cognos tm1 online classes.pdf

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Post on 02-Jun-2018




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  • 8/10/2019 Cognos TM1 Online Classes.pdf


    Cognos TM1 Online Classes

    Telephone (India) : +91 891 259 2027

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    Mo#ile : +91 988 502 2027$%ail: s&'ehnologies*ho%ailo%

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  • 8/10/2019 Cognos TM1 Online Classes.pdf


    Cognos TM1 Online Classes

    The IBM Cognos is an open, endeavor-class platform which can

    provide users with the business intelligence (BI) and performance

    management content and understands your business and thus helping

    in improved results Cognos is a software which is designed to helpone and all in your organi!ation through products for the individual,

    wor"group, department, midsi!ed business and large enterprises That

    ma"es decisions which can achieve better business outcomes#for now

    and in the future $dditionally, it provides abilities designed to help you

    more easily % manage Cognos software environments and thus

    increasing your return on investment and reduce your total cost of


  • 8/10/2019 Cognos TM1 Online Classes.pdf


    Cognos TM1 Online Classes

    Cognos and its capabilities&

    There are useful operations which can be done through cognos

    li"e 'erformance scalability with in-memory speed up, Commondata view from all interfaces, Big data interoperability, $ foundationof dimensional analysis, ecurity-rich managed access andcapabilities, Content archival, le*ible deployment, +*tensibility,pen standards

  • 8/10/2019 Cognos TM1 Online Classes.pdf


    Cognos TM1 Online Classes

    Telephone (USA) : +1 2103904819 Mobile : +91 988 502 2027

  • 8/10/2019 Cognos TM1 Online Classes.pdf


    Cognos TM1 Online Classes

    $ uery layer with optimi!ed uery generation combined withmultiple levels of in-memory caching provides enhancedperformance for comple* heterogeneous data or huge datavolumes in the tera bytes, inuiry layer provides in-memoryanalytics acceleration for dimensional analysis IBM Cognossoftware platform provides the base for operator controlledanalysis, which can help compel self-service BI and reduce the needfor IT to build reports to answer each business uestion

  • 8/10/2019 Cognos TM1 Online Classes.pdf


    Cognos TM1 Online Classes

    The resulting dimensional information by any Cognos interfacecan be accessed and optimi!ed based on the primary data sourceCognos software supports cloud enablement o, there is a chance

    of fle*ibility to deploy Cognos applications in the cloud Cognos BIimage is available for IBM mart Cloud +nterprise which can helpyou reduce deployment costs and have your application up andrunning in minutes

  • 8/10/2019 Cognos TM1 Online Classes.pdf


    Cognos TM1 Online Classes

    Mobile : +91 988 502 2027 Telephone (USA) : +1 2103904819

  • 8/10/2019 Cognos TM1 Online Classes.pdf


    Cognos TM1 Online Classes

    .ith Cognos, different versions of your business intelligencecontent can be archived and no performance is affected, but can stillaccess that content when you need it The Cognos software supportse*isting enterprise security providers, and enables to reuse security

    assets by lin"ing to security databases simultaneously, users fromdifferent repositories can cooperate and collaborate in a soleenvironment with conventional and managed data access through asingle sign-in as Cognos platform is built on open standards,Information Technology can use their current technology standardsand be confident that the environment-neutral platform can meet theirfuture reuirements as they evolve

  • 8/10/2019 Cognos TM1 Online Classes.pdf


    Cognos TM1 Online Classes

    Cognos nline training is a valuable and cost-effective method forcontinuous flow of "nowledge education and overall productivityenhancement that enables employees with well formed individuals andprovo"ed employees dedicated to build the business Cognos nlinelearning is a still a relatively young promising way to gain "nowledge, arich future of brea"-throughs

  • 8/10/2019 Cognos TM1 Online Classes.pdf


    Cognos TM1 Online Classes

    Telephone (India) : +91 891 259 2027

    Telephone (US) : +1 210!90"819

    Mo#ile : +91 988 502 2027

    $%ail: s&'ehnologies*ho%ailo%S,-pe id: s&'ehnologies



