codes and conventions


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Page 1: Codes and conventions

Codes and ConventionsBy Daniel Gleeson

Page 2: Codes and conventions

Front Cover

The codes and conventions for a music magazine font cover would begin with every page having a

masthead that is at the top of the page, with a font that is recognisable. The masthead would

usually take up the width of the page or be located in the left hand corner and it can be either a

single word or two words. Each photo that is used as the main image usually links to the main article

and that picture could be a; being a close up, mid shot or medium close up etc. The main feature

articles that are specific to that issue magazine is placed around the edge of the page. Other factors

of the magazine that are just important such as; the bar code, issue number and sometimes the

price is located in the bottom left corner of the page, therefore when buying a magazine most

people look in the same place because they no it should be there. Other key pieces of information

include; the website address and social networking addresses which is placed close to the masthead

so it is easy to find. Strap lines can include the freebees to draw in the readers which again links

with the main article or a well known brand that links with the type of person that will buy the

magazine as well as genre. Words such a ‘Free’ and ‘New’ are usually in a bold font to make sure

they stand out and link with the second largest text on the front cover page.

Page 3: Codes and conventions

Contents Page

The contents page is typically one page or a double page spread that includes pictures as well as

text. The title of contents pages can vary depending on the type of magazine as well as the type of

audience. They keep a consistent theme of colour through out the magazine to make it more

professional. On every contents page is the issue number which is at the top of the page usually

alone with the date. The word ‘contents’ differs in font, colour and style depending on the

magazine and what they want to convey for example; some well-known magazines use abbreviations

not needing to use the full word just the first letter another example is that the lay out can change

for example having the work spilt up or broken down, It can symbolise the fact that the magazine

likes to stand out from the rest of the magazines. The main image on the contents page is usually

picture that is used to show the main article of the magazine liking so it links to the front cover and

double page spread, typically it is located in the middle of the page or towards an edge. Every

magazine breaks down there articles to make them easier to find. Each article has a brief phrase

underneath. Each page number is at the beginning of the article on the left, being easier to read

and in order. Also, small copies of the front covers can be shown with the subscription to show

previous products drawing in the reader. Finally, each picture within the contents page that is used

links to an article therefore can involve a quote near the picture to attract the readers.

Page 4: Codes and conventions

Double Page

The picture within the double page spread can be used as a studio image or action depending on the type of magazine that is used, however within my chosen magazine the picture could be either yet the artist within the picture will be looking directly into the camera so it will look like they are looking at the reader. Also It helps break the article up and sometimes can be seen as shocking to stand out and grab the reader’s attention. Another code and convention of a double page spread is to have the artists name in bold close to the title to make them seem important and stand out as artists. Every article included an introduction paragraph which briefly explains the article that is in front of the reader, allowing them to identify the artist if it wasn’t obvious from the pictures used. Typically within every article there is small text so it is easy to read however some articles can change their font to convey their chosen genre. Some double page spreads have a picture that can take over half the page or have feature pages and so make the articles more visual, this makes it more eye catching and easier to read. Furthermore, within these exams they also use the artists first name as a block letter faded in the back ground to prompt who the article is about. In all the pictures used within the article the artist or model is not smiling and has a serious look on their face which also conveys the genre and that the magazine is serious about music compared to Top of the Pops which is based more on celeb gossip. Due to there usually being so much writing the text is in column and the background is white, therefore having a black and white theme with one bright block colour to make it stand out on the page as well as looking professional.