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COLLEGE OF MEDICINE CURRICULUM VITAE John Joseph Callaghan, M.D. December 2006 I. EDUCATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL HISTORY A. Institutions Attended Institution Year Degree/Position Notre Dame University, South Bend, IN 1976 BS Loyola Medical School, Chicago, IL 1978 MD Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 1978-83 Residency/Orthopaedics Hospital for Special Surgery, 1983-84 New York, NY Memorial Sloan-Keltering Cancer 1983-84 Fellow in Orthopaedic Surgery Cnt, New York, NY Certification: American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, July 14, 1985 Board Licensure: Medicine & Surgery State : Iowa #21696; Permanent Other: North Carolina #32477; New York #154326 B. Professional & Academic Positions Position Year Institution Active Army Reserves 1978-84 Surgeon in Orthopaedics 1983-84 New York Hospital, NY Asst. Chief, Adult Reconstruction 1984-87 Dept. of Orthopaedics, Walter Services Reed Medical Center

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John Joseph Callaghan, M.D.

December 2006


A. Institutions Attended

Institution Year Degree/Position

Notre Dame University, South Bend, IN 1976 BSLoyola Medical School, Chicago, IL 1978 MDUniv. of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 1978-83 Residency/OrthopaedicsHospital for Special Surgery, 1983-84 New York, NYMemorial Sloan-Keltering Cancer 1983-84 Fellow in Orthopaedic Surgery Cnt, New York, NY

Certification: American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, July 14, 1985


Licensure: Medicine & Surgery

State: Iowa #21696; Permanent

Other: North Carolina #32477; New York #154326

B. Professional & Academic Positions

Position Year Institution

Active Army Reserves 1978-84Surgeon in Orthopaedics 1983-84 New York Hospital, NYAsst. Chief, Adult Reconstruction 1984-87 Dept. of Orthopaedics, Walter Services Reed Medical CenterActive Duty United States Army 1984-88Assistant Professor 1984-Present Uniformed Serv Univ. Health

SciencesChief Adult Reconstruction 1987-88 Dept. of Orthopaedics, Walter Surgery Reed Medical CenterAssistant Professor 1988-90 Duke Univ. Med. Cnt., Durham, NCAssistant Professor 1988-90 Dept. of Bioengineering, Duke

UniversityInactive Army Reserves 1988-95Staff 1988-90 Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery,

Veterans Hospital, Durham, NCStaff 1990-Present Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery,

Veterans Hospital, Iowa City, IA



John J. Callaghan, 2

Associate Professor 1990-93 Dept. of Orthopaedics, Univ. of Iowa College of Medicine., Iowa City, IA

Professor 1993-Present Dept. of Orthopaedics, Univ. of Iowa College of Medicine., Iowa City, IA

Professor 1996-Present Dept. of Bioengineering, Univ. of Iowa College of Medicine., Iowa City, IA

The Lawrence & Marilyn Dorr Chair in 2002-Present Dept. of Orthopaedics, Univ. of Hip Surgery & Research Iowa College of Medicine,

Iowa City, IA

C. Honors, Awards, Recognitions, Outstanding Achievements

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Award

Gardner J; O’Rourke M; Callaghan J; Liu S; Goetz D; Vittetoe D; Sullivan P; Johnston R: “Unicompartmental Knee Replacement: A Minimum Twenty-One Year Follow-Up End Result Study,” First Place Poster in Classification (Knee Arthroplasty) and First Place Poster Overall, 2005.

American Orthopaedic Association Awards

American Orthopaedic Association North American Traveling Fellowship, 1986.

American Orthopaedic Association ABC Traveling Fellow, 1991.

American Society of Biomechanics

Clinical Biomechanics Award, American Society of Biomechanics. Bristol, R.; Fitzpatrick, D.; Brown, T.; Callaghan, J.: "Non-Uniformity of Contact Stress in Total Knee Arthroplasty." 1994

Nadzadi M.; Pedersen D.; Yack J.; Callaghan J.: “Kinematics, Kinetics, and Finite Element Analysis of Common Place Maneuvers at Risk for Total Hip Dislocation.” Clinical Biomechanics Award of the American Society of Biomechanics, San Diego, CA, August 11, 2000.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Doctoral Level Best Student Paper Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division: Maxian, T.; Brown, T; Pedersen, D.; Callaghan, J.: Adapative Remeshing Behavior of a Sliding-Distance-Coupled Model of THA Wear. 1995

Eastern Orthopaedic Association Resident/Fellow Scholar Award:

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Eastern Orthopaedic Association Resident/Fellow Scholar Award, October 1984: Two-to Five-Year Results of Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty: Have We Improved.

Eastern Orthopaedic Association Resident/Fellow Scholar Award, October 1989: A Comprehensive Prospective Analysis of Primary Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty. (co-author).

Hip Society Awards

Frank Stinchfield Hip Society Award, January 1985: Callaghan, J.; Salvati, E.; Brause, B.; Rimnac, C.; Wright, T. Reimplantation for Salvage of the Infected Hip: Rationale for the Use of Gentamicin Impregnated Cement and Beads.

Frank Stinchfield Hip Society Award, 1993: MacKenzie, J.; Callaghan, J.; Pedersen, D.; Brown T. Areas of Contact and Extent of Gaps with Implantation of Oversized Acetabular Components in Total Hip Arthroplasty.

Frank Stinchfield Hip Society Award, 1996: Maxian, T.; Brown T.; Pedersen, D.; Callaghan, J. Three-Dimensional Sliding/Contact Computational Simultation of Acetabular Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty.

Frank Stinchfield Hip Society Award, 1997: Hop, J.; Callaghan, J.; Olejniczak, J.; Pedersen, D.; Brown, T.; Johnston, R. An In Vivo Model of Third Body Wear - Contribution of Cable Debris Generation to Accelerated Polyethylene Wear and Acetabular Component Loosening.

The John Charnley Hip Society Award, 1999. Callaghan, J.; Johnston, R.; Pedersen, D.: Practice Surveillance: A Practical Method to Assess Outcomes and to Perform Clinical Research.

Iowa Orthopaedic Society Awards

Liu S.: Iowa Orthopaedic Society Award – Callaghan Advisor 2000: Minimum 15-Year Follow-up of the Iowa Total Hip.

Buckwalter, A.: Iowa Orthopaedic Society Research Award – Callaghan Advisor 2003: Long Term Follow-up of 2000 Consecutive Charnley Total Hip Replacements.

Knee Society Awards

The Coventry Award. Open Meeting of the Knee Society, Mar. 2001: Otto J.; Callaghan J.; Brown T.: Multiple Surface Contact Stress and Motion Patterns in Mobile Bearing TKA: Experimental and Finite Element Characterizations.

- The Insall Award. Open Meeting of the Knee Society, Feb. 2005. O’Rourke, M., Gardner, J., Callaghan, J., Liu, S., Goetz, D., Vittetoe, D., Sullivan, P., Johnston, R.: Unicompartmental Knee Replacement: A Minimum Twenty-One Year Follow-up, End Result Study.

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Michael Bonfiglio Awards, University of Iowa

Ash, S.: Michael Bonfiglio Student Research Award – Callaghan, J. (Advisor), 1993. Long Term Follow-up of the Conversion of Cup Arthroplasty to Total Hip Arthroplasty.

Maxium, T.: Michael Bonfiglio Student Research Award – Callaghan, J. (Advisor), 1997. Three D Finnite Element Modeling of Acetabular Wear.

Albright, J.: Michael Bonfiglio Student Research Award - Callaghan, J.; Johnston, R. (Advisor), 1998. Minimum 25 Year Follow-up Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty.

Fetzer, G.: Michael Bonfiglio Student Research Award – Callaghan, J. (Advisor), 2001. Impaction Grafting in Revision Hip Surgery for Severe Bone Loss.

Templeton, J.: Michael Bonfiglio Student Research Award – Callaghan, J. (Advisor), 2003. Minimum 30-Year Follow-up of Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty.

Gardner, J.: Michael Bonfiglio Student Research Award – Callaghan, J. (Advisor), 2005. Unicompartmental Knee Replacement: A Minimum Twenty-One Year Follow-Up End Result Study.

Mid-America Orthopaedic Association Awards

Madey, S.; Callaghan, J.; Olejniczak, J.; Goetz, D.; Johnston, R.: Minimum 15 Year Follow-up of Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty Using Improved Cementing Techniques. Mid-America Orthopaedic Association Ed Henderson Writing Award, 1996.

Hop, J.; Callaghan, J.; Olejniczak, J.; Pedersen, D.; Brown, T.; Johnston, R.: Trochanteric Reattachment Cable Debris Generation as a Model for 3rd Body Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty. J. Albert Key Award from the Mid-America Orthopaedic Association, 1997.

- Keener J., Callaghan J., Johnston R.: Clinical Functional and Radiographic Results of Total Hip Replacement in Patients Under Age 50. D. Phemister Award, Mid-America Association 2002.

- Klapach, A.; Callaghan, J.: The Minimum 20 Year Follow-up of Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty Performed for Severe Dysplasia of the Hip: Is Bone Grafting Necessary? The E.W. Johnson, Jr., M.D. Prize for Excellence in Medical Writing, Mid America Orthopaedic Association 2003.

- Firestone, D.; Liu, S.; Callaghan, J.; Gaffey, J.; Pedersen, D.; Goetz, D.; Sullivan, P.; Johnston, R.: Comparison of Three Cemented Femoral Components with Identical Geometry but Different Surface Finishes at Minimum 10-Year Follow-up, Mid America Orthopaedic Association Edward D. Henderson Physician in Training Award, 2004.

Orthopaedic Research Education Foundation Awards

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John Charnley Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation Career Development Award 1989.

- Callaghan, J.; Johnston, R.; Pedersen, D.; Brown, T. Orthopaedic Research Education Foundation Clinical Research Award: The Clinical Biomechanics of Wear, 2003.

Orthopaedic Research Society Awards

1997 William H. Harris Award from the Orthopaedic Research Society: Pedersen, D.; Brown, T.; Hillis, S.; Callaghan, J.: Prediction of Long-Term Polyethylene Wear, Based on Measurements Made Using Digital Image Analysis.

University of Iowa, Research Day Awards

- 2006: Outstanding Poster Award: Yehyawi TM, Callaghan JJ, O’Rourke MR, Pedersen DR, Liu SS. Implications of Sagittal Femoral Bowing on Knee Arthritis and Total Knee Arthroplasty

Washington D.C. Orthopaedic Society Awards

Washington, D.C. Orthopaedic Society 1st Place Resident Paper Award 1987.

Washington, D.C. Orthopaedic Society 2nd Place Resident Paper Award 1988.

Exposure of Articular Cartilage to Air (co-author).

Other Miscellaneous Awards

Cum Laude University of Notre Dame

American Society of Clinical Pathologists/College of American Pathologists, Fall Meeting. 1st Place Exhibit Federal Institution, 1986.

Hip Lesions Mimicking Primary Osteoarthritis: A Radiographic and Histologic Study.

Orthopaedic Residents Attending Staff Teaching Award 1986-1987. (Presented to Orthopaedic Attending Staff and Voted by the Residents as contributing most to the Orthopaedic Residency Teaching Program).

A Prospective Minimum Two Year Follow-up of Porous Coated Anatomic Uncemented Total Hip Replacement (co-author).

Mideastern Chapter, Society of Nuclear Medicine, XVIII Annual Meeting. 2nd Place Award Physician's Category.


Labeled White Blood Cell (In-WBC) Uptake in Noninfected Closed Fractures in Humans. A Prospective Study. (co-author).

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Orthopaedic Residents Attending Staff Teaching Award 1987-1988 (Presented to Orthopaedic Attending Staff and Voted by Residents as contributing most to the Orthopaedic Residency Teaching Program).

1994 Best Student Paper Award, Committee F-4, American Society for Testing and Materials. Pedersen, D.; Callaghan, J.; Olejniczak, J.; Johnston, R.: "In Vivo Polyethylene Wear Rates in Five Different Acetabular Components Used Over a Five to Twenty-two Year Period."

1995 College of Medicine Melvin Marcus Clinical Research Award. Maxian, T.; Brown, T.; Pedersen, D; Callaghan, J.: "Three D Finite Element Modeling of Acetabular Wear."

1995 Clinical Research Medical Student Award, American Federation for Clinical Research. Maxian, T.; Brown, T.; Pedersen, D; Callaghan, J.: "Three D Finite Element Modeling of Acetabular Wear."

Best Doctors in America National 1996-Present.

Boltzmann Heredity Integrals as a Means to Compensate for Drift in a Contemporary Pezo Resistive Contact Stress Sensor. Otto, J.; Brown, T.; Heiner, A.; Callaghan, J.: Best Poster Award. Third North American Congress on Biomechanics, University of Waterloo, August 14-18, 1998.

Otto, J.; Brown, T.; Callaghan, J.: Best Poster – Third North American Congress of Biomechanics: A New Technique for Error or Compensation for a K-Scan Contact Pressure Measurements in TKA.

2006 University of Iowa College of Medicine Melvin Marcus Research Award: Andrea E. Buckwalter, BS – Mentor: John Callaghan, MD


A. Teaching Assignments on Semester by Semester Basis

Medical Students Hip Exam Tape every 2 weeks/Hip & Knee Exam every 1 monthResidents Comprehensive hip and knee review every three months (review

with residents over 250 articles)Orthopaedic Journal Club Monthly 1990-1993Sports Medicine Journal Club 1990-1993

Radiology Grand X-ray Evaluation of total hip and total knee arthroplasty April 1991 RoundsGraduate Rehabilitation after THR and TKR - Nov. 1990

Masters Program in Physical Therapy Rehabilitation after THR and TKR - Dec. 1990University of Iowa Hospital PT - Annually Total Hip Arthroplasty Update

Clinical Activities Inpatient - Perform over 250 operations at University & VA yearlyOutpatient – See over 1500 patients yearly

B. Students SupervisedMedical Students:

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2005-2006 Chris George Minimum 20-Year Follow-Up of Cemented Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty

Matthew Teusink Cementless Acetabular Fixation in Patients Age 50 and Under

Lucian Warth Morphologic Features of Hips in THA Patients Age 50 and UnderEvaluation of DVT Prophylaxis in Low Risk Patients Undergoing TKA

Tameem Yehyawi Sagittal Bowing of the Femur in TKA

2004-2005 Daniel Firestone 19-20 Year Follow-Up of a Cemented Collared Femoral Component Using Contemporary Cementing Technique

Jessica Leinen Wear of Cross-Linked Polyethylene in TotalHip Arthroplasty

Catherine Metz Cementless Acetabular Fixation in Patients Age 50 & Under at 5-10 Year Follow-Up

Lucian Warth Internet Promotion of MIS and CAOS in TKA Tameem Yehyawi Sagittal Bowing of the Femur in Patients

Undergoing TKA

2003-2004 Jeremy Gardner Unicompartmental Knee ReplacementChris George Minimum 20-Year Follow-up of Cemented

Revision Total Hip ArthroplastyMichael Iossi Cemented Rotating-Platform Total Knee

ReplacementJessica Leinen Wear of Cross-Linked Polyethylene in Total

Hip ArthroplastyMatthew Teusink Hybrid Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Under

the Age of 50Audey Veach 19 to 20 Year Follow-up of Iowa Total Hip


2002-2003 Andrea Buckwalter A Minimum 25-Year Follow-up of CementedTotal Hip Arthroplasty Using “Contemporary”Cement Technique

Kevin Dahl The Effect of Cable Debris on AcetabularConstruct Durability in Cemented Total HipArthroplasty at Minimum 20-Year Follow-up

Daniel Firestone Comparison of Three Cemented FemoralComponents with Identical Geometry butDifferent Surface Finishes at Minimum 10-YearFollow-up

Brian Schroeder Cementless Acetabular Fixation in THR Performed for CDH: Is Bone GraftingNecessary?

2001-2002 Andrea Buckwater Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty Data BaseProject

Cory Christiansen Pubic Rami Insufficiency Fractures FollowingCementless Acetabular Fixation in Total HipArthroplasty

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John Gaffey Cementless Acetabular Fixation at 15-YearFollow-up

Angie Hendrickson Minimum 5- to 7-Year Follow-up of a Contemporary Cementless Femoral ComponentIn Total Hip Arthroplasty

Steve Liu Minimum 30-Year Follow-up of Charnley TotalHip Arthroplasty

Clifford Novak Cementation of Constrained Liners Into SecureCementless Acetabular Shells: A 2 to 12-YearFollow-up Study

Jesse Templeton Minimum 30-Year Follow-up of Charnley TotalHip Arthroplasty

2000-2001 Gary Fetzer Results of Femoral Impaction GraftingMinimum 10-Year Results PFC Cruciate Retaining Knee Replacement

Jesse Templeton Minimum 10-Year Results Hybrid Revisions

1999-2000 Bradley Heithoff Long-Term Follow-up Dislocation Following Total Hip Replacement

Todd Johnston Minimum 5-Year Follow-up Polished Iowa Stems

Steve Liu 14- to 15-Year Follow-up of Matte Iowa Component

1998-1999 Aimee Klapach 20-Year Follow-up Contemporary Charnley Total Hip Replacement

Kristin Miller Mortality Following Total Hip ReplacementLong Term Follow-up Cemented Total Hip Replacement for CDH

1996-1997 Jay Albright 25-Year Follow-up Charnley Total Hip Replacement10-Year Follow-up Uncemented Acetabular Components

Matthew Squire Long Term Follow-up Unicondylar ReplacementLong Term Follow-up Rotating Platform Knees

1992-1993 Christopher Scott Long Term Follow-up Osteochondritis Dessicans

1993-1994 Stephen Ash Cup Arthroplasty to THRTodd Hall Fat Embolus During Revision Hip Surgery

1994-1995 Dennis Weigel Hybrid Replacement for CDHAnchor Sutures in Hip Surgery

1995-1996 Scott Sporer 5 to 10-Year Hybrid Results in Under 50Erin Forest Minimum 20-Year Charnley Results in Under 50

Orthopaedic Residents Senior Projects:

* 1994 K. Schulte 20-Year Follow-up THR* 1995 G. Emodi Evaluation of PCL in TKR* 1995 T. Ballard Long Term Follow-up of THR in Under 50* 1995 R. Katz Long Term Follow-up of Revision THR* 1996 K. Weber Hybrid Revision Replacement

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1996 M. Creighton Long Term Follow-up THR in Rheumatoid Patients

1996 T. Fyda Long Term Follow-up THR in Aseptic Necrosis Patients

* 1996 S. Madey 15-Year Follow-up of Charnley THR with Contemporary Technique

* 1997 J. Hop Effect of 3rd Body Debris on THR Wear* 1997 M. Pyevich Total Ankle Arthroplasty* 2000 M. O’Rourke Minimum Five-Year Follow-up of Insall-Burstein

II Knee Replacement* 2000 J. Keener 25-30 Year Follow-up of Cemented Charnley

Total Hip Replacement in Patients Under Age 50

* 2000 S. Knecht Minimum Ten Year Follow-up of Total Ankle Arthroplasty* 2000 G. Haft Evaluation of Cementing Polyethylene Liners

into Cementless Metal Backed Shells

* 2003 C. Sliva Staggered Four to Seven Day Single Hospitalization Bilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty

* 2003 A. Klapach Minimum 20-Year Follow-up of Cemented TotalHip Arthroplasty for Severe Dysplasia of the Hip:Is Bone Grafting Necessary?

2006 A. Altenburg Effect of Cable Debris on Acetabular Construct Durability at 19-20 Year Follow-Up

2006 J. Donigan Cementless Acetabular Fixation in Patients Age 50 & Under

2006 A. Malin Minimum 15 Year Follow-Up of Posterior Cruciate Retaining Modular TKA

* All papers have been presented at National meetings in the past year Published or accepted for publication

Ph.D. Students:

1991 Steve Elder Femoral Micromotion1992-1996 Frank Barich Femoral Micromotion1994-1996 Scott Steffensmeier Cement Torsional Stability1993-1996 Scott Shaver Digital Edge Detection of Wear1993-1996 Tina Maxian 3-D Finite Element Wear Mode1995-1999 Chris Scifert 3-D Dislocation Finite Element Model1996-1999 J. Neiman Third Body Wear Finite Element Model1996-2001 Jason Otto Contact Stresses in Total Knee

Arthroplasty1999-2001 Mark Nadzadi Finite Element Model for Hip Dislocation2002-2004 Suzanne Bouchard Factors Influencing Mechanics of

Constrained Acetabular Cups2002-2004 Ruchika Chandran Physical Therapy – Knee Project

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2004-2005 Prajakta Gurjar Physical Therapy – Hip Project2005-present Hannah Lundberg 3rd Body Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty

C. Other Contributions to Institutional Programs

Year Committee

1986-1987 Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences Curriculum

Committee, Musculoskeletal System, Subcommittee 1986 - 1987

1987 Membership Committee Society of Arthritis Joint Surgery

1987-1988 Director of the Third Year Medical Student Orthopaedic Rotation Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences

1987-1988 Walter Reed Army Medical Center Clinical Investigation Committee (Alternate Department of Surgery)

Moderator American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Tuesday, February 9, 1988: Allografts and Hip


1988- Resident Awards Committee, Washington, D.C., Orthopaedic Society.

1988-1990 Quality Assurance Committee Department of Surgery, Duke University Medical Center

1988-1990 Coordinator of 4th Year Medical Student Orthopaedic Rotations, Duke University Medical Center

1988-Present Consultant Reviewer Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery

1988-Present Consultant Reviewer Journal of Biomechanics

1988-Present Consultant Reviewer American Journal of Sports Medicine

1988-Present Consultant Reviewer Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research

1988-1995 Evaluation and Examination Committee, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery.

1988-1996 Anatomy - Imaging Self-Assessment Sub Committee American

Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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1990-1996 Hip Committee American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery

1991-Present Program Committee Society of Arthritis Joint Surgeons

1991 Program Chairman AOA North American Traveling Fellows, Iowa City, Iowa, Oct. 21-23, 1991.

1992 Program Chairman AOA Swiss, German, Austrian Traveling Fellows, March, 1992 (Iowa City, Iowa)

1992 Program Chairman AOA ABC Traveling Fellows, May, 1992 (Iowa


1994-1995 Program Chairman American Association of Hip & Knee Surgeons

1996-1997 Program Chairman The Hip Society

1996- Associate Editor Journal of Arthroplasty

1996- Associate Editor Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery

1996- Secretary Association of Arthritic Hip & Knee Surgeons

1997 Program Chairman Mid America Orthopaedic Association

1997 Chairman American British Canadian AOA Traveling Fellowship Committee

1998 Chairman, Physical Therapy Graduate Program Review

Orthopaedic Department University of Iowa

- Education Committee- OR Committee- Clinics Committee- Academic Schedule Committee


A. Publications or creative works

Peer   Reviewed   Articles


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1. Pellicci, P.M, Callaghan   J.J. , Wilson, Jr., P.D., Sledge, C.B., Salvati, E.A., Ranawat, C.S., Poss, R.: Results of Revision Total Hip Replacement. In the Hip: Proceedings of the Twelfth Open Scientific Meeting of the Hip Society. St. Louis, C.V. Mosby, 1984, pg. 247.


2. Pellicci, P.M., Wilson, Jr., P.D., Sledge, C.B., Salvati, E.A., Ranawat, C.S., Poss, R., Callaghan   J.J. : Long-Term Results of Revision Total Hip Replacement. A Follow-up Report. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 67A:527, April 1985.

3. Callaghan   J.J. , Salvati, E.A., Pellicci, P.M., Wilson, Jr., P.D., Ranawat, C.S.: Results of Revision for Mechanical Failure After Cemented Total Hip Replacement, 1979 to 1982. A Two to Five-Year Follow-up, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 67A:1974, Sept. 1985.

4. Lower, R., McNeish, L., Callaghan   J.J. : Computed Tomographic Documentation of Intra-articular Penetration of a Screw After Operations on the Shoulder. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 67A:1120, September 1985.

5. Callaghan   J.J. , Salvati, E.A., Brause, B.D., Rimnac, C., Wright, T.: Reimplantation for Salvage of the Infected Hip: Rationale for the Use of Gentamicin Impregnated Cement and Beads. Frank Stinchfield Award. Thirteenth Open Scientific Meeting of the Hip Society, St. Louis, C.V. Mosby, 1985. December 1985, pg. 65.

6. Callaghan   J.J. , Brand, R., Pedersen, D.: Hip Arthrodesis: A Long-Term Follow-Up. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 67:1328, December 1985.


7. Salvati, E.A., Callaghan   J.J. , Brause, B.D.: Prosthetic Reimplantation for Salvage of the Infected Hip. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Instructional Course Lectures. Vol. XXXV, 1986, pg. 234.

8. Salvati, E.A., Callaghan   J.J. , Brause, B.D., Klein, R.F., Small, R.D.: Reimplantation In Infection: Elution of Gentamicin from Cement and Beads. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 207:83, June 1986.

9. Johanson, N.A., Callaghan   J.J. , Salvati, E.A., Merkow, R.L.: Fourteen-Year Follow-Up of a Patient with Massive Calcar Resorption: A Case Report. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 213:198, December 1986.


10. Thomson, Jeffrey D., Callaghan   J.J. , Savory, C.G., Stanton, R.P., Pierce, R.N.: Prior Deposition of Autologous Blood in Elective Orthopaedic Surgery. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 69A:320, March 1987.

11. McNeish, L.M., Callaghan   J.J. , Pectoral Essay. CT Arthrography of the Shoulder: Variations of the Glenoid Labrum. American Journal of Roentgenology, 149:963-966, November 1987.

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12. Wukich, D., Abreu, S., Callaghan   J.J. , VanNostrand, D., Savory, G., Eggli, D., Garcia, J., Berrey, B.: Diagnosis of Infection by Preoperative Scintigraphy with Indium-Labeled White Blood Cells. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 69A(9):1353-1360, December 1987.


13. Callaghan   J.J. , McNeish, L.M., DeHaven, J.P., Savory, C.G., Polly, D.W.: A Prospective Comparison Study of Double Contrast Computed Tomography (CT) Arthrography and Arthroscopy of the Shoulder. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 16(1):13-20, Jan-Feb 1988.

14. Polly, D.W., Callaghan   J.J. , Sikes, R.A., McCabe, J.M., McMahon, K., Savory, C.G.: The Accuracy of Selective Magnetic Resonance Imaging Compared with the Findings of Arthroscopy of the Knee. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 70A(2):192-198, February 1988.

15. Callaghan   J.J. , Dysart, S.H., Savory, C.G.: The Uncemented Porous-Coated Anatomic Total Hip Prosthesis: Two-year Results of a Prospective Consecutive Series. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 70A(3):337-346, March 1988.

16. Callaghan   J.J. , Pellicci, P., Salvati, E., Garvin, K., Wilson, P.: Fractures of the Femoral Component: Analysis of Failure and Long Term Follow-up Revision. Orthopaedics Clinics of North America, 19:637-647, July 1988.

17. Callaghan   J.J. , York, J.J., McNiesh, L.M., Gillogly, S.D.: Unusual Anomaly of the Scapula Defined by Arthroscopy and Computed Tomographic Arthrography. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 70(3):452-453, March 1988.

18. VanNostrand, D., Abreu, S., Callaghan   J.J. , Atkins, F., Stoops, H., Savory, C.:


Labeled White Blood Cell Uptake in Non-Infected Closed Fractures in Humans: Prospective Study. Radiology, 167:495-498, May 1988.

19. Lower, R., McNiesh, L., Callaghan   J.J. : Ipsilateral Lesser and Greater Trochanteric Fractures of the Hip without Intertrochanteric Extension. Military Medicine, 153:421-423, August 1988.

20. Callaghan   J.J. , Salvati, E., Pellicci, P., Bansal, M., Ghelman, B.: Evaluation of Benign Acetabular Lesions with Excision through the Ludloff Approach. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 237:170-178, Dec. 1988.


21. Callaghan   J.J. , Thomson, J., Savory, C., Leaken, M.: Autologous Blood Transfusions. Complications in Orthopaedics, 4(1):8, January, 1989.

22. Lower, R., McNiesh, L., Callaghan   J.J. : Complications of Intra-articular Hardware Penetration. Complications in Orthopaedics, 4(3):89-92, 1989.

23. Kransdorf, Moser, Vinh, Aoki, Callaghan: Primary Tumors of the Patella. Skeletal Radiology, 18:365-371, 1989.

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24. Wukich, D., Callaghan   J.J. , Graeber, G., Martyak, T., Lyon, J.: Operative Treatment of Acute Hip Fractures: Its Effect on Serum Creatinine Kinase, Lactate Dehydrogenase and their Isoenzymes. The Journal of Trauma, 29(3):375-379.

25. Wukich, D., Callaghan   J.J. , Graeber, G., Martyak, T., Savory, C., Lyon, J.: Cardiac Isoenzyme Values after Total Joint Arthroplasty. Clin. Orthop., 242:232-240, May 1989.

26. Dysart, S., Savory, C., Callaghan   J.J. : Nonoperative Treatment of a Postoperative Fracture Around an Uncemented Porous-coated Femoral Component. Journal of Arthroplasty, 4(2):187-190, June 1989.

27. Oswald, VanNostrand, Savory, Callaghan: Three-Phase Bone Scan and Indium White Blood Cell Scintigraphy Following Porous Coated Hip Arthroplasty: A Prospective Study of the Prosthetic Tip. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 30(8):1321-1331, August 1989.

28. Miller, I; Savory, C.; Polly, D.; Graham, G.; McCabe, J; Callaghan   J.J. : Femoral Head Osteonecrosis: Detection by Magnetic Resonance Imaging Versus Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography. Clin. Orthop., 247:152, Oct. 1989.

29. Murari, T.; Callaghan   J.J.; Berrey, Jr., B.; Sweet, D.: Primary Benign and Malignant Osseous Neoplasms of the Foot. Foot and Ankle, 10:68, Oct. 1989.

30. Gates, H.; Poletti, S.; Callaghan   J.J. ; McCollum, D.: Radiographic Measurements in Protrusio Acetabuli. J. Arthroplasty, 4:347, Dec. 1989.


31. Callaghan   J.J., Savory, C; Temple, H.: Bilateral Aseptic Loosening of Uncemented Porous Coated Total Knee Prostheses in a Rheumatoid Patient: Evaluation of the Bone-Prosthesis Interface. Amer. J of Knee Surgery, Vol. 3, pg. 9, Jan. 1990.

32. Stull, M.; Moser, R.; Vinh, T.; Kransdorf, M.; Callaghan   J.J. : Paget's Disease of the Patella. Skeletal Radiol., 19:407-410, 1990.

33. Hall, R.; Scott, A.; Oakes, J.; Urbaniak, J.; Callaghan   J.J. : Posterior Labral Tear as a Block to Reduction in an Anterior Hip Dislocation. J. Orthopaedic Trauma, 4:204-208, 1990.

34. Oswald, S.; VanNostrand, D.; Savory, C.; Anderson, J.; Callaghan   J.J. : The Acetabulum: A Prospective Study of the Three-Phase Bone and Indium White Blood Cell Scintigraphy Following Porous-Coated Hip Arthroplasty. J. Nucl. Med., 31:274, March 1990.

35. Maloney, W.; Jasty, M.; Harris, W.; Galante, J.; Callaghan   J.J. : Endosteal Erosion in Association with Stable Uncemented Femoral Components. J. Bone and Joint Surgery, 72A:1025-1034, August, 1990.

36. Kirkpatrick, J; Callaghan   J.J. , Vandemark, R.; Goldner, R.: The Relationship of the Intrapelvic Vasculature to the Acetabulum: Implications in Screw-Fixation Acetabular Components. Clin. Orthop., 258:183-109, Sept. 1990.

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37. Hall, R.; Callaghan   J.J. ; Moloney, E.; Martinez, S.; Harrelson, J.: Pyomyositis in a Temperate Climate: Presentation, Diagnosis and Treatment. J. Bone and Joint Surg., 72A:1240-1244, Sept. 1990.

38. Callaghan,  J.J. ; Dysart, S.; Savory, C.; Hopkinson, W.: Assessing the Results of Hip Replacement. A Comparison of Five Different Rating Systems. J. Bone and Joint Surg., 72B:1008-1009, Nov. 1990.

39. Speer, K.P.; Callaghan,  J.J. ; Seaber, A.V.; Tucker, J.A.: The Effects of Exposure of Articular Cartilage to Air. A Histochemical and Ultrastructural Investigation. J. Bone and Joint Surg., 72A:1442-1450, Dec. 1990.

40. Monto, R.R.; Garcia J.; Callaghan,   J.J. : Fatal Fat Embolism Following Total Condylar Knee Arthroplasty. Journal of Arthroplasty, 5(4):291-299, Dec 1990.


41. Callaghan, J.J., Salvati, E.A., Huo, M.H., Buly, R.L., Freeman, M.A., Tennant, R.E., Harris, W.H., Davies, J.P., Noble, P.C., Tullos, H.S., et al. Advances in Total Hip Reconstruction. Instr Course Lect 40:115-197, 1991.

42. Silbey, M.B.; Callaghan,   J.J. : Sciatic Nerve Palsy After Total Hip Arthroplasty. Treatment by Modular Neck Shortening. Orthopaedics, 14(3):351-352, March 1991.

43. Stranne, S.; Callaghan,   J.J. ; Elder, S. et. al.: Screw-augmented Fixation of Acetabulum Components: A Mechanical Model to Determine Optimal Screw Placement. J. Arthroplasty, Vol. 6, pg 301, 1991.

44. Callaghan,   J.J. : Results and Experiences with Uncemented and Hybrid Primary Total Hip Replacements. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Instructional Course Lectures, pg 117-119, 1991.

45. Callaghan,   J.J. : Results and Experiences with Cemented Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Instructional Course Lectures, pg 185-187, 1991.

46. Beatty, J.; Callaghan   J.J. ; et. al.: Report of the 1991 ABC Traveling Fellows. J. Bone and Joint Surg. 73A:1567, Dec 1991.


47. Mallon, W.J.; Callaghan, J.J.: Total Hip Arthroplasty in Active Golfers. J. of Arthroplasty, 7 Supplement 339-346, 1992.

48. Callaghan,   J.J. : Total Hip Arthroplasty: Clinical Perspective. Clin. Orthop. Vol. 276, pg 33-39, March 1992.

49. Stranne, S.; Callaghan,   J.J. ; Fyda, T. et. al.: The Effect of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy on the Prosthesis Interface in Cementless Arthroplasty: Evaluation in a Rabbit Model. J. Arthroplasty, Vol. 7, pg 173, 1992.

50. Callaghan,   J.J. ; Fulghum, C.; Glisson, R.; Stranne, S.: The Affect of Femoral Stem Geometry on Interface Motion in Uncemented Porous-coated Total Hip Prosthesis.

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Comparison of Straight-Stem and Curved-Stem Designs. J. Bone and Joint Surg., 74A:839, 1992.

51. Callaghan, J.J.; Heekin, R.D.; Savory, C.G.; Dysart, S.H.; Hopkinson, W.J.: Evaluation of the Learning Curve Associated With Uncemented Primary Porous-Coated Anatomic Total Hip Arthroplasty. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 282:132-144, September 1992.

52. Klapper, R.C.; Caillouette, J.T.; Callaghan, J.J.; Hozack, W.J.: Ultrasonic Technology in Revision Joint Arthroplasty. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 285:147-154, December 1992.

53. Callaghan, J.J.; Elder, S.H.; Stranne, S.K.; Fulghum; C.F.; Seaber, A.V.; Myers, B.S.: Revision Arthroplasty Facilitated By Ultrasonic Tool Cement Removal. An Evaluation of Whole Bone Strength in a Canine Model. J. of Arthroplasty. 7(4):495-500, December 1992.


54. Heekin, D.R.; Callaghan, J.J.; Hopkinson, W.J.; Savory, C.G.; Xenos, J.S.: The Porous Coated Anatomic Total Hip Prosthesis, Inserted Without Cement. Results After Five to Seven Years in a Prospective Study. J. Bone and Joint Surgery 75-A(1):77-91, January 1993.

55. Callaghan, J.J.: Current Concepts Review. The Clinical Results and Basic Science of Total Hip Arthroplasty with Porous-Coated Prostheses. J. Bone and Joint Surgery, 75-A(2):299-310, February 1993.

56. Fehrle, M.J.; Callaghan, J.J.; Clark, C.R.; Peterson, K.K.: Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients With Aseptic Necrosis of the Femoral Head and Previous Bone Grafting. The Journal of Arthroplasty, 8(1):1-6, February 1993.

57. Stranne, S.K.; Callaghan, J.J.; Cocks, F.H.; Weinerth, J.L.; Seaber, A.V.; Myers, B.S.: Would Revision Arthroplasty Be Facilitated by Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy? An Evaluation Including Whole Bone Strength in Dogs. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 287:252-258, February 1993.

58. Ballard, W.T.; Clark, C.R.; Callaghan, J.J.: Recurrent Spontaneous Hemarthrosis Nine Years after a Total Hip Arthroplasty. J. Bone and Joint Surgery, 74-A(5):764-767, May 1993.

59. Mallon, W.J.; Callaghan, J.J.: Total Knee Arthroplasty in Active Golfers. J. of Arthroplasty, 8(3):299-306, 1993.

60. Schulte, K.R.; Callaghan, J.J.; Kelley, S.S.; Johnston, R.C.: The Outcome of Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty with Cement after a Minimum Twenty-Year Follow-up. The Results of One Surgeon. J. Bone and Joint Surgery, 75-A(7):961-975, July 1993.

61. Lins, Barnes, Callaghan, Mair, McCollom: Evaluation of Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients with Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head. CORR 297:168-173, December 1993.

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62. Callaghan: Results of Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty in Young Patients. JBJS 75-A:1728-1734, November 1993.


63. Buckwalter, J.A., Callaghan, J.J., Blair, W.F.: Adrian E. Flatt – Surgeon and Scholar. Iowa Orthop J 14:22-30, 1994.

64. MacKenzie, Callaghan, Pedersen, Brown: Areas of Contact and Extent of Gaps with Implantation of Oversized Acetabular Components in Total Hip Arthroplasty. CORR 298:127-136, January 1994.

65. Callaghan, J.J.: Results of Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty in Young Patients. Instructional Course Lectures 43:315-322, 1994.

66. Meyer, Schulte, Callaghan, Albright, Powell, Crowley, El-Khoury: Cervical Spinal Stenosis and Stingers in College Football Players. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 22 (2):158-166, 1994.

67. Meyer, Callaghan, Albright, Crowley, Powell: Midfoot Sprains in College Football Players. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 22 (3): 392-401, 1994.

68. Sullivan, MacKenzie, Callaghan, Johnston: Total Hip Arthroplasty with Cement in Patients Who Are Less Than 50 Year Old: A 16-22 Year Follow-up Study. JBJS 76-A:863-870, June 1994.

69. Hall, Callaghan: Fat Embolism Precipitated By Reaming of the Femoral Canal During Revision of a Total Knee Replacement. JBJS 76-A:899-903, June 1994.

70. Ballard, Callaghan, Johnston: The Results of Improved Cementing Techniques for Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Less Than 50 Years Old: A Ten Year Follow-up Study. JBJS 76-A:959-964, July 1994.

71. Mallon, W.; Callaghan, J.: Total Joint Replacement in Active Golfers. Journal of the Southern Orthopaedic Association 3:295-298, Winter 1994.


72. Kim, Y.; Callaghan, J.; Ahn, P.; Brown, T.: Fracture of the Acetabulum During Insertion of an Oversized Hemispherical Component. J. Bone and Joint Surg. 77-A:111-117, Jan. 1995.

73. Callaghan, J.; Kim, Y.; Brown, T.; Pedersen, D.; Johnston, R.: Concerns and Improvements with Cementless Metal-Backed Acetabular Components. Clin. Orthop. 311:76-84, Feb. 1995.

74. Fyda, T.; Callaghan, J.; Fulghum, C.; Seaber, A.; Myers, B.: A Model of Cortical Window Healing in the Rabbit. Orthopaedics 18:177-184, Feb. 1995.

75. Ballard, T.; Callaghan, J.; Johnston, R.: Revision of Total Hip Arthroplasty in Octogenarians. J. Bone and Joint Surg. 77-A:585-589, Apr. 1995.

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76. Callaghan, J.; Mallory, T.: Optimal Fixation for Femoral Components, Cemented or Cementless. J. Arthroplasty 10:401-404, June 1995.

77. Fitzgerald, R; Callaghan, J.; Colwell, C.; Skinner, H.: The National Hip Registry: A New Resource for Measuring and Improving the Quality of Health Care. Contemporary Orthopaedics 31:127-136, Aug. 1995.

78. Callaghan, J.; Pedersen, D.; Olejniczak, J.; Goetz, D.; Johnston, R.: Radiographic Measurements of Wear in 5 Cohorts of Patients Observed for 5 to 22 Years. Clin. Orthop. 317:14-18, Aug. 1995.

79. Xenos, J.; Hopkinson, W.; Callaghan, J.; Heekin, R.; Savory, C.: Osteolysis Around an Uncemented Cobalt Chrome Total Hip Arthroplasty. Clin. Orthop. 317:29-36, Aug. 1995.

80. Mohler, C.; Callaghan, J.; Collis, D.; Johnston, R.: Early Loosening of the Femoral Component at the Cement-Prosthesis Interface After Total Hip Replacement. J. Bone and Joint Surg. 77-A:1315-1322, Sept. 1995.

81. Callaghan, J.: Cemented Arthroplasty: A Long Look Back. Orthopaedics 18:803, Sept. 1995.

82. Callaghan, J.: Failure Mechanism of Hip Arthroplasty. Orthopaedics 18:849, Sept. 1995.

83. Callaghan, J.: Precoat Components: Another Look. Orthopaedics 18:884, Sept. 1995.

84. Katz, R.; Callaghan, J.; Sullivan, P.; Johnston, R.: Femoral Revision Using Improved Cementing Techniques. A Long Term Follow-up Study. Clin. Orthop. 319:178-183, October 1995.

85. Poggi, J.; Callaghan, J.; Spritzer, C.; Roark, Goldner, R.: Changes on Magnetic Resonance Images After Traumatic Hip Dislocation. A Prospective Serial Follow-up. Clin. Orthop. 319:249-259, October 1995.

86. Brandser, E.; El-Khoury, G.; Kathol, M.; Callaghan, J.; Tearse, D.: Hamstring Injuries: Radiographic, Conventional Tomographic, CT, and MR Imaging Characteristics. Radiology 197:257-262, 1995.

87. Brandser, E.; El-Khoury, G.; Riley, M.; Callaghan, J.: Intravenous Methylmethacrylate Following Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty. Skeletal Radiology 24:493-494, 1995.

88. Kim, Y.; Brown, T.; Pedersen, D.; Callaghan, J.: Reamed Surface Topography and Component Seating in Press Fit Acetabular Fixation. J. Arthroplasty. Vol. 10:514, Supplement, 1995.

89. Vail, T.; Callaghan, J.: Total Knee Replacement With Patella Magna and Pagetoid Patella. Orthopaedics 18:1174-1176, Dec. 1995.


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90. Ash, S.; Callaghan, J.; Johnston, R.: Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty With Cement After Cup Arthroplasty: A Long Term Follow-up. J. Bone and Joint Surg. 78-A:87-93, January 1996.

91. Bristol; Fitzpatrick; Brown, T.; Callaghan, J.: Non-Uniformity of Contact Stress on Polyethylene Inserts in Total Knee Arthroplasty. Clinical Biomechanics, Vol. 11, No. 2, pg. 75-80, 1996.

92. El-Khoury, G.; Brandser, E.; Kathol, M., Tearse, D.; Callaghan, J.: Imaging of Muscle Injuries. Skeletal Radiology 25:3-11, 1996.

93. Callaghan, J.: Richard C. Johnston, M.D. Evaluator and Practitioner of Hip Surgery, Iowa Orthopaedic Journal, Vol. 16, pg. 12-19, 1996.

94. Callaghan, J.; Van Nostrand, D.; Dysart, S.; Savory, C.; Hopkins, W.: Prospective Serial Technetium Diphosphonate and Indium-111 White Blood Cell Labeled Imaging in Primary Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty. Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 16: 104-112, 1996.

95. Kavanagh, B.F.; Callaghan J.; Leggon, R., Heekin, R.D., Wold, L.: Pelvic Osteolysis Associated With An Uncemented Acetabular Component in Total Hip Replacement. Orthopedics 19:159-163, Feb. 1996.

96. Maxian, T.; Brown, T.; Pedersen, D; Callaghan, J.: A Sliding Distance Coupled Finite Element Formulation for Polyethylene Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Journal of Biomechanics. Vol. 29:687-692, 1996.

97. Weber, K.; Callaghan, J.; Goetz, D.; Johnston, R.: Revision of Failed Cemented Total Hip Prosthesis With Insertion of an Acetabular Component Without Cement and a Femoral Component With Cement: A Five to Eight Year Follow-Up Study. J. Bone and Joint Surg. 78-A:982-994, July 1996.

98. Maxian, T.; Brown, T.; Pedersen, D.; Callaghan, J.: Adaptive Finite Element Modeling of Long-Term Polyethylene Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty. The Journal of Orthopaedic Research 14:668-675, July 1996.

99. Callaghan, J.: Clinical Crossroads, A 76-Year-Old Woman Considering Total Hip Replacement. JAMA 276:486-490, August 1996.

100. Maxian T., Brown, T., Pedersen, D., Callaghan, J.: Three-Dimensional Sliding/Contact Computational Simultation of Total Hip Wear. Proceedings of the Hip Society, Clin Orthop & Rel Res 333:41-50, 1996.

101. Callaghan, J., Tooms, G., Olejniczak, J., Goetz, D, Johnston, R.: Primary Hybrid Total Hip Arthroplasty: An Interim Follow-up. Clin Orthop 333118-125, Dec. 1996.


102. Madey, S., Callaghan, J., Olejniczak, J., Goetz, D., Johnston, R.: Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty with Use of Improved Techniques of Cementing. The Results after a Minimum of Fifteen Years of Follow-up. JBJS 79-A:53-64, Jan 1997.

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103. Sporer, S.; Callaghan, J.: Fatality from Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Complicating Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Case Report. Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 17:53-58, 1997.

104. Weigel, D.; Callaghan, J.: Use of Anchor Sutures to Repair Labral Avulsions of the Hip: A Brief Report. Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 17:141-143, 1997.

105. Katz, R., Callaghan, J., Sullivan, P., Johnston, R.: Long-Term Results of Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty with Improved Cementing Techniques. JBJS 79-B:322-326, Mar 1997.

106. Shaver, S., Brown, T., Hillis, S., Callaghan, J.: Digital Edge Detection Measurement of Polyethylene Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty. JBJS 79A:690-700, 1997.

107. Callaghan, J., Johnston, R.: Femoral Fixation Options in the 1990’s, Cemented Arthroplasty: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Orthopedics 20:769-770, Sept. 1997.

108. Callaghan, J.: Periprosthetic Fractures of the Acetabulum During and Following Total Hip Arthroplasty. JBJS 79-A:1416-1421, Sept. 1997.

109. Hop, J.D.; Callaghan, J.J.; Olejniczak, J.P.; Pedersen, D.R.; Brown, T.D.; Johnston, R.C.: Contribution of Cable Debris Generation to Accelerated Polyethylene Wear (The Frank Stinchfield Award). Clin Orthop 344:20-32, November 1997.

110. Callaghan, J.J.; Forest, E.E.; Sporer, S.M.; Goetz, D.D.; Johnston, R.C.: Total Hip Arthroplasty in the Young Adult. Clin Orthop 344:257-262, November 1997.

111. Maxian, T.; Brown, T.; Pedersen, D.; McKellop, H.; Lu, B.; Callaghan, J.: Finite Element Analysis of Acetabular Wear: Validation and Backing and Fixation Effects. Clin Orthop 344:111-117, Nov. 1997.


112. Goetz, DD, Capello WN, Callaghan, JJ, Brown, TD, Johnston, RC: Salvage of a Recurrently Dislocating Total Hip Prosthesis With Use of a Constrained Acetabular Component. J Bone and Joint Surg 80-A:502-509, Apr 1998.

113. Callaghan, JJ: What Works. Web Site Unites Multiple Databases in One Resource. Health Manag.Technol. 1998 Jun;19(7):48.

114. Callaghan, JJ : Periprosthetic Fractures of the Acetabulum During and Following Total Hip Arthroplasty. Instructional Course Lectures 47:231-235, 1998, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

115. Shearman, CM; Brandser, EA; Kathol, MH; Clark, WA; Callaghan, JJ: Technical Innovation, an Easy Linear Estimation of the Mechanical Axis on Long Leg Radiographs. American Journal of Radiology 170:1220-1222, May 1998.

116. Callaghan, JJ; Forest, EE; Olejniczak, JP; Goetz, DD; Johnston, RC: Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Less than Fifty Years Old. A 20-25 Year Follow-up Note. J Bone and Joint Surg 80-A:704-714, May 1998.

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117. Sporer, SM; Callaghan, JJ; Olejniczak, JP; Goetz, DD; Johnston, RC: Hybrid Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Under Age 50: A Five to Ten Year Follow-up. J Arthroplasty 13:485-491, August 1998.

118. Callaghan, J.J.; Brown, T.D.: Evolving Technologies: New Answers or New Problems? Back to the Future: Evolution in Hip Design. Orthopaedics 9:1007-1008, Sept. 1998.

119. Pyevich, M.T.; Saltzman, C.L.; Callaghan, J.J.; Alvine, F.G.: Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A Unique Design. Two to Twelve Year Follow-up. J Bone Joint Surg 80-A:1410-1420, 1998.

120. Creighton, M.G.; Callaghan, J.J.; Olejniczak, J.P.; Johnston, R.C.: Total Hip Arthroplasty with Cement in Patients Who Have Rheumatoid Arthritis. A Minimum 10 Year Follow-up Study. J Bone Joint Surg, 80-A:1439-1446, 1998.

121. Heckman, J.D.; Lee, P.P.; Jackson, C.A.; Relles, D.; Weinstein, J.N.; Gebhardt, M.C.; Simon, M.A.; Callaghan, J.J.; D’Ambrosia, R.D.: Orthopaedic Work Force in the Next Millennium. J Bone Joint Surg, 80-A:1534-1551, 1998.

122. Pedersen, DR; Brown, TD; Maxian, TA; Callaghan, JJ: Temporal and Spatial Distributions of Directional Counterface Motion at the Acetabular Bearing Surface in Total Hip Arthroplasty. The Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 18:43-53, 1998.

123. Albright, JC; Callaghan, JJ; Wheeler, ME: Osteonecrosis of the Acetabulum. The Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 18:132-135, 1998.

124. Pedersen, D.R.; Brown, T.D.; Hillis, S.L.; Callaghan, J.J.: Prediction of Long-Term Polyethylene Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty Based on Early Wear Measurements Made During Digital Image Analysis. J. Orthop. Res. 16:557-563, September 1998.

125. Scifert, C.F.; Brown, T.D.; Pedersen, D.R.; Callaghan, J.J.: A Finite Element Analysis of Factors Influencing Total Hip Dislocation. Clin Orthop & Rel Res 355:152-162, October 1998.

126. Goetz, D.D.; Capello, W.N.; Callaghan, J.J.; Brown, T.D.; Johnston, R.C.: Salvage of Total Hip Instability With a Constrained Acetabular Component. Clin Orthop & Rel Res 355:171-181, October 1998.


127. Bierbaum BE; Callaghan JJ; Galante JO; Rubash HE; Tooms RE; Welch RB: An Analysis of Blood Management in Patients Having a Total Hip or Total Knee Arthroplasty. J Bone and Joint Surg 81-A:2-10, Jan 1999.

128. Xenos J., Callaghan J.; Heekin R.; Hopkinson W.; Savory C.; Moore M.: The Porous-Coated Anatomic Total Hip Prosthesis, Inserted without Cement. A Prospective Study with a Minimal of Ten Years of Follow-up. J. Bone and Joint Surg. 81-A:74-82, Jan. 1999.

129. Schmalzried T.; Callaghan J.: Current Concepts Review. Wear in Total Hip and Knee Replacements. J. Bone and Joint Surg. 81-A:115-136, Jan. 1999.

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130. Callaghan J.; Kim Y.; Pedersen D.; Brown T.: Periprosthetic Fractures of the Acetabulum. Orthopedic Clinics of North America 30:221-234, April 1999.

131. Sporer S.; Callaghan J.; Olejniczak J.; Goetz D.; Johnston R.: The Effects of Surface Roughness and Polymethylmethacrylate Precoating on the Radiographic and Clinic Results of the Iowa Hip Prosthesis. J. Bone and Joint Surg. 81-A:481-492, April 1999.

132. Sharkey P.F.; Hozack W.J.; Callaghan J.J.; Kim Y.S.; Berry D.J.; Hanssen A.D.; Lewallen D.G.: Acetabular Fracture Associated with Cementless Acetabular Component Insertion. A Report of 13 Cases. J. Arthroplasty 14:426-431, 1999.

133. Squire M.W.; Callaghan J.J.; Goetz D.D.; Sullivan P.M.; Johnston R.C.: Unicompartmental Knee Replacement: A Minimum 15 Year Follow-up Study. Clin. Orthop. 367:61-71, Oct. 1999.

134. Callaghan J.J.; Johnston R.C.; Pedersen D.R.: Practice Surveillance: A Practical Method to Assess Outcome and Perform Clinical Research. The John Charnley Award. Clin. Orthop. 369:25-38, Dec. 1999.

135. Callaghan J.J.; Katz R.P.; Johnston R.C.: One Stage Revision Surgery of the Infected Hip – A Minimum 10 Year Follow-up Study. Clin. Orthop. 369:139-143, Dec. 1999.

136. Emodi G.; Callaghan J.; Pedersen D.; Brown T.: Posterior Cruciate Ligament Function Following Total Knee Arthroplasty: The Effect of Joint Line Elevation. The Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 19:82-92, 1999.

137. Peterson J.; Manning T; Callaghan J.; El-Khoury G.: Subchondral Metastasis: Report of Five Cases. The Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 19:129-135, 1999.

138. Scifert CF; Brown TD; Pedersen DR; Heiner AD; Callaghan JJ: Development and Physical Validation of a Finite Element Model of Total Hip Dislocation. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2:139-147, 1999.

139. Otto JK, Brown TD, Heiner AD, Pedersen DR, Callaghan JJ: Static and Dynamic Response of a Multiplexed-Array Piezoresistive Contact Sensor. Experimental Mechanics 39 (4), 317-23, 1999.


140. Callaghan J.J.: Screw Augmentation: The Gold Standard for Cementless Cup Fixation. Orthopaedics 23:204, Mar 2000.

141. Callaghan J.J.; Albright J.C.; Goetz D.D.; Olejniczak J.P.; Johnston R.C.: Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty With Cement: Minimum 25 Year Follow-up. J Bone Joint Surg 82A:487-497, Apr 2000.

142. Callaghan J.J.; Squire M.W.; Goetz D.D.; Sullivan P.M.; Johnston R.C.: Cemented Rotating Platform Total Knee Arthroplasty: A 9-12 Year Follow-up Study. J Bone Joint Surg 82A:705-711, May 2000.

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143. Callaghan J.J.: Difficult Primary Total Hip Replacement: Selected Surgical Exposures. Instructional Course Lectures Volume 49:13-21, 2000.

144. Callaghan J.J.; Heiner A.D.; Brown T.D.: The Basic Science of Impaction Allografting in Revision Hip Surgery. Instructional Course Lectures Volume 49:103-110, 2000.

145. Callaghan, J.J.; Spitzer, A.I.: Blood Management and Patient Specific Transfusion Options in Total Joint Replacement Surgery. The Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 20:36-45, 2000.

146. Callaghan JJ: Patient Specific Transfusion Options in Total Hip and Knee Surgery. Orthopaedics 23:925-926, Sept. 2000.

147. Callaghan J.J.; Insall J.N.; Greenwald A.S.; Dennis D.A.; Komistak R.D.; Murray D.W.; Bourne R.B.; Rorabeck C.H.; Dorr L.D.: Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Concepts & Results. J. Bone and Joint Surg. 82A:1020-1041, 2000.

148. Kim YS, Callaghan JJ, Kwon SY, Kim KW, Han CH, Woo YK: Arthroplasty of the Hip in Patients with Aplastic Anemia. J Bone Joint Surg 82A:1231-1239, Sept. 2000.

149. Callaghan JJ, Buckwalter JA, Schenck RC: Argument Against the Use of Food Additives for Osteoarthritis of the Hip. Clin Orthop & Rel Res 381:88-90, Dec. 2000.


150. Callaghan JJ, Inasll JN, Greenwald AS, Dennis DA, Komistek RD, Murray DW, Bourne RB, Rorabeck CH, Dorr LD: Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Concepts and Results. Intructional Course Lecture. 2001;50:431-49.

151. Buckwalter, J.A., Callaghan, J.J., Rosier, R.N.: From Oranges and Lemons to Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate: Clinical Observations Stimulate Basic Research. The Orthopaedic Forum, J. Bone Joint Surg. 83A:1266-1268, August 2001.

152. Scifert, C.F., Noble, P.C., Brown, T.D., Bartz, R.L., Kadakia, N., Sugano, N., Johnston, R.C., Pedersen, D.R., Callaghan, J.J.: Experimental and Computational Simulation of Total Hip Arthroplasty Dislocation. Orthopaedic Clinics of North America 32:553-567, Oct. 2001.

153. Heithoff, B.E., Callaghan, J.J., Goetz, D.D., Sullivan, P.M., Pedersen, D.R., Johnston, R.C.: Dislocation After Total Hip Arthroplasty. A Single Surgeon’s Experience. Orthopaedic Clinics of North America 32:587-591, Oct. 2001.

154. Urban, J.A., Garvin, K.L., Boese, C.K, Bryson, L., Pedersen, D.R., Callaghan, J.J., Miller, R.K.: Ceramic on Polyethylene Bearing Surfaces in Total Hip Arthroplasty: Seventeen to 21 Year Results. J. Bone Joint Surg. 83A:1688-1694, Nov. 2001.

155. Templeton, J.E., Callaghan, J.J., Goetz, D.D., Sullivan, P.M., Johnston, R.C.: Revision of a Cemented Acetabular Component to a Cementless Acetabular Component: A 10 to 14 Year Follow-up Study. J. Bone Joint Surg. 83A:1706-1711, Nov. 2001.

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156. Callaghan, J.: Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Clinical Results. A Review of the Literature. Clin. Orthop. 392:221-226, 2001.

157. Otto, J.K., Callaghan, J.J., Brown, T.D.: The Coventry Award Paper: Mobility and Contact Mechanics of a Rotating Platform Total Knee Replacement. Clin. Orthop. 392:24-37, Nov. 2001.

158. Klapach, A.S., Callaghan, J.J., Goetz, D.D., Jason P. Olejniczak, B.A., Johnston, R.C.: Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty with Use of Improved Cementing Techniques. A Minimum Twenty-Year Follow-up Study. J. Bone Joint Surg. 83A:1840-1848, Dec. 2001.

159. Pedersen, D., Callaghan, J., Johnston, T., Fetzer, G., Johnston, R.: Comparison of Femoral Head Penetration Rates Between Cementless Acetabular Components with 22 mm and 28 mm Heads. J. Arthroplasty 16:111-115, Dec. 2001.

160. Fetzer, G.B., Callaghan, J.J., Templeton, JE, Goetz, D.D., Sullivan, P.M., Johnston, R.C.: Impaction Allografting With Cement for Extensive Femoral Bone Loss in Revision Hip Surgery. A 4- to 8-Year Follow-up Study. J Arthroplasty, 16 (Suppl 1):195-202, Dec. 2001.

161. Callaghan, J.J., Heithoff, B.E, Goetz, D.D., Sullivan, P.M., Pedersen, D.R., Johnston, R.C.: Prevention of Dislocation After Hip Arthroplasty: Lessons From Long-Term Follow-up. Clin. Orthop. 393:157-162, Dec. 2001.


162. Nadzadi, M.E., Pedersen, D.R., Callaghan, J.J., Brown, T.D.: Effects of Acetabular Component Orientation on Dislocation Propensity for Small-Head-Size Total Hip Arthroplasty. Clinical Biomechanics 17:32-40, Jan. 2002.

163. Haft, G.F.; Heiner; A.D., Callaghan, J.J.; Dorr, L.D.; Wan, Z; Long, W.; Longjohn, D.B.; Brown, T.D.: Polyethylene liner cementation into fixed acetabular shells. J Arthroplasty 17 (Suppl 1):167-170, June 2002.

164. Zhang, Y., Putnam, A.W., Heiner, A.D., Callaghan, J.J., Brown, T.D.: Reliability of Detecting Prosthesis/Cement Interface Radiolucencies in Total Hip Arthoplasty. J Orthop Res 20(4):683-687, Jul 2002.

165. Lieberman, J.R., Berry, D.J., Mont, M.A., Aaron, R.K., Callaghan, J.J., Rayadhyaksha, A., Urbaniak, J.R.: Osteonecrosis of the Hip: Management in the Twnety-First Century. Selected Instructional Course Lecture. J Bone Joint Surg 84-A:834-853, May 2002.

166. O’Rourke, M.R. Callaghan, J.J., Goetz, D.D., Sullivan, P.M., Johnston, R.C.: Osteolysis Associated with a Cemented Modular Posterior-Cruciate-Substituting Total Knee Design: Five to Eight-Year Follow-up. J Bone Joint Surg 84-A(8)1362-71, Aug. 2002.

167. Fyda, T.M.; Callaghan, J.J.; Olejniczak, J.; Johnston, R.C.: Minimum ten year follow-up of cemented total hip replacement in patients with osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 22:8-18, 2002.

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168. Khalkhali-Ellis, Z., Handa, R.J., Price, R.H., Jr., Adams, B.D., Callaghan, J.J., Hendrix, M.J.: Androgen Receptors in Human Synoviocytes and Androgen Regulation of Interleukin 1beta (IL-1beta) Induced IL-6 Production: A Link Between Hypoandrogenicity and Rheumatoid Arthritis? J Rheumatol 29(9):1843-6, Sept. 2002.

169. Callaghan, J.J., O’Rourke, M.R.: Picking Your Implant: All PS Knees Are Not Alike! Orthopaedics 25(9):977-978, Sept. 2002.

170. Dorr, L.D., Callaghan, J.J., Whiteside, L.A., Engh C.A. Sr, Cameron, H.U., Mallory, T.H.: Case Challenges in Hip Surgery: What Would You Do? Orthopaedics 9:983-985, Sept. 2002.

171. Callaghan, J.J. , O’Rourke, M.R., Goetz, D.D., Schmalzried, T.P., Campbell, P.A., Johnston, R.C.: Tibial Post Impingement in Posterior-Stabilized Total Knee Arthroplasty. Clin Orthop 404:83-88, Nov. 2002.

172. Callaghan JJ , Brown TD, Pedersen DR, Johnston RC: Choices and Compromises in the Use of Small Head Sizes in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Clin Orthop 405:144-9, Dec. 2002.

173. Fetzer GB, Callaghan JJ, Templeton JE, Goetz DD, Sullivan PM, Kelley SS: Posterior Cruciate-Retaining Modular Total Knee Arthroplasty: A 9 to 12-Year Follow-Up Investigation. J Arthroplasty 17(8):961-6, Dec. 2002.

174. Brown T, Stewart K, Nieman J, Pedersen D, Callaghan J: Local Head Roughening as a Factor Contributing to Variability of Total Hip Wear: A Finite Element Analysis. J of Biomechanical Engineering 124:691-698, Dec. 2002.

175. Saleh, Callaghan J, Gioe T, et al. Septic joint replacement: An orthopedic perspective. Clin Inf Dis 34:868-870, 2002.


176. Nadzadi, M.E., Pedersen, D.R., Yack, H.J., Callaghan, J.J., Brown, T.D.: Kinematics, Kinetics, and Finite Element Analysis of Commonplace Maneuvers at Risk for Total Hip Dislocation. J Biomech 36(4):577-91, Apr. 2003.

177. Lieberman, J.R., Berry, D.J., Mont, M.A., Aaron, R.K., Callaghan, J.J., Rajadhyaksha, A.D., Urbaniak, J.R. Osteonecrosis of the Hip: Management in the 21st Century. Inst Course Lect. 52:337-55, 2003.

178. Callaghan, J.J., Brown, T.D., Pedersen, D.R., Johnston, R.C.: Orthopaedic Crossfire Larger Femoral Heads: A Triumph of Hope Over Reason! In the Affirmative. J of Arthroplasty 18:82-84, Apr. 2003.

179. Otto, J.K., Callaghan, J.J., Brown, T.D.: Gait Cycle Finite Element Comparison of Rotating-Platform Total Knee Designs. Clin Orthop 410:181-188, May 2003.

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180. Keener JD, Callaghan JJ, Goetz DD, Pedersen DR, Sullivan PM, Johnston RC: Twenty-Five-Year Results After Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Less Than Fifty Years Old: A Concise Follow-up of a Previous Report. J Bone Joint Surg 85-A:1066-1072, June 2003.

181. Bojescul JA, Xenos JS, Callaghan JJ, Savory CG: Results of Porous-Coated Anatomic Total Hip Arthroplasty without Cement at Fifteen Years. A Concise Follow-up of a Previous Report. J Bone Joint Surg 85-A:1079-1083, June 2003.

182. Haft GF, Heiner AD, Dorr LD, Brown TD, Callaghan JJ: A Biomechanical Analysis of Polyethylene Cementation Into a Fixed Metal Acetabular Shell. J Bone Joint Surg 85-A:1100-1110, June 2003.

183. Christiansen CG, Kassim RA, Callaghan JJ, Marsh JL, Schnidt AH: Public Ramus Insufficiency Fractures Following Total Hip Arthroplasty. A Report of Six Cases. J Bone Joint Surg 85-A:1819-1822, Sept. 2003.

184. Callaghan JJ, Templeton JE: Options and Outcomes: Primary Hip Fixation: Cemented Stems: A Little Difference, a Lot of Damage. Orthopedics 26:909, Sept. 2003.

185. Vail TP, Goetz DD, Tanzer M, Fisher DA, Mohler CG, Callaghan JJ: A Prospective Randomized Trial of Cemented Femoral Components With Polished Versus Grit-Blasted Surface Finish and Identical Stem Geometry. J Arthroplasty 18:95-102, Oct. 2003.

186. Bremner BRB, Goetz DD, Callaghan JJ, Capello WN, Johnston RC: Use of Constrained Acetabular Components for Hip Instability: An Average 10-Year Follow-up Study. J Arthroplasty 18:131-137, Oct. 2003.

187. Callaghan JJ, Pedersen DR, Johnston RC, Brown TD: Clinical Biomechanics of Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty. The Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 23:1-12, 2003.

188. Miller KA, Callaghan JJ, Goetz DD, Johnston RC: Early Postoperative Mortality Following Total Hip Arthroplasty in a Community Setting: A Single Surgeon Experience. Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 23:36-42, 2003.

189. Berry DJ, Berger RA, Callaghan JJ, Dorr LD, Duwelius PJ, Hartzband MA, Lieberman JR, Mears DC: The Orthopaedic Forum: AOA Symposium – Minimally Invasive Total Hip Arthroplasty. Development, Early Results, and a Critical Analysis. J Bone Joint Surg 85-A:2235-2246, Nov. 2003.

190. Saleh KJ, Celebrezze M, Kassin R, Dykes DC, Gioe TJ, Callaghan JJ, Salvati, EA: Functional Outcomes After Revision Hip Arthroplasty. A Metaanalysis. Clin Orthop & Rel Res 416:254-264, Nov. 2003.

191. Keener JD, Callaghan JJ, Goetz DD, Pedersen D, Sullivan P, Johnston RC: Long-term Function After Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty. Clin Orthop 417:148-56, Dec. 2003.


192. Gaffey JL, Callaghan JJ, Pedersen DR, Goetz DD, Sullivan PM, Johnston RC: Cementless Acetabular Fixation at Fifteen Years. A Comparison with the Same

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Surgeon’s Results Following Acetabular Fixation with Cement. J Bone Joint Surg 86-A:257-261, Feb. 2004.

193. Callaghan, JJ, Templeton JE, Liu SS, Pedersen DR, Goetz DD, Sulivan PM, Johnston RC: Results of Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty at a Minimum of Thirty Years. A Concise Follow-up of a Previous Report. J Bone Joint Surg 86-A:690-695, Apr. 2004.

194. Knecht SI, Estin M, Callaghan JJ, Zimmerman MB, Alliman KJ, Alvine FG, Saltzman CL: The Agility Total Ankle Arthroplasty: Seven to Sixteen-Year Follow-up. J Bone Joint Surg 86-A:1161-1171, June 2004.

195. Callaghan JJ, O’Rourke MR, Saleh KJ: Why Knees Fail: Lessons Learned. J Arthroplasty 19:31-34, June 2004.

196. Callaghan JJ, Savory CG, O’Rourke MR, Johnston RC: Are All Cementless Acetabular Components Created Equal? J Arthroplasty 19:95-98, June 2004.

197. Stewart KJ, Pedersen DR, Callaghan JJ, Brown TD: Implementing Capsule Representation in a Total Hip Dislocation Finite Element Model. The Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 24:1-8, 2004.

198. Callaghan JJ, Parvizi J, Novak CC, Bremner B, Shrader W, Lewallen DG, Johnston RC, Goetz DD: A Constrained Liner Cemented Into a Secure Cementless Acetabular Shell. J Bone Joint Surg 86-A:2206-2211, Oct. 2004.

199. Callaghan JJ, O’Rourke MR: Avoiding Dislocation: But When It Happens! Orthopedics 27:957-958, Sept. 2004.

200. Goetz DD, Bremner BRB, Callaghan JJ, Capello WN, Johnston RC: Salvage of a Recurrently Dislocating Total Hip Prosthesis with Use of a Constrained Acetabular Component. A Concise Follow-up of a Previous Report. J Bone Joint Surg 86-A:2419-2423, Nov. 2004.

201. Callaghan JJ, O’Rourke MR, Goetz DD, Lewallen DG, Johnston RC, Capello WN: Use of a Constrained Tripolar Acetabular Liner to Treat Intraoperative Instability and Postoperative Dislocation after Total Hip Arthroplasty. A Review of Our Experience. Clin Orthop & Rel Res 429:117-123, Dec. 2004.


202. Lundberg HJ, Stewart KJ, Callaghan JJ, Brown TD: Kinetically Critical Sites of Femoral Head Roughening for Wear Rate Acceleration in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Clin Orthop & Rel Res 430:89-93, Jan. 2005.

203. Callaghan JJ: Unicompartmental Knee Replacement: Introduction: Where Have We Been? Where Are We Now? Where Are We Going? Clin Orthop & Rel Res 430:272, Jan. 2005.

204. Klapach AS, Callaghan JJ, Miller KA, Goetz DD, Sullivan PM, Pedersen DR, Johnston RC: Total Hip Arthroplasty with Cement and Without Acetabular Bone Graft for Severe Hip Dysplasia: A Concise Follow-up, at a Minimum of Twenty Years, of a Previous Report. J Bone Joint Surg 87-A:280-285, Feb. 2005

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205. Callaghan JJ, Dorr LD, Engh GA, Hanssen AD, Healy WL, Lachiewicz PF, Lonner JH, Lotke PA, Ranawat CS, Ritter MA, Salvati EA, Sculco TP, Thornhill TS:

Prophylaxis for thromboembolic disease: recommendations from the American College of Chest Physicians--are they appropriate for orthopaedic surgery? J

Arthroplasty. 20(3):273-4, April 2005.

206. Heiner AD, Callaghan JJ, Brown TD: A Laboratory Simulation for Morselized Bone Graft Fusion: Apparent Modulus Under Operatively Based Femoral Impaction Kinetics. J Biomechanics 38:811-818, May 2005.

207. Sliva CD, Callaghan JJ, Goetz DD, Taylor SG: Staggered Bilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty Performed Four to Seven Days Apart During a Single Hospitalization. J Bone Joint Surg 87-A:508-513, Mar. 2005.

208. Callaghan JJ, Crowninshield RD, Greenwald AS, Lieberman AG, Lewallen DG: Symposium: Introducing Technology Into Orthopaedic Practice: How Should It Be Done? J Bone Joint Surg 87-A:1146-1158, May 2005.

209. Pedersen DR, Callaghan JJ, Brown TD. Activity-dependence of the “safe zone” for impingement versus dislocation avoidance. Med Eng Phys 27:323-9, May 2005.

210. Callaghan JJ, O’Rourke MR, Liu SS. The role of implant constraint in revision total knee arthroplasty: Not too little, not too much. J Arthroplasty 20(4 Suppl):41-43, June 2005.

211. Callaghan JJ, O’Rourke MR, Liu SS. Blood management: Issues and options. J Arthroplasty 20(4 Suppl):51-54, June 2005.

212. Callahgan JJ, O’Rourke MR, Iossi MF, Liu SS, Goetz DD, Vittetoe DA, Sullivan PM, and Johnston RC. Cemented rotating-platform total knee replacement: A concise follow-up, at a minimum of fifteen years, of a previous report. JBJS 97-A:1995-1998, Sept 2005.

213. Callaghan JJ, O’Rourke MR, Johnston RC. The uni experience: history tells it all. Orthopedics. 28:988, Sept 2005.

214. O’Rourke MR, Gardner JJ, Callaghan JJ, Liu SS, Goetz DD, Vittetoe DA, Sullivan PM, Johnston RC. The John Insall Award. Unicompartmental Knee Replacement: A Minimum Twenty-One Year Follow-Up, End-Result Study. Clin Orthop and Rel Res.

440:27-37, Nov 2005.

215. McGrory B, Callaghan J, Kraay M, Jacobs J, Robb W, Wasielewski R. Minimally Invasive and Small-Incision Joint Replacement Surgery: What Surgeons Should Consider. Clin Orthop and Rel Res. 440:251-254, Nov 2005.


216. Bouchard SM, Stewart KJ, Pedersen DR, Callaghan JJ, Brown TD. Design factors influencing performance of constrained acetabular liners: finite element characterization. J Biomech. 2006;39(5):885-93.

217. Garrett WE, Jr, Swiontkowski MF, Weinstein JN, Callaghan JJ, Rosier RN, Berry

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DJ, Harrast J, DeRosa GP, and The Research Committee of The ABOS. The Orthopaedic Forum: American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery Practice of the Orthopaedic Surgeon: Part-II, Certification Examination Case Mix. JBJS. 2006 88-A, 660-667.

218. Herkowitz HN, Weinstein JN, Callaghan JJ, Derosa GP. The Orthopaedic Forum: Spine Fellowship Education and Its Association with the Part-II Oral Certification Examination. JBJS. 2006 88-A(3):668-70.

219. Lundberg HJ, Stewart KJ, Pedersen DR, Callaghan JJ, Brown TD. Problematic sites of third body embedment in polyethylene for total hip wear acceleration. J Biomech. 2006;39(7):1208-16.

220. Mulhall KJ, Ghomrawi HM, Scully S, Callaghan JJ, Saleh KJ. Current Etiologies and Modes of Failure in Total Knee Arthroplasty Revision. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2006 May;446:45-50.

221. Callaghan JJ, McAndrew C, Boese CK, Forest E. Intrapelvic Migration of the Trial Femoral Head During Total Hip Arthroplasty: Is Retrieval Necessary? A Report of Four Cases. Iowa Orthopaedic Journal. 2006;26:60-62.

222. Callaghan JJ , Liu SS, Warth LC. Computer-Assisted Surgery: A Wine Before Its Time – In the Affirmative. J Arthroplasty. 2006 June;21(4 Suppl 1):27-28.

223. Buckwalter AE, Callaghan JJ, Liu SS, Pedersen DR, Goetz DD, Sullivan PM,Leinen JA, Johnston RC. Results of Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty with Use of Improved Femoral Cementing Techniques. A Concise Follow-up, at a Minimum of Twenty-five Years, of a Previous Report. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2006 Jul;88-A(7):1481-1485.

224. Callaghan JJ, Liu SS. Femoral Deformity Correction: Sometimes, Always, Never. Orthopedics 2006 Sept;9:806-807.

225. Herkowitz HN, Weinstein JN, Callaghan JJ, DeRosa GP. Spine Fellowship Education and Its Association With the Part-II Oral Certification Examination. Spine 2006 31(20):2278-2280.

226. Callaghan JJ , Warth LC, Liu SS, Hozack WJ, Klein GR. Internet Promotion of MIS and CAOS in TKA: By Knee Society Memebers. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2006 Nov;452:97-101.

227. Callaghan JJ , Templeton JE, Liu SS, Warth LC, Chung YY. Improved Results Using Extensively Coated THA Stems At Minimum 5 Year Follow-Up. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2006 Dec;453:91-96.

228. Heiner AD, Callaghan JJ, Brown TD. Stability of fused versus nonfused THA Femoral impaction grafts. J Orthop Res. 2006 – in press.

229. Lundberg HJ, Stewart KJ, Pedersen DR, Callaghan JJ, Brown TD. Nonidentical and Outlier Duty Cycles as Factors Accelerating UHMWPE Wear in THA: A Finite Element Exploration. J Orthop Res. 2007 – in press.

Text Books - Editor

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1. Galante, J.; Rosenberg, A; Callaghan, J.: Total Hip Revision Surgery. Raven Press 1995.

2. Salvati, E.; Callaghan, J.; Brand, R.: Clinical Orthopaedics, Proceedings of the 1995 Open Meeting of the Hip Society. Clin. Orthop. Oct., 1995.

3. Callaghan, J.; Dennis, D.; Rosenberg, A.; Paprosky; W.: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Adult Hip and Knee Reconstruction Orthopaedic Surgery Knowledge Update. December, 1995.

4. Anatomy and Imaging Examination, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Press. Winter 1991.

5. Anatomy and Imaging Examination, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Press. Winter 1996.

6. The Adult Hip: Callaghan, J.; Rosenberg, A.; Rubash, H.: Raven Press Ltd., 1997.

7. Brand, R.; Callaghan, J., Tooms, R.: Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research. Proceedings of the 1997 Open Meeting of the Hip Society. Clinical Orthopaedics, November 1997.

8. Orthopaedic Knowledge Update 6: Section Editor, Adult Hip & Knee Reconstruction. Beaty Ed. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2000.

9. Periprosthetic Fractures: Editors: Callaghan, Duncan. Orthopaedic Clinics of North America, April 1999.

10. Callaghan, J., Rosenberg, A., Rubash, H., Simone, P., Wickiewicz, T.L.: The Adult Knee (1533 pages), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003.

11. Callaghan JJ, Rosenberg AA, Rubash HE: The Adult Hip, 2nd Ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007.

Textbooks   and   Journal   (Chapter   or   Editor)

1. Callaghan   John   J. : Associated Editor, The Iowa Orthopaedic Journal, Vol 1, 1981.

2. Callaghan   John   J. : Editor, The Iowa Orthopaedic Journal, Vol II, 1982.

3. Polly, D.W.; Callaghan   J.J. : Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Cruciate Ligaments. In The   Crucial   Ligaments , ed, Feagin, J.A. Churchill Livingston, 1988, pg 328-332.

4. Callaghan,   J.J. : Anatomy Imaging - Self Assessment Test (Chairman). American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 1991.

5. Harrelson; Callaghan,   J.J. : Infection and Neoplasms of Bone. In Sabistian, Textbook of Surgery, 1991, pg 1351.

6. Callaghan   J.J.: Intracapsular Hip Fractures in Rothman The Hip.

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7. Windsor, R.; Callaghan, J.; Salvati, E.; Pellicci, P.: Fracture of the Femoral Component in The Hip, ed Rothman.

8. Windsor, R.; Callaghan, J.; Salavti, E.; Pellicci, P.: Revision of the Femoral Component in The Hip, ed. Rothman.

9. Callaghan, J. et al.: MRI of the Cruciate Ligaments. In Feagin The Cruciate Ligaments. 2nd Ed, Churchhill Livingston, 1993.

10. Callaghan, J.: The Basic Science of Porous Ingrowth Fixation. In Stauffer Advances In Orthopaedics, Mosby, 1993.

11. Callaghan, J.: Examination of the Hip. In Orthopaedics Essentials in Diagnosis and Treatment, Churchhill Livinston, 1994.

12. Callaghan, J.: Approaches to the Patient with Hip Pain. In Orthopaedics Essentials in Diagnosis and Treatment, Churchhill Livingston, 1994.

13. Callaghan, J.: Early Results of Revision Hip Replacement. In Bristol-Myers Total Hip Revision Surgery, Raven Press, 1995.

14. Callaghan, J., and Bolander, M.: Discussion of Mechanics of Failure. In Total Hip Revision Surgery, Edited by Galante, Rosenberg, Callaghan. Raven Press. New York, 1995, pg. 137-139.

15. Callaghan, J., and McBeath, A.: Hip Arthrodesis. In The Adult Hip. Editors: Callaghan, Rosenberg, Rubash. Raven Press Ltd, 1997.

16. Callaghan, J., and Johnston, R.: Cemented Revision Total Hip Replacement. In The Adult Hip. Editors: Callaghan, Rosenberg, Rubash. Raven Press Ltd, 1997.

17. Callaghan, J.: Examination of the Hip. In Orthopaedics Essentials in Diagnosis and Treatment, Churchhill Livingston, 1994.

18. Callaghan, J.: Approaches to the Patient with Hip Pain. In Orthopaedics Essentials in Diagnosis and Treatment, Churchhill Livingston, 1994.

19. Callaghan, J.; Harrelson, J.: Infections and Neoplasm of Bone. In Sabistow Textbook of Surgeons Pocket Companions, Saunders 1991.

20. Blair, W. and Callaghan, J.: Clinical Motor Function Testing - Lower Extremity. In Management of Peripheral Nerve Problems (Omer, Spinner, Van Beek), Saunders 1998, pg 50-55.

21. Callaghan, J.: Techniques in the Management of Periprosthetic Acetabular Fractures. Techniques in Orthopaedics, In Press.

22. Callaghan, J. and Windsor, R.: Quadriceps Turndown Revision Knee Surgery. Surgical Techniques in Total Knee Arthroplasty, Editors: Springer-Verlag, In Press.

23. Callaghan, J.: Periprosthetic Fractures of the Acetabulum. In Orthop Clin of North Amer 30:221-234, Apr 1999.

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24. Callaghan J.: Surgical Exposures. Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty. Chapter 12, pg 167-192, 1999. Lippincott-Raven.

25. Callaghan J.: Revision of the Femoral Component Using Cement Fixation. In Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty. Chapter 27, pg 204-218, 1999. Springer, editors, Bono J., McCarthy J., Thornhill T., Bierbaum B., Turner R.

26. Callaghan J.: Design Evolution: Cemented Total Hip Replacement. Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Hip and Knee Reconstruction. Editors: Pellicci, Garvin, Tria, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Publishing, 1999.

27. Callaghan J.; Hanssen A.D.: Knee Arthrodesis and Resection Arthroplasty. In Surgery of the Knee, Third Edition. Editors: J.N. Insall, W. Norman Scott, Saunders, In Press.

28. Callaghan J., Pedersen D.R. Editors: Wright, Goodman, AAOS Publishers, 2002: How Should Wear-Related Implant Surveillance Be Carried Out and What Methods are Indicated to Diagnose Wear-Related Problems?

29. Implant Wear In Total Joint Replacement. Editors: Wright, Goodman, AAOS Publishers, 2002:

A. Callaghan, J., Pedersen, D.R. How Should Wear-Related Implant Surveillance Be Carried Out and What Methods are Indicated to Diagnose Wear-Related Problems?

B. Brown, T., Callaghan, J.: What Design Factors Influence Wear Behavior at the Articulating Interface in Total Hip Replacement?

30. Callaghan, J.: Orthopaedic Knowledge Update #7: Complications in Hip Surgery. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2001.

31. Callaghan, J.; Hanssen A.: Knee Arthrodesis and Resection Arthroplasty. In Surgery of the Knee 3rd Ed. Insall, Scott editors, Chapter 92, Churchill Livingstone, 2001.

32. Callaghan, J., Windsor R.E.: V-Y Quadriceps Plasty. In Surgical Techniques in Total Knee Arthroplasty. Ed. Scuderi, Tria, Springer 2002, pg. 155-158.

33. Callaghan, J. , Johnston, R.: The Flat-Back Polished Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty: Results of the Iowa Experience. In After Charnley ed JC Faux Colt Books Ltd, Pg 240-247, 2002.

34. Callaghan, J.: Imaging of Total Hip Replacement from the Surgeons Perspective. In Essentials of Musculoskeletal Imaging. George E. El-Khoury Editor, Churchill Livingstone, Chapter 97, pg 702-715, 2002.

35. Callaghan, J., O’Rourke, M: Implant Fixation Options in Total Knee Replacement. In The Adult Knee. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pg 1059-1066, 2003.

36. Callaghan, J., Hanssen, A.: Periprosthetic Fractures Following Total Knee Replacement. Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: Knee Arthroplasty 2nd Ed. Lotke, Lonner, pg.421-434, 2003.

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37. Callaghan, J.: Is MIS a Faulty Paradigm? In Minimally Invasive Total Joint Arthroplasty. Hozack, Krismer et al (Editors), Springer Publisher, Pg. 322-324, 2004.

38. Callaghan JJ, MR O’Rourke, SS Liu, WG Praposky: Uncemented Acetabular Revision. In Advanced Reconstruction: Hip. Lieberman and Berry (Editors). AAOS, Pg 317-327, 2005.

35. Callaghan JJ, Liu SS: Posterior Cruciate Ligament-Substituting Total Knee Arthroplasty. In Insall & Scott: Surgery of the Knee, 4th ed. WN Scott (Editor), Churchill Livingstone. Ch 86, pg 1531-1557, 2006.

36. Callaghan JJ, Cooke FW, McQueen DA, Schurman JR: Arthrodesis of the Hip and Knee. In Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Hip and Knee Reconstruction 3. Barrack RL, Booth RE, Lonner JH, McCarthy MC, Mont MA, and Rubash HE (Editors), AAOS, 2006. Ch 27, pg 281-286.

37. Velyvis JH, Rubash HE, Callaghan JJ: Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty: Cementless and Cemented. . In Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Hip and Knee Reconstruction 3. Barrack RL, Booth RE, Lonner JH, McCarthy MC, Mont MA, and Rubash HE (Editors), AAOS, 2006. Ch 40, pg 439-456.

38. O’Rourke MR, Callaghan JJ, Boezaart AP. The Adult Hip Joint. In Anesthesia and

Orthopaedic Surgery. Boezaart AP (editor), McGraw Hill, 2006. Ch 10, pg 103-115.

39. O’Rourke MR, Callaghan JJ, Boezaart AP. The Knee Joint. In Anesthesia and

Orthopaedic Surgery. Boezaart AP (editor), McGraw Hill, 2006. Ch 11, pg 117-124.

40. Callaghan JJ: Arthrodesis. In The Adult Hip, 2nd Edition. Callaghan JJ, Rosenberg

AG, Rubash HE (editors), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007. Ch 50, pg 762-773.

41. Callaghan JJ, O’Rourke MR, Johnston RC. Revision of the Femoral Component:

Cement. In The Adult Hip, 2nd Edition. Callaghan JJ, Rosenberg AG, Rubash HE

(editors), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007. Ch 101, pg 1463-1475.

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Non - Peer   Reviewed   Articles


1. Callaghan   J.J.; Larson, Carrol B.: A Man For All People. The Iowa Orthopaedic Journal, Vol 1. 2, 1982, pg 5.


2. Callaghan   J.J. ; Salvati, E.A.; Small R.D.; Brause, B.D.; Klein, R.F.: Gentamicin Levels in Patients Implanted with Impregnated Cement and Beads. Orthopaedic Transactions, 8(3):489, 1984.

3. Pellicci, P.M.; Wilson, P.D. Jr.; Sledge, C.B.; Salvati, E.; Ranawat, C.: Callaghan,   J.J. : Long-term Results of Revision Total Hip Replacement. Orthopaedic Transactions, 9(2):202, 1984.

4. Pellicci, P.M.; Wilson, P.D. Jr.; Sledge, C.B.; Salvati, E.; Ranawat, D.; Callaghan,   J.J. : Long-term Results of Revision Total Hip Replacement. Orthopaedic Transactions, 9(3):489, 1984.


5. Salvati, E.A., Callaghan   J.J. , Brause, B.D., Klein, R.F., Small, R.D.: Reimplantation of Infected Joint Replacements: Elution Studies of Gentamicin from Cement and Beads. In Current Concepts of Infection in Orthopaedic Surgery, Springer-Verlag, 1985, pg. 195.

6. Callaghan,   J.J. , Salvati, E., Pellicci, P.M., Wilson, Jr., P.; Ranawat, C.: Two to Five-year Results of Revision Total Hip Replacement: Have We Improved? Orthopaedic Transactions, 9(2):30, 1985.

7. Callaghan,   J.J. ; Brand, R.; Pederson, D.: Long-term Follow-up of Hip Arthrodesis. Orthopaedic Transactions, 9(3):450, 1985.

8. Callaghan,   J.J. ; Salvati, E.; Brause, B.; Small, R.; Wilson, Jr., P.: Reimplantation of Infected Hips with Total Hip Arthroplasty. Orthopaedic Transactions, 9(3):477, 1985.

9. Pellicci, P.; Callaghan,   J.J. ; Salvati, E.; Wilson, Jr., P.: Fracture of the Femoral Component: Analysis of Failure and Results of Revision. Orthopaedic Transactions, 9(3):477, 1985.

10. Callaghan,   J.J. ; Salvati, E.; Pellicci, P.; Wilson, Jr., P.; Ranawat, C.: Two to Five-year Results of Revision Total Hip Replacement: Have We Improved. Orthopaedic Transactions, 9(3):477, 1985.


11. Lower, R.F.; McNeish, L.M.; Callaghan,   J.J. : Complications of Intra-articular Hardware Penetration. American Journal of Radiology, 146:1105, May 1986.

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12. Callaghan,   J.J. : New Solutions Needed for Mechanical Failure After Revision Hip Arthroplasty. The Journal of Musculoskeletal Medicine, pg. 30, June 1986.

13. Callaghan   J.J. , Salvati, E.A., Brause B., Wilson, Jr., P., Small, R.: Reimplantation for Salvage of the Infected Hip Utilizing a Standardized Intravenous Antibiotic Regimen. Iowa Orthopaedic Journal, Vol. 6, Spring 1986, pg. 65.

14. McMahon, K.; Andrews, J.R.; Lowrey, D.; Callaghan,   J.J. : Meniscectomy in Children. Orthopaedic Transactions, 10(3):555-556, 1986.

15. Malcolm, J.R.; Callaghan,   J.J. , Seyfer, A.E.: The Salvage of Infected Knee Operations with Gastrocnemius Flaps. Orthopaedics Transactions, 10(3):578, 1986.

16. Thomson, J.; Savory, C.G.; Callaghan,   J.J. ; Stanton, R.P.; Pierce, R.N.: Autologous Blood Transfusions in Orthopaedic Surgery. Orthopaedic Transactions, 10(3):585, 1986.

17. Dysart, S.H.; Savory, C.G.; Callaghan,   J.J. : Evaluation of Uncemented Porous Coated Total Hip Replacement with Minimum One Year Follow-up. Orthopaedic Transactions, 10(3):591, 1986.

18. Phillips, E.L.; Savory, C.G.; Callaghan,   J.J. : The Use of Uncemented Prostheses in Revision Hip Surgery. Orthopaedic Transactions, 10(3):594, 1986.

19. Lower, R.F.; McNeish, L.M.; Callaghan,   J.J. : Computed Tomographic Documentation of Intra-Articular Penetration of a Screw After Operation on the Shoulder. Radiology, 158:859, 1986.


20. Dysart, S.H., Callaghan   J.J. , Savory, C.G.: Preliminary Results of Uncemented P.C.A. Total Hip Replacement. The Iowa Orthopaedic Journal, Vol. 7, pg. 11.

21. Polly, D.W., Callaghan   J.J. , Sikes, R.A., McCabe, J.A., McMahon, K., Savory, C.G.: Diagnostic Capabilities of Selective Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Defining Knee Injuries. The Iowa Orthopaedic Journal, Vol. 7, pg. 57.

22. Abreu, S.H.; VanNostrand, D.; Lower, R.; Callaghan,   J.J. , Atkins, F.B.: Indium-111

White Blood Cell (In-WBC) Uptake in Non-infected Closed Fractures in Humans: A Prospective Study. J. Nuclear Medicine, 28:586, 1987.

23. Abreu, S.H.; VanNostrand, D.; Wukich, D.K.; Callaghan,   J.J. : Skeletal Uptake of


Labeled Leukocytes: An Expansion of the Gamuts. J. Nuclear Medicine, 28:751, 1987.

24. Abreu, S.H.; Wukich, D.K.; VanNostrand, D.; Eggli, D.F.; Gracia, J.E.;

Callaghan,   J.J. ; Savory, C.G.: Open Surgical Correlation of In-111

Labeled White Blood Cell Scan (In-WBCs) and Three-Phase Bone Scan (TPBS) in Chronic Musculoskeletal Infection. J. Nuclear Medicine, 28:757-758, 1987.

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25. Callaghan,   J.J. ; DeHaven, J.P.; McNeish, L.M.; Savory, C.G.; Polly, D.W.: A Prospective Comparison Study of Double Contrast CT Arthrography and Shoulder Arthroscopy. Orthopaedic Transactions, 11(2):246, 1987.

26. Dysart, S.H.; Savory, C.S.; Callaghan,   J.J. : Uncemented Porous Coated Anatomic Total Hip Replacement. Preliminary Results of a Prospective Consecutive Series. Orthopaedic Transactions, 11(3):555-556, 1987.

27. Polly, D.W.; Callaghan,   J.J. ; Sikes, R.A.; McCabe, J.M.; McMahon, K.; Savory, C.G.: Selective Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Arthroscopy. Orthopaedic Transactions, 11(3):564, 1987.

28. Wukich, D.K.; Abreu, S.H.; Callaghan,   J.J. ; Savory, C.G.; Berrey, B.H.: Preoperative Indium Labeled White Blood Cell Scintigraphy in Suspected Chronic Osteomyelitis and Periprosthetic Infection. Orthopaedic Transactions, 11(3):580, 1987.

29. DeHaven, J.P.; Callaghan,   J.J. ; McNeish, L.M.; Savory, G.C.; Polly, D.W.: A Prospective Comparison Study of Double Contrast CT Arthrography and Shoulder Arthroscopy. Orthopaedic Transactions, 11(3):585, 1987.

30. Savory, C.; Polly, D.; Sikes, R.; Callaghan,   J.J. ; McCabe, K.; McMahon, K.: A Prospective Comparison Study of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Arthroscopy of the Knee. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 15(4):389, 1987.


31. Callaghan   J.J. , Thomson, J., Savory, C., Leekin, M.: Rationale for the Use of Autologous Blood in Orthopaedic Surgery. Iowa Orthopaedic Journal, 8:13-20, 1988.

32. Callaghan,   J.J. ; Dysart, S.H.; Savory, C.G.: The Uncemented Porous-Coated Anatomic Total Hip Prosthesis: Two Year Results of a Prospective Consecutive Series. American Journal of Radiology, 151:214, July 1988.

33. Polly, D.W.; Callaghan,   J.J. ; Sikes, R.; McCabe, J.M.; McMahon, K.; Savory, C.: The Accuracy of Selective Magnetic Resonance Imaging Compared with the Findings of Arthroscopy of the Knee. American Journal of Radiology, 151:241, July 1988.

34. Callaghan,   J.J. ; York; McNeish; Gillogly: Unusual Anomaly of The Scapula Defined by Arthroscopy and Computed Tomographic Arthrography. Journal of Arthroscopy.

35. Oswald; VanNostrand; Callaghan,   J.J. : Indium-111

Labeled White Blood Cells Imaging Following Porous Coated Hip Arthroplasty (PCHA): A Prospective Study of the Prosthetic Tip. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 29(5):764, 1988.

36. Oswald; VanNostrand; Callaghan,   J.J. : Three Phase Bone Scan (TPBS) Following Porous Coated Hip Arthroplasty (PCHA): A Prospective Study of the Prosthetic Tip. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 29(5):780, 1988.

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37. Oswald; VanNostrand; Callaghan,   J.J. : Indium-111

Labeled White Blood Cell (In-WBC) Imaging Following Imaging Following Porous Coated Hip Arthroplasty (PCHA): A Prospective Study of the Prosthetic Tip. Clinical Nuclear Medicine, 13(5):392, May 1988.

38. Oswald; VanNostrand; Callaghan,   J.J. : Three Phase Bone Scan (TPBS) Following Porous Coated Hip Arthroplasty (PCHA): A Prospective Study of the Prosthetic Tip. Clinical Nuclear Medicine, 13(5):393, May 1988.

39. Dysart, S.H.; Callaghan,   J.J. ; Savory, C.S.: Uncemented Porous Coated Anatomic Total Hip Replacement: Minimum Two Year Results of a Prospective Consecutive Series. Orthopaedic Transactions, 12(1):145, 1988.

40. Dysart; Callaghan,   J.J. ; Brinkley; McKinney; Lindenfeld: The Effects of Air Exposure on Articular Cartilage Degeneration. Orthopaedic Transactions, 12(2):437, 1988.

41. Polly, D.W.; Kraimer, J.M.; Callaghan,   J.J. ; Brinkley, W.; McKinney, L.; Lindenfeld, T.N.: The Effects of Air Exposure on Articular Cartilage Degeneration. Orthopaedic Transactions, 12(2):437, 1988.

42. Miller, I.L.; Callaghan,   J.J. ; Polly, D.W.; Savory, C.G.: Efficacy of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography in Diagnosing Femoral Head Osteonecrosis. Orthopaedic Transactions, 12(3):533, 1988.

43. Murari, T.M.; Callaghan,   J.J. ; Sweet, D.E.; Berrey, B.H.: Primary Benign and Malignant Osseous Neoplasms of the Foot. Orthopaedic Transactions, 12(3):540, 1988.

44. Lower, R.F.; Callaghan,   J.J. ; Abreu, S.H.; VanNostrand, D.; Atkins, F.B.:


Labeled White Blood Cells (IN WBC) Uptake in Non-Infected Closed Fractures in Humans: A Prospective Study. Orthopaedic Transactions, 12(3):542, 1988.

45. Callaghan,   J.J. ; Polly, D.W.; Balk, R.; Kraimer, J.; Brinkley, W.; Lindenfeld, T.N.: The Effect of Air Exposure on Articular Degeneration. Orthopaedic Transaction, 12(3):549, 1988.

46. Callaghan,   J.J. ; VanNostrand, D.; Dysart, S.H.; Savory, C.G.; Hopkinson, W.J.; Oswald, S.G.; Abreu, S.H.: A Prospective Evaluation of Serial Combined Bone

Technetium Methylene Diphosphonate and Indium-111

WBC Scanning in Uncemented Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty. Orthopaedic Transactions, 12(3):717, 1988.

47. Murari, T.M.; Callaghan,   J.J. ; Sweet, D.; Berrey, B.: Primary Benign and Malignant Osseous Neoplasms of the Foot. Orthopaedic Transactions, 13(1):58.


48. Murari, T.M.; Callaghan,   J.J. ; Sweet, D.; Berrey, B.: Primary Benign and Malignant Osseous Neoplasms of the Foot. Orthopaedic Transactions, 13(1):163-164, 1989.

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49. Polly, D.; Callaghan,   J.J. ; Balk, R.; Brinkley, W.; McKinney, L.; Kraimer, J.M; Lindenfeld, T.: The Effects of Air Exposure on Articular Cartilage Degeneration. Orthopaedic Transactions, 13(1):165, 1989.

50. Heekin, R.; Hopkinson, W.; Callaghan,   J.J. , Dysart, S.; Savory, C.: Two to Four-Year Follow-up of Primary PCA Uncemented Hip Arthroplasty. Orthopaedic Transactions, 13(1):177, 1989.

51. Wukich, J.; Callaghan,   J.J. ; Van Dam, B.; Graeber, G.; Martyak, T.; Savory, C.: Major Orthopaedic Surgery: Its Effect on the Myocardial Associated Isoenzymes of Creatine Kinase and Lactate Dehydrogenase. Orthopaedic Transactions, 13(1):178, 1989.

52. Dysart, S.; Callaghan,   J.J. , Savory, C.; Hopkinson, W.; Burge, R.: Comparison of Hip rating Scales in Primary Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty. Orthopaedic Transactions, 13(2):392, 1989.


53. Hall, R.; Maloney, E.; Martinez, S.; Harrelson, J; Callaghan   J.J. : Pyomyositis: Presentation and Treatment. Orthopaedic Transactions, 14(1):103, 1990.

54. Heekin, R.; Hopkinson, W.; Dysart, S.; Savory, C.; Callaghan   J.J. : A Comprehensive Prospective Analysis of Primary Uncemented Porous Coated Total Hip Replacement. Orthopaedic Transactions, 14(1):105-106, 1990.

55. Kirkpatrick, J.; Callaghan   J.J. ; Vandermark, R.; Stranne, S.; Goldner, R.: The Relationship of the Intrapelvic Vasculature to the Acetabulum: Implications in Uncemented Acetabular Components with Screw Augmentation. Orthopaedic Transactions 14(1):106-107, 1990.

56. Heekin, R.D.; Hopkinson, W.; Savory, C.G.; Callaghan,   J.J. : Four to Five Year Results of a Prospective, Consecutive Series of 100 PCA Total Hip Arthroplasty. Orthopaedic Transactions 14:550-, 1990.


57. Goetz, D.D.; Callaghan,   J.J. : Michael Bonfiglio: Student and Teacher. Iowa Orthopaedic Journal, 11:13-18, 1991.

58. Brand, R.A.; Callaghan,   J.J. ; Johnston, R.C.: Total Hip Reconstruction. Iowa Orthopaedic Journal, 11:19-42, 1991.

59. Speer, K.P.; Tucker, J.A.; Callaghan,   J.J. : The Results of Air Exposure on Articular Cartilage: A Histochemical and Ultrastructural Investigation. Orthopaedic Transactions, 15:14, 1991.

60. Heekin, R.D.; Hopkinson, W.J.; Callaghan,   J.J. : Cementless versus Hybrid Total hip Arthroplasty: Two to Three Year Results of a Consecutive Series. Orthopaedic Transactions, 15:341, 1991.

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61. Fulghum, C.S.; Callaghan,   J.J. et al.: Comparison of Strain Patterns in Femoral Implanted with Straight and Curve Stem Uncemented Prostheses. Orthopaedic Transactions, 15:397, 1991.

62. Stranne, S.K.; Callaghan,   J.J. et al.: Screw Augmented Acetabular Component Fixation: Anatomic and Mechanical Considerations. Orthopaedic Transactions, 15:452, 1991.

63. Fulghum, C.S.; Callaghan,   J.J. et al.: Proximal and Distal Tip Micromotion in Straight Versus Curved Stem Collarless Uncemented Femoral Components. Orthopaedic Transactions, 15:527, 1991.

64. Fyda, T.M.; Callaghan,   JJ et al.: The Effect of Cortical Window Healing on Whole Bone Strength. Orthopaedic Transactions, 15:533, 1991.

65. Callaghan,   J.J. et al.: Facilitation of Cement Removal with Ultrasonically Driven Tools. Evaluation of the Effects on Whole Bone Strength in a Canine Revision Model. Orthopaedic Transactions, 15:536, 1991.

66. Spritzer; Poggi; Callaghan,   J.J. : Hip Fracture/Dislocation: Evaluation with MR Imaging. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 1:3221, March-April, 1991.

67. Spritzer; Poggi; Callaghan,   J.J : Hip Dislocation: Evaluation with MR Imaging. American Journal of Radiology (Suppl), 156(2), 1991.


68. Meyer, S.; Callaghan, J.; Albright, J.; Crowley, E.; and Powell, J.: Midfoot Sprains in College Football Players. Orthopaedic Transactions 17:223-224, 1993.

69. Schulte, K.; Johnston, R.; Callaghan, J.; Kelly, S.: Minimum 20-Year Follow-Up of Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty With Cement. Orthopaedic Transactions 17:434, 1993.

70. Xenos, J.; Hopkinson, W.; Heekin, R.; Callaghan, J.; and Savory, C.: Thigh Pain in Uncemented Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty. Orthopaedic Transactions 17:503, 1993.

71. Schulte, K.; Johnston, R.; Callaghan, J.; and Kelly, S.: Minimum 20-year Follow-Up of Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty With Cement. Orthopaedic Transactions 17:943, 1993-1994.

72. Lins, R.; Barnes, B.; Callaghan; J.; Mair, S.; and McCollum, D.: Evaluation of Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients With Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head. Orthopaedic Transactions 17:1086, 1993-1994.


73. Bristol, R.; Fitzpatrick, D.; Callaghan, J.; and Brown, T.D.: Local Non Uniformities of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Contact Stresses in TKA Designs. Orthopaedic Transactions 18:418, 1994.

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74. Callaghan, J. ; Pedersen, D.; Olejniczak, J.; Goetz, D.; and Johnston, R.: Radiographic Wear Measurements in Five Cohorts of Total Hip Replacements. Orthopaedic Transactions 18:653, 1994.

75. Katz, R.; Callaghan, J.; Sullivan, P.; and Johnston, R.: Cemented Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty Using Contemporary Techniques: A Minimum Ten Year Follow-Up Study. Orthopaedic Transactions 18:906, 1994.

76. Ballard, W.; Callaghan, J.; Sullivan, P.; and Johnston, R.: Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Under 50 Using Contempoary Cement Techniques. Orthopaedic Transactions 18:906, 1994.

77. Ballard, W.; Callaghan, J.; Sullivan, P.; and Johnston, R.: Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Under 50 Using Contemporary Cement Techniques. Orthopaedic Transactions 18:989, 1994-1995.

78. Ash, S.; Callaghan, J.; and Johnston, R.: A Minimum Ten Year Follow-Up of Cup Arthroplasty Conversion to Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty. Orthopaedic Transactions 18:991, 1994-1995.

79. Katz, R.; Callaghan, J.; and Johnston, R.: A Minimum Ten Year Follow-Up Study of One-Stage Reimplantation of the Infected Total Hip. Orthopaedic Transactions 18:993, 1994-1995.

80. Katz, R.; Callaghan, J.; Sullivan, P.; and Johnston, R.: Cemented Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty Using Contemporary Techniques: A Minimum Ten Year Follow-up Study. Orthopaedic Transactions 18:1052, 1994-1995.

81. Callaghan, J. , and Johnston, R.: Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty Using Contemporary Femoral Component and Contemporary Cemented Technique: A Minimum Ten Year Follow-Up Study: Orthopaedic Transactions 18:1082, 1994-1995.

82. Mohler, C.; Callaghan, J.; Collis, D.; and Johnston, R.: Early Femoral Component Loosening Following Contemporary Cemented Total Hip Replacement. Orthopaedic Transactions 18:1112, 1994-1995.

83. Lisecki, E.; Reister, J.; Callaghan, J.; Gillogly, S.; and Berry, D.: Hip Lesions Mimicking Primary Osteoarthritis: A Radiographic and Histopathologic Study. Orthopaedic Transactions 18:1142, 1994-1995.

84. Xenos, J.; Hopkinson, J.; Callaghan, J.; and Savory, C.: Porous Coated Anatomic Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty: Seven to Nine Year Results of a Prospective Consecutive Series. Orthopaedic Transactions 18:1255, 1994-1995.

85. Hopkinson, W.; Xenos, J.; Callaghan, J.; Heekin, D.; and Savory, C.: Thigh Pain in Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty. Orthopaedic Transactions 18:1255-1256, 1994-1995.

86. Barich, F.C.; Brown, T.D.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Micromotion of an Uncemented Femoral Component Under Simulated In Vivo Gait Loads. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, pp 93-94, 1994.

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87. Brown, T.D.; Maxian, T.A.; Pedersen, D.R.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Sliding-Distance-Coupled Finite Element Polyethylene Wear Predictions in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Proceedings of Application of High Performance Computing in Engineering, pg 11-12, 1994.

88. Pedersen, D.R.; Callaghan, J.J.; Olejniczak, J.P.; and Johnston, R.C.: In-Vivo Polyethylene Wear Rates in Five Different Acetabular Components Used Over a Five to Twenty-Two Year Period. ASME Advances in Bioengineering BED-Vol. 28:21-22, 1994.

89. Shaver, S.M.; Brown, T.D.; and Callaghan, J.J.: A Digital Edge Detection Technique to Measure In-Vivo UHMWPE Wear in Total Hip Replacements. ASME 1994 Advances in Bioengineering BED-Vol. 28:155-156, 1994.

90. Barich, F.C.; Brown, T.D.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Whole Surface Micromotion of a Noncemented Femoral Component Under Level Walking and Stair Climbing Simulations. ASME 1994 Advances in Bioengineering BED-Vol. 28:363-364, 1994.

91. Bristol, R.E.; Fitzpatrick, D.C.; Callaghan, J.J.; and Brown, T.D.: Localized UHMWPE Contact Stress Irregularities in Total Knee Arthroplasty. ASME 1994 Advances in Bioengineering BED-Vol. 28:407-408, 1994.

92. 135.Bristol, R.E.; Fitzpatrick, D.C.; Brown, T.D.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Non-Uniformity of Contact Stress in Total Knee Arthroplasty. Clinical Biomechanics Award Paper. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, p xxiv, 1994.

93. Maxian, T.A.; Brown, T.D.; Pedersen, D.R.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Finite Element Modeling of Polyethylene Stresses Using Industrial Tolerances for Femoral Head Sizes in Total Hip Replacements. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, pg 247-248, 1994.

94. Shaver, SM.; Brown, T.D.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Initial Evaluation of a Digital Edge Detection Technique to Measure UHMWPE Wear in Total Hip Replacements. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, pg 249-250, 1994.


95. Kim, Y.S.; Callaghan, J.J.; Ahn, P.D.; and Brown, T.D.: Acetabular Fracture During Oversized Component Insertion. Transactions of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society 20(1):245, 1995.

96. Barich, F.C.; Brown, T.D.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Effect of Proximal and Distal Fit on Micromotion of an Uncemented Femoral Component Under Realistic In-Vivo Gait Loads. Transactions of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society 20(1):268, 1995.

97. Kim, Y.S.; Brown, T.D.; Pedersen, D.R.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Seating of Hemispherical Vs. Dual Radius components in Press-Fit Cementless Acetabular Fixation. Transactions of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society 20(2)722, 1995.

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98. Maxian, T.A.; Brown, T.D.; Pedersen, D.R.; and Callaghan, J.J.: A Sliding-Distance-Coupled Finite Element Model for Polyethylene Wear in THA. Transactions of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society 20(2)726, 1995.

99. Maxian, T.A.; Brown, T.D.; Pedersen, D.R., and Callaghan, J.J.: Variability of Polyethylene Contact Stress Due to Cement Industrial Tolerances for Femoral Head Sizes. Transactions of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society 20(2)760, 1995.

100. Callaghan, J.; Salvati, E.: Editorial Papers of 1995 Hip Society, Clin Orthop 319:2-3, Oct. 1995.

101. Callaghan, J. ; Kim, Y.; Pedersen, D.; Brown, T.: Acetabular Preparation and Insertion of Cementless Acetabular Components. Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics 5:325-330, Oct. 1995.

102. Fehrle, M.; Callaghan, J.J. et al.: Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty In Patients With Aseptic Necrosis of the Femoral Head and Previous Bone Grafting. Ortho. Trans. Vol. 16, pg. 328.

103. Callaghan J. J. et al.: Comparison of Two and Six Week Intravenous Antibiotic Therapy In A Canine Infected Total Hip Arthroplasty Model. Ortho. Trans. Vol 16, pg. 446.

104. Callaghan J.J. et al.: The Uncemented Porous Coated Anatomic Total Hip Prostheses: Five To Seven Year Results In A Consecutive Series. Ortho. Trans. Vol. 16, pg. 749.

105. Poggi; Callaghan J.J. et al.: Prospective Serial Evaluation of MRI Changes Following Traumatic Hip Dislocation. Ortho. Trans. Vol. 16, pg. 830.

106. Xenos; Heekin; Hopkinson; Callaghan, J.J.: Osteolysis Following Uncemented Total Hip Replacement. Ortho. Trans. Vol 16, pg. 834.

107. Meyer, Callaghan J.J. et al.: Midfoot Sprains In College Football Players. Ortho. Trans. Vol 17, pg. 223.

108. Shaver, S.M.; Brown, T.D.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Digital Edge Detection Measurement of UHMWPE Wear in THA. Proceedings of the Second Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Tramatology, pg. 59, 1995.

109. Shaver, S.M.; Brown, T.D.; and Callaghan, J.J.: The Influence of Post-Operative Follow-Up Time on “Early” Prediction of Long-Term Wear Rate in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, pp 97-98, 1995.

110. Maxian, T.A.; Brown, T.D.; Pedersen, D.R.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Adaptive Remeshing Behavor of a Sliding-Distance-Coupled Contact Model of THA Wear. 1995 Advances in Bioengineering, pp 237-238, 1995.

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111. Madey, S.; Callaghan, J.; Olejniczak, J.; and Johnston, R.: Fifteen Year Follow-Up of Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty Using Contemporary Cementing Techniques. Orthopaedic Transactions 19:302, 1995.

112. Weber, K.; Callaghan, J.; Goetz, D.; Johnston, R.: Hybrid Revision for Failed Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Five to Eight Year Follow-up. Orthopaedic Transactions 19:320, 1995.

113. Callaghan, J. ; Goetz, D.; and Johnston, R.: Hybrid Revision for Failed Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Five to Eight Year Follow-Up. Orthopaedic Transactions 19:320, 1995.

114. 114.Duncan, C.; Berman, A.; and Callaghan, J. et al.: Osteolysis Biologic and Clinical Perspectives. Orthopaedic Transactions 19:460-461, 1995.

115. Creighton, M.; Callaghan, J.; and Johnston, R.: Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis. A Minimum Ten Year Follow-Up. Orthopaedic Transactions 19:697-698, 1995-1996.

116. Fyda, T.; Callaghan, J.; and Johnston, R.: Minimum Ten Year Follow-Up of Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients With Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head. Orthopaedic Transactions 19:698-699, 1995-1996.

117. Ballard, W.; Callaghan, W.; and Johnston, R.: Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Eighty Years and Older. Orthopaedic Transactions 19:696, 1995-1996.

118. Fyda, T., Callaghan, J.; and Johnston, R.: Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients With Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head. A Minimum Ten Year Follow-Up. Orthopaedic Transactions 19:742, 1995-1996.


119. Shaver, S.M.; Brown, T.D.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Digital Edge Detection Measurement of Polyethylene Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Transactions of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society 21(1):24, 1996.

120. Maxian, T.A.; Brown, T.D.; Pedersen, D.R.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Long-Term Polyethylene Wear Rates for Total Hip Arthroplasty Determined by Adaptive Finnite Element Modeling. Transactions of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society 21(1):47, 1996.

121. Maxian, T.A.; Brown, T.D.; Pedersen, D.R.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Finite Element Modeling of Dislocation Propensity in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Transactions of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society 21(1):259, 1996.

122. Steffensmeier, S.J.; Rudert, M.J.; Cheng, Y-J.; Callaghan, J.J.; and Brown, T.D.: Relationship of Mid/Distal Femoral Stem Geometry to Torsional Failure in Cement. Transactions of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society 21(2):407, 1996.

123. Barich, F.C.; Brown, T.D.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Effect of Screw Configuration on Whole-Surface Micromotion of an Uncemented Acetabular Component Under Quasi-Physiological Loads. Transactions of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society 21(2):418, 1996.

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124. Maxian, T.A., Brown, T.D.; Pedersen, D.R.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Femoral Head Containment in Total Hip Arthroplasty: Standard VS Extended Lip Linders. Transactions of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society 21(2):420, 1996.

125. Callaghan, J. ; Olejniczak, J.; Johnston, R.; and Creighton, M.: Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis and Minimum Ten Year Follow-Up. Orthopaedic Transactions 20:13, 1996.

126. Lasecky, J.; Johnson, W.; Callaghan, J.; Gillogly, S.; and Berry, D.: Hip Lesions Mimicking Primary Osteoarthritis. A Radiographic and Histopathologic Study. Orthopaedic Transactions 20:170-171, 1996.

127. Xenos, J.; Heekin, D.; Callaghan, J.; Savory, C.; Hopkinson, W.; and Moore, M.: First Generation Cementless Hip Arthroplasty Long-Term Follow-Up. Orthopaedic Transactions 20:271-272, 1996.

128. Maxian, T.; Brown, T; Pedersen, D; and Callaghan, J: Finite Element Modeling of Dislocation Propensity in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Orthopaedic Transactions 20:647-648, 1996-1997.

129. Steffensmeier, S; Rudert, M.; Cheng, Y; Callaghan, J; Brown, T: Relationship of Mid-Distal Femoral Stem Geometry to Torsional Failure in Cement. Orthopaedic Transactions 20:705-706, 1996-1997.

130. Barich, F.; Brown T. ;and Callaghan, J.: Effect of Screw Configuration on Whole- Surface Micromotion of an Uncemented Acetabular Component Under Quasi-Physiologic Loads. Orthopaedic Transactions 20:710, 1996-1997.

131. Maxian T.; Brown, T.; Pedersen, D.; and Callaghan, J.: Femoral Head Containment in Total Hip Arthroplasty: Standard Vs Extended Lip Linders. Orthopaedic Transactions 20:710-711, 1996-1997.


132. Fyda, T.; Callaghan, J.; Olejniczak, J.; Johnston, R.: Minimum Ten-Year Follow-up of Cemented Total Hip Replacement in Patients with Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head. Orthopaedic Transactions 21(1):62-63, 1997.

133. Kim, Y.; Callaghan, J.; Sun, D.; Lee, H.; Woo, Y.: Hip Arthroplasty in Aplastic Anemia. Orthopaedic Transactions 21(1)154-155, 1997.

134. Kim, Y., Callaghan, J., Kwon, S., Kim, K., Woo, Y., Rhee, S.: Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head Associated with Aplastic Anemia. Orthopaedic Transactions 21:341, 1997.

135. Hop, J.; Callaghan, J.; Pedersen, D.; Johnston, R.; Olejniczak, J.: Contribution of Cable Debris Generation to Accelerated Polyethylene Wear and Acetabular Component Loosening. Orthopaedic Transactions 21(2):540, 1997.

136. Forest, E.; Callaghan, J.; Goetz, D.; Johnston, R.: Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Under the Age of 50: 20 Year Minimum Follow-up. Orthopaedic Transactions 21(2):541, 1997.

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137. Callaghan, J.; Xenos, J.; Heekin, D.; Moore, M.; Hopkinson, W.; Savory, C.: Uncemented PCA Total Hip Arthroplasty: Minimum Ten Year Results. Orthopaedic Transactions 21(2):543, 1997.

138. Pyevich, M.; Saltzman, C.; Callaghan, J.; Alvine, F.: Total Ankle Arthroplasty: 2-12 Year Follow-up of a Unique Design. Orthopaedic Transactions 21(2):559, 1997.

139. Sporer, S.; Callaghan, J.; Goetz, D.; Johnston, R.: Hybrid Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Under the Age of 50: Five to Ten Year Follow-up. Orthopaedic Transactions 21(2):568, 1997.

140. Maxian, T.; Brown, T.; McKellop, H.; Lu, B.; Pedersen, D.; Callaghan, J.: Direct Physical Validation of a Finite Element Model of Polyethylene Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Orthop Trans, Vol 21(3):761-762, 1997-98.

141. Emodi G.; Takatsu, T.; Callaghan, J.; Brown, T.; Pedersen, D.: The Effect of Surgically Induced Parameters on Posterior Cruciate Ligament Function Following Total Knee Arthroplasty. Orthop Trans 21(3):966-967, 1997-98.

142. Maxian, T.; Brown, T.; Pedersen, D.; Callaghan, J.: A Computational Simulation of Polyethylene Wear for Alternative Acetabular Component Fixation Modalities. Orthop Trans 21(3):1031-1032, 1997-98.

143. Callaghan, J .; Tooms, G.: Editorial Papers of 1997 Hip Society, Clin Orthop 344:2-3, Nov. 1997.

144. Scifert, C.F., Brown, T.D., Pedersen, D.R., and Callaghan, J.J.: Experimental Validation of a Computational Simulation of Dislocation in THA. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, pp 131-132, 1997.

145. Nieman, J., Brown, T., and Callaghan, J.: Finite Element Analysis of the Effects of Localized Regions of Roughness on UHMWPE Wear in THA. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, pp 178-179, 1997.

146. Scifert, C.F., Brown, T.D., Pedersen, D.R., and Callaghan, J.J.: Effects of Acetabular Component Lip Design on Dislocation Resistance in THA BED-Vol.36 Advances in Bioengineering (ASME) 295-296, 1997.


147. Pedersen, D.; Brown, T.; Hillis, S.; Callaghan, J.: Third Body Acceleration of in Vivo Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Wear. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 26S1:S106, 1998.

148. Scifert, C.; Brown, T.; Callaghan, J.: A Total Hip Arthroplasty Design Improvement for Dislocation Resistance. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 26S1:S108, 1998.

149. Capello, W.N., Johnston, R.C., Goetz, D.D., Callaghan, J.J., and Brown, T.D.: The Problem of Dislocation Following Total Hip Replacement - Surgical Considerations – Treatment with Constrained Liners. Transactions of the Twenty-Sixth Open

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Scientific Meeting of The Hip Society and the Fourth Combined Open Meeting of the AAHKS, pp 44-45, 1998.

150. Pedersen, D.R., Brown, T.D., Hillis, S.L., and Callaghan, J.J.: Early Prediction of Long-Term Polyethylene Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Transactions of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society 23(1):54, 1998.

151. Nieman, J.C., Brown, T.D., Pedersen, D.R., and Callaghan, J.J.: The Effects of Localized Regions of Head Roughening on Variability of UHMWPE Wear in THA. Transactions of the 44th Annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society 23(1): 77, 1998.

152. Scifert, C.F., Brown, T.D., Pedersen, D.R., Heiner, A.D., and Callaghan, J.J.: Direct Physical Validation of a Finite Element Model of Total Hip Dislocation. Transactions of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society 23(1):403, 1998.

153. Scifert,C.F., Brown, T.D., Pedersen, D.R., and Callaghan, J.J.: The Effects of Cup Tilt and Anteversion on Dislocation Propensity in THA. Transactions of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society 23(1):419, 1998.

154. Pedersen, D.R., Brown, T.D., Hillis, S.L., and Callaghan, J.J.: The Influence of 3rd Body Debris on In Vivo Polyethylene Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Transactions of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society 23(2):772, 1998.

155. Otto, J.K., Brown, T.D., Heiner, A.D., Pedersen, D.R., and Callaghan, J.J.: Characterization of the Dynamic Response of a Piezoresistive Contact Stress Sensor. Transactions of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society 23(2):808, 1998.

156. Pedersen, D.R., Brown, T.D., Callaghan, J.J., and Hillis, S.L.: Quantitative Estimates of Long-Term Polyethylene Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty, Based on Early Wear Measurements Made Using Digital Image Analysis. Transactions of the 65th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, p 219, 1998.

157. Forest, E.E.; Callaghan, J.J.; Goetz, D.D.; Olejniczak, J.P.; Johnston, R.C.: Twenty to Twenty-five Year Results of Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Under Age 50. Orthop. Trans. 22:39, 1998-1999.

158. Albright, J.C.; Callaghan, J.J.; Goetz, D.D.; Olejniczak, J.P.; Johnston, R.C.: Minimum Twenty-five Year Follow-up of Cemented Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty. Orthop. Trans. 22:39, 1998-1999.

159. Sporer, S.M.; Callaghan, J.J.; Goetz, D.D.; Olejniczak, J.P.; Johnston, R.C.: Comparison of Bead Blasted Versus Grit Blasted Cemented Femoral Components in Patients Under the Age of 50. Orthop. Trans. 22:40, 1998-1999..

160. Bierbaum B., Callaghan J., Galante J., Rubash H., Tooms R., Welch R.: Analysis of Blood Management in Patients Undergoing Total Joint Surgery. Orthopaedic Transactions 22:129, 1998-1999.

161. Bierbaum, B.E.; Callaghan, J.J.; Galante, J.O. et al.: Analysis of Blood Management in Patients Undergoing Total Joint Surgery. Orthop. Trans. 22:129, 1998-1999.

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162. Pedersen, D.R.; Brown, T.D.; Hillis, S.L.; Callaghan, J.J.: Quantitative Prediction of Long-Term Polyethylene Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty, Based on Early Wear Measurements Made Using Digital Image Analysis. Orthop. Trans. 22:322, 1998-1999.

163. Pedersen D., Brown T., Hillis S., Callaghan J.: Early Prediction of Long-Term Polyethylene Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Orthopaedic Transactions 22:679, 1998-1999.

164. Nieman J., Brown T., Pedersen D., Callaghan J.: The Effect of Localized Regions of Head Roughness on Variability of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Orthopaedic Transactions 22:685, 1998-1999.

165. Scifert C., Brown T., Pedersen D., Heiner A., Callaghan J.: Direct Physical Validation of a Finite Element Model of Total Hip Dislocation. Orthopaedic Transactions 22:780, 1998-1999.

166. Scifert C., Brown T., Pedersen D., Callaghan J.: The Effect of Cup Tilt and Anteversion on Dislocation Propensity in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Orthopaedic Transactions 22:787, 1998-1999.

167. Pedersen D., Brown T., Hillis S., Callaghan J.: The Influence of Third Body Debris on an In Vivo Polyethylene Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Orthopaedic Transactions 22:893, 1998-1999.

168. Otto J., Brown T., Heiner A., Pedersen D., Callaghan J.: Characterization of the Dynamic Response of a Pezoresistive Contact Stress Sensor. Orthopaedic Transactions 22:900, 1998-1999.

169. Callaghan J. , Albright J., Goetz D., Olejniczak J., Johnston R.: Are Uncemented Acetabular Components Outperforming Cemented Components at Minimum 10 Year Follow-up? Orthopaedic Transactions 22:1006-1007, 1998-1999.

170. Sporer S., Callaghan J., Olejniczak J., Goetz D., Johnston R.: Comparison of Bead Blasted Versus Grit Blasted Cemented Femoral Components in Patients Under the Age of 50. Orthopaedic Transactions 22:1090-1091, 1998-1999.

171. Bierbaum B., Callaghan J., Galante J., Rubash H., Tooms R., Welch R.: Prediction of Red Cell Transfusion in Orthopaedic Surgery. Orthopaedic Transactions 22:1179, 1998-1999.

172. Svoboda S., Stewart J., Heekin D., Callaghan J.: Long Term Sonographic Follow-up of Porous-Coated Anatomic Total Hip Arthroplasty. Orthopaedic Transactions 22:1297, 1998-1999.


173. Callaghan, J. , Kim Y., Pedersen D., Brown T.: Fractures of the Acetabulum After a Total Hip Arthroplasty. Techniques in Orthopaedics 14:120-126, 1999.

174. Duncan C.; Callaghan J.: Periprosthetic Fractures After Major Joint Replacement. Preface

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175. Callaghan JJ , Katz RP, Johnston RC: One Stage Revision Surgery of the Infected Hip: A Minimum Ten-Year Follow-up Study. Clin Orthop & Rel Res 369:139-143, Dec 1999.


176. Callaghan JJ , Spitzer AI: Blood Management and Patient Specific Transfusion Options in Total Joint Replacement Surgery. The Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 20:36-45, 2000.

177. Callaghan JJ : Options for Fixation in Total Hip Replacement. Seminars in Arthroplasty, Vol. 11, pg. 151-160, July 2000.


178. Callaghan JJ : Ceramic-on-Polyethylene: Analysis of Results to Date. Seminars in Arthroplasty 14:86-88, April 2003.


179. Lotke PA, Callaghan JJ, Dorr LD, Engh GH, Hanssen AD, Healy WL, Lachiewicz PF, Lonner JH, Nelson C, Ranawat CS, Ritter MA, Salvati EA, Sculco TP, Thornhill TS. Oral Direct Thrombin Inhibitor Ximelagatran Compared with Warfarin for the Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism After Total Knee Arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2006 May;88-A(5):1163.

Audio   Visual

- Medical Portfolio for Orthopaedic Surgeons. An Interview on Hip Arthrodesis. Vol. 5, No. 1.

- Cementing a Constrained Liner Into a Secure Shell. Feb. 2005, Video Supplement for JBJS/AAOS.

C. Grants Received and Contracts

1. Piedmont Society Grant: Study of Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty Design. Callaghan, J. $9,000 (over three years) (Principle Investigator).

2. Piedmont Society Grant: Air Exposure of Articular Cartilage. Speer, Callaghan ($3,000).

3. Walter Reed Army Medical Center Clinical Investigation Grant For: Study of Uncemented Total Hip Replacement Clinical Results. (2401), Callaghan, J. $3,000.

4. Walter Reed Army Medical Center Clinical Investigation Grant For: Prospective Study of Technetium and Indium Scanning of Porous Ingrowth Prosthesis. (2404), Callaghan, J., VanOstrand, D., $3,000.

5. Walter Reed Army Medical Center Clinical Investigation Grant For: Comparison of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Arthroscopy in Determining Internal Derangement of the Knee. (4702) Callaghan, J., Sikes, R, Polly, D., $3,000.

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6. Walter Reed Army Medical Center Clinical Investigation Grant For: Radiographic Evaluation of a New Device to Measure Ankle Motion. Associate Investigator, $2,100. Polly Principle Investigator.

7. Walter Reed Army Institute of Research For: Histological and Histochemical Changes of Exposed Articular Cartilage. (S01-86), Associate Investigator, $9,000. Polly Principal Investigator.

8. Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Clinical Investigation Grant For: Selective Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee: A Large Scale Clinical Trial. (2406) Associate Investigator. $13,645. Polly Principle Investigator.

9. Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Clinical Investigation Grant For: Retrospective

Review of Indium-111

White Blood Cell Scanning in Orthopaedic Patients. (2408) Callaghan, J. $1,000.

10. Cardiac Enzyme Levels in Total Joint, Hip Fracture and Spine Surgery. (2409) Callaghan, J., Wukick, D., $1,000.

11. Study of Gentamicin Impregnated Beads and Cement. EM Industries, $50,000. Associated Investigator. Salvati Principal Investigator.

12. Study of Design in Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty. Bristol-Meyers-Zimmer Industrial Grant, $650,000.00 over 4 years. Principal Investigator.

13. Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation Career Development Award Grant: Study Biodegradable Antibiotics in Infected Total Hip Arthroplasty. Callaghan, J. $100,000 (over two years) renewable third year. (Principle Investigator). Finished in Aug. 1991.

Since Return to Iowa 1990

14. 1991. Micromotion of Uncemented Total Hip Replacement: Bristol Meyers/Zimmer. $50,000.00. Principle Investigator.

15. 1992. Uncemented Total Hip Replacement. Bristol Meyers/Zimmer, $98,000. Principle Investigator.

16. 1991-1996. NIH Training Grant. Associate Investigator.

17. 1992-1994. Foundation for Physical Therapy Grant. The Effectiveness of Bi-Daily Physical Therapy Versus Minimal Daily Treatment in the Management of Patients with Total Hip or Knee Replacement. Year 1 - $44,979; Year 2 - $44,156; Year 3 - $45,971; Total - $135,100. Associate Investigator.

18. 1993-1995. Prospective Follow-up of Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty. Johnson and Johnson Orthopaedics (Third year of $240,000.00 grant, $80,000.00 annually). Principle Investigator.

19. 1994. Areas of Contact Around An Uncemented Component With a New Geometry (Osteonics), $16,000.00. Principle Investigator.

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20. 1994. Analysis of Joint Line Elevation In Total Knee Replacement (Johnson & Johnson), $13,000.00. Principle Investigator.

21. 1994-1997. Basic Science and Clinical Evaluation of Total Hip Arthroplasty. DePuy Orthopaedics (1994-1995 $102,000.00; 1995-1996 $150,000.00; 1996-1997 $147,000.00). Principle Investigator.

22. 1994-1997. Prospective Follow-up of Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty. Johnson and Johnson Orthopaedics, $7,000 annually ($21,000). Principle Investigator.

23. 1995. Areas of Contact Around Acetabular Components of Various Size Diameters and Screw Hole Configurations (DePuy), $53,500.00. Principle Investigator.

24. 1995. Young Sik Kim Donation, $10,000.00.

25. 1995-1998. Clinical Biomechanics of Acetabular Wear in THA. NIH AR43314 (1995-1998 Direct Costs: $443,470.00; 1995 $172,029.00; 1996 $172,000.00, 1997). Principle Investigator.

26. 1996. Micromotion in Proximal Versus Distal Uncemented Component Fixation. Grant Ranawat Foundation. $3,000.00. Principle Investigator.

27. 1996-1998. Clinical Outcome and Biomechanics of Total Knee Arthroplasty. Johnson & Johnson, $335,000.00. Principle Investigator.

28. 1997-2000. Basic and Clinical Evaluation of Total Hip Replacement (DePuy) ($770,000; 1997-2000). Principle Investigator.

29. 1999-2000. Research in Total Joint Replacement 7/99-9/00, DePuy, a Company of Johnson & Johnson. (Des Moines research) $147,000.00. Principle Investigator.

30. 1999 –2003. Biomechanics of Total Hip Dislocation: VA Merit Research Grant. 4/99 – 3/03, $429,600.00 Direct Cost. Principle Investigator.

31. 2000-2004. NIH RO3 Femoral Impaction Grafting. $225,000.00, Co Principal Investigator.

32. 2000-2005. NIH AR 46601 Nonlinear Computational Biomechanics of the Hip. 4/01/00-03/31/05, $2,612,987.00 Total Costs, 4/01/00-03/31/00, $511242.00 Annual Total Costs. Thomas D. Brown, Ph.D., Principal Investigator, John J. Callaghan, M.D., Clinical Co-Investigator.

33. 2001. Clinical Joint Replacment Research. (Des Moines) $50,000.00.

34. 2001-2002. Basic & Clinical Evaluation of Total Hip Arthroplasty. DePuy, J&J. $150,000.00 July 01-June 02. Principle Investigator.

35. 2001-2005. NIH R01 Mechanism of Third Body Acceleration of THA Wear. 4/01/01. $918,307.00, Co Principal Investigator.

36. 2002-2003. Basic & Clinical Evaluation of Total Hip Arthroplasty. DePuy, J&J. $150,000.00. July 02-June 03. Principle Investigator.

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37. 2004-2005. Clinical Joint Replacement Research. (Des Moines). $100,000.00.

38. 2004-2005. Basic & Clinical Evaluation of Total Hip and Total Knee Replacement. DePuy, J&J. $200,000.00. Principle Investigator.

39. 2006-2010. NIH 1 R01 Implant/Construct Interactions in the Biomechanics of Total Hip Dislocation. $1,244,453. Sept 2006-Oct 2010. Co-Investigator.

D. Invited lectures/Conference presentations/Visiting Professorships



American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Las Vegas, Nevada., January 28, 1984- Fractures of the Femoral Component: Analysis of Failure and Results of Revision- Reimplantation of Infected Hips with Total Hip Arthroplasty- Long-Term Follow-up of Hip Arthrodesis

The Hip Society Twelfth Open Scientific Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia, Feb 8, 1984- Results of Revision Total Hip Replacement

International Symposium on Infection in Orthopaedic Surgery, Ottowa, Canada, May 10-12, 1984

- Elution of Gentamicin from Patients Implanted with Impregnated Cement and Beads

American Orthopaedic Association. Palm Springs, FL. May 17, 1984- Gentamicin Levels Released from Patients Implanted with Impregnated Cement and


American Orthopaedic Association. Palm Beach, Florida, May 17, 1984- Results of Revision Total Hip Replacement

Society Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopaedique et de Traumatologie, London, England, Oct 4, 1984

- Revision Total Hip Replacement Results

Eastern Orthopaedic Association. Aculpulco, Mexico. Oct. 13, 1984- Two-to Five-Year Results on Revision Total Hip Replacement: Have We Improved?


13th Hip Society Meeting. Las Vegas, NV. Jan. 23, 1985- Frank   Stinchfield Award Paper: Reimplantation for Salvage of the Infected Hip:

Rationales for the Use of Gentamicin Impregnated Cement

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Las Vegas, Nevada. Jan. 28, 1985- Two-to Five-Year Results of Revision Total Hip Replacement: Have We Improved?

Society of Military Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, December 2-4, 1985

- Evaluation of Intra-articular Hardware Penetration by Computed Axial Tomography

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John J. Callaghan, 52

- Evaluation of Uncemented PCA Total Hip Replacement with Minimum One Year Follow-up

- Use of Gastrocnemius Flaps to Salvage Operations About the Knee Joint- Use of Autoblood in Total Joint Replacement and Spine Surgery


The American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons. San Francisco, CA. Jan. 22, 1986- A Prospective Comparison Study of Double Contrast CT Arthrography and Shoulder


American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, New Orleans LA. Feb 1986- Lesions Mimicking Osteoarthritis of the Hip (Scientific Exhibit)- Use of Autoblood in Total Joint Replacement and Spine Surgery (Poster Exhibit)- Use of Computed Axial Tomography to Determine Intra-Articular Hardware Penetration

(Poster Exhibit)- A Minimum One Year Follow-up of the PCA Total Hip Replacement (Poster Exhibit)

American Orthopaedic Association Residents Conference, Los Angeles, CA, May 1-3, 1986- Meniscectomy in Children- The Salvage of Infected Knee Operation by Use of Gastrocnemius Flaps- Autologous Blood Transfusion in Orthopaedic Surgery- The Use of Uncemented Prosthesis in Revision Hip Surgery- Evaluation of Uncemented Porous Coated Total Hip Replacement with Minimum One

Year Follow-up

American Orthopaedic Association. Hot Springs, VA. June 24, 1986- Evaluation of Benign Acetabular Lesions with Excision through the Ludloff Approach

Bone Ingrowth: The First Decade. Alexandria, Virginia. September 5 - 6, 1986- Evaluation of Cemented Femoral Components- Clinical Experience with Cemented Femoral Replacements- Clinical Experience with Cemented vs Noncemented Acetabular Components.- Clinical Results with Cemented Revision Total Hip Replacement

American Society of Clinical Pathologist/College of American Pathologists. Orlando, FL. Sept.-Oct. 1986

- Hip Lesions Mimicking Primary Osteoarthritis: A Radiographic and Histopathology Study (Scientific Exhibit)

Southern Orthopaedic Association Resident's Conference, Atlanta, GA, November 1986- Indium Labelled Leukocyte Imaging in Musculoskeletal Sepsis

Radiologic Society of North America 72nd Scientific Assembly. Chicago, IL. Nov. 1986- Hip Lesions Mimicking Primary Osteoarthritis: A Radiographic and Histopathologic

Study (Scientific Exhibit)

Society of Military Orthopaedic Surgeons, Colorado Springs, CO, November 18-21, 1986- The Use of Magnetic Resonance and Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography

in Evaluation of Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head- A Prospective Comparison Study of Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee

Compared with Knee Arthroscopy- Use of Uncemented Prosthesis in Total Hip Revision

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John J. Callaghan, 53

- Indium Labelled Leukocyte Imaging in Musculoskeletal Sepsis- Lesions Mimicking Primary Osteoarthrosis of the Hip- Reimplantation for Salvage of the Infected Hip Utilizing a Standard Intravenous

Antibiotic Regimen


American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, San Francisco, CA. January 1987- Current Status of Autologous Blood Programs in Elective Orthopaedic Surgery

(Scientific Exhibit) - Evaluation of Benign Acetabular Lesion with Excision through the Ludloff Approach

(Scientific Exhibit) - Evaluation of Intra-Articular Hardware Penetration by Computed Axial Tomography

(Scientific Exhibit) - Lesions Mimicking Chondromalacia Patella (Scientific Exhibit) - A Prospective Comparison Study of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Arthroscopy of

the Knee (Scientific Exhibit) - Indium Labeled Leukocyte Imaging in Chronic Musculoskeletal Sepsis (Scientific

Exhibit) - A Prospective Comparison Study of Double Contrast CT Arthrography and Shoulder

Arthroscopy (Scientific Exhibit) - Lesions Mimicking Primary Osteoarthritis of the Hip: A Radiographic and

Histopathologic Study (Scientific Exhibit) - Uncemented Porous Coated Anatomic Total Hip Replacement - A Prospective

Consecutive Series Follow-up (Scientific Exhibit)

The American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. San Francisco, CA. Jan. 21, 1987- A Prospective Comparison Study of Double Contrast CT Arthrography and Shoulder


American Orthopaedic Association Resident's Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. March 13, 1987

- Preoperative Indium Labeled White Blood Cell Scintigraphy in Suspected Chronic Osteomyelitis and Periprosthetic Infection

- Selective Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Arthroscopy- Uncemented Porous Coated Anatomic Total Hip Replacement: Preliminary Results of

a Prospective Consecutive Series

The International Society of the Knee. Sydney, Australia, April 3, 1987- Selective Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Arthroscopy of the Knee: A Prospective

Comparison Study

American Roentgen Ray Society: Miami Beach, FL. April 26 – May 1, 1987- Hip Lesions Mimicking Primary Osteoarthritis: A Radiographic and Histopathologic

Study (Scientific Exhibit)- Lesions Mimicking Chondromalacia Patella (Scientific Exhibit)

Executive Meeting of the American Orthopaedic Association. Washington, D.C. May 7, 1987

- Report on the 1986 AOA North American Traveling Fellowship

Society of Nuclear Medicine, 34th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 1987

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John J. Callaghan, 54

- Indium-111

Labeled White Blood Cell (IN-WBC) Uptake in Noninfected Closed Fractures in Humans. A Prospective Study

- Skeletal Uptake of Indium-111

Labeled Leukocytes: An Expansion of The Gamuts (Scientific Exhibit)

- Open Surgical Correlation on Indium-111

Labeled White Blood Cell Scan (IN-WBC's) and Three-Phase Bone Scan in Chronic Musculoskeletal Infection (Scientific Exhibit)

Irish American Orthopaedic Society. Sligo, Ireland. June 27, 1987- Uncemented P.C.A. Total Hip Replacement: Two Year Results of a Consecutive


Controversy in Total Hip Replacement: Sponsored by Harvard Medical School Continuing Medical Education. Boston, MA. Sept. 16-19, 1987

- P.C.A. Uncemented Primary Total Hip Replacement Minimum Two Year Results

- Diagnosis of Failed Total Hip Replacement: Cemented/Cementless

American College of Surgeons. San Francisco, CA. October 12-16, 1987- A Prospective Comparison Study of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Arthroscopy of

the Knee (Scientific Exhibit)- The Use of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Single Photon Emission Computed

Tomography In Evaluation of Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head (Poster Exhibit)- The Use of Uncemented Prosthesis in Total Hip Revision (Poster Exhibit)

Eastern Orthopaedic Association. Hot Springs, VA, Oct. 16, 1987- Uncemented P.C.A. Total Hip Replacement: A Prospective Consecutive Series


Society of Military Orthopaedic Surgeons. San Diego, CA. Nov. 16, 1987- Uncemented Porous Coated Anatomic Hip Replacement: Results of a Prospective

Consecutive Series - A Prospective Comparison Study of Double Contrast CT Arthrography and Arthroscopy

of the Shoulder


American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Atlanta, GA. Feb. 4-8, 1988- Lesions Mimicking Primary Osteoarthritis of the Hip (Scientific Exhibit)- Lesions Mimicking Chondromalacia Patella (Scientific Exhibit)- Benign and Malignant Primary Osseous Neoplasms of the Foot (Poster Exhibit) - The Effects of Air Exposure on Articular Cartilage Degeneration (Poster Exhibit)- Benign and Malignant Primary Osseous Neoplasms of the Foot (Poster Exhibit)

- A Prospective Evaluation of Serial Bone Technetium Diphosphonate and Indium-111

Scanning in Uncemented Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty

American Orthopaedic Association Residents Conference, Boston, MA, March 13-19, 1988- The Effects of Air Exposure on Articular Cartilage Degeneration- Primary Benign and Malignant Osseous Neoplasms of the Foot

- Indium-111

Labeled White Blood Cell (In WBC) Uptake in Noninfected Closed Fractures in Humans: A Prospective Study

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John J. Callaghan, 55

Closed Meeting of Hip Society. Montreal, Canada. Sept. 17, 1988- Fracture of the Femoral Component: Analysis of Failure and Long Term Follow-up of


Eastern Orthopaedic Association. San Juan, Puerto Rico. Oct. 14, 1988- Benign and Malignant Osseous Neoplasms of the Foot

The Society for Arthritic Joint Surgery. Asheville, NC. Oct. 24, 1988- Fracture of the Femoral Component: Analysis of Failure and Long Term Follow-up of


Society of Military Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Williamsburg, VA, Nov. 1988- Efficacy of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Single Photon Emission Computed

Tomography in Diagnosing Femoral Head Osteonecrosis- Cardiac Enzyme Levels in Patients after Total Joint, Hip Fracture, and Spine Surgery - The Effect of Air Exposure on Articular Cartilage Degeneration- Two to Four Year Results of Primary Uncemented PCA Total Hip Arthroplasty: A

Prospective Study of our First One Hundred Consecutive Cases- Benign and Malignant Osseous Neoplasms of the Foot


American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Las Vegas, NV. Feb. 6-9, 1989- Benign and Malignant Neoplasms of the Clavicle (Poster Exhibit)- Comparison of Hip Ratings in Primary Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty (Poster

Exhibit)- Hip Lesions Mimicking Primary Osteoarthritis: A Radiographic and Histopathologic

Study (Scientific Exhibit)- Primary Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty and Hybrid Total Hip Arthroplasty (ICL)- Cemented Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty (ICL)

AOA Residents Conference, Rochester, New York, April 1989- Prospective Analysis of PCA Total Hip Arthroplasty

Closed Meeting of the HipSociety. Durham, NC. Sept. 22, 1989- Comparison of Micromotion and Femoral Strain Patterns in Uncemented Straight and

Anatomic Femoral Components (Scientific Presentation)

Eastern Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, October 1989- Pyomyositis in a Temperate Climate- Anatomical and Mechanical Considerations in Acetabular Screw Placement

4th International Shoulder Conference. New York, NY. Oct. 4-7, 1989- Comparison Study of CT Arthrography and Arthroscopy of the Shoulder (Poster



American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. New Orleans, LA. Feb. 8-13, 1990- Hip Lesions Mimicking Primary Osteoarthritis: A Radiographic and Histopathologic

Study (Scientific Exhibit)

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John J. Callaghan, 56

- Primary Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty (Instructional Course Lecture)- Cemented Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty (Instructional Course Lecture)- Prospective Analysis of One Hundred Consecutive PCA Primary Total HIP

ArthroplastiesOrthopaedic Research Society. New Orleans, LA. Feb., 1990

- Air Exposure of Articular Cartilage (Poster Exhibit)- Effect of Lithotripsy on Canine Femoral Strength (Poster Exhibit)

1st World Congress of Biomechanics. UCSD, San Diego, CA. Aug.30 –Sept. 4, 1990- Whole Bone Strength in Lithotripsy Assisted Revision of Cemented Arthroplasty.

Stranne, S.; Myers, B.; Cocks, F.; Weinerth, J.; Seaber, A.; Callaghan   J.J. - Stain Pattern Comparisons in Paired Versus Unpaired Human Femurs. Fulghum, C.;

Glesson, R.; Stranne, S.; Fyda, T.; Seaber, A. and Callaghan   J.J. - Micromotion in Uncemented THR: Comparison of Two Stem Designs. Fulghum, C.;

Glesson, R.; Stranne, S.; Fyda, T.; Seaber, A.; Callaghan   J.J. - Lithotripsy in Cementless THA: Effects on Bone-Prosthesis Interface. Fyda, T.;

Stranne, S.; Glesson, R.; Fulghum, C.; Weinerth, J.; Callaghan   J.J. . - A Mechanical Model to Optimize Screw Augmented Acetabular Component Fixation

1991Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting. March 4-7, 1991

- Comparison of Strain Patterns in Femora Implanted with Straight and Curved Stem Uncemented Prostheses

- Screw Augmented Acetabular Component Fixation: Anatomic and Mechanical Considerations

- Proximal and Distal Tip Micromotion in Straight Versus Curved Stem Collarless Uncemented Femoral Components

- The Effect of Cortical Window Healing on Whole Bone Strength- Facilitation of Cement Removal With Ultrasonically Driven Tools: Evaluation of the

Effects on Whole Bone Strength in a Canine Revision Model

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Anaheim, CA. March 7-12, 1991- Hip Lesions Mimicking Primary Osteoarthritis: A Radiographic and Histopathologic

Study (Scientific Exhibit)- Classification and Management of Bone Deficiencies of the Acetabulum and Femur.

Committee on the Hip (Scientific Exhibit)

British Orthopaedic Association. Brighton, England. May, 1991- Four to Six Year Follow-up of Primary Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty

Hip Society Summer Meeting. Indianapolis, IN. Sept. 11, 1991- Twenty Year Follow-up of Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Course. Total Hip Arthroplasties: Problems and Controversies. Toronto, Canada. Oct. 3-5, 1991

- Why I Use Chrome Cobalt- Ten Year Results of Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty Revision- Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty (Panel)

Orthopaedic Research Society Combined Meeting of the USA, Japan, and Canada. Banff, Alberta, Canada. Oct. 21-23, 1991

- Strength of Fixation in Porous-Coated Implants Exposed to Lithotripsy

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John J. Callaghan, 57

- Proximal and Distal Tip Micromotion in Straight Versus Curved Stem Collarless Uncemented Femoral Components

- Facilitation of Cement Removal with Ultrasonically Driven Tools: Evaluation of the Effects on Whole Bone Strength in a Canine Revision Model

AOA North American Traveling Fellow Program. Oct. 21-23, 1991 - Program Chairman

German Orthopaedic Society. Munich, Germany. Nov. 38-30, 1991.- Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty- Seven Year Follow-up of Uncemented Primary Total Hip Replacement


Orthopaedic Research Society. Washington, D.C. Feb. 1992- Results of IV Antibiotic Therapy in an Infected Canine Total Hip Arthroplasty Model

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C. Feb. 1992

- Five to Seven Year Results of PCA Total Hip Arthroplasty- Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty (Scientific Presentation) ICL - Thigh Pain After Uncemented Total Hip Replacement- Hip Lesions Mimicking Primary Osteoarthritis: A Radiographic and Histopathologic

Study (Scientific Exhibit)

International Micromotion Seminar. Oxford, England. April, 1992- Micromotion Around Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty

AOA, ABC Traveling Fellow Program. May 19-20, 1992 - Program Chairman

Combined Meeting of the English Speaking Countries. Toronto, Canada. June, 1992

- Five to Seven Year Follow-up of PCA Total Hip Arthroplasty in a Prospective Consecutive Series

5th International Conference on Surgery of the Shoulder. Paris, France. July, 1992- Benign and Malignant Osseous Neoplasms of the Clavicle

Annual Meeting American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. San Diego, CA. July 6-9, 1992

- Midfoot Sprains in College Football Players.- The Relationship of Stingers to Spinal Stenosis

in College Football Players

AAOS Hip Course. Scottsdale, Arizona, Oct. 22-24, 1992- The Normal Hip- Uncemented Femoral Stems- Comparison of Cemented and Uncemented Primary Replacement- High Density Polyethylene Wear- Indications and Results of Revision


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John J. Callaghan, 58

AAOS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Feb. 18-20, 1993- Symposium Chairman Wear Debris- AAOS Instructional Course- Long Term Follow-up Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty

AAOS Hip Course. Boston, MA, Apr. 29 - May 1, 1993- Five Presentations On Hip Arthroplasty

Closed Meeting Of the Hip Society, Detroit, MI, Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, 1993- Three Presentations

AAOS Hip Course Revision Surgery. San Diego, CA, Oct. 28-30, 1993 - Two Presentations


Second World Congress of Biomechanics. Amsterdam, Netherlands. July 10-15, 1994- Kim, Y.S.; Brown, T.D.; Pedersen, D.R.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Reamed Surface

Topology and Component Seating in Press-Fit Cementless Acetabular Fixation. (Poster Presentation)

- Kim, Y.S., Callaghan, J.J.; Ahn, P.B.; and Brown, T.D.: Factors Influencing Acetabular Fracture During Insertion of Oversized Hemispherical Components

18th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics. Columbus, OH. Oct. 13-15, 1994

- Barich, F.C.; Brown, T.D.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Micromotion of an Uncemented Femoral Component Under Simulated In Vivo Gait Loads

- Bristol, R.E.; Fitzpatrick, D.C.; Callaghan, J.J.; and Brown, T.D.: Localized UHMWPE Contact Stress Irregularities in Total Knee Arthroplasty. Clinical Biomechanics Award Paper

- Maxian, T.A.; Brown, T.D.; Pedersen, D.R.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Finite Element Modeling of Polyethylene Stresses Using Industrial Tolerances for Femoral Head Sizes in Total Hip Replacements

- Shaver, S.M.; Brown, T.D.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Initial Evaluation of a Digital Edge Detection Technique to Measure UHMWPE Wear in Total Hip Replacements

Surgery of the Pelvis and Acetabulum: The Second International Consensus. Pittsburgh, PA. Oct. 21-22, 1994

- Brown, T.D.; Kim, Y.S.; Ahn, P.B.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Factors Influencing Acetabular Fractures During Insertion of Oversized Hemispherical Components

International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Chicago, IL. Nov. 6-11, 1994

- Barich, F.C.; Brown, T.D.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Whole Surface Micromotion of a Noncemented Femoral Component Under Level Walking and Stair Climbing Simulations

- Pedersen, D.R.; Callaghan, J.J.; Olejniczak, J.P.; and Johnston, R.C.: In-Vivo Polyethylene Wear Rates in Five Different Acetabular Components Used Over a Five to Twenty-Two Year Period

- Shaver, S.M.; Brown, T.D.; and Callaghan, J.J.: A Digital Edge Detection Technique to Measure In-Vivo UHMWPE Wear in Total Hip Replacements (Poster Presentation)

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36th Annual Meeting Society of Military Orthopaedic Surgeons. Hilton Head Island, SC. Nov. 13-18, 1994

- Periprosthetic Bone Loss Around an Uncemented Cobalt Chrome Total Hip Arthroplasty: Xenos, Hopkinson, Callaghan, Heekin, Savory


41st Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. Orlando, FL. Feb. 13-16, 1995- Barich, F.C.; Brown, T.D.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Effect of Proximal and Distal Fit on

Micromotion of an Uncemented Femoral Component Under Realistic In-Vivo Gait Loads

- Kim, Y.S.; Brown, T.D.; Pedersen, D.R.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Seating of Hemispherical vs Dual Radius Components in Press-Fit Cementless Acetabular Fixation (Poster Presentation)

- Kim, Y.S.; Callaghan, J.J.; Ahn, P.B.; and Brown, T.D.: Acetabular Fracture During Oversized Component Insertion

- Maxian, T.A.; Brown, T.D.; Pedersen, D.R.; and Callaghan, J.J.: A Sliding-Distance-Coupled Finite Element Model for Polyethylene Wear in THA (Poster Presentation)

- Maxian, T.A.; Brown, T.D.; Pedersen, D.R.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Variability of Polyethylene Contact Stress Due to Current Industrial Tolerances for Femoral Head Sizes (Poster Presentation)

Second Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Munich , Germany, July 4-7, 1995

- Shaver, S.M.; Brown, T.D.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Digital Edge Detection Measurement of UHMWPE Wear in THA. (Poster Presentation)

Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Stanford, CA, August 24-26, 1995

- Shaver, S.M.; Brown, T.D., and Callaghan, J.J.: The Influence of Post-Operative Follow-Up Time on Early Prediction of Long-Term Wear Rate in Total Hip Arthroplasty

ASME Winter Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 12-17, 1995- Maxian, T.A.; Brown, T.D.; Pedersen, D.R.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Adaptive Remeshing

Behavior of a Sliding-Distance-Coupled Contact Model of THA Wear


42nd Annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society. Atlanta, GA. Feb. 19-22, 1996- Digital Edge Detection Measurement of Polyethylene Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty:

Shaver, Brown, Callaghan- Long-Term Polyethylene Wear Rates for Total Hip Arthroplasty Determined by

Adaptive Finite Element Modeling: Maxian, Brown, Pedersen, Callaghan- Use of Edge Detection Techniques to Characterize Femoral Loosening in Cemented

Total Hip Replacement: Boys, Callaghan, Park, Johnston- Finite Element Modeling of Dislocation Propensity in Total Hip Arthroplasty: Maxian,

Brown, Pedersen, Callaghan- Relationship of Mid/Distal Femoral Stem Geometry to Torsional Failure in Cement:

Steffensmeier, Rudert, Cheng, Callaghan, Brown- Effect of Screw Configuration on Whole-Surface Micromotion of an Uncemented

Acetabular Component Under Quasi-Physiologic Loads: Barich, Brown, Callaghan- Femoral Head Containment in Total Hip Arthroplasty: Standard Vs. Extended Lip

Liners: Maxian, Brown, Pedersen, Callaghan

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John J. Callaghan, 60

- Maxian, T.A.; Brown, T.D.; Pedersen, D.R.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Femoral Head Containment in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Standard VS Extended Lip Liners (Poster Presentation)

- Shaver, S.M.; Brown, T.D.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Digital Edge Detection Measurement of Polyethylene Wear in Total Hip Arthoplasty

- Steffensmeier, S.J.; Rudert, M.J.; Cheng, Y-J.; Callaghan, J.J.; and Brown, T.D.: Relationship of Mid-Distal Femoral Stem Geometry to Torsional Failure in Cement (Poster Presentation)

- Barich, F.C.; Brown, T.D.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Effect of Screw Configuration on Whole-Surface Micromotion of an Uncemented Acetabular Component Under quasi-Physiological Loads (Poster Presentation)

The Hip Society, 24th Open Scientific Meeting/Second Combined Open Meeting of The Hip Society and AAHKS, Atlanta, GA, February 25, 1996

- Maxian, T.A.; Brown, T.D.; Pedersen, D.R.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Three-Dimensional Sliding/Contact Computational Simulation of Acetabular Wear in THA. (The Frank Sinchfield Award Presentation)

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, February 22-26, 1996

- Hip Lesions Mimicking Primary Osteoarthritis, A Radiographic and Histopathologic Study: Lisecki, Johnson, Callaghan, Gillogly, Berry

- Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Minimum Ten-Year Follow-Up: Creighton, Callaghan, Olejniczak, Johnston

- An In Vivo Model of Third Body Wear: Contributions of Cable Debris Generation to Accelerated Polyethylene Wear and Acetabular Component Loosening: Hop, Callaghan, Olejniczak, Shaver, Johnston

- First Generation Cementless Hip Arthroplasty: Long-Term Follow-up: Xenos, Heeken, Hopkinson, Savory, Moore, Callaghan


Orthopaedic Research Society. San Francisco, CA. Feb. 9-13, 1997- Direct Physical Validation of a Finite Element Model of Polyethylene Wear in Total Hip

Arthroplasty- The Effect of Surgically Induced Parameters on Posterior Cruciate Ligament Function

Following Total Knee Arthroplasty- Computational Simulation of Polyethylene Wear for Alternative Acetabular Component

Fixation Modalities- William Harris Award - Measurement of Acetabular Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. San Francisco, CA. Feb. 13-19, 1997- Symposium - Periprosthetic Fractures of the Hip & Knee: Acetabular Fractures- Comparison of Acetabular Wear in Primary Versus Revision Total Hip

Arthroplasty- The Long Term Follow-up of Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients with

Osteonecrosis- Total Ankle Arthroplasty: Two to Eleven Year Follow-up of a Unique Design- Hip Arthroplasty in Aplastic Anemia- Instructional Course - Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty: Planning & Management

of the Difficult Case- Poster Exhibit - Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head in Aplastic Anemia

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John J. Callaghan, 61

Open Meeting of the Hip Society. San Francisco, CA. Feb. 17, 1997- Cemented Hip Replacement in the Young Adult- Finite Element Modeling of Wear- Frank Stinchfield Award Paper. Relationship of Cable-Debris to Third Body Wear and


American Orthopaedic Association, Boca Raton, Florida, June 11-13, 1997- Symposium on Osteonecrosis of the Hip: Results of Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients

with Osteonecrosis of the Hip

Guest Lecturer of the Combined Meeting of the Canadian and Brazilian Hip Societies, Toronto, Canada, July 9-11, 1997

- Ten Year Results of PCA Acetabular Components- Long Term Results of Cemented Femoral Component

Adult Orthopaedic Reconstructive Trauma Association, Santa Monica, California, August 7-8, 1997

- Acetabular Fractures Following Total Hip Arthroplasty- The Effect of Surface Finish on Femoral Component Longevity

Closed Meeting of The Hip Society, New York, New York, September 12-13, 1997- The Effect of Surface Finish on Results of Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty in

the Young Patient- Three D Finite Element Model of Third Body Wear in Total Hip Replacement

Hip Society Summer Meeting, New York, NY, September 11-13, 1997- Brown, T.D., Nieman, J.C., Pedersen, D.R. and Callaghan, J.J.: Finite Element Model

of Third Body Wear

Twenty-First Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Clemson, South Carolina, September 24-27, 1997

- Nieman, J., Brown, T., and Callaghan, J.: Finite Element Analysis of the Effects of Localized Regions of Roughness on UHMWPE Wear in THA. (Poster Presentation)

- Scifert, C.F., Brown, T.D., Pedersen, D.R., and Callaghan, J.J.: Experimental Validation of a Computational Simulation of Dislocation in THA. (Poster Presentation)

American Association of Hip & Knee Surgeons Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, November 7-9, 1997

- Complex Hip Case Presentations

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Orthopaedic Learning Center Course on Revision Hip Surgery, Rosemont, Illinois, November 14-16, 1997

- Debate: Cement Versus Cementless Fixation in Femoral Revision:a. Cemented Fixationb. Strategies for Cemented Femoral Replacement in Revision Surgery

ASME IMECE97 BED Meeting, Dallas, Texas, November 16-21, 1997- Scifert, C.F., Brown, T.D., Pedersen, D.R., and Callaghan, J.J.: Effects of Acetabular

Component Lip Design on Dislocation Resistance in THA


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Combined Meeting Orthopaedic Association of the English Speaking World, Auckland, New Zealand, February 1-6, 1998

- A Minimum 25-Year Follow-up of Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty: Callaghan, Johnston, Albright, Goetz, Olejniczak

- Twenty to Twenty-five Year Results of Cemented Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Under 50 Years of Age: Callaghan, Johnston, Forest, Goetz, Olejniczak

- The Surface Finish Effect: The Long-term Durability of the Femoral Component and Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty: Callaghan, Sporer, Forest, Olejniczak, Johnston, Goetz

- Instructional Course Lecturer - Femoral Revision Surgery: Concerns & Results With Cementless Femoral Fixation: Callaghan

44th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, LA, March 15-18, 1998

- Early Prediction of Long Term Polyethylene Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty: Pedersen, Brown, Hillis, Callaghan

- The Effects of Localized Regions of Head Roughness on Variability of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty: Nieman, Brown, Pedersen, Callaghan

- The Effect of Cup Tilt and Anteversion on Dislocation Propensity in Total Hip Arthroplasty: Scifert, Brown, Pedersen, Callaghan

- Direct Physical Validation of a Finite Element Model of Total Hip Dislocation: Seifert, Brown, Pedersen, Heiner, Callaghan

- Characterization of the Dynamic Response of a Piezo-Resistive Contact Stress Sensor: Otto, Brown, Heiner, Pedersen, Callaghan

- The Influence of Third Body Debris on In Vivo Polyethylene Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty: Pedersen, Brown, Hillis, Callaghan

65th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery, New Orleans, March 19-23, 1998

- Minimum 25-Year Follow-up of Cemented Follow-up of Cemented Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty: Albright, Callaghan, Goetz, Olejniczak, Johnston

- Twenty to Twenty-Five Year Results of Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Under the Age of Fifty: Forest, Callaghan, Goetz, Olejniczak, Johnston

- Comparison of Bead Blasted Versus Grit Blasted Cemented Femoral Components in Patients Under the Age of Fifty: Sporer, Callaghan, Goetz, Olejniczak, Johnston

- Quantitative Estimates of Long-Term Polyethylene Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty Based on Early Wear Measurements Made Using Digital Image Analysis: Pedersen, Brown, Callaghan, Hillis

- Prediction of Red Cell Transfusion in Orthopaedic Surgery: Bierbaum, Callaghan, Galante, Rubash, Tooms, Welch

- Instructional Course Lecturer - Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty: Planning and Management of the Difficult Case. Selective Surgical Approaches #109: Callaghan

Open Meeting of The Hip Society, New Orleans, March 22, 1998- Overview of Dislocation: Biomechanical Factors: Brown, Seifert, Callaghan- The Problem of Dislocation Following Total Hip Replacement Surgical Considerations -

Treatment With Constrained Liner: Capello, Johnston, Goetz, Callaghan, Brown- A Critical Look at Cementless Stems: An Overview: Callaghan

Twenty-Sixth Open Scientific Meeting, The Fourth Combined Open Meeting of The Hip Society and AAHKS, New Orleans, LA, March 22, 1998

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John J. Callaghan, 63

- Capello, W.N., Johnston, R.C., Goetz, D.D., Callaghan, J.J., and Brown, T.D.: The Problem of Dislocation Following Total Hip Replacement Surgical Considerations – Treatment with Constrained Liners (Podium Presentation)

Austrian-Swiss-German Meeting, Iowa City, Iowa, April 1, 1998- Surface Finish of Cemented Femoral Components

AAOS Comprehensive Hip & Knee Course, Washington, DC, May 14-17, 1998- Debate on Hip Fusion- Difficult and Dysplastic Femoral Techniques in Primary Total Hip Replacement- Bone Ingrowth Should Always Be Used in Revision Total Hip Replacement/ Disagree

There is a Place for Cemented Revision- Mobile Bearing Knees Will Replace Fixed Bearing Knees- Principles of Instrument Systems and Prosthetic Alignment in Total Knee Replacement- Augmentation Bone Grafts, Allografts or Wedges in Total Knee Replacement- Instability in Revision Surgery - What to Do- Use of Cemented Acetabular and Femoral Components in Revision Surgery

The International Hip Society, Torquay, Great Britain, May 29, 1998- Does Surface Finish Affect the Long Term Durability of the Femoral Component in- Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty?

The American Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Ashville, North Carolina, June 3-6, 1998

- Are Uncemented Acetabular Components Outperforming Cemented Component at Minimum 10 Year Follow-up?

- The Orthopaedic Surgeon in the Year 2030, Symposium on the Orthopaedic Work Force in the Next Mellinium

- Acetabular Periprosthetic Fractures, Symposium on Periprosthetic Fractures- Is There a Place for Rotating Platform Total Knee Replacement (Poster)? - Should Unicompartmental Knee Replacement Be Abandoned (Poster)?

Hospital for Trauma & Orthopaedics, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, October 9, 1998- Difficult Primary & Revision Hip & Knee Arthroplasty

Biomedical Engineering Society 1998 Annual Fall Meeting, October 10-13, 1998- Total Hip Arthroplasty Design Improvement for Dislocation Resistance: B.F. Seifert;

T.D. Brown; J.J. Callaghan- Third Body Acceleration of in Vivo Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyetheylene Wear:

D.R. Pedersen; T.D. Brown; S.L. Hillis; J.J. Callaghan

31st Congress of the Brazilian Orthopaedic & Traumatology Association, Goiania, Brazil, October 11-15, 1998

- Long Term Follow-up of Cemented Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty (25 Years)- Long Term Results of Cementless Femoral Components Using Proximal Coating- What is the Optimal Surface Finish of Cemented Femoral Components- Contributions to Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty- Panel on Femoral Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty- Panel on Infected Total Hip Arthroplasty- Panel on Reconstruction Following Hip Fracture and Neonatal Sepsis

American Association of Hip & Knee Surgeons Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, November 6-8, 1998

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John J. Callaghan, 64

- Problem Hip Cases: J. Callaghan; W. Hozack- At Minimum 10 Year Follow-up Do Cementless Acetabular Components Outperform

Cemented Acetabular Components?: J. Callaghan; J. Albright; D. Goetz; J. Olejniczak; R. Johnston; D. Pedersen

- Should Unicompartmental Knee Replacement Be Abandomed? A Minimum 15 Year Follow-up Study: J. Callaghan; M. Squire; D. Goetz; P. Sullivan; R. Johnston

- Case Presentation & Discussion: L. Dorr; J. Callaghan; W. Hozack; W. Paprosky; D. Berry

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Review Course, San Francisco, California, December 4, 1998

- Review & Update in Practicing Orthopaedic Surgeons a. Hip Reconstruction

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Board of Directors Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, December 5, 1998

- Presentation of Task Force on Volunteerism in Orthopaedic Surgery


Orthopaedic Research Society 45th Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, February 1-4, 1999

- Reliability of Detecting Stem/Cement Interface Radiolucencies in Total Hip Arthroplasty (Poster)

- The Affect of Revision Cup Outer Diameter on Impingement in Total Hip Arthroplasty (Poster)

- Head Size vs Head/Neck Diameter Ratio as Determinants of Resistance to Total Hip Dislocation (Poster)

- Heredity Integral Drift Compensation in Pezoresistive Contact Stress Sensors (Poster)

Open Meeting of the Knee Society, Anaheim, California, February 7, 1999- Should Unicompartmental Knee Replacement Be Abandoned? A Minimum 15 Year

Follow-up Study

Open Meeting of The Hip Society, Anaheim, California, February 7, 1999- One vs Two Stage Exchange of the Infected Total Hip Arthroplasty- Practice Surveillance: A Practical Way to Assess Outcomes and Perform Clinical

Research (Charnley Hip Society Award)

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, February 4-8, 1999

- Should Unicompartmental Knee Replacement Be Abandoned? A Minimum 15 Year Follow-up Study

- Blood Utilization in the Orthopaedic Patient, An Analysis of Current Transfusion Practice in Patients Undergoing Total Hip and Knee Replacement (Symposium)

- At Minimum 10 Year Follow-up, Do Cementless Acetabular Components Outperform Cemented Acetabular Components?

- Total Hip Arthroplasty in Congenital Dislocation of the Hip: Is Acetabular Bone Grafting Really Needed with Cementless Fixation?

- Management of the Complex Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty: Selected Approaches (Instructional Course Lecture)

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John J. Callaghan, 65

- Bone Loss in Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty: How to Manage the Femoral Side. Introduction of Bone Loss Classification and Options (Moderator, Instructional Course Lecture)

- Optimizing Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Performance in Total Hip and Total Knee Replacement: Clinical Issues Related to Polyethylene in the Total Hip Arthroplasty Construct (Instructional Course Lecture)

- At Minimum 10 Year Follow-up, Do Cementless Acetabular Components Outperform Cemented Acetabular Components? (Poster)

- Should Unicompartmental Knee Replacement Be Abandoned? A Minimum 15 Year Follow-up Study (Poster)

International Hip Society Meeting, Sydney, Australia, April 22, 1999- Does Surface Finish Affect the Long Term Outcome of Cemented Femoral


SICOT Meeting, Sydney, Australia, April 18-23, 1999- Mobile Bearing Total Knee Symposium, Long Term Results of Rotating Platform

Cemented Total Knee Arthroplasty- Removal of Cement in Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty

Arthroplasty Update Meeting, Wellington School of Medicine, Wellington, New Zealand, April 16-17, 1999

- Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty Preoperative Assessment, The Femur- Does Age Make a Difference in Prosthetic Selection?- Abductor Mechanism in Total Hip Arthroplasty- Management of Acute Infection- Bone Loss Strategies on the Femur in Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty- Prosthetic Selection in Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty

American Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Sun Valley, Idaho, June 5-8, 1999- Wear Following Total Joint Arthroplasty: Is is a Problem in All Joints? (Symposium

Moderator)- Wear in Lower Extremity Total Joint Arthroplasty- Minimum 20 Year Follow-up of Cemented Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty Using

Contemporary Cementing Techniques (paper)- Early Postoperative Mortality Following Total Hip Arthroplasty (poster)- Long Term Follow-up of Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients with Congenital

Hip Dysplasia (poster)

Current Issues and Controversies in Hip and Knee Arthroplasty, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Comprehensive Course on Hip and Knee Arthroplasty, August 5-8, 1999, Vancouver, British Columbia

- Surgical Exposures in the Difficult Revision- Cement Versus Cementless IM Stems in Primary and Revision Total Knee

Replacement: Cemented- The Role of Arthrodesis in the Surgical Treatment of Patients Under Age 50- Total Hip Replacements Should Be Done Under Laminar Air Flow and the Team

Should Wear Body Exhaust Suits: Pro- The Difficult Total Hip Replacement: Dealing With Femoral Deformity- The 2010 Total Hip Replacement

The Closed Meeting of the Knee Society, Bermuda, September 2-3, 1999- Complications of Mobile Bearing Total Knee Replacement

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John J. Callaghan, 66

Closed Meeting of the Hip Society, San Diego, California, September 16-18, 1999- Minimum 20 Year Follow-up with Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty Using Contemporary

Cement Technique – A Comparison with Handpacking Techniques with the Same Period of Follow-up

Revision Hip Surgery Instructional Course, Barcelona, Spain, October 28-30, 1999- Development of Cementing Technique in Revision Surgery- Clinical Results with Cementing Long Stem Revisions

American Association of Hip & Knee Surgeons Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, November 12-14, 1999

- Moderator: Difficult Hip Presentations- Minimum Twenty Year Follow-up of Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty Using

Contemporary Cementing Techniques

Revision Hip Surgery: Innovative Perspectives and Approaches, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Orthopaedic Learning Center, Rosemont, Illinois, November 19-21, 1999

- Cemented Femoral Revision- Debate: Cement/Cementless Fixation for Revision: For Cement


American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, March, 2000- Central Program Committee- Dislocation Following Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Long-Term Follow Up. Heithoff BE,

Callaghan JJ, Goetz DD, Sullivan PM, Johnston RC (Podium Presentation)- Long-Term Follow-Up of Congenital Hip Dysplasia Treated With Cemented

Total Hip Arthroplasty. Miller KA, Callaghan JJ, Goetz DD, Olejniczak JP, Johnston RC (Podium Presentation)

- Durability of Cemented Matte Finish Femoral Components at 14 to 15-Year Follow-Up. Liu SS, Callaghan JJ, Goetz DD, Pedersen DR, Johnston RC (Podium Presentation)

- Can Cemented Mobile Beaing Total Knee Replaements Provide Durable Long-Term Results? Squire MW, Callaghan JJ, Goetz DD, Sullivan PM, Johnston RC

- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Are We Going Forwards, Backwards, or Sideways. Long Term Follow Up of LCS Mobile Bearing Knee (Symposium Presentation)

- Bone Loss in Revision Surgery: How to Manage the Femoral Side (ICL Moderator)- Optimizing UHMWPE Performane in Total Hip and Total Knee Replacement (ICL)- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Concepts and Results (ICL Moderator)- Early Postoperative Death Following Total Hip Arthroplasty. Miller KA, Callaghan JJ,

Kratz PK, Henke M, Johnston RC (Poster Presentation)

American British Canadian Traveling Fellowship Program, May 1, 2000, Iowa City, Iowa - Program Chairman- Radical Approaches to Total Hip and Knee Surgery…at Iowa?

Current Issues and Controversies in Hip and Knee Arthroplasty, May 4-7, 2000, Colorado Springs, Colorado. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Comprehensive Hip and Knee Course

- Course Chairman

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John J. Callaghan, 67

- Cement vs Cementless IM Stems in Primary Revision Total Knee Replacement, Cemented

- Surgical Exposure in the Difficult Total Knee Revision- Surgical Treatment of the Arthritic Hip in the Patient Less Than 50 Years of Age: The

Role of Total Hip Replacement- Total Hip Replacement Should Be Done Under Laminar Air Flow and the Team Should

Wear Body Exhaust Suits, Pro- The Difficult Total Hip Replacement: Dealing with Femoral Deformity- The Year 2010 Total Hip Replacement

American Orthopaedic Association 113th Annual Meeting, June 14-17, 2000, Hot Springs, Virginia

- Mobile Bearing Knee Symposiuma) Moderatorb) Rationale and Long Term Results of LCS Rotating Platform Knee

- Gender Influences on SF-36 and WOMAC scores for Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty (Paper) Johanson NA, Callaghan JJ

- Long Term Follow-up of Dislocation of the Hip Following Total Hip Arthroplasty (Poster) Callaghan JJ, Heithoff B, Goetz DD, Johnston RC

- Is a Polished Stem the Way to go in Cemented Hip Replacement? (Poster) Callaghan JJ, Johnston TD, Goetz DD, Johnston RC

The American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, June 18-21, 2000, Sun Valley, Idaho

- Spotlight on Surgical Technique: Surface Replacement of the Hip in the Athlete: What are the Alternatives? Callaghan JJ, discussion

Hip Society Interim Meeting, September 15-16, 2000, Boston, Massachusetts- Early Postoperative Death Following Total Hip Arthroplasty- Dislocation and Wear of 22 mm and 28 mm Modular Heads in Uncemented Acetabular

Cups- Long-Term Follow-up of Congenital Hip Dysplasia Treated with Cemented Total Hip

Arthroplasty- Total Hip Arthroplasty Wear Rate Distributions are Non Gaussian

International Hip Society, October 11-15, 2000, Los Angeles, California- Long Term Follow-up of Total Hip Replacement for Congenital Dislocation of the Hip- Long Term Follow-up of Dislocation Following Total Hip Arthroplasty

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the National Institute of Health Wear 2000 Workshop, October 21-23, 2000, Rosemont, Illinois

- How Should Wear-Related Implant Surveillance be Carried Out and What Methods are Indicated to Diagnose Wear-Related Problems.

The American Association of Hip & Knee Surgeons Annual Meeting, November 3-5, 2000, Dallas, Texas

- Long Term Follow-up of Congenital Hip Dysplasia Treated with Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty. Callaghan J., Miller K., Johnston R., Goetz D.

- Is a Polished Surface Finish Optimal for a Collared Cemented Prosthesis. Johnston T.; Callaghan J., Johnston R., Goetz D.

- Durability of Cemented Matte Finish Femoral Components at 14-15 Year Follow-up. Liu S., Callaghan J., Johnston R., Goetz D.

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John J. Callaghan, 68

- Early Postoperative Death Following Total Hip Arthroplasty. Callaghan J., Johnston R., Miller K.

- Are 22 mm Heads the Solution to Polyethylene Wear in Cementless Acetabular Components? Pedersen D., Callaghan J., Johnston R.; Goetz D., McAndrew C.

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Revision Hip Reconstruction, Surgical Skills Course, November 30 – December 2, 2000, Orthopaedic Learning Center, Rosemont, Illinois

- Results in Revision with Extensively Coated Stem Femoral Components- Acetabular Fractures During and Following Total Hip Arthroplasty- Removal of Porous Coated Anatomic Femoral Stems at the Time of Revision Surgery


ORS – Feb. 25 –27, 2001- A Mode of THA Dislocation Occurring Without Impingement/Lever-Out (Podium):

Nadzadi ME, Pedersen DR, Callaghan JJ, Brown TD.- Cup Abduction/Anteversion Effects on Dislocation Propensity for Small-Head-Size THR

(Poster): Nadzadi ME, Pedersen DR, Callaghan JJ, Brown TD.- A Multiple –Interface Contact Finite Element Analysis of a Rotating Platform Total Knee

(Poster): Otto JK, Callaghan JJ, Brown TD.- Flexion-Dependent Contact Mechanics of a Rotating Platform Total Knee (Poster): Otto

JK, Heiner AD, Callaghan JJ, Brown TD

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery Annual Meeting, February 28 – March 5, 2001, San Francisco, California

- Stability of Acetabular Liner Cemented into Cementless Shells. Haft G., Callaghan J., Heiner A., Brown T

- Cementless Acetabular Fixation Revision Hip Surgery: The Gold Standard for the New Millennium. Templeton J., Callaghan J., Goetz D., Sullivan P., Johnston R.

- Gold Standard Femoral Prosthesis with Gold Standard Contemporary Cementing Technique: How Durable can it be? Klapach A., Callaghan J., Goetz D., Sullivan P., Johnston R

- Is a Polished Surface Finish Optimal for a Collared Cemented Prosthesis. Johnston T., Callaghan J., Goetz D., Sullivan P., Johnston R.

- 14-15 Year Follow-up of PCA Total Hip Arthroplasty. Xenos J., Callaghan J., Savory C.- Gender Influences on SF-36 and WOMAC Scores for Total Hip and Total Knee

Arthroplasty. Callaghan J., Johanson N.- Osteonecrosis Changes Following Administration of Lipid Agents in a Rat Model. Kim

Y., Callaghan J- Alternative Bearing Surfaces: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly- Update on Osteonecrosis of the Hip- Treatment of Osteolysis Around Total Hip and Total Knee Arthroplasty- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement (ICL)- Surgical Strategies to Improve Total Hip Arthroplasty for the New Millennium – Primary

Surgery (ICL)- Surgical Strategies to Improve Total Hip Arthroplasty for the New Millennium – Revision

Arthroplasty (ICL)

Open Meeting of the Hip Society, March 3, 2001, San Francisco, California- Dislocation Following Total Hip Replacement: Prevention

Open Meeting of the Knee Society, March 3, 2001, San Francisco, California

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John J. Callaghan, 69

- Clinical Results of Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement- Multiple Surface Contact Stress and Motion Patterns in Mobile Bearing TKA:

Experimental and Finite Element Characterizations, Coventry Award

Sir John Charnley Memorial Trust Lectureship, Royal College of Surgeons, March 21, 2001, London, England

- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Replacement?

American Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, June 13-16, 2001, Palm Beach, Florida- Nine to Twelve Year Follow-up of PFC Cruciate Retaining Total Knee Replacement- Minimum 10 Year Follow-up of Cementless Acetabular Components in Revision Hip

Surgery- Femoral Impaction Grafting in Revision Hip Surgery in Cases with Severe Femoral

Bone Loss- The Need for Partnering with Industry when Performing Orthopaedic Research

Orthopaedic Research Society Combined Meeting, June 2001, Greece- Nazadi M.E., Heiner A.D., Callaghan J.J., Brown T.D.: Dislocation Mechanics of

Constrained Liner and Bi-Polar THA Designs, Proceedings of the 4th Combined Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Societies of The U.S.A., Canada, Europe, and Japan, p. 280, 2001

- Pedersen D.R., Yack H.J., Brown T.D., Callaghan, J.J.: Kinematics of Maneuvers Commonly Responsible for Total Hip Dislocation. Proceedings of the 4th Combined Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Societies of The U.S.A., Canada, Europe, and Japan, p. 285, 2001

Adult Orthopaedic Reconstructive Trauma Association Meeting, August 1-5, 2001, Cape Cod, Massachusetts

- Modular Femoral Trial Dissociation with Intrapelvic Head Migration- Minimum Ten Year Follow-up of Cementless Acetabular Components in Revision Hip

Surgery- Impaction Grafting for Severe Femoral Bone Loss in Revision Surgery

Closed Meeting of the Knee Society, September 13-15, 2001- Technical Considerations in Polyethylene Wear

The Closed 33rd Annual Summer Meeting of the Hip Society, September 21-22, 2001- Revision of Cemented Acetabular Component to a Cementless Acetabular Component.

A 10 to 14 Year Follow-up Study- Biomechanics of Posterior and Anterior Total Hip Replacement Dislocation from 7 at

Risk Maneuvers- Impaction Allografting with Cement for Extensive Femoral Bone Loss in Revision Hip

Surgery: A 4-8 Year Follow-up Study

The Art & Science of Joint Replacement, November 1-2 2001, Seoul, Korea- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Are We Going Forward, Backwards or Sideways?- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Replacement?- Mechanical Factors Influencing Mobility of Rotating Flatform Total Knee Arthroplasty- Clinical Biomechanics of Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty

Sam-Sung Hospital, November 5, 2001, Seoul Korea- Choices & Compromises in Hip Surgery

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John J. Callaghan, 70

American Association of Hip & Knee Surgeons, November 9-11, 2001, Dallas, Texas- Problem Hip & Knee Case Presentations- The Long Term Impact of Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Less Than Age

50 at a Minimum of 25 Years after Index Surgery- Cemented Metal Backed Acetabular Components at Long Term Follow-up: What

Lessons Can Be Applied to Cementless Fixation?- Cementation of Polyethylene Liner Into a Fixed Acetabular Shell: A Mechanical Model

to Evaluate Optimum Mechanical Construct- The Pros and Cons of a Computer-Based Patient Record- Cementless Acetabular Fixation in Revision Hip Surgery: Results at Minimum 10 Year

Follow-up- Cemented Modular Posterior Cruciate Substituting Total Knee Arthroplasty: Is

Osteolysis a Problem? (Poster)- Femoral Impaction Grafting in Cases with Severe Bone Loss (Poster)- Excellent Results of PFC Posterior Cruciate Retaining Total Knee Replacement, but is

10 Year Follow-up Adequate? (Poster)

AAOS Revision Hip Course, November 30-December 1, 2001, Rosemont, Illinois- Indications for Cemented Femoral Revisions- Use of Hyper Crosslinked Polyethylenes

AAOS and Government Program for National Joint Registry, December 10-11, 2001- What Data Should Be Collected


Orthopaedic Research & Education Foundation Introduction to Practice Course 2002- Program Chairman 2002

ORS – February 11-13, 2002, Dallas, Texas- Influence of Soft Tissue Constraints and Friction on Full Walking Cycle Simulations of a

Rotating Platform Total Knee Replacement: Brown, T.D.; Otto, J.; Callaghan, J.J. (Poster)

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, February 14-17, 2002, Dallas, Texas

- Femoral Impaction Grafting in Cases With Severe Bone Loss: Callaghan, Johnston, Templeton (Poster)

- Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Under Age 50: Functional & Radiographic Results at Minimum 25 Year Follow-up: Keener, Callaghan, Johnston (Podium)

- Cementless Acetabular Fixation at 15 Years: Comparison to the Gold Standard Charnley: Gaffey, Callaghan, Pedersen, Johnston (Podium)

- Use of Constrained Acetabular Components for Hip Instability: Average 10 Year Follow-up: Bremner, Callaghan (Podium)

- Are 22 MM Heads the Solution to Polyethylene Wear in Cementless Acetabular Components? Pedersen, Callaghan, Johnston (Podium)

- Total Hip Replacement in the Young Patient: So Many Options: What’s the Best for My Patients? Callaghan, Gie, Engh

- Dislocation After Total Hip Arthroplasty: New Methods of Prevention & Treatment: Callaghan, Berry, Capello

- Surgical Strategies to Improve Total Hip Arthroplasty for the New Millennium: Primary Total Hip Replacement: Callaghan, Hozack, Rothman, Ranawat (ICL)

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- Surgical Strategies to Improve Total Hip Arthroplasty for the New Millennium II: Revision Total Hip Replacement: Callaghan, Hozack, Paprosky, Cabanela (ICL)

- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Concepts & Results: Callaghan, Greenwald, Dennis, Murray, Buechel (ICL)

Open Meeting of the Knee Society, February 16, 2002, Dallas, TX- CAM Post Impingement in Total Knee Replacement: Callaghan

Open Meeting of the Hip Society, February 16, 2002, Dallas, TX- Smaller Head Sizes in Total Hip Replacement: Callaghan

A Joint Meeting of the American and Canadian Orthopaedic Associations, June 1-4, 2002, Victoria, British Columbia

- Instructional Course Lecture (Bone Response in Total Joint Arthroplasty: The Good and the Bad). The Clinical Aspects of Bone Remodeling Around Total Hip Replacement

- Cementation of Polyethylene Liner Into Fixed Acetabular Shell: A Mechanical Model to Evaluate Optimal Mechanical Construct: Callaghan, J.J.; Haft, G.F.; Heiner, A.D.; Brown, T.D., Dorr, L.D.; Johnston, R.C. (Poster)

- Use of Constrained Acetabular Components for Hip Instability. An Average Ten Year Follow-up Study: Callaghan, J.J.; Bremner, B.R.; Sullivan, P.M.; Goetz, D.D.; Johnston, R.C. (Poster)

- Cementless Acetabular Fixation at 15 Years: Comparison to the Gold Standard Charnley: Callaghan, J.J.; Gaffey, J.L.; Pedersen, D.R.; Sullivan, P.M.; Goetz, D.D.; Johnston, R.C. (Podium)

- Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Under Age 50: Functional and Radiographic Results at Minimum 25 Year Follow-up: Callaghan, J.J.; Keener, J.D.; Pedersen, D.R.; Sullivan, P.M.; Goetz, D.D.; Johnston, R.C. (Podium)

International Conference Engineers and Surgeons – Joined at the Hip, June 13-15, 2002, London, UK

- Clinical Biomechanics of Wear: Callaghan, J.J.; Brown, T.D.- Long Term Follow-up Studies of Wear: Callaghan, J.J.; Pedersen, D.R.

Wrightington Arthroplasty Symposium, June 22-24, 2002, Manchester, England- The Long Term Follow-up Studies of Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty in Iowa:

Callaghan, J.J.; Johnston, R.C.

SICOT Meeting, August 26-28, 2002, San Diego, California- Rationale for Cementless Acetabular Fixation and Design

International Hip Society Annual Meeting, August 27-28, 2002, San Diego, California- Use of Cementless Acetabular Fixation and Cages in Revision Hip Replacement

Hip Society Closed Meeting, September 6-7, 2002, Rochester, Minnesota- Long Term Follow-up of Constrained Acetabular Liners- 13-15 Year Follow-up of Cementless Acetabular Fixation: Comparison to the Gold

Standard Charnley

Closed Meeting of the Knee Society, September 19-21, 2002, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania- Technical Considerations of Polyethylene Wear in Total Knee Arthroplasty

Australian Orthopaedic Association Meeting, October 15-17, 2002, Melbourne, Australia

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John J. Callaghan, 72

- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Replacement- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Is It an Improvement?

New Zealand Orthopaedic Association Presidential Guest Speaker, October 22-24, 2002, Palmerston, New Zealand

- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Replacement- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Are We Going Forward, Backward or Sideways?- Cementless Acetabular Fixation: Limitations- Poly on Ceramic Bearing Surface of Total Hip Replacement

American Association of Hip & Knee Surgeons Annual Meeting, November 1-3, 2002, Dallas, TX

- Minimum 30-Year Follow-up Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Standard for Future Arthroplasty

- Cementless Acetabular Fixation at 15 Years with the Harris-Galante I Component: Comparison to a Single Surgeon’s Cemented Results

- Constrained Osteonics Acetabular Liner: Average 10-Year Follow-up Study- A Prospective Randomized Trial of Cemented Femoral Components with Polished

Versus Grit Blasted Surface Finish & Identical Stem Geometry- Comparison of Cemented Femoral Components with Identical Geometry But Different

Surface Finishes: A 13-15 Year Follow-up Study (Poster)

AAOS Orthopaedic Learning Center Hip Revision Course, November 21-23, 2002, Rosemont, IL

- Use of Cemented Femoral Stems in Revision Surgery- Acetabular Options in Revision Hip Surgery- Treatment of Dislocation


ORS – Feb. 3-5, 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana- Minimum Twenty-Year Follow-up of Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty Performed for

Severe Dysplasia of the Hip: Is Bone Grafting Necessary? Klapach, Callaghan, Goetz, Johnston (Poster) #P024, Meeting Hall D.

- Cementation of Constrained Liner Into Secure Cementless Acetabular Shells: A Two to Ten Year Follow-up Study. Novak, Callaghan, Bremner, Parvizi, Lewallen, Goetz (Poster) #P035, Meeting Hall D.

- Orthopaedic Research Society: A Biomechanical Analysis of Polyethylene Liner Cementation Into a Fixed Metal Acetabular Shell. Heiner, Haft, Callaghan, Dorr, Brown (Poster)

- Comprehensive Gene Expression of Human Osteoarthritic Cartilage and Subchondral Bone. Morcuende JA, Huang XD, Stevens J, Kucaba T, Scheetz T, Robinson N, Callaghan JJ, Casavant T,Bonaldo MF, Soares MB (Poster)

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, February 6-9, 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana

- Staggered Single Hospitalization Bilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Safe and Practical Approach. Sliva, Callaghan, Goetz, Taylor (Podium) Paper #263, 2/7/03, 4:54 pm, Auditorium C, Morial Conv. Cnt.

- A Prospective Randomized Trial of Cemented Femoral Components with Polished Versus Grit Blasted Surface Finish with Identical Stem Geometry. Goetz, Vail, Callaghan, Tanzer, Fisher, Moeller (Podium) Paper #144, 2/6/03, 5:06 pm, Auditorium A, Morial Conv. Cnt.

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- Controversial Issues and Hot Topics in Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty. Berry, Callaghan, Borden, Maloney, Sculco, Thornhill, Engh Sr, Schmalzried, Lachiewicz, Hozack, Cabanella 2/6/03, 10:30 am

- Alternative Bearing Surfaces in Total Hip Arthroplasty: What Do We Know in 2003? Moderator – Callaghan, Greenwald, Capello, Engh, Jacobs, Dorr 2/6/03, 8:00 am

- Wear and Osteolysis Around Total Knee Arthroplasty: An Emergent Problem for the Next Decade. Rosenberg, Rorabeck, Engh G, Callaghan, Berry, Trousdale 2/9/03, 8:00 am

- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Concepts and Results. Callaghan, Greenwald, Murray, Dennis, Buechel. Instructional Course Lecture #423

- Surgical Strategies to Improve Total Hip Arthroplasty for the New Millennium II – Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty. Callaghan, Hozack, Paprosky, Cabanella. Instructional Course Lecture #262

- Surgical Strategies to Improve Total Hip Arthroplasty for the New Millennium: Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty. Rothman, Ranawat, Hozack, Callaghan, Instructional Course Lecture #222

Open Meeting of the Knee Society Combined Specialty Day 2003- Difficult Primary Knee Replacement: Flexion Contractures. Callaghan 2/8/03- Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty: The Benchmark. Callaghan 2/8/03- Clinical Biomechanics of Wear. Callaghan, Brown, Pedersen, Johnston. 02/04/03

International Hip Society Meeting, May 29-31, 2003, Goteborg, Sweden- Long Term Follow-up of Constrained Acetabular Components- Long Term Functional Results of Charnley Total Hip Replacements in Patients Under

Age 50

American Orthopaedic Association Meeting, June 10-14, 2003, Charleston, South Carolina- The Skeptics Perspective of Minimally Invase Surgery to the Hip- The Minimum 30-year Follow-up of Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty- Long-Term Follow-up of Congenital Hip Dislocation Treated by Total Hip Arthroplasty

without Bone Grafting (Poster)

American Orthopaedic Association of Sports Medicine Meeting, July 20, 2003, San Diego, California

- Treatment of Arthritis in the Young Adult (Moderator)

Knee Society Closed Meeting, August 29, 2003, Chicago, Illinois- Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty (Moderator)

Hip Society Summer Meeting, September 13, 2003, Arlington, Virginia- Use of Cemented Constrained Acetabular Components

North America Traveling Fellows (AOA), October 1, 2003, Iowa City, Iowa- Radical Approaches to Total Hip & Knee Arthroplasty at Iowa

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Primary & Revision Knee Course, October 10-12, 2003, Orthopaedic Learning Center, Chicago, Illinois

- Avoiding Spin-Out in Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement

American Association of Hip & Knee Surgeons Meeting, October 31 – November 2, 2003, Dallas, Texas

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John J. Callaghan, 74

- Cementless Acetabular Fixation in THR Performed for CDH: Is Bone Grafting Necessary? (Poster)

- Hot Topics In Primary Total Knee and Total Hip Replacement (Moderator)- A Skeptic’s Perspective: The Paradigm has Not Changed

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery Orthopaedic Learning Center Revision Hip Course, November 20-22, 2003, Rosemont, Illinois

- Challenges in Revision Surgery – Acetabular Side (Moderator)- Cemented Stems: Is There a Role?- The Dislocating Hip (Moderator)


Orthopaedic Research Society, March 7, 2004, San Francisco, California- MIS: Fads, Fact, Future Talk

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, March 10-14, 2004, San Francisco, California

- Comparison of Cemented Femoral Components of Identical Geometry but with Different Finishes: A 13 to 15 Year Follow-up Study: Callaghan, Liu, Gaffey, Templeton, Goetz, Pedersen, Sullivan, Johnston (Poster)

- A Benchmark for Future Arthroplasty: Results of Charnley THR at Minimum 30-Year Follow-up: Callaghan, Templeton, Liu, Pedersen, Goetz, Sullivan, Johnston (Poster)

- Agility Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A 7 to 16 Year Follow-up Study: Saltzman, Knecht, Callaghan, Estin, Alvine (Scientific Presentation)

- Optimizing Outcomes Following Complications of Primary TKA: Extensor Mechanism Problems Following TKA: Callaghan (Symposium)

- Hot Topics and Controversies in Primary Hip Arthroplasty: Choices of Bearing Surface: Crosslinked Polyethylene: Callaghan (Symposium)

- Hot Topics and Controversies in Primary Hip Arthroplasty: Choices of Femoral Head Size: Advantages of 28 mm or Smaller: Callaghan (Symposium)

- Techniques in Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty: Jumbo Cups for Large Defects: Methods to Make Them Work: Callaghan (Symposium)

- Controversial Issues and Hot Topics in Primary TKR: Cemented Fixation in Primary TKR: Callaghan (Symposium)

- Surgical Strategies to Improve Total Hip Arthroplasty: Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty: Cemented Femoral Fixation: Callaghan (ICL)

- Surgical Strategies to Improve Total Hip Arthroplasty: Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty: Removal of Components and Use of Cementless Acetabular Components: Callaghan (ICL)

Open Meeting of the Hip Society, March 13, 2004, San Francisco, California- Constrained Liners: Indications, Results and Pitfalls

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty: Surgical Techniques & Current Perspectives, Orthopaedic Learning Center, April 1-3, 2004, Rosemont, Illinois

- Challenges in Revision Surgery – Acetabular Side - Cemented Stems: Is There a Role?

American-British-Canadian Traveling Fellows, June 2-5, 2004, Iowa City, Iowa- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Are We Going Forwards, Backwards or


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John J. Callaghan, 75

American Orthopaedic Association Meeting, June 23-26, Boston, Massachusetts- Comparison of Cemented Femoral Components With Identical Geometry But With

Different Surface Finishes: Callaghan, Liu, Templeton, Gaffey, Goetz, Pedersen, O’Rourke, Sullivan, Johnston (Poster)

- Establishment and Maintenance of a Joint Replacement Registry: Lessons from the North American Hip and Knee Registry: Callaghan, Waddell, White, Anderson, O’Rourke (Poster)

- American Orthopaedic Association Advisory Panel: DVT Prophylaxis: Callaghan – Chair of Panel

- AOA Symposium: Introducing Technology Into Practice: How Should It Be Done? Callaghan

21st Annual Knee Society Interim Meeting, September 9-12, 2004, Jackson, Wyoming- Unicompartmental Knee Replacement: A minimum 21 Year Follow-up, End Result

Study: Callaghan, Gardner, O’Rourke, Liu, Goetz, Johnston

The Hip Society Summer Meeting, October 7-9, 2004, Santa Fe, New Mexico- Minimum 10-Year Follow-up of Cemented Femoral Components With Same Surface

Geometry But Different Surface Finishes: Callaghan, Firestone, Liu, Pedersen, Goetz, Sullivan, Vittetoe, Johnston

- Lessons Learned from the North American Hip & Knee Registry Experience: 1995-2002: Callaghan, Waddell, Anderson

- Clinical Results – Primary: Moreland, Callaghan (Moderator)

14th Annual Meeting of the AAHKS, November 5-7, 2004, Dallas, Texas- Unicompartmental Knee Replacement: A Minimum 21 Year Follow-up, End Result

Study: O’Rouke, Gardner, Callaghan, Liu, Goetz, Vittetoe, Sullivan, Johnston- Minimum 10-Year Follow-up of Cemented Femoral Components With Same Surface

Geometry But Different Surface Finishes: Firestone, Callaghan, Liu, Pedersen, Goetz, Vittetoe, Sullivan, Johnston

- Cemented Rotating Platform Total Knee Replacement: A Minimum Fifteen-Year Follow-up Study: Iossi, Callaghan, O’Rourke, Goetz, Vittetoe, Sullivan, Johnston (Poster)

- The Effect of Cable Debris on Acetabular Construct Durabiity in Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty at 19 to 20 Year Follow-up: Dahl, Callaghan, Pedersen, Liu, Goetz, Vittetoe, Sullivan, Johnston (Poster)

- Primary THA: Incisions and Navigation: Dorr, Callaghan (Moderator)


Orthopaedic Research Society, February 21-22, 2005, Washington, DC- Session Short Talk 4 – Arthroplasty (Moderator)

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, February 23-27, 2005, Washington, DC

- How Does Prosthesis Fixation Type Alter Long-Term Femoral Cortical Bone Remodeling Around THA?: von Knoch (Presenter), Berry, Collins, Harmsen, Xenos, Callaghan, Engh Jr, Engh Sr (Poster Presentation)

- Lessons Learned From The North American Hip & Knee Registry Experience – 1995-2002: Callaghan (Presenter), Waddell, Anderson (Poster Presentation)

- Minimum 25-Year Follow-up of Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty Using Contemporary

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John J. Callaghan, 76

Cement Technique: Buckwalter (Presenter), Callaghan, Goetz, Liu, Leinen, Pedersen, Johnston (Poster Presentation)

- Unicompartmental Knee Replacement: A Minimum Twenty-One Year Follow-Up End Result Study: Gardner (Presenter), O’Rourke, Callaghan, Liu, Goetz, Vittetoe, Sullivan, Johnston (Poster Presentation)

- Minimum 10-Year Follow-up of Cemented Femoral Components With Same Surface Geometry But Different Surface Finishes: Firestone (Presenter), Callaghan, Liu, Pedersen, Goetz, Vittetoe, Sullivan, Johnston (Scientific Presentation

- Cemented Rotating Platform Total Knee Replacement: A Minimum Fifteen-Year Follow-Up Study: O’Rourke (Presenter), Callaghan, Lossi, Liu, Goetz, Vittetoe, Sullivan, Johnston (Scientific Presentation)

- Controversial Issues & Hot Topics in Primary Total Knee Replacement: “Fixation for Primary Total Knee Replacement: I Prefer Cemented Fixation”: Callaghan (Symposium)

- Clinical Evidence for Alternate Bearings in Total Hip Arthroplasty: “Highly Cross-Linked Polyethylene Options: Marathon”: Callaghan (Symposium)

- Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty: “Avoid the Common Pitfalls to Optimize Results: Common Extensor Mechanism Pitfalls” & “Skin Necrosis Pitfalls”: Callaghan (Symposium)

- Primary Total Hip Replacement: The Basics: “Cementless Acetabular Fixation” & “Tapered Stems: Cementless Fixation”: Callaghan (ICL)

- Essentials & New Techniques in Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Video Based Course: “Jumbo Cups” & “Cementing a Constrained Liner Into a Secure Shell”: Callaghan (ICL)

- Unicompartmental Knee Replacement: Optimizing Results: “Where We Were, Where We Are Going!!” Callaghan (ICL)

Combined Hip & Knee Specialty Day, February 26, 2005, Washington, DC- New Strategies to Prevent & Treat Instability: Callaghan- Computer Assisted Surgery: The Future Is Not Now: Callaghan- Unicompartmental Knee Replacement: A Minimum Twenty-One Year Follow-Up End

Results Study: O’Rourke (Presenter), Gardner, Callaghan, Liu, Goetz, Vittetoe, Sullivan, Johnston

American Orthopaedic Association Annual MeetingJune 2005, Huntington Beach, CA

- Cemented Rotating Platform Total Knee Replacement (poster): A Minimum Fifteen-Year Follow-Up Study: Callaghan, O’Rourke, Iossi, Liu, Goetz, Vittetoe, Johnston

- Unicompartmental Knee Replacement: A Minimum Twenty-One Year Follow-Up End Result Study (Special Emphasis Poster): Callaghan, Gardner, O’Rourke, Liu, Goetz, Vittetoe, Johnston

International Arthroplasty Symposium, June 2005, Wrightington England- The Future of Hip Replacement: The Case for Uncemented Total Hip Replacement- Reconstruction of the Acetabulum in Primary Surgery: Uncemented Sockets- Scientific Basis for Using Cemented Total Hip Replacement- Cemented THR Case Examples

Latin American Forum, July 2005, Miami, FL- Knee Preoperative Planning- Surgical Management of Knee Deformity

International Hip Society – Closed Meeting, September 2005, Vienna, Austria

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John J. Callaghan, 77

- Minimum 10-Year Follow-Up of Cemented Femoral Components With Identical Surface Geometry But Different Surface Finishes

- Minimum 25-Year Follow-Up of Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty Using Contemporary Cement Technique

Closed Meeting of the Knee Society, September 2005, New York- Internet Promotion of MIS and CAOS in TKA by Members of the Knee Society

Hip Society Summer Meeting, September 2005, Pittsburgh- Cementless Acetabular Fixation in Patients 50 Years of Age and Under:

A 10-18 Year Follow-Up Study- Minimum 5- to 7-year Follow-up of a Contemporary Cementless Femoral Total Hip

Arthroplasty Component: Comparison with First Generation Design- Capsule Defect Influences on THA Dislocation Propensity – A Finite Element

Exploration (Co-Author)

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty, November 2005, Illinois

- Bearing Surface Update: Highly Cross-Linked Polyethylene- Role of Cemented Stems in Revision: Indications, Technical Tips

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty, December 2005, Illinois

- Wear and Osteolysis- Balancing the Varus Knee


Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), March 2006, Chicago, IllinoisPosters:- Wear Direction Versus Wear Rate in 3rd Body-Challenged THA Cohorts: Pedersen

DR, Chung YY, Callaghan JJ, Brown TD- Capsular Atrophy and Detachment Influences on THA Dislocation Propensity: A Finite

Element Model Exploration: Stewart KJ, Pedersen DR, Callaghan JJ, Brown TDSession: Polyethylene Wear- Moderator

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), March 2006, Chicago Illinois

Instructional Course LecturesUnicompartmental Knee Replacement Optimizing Results- Moderator- Where We Were, Where We Are Going!!

Essential and New Techniques in Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Video - Based Course- Jumbo Cups- Cementing a Constrained Liner Into a Secure Shell

Primary Total Hip Replacement: The Basics- Moderator- Cementless Acetabular Fixation- Tapered Stems: Cementless Fixation

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John J. Callaghan, 78

SymposiaLet’s Do a Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty- Moderator- Managing Instability

Hot Topics and Controversies in Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty- Choice of Femoral Head Size: 28 mm

Controversial Issues and Hot Topics in Primary Total Knee Replacement- Fixation in Total Knee Replacement: Cement: The Gold Standard- Bilateral Total Knee Replacements: Short-Term Staged Bilateral Knee Replacement: Minimizing the Risk

Scientific SessionAdult Hip II: MIS/CAOS Surgical Technique- Moderator

Paper PresentationsFollow-Up of a Cemented Collared Matte Finish Femoral Component at 19 to 20 Years- Firestone DE, Callaghan JJ, Altenburg AJ, Liu SS, Veach AL, O’Rourke MR, Sullivan J, Goetz

DD, Vittetoe DA, and Johnston RC

The Effect of Cable Debris on Acetabular Construct Durability in Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty at 19 to 20 Year Follow-Up- Leinen JA, Callaghan JJ, Altenburg JA, Dahl KA, Pedersen DR, Liu SS, Goetz DD, Vittetoe DA, Sullivan PM, Chung YY, and Johnston RC

Cementless Acetabular Fixation in THR Performed for CDH: Is Bone Grafting Necessary?- Callaghan JJ, Schroeder BT, Morcuende JA, Liu SS, Goetz DD, Chung YY, and Johnston RC

Poster PresentationMinimum 20 Year Follow-Up of Cemented Revision THA- George CS, Callaghan JJ, Liu SS, Sullivan J, Goetz DD, Vittetoe DA, and Johnston RC

American Orthopaedic Association (AOA), June 2006, San Antonio, TX

Minimum 10-Year Follow-Up of Three Cemented Femoral Components With Essentially The Same Geometry But Different Surface Finishes- Special Emphasis Poster- Callaghan JJ, Firestone DE, Liu SS, Pedersen DR, Goetz DD, Sullivan PM, Vittetoe DA, Johnston RC

Minimum 20-Year Follow-Up of Cemented Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty- Callaghan JJ, George CA, Liu SS, Sullivan J, Goetz DD, Vittetoe DA, Johnston RC.

Hip Society Summer Meeting, September 2006, Iowa City, IA

Follow-Up Of A Cemented Collared Matte Finish Femoral Component at 19-20 Years- Callagha JJ, O’Rourke MR, Liu SS, Pedersen DR, Johnston RC

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John J. Callaghan, 79

Analysis of Retrieved Acetabular Liners for Impingement Damage and Embedded 3rd Body Debris- Lundberg HJ, Liu SS, Callaghan JJ, Pedersen DR, O’Rourke MR, Goetz DD, Vittetoe DA, Clohisy J, Brown TD

Knee Society Interim Meeting, September 2006, Alexandria, VA

Implications of Sagittal Femoral Bowing on Knee Arthritis and Total Knee Replacement- Callaghan JJ, Yehyawi TM, O’Rourke MR, Pedersen DR, Liu SS, Clark CR

International Hip Society, September 2006, Paris, France

Is Cementless Acetabular Fixation An Improvement In THR Performed In Younger Patients?- Callaghan JJ, Teusink MJ, Liu SS, Johnston RC

Is There A Problem With Matte Finish Femoral Components In Cemented THR?- Callaghan JJ, Liu SS, Goetz DD, Johnsto RC



Alumni Meeting, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, New York, November 10, 1984- Elution of Gentamicin in Patients Implanted with Impregnated Cement and Beads


Orthopaedic Grand Rounds of Washington, March 16, 1985- Reimplantation for the Salvage of the Infected Hip

Iowa Orthopaedic Alumni Meeting, September, 20, 1985- Reimplantation for Salvage of the Infected Hip Utilizing a Standardized Intravenous

Antibiotic Regiment


Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Surgical Research Meetings, September 1986

- Selective Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Arthroscopy of the Knee: A Prospective Comparison Study


Washington Orthopaedic Society, March 9, 1987 - A Prospective Comparison Study of Double Contrast CT Arthrography and Shoulder

Arthroscopy- Autologous Blood Transfusion in Orthopaedic Surgery- Uncemented P.C.A. Total Hip Replacement: Minimum Two Year Results of a

Consecutive Series- Prospective Comparison Study of Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee Compared

with Knee Arthroscopy- Indium Labeled Leukocyte Imaging in Musculoskeletal Sepsis

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John J. Callaghan, 80

Mideastern Chapter, Society of Nuclear Medicine, XVIII Annual Meeting, Annapolis, MD, April 1987

- Indium-111

Labeled White Blood Cell (In-WBC) Uptake in Noninfected Closed Fractures in Humans: A Prospective Study

Second Annual Trauma Day Conference, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, August 28, 1987

- A Prospective Comparison Study of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Arthroscopy of the Knee

Michael Bonfiglio, University of Iowa Alumni Meeting, Sept. 25, 1987- A Prospective Consecutive Series Minimum Two Year Follow-up of Uncemented

Porous Coated Anatomic Total Hip Replacement

Hospital for Special Surgery Alumni Meeting, New York, New York, Nov. 6, 1987- Evaluation of Uncemented PCA Total Hip Replacement with Minimum 2 year Follow-up


Delaware Orthopaedic Society, 1988- Indium Labeled Leukocyte Imaging in Musculoskeletal Sepsis

East Cost Regional Senior Residency Program, New York, NY, Aug. 19, 1988- Alternatives to Total Hip Arthroplasty

Skyland Orthopaedic Society, Asheville, NC, Aug. 23, 1988- Uncemented Primary Porous Coated Total Hip Arthroplasty

Southern Orthopaedic Regional Senior Residency Program. Charlotte, NC. Nov. 18-19, 1988

- Alternatives to Total Hip Arthroplasty- Treatment of Infected Total Joint Arthroplasty- Cement versus Cementless Fixation in Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty

Durham County General Hospital Orthopaedic Grand Round, Dec. 8, 1988- Uncemented Primary Porous Coated Total Hip Arthroplasty


Vail Total Hip and Total Knee Arthroplasty Course. Vail, CO. March 13, 1989- Learning Curve in Primary Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty - Autologous Blood Use in Elective Orthopaedic Surgery

Total Hip and Total Knee Arthroplasty: State of the Art. Breckenridge, CO. March 16, 1989.

- Spherical Cups with Lug Fixation

Duke Surgical Services Nursing Conference, April 5, 1989, Visiting Lecturer- Total Hip Arthroplasty 1989, Indications and Techniques

Albany Medical College Total Knee Arthroplasty Course, Lake George, Albany, New York, May 12, 1989

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John J. Callaghan, 81

- Patello-Femoral Problems in Total Knee Arthroplasty

Physical Therapy Shoulder Rehabilitation Program, Virginia Beach, Virginia, May 25, 1989- Total Shoulder Arthroplasty

Southern Orthopaedic Regional Senior Residency Program, Atlanta, Georgia, August 5-6, 1989

- Treatment of Infected Total Hip Arthroplasty Treatment of Difficult Acetabular Problems in Total Hip Arthroplasty

Harvard Hip Course: Director William Harris. Boston, MA. Oct. 5 - 8, 1989- Femoral Results Primary PCA Hip Arthroplasty- Acetabular Results Primary PCA Hip Arthroplasty- Endosteal Lyses around Uncemented Femoral Components- Subsidence around PCA Femoral Components- Bead Loosening around Uncemented Femoral Components- Limp after Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty- Acetabular Revision with PCA Hip Arthroplasty

Eastern Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, October 14-15, 1989- Treatment of Infected Total Joint Arthroplasty


Harvard Hip Course: Director William Harris. Cambridge, MA. 1990- Increasing Pain with Time- Femoral Results Primary PCA Replacement- Femoral Results Revision PCA Replacement

Vail Total Hip and Total Knee Arthroplasty Course. Vail, CO. March 1990- Evaluation of the Painful Total Hip- Preoperative Evaluation of the Difficult Total Knee Arthroplasty

Southern Orthopaedic Association. Maui, HI. June 1990- Acetabular Screw Placement in Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty- MRI Imaging of the Posterior Cruciate Ligament

Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Course. Kiawa Island. June 1990- Acetabular Screw Placement in Uncemented

Total Hip Replacement- Femoral Changes after Uncemented Collarless

Total Hip Arthroplasty


Total Hip and Knee Course. State of the Art. Monterey, CA, July 7-10, 1991- Cementless Acetabular Fixation- Four to Five Year Results of a Prospective Connective Series of 100 PCA Total Hip

Arthroplasties- Risk Factors for Mechanical Failure of Cemented Femoral Components- Screw Augmented Acetabular Component Fixation: Anatomic and Mechanical


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John J. Callaghan, 82

- Use of Ultrasonically Driven Tools to Remove Cement

Orthopaedic Alumni Meeting Conference. Iowa City, IA. Oct. 17-19, 1991- Five to Seven Year Follow up of Primary PCA Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients- Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients with Aseptic Necrosis of the Femoral

Head and Previous Bone Grafting

Society of Arthritis Joint Surgeons Annual Meeting. Naples, FL. Oct. 25-26, 1991- Use of Ultrasonic Tools to Remove Cement- Difficult Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty

Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation Meeting for Corporate Affiliates. Nov. 20, 1991

- A Canine Infected Total Hip Arthroplasty Model to Determine the Efficacy of Various Treatment Options of the Infected Hip

Orthopaedic Hospital Hip Course: Harlan Amstutz, Director. December 7, 1991- Lessons We Have Learned From the Initial Experience with Uncemented Total Hip



American Orthopaedic Association Austrian, Swiss, German Traveling Fellowship. March 2, 1992

- Lessons Learned From Seven Years Experience With Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty

Arthritis of the Hip and Knee Course. Vail, Colorado, March 21, 1992- Osteolysis Around Uncemented Total Hip Replacement

University of Iowa Sports Symposium. Iowa City, IA, April 16, 1992- The Knee Exam

Mid Central States Orthopaedic Society Annual Meeting. Spirit Lake, Iowa, May 29, 1992- Seven Year Follow-up of Primary Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty

Harris Harvard Hip Course. Cambridge, MA. Sept. 16-19, 1992- Ten Year Follow-up Iowa Cemented Stems- Ten Year Follow-up Iowa Cemented Sockets- Seven Year Follow-up PCA Uncemented Stems- Seven Year Follow-up PCA Uncemented Sockets

Wayne State Hip Course. Detroit, Michigan, Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 1992- Revision Total Hip Replacement- Thromboembolism Following Joint Replacement- Girdlestone Arthroplasty for Aseptic Failure- Seven Year Results PCA Total Hip Arthroplasty

Johnston Hip Reconstruction Conference. Iowa City, IA, Oct. 8-10, 1992- Osteolysis at Seven Years With PCA THR- Long Term Follow-up of Hip Fusion


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John J. Callaghan, 83

Colorado Hip & Knee Symposium. Mar. 17-20, 1993- Four Presentations on Hip & Knee Arthroplasty

Central DuPage Revision Hip Course. Chicago, IL, May 6-7, 1993 - Two Presentations Revision Hip Surgery

Visiting Professor Hospital for Joint Disease, June 17-18, 1993


Application of High Performance Computing in Engineering. Pittsburgh, PA. Oct. 21-22, 1994

- Brown, T.D.; Maxian, T.A.; Pedersen, D.R.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Sliding-Distance-Coupled Finite Element Polyethylene Wear Predictions in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Contact/Impact Biomechanics


The University of Iowa College of Medicine Research Day XIX. Iowa City, IA. April 20-21, 1995

- Maxian, T.A.; Brown, T.D.; Pedersen, D.R.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Variability of Polyethylene Contact Stress Due to Current Industrial Tolerances for Femoral Head Sizes

- Shaver, S.M.; Brown, T.D.; and Callaghan, J.J.: Initial Evaluation of a Digital Edge Detection Technique to Measure UHMWPE Wear in Total Hip Replacements

Visiting Professor Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine. October 11-12, 1995


Mid-America Orthopaedic Association 14th Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. April 24-28, 1996

- Fifteen-Year Follow-up of Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty Using Contemporary Cementing Techniques: Madey, Callaghan, Olejniczak, Goetz, Johnston


Iowa Rheumatology Symposium, University of Iowa College of Medicine, April 10, 1997- Results of Total Joint Arthroplasty in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Charlotte Hip & Knee Course, Charlotte, North Carolina, April 10-12, 1997- Long Term Results of Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty- Concepts in Acetabular Fixation- A Case for Primary Cemented Femoral Fixation- Acetabular Fractures Following Total Hip Arthroplasty

Visiting Professor, University of Chicago, Gerald Laros Lecturer, April 17-18, 1997- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty

Mid-America Orthopaedic Association, Hilton Head, South Carolina, April 23-26, 1997- Twenty to Twenty-five Year Results of Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty in

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John J. Callaghan, 84

Patients Under Age 50- Hybrid Results in Patients Under Age 50- Minimum 10 Year Results of PCA Total Hip Arthroplasty- In Vivo Wear Due to Cable Debris- Instructional Course on Controversies in Total Hip Arthroplasty

Program Chairman- J. Albert Key Award for Excellence in Medical Writing

USC Masters Course in Total Joint Reconstruction, Los Angeles, California, May 1-3, 1997- Hybrid Total Hip Arthroplasty

Joint Replacement 1997, Engineering and Biology, Duke University Medical School, Pinehurst, North Carolina, May 29-31, 1997

- Optimizing Outcome: When to Use Cement on the Femoral Side

Visiting Professor, Walter Reed Army Medical Center Resident’s Day, June 5-6, 1997- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty

Contemporary Techniques in Total Hip & Knee Arthroplasty: Mayo Clinic, Grand View Lodge. Nisswa, MN. June 26-29, 1997

- Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty: Uncemented Acetabular ComponentTechnique (Pearls)

- Femoral Component Options: Indications for Cemented and UncementedReplacement

Mayo Clinic Hip & Knee Course, Brainard, Minnesota, June 26-28, 1997- Pearls to Uncemented Acetabular Fixation- Femoral Component Options in Total Hip Arthroplasty

University of Kansas Visiting Professor (Leonard Peletier Lecturer), July 30 - August 1, 1997

- Long Term Follow-up of Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty- Uncemented Acetabular Fixation- Results of Total Hip Arthroplasty in the Young Adult

Biomechanics 51:150 and 51:050, Malcolm Pope Course, University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa, September 16, 1997

- Design of Total Hip & Knee Arthroplasty

Harvard Hip Course, Cambridge, MA, September 24-27, 1997- Total Hip Replacement in Avascular Necrosis- Surface finish of Cemented Stems: Results with a Smooth Surface- Surface Finish for Cemented Stems: Results with Precoating on the Iowa

Stem- The Use of Cables and Wires- Head Size and Wear- Total Hip Replacement for Arthritis Secondary to Developmental

Dysplasia/Cement the Acetabular Component without Bulk Grafting- Use of Constrained Sockets

John Gartland Lectureship, Philadelphia Orthopaedic Society, October 13, 1997- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty?

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John J. Callaghan, 85

Thornhill Hip & Knee Course, Greenbrier, West Virginia, October 23-25, 1997- Consensus Conference on Options for Preoperative and Postoperative Blood

Salvage- Use of Metal on Metal Articulations in Total Hip Arthroplasty


Visiting Professor, Grand Rapids Orthopaedic Program, Grand Rapids, MI, January 13-14, 1998

- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty- Charnley the Man- Acetabular Uncemented Fixation

Issues in Orthopaedics - Clinical Results & Economic Outcomes in 1998, Snowmass, CO, January 29-31, 1998

- Cemented Stem Fixation: Survivorships of Cemented Stems

State of the Art in Orthopaedics 1998, Squaw Creek, CA, February 15-18, 1998- Femoral Revision: Cemented Fixation- Failure of Grit Blasted Precoated Iowa Stems

Controversies in Clinical Management in Hip & Knee Reconstruction, Vail, CO, February 20-23, 1998

- Femoral Component Options: Indications for Cemented and Uncemented Components- Primary Total Knee Replacement: Mobile Bearings: Pros, Cons, Results and


Hip & Knee Reconstruction: An Advanced Course, Whistler, British Columbia, February 27-28, 1998

- Results of Revision Knee Surgery- Cemented Fixation - Long Term Results on the Femoral Side- Femoral Osteolysis: Problem and Cure

College of Medicine Research Week, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, April 13, 1998- The Effect of Cup Tilt and Anteversion on Dislocation Propensity in Total Hip

Arthroplasty - Scifert, Brown, Pedersen, Callaghan (Poster Presentation)- The Influence of Third Body Debris on the In Vivo Polyethylene Wear in Total Hip

Arthroplasty - Pedersen, Brown, Hillis, Callaghan (Poster Presentation)

Mid-America Orthopaedic Association, April 22-26, 1998, Acapulco, Mexico- Instructional Course Lecturer. Controversies in Total Hip Arthroplasty:

a. Surface Finish of Cemented Femoral Componentsb. Periprosthetic fractures of the acetabulum

- Comparison of Bead Blast vs. Grit Blasted Cemented Femoral Components in Patients Under the Age of 50 - Speaker

Anderson Orthopaedic Clinic Bioskills of Hip & Knee Arthroplasty, Alexandria, Virginia, May 1-2, 1998

- Minimum 15 Year Follow-up of Unicondylar Knee Replacement- Nine to 12 Year Follow-up of Cemented Rotating Platform Total Knee Arthroplasty- Head Size in Total Hip Arthroplasty- Should Cemented Femoral Components be Used in All Primary Arthroplasties

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John J. Callaghan, 86

Epoetin Alpha Surgery Investigators Update Meeting, Santa Barbara, California, May 8, 1998

- Final Results of the Multi-Center Transfusion Hemoglobin and Outcomes Initiative

Visiting Professor, UCLA Senior Residents Research Week, June 11-13, 1998- Head Size in Total Hip Arthroplasty- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty?- Acetabular Fixation in Total Hip Arthroplasty

Program Chairman, ABC Traveling Fellowship Trip to Iowa City, Iowa, 1998- Surface Finish in Cemented Femoral Fixation

Arthritic Orthopaedic Reconstruction Technique Association, Lake George, New York, August 12-15, 1998

- Are Cementless Acetabular Components an Improvement Over Cemented Components?

- Can Rotating Platform Mobile Bearing Total Knee Replacements Outperform Fixed Bearing Designs?

New Horizons in Orthopaedics, St. George Hospital, Sidney, Australia, August 21-22, 1998- Future of Academic Orthopaedic Surgery in the United States- Implant Design in Total Joint Arthroplasty- Long Term Outcomes of Total Joint Arthroplasty- Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients with Osteonecrosis

Visiting Professor Lectureship, Baylor University, September 2, 1998- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty

Harvard Hip Course: Total Hip Replacement, the Dawn of a New Era, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 16-19, 1998

- Twenty-five Year Follow-up of Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty- Twenty to Twenty-five Year Follow-up of Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients

Under Age 50- Wear Measurements 2D Edge Detection Results

Fall Meeting, Iowa Orthopaedic Society, Saturday, October 3, 1998, Iowa City, Iowa- Impact of American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons c (6) on State Societies

Johnston Lectureship in Hip Reconstruction, Iowa City, Iowa, October 16-17, 1998- Harris-Galante I Acetabular Components: Minimum 10 Year Follow-up- Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients 80 Years of Age and Older (Co-author)- Third Body Wear Simulations in Total Hip Replacement (Co-author)- Femoral Component Head Size and Wear (Co-author)- Hybrid Total Hip Arthroplasty in CDH (Co-author)

The Annual Hennepin County Medical Center Orthopaedic & Trauma Seminar, November 21, 1998

- The Use of Erythropoietin Alpha in Total Joint Replacement- Reconstruction of Difficult Acetabular Lesions

- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty: The Wesley Burnham Lecturer

Current Concepts in Joint Replacement Surgery 15th Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, December 10-12, 1998

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John J. Callaghan, 87

- Are All Cemented Femoral Stems Equal?- Screw Augmentation: Gold Standard for Cementless Cup Fixation in the Affirmative- High Hip Center: Irrational Concept in Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty in the Affirmative- Rotation With PCL Sacrifice: A Long Term Report


State of the Art in Hip & Knee Arthroplasty, Vail, Colorado, January 17-22, 1999- Comparison of Cemented and Cementless Acetabular Components at 10 Years- Results of Iowa Femoral Components with Different Surface Finishes- Head Size in Total Hip Arthroplasty: Choices and Compromises- Use of Constrained Acetabular Component for Dislocation in Total Hip Arthroplasty- Knee Replacement – A 9 to 12 Year Follow-up of Cemented Rotating Platform Knees- Outcomes in Orthopaedic Surgery: Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty

a) Optimizing Femoral Fixationb) Evolution of Cementless Femoral Fixation

Outcomes in Orthopaedic Surgery: Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty, Vail, Colorado, March 17-21, 1999

- Evolution of Cementless Fixation in the Primary Femur- Optimizing Femoral Fixation

Kindrick Memorial Hospital Orthopaedics Symposium, Mooresville, Indiania, May 6-7, 1999- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty?- Is Cementless Acetabular Fixation the Way to Go?- Was There an Over Reaction to the Early Results of PCA Total Hip Arthroplasty?

University of Cincinnati D.J. Frank Lectureship, May 21-22, 1999- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty

Mark B. Coventry Visiting Professor, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, June 10-12, 1999- Acetabular Fixation: Choices and Compromises- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Are We Going Forward, Backwards or Sideways?

Innovations in Hip, Knee and Shoulder Arthroplasty. New York, NY, June 18-19, 1999- Acetabular Fixation: Initial Cup Stability and Long Term Results- Key Issues in the Longevity of the Cemented Femoral Construct- Evolution of Cementless Femoral Fixation

Blood Management in Orthopaedic Surgery: Optimizing Outcomes, Chicago, Illinois, August 28, 1999

- Choices and Compromises in Use of Autologous Blood Transfusion in Total Hip and Total Knee Arthroplasty Surgery

Iowa Orthopaedic Alumni Meeting, Iowa City, Iowa, September 24-25, 1999- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Are We Going Forwards, Backwards or


Harvard Hip Course, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 29-October 2, 1999. Total Hip Replacement: The Dawn of a New Era

- Cemented vs Cementless in the Older Age Group: Iowa Experience- Clinical Data Favoring a Smooth Stem: Iowa/Charnley Experience

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John J. Callaghan, 88

- Clinical Data Favoring a Smooth Stem: Iowa at 15 Years- Minimum 20 Year Follow-up of Contemporary Charnley Cemented Total Hip

Arthroplasty- Cemented Acetabular Components in the Severe Dysplasia without Bulk Grafting at 15

Years- Mortality in Total Hip Replacement

Second Annual Herman Lohman Memorial Symposium, Saint Barnabus Medical Center, Livingstone, New Jersey, October 23, 1999

- From Charnley to the Present: Evolution and Efficacy of Cemented Total Hip Replacement

- Technical Considerations to Achieve a Successful Long Term Result in Total Hip Replacement

- Blood Management Options in Total Joint Replacement

Hospital for Special Surgery Alumni Association Annual Meeting, New York, New York, November 4-5, 1999

- Symposium Prosthetic Wear 1999: The Clinical Problem- Periprosthetic Infection Symposium: One Stage Reimplantation

Current Concepts in Joint Replacement, Orlando, Florida, December 8-11, 1999- Patient Specific Transfusion Options- Cemented Shiny Stems: Surface Finish for the Next Millennium – In the Affirmative


Contemporary Techniques and Issues in Orthopaedics, Snowmass, Colorado, January 30 – February 2, 2000

- Primary Total Hip Cemented Stems: Understanding the Surface Finish Debate- Alternatives to Total Knee Arthroplasty: Biologic Resurfacing

Hip and Knee Reconstruction Advance Course, Whistler, Canada, February 4-5, 2000- Revision Problems: The Acetabulum: The Management of Acetabular Bone Defects

Graft and Contained- Femoral Revision Problems: The Place of Cemented Femoral Stems- Revision Total Knee Replacement: Alternative Exposures of Failed Total Knee:

Rectus Snip and Quadriceps Turndown

North American Orthopaedic Nurses Association Local Meeting, April 12, 2000, Iowa City, Iowa

- Treatment of Complications Following Total Hip Arthroplasty

Mid America Orthopaedic Association 18th Annual Meeting, April 26-30, 2000, Scottsdale, Arizona

- Dislocation Following Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Long Term Follow-up- Is a Polish Surface Finish Optimal for a Collared Cemented Prosthesis?- Early Postoperative Death Following Total Hip Arthroplasty- Durability of Cemented Matte Finish Femoral Components at 14 to 15 Year Follow-up- Long Term Follow-up of Congenital Hip Dysplasia Treated with Cemented Total Hip

Arthroplasty- Can Cemented Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement Provide Durable Long Term


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John J. Callaghan, 89

- Comparison of Contemporary to Handpacking Cement Techniques in Total Hip Arthroplasty at Minimum 20 Year Follow-up

Current Concepts in Joint Replacements – Spring 2000, May 21-24, 2000, Las Vegas, Nevada

- Blood Management in Total Hip Replacement- Hip Dislocation, It’s Later Than You Think- Knee Arthroplasty 2000, What’s Hot, What’s Not- What Would You Do – Challenges in Knee Surgery

Harris Hip Course, September 20-23, 2000, Boston, Massachusetts- Twenty-five year Results of Charnley in Patients Under Age 50- Surface Finish of a Cemented Femoral Component Should be Smooth - 16-20 Year Follow-up of Cemented Results in CDH- Dislocation Following Total Hip Arthroplasty- Dislocation Mechanism- Cementing Polyethylene Liners Into Cementless Acetabular Components

Johnston Lectureship, October 20-21, 2000, Iowa City, Iowa- Minimum 20 Year Follow-up of Contemporary Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty with the

Charnley Prosthesis- Choices and Compromises in Total Hip Arthroplasty

Current Concepts in Joint Replacement, December 13-16, 2000, Orlando, Florida- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Potential to Reduce Polyethylene Wear- Blood Management: Drip by Drip- The Minimally Invasive Uni: Innovation of the Millennium? – In the Affirmative


Winter 2001 Clinical Course, Advances in Total Joint Arthroplasty, January 11 – January 13, 2001, Bahamas

- Management of the Patella in Revision TKR- Long Term Cement Fixation: Technique, Design, Finish- The Cemented Cup – Is There Still a Role?

Total Hip Replacement Program, January 21 – January 23, 2001, Vail, Colorado- Minimum Ten-Year Results of Harris-Galante I Acetabular Component Compared to

Cemented Sockets in Primary Surgery - Minimum Ten-Year Results of Harris-Galante I Socket Revision Surgery- Cementing Liners into Cementless Acetabular Shells- Long-Term Follow-up of dislocation Following THR- Use of Constrained Liners for Recurrent Instability- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Results and Complications- Long Term Follow-up of PFC Cruciate Retaining TKR

Minneapolis Orthopaedic Society and University of Minnesota, March 29-30, 2001, Minneapolis, Minnesota

- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Replacement?- Choices and Compromises in Hip Surgery

Mid-America Orthopaedic Association, Nineteenth Annual Meeting, April 18 – April 22, 2001, Amelia Island, Florida

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John J. Callaghan, 90

- PCA Total Hip Arthroplasty at 14 to 15 Years: Better Durability Than Initially Expected- Cemented Metal Backed Acetabular Components at Long-term Follow-up: What

Lessons can be Applied to Cementless Fixation?- Are 22 mm Heads the Solution to Polyethylene Wear in Cementless Acetabular

Components?- Cementless Acetabular Fixation in Revision Hip Surgery: The Gold Standard for the

New Millennium- Stability of Acetabular Liners Cemented into Cementless Shells- Femoral Impaction Grafting in Revision Hip surgery with a Rough Femoral Stem: A

Minimum Five year Follow-up Study- Modular Posterior Cruciate Substituting Total Knee Arthroplasty: Is Osteolysis a

Problem with a Modular Tibial Tray?- Minimum Ten Year Follow-up of PFC Posterior Cruciate Retaining Total Knee


Masters Series in Hip & Knee Surgery (Larry Dorr Course), April 26-28, 2001, Los Angeles, California

- Total Hip Replacement Treatment of Hip Fractures- Use of Coumadin for DVT Prophylaxis- Cementing Liners Into Acetabular Shells- Use of Mechanical Devices for DVT

Harris Festschrift Meeting, May 11-12, Boston, Massachusetts- Cementless Acetabular Fixation in Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty: The Gold Standard

for the New Millennium- Impaction Allografting with Cement for Extensive Femoral Bone Loss in Revision Hip


Current Concepts in Joint Replacement, May 21-23, 2001, Las Vegas, Nevada- Head Size Issue in Total Hip Replacement- Surface Finish Issue in Total Hip Replacement- Cementing Liner Into Shell

New England Orthopaedic Society Annual Meeting, June 1-2, 2001, Berkshires, Massachusetts, Guest Speaker

- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Replacement- Choices & Compromises in Total Hip Replacement- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Are We Going Forward, Backwards or Sideways?

University of Nebraska Visiting Professor, September 7-8, 2001, Omaha, Nebraska- The Importance of Surface Finish in Cemented Total Hip Replacement- Treatment of Recurrent Dislocation with Constrained Liners- Temporale Variation and Incidence of Dislocation Following Total Hip Replacement

Williamsburg Hip & Knee Meeting, September 26-27, 2001, Williamsburg, Virginia- Cementless Acetabular Design and Screw Placement

Harvard Hip Course, October 3, 2001, Boston, Massachusetts- Temporale Variation and Incidence in Relationship to Head Size in Dislocation- Treatment of Recurrent Dislocation with Constrained Liners- The Importance of Surface Finish as Design Specific: Smooth vs Grit Blast on the Iowa

Stem- A Mode of Dislocation Without Impingement

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John J. Callaghan, 91

- Range of Motion and Cup Altitude in Relationship to Dislocation

Engh Revision Hip Learning Center, December 6, 2001, Alexandria, Virginia- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty- Options in Cementless Acetabular Fixation

Current Concepts in Joint Replacement, December 12-15, 2001, Orlando, Florida- All PS Implants Are Not Alike- Leg Length Issues in Total Hip Replacement


Wayne State University Visiting Professor, January 9, 2002, Detroit, Michigan- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty?- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Are We Going Forward, Backwards, or Sideways?

Contemporary Techniques in Total Hip and Total Knee Replacement Surgery, Whistler, Canada, March 6-10, 2002

- Course Chairman Hip Program- Implant Selection in Total Knee Replacement- Use of Cement Versus Cementless Fixation in Total Hip Replacement- Unicompartment Replacement in Knee Surgery

Dorr Master Series Course, Los Angeles, California, April 18-20, 2002- Mobile Bearing Total Knee Replacement- Use of Extensively Coated Stems in Revision total Hip Replacement

Mid American Orthopaedic Assocation Meeting, April 24-28, 2002, Tucson, Arizona- Callaghan, J.; Bremner, B., Goetz, D.: Use of Constrained Acetabular Components for

Hip Instability: Average 10 Year Follow-up Study- Keener, J.; Callaghan, J.; Goetz, D.; Sullivan, P.; Johnston, R.: Charnley Total Hip

Arthroplasty in Patients Under Age Fifty: Functional and Radiographic Results at Minimum Twenty-five Years

- Sliva, C.; Callaghan, J.; Goetz, D.; Taylor, S.: Complications of Simultaneous Versus Staged Bilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty

- Callaghan, J.; Gaffey, J.; Pedersen, D.; Goetz, D.: Cementless Acetabular Fixation at 15 Years: Comparison to the Gold Standard Charnley

Twenty-five Year Anniversary of AML Cementless Total Hip Replacement, Tucson, Arizona, April 28, 2002

- Long Term Follow-up of the AML prosthesis

Greenwald’s Current Concepts in Joint Replacement, May 21-23, 2002, Las Vegas, Nevada- Small Head Sizes in Total Hip Replacement- Is Cement the Gold Standard in Total Hip Replacement?

Harvard Hip & Knee Course, October 2-4, 2002, Boston Massachusetts- Small Head Sizes in Total Hip Replacement

New Technology Hip Course, October 4-5, Hilton Head, South Carolina- Why Have Surgeons Changed to Cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty?

Johnston Lectureship, October 11-12, 2002, Iowa City, Iowa

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John J. Callaghan, 92

- Case Presentations

Current Concepts in Joint Replacement, December 11-14, 2002, Orlando, Florida- Cemented Femoral Fixation: Optimal Design- Pharmacologic Prophylaxis in TJA with Constrained Acetabular Liners


Ranawat Orthopaedic Research Foundation “Advances in Joint Replacement”, Jan. 9-12, 2003, Goa, India

- Stiff Knee: Technique Issues- Long Term Results in TKR- Results of THR in Young Patients- Displaced Femoral Neck Fracture (Moderator)- Alternate Bearing Surfaces: Osteolysis

University of Pittsburgh Visiting Professor, Jan. 14-15, 2003, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania- Case Presentations- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Replacement?

University of Washington Visiting Professor, 2003 LeCocq Lectureship, Jan. 23-24, 2003, Seattle, Washington

- Choices and Compromises in Hip and Knee Surgery- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Replacement?- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Are We Going Forward, Backwards or Sideways?

Dorr’s Master Series in Total Joint Replacement, Apr. 3-5, 2003, Pasadena, California- Why Not to Use Computed Assisted Devices in TKA

Mid America Orthopaedic Association Meeting, Apr. 24-27, 2003, Hilton Head, South Carolina

- Minimum 30-Year Follow-up of Charnley THA: A Standard for Future Arthroplasty (Templeton)

- Minimum 20-Year Follow-up of Cemented THA Performed for Severe Dysplasia of the Hip: Is Bone Grafting Necessary? (Klapach)

- Cementation of Constrained Liner Into Secure Cementless Acetabular Shells: A 2-10 Year Follow-up Study

- Comparison of Cemented Femoral Components with Identical Geometry but Different Surface Finishes: A 13-15 Year Follow-up Study (Liu)

- Minimum Five to Seven-Year Follow-up of a Contemporary Cementless Femoral Total Hip Arthroplasty Component: Comparison with First Generation Design (Hendrickson)

- Wear Rate Comparison Between Cementless Acetabular Components Inserted in Primary and Revision Hip Surgery: A Match Pair Analysis (Gaffey)

- Pelvic Stress Fractures Following Cementless Acetabular Fixation (Christiansen)

Current Concepts in Joint Replacement Spring 2003, May 18-21, 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada- Why Knees Fail: Lessons Learned- Orthopaedic Crossfire III: Alternative Bearings: Pros & Cons (Moderator)- Cementless Cups: Not All are Created Equal- Blood Management: Issues & Options- Hip Arthroplasty 2003: What’s New, What’s True? Evidence Based Issues (Panel)

Senior Residents Day, June 6, 2003, Iowa City, Iowa

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John J. Callaghan, 93

- Clinical Biomechanics of Wear

Insall-Scott Kelly Annual Meeting, September 4, 2003, New York, New York- Technical Aspects of Polyethylene Wear- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement- Flexion Contracture in Total Knee Replacement

Harvard Hip & Knee Arthroplasty Course, September 18-19, 2003, Boston, Massachusetts- Cemented Stems in Total Hip Replacement, Long-Term Follow-up- CAM Post Impingement in PS Total Knee Replacement

Loyola Stritch School of Medicine Visiting Professor, Charles Schwartz Memorial Lectureship, October 23, 2003, Maywood, Illinois

- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Replacement?- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Are We Going Forward, Backwards or Sideways?

University of Connecticut Visiting Professor, Pasternak Lectureship, November 13, 2003, Hartford, Connecticut

- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacements: Are We Going Forward, Backward, or Sideways?- Why Did We Ever Leave the Charnley Total Hip Replacement: Lessons We’ve

Learned the Hard Way Over 30 Years

The Anderson Orthopaedic Institute Bioskills Conference, December 4-5, 2003, Alexandria, Virginia

- Mobile Bearing Knees: Are We Going Forward, Backwards, or Sideways?

Current Concepts in Joint Replacement, December 11-14, 2003, Orlando, Florida- Porous Coated Femoral Fixation: The Long & Short of it- Avoiding Dislocation: But When it Happens!- DVT Prophylaxis: Better Living Through Chemistry – In the Affirmative


Emerging Trends: Whistler 2004 Hip and Knee Meeting, February 25-28, 2004, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada

- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Are We Going Forwards, Backwards, or Sideways?

Mid-American Orthopaedic Association 22nd Annual Meeting, April 14-18, 2004, La Quinta, Palm Springs, California

- Agility Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A 7 to 16 Year Follow-up Study: Saltzman, Knecht, Estin, Callaghan, Alvine (Podium)

- Comparison of Three Cemented Femoral Components with Identical Geometry but Different Surface Finishes at Minimum Ten-Year Follow-up (Edward D. Henderson Physician in Training Award): Firestone, Liu, Callaghan, Gaffey, Pedersen, Goetz, Vittetoe, Sullivan, Johnston (Podium)

- The Effect of Cable Debris on Acetabular Construct Durability in Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty at Minimum 20 Year Follow-up: Dahl, Callaghan, Pedersen, Liu, Goetz, Sullivan, Johnston (Podium)

- Cementless Acetabular Fixation in THR Performed for CDH. Is Bone Grafting Necessary?: Callaghan, Schroeder, Morcuende, Liu, Goetz, Sullivan, Johnston (Podium)

- Establishment and Maintenance of a Joint Replacement Registry: Lessons Learned

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John J. Callaghan, 94

from the North American Hip and Knee Registry Experience 1995-2002: Callaghan, Waddell, White, Anderson

- A Minimum 25-Year Follow-up of Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty Using “Contemporary” Cement Technique: Buckwalter, Callaghan, Goetz, Pedersen, Johnston (Podium)

- Agility Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A 7 to 16 Year Follow-up: Saltzman, Knecht, Estin, Zimmerman, Callaghan, Aliman, Alvine (Poster)

- The Effect of Cable Debris on Acetabular Construct Durability in Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty at Minimum 20 Year Follow-up: Dahl, Callaghan, Pedersen, Liu, Goetz, Sullivan, Johnston (Poster)

Current Concepts in Joint Replacement, May 23-26, 2004, Las Vegas, Nevada- Blood Management: Issues and Options:- Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty. The Role of Implant Constraint: Not too Little, Not

too Much

Medical Student Research Day – University of Iowa College of Medicine – September 2004- Hybrid Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Under the Age of 50: A 10- to 18-Year Follow-

Up: Teusink M, Callaghan JJ, Liu SS, Sullivan J, Goetz DD, Pedersen DR, Johnston RC

- Long-Term (19 to 20 Years) Follow Up of Cemented Total Hip Replacements with the Iowa Hip: Veach A, O’Rourke MR, Callaghan JJ, Liu SS, Goetz DD, Sullivan

PM, Pedersen DR, Johnston RC- A Minimum 20- Year Follow-Up of Cemented Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty Using Improved Cementing Techniques: George CA, Callaghan JJ, Liu SS, Sullivan

J, Pedersen DR, Johnston RC- Wear of Cross-Linked Polyethylene in Total Hip Arthroplasty: Leinen JA, Brown TD,

Callaghan JJ, Liu SS, Pedersen DR

7th Annual ISK Sports Medicine & Total Knee Symposium, September 17-19, 2004, New York, New York

- Correction of Fixed Flexion Contractures: Callaghan- Rotating Platform TKA: Are We Going Forwards, Backwards, or Sideways?:

Callaghan- Technical Aspects of Polyethylene Wear: Callaghan

34th Annual Meeting: Advances in Arthroplasty, September 29 – October 2, 2004, Boston, Massachusettes

- HXLPE: Marathon: Callaghan, Leinen, Liu, Pedersen- Wear and Lysis with Cemented Acetabular Components: Callaghan

Seventh Biennial Johnston Lectureship in Hip Reconstruction, October 15-16, 2004, Iowa City, Iowa

- Moderator

Albany Medical Center Meeting (DePuy), November 9-10, 2004, Albany, New York- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Replacement?- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Are We Going Forwards, Backwards, or


Current Concepts in Joint Replacement, December 8-11, 2004, Orlando, Florida- Blood Management Options: What’s In, What’s Out?- Cemented Femoral Stem Revision: A Time & A Place

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John J. Callaghan, 95

- The Uni Experience: History Tells it All- Big Balls & Thin Liners: A Triumph of Hope Over Reason – Affirmative (Debate vs Dr.

William Maloney)


19th Annual Vail Orthopaedic Symposium Total Hip & Knee Arthroplasty Meeting (Zimmer), January 25-26, 2005, Vail, Colorado

- Technique & Results of Jumbo cups in Revision Total Hip Replacement- Cementing Constrained Liners Into Cementless Shells- How Has Minimally Invasive TKA Changed My Practice?- Session 8: Revision Acetabular Component (Moderator)- Knee Session 1: Unicompartmental Knees (Moderator

Philip D. Wilson, Jr. Visiting LectureMarch 2005, Hospital for Special Surgery

- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Replacement?- Computer Assisted Surgery: The Future Is Not Now

Iowa Orthopaedic SocietyApril 2005, Des Moines, Iowa

- Michael Bonfiglio Award: Unicompartmental Knee Replacement: A Minimum 21 Year Follow-Up, End Result Study: Gardner, Callaghan, O’Rourke, Liu, Goetz, Chalus, Johnston

Mid-America Orthopaedic AssociationApril 2005, Amelia Island, FL

- Unicompartmental Knee Replacement: A Minimum 21 Year Follow-Up, End Result Study: Gardner, Callaghan, O’Rourke, Liu, Goetz, Vittetoe, Sullivan, Johnston

- Cemented Rotating Platform Total Knee Replacement: A Minimum Fifteen-Year Follow-up Study: Iossi, O’Rourke, Callaghan, Goetz, Vittetoe, Sullivan, Johnston

Current Concepts in Joint ReplacementMay 2005, Las Vegas, NV

- Impaction Grafting in Revision THA: Rarely, if Ever, Useful – Affirms- Computer Assisted Surgery: A Wine Before Its Time – Affirms

University of California-Irvine Grand RoundsJune 2006

- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Replacement?- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Are We Going Forwards, Backwards, or


35th Annual Meeting: Advances in Arthroplasty – Boston, Massachusetts – September 2005

- Harris Oration: Why Did Leave Charnley Total Hip Replacement?- The Primary THA – The Socket: What’s In – Cemented

Medical Student Research Day – University of Iowa College of Medicine – September 2005- Implication of Sagittal Femoral Bowing on Knee Arthritis and Total Knee Replacement: Yehyawi T, Callaghan JJ, O’Rourke MR, Pedersen DR, Liu SS- Minimum Five to Ten Year Follow-Up of Cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients

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Age Fifty and Under: Metz CM, Callaghan JJ, Warth LC, Liu SS, Pedersen DR- Wear of Cross-Linked Polyethylene in Total Hip Arthroplasty: Leinen JA, Brown TD,

Callaghan JJ, Liu SS, Pedersen DR

Invited Lecture to Genesis Hospital – Davenport, Iowa – October 2005- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Replacement?

Grand Rounds – Total Joint Arthroplasty Seminar – Nebraska Orthopaedic Hospital – Omaha, Nebraska – October 2005

- Mobile Bearing Knee Replacement: Are We Going Forwards, Backwards, or Sideways?

Current Concepts in Joint Replacement – Orlando, FL – December 2005- Femoral Deformity Correction: Sometimes, Always, Never- Computer Assisted Surgery: A Wine Before Its Time - Affirms


Visiting Professor – University of Texas – Southwestern – Dallas, Texas – April 2006- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Replacement?

Mid American Orthopaedic Association (MAOA) Annual Meeting – San Antonio, Texas – April 2006

Papers:- Twenty Year Outcome of Primary PCA Cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty: Callaghan JJ, Xenos JS, Liu SS, Savory CG- Minimum 20 Year Follow-Up of Cemented Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty: George CA, Callaghan JJ, Liu SS, Sullivan J, Goetz DD, Vittetoe DA, Johnston RC- Cementless Acetabular Fixation in Patients 50 Years of Age and Under: A 10-18 Year Follow-Up Study: Teusink MJ, Callaghan JJ, Liu SS, Sullivan J, Goetz DD, Vittetoe DA, Pedersen DR, Johnston RCPosters:- Internet Promotion of MIS and CAOS in TKA by Members of AAHKS: Warth LC, Callaghan JJ, Liu SS, Hozack WL, Klein GR- Follow-Up of a Cemented Collared Matte Finish Femoral Component at 19 to 20 Years Using Contemporary Cementing Technique: Callaghan JJ, Liu SS, Firestone DE, O’Rourke MR, Veach AL, Sullivan J, Goetz DD, Vittetoe DA, Johnston RC- Five to Ten Year Follow-Up of Cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Age 50 and Under, Using a Contemporary Extensively Coated Femoral Implant: Metz CM, Callaghan JJ, Liu SS, Warth LC, Chung YY- Three to Five Year Radiographic Follow-Up of Moderately Cross-Linked Marathon Polyethylene in Total Hip Replacement: Leinen JA, Callaghan JJ, Liu SS, Klaassen AL, Pedersen DR

Iowa Orthopaedic Society – Des Moines, Iowa – April 2006- Cementless Acetabular Fixation in Patients 50 Years of Age and Under: A 10-18 Year Follow-Up Study

University of Michigan: Matthews Day Lectureship – Ann Arbor, MI – May 2006- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Replacement?- Mobile Bearing Total Knee Replacement: Are We Going Forwards, Backwards, or Sideways?

Current Concepts in Joint Replacement – Las Vegas, NV – May 2006

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John J. Callaghan, 97

- Big Balls and Thin Liners: A Triumph of Hope Over Reason – Affirms- Cemented Femoral Fixation: Now and Forever- Cup Retention With Cemented Constrained Liner

Stanford University: C. Howard Hatcher Visiting Professor – Palo Alto, CA – June 2006- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Replacement?- Mobile Bearing Total Knee Replacement: Are We Going Forwards, Backwards, or Sideways?

Rush University Medical Center: The Jorge O. Galante Visiting Professor – Chicago, IL – June 2006

- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Replacement?- Mobile Bearing Total Knee Replacement: Are We Going Forwards, Backwards, or Sideways?

20th Century Orthopaedic Society, August 2006- Is There Still A Place For The General Orthopaedist?: Con and Why!!!!

ISK Sports Medicine & Total Knee Symposium, September 2006, New York, New York- Do We Really Need Computer Navigation To Do A TKA Correctly?- Correction of Fixed Flection Contractures

Medical Student Research Day, University of Iowa College of Medicine, September 2006, Iowa City, IA

Implications of Sagittal Femoral Bowing on Knee Arthritis and Total Knee Arthroplasty- Yehyawi TM, Callaghan JJ, O’Rourke MR, Pedersen DR, Liu SS- Outstanding Poster Award

Advances in Arthroplasty – Boston, Massachusetts – October 2006- The Primary THA - The Socket: Cemented: Are They Still Relevant?

Georgia Orthopaedic Society – October 2006- Charnley The Man- Why Did We Leave Charnley Total Hip Replacement?- Mobile Bearing Total Knee Replacement: Are We Going Forwards, Backwards, or



Memberships in Professional Organizations/Offices held in professional organizations (least to most recent)

Year Organization

Present American Medical Association1984-1988 Washington, D.C., Orthopaedic Society, 1984-1988Present Irish American Orthopaedic SocietyPresent American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (Diplomat)Present Orthopaedic Research Society

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John J. Callaghan, 98

Present Fellow, American College of SurgeonsPresent American Orthopaedic Society for Sports MedicinePresent Southern Medical AssociationPresent Southern Orthopaedic AssociationPresent Fellow, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons1988-1992 Society of Arthritis Joint SurgeryPresent Society of Military Orthopaedic SurgeonsPresent The Hip SocietyPresent American Association of Hip and Knee SurgeonsPresent Academic Orthopaedic SocietyPresent The Knee SocietyPresent The International Hip SocietyPresent Inter Urban ClubPresent Hibbs SocietyPresent Mid America Orthopaedic AssociationPresent AORTAPresent American Orthopaedic Association

Committee and Board Participation

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (American Association of Orthopaedic Surgery)

-AAOS Examination and Evaluation Committee 1988-1995-Chairman - Anatomy and Imaging Committee 1990-1995-AAOS Subcommittee On the Hip Practice Guidelines 1993-AAOS Committee on the Hip 1990-1995-Board of Directors At Large Member 1996-1997-Section Head, Instructional Course, AAOS Hip Committee, 1994-1997-Chairman, Task Force on Volunteerism, AAOS 1998-Program Committee, AAOS 1999-2004, 2005; Chairman 2002-Nominating Committee, AAOS 2002-Council on Education, At Large Member 2003-Present-COMSS, 1998-2006, Education Committee Chairman-American Joint Registry Oversight Board (AJRR) 2002-Present

American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery

-Board of Directors, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, 1999-Present-Chairman Oral Examination Committee, 2002-Present-Vice President, 2005-2006

American Association of Hip & Knee Surgeons

-Program Committee Chairman, 1994 -Chairman Education Committee, 1994 -Liaison Co-Program Chairman 1995 Hip Society & Arthritic Hip & Knee Subspecialty Day AAOS-Board of Directors, 1994-2004-Secretary, 1994-1998-President, 2000-2001

American Orthopaedic Association

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John J. Callaghan, 99

-Chairman ABC Traveling Fellowship Committee, 1997-2000-Secretary Elect, 2000-Secretary, 2001-Present

Hip Society

-Elected 1989-Board of Directors, 1993-Present-Chairman, Program Committee, 1997-Chairman, Education Committee, 1998-Secretary,Treasurer, 1998-2003-First Vice President Elect, 2004-2005-(President, 2006-2007)

International Hip Society

-Member, 1995-Present-Secretary, Treasurer, 1998-Present

Knee Society

-Elected 1994-Education Committee, 2002-2006-Program Chairman, 2004-2005

Mid-Amercia Orthopaedic Association

- Program Chairman, 1996-1997- Board of Directors, 1997-2005- Treasurer, 1998-2000- President, 2003

National Institute of Health

-Ad Hoc Member (Training Grant & Career Development Section) (Study Section, National Institute of Health, October 29-30, 1998)

Orthopaedic Research Education Foundation

-Board of Directors, 1997-Present-Vice Chair, Corporate Relations, 1999-2004-Vice Chair Elect, 2004-2006-(Chairman, 2007-2008)

Orthopaedic Research Society

-Board of Directors, 2000-Present-Membership Committee, 1998-2000; Chairman 2000-Chairman, Professional Liaison, 2002-Present

Iowa Orthopaedic Society

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John J. Callaghan, 100

-Program Chairman, 2004-2005-Secretary Treasurer, 2002-2003-Vice President, 2003-2004-President, 2004-2005

Program Chairman:

1. 1994 AAHKS Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas2. 1995 Open Hip Society Annual Meeting3. 1997 Open Meeting of The Hip Society, San Francisco, California, Feb. 164. 1997 Mid-America Orthopaedic Association 1997, Hilton Head, SC, April 23-255. 2002 Program AAOS Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, Feb.6. 2005 Iowa Orthopaedic Society, Des Moines, Iowa, April7. 2005 Knee Society Closed Meeting, New York, NY, Sept.8. 2006 Knee Society Open Meeting, Chicago, IL, March

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