college of saint benedict/saint john’s … 325 syllabus f07.doc · web viewadjustment of parents...

1 COLLEGE OF SAINT BENEDICT/SAINT JOHN’S UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF NURSING Course Title: Health Promotion with Parents, Children, and Families Course Number: NRSG 325 Credits: Five (5) credits (4 theory/1 clinical credit) Pre-requisites: NRSG 218, 212, 340, NUTR 335 Core designations: None Placement: Fall term, Junior year Course Coordinator Mary Neisen Theory and Clinical Instructors: Carie Braun PhD, RN Main 450 363-5223 [email protected] Rachelle Parsons PhD, RN Main 433 363- 5192 [email protected] Mary Neisen MS, RN, FNP Main 436 363-5194 [email protected] Course Description: This course offers learners opportunities to integrate knowledge from the natural and social sciences with nursing values, standards and knowledge for the improvement of the health of the childbearing and/or childrearing family. Adjustment of parents to family expansion and health and/or illness challenges is included. Care situations involve parents, children, and adolescents in various health and illness states and in community-based and population-focused settings. Course Learning Outcomes: Within a liberal learning environment informed by Benedictine values and Catholic traditions, students will: 1. Provide culturally sensitive nursing care within the standards of practice for children and families in acute care and other community settings (1a, c, d; 3c, e; 4a; 5a).

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Course Title: Health Promotion with Parents, Children, and Families Course Number: NRSG 325Credits: Five (5) credits (4 theory/1 clinical credit)Pre-requisites: NRSG 218, 212, 340, NUTR 335Core designations: NonePlacement: Fall term, Junior year

Course Coordinator Mary Neisen

Theory and ClinicalInstructors: Carie Braun PhD, RN

Main [email protected]

Rachelle Parsons PhD, RNMain 433363- [email protected]

Mary Neisen MS, RN, FNPMain [email protected]

Course Description: This course offers learners opportunities to integrate knowledge from the natural and social sciences with nursing values, standards and knowledge for the improvement of the health of the childbearing and/or childrearing family. Adjustment of parents to family expansion and health and/or illness challenges is included. Care situations involve parents, children, and adolescents in various health and illness states and in community-based and population-focused settings.

Course Learning Outcomes: Within a liberal learning environment informed by Benedictine values and Catholic traditions, students will:

1. Provide culturally sensitive nursing care within the standards of practice for children and families in acute care and other community settings (1a, c, d; 3c, e; 4a; 5a).

2. Exemplify professional values in honoring the rights of children, adolescents, and families in making decisions about health care (2).

3. Provide relevant and sensitive health education and counseling to parents, children, and adolescents using effective communication and health promotion strategies (1b; 5a).

4. Analyze the evidence base for improving the health of children and families (1a; 3f; 4bi, biii, biv, bvi, bvii, bix).

The Learning EnvironmentLearning in this course is facilitated through lecture, discussion, case studies, role plays, multimedia as well as clinical activities including skills practice and demonstration, observation, client care assignments, care planning, and clinical seminars.

2Evaluation Methods/Course Grade: GRADED ASSIGNMENTS:

1. Written examinations. There will be four (4) written examinations. Exams are not weighted. You must receive an average of 75% of the total points on all exams and assignments in order to pass the course.

2. Family Health Promotion Project. This is a three (3) part project: family health assessment that includes a child developmental screening, pregnancy assessment, and evidence-based health education project.

a. Family Assessment. This activity involves completing a family interview and includes the use and interpretation of a theory-based family assessment instrument. The criteria for grading are found within this syllabus. This project involves completing a Developmental Screening on a child/children between the ages of 2 months and 6 years. Value: 95 points.

b. Pregnancy Assessment. This project involves completing a family interview focusing on pregnancy. The criteria for grading are found within this syllabus. Value: 50 points.

d. Health Education Project. This project involves planning, developing and implementing research-based health education as an appropriate nursing intervention. The criteria for grading are found within this syllabus. Value: 70 points.

3. Standards of Care. You will demonstrate standards of care performance through classroom and clinical activities and by completing one (1) care plan on the unit in which you are assigned. Value: 100 points.

UNGRADED ASSIGNMENTS: You must receive a Satisfactory grade(S) on all assignments in order to pass this course.1. Kaplan Review Tests. Complete the OB/GYN and Pediatric computerized tests. Grading is based on completion

of this activity and NOT on how many questions you got correct or incorrect. Graded S/U.

2. Clinical Assignments and Performance. Clinical expectations are detailed in this syllabus. Graded S/U.

3. Minnesota Board of Nursing Abilities (MBNAs). For MBNAs completed through an assigned paper, a grade of “C” or better signifies satisfactory completion of the MBNAs. Students must satisfactorily complete the designated MBNAs (6301.1800 5B, 5K; 6301.1900 4A, 11A, 11B) in order to pass this course. Graded S/U.

Grading Scale: A 100-92AB 91-88B 87-83BC 82-79C 78-75CD 74-70D 69-65

Required Text/Materials: 1. Kuebelbeck, A. (2003). Waiting with Gabriel. Chicago: Loyola Press. 2. CD ROM: Maternal-Newborn & Women’s Health Nursing Skills, part of the Prentice Hall Real Nursing Skills

series.3. Pillitteri, A. (2007). Maternal and child health nursing (5th ed). Philadelphia: Lippincott. 4. You will also be using Ackley & Ladwig Nursing Diagnosis Handbook (see N218 syllabus for full citations).5. Kaplan Review Course

Functional Ability Statement: See College Catalogue/Nursing listing for policy. You must notify the instructor within the first week of class if accommodations have been recommended in order

to facilitate your learning needs for completion of exams. Such requests need to be verified by Academic Advising. Every effort will be made to provide the required accommodations.

Course Policies: Professional Accountability Policy – see Student Handbook at Attendance Guidelines – see Student Handbook.


Course Assignment Grid

Assignment Due Date Total Points My Points/Grade

Exam 1 9/25 75Exam 2 10/24 75Exam 3Exam 4

11/15During finals



Family Assessment 9/21 95Pregnancy Assessment 10/10 50Health Education 11/15 70Care Plan 3rd day of clinical 100MBNA’s S/UKaplan test on OB/GYN (75 items)

10/24 S/U

Kaplan test on Pediatrics (75 items)

12/12 S/U

Clinical Evaluation S/U

4 Course Theory Information

The following information is provided to guide your learning of health promotion with families.

Date:   August 30 Topic: Orientation to the Course ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   September 3Topic: Family Centered CareOutcomes:

1. Describe the family-centered care perspective.2. Recognize cultural variations that can impact the provision of effective family-centered care.3. Discuss assumptions and beliefs about families and how nurses can best interact to promote family health.4. Discuss the implications of common standards of maternal and child health (MCH) nursing and the health goals

for the nation (Healthy People 2010) for MCH nursing.5. Based on standards and HP2010, use critical thinking to identify areas of care that could benefit from additional

research or application of evidence-based practice.        Required assignment/reading: 1. Read, complete the worksheet and be ready to discuss: Roy, L. et al. (2004). Ethnicity, traditional health beliefs, and health seeking behavior: Guardian’s attitudes regarding their children’s medical treatment. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 18, 22-29 (ON RESERVE). 2. Read and be ready to discuss: LeGrow, K. & Rossen, B. E. (2005). Development of professional practice based on a family systems nursing framework: Nurses’ and families’ experiences. Journal of Family Nursing, 11(1), 38-58. Access from public folders.3. Read and be ready to discuss: Dokken, D., Simms, R. and Cole, F. (2007). The many roles of family members in “family-centered care” – Part II. Pediatric Nursing, 33, 51-52 & 70. Access from public folders. 4. Read Pillitteri, pp. 4-8 (MCH Goals, Standards, Framework, Process, Research; pay close attention to boxes 1.1-1.4), and p. 115. Complete Critical Thinking Exercise #1 on p. 24 and apply to current nursing practice.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   September 5 and 7Topic: Family Assessment and InterventionOutcomes:

1. Describe family nursing tools and models for family health assessment. 2. Effectively initiate, maintain, and terminate a family assessment interview.3. Recognize validity and reliability indicators to judge appropriate use of family assessment tools.4. Apply Standards of Care in Family Health Promotion. 5. Identify ten (10) characteristics common to family nursing interventions

Required assignment/reading: 1. Read Pillitteri, pp. 27-28 (Nursing Process Overview), 32-36, 39-41.2. Read Smilkstein, G., Ashworth, C., & Montano, D. (1991). Validity and reliability of the family APGAR as a test of family function. Journal of Family Practice, 15(2), 303-311. (ON RESERVE)3. Read Tarko, M. & Reed, K. (2004). Family assessment and intervention pp.274-275 & 281-293. In Bomar, P. (ed). Promoting health in families. Phil: Saunders. (ON RESERVE) 4. Read, complete worksheet and be ready to discuss: Wright, L. & Bell, J. (2004). Retrospective-nurses, families, and illness: A new combination. Journal of Family Nursing,10(1), 3-7 (up to “The new connection…”). Access from public folders.5. Read Wright, L. & Leahy, M. (2005). How to prepare for family interviews. In: Nurses and families: A guide to family assessment and intervention (pp. 199-224). Phil: Davis. (ON RESERVE)6. Read Wright, L. & Leahy, M. (2005). How to do a 15-minute (or shorter) family interview. In: Nurses and families: A guide to family assessment and intervention (pp. 263-275). Phil: Davis. (ON RESERVE)7.Read Pillitteri, p 33 Box 2.4, p. 35 Box 2.6.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5Date:   September 11Topic: Health Promotion: Family PlanningOutcomes:

1. Describe hormonal regulation of the reproductive cycle 2. Describe how fertility awareness methods can be used for family planning (Basal body temperature, Cervical

mucus (Billings), Symptothermal, Ovulation awareness, Lactation Amenorrhea)3. Discuss emergency contraception including how it is obtained and how it prevents contraception4. Describe the action, effectiveness, benefits, risks and side effects of the following contraceptive methods:

(Methods using Hormones, Intrauterine devices, Barrier Methods, and sterilization)5. Describe methods of medical and surgical abortion and the medical/psychological implications6. Apply standards of care for reproductive health.7. Describe the process of conception

Required assignment/reading: 1.Read Pillitteri, pp. 83-87, 88 table 4.3, 103-106, 109-130. 182-184, and 197 (Determination of estimated birth date including Box 8.3).2. Further review of anatomy and physiology of the reproductive cycle can be found at: the following web site for more information on the “morning after pill”: on “more”.4.Complete the Study Guides, bring to class and be prepared to discuss: (located in the public folders) Hormonal control of the reproductive cycle and pregnancy preventive methods. 5. View: Maternal- Newborn & Women’s Health Nursing Skills –Birth Control: Teaching the client the proper use of the Nuva ring and Ortho Evra Patch6. Be prepared to discuss your group work assignments. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   September 13Topic: Health Promotion: PregnancyOutcomes:

1. Discuss the role of the following in the maintenance of a healthy pregnancy: decidua, chorionic villi, placenta, fetal umbilical cord, fetal membranes, amniotic fluid

2. Identify critical periods of fetal development 3. Determine appropriate nursing assessments for the pregnant client4. Plan nursing care for the pregnant client that promotes and maintains fetal well being

Required assignment/reading: 1. Read Pillitteri, pp. 182-189, 190 (cardiovascular system) – 197-209, 252-2532. View: Maternal-Newborn & Women’s Health Nursing Skills- Assisting with the pelvic exam -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   September 17Topic: Health Promotion: PregnancyOutcomes:

1. Discuss the psychological response to pregnancy, including the developmental tasks of pregnancy and signs that these tasks are being accomplished

2. Apply standards of care for providing psychological support to the pregnant family3. Describe the physiological changes which occur as a result of pregnancy

Required assignment/reading: 1. Read Pillitteri, pp. 225-238, 215-2222. Complete the STUDY GUIDE: Common discomforts experienced in pregnancy (Bring to Class)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date:   September 19Topic: Health Promotion: PregnancyOutcomes:

1. Apply standards of care for the pregnant client that promotes adequate nutrition

62. Plan nursing care for the pregnant client that promotes health and decreases discomforts3. Identify interventions that promote behavior change when counseling pregnant women

Required assignment/reading: 1. Read Pillitteri, pp 272-286, 300-303 (Recommended weight gain during pregnancy) including Table 12.1, Table 12.2

on p. 307and Table 12.3 on p. 308. 2. Access these two websites and read through the information presented Read: Why it’s hard to change unhealthy behavior and why you should keep trying. (public folders)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   September 21Topic: Nursing Care: Pregnancy ComplicationsOutcomes:

1. Discuss factors that increase maternal-fetal risk during pregnancy2. Identify evidence based intervention strategies to promote behavior change in reducing the risk factors

Required assignment/reading: 1.Read Pillitteri, pp.345-348 2. Complete the chart on TORCH/Beta Streptococcus infections (public folders) Utilize your textbook (p 287-289) andfor information on Group B Streptococcal Infections: Read Misri, S. K. (2005). Pregnancy blues: What every woman needs to know about depression during pregnancy. New York: Bantam Dell. (ON RESERVE)4. Glazier, R. H., Elgar, F. J., Goel, V. & Holzapfel, S. (2004). Stress, social support, and emotional distress in a community sample of pregnant women. Journal of Psychosom Obstetrics and Gynecology, 25, 247-255. Access at: Be prepared to discuss your group work assignments.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   September 25Topic: Nursing Care: Pregnancy ComplicationsOutcomes:

1. Apply standards of care to the client experiencing complications of pregnancy Required assignment/reading: 1. Read Pillitteri, pp. 399-410 and 413-417 (bleeding), pp. 377-383 (Diabetes), pp. 426-433 (Hypertension)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Topic: Exam #1 Date: 9/28-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   October 2 Topic: Health Promotion: Childbirth Outcomes:

1. Describe common theories explaining the onset of labor.2. Describe the physiology of the birthing process including the components of labor: passageway, passenger,

powers, and psyche.3. Describe the four stages of labor including cues that indicate the onset of each stage.

Required assignment/reading:1. Read Pillitteri, pp. 488-508-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   October 4Topic: Health Promotion: Childbirth Outcomes:

1. Describe the maternal and fetal physiologic response to labor.

72. Apply the Standards of Care to the woman experiencing labor and delivery that promotes health,

decreases discomfort, and promotes and maintains fetal wellbeing. 3. Describe pain management strategies used during labor and delivery.

Required assignment/reading:1. Read Pillitteri, pp. 508-511, 512-547, 548-555 (up to general anesthesia during labor).2. View the DVD - Maternal- Newborn & Women’s Health Nursing Skills

a.) Monitoring fetal heart rate b.) Performing Leopold’s Maneuvers and c.) Preparing the delivery room for birth-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   October 8Topic: Health Promotion: Childbirth ComplicationsOutcomes:

1. Distinguish normal and abnormal progression during labor for both mom and baby.2. Identify key symptoms of impending maternal and /or newborn complications during labor.3. Apply Standards of Care for alterations in normal labor and delivery patterns including persistent

occiput posterior position, breech presentation, fetal distress, labor induction and augmentation, and hypotonic and hypertonic uterine dysfunction,

4. Describe parameters for selecting and prioritizing independent nursing interventions for selected labor problems (such as mom/baby safety, mom comfort)

5. Compare and contrast independent nursing interventions across a set of problems during labor.6. Describe nursing interventions needed for problem labors that are initiated because of selected medical

interventions (i.e. forceps or vacuum extraction). Required assignment/reading: 1.   Read Pillitteri, pp. 511-512, 590-594, 600-603, 608- 615.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   October 10Topic: Health Promotion: Childbirth ComplicationOutcomes:

1. Apply the Standards of Care to a woman experiencing a cesarean delivery and preterm labor.2. Discuss vaginal birth after a previous cesarean section

Required assignment/reading:1. Read Pillitteri, pp. 417-426, 540, 565-569, 573-574 (Types of Cesarean incisions), 581-582, & 585 (family teaching). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: October 16 & 18 Topic: Health Promotion: Postpartum Care/Newborn Assessment Outcomes:

1. Describe the physiological and psychological changes which occur in women and newborns in the postpartum period.

2. Apply the Standards of Care for safe care of women, term newborns and the family unit in the postpartum period. 3. Describe the APGAR score and its 5 categories.4. Describe maternal-child behavior which would indicate appropriate bonding.

Required assignment/reading: 1. Read Pillitteri, pp. 621-648, Table 22.3 on page 649 (discharge planning), 679-719 &700-701.2. View DVD - Maternal- Newborn & Women’s Health Nursing Skills – a.) Massaging a uterine fundus, b.)

Postpartum assessment, c.) Newborn APGAR, and d.) Thermoregulation of the newborn.3. Complete drug cards for commonly administered pain medications used on the FBC (see clinical orientation

information) in the public folders. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   October 22 Topic: Nursing Care: Postpartum Care and ComplicationsOutcomes:

1. Identify expected outcomes for the newborn and his/her family.

82. Apply standards of care to the client experiencing postpartal complications (hemorrhage, infection, mastitis,

thromboembolic disorder, postpartum depression).Required assignment/reading: 1. Read Pillitteri, pp. 655-670-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Date:   October 24 Topic: Health Promotion: Newborn CareOutcomes:

1. Describe nursing interventions to promote newborn growth and development.2. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of breast and bottle feeding.3. Apply standards of care to promote adequate nutrition of the newborn. 4. Apply the standards of care for newborns with altered gestational age, meconium aspiration syndrome, & group B

strep infection.Required assignment/reading:1. Read Pillitteri, pp 723-744, 757-762 (Table 26.2 and Box 26.8), 777, & 782-783, & 789-790.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Topic: Exam #2 Date: 10/26-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   October 30 and November 1 Topic: Health Promotion: Family Transitions Infancy through Adolescence Outcomes:

1. Apply standards of care to promote health as the family transitions with an infant, toddler, pre/school-age child, or adolescent.

Required assignment/reading:1. Review principles of growth and development (Pillitteri, pp. 800-822 and pages preceding required readings)3. Day 1 Infants and Toddlers : Read Pillitteri, pp. 838-857, 868-8824. Day 2 Preschool through Adolescence : Read Pillitteri, pp. 890-907, 920-939, 950-962-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   November 5 & 7 Topic: Child Health Assessment Outcomes:

1. Assess children and families using health interview, physical examination, developmental and immunization screening procedures.

2. Identify nursing care interventions which promote a more effective child health assessment.3. Assess child development using a valid and reliable developmental screening tool

Required assignment/reading:1. Days 1 and 2 Health Assessment Techniques: Read Pillitteri, pp. 976-997, 1003-1018 (focus on what is unique to

children).2. Day 3 Screening and Immunizations: Read Pillitteri, pp. 1018-1032.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   November 9 Topic: Nursing Care of the Ill Child and Their Family Outcomes:

1. Apply standards of care to a family with a child who is ill, with particular attention to therapeutic play as a nursing intervention.

Required assignment/reading: 1. Read Pillitteri, pp. 1068-1104

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   November 13

9Topic: Pain Management and Children Outcomes:

1. Apply standards of care to a family with a child who requires pain management. Required assignment/reading: 1. Read Pillitteri, pp. 1160-1176-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Topic: Exam # 3 Date: 11/15-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   November 19 Topic: Nursing Care: Child with an Altered Fluid/Electrolyte Balance Outcomes:

1. Apply standards of care to a family with a child with altered fluid/electrolyte balance.2. Analyze the impact of a child’s altered fluid/electrolyte balance on the family and propose ways to make care

more family-centered.Required assignment/reading: 1. Read Pillitteri, pp. 1412-1425-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   November 26 Topic: Nursing Care: Child with Altered Ventilation/Diffusion Outcomes:

1. Apply the standards of care for a family with a child with altered ventilation and/or diffusion.2. Analyze the impact of the child’s altered respiratory status on the family and propose ways to make care more

family-centered.Required assignment/reading: 1. Read Pillitteri, pp. 1224-1240, 1251-1255 (croup and epiglottitis), 1257-1259 (influenza, bronchitis, RSV), 1259-1264 (asthma), 1269-1273 (CF)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   November 28 Topic: Nursing Care: Child with Altered Perfusion Outcomes:

1. Apply standards of care to a family with a child with altered perfusion.2. Analyze the impact of a child’s perfusion alteration on the family and propose ways to make care more family

centered.Required assignment/reading: 1. Read Pillitteri, pp. 1278-1288, 1296 (start at Congenital Heart Disorders)-1305-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   November 30Topic: Nursing Care: Child with Altered Physical Development Outcomes:

1. Apply the standards of care for a family with a child with a physical developmental disorder.2. Analyze the impact of a child’s physical developmental disorder on the family and propose ways to make care

more family-centered.Required assignment/reading: 1. Read Pillitteri, pp. 1182-1189, 1198-1210, 1214-12182. View video in class, “The Road Less Traveled”.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   December 4Topic: Nursing Care: Child with Altered Neuronal Transmission Outcomes:

1. Apply standards of care to a family with a child experiencing altered neuronal transmission.2. Analyze the impact of childhood seizures on the family and propose ways to make care more family-centered.

10Required assignment/reading: 1. Read Pillitteri, pp. 1554-1558 (CP), 1562-1570 (recurrent seizures), 1650-1655 (coma)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   December 6Topic: Nursing Care: Child with Altered Metabolism Outcomes:

1. Apply standards of care to a family with a child experiencing altered metabolism.2. Analyze the impact of childhood diabetes on the family and propose ways to make care more family-centered.

Required assignment/reading:1. Read Pillitteri, pp. 1507-1509, 1520-1532-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   December 10Topic: Nursing Care: Child with a Traumatic Injury Outcomes:

1. Apply standards of care to a family who has a child who has experienced a traumatic injury.2. Analyze the impact of a child’s traumatic injury on the family and propose ways to make care more family-

centered.Required assignment/reading: 1. Read Pillitteri, pp. 1644-1650, 1668-1678 & 1742-1751 (child abuse)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   December 12Topic: Nursing Care: Childhood Terminal Illness and the Family Outcomes:

1. Apply standards of care to a family who has a child who is dying or has died.2. Analyze the impact of a child’s death on the family and propose ways to make care more family-centered.

Required assignment/reading: 1. Read Pillitteri, pp. 1765-17822. Read “Waiting with Gabriel” (Kuebelbeck, 2003).-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date:   December 14Topic: Nursing Care: Childhood Cancer and the Family Outcomes:

1. Apply standards of care to a family who has a child has cancer.2. Analyze the impact of a child’s cancer on the family and propose ways to make care more family-centered.

Required assignment/reading:1. Read Pillitteri, pp. 1682-1702


NRSG 325 Clinical Information

You will have a total of 40 clinical hours distributed between acute care and community experiences. Community clinical will be completed through home visits to a family you select. Acute care pediatric or obstetric experiences are scheduled at the St. Cloud Hospital beginning October 23 through Dec. 7. The Children’s Center is located on 3 Northwest and the Family Birthing Unit is on 3 South. You will spend one day per week on each unit for 6 weeks. The final clinical schedule will be distributed prior to those clinical dates.

Attendance/Clinical Make-Up Attendance at all clinical sessions is mandatory. In the event of an absence, the clinical must be made up. Arrangements will be made with the clinical instructor to determine appropriate clinical make-up. A designated clinical make-up day for the acute care clinical settings will be scheduled by the clinical instructor. A fee may be assessed for additional faculty time in making up a clinical experience.

Clinical Experience Description: Community SettingsThis is the clinical component with a focus on a family in the community. You will work with a group of students to identify a family that is currently experiencing a pregnancy AND has at least one child between 2 months and 6 years of age. Your group will meet with this family a total of 3 times in order to complete the 3 parts of the family health promotion project: 1) family assessment and child/children developmental screening 2) pregnancy assessment 3) and the research-based health education project.

Clinical Specific Outcomes: Community Settings 1. Recognize advocacy measures that improve the health of families.2. Recognize common health and parenting education needs of families within community settings.

Clinical Experience Description: Acute Care SettingChildren’s CenterThis is a clinical experience that focuses on care of the family when the child is acutely ill. The first day will focus on orientation and you will report to the unit at 0700 to listen to morning report. On each additional day you will report to the unit at 0615 to begin collecting assessment data on your designated clinical day. You must thoroughly wash hands (a 3-minute hand wash is required to provide care in the NICU) prior to providing care. You will begin care at 0700. Clinical conference is from 1030-1100. The experience in the NICU is primarily observational. You must communicate with the nursing staff in the provision of care for children in this setting. The nurses may approve completion of assessments, feedings, diaper changes, etc for the children in the NICU and you may do so under the nurse’s supervision if you feel comfortable with this.

Family Birthing CenterThis is a clinical experience that focuses on the care of the family experiencing the birth of a child. Efforts will be made to allow each student an opportunity to spend one day of your clinical experience working with a nurse who is caring for a laboring client. The first day of clinical will focus on orientation and you will report to the unit at 0700 to listen to morning report. On each additional day you will report to the unit at 0615. You must thoroughly wash hands prior to providing care. You will begin care at 0700. Clinical conference is from 1030-1100.

Clinical Specific Outcomes for both units include: 1. Assess, diagnose, plan, implement and evaluate nursing care that is culturally sensitive and family centered

for families experiencing family expansion or children and families experiencing acute illness in the hospital setting.

2. Contrast Catholic and Benedictine perspectives pertinent to family health care with those of other traditions. 3. Integrate liberal arts and sciences in implementing a nursing intervention designed to promote emotional

development, such as therapeutic play or promotion of family bonding.


Assignments for Children’s Center and Family Birthing Center Week 1 Focus: Orientation to the unit.

Post Conference: Orientation issues

Week 2 Focus: Assessment: You will be paired up with a peer to care for one family unit and/or child. Assignment: Complete the clinical prep worksheet and turn it in at end of shift.Post Conference: Discuss family centered care observed on these units and culturally sensitive nursing careprovided to your client.

Week 3 Focus: Care of one family unit and/or child and Application of Standards of Care. Assignment: Develop an individualized nursing plan of care that includes 2 nursing diagnoses; one priority diagnosis for your client and one family centered diagnosis. Expectations for this assignment are included on the care plan evaluation guidelines. Graded=100 points.Post Conference: Discuss nursing interventions implemented to promote emotional development of the family unit.

Week 4 Focus: Health Education; observe an RN/client teaching session such as discharge, new procedure or breastfeeding education. Assignment: Complete the clinical prep worksheet and turn it in at end of shift.Post Conference: Discuss common health education needs for this population.

Week 5 Focus: Health Promotion of families experiencing labor/delivery, a cesarean delivery or a newborn in the NICUAssignment: Complete the clinical prep worksheet and turn it in at end of shift. Post Conference: Discuss care needs unique to these families.

Week 6 Focus: Evidence of Catholic traditions and Benedictine values in the acute care setting.Assignment and Post Conference discussion: 1. Complete the clinical prep worksheet and turn it in at end of shift. 2. Formal discussion of how you see Catholic/Benedictine values exemplified in this clinical setting. Graded: S/U. Complete the Preparation Worksheet: Catholic/Benedictine Values in the Clinical Setting (found in this syllabus) and bring to clinical conference.


Nursing 325 Clinical Prep SheetUnit: ________________

Name: ________________________ Week: _______________

Client identification (ie. 30 yo G3P3, 6 hours postpartum after an uncomplicated vaginal delivery) = SITUATION

List any significant background data: = BACKGROUND

List significant data received during report (verbal and silent report):

List significant data you assessed: = ASSESSMENT


What is your priority nursing diagnosis for your client:

List outcome/s: List interventions you provided:

Was your outcome achieved? Yes NO Explain:

List any recommendations you have for the RN when you report off at end of shift. = RECOMMENDATIONS


Identify family centered care observed on the unit (Week 2)

Identify culturally sensitive nursing care provided to your client (Week 2):

Briefly explain the assessment of your client’s present emotional state and the nursing intervention you implemented to promote emotional development (Week 3):

14Identify the health promotion needs unique to families experiencing labor/delivery, a cesarean delivery or a newborn in the NICU:

Family Health Promotion Project

The family health promotion project has 3 parts: 1) family assessment and child/children developmental screening 2) pregnancy assessment 3) and the research-based health education project. You will work with a group of 5 students to identify a family that is currently experiencing a pregnancy AND has at least one child between 2 months and 6 years of age. Plan 3 visits with this family. All students in the group need to attend and participate in all parts of this project.

Part 1: Family Assessment. On your initial meeting with the family complete a family assessment (structure, roles, function, and needs) and child developmental screening (using pre-selected instrument) on all children in your designated family between the ages of 2 months and 6 years of age. Develop a detailed plan of how you will conduct the interview. The family assessment is comprised of 1) family structure through use of a detailed family genogram (example on p. 40 of Pillitteri), 2) family roles and emotional support (see Pillitteri, p. 39-Table 2.1 for guidance), 3) family function/satisfaction through administration of the Family APGAR (Pillitteri, p. 40-figure 2.3), and 4) family needs through interviewing members about what needs (including financial, emotional, social, safety, health, and learning needs) are not being met. The data that you collect may form the basis for your health education session (see Part 4).

Complete the child developmental screening as instructed and interpret your findings according to the guidelines you will receive in class. When you have completed the activity, talk with the family about your findings and attempt to elicit a learning need through focused questions such as: 1) What questions do you have about this screening test or the findings? 2) What concerns you most about how your child is growing or developing? 3) What parenting concerns do you have? These concerns or questions can also form the basis for part 4 of this assignment.

Remember that all families have strengths and you want focus on the positive aspects of the family in developing your therapeutic relationship. After you have completed the assessment, submit a written account of the family and child assessment including the detailed genogram, a narrative account of family roles, emotional support and learning needs, and a copy of the Family Apgar along with the score and interpretation. In addition, submit the child developmental screening tool with the administration, scoring, and interpretation of test items clearly marked on the form and include a written summary of other requirements (see below) in your paper. Successful completion of this activity fulfills criteria for MBNA 6301.1800 Subp 11A


Family Assessment Evaluation

Student Names______________________________________________ Students’ Score______(95 possible points)

Therapeutic Relationship (5 points) ______Environment conducive to development of helping relationshipDescribes setting and participantsFocuses on positive aspects of family

Structural Assessment (20 points) ______Completes detailed account of family structure using family genogramIndicates 3 generations and includes gender, health status, ages, occupations, relationships

Family Roles and Emotional Support Assessment (20 points) ______Utilizes interview guidelines in Pillitteri, p. 39Provides concise, narrative account of findings

Family Function/Satisfaction Assessment (20 points) ______Completes the Family APGAR QuestionnaireAccurately scores questionnaireAccurately interprets questionnaire based on guidelines in Pillitteri, p. 41

Identification of Family Needs (5 points) ______Conducts a holistic assessment of potential family needs including impact of current pregnancy and raising a young childIdentifies at least 2 needs relevant to this familyProvides concise narrative description of family needs

Child Developmental Screening Completion (15 points) ______Accurate Administration of the appropriate test itemsAccurately scores the test items

Child Developmental Screening Interpretation (5 points) ______Accurately interprets test findings Indicates test interpretation

Identification of Family Needs based on results of Dev. Screening (5 points) ______ Provides concise narrative description of responses and needs

16Part 2. Pregnancy Assessment.Gather the family once again and complete a pregnancy assessment focusing on the following questions:1) How did you find out/share the news of your pregnancy? 2) What was the reaction of each family member? 3) Describe previous pregnancies and how they compare with this pregnancy. 4) Have you experienced any complications with previous or current pregnancies? 5) Do you have any medical problems that impact this pregnancy? 6) What changes have you and your family had to make with this pregnancy? 7) What changes do you think you should make because of this pregnancy (smoking cessation, exercise more, alcohol intake, etc)? 8) How has this pregnancy affected: eating patterns, sleep, elimination, breathing, energy level, activity level? 9) What physical discomforts have you experienced due to this pregnancy? 10) How have other family members responded to these discomforts? 11) What have you done to alleviate the discomforts? 12) How do you/family members feel about this pregnancy? 13) What is your greatest fear/concern related to this pregnancy? 14) What do you or other family members want to know more about in relation to this pregnancy? Submit answers to these questions in a typed 4-5 page, double-spaced paper using APA format when comparing your findings with that of the textbook (Pillitteri) AND a statement (or several statements) of how nursing can impact the health of this family.

Pregnancy Assessment Evaluation

Student Names______________________________________________ Students’ Score______(50 possible points)

Therapeutic Relationship (4 points) ______Environment conducive to effective assessment interviewContinues to move smoothly through working phase of relationship

Pregnancy Assessment (30 points) ______Provides narrative depiction of responses to all questions above

Comparison of findings with textbook (10 points) ______Uses APA format to accurately site textbook referencesDemonstrates findings comparison with textbook through narrative account

Nursing Impact (6 points) ______Provides narrative statements of how nursing can impact the health of this family

17Part 3. Research-Based Family Health Education This assignment involves planning, developing, and implementing research-based health education as an appropriate nursing intervention. Students will select one nursing intervention related to health promotion of the family and will prepare and implement research-based family health education. This assignment also fulfills criteria for MBNA 6301.1800 Subpart 5K and 6301.1900 Subparts 4A, 11A, and 11B. Review teaching/learning theories content from Pillitteri, pp. 1046-1063 in preparation for this assignment.

Type (10 pages or less, 12 pt, double-spaced) completed responses to the following questions and submit with a copy of the selected research article. Criteria for evaluation are based on complete, concise, clear responses to questions. The use of the term “client” refers to the family.

1. Describe the teacher-learner relationship (2 points). How did you establish rapport with your client? How did you demonstrate an equal and interactive partnership? How did you establish learning needs and goals? How did you consider cognitive/developmental abilities, values, beliefs, feelings, experiences, and client learning style?

2. Assessment of ability/motivation to learn (6 points). Provide a summary of expected developmental stage based on client’s age (if adolescent or younger). What is the client’s prior knowledge level regarding the topic? What abilities (physical/cognitive) does the client exhibit that indicate learning is more likely to occur? How motivated is the client to learn the topic?

3. Assessment of personal strengths/limitations (2 points). What strengths do you bring to the interaction? What would you identify as areas for improvement relating to this interaction?

4. Preparing expected outcomes (6 points). What 1-2 measurable outcomes did you identify for this teaching session (The client will…)?

5. Identify teaching strategy (7 points). What type of learning occurred with this teaching session (p. 1050)? Was the teaching provided accurate? Describe the teaching strategy used to match the type of learning that occurred. What are the advantages/disadvantages to this teaching strategy? Was this teaching strategy effective? What would you do to change the teaching strategy?

6. Select teaching tools (6 points). Describe the teaching tools that you selected. Were these effective? How would you modify the teaching tools to improve the interaction?

7. Evaluating the effectiveness of the teaching (6 points). How did you know that learning had occurred? Did the client achieve your outcomes? Did the client demonstrate a measurable change in behavior or attitude? How do you know?

8. Research-based health education (35 points). Review written research critique criteria from NRSG 212. Select a research-based article out of a reputable nursing or allied health journal. This article can be related to the topic of the teaching session, assessment of learning, related developmental characteristics (the population of interest), the teaching strategy used, the teaching tools used, etc. Summarize the article. Why did you select this article? What are the strengths of this article (problem significance, methodology-design, sample, instruments, results, conclusions, interpretation of findings)? What are the limitations of this article? Would you change your interaction with this client based on the article? Why or why not?

18Research-Based Family Health Education Evaluation

Student Name_________________________ Student Score______ (70 possible points)Standard for Evaluation found in Pillitteri, pp. 1037-1062

Teacher-Learner Relationship (2 points) ______Environment conducive to development of helping relationshipEqual and interactive partnershipEstablishes learning need and goalsConsiders cognitive/developmental abilities, values, beliefs, feelings, experiences, learning style

Learning Assessment (6 points) ______Summary of developmental stage and how this relates to learning (clients18 or under)Identifies prior level of knowledge regarding topicReadiness to learn is apparentPhysical and cognitive abilities conducive to learningLearning environment conducive to learning

Personal Strengths/Limitations Assessment (2 points) ______Identifies at least 2 strengths Identifies at least 2 areas for improvement

Preparing Expected Outcomes (6 points) ______Outcomes are identified (1-2 outcomes)Outcomes are measurable Uses client will “state/demonstrate/discuss/complete/identify” etc.Avoids client will “know/understand”, etc.Outcomes are client-focused

Identify Teaching Strategies (7 points) ______Type of learning identified (cognitive, psychomotor, affective)Teaching/information provided is accurateTeaching strategy is identifiedTeaching strategy matches development, topic, outcome, type of learningTeaching strategy is effective or appropriate alternative is suggested

Select Teaching Tools (6 points) ______Identifies teaching toolsTeaching tools match development, topic, outcome, type of learningTeaching tools are effective or appropriate alternative is suggested

Evaluate the effectiveness of teaching (6 points) ______Identifies evaluation criteria for teaching (refer to outcomes)Describes how client met or did not meet criteria (Did the client achieve outcomes?

How do you know?)List questions from your family that you were unable to answer and how you would

have answered those questions.

Research Article Selection and Critique (35 points) ______Selection of research-based, relevant article Summary of article is concise, clear, and completeStrengths of article are articulated and accurate/relevantLimitations of article are articulated and accurate/relevantChange in teaching intervention is identified and appropriate Total



Minnesota Board of Nursing Abilities Evaluation

Rule: 6301. 1800 Subp 5B

Nursing Ability: 5. Psychosocial Nursing CareB. Promote emotional development

Course: NRSG 325PredeterminationsA. Nursing action(s) to be evaluated: Promote emotional development with a family and demonstrate achievement of expected outcomes in the nursing plan of care.

B. Evaluation situation or stimulus presented to the student: The student will select and implement a nursing intervention designed to promote emotional development, such as therapeutic play or promotion of family bonding.

C. Criteria for judging student’s performance. Criteria are 1) measurable, 2) appropriate to the nursing ability, 3) address the safety of the patient, and 4) ascertain the accuracy of student performance.

Criteria Checklist:___1. *Assess for emotional status indicators.___2. *Select and implement a nursing intervention designed to promote emotional development within a family___3. Evaluate the effectiveness of the activity in promoting emotional development.

D. Basis for deciding whether the student possesses each nursing ability: Criteria 1 and 2 relate to patient safety. Overall 2 out of the 3 criteria must be satisfactorily performed to pass. An “S” will be placed before the criteria if it is completed satisfactorily. A “U” will be placed by criteria that are unsatisfactory.

Date: __________________ ___ Summative Evaluation: S _____ U _____

Evaluator’s signature: _______________________________________*Denotes mandatory safety criteria


Minnesota Board of Nursing Abilities Evaluation

Rule: 6301.1800 Subp 5K

Nursing Ability: 5. Psychosocial Nursing CareK. Provide for a client’s need to know by giving, translating or transmitting information

Course: NRSG 325PredeterminationsA. Nursing action(s) to be evaluated: The student will develop and implement a teaching plan for a

family.B. Evaluation situation or stimulus presented to the student: In a community setting, the student will

develop, implement, and evaluate a written teaching plan for a client/family. Evaluation modality: written paper.

C. Criteria for judging student’s performance. Criteria are 1) measurable, 2) appropriate to the nursing ability, 3) address the safety of the patient, and 4) ascertain the accuracy of student performance.

Criteria Checklist:

___1. *Assess the client and family’s learning needs- Level of knowledge, skill and attitude- Level of comprehension- Readiness and motivation to learn

___2. Match assessed learning needs to measurable learning outcome. ___3. Provide environment conducing to learning. ___4. *Accurately implement teaching interventions using effective supporting materials such as

current research or visual aids.___5. *Evaluate the client’s learning.___6. Document teaching plan including assessments, outcomes, interventions, and evaluation.

D. Basis for deciding whether the student possesses each nursing ability: Items 1, 4 and 5 relate to client safety. Overall 5 out of the 6 criteria must be performed at a satisfactory level to pass. An “S” will be placed before the criterion if it is completed satisfactorily. A “U” will be placed by criteria that are unsatisfactory.

Date: ____________ _________ Summative Evaluation: S _____ U _____

Evaluator’s signature: ___________________________________________*Denotes mandatory safety criteria


Minnesota Board of Nursing Abilities Evaluation

Rule: 6301.1900 Subp: 4A

Nursing Ability: 4-Health Teaching and CounselingA-Promote a patients understanding of a health practice/needed care through teaching

Course: NRSG 325 PredeterminationsC. Nursing action(s) to be evaluated: The student will develop and implement a teaching plan for a

family.D. Evaluation situation or stimulus presented to the student: In a community setting, the student will

develop, implement, and evaluate a written teaching plan for a client/family. Evaluation modality: written paper.

C. Criteria for judging student’s performance. Criteria are 1) measurable, 2) appropriate to the nursing ability, 3) address the safety of the patient, and 4) ascertain the accuracy of student performance.

Criteria Checklist:

___1. *Assess the client and family’s learning needs- Level of knowledge, skill and attitude- Level of comprehension- Readiness and motivation to learn

___2. Match assessed learning needs to measurable learning outcome. ___3. Provide environment conducing to learning. ___4. *Accurately implement teaching interventions using effective supporting materials such as

current research or visual aids.___5. *Evaluate the client’s learning.___6. Document teaching plan including assessments, outcomes, interventions, and evaluation.

D. Basis for deciding whether the student possesses each nursing ability: Items 1, 4 and 5 relate to client safety. Overall 5 out of the 6 criteria must be performed at a satisfactory level to pass. An “S” will be placed before the criterion if it is completed satisfactorily. A “U” will be placed by criteria that are unsatisfactory.

Date______________________________ Summative Evaluation S_____ U_____

Evaluator’s Signature____________________________________________________

*Denotes mandatory safety criteria


Minnesota Board of Nursing Abilities Evaluation

Rule: 6301.1900 Subp: 11A and 11B

Nursing Ability: 11-Health Needs of FamiliesA-Collect and interpret data pertaining to family’s structure and function in relation to health needsB-Make a plan to assist a family to achieve a health goal

Course: NRSG 325 PredeterminationsE. Nursing action(s) to be evaluated: The student will perform a family assessment and determine

structure and function in relation to health needs. The student will then make a plan based on assessments to assist a family to achieve a health goal.

F. Evaluation situation or stimulus presented to the student: In a community setting, the student will perform a family assessment using designated guidelines and determine structure and function in relation to health needs, devise plan and evaluate interventions. Evaluation modality: written paper.

C. Criteria for judging student’s performance. Criteria are 1) measurable, 2) appropriate to the nursing ability, 3) address the safety of the patient, and 4) ascertain the accuracy of student performance.

Criteria Checklist:

___1. *Assess family structure, function, health needs, and health goals___2. Identify one health need.___3. Identify a measurable outcome related to the identified health need.___4. *Assist the family to identify a reasonable plan to achieve the health outcome.___5. *Document assessments, outcomes, interventions, and evaluation.

D. Basis for deciding whether the student possesses each nursing ability:

Items 1, 4 and 5 relate to client safety. Overall 4 out of the 5 criteria must be performed at a satisfactory level to pass. An “S” will be placed before the criterion if it is completed satisfactorily. A “U” will be placed by criteria that are unsatisfactory.

Date______________________________ Summative Evaluation S_____ U_____

Evaluator’s Signature____________________________________________________

*Denotes mandatory safety criteria

STANDARDS OF CARE FOR THE CHILDREN’S CENTER0615-0730 0730 0800 0830 0900 0930 1000 1015

Review chart including reason for admission, meds, child’s usual routine, and plan of care.

Meet primary nurse

BE PRESENT during report and ask questions as needed

Complete AM assessments: weightvitalsphysical examIV siteIV fluidsIV off pump pain level

Perform hygiene: bath/oral carechange diapers

Monitor food/fluid intake: weigh diapers note feeding schedule and prepare breast milk/formula as appropriate

Record in chart and computer


Breakfast trays on unit at 0815 for children over 1 year

Safety surveyClear room of potential safety hazards

Record intake and output

Check IV off pump

Offer play opportunities

Straighten room

Check IV off pump


Review plan of care for evaluation of progress toward outcomes

Complete all written and computer documentation:

1. Signature log2. Flow sheet3. MAR4. Physical assessment5. I&O6. Vitals7. Weight8. Narrative note

Check IV off pump

Complete and document vitals (ask nurse if needed prior to your departure)

Report to primary nurse

Attend conference at 1030

STANDARDS OF CARE FOR FAMILY BIRTHING CENTER0630-0730 0730 0800 0830 0900 0930 1000 1030

For both mom and baby:

MAR for Meds

Review client plan of care

Review silent reportsheet and be present to listen to oral report from night nurse, ask questions as needed

Meet Primary Nurse

Obtain vital signs and record in computer including a pain assessment; Review the SAM log.

Assess baby 1.check computer for: weight

last feeding, voiding,


2.Do physical assessment

Record assessments in computer



Remove breakfast tray, check appetite

Assess MomRecord findings in computer

Assess mom feeding baby

Fill in feeding log

Fill H2O pitcher

Straighten room

Mom in tub.Change bed linen as needed

If going home 1.ask about any needed referrals

2. assist primary nurse with discharge instructions if appropriate

Complete all written record keeping:1.Mom CCP2.Baby CCP3.Flow sheet4,Education record if you did teaching5.Feeding log6. SAMS log

Complete computerrecords:assessments(Mom and baby)baby feedingsbaby voiding and stools

Report to primary nurse (have chart with you)

Attend conference at 1030


Clinical Instructor____________________________

Preparation Worksheet: Catholic/Benedictine Values in the Clinical Setting Graded: S/U

1. In NRSG 212, you spent time discussing Benedictine values and you completed a Benedictine values paper. Identify and elaborate on Benedictine values that you have found particularly useful to you as a nurse on the Family Birthing Center or Children’s Center.

2. In observing the nursing staff, which values have seen exemplified on the Family Birthing Center or Children’s Center? Provide examples.

3. St. Cloud Hospital is a Catholic Institution. Review pages 17-20 of the “Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services” also from NRSG 212. What health care services would not be allowed due to the Catholic orientation of this hospital?

4. How would you respond if a family requested abortion services, infertility treatments inconsistent with Catholic directives, or contraceptive care while a patient at the St. Cloud Hospital?

5. How is the care provided at the St. Cloud Hospital different from other non-Catholic institutions?

6. List other questions that you have related to Benedictine values/Catholic health care directives after your clinical experience this semester.

Name___________________________________________________ Clinical Instructor_________________________________________

Care Plan EvaluationTotal Points: 100

ASSESSMENT DATAAll identified assessment parameters which are applicable are addressed; if not appropriate or possible to assess a parameter, indicate by explaining why assessment is not possible; Subjective words/terms like; good, normal, WNL, are not used; Both objective and subjective data are collected; All data are accurate, thorough and complete.One (1) point possible for each designated functional health pattern assessment area:

Identifying information and relevant history (5); Health perception/management (5); Activity/exercise/safety (5)Nutrition/metabolism (5); Elimination (5); Cognition/perception (5); Sleep/rest/self-perception/roles/coping/values (5)

Total possible = 35 ______NURSING DIAGNOSIS2 nursing diagnoses (one family and one priority) are selected based on assessment data (4 points); Each diagnosis includes: NANDA problem statement (4 points), etiology (2 points), symptoms (2 points)

Total possible = 12 ______OUTCOMES (NOC)Two outcome categories match assessment data for each diagnosis (6 points)2 client centered relevant indicators are selected for each outcome (4 points)Indicators contain an Action verb and address Goal, Tool, and Time (AGTT) (6 points)

Total possible = 18 ______NURSING INTERVENTIONS (NIC)Nursing Intervention Labels are relevant to outcomes and assessment data (6 points)Interventions are:

Individualized for current client situation (4 points)Stated in measurable terms (ACTT – contain an Action verb and addresses Content,

Tool for measurement, and Time [how long, how often, when]) (4 points)Directed toward achieving the outcomes (4 points)Within the nursing scope of practice of the student (2 points)Provides evidence supporting at least one intervention directed at promoting emotional

development of the family. (3 points)Total possible = 23 ______

EVALUATION/MODIFICATIONIndicates level of outcome achievement (6 points)Indicates supporting data (4 points)Indicates modifications needed (if any) (2 point)

Total possible = 12 ______

Student total score: _______/100____


NURSING 325Clinical Evaluation Tool

The student must perform at a satisfactory level in all sections in order to pass the course. If the clinical instructor determines that a student is not performing at a satisfactory level, the clinical instructor may place the student on an improvement contract. Students must submit this completed form to their clinical instructor before their last clinical day.

Course Outcome #1: Provide culturally sensitive nursing care within the standards of practice for children and families in acute care and other community settings.Outcome: Evidence: (student to complete) Satisfactory=S /

Unsatisfactory=U(faculty to complete)

A. Provides cares within standards of practice that are culturally sensitive and family centered to meet the health needs of children and families.

B. Performs technical skills adequately and safely.

C. Assures client’s physical and psychological safety

Course Outcome #2: Exemplify professional values in honoring the rights of children, adolescents, and families in making decisions about health care.Outcome: Evidence: (student to complete) Satisfactory=S /

Unsatisfactory=U(faculty to complete)

A. Seeks appropriate guidance, assistance and feedback and utilizes suggestions for positive behavior change

B.Is accountable for own actions and behaviors

C. Prepares thoroughly for clinical assignments

D. Projects and maintains a professional image

E. Maintains confidentiality

F. Demonstrates respect for others (clients, peers, faculty, other health care providers)

G. Uses organizational skills and completes assigned cares efficiently

H. Demonstrates integrity; is honest, trustworthy and completes accurate documentation.

I. Demonstrates empathy

J. Demonstrates critical thinking

Course Outcome #3: Provide relevant and sensitive health education and counseling to parents, children, and adolescents using effective communication and health promotion strategies.Outcome: Evidence: (student to complete) Satisfactory=S /

Unsatisfactory=U(faculty to complete)

A. Records and reports concise, accurate, pertinent information regarding client progress and nursing interventions.

B. Identifies common education needs for promotion of physical and psychological health of families in the acute care setting.

Course Outcome #4: Analyze the evidence base for improving the health of children and familiesOutcome: Evidence: (student to complete) Satisfactory=S /

Unsatisfactory=U(faculty to complete)

A. Provides care to families based on current practice research.


Areas of Growth:

_____________________________________ ___________________________________Student Signature and Date Faculty Signature and Date