, or remission thereof,

after his death.

110.13. Prorating Thereof. In assessing dues, credit may be given for portions of the

Masonic year.

110.14. Grand Dues, Amount and Payment. Each subordinate Chapter shall pay

annually, on the thirty first day of May of each year, beginning with May 31, 2013, the following

Grand Dues: For each exaltation by such chapter within the Masonic year, the sum of Three

dollars ($3.00). Also, for each member, the sum of Eight dollars, ($8.00). Except that if such

member at that time when payment is due is serving on active duty in the military of the United

States of America and said chapter has also remitted the same member’s dues for the same

period, then no payment of Grand Dues for that member will be required. Twenty five cents

($0.25) of the Grand Dues assessed for each member shall be disbursed to the Trustees of the

Ohio Masonic Home for the use of such Home, but no Grand Dues shall be required on account

of any member for whom an exaltation fee is paid during the year. (Adopted October 09, 2013)

110.14(a). Grand Dues, Amount and Payment - Grand Chapter Commercial and

General Liability Property and General Liability Umbrella Insurance. In addition to the

Grand Dues required by Grand Chapter Code Section 110.14, each subordinate Chapter shall

participate in and pay premiums for the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of

Ohio for Commercial and General Liability Property and General Liability Umbrella Insurance

policies. Upon the adoption of this amendment, the annual amount to be paid by each constituent

Chapter to the Grand Chapter towards payment of the insurance premium shall be $100.00 per

year, and the property coverage limit per constituent Chapter shall be $30,000.

110.14(b). The Grand High Priest, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee,

shall further be empowered to make such changes in the premium, carrier, agent, coverage and

policy limits as may be in the best interests of this Grand Chapter.

112. Ballot Section Deleted. (October 3, 2002)

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114. Petitions and Applications for Degrees or Membership

114.01. Petitions and Applications for Degrees or Membership, How Presented,

Considered and Acted Upon. Every candidate for the Chapter degrees and every applicant for

membership in any chapter shall submit to the chapter at a stated convocation this [sic his]

signed petition or application, as the case may be, in proper form, bearing the recommendation of

two members of the chapter, which petition or application shall be presented at a stated or special

convocation of the chapter and referred to a committee of not less than three members thereof for

investigation and report. Action thereon shall be taken by the chapter at the next or some

subsequent stated or special convocation, opened in the Royal Arch Degree, held within a

reasonable time thereafter, provided that by unanimous consent of the companions present, when

the committee has reported favorably, action may be taken upon the petition or application at a

stated convocation at which it is presented, if the correct fees are on deposit. (For a petition for

degrees, these fees must include the fee for the Mark Master degree.) For a petition for degrees,

this action shall consist simply of the presiding officer declaring the petitioner elected to receive

the degrees.

The petitioner is entitled to receive all the degrees, as the case may be, provided that no

degree may be conferred until the fee therefor is on deposit. Every candidate before receiving the

Royal Arch Degree, shall adopt and file with the Secretary of his chapter, a copy of his Mark.

(Amended October 3, 2002)

114.02. Qualifications of Petitioners. The chapter shall be the sole judge of the physical

and moral qualifications of a candidate for degrees or applicant for membership.

A candidate for chapter degrees must be a member in good standing of a Lodge of Master

Masons recognized by the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio and must have

resided in the State of Ohio for at least six months prior to the date of his petition.

114.03. Qualifications of Applicant for Membership. Applicants for membership in a

chapter must be members in good standing of a Lodge of Master Masons recognized by the

Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio.

114.04. Past Master Degree Must Be Received in Chapter. The fact that a Brother has

received the Past Master’s Degree in a Lodge of actual Past Masters does not entitle him to sit in

a lodge of Past Masters of a chapter.

114.05. Investigation and Withdrawal of Petition. After a petition has been received by

a chapter and entered upon its minutes, it shall be referred to a committee of not less than three

Royal Arch Masons, and after a report has been made by said committee, the petition shall not be


114.06. Certificate Submitted by Applicant for Membership. No person having been a

member of any chapter shall be admitted a member of any other chapter until he produces a

certificate from the chapter of which he was last a member, or from the Grand Chapter, that he

was in good and regular standing and as such has, at this [sic his] own request, been demitted.

The petition and demit shall be accompanied by a copy of the mark of the applicant.

114.07. Where and Time Application May be Made. A demitted Royal Arch Mason

may apply for membership to any chapter in Ohio without regard to the place of his residence in

or out of the State of Ohio, or the time when his demit was issued, subject to the requirements of

Section 114.07 and 120.01 of this Code, upon presentation of his demit.

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When a member of a chapter demitted therefrom shall present his petition for re-

affiliation with the Chapter from which he demitted, or another Chapter to which his petition is

being submitted, a ballot must be taken of which three-fourths vote of the members present shall

be sufficient to elect him to membership

114.7.01. All ballots shall be taken separately, unless otherwise ordered by unanimous

consent of the members present. But if, when balloted on collectively, a black ball appears, then

separate ballots must be taken on each.

114.07.02. Members must be present to ballot. No member may vote by proxy.

114.07.03. There will be no reconsideration of a ballot for membership.

114.07.04. A ballot for membership shall be secret, all members present shall vote in

balloting for membership. No inquiry shall be permitted as to how a companion voted, and if the

candidate has been rejected, no companion shall be permitted to state, either voluntarily or

otherwise, how he voted.

114.07.05. The High Priest shall submit the ballot to the King and Scribe for their

inspection before announcing the result thereof.

114.07.06. Mere irregularity in balloting or in conferring degrees, shall not affect the

standing of a candidate who has received a charge.

114.07.07. Balloting for membership shall be by balls or cubes. (Amended October 3,


114.08. Application for Membership by Member of Chapter Which Has Ceased to

Exist. When a companion makes application to a Chapter for membership, and such Chapter is

satisfied that the Chapter of which such companion was last a member has ceased to exist, and

that such companion was, at the time of cessation, in good standing therein, not subject to

charges of un-masonic conduct, and not indefinitely suspended for non-payment of dues, the

Chapter to which the application is made may admit such companion to membership, upon said

companion presenting to it a certificate from the Grand Secretary that he was a member of such

non-existent Chapter at the time it ceased to exist, and also that he is a member in good standing

of some regular lodge. If the Grand Secretary finds that such applicant was in arrears to such

non-existent Chapter, he shall, as a prerequisite to the issuance of such certificate, require the

payment of dues in an amount not less than one year’s dues at the rate effective in the former

chapter at the time it ceased to exist, plus one year’s dues in the minimum amount fixed by the

Grand Chapter at the time of the issuance of such certificate. Such dues shall become the

property of the Grand Chapter.

114.09 What Degrees Royal Arch Mason Must Have Received. No Royal Arch Mason

shall be admitted into a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons under this jurisdiction, as a member or

visitor, unless he shall have received the degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, Master

Mason, Mark Master, Past Master, and Most Excellent Master. However, any Royal Arch Mason

who is a member of a Grand Jurisdiction recognized by the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch

Masons of Ohio which does not confer the Mark Master, Past Master or Most Excellent Master

Degrees, or any one or more of them, as a part of its regular ritual, may be admitted as a member

or visitor upon being healed in each degree in which he is thus deficient in accordance with the

ritual adopted by this Grand Chapter.

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116. Objection to Candidate 116.01. Effect of, on Petitioner for Degrees. A degree shall not be conferred upon a

candidate after he has been declared elected, if any member of the chapter objects; but no such

objection may be made before the petition of the candidate is acted upon. (Amended October 3,


116.02. Effect of, on Applicant for Affiliation on Demit. No applicant for affiliation

may be elected to membership in a chapter if a member objects.

116.03. How Made. The objection shall be made in open lodge or chapter, or in writing

filed with the Secretary, and, with the date thereof, shall be entered on the minutes, without the

name of the objecting companion

116.04. Reasons for Objection. An objecting companion shall not be questioned as to

his reasons therefor, but may give them, if he chooses, in which case the chapter may, by

majority vote of the members present, determine their sufficiency.

116.05. By Non-Member. A companion not a member of the chapter may object to the

conferring of degrees upon a candidate, but he shall state his reasons therefor, the sufficiency of

which shall be determined by the chapter.

116.06. Shall Remain in Force, How Long. An objection, when entered on the record,

shall remain in force for one year, unless sooner removed. When the objection has been

withdrawn or its limitation has expired, without renewal, or further objection in writing, the

chapter may, if the candidate again deposits the fee, proceed to confer the degree upon him.

If the objection is renewed twice, after three years from the date the original objection is

entered on the record, the candidate may withdraw his petition and petition another Chapter as

though no action had been taken by the Chapter first petitioned. However, such action shall be

noted on the new petition. (Amended October 8, 1980)

116.07. Removal of by Suspension or Expulsion. The suspension or expulsion of an

objecting companion or the severance of his connection with the chapter removes the objection,

and upon announcement by the High Priest, in open chapter, at a stated convocation, of such fact,

if there be no further objection, the candidate may receive the degree not earlier than one month

after such announcement.

116.08. Effect of Withdrawal as to Fees. If an objection be withdrawn, the candidate is

not affected by an amendment of a Bylaw changing fees in the interim.

116.09. Candidate Refusing to Receive Degrees. A candidate who, having been elected,

declines to receive the degrees, shall not afterwards receive them unless the chapter determines

that his refusal was based upon good and valid reason.

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118. Petition by Rejected Candidate 118.01. When to be Submitted. A candidate for the chapter degrees or an applicant for

membership in a chapter who has been rejected may petition the chapter for such degrees or

membership at any subsequent stated convocation, which petition shall be considered and acted

upon as an original petition.

118.02. Jurisdiction Over Rejected Candidate. A constituent chapter shall retain

jurisdiction over a rejected candidate for a period of three years. Provided further, that the

chapter shall have no authority to waive such jurisdiction for the period of three years.

120. Requisites for Membership 120.01. Members Shall be Affiliated Master Mason. Membership in a chapter shall be

dependent upon and coexistent with membership in a lodge of Master Masons recognized by the

Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio, and suspension or expulsion from such

Lodge deprives the member of all rights and privileges of Royal Arch Masonry without action of

the chapter, but the Secretary shall enter such fact upon the records, immediately when such

information comes to his attention.

120.02. Exception to Rule. A Master Mason may remain unaffiliated after withdrawal

from a Lodge for a period of six months without affecting his membership in his chapter, but no

longer, except that a demitted Master Mason who has in good faith petitioned for a membership

in a lodge, and has been rejected, shall not forfeit his membership in his chapter until after the

expiration of six months from such rejection by the lodge, and such demitted Master Mason, so

rejected, must renew his application to a lodge within six months after each such previous

rejection in order to retain his membership in his chapter.

120.03. Restoration of Master Mason, Effect of. The restoration of an expelled or

indefinitely suspended Master Mason does not restore him to membership in the chapter without

appropriate action by the chapter, as provided in Section 110.10 and 110.11 of this Code. But

restoration of a definitely suspended Master Mason or of a Master Mason indefinitely suspended

for non-payment of dues, upon payment of such indefinitely suspended Master Mason of his

accumulated chapter dues, shall restore him to membership in the chapter.

122. Honorary Membership 122.01. Honorary Membership. A subordinate chapter, by unanimous ballot, may elect

a Royal Arch Mason who is in good standing, an honorary member at any stated convocation.

An honorary member shall not be required to contribute to the expense of such chapter, but shall

have the right to sit in such chapter.

124. Jurisdiction 124.01. Statewide Concurrent Jurisdiction. Application for the chapter degrees may be

made by petition to any chapter within this jurisdiction.

124.02. Candidate Rejected May Not Petition Unless. No chapter can confer the

degrees upon any candidate without being first satisfied that the candidate has not made

application to some other chapter and been rejected; and if it shall appear that he has been so

rejected, the chapter shall not, within three years after such rejection, act upon the petition.

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124.03. Waiver of Jurisdiction by Foreign Chapter. An Ohio chapter receiving a

petition for affiliation or for the degrees from a Master Mason residing in another Grand

Jurisdiction must obtain the consent of the Grand High Priest of Ohio before taking action

thereon; provided further that the Grand High Priest is hereby authorized to waive jurisdiction

over any Master Mason residing in Ohio, permitting him to receive the degrees outside Ohio.

126. Membership 126.01. Member May Withdraw, How. A companion may, for reasons satisfactory to

himself, make a written application to the Secretary of the chapter of which he is a member for a

demit. If his dues are paid in full as of the day of the receipt of such application and if he is not

under charges of Un-Masonic conduct the demit shall be granted. No action by the chapter shall

be necessary, but the Secretary, shall, at the next succeeding stated convocation following the

granting of such demit, report its issuance, with the date thereof, and such report shall be entered

upon the minutes.

126.02. Effect of Demit. While a demit is held by a companion, he shall have no right of

attendance or visitation in capitular bodies, but he shall remain subject to the disciplinary control

of any chapter within whose jurisdiction he may reside or sojourn.

126.03 Dual/Plural Membership. A member may be a Dual Member or a Plural

Member of a chapter subordinate to The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of

Ohio by conforming to the following rules. A Dual Member is one whose primary chapter is

under the jurisdiction of another Grand Chapter (outside Ohio) or is a member of a subordinate

chapter in this Grand Jurisdiction and accepts membership in a subordinate chapter of another

recognized Grand Jurisdiction, which permits dual membership. A Plural Member is a member

who belongs to more than one Ohio chapter.

a. A chapter may grant membership to members in good standing of a chapter

subordinate to another Grand Chapter, which is recognized by this Grand Chapter and with

which this Grand Chapter maintains fraternal relations, provided that Grand Chapter permits

Dual Membership outside of its own jurisdiction.

b. A member in good standing in such subordinate chapter may submit to a chartered

chapter under the jurisdiction of this Grand Chapter a petition for membership by affiliation in a

form approved by the Grand Chapter, which petition shall include the following:

1. A letter or certificate of membership in good standing in such subordinate chapter

attested by the Grand Secretary or other authorized officer of such other Grand Chapter and

under its seal.

2. A letter or certificate from the Grand Secretary or other authorized officer of such

Grand Chapter and under its seal that such Grand Chapter permits members of chapters

subordinate to it to have and maintain concurrent membership in chapters in other jurisdictions.

3. Payment of the petitioned chapter’s affiliation fee or such chapter’s current annual

dues, whichever is greater.

c. The petition for affiliation, accompanied by the fees prescribed in Section 126.03.b.3

shall be received and acted upon by the petitioned chapter in the same manner as provided in

Section 114 of the Grand Chapter Code.

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d. If a petitioner is rejected for membership by the chapter, all fees and charges shall be

refunded forthwith.

e. Upon election to membership, the petitioner becomes a full member of the chapter.

The Secretary must notify the Grand Secretary on the next update report, marking it as a Dual


f. Plural Membership. A member in good standing, not in arrears for dues, may become a

member of one or more additional Ohio chapters as a Plural Member.

g. Membership in the plural chapter entitles the member to all of the rights and privileges,

duties and responsibilities granted to any member, except that no member may serve as High

Priest in more than one chapter during the same Capitular year. He may serve in any other office

in the plural chapter to which he belongs.

h. A petition for plural membership may be submitted to any chapter subordinate to the

Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio.

i. Upon receipt of said petition and specified fees, the chapter shall request a Certificate

of Good Standing from the companion’s primary chapter. Once received, a ballot shall be taken

and if found clear the companion shall, there and then, become a Plural Member without further


j. Payment of the chapter’s affiliation fee or such chapter’s current annual dues,

whichever is greater, shall be made.

k. If the petitioner is rejected for Plural Membership in a chapter, all fees and/or dues are

to be refunded forthwith.

l. In every case, the member must maintain membership in his primary chapter to

continue his plural membership. Upon suspension or expulsion, by trial, from one chapter, his

membership shall cease in all chapters. A Plural Member who is suspended from a plural chapter

for nonpayment of dues, may retain his membership in all other chapters.

m. A Plural Member may resign from any or all of his plural memberships by submitting

a written request for withdrawal to the secretaries of the affected chapters. If he is in good

standing as a Royal Arch Mason he must retain his membership in his primary chapter. Any

withdrawal from the primary chapter other than by the normal rules will automatically cause him

to be suspended from his plural memberships.

n. Upon electing a companion to Plural Membership, the Chapter Secretary shall report

the affiliation to the Grand Secretary by means of the Quarterly Update Report under

“Affiliation/Reinstatement.” The word “Plural” must be noted on the form when submitted.

o. Notwithstanding the provisions of Bylaws Section 15.01, an elected officer may carry

only one proxy of a plural chapter at the Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter. However, he

may carry up to three proxies for the primary chapter as provided in Bylaws Section 15.01 of the

Grand Chapter. (Amended October 3, 2001)

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126.04. Transfer of Membership. A member of a chapter may present his petition to

another chapter for affiliation therein. Two companions shall sign the petition for affiliation and

election shall be by unanimous voice vote of all members present at the Stated Convocation of

the petitioned chapter at which the petition is read. If thereupon such petition is accepted, the

companion shall become a member of the chapter so accepting him, when it shall receive a

transfer certificate showing that such companion has been regularly discharged from

membership in the first mentioned chapter.

No member shall be permitted to transfer from the chapter of which he is a member until

there shall be presented a certificate from some chapter in Ohio that he has petitioned for

membership and been elected therein. On presentation of such certificate and upon the written

request of the companion, the chapter at the Stated Convocation shall, if the member is not an

elected officer of or indebted to the chapter, or under charges, issue a certificate of transferred

membership, which shall not be delivered to the companion, but shall be immediately

transmitted by the Secretary to the chapter from which such certificate of petition came. The date

of vote granting such transfer shall be used by both secretaries for record of date of change of

membership of the petitioner. (Amended October 7, 2009)

126.05. Who are Members of Chapter Whose Charter Has Been Revived. When any

chapter which has discontinued work shall have its charter revived by the Grand Chapter, no

members having formerly belonged to said chapter shall be considered members thereof under

the revival except the actual petitioners for the same.

128. General Provisions 128.01. Grievance and Trial Procedure and Practice. Grievances or charges and

specifications may be preferred against a companion in his Royal Arch Chapter if:

A. The grievances or charges and specifications have not been preferred against that

companion in his Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons within 60 days of the victim obtaining

knowledge of the alleged offense; or

B. If the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio has chosen not to take

jurisdiction over the grievance or charge.

In all cases the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio is

subordinate to the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio.

In the event grievances or charges and specifications are preferred against a companion in

his Royal Arch Chapter, the Grand High Priest shall appoint a Trial Commissioner-in-Chief, who

shall, in turn, appoint a Judge Advocate and a trial panel of not less than three Trial

Commissioners for the trial of any given cause.

The grievance and trial procedure and practice shall be similar to the method used in the

Code of Masonic Jurisprudence of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio,

except those provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Trial Commission, as previously

indicated in this section, substitute where necessary, the office of High Priest in lieu of

Worshipful Master, and such other Capitular offices or terms as correspond to similar offices or

terms within the symbolic lodge or Grand Lodge.

(Amended October 2009)

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128.02. Evidence Must Be Preserved One Year. All the evidence, together with a copy

of the charges and specifications, and summons and answer of accused, if any he may file,

motions and all other papers filed in the case, a transcript of the minutes of the chapter showing

the proceedings therein had, and a memorandum of the presiding officer’s decisions, shall be

preserved by the Secretary for one year from and after the conclusion of the trial, and in case of

appeal within that time shall be transmitted to the Grand Secretary, who shall lay same before the

Grand Chapter at its next annual stated convocation.

128.03. Notification of Suspension and Expulsion to Councils and Commanderies. The Secretary of each subordinate chapter shall send official notice of the suspension, expulsion

or reinstatement of any of its members to any council of Royal and Select Masons and any

Commandery of Knights Templars within whose jurisdiction such chapter is situated.

130. Appeal to Grand Chapter 130.01. Must Be Made Within One Year. Any companion feeling himself aggrieved by

the decision of the chapter may, at any time within one year from the date of such decision, take

an appeal to the Grand Chapter, by giving notice thereof to the Secretary of the chapter, which

notice the Secretary shall enter on the minutes; provided that such appeal shall not operate to

place the accused twice in jeopardy.

132. Restoration 132.01. Power of Restoration., Who Has. The power of restoration exists both in the

chapter passing sentence of suspension or expulsion, and in the Grand Chapter. If exercised by

the Grand Chapter on appeal reversing the sentence of the subordinate chapter, such reversal

operates to restore the companion to all the rights and privileges of Masonry of which he was

deprived by such suspension or expulsion, and the case may be remanded to the chapter for

further trial. If the Grand Chapter shall restore a suspended or expelled companion without

appeal, for any cause, such restoration operates to restore him to the benefits of Masonry only,

not to membership.

132.02. Restoration of Expelled Member. A Royal Arch Mason, expelled from his

chapter, may be restored to membership on petition presented to the chapter expelling him, at a

stated convocation, which petition must be referred to an investigating committee, lie over to the

next stated convocation, and receive unanimous approval by ballot.

132.03. Restoration of Members Indefinitely Suspended. Indefinite suspension for

unmasonic conduct may be removed at the pleasure of the chapter pronouncing the sentence, by

a three-fourths vote, at a stated convocation, on proper petition by the suspended companion

filed at a stated meeting at least one month before the same is voted upon.

132.04. Vote Shall Be By Ballot. All votes for removing expulsions and suspension shall

be by ballot.

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134. Amendments 134.01 How Made. Each proposal for amendment to the Code shall be filed with the

Grand Secretary, reduced to writing in triplicate, and sponsored by at least five members of the

Grand Chapter, at least ninety days before the opening of the Grand Convocation at which it will

be considered. The Grand Secretary shall forthwith send one copy to the Grand High Priest, one

to the Chairman of the Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence and file one copy in his office.

Such proposals shall be considered only upon a report from the Committee on Masonic

Jurisprudence. Provided, however, that the Grand Convocation may consider any matter if no

more than twenty-five members of the Grand Chapter object. Adoption shall be by a favorable

voice vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting. Provided further that the Grand High

Priest be authorized to determine the decision of the Convocation by a roll-call vote of the voting

members present.(Adopted October 06, 2011)

199. Schedule 199.01 Effective When. This Code shall become and be in full force and effect

immediately on and after its adoption by this Grand Chapter, and all previous provisions thereof,

amendments thereto, and decisions thereunder, heretofore adopted by this Grand Chapter and not

herein contained, are hereby repealed.

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Resolution: 50-Year Member Awards.

Whereas, it is proper and fitting, and a custom of long standing, to signalize the attainment of

fifty years of cumulative membership in regular Chapters of Royal Arch Masons;

Now Therefore, Be it resolved that this Grand Chapter make a suitable presentation to

every member in good standing who shall have attained fifty cumulative years of membership in a

Chapter of Royal Arch Masons recognized by this Grand Chapter at the attainment of such fifty years

of cumulative membership.

That the form of presentation be of such kind and type as the Grand Chapter may from time

to time approve;

That the lapel pin and card currently in use by this Grand Chapter be, and here with is

approved for use until otherwise provided by this Grand Chapter;

That the Grand Secretary be, and herewith is, authorized to procure such pins and certificates

of award as in his experience may be necessary;

That the application for the award must be made by the Secretary of the Chapter of which

the recipient is a member, to the Grand Secretary on such forms as the latter may from time to

time prescribe;

That on receipt of such application, the Grand Secretary shall determine from the records of

the Grand Chapter the eligibility and if he finds the award in consonance with the regulations herein

promulgated, he shall issue the emblem and card to the District Deputy Grand High Priest of the

district wherein the requesting Chapter is located, provided that in case of disparity between the

records of the Grand Chapter and the constituent Chapter, the records of the latter shall govern;

That upon presentation of the award, the District Deputy Grand High Priest (or his proxy)

making the presentation, shall make written return to the Grand Secretary on such forms as the latter

may from time to time provide for that purpose;

That, recognizing the advanced age of the recipients and the difficulties attendant upon

scheduling such presentation, the presentation may be made any time after the first day of the

Capitular year wherein the fifty years of cumulative membership shall have been completed.

That the Grand High Priest is without authority to alter or waive any of the regulations here

adopted, but that the Grand Chapter may alter or abolish them at any time by repeal of this resolution.

(Adopted October 8, 1970)

Resolution: Authorize Loan of Rituals to Apollo Dramatic Chapter.

Whereas: The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio, Bylaws Section

33.02 authorizes the formation of a Dramatic Chapter, and a Charter was issued to said

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Chapter on the 9th day of October, 1969, under the title of “APOLLO DRAMATIC


And whereas, under Section 33.02 Bylaws of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch

Masons of Ohio, the stated purpose of the Dramatic Chapter is in part “...and shall function

solely to study and implement the application of the dramatic arts to ritual conferral or such

other matters as the Grand High Priest or the Grand Chapter may from time refer to it...”.

And, whereas, Apollo Dramatic Chapter cannot comply with its obligation unless the

Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio furnishes to it copies of the prescribed Ritual.

Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Grand Secretary be authorized to issue (13) copies of

the Ritual of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio to Apollo Dramatic Chapter under the

conditions as set forth in the Bylaws, Section 21.04. (Adopted October 7, 1971)

Resolution: Use of “The Word” as Ritual Banned.

Resolved, That the ritualistic ceremony, known as “The Word,” be declared by the Grand

Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio to be unacceptable as a method of inducting Masons into any

of the Degrees of Royal Arch Masonry. (Adopted October 4, 1973)

Resolution: Discontinue Membership in General Grand Chapter.

Resolved, That the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio discontinue

membership in the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International. (Adopted October 8,


Resolution: Recognition of Grand Chapter of New South Wales.

Resolved, That recognition be granted, to, and that the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch

Masons of the State of Ohio exchange Grand Representatives with, the Grand Chapter of New

South Wales as it is presently constituted. (Adopted October 7, 1981)

Resolution: Recognition of Grand Chapter of Belgium.

Resolved, That recognition be granted to, and that the Grand Chapter of Royal

Arch Masons of the State of Ohio exchange Grand Representatives with, the Grand

Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Belgium. (Adopted October 7, 1987)

Resolution: Recognition of Grand Chapter of South Australia.

Resolved, That recognition be granted to, and that the Grand Chapter of Royal

Arch Masons of the State of Ohio exchange Grand Representatives with, the Supreme

Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of South Australia. (Adopted October 6, 1988)

Resolution: High Priests May Represent Grand High Priest at

Masonic Youth Functions.

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Be it Resolved, That the Grand High Priest be authorized, at his discretion, to

appoint, by Proclamation, the High Priests of the constituent Chapters as his proxy to

officially represent the Grand High Priest at all meetings or functions of the Order of

DeMolay, International Order of Rainbow for Girls, and the International Order of Jobs

Daughters. (Adopted October 7, 1982)

Resolution: Five-Year Limit for District Deputies Grand High


Be it Resolved, That a District Deputy Grand High Priest shall not be eligible to

serve in such capacity for more than five years in succession. (Adopted October 7, 1982)

Resolution: High Priest Not To Serve More Than Three Consecutive


Be it Resolved, That unless authorized by Dispensation of the Grand High Priest, no

Companion may serve more than three consecutive years as High Priest of his Chapter. (Adopted

October 8, 1986)

Resolution: Urge Grand York Rite Bodies to Meet in Same City.

Be it Resolved, That the Most Excellent Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio

instruct its representatives to the Committee on York Rite Cooperation to request urgently that all

three Grand York Rite Bodies, i.e., Grand Council of Royal & Select Masons, Grand Chapter of

Royal Arch Masons, and Grand Commandery of Knights Templar, all of Ohio, hold their

respective annual communications in the same week and in the same Ohio city. (Adopted October 6,


Resolution: Each Constituent Chapter Must Exemplify all Four

Degrees during Year.

Be it Resolved, That each constituent Chapter shall exemplify in full each of the four

Capitular Degrees at least once during each Capitular year whether or not candidates for such degrees

have been elected. Such degrees may be exemplified at any stated convocation or special convocation

called for such purpose. (Adopted October 8, 1986)

Resolution: Recognize Grand Chapter of Newfoundland.

Be it Resolved: That recognition be granted to, and that the Grand Chapter of Royal

Arch Masons of the State of Ohio exchange Grand Representatives with, the new Grand Chapter

of Royal Arch Masons of Newfoundland. (Adopted October 4, 1995)

Resolution: Recognize Grand Chapter of Greece.

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Whereas recognition of the Grand Chapter of Greece was discontinued a few years ago

following the lead of the Grand Lodge of Ohio with the Grand Lodge of Greece, and whereas

that difficulty has long since been healed:

Be it Resolved: That recognition be granted to, and that the Grand Chapter of Royal

Arch Masons of the State of Ohio exchange Grand Representatives with, the Grand Chapter of

Royal Arch Masons of Greece. (Adopted October 4, 1995)

Resolution: Recognize Grand Chapter of Portugal.

Whereas the Grande Capitulo do Arco Real de Portugal (the Grand Chapter of Royal

Arch Masons of Portugal) was constituted on Sept. 24, 1996 by the General Grand Chapter of

Royal Arch Masons, International, and whereas that Grand Chapter has formally requested for

recognition by, and exchange of Grand Representatives with, our Grand Chapter:

Be it Resolved that recognition be granted to, and that the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch

Masons of the State of Ohio exchange Grand Representatives with, the new Grand Chapter of

Royal Arch Masons of Portugal. (Adopted October 8, 1998)

Resolution: Recognize Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of France.

Whereas the Grande Loge des Maitres Macons de Marque de France (the Grand Lodge

of Mark Master Masons of France) was constituted on May 31, 1997 by the Grand Lodge of

Mark Master Masons of England, and whereas the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch

Masons, International lended its support and attendance, and whereas that Grand Lodge has

formally requested for recognition by, and exchange of Grand Representatives with, our Grand


Be it Resolved that recognition be granted to, and that the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch

Masons of the State of Ohio exchange Grand Representatives with, the new Grand Lodge of

Mark Master Masons of France. (Adopted October 8, 1998)

Resolution: Recognize The Most Excellent Prince Hall Grand

Chapter of Ohio Royal Arch Masons

Whereas, The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State

of Ohio and the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio, Free and Accepted Masons,

adopted resolutions extending fraternal recognition to each other in 1995, and whereas, both The

Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio and the Most Excellent Prince Hall

Grand Chapter of Ohio Royal Arch Masons owe allegiance to these Grand Lodges, respectively,

and since both Grand Chapters are regular in origin and legitimate in nature, and whereas, both

Grand Chapters desire to request recognition by and exchange of Grand Representatives with

each other:

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Be it Resolved: That recognition be granted to, and that The Grand Chapter of Royal

Arch Masons of the State of Ohio exchange Grand Representatives with, the Most Excellent

Prince Hall Grand Chapter of Ohio Royal Arch Masons and that these Grand Chapters do

hereafter dwell together in peace, love and unity as legitimate proponents of Royal Arch

Masonry within the State of Ohio, and do accord each other, the rights of visitation in Grand

Chapter and subordinate chapters wheresoever assembled, subject to the rights, powers and

authority of the Grand High Priests and the High Priests of the subordinate chapters to preside

over their respective Grand Chapters and Chapters. (Adopted October 2, 2002)

Resolution: Authorize a committee to form the Grand Chapter

Royal Arch Foundation.

Whereas, The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio, in the interest of Capitular

Masonry in the State of Ohio hereby desires that a Royal Arch Foundation be created for the

purpose of receiving donations to said foundation and paying therefrom a portion of such funds

collected to a named charitable organization as selected by the Royal Arch Foundation and The

Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio and,

Whereas, in order that a Royal Arch Foundation be formed and created, this Grand

Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio hereby appoints the Companions listed

hereafter as a Committee to implement the objectives of this Resolution: Most Excellent

Companion Robert D. Crabbs, Co-Chairman, Right Excellent Companion Garis E. Pugh, Co-

Chairman, Right Excellent Companion James M. McDonald, Right Excellent Companion Robert

J. Draye, Right Excellent Companion Jean W. Justus, Jr., Right Excellent Companion Kermit V.

Zimmerman, and Right Excellent Companion Donald L. Losasso, and

Whereas, this Royal Arch Foundation of Ohio pledge its support to the Adopt America

Network Program for a period of three (3) years effective on the date that the Royal Arch

Foundation is officially and legally created, and whereas, in order that a Royal Arch Foundation

be created, it is necessary that a non-profit charitable corporation come into being:

Be it Resolved: That The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio

authorize the committee named herein to do all things necessary and proper in forming the

necessary non-profit corporation and do same through the office of the Secretary of the State of

Ohio. The name of the Foundation shall be Grand Chapter Royal Arch Foundation. (Adopted

October 2, 2002)

Resolution: Name of Distinguished Service Award.

Whereas, for the years of outstanding service and leadership to this Grand Chapter as

Grand Secretary, educational services to the companions by Most Excellent Companion Earl C.

Gifford, to the constituent chapters across the state, that this resolution be adopted at the 189th

convocation of the Grand Chapter, assembled in the city of Wilmington, Ohio on this 5th day of

October, 2005, Al 2535.

Be it resolved, by The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio that the

Distinguished Service Award be named the Earl C. Gifford Distinguished Service Award.

(Adopted October 5, 2005)

Resolution: To Present Uniform Audit Report at Time of Inspection.

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Whereas, The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio, in interests of

the financial health of their constituent chapters and ensuring that their expenses are within their

income, has adopted a Uniform Audit Report for use by the constituent chapters;

Now Therefore, Be it resolved that the constituent chapters be required to file with the

District Deputy Grand High Priest, a copy of the Uniform Audit Report with the Inspection

Report at the time of the annual inspection or pre-inspection and said form be submitted to the

Regional Officer for his review. (Adopted October 3, 2007)

Resolution: Steven J. Oliver Honorary Past Grand High Priest.

Be it resolved, that Right Excellent Companion Steven J Oliver, being a loyal and

dedicated officer of this Grand Chapter and having been called by the Supreme High Priest of the

Universe prior to his elevation to the office of Grand High Priest, have bestowed upon him the

title of “Honorary Past Grand High Priest” and that his name and new title be entered upon the

rolls of the Grand Chapter and the Grand Secretary be directed to carry his name and title as

Honorary Past Grand High Priest in all official lists and publications. (Adopted October 6, 2010)

Resolution: To Commend General Grand Chapter.

Be it resolved: That the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio favorably

recognizes the efforts of the General Grand Chapter’s Board of Directors of the Royal Arch

Research Assistance Program in restructuring their mission in Central Auditory Perception

Disorders research (CAPD) by their decision to support the CAPD program of the University of

Connecticut, Autism Speaks and The Hearing Health Foundation.

Be it further resolved: That the Companions or Constituent Chapters that choose to

make contributions to Royal Arch Research Assistance, ( RARA) may, but are not required to,

send their contributions to the Grand Secretary’s office, or, to make contributions directly to

(RARA) at P.O. Box 128, Greenfield, Indiana, 46140 (Adopted October 11, 2012)

Resolution: William L. Lear Honorary Past Grand High Priest.

Be it resolved: That William L. Lear, who passed away in 1983 while serving this Grand

Chapter as Grand King, have conferred upon him the title of Honorary Past Grand High Priest of

the Grand Chapter of Ohio; and that his name and title be entered upon the rolls of the Grand

Chapter. (Adopted October 09, 2013)

Resolution: Emeritus Status – F. Raymond Sharritts.

Be it resolved: Whereas, Right Excellent Companion F. Raymond Sharritts, has well and

faithfully served this Grand Chapter as Grand Chaplain, Grand Necrologist and Associate Grand

Chaplain for many years.

Be it Resolved, that the title of “Grand Chaplain, Emeritus”, being well deserved, shall

be bestowed upon Right Excellent Companion F. Raymond Sharritts, and further,

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That the Grand Secretary is directed to carry his name and title as Grand Chaplain

Emeritus in all official lists and publications; and further,

That the committee on Payroll is directed to make appropriate and proper allowances of

mileage and per diem to Grand Chaplain Emeritus F. Raymond Sharritts when in attendance at

the Convocation of this Grand Chapter (Adopted October 08, 2014)

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These are Resolutions that have been superseded by legislative enactments,

or by the death of the Companion granter emeritus status.

Resolution: Dewey A. McClure Declared Grand Guard, Emeritus.

Be it Resolved, By the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio, in the One

Hundred and Seventieth Annual Convocation assembled in the City of Toledo, Ohio, on this Eighth

Day of October, A.D. 1986, A.I., 2516, that in consideration of the six years of loyal and unselfish

services as Grand Guard, to this Grand Chapter and its Companions by Right Excellent

Companion Dewey A. McClure, which service has brought to this Grand Chapter and its

membership a finer sense of spiritual and eternal values of Capitular Freemasonry, he be made:

Grand Guard Emeritus, that the Grand Secretary be directed to carry his name as such Grand

Guard Emeritus in all official lists and publications, and that the Committee on Payroll be directed

to make proper allowance of mileage and per diem to said Grand Guard Emeritus when in attendance

upon the convocation of this Grand Chapter. (Adopted October 8, 1986)

Resolution: Titles of Past Grand Chaplains, Guards, Marshals and


Be it Resolved: That the Officers listed under the Constitution of the Grand Chapter of

Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio, Article 3, Section 3, retain the title of Right

Excellent following their term of office. (Adopted October 3, 1996)

Resolution: Titles of Grand Historian and Fraternal Correspondent.

Be it Resolved: That the Grand Historian and the Grand Fraternal Correspondent of the

Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio be officially referred to as such, and

that their title be “Right Excellent” during their term of office. (Adopted October 3, 1996)

Resolution: Grant the Title of Grand Parliamentarian to Excellent

Companion George Hall.

Be it resolved, by The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio at its

187th Grand Convocation assembled in the city of Columbus, Ohio on this eighth day of

October, A.D. 2003, A.I. 2533,

That in consideration, of the seven years of outstanding and unselfish service on the

Masonic Jurisprudence committee, with the last five years as its chairman, to this Grand Chapter

and his companions,

That Companion George Hall be made Grand Parliamentarian and the Grand Secretary be

directed to carry his name and title as Grand Parliamentarian in all official lists and publications


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Historical Resolutions

That the committee on Payroll be directed to make appropriate and proper allowances of

mileage and per diem to the said Grand Parliamentarian when in attendance at the Convocation

of this Grand Chapter and

That he officially be referred to as Right Excellent Companion and hold that title for the

balance of his natural life. (Adopted October 8, 2003)

Note: REC Hall was also granted the title Grand Parliamentarian Emeritus by Oral Motion, passed on

October 3, 2007, but the text of that motion is not available for inclusion here.

Resolution: Emeritus Status – Robert L. Jordan.

Whereas, Right Excellent Companion Robert L. Jordan, having faithfully served this

Grand Chapter as Grand Musician for many years; and having to resign his station due to health


Be it Resolved, that the title of “Grand Musician, Emeritus” being well deserved, shall be

bestowed upon Right Excellent Companion Robert L. Jordan and the Grand Secretary be

directed to carry his name and title as Grand Musician Emeritus in all official lists and

publications and

That the committee on Payroll be directed to make appropriate and proper allowances of

mileage and per diem to the said Grand Musician Emeritus when in attendance at the

Convocation of this Grand Chapter. (Adopted October 5, 2006)

Resolution: Consolidated Liability and Property Insurance.

Be it resolved, that each constituent chapter shall participate in and pay premiums for,

the Grand Chapter Commercial General Liability, Property and Umbrella Insurance Policy

provided by

United Agencies. At the time of the passage of this resolution the annual premium for

each chapter shall be One-Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per year and the property portion coverage

limits shall be Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00). (Adopted October 9, 2008)

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UNIFORM CODE OF BY-LAWS 23.01 Chapter Shall Adopt. All Chapters in the jurisdiction shall adopt anew the

Uniform Code of By-Laws prescribed for the use of constituent chapters; but the chapters

may adopt such additional By-Laws as their necessities may require, if the By-Laws are

in conformity with the laws of Capitular Masonry. The Grand High Priest may approve

the adoption of such Uniform Code, and subsequent amendments thereto, without

reference to the Grand Chapter. No resolution having the effect of a By-Law shall be

adopted by a subordinate Chapter. Further provided that all changes in Chapter By

Laws, authorized by action of the Grand Chapter, shall be effective immediately with no

further action required of the Constituent Chapter except that of bringing their By-Laws

into conformity with the newly adopted changes.

23.02 Amendment, Effective When. Amendments of the By-Laws of a constituent

Chapter: (1) fixing the time of convocation, (2) amount of annual dues, and (3) amount of

fees for degrees or for membership, when not less than the minimum annual dues or the

minimum fees permissible under the code of the Grand Chapter, shall become effective

upon approval by the constituent Chapter without further action by the Grand High Priest.

Any other By-Laws which conform with the uniform code shall become effective upon

approval by the Grand High Priest. All other By-Laws shall become effective, if and

when, approved by the Grand High Priest with the advice, consent and approval of the

Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence, and shall remain in effect unless thereafter

disapproved or modified by the Grand Chapter.

Sample Uniform Code of By-Laws

Section 1. The name of this chapter is ________________________________

_______________________________Chapter No.____, Royal Arch Masons, located at

_________________________________________________________ of ________________ (Temple, Building or street number)

______________________________, in the County of ______________________________, (City, Village, Township)

and in the State of Ohio.

Section 2. The elective officers of this chapter shall be a High Priest, King, Scribe,

Treasurer, Secretary, Captain of the Host, Principal Sojourner, Royal Arch Captain, three

Masters of the Veils, and a Guard, who shall be elected by ballot, and who shall be installed on

the night of their election or at a stated or special convocation held within the time specified by

the Grand Chapter.

The appointive officer shall be a Chaplain who shall be appointed prior to the installation

of officers.

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Uniform Code of By-Laws

(Note: In this section the chapter may change the language to provide that the Royal

Arch Captain and the three Masters of the Veils may be appointed; also, it may create

such other offices as it may deem proper, which additional offices so created may be

filled by appointment or by election, but the By-Law must specifically state which. Trustees

may be elected or appointed, but the method of selection must be clearly stated in the By-Laws. A Senior Steward and Junior Steward may be appointed. All officers, elective or appointive, shall

make the declaration of fealty, and all line officers, chaplain and stewards shall be installed.)

Section 3. The stated convocations of this chapter shall be held on the

__________________________________________of each month, and the hour of assembly

shall be _________o'clock _____.M.; (the following may or may not be adopted as options, but

any such option, if selected, must be specifically stated) provided however, that when any special

day mentioned below conflicts with a stated convocation, such convocation shall be as follows:

New Year's Day -- on the ______________________________________________________; (first, second or________ Monday, Tuesday or______ of January)

Holy Thursday or Good Friday -- on the

__________________________________________________________ (first, second or _____ Monday, Tuesday or _____ of the month in which such holiday falls)

Memorial Day--on the __________________________________________________________ ( First, Second or_____ Monday, Tuesday or ________ of May)

July 4--on the _________________________________________________________________ (first, second or _____ Monday, Tuesday or _____ of July)

Labor Day--on the _____________________________________________________________ (first, second or _____Monday, Tuesday or _____of September)

Thanksgiving Day--on the _______________________________________________________ (first, second or_______ ________of November)

Christmas Eve or Christmas Day--on the ____________________________________________

of December.

Special convocations may be called in accordance with, and only in accordance with, the

provisions of the Code of the Grand Chapter of Ohio, namely, by the High Priest at a stated

convocation or by written notice to the entire membership. (Sec 100.05 of Code)

Section 4. The __________________________convocation of this chapter in June of

each year shall be the regular annual convocation for the election of officers. The officers shall

be elected at the ___________ stated meeting in _________ (here insert May or June, as the

Chapter shall determine). The Officers shall be installed at the _____________ stated meeting in

June or at a stated special convocation thereafter. (Amended Oct 8,1998)

Section 5. The fees for the degrees in this chapter shall be __________________Dollars

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Uniform Code of By-Laws

($___________) payable in full when the petition is presented, or, by unanimous consent of the

chapter, divided as follows: Mark Master Degree ________________Dollars ($___________);

Past Master Degree, no charge; Most Excellent Master Degree __________Dollars ($_______);

Royal Arch Degree __________________ Dollars ($ _______). If the fee is paid in full, or if the

Mark Master fee is on deposit, with unanimous consent, a single ballot for all the degrees may be

had, but under no circumstances may a degree be conferred until the fee therefor is on deposit.

Petitions for degrees from members of Mark Master Lodges which are either chartered or

recognized by the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio shall be accepted in the same

manner as any other petition for degrees. The fee charged shall be that stated in these By-Laws

for the Most Excellent Master and Royal Arch Degrees. (Sec. 31.02 d. and f., Grand Chapter By-


The fee for membership by affiliation shall be _________________________________

dollars ($_______________).

(If chapter desires, it may add this paragraph to Section 5: “A member suspended at the

expiration of the six months period for non-payment of dues, and seeking restoration under

Section 110.09 of the Code, shall deposit in addition to the dues owing from him the sum of

_______________________dollars ($______________”).

The amount must be inserted in the blank and may not exceed $1.00.

Section 6. By unanimous consent of all members present, the investigating committee

may report and the petition, or application for membership, be balloted on at the stated

convocation at which it is presented; otherwise action thereon shall be taken at the next or some

subsequent stated convocation opened in the Royal Arch Degree, held within a reasonable time

thereafter. (Sec. 114.01 of the Code).

Section 7. The Annual dues shall be __________________dollars ($_____________),

payable on or before the first day of June. If such dues are not paid on or before June 30, notice

shall be given at once by mail to each member who has not paid his dues. Failure to receive

notice shall not excuse the non-payment of dues. (Sec. 110.03 of Code. may not be less than

$5.00.Sec.110.02 of Code.)

Section 8. Each High Priest, on the night of his election or installation, shall appoint a

Finance Committee of three members whose duties shall be those prescribed in Section 104.05

of the Code of the Grand Chapter, and such other duties as the High Priest may direct.

Section 9. Unless otherwise ordered by the High Priest, the following shall be the order

of business at stated convocations of this chapter:

1. Reading of minutes.

2. Reading and referring petitions.

3. Receiving and acting on reports of committees.

4. Balloting on applicants.

5. Unfinished, new, and miscellaneous business

6. Conferring degrees.

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Uniform Code of By-Laws

(Note: Chapters may adopt such additional By-Laws as their necessities may require, if

such By-Laws are in conformity with the law of Capitular Masonry. If such By-Laws are

adopted, they should be inserted at this point and consecutively numbered, changing the number

of the following section in accordance therewith.)

Section 10. To amend these By-Laws, the resolution or proposal to amend must be in

writing and must set forth in full the entire section as it then exists, and also the entire section as

it will exist if the proposed amendment is approved. The resolution or proposal must be read at

the stated convocation at which it is presented, entered on the minutes and laid over to the next

or subsequent stated convocation when a vote shall be had thereon. Written notice of said

resolution or proposal shall be sent to all members by the Secretary not less than ten (10) days

before the stated convocation at which such vote shall be taken.

If two-thirds, (2/3) or more of the members present vote for the adoption thereof, and if

the amendment is subsequently approved by the Grand High Priest or other authority in

accordance with the laws of the Grand Chapter of Ohio, it shall be declared adopted and shall

become a part of these By-Laws.

(Amended Oct. 8, 1980)

(Note: Chapters should not include provisions of the constitution, By-Laws or code of the

Grand Chapter in their By-Laws.)

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Uniform Code of By-Laws

Letter of Transmittal Amendments to Chapter By-Laws (Sec. 23.01 and 23.02, By-Laws of Grand Chapter)

To the Grand High Priest

of the Grand Chapter

Royal Arch Masons of Ohio

Attached hereto are three copies of -- Amendments to By-Laws;

Complete By-Laws (check which) –

of ________________________________________

Chapter No. __________ of _______________________________________________Ohio,

which were

1) Introduced in writing, read and entered on the Minutes of said Chapter, at a stated

convocation of said Chapter held on the __________day of_____________, 20_____,

and laid over until the next or subsequent convocation of said Chapter.

2) Acted upon at a stated convocation of said Chapter on the ________________ day of

____________________, 20 ______, and adopted by the affirmative votes of two-

thirds or more of the members of said Chapter present at said meeting.

Said Amendments or Complete By-Laws are submitted for your approval, with the

consent and approval of the Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence when such consent and

approval is required.

Dated this ________ day of, ____________________, 20______


________________________________ High Priest


_________________________________ Secretary

of ______________________ Chapter No. _______

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Uniform Code of By-Laws


Standing Resolution (Sec. 23.01 and 23.02, By-Laws of Grand Chapter)

Be it resolved that this Chapter adopt the following regulation:

Any member in good standing may hereafter be exempt from the payment of Annual Dues,

provided said member pay a sum of money, in cash, not less than an amount representing the

present value of an immediate life annuity upon his life, computed in accordance with the

Commissioner’s Standard Ordinary Life Insurance Experience Table of Mortality, of an amount

equal to the yearly dues of said Chapter, on a single life at 2% interest, said payments to be made

to the Chapter Secretary.

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CEREMONIES OF THE ORDER Installation of the Officers of the Grand Chapter

(The officers of the Grand Chapter shall be installed by a present or Past Grand High

Priest, or, in the absence of any such officer, by any high priest or past high priest of a

constituent chapter. They may be installed in a convocation of the Grand Chapter, or, by the

authority of the Grand Chapter or Grand High Priest in a constituent chapter of this jurisdiction,

or in a Grand or constituent chapter of a sister jurisdiction.)

(A Grand Marshal, who may be any past high priest, shall be appointed for the ceremony

of installation.)

(At the time appointed for installation, the roll of officers is called and the Grand High

Priest-Elect takes his position before the altar, the other officers-elect on either side of him, each

being divested of all jewels and robes. The officers, as they are installed, may or may not, at the

discretion of the installing officer, be invested with their robes of office.)

Installing Officer: * * * Companions, you will give reverent attention to the Right

Excellent Grand Chaplain.

Grand Chaplain: (May use this or other suitable prayer) Most Holy and Glorious Lord

God, the Great High Priest of Heaven and Earth: We implore Thy blessing upon these

companions who have been selected to guide and direct our Ancient Order. May they be

steadfast in Thy service. May they rule over their companions with love and justice. May their

professions as Masons be the rule of their conduct as men. Bless them, and us, their companions.

And may we all, having finished our earthly temple, be admitted into the glories of the second

temple, that spiritual temple, eternal in the heavens. Amen.

Response: So mote it be. *

Grand Marshal: Most Excellent Grand High Priest, I have the pleasure to present for

installation the officers who have been selected to serve this Grand Chapter during the ensuing


Installing Officer: Companions, you will now assume the obligation of your office.

Each say, I, pronounce your name in full, and repeat after me: Do solemnly promise,

upon my honor as a Royal Arch Mason, that to the utmost of my knowledge and ability, I will

faithfully discharge the duties of the office to which I have been advanced, and that I will strictly

comply with the constitution, laws and regulations of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons

of Ohio, and with the ancient usages and landmarks of the Order. So help me God.

Grand Marshal: (Presents Grand High Priest-elect before the East) Most Excellent

Grand High Priest (or other appropriate title), I now present Companion __________, who has

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Ceremonies of the Order

been duly elected to serve this Grand Chapter as its Grand High Priest, and who now declares

himself ready for installation.

Installing Officer: Companion Grand Marshal, you will invest Companion _______

with the jewel (and robe) of his office.

Most Excellent Companion, by the voice of your Companions you have been chosen to

occupy the most important and the most honorable office in their power to bestow. Your faithful

and loyal service in our Craft has made you familiar with its duties and its responsibilities, and I

need not recount them now. Our knowledge of your zeal and ability gives us confidence to

believe that you will discharge the duties of your high office with honor to yourself and to this

Ancient Order, and that the landmarks of this great fraternity are safely entrusted to your care.

May the Mitre with which you are invested and the Breastplate with which you are

decorated ever remind you of your dependence upon the Most High God and of your grave

responsibilities to our Order and to its members. May the colors of the robes you may wear ever

remind you of those graces and virtues which should adorn the mind of him to whom has come

great Masonic honor.

You will now assume your seat in the East and preside over this Grand Chapter.

(Grand High Priest assumes his station, and the installation ceremonies are continued by

him or by some proper officer designated by him.)

Grand Marshal: I now have the pleasure to present for installation as Grand King

Companion__________________, as Grand Scribe Companion_________________, (gives

names and titles of all officers to be installed).

Installing Officer: My companions, to you have come the honor and responsibility of

serving this Grand Chapter as its officers. I need not now repeat to you the important duties of

your various offices, nor the symbolism and emblematical lessons of your jewels (and robes).

May you never forget the high duty you owe to your superiors in office, to the Capitular Rite,

and to your companions. It is with a deep feeling of pleasure that I ask the Marshal to invest you

with the jewels (and robes) of your office and to conduct you to your respective stations.

* * *

Grand Marshal: By authority of the Most Excellent Grand Chapter of Royal Arch

Masons of the State of Ohio, I do now proclaim that its Grand officers have been installed in

ample form, with the Grand Honors of Masonry, by three times three.

(The Grand Honors shall then be given. If the newly installed Grand High Priest shall

install the other Grand Officers, he shall be declared installed by the Grand Marshal and the

Grand Honors given him immediately at the close of his installation, the proclamation and

Grand Honors as to the other officers being given at the close of their installation.)

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Ceremonies of the Order

(If it is desired to install the officers other than the Grand High Priest separately, the

ceremonies of the installation of the officers of constituent chapters may be used, with such

modifications as are necessary to adapt them to the installation of grand officers.)

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Ceremonies of the Order

Consecration of a New Chapter

The new chapter will meet in its hall, and open on the Royal Arch degree; the grand

officers will meet in an adjoining room, and on being notified by a committee of the new chapter

that its members are ready for their reception, they will proceed to the chapter room, where,

being received by the new chapter with Grand Honors, the officers of the new chapter resign

their stations to the grand officers. A procession is then formed by the Grand Marshal, as follow,

which repairs to the church or other place designated for the performance of the ceremonies; or,

if suitable, the exercises can be held in the chapter room


Grand Marshal


Senior and Junior Stewards

Royal Arch Masons, two by two

Members of the new chapter, as follows:

Chaplain carrying the Pot of Incense

Four companions carrying the Ark

Three companions carrying lights

Masters of the First and Second Veil

Master of the Third Veil, and Royal Arch Captain

Principal Sojourner, and Captain of the Host

Secretary and Treasurer

Scribe and King

High Priest

Grand Guard

Members of the Grand Chapter

Grand Royal Arch Captain

Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer

Grand Chaplain, Orator

Grand Scribe, Grand King

Grand High Priest

On arriving at the place where the ceremonies are to be performed, the procession halts,

faces inward, and the grand officers and others pass through. All being seated, the ceremonies

commence as follows:


Grand High Priest: * * * Companions, you will give reverent attention to the Right

Excellent Grand Chaplain.

Grand Chaplain: (May use this or other suitable prayer)

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Ceremonies of the Order

Almighty and Supreme High Priest of Heaven and Earth! Who is there in heaven but

Thee! and who upon earth can stand in competition with Thee! Thine Omniscient Mind brings

all things in review, past, present, and to come; Thine Omnipresent Eye pervades the secret

recesses of every heart; Thy boundless beneficence supplies us with every comfort and

enjoyment; and Thine unspeakable perfections and glory surpass the understanding of the

children of men! Our Father, who are in heaven, we invoke thy benediction upon the purposes of

our present assembly. May this chapter be established to Thine honor and consecrated to Thy

glory; may its officers be endowed with wisdom to discern, and fidelity to pursue, its true

interests; and may its members be every mindful of the duty they owe to their God, the

obedience they owe to their superiors, the love they owe to their equals, and the good will they

owe to all mankind. Glory be to God on high.

Response: As is was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. So

mote it be, Amen.

The Grand Marshal then forms the new chapter in front of the Grand High Priest.

Grand King: Most Excellent Grand High Priest, a number of companions, duly

instructed in the sublime mysteries, being desirous of promoting the honor and propagating the

principles of the art, have applied to the Grand Chapter for a warrant to constitute a new chapter

of Royal Arch Masons, which having been obtained, they are now assembled for the purpose of

being constituted and having their officers installed in due and ancient form.

Grand High Priest: Let the Warrant of Constitution be read.

Grand Secretary reads it.

Grand High Priest: Companions, do you still approve of the officers as herein named?

Companions: We do.

Grand High Priest: By virtue of the high powers in me vested, I do form you, my

respected companions, into a regular chapter of Royal Arch Masons. From henceforth you are

authorized and empowered to open and hold a Lodge of Mark Masters, Past Masters, and Most

Excellent Masters, and a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons; and to do and perform all such things

as thereunto may appertain; conforming in all your doings to the regulations of the Grand

Chapter of Ohio. And may the God of your fathers be with you, guide, and direct you in all your


Grand Honors given.

The Ark of the Covenant, and the furniture , clothing , jewels, and implements belonging

to the chapter (having been previously placed in the center, in front of the Grand High Priest)

are now uncovered , and the dedication proceeds.

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Ceremonies of the Order

Grand Chaplain: (with the pot of incense in his hands) To our Most Excellent Patron

Zerubbabel, we solemnly dedicate this chapter. May the blessing of our Heavenly High Priest

descend and rest upon its members, and may their felicity be immortal. Glory be to God on high.

Response: As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.


Grand Chaplain: (Lights and places incense.)

Grand King: Most Excellent Grand High Priest, I have the pleasure to present for

installation the officers of ________________________ Chapter No. _______.

Grand High Priest: You will kneel and repeat after me the obligation.

Say I, pronounce your name in full, and repeat after me; do promise and swear that I will

to the best of my abilities, perform all the duties appertaining to the office to which I have been

named, and will support and maintain the constitution, laws and regulations of the Grand Chapter

of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio, and the ancient usages and landmarks of the Order.

So help me God.

Grand King: Most Excellent Grand High Priest, I present to you

Companion___________________, who has been nominated in the Warrant, to be installed High

Priest of this new chapter. I find him to be skillful in the Royal Art, and attentive to the moral

precepts of our forefathers and have therefore no doubt that he will discharge the duties of his

office with fidelity.

From this point use ceremony of installation of officers of constituent chapter, except the

proclamation, which shall be as follows:

Grand Marshal: In the name of the Most Excellent Grand Chapter of Royal Arch

Masons of the State of Ohio, I hereby proclaim _________ Chapter No. ______ to be legally

constituted and consecrated, and the officers thereof duly installed, with the Grand Honors of

Masonry, by three times three.

(The Grand Honors are given.)




(The procession then returns to the chapter room if the exercises are held elsewhere, and

the Grand Officer retiring, the chapter is closed by its own officers.)

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Ceremonies of the Order

Installation of Officers of Constituent Chapters

All officers named in Code Section 102.01, elected or reelected, or named in the charter

of a new chapter, shall be installed on the night of election or within one hundred days

thereafter, in open chapter, at a stated convocation, or at a special convocation called /or that

purpose. No officer may be installed by proxy or in private.

In case of the failure or refusal of any officer-elect to be installed within the prescribed

time, his election is void, and the former officer holds over until the next election; but if any such

former officer has been elected and installed into another office, his previous office becomes

vacant, and must be filled by the High Priest by appointment. Code, Section 102.06.

On the night appointed for installation, the chapter shall be opened on the Royal Arch

Degree. The retiring High Priest has the right to install his successor. If he does not exercise his

prerogative, it is proper to consult the wishes of the newly elected High Priest as to who shall be

the installing officer. The installing officer shall be a high priest or a past high priest. The

installing officer shall name some proper companion, a past high priest, if one be present, to act

as marshal.

Whether the officers, as they are installed, shall be invested with the robes of their offices

is within the discretion of the Installing Officer. If not so invested, omit the word "robes" from

the ceremony.

If the installation is to take place at an open meeting, the following regulations shall be


a. If the installation is at a stated convocation, the chapter shall be opened in regular

form, the necessary business transacted and a recess called before non-members are admitted. If

it is at a special convocation, the officers may convene in a room adjacent to the regular meeting

hall. The High Priest may waive the usual opening ceremonies and declare the Chapter open for

the purpose of proceeding with a public installation.

b. At this meeting or at any time prior thereto, an objection may be filed with the

Secretary in accordance with 102.11 of the Code. Should an objection be filed, it will be either

sustained or dismissed before proceeding with the ceremony. All reference to an objection shall

be omitted from the ceremony.

c. After the chapter has been opened, chapter members and invited guests may convene

together for the installation ceremonies.

d. Robes are a part of the Chapter ritual and may not be used during a public


e. All use of signs shall be omitted.

f. If any meeting place, other than the regularly dedicated chapter apartment is to be

employed for an installation, a dispensation for that purpose must be obtained from the Grand

High Priest.

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Ceremonies of the Order

g. After the installation ceremonies, the Chapter shall resume labor for the closing

ceremonies, which may be by proclamation if held outside the regular meeting hall. Such

proclamation shall be in the following form and may be given publicly:

“The purpose for which this convocation was called having been accomplished, this

chapter is closed."

If the public installation has taken place at a stated convocation, the chapter shall be

closed in regular form after the non-members have withdrawn.

h. Since a public installation is done by a chapter in recess a record of the proceedings

shall appear in the minutes of that convocation.


The roll of officers is called, and they take their positions, without jewels or robes, before

the altar, the High Priest in the center.

Installing Officer: * * * Companions, you will give reverent attention to the Chaplain.

Chaplain: (May use this or other appropriate prayer.)

Most Holy and Glorious Lord God, the Great High Priest of Heaven and Earth: We

approach Thee with reverence, and implore Thy blessing on these companions who are to be

inducted into their positions of trust and responsibility. May Thy fear fill their hearts. May their

tongues and actions pronounce Thy glory. Make them steadfast in Thy service. Grant them

firmness of mind. Animate their hearts and strengthen their endeavors. Bless Thou especially this

Companion who is to assume the mitre and breastplate in this chapter. May the incense which he

shall put before Thee upon Thine altar prove an acceptable sacrifice unto Thee. Bless him, O

Lord, and bless the work of his hands. Bless these officers, and bless us, their companions.

Accept us in mercy. Hear Thou from Heaven, Thy dwelling place, and forgive our

transgressions. Amen.

Response: So mote it be. *


(During the obligation the High Priest will kneel.)

Installing Officer: My Companions of ______________Chapter, you now behold

before you the officers who have been selected to serve this chapter during the ensuing year. If

any of you know of any just or Masonic reason why they, or any of them, should not be installed,

let him now speak or forever after hold his peace. (Pauses for objection.) I am happy to observe

that you still approve your choice, and I will now proceed to install them.

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Ceremonies of the Order

You will repeat after me the obligation. Say I, pronounce your name in full,-- do promise

and swear that I will, to the best of my abilities, perform all the duties appertaining to the office

to which I have been chosen, and will support and maintain the constitution, laws and regulations

of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio, and the ancient usages and landmarks of

the Order. So help me God.

(The high priest-elect rises and remains before the altar. The Marshal then conducts the

high priest-elect to the East.)

Marshal: Most Excellent, (or whatever title is proper) I have the pleasure to present

Companion___________, who has been elected to serve this chapter as high priest for the

ensuing year, and now declares himself ready for installation.

Installing Officer: Excellent Companion_____________, it is my privilege and my

pleasure on this occasion to install you into the office of high priest of this chapter, an office

highly honorable to all those who diligently perform the important duties annexed to it. But

before I can proceed further, I must demand your unequivocal assent to certain propositions

which I shall now propound relative to the duties of your office.

1. Do you solemnly promise that you will support and observe the constitution, laws and

edicts of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio, and the By-Laws of this chapter, and

that you will pay due respect and obedience to the officers of the Grand Chapter, resigning to

them your chair on all proper occasions?

2. That you will never suffer your chapter to be opened unless there be present ten regular

Royal Arch Masons, nor will you permit a lodge or chapter to be opened or closed, or degrees

conferred therein, other than according to the rituals of the Order?

3. That you will not acknowledge or have intercourse with any chapter not recognized by

the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio, nor will you admit as visitor any companion

who has not received the Capitular degrees in a just and lawful manner, unless first formally


4. That you will endeavor to correct the vices, purify the morals and promote the

happiness of your companions of this sublime degree, and that you will not exalt to the sublime

degree of Royal Arch Mason anyone who has not shown a charitable and humane disposition

and proper proficiency in the preceding degrees?

Do you submit to all these things, and do you promise to observe and practice them, and

to bind your successor in office to observe and practice them, faithfully?

Answer: I do.

Installing Officer: Having cheerfully acquiesced in these charges, the Marshal will now

invest you with the jewel (and robes) of your office.

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Ceremonies of the Order

Having been invested with the jewel (and robes) of your office, may I call your attention

briefly to some of the duties and prerogatives of your high place, as you will find them stated in

the Book of Constitutions, the Capitular Code, which is entrusted to your care, and which you

will diligently study and impartially administer?

As high priest of this chapter, you will preside at all of its convocations, and call such

special convocations as in your judgment may be proper; you will direct the transaction of its

business and the conferring of the degrees of this Rite, determine the order of business, supervise

and direct the work of your subordinate officers, decide questions of Masonic law, and be

responsible to the Grand High Priest and to the Grand Chapter for the proper conduct of all of the

affairs of the chapter; and, with the king and scribe, it is your privilege and duty to attend the

meetings of the Grand Chapter, in person or by proxy. While your decisions are final, and

may not be discussed without your consent and permission, you will ever bear in mind that you

should manifest a decent respect for the feeling and opinions of your fellows in all proper cases.

I am sure that the confidence which your companions have reposed in you in advancing

you to this exalted position has not been misplaced, and that your constant recurrence to the

principles of the order and the constitution and laws of the fraternity will mark you as one in

whom they have not placed their trust unwisely.

The Mitre, the Breastplate and the Various Colors of the Robes which you will wear

should impress deeply upon your mind and heart a sense of your dependence upon the Most

High God, a feeling of your greater responsibility to this institution and its members, and an

appreciation of the graces and virtues which should adorn and beautify the mind of him who is

thus honored by his companions.

You will now assume your seat in the Sanctum Sanctorum and proceed with the


(The high priest, being seated in the East, may proceed with the installation of the

officers, or request a competent companion to do so.)

Marshal: (Presents the king and the other officers in turn in the same manner as the high

priest was presented.)


Companion___________, the important station to which you are elected in this chapter

requires from you exemplary conduct; its duties demand your most assiduous attention; you are

to second and support your chief in all the requirements of his office; and should casualties at

any time prevent his attendance, you are to succeed him in the performance of his duties.

The badge of your office, with which you are now invested, the Level, surmounted by a

Crown, should remind you that, although you are exalted by office above your companions, yet

you remain upon a level with them as respects your duty to your God, to your neighbor and to

yourself. The great lesson of your office is humility. Though a king, yet you are subordinate to

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Ceremonies of the Order

the high priest, the representative of the Most High God, your duty to whom is paramount to all

other duties and should ever claim your obedience.

The Scarlet Robe and the Crown, which you will wear, should remind you of the

fervency and zeal with which you should endeavor to promote the prosperity and welfare of your

chapter, and that, though you wear the crown, still "he who ruleth his own spirit is better than he

that taketh a city."

You will now assume your station in the Grand Council at the right of the Excellent High



Companion__________, the office of scribe, to which you are elected, is important. In

the absence of your superior officers you are bound to succeed them and to perform their duties.

The purposes of the institution ought never to suffer for want of intelligence in its proper

officers; you will therefore perceive the necessity there is of your possessing such qualifications

as will enable you to accomplish those duties which are incumbent upon you in your appropriate

station, as well as those which may occasionally devolve on you by the absence of your


The Purple Robe, which you will wear, is an emblem of union, and should deeply

impress upon your mind the time honored truth of Masonry, that harmony is the strength

and support of all institutions, especially this.

The badge, with which you are now invested, the Plumb Rule, surmounted by the

Turban, is an emblem of rectitude and vigilance, and reminds you that you stand as a watchman

on the tower to guard your companions against intemperance and excess and to admonish them

to fidelity and industry while at labor and to temperance and moderation at refreshment.

You will assume your station in the Grand Council at the left of the Excellent High



My companions, you have been elected to serve this chapter as treasurer and secretary.

To you is entrusted the duty of keeping accurate records of the business and transactions of the

chapter. Accuracy and fidelity, good judgment and tact, and a deep and abiding respect for the

institution of which you are so important a part, are the qualities which have recommended you

to your companions, and I am sure that you will be loyal and faithful in the discharge of the

duties of your offices.

You will now be invested with jewels of your offices and conducted to your stations on

either side of the Grand Council.

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Ceremonies of the Order


Companion_____________, the office with which you are entrusted corresponds to that

of marshal or master of ceremonies, and demands your most zealous consideration. The

preservation of the most essential traits of our ancient customs, usages and landmarks is within

your province; and it is indispensably necessary that the part assigned to you in the practice of

our rites and ceremonies should be perfectly understood and correctly administered.

You will now be invested with the jewel of your office and conducted to your station at

the right, and in front of the Grand Council.


Companion______________, the office confided in you, though subordinate in degree, is

equal in importance to any in the chapter, that of your chief alone excepted. Your office

corresponds to that of senior deacon in the preparatory degrees. Among the duties required of

you, the preparation and introduction of candidates are not the least. As in our intercourse with

the world, experience teaches that first impressions are often the most durable and the most

difficult to eradicate, so it is of importance, in all cases, that those impressions should be correct

and just; hence it is essential that the officer who brings the blind by a way they know not, and

leads them in paths they have not known, should always be well qualified to make darkness light

before them and crooked things straight.

Your Robe of Office, with its Rose Colored Tesselated Border, teaches you true

humility, and that ardour and perseverance in face of impediments, hardships and trials will

insure a glorious reward at the termination of your labors.

You will now be invested with the jewel of your office and conducted to your station at

the left and in front of the Grand Council.


Companion___________, your office corresponds to that of junior deacon in the

preparatory degrees, and its duties are so well known as to require little elucidation. With the

captain of the host, to whose orders you will always give attentive obedience, you will examine

visitors and see that none enter our chapter but such as have traveled the rugged path of trial and

proven their title to our favor.

The White Banner, with which you are entrusted, is emblematical of that purity of heart

and rectitude of conduct which should actuate all those who pass the final Veil of the Sanctuary

by means of the Signet of Truth.

You will now be invested with the jewel of your office and conducted to your station.

(Note: The Marshal presents the Masters of the Third, Second and First Veils together.

They may be charged individually and collectively, as provided in the next four paragraphs, or,

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Ceremonies of the Order

in the alternative, may be charged collectively only as provided in the fifth paragraph



Companion Master of the Third Veil: The color of your veil and banner is scarlet,

emblematic of fervency and zeal. It is the appropriate color of the Royal Arch degree. It teaches

us that we should be fervent in the exercise of our devotion to God, and zealous in our endeavors

to promote the happiness of man.


Companion Master of the Second Veil: The color of your veil and banner is produced by

a due admixture of blue and scarlet; the former of which is the characteristic color of the

symbolic or first three degrees of Masonry, and the latter that of the Royal Arch degree. It is an

emblem of union and the characteristic color of the intermediate degrees. It admonishes us to

cultivate and improve the spirit of union and harmony between the brethren of the symbolic

degrees and the companions of the sublime degrees which should ever distinguish the members

of the society founded upon the principles of everlasting truth and universal philanthropy.


Companion Master of the First Veil: The color of your veil and banner is one of the most

durable and beautiful in nature. It is the appropriate color adopted and worn by our ancient

brethren of the three symbolic degrees, and, is the peculiar characteristic of an institution which

has stood the test of ages, and which is as much distinguished by the durability of its materials,

or principles, as by the beauty of its superstructure. It is an emblem of universal friendship and

benevolence; and instructs us that in the mind of the Mason, those virtues should be as expansive

as the blue arch of heaven itself.

CHARGE to the Three Masters of the Veils as Overseers:

Companions: Those who are placed as overseers of any work should be well qualified to

judge of its beauties and deformities, its excellencies and its defects; they should be capable of

estimating the former and amending the latter. This consideration should induce you to cultivate

and improve all those qualifications with which you are already endowed, as well as to persevere

in your endeavor to acquire those in which you are deficient. Let the various colors of the

banners committed to your charge admonish you to the exercise of the several virtues of which

they are emblematic. You are to enjoin the practice of those virtues upon all who shall present

themselves, or the work of their hands, for your inspection. Let no work receive your

approbation but such as is calculated to adorn and strengthen the Masonic edifice. Be industrious

and faithful in practicing and disseminating knowledge of the true and perfect work, which alone

can pass the test of the Grand Overseer's Square, in the great day of judgment. Then, although

every rod has become a serpent, and every serpent an enemy of this institution, yet shall their

utmost exertions to destroy its reputation, or sap its foundation, become as impotent as the

leprous hand, or as water poured upon the dry ground which cannot be gathered up again.

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Ceremonies of the Order

You will now be invested with your jewels and conducted to your respective stations.

(Note: The following may be used if it is desired to charge the three Masters of the Veils

as a group.)

CHARGE to Masters of the Third, Second and First Veils:

My companions, you have been selected to serve this chapter as its veilsmen. The

Scarlet, Purple and Blue Banners, with which you are entrusted, and which are the ensigns of

your respective offices, are emblematical of the fervency and zeal which should mark your

conduct as men and Masons, of the spirit of union and harmony which should exist between

brethren of the symbolic degrees and the companions of the sublime degrees, and of the spirit of

true friendship, which is the distinguishing characteristic of all Master Masons.

You will now be invested with the jewels of your offices and conducted to your stations


Companion_____________, you have been selected to serve this chapter as its guard, and

you are now invested with the badge and this implement of your office. It is your duty to see that

none pass or repass but those who are qualified. You are the first to greet the companion,

member or visitor, and the last to wish him God-speed. May your conduct of your office be such

as to leave in the mind of every Royal Arch Mason visiting this chapter the most pleasant

recollection of our convocations. You will be conducted to your station.


Companion________, you have been appointed Chaplain of this Chapter and I now have

the honor to invest you with our highest symbol, the Holy Bible, the jewel of your sacred office.

The principles and precepts of Freemasonry are in strict accordance with the teachings of

that Great Light in Masonry, which enlightens our life and illumines our love, and though

Masonry does not pretend to be a religious institution, yet from her laws and from her teachings,

she should be an auxiliary to whatever is good and great - a pillar of cloud by day and fire by

night - pointing the right way.

Your station in the Chapter has no bounds, no limits and no restrictions. It will

encompass each of us and our Companions everywhere. You will now be seated among our


CHARGE to the Chapter EDUCATION Officer:

Companion_________, you have been appointed Education Officer of this chapter and

your responsibility to this chapter and to its candidates will be great.

It is your duty to diffuse light and knowledge to the companions and candidates of the

chapter which will help them to apply the lessons of Masonry to their daily lives.

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Ceremonies of the Order

The Grand Chapter, the Chapter Management Manual and the District Education Officer

are sources of educational information and materials, but the Holy Writings will prove to be the

greatest of all.

The emblem of your office, the lamp of knowledge, symbolizes light in Masonry, which

is in your power to bring to the Companions and candidates of your chapter and with enthusiasm

and dedication, you can successfully meet this responsibility.

Be diligent and persevering in all your efforts and your rewards will be great. You will

now be seated with your Companions.

CHARGE to the STEWARDS: (Optional officers)

My companions, you have been appointed to serve this chapter as senior and junior

stewards for the new year. It will be your duty to assist in the ritualistic ceremonies in the various

degrees and to perform such other duties as your high priest may prescribe. Remember there is

no unimportant position in the official line of a chapter. May your service be such as to

commend you to your companions.

CHARGE to a TRUSTEE: (Optional officer)

Companion , you have been elected Trustee of this Chapter for a term of_____


The office of Trustee has been given neither jewel nor station, though it is no less

important because of that. Your reputation among your Companions as a wise, discreet and

prudent Freemason has designated you for this post of high trust, and I offer my sincere


The duties of the Trustees are prescribed in the By-Laws and standing resolutions of this

Chapter, the primary responsibility being that of the proper care and protection of all the property

of the Chapter.

The scope of your jurisdiction will be extensive, but your highest value will come as one

of the "elder statesmen" of your Chapter. Your powers will be great, and I have full confidence

in your ability to exercise those powers with good judgment, remembering always that as they

are granted by your Chapter, so are they subject to, and can never exceed, those of the Chapter.

You will now be seated with your Companions.


My companions, the exercise and management of the sublime degrees of Masonry in

your chapter hitherto are so highly appreciated and the good reputation of the chapter so well

established, that I must presume these considerations alone, were there no others of greater

magnitude, would be sufficient to induce you to preserve and perpetuate this valuable and

honorable character. But when to these is added the pleasure which every philanthropic heart

must feel in doing good, in promoting good order, in diffusing light and knowledge, in

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Ceremonies of the Order

cultivating Masonic charity, which are the great objects of this sublime institution, I can not

doubt that your future conduct, and that of your successors, will be calculated to increase still

more the luster of your just esteemed reputation.

May your chapter become beautiful as the temple, peaceful as the ark, and sacred as its

most holy place. May your oblations of piety and praise be grateful as the incense, your love

warm as its flame, and your charity diffusive as its fragrance. May your hearts be pure as the

altar, and your conduct acceptable as the offering. May the exercise of your charity be as

constant as the returning wants of the distressed widow and helpless orphan. May the

approbation of Heaven be your encouragement, and the testimony of a good conscience your

support; may you be endowed with every good and perfect gift while traveling the rugged path of

life, and finally be admitted within the veil of heaven, to the full enjoyment of life eternal. So

mote it be. Amen.



Marshal: In the name of the Most Excellent Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the

State of Ohio, I do hereby proclaim the officers of ___________Chapter No. _____to be duly

installed into their respective offices, with the Grand Honors of Masonry by three times three.

Installing Officer: • • • (The Grand Honors are given under the direction of the

Installing Officer.)

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Ceremonies of the Order

Ceremonies of the Dedication of Royal Arch Apartments

1. The grand officers will meet at a convenient place, and open the Grand Chapter.

2. The constituent chapter will meet in its hall, and open the chapter on the Royal Arch

Degree, preparatory to the reception of the Grand Officers.

3. When ready for the reception of the Grand Chapter, they will dispatch a committee to the

place where the Grand Chapter is assembled to inform the Grand Marshal that the chapter is

prepared for its reception. The Grand Marshal will announce the committee, and introduce them

to the grand officers.

4. The Grand Chapter will move in procession, conducted by the committee, to the hall of

the chapter, in the following order:

Grand Guard

Two Grand Stewards

Members of Grand Chapter (arranged two and one)

Grand Masters of the First and Second Veil

Grand Master of the Third Veil

Grand Royal Arch Captain

Three Great Lights (on a cushion--carried by a Past High Priest

or a Past Grand High Priest)

Grand Chaplain

Grand Principal Sojourner and Grand Captain of the Host

Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer

Grand Marshal and Grand Scribe

Grand King

Grand High Priest

As the Grand High Priest enters, the grand honors--(battery three times three)-- are

given, and the officers of the chapter resign their stations to the grand officers.


(All seated.)

A brief address of welcome is made by the High Priest, or his representative (a Past

Grand High Priest, if there is one of their membership).

Response by the Grand High Priest.

The High Priest of the chapter then addresses the Grand High Priest, as follows: "Most

Excellent:--The Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of this city, having erected a Masonic

Temple for their convenience and the accommodation of the regular Masonic Bodies of this

place, the officers and companions of the chapters of Royal Arch Masons, interested therein,

respectfully request that the apartments set apart for their use may be examined by the Most

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Ceremonies of the Order

Excellent Grand Chapter, and if approved, be solemnly dedicated to the purposes of Capitular

Masonry, agreeably to ancient form."

Grand High Priest: (addressing the Grand King) Right Excellent Grand King, with the

assistance of the Grand Marshal and the Grand Captain of the Host, carefully examine the

proposed capitular apartments and make report.

(The three officers designated proceed at once to walk through, or around the rooms to

be used. An appropriate musical accompaniment is rendered during their examination.)

On their return the Grand King says: Most Excellent Grand High Priest:--Upon careful

examination, we find these apartments appropriate in every particular, for capitular purposes,

with all of the appurtenances and requirements requisite for work, as prescribed by the Most

Excellent Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons ·of the State of Ohio.

(This, or other suitable prayer may be used.)

Grand Chaplain: Great and Marvelous are Thy works, Lord God Almighty. Be gracious

unto us, O Lord, show us Thy ways, and teach us Thy paths. Thou settest before us the way of

life and the way of death. May we choose life that we may live. Guide us and lead us to Thy holy

hill, and to Thy tabernacles. Let Thy holy angels have charge over us to keep us in all our ways.

May they be over us a pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night. May we walk in the

light of the Lord, that in Thy light we may see light, and be Thine in that day when Thou shalt

make up Thy jewels. Amen.


Grand High Priest: Companion Grand Marshal, with the assistance of the Grand

Captain of the Host, you will form a procession for the ceremony of dedication.

Grand Marshal: Companions, form on the south side of the chapter, single file, facing


(The Ark is placed on a table, or pedestal, east of the altar, the pot of incense is placed on

a pedestal, between the altar and the Ark, with sufficient space for the procession to pass

between the Ark and the East. The great lights are upon the altar in usual form.)

Form of Procession

Grand Guard

Two Grand Stewards

Grand Masters of the First and Second Veil

Grand Master of the Third Veil and Royal Arch Captain

Grand Principal Sojourner

Grand Captain of the Host

Three Great Lights on a cushion

Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer

Grand Chaplain (with censor)

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Ceremonies of the Order

Grand Marshal and Grand Scribe

Grand King

Grand High Priest

(The grand officers are sufficient to form the procession ordinarily, and, unless the hall is

a very large one, it will be necessary, usually, to march in single file, but observing the same

order of procession as above.)


(The first time around) When the Grand High Priest arrives at the East, fronting the altar,

the Grand Marshal says: "Halt; inward, face." (He repeats this each time around when at same

place, in front of the altar.)

1. Grand High Priest: "Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it”.

G.M. First Veil, responding: "And Thou shalt make a veil of blue, an hanging of the

door of the tent of blue. " (All give E.A. signs, and at the same time the Grand Chaplain waves

censor over the Ark once.)

Grand Marshal: (each time) Right face. Forward, march.

2. G.H.P.: "Look upon Zion, the city of our solemnities: thine eyes shall see Jerusalem,

a quiet habitation, a tabernacle that shall not be taken down."

G.M. Second Veil: "And Thou shalt make an hanging for the door of the tent, of blue

and purple." (All give F. C. signs and Grand Chaplain waves censor over Ark twice.)

3. G.H.P.: "I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord. Our

feet shall stand within Thy gates, 0 Jerusalem."

G.M. Third Veil: "And thou shalt make an hanging for the door of the tent, of blue and

purple and scarlet." (All give M.M signs and Grand Chaplain waves censor over Ark three


4. G.H.P.: "How amiable are Thy tabernacles, 0 Lord of Hosts. My soul longeth, yea,

even fainteth for the courts of the Lord. Blessed are they that dwell in Thy house; they will be

still praising Thee.

G.R.A.C.: "And Thou shalt make a veil of blue and purple and scarlet, and of fine twined

linen of cunning work."

(Battery--three times three--and Grand Chaplain waves censor over Ark four times.)

5. G.H.P.: "Forever, O Lord, Thy word is established in the heavens: Thy faithfulness is

unto all generations. Thou hast established the earth and it standeth firm."

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Ceremonies of the Order

Gr. P. Soj.: "Lead me, O Lord, in Thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make

Thy way straight before my face." (All give Mk.M. signs and Grand Chaplain waves censor over

Ark five times.)

6. G.H.P.: "I will come into Thy house in the multitude of Thy mercy: and in Thy fear

will I worship toward Thy holy temple."

G. Capt. of H.: "Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear." (All

give P.M. signs and Grand Chaplain waves cernsor over Ark six times.)

7. G.H.P.: "Not unto us, O Lord , not unto us, but unto Thy name give glory, for Thy

mercy, and for Thy truth's sake."

Grand Scribe: "Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and forevermore."

(All give M.E.M. signs and Grand Chaplain waves censor over Ark seven times.)

8. G.H.P.: "Give unto the Lord the glory due His name: worship the Lord in the beauty

of holiness."

Grand King: "I will extol Thee my God, O King: and I will bless Thy name forever and


(All give R.A. signs and Grand Chaplain waves censor over Ark eight times.)

9. G.H.P.: "Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them, ye everlasting doors; and the

King of Glory shall come in."

Grand Chaplain: "Who is this King of Glory? The Lord of Hosts, He is the King of


(G.H.P. calls for battery--three times three--and Grand Chaplain waves censor over Ark

nine times.)

G.H.P.: "To our Most Excellent Patron, Zerubbabel: We solemnly dedicate these


Grand Chaplain: "O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good; for his mercy endureth

forever." "The Lord that made heaven and earth bless thee out of Zion." "Blessed be the Lord

God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting; and let all the people say, 'Amen. Praise ye the


G.H.P.: By virtue of the high powers in me vested I now declare that the Capitular

apartments of this Masonic Building (or Temple, if preferred) have been dedicated by the Most

Excellent Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio, in ample form. Companion

Grand Marshal, so proclaim.

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Ceremonies of the Order

Grand Marshal: By order of the Most Excellent Grand High Priest of the Royal Arch

Masons, in the State of Ohio, I now proclaim that these apartments have been dedicated to

Capitular Masonry in ample form. This Proclamation is made from the East (trumpet sounds);

from the West (trumpet sounds); and from the South (trumpet sounds).





* * *

Prayer. (Chaplain may use this or other suitable prayer).

Gracious art Thou, O Lord of most High, full of compassion, slow to anger, and of great


Grant us grace and strength to keep Thy Commandments: to love Thee and love one

another as Thou hast loved us. And if we keep Thy commandments, and statutes and judgments,

Thou wilt love us, and bless us, and multiply us. We shall have right to the tree of life, and shall

enter in through the gates into the city.

The Lord bless us and keep us. The Lord make His face to shine upon us, and be gracious

to us. The Lord lift up His countenance upon us, and give us peace. Amen.

The Grand Chapter is then closed.

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Ceremonies of the Order

Ceremonies of Rededication for a Royal Arch Chapter

(Suitable for use at Anniversary Celebrations, etc.)

The constituent chapter will meet in its hall, and open the chapter on the Royal Arch


Visiting dignitaries, Grand officers, and the Grand High Priest may be received in usual

form. A brief address of welcome may be made by the High Priest, with appropriate response by

the Grand High Priest.

When all is in readiness for the ceremony, proceed as follows:

(NOTE: The only Grand Officers or pro tem Grand Officers required for the ceremony

are the Grand High Priest, the Grand King, the Grand Scribe, the Grand Capt. of the Host, and

the Grand Chaplain.)

High Priest of Chapter: Most Excellent Grand High Priest, _________________,

_____________Chapter No.______, Royal Arch Masons, having reached this milestone of

______ years of service in Capitular Masonry, we desire on this special occasion to rededicate

our apartments, our Chapter and ourselves to continued service to this community as a Royal

Arch Chapter and as Royal Arch Masons. We request your assistance in this worthy endeavor.

Grand High Priest: (addressing the Grand King) Right Excellent Grand King, with the

assistance of the Grand Scribe and the Grand Captain of the Host, carefully examine the

Capitular apartments of this Chapter, and make report.

(The three officers designated proceed at once to walk around the room to be used. An

appropriate musical accompaniment may be rendered during their examination. Upon their

return to their stations, the Grand King reports:)

Grand King: Most Excellent Grand High Priest:-- Upon careful examination, we find

these apartments appropriate in every particular for capitular purposes, with all the

appurtenances and requirements requisite for work, as prescribed by the Most Excellent Grand

Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio.

G.H.P.: (Calls upon Grand Chaplain for prayer. The following, or other suitable prayer

may be used:) * * *

Chaplain: Great and marvelous are Thy works, Lord God Almighty. Be gracious unto

us, O Lord, show us Thy ways, and teach us Thy paths. Thou settest before us the way of life and

the way of death. May we choose life that we may live. Guide us and lead us to Thy holy hill,

and to Thy tabernacles. And may this chapter be as beautiful as the Temple, peaceful as the Ark,

and sacred as its most holy place. May our hearts be pure as the altar, and our conduct acceptable

as the offering. May the exercise of our charity be as constant as the returning wants of the

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Ceremonies of the Order

distressed widow and the helpless orphan. May the approbation of Heaven be our

encouragement, and the testimony of a good conscience our support. So mote it be. Amen.

G.H.P.: * (Seats chapter)

Grand Scribe: (rises) We who are following in the footsteps of those who have labored

in the Quarries of Capitular Masonry have set aside this evening for rededicating ourselves and

our purpose. We ask that you join us in this our Reconsecration service. If you find it to be

inspirational and you find it to further your understanding of Chapter, then its purpose will have

been accomplished.

G.M.3.V.: Masonry is a way of life, and each branch is inter-related with the other. The

work of the Chapter completes that which precedes it, and is also necessary for a proper

understanding of that which follows. Capitular Masonry occupies a place of high distinction, for

it is the capstone of the Ancient Craft.

Grand R.A.C.: (rises) The word Fraternity has truly a significant meaning because we

are bound together in a Great Brotherhood whose mission is the upgrading of manhood by

searching for the Truth. If we are united in this purpose, then in unity we shall find our greatest

strength. You are entrusted with the responsibility of perpetuating the purpose of Capitular

Masonry - give to it your very best. Do GOOD work, TRUE work, and SQUARE work, such as

is wanted for the Temple of Masonry.

Grand King: (still standing at his station) However men may differ in creed, yet all men

agree that within the pages of the Holy Bible are found those principles which lay the foundation

upon which to build a righteous life.

(Advancing to the Altar) Freemasonry would take all men by the hand, and leading them

to its Altar, would point to the open Bible and urge each to faithfully direct his steps through life

by the Light he shall find therein.

GR. C.O.H.: If from our Sacred Altar the atheist or irreligious man should ever wrest

this Book and thus remove or even obscure the GL of Freemasonry, that Light which has been

for centuries the rule and guide of all Masons, then could we no longer claim the proud title and

rank of Master Mason; but as long as that sacred Light shines upon our Altar, as long as it

illumines and brightens the pathway of the Craftsmen by the golden rays of Truth, so long will

Freemasonry live and shed its beneficent influence among men.

Gr. Prin. Soj.: Guard then, my Companions, this sacred Book as you guard your life.

Defend it as you would defend the flag of your country. Live according to its sublime precepts;

govern yourself that you may be able to govern others; learn first that you may be able to teach;

for justice, moderation and decorum should mark the acts of the upright man. (Returns to his


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Ceremonies of the Order

G.M.2.V.: (standing) Previous to your Exaltation you were addressed and addressed each

other by the title of Brother or Brethren. Since then you have been hailed as Companion, and I

trust that it has not been a vain or idle curiosity, which grasps at novelty, that induced you to be

exalted to this Most Sublime Degree of Masonry, infinitely more important than all which

preceded it. It is calculated to impress upon the mind a firm belief in the existence and attributes

of a Supreme Being, and teaches a due reverence for His Great and Holy Name.

G.M.1.V.: The Equilateral, or Perfect Triangle, on which the Word is found, is

emblematical of the three essential attributes of Deity: Omnipotence, Omniscience, and

Omnipresence. These three equal attributes consist of but one God, whose Scrd Nm in three

languages forms the GRAW.

G.H.P.: * * * (calls up chapter) Companions Grand King and Grand Scribe, you will

assist in forming the triangle. (The GHP {perhaps accompanied by the High Priest of the

Chapter}, Grand King and Grand Scribe descend to the floor and form the points of an unfilled

triangle around the Altar. The sides should be as equal as space permits, and allow room for an

equal division of all Companions present. See diagram.)

G.H.P.: The Companions will assemble around the Altar and fill in the sides of the

Triangle, bearing on the three principal officers.

(The Grand Capt. of the Host directs the forming of the lines of the Triangle, seeing that the lines

are straight and equal. He then steps behind the G.H.P., and as the G.H.P. moves to the Altar

alone, the G CoH. fills the vacant point. Room lights may be lowered at this point.)

G.H.P.: Companions, kneel, form chain, and repeat after me: (The GHP remains

standing) Reaffirming the vows made by me in the Symbolic and Capitular Degrees of

Freemasonry, I do promise on my honor as a Mason, that I will worship the Supreme Architect

of the Universe, and to the best of my ability, display a true reverence for His Great and Holy

Name before all men.

That I will faithfully strive to keep His Laws and reflect in my daily life an example of

the Great Principles which Royal Arch Masonry teaches.

That I will remember that we are Companions of the Most Sublime Degree of Royal

Arch Masonry, and will do all in my power to aid, support, protect and comfort a worthy


That I will make an earnest effort to become more proficient in Ancient Craft Masonry,

that I may be better enabled to dispense true Masonic Light and knowledge to less informed

brethren, to the end that their desire for further light may be encouraged and fulfilled.

That I will endeavor to meet with my Companions and take some active part in the

promotion of my Chapter.

So help me God and keep me steadfast in this most solemn reconsecration to Royal Arch


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Ceremonies of the Order

G.H.P.: Companion Chaplain, you will lead us in prayer.

Chaplain: Supreme Architect of the Universe, accept our humble thanks for the many

blessings and the goodness which Thou hast bestowed upon us. Coming together is beginning,

working together is progress, and keeping together is success. We have come together, now let

us keep together and succeed. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never come, but today is here.

So let us use it to the best of our ability. Let us turn our faces toward a new day of deeper

understanding. Let us, as Companions who have learned the Great Truths of our order, advance

only in things of lasting value. Let us live up to our responsibilities as members of the Chapter.


G.H.P.: Companions, arise and be seated. (All rise and return to their stations and seats.

This completing the ceremony, the Grand High Priest may further address the Chapter and/or

return the gavel to the High Priest.)(NOTE: If lights were dimmed during the formation of the Triangle, they should

be returned to normal when the Companions rise.)

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Ceremonies of the Order

Ceremony For Undedicating Capitular Apartments

"These apartments, long ago dedicated to Capitular purposes, have

served_______________________ Chapter No.______ well. Here, the benign diffusion of

Masonic Light has enriched our lives, quickened our spirits and revealed to us the goodness and

greatness of God. It has assisted us in the building of our moral and spiritual temples and has

kept us steadfast in the faith. It has surely prepared us for greater service in the years to come in

our new abode.

"For all these things, we give thanks and praise to the Ever Living and Ever Present God

of our creation who has sustained us and strengthened us for the tasks which lie ahead. And now

as we stand within the walls of this Temple for the last time, as we quit its familiar and hallowed

halls, let us store within our memories and treasure within our hearts all good and pleasant things

here experienced.

"To insure that dedicated Capitular Apartments shall never be desecrated or subjected to

improper use, I do here and now, by virtue of the powers in me vested as Proxy of the Grand

High Priest, and by authority of the Most Excellent Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the

State of Ohio, undedicate the Chapter Apartments of this building and I do here and how

proclaim and decree that these Apartments shall from this time never again be used for Capitular

purposes. So mote it be. Amen."

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Questions for Past Master Degree

1. Q. In whose custody is the Charter of a Lodge?

A. The Worshipful Master.

2. Q. May any Master Mason in the Lodge be elected Worshipful Master?

A. Yes. Provided he has served as a Warden either by election or Appointment.

3. Q. May the Worshipful Master refuse to entertain a motion introduced, without giving the

Brethren an opportunity to discuss it?

A. Yes. It is the Master's prerogative to say what may be brought Before the Lodge.

However the feelings of his fellows should be taken into consideration.

4. Q. May I make a motion for adjournment of the Lodge at a stated meeting?

A. No. Only the Worshipful Master decides when a meeting shall terminate. A

Lodge can be closed, but never adjourned.

5. Q. Is it permissible to pass between the Altar and the East when the Lodge is open?

A. No; except when participating in the conferring of the degrees.

6. Q. As a Master Mason, may I visit another American Lodge at any time?

A. No. Only those which are recognized by the Grand Lodge of Ohio. Actually, it is

the privilege of the Worshipful Master to grant or deny the admission of a visiting

Brother into his Lodge. There may be times when private matters concerning only

the Lodge may be on the agenda and the presence of a strange Brother would be a

disturbing factor. At such a time the Master may feel it in the best interest of the

Lodge to deny admission. Also it is the right of any member of a Lodge to object

to the visitation of one not a member. You will find that except under most

unusual circumstances you will be welcomed and made to feel at home.

7. Q. May I tell how I intend to vote or how I voted at an election?

A. No. To tell how you intend to vote could be construed as electioneering, while to

tell how you cast your secret vote might lead to disharmony within the Lodge.

8. Q. May I ask a Lodge Brother to vote for a certain individual for a given place or station?

A. No "Electioneering" is forbidden as not conducive to the peace and harmony of

the Lodge.

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Questions for Past Master Degree

9. Q. Does each officer in the line "step up" or advance one place or station automatically

each year?

A. No. Advancement should be for the good of the Lodge, and no officer is assured

of automatic preferment each year.

10. Q. May I ask anyone to petition Freemasonry?

A. No. Soliciting anyone to become a member of the Fraternity is forbidden. The

Code states that anyone so doing subjects himself to a charge of un-Masonic


11. Q. What are the three types of punishment which may be meted out to one convicted of

un-Masonic conduct?

A. (1) Reprimand. (2) Suspension. (3) Expulsion.

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By-Laws of the Grand Chapter ................................................................................................................ 29 Code of Grand Chapter ........................................................................................................................... 54 Constituent Chapter By-Laws .................................................................................................................. 19 Grand Chapter Constitution ...................................................................................................................... 8 Sample Uniform Code of By-Laws ........................................................................................................... 66

ANNUAL RETURNS and REPORTS of Constituent Chapters Contents of Annual Return ..................................................................................................................... 37 Copy of return must be preserved .......................................................................................................... 38 Penalty for Failure to Make Return ........................................................................................................ 38 When Made ............................................................................................................................................ 37

APPROPRIATIONS, GRAND CHAPTER Apollo Dramatic Chapter ........................................................................................................................ 26 Resolutions and Motions Proposing, Procedure .................................................................................... 15

AWARDS Distinguished Service Award ................................................................................................................... 27 Membership Petition Award ................................................................................................................... 27 Past District Deputy Grand High Priest Jewel ......................................................................................... 27

BY-LAWS, GRAND CHAPTER R.A.M. OHIO ...........................................................................................9 BY-LAWS, SAMPLE UNIFORM CODE OF, For CONSTITUENT CHAPTERS ............................................... 66 CANDIDATES

Objections To, etc. .................................................................................................................................. 46 Refusing to take degrees ........................................................................................................................ 47

CEREMONIES OF THE ORDER Ceremony for Undedicating Capitular Apartments ................................................................................ 97 Consecration of New Chapter ........................................................................................................... 75–77 Dedication of Apartments ................................................................................................................. 88–92 Installation of Officers, Constituent Chapter .................................................................................... 78–87 Installation of Officers, Grand Chapter ............................................................................................. 72–75 Rededication of a Chapter ................................................................................................................. 93–96

CHAPTER OF RESEARCH Chapter of Research ................................................................................................................................ 26

CHAPTER OFFICERS Appointive ............................................................................................................................................... 33 Death of .................................................................................................................................................. 35 Election, when and how .......................................................................................................................... 34 Elective .................................................................................................................................................... 33 Eligibility .................................................................................................................................................. 34 Installation .............................................................................................................................................. 34 Installation, objection to ......................................................................................................................... 36 Installed, failure or refusal to be ............................................................................................................. 35 Must answer communications from GHP ............................................................................................... 16 Names, reported to Grand Secretary...................................................................................................... 36 No officer may resign, transfer, or demit ............................................................................................... 35 One office at a time ................................................................................................................................ 35 Special elections ...................................................................................................................................... 36

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Who may petition for a new chapter ...................................................................................................... 36 CHAPTERS

Annual Returns and Reports ................................................................................................................... 37 Annual Returns, Contents of ................................................................................................................... 37 Annual Returns, Copy of must be preserved .......................................................................................... 38 Annual Returns, Penalty For failure to make .......................................................................................... 38 Charters ................................................................................................................................................... 22 Consolidation .......................................................................................................................................... 23 Convocations defined .............................................................................................................................. 31 Convocations, number required per year ............................................................................................... 31 Degree in which business transacted ..................................................................................................... 32 Dispensation for New Chapter Under Dispensation ............................................................................... 20 Election and Inspection, notice of .......................................................................................................... 31 Fees ......................................................................................................................................................... 38 Incorporate, May Not ............................................................................................................................. 33 Meeting Place ......................................................................................................................................... 32 Name ....................................................................................................................................................... 32 Opening, Closing ..................................................................................................................................... 31 Public Appearance .................................................................................................................................. 32 Quorum ................................................................................................................................................... 31 Requirements for a Chapter ................................................................................................................... 31 Restoration, on grievance appeals ........................................................................................................... 52 Seal .......................................................................................................................................................... 33 Special convocation, how called ............................................................................................................. 31 Surrender of Charter, Application for, Procedures for ........................................................................... 25

CHARTERS Charter Fee.............................................................................................................................................. 22 Effect of loss ............................................................................................................................................ 22 Surrender, dispostion of records ............................................................................................................ 22

CHARTERS:Content .......................................................................................................................... 22 CODE OF CAPITULAR MASONIC JURISPRUDENCE ........................................................................ 31–54 COMMITTEES OF GRAND CHAPTER

Charity ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 Charters and Dispensations .................................................................................................................... 10 Credentials ................................................................................................................................................ 9 Examine Visiting Companions ................................................................................................................... 9 Finance .................................................................................................................................................... 10 Grievance .................................................................................................................................................. 9 Masonic Education .................................................................................................................................. 10 Masonic Jurisprudence ........................................................................................................................... 10 Pay Roll ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 Reports .................................................................................................................................................... 11 Ritual ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 Subordinate Returns ................................................................................................................................. 9 Time and Place ........................................................................................................................................ 10 Topical Reference ..................................................................................................................................... 9 Unfinished Business .................................................................................................................................. 9 Vacancies ................................................................................................................................................ 11

Page 104: Code of the Grand Chapter Chapter Code - 8-17-2015 Final.pdfii Preface 2014 Edition The last five printings of this Grand Chapter's Code were in 1932, 1950, 1961, 1970 and 1991. In



CONSTITUTION of the GRAND CHAPTER Effective when .......................................................................................................................................... 8 How amended ........................................................................................................................................... 8 Legislation, how enacted .......................................................................................................................... 8

CONVOCATIONS of the GRAND CHAPTER Annual ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 Attendance of Grand Representatives required ..................................................................................... 16 How opened .............................................................................................................................................. 9 Special ....................................................................................................................................................... 4

DISPENSATION for a NEW CHAPTER Alteration of petition .............................................................................................................................. 22 Applications for Recommendation ......................................................................................................... 22 Cannot confer degrees, When ................................................................................................................ 22 Cannot receive members on demit ........................................................................................................ 21 Copies of marks ....................................................................................................................................... 22 How applied for and granted .................................................................................................................. 20 Procedure at first meeting ...................................................................................................................... 21 Right of petitioners to vote ..................................................................................................................... 22

DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND HIGH PRIEST Appointments by G.H.P. .......................................................................................................................... 20 Duties ...................................................................................................................................................... 20

DRAMATIC CHAPTER ........................................................................................................................ 26 DUES

Amount ............................................................................................................................................. 38–39 Dues of expelled or indefinitely suspended member ............................................................................. 42 Exemption not permitted ....................................................................................................................... 41 Form of notice ......................................................................................................................................... 41 Grand dues .............................................................................................................................................. 42 How fixed and date of payment ............................................................................................................. 41 May be remitted ..................................................................................................................................... 41 Notice of suspension ............................................................................................................................... 41 Payment or remission after deceased .................................................................................................... 42 Prorating of dues..................................................................................................................................... 42 Required .................................................................................................................................................. 38 Restoration of indefinitely suspended member ..................................................................................... 42 Restoration of suspended member ........................................................................................................ 42 Suspension for non-payment .................................................................................................................. 41

FEES FOR DEGREES and AFFILIATION Amount of and division ........................................................................................................................... 38

Fifty-Year Awards ............................................................................................................................. 55 FRATERNAL CORRESPONDENT

Appointed by G.H.P. ................................................................................................................................ 12 Compensation of ..................................................................................................................................... 13 Receives all, foreign correspondence ..................................................................................................... 13 Report to Grand Convocation ................................................................................................................. 13

FUNDS OF THE GRAND CHAPTER Depositories, how chosen ....................................................................................................................... 13 Duties of Grand Treasurer ...................................................................................................................... 13

Page 105: Code of the Grand Chapter Chapter Code - 8-17-2015 Final.pdfii Preface 2014 Edition The last five printings of this Grand Chapter's Code were in 1932, 1950, 1961, 1970 and 1991. In



Grand dues .............................................................................................................................................. 42 Permanent Fund ..................................................................................................................................... 14

GRAND CHAPTER Committees ............................................................................................................................................... 9 Fees and dues ........................................................................................................................................... 7 How opened .............................................................................................................................................. 9 Legislation, how enacted .......................................................................................................................... 8 Mileage and per diem to ......................................................................................................................... 15 Powers ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 Standing Committees .............................................................................................................................. 10 Voting in .................................................................................................................................................. 15

GRAND CHAPTER R.A.M. of OHIO Chapters in arrears not entitled to representation ................................................................................ 15 Convocations ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Degrees recognized and required ............................................................................................................. 7 Eligibility of Officers .................................................................................................................................. 2 Hears Appeals on Grievances.................................................................................................................. 52 Jurisdiction ................................................................................................................................................ 1 Membership .............................................................................................................................................. 1 Name ......................................................................................................................................................... 1 Officers ...................................................................................................................................................... 2 Representation in ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Restoration on Appeal ............................................................................................................................ 52 Rules of Order ......................................................................................................................................... 27 Seal .......................................................................................................................................................... 26 Who shall preside ..................................................................................................................................... 5

GRAND DUES Amount and payment ............................................................................................................................. 42

GRAND HIGH PRIEST Appoints Committees ............................................................................................................................... 9 Appoints Historian .................................................................................................................................. 10 Approves amendments to and adoption of By-Law ............................................................................... 19 Disability of ............................................................................................................................................... 5 Divides states into districts ..................................................................................................................... 20 Expense fund ........................................................................................................................................... 12 Fills Committee vacancies ....................................................................................................................... 11 Furnishes papers to Committees ............................................................................................................ 11 May arrest a charter ............................................................................................................................... 12 May place a Chapter under probation .................................................................................................... 12 Opens Grand Convocations ...................................................................................................................... 9 Powers ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 Report to Grand Chapter ........................................................................................................................ 11 See

Officers of Grand Chapter, Articles 3 & 4 ......................................................................................... 1–4 GRAND LODGE CODE

Governs in Trial Procedures ................................................................................................................... 51 Governs when Capitular law is silent ..................................................................................................... 16

GRAND REPRESENTATIVES...................................................................................................... 16 GRAND SECRETARY

Page 106: Code of the Grand Chapter Chapter Code - 8-17-2015 Final.pdfii Preface 2014 Edition The last five printings of this Grand Chapter's Code were in 1932, 1950, 1961, 1970 and 1991. In



Bond ........................................................................................................................................................ 14 Custodian of Rituals ................................................................................................................................ 17 Duties and Salary .................................................................................................................................... 14

GRAND TREASURER Bond, Duties and Salary ......................................................................................................................... 13

GRIEVANCES and TRIAL PROCEDURE Appeal to Grand Chapter ........................................................................................................................ 52 Evidence preserved one year................................................................................................................... 52 Follows Grand Lodge Code .................................................................................................................... 51 Notice of suspension and expulsion, send to Councils & Commanderies .............................................. 52

HIGH PRIEST, SUBORDINATE CHAPTER Appointment of Finance Committee ....................................................................................................... 37 Charges against ....................................................................................................................................... 37 Duties of .................................................................................................................................................. 36 Holds office until successor qualifies ..................................................................................................... 37 Who presides, in absence of H.P. ............................................................................................................ 37

HISTORIAN Appointed by G.H.P. ............................................................................................................................... 10 Duties ...................................................................................................................................................... 10

INSPECTIONS OF SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS Duties of District Deputies G.H.P. .......................................................................................................... 20 Expense, how paid .................................................................................................................................. 20 Must be concluded by May 31 ................................................................................................................ 20

JURISDICTION No new action within 3 years after rejection be another chapter ............................................................ 49 Statewide and concurrent ........................................................................................................................ 49

MARK LODGES Procedure for forming ....................................................................................................................... 24–25

MEMBERSHIP Dual membership .............................................................................................................................. 49–51 Effect of demit ........................................................................................................................................ 49 Member may withdraw, how .................................................................................................................. 49 Members of revived chapter ................................................................................................................... 51 Transfer, within state .............................................................................................................................. 51

MEMBERSHIP, HONORARY ...................................................................................................... 48 MEMBERSHIP, LIFE ENDOWED ......................................................................................... 39–41 MEMBERSHIP, REQUISITES FOR

Effect of restoration of a Master Mason ................................................................................................. 48 Exception to rule ..................................................................................................................................... 48 Must an affiliated Master Mason ............................................................................................................ 48 Restoration of expelled member ............................................................................................................. 53 Restoration of members indefinitely suspended ..................................................................................... 53 Vote for removing expulsions and suspensions ...................................................................................... 53

NECROLOGIST Appointed by G.H.P. ................................................................................................................................. 2 Compensation for .................................................................................................................................... 13 Duties ...................................................................................................................................................... 13

OBJECTION TO CANDIDATE By non-member ...................................................................................................................................... 47

Page 107: Code of the Grand Chapter Chapter Code - 8-17-2015 Final.pdfii Preface 2014 Edition The last five printings of this Grand Chapter's Code were in 1932, 1950, 1961, 1970 and 1991. In



Effect of withdrawal as to fees ................................................................................................................ 47 Effect on applicant for affiliation ............................................................................................................ 46 Effect on Petitioner ................................................................................................................................. 46 How made ............................................................................................................................................... 46 Reasons for objection .............................................................................................................................. 47 Removal of by suspension or expulsion ................................................................................................. 47 Shall remain in force, how long .............................................................................................................. 47

OFFICERS OF GRAND CHAPTER Disability of Grand High Priest ................................................................................................................ 5 Eligibility .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Grand Chapter may create new office ....................................................................................................... 6 How and when chosen .............................................................................................................................. 3 Names and titles ........................................................................................................................................ 2 Obligation ................................................................................................................................................. 3 Required to furnish picture and data ....................................................................................................... 16 Term of office ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Vacancies .................................................................................................................................................. 4 When and where installed ..................................................................................................................... 3, 4

ORDER OF HIGH PRIESTHOOD Recognized ................................................................................................................................................ 7

PETITIONS AND APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP Applicant a member of defunct chapter .................................................................................................. 46 Ballot on .................................................................................................................................................. 45 Certificate of applicant ............................................................................................................................ 45 Degrees required-healing ........................................................................................................................ 46 Effect of withdrawal as to fees ................................................................................................................ 47 How presented, considered, and acted upon ........................................................................................... 44 Investigation ............................................................................................................................................ 44 Objection, by a non-member ................................................................................................................... 47 Objection, Effect of on a petition ............................................................................................................ 46 Objection, Effect of on application ......................................................................................................... 46 Objection, How is made .......................................................................................................................... 46 Objection, How long remains in force .................................................................................................... 47 Objection, Reasons for ............................................................................................................................ 47 Objection, Removal of by suspension or expulsion of objector ............................................................. 47 Past Master Degree must be in Chapter .................................................................................................. 44 Qualifications of applicants for admission .............................................................................................. 44 Qualifications of petitioners .................................................................................................................... 44 Refusing of Candidate to receive degrees ............................................................................................... 47 Rejected candidate, Jurisdiction over ...................................................................................................... 48 Rejected candidate, Petition by ............................................................................................................... 48 When and where application may be made............................................................................................. 45

QUESTIONS and ANSWERS Past Masters Degree .......................................................................................................................... 98–99

RESOLUTIONS All 4 Degrees must be conferred during year ......................................................................................... 58 Apollo Dramatic Chapter, loan of rituals to ...................................................................................... 55–56 Commend General Grand Chapter ......................................................................................................... 61 Distinguished Service Award ................................................................................................................... 60

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Emeritus Status - F. Raymond Sharritts .................................................................................................. 61 Fifty-Year Member Awards ..................................................................................................................... 55 Five-Year limit for D.D.G.H.P. service ...................................................................................................... 57 General Grand Chapter, discontinue membership in ............................................................................. 56 Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Foundation ............................................................................................ 59–60 High Priests may represent G.H.P. at youth functions ........................................................................... 57 Present Uniformed Audit Report at Inspection ...................................................................................... 60 Recognition of Grand Chapter of Belgium .............................................................................................. 56 Recognition of Grand Chapter of Greece ................................................................................................ 58 Recognition of Grand Chapter of New South Wales............................................................................... 56 Recognition of Grand Chapter of Newfoundland ................................................................................... 58 Recognition of Grand Chapter of Portugal ............................................................................................. 58 Recognition of Grand Chapter of South Australia .................................................................................. 57 Recognition of Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of France ........................................................................ 59 Recognition of Prince Hall Grand Chapter of Ohio Royal Arch Masons ................................................. 59 Recognition of Steven J. Oliver Honorary Past Grand High Priest .......................................................... 60 Recognition of William L. Lear Honorary Past Grand High Priest ........................................................... 61 'The Word' banned as approved ritual ................................................................................................... 56 Three-Year limit for High Priests ............................................................................................................. 57 Urge Grand York Rite Bodies to meet in same city ................................................................................. 57

RESOLUTIONS, HISTORICAL Consolidated Liability and Property Insurance ....................................................................................... 64 Dewey A. McClure Declared Grand Guard, Emeritus ............................................................................. 63 Emeritus Status - Robert L. Jordan .......................................................................................................... 64 Title of Grand Parliamentarian to George Hall ....................................................................................... 64 Titles of Grand Historian and Fraternal Correspondent ......................................................................... 63 Titles of Past Grand Chaplains, Guards, Marshals, and Musicians ......................................................... 63

RITUALS Arrest of Charter for deviation therefrom ............................................................................................... 18 Custody of ............................................................................................................................................... 17 Distribution of ......................................................................................................................................... 18 Ownership of ........................................................................................................................................... 19 Penalty for disseminating illegally .......................................................................................................... 19 Use of non-official ritual unmasonic conduct ......................................................................................... 18

UNIFORM CODE OF BY-LAWS Amendments thereto ............................................................................................................................... 19 Must be adopted by all Chapters ............................................................................................................. 19

UNIFORM CODE OF BY-LAWS, SAMPLE Annuity Membership Fund standing resolution ...................................................................................... 71 Letter of transmittal to accompany ......................................................................................................... 70 Sample, Uniform Code of By-Laws .................................................................................................... 66–69