c*ollege credit: creating your first app in java with cassandra

CREATING YOUR FIRST JAVA APP W/ C* Brian O’Neill, Lead Architect, Health Market Science [email protected] @boneill42

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Brian O’Neill, Lead Architect, Health Market Science

[email protected]@boneill42

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Background Setup Data Model / Schema Naughty List (Astyanax) Toy List (CQL)

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Our Problem

Good, bad doctors? Dead doctors? Prescriber eligibility and remediation.

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The World-Wide Globally Scalable Naughty List!

How about a Naughty and Nice list for Santa?

1.9 billion childrenThat will fit in a single row!

Queries to support:Children can login and check

their standing.Santa can find nice children by

country, state or zip.

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Getting Setup.

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As easy as… Downloadhttp://cassandra.apache.org/download/

Uncompresstar -xvzf apache-cassandra-1.2.0-beta3-bin.tar.gz

Runbin/cassandra –f

(-f puts it in foreground)

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conf/cassandra.yamlstart_native_transport: true // CHANGE THIS TO TRUEcommitlog_directory: /var/lib/cassandra/commitlog


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Data Model Schema (a.k.a. Keyspace) Table (a.k.a. Column Family) Row

Have arbitrary #’s of columnsValidator for keys (e.g. UTF8Type)

ColumnValidator for values and keysComparator for keys (e.g. DateType or BYOC)


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Distributed Architecture Nodes form a token ring.

Nodes partition the ring by initial tokeninitial_token: (in cassandra.yaml)

Partitioners map row keys to tokens.Usually randomly, to evenly distribute the data

All columns for a row are stored together on disk in sorted order.

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Row Hash

Alice 50

Bob 3

Eve 15

Token/Hash Range : 0-99

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Java Interpretation

Each table is a Distributed HashMap Each row is a SortedMap.

Cassandra provides a massively scalable version of:

HashMap<rowKey, SortedMap<columnKey, columnValue>

Implications:Direct row fetch is fast.Searching a range of rows can be costly.Searching a range of columns is cheap.

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Defining our schema

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Two Tables

Children TableStore all the children in the world.One row per child.One column per attribute.

NaughtyOrNice TableSupports the queries we anticipateWide-Row Strategy

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Details of the NaughtyOrNice List One row per standing:country

Ensures all children in a country are grouped together on disk.

One column per child using a compound keyEnsures the columns are sorted to support our search at varying levels of granularity○ e.g. All nice children in the US.○ e.g. All naughty children in PA.

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Node 3

Node 2

Node 1











Watch out for:• Hot spotting• Unbalanced Clusters

(1) Go to the row.(2) Get the column slice

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Our Schema

bin/cqlsh -3 CREATE KEYSPACE northpole WITH replication =

{'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':1};

create table children ( childId varchar, firstName varchar, lastName varchar, timezone varchar, country varchar, state varchar, zip varchar, primary key (childId ) ) WITH COMPACT STORAGE;

create table naughtyOrNiceList ( standingByZone varchar, country varchar, state varchar, zip varchar, childId varchar, primary key (standingByZone, country, state, zip, childId) );

bin/cassandra-cli(the “old school” interface)

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The CQL->Data Model Rules First primary key becomes the rowkey.

Subsequent components of the primary key form a composite column name.

One column is then written for each non-primary key column.

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CQL Viewcqlsh:northpole> select * from naughtyornicelist ;

standingbycountry | state | zip | childid-------------------+-------+-------+--------------- naughty:USA | CA | 94111 | bart.simpson naughty:USA | CA | 94222 | dennis.menace nice:IRL | D | EI33 | collin.oneill nice:IRL | D | EI33 | owen.oneill nice:USA | CA | 94333 | johny.b.good nice:USA | CA | 94333 | richie.rich

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CLI View[default@northpole] list naughtyornicelist;Using default limit of 100Using default column limit of 100-------------------RowKey: naughty:USA=> (column=CA:94111:bart.simpson:, value=, timestamp=1355168971612000)=> (column=CA:94222:dennis.menace:, value=, timestamp=1355168971614000)-------------------RowKey: nice:IRL=> (column=D:EI33:collin.oneill:, value=, timestamp=1355168971604000)=> (column=D:EI33:owen.oneill:, value=, timestamp=1355168971601000)-------------------RowKey: nice:USA=> (column=CA:94333:johny.b.good:, value=, timestamp=1355168971610000)=> (column=CA:94333:richie.rich:, value=, timestamp=1355168971606000)

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Data Model Implications

select * from children where childid='owen.oneill';

select * from naughtyornicelist where childid='owen.oneill';

Bad Request:

select * from naughtyornicelist where standingbycountry='nice:IRL' and state='D' and zip='EI33' and childid='owen.oneill';

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Let’s get cranking.

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No, seriously. Let’s code! What API should we use?


Potential Momentum

Thrift 10 -1 -1

Hector 10 8 8

Astyanax 8 9 10

Kundera (JPA) 6 9 9

Pelops 7 6 7

Firebrand 8 10 8

PlayORM 5 8 7

GORA 6 9 7

CQL Driver ? ? ?


Asytanax FTW!

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Connect this.astyanaxContext = new AstyanaxContext.Builder()






Specify:Cluster Name (arbitrary identifier)Keyspace Node Discovery MethodConnection Pool Information

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Write/UpdateMutationBatch mutation = keyspace.prepareMutationBatch();columnFamily = new ColumnFamily<String, String>(columnFamilyName, StringSerializer.get(), StringSerializer.get());mutation.withRow(columnFamily, rowKey)

.putColumn(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), null);mutation.execute();

Process:Create a mutationSpecify the Column Family with SerializersPut your columns.Execute

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Composite Types

Composite (a.k.a. Compound)

public class ListEntry { @Component(ordinal = 0) public String state; @Component(ordinal = 1) public String zip; @Component(ordinal = 2) public String childId;}

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Range Builders

range = entitySerializer.buildRange().withPrefix(state).greaterThanEquals("").lessThanEquals("99999");



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What about the toys!?

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CQL Collections!


Set UPDATE users SET emails = emails + {'[email protected]'} WHERE user_id = 'frodo';

List UPDATE users SET top_places = [ 'the shire' ] + top_places WHERE user_id = 'frodo';

Maps UPDATE users SET todo['2012-10-2 12:10'] = 'die' WHERE user_id = 'frodo';

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CQL vs. Thrift


Thrift is legacy API on which all of the Java APIs are built.

CQL is the new native protocol and driver.

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Let’s get back to cranking… Recreate the schema (to be CQL friendly) UPDATE children SET toys = toys + [ ‘legos' ] WHERE

childId = ’owen.oneill’;

Crank out a Dao layer to use CQL collections operations.

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Shameless Shoutout(s)

Virgil https://github.com/boneill42/virgil

REST interface for Cassandra

https://github.com/boneill42/storm-cassandraDistributed Processing on Cassandra(Webinar in January)

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Brian O’Neill@[email protected]