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Artistry of Coding Your Data Examples and Ideas

Upload: courtney-lee

Post on 10-May-2015




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  • 1.Artistry of Coding Your Data Examples and Ideas

2. Format of Section 1: InterviewIntroduces the person (biography) and the questions(thesis/purpose statements).Describes the process of interviewing (methodology).Presents the questions and discusses the answers (dataand analysis/interpretation).Additional portraiture possibilities: include sketches,photos, art images from the site/person you interview(documents of identity images that tell who they are).More to come 3. Coding What is it?Classifying, describing, finding patternsPart of researching, part of making connections, partof making meaning 4. The ProcessTranscribe or type up your data from the interviewsNotice anticipatory codes words or concepts you already knowyou are interested in. For example: interdisciplinarity, for nature,for technology, for recycling, etc.Notice other trends. What are words or ideas that keep poppingup? The challenge is to be mindful/really pay attention to data.Triangulation check with a peer about other codes noticed.Their additions can enhance your research, and if they echosome of your codes, that suggests your analysis has morevalidity/relevance. 5. Hobbyist // Serious artistArt // Craft (on a ledge)Bikini-clad // Large, scary personFemale physicalities // Gender technologiesIndividuality // CommunitySpeech // Silence 6. Sample Coding Key: Interviews withCeramic ArtistsBLUE: Ceramics as a hobby or a serious endeavor along gendergroupingsRED: Assertions of neutrality of gender in role as artist (not seeing self asfemale potter)DARK GREEN: Feminine of traditionally female subject matter andprocesses especially SCALETURQUOISE: Female communityORANGE: Ambivalence/duality in the material of clayNEON GREEN: Depicting Female/male bodies in clayPINK: Oppositionality/proving oneself as a ceramic artistGREY: Art and craft delineationsAMBIVALENCE: Anticipatory code of balancing two opposing ideas 7. Sample: CodesI dont think gender plays a role except forshows maybe. I think that is kind of thegeneral attitude of the artwork. It seemslike a guy is taken more as an artist, whereasa girl as an artist is seen as a hobbyist. (Clayas a hobby code)I just got my work in a show of all women,and I was in one last fall. That was good forme I am not complaining! That was one ofthe points the organizers made... that ifpeople said it was not fair it was all womenand it has always been the opposite inhistory so.... (Female community code) 8. Visual Data: Communication: speech and silence (like a word cloud)what does it mean to you to be a female ceramic artist?Being female as a ceramic artist.I identify with being a Black female potter.I dont know if I would emphasize the female part. Im a potter.I rarely think of myself as a female potter but just a potter. (I guess when I started) it didnt mean anything.Just being an artist.I didnt want to be singled out. I wanted to be like everyone else. I wanted to go forward in the profession.Mostly I dont think about being a female potter. I guess I think of myself as an artist.Ive never really thought about it.Not that much especially. No, I dont think so.To answer your question, Id just say no! The main thing is I like being a potter.