cognitive radio system and seamless spectrum handover

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  • 8/9/2019 Cognitive Radio System and Seamless Spectrum Handover


    EE-586 WS 1

    Intelligent wireless communicationIntelligent wireless communication

  • 8/9/2019 Cognitive Radio System and Seamless Spectrum Handover



    Why Cognitive Radio?


    Motivation: Spectrum Scarcity

    Whatis Cognitive Radio (CR) System

    Key Challenges Basiccognitiveradio cycle

    Licenses of SpectrumBand

    CR Network Architecture

    Licensed band

    Unlicensed Band

    IEEE 802.22 Cognitive Radio Main functions

    Spectrum handoverin CR

    Operation of conventionalspectrumhandover

    Frequency v/s path loss

    Frequency v/snormalized cellcoverage

    Cognitive Radio SystemModel

    Okumura-Hata Model

    Equations for path loss Proposed spectrum handoverscheme

    and operation


    Cell outageProbability

    Totalno of handover

    Advantage of proposed scheme



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    Lack of RFspectrumband to meettheevermounting demand to meetisthe driving factor

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    Highly reliablecommunicationwhenever andwherever needed

    Effectiveutilization of radio spectrum

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    Spectrum Utility

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    Incognitiveradio systemtransreceiver adaptssurroundingenvironment and reconfiguresitself by changing itsinternal operatingparameters (e.g. transmitting power,carrier frequency ,modulationstrategy) inrealtimewith theknowledge of itsusers priorities andneeds.

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    The Cognitive Radio ApproachThe Cognitive Radio Approach

    Thecognitiveradio carries a level ofcognition orintelligencethat permitsdecision-making and learned patterns ofbehavior.

    It detectswhether a particularsegment oftheradio spectrumiscurrently inuse andtojump into (or out of) thetemporarily-unused spectrumvery rapidly withoutinterfering with thetransmissions of other


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    Physical Architecture:Physical Architecture: An accurate detection of weaksignals of licensed

    users over a widespectrumrange.

    Implementation of RFwideband from-end and A/Dconverter (multi-GHzspeed)

    ReRe--configurability:configurability: Adjusting operating parameters:

    Operating frequency


    Transmission power


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    Cognitive capability:Cognitive capability:

    Spectrumsensing (detecting spectrum holes)

    Spectrum analysis/decision (determining data rates,

    transmissionrate, and modes) Spectrummobility (if thecurrentspectrumband inuse


    Spectrumsharing (providing fairspectrumscheduling

    among coexisting CR users)

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    Thecognitive processstartswith the passivesensing of RF stimuliand culminateswith action.

    There arethree tasks which cognitiveradio performs:1) Radio-scene analysis (carried outinthereceiver)

    estimation of interferencetemperature of theradio environment detection of spectrum holes and fairsharing of itwithout harmful

    interferencewith otherusers.

    2) Channel identification (carried outinthereceiver) estimation of channel-stateinformation prediction of channelcapacity foruseby thetransmitter

    3)Transmit-power control and dynamic spectrummanagement(carried outinthetransmitter) dynamic spectrummanagement allowstheradio terminalsto operatein

    thebest available frequency band maintainsseamlesscommunicationrequirements during thetransitionto


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    Depending onthe parts of thespectrum availableforcognitiveradio,itis divided into

    Licensed Band Cognitive Radio:

    licensed band such as U-NII band or ISMband. The IEEE 802.22 working group is developing a standard

    forwirelessregional area network (WRAN) which willoperateinunused televisionchannels


    nlicensed Band Cognitive Radio: which can only utilizeunlicensed parts of radio frequency


    Fore.g.,coexistence of IEEE 802.11 and Bluetooth.

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    On licensed bandOn licensed band

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    On unlicensed bandOn unlicensed band

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    Spectrum sensingSpectrum sensing Detecting unused spectrum

    Spectrum managementSpectrum management Capturing thebest availablespectrum

    Spectrum analysis Interference/Path loss Linkerrors/delay Channel holding time

    Spectrum decision Decisionmodel Multi-band decision

    Spectrum mobilitySpectrum mobility Maintaining seamlesscommunication during thespectrum

    transition Spectrum handoff

    Spectrum sharingSpectrum sharing Providing fairspectrumscheduling method

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  • 8/9/2019 Cognitive Radio System and Seamless Spectrum Handover


    In cognitive radio system spectrum handoveroccurs when a secondary use changes frequencydue to the appearance o f a primary user.

    If spectrum handover is from high to lowfrequency than cell coverage area is expanded & ifit is from low to high frequency than cell outageoccurs.

    Spectrum handover may result in

    degraded system performance because of the differentpropagation loss or path loss of the different frequency.

    cell outage which in turn disruption of service.

    redundant intercell handover.

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    High frequenciessuffer fromlarge path lossand incase of low frequencies, path lossisrelatively small.

    Path losscanbe formulated from followingequation.

    Path loss(dB)=20log F + 20log D +32.5

    where,F= frequency inMHzD=distanceinKm

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    According to equation of path losswecanseethat for higher frequenciescellcoverage area isreduced.

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    Applicable to/under conditions:

    Multicellcognitiveradio system

    Each basestation (BS) canuse a differentfrequency based onspectrumsensing tominimizetheinterference.

    Systemmodelisbased onOkumura-Hata

    model and itis applicableto thetransmissionsinsidecities.

    Thismodelissuited forboth point-to-pointand broadcasttransmissions.

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    Mostwidely used model forradio frequencypropagation for predicting thebehavior ofcellulartransmissioninbuiltup areas.

    Thismodel Includestheeffects of diffraction,reflection and scattering caused by citystructures.

    Hata Model predictsthetotal path loss along alink of terrestrialmicrowave or othertype ofcellularcommunications.

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    LU = Path lossin Urban Areasin dB

    hB = Height of basestation antenna inm (valid 30 to 200 m)

    hM = Height of mobilestation antenna inm (valid 1 to 10 m)

    f = Frequency of TransmissioninMHz (valid 150 to 1,000 MHz)

    CH = Antenna heightcorrection factord = Distancebetweenthebase and mobilestationsinkm (valid 1 to20 km)

    K0 = 0 forurban area

    = 3 dB for denseurban area

    K1 =69.55 for frequency range 150 f 1000 MHz=46.3 for frequency range 1500 f 2000 MHz

    K2 =26.16 for frequency range 150 f 1000 MHz

    =33.9 for frequency range 1500 f 2000 MHz

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    (1)Enforcing condition of intercell handover:

    (Low to high frequency case)

    Where,f = original frequency of theserving BS

    fi = the frequency of a neighborBS indexed by i

    th1 = threshold fortriggering intercell handover

    th2 = threshold for determining intercell handover = SNR

    Intercell handovercanbeenforced beforechanging the frequency to avoid cell outage.

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    (2)Stopping condition of intercellhandover:(High to low frequency case)

    Where,f = original frequency of theserving BS

    fi = the frequency of a neighborBS indexed by i.

    th1 = threshold fortriggering intercell handover

    th2 = threshold for determining intercell handover = SNR

    Suspension of theintercell handover of a terminal attheedge of a cellcanbeenforced in orderto avoid redundantintercell handoverif coverageisexpanded.

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    Applied undercondition:

    Spectrumrange: 54 MHz< f < 698 MHz

    Bandwidth of each channel: 6 MHz

    During spectrum handover,thenew frequencyisselected randomly

    Terminals arelocated randomly

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    = Cell outage probability of conventional scheme

    = Cell outage probability of proposed scheme

    = = intercell handover parameter= 0 dB

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    Note: In proposed schemeredundant handoverisreduced by 30% according to aboveformula.

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    As original frequency of serving BS isrelativelyhigh,lowto high transition probabilitydecreases.

    Probability of coverageexpanded is high.

    Reduced intercell handover.

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  • 8/9/2019 Cognitive Radio System and Seamless Spectrum Handover


    The proposed scheme forthecognitiveradiosystemreducesthecell outage probability and

    thetotalnumber of handovers. Hence,itcanprovideseamlessserviceincognitiveradiosystem.

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    IanF. Akyildiz,et al., NeXtgeneration/dynamicspectrumaccess/cognitiveradio wirelessnetworks: A survey,ComNet2006

    Li-Chun Wang and Anderson Chen, Onthe Spatial. Coexistence ofInfrastructure-Based and Ad Hocconnections for a Cognitive RadioSystem

    S. Haykin, Cognitive Radio,JSAC 2005

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