École dugald school€¦ · carry a small notebook and pencil and let your child see you use it to...

Christine Fetterly Chris Gusberti Principal Assisant-Principal\ Directrice Directeur-Adjoint École Dugald School November 2018 543 Holland St Dugald MB R0E 0K0 Ph: 853-7929 Fx: 853-7395 Events – 2018/19 January 7 – School re-opens – Day 1 on the school cycle 15 – WSO Gr 2&3 23 – DPAC meeting 28 – Feb 1 – Kindergarten registration February 1 – No school for students – PD day 13 – Ski trip 18 – Louis Riel Day – No School March 1 – No school 7 - DPAC 14-15 – Student Led- Conferences 25-29 – Spring Break From the Desk of the Principal: November and December have been very busy months with Student led conferences and the younger students preparing for the Concert. With all of these exciting events behind us, we look forward to some restful time with family and friends for the next two weeks. We would like to wish Mme Bruneau all the best as she gets ready to welcome her new baby in January. Taking over in the Maternelle classroom will be Mme Lauren Markiw. Welcome Mme Markiw. In Room 7, Mme Hawrylyshen will be away for the months of January and February: in her place will be Mme Lucienne Lavallee who was a teacher here at ÉDS for many years. We also wish Ms. Obie, an Educational Assistant who took over for Ms. Adamson, all the best as we welcome Ms. Adamson back to École Dugald School. Ms. Jurkowski will be going off to Oakbank Elementary for a position there starting in January and Mrs. Devion will continue working in Room 11 until Mr. Moore returns later in the month. We would also like to wish any families who are moving out of the area, all the best! It was wonderful having you here and we wish for you continued success in the future. We are excitedly looking forward to the next six months of school with some upcoming events such as Kindergarten registration from January 28 th to February 1 st . If you or anyone you know have children who will be turning five by the end of December 2019, they are eligible for registering for Kindergarten. Some Middle Years students will be going on a ski trip in February to Assessippi Resort and we will have our second student led conferences in March. We continue to enjoy Fiddle Fridays with Cameron Baggins and look forward to having some fiddle performances at the Spring Concert. We wish you and your family all the best this holiday season regardless of how you celebrate. Have a wonderful month! Yours in education, Christine Fetterly Principal/Directrice

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Page 1: École Dugald School€¦ · Carry a small notebook and pencil and let your child see you use it to make a to-do list -- “Go by the bank, pick up dry cleaning, etc.” Get a notebook

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Christine Fetterly Chris Gusberti Principal Assisant-Principal\ Directrice Directeur-Adjoint

École Dugald School

November 2018 543 Holland St Dugald MB R0E 0K0 Ph: 853-7929 Fx: 853-7395

Events – 2018/19


7 – School re-opens – Day 1 on the school cycle

15 – WSO Gr 2&3

23 – DPAC meeting

28 – Feb 1 – Kindergarten registration


1 – No school for students – PD day

13 – Ski trip

18 – Louis Riel Day – No



1 – No school

7 - DPAC

14-15 – Student Led-Conferences

25-29 – Spring Break

From the Desk of the Principal: November and December have been very busy months with Student led conferences and the younger students preparing for the Concert. With all of these exciting events behind us, we look forward to some restful time with family and friends for the next two weeks. We would like to wish Mme Bruneau all the best as she gets ready to welcome her new baby in January. Taking over in the Maternelle classroom will be Mme Lauren Markiw. Welcome Mme Markiw. In Room 7, Mme Hawrylyshen will be away for the months of January and February: in her place will be Mme Lucienne Lavallee who was a teacher here at ÉDS for many years. We also wish Ms. Obie, an Educational Assistant who took over for Ms. Adamson, all the best as we welcome Ms. Adamson back to École Dugald School. Ms. Jurkowski will be going off to Oakbank Elementary for a position there starting in January and Mrs. Devion will continue working in Room 11 until Mr. Moore returns later in the month. We would also like to wish any families who are moving out of the area, all the best! It was wonderful having you here and we wish for you continued success in the future. We are excitedly looking forward to the next six months of school with some upcoming events such as Kindergarten registration from January 28th to February 1st. If you or anyone you know have children who will be turning five by the end of December 2019, they are eligible for registering for Kindergarten. Some Middle Years students will be going on a ski trip in February to Assessippi Resort and we will have our second student led conferences in March. We continue to enjoy Fiddle Fridays with Cameron Baggins and look forward to having some fiddle performances at the Spring Concert. We wish you and your family all the best this holiday season regardless of how you celebrate.

Have a wonderful month! Yours in education, Christine Fetterly Principal/Directrice

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How does writing help my child be a better reader? Writing is the reading process slowed down. Writing is a tremendous help to your child’s reading success. Write at home and on-the-go.

Carry a small notebook and pencil and let your child see you use it to make a to-do list -- “Go by the bank, pick up dry cleaning, etc.” Get a notebook for your child to write in as well. She can make a list of favorite foods, ideas for the weekend, etc.

Start a family journal. Keep a pad on the kitchen counter. Each member of the family can contribute by recording happenings -- the dog going to the vet, the weather being rainy, something happening at school, for example. At the end of the week, read aloud from the journal after dinner.

Have family members send e-mails to your child. Your child can read them when he gets home for school, improving his reading skills, and then respond back, improving his writing skills. No computer? Then leave your child a note and have him respond with a note to you.

Have your child write what he remembers about the day -- almost missing the bus, a new kid in the class,

having pizza for lunch, going to the computer lab, for example. You’ll learn something about his day, and your child will have the opportunity to reflect on his day.

This list-making game is never the same twice. Players have 45 seconds to write as many words as possible in a given category -- things that are red, for example. Then players, in turn, call off the words on their lists. If someone else has the word on his list, all players cross off the word. The player with the highest number of unique responses wins.

*Reading Recovery Council of Canada

Talent Development by Ms. Enns

From November 19-21, four students, Lauren Chalmers,

Camryn Nash, Azaria Pearson and Kendra Sliworsky, attended

the Sunrise School Division Junior Artspeak, a camp that

immerses students in all art disciplines. Talented Grade 7/8

students from throughout the division made their way to Camp

Cedarwood (north-east of Lac du Bonnet) to participate in

music, dance, theatre and visual arts classes lead by experts.

Organized by Mr. Anthony Steffes, there is also a senior level

camp available for high school students, for high school credit.

If you are interested in more information, please contact Ms. Enns.

What was your favourite thing about ArtSpeak?

Camryn: Everything!!!

Kendra: I liked dancing because our teacher choreographed a dance for all of us to learn. The teacher was very


Was it challenging?

Azaria: The first day was a little challenging because you don’t know anyone. I saw Lauren right away and then

we met new people from different schools.

Kendra: A little. You learn a lot of new stuff.

Who should go to Artspeak?

Azaria: People who love to be active and to participate in art, dance, music and theatre. They have to have a lot of


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STUDENT GOVERNMENT BRINGS IN DONATIONS The student government is a group of elected students from each 6 to 8 classroom. We are dedicated to making this school year and those to come a better experience for the school. This month we raised 48 kilograms of food that we donated to Springfield Food Bank. We would like to thank everybody who donated. Last month we had a successful Halloween dance in the gym with a haunted house and music. Our next initiative will be helping Lexi Taylor with her project: A little bit of warm and collecting food for Christmas hampers. Stay tuned for more information.

By John Ziehlke

News from room 9!

During the first term, our class has been working on a Monster theme. We were lucky to have Mme Alé, an artist in the school, come in to help us create some really neat monsters out of paper maché. We wrote stories about our monsters, measured them, did some monster math and even made them talk using a cool app called “Chatter kids”! We had a lot of fun exploring different art mediums and making monster food for our monsters!

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News from the gym

For all sports information, please visit the Athletics tab on our school website :


In Class:

Fitness Fridays: Every Friday, we scrap our skill building lessons and focus on developing our

physical fitness. Sometimes it means we are doing circuit training, HIIT workouts or following

workout routines through www.fitnessblender.com. Other times, we are learning new dances,

challenging ourselves with the 10-minute run, or learning new games that will work all facets of

fitness development. Each and every student is encouraged to push their limits during these

classes and challenge themselves physically while listening to their body and focusing on what

it needs. Modifications are always presented and it is individual choice that makes it enjoyable

for all.

Through all of our classes, we hope to develop and foster a positive outlook towards continued

physical activity for life. Please visit the athletics page on the school website for resources on how

to encourage physical activity in your child/family and the benefits it can have on daily life.

Extra Curricular Athletics

Cross Country: We are very proud of all our athletes who braved the elements for the grade 3-5

x-country race on October 3rd. A little snow couldn’t scare us away from trying our best!

Unfortunately the middle years meet was cancelled due to unsafe road conditions and will not

be re-scheduled this year. We are proud of all of you!

Handball: On October 27th, we hosted our third annual Grade 4/5 Handball tournament at SCI.

Over 100 students in total came out to play from Anola, Gillis, and

Dugald School. Students participating showed an amazing display

of good sportsmanship, communication skills, and teamwork. We

are very proud of your efforts and commitment! A special thank you

to parents who gave up their Saturday, Mme. Martens who ran the

canteen and our grade 7/8 helpers who were there to support our

teams as coaches (Kayla, Becca, Mardi, Caleb, Jake, Kiera, Sam,

and Grace.)

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Volleyball: Our grade 7/8 volleyball teams have had lots of gameplay this year.

Between invitational tournaments and scrimmage games at other schools in the division, we

were more than ready to face off at the divisional tournament on November 27th. A special thank

you to our coaches, Mme Colwell, Mrs. Lamoureux and Mme Martens for all their time and effort

they have put into this season. A job well done to all teams involved and we wish good luck to

the Grade 8 Girls team who are heading to crossovers on December 4th at SMS.

Tripleball: Triple ball is a low competitive, volleyball adaptation that focuses less on winning, and

more on the transitions of volleyball. There is usually a grade five tournament at the beginning of

January at OBE and grade 6 tournament at the end of January at SMS – both tournaments would

be on a week night. Practices will mostly be held during the lunch hour with one after school

practice per week in preparation for the tournament. Any grade 5/6 students interested in

committing to practices and attending the tournament may join. A note will be sent home shortly

to those interested.

Basketball: Basketball season is just around the corner! We will have enough students for one girls

and one boys team to which notes will be sent home shortly with schedules for practices

beginning in the New Year. Please be sure to read through our updated athletic contract that

all athletes are expected to uphold when engaging in extra-curricular sports at École Dugald


Let’s keep our activity levels high Dragons!

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Band Notes by Ms. Enns

Strength Leadership Excellence…and now introducing the inaugural

2018-2019 Band Blasters Association Executive!!!! This student

leadership group is comprised of class captains from all Band classes as

well as the elected President, Kiera Lamoureux, and vice-presidents,

Jaxon Boyce-Gaudreau and Kieran Anderson. These students assist with

the administrative tasks in class, help organize events/presentations and

represent their peers. Any student who has an awesome musical idea or

suggestion for our learning in class is welcome to approach an association

representative. Communication is essential to our team development.

At the November conferences, please stop by the Band Room to check

out our team art for the 2018-2019 school year, representing each

member of our musical family (see the large dragon head in the photo).

Thank you to the class captains that planned for and assembled this visual

representation, which is a yearly tradition in the program and

an important step in team development.

Congratulations to the all the Grade 6 students and parents that attended the Band Fun Night on Wednesday, November

21. What an amazing evening of collective music-making,

collaboration and celebration. Kudos to the students who

actively and successfully prepared their parents to play their

band instrument in this workshop setting. Parents

authentically participated in a band rehearsal and truly

experienced the multi-faceted music education their child

receives in this provincially recognized program. A similar

evening was offered 10 years ago and we are so pleased to

evaluate how much the program has grown in this time.

Wonderful sounds and many smiles!!!! Thank you


Five students represented our school in the Eastman-Interlake Junior Honour Band on Friday, November 23 and

Saturday, November 24. Paige Babcock (clarinet), Grace Kotzer (trombone), Kiera Lamoureux (trumpet), Carson

Segal-Ricard (alto saxophone) and Landen Gusberti (tuba) were awesome. Rehearsals took place at Springfield

Middle School and the public performance on Saturday, which included the Grade 9-10 Intermediate Honour Band,

was well-attended. This regional honour band is open to all school in the Eastman/Interlake areas and participants

are selected by the school Band Director.

Other highlights:

The Grade 7 Band and Grade 8 Band hosted a Band Petting Zoo on Thursday, November 22. Students of

Mme Moritz and Mme Martens attended and were able to hold the instruments, ask questions about Band and

hear our awesome senior musicians play their prepared music.

The Jazz Band performed at the Springfield Agricultural Society AGM dinner on Saturday, November 3,


Upcoming dates:

1. Thurs, Dec 13; (evening)- Caroling Night in Dugald- Interested grade 6-8 students

2. Mon, December 17, 1 to 1:45 pm- Dugald Estates Performance- All Grade 6 students.

3. Fri, February 22- Star Wars vs Star Trek WSO concert- Interested students.

4. Thurs, May 16 (7 pm)- Band Concert (Springfield Collegiate, Oakbank)- All Band students.

5. Sat, June 8 (full day trip)- Brandon Travellers’ Day Parade- Marching Band (interested grade 6-8
