codex eldar

Craftworld Eldar Craftworld Eldar

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Page 1: Codex Eldar

Craftworld Eldar

Craftworld Eldar

Page 2: Codex Eldar


IntroductionTworzenie własnych Codexów, lub ich własna interpretacja, zawsze spotykały się z dezaprobatą. Albo były przegięte w jedną, albo w drugą stronę, albo były po prostu nie potrzebne. Powód, dla którego zabrałem się za pisanie tego dexu, jest prozaiczny – Eldarzy na 5ed, w obecnych warunkach SMowo-Gwardyjskich, ssą niesamowicie. Nie będę wyważał kolejny raz otwartych drzwi: wiem dokładnie że trzeba czekać, tak jak czekali Dark Eldarzy i tak jak czekają Necroni i Siostry. Ale pobawić się zawsze można ;)

Fluffowe opisy każdy zna. Nie ma co ich tutaj wklejać; nie ma co Wam zabierać czasu. Opisy jednostek oraz ich wargearu jak i zasad specjalnych będą w języku angielskim, dla uproszczenia sprawy - jednak nie dotyczy to wszystkich opisów. Każdy ma kodeks po angielsku, więc nie będę mieszał Wam w głowach.


Army Special RulesFleet of Foot – Unlike other races, Eldar are very fast and agile. To represent that, all Eldar roll three dices - instead of one - when rolling for Fleet move, picking up the highest result.

Agility, Speed, Manevourability – All Eldar vehicles receive 4+ cover save for moving more than 12”. In addition, if they have moved in the previous turn, they can be only hit in close combat at the roll of 6.

Ancient Nemesis – All Eldar units have Preffered Enemy special rule against Necron units.

Page 3: Codex Eldar

Troops Troops

Guardian Defenders.............................................................................65


Defender 3 3 3 3 1 1 4 8 5+

Warlock 5 4 3 3 1 2 5 9 4++

Wargear: Shuriken Catapult, Eldar Guardian Mesh Armour

Special Rules: Fleet of Foot, Weapon Platform

Unit Composition – 10 Guardians and Shuriken Cannon Weapon Platform (two Guardians are the WP crew)


+ All Defenders can take Plasma Grenades for +1 point per Defender

+ Squad can be lead by a single Warlock for +40points

+ Add up to 10 Defenders for + 6 points each.

Exchange Shuriken Cannon for:

+ Scatter Laser + 5 points

+ Starcannon + 15 points

+ EML +15 points

+Brightlance + 20 points

Additionaly, unit can purchase one of the following (all SPG’s include 2 crewman):

+ Shadow Weaver for +15 points

+ Vibro Cannon for + 20 points

+ Pulse Laser for +25 points

+ D-Cannon for + 30 points

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Unit may have a Wave Serpent Transport for 80 points.

Storm Guardians...................................................................................70


Storm 3 3 3 3 1 1 4 8 5+

Warlock 5 4 3 3 1 2 5 9 4++

Wargear: Shuriken Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Plasma Grenades, Eldar Guardian Mesh Armour

Special Rules: Fleet of Foot,

Unit Composition – 10 Storm Guardians


+ One Storm per 10 can exchange his CCW with power sword for +10 points

+ One Storm per 5 can exchange his CCW and SP for Fusion gun for +5pts or flamer for +3pts

+ Add up to 10 Storms for + 6 points each.

Unit may have a Wave Serpent Transport for 80 points.

Dire Avengers........................................................................................65

WS BS S T W A I LD Sv Dire Avenger 4 4 3 3 1 1 5 9 4+

Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 3 6 10 3+

Wargear: Shuriken Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Plasma Grenades, Aspect Armour, Avenger Shuriken Catapult

Special Rules: Fleet of Foot, Stubborn

Unit Composition – 5 Dire Avengers

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+ One Avenger can become an exarch for +25 points

+ Add up to 5 Dire Avengers for + 12 points each.

Exarch can exchange his Avenger Shuriken Catapult for:

+ Power Weapon and Shimmershield (5++ inv) for 15 points

+ Diresword for +10 points

+ Dual Avenger Shuriken Catapults for +5 points

Exarch can take any of these powers:

+ Bladestorm (all shooting attacks become Rending; cannot shoot next turn)

for +15 points

+ Defend (as in Codex:Eldar) for +15 points.

Unit may have a Wave Serpent Transport for 80 points.

Guardian Jetbikes................................................................................66


Guardian Jetbike 3 3 3 3(4) 1 1 4 8 3+

Warlock 5 4 3 3(4) 2 2 5 9 4++

Wargear: Eldar Jetbike, Plasma Grenades. Eldar Jetbike is armed with Twin-linked Shuriken Catapult

Special Rules: Jetbikes.

Unit Composition – 3 Guardian Jetbikes

One Jetbike per 3 can exchange his Twin-linked Shuriken Catapult with:

+ Shuriken Cannon for +5 points

+ Haywire Blaster for +5 points

+ Fusion Gun for +10 points

Warlock can join this unit for + 55 points.

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You can join up to 7 Guardian Jetbikes, for +22 points each.


Striking Scorpions................................................................................90


Scorpion 5 4 4 3 1 2 5 9 3+

Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 3 6 10 3+

Wargear: Shuriken Pistol, Scorpion’s Chainsword, Plasma Grenades, Aspect Armour, Mandiblasters

Special Rules: Stealth

Unit Composition – 5 Striking Scorpions


One Scorpion may become an Exarch for +25 points.

Add up to 5 Scorpions for + 18 points each.

Exarch may exchange his Chainsword or/and Shuriken Pistol with:

+ Scorpion’s Claw for + 15points

+ Biting Blade for +5 points

+ Chainsabres for + 10 points

Exarch may have any of these powers:

+ Shadowstrike for +20 points (Infiltrate AND Scout)

+ Stalker for +5 points

Unit may have a Wave Serpent Transport for 80 points.

FAQ: Scorpion’s Chainsword +1STR is already included in the profile. Exarch with SC has got S5, but for the clearance of the Exarch statistics, I didn’t include it in his profile here.

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Biting Blade now inflicts D3 wounds instead of one for each strike (but with standard S4) and is a two-handed weapon. Chainsabres are S4 now.

Fire Dragons.........................................................................................100


Fire Dragon 4 4 3 3 1 2 5 9 4+

Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 3 6 10 3+

Wargear:Fusion Gun, Plasma Grenades, Melta bombs, Aspect Armour

Special Rules: Fleet of Foot, Hardened in Fire

Unit Composition – 5 Fire Dragons


One Fire Dragon may become an Exarch for +25 points.

Add up to 5 Fire Dragons for + 18 points each.

Exarch may exchange his Fusion Gun with:

+ Dragon’s Breath flamer for free

+ Firepike for +5 points

Exarch may have any of these powers:

+ Tank Hunters for +10 points

+ Crackshot for +15 points

Unit may have a Wave Serpent Transport for 80 points.

FAQ: Dragon’s breath Flamer is now S5AP3 Assault 1 weapon.

Hardened in fire – unit has got 4++ against all flame-based weapons.

Howling Banshees.................................................................................90

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WS BS S T W A I LD Sv Banshee 5 4 3 3 1 2 5 9 4+

Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 3 6 10 3+

Wargear:Power Sword, Shuriken Pistol, Banshee Mask, Aspect Armour

Special Rules: Fleet of Foot, Always Strike First

Unit Composition – 5 Howling Banshees


One Howling Banshee may become an Exarch for +25 points.

Add up to 5 Banshees for + 18 points each.

Exarch may exchange her Power Sword and/or Shuriken Pistol with:

+ Mirrorswords for +10 points

+ Triskele for + 5 points

+ Executioner for +15 points

Exarch may have any of these powers:

+ Acrobatics for +15 points

+ War shout for +10 points

Unit may have a Wave Serpent Transport for 80 points.

FAQ: A lot of changes here. Now, Banshee Mask gives either Plasma and Defensive Grenades; it also gives our ladies ASF special rule. Acrobatics now changes their save to Invulnerable in close combat only. War shout is launched always on the first turn of combat. Enemy unit must take a leadership test with a -2 modifier. Fearless units take leadership test at normal. If they fail, they fight with their WS lowered do 1.



Wraithguard 4 4 5 6 2 2 4 10 3+/5++

Warlock 5 4 3 3 2 3 5 9 4++

Wargear: Wraithcannon

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Special Rules: Wraithsight, Slow and Purposeful, Fearless

Unit Composition – 3 Wraithguards

Options: + Unit may be led by a Warlock for +40 points or by Spiritseer for +50 points. Spiritseer, in addition to normal Warlock powers/special abilities, gives +1I to his unit Wraithguard unit.

+ Any of the Wraithguard may exchange their Wraithcannons with Wraithswords at no point cost. Wraithsword is a power sword that allows to re-roll misses in close combat.

+ You may add up to 7 Wraithguard, each for +35 points.

If unit numbers less than 5 units of Wraithguard (+ Warlock, if present), unit may have a Wave Serpent Transport for 80 points.

FAQ: Warlocks and Spiritseers remove Wraithsight and SaP special rules from the unit. If either of them is killed – these rules return. Wraithcannons are the same as in the codex, except they have 18” range.

Harlequins are the same as in Codex: Eldar. I don’t want to mess up with this cheese.

Heavy Support Heavy Support

Dark Reapers.....................................................................................75


Dark Reaper 4 4 3 3 1 2 5 9 3+

Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 3 6 10 3+

Wargear: Defensive Grenades, Aspect Armour, Reaper Launcher, Range finders

Special Rules: Fleet of Foot, Deadly Accuracy

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Unit Composition – 3 Dark Reapers. You can field 0-2 Dark Reaper squads per one Heavy Support slot. They otherwise work separately for all instances nad purposes.


One Reaper may become an Exarch for +25 points.

Add up to 3 Dark Reapers for + 25 points each.

Exarch may exchange his Reaper Launcher with:

+ Ancient Shuriken Cannon for +5 points

+ EML for +10 points

+ Tempest Cluster Missile Launcher for +10 points

Exarch may have any of these powers:

+ Fast Shot – 10 points

+ Crack Shot – 10 points

Unit may have a Wave Serpent Transport for 80 points.

FAQ: A lot of changes here. Ancient Shuriken Cannon is S6 AP4 Assault 4 (pretty like the Maugetar), Tempest is the same as in Codex: Eldar. Powers work the same. Deadly Accuracy subdues -1 from the target’s cover save, so when a petty Space Marine is sitting in his cover, a hit from Dark Reaper will result only having 5+ cover save, instead of generic 4+ save. Nasty. Range finders allow to measure distances whenever you like.

FIre Prism...............................................................................................110

Name BS Front AV Side AV Rear AV

Fire Prism 4 12 12 10

Type: Skimmer, Fast, Tank

Special Rules: Diamon-hard Crystal, Fire Focus

Wargear: Prism Cannon, Twin-linked Shuriken Catapult

Unit Composition – 1 Fire Prism

Fire Prism can be upgraded with following:

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+ Holo-Field for +20 points

+ Energy Field for +15 points

+ Crystal Targetting Matrix + 10 points

+ Spirit Stones for +10 points

+ Star Engines for +10 points

Fire Prism’s Shuriken Catapult can be exchanged for:

+ Shuriken Cannon for +5 points

+ Haywire Blaster for +10 points

FAQ: Diamond-hard Crystal – Fire Prism can avoid Weapon Destroyed on a roll of 5+. Focus fire works the same as in Codex: Eldar.

Falcon Grav Tank...............................................................................120

Name BS Front AV Side AV Rear AV

Falcon 4 12 12 10

Type: Skimmer, Fast, Tank

Special Rules: Transport Capacity: 6

Wargear: Crystal Targetting Matrix,, Pulse Laser, Shuriken Cannon, Twin-linked Shuriken Catapult

Unit Composition – 1 Falcon

Falcon can be upgraded with following:

+ Holo-Field for +20 points

+ Energy Field for +15 points

+ Spirit Stones for +10 points

+ Star Engines for +10 points

Falcon’s Shuriken Catapult can be exchanged for:

+ Shuriken Cannon for +5 points

+ Haywire Blaster for +10 points

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Falcon’s Shuriken Cannon can be exchanged for:

+ Scatter Laser for + 5 points

+ EML for + 15 points

+ Starcannon for + 15 points

+ Bright Lance for + 20 points

FAQ: Crystal Targetting Matrix allows to fire one weapon as if it was a Defensive Weapon. In addition, it can be fired at separate target.


WS BS S T W A I LD Sv Wraithlord 5 4 10 8 3 3 4 10 3+/6++

Wargear: Shuriken Cannon, two Flamers/Shuriken Catapults

Special Rules: Wraithsight, Fearless

A Wraithlord can exchange his Shuriken Cannon and/or take:

+ Scatter Laser for +5/10 points

+ EML for + 15/20 points

+ Starcannon for +15/20 points

+ Bright lance for +20/25 points

+Wraithsword for +5/10 points

Wraithlord can also be equipped with:

+ Spirit Stones – 5 points (gives re-roll to the Wraithsight special rule)

+ Wraithshield – 30 points (raises the inv save to 3+)

FAQ: Weapons doesn’t twin-link on Wraithlord anymore. In addition, a pair of Wraithsword not only give a re-roll to hit, but also gives +2 attacks to the Wraihtlord.

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Name BS Front AV Side AV Rear AV

Nightspinner 4 12 12 10

Type: Skimmer, Fast, Tank

Wargear: Twin-linked Doomweaver Twin-linked Shuriken Catapult

Unit Composition – 1 Nightspinner

Nightspinner can be upgraded with following:

+ Holo-Field for +20 points

+ Energy Field for +15 points

+ Crystal Targetting Matrix + 10 points

+ Spirit Stones for +10 points

+ Star Engines for +10 points

Nightspinners’ Shuriken Catapult can be exchanged for:

+ Shuriken Cannon for +5 points

+ Haywire Blaster for +10 points

FAQ: Pretty the same as in official rules; Only BS and options changed. Ah, it also costs 110 points, instead of 115.

Fast Attack Fast Attack

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Warp Spiders.....................................................................................110


Warp Spider 4 4 3 3 1 2 5 9 3+/5++

Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 3 6 10 3+/5++

Wargear: Runic Aspect Armour ,Warp Jump Generator, Haywire Grenades, Deathspinner

Special Rules: Fleet of Foot, Warp Jump, Hit and Run

Unit Composition – 5 Warp Spiders.

Unit Type: Jump Infantry


One spider may become an Exarch for +25 points.

Add up to 5 Warp Spiders for + 22 points each.

Exarch may exchange his Deathspinner with:

+ Dual Deathspinners for +5 points

+ Spinneret Rifle for +10 points

+ Haywire Blaster for +10 points

Exarch may have any of these powers:

+ Monofilament Storm – 20 points

+ Perfect Jump – 10 points

FAQ: Warp Spiders – difficult matter, I suppose. I’ve changed their save from 3+ to 4+ invulnerable, to represent their sophisticated Aspect Armours, which are covered with runes of preservation. Deathspinner remains the same as it was, thus the Warp Jump and rest of the Exarch’s stuff. Monofilament Storm makes their weapons Rending, but they will not shoot next turn. Something for something. Perfect Jump discards one dice when Deep Striking into battlefield. Now they roll only d6 + scatter dice when Deep Striking.

Swooping Hawks..................................................................................110

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Hawk 4 4 3 3 1 2 5 9 4+

Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 3 6 10 3+

Wargear: Aspect Armour, Haywire Grenades, Plasma Grenades, Lasblaster, Haywire Grenade Pack, Plasma Grenade Pack

Special Rules: Fleet of Foot, Hit and Run

Unit Composition – 5 Swooping Hawks.

Unit Type: Jump Infantry


One Hawk may become an Exarch for +25 points.

Add up to 5 Swooping Hawks for + 22 points each.

Exarch may exchange his Lasblaster with:

+ Hawk’s Talon for +10 points

+ Sunrifle for +10 points

+ Haywire Blaster for +10 points

He may also have:

+ Power weapon +5 points

Exarch may have any of these powers:

+ Skyleap – 20 points

+ Perfect Jump – 10 points

FAQ: Here we come cheesy. Perfect Jump works the same as in Warp Spiders, Skyleap works the same as in the Codex: Eldar. What Plasma Grenade Pack and Haywire Pack do ? Let me explain.

When you have 5 generic SH with an exarch, for instance it works like this:S4 AP5 Assault 1 Large Blast

But adding Swooping Hawks will expand the ability of this grenade pack. It goes as it is written:

Number of Hawks S AP Type

Page 16: Codex Eldar

7 5 5 Assault 1, Large Blast

8 5 5 Assault 1, Large Blast, Pinning

9 5 5 Assault 2, Large Blast, Pinning

10 6 5 Assault 2, Large Blast, Pinning,

Ignores Cover

Pretty nasty, eh?

Ok. What to do with Haywire pack? It is S3 AP5 Assault 1, Large Blast, Haywire. All vehicles that under the template (even partially) are treated as if they were hit by a haywire grenade. When you raise the number of hawks to 8, vehicles suffer d3 hits; 10 Hawks automatically stun vehicles + d3 hits.

Vyper Jetbike......................................................................................40

Name BS Front AV Side AV Rear AV

Vyper 3 10 10 10

Type: Skimmer, Fast, Open-Topped

Wargear: Shuriken Cannon, Twin-linked Shuriken Catapult

Special Rules: Skilled Raiders

Unit Composition – 1-3 Vypers

Vyper can be upgraded with following:

+ Holo-Field for +15 points

+ Energy Field for +10 points

+ Crystal Targetting Matrix + 5 points

+ Spirit Stones for +5 points

+ Star Engines for +5 points

Vyper’s Shuriken Catapult can be exchanged for:

Page 17: Codex Eldar

+ Shuriken Cannon for +5 points

+ Haywire Blaster for +10 points

Vyper’s Shuriken Cannon can be exchanged for:

+ Scatter Laser for +5 points

+ Starcannon for +15 points

+ EML for + 15 points

+ Brightlance for + 20 points

War Walker Squadron.........................................................................45

Name BS Front AV Side AV Rear AV

War Walker 3 10 10 10

Type: Walker

Special Rules: Scout

Wargear: Two Shuriken Cannons

Unit Composition – 1-3 War Walkers

War Walker can be upgraded with following:

+ Holo-Field for +15 points

+ Energy Field for +10 points

+ Crystal Targetting Matrix + 5 points

+ Spirit Stones for +5 points

War Walker Shuriken Cannon can be exchanged for:

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+ Scatter Laser for +5 points

+ Starcannon for +15 points

+ EML for + 15 points

+ Brightlance for + 20 points

Shining Spears..................................................................................105

WS BS S T W A I LD Sv Shining Spear 5 4 3 3(4) 1 2 5 9 3+

Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 3 6 10 3+

Wargear: Aspect Armour, Plasma Grenades, Laser Lances, Jetbikes

Special Rules: Skilled Raiders

Unit Composition – 3 Shining Spears

Unit Type: Jetbikes


One Spear may become an Exarch for +20 points.

Add up to 3 Shining Spears for + 30 points each.

Exarch may exchange his Laser Lance with:

+ Sun Lance +10 points

+ Power Weapon for free

One Jetbike can exchange his Twin-linked Shuriken Catapult for:

+ Shuriken Cannon for +5 points

+ Haywire Blaster for + 10 points

Exarch may have any of these powers:

+ Withdraw – 10 points

+ Dragon Riders – 15 points

+ Diving Charge – 10 points

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FAQ: Kind of a boost here. Dragon Raiders gives 6”+d6 charge if the unit was not shooting. It cannot be done after the Diving Charge.

During the Movement phase a shining spear unit may perform a diving charge against one of enemy units it moved over. Pick enemy unit and resolve close combat attacks from each member of Exarch's unit. Roll to hit and wounds as in shooting, using attackers' WS. Cover saves may be taken against those. Cover and hits against vehicle armour are counted as if the unit was shooting from aspect warrior's starting positions. Afterwards the unit may shoot and charge as normal, as long as neither targets the affected models. Diving charged may not be performed during Turbo-boost as riders are far too busy controlling their jetbikes to focus on pinpointing their enemies with lance tips!

Headquarters Headquarters

The Avatar of Khaine.......................................................................220


The Avatar 10 10 6 7 4 5 6 10 3+/4++

Wargear: The Wailing Doom

Special Rules: Molten Body, Fearless, Preferred Enemy, Causes Fear, Ethernal Warrior, Inspiring, Court of Khaine

Unit Composition – 1 Avatar of Khaine

Unit Type: Monstrous Creature, Daemon

Wailing Doom – it may be used in shooting phase as follows:

S8 AP1 Assault 1, Melta 18”

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Or in Assault Phase, instead of normal attacks (centre the blast upon the Avatar – he is ofcourse not affected, but all models under the template are):

S6 AP3 Assault 1, Large Blast


WS BS S T W A I LD Sv Farseer 4 4 3 4 3 2 5 10 4++

Wargear: Shuriken Pistol, Witchblade, Ghosthelm, Runic Armour

Special Rules: Master Psyker, Fleet of Foot

Unit Composition – 1 Farseer

Unit Type: Independent Character

Farseer can take any of these:

+ Spirit Stones for +10 points

+ Runes of Witnessing +10 points

+ Runes of Warding +10 points

+ Runes of Preservation +10 points (lowers inv save to 3+)

Farseer can take any of these powers:+ Doom + 25 points

+ Fortune + 15 points

+ Eldritch Storm +20 points

+ Guide + 15 points

Farseer can also:

+ Exchange his/her Witchblade and Shuriken Pistol with Singing Spear for +15 points

+ Ride on a jetbike for +20 points


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WS BS S T W A I LD Sv Warseer 6 6 4 3 3 4 6 10 4++

Wargear: Witchblade, Runic Armour, Plasma Grenades

Special Rules: Psyker, Fleet of Foot

Unit Composition – 1 Warseer

Unit Type: Independent Character

You can choose one of these Warseer types for +50 points each:

Swordmaster – Enhance; Re-roll to hit in close combat; Enemies always hit him on 5+.

Guardian – Fury of Khaine; Re-roll to wound in close combat. +2 Attacks.

Sentinel – Embolden; Singing Spear; 3+ inv save, Parry: Re-roll inv saves.

Warseer can also:

+ Exchange his Witchblade with Singing Spear for +15 points

+ Be mounted on a jetbike for +20 points.

+ Have Destructor Warlock power for +10 points.

FAQ: What is Fury of Khaine? It is a Warlock power, that adds +1S and +1A to the Warlock during the assault phase. Normal Warlocks can take it too. Singing Spear is two-handed weapon, that works like a Witchblade but grants +1S to the wielder. It may also be thrown (18”).

Ok, but what is Witchblade now? It is a weapon that works in two ways. The first one is as we know – 2+ to wound, S9 versus vehicles etc. But the other one depletes it’s S to that of the wielder’s: S3 for example, but becomes a Power Weapon. In addition, Warseer and Farseer channel their psychic power more efficiently than generic Warlocks – thus their Witchblade’s second form is also a Force Weapon.



Autarch 6 6 3 3 3 3 6 10 3+/4++

Wargear: Plasma grenades, Haywire Grenades, Energy shield, Shuriken Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Autarch Armour

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Special Rules: Fleet of Foot, Master Tactician, Aspect Bounded

Unit Composition – 1 Autarch

Unit Type: Independent Character

An Autarch can take one of these:

- Banshee mask for + 10 points

- Mandiblasters for +5 points

An Autarch can take one of those close combat weapons:

- Power Weapon for +5 points

- Scorpion chainsword for +5 points

- Wrist blades for +15 points

- Lance for + 15 points

An Autarch can take one of these range weapons:

- Avenger Shuriken Catapult for +5 points

- Reaper Launcher for +10 points

- Fusion Gun for +10 points

- Deathspinner for +5 points

- Lasblaste r for +5 points

An Autarch can be mounted on/can have:

- Jetbike for +20 points

- Warp Jump Generator for +15 points

- Swooping Hawk wings for +10 points

FAQ: Aspect Bounded gives an Autarch opportunity to make one of the Aspect Warrior squads a Troops choice. Master Tactician gives +1 to the reserve rolls. Keep in mind that you may not use this bonus – especially if you want your Warp Spiders to arrive later...

Court of the Young King.....................................................................XX

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Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 3 6 10 3+

Wargear: Varies

Special Rules: Varies

Unit Composition – 1 to 8

Unit Type: Varies; Retinue

Court of the Young King composes of the most prominent Exarchs from the Craftworld’s Aspect Warriors Shrines. Court can compose of up to two Exarchs from every Shrine – for example your Court may include two Warp Spider Exarchs and two Swooping Hawk Exarchs. Their cost varies – see Aspect Warriors entries. Note that they are treated like a Retinue and can join only the Avatar of Khaine!