codex: adeptus aribites


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this is a 6th edition Fan made codex for the Adeptus Arbites. a lot of work has been put into making this so please enjoy. please take note that this is not finished and should be done soon.


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Codex Adeptus Arbites

Adeptus Arbites Special rules.Thin Black Line: Arbites combat operations usually commence with an isolated incident reported by small patrol forces.

At the start of the battle up to half of the total number of units in the army (rounded down) may begin on the field. Only Troop choices, a single HQ, and any unit with the Scouts or Infiltrate abilities are eligible for deployment. All others are placed in Reserve. This army is allowed to start with no Units on the board.

Because of the thin black line the Arbites may not receive a secondary detachment, instead if the points for the battle are more than 2000 pts all unit limitations are removed (e.g. 0-1). They may however still receive a secondary allied detachment.

Call for Backup: Any Arbite unit may be held in Reserve at the start of the game, even when the Reserves rule is not in effect. When they become available, they are deployed anywhere along the table edge of the Arbites deployment zone. If no such table edge exists, at the start of the game the Arbites player may designate any one table edge as the location where all of his Reserves will arrive from.

Advanced Response Dictate: all Arbites are given Intense training on how to respond to hostile targets and how to aid in units already attacking said target. In many cases Arbites have their transports wait for the right opportunity to strike, as the team moves ahead. When an Arbite unit comes unto the board they gain a rule that corresponds with their Riot Tactic, this represents the different training that each squad has.

Riot Tactics Assault: the unit may move, run/assault as normal.Riot Tactics Defend: the unit may move and shoot/run as normal.Riot Tactics Support: the unit may move as normal, but can choose to ether

shoot, run or assault.Units that do not have a Riot Tactic can shoot as normal.Arbite units that have a dedicated transport may chose to start disembarked from the transport and the transport then enters ongoing reserves, the transport must arrive from the same table edge.

“To serve The Emperor. To protect His domains. To judge and stand guard over His subjects. To carry the Emperor’s law to all worlds under His blessed protection. To pursue and punish those who

trespassed against His word.” Oath Sworn by Cadets.

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Unit Special Rules.Riot Tactics: The Arbites train endlessly to gain advantages against their foes.Arbite units benefit from one of the following. Assault: the Arbitor trains tirelessly in the art of charging to make sure that the enemy make no more attacks.

The unit gains the Furious charge rule from the warhammer 40k rule book. Defend: The Arbitor is trained to stop any charge and counter it will equal fury.

The unit gains the counter attack rule from the warhammer 40k rule book. Support: The training the Arbitor goes through cannot be done alone, he must train with a companion or squad, to the point where they will be blocking the attacks sent on their fellow squad mates and not have to worry about themselves but the others in his squad.

In the assault phase the unit gains the feel no pain rule from the warhammer 40k rule book, but only on roles of 6. If the weapon ignores the Arbites Armor it will ignore this rule as well.

Units Inbound. The Arbites know their jurisdictions like the back of their hands, and are coordinated into battle by their precinct operators. Units with this rule may select any board edge outside of the enemy’s deployment table edge when arriving from Reserve.

“No servant of the Emperor dies unavengend or in vain. No enemy of the Emperor escapes unpunished.” Promise of the Arbites.

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Warlord Traits.The Warlords of the Adeptus Arbites never end in their fight against the forces that seek to destroy the Imperium. They have gained experience and the favor from the God Emperor in doing this. They receive their favor from the Emperor in different forms but they use it to their full extent.

When generating Warlord traits, an Adeptus Arbites Warlord can chose to roll on the table presented below or on a table from the Warhammer 40,000 rule book.

Warlord Traits Table.1 Eternal Enforcer: The Warlord has sworn to never stop perusing those who commit crime. The Warlord and all units within 12” have preferred enemy (Chaos Space Marine).

2 Justice Unbound: The Warlord is filled with a righteous fury to destroy all those who break the Holy Emperor’s Laws.The Warlord and any unit he joins gain the Rage Special rule.

3 Emperor’s Might: The Warlord is filled with the might of the Emperor. The Warlord gains the Hammer of Wrath Special rule.

4 Emperor’s Glory: The Warlord is guided by the glory of the Emperor, and will not cease his assault against the law breakers of the Imperium. The Warlord and the unit he joins gain the Fearless Special rule.

5 Eternal Insight: The Warlord has received a vision on what is to come. At the start of the turn nominate d3 units; these units gain the Stealth Special rule.

6 Unyielding: The Warlord will never give up and will continue to fight no matter what happens to him. The Warlord gains the Feel no Pain special rule.

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Marshals of the Court“Any man who fears the Emperor, fears those who wear an Adeptus Arbites Badge,” Lord Justice Stelkieg.

A Marshal of the court is the second highest acting rank in the Arbites, although they do table work and delegate most of the work they do still manage to get out in the field and do the dirty work too. To have one of them show up to a solar system means there is something large and dangerous on. From daemon incursion to an ork invasion they only show up when they are of the utmost needed.

They oversee sector spanning precints and coordinate with any forces available, whether they are the Imperial Guard, the Sisters of Battle, the Imperial Navy or anything else they may need. They have more power than most inquisitors and they use it.

The rank is known by many names such as: Lord Justice, Lord High Marshal, and Grand Lord Marshal or Justice, High Judge, Lord Judge, etc, etc.

Marshal of the Court: Ws 6 Bs 5 S 3 T 3 W 3 I 5 A 4 LD 10 Sv 4 Unit type: Infantry (character)Wargear: Judges Armor (pg 35), bolt pistol, Close Combat weapon, badge of the Justicar (pg 33), Riot Grenades (pg 34).Special rules:Independent Character, Stubborn, Riot tactics: Assault (pg 3) My word is law. The Marshal of the court can rally anyone near him to get back into the fight for Justice. Any friendly units within 12’’ can use his unmodified leadership for any tests Will of the emperor. The Marshal of the court has the Emperor with him. And with his help the Marshal will not go down easily. The model has It Will Not Die Special rule.Hand of Justice. To face an Arbites Marshal is to bear the full weight of the Emperors laws on them, and in extent the Emperor himself. The Marshal can use his will to call upon the Emperor to help him in the direst of circumstances. Once per game any enemy unit in base to base contact with the Marshal suffers -1 I and -1 A.

“By order of Lord High Marshal Berg you, Inquisitor Malfess, are deemed Heretic and will be executed for treason against the Emperor. May the Emperor have mercy upon thee.” Judge Dracin.

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Marshal of the Court Command SquadThe Marshal of the Court cannot keep track of all the things he needs to, so he

has a group of trusted Arbites that he delegates the more menial task. They accompany him everywhere he goes. And do whatever he commandsCommand Squad: WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 LD 8 Sv 4Unit Type: InfantryWargear:Carapace armor (pg 35), bolt pistol, Close Combat weapon, Riot Grenades (pg 34).

Liaison Arbitor.The liaison Arbitor helps coordinate with other forces of the Imperium. When

there is a Liaison to the Marshal on the field there is perfect coordination between any Imperial forces.

If he is included the Arbites May take one more Elite, Fast Attack, or Heavy support for an Allied Detachment.

Communication Arbitor.The Communication Arbitors goal is communication and information, if anything

is happening anywhere he his informed and redirects whatever is needed to combat it.This model has the Princeps of deceit Warlord trait, and as long as he does not

move the Arbites Army gets +1to reserve rolls.

Medic Arbitor.Medics are used in all armies to keep those important men and women alive.The squad gains feel no pain.

Arbites Senior When a Lord Justice comes to a planet he is given an Arbites Senior from that

world to help understand the planet and the situation. An Arbites Senior follows the normal stats and options of an Arbites Senior (pg ),

the squad also gains units inbound.

Preacher of imperial law.The lord Justice does not go about singing the many laws and praises the Arbites

have, so he has a special priest from the ecclesiarch given to him to sing and spread the laws, he also acts as a liaison to the Ecclesiarch.

Can choose up to 2 books of the law, and is equipped with an Eviserator and a rosarius.

Fleet liaison Arbitor.The Marshal does not have the time to deal with communicating with his ship or

other ships in orbit, if he wants an orbital bombardment he tells his Fleet Liaison Arbitor to call it in. if he wants restricted airspace over a certain area he tells his Fleet Liaison Arbitor.

The model can make an orbital bombardment once per turn using a laser Targeter.

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Laser Targeter Range: 48’’ S- AP- heavy 1, laser.Laser: to shoot the Targeter draw a line from the model shooting, in the direction

that the owning player chooses. The first thing that stops the line (terrain, enemy models/vehicles, and friendly models/vehicles) is where the orbital bombardment comes in. stats for the bombardment are S9 AP2 small blast, barrage, ordinance. If a hit is rolled it will scatter d6’’ (use the small arrow on the hit dice), if a miss is rolled it will scatter 2d6’’

Inquisitors InterrogatorThe Marshal has so much power that some Inquisitors send their apprentices or

Interrogators to him to learn and most of the time keep an eye on him. The Marshal does whatever he wants with the Interrogator, but most of the time they follow the Marshal around and document whatever happens. Some marshals use them as bodyguards others use them as advisers.Interrogator: WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 LD 10 Sv 4Unit Type: Infantry (character)Wargear:Carapace armor (pg 35), bolt pistol, Close Combat weapon.Special ruleStubborn.

“The Space Marines are the Emperors will on the battle field, the Arbites are the Emperor’s will in his kingdom, when both do their job to perfection there will be peace.” Interrogator Keseve

Power and Authority.The command squad takes what they need. They do not need to ask they simply take. Many commanders hate how they have so much authority. Most comply with the demands they give, for when they demand it the Marshal of the Court demands it. There have been times when a commander is so angry as to what they took that he sends a message or goes personally to the Marshal. Usually this ends up with the commander seeing the Liaison Arbitor. And the times it does not it usually gets settled with the Marshal saying few words, as his presence is so intimidating and unsettling.

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Arbites MajoresAn Arbites Majore is in control of the Arbites of one planet and sometimes one

system, there are occasions however where there is a need for more than one. In these cases it is where rebellion is ripe or a rebellion has occurred. There are cases where they come because of strange alien sightings.

Each Majore is different in how they enforce the Emperors will on the people of a world. But they always enforce it to the maximum, for to break the Emperors laws is to defy the Emperor.

The Arbites Majore has the power and authority of that just below that of an Inquisitor. Majores rarely go to the field; they are more the composer of how the Arbites move and attack.

The Arbites Majores are often called Judges or High Marshals, these are the most common of many namesMajore: WS 5 BS 5 S 3 T 3 W 3 I 5 A 3 Ld 9 Sv 4+Unit Type: Infantry (character)Wargear:Judges Armor (pg 35), Arbites shotgun (pg 32), Bolt pistol, Close Combat Weapon,Frag grenades, Riot grenades (pg 34).Special Rules:Independent Character, Stubborn, Riot Tactics: Assault (pg 3), Units Inbound (pg 3)

“If the law were to be broken before me, I would rather face 1000 deaths then report my failure,” Majore Jones.

A Majore’s dutyA Majore is In charge of all Arbites in a sector, or planet. They move and approve everything that happens; they have eyes and ears on all the Adeptus in the sector and on all noble families. They can condemn most people without a reason. They are feared by most and known by all. They know all of the Seniors under them, and are familiar with what they are best at and what they come from.

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“We determine the guilty. We decide the punishment.” Inscribed on the front of all Precincts.

Arbites SeniorsThe Arbites senior comes before the Majore. The Senior takes on a more active

role on the field. Performing investigations, raids, and even go in on riots. Before you become a Senior you will have come from one of the two sections of Arbites, the Judges or Enforcers.

Some Seniors have a hard time when they get promoted to Senior, because as one was diplomatic and did not deal with the action that the enforcer would deal with. And the enforcer is so used to being given orders and doing them to the letter and not having to worry what the Judges did.

There are Arbites who have Psychic powers. There are very few of them though. And they go through intense training both physically and mentally. Their duty is to keep an eye on the psykers of the planet they are on and to watch for rouge and unsanctioned psykers. They often accompany an Inquisitor until they have what is deemed enough experience by the Inquisitor. Then they are promoted to Arbites Psy-Senior.

As all the other high ranking Arbites have different names so do the Seniors, their most common name is Marshal.Senior/Psy-Senior WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 2 I 4 A 2 LD 9 Sv 4+Unit type: Infantry (character)Wargear:Judges armor (pg 35), Arbites shotgun (pg 32), Bolt pistol, Close combat weapon, Frag grenades, Riot grenades (pg 34), Force Weapon (Psy-Senior only).Special Rules:Independent Character, Stubborn, Riot Tactics: Assault (pg 3), Units Inbound (pg 3).Psyker (Mastery Level 1) (Psy-Senior only).

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High Proctors“Fear not, your souls are in my care now”

The High Proctor is the spiritual leader of the arbites, as space marines have chaplains, and guard have priest, all of which are in charge of the souls of all those under them. The High Proctor unlike other Adeptus Arbites who are chosen early in their lives from the Schola Progenium, the High Procter is kept in the Ecclesiarch care and is trained how the Priests would be trained, only he is given extra to study from the Lex Imperialis and Dictates Imperialis. He is trained harder in combat then the others, and is judged harder from their teachers. Then when the other priests leave to whatever planet they were called to he goes to the Adeptus Arbites to be sent to some precinct to watch over the souls of all the Arbites and in extent all who the Arbites watch over.High proctor Ws 4 Bs 4 S 3 T 3 W 2 I 4 A 2 Ld 9 Sv 4Unit Type: Infantry (Character)Wargear:Bolt Pistol, Power Maul, Rosarius, Carapace Armor (pg 35), Riot grenades (pg 34).Special rules Independent character, Riot tactics: Assault (pg 3), fearless, Units inbound (pg 3),We’re here for the emperor: The High Procter can rally those around him to fight harder in the name of the holy Emperor.The unit he is in becomes fearless, and the turn they assault they can reroll misses.

“The most important thing in the Galaxy is the souls of those in the Imperium,” High Procter Welikin.

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ChastenersChasteners are experts at tracking down and grabbing their targets. They have

no mercy feel no remorse and are cold-hearted. There specialty is not in killing, but taking in alive and mentally unharmed. They are experts at infiltration, orbital drops, moving through never-ending crowds unnoticed, etc, etc.

They can get their target before he even knows he was being taken. The Chasteners are experts at psychological warfare; they learn what makes the brain tick on most humans and xenos. They can break the will of anyone and get the information they need. Once they have their information their target will often enter a rehabilitation process, the Chastener will often oversee this process. Most Chasteners have a deep and great joy once one of their targets enters back into society, because another lost soul has entered back into the Holy Emperors kingdom Chastener WS 5 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 2 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 5+Unit Type: Infantry (character)Wargear:Light Carapace armor (pg 35), Power weapon, Bolt Pistol, Frag grenades, Krak grenades.Special Rules:Scout, Stealth, Hit and run, Riot Tactics: Assault (pg 3).Covert Operations: Chasteners operate independently and in secrecy, often far ahead of any Arbites forces.If a Chastener is placed in reserve he may arrive on the field anywhere within 3” of a piece of terrain (this may be any form of terrain).Chasteners may not ride in transports, or be joined by Independent Characters.Dodge: The reflexes of Chasteners are often thought as inconceivable for a non enhanced human. But it is a combination of their reflex and their knowledge of their targets. They know how and when a person will try to attack. They know their fighting stance and how fast they can swing a weapon. There are some people or Xenos that a Chastener does not know how to combat, and this often proves fatal for the Chastener.The Chastener has a 5+ invulnerable save against any non-named character.Designated Target: the chasteners learn whatever they can about their target before going into combat. And their target is their goal.

Takedown of Kern08. A1. Debriefing of Chastener Chen.Chen: I had spotted my target three hours ahead of schedule, sir.Judge farr: did you wait for assistance as was planned?Chen: No, but I did…Farr: so you did not follow the plan.Senior Kythrin: did you apprehend him?Chen: yes. I did not follow the plan. But I was able to take him in without getting noticed, sir.Farr: their whole operation moved to a new location, and I doubt your target has reviled anything yet.Chen: No sir, he has not. But…Kythrin: but what Chastener?Chen: I managed to plant tracking devices on three of their main vehicles and explosives on most of their main cargo.High Procter Hugo: with chasteners what are the rest of us for?Chen: you tell me, Sir. 08. A1. Debriefing finished on 09.A3.

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Before the game begins pick one model of the opponent’s army. The chastener can re-roll misses on that target, and must issue a challenge to the target. When performing a “hit and run” they can take that model with them out of the combat on a successful I test.

“We hunt the traitors, we purge the unclean, we learn of their evils, we issue judgment, we are the Chasteners.” Chastener buirns.

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SHOCK TEAMShock Teams are used for crowed control and area denial. With their shields they

form an unmovable wall. They are experts in hand to hand combat and have mastered the art of maul and shield.

The shields of the Shock teams contain mag-locks on the edges. With those mag-locks they can connect their shield to their fellow Arbitors around them. Making their wall reinforced. Their suppression shields also contain a power pack on them which is used to make the front of the shield a huge wall of Electricity.

Shock Troopers are the most skilled and advanced Arbitors in an Arbites Precinct, and are granted with the best equipment. They are masters in any form of combat melee or ranged. They are a shining example of who to be the best Arbite. They fear little and never leave a fight. When others scream or run they stand their ground, with honor. Shock Arbitrator WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 2 LD 8 Sv 4++Shock Procter WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 2 LD 9 Sv 4++Unit Type: Infantry (Character: Procter only)Wargear:Carapace armor (pg 35), Shock maul (pg 30), Suppression shield (pg 34) Bolt pistol,Riot grenades (pg 34).Special Rules:Riot Tactics: Assault (pg 3), Units Inbound (pg3), Bulky,Shield wall: the shock team locks their shields together and brace for the oncoming charge. Their shields act as a buffer between them and the assaulters. A good shield wall often stops any on coming charge.Any turn they are assaulted they count as being in cover.Shield rush: the Shock Team has mastered using their shields and team mates in a charge to the point that anyone close enough will get hit by one of the Arbitors.The turn they assault they may forgo their attack roles and automatically hit each model in base to base contact with a shock team member, as long as it is not a disorganized charge.

“The only reward for committing a crime is death,” Shock Arbitor.

The Suppression ShieldThe Suppression Shields used by the Adeptus Arbites are larger than Space Marine Storm Shields. The Arbites shield however is equipped with mag-locks on the sides. They are armed with an electro field generator, allowing the shield to be used as a weapon in close quarters. The size of the generator is small, so the electro field cannot always be used. Most teams using the field us it when they charge.

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Shield Breaker TeamsShield Breaker teams are experienced in the craft of breaking and entering. They

can clear a three story building in less than five minutes. They can spot anything that looks wrong or out of place in a building. Their skill in close quarters combat is the best of any Arbite team. Some Shield Breaker Teams have competitions with other squads to see which squad is better, like clearing a building in the fastest time or performing safe war games in a building.

They are often sent ahead of the Arbites force to root out hidden enemies and uncover traps. They are equipped with better gear then most Arbites to better aid them when breaching a building and to help them if they get ambushed. Some squads are trained differently to better aid in their task. One squad may be masters at assaulting while another squad is proficient in defending an area.Arbiter WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 LD 7 Sv 4+Procter WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 2 LD 8 Sv 4+Unit Type: Infantry (Character: Procter only) Wargear: Carapace Armor (pg 35), Arbites Shotgun (with seeker and plas rounds) (pg 32), Breaching Charge (pg 33), Bolt Pistol, Close Combat weapon, Riot grenades (pg 34).Special Rules: Riot Tactics: Assault or Defend (pg 3), Units Inbound (pg 3), Scout,

“The Emperors law is a hammer. With it, we will smash the unjust.” From the Oath of the Arbites.

Breaching of Building Seven.Procter Gunry: Squad move in. Sven and George, first room. Michel, Phillip and Kevin, room at the end. Steven watch the door. John get the second room. Alex and Stapler with me up the stairsSven: room one clearedPhillip: end room clear.John: something’s in the second room.Gunry: Stapler go help John. Alex and I will watch the second floor. Sven, George go watch with Steven. Kevin and Michel cover John and Stapler. Phillip stay where you are.John: Targets spotted. Three in cover. Taking firer, Sir, orders?Gunry: Kevin, Michel, plas rounds. Destroy their cover. John, stapler, use Seeker rounds.Michel: target down.John: second target down.Michel: third target downGunry: everyone upstairs.Unison reply from all: yes Sir.Gunry: same plan from before. Clear everything.

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Arbite Patrol TeamThe Patrol teams are the most basic squads in the Arbites, yet the most needed. They go on

patrols and search missions they enforce the Emperors laws in the streets. They call in support if they need it, but the Patrol Teams have no single purpose they can be equipped to handle anything thrown at them. They don’t only patrol they are often garrisons for other Adeptus or vital points of a world.

They are trained in supporting each other to better them as a team. With each team the members of it know each other and tend to become friends. They all move on to different squads eventually except for the Procter which stays to help the next team.

Once they have proven themselves experienced enough they have the opportunity to change squads and go into a more advanced unit like the Shieldbreaker team, retrieval team, etc, etc. some are able to change branches entirely going over to the branch of Judges who then take a less violent path.Arbitrator WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W1 I 3 A 1 LD 7 Sv 4+ Proctor  WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 2 LD 8 Sv 4+Unit type: Infantry (character: Procter only)Wargear: Carapace armor (pg 35), Arbites shotgun (pg 32), Bolt pistols, Riot grenades (pg 34).Special Rules: Riot Tactics: Support (pg 3).

“The Guard envy us for are better gear. I envy them, they get a few days off and after a few wars they can retire. I never stop, day or night, I never retire no matter my age” senior member of Arbites.

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Sharpshooter TeamThe sharpshooters of the Arbites come from the best shooters of any squad;

some come from Patrol teams others from Shield Breaker teams. All that matters is that you are the best of the best out of your team.

Sharpshooters are given Sniper rifles, camo-cloaks, and training in the ways of Infiltration and Stealth. If an Arbitor fails the stealth course, that all Sharpshooters must complete, he may not become a Sharpshooter. The stealth course is an extreme course and taught only be the elite of the sharpshooters.Sharpshooter WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 7 Sv 4+Proctor WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T3 W 1 I 3 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 4+ Unit type: Infantry (Character: Procter only)Wargear:Carapace armor (pg 35), Sniper rifle, Bolt pistol, Camo-Cloak (confers Stealth),Special Rules:Scout, Infiltrate, Riot Tactics: Support (pg 3).Dead Aim (Procter only): the Procter has become so efficient with his rifle and spotting weak points in armor that they have been known to shoot a traitor commander out of his armored vehicle, with all ports covered.When the Procter uses a Sniper rifle he has rending on a 5+

“Only in death does the penalty for committing a crime go away,” Master sharpshooter Kalvonic.

Stealth CourseIn the Stealth course a Sharpshooter Trainee must go through intensive Physical Exercise. They need to be able to get to their sniper position without feeling any levels of fatigue; their position is often several miles away from their drop zone. They must go those several miles in all their armor and gear. In the final test they must go twenty miles with their armor and gear while being hunted by another squad. If they make it to their position they must shot their target without being spotted. If they succeed they get an hour of rest to the start point where they then hunt a squad of trainees.They require mental training as well. This is to prepare them for what they may see or encounter.

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Arbites Mounted Pursuit SquadMounted troopers can move faster than those on foot, they also inspire fear into

the general populace. The Mounted Pursuit teams have trained their mounts to attack. This is very effective in the Karenger System where they ride horse size Raptors, there are other systems that ride creatures like those of the Karenger system. Sometimes Mounted Pursuit team are out in the field hunting someone or thing for weeks at a time, they can do this because on most worlds whatever creature they ride can feast on the local plants or wild life, and the Arbitor usually caries food for himself.

Mounted teams are equipped better, so they can fend for themselves when they are out for extended times. This also allows them to take out a riot with one charge, but at the cost of many, many, casualties. The mounted team however uses lighter armor that way they weigh less and their mounts can go furtherArbitrator WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 2 LD 7 SV 5+Proctor WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 2 LD 8 SV 5+Unit type: Cavalry (character: Procter only)Wargear: Arbites shotgun (pg 32) or Bolt pistol, Close Combat Weapon or Shock lance (pg 30), Light Carapace Armor (pg 35), Riot Grenades (pg 34).Special Rules:Units Inbound (pg 3), Riot Tactics: Assault (pg 3), Fleet.

Arbite Biker Pursuit SquadThe Biker teams are found more in Hive worlds where beasts of the Mounted

team cannot catch up to most vehicles. The Biker teams are trained to use their bikes in any situation and on any terrain, they cannot however go out for extended times like the Mounted teams because they run out of gas or whatever fuel they use on that world.

Biker teams are also equipped with better gear, because most people they hunt down or chase or equally equipped. The hunted usually is in a hive gang or some cult. The Biker teams can carry heavier armor and gear because the sturdy and robust bikes of the Arbites can handle it.

Bikers are trained to take a target out at close range, but not as close as close combat. They use their better weaponry to achieve that goal, but are equipped to ride into hand to hand combat.Arbitrator WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 3 A 1 LD 7 Sv 4+Attack Bike WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 1 LD 7 Sv 4+Proctor WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 3 A 2 LD 8 Sv 4+Unit type: Bike (character: Procter only)Wargear:Carapace armor (pg 35), Arbites shotgun (pg 32), Shock maul (pg 30), Riot grenades (pg 34), Arbites bike (pg 33).Special Rules:Units Inbound (pg 3), Riot Tactics: Defend (pg 3), Jink.

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Arbites Land Speeder Pursuit SquadronThe Speeders used by the Arbites are based on the same Standard Template

Construct that the Space Marines use, the Arbites one however has a few changes that are sanctioned by the Tech Priests of Mars. Getting it sanctioned took 3,000 years and an exceedingly large amount of persuasion from the Arbites.

The reason as to why the Arbites have access to Land Speeders and the Guard don’t is because; one, they are hard to construct, two; because it is more practical for the Arbites, and three, the Arbites have fewer troops and better training. Anyone can operate a sentinel, but it requires skill and special training to operate a land speeder.

The Arbites outfit their Land Speeders for vehicle annihilation. They give them Plasma Cannons, Melta-Meltas, they do however use them for crowd control when it is equipped for that it has an assault can or a heavy bolter (or both). The reason as to why they equip them with such heavy weapons is because it is one of their few things that can use it. And with its speed and maneuverability it makes it their best choice for such heavy weapons Land Speeder BS 3 F 10 S 10 R 10 Unit type: Vehicle (skimmer)Wargear: each land speeder is armed with a heavy bolterSPECIAL RULESJink, Deep Strike.

Arbites Insertion Land Speeder The Arbite Insertion Land Speeder is a brother to the Land Speeder Storm used

by Space Marine Scouts. Because Arbites are not as bulky as Space Marines and the slightly different build to the Insertion speeder it can carry a few more Arbites into battle.

It only has one weapon and none of the special gear that the Land Speeder storm has; it however has a noise cancelation device on it, making it impossible to hear. This adds to it an extra element of surprise and that is what the Arbites need. The device that is used is based on ancient technology which is hard to replicate, this is the reason as to why only one organization within the Imperium has access to it. Land Speeder BS 3 F 10 S 10 R 10 Unit type: Vehicle (fast, skimmer, open toped)Wargear: each land speeder is armed with a heavy bolterTransport: the Insertion speeder can carry 6 modelsSPECIAL RULESJink, Deep Strike, Stealth.

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Cyber pursuit squadCyber Pursuit Teams use the ever so known Cyber-hound, they also use the less

known Grapple Hawk. Each of these are the best at tracking down any running fugitive. The claws and mouths on each of them are razor sharp and can even pierce vehicles and in some cases tanks. The cyber-hound can go in many places normal Arbites could not go, because it does not need air. The same goes for the Grapple Hawk, it can even use its repulser units, because they do not require air ether.

The Cyber Handlers are train slightly in the field of Technology, but not as much as they should. They are some of the best runners in the galaxy; they can keep up with whatever they are handling whether it is the Cyber-hound or the Grapple Hawk. They have gotten to the point where running twenty miles is just a jog in the park for them.Cyber-hound WS 4 BS 0 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 5 A 2 LD 6 Sv 5+Grapple Hawk WS 4 BS 0 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 6 A 2 LD 6 Sv 6+Cyber handler WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 LD 8 Sv 4+Unit Type: Beast (Character: Handler only)Wargear: Shock maul (pg 30)(Handler only), Bolt pistol (Handler only), Riot grenades (pg 34)(handler).Special rules:Units inbound (pg 3), Riot tactics: Assault (pg 3)(cyber handler only), Fleet,Rending (Cyber-hound and Grapple hawk only),Blood Hound: cyber hounds have built in state of the art sensors they can, they have extraordinary smell, they can see all colors and can also see heat signatures, their hearing is that better then Space Marines. Enemies may not outflank within 12” of these bloodhounds and infiltrators cannot set up within 24’’ of the Cyberhounds.Grapple Attack: the Grapple Hawks excel in taking down fugitives or runners; they latch on with their razor sharp grapple claws and drag their target down. They have just enough power to keep the grappled person just above the ground. All the Grapple hawks Attacks must be on the same person. If a wound is scored that model hit must make an Initiative test or be reduced to 0 attacks. That model may try another Initiative test in the next combat phase.

“No matter where you commit a crime we will find you,” Cyber handler Goston

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Retrieval TeamThe retrieval team or teams are rescue teams. They arrive when a team or squad

of Arbites is receiving casualties. They come in from an Arial Support Vehicle or A.S.V. and get to the wounded squad where they then zip line down. They are experts at zip lining down into combat no matter where it is, they ignore what is going on around them when they drop and just worry about the wounded team. All they need to do to get the wounded squad up to the A.S.V. is attach their zip line to the wounded person and the A.S.V. crew does the rest. All Adeptus Arbites are given Standard A.S.V. training and zip line training with that training the Retrieval team can get into the Combat sooner, and reinforce the position that was weakened.

Retrieval teams are organized differently compared to the normal teams of the Arbites. Retrieval team members are some of the best Arbites on a Planet and have intense training unlike any other. They need to be able to stand their own against three or more hostiles, and often do. They need to be able to look at the enemy and not be afraid.Arbite WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W1 I 3 A 2 LD 8 Sv 4+ Procter WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W1 I 3 A 2 LD 9 Sv 4+ Unit type: Infantry (character: Procter only)Wargear: Carapace armor (pg 35), Arbite shotgun (pg 32), Riot grenades (pg 34).Special Rules: Riot Tactics: Defend (pg 3).Retrieve the Target: the team’s main objective is a wounded squad on the battle field, and if there is none they will wait for one or fill in a gap. No combat has zero casualties. The squad enters play using a form of Deep strike, the Unit arrives where a damaged friendly Arbite unit is (this means they scatter from the center of that friendly unit) once they come in remove the friendly unit (The removed friendly unit does not give any Kill points to the opponent). If they were to land in terrain place the unit on the top of a terrain piece. if that would require them to do a “deep strike mishap” do not roll on the deep strike mishap table, instead roll a d6 for each model in the squad on a 1 or 2 that model dies, on a 3+ that model lives. If the whole squad can’t fit on top of the terrain piece, place them as close to the terrain piece and still roll the d6 for each one. This ability may not be used to take squads out of hand to hand combat.A.S.V. support: the squad comes in on an A.S.V. and is given support from its weapons.Once the unit comes in the closest enemy unit takes 2d6 BS 3 S6 AP- hits. Fill the Gap: there are times when a retrieval team arrives too late to rescue a wounded squad. Without that squad there there’s a gap in the defenses of the Arbites. It is the job of the retrieval team to reinforce that weak point.A retrieval team may use their Retrieve the Target Special rule by coming in where the last member of a friendly unit died.

“without the Arbites there would be; chaos in the streets, death in the air, and the tithes would not go through.” Retriever Lupan

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Arbites Heavy Support TeamArbites do not field heavy weapons normally they must have them requisitioned

and then they are sent in with a team of weapon specialists. The specialists know where to shot on vehicles and know what to do if something happens to their weapon. Heavy Arbitor WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 8 Sv 4+Procter WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 2 Ld 9 Sv 4+Unit Type: Infantry (character: Procter only)Wargear:Carapace armor (pg 35), Bolter, Bolt pistol, Targeter (pg 34), Motion predictor (Procter only)Special Rules:Riot tactics: Defend (pg 3), Units Inbound (pg 3),Heavy weapons: the heavy weapons are hard to move with just one person and this often slows down the team.The heavy execution team always counts as moving through difficult terrain.Motion predictor: the motion predictor can track and plot the path of any moving vehicle. This is most effective when tracking flying or fast moving vehicles.Instead of shooting the Procter may give the squad the Interceptor rule

SUPPRESSION PLATFORMSThe Suppression Platform is one of the most used pieces of equipment in the

Arbites Armory. It is easy to set up and versatile. It can be equipped with almost any weapon. It is very effective at area denial.

The Platform is often set up to watch a certain area or guard a street. When something happens is when more Arbites arrive as back up. Most of the time they are not needed because of the firepower of the Suppression Platform, there are few cases when it is not enough and the extra back up is welcomed.Arbiter WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 2 LD 8 Sv 4+Suppression Platform WS - BS - S – T 7 W 2 I – A - LD - SV 3 +Unit Type: ArtilleryWargear:Carapace armor (pg 35), Bolt pistol. Suppression platform are equipped with a Heavy stubber.Special Rules:Scout, Riot Tactics: Defend (pg 3).

Massacre at Canderos Four Many people when they hear about the massacre at Canderos four as a defeat for the Arbites or an unjust execution of over 300 people, but it was neither of those, and 300 is an understatement as to how many died that terrible day. On that day the Arbites had received word of an uprising happening in the slum areas of the capital. In response they sent and set up six Suppression platforms around the area. It was a half a mile large city square with six entrances, there was no way out from the square except for those entrances, all the buildings were near three stories high

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and they acted as walls to moving people and vehicles. There was a large meeting building that led into the square. That was where they charged out of the people who were unhappy with what the Emperor had given them, unhappy with their simple and protected lives. Most were only armed with bats or anything they could find, a few had guns but nowhere near what they needed for what they had planned. There were over 2000 people that who were unhappy, and they all charged out of that meeting building and into the square. When they got into the sights of the Platforms they fell to the guns of the Arbites, there were screams from the people that had gotten hit. But the people still came running. They had no clue as to what was happening. But once the Arbites started firing they did not stop. The air turned into a red mist. Even if some wanted to stop or turn around and run they could not, they crowd was moving forward. Those who tried to run were trampled by their friends and even family. The rebels were filled with some unrighteous zeal, some kept moving even after being hit several times. The people the Arbites had protected the day before had turned to savages. The arbites ran out of ammo near the end and resorted to using their; Shotguns, Pistols and mauls. The twelve Arbites that day killed over 200 people with close quarters combat. They were pushed into a single corner of the square between two buildings. When it came down to the last fifty they had ran out of ammo with all their weapons, even the power cells on their Mauls ran out. Several had picked up over seized tools that the rebels were using and started beating the last of the traitors, the ones that did not use the weapons on the ground kept fighting with their mauls or the butt of their shotguns. The fury that the Arbites fought back with was compared only to that of Space Marines. When help had arrived they came to a gruesome sight, bodies were littered everywhere and in one corner nine Arbites were standing. The reinforcements did not realize that they were Arbites at first, because their armor was red and most of them did not have standard Arbite Weapons, but not one rebel got within thirty feet of one of the platforms and only one of the arbites had died. All of the Arbites had wounds and almost all of them were hospitalized.

“So much death, so many screams. Why? Why did they do it? I will tell you why. Because they were unhappy living safe and peaceful lives, they were unhappy with what they had been given. The only thing ungrateful citizens of the Empire get is in ungrateful Emperor. And we carry out his wrath.” Arbite from Canderos Four.

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BLACK MARIAThe Black Maria is based off of the Chimera tank used by the Imperial Guard.

Instead of acting as a transporting for troops it transports a powerful missile payload. The missile Warheads used very in shape and size. The most common are the Gas Warheads, Explosive Warheads, and Flak Warheads. The Maria is capable of leveling buildings as well as taking out large amounts of infantry. It has the capability to shoot flying vehicles out of the sky. There are times when the Arbites need Anti-Vehicle weaponry, when they need that they equip their Black Marias with two twin-linked Las Cannons. This allows them to destroy anything sent at them, but lowers the versatility of the vehicle.

The Black Maria is famous for being sent in alone and with no support; the main reason for this is because of its versatility and durability. It can take out ranks of rioters just as easily as it can orks. It can destroy Predator tanks as easy as it can civilian vehicles. The Black Maria is used exclusively by the Adeptus Arbites, although Guard commanders have sent petitions to the Tech Priests and Adeptus Arbites. All have been rejected by both the Tech Priests and Adeptus Arbites. This has caused much more friction between the Arbites and certain Guard companies, but has strengthened relations with the Tech Priest by taking their side. Black Maria BS 3 F 12 S 12 R 10Unit type: Vehicle (tank)Wargear:Heavy bolter (hull), Arbites missile battery (pg ) (turreted), Searchlight,Smoke launchers.Special Rules:Units inbound.

A.S.V. (Aerial Support Vehicle)The A.S.V. is the Arbites flyer. it resembles an Imperial Guard Valkery, the main

difference is that it does not have two guns on the side of the cockpit, instead it has a turret on the nose that resembles that of the nose turrets on helicopters from the 21st century. It has a lower transport capacity compared to the Imperial Guard, the Arbites one however always has side sponsons. The payload is differs greatly compared to the Imperial Guard, It carries more suppressive and support weaponry.

The A.S.V has two builds on is only used in the support and rescue of wounded teams and is primarily used by Retrieval teams. Several Guard regiments have also asked for the ability to use the A.S.V but have been declined. They have been a few cases were Guard companies have modified their Valkeries to be more like the A.S.V. giving them a higher payload and lower transport capabilities.A.S.V. BS 3 F 12 S 10 R 10Unit Type: Vehicle (Flayer)Transport: 10Wargear: Avenger Gatling Cannon, 2 Sky Screamer Missiles, Search Light, Heavy Stubber Sponsons.Special Rules:

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Units Inbound.Weapons of the Aerial Support Vehicle

Sky ScreamerWhen a Sky Screamer Detonates it emits a loud sound that shatters glass. The Tech Priests have never revealed to anyone how they make it and they make it exclusively for the ArbitesSky Screamer Missile:

Range: 72” S:- AP:- Heavy 1, one shot only, any unit within 8” of where a Screamer missile hits (Friend or Foe) must take a pinning testSky BlindThe Sky Blind Missile is often compared to the Suppression grenade used in the Arbites Grenade Launchers, this one however is the size of a Missile WarheadSky Blind Missiles

Range: 72” S: - AP:- Heavy, one shot only, any unit within 8” of where a Sky Blind Missile hits (Friend or Foe) counts as being hit by a weapon with the Blind Special Rule Sky CoverThe Sky Cover Missile is in all intense and purposes used to cover Arbites on the field. It covers a large area with a dense smoke screen, making it nearly impossible to see through. Sky Cover Missile:

Range: 72” S:- AP: - Heavy 1, one shot only, to shoot the Sky Cover Missile target a location on the board, roll to scatter as normal. Where it hits place a large blast template or something with a diameter of 5” any model hit by a shooting attack that goes through the large blast (or thing with a diameter of 5”) gets a 4+ cover save (this works for friend or foe). Concussive MissileThe only lethal missile used by the Arbites, its use is to shake or even destroy buildings and vehicles. Some Precincts have recently found it highly effective against infantry and plants. Concussive Missiles:

Range: 48” S: 7 AP: 4 Heavy 1, Large Blast, Concussive, one shot only, A Vehicle hit with a Concussive missile suffers a crew stunned result as well as what is rolled on the Vehicle damage chart. Any non-vehicle unit must make any I test or count as going through difficult terrain.Avenger Gatling CannonThe Avenger Gatling Cannon has six heavy rotating cannon on it. each cannon can firer twice a second. Avenger Gatling Cannon:

Range: 24” S: 6 AP: 6 Heavy 12

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Transports of the Adeptus Arbites

RHINOThe rhino is one of the most used transports in the Imperium. It is used by the Space Marines, Sisters of Battle, forces of the Inquisition and the Adeptus Arbites. The reason as to why it is used so much is because it is easy to manufacture, it is easy to learn and easy to maneuver. Rhino BS 3 F 11 S 11 R 10 HP 3Unit Type: vehicle (tank, transport)Transport: the Rhino has a transport capacity of 10 models.Fire points: 2 models can fire out of the top hatch.Access points: a Rhino has an access point of both sides of the hull and rear. Wargear: Storm Bolter, Search light, Smoke launchers.Special Rules:Units Inbound. Repair: the Rhino is easy to fix because of the simplicity of its designs, and most crews can fix it on the spot in the middle of combat.If a rhino is immobilized for any reason, then in subsequent turns the crew can attempt to repair it instead of shooting. Roll a d6 in the shooting phase, and on a 6 the vehicle is no longer immobilized.

ChimeraAlthough less seen compared to the Rhino or Repressor the Arbites still use the Chimera in bulk. The reason for this is its increased firepower and amphibious abilities. Chimera: BS 3 F 12 S 10 R 10 HP 3Unit Type: vehicle (tank, Transport)Transport: a Chimera has a transport capacity of 12.Fire Points: 5 models can fire from the top hatch. All models using the fire points must engage the same target, although they may engage a different target to the Chimera itself.Access points: Chimeras have one access point in the rear.Wargear: Twin-linked Heavy Stubber (turret), Heavy Bolter (hull), Search light, Smoke launchers.Special Rules: Units Inbound.Amphibious: the Chimera treats any water feature as clear terrain when it moves.

RepressorThe Repressor is the most used transports of the Arbites. It has a grim look and increased room in the chassis, giving the Arbites better ability to fight from inside of the vehicle. It has more slightly more firepower then the Rhino but lacks the heavy hitting capability of the Chimera.Repressor: BS 3 F 11 S 11 R 10 HP 3 Unit Type: vehicle (Tank, Transport)Transport: a Repressor has a transport capacity of 10 models.Fire Points: Up to six passengers may fire their basic weapons from the repressor’ fire points. Additionally one model may fire any weapon from the top hatch. All models using the fire points must engage the same target, although they may engage a different target to the Repressor itself.

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Wargear: Storm Bolter (turret), Pintle mounted Webber, Search light, Smoke launchersSpecial Rules: Units Inbound

Adeptus Arbites Rhino (above) and Adeptus Arbite Repressor (below)

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“Dreaded” Judge Joseff Spartacus – Arbites MajoreThe Dreaded Judge is one of the greatest Majores. He is so great that when a

spot becomes available he will become a Marshal of the Court.Many fugitives fear him for his ruthlessness. So much that sometimes they come

out so they didn’t waste his time, when this happens he ether gives them a merciful execution, sends them to jail for life, or off to a penal legion. Others fear him for his inquisitive powers, he can find anyone or thing and when they waste his time he gives them the most painful death ever. Sometimes they are alive for days being tortured to death.

He could have become an inquisitor but declined saying “the laws need to be enforced.” He prefers to be called Judge because of its more intimidating demeanor. Judge Spartacus: WS 6 BS 5 S 4 T 4 W 3 I 5 A 4 LD 10 Sv 3+Unit Type: Infantry (character)Wargear: Lawgiver Bolt Pistol, Devastator Maul (pg 30), Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, and Melta Bombs, Badge of the Justicar (pg 33), Judges Armor (pg 35).SPECIAL RULES:Eternal Warrior, Riot Tactics: Assault (pg 3), Units Inbound (pg 3), Hand of Justice (pg 5), Independent Character. Demolition Man: Judge Spartacus has a well-known talent for making things go BOOM! heedless of the consequences. He gains the Armourbane Special rule, and +1 to dice rolls on the Damage table I am the Law: Judge Spartacus is fanatically devoted to the enforcement of Imperial Law, and nothing will prevent him from doing his duty. Judge Spartacus can choose to fail or pass any Leadership test he has to take.Lawgiver Bolt Pistol: Judge Spartacus carries a specially crafted Bolt Pistol known as the Lawgiver, an artificer-made weapon with special Ammo feeds and a shot selector. The Lawgiver Bolt Pistol may be used exactly like a normal Bolt Pistol, in which case it may Re-Roll any failed To Hit rolls for Shooting. Alternatively, Judge Spartacus may choose to use any of the following special Firing Modes during his Shooting Phase, but if he does so he may not count the Lawgiver Bolt Pistol as an additional Close Combat Weapon during the subsequent Assault Phase.

Firing Mode Range Strength AP TypeBolt 12” 4 5 PistolRapid Fire 12” 3 - Assault 4Armor Piercing 12” 6 3 Assault 1Grenade 18” 4 5 Assault 1, Blast (one use)

Bionic body: the Judge has been in many terrible accidents, the only reason he is still living is because of his bionic enhancements.This gives the judge +1 to strength and toughness and it increases his save to 3+, this also grants the It Will Not Die Special rule.

“You have wasted my time pathetic Eldar, now you will pay,” Judge Spartacus, after he found Eldar rangers in his system

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Psi-lord Hickok of the Adeptus ArbitesThe Psi-lord is the most powerful psyker in all the arbites, to the point that the

Inquisition keeps close tabs on him. His job is to keep an eye on all the psykers within the Arbites. He does have a small group of psykers under his command, these psykers help him with his tasks, whether it is to aid him in person or to go out and inspect the other psykers.

Hickok was taken a little after his fourth birthday; the Black Ships that took him have recorded it as one of the lowest ages for a psyker to be recognized enough for them to take. He was taken into an Inquisitors Warband at the age of fourteen. At the age of nineteen he was recommended to join the Arbites. At the age of twenty three he joined Psi-lord Gromeries psyker squad and began inspecting other psykers at the age of twenty five. At age fifty seen he was promoted to Psi-lord and is the youngest Arbite to achieve that rank. Hickok WS 5 BS 5 S 3 T 3 W 3 I 5 A 3 LD 10 SV 4+Unit Type: Infantry (character)Wargear:Judges Armor (pg 35), Force weapon, Bolt pistol, Frag grenades, Riot grenades (pg 34), Badge of the Justicar (pg 33).Special Rules:Independent Character, Stubborn , Psyker (mastery level 2), Units Inbound (pg 3),Riot Tactics: Assault (pg 3).

Psi-lord Hickok’s psychic power Table

1-2, 2 charge, You can’t see me: the Psi-lord is able to make himself and those around him invisible, but shooting reveals them.In the movement phase on a successful psychic test he and his squad can’t shoot or assault but they can’t be shot at or assaulted, they may move and run as normal. Before setting up but after sides have been chosen on a successful psychic test he and any squad he is attached to get the infiltrate special rule he may not suffer a perils of the warp from this test 3-4, 1 charge, How many are there: Hickok is able to make Illusions of himself to fool his opponents into attacking thin air. In the assault phase on a successful psychic test he may negate d3 attacks on him5, 1 charge, I’m over here: the Psi-lord is able to teleport short distances allowing him to gain an advantage against his target. The turn he assaults on a successful psychic test he counts as going at I106, 1 charge, There all over me: Hickok creates an Illusion on his target or targets that make them think they are being attacked by little things. What he creates varies as to who his opponent is. for Tryanids he creates Illusionary Necron Scarabs, for the Imperial Guard its Ripper swarms, for the Eldar he creates small daemons (though the Inquisition is trying to stop the use of that Illusion).In the shooting phase on a successful psychic test target one unit within 12’’ that unit must make a leadership test at -3 or count as going to ground

Psychic pain: The Psi-lord is able to channel his pain unto those around him, but because of the pain caused to him he cannot control it.

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If Hickok suffers a perils of the warp from a double 1 everyone (including friend or foe) within 6” suffers a perils of the warp even if they are not psychic, normal armor saves allowed. Hickok will still suffer perils of the warp.

Senior Traggat, Master SharpshooterAs a master sharpshooter he can shoot anyone, anywhere and never misses. He is in charge of inspecting all the Master Sharpshooters, who then inspect their squads. Traggat decided he would the join Arbites when he was six years of age. What made him want to join was that at that age of six his father, the lord militant of that world, was assassinated, he was there when it happened. He went running to his father and the last words his farther said were “the galaxy needs more” and he died, without completing the sentence. From that position he looked away, thinking to himself why would this happen, what he saw when he looked up was a glint from something in the distance (everyone told him he had incredible eye sight for his age). Without thinking he took his dead fathers pistol and shot the glint at 200 yards, the glint went away and a body fell from the building. Through later inspection from the Arbites they found that the body was the shooter, the Arbites said they would track down whoever hired the shooter. That was when he decided he would join the Arbites, not to track down murderers but to stop them.Traggat WS 4 BS 6 S 3 T 3 W 2 I 3 A 2 LD 9 SV 4+Unit Type: Infantry (character)Wargear:Carapace armor (pg 35), Auto pistol, Black Arrow, Chameleon cloak, Power Maul (pg 30). Special Rules:Infiltrate, Scout, Stealth, Independent Character, Acute Senses, Move Through Cover,• Scratch one: the accuracy that Traggat has with his weaponry is so great he has even been complemented by Sergeant Telion of the Ultra Marines.Wounds caused by Traggat Shooting attacks are allocated by his controlling player, rather than the opposing player.• Master sharpshooter: Traggat Ignores cover and has Dead Aim.• Black Arrow: the sniper rifle found from the man that shot his father, he kept it for the Irony that something that broke the law is now helping keep the law.

Range 36” S- AP4 heavy 2, Sniper• Chameleon cloak: a rare and ancient cloak that copies nearby terrain to the molecule (e.g. the detail of bark, or even bugs moving). This grants the Shrouded Special rule (this only works for Traggat)

“Every time I stop a crime ten more are committed. If we had the manpower of half of the whole Imperial guard then we may have a chance of living on crimeless worlds,” Marshal Traggat

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Arsenal of the Arbite.Various Weapons of the Arbites

Calixix pattern Devastator Maul

Perkis Issue Heavy Stubber

Lox style Power Maul

Ryderiun pattern Grenade Launcher

Melee Weapons.

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Rules for these weapons can be found in the Main Rule book, page 105 or

60 (for the mini rule book).Close Combat Weapon Power Weapon Power Maul

Devastator MaulThe Devastator got its name for the devastating and gruesome wounds it leaves in anything it hits. This huge and intimidating two handed weapon is the largest melee weapon the Arbites use. It is feared because of its huge disruption field, which shatters the bonds between the molecules contained within people or items it hits. Devastator Maul: Range – S x2 AP 2 Type: Melee, two-handed, Flesh bane, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy.

“I watched him die before me, I watched the traitors molecules split before he was smashed by my maul, I heard his screams of terror as he realized what was happening to him. I am glad to see those who break the Emperors law suffer so much.” Majore Yuri.

Execution BladeThe execution blade holds a device that makes it seem as light as a feather or as heavy as a dreadnaught, allowing the user to strike faster and hit hard enough to go through most armor.Execution Blade: Range – S +1 AP 3 Type: Melee

Power MaulThe Power Maul is iconic weapon in the Arbites. Its use dates as far back to the very first Arbites Precinct.See 6th edition rule book.

Shock MaulThe Shock Maul is a lighter and less powerful version of the Power Maul. It uses a lighter Power Pack but is the same size. It is often issued to lower ranked troopers.Shock Maul: Range – S +1 AP 5 Type: Melee.

Shock LanceThe shock lance is a lance where at the tip instead of holding explosives like the rough riders of the Imperial guard, it holds the same thing a shock maul holds in it Shock Lance: Range – S +2/+1 AP 4/5 Type: Melee, the Shock Lance has two profiles the first is used when the model charges, the second is used in any other combat.

Ranged Weapons.

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Rules for these weapons can be found in the Main Rule book, page 105 or 56 (for the mini rule book).

Assault Cannon Auto cannonBolt Pistol Bolt gunStorm Bolter Heavy BolterFlamer Las Cannon Inferno Pistol Melta gun Multi-Melta Missile Launcher Plasma Pistol Plasma Cannon Heavy Stubber Sniper Rifle

Arbites Grenade LauncherThe famous grenade launcher used by the guard, Inquisitors, even some space marines use it on bikes, but none use it like or as much as the Adeptus Arbites. Arbites Grenade Launcher: fires either:Gas grenades are filled with a very aggressive and fast acting air born acid.

Gas grenades: 24” S: X AP: - Assault 1 Blast, Poison 4+, Ignores cover.Lockdown grenades attack a vehicles motor system, thus preventing it from moving and allowing the Arbites to move in and capture all the vehicles occupants.

Lockdown grenades: 24” S: - AP: - Assault 1, if a vehicle is hit by a lockdownGrenade roll a d6. It may not move until the start of the next Arbites turn on a d6 roll of 4+.Once a suppression grenade hits its target it sends out Photon flashes, and emits ultra sonic sounds, causing distress and confusion for the target.

Suppression grenades: 24” S: - AP- Assault 1, Blind. The effects of the grenade affect the whole squad, not one model.

Arbites Missile BatteryThe Arbite Missile Battery is only equipped on the Black Maria. The Missile Battery is a formidable weapon that generated equal fear by infantry and vehicle drivers.Arbites Missile Battery: fires either:A gas warhead loaded with enough toxins to kill off an entire riot. That is why they only send one Black Maria to handle most out of control riots.Gas warhead:12-48” S: X AP: 4, Heavy 1 Large Blast, Poison 3+ on first turn fired, 5+ on second turn as the lingering effects wear off, on turn three the gas is gone, Ignores cover.The explosive warhead of the missile battery can decimate the enemy’s vehicles and can wreak havoc on heavy infantry and buildings Explosive warhead: 12-48” S: 8 AP: 3, Heavy d3The Flak Warheads are made for the destruction of Flayers the Violate Arbite Airspace Flak Warhead: 18-48” S: 8 AP: 3, Heavy d3, Skyfire

Arbites Shotgun

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The arbites shot gun houses in it special material and technology to reduce the kick and recoil of the shot gun, that way the arbites can use more powerful shot gun rounds compared to the Imperial GuardArbites Shotgun: fires either: The standard round is of course basic to all arbites and does not need special requests to be used

Standard rounds: 12” S: 4 AP:-, Assault 2The executioner round holds within it a small machine spirit that guides it to its target.

Executioner rounds: 6-18” S: 4 AP:-, Assault 1, No line of sight required. Ignores non-area cover.

The razor rounds are by far the most bizarre out of all the arbites shot gun rounds. It is formed so that it has razor edges all along it, but the real uniqueness about it is that the rounds dose not shatter or break allowing it to keep going even after it hits heavier armor.

Razor rounds: 12’’ S: 4 AP: - Assault 1, rending.Seeker rounds are armor piercing rounds that have a machine spirit in it that is smaller than the Executioner rounds, this small spirit can make minor course corrections in the round and not fly it like the Execution rounds.

Seeker rounds Range 18’’ S4 AP 4 assault 1, seeker rounds re-roll misses The melta round is a miniature version of the melta torpedo and missile technology that was adapted to the Arbites Shotgun by Mars. It produces a heated shaped charge capable of punching a hole through most civilian grade armors. This round was never considered powerful enough for the Imperial Guard but was widely adopted by the Arbites for its power and lack of secondary casualties

Melta rounds: Range 6’’ S4 AP 3 Assault 1

WebbersThe Webber fires a web material, that once hit constricts on the opponent making it hard for the target to move or sometimes even killing the target. The web filament gets tighter and tighter the more someone resists it.WebbersWeb: if a model is hit by a weapon with the webber rule that model must take a S test, if failed that model takes a wound (the target may not be dead it is just that the web has constricted some much to the point where they can’t move).Heavy web: if a model is hit with a weapon that has the Heavy webber rule that model must take a S test at +1 to the dice roll (3 becomes 4, 4 becomes 5 and so on), if shot at a vehicle on a roll of a 3+ the vehicle will count as being Immobilized until the next turn. Do to the nature as to how it works if the target vehicle moved more than 12” in the previous turn the target will not be Immobilized but will take a Glancing hit on a roll of a 5+ (that is due to when the vehicle gets hit it will jerk around or even crash, but then will be loose of the web, because the web does not have the strength to hold a vehicle moving that fast). This may not be shot at fliers.The smallest version of the Web guns is the pistol Web pistol: Range: 6” S- AP- pistol, web.The medium sized and by far the most used is the web rifleWeb rifle: Range: Template S- AP- Assault 1, web.

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The largest and most effective webber weapon the heavy webberHeavy Webber: Range: Template S- AP3 Heavy 1, Heavy web.

Special Wargear.

Rules for the following can be found in the main rule book

Frag Grenades Krak GrenadesMelta Bomb

Arbites BikeWords like, robust, sturdy, and firm are used to describe the bike the arbites use to patrol. they patrol innards or outskirts of city to sand dunes and jungles. Arbites Bike: Models equipped with Arbites Bikes follow all the rules for bikes as described in the 40k rulebook. The bike is armed with a twin-linked bolter.

Badge of the JusticiarThe badge is give to those who have achieved higher ranking in the Adeptus Arbites or given to the few who go above and be on their duty (and survive). Within each badge is a small but powerful power shield, giving those higher ranked or braver souls a bigger chance at survival Badge of the Justiciar: provides a 4+ invulnerable save to the wearer.

The breaching charges are used to blast holes in wall or vehicles depending on what the situation requiresBreaching charge: follows the rules for Melta bomb from the main rule book.

CyberhoundThese robotic blood hounds excel at hunting down targets and revealing where someone is going or is already at. The Grapple hawks require more attention and training and are not issued out to those without the training to use it.Cyberhound: Enemies may not outflank within 6” of these bloodhounds and infiltrators cannot set up within 16’’ of the cyberhounds.Cyberhound’s. Cyberhounds count as single models for transport purposes. They do not prevent an Independent Character from joining a unit. A cyberhound has the following profile:Cyber-hound WS 4 BS 0 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 5 A 2 Ld 6 Sv 5+

Multi-commThe Multi-com is a smaller version of the Imperial Guards vox caster. The Multi-comm’s main use is to inform the Arbites of any suspicious activity or to guide incoming squads Multi-comm: An Arbites secured locator. Any Arbites squad with the Deep Strike special rule will arrive 6” away from a multi-comm. A Multi-comm is also a receiver for a Arbites Dispatch. If any unit is equipped with a Multi-comm the Arbites are eligible to re-roll one failed reserve test a turn.Riot GrenadesThese grenades come standard to all arbites. They help them prepare for an assault.

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They have within them a mixture of gases that attack the charging forces eyes and smell.Riot Grenades: Defensive grenades.

Suppression ShieldA more armored and larger version of the storm shield, it lacks the power field that the Storm Shield has but it does have an interlocking system allowing a squad of trained man to form an unbreakable wall of steel.Suppression Shield: 4+ invulnerable save. Models may not claim the +1 attack for having two weapons. User may not perform a sweeping advance.

TargeterAn advanced range finder and predictor given to the snipers and heavy troopers of the arbites to allow for more accurate shooting.Targeter: a model with this allows their unit to reroll one miss per turn. Having more than one allows for more than one reroll.

Vehicle Upgrades.Rules for the following can be

found in the main rule bookExtra ArmorSearch LightSmoke Launchers

Advanced Missile unitSome Black Marias are Equipped with an advanced missile Targeting system, this allows for a more precise missile attack. Advanced Missile Unit: grants the Missile Lock Special rule

Storm BolterThe Arbites use pintle mounted storm bolters to add extra fire power to the vehicle.Storm Bolter: The storm bolter has the same profile as a storm bolter and is counted as a defensive weapon.

WebberJust as the Arbites have pintle Storm Bolters they have pintle Webbers.Webber: The Webber has the same profile as a Webber and is counted as a defensive weapon.

Armor of the Adeptus Arbites

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Carapace ArmorCarapace Armor is standard for all Arbite forces. It is crafted from dense plates of Plasteel or Ceramite. The plates are on top of a durable Polyplastic fiber. The armor is designed to be able to easily clip on, and does not need to be used with all plates clipped on. Under it is often worn light and comfortable body glove, but that is not required. The armor must be light and flexible, because it will be worn for long periods of time and often in extreme physical exertion. It is unpowered but uses mag-strips to keep gear on it without the use of straps and belts.

Guard are envious of the Arbites, because the Arbites are allowed to have their armor tailored to them, some Arbites prefer larger Carapace plates while others don’t. Some prefer en extra Carapace plate when others don’t. Carapace Armor: carapace armor grants a 4+ save.

Light Carapace ArmorLight Carapace is a smaller less armored version of Carapace armor. It grants more flexibility and is more comfortable. Few Arbites use it though because of the less protection.Light Carapace: Light Carapace Armor grants a 5+ save.

Judges ArmorJudges Armor is not referring to the diplomatic and record keeping side of the Arbites but to more senior armor, only worn by higher ranking Arbites. It is better crafted and is often decorated with medals and signs of the Arbites rank. Judges Armor: Judges Armor grants a 4+ save, but can reroll one failed save per turn.

Riot ArmorRiot Armor is extra plates of Plasteel or Ceramite which can be added to the armor already being worn. It is often brought out when a riot is happening or given to troops who need to last an extra second. It gives better protection but is drastically heaver.Riot Armor: any model with Riot Armor may reroll any 1s when making a normal saving throw (this does not affect invulnerable or cover saves). When running subtract 1 from the die roll, to a minimum of 1

Holy Books of the Adeptus Arbites.

Book of Law: lists many of the basic laws everyone should know and the reciting of

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reminds the Arbites why they are fighting. Friendly Arbites units within 6” may always attempt to regroup.

Book of Legislation: The Book of Legislation contains many smaller acts of Imperial Law, serving to remind the Arbites of where their obedience lies.

Any Arbites Unit with a model within 12” may use the bearer’s unmodified Leadership value for any Morale or Pinning Tests it is required to take.

Book of Statutes: The Book of Statutes lists various Imperial Decrees, Ordinances and Laws as handed down by the High Lords of Terra. By understanding these statutes, the Arbitrator truly understands his duty and is better able to judge his own actions as he is able to judge the actions of others. A unit with a Book of Statutes gains the And They Shall Know No Fear Special rule.

Book of Verdicts: The Book of Verdicts lists the many forms of punishment, penance and execution the Arbites may impose upon those who defy Imperial Law. These descriptions of their authority inspire the Arbites to fight harder or become more resolute.

A character may read from the Book of Verdicts during the Shooting Phase instead of firing a weapon, the reader must pass a leadership test, if he fails nothing happens. If he passes his unit may choose one of the following Universal Special Rules that will apply until the end of the next Arbites Turn: Counter Attack, Furious Charge, or Stubborn. May not be used if the bearer is Locked in Close Combat.

Book of Judgments: One of the rarest books of the Arbites, the Book of Judgment contains many accounts of Imperial justice being meted out on the enemies of the Emperor.

A model bearing the Book of Judgments may read from it. This may be done at any time, as long as the model with the Book of Judgments does not move on the turn it is read from. On the Turn the Book of Judgments is read from, the reader must make a leadership test. If he passes all Arbites Units within 2D6” receives +1 Attack bonus for the rest of that turn as they fight to prove their devotion. If he fails nothing happens. Note that the Book of Judgments may be read from in an opposing player’s turn if you wish. If the bearer also has a multi-comm, then any Arbites Unit that is equipped with a mutli-comm will benefit from the +1 Attack bonus, regardless of the 2D6 roll. This book may not be read if the bearer is Locked in Close Combat

Book of Precedents: This tome contains detailed accounts of past actions, missions and trials conducted by the Arbites, serving as a historical record of criminal and heretical activity. The Arbites often consult this book in times of crisis in order to gain insight into their enemy and better understand how to bring them to justice.

This gives the Arbiter holding the book and the unit he is in gain the Preferred Enemy (all) Special rule.

Relics of the Adeptus ArbitesBook of the First Laws

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The Book of the First Law is said to contain the very first laws that the Emperor himself wrote down. The book is seen as the most sacred thing to the Adeptus Arbites and is guarded not only by the Arbites but by the Adeptus Mininstorum and their Adepta Sororitas as well.Book of the First Laws: any unit within 12” inches of the book gains +1 A (this effect is not accumulative with any other books), and any unit within 24” may use the holder of the book’s unmodified leadership. The Arbites may also take a non-named unit from the Sisters of Battle Codex.

Hammer of JusticeThe Hammer dates as far back as to before the Arbites even existed. It is thought to be used by the first person who enforced the laws the Emperor made. But such little is known of that great Hero that nothing can be sure. The Arbites still use the sacred weapon to smash those who continually break the Emperors Law.Hammer of Justice: Range – S x2 AP 2 Special Rules: Specialist weapon, Concussive, - 1 I, Light of Justice

Light of Justice: If the night fighting rules are in effect, then the wielder of the Hammer may select one unit in line of sight, that unit is no longer affected by the night fighting rules, this also applies to the wielder of the hammer.

The Enforcers ShieldThis ancient shield was given to the first Marshal of the Adeptus Arbites; it was a gift from the Mechanicus to represent that they would accept Arbite ruling and enforcement of the Law.The Enforcers Shield: the Shield grants a 2+ invulnerable save, but once there is a failed save it goes to a 3+ invulnerable save.

Pistol of the First ExecutionThe sacred and ancient Pistol of the First Execution is recorded as the very first weapon the Arbites used to execute traitors and heretics alike, there are even a few records of it executing traitor Space Marines.Pistol of the First Execution: Range 12” S 6 AP 2 Special Rules: Blind, Concussive.

Armor of righteousnessThe Armor is the oldest and most sacred Carapace Armor in the Galaxy. It was given to the Arbites from the Emperor himself.Armor of righteousness: gives a 3+ save and the wearer of the Armor passes Deny the Witch rolls on a 3+

Psychic Powers

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Some Arbite Characters are Psykers and thus have access to one or more powers detailed below. Adeptus Arbites also have access to the Biomancy, Telekinesis, and Telepathy disciplines.

Primaris Power.

Gavel of the Court: The Psyker summons his convictions as a physical force in order to smash his foes, usually taking on the appearance of a large ethereal hammer. This Power may be used at the end of the Assault Phase, after all Combats have been resolved. If the Psychic Test is passed, all enemy models in base contact with the Psyker suffer a wound on a D6 roll of 3+. Armor Saves are allowed as normal, but not invulnerable saves. This Psychic power also inflicts Soul Blaze. This power uses 1 charge.

1. Obfuscate: The psyker disorients the senses of nearby enemies, making it difficult to focus on anything. This power is a malediction and is used at the start of the Arbites turn. If successful, enemy units within 12” of the Psi-Marshal must make difficult terrain checks when moving (including assault moves) until the start of the next Arbites turn. This power uses 1 charge.2. Detection: The Psyker reaches out with his senses, attempting to detect the exact position of any concealed enemies. This Power is a malediction and may be used during the Shooting Phase, and does not prevent the Psyker from firing a weapon. If the Psychic Test is passed then the Psyker may reduce the Cover Save of a single enemy unit with a model within 18” by -1. This power uses 1 charge.3. Light of Justice: The Psykers hand glows brightly, casting a bright light on those who would threaten the sanctity of the Dictates Imperialis. This Power is a beam and may be used during the Shooting Phase instead of firing a weapon. If the Psychic Test is passed, one enemy Unit within 12” of the Psyker will suffer a -2 penalty to their Leadership until the end of the Arbites Player’s Turn. If the Night Fighting rules are in effect, then the Psyker (and his Unit) must roll to spot the target Unit as normal, but any other friendly Units wishing to target an affected enemy Unit may ignore the Night Fighting rules. In addition, all enemy Units may ignore the Night Fighting rules if they choose to target the Psyker (or his Unit) during their next Shooting Phase. This power uses 1 charge.4. Suppression: The Psyker clouds the minds of his enemies, rendering them confused or unconscious. This Power is a malediction and may be used during the Shooting Phase instead of firing a weapon. If the Psychic Test is passed, then a single enemy unit within 12” of the Psyker will be forced to take a Pinning Test at the end of the Shooting Phase. This will also force a unit which is normally immune to Pinning to take a Pinning Test. This power uses 1 charge.5. Clouding: the psyker creates a cloud around him, making it harder for his enemies to see him and those around him. This power is a blessing and may be used at the end of the shooting phase, if

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successful the psyker and his unit gain the Shrouded Special rule, and any allies within 12” gain the Stealth Special rule, until the end of the next arbites shooting phase. This power uses 1 charges.6. Long Arm of the Law: The Psyker is able to peek briefly into the future, divining the probable course of action that a criminal or enemy may follow. This allows the Arbitrators to stay a step ahead of their quarry. This Power is a blessing and may be used at the end of the Arbites Movement Phase. If the Psychic Test is passed, the Psyker and his Unit will not Shoot during the Shooting Phase or Charge during the Assault Phase. At the start of the enemy’s next Shooting Phase, the Psyker and his Unit may take a “free” shot at the enemy, counting as stationary. This is done prior to any enemy shooting, and all of the normal rules for Shooting apply. Alternatively, at the start of the enemy’s next Assault Phase, the Psyker and his Unit may Charge an enemy Unit if they are in range. Neither of these actions may be taken if the Psyker and his Unit are Falling Back or Locked in Combat. This power uses 1 charges.

“We use any and all powers that the Emperor has given us. We use them to deal justice, to get information, to help are fellow Arbites. Without the Emperor given powers the Arbites would be at a disadvantage in keeping the law, that is why the Emperor has given them to us.” Psi-Lord Hickok instructing a group of Psi-Seniors.

Arbites Wargear list.

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Melee Weapons Power Weapon 15 ptsPower Maul 15 ptsShock Maul 8 pts

Ranged WeaponsBolter FreePlasma Pistol 15 ptsStorm Bolter 5 ptsWeb Pistol 5 pts

Special issue WargearBreaching Charge 5 ptsCyberhound 15 ptsMulti-comm 5 ptsSuppression Shield 10 ptsTargeter 5 ptsArbites Bike 10 ptsExecution Rounds 5 ptsRazor Rounds 5 ptsSeeker Rounds 5 ptsMelta Rounds 8 pts

Rare Arbite WargearBadge of the Justiciar 10 pts Devastator Maul 30 ptsExecution Blade 20 ptsInferno Pistol 25 pts

Vehicle UpgradesExtra Armor 5 ptsSearch Light 5 ptsSmoke Launchers 5 ptsStorm Bolter 5 ptsWebber 10 ptsAdvanced Missile Unit 10 pts

Holy Books of the Arbites *Book of the Law 5 ptsBook of Legislation 5 ptsBook of Statutes 10 ptsBook of Verdicts 25 ptsBook of Precedents 25 ptsBook of Judgments 35 pts

Arbites ArmorLight Carapace FreeRiot Armor 3 pts

Relics of the Arbites **Book of the First Laws 40 ptsHammer of Justice 50 ptsThe Enforcers Shield 30 ptsPistol of the First Execution 30 ptsArmor of righteousness 30 pts

* Models may only take one option from this list.

** only one of each option can be taken.


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“Dreaded” Judge Joseff Spartacus Cost: 200 ptsJudge Spartacus: WS 6 BS 5 S 4 T 4 W 3 I 5 A 4 LD 10 Sv 3+Unit Type: Infantry (character)Unit Composition: 1 Wargear: Special Rules:

Lawgiver Bolt Pistol • Eternal Warrior Devastator Maul • Riot Tactics: Assault Frag Grenades • Units Inbound Melta Bombs • Hand of Justice Riot Grenades • Independent Character Badge of the Justicar • Demolition Man

• I am the Law!• Bionic body

Options: May take an Arbites bike for 25 pts May take options from the Relic Wargear list

Psi-lord Hickok Cost: 200 PtsHickok WS 5 BS 5 S 3 T 3 W 3 I 5 A 3 LD 10 SV 4+Unit Type: Infantry (character)Unit Composition: 1 Wargear: Special Rules:

Judges armor • Independent Character Force weapon • Stubborn Bolt pistol • Psyker (Mastery level 2) Frag grenades • Units Inbound Riot grenades • Riot Tactics: Assault Badge of the Justicar

Options: May take options from the Relic Wargear list

Psi-Lord Hickok may roll on his psychic table 3 times or roll for 3 from any of the psychic tables the Arbites have access to.

Senior Traggat Cost: 150 ptsTraggat WS 4 BS 6 S 3 T 3 W 2 I 3 A 2 LD 9 SV 4+Unit Type: Infantry (character)

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Unit Composition: 1 Wargear: Special Rules:

Carapace armor • Infiltrate Auto pistol • Scout Black Arrow • Stealth Chameleon cloak • Independent Character Power Maul • Acute Senses

• Move Through Cover• Scratch one• Master sharpshooter

Lord Justice (0-1) Cost: 150 ptsMarshal of the Court: Ws 6 Bs 5 S 3 T 3 W 3 I 5 A 4 LD 10 Sv 4 Unit type: Infantry (character)Unit Composition: 1 Wargear: Special rules:

Judges Armor • Independent Character Bolt pistol • Stubborn Close Combat weapon • Riot tactics: Assault Badge of the Justicar • My word is Law Riot Grenades • Will of the Emperor

• Hand of Justice

Options: May take items from the Melee, Ranged, Special Issue, Rare,

Armor, Holy Books and Relic, Wargear list.

Command squad (0-1, only if Lord Justice is taken) Cost: Varies.This unit does not take up any FOC slots.Command Squad WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 LD 8 Sv 4Unit Composition: 2-6 officersUnit Type: InfantryWargear: Special rules:• Carapace armor •stubborn• Bolt Pistol• Close Combat weapon• Riot grenadesOptions:Each officer must be assigned one of the following

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Liaison arbiter 15 pts • Communication arbiter 40 pts Medic arbiter 15 pts • Senior 35 pts Preacher of Imperial law 25 pts • Fleet liaison arbiter 40 pts Inquisitors Interrogator 20 pts Interrogator may take items from the Melee, Ranged, and Armor,


Arbites Majore Cost: 65 PtsMajore: WS 5 BS 5 S 3 T 3 W 3 I 5 A 3 Ld 9 Sv 4+Unit Type: Infantry (character)Unit Composition: 1 Wargear: Special Rules:

Judges Armor • Independent Character Arbites shotgun • Stubborn Bolt pistol • Riot Tactics: Assault Close Combat weapon • Units Inbound Frag grenades Riot grenades

Options: May take items from the Melee, Ranged, Special Issue, Rare,

Armor, Holy Books and Relic, Wargear list.

Arbites Senior Cost: 35 PtsSenior WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 2 I 4 A 2 LD 9 Sv 4+Unit type: Infantry (character)Unit Composition: 1 Wargear: Special Rules:

Judges armor • Independent Character Arbites shotgun • Stubborn Bolt pistol • Riot Tactics: Assault Close combat weapon • Units Inbound Frag grenades Riot grenades

Options: May take items from the Melee, Ranged, Special Issue, Rare,

Armor, Holy Books and Relic, Wargear list.

Arbites Psi-Senior Cost: 45 Pts

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Psi-Senior WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 2 I 4 A 2 LD 9 Sv 4+Unit type: Infantry (character)Unit Composition: 1 Wargear: Special Rules:

Judges armor • Independent Character Arbites shotgun • Stubborn Bolt pistol • Riot Tactics: Assault Force weapon • Units Inbound Frag grenades • Psyker (Mastery Level 1) Riot grenades

Options: May take items from the Melee, Ranged, Special Issue, Rare,

Armor, Holy Books and Relic, Wargear list.

TroopsArbite Patrol team Cost: 40 PtsArbitor WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W1 I 3 A 1 LD 7 Sv 4+ Proctor  WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 2 LD 8 Sv 4+

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Unit type: Infantry (character: Procter only)Unit Composition: 4 Arbitors, and 1 Procter. Wargear: Special Rules:

Carapace armor • Riot Tactics: Support Arbites shotgun Bolt pistols Riot grenades

Options: May add up to 5 more Arbite for 8 pts each Any Arbitor may replace his Shotgun with:

• A Shock Maul 5 pts• A Bolter 3 pts

One Arbitrator may replace his Arbites shotgun with: • A Heavy bolter 15 pts• A heavy Stubber 10 pts• An Arbites grenade launcher, a Melta gun, or web rifle   15 pts

If the squad numbers 10 models a second Arbitor may replace his Arbites shotgun with the options above.

Squad may take• Executioner rounds and\or razor rounds  10 pts• Seeker rounds 15 pts• Melta rounds 20 pts

Squad may take one of the Options from the Armor Wargear list Squad may take a dedicated transport from the transport list Procter May take items from the Melee, Ranged, Special Issue,

Wargear list

SHARPSHOOTER TEAM Cost: 70 PtsSharpshooter WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 7 Sv 4+Proctor WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T3 W 1 I 3 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 4+ Unit type: Infantry (Character: Procter only)Unit Composition: 4 Arbitrators, and 1 Procter. Wargear: Special Rules:

Carapace armor • Scout Sniper rifle • Infiltrate Bolt pistol • Riot Tactics: Support Camo-Cloak • Dead Aim (Procter only)

Options: May add up to 5 more Sharpshooters for 13 pts each

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One Arbitor may replace Sniper Rifle with:• A Heavy Bolter 10 pts

One may take a Targeter for 5 pts Squad may ride in an Insertion Speeder Squad may replace Carapace Armor for:

• Light Carapace free Procter May take items from the Melee, Ranged, Special Issue,

Wargear list


Rhino Cost: 35 ptsRhino BS 3 F 11 S 11 R 10 HP 3Unit Type: vehicle (tank, transport)Unit Composition: 1 RhinoTransport: the Rhino has a transport capacity of 10 models.Wargear: Special Rules:

Storm Bolter • Units Inbound Search light • Repair Smoke launchers

Options: May take items from the Vehicle Wargear list.

Chimera Cost: 65 ptsChimera: BS 3 F 12 S 10 R 10 HP 3Unit Type: vehicle (tank, Transport)Unit Composition: 1 ChimeraTransport: a Chimera has a transport capacity of 12.Wargear: Special Rules:

Twin-linked Heavy Stubber • Units Inbound Heavy Bolter • Amphibious Search Light

Options: May replace its twin-linked Heavy Stubber for:

• Twin-linked heavy bolter 5 pts

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• Arbites heavy grenade launcher or heavy Webber 15pts May take items from the Vehicle Wargear list.

Repressor Cost: 50 ptsRepressor: BS 3 F 11 S 11 R 10 HP 3 Unit Type: vehicle (Tank, Transport)Unit Composition: 1 RepressorTransport: a Repressor has a transport capacity of 10 models.Wargear: Special Rules:

Storm Bolter (turret) • Units Inbound Pintle mounted Webber Search light Smoke launchers

Options: May take items from the Vehicle Wargear list.

Insertion Speeder Cost: 50 ptsLand Speeder BS 3 F 10 S 10 R 10 Unit type: Vehicle (fast, skimmer, open toped)Unit Composition: 1 speederTransport: the Insertion speeder can carry 8 modelsWargear: Special Rules

Heavy Bolter • Jink• Deep Strike• Stealth.

Options: May replace its Heavy Bolter with an Assault Cannon for 20 pts

ElitesHigh proctor (0-2) Cost: 60 pts High proctor Ws 4 Bs 4 S 3 T 3 W 2 I 4 A 2 Ld 9 Sv 4+Unit Type: Infantry (Character)Unit Composition: 1Wargear: Special rules:

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Bolt Pistol • Independent character Power Maul • Riot tactics: Defend Rosarius • Fearless Carapace Armor • Units inbound Riot grenades • We’re here for the Emperor

Options: May take items from the Melee, Ranged, Special Issue, Armor,

and Holy books, Wargear list.

Chastener (0-1) Cost: 30 PtsChastener WS 5 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 2 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 5+Unit Type: Infantry (character)Unit Composition: 1Wargear: Special Rules:

Light Carapace Armor • Scout Power weapon • Stealth Bolt Pistol • Hit and run Frag grenades • Riot Tactics: Assault Krak grenades • Covert Operations

• Dodge• Designated Target

Options: May take items from the Melee, Ranged, Special Issue, and Rare,

Wargear list.

SHOCK TEAM Cost: 125 PtsShock Arbitor WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 2 LD 9 Sv 4++Shock Procter WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 2 LD 9 Sv 4++Unit Type: Infantry (Character: Procter only)Unit Composition: 4 Arbitrators, and 1 Procter. Wargear: Special Rules:

Carapace armor • Riot Tactics; Defend Shock Maul • Units Inbound Suppression shield • Bulky Bolt pistol • Shield wall Riot grenades • Shield rush


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May take up to 5 more Shock Arbitors for 25 pts each Squad may take a dedicated transport from the transport list Procter May take items from the Melee, and Special Issue Wargear


Shieldbreaker Team Cost: 80 pts Arbitor WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 LD 8 Sv 4+Procter WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 2 LD 8 Sv 4+Unit Type: Infantry (Character: Procter only) Unit Composition: 4 Arbitors, and 1 Procter. Wargear: Special Rules:

Carapace Armor • Riot Tactics: Assault Arbites Shotgun (with all rounds) • Units Inbound Breaching Charge • Scout Bolt Pistol Close Combat weapon

Options: May take up to 5 more Arbitors for 14 pts each two Arbitors may replace their Arbites shotguns with:

• A Heavy bolter 15 pts• A heavy Stubber 10 pts• An Arbites grenade launcher, a Melta gun, or web rifle   15 pts

Squad may take one of the Options from the Armor Wargear list Squad may take a dedicated transport from the transport list Procter May take items from the Melee, Ranged, and Special Issue,

Wargear list

Fast AttackArbites Mounted Pursuit Squad Cost: 40 PtsArbitor WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 2 LD 7 SV 5+Proctor WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 2 LD 8 SV 5+Unit type: Cavalry (character: Procter only)Unit Composition: 2 Arbitors, and 1 Procter. Wargear: Special Rules:

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Arbites shotgun or Bolt pistol • Units Inbound Close Combat Weapon or Shock lance • Fleet Light Carapace Armor Riot Grenades

Options: may add up to 7 more Arbites for 13 pts each one Arbitor may replace his Arbites Shotgun for:

• An Arbites Grenade Launcher 15 pts• Melta gun 15 pts• Web Rifle 15 pts

Procter May take items from the Melee, Ranged, and Special Issue, Wargear list

Arbite Biker Pursuit Squad Cost: 65 ptsArbitrator WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 3 A 1 LD 7 Sv 4+Attack Bike WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 1 LD 7 Sv 4+Proctor WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 3 A 2 LD 8 Sv 4+Unit type: Bike (character: Procter only)Unit Composition: 2 Arbitors, and 1 Procter. Wargear: Special Rules:

Carapace armor • Units Inbound Arbites shotgun • Riot Tactics: Assault Shock maul • Jink. Riot grenades Arbites bike

Options: May include up to 3 additional Arbitors for 19 pts each. One Arbitor may replace his Arbites Shotgun for:

• A Webber or a Melta gun 15 pts one Arbitor may be upgraded to an Attack back and take:

• An Assault Cannon 25 pts• A Heavy bolter or a Heavy Webber 15 pts

Procter May take items from the Melee, Range, and Special Issue Wargear list

Arbites Land Speeder Pursuit squadron (0-1) Cost: 50 pts Land Speeder BS 3 F 10 S 10 R 10 Unit type: Vehicle (fast, skimmer, open toped)

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Unit Composition: 1Wargear: Special Rules:

Heavy Bolter • Jink• Deep Strike

Options: May add up to 2 more land Speeders for 50 pts each Each Land Speeder may add one of the following:

• An Assault Cannon 30 pts• A Plasma cannon 30 pts

The heavy bolter may be exchanged for a multi-melta for 20 pts

Cyber pursuit squad (0-1) Cost: 50 ptsCyber-hound WS 4 BS 0 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 5 A 2 LD 6 Sv 5+Grapple Hawk WS 4 BS 0 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 6 A 2 LD 6 Sv 6+Cyber handler WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 LD 8 Sv 4+Unit Type: Beast (Character: Handler only)Unit Composition: 1 handler and 2 Cyber Beasts.Wargear: Special rules:

Shock Maul (Handler only) • Units inbound Bolt pistol (Handler only) • Fleet

• Riot tactics: Assault (handler only),• Rending (Cyber-hound and Grapple hawk only)

• Blood Hound• Grapple Attack

Options: May take up to 6 of the following:

• Cyberhound 15 pts each• Grapple Hawk 15 pts each

May take up to 2 more handlers at 15 pts each One handler may take options from the Melee Weapons Wargear


Retrieval Team Cost: 65 ptsArbite WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W1 I 3 A 2 LD 8 Sv 4+ Procter WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W1 I 3 A 2 LD 9 Sv 4+ Unit type: Infantry (character: Procter only)Unit Composition: 2 Arbitors, and 1 Procter. Wargear: Special Rules:

Carapace armor • Riot Tactics: Assault

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Arbite shotgun • Retrieve the Target Riot grenades • A.S.V. Support

Options: may add up to 7 more Arbites for 20 pts each Any Arbitor may take one Item from the Special Issue Wargear list Procter May take items from the Melee, Ranged, and Special Issue,

Wargear list

Heavy SupportArbites Heavy Support Team (0-1) Cost: 110 ptsHeavy Arbitor WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 8 Sv 4+Procter WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 2 Ld 9 Sv 4+Unit Type: Infantry (character: Procter only)Unit Composition: 4 Arbitors, and 1 Procter.Wargear: Special Rules:

Carapace armor • Riot tactics: Defend Bolter • Units Inbound Bolt pistol • Heavy Weapons Targeter Motion predictor (Procter only)

Options: May include up to 5 more Heavy Arbitors for 16 pts each Up to 4 Arbitors may replace their Bolter for:

• Web rifle 5pts• Heavy stubber 5pts• Heavy bolter 10pts• Auto cannon 15pts• Missile launcher (frag and krak) 15pts

Flakk missiles are an additional 3 pts• Heavy Webber 15pts• Lascannon 20pts

Any may replace their Bolter for a Storm Bolter for 5 pts Squad may take one of the Options from the Armor Wargear list Squad may take a dedicated transport from the transport list Procter May take items from the Melee, Ranged, and Special Issue,

Wargear list

Suppression Platforms Cost: 20 Pts Arbiter WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 2 LD 8 Sv 4+

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Suppression Platform WS - BS - S – T 7 W 2 I – A - LD - SV 3 +Unit Type: ArtilleryUnit Composition: 1 Platform (2 Arbites per PlatformWargear: Special Rules:

Carapace armor • Scout Bolt pistol • Riot Tactics: Defend Heavy stubber (suppression Platform)

Options: May take up to 2 more Suppression Platforms for 20 pts each Any or all Platforms my Upgrade their guns to have Skyfire for 10 pts

each Each suppression platform must be armed with one of the following:

• A twin-linked heavy stubber 5 pts• A twin-linked heavy bolter 10 pts• A twin-linked auto cannon 15 pts• An Arbites heavy grenade launcher 15 pts• A heavy Webber 15 pts• A twin-linked lascannon 20 pts

Black Maria Cost: 165 PtsBlack Maria BS 3 F 12 S 12 R 10Unit type: Vehicle (tank)Unit Composition: 1 MariaWargear: Special Rules:

Heavy bolter (hull) • Units inbound Arbites missile battery (turreted) Searchlight Smoke launchers

Options: May Replace its Arbites Missile Battery for:

• 2 Twin-linked Las Cannons Free• Twin-linked Heavy Webbers Free

May take items from the Vehicle Wargear list

A.S.V. (Aerial Support Vehicle) Cost: 145 PtsA.S.V. BS 3 F 12 S 10 R 10Unit Type: Vehicle (Flayer, Transport)Unit Composition: 1 A.S.VTransport: 10Wargear: Special Rules:

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Avenger Gatling Cannon • Units Inbound 2 Sky Screamer Missiles Search Light Heavy Stubber Sponsons.

Options: May exchange any or all Sky Screamer Missiles for:

• Sky blind Missiles free• Sky Cover Missiles free• Concussive Missile 10 pts each

May upgrade its Heavy Stubbers to heavy bolters for 5 pts May upgrade the Gatling Cannon to an Assault cannon for free

Allies MatrixAdeptus Arbites

Black Templers Battle BrothersBlood Angles Battle BrothersChaos Daemons Come the ApocalypseChaos Space Marines Come the ApocalypseDark Angles Allies of ConvenienceDark Eldar Come the Apocalypse

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Eldar Allies of Convenience Grey Knights Battle BrothersImperial Guard Allies of ConvenienceNecrons Come the ApocalypseOrks Desperate AlliesSisters of Battle Battle BrothersSpace Marines Battle BrothersSpace Wolves Allies of ConvenienceTau Allies of ConvenienceTryanids Come the Apocalypse

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