codes and conventions of documentaries

Codes and conventions of documentaries

Upload: paigew84

Post on 29-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Codes and conventions of documentaries

Codes and conventions of documentaries

Page 2: Codes and conventions of documentaries

Narrative Structure

The main codes and conventions for a documentaries narrative structure are as followed:Nearly all documentaries are single stranded.The theme(s) of a documentary run all the way through.Voice over holds the narrative together it also creates meaning for the audience.

Page 3: Codes and conventions of documentaries

Camera Work

The main codes and conventions for a documentaries camera work are as followed:Establishing shots are used to anchor the meaning of the documentary.Interviews are filmed in close up, medium close up and sometimes big close up. Interviewees are normally left or right framed. Interviews follow the rule of thirds.Variety of camera shots and angles are used.Creative camera work is also used.Zooms and pans are used to show still images.

Page 4: Codes and conventions of documentaries

Voice Over

The main codes and conventions for a documentaries voice over are as followed:Voice over is used to anchor the meaning of the documentary.The voice over offers facts and figures to allow to audience to form opinions.The gender and age of the voice actor is relevant to the topic. This type of voice actor is used to appeal to the target audience.The voice over holds the narrative together.The voice actor uses standard English and is normally calm and has a clear voice.

Page 5: Codes and conventions of documentaries


The main codes and conventions for a documentaries mise-en-scene are as followed:Chromakey is used in the background of interviews to make it relevant to the topic.The backgrounds of interviews are relevant to either the subject there talking about or relevant to the person who is being interviewed.The lighting used during documentaries is creative.The background/location in documentaries need to be relevant and fit with the subject.The clothing of the people being filmed for the documentary has relevance to the topic.

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The main codes and conventions for a documentaries sound are as followed:The music used in documentaries is relevant to the topic.Music is used in a documentary to heighten the emotion and to build the narrative.Music and background noise are used to set the scene.All documentaries contain a voice over which is done by a narrator.Special effects can be used in documentaries during reconstructions.Question are always edited out of interviews so we only hear the interviewees responses.

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The main codes and conventions for a documentaries graphics are as followed:White text is normally used during a documentary as it stands out.The titles of a documentary are a unique bold font that reflects the topic/subject.Credits are used at the end of the documentary they scroll up the screen here is where tribute to the archive footage is found.Titles used in interviews anchors who they are and their relevance/relationship to the topic. Titles are generally found on the opposite side to the interviewee and are normally two lines long. The top line is normally bigger. A simple font is used for titles and are always found along the bottom of the screen. There could also be a strip of colour behind the titles or there could be a logo next to it. Titles are always subtle so that they don't take focus of the interviewee and always contain simple details.Graphics are also used to anchor time.Graphics are used as subtitles were necessary.

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Archive Material

The main codes and conventions for a documentaries archive material are as followed:Archive material can be accompanied by music. There is normally a sound bed under visuals.The archive material is always relevant to the topic.Examples of archive material are: film/video/tv clips, newspaper clips and photos.A good variety of archive material can be used throughout a documentary.Zooms or pans can be used to show archive material.Voice over anchors the meaning of the archive material and holds it together it also explains what it is.

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The main codes and conventions for a documentaries editing are as followed:Cuts are the most used form of editing and are used to give the documentary a seamless feel.Dissolves are also used throughout documentaries.Slow/fast motion is used to emphasise the atmosphere of the documentary.Interviews are normally 1-2 minutes long at a time are edited in throughout the documentary.Visuals are sometimes edited in over the interviewee.Montage editing can also be used throughout documentaries.Certain effects like fade to black and elliptical editing can be used.