collaborative management of natural resources

Collaborative Management of Natural Resources Principles, models and best practice planning methodologies

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Post on 18-Jul-2015



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Collaborative Managementof Natural Resources

Principles, models and best practice planning methodologies


• Government policy framework• Treaty of Waitangi

• Local Government Act 2002 – s10:• Purpose of local government is to enable local democratic decision-making

• Meet current and future needs of communities

• Must be efficient, effective and appropriate

• Ngai Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998

• Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu Act 1996

Resource Management Act 1991

• Sustainable management practices (s5)

• Recognition of Maori culture and traditions (s6e)

• Kaitiakitanga: the ethic of stewardship (s7a)

• Transfer of powers (s33)• Possible models for collaborative management

• Power to make a joint management agreement (s36)

ECan Strategies

• Canterbury Regional Policy Statement 2013 (CRPS)• Defines issues of significance to Ngai Tahu

• Kaitiakitanga: stewardship

• Rangatiratanga: mana or authority

• Toanga: Treasures

• Mahinga kai: customary gathering of food and natural resources

• Wahi tapu: Sites that are protected from inappropriate activity

• Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS)


• Collaborative management: Refers to management and governance of natural resources between local/national level governments and indigenous peoples.

• Co-governance: Directing and having strategic oversight.

• Co-management or joint management: This is the actual process of day-to-day management of a natural resource.

Collaborative Management Models

• The Ontario planning model

• Australia• Indigenous Protected Areas Program Logic Framework (IPA)

• New Zealand• 3 examples

Ontario Planning Model

Indigenous Protected Area Program Logic - (Australian Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (2013)

Australian Indigenous Protected Area Program Logic Framework

Collaborative Management in New Zealand

• RMA s33 models• Statutory authority

• Waikato-Tainui Raupatu Claims Settlement Act

• Te Waihora• High levels of pollution a driving factor

• Joint management agreement between DOC and Ngai Tahu (2005)

• Te Arawa Lakes fisheries agreement • Between Te Arawa iwi and the Ministry of Fisheries

• Co-management agreement very nuanced

• Early involvement of NIWA (developed management plan)

Key principles

• Flexible and holistic

• Flatten organisational structures

• Stakeholder engagement

• Strategy should be measurable

• Governance

• Implementation infrastructure• Customised information system

• Business case

Planning philosophies

• Legislative driven approach: An approach to planning the implementation of collaborative management of natural resources that uses regulatory and legislative frameworks as a principle driver for the development of models and frameworks.

• Resource-driven approach:It places emphasis on building governance and management structures around the specific ecological needs for a particular natural resource.


• Establish a virtual collaborative management unit• Provide resources to facilitate planning and implementation of collaborative

management arrangements

• Provides managerial services and oversight throughout the lifecycle

• Staff and technical specialists participate on an ad-hoc basis

Implementation framework

• Flexibility and scalability

• Strategic alignment with stakeholders goals

• Seamless use of project management practices

Mandatory steps

• A steering committee to be appointed for each project

• Risk assessments at strategic planning stage

• Collaborative Management Information Resource (CMIR)• Use existing SharePoint infrastructure at ECan

• Customised for each new project

• Develop guidelines for use of Iwi management plans

• Use best project management practices

• Full internal and external reviews throughout project

Monitoring and compliance

• Outcomes – Measurable strategic goals (agreed on by key stakeholders).

• Impacts – What are the specific details and performance data resulting from the outputs?

• Outputs – Actions undertaken, could be scientific, relate to infrastructure etc.

• Resources – Includes funding, human, and other resources and assets.

Future research

• Investigate specific types of planning frameworks based on PPP’s and joint ventures as used in the private sector

• New types of economic measurement systems

• Develop guidelines for development of formal procedures for monitoring of collaborative management arrangements