codex storm hawks v1.01

Written by Thomas Meer Version 1.0.1

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Page 1: Codex Storm Hawks v1.01

Written by Thomas Meer Version 1.0.1

Page 2: Codex Storm Hawks v1.01

Codex Storm Hawks


CONTENTS This book details the history and organisation of the Storm Hawks Space Marine chapter, a chapter of unknown origin with close links to the Mechanicum of Mars. You will also find rules for Special Characters and their personal background, as well as specialist units only available to the Storm Hawks chapter. Introduction 2 Homeworld 2 Beliefs 2 Recruitment 3 Chapter Organisation 3 Storm Hawks Heraldry 4 Legends of the Storm Hawks 5 The Fall of Zephyr 5

The Battle for Cestus V 6 The Defence of Tarsis 7

Forces of the Storm Hawks 8

Chapter Master Falco 8 Captain Denath Moorei 9 Captain Rubus Incarnus 9 Sentinel Squad 10 Tech Novitiate 10 Firestorm Assault Transport 11 Zephyr-Pattern Razorback 11 Storm Hawk Jetbike Squad 12 Storm Hawks Equipment 13 Storm Hawks Army List 14

Codex Storm Hawks is an unofficial supplement for use with the 5th edition of Warhammer 40,000, to use this supplement you must possess a copy of Codex Space Marine. Both are registered trademarks of Games Workshop and are referenced without permission or challenge. This supplement is in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Chapter Logo from the Bell of Lost Souls Raptors Decal Sheet, which can be found here: Storm Hawks Heraldry images created using the Bolter and Chainsword Space Marine painter, which can be found here:

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Codex Storm Hawks



A thirst for knowledge and a strong bond with the Adeptus Mechanicus allow the Storm Hawks Space Marine chapter to wield the mightiest weapons against the enemies of the Emperor. The Storm Hawks have a history shrouded in mystery, the precise Founding in which the chapter was created is unknown, but records of their existence go back to at least the 35th millennium. With no knowledge of their primogenitor legion or primarch, the Storm Hawks have devoted their existence to seeking out ancient relics, and recover worlds that may harbour knowledge lost since the Dark Age of Technology.

HOMEWORLD Although the planet of Zephyr is the Storm Hawks official homeworld, the planet is a lifeless rock obliterated during the 12th Black Crusade. Since then, the Storm Hawks have primarily become a fleet-based chapter, living on board of several Battle Barges and Strike Cruisers that orbit the planet instead. Many of these ships are incredibly ancient vessels, most recovered space hulks from the great crusade, re-commissioned so as to examine their characteristics under normal operation. Their Fortress Monastery is the Battle Barge Buteo Imperialis, a grand ship predating the Horus Heresy, but the truth to its origin is lost in time. The Storm Hawks fleet is also accompanied by a mighty Ark Mechanicus class vessel named The Omnissiah’s Blessing, which acts as the chapter’s armoury and manufactorum. Containing the productive capacity of a small forge world, this ship ensured the Storm Hawks rarely lack the equipment needed to prosecute their campaigns. The vessel was given to the Storm Hawks as trade for the Standard Template Construct design of the mysterious Firestorm Assault Carrier found on a reclaimed lost forge world. This precious STC is still not completely understood by the Mechanicum and therefore not in regular use across the Imperium, with other Chapters

reluctant to adopt the new technology preferring to rely on millennia tested designs. The Storm Hawks however are not so suspicious and fully utilise the Firestorm in their combat doctrine.

BELIEFS The Storm Hawks value technology greatly. They are known to seek out sites of lost ancient technology to learn from them and deny them to the enemy. As their quest for technology echoes many tenants of the Adeptus Mechanicus, the chapter maintains close ties with the Priests of the Machine God, often joining forces with fleets of Explorators in their conquest of the unknown quarters of the galaxy. Feverous is their hunger for technology, the Storm Hawks have access to, and can maintain, highly sophisticated equipment. This is most evident in the numbers of Terminators in their armies, as well as a greater proportion of vehicles and armour which is supplemented by regular trading of relics with the Adeptus Mechanicus. Over the millennia of gathering ancient knowledge, the Storm Hawks have come to revere the Emperor as the mysterious Machine God. Why the Storm Hawks have taken on the Mechanicum belief is unknown, but records of this go back as far as the 37th millennium. It is detailed in records that during the recapture of the forge world Telaris from the Eldar the Storm Hawks found an ancient relic from the Golden Age. This tome revealed astonishing truths to the Storm Hawks, which were shared only to the Mechanicum. Coincidently, the special relationship between the two began at approximately the same period.

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RECRUITMENT The Storm Hawks gather recruits from the systems surrounding their home system of Zephyr. While the Inner Planets of the Zephyr system are inhospitable volcanic rocks, they are rich in the resources that the chapter greatly needs. Recruitment starts very young for the Storm Hawks, with a hopeful coming to work as an apprentice to a veteran Artificer during pre-pubescence. They will then spend several decades steeping themselves in rites of the Machine God, how to call forth a machine spirit or placate its wrath. From these apprentices, the most able will then be judged by the Chapter's Lord Master of the Forge and the worthy will be taken by the Storm Hawks to undergo the bio-surgery required to make them into Space Marines.

CHAPTER ORGANISATION The organisation of the Storm Hawks follows the standard practices laid down in the Codex Astartes, with ten Companies each with ten squads. Each of these companies is led by a Company Captain and his Command Squad. Techmarines are not tied to one particular company, as their knowledge and experience is widely used on different expeditions. One exception to the Codex Astartes is the 1st Company of the Storm Hawks. The Master of the Forge leads the veterans of the chapter into battle. Usually reserved for securing relics and reclaiming ancient technology, the 1st Company is rarely seen in full, with its veterans usually sent to support the battle companies.


Master Nathanial Falco Lord of Zephyr, Master of the Storm Hawks

Chief Librarian Ornatus Chief Apothecary Bartelsi

23 Librarians 12 Apothecaries






COMPANY Captain Moorei Captain Beor Captain Incarnus Captain Mormigil Captain Gamyr

Master of the Forge Master of the Watch Champion of Cestus Master of the Arsenal Master of the Fleet

Veteran Company Battle Company Battle Company Battle Company Battle Company 93 Veterans 6 Tactical Squads 6 Tactical Squads 6 Tactical Squads 6 Tactical Squads

5 Dreadnoughts 2 Assault Squads 2 Assault Squads 2 Assault Squads 2 Assault Squads 2 Devastator

Squads 2 Devastator

Squads 2 Devastator

Squads 2 Devastator

Squads 2 Dreadnoughts 2 Dreadnoughts 3 Dreadnoughts 1 Dreadnought






COMPANY Captain Agathius Captain Kienerii Captain Numinor Captain Sion Captain Idius Master of Marches Master of the Rites Master of Skyfall Master of Sieges Master of the Recruits

Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Scout Company Tactical Company .Tactical Company Assault Company Devastator Company Scout Squads 10 Tactical Squads 10 Tactical Squads 10 Assault Squads 10 Devastator Squads

1 Dreadnought 3 Dreadnoughts 7 Dreadnoughts

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STORM HAWKS HERALDRY The Storm Hawks chapter displays their Chapter symbol on their left shoulder guard, and their squad designation on their right shoulder guard. The colour of a Storm Hawks marine’s armour is designated by his rank and company. A battle-brother’s armour is typically grey with gold trim, with dark grey shoulder guards. Veterans have a red

shoulder guards and usually have a tabard or parchment with details of the marines honours. Company Captains wear gold shoulder guards and wield the mightiest weapons in the Chapters arsenal. Captains also usually bear their heraldic banners on poles above their backpack to be easily recognised on the battlefield.

Storm Hawks Tactical Marine Storm Hawks Veteran

Storm Hawks Captain Storm Hawks Terminator

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THE FALL OF ZEPHYR During the 12th Black Crusade led by Abaddon the Despoiler, many Chaos warbands followed his ideals and sprang forth from the Eye of Terror to strike out at imperial worlds near the Cadian Gate. One such warband, the Children of Fulgrim, targeted the Storm Hawks home system of Zephyr. Like all Children of Fulgrim Lord Commander Arastus was obsessed by relics and artefacts and the homeworld of the Storm Hawks, and its vast repositories of treasures, was too tempting not to peruse. The perfect moment for Arastus to invade Zephyr came when he heard news of four whole companies of Storm Hawks supported by their most powerful armour leaving the system in Buteo Imperialis, the Storm Hawks flagship, to aid Cadia against Abaddon. Seeing his chance to strike at Zephyr without taking on the full might of a chapter, Arastus waiting for the Buteo Imperialis and her fleet to leave and then initiated an attack of opportunity. Relishing the chance to lay his hands on the artefacts of the Chapter, Arastus threw his entire Children of Fulgrim warband into a planetstrike. With most of the chapter on campaign in the Cadia system, only a full company of space marines plus the reserve companies on training remained to oppose Arastus. The 5th Company of the Storm Hawks fought him for every corridor and every room of their fortress but Arastus forged ahead to the reliquary, slaughtering every marine with impunity, seeking to plunder the relics of the chapter. With the 5th Company all but annihilated and thinking that he had overwhelmed the planet, Arastus stood atop of the Fortress Monastery victorious in his mind, preparing to send a communiqué to Abaddon of his achievement and ask for reinforcements to secure the system. As he was doing so the news reached Arastus that Lord Ravaal one of his sub-ordinate Lords had

been slain, his forces routed, and the reserve forces of the Storm Hawks were returning to the Fortress Monastery. Assaulting their own fortress, their home, the Storm Hawks reserve companies new exactly where to siege and quickly won back most of the battlefield. The fleet, intercepting the communication between Arastus and Abaddon, made their way back to their home system and engaged the Children of Fulgrim. A massive orbital battle ensued, with colossal vessels plummeting to the surface destroying whole regions in the blazing inferno. Horrified in the sight he saw before him, Arastus ordered what was left of his fleet to launch an orbital bombardment of the planet to cover his escape with many of the chapter’s relics. Risky though it was, Arastus’ tactic worked. He escaped with many holy artefacts, while the majority of his fleet preoccupied the Storm Hawks as he fled. The Children of Fulgrim fleet was left as space hulks with many of the ships following the rain of planet killing shells down to the surface. His warband mostly obliterated and with no chance of capturing whatever relics were left on the planet, Arastus vowed to destroy the Storm Hawks and unleashed the life killer virus. The life killer encircled the planet, decomposing every living thing. Once the life killer virus had burned itself out, the masters of the Chapter assessed the damage on the surface. With the Storm Hawks homeworld left a barren crater-scared rock, they decided not to rebuild the fortress monastery and designated their flagship as their chapter headquarters, using the remaining planets in the Zephyr system for training and resources. With many of their most ancient artefacts lost the Storm Hawks began even more feverously exploring, and vowed one day that Arastus and his warband of traitors would pay for the destruction of their home.

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THE BATTLE FOR CESTUS V In the year 992.M41 the Cestus system was invaded by Ork Warboss Gitstompa. When the orks invaded the hive planet of Cestus VI the Imperial Guard Planetary Defence Force, consisting of just 2 Imperial Guard Regiments, is defeated within days. In retaliation the 3rd Company of the Storm Hawks, led by Brother Captain Tilion, assaults Cestus VI. Thanks to the Storm Hawks lightning armoured assaults on the now greenskin occupied cities, the Ork Waaagh! was days away from being halted. Knowing their defeat was imminent, the Warboss Gitstompa hastily had his weirdboyz open up a warp portal to get him and his Kill Kroozer ship out of the system. The sheer energy of the combined untamed powers of a Waaagh!’s compliment of weirdboyz, drew in the ruinous powers of chaos. The Children of Fulgrim traitor warband, led once again by Arastus the Defiler, ecstatic with the chance to battle with his arch enemies assaulted the Storm Hawks. The Battle Barge Hostem Incendia was destroyed within moments of the chaos fleet surprise appearance. The Battle Barge no match for the strength of a full Desolator and Despoiler Battleship led traitor fleet. News of its destruction was instantly known to the Company on the planet, as showers of lethal debris rained down onto Cestus V, destroying much of the 3rd Company’s armour. The invasion started almost immediately. Hordes of daemons appeared as if out of thin air around the planet, causing chaos and destruction among the surviving human population and ork horde alike. But the emperor’s finest held strong. For weeks they defended the emperor-forsaken planet against the shrieking horrors of the warp, bulwarking themselves into the capital city hoping for reinforcements, and using the technologically enhanced psychic defences of the librarians to keep the daemons at bay.

During the third week of the assault the attacks suddenly stopped. For brief moments it had looked as if the Emperor’s light had granted their wishes, but it was not to be. The Pleasure Boat of Arastus the Defiler, the commander of the traitor warband had arrived. The Companies librarians instantly imploded into the warp and the Storm Hawks were swamped with the daemons of Slaanesh. The battle was short but bloody. Most of the valiant Company was cut down in minutes. Captain Tilion stood strong as he was defending an Imperial temple, but was slain by the vile lord of Slaanesh, Arastus the Defiler, and only then after a duel of epic proportions with which he had wounded the daemon lord enough to send him running back once again to the eye of terror, tail between his legs. Only a handful of marines survived the initial attack managing to bottleneck the daemon horde in the under catacombs of the city. Led on by the stubborn Sergeant Rubus Incarnus, they killed warp beats until their ammo ran dry, and fuelled by the image of their heroic Captain facing off against the mighty daemon lord they fought tooth and fist with the never-ending wave of chaos filth. After what seemed like an eternity of fighting, the 1st and 2nd Companies of the Storm Hawks came swooping down to the planet to look for survivors. They found only the remaining members of the 3rd Company 6th Tactical squad, still fighting underground, black from blood. These six remaining marines told the story of their battle brother Captain Tilion and his duel against the daemon lord. Both Tilion and the marines were given the highest honours, and the survivors of Cestus V were named Veterans of the Chapter and given command of the new 3rd Company of the Storm Hawks, reinforced with battle brothers who have proved themselves in the reserves.

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THE DEFENCE OF TARSIS The planet Tarsis is an armoury world that supplies over a dozen chapters, and is highly valuable to the Imperium. When Tarsis was unexpectedly invaded by the Eldar, the full might of the Imperial Fists was unleashed upon it, personally commanded by Chapter Master Vladimir Pugh. Fighting lasted only a few short days before the cowardly Eldar took flight from the world. The Imperial Fists had little time to celebrate however as the reason for the Eldar withdrawal soon became apparent: the world was assaulted by a tendril of the Tyranid Hive Fleet Kraken. Overwhelmed and losing ground quickly, Chapter Master Pugh sent out a request for aid to nearby Astartes. Chapter Master Nathanial Falco rouses his Storm Hawks for war.

Heeding the Imperial Fists call for aid. The Storm Hawks battle barge Validus Accipiter and her strike vessel escorts unleash a barrage of fire upon the hive fleet in orbit. With lightning speed, the Storm Hawks initiate a dramatic aerial assault with Storm Raven and Firestorm transports, dodging and weaving through tyranid spores and bio-plasma fire to deploy tactical squads and terminators into the heart of the fighting. As the Storm Raven Avis Verto landed, Chapter Master Falco and his honour guard charged down the assault ramp and fought their way through the Tyranid swarm to the remnants of the Imperial Fist army. With fully three companies of Storm Hawks behind them, the two chapter masters battled their way to the hive mind brood and together they take it down, severing the head of the Tyranid invasion.

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FORCES OF THE STORM HAWKS The Storm Hawks follow the Codex Astartes. As such, a Storm Hawks army may use any unit (except for Special Characters) from Codex Space Marines, in addition to the units presented in this book. When a unit is present in the both Codex Space Marine and Codex Storm Hawks, only the adjustments will be shown (for example, any additional wargear options). Refer to the original source book for the complete entry. Regularly you may find wargear and special rules listed in this book that are not described (for example, And They Shall Know No Fear), simply reference Codex Space Marines to find the relevant special rule. In addition, all units that have the Combat Tactics special rule must exchange this for the following Scions of Mars special rule:

Scions of Mars All Storm Hawks Space Marines are great artificers, and have a kinship with the Mechanicum of Mars. If a unit with this special rule is in base contact with a damaged vehicle during the Shooting phase, it can attempt to repair it instead of doing anything else that phase. Roll a d6, on a 6 either a Weapon Destroyed or Immobilised result (owning player's choice) will be repaired. If the unit contains a Tech Novitiate, the roll needed to repair is reduced to a 5+. You may only attempt to repair the same vehicle once in the same turn, no matter how many units are in base contact. Also, the unit cannot repair if gone to ground or falling back.

CHAPTER MASTER NATHANIAL FALCO LORD OF THE FORGES, MASTER OF THE STORM HAWKS Having served the Storm Hawks for over half a century, Chapter Master Falco has seen his share of combat, but still he leads from the front when he commands his Chapter into battle. His triumphs are without number and deeds the stuff of Chapter legend.

UNIT TYPE: Infantry (Character).

WARGEAR: Tempest’s Wrath, Hawk Shield, Harness of Zephyr, Adamantine Mantle, Frag and krak grenades, Terminator armour. Tempest’s Wrath: The Tempest’s Wrath is an ancient relic given as a gift by the Imperial Fists to Master Falco after he aided them in the battle on Tarsis. This is a master-crafted

Power Fist that rolls 2d6 for armour penetration. Hawk Shield: A powerful energy field surrounds this shield. The Hawk Shield is treated as a Storm Shield but adds +1 to Attack (already included in profile). Harness of Zephyr: Granted to the Storm Hawks by the Mechanicum as a symbol of their alliance. The Harness of Zephyr is a long standing tradition for Storm Hawk Chapter Masters, and was given to Falco when he rose to the position. The Harness of Zephyr gives Master Falco a twin-linked plasma pistol and a flamer. Both can be fired in the same Shooting phase. Also, the Harness of Zephyr improves Master Falco’s Scions of Mars repair roll to 4+.

SPECIAL RULES: Independent Character, And They Shall Know No Fear, Scions of Mars, Orbital Bombardment.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

6 5 4 4 4 5 4 10 2+3+

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CAPTAIN DENATH MOOREI MASTER OF THE FORGE, CAPTAIN OF THE FIRST COMPANY VETERANS Leading the Storm Hawks first company veterans is Captain Denath Moorei, Master of the Forges. Having both the tactical and combat knowledge of a brother-Captain, while also being the Chapter’s most senior Techmarine. Captain Moorei’s knowledge of the arcane sciences is unrivalled among the Storm Hawks, and is honoured no less than Chapter Master Falco.

UNIT TYPE: Infantry (Character).

WARGEAR: Servo-harness, Gaze of Accipiter, Iron Halo, Frag and krak grenades, Artificer armour. Omnissiahn Axe: Granted to Captain Moorei by the Priest of Mars when he rose to the

position of Master of the Forge. This is a master-crafted power weapon. Gaze of Accipiter: The Gaze of Accipiter is Captain Moorei personal plasma pistol, heavily modified from his days as a Tactical Marine. The Gaze of Accipiter has the following profile:

Range S AP Type

12” 8 2 Pistol, Gets Hot!

SPECIAL RULES: Independent Character, And They Shall Know No Fear, Scions of Mars, Blessing of the Omnissiah, Bolster Defences, Master of the Forge. Master of the Forge: If you take Captain Moorei in your army you cannot take a standard Master of Forge from Codex Space Marines as well. Captain Moorei counts as a Master of the Forge for Mindlock purposes.

CAPTAIN RUBUS INCARNUS CHAMPION OF CESTUS, CAPTAIN OF THE THIRD COMPANY During the Battle for Cestus V, Captain Incarnus was witness to his Companies destruction at the hands of the forces of Chaos. To this day he leads the 3rd Company into battle, accompanied by the valiant men he led during them dark days.

UNIT TYPE: Infantry (Character).

WARGEAR: The Mors Certa, Advanced Storm Bolter, Purity Seals, Iron Halo, Frag and krak grenades, Power armour. The Mors Certa: Incarnus is armed with the late Captain Tilion’s sword, the Mors Certa.

Passed down through each Captain of the 2nd Company it was crafted during the times of the Horus Heresy. It counts as a Relic Blade. Advanced Storm Bolter: A gift from the Adeptus Mechanicus, this prototype storm bolter has the following profile:

Range S AP Type

24” 4 4 Assault 4

SPECIAL RULES: Independent Character, And They Shall Know No Fear, Scions of Mars, Charismatic Presence, Artificer. Charismatic Presence: All friendly units within 12” of Captain Incarnus count as having the Stubborn special rule, and may re-roll any failed Leadership tests.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

6 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 2+4+

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

6 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 3+4+

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SENTINEL SQUAD Sentinels are mighty warriors of the Storm Hawks, veterans of hundreds of years of warfare and the chapter's never ending struggle against its enemies. They are equipped with the finest weapons and armour the Storm Hawk's legendary artificers can produce. To be chosen to have the chance to become a Sentinel, a Storm Hawks battle brother has to prove himself capable of keeping his nerve through the toughest of battles, as well as being a formidable fighter. When a battle brother is selected by his captain to become a Sentinel, he is sent to the Mechanicum of Mars for a decade to study under a tech priest, learning both the ways of the Omnissiah and how to master to the machine spirit. In his time as a student, the battle brother modifies his power armour, adorning it with ornate detailing and scripts devoted to the Omnissiah. Once he has completed his study, his tutor will give him a quest that he must complete alone. Quests can vary considerably: from ridding a hive world of an upstarting chaos cult, to retrieving an ancient relic now in the hands of the Eldar. All are gruelling challenges that only a few have the required level of

ability to return from alive. If he returns home, the battle brother is honoured personally by the Chapter Master and is given his Blade of Piety, a master forged power sword denoting his rank of Sentinel.

UNIT TYPE: Infantry.

WARGEAR: Blade of Piety, Storm Pistol, Bionics, Frag and krak grenades, Armour of Alacrity. Blade of Piety: Counts as a master-crafted power weapon. Storm Pistol: Has the following profile:

Range S AP Type

12” 4 5 Assault 2, Balanced*

* A Storm Pistol counts as a close combat weapon, and thus gives an addition attack in close combat.

SPECIAL RULES: And They Shall Know No Fear, Scions of Mars, Stubborn, Artificer. Artificer: A model with the Artificer rule has an improved Scions of Mars repair roll of 5+.

TECH NOVITIATE Every ten years, the Chapter’s Techmarines walk amongst the battle brothers, gauging which amongst the assembled ranks have the talent and skill to join the brotherhood of Mars. Once they are chosen, the novitiates are sent to Mars, where they are immersed in tuition by the Adeptus Mechanicus. When his initial training is complete, the battle brother returns to Zephyr as a Tech Novitiate. Not yet a true Techmarine, but a formidable presence non-the-less. Tech Novitiates complete their training on the

battlefield accompanying squads of Storm Hawks.

Tech Novitiates are purchased as an upgrade to regular unit sergeants and use any wargear and special rules that the sergeant used. In all aspects but name, they are treated as Space Marine Sergeants.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

5 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 3+6+

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+

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FIRESTORM ASSAULT TRANSPORT Firestorm assault transports are a very rare evolution of a Standard Construct Template found on an ancient planet by the Storm Hawks. Given to the Adepus Mechanicus as a sign of friendship, the Storm Hawks commission a few prototypes of these mysterious vehicles for lightning fast assaults, and missions where stealth is top priority. Utilising an ancient repulsion plate technology similar to a Land Speeder, the Firestorm can skim over any intervening terrain with ease, allowing its passengers to reach their destination quickly. Likened to a hybrid of a Rhino and a Land Speeder, the Firestorm has the combination of both passenger capacity and quick response.

UNIT TYPE: Vehicle (Skimmer, Fast)

WARGEAR: Two firestorm bolters, Stealth Field Generator, Twin-linked heavy bolter. Stealth Field Generator: In times where the assault transport needs to enter enemy

territory without raising alarm, a prototype Stealth Field Generator may be fitted. This ancient and mostly distrusted technology throws out distorting images in both visual; and magnetic spectra, making it hard to target at range. Weapon firing at the Firestorm from more than 12” count the vehicle as an Obscured Target. Firestorm Bolter: Wing-mounted on the Firestorm, the Firestorm Bolters are heavy calibre, high velocity dogfighting weapons, designed to take down fast moving enemy sentries.

Range S AP Type

36” 5 4 Heavy 4

TRANSPORT: The Firestorm has a transport capacity of six models. It cannot carry models in Terminator armour. Fire Points: None Access Points: A Firestorm has one access point on each side of the hull.


ZEPHYR-PATTERN RAZORBACK When in battle, Storm Hawks are known to hastily adapt their transports to whatever enemy they expect to face. Some Techmarines go even far as to sacrifice the transport capabilities of Razorbacks for improved firepower. Although not as versatile, an 'upgraded' Razorback can act as a mobile gun platform, unleashing as much hell on the enemies of mankind as any battle tank.

UNIT TYPE: Vehicle (Tank)

WARGEAR: Twin-linked heavy bolter, Heavy bolter sponsons, Smoke launchers, Searchlight.

BS Front Side Rear

4 11 11 11

BS Front Side Rear

4 11 11 10

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STORM HAWKS JETBIKE SQUAD Space Marine Jetbikes are sleek craft utilizing anti-grav technology, and were in common use by the Space Marine Legions during the Great Crusade. After the Horus Heresy however, the ability to produce them was eventually lost and are now an extremely rare sight. Over the centuries of feverous searching for ancient relics, the Storm Hawks have located a very small number of these technological wonders. The Mk14 'Bullock' Jetbike is equipped with twin forward-firing bolters and can seat a single rider. The Space Marine Jetbike is capable of both flight and hover modes, and aerial-drop via Thunderhawk drop ships.

UNIT TYPE: Bike (Jetbike).

WARGEAR: Bolt pistol, Space Marine Jetbike, Frag and krak grenades, Power armour.

SPECIAL RULES: And They Shall Know No Fear, Scions of Mars, Deep Strike.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Tech Novitiate:

4 4 4 4(5) 1 4 2 9 3+

Space Marine Jetbiker:

4 4 4 4(5) 1 4 2 9 3+

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STORM HAWKS EQUIPMENT Codex Storm Hawks uses equipment from both the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and Codex Space Marines. Please refer to the relevant source material to find descriptions and rules for this equipment. Below you will find rules for any non-standard equipment that is unique to the Storm Hawks. For Special Character wargear, or wargear individual to a single Storm Hawks unit, see their specific entries in the Storm Hawks Forces chapter. Adamantine Mantle An Adamantine Mantle is a cloak made from threads of Adamantine, a tough and resistant material that provides excellent protection for its wearer. A model who wears an Adamantine Mantle does not suffer Instant Death. Armour of Alacrity Expertly crafted, a set of Armour of Alacrity synchronises with its wearer perfectly, and enhances a marines speed and agility even further than a normal suit of power armour. Counts as Power Armour, also you may re-roll any failed armour saves. Bionics When a veteran Storm Hawks Space Marine is injured in battle, they are modified with mechanical augmentations to allow them to return to service. An individual may have artificial limbs or organs to replace damaged parts. A model with Bionics gains a 6+ invulnerable save. Chaffgun The Chaffgun fires a wide burst of thin metallic shards, designed to penetrate armoured vehicles and interfere with the mechanisms within, rather than simply blowing it up. Perfect for enemy armour that needs to be studied further. The Chaffgun has the following profile:

Range S AP Type

Template 1 - Assault 1, Pervading*

* A Chaffgun has an Armour Penetration of 3D6.

Crozius Mechanicum The Crozius Mechanicum is a Chaplain’s rod of office, stylised with the Adeptus Mechanicus iconography. It is a master-crafted Power Weapon. EMP Missiles An EMP Missile is an experimental technology utilised by the Storm Ravens and fitted to their Stormraven Gunships and Firestorm Assault Transports. If an EMP Missile hits a vehicle, roll a d6. On a 4+ the model is automatically Stunned. Personal Teleporter Personal teleporters are backpack sized devices that allow a Space Marine to teleport without the need to massive devices usually employed. The Storm Hawks close links with Mars have allowed them to field test these experimental devices, and only with the most trusted of the chapter. Units with personal teleporters count as Jump Infantry exactly in the same way as if they were equipped with a Jump Pack. Also, once per game they may teleport into reserve. They are then rolled for at the start of every turn using the normal reserve rules. Purity Seals Purity seals are bestowed upon Storm Hawks who have proven their bravery and virtue. Any model within 12” of the model with Purity Seals may use his Leadership value for any Leadership test. Space Marine Jetbike A priceless relic from the days before the Horus Heresy, only the most trusted and competent battle-brother may hope to ride one of these rare artefacts into battle. Models equipped with Space Marine jetbikes follow the rules for Jetbikes as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Space Marine jetbikes are fitted with a twin-linked bolter.

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STORM HAWKS ARMY LIST As stated in the Forces of the Storm Hawks chapter, this army list is used in conjunction with both the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and Codex Space Marines. To use this army list correctly, utilise both the information on page 8 of this book and page 127 of Codex Space Marines.


CHAPTER MASTER FALCO ……………………….. 200 Points Page 8

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

6 5 4 4 4 5 4 10 2+3+


Tempest’s Wrath

Hawk Shield

Harness of Zephyr

Adamantine Mantle

Frag and krak grenades

Terminator armour

Special Rules:

Independent Character

And They Shall Know No Fear

Scions of Mars

Orbital Bombardment

Unit Composition:

1 (Unique)

Unit Type:

Infantry (Character)

CAPTAIN MOOREI …………..……………..………….. 175 Points Page 9

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

6 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 2+4+



Omnissiahn Axe

Gaze of Accipiter

Iron Halo

Frag and krak grenades

Artificer armour

Special Rules:

Independent Character

And They Shall Know No Fear

Scions of Mars

Blessing of the Omnissiah

Bolter Defences

Master of the Forge

Unit Composition:

1 (Unique)

Unit Type:

Infantry (Character)

CAPTAIN INCARNUS …………..…………………….. 150 Points Page 9

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

6 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 3+4+


The Mors Certa

Advanced Storm Bolter

Iron Halo

Purity Seals

Frag and krak grenades

Power armour

Special Rules:

Independent Character

And They Shall Know No Fear

Scions of Mars

Charismatic Presence

Unit Composition:

1 (Unique)

Unit Type:

Infantry (Character)

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Codex Storm Hawks


HQ STORM HAWKS CAPTAIN Page 54 C:SM A Storm Hawks Captain is both a master of war and a talented artificer in his own right. A Storm Hawk Captain gains the Artificer special rule (see page 10) but otherwise uses the rules and entry from the Space Marine Captain from Codex Space Marines, with the following additional options:

A Space Marine Captain may take any of the following additional options: - Purity Seals 10 points - Servo-arm 25 points - Personal Teleporter 30 points - Adamantine Mantle 35 points - Space Marine Jetbike 40 points

A Space Marine Captain may replace his Power Armour with: - Armour of Alacrity 10 points

A Space Marine Captain may make any of his weapons master-crafted for 5 points.

STORM HAWKS LIBRARIAN Page 56 C:SM A Storm Hawk Librarian forgoes his artificer training in exchange for control over his psychic abilities. The librarian uses the rules and entry for the Space Marine Librarian from Codex Space Marines, with the following amendments: Psychic Powers: A Librarian has any two of the following powers:

Smite: See Codex Space Marine page 57.

Machine Curse: See Codex Space Marine page 57.

Might of the Ancients: See Codex Space Marine page 57.

Null Zone: See Codex Space Marine page 57.

Reconstruction: This power can be used at the start of the Movement phase. If successful, the

Librarian and any unit he has joined can re-roll any Scions of Mars roll he makes this turn.

Awaken the Machine Spirit: This power can be used at the start of the Movement phase. If successful, choose one vehicle within 24”. This vehicle now recovers from any crew shaken and crew stunned results already affecting it.

Shackle the Machine Spirit: This power is a psychic shooting attack that automatically hits an enemy vehicle within 12”. If the effected vehicle moves at all during its following turn it becomes Immobilised.

Steel Skin: This power is used at the start of the opponents assault phase. For the rest of that phase, the Librarian has a 5+ invulnerable save.

STORM HAWKS CHAPLAIN Page 58 C:SM The Storm Hawks Chaplains spread the word of the Omnissiah, and are the spiritual leaders of the chapter, wielding the badges of office against their enemies. Increase the cost of Chaplains by 5 points

and exchange their Crozius Arcanum with a Crozius Mechanicum. A Chaplain otherwise uses the rules and entry from Codex Space Marines.

MASTER OF THE FORGE Page 70 C:SM A Storm Hawks Master of the Forge increases in cost by 5 points, and gains the Bionics wargear. A Techmarine otherwise uses the rules and entry from Codex Space Marines, with the following additional options:

A Master of the Forge may take any of the following additional options: - Signum 10 points - Personal Teleporter 30 points - Space Marine Jetbike 40 points

A Master of the Forge may make any of his weapons master-crafted for 5 points.

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Codex Storm Hawks


ELITES SENTINEL SQUAD……………………………………….. 200 Points Page 10

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

5 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 3+6+


Any Sentinel may replace their Blade of Piety with one of the following: - Power Fist 5 points - Relic Blade 10 points - Thunder Hammer 10 points

Any Sentinel may replace their Storm Pistol with one of the following: - Plasma Pistol 10 points - Storm Shield 10 points

All Sentinels in the unit may be equipped with personal teleporters: 60 points

Unit Composition:

5 Sentinels Unit Type:

Infantry Wargear:

Blade of Piety

Storm Pistol


Frag and krak grenades

Armour of Alacrity

Special Rules:

And They Shall Know No Fear

Scions of Mars

Stubborn Artificer Dedicated Transport:

May select a Drop Pod, Rhino or a Razorback (see C:SM page 135 for points costs).

TECHMARINE Page 71 C:SM A Storm Hawks Techmarine increases in cost by 5 points, and gains the Bionics wargear. A Techmarine otherwise uses the rules and entry from Codex Space Marines, with the following additional options:

A Techmarine may take any of the following additional options: - Personal Teleporter 30 points - Space Marine Jetbike 40 points

A Techmarine may make any of his weapons master-crafted for 5 points.

STERNGUARD VETERAN SQUAD Page 63 C:SM The Sternguard Veteran Squad uses the rules and entry from Codex Space Marines, with the following additional options:

You may upgrade the Space Marine Sergeant to a Tech Novitiate for 10 points. The Tech Novitiate may take any options available to the Space Marine Sergeant.

The Tech Novitiate may also take the following: - Bionics 5 points - Servo-arm 25 points

A Tech Novitiate may make any of his weapons master-crafted for 5 points.

Up to three models in the squad may replace their bolter with: - Chaffgun 10 points

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Codex Storm Hawks


TROOPS TACTICAL SQUAD Page 59 C:SM The Tactical Squad uses the rules and entry from Codex Space Marines, with the following additional options:

You may upgrade the Space Marine Sergeant to a Tech Novitiate for 10 points. The Tech Novitiate may take any options available to the Space Marine Sergeant.

The Tech Novitiate may also take the following: - Bionics 5 points - Servo-arm 25 points

The Tech Novitiate may replace his bolter with: - Chaffgun 10 points

A Tech Novitiate may make any of his weapons master-crafted for 5 points.


VANGUARD VETERAN SQUAD Page 62 C:SM The Vanguard Veteran Squad uses the rules and entry from Codex Space Marines, with the following additional options:

You may upgrade the Space Marine Sergeant to a Tech Novitiate for 10 points. The Tech Novitiate may take any options available to the Space Marine Sergeant.

The Tech Novitiate may also take the following: - Bionics 5 points - Servo-arm 25 points

A Tech Novitiate may make any of his weapons master-crafted for 5 points.

If the squad has a Tech Novitiate, the entire squad may have personal teleporters at 12 points per model.


BS Front Side Rear

4 11 11 11


Replace twin-linked heavy bolter with: - Twin-linked heavy flamer 5 points - Twin-linked multi-melta 10 points - Twin-linked assault cannon 30 points

May take any of the following: - Locator Beacon 15 points - Two EMP Missiles 20 points

Unit Composition:

1 Firestorm Unit Type:

Vehicle (Fast, Skimmer) Wargear:

Two firestorm bolters

Stealth Field Generator

Twin-linked heavy bolter

Special Rules:

Deep Strike

Transport Capacity:

Six models (may not transport models in terminator armour)

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Codex Storm Hawks



STORM HAWKS JETBIKE SQUAD (0-1)….. 145 Points Page 12

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Tech Novitiate:

4 4 4 4(5) 1 4 2 9 3+

Space Marine Jetbiker:

4 4 4 4(5) 1 4 2 9 3+


May include up to two additional Space Marine Jetbikers for 40 points per model.

The Tech Novitiate may replace his bolt pistol with: - Power Fist 25 points - Relic Blade 30 points

The Tech Novitiate may also take the following: - Bionics 5 points - Melta bombs 5 points - Servo-arm 25 points

A Tech Novitiate may make any of his weapons master-crafted for 5 points.

Any model may replace his bolt pistol with: - Storm Shield 15 points - Plasma Pistol 15 points - Power Weapon 15 points - Lightning Claw 15 points

Unit Composition:

1 Tech Novitiate

2 Space Marine Jetbikers Unit Type:

Bike (Jetbike)


Bolt pistol

Space Marine Jetbike

Frag and krak grenades

Power armour Special Rules:

And They Shall Know No Fear

Scions of Mars

Deep Strike


ZEPHYR-PATTERN RAZORBACK …………….. 70 Points Page 11

BS Front Side Rear

4 11 11 10


Replace twin-linked heavy bolter with: - Twin-linked heavy flamer Free - Twin-linked lascannon 35 points - Twin-linked assault cannon 35 points

Replace heavy bolter sponsons with: - Heavy flamers Free - Hurricane bolters Free - Lascannons 35 points

May take any of the following: - Dozer blade 5 points - Storm bolter 10 points - Extra Armour 15 points

Unit Composition:

1 Zephyr-pattern Razorback Unit Type:

Vehicle (Tank)


Twin-linked heavy bolter

Heavy bolter sponsons

Smoke Launchers


STORMRAVEN GUNSHIP Page 38 C:BA The Stormraven Gunship is a relatively new addition to the Space Marine Armoury, seamlessly combining the roles of dedicated gunship, dropship, and strike aircraft. Never shying away from utilising new technology, the Storm Hawks quickly assimilated the Stormraven into their battle doctrine.

A Storm Hawks army may use a Stormraven Gunship from Codex Blood Angels. Use the rules and entry from Codex Blood Angels, but exchange the four Bloodstrike Missiles with four EMP Missiles.