codes & standards enhancement (case) california statewide utility codes & standards...

2019 Title 24, Part 6 Codes & Standards Enhancement (CASE) Proposal Hybrid Condensers for Refrigerated Warehouses and Commercial Refrigeration (Supermarkets) Cathy Chappell TRC Solutions [email protected] Doug Scott VaCom Technologies [email protected] December 12, 2016

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Page 1: Codes & Standards Enhancement (CASE) California Statewide Utility Codes & Standards ·  · 2016-12-13•Large kW savings

2019 Title 24, Part 6 Codes & Standards Enhancement (CASE) Proposal

Hybrid Condensers for Refrigerated

Warehouses and Commercial Refrigeration


Cathy Chappell

TRC Solutions

[email protected]

Doug Scott

VaCom Technologies

[email protected]

December 12, 2016

Page 2: Codes & Standards Enhancement (CASE) California Statewide Utility Codes & Standards ·  · 2016-12-13•Large kW savings

• Types of building impacted

– Refrigerated warehouses

– Supermarkets

• Building system impacted

– Refrigeration

• Anticipated type of change

– Mandatory

• Description of change

– Add hybrid condensers (not currently mentioned in the code) in

addition to existing requirements for air cooled and evaporative


Proposed Code Change Overview


Page 3: Codes & Standards Enhancement (CASE) California Statewide Utility Codes & Standards ·  · 2016-12-13•Large kW savings

• Definition of hybrid condensers

– A refrigeration system component that condenses refrigerant vapor by rejecting heat to air mechanically circulated over its heat transfer surface, causing a temperature rise in the air, with the additional capability to utilize evaporative precooling of the entering air, for operation only during high ambient temperatures, and accomplished as part of a single factory-made unit.

• Proposed Code Change

– Include mandatory variable speed fan control

– Include variable set point control at least for dry mode operation

– Include floating head pressure control requirements

– Establish minimum specific efficiency (Btu/W-h) for dry mode

– Establish maximum TD (size) for dry mode operation

– Define SCT for glide refrigerants (?)

Proposed Code Change Overview (Cont’d)


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• Why are we proposing this measure?

– Discussed for 2013 code but product information and adoption was

limited at that time

– Greatly increased market interest due to:

• Large water savings compared with evaporative condensers

• Large kW savings and potential kWh savings compared to air-cooled


– Reduce code enforcement conflicts and confusion

– Establish a baseline against which high efficiency choices can be

evaluated and incentives provided

– Now at least three vendors vs. one vendor in 2010

Proposed Code Change History


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• Existing Title 24, Part 6 Requirements

– No requirements for hybrid condensers (not mentioned in


• Existing Model Code Requirements

– None

• Other regulatory considerations

– None, water use?

Current Code Requirements


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• Current practices

– Refrigerated Warehouses

• Historic use of only evaporative condensers for ammonia systems

• Recent potential for air cooled ammonia systems (reference IIAR

Technical Paper)

• Recent development of low-charge packaged ammonia systems

– Supermarkets

• Balance of air-cooled and evaporative condensers throughout

California with some use of hybrid condensers beginning with market

entry approximately 5 years ago

• Do you agree with this description?

• What trends are you seeing in practice?

Typical Practices


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• Initial products and studies

• Potential for “best of both worlds”: balancing advantages of air-cooled and

evaporative condensing

• First cost premium: tendency to undersize condenser surface, less efficient than

standard air cooled in dry mode

• Benefits overstated, energy use may increase vs. code compliant air-cooled in

a cool coastal climates, climate is important to savings

– Increased need for water savings in California

– Refrigerant charge also a factor on commercial (HFC) systems

• Existing condensers have high charge

• Hybrid condensers with microchannel have an extremely low charge

• Hybrid condensers with mini-tubes have greatly reduced charge (although not

as much as microchannel condensers)

• CARB interest in low charge to reduce GHG emissions

– Hybrid condensers “go with” CO2 transcritical systems in CA climates

Market Overview and Analysis


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• Market barriers

– High first cost

– Limited number of suppliers

– Performance uncertainty

– No incentives

• Other market information sources we should know about?

Market Overview and Analysis


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• How we plan to collect costs of base case technology and

proposed technology

– Hybrid condenser cost is available using vendor list prices and

estimated multipliers and contractor mark-ups

– Incremental cost is obtained by adjusting the condenser size,

expressed as the applied TD (approach) temperature

• Are there components of costs that we left out?

Incremental Cost Estimation


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• Methodology for energy and demand Impacts

– Use DOE2.2R with external processing

• DOE2.2R is a component level mass flow based refrigeration

simulation tool

– Build on existing models for 2013 T24, Part 6 work

– Prototype Buildings

• 2 refrigerated warehouse sizes (ammonia and small halocarbon


• 1-2 supermarket sizes

– Gather information from select operating hybrid condenser

installations in California

Methodology for Savings Analysis


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• Key assumptions

– Operating hours: 8760

– Fraction of refrigerated warehouses and supermarket specifying

and installing hybrid condensers: TBD

– Energy savings fraction: TBD

– Benefit of water savings: TBD

• Data sources

– Previous T24 models and installations

– Surveys and operating data

• Discussion with California chains and contractors

• Site visits and snapshots of key operating parameters and load balance

• Data collection via remote access through existing network/EMS

Assumptions for Energy Impacts Analysis


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• Approach

– Incremental cost savings are calculated based on TDV cost

savings associated with energy savings over the entire period of


• Determine the base case hybrid condenser sizing that results in

nominal TDV equivalence with air-cooled condensing

• Evaluate step-wise incremental larger hybrid condenser sizing,

based on dry-mode TD, with other variables fixed

– Present TDV cost multiplier ($/TDV kBTU)

– In addition to incremental hybrid condenser analysis, compare

TDV for proposed hybrid condenser requirements with minimum

code compliant air-cooled and evaporative cooled

Incremental Cost Savings


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Cost Effectiveness Estimate Example






Total Per Unit Incremental Cost over Period of Analysis

Incremental first cost (supplies, equipment, installation)

Incremental maintenance cost (replacement equipment, regular maintenance) over period of analysis




Per Unit TDV Cost Savings over Period of Analysis $750TOTAL $750 $500

Benefit/Cost Ratio 1.5

Page 14: Codes & Standards Enhancement (CASE) California Statewide Utility Codes & Standards ·  · 2016-12-13•Large kW savings

• Who would be involved in implementing this measure?

– Owners

– Condenser manufacturers and representatives

– Refrigeration system engineers, designers and specifiers

– Refrigeration system installation contractors

– Building department staff

– Energy efficiency program implementers

• Others?

Compliance and Enforcement- Market Actors


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Compliance and Enforcement- Tasks


Market Actor Task(s) Success Criteria

Refrigeration systems designers/specifiers

- Specify the products, and performance requirements (if any)

- refrigeration system design drawings, specifications (and sometimes installation)

- Success is a design that cost-effectively meets the refrigeration needs of the client, and meets code reqts

Refrigeration systems installers - Coordinate with designer to properly install equipment according to specifications

- Success is equipment that meets the specifications provided, installation meets the buildingrefrigeration needs

Building department staff - Review the permit submittal for code compliance, review installation

- Building department staff seem to have little understanding, based on feedback from contractors

- Success is confirming equipment is compliant with Section 120.6

- Need to get things right the first time to avoid re-inspection

Energy efficiency program implementers

- Advise the design team on program


- SBD program staff have limited

involvement in compliance of

mandatory refrigeration measures

- Success is ensuring program

submittal is correct

Page 16: Codes & Standards Enhancement (CASE) California Statewide Utility Codes & Standards ·  · 2016-12-13•Large kW savings

• Title 24, Part 6 Standards: Refrigerated Warehouses 120.6(a)4 and

Commercial Refrigeration 120.6(b)1 and 2.

– Include mandatory variable speed fan control

– Include variable set point control at least for dry mode operation

– Include floating head pressure control requirements

– Establish minimum specific efficiency for dry mode

– Establish maximum TD (size) for dry mode operation

– Define SCT for glide refrigerants (?)

Strawman Code Change Language


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Thank you.

Cathy Chappell,

[email protected]

Doug Scott,

[email protected]