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  • 8/12/2019 Colloquial Azerbaijani


    ColloquialzerbaijaniA ini Course

    Kurtulu z t o p ~ uVISiting Assisant ProfessorDepartment ofNear Eastem Studes

    University 1 eEl/tom /a Berkeley


    . >,.

  • 8/12/2019 Colloquial Azerbaijani


  • 8/12/2019 Colloquial Azerbaijani



    Azerbaijan: A Background ote XHow to Use This Course xi

    1. Pronunciation 12. The Most Commonly Used Words And Phrases 33. Meeting And Greeting People 4

    A Common Greetings 4B. How to Address People 4C. Parting 5D. Introductions 5E. Pronouns 6

    4. Numbers 85. Time

    A. Hours. Minutes and SecondsB. Days, Months and Dates 12

    6. Personal Information 14A. Vocabulary 14B. Key Questions and Phrases

    Name. Age. Family. Nationality, OccupUion. Education) 14C. Model Dialog 16D Supplementary Vocabulary 17

    7. Finding Your Way Around 18A Vocabulary 18B. Directions 18C. Key Questions and Phrases 19D. Model Dialog 2 )E Supplementary Vocabulary 21


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    vi Colloquial Azerbaijani Colloquial Azerbaijani vii

    8 Transportation 22 13. At the Post Office 40A. Types of Transportation 22 A Vocabulary 40B Dialog: Taxi 22 B. At the Post Office 40C. Dialog: Train 23 C. Telephone 41D Dialog: Plane 24 O Model Dialog 42E Supplementary Vocabulary 2S E. Supplementary Vocabulary 42

    9 Health and the Parts of the Body 26 14 Shopping 43A. Parts of the Body 26 A. Vocabulary 43B. Feeling III 26 B Key Phrases and Questions 44C. At the Doctor s Office 27 C. Model Dialog 4SD. Model Dialog 28 D Supplementary Vocabulary 4SE. Supplementary Vocabulary 29 15 Weather 4610 Food and Drink 30 A Vocabulary 46A Key Words and Expressions 30 B Key Phrases and Questions 46B. Meat 31 C Model Dialog 47C Vegetables 32 D. Supplementary Vocabulary 47D. Fruits 32E. Drink 32

    F Deserts 32G. Model Dialog 3311. ccommodations 34

    A Vocabulary 34B Key Questions and Phrases 34C. Model Dialog 36D. Supplementary Vocabulary 3712. Money Matters 38A.Key Vocabulary 38B. Key Phrases and Questions 39

  • 8/12/2019 Colloquial Azerbaijani


    ...; l .N -.;J>Nttl'J>I::


    Azerbaijan: A Background NoteTHE REPUBLIC OF AZERBAUAN was established in 1991, after thedisintegration of the Soviet Union. Now a full and equal member of theUnited Nat ions. the Republic of Azerbaijan has been recogn ized as asovereign state by over 120 countries, and has diplomatic relations withmany of them.GEOGRAPHY: The total area of the Republic of Azerbaijan is 33,400sq.m i., inc luding the Nakhichevan au ton omous rep ublic , and theNagomoKarabakh autonomous region. It is bounded on the north byRussia and Georgia, on the west by Armenia and Thrkey, on the south byIran (Iranian Azerbaijan), and on the east by the Caspian sea. The topograp hy ranges from the mountainous, wi th the Greater and LesserCaucasus and the Talish chains, to the coastal lowlands a long th eCaspian Sea and the basin of Kura and Araks rivers. The Araks and theKura are Azerbaijan s two main rivers. With the exception of Lenkoranlow land, Azerbaijan is semiarid.POPULATION: 7 million. 90 Azerbaijani, the rest made up of different ethnic groups.LANGUAGE: Azerbaijani is the official language of the new ly independent Republic of Azerbaijan. t is s p o ~ n by about 7 million people notonly there, but also by over 20 million Azerbaijan is living in north-westIran, also known as southern or Iranian Azerbaijan. It is used as a linguafranca by the non-Turkish popu lace mostly in the Southern CaucasusregIOn.Since it is linguistically close to Modern Turkish, Azerbaijani may alsobe used to communicate with speakers of Thrkish and to a degree withThrkmens. Azerbaijani is one of abOUt 15 modern languages that makeup the Turk ic language family of which the best known member isTurkish. These languages are spoken from the Adriatic Sea in the west tothe Altai mountains in the east.


  • 8/12/2019 Colloquial Azerbaijani


    x Colloquial Azerbaijani

    The o ldes t written samples of Turkic languages date back to the 8t h century AD. Th e Azerbaijanis be longed to the Oghuz tribal confederationalong with Turks and Turkmens. As a separate ethni c group theyappeared in the area around the 11th century. It is possible to talk aboutthe fonnation of a separate ethnic Azerbaijani identity with the enl ranceof the Se ljukids into the area west of the Caspian Sea and Asia Min or.Fo rmation of mode m Azerbaijani as a literary language took place at theend of the 19th and the beginn ing of the 20t h century. Written in theArabic alphabe t until the end of the 1920s and the n in the La tin scriptfor a brief period. Azerbaijani began to be written in a modified Cyri llicalphabet in 1940. Fo llowing the independence, Azerbaijani became theofficial state language. Now all Azerbaijani citizens. regardless of theirethnic bac kground s are required to learn ~ r b i j n i In 199 2, a newmodified Latin script, which is very similar to that of Th rkish, replacedCy rill ic.RELIGION: Islam is the principal religion, and the majority of ci ti zensare Other religions include C hri s tianity, Jud a ism, andBaha ism.AD M IN ISTRATION: T he Re publi c of A ze rbaijan include sNakh ichevan autonomous republic, and NagomoKarabakh autonomousregion. The capital is Baku (pop. 1.9 million). Oth er important cities areGanja (pop. 300.(00), and Sumgait (pop. 250.(00).ECONOMYAg ricu lture: Azerbaijan s most impo rtant eco nomic commodity is oi l.O ther products include cotton, rice, tobacco, fruit, and grain .Industries: Oi l .refining, machine-bui lding, food , mining, chemica l. andtextile industries.Minerals: Oi l, iron. copper, lead, zinc.Lives tock: Cattle: 2. 1 million, goats and sheep: 5.7 million .Currency: Manat.

    How to Use This CourseColloquial zerbaljOni is designed to fulfill the basic m ~ u n i c a l ~ o nneeds of those who wish to communica te in an AzerbalJam speakmgenvironment. Since it is a communication/survival-based course. its goalis to give the user certain structures along with a sufficient amount .vocabulary to be used to commun icate with Azerbaijani speakers and nce rtain situations that the user will encounter when (s)he is traveling inAzerbaijan . Long grammatica l explanations are avoided; however.mastery of thi s course wi ll a lso give th e user a se nse of the baSICAzerbaijani grammar upon which one can build hisfher knowledge tostudy the language and literature of the Azerbaijan.Azerbaijan is an agglutinating language; that is to say. areobtained by adding suffixes (and occasionally non-Azerbaijani prefixes)to the roots or stems of words. So me o th er im portant fea tures ofAzerbaijan.include the following : the absence of gender and the definitearticle the absence of duality in nouns and verbal fonns . the use of pos t

    instead of prepositions. inflection of nouns for case. subjectobject verb syntax. mod ifiers preceding the m o d ~ f i e d head nou.ns, andpassive. causative, refl exive. reciproca l and negative fonns obtatned bysuffixes that are added to the verb.Th is course co nsists of 15 chapters and 3 audio cassettes. There is nospecific order to be followed. t is however a good idea first to beginmastering ce rta in portions suc h as common phrases, frequently usedquestions. personal and demons trative pronouns, and n u ~ b etc.,because most other sec tions will req uire the use of some of thiS mfonna-tion. Th e user through situation al dialogs, is given a wide variety ofmore frequently used se ntence structures such as nominal c ~ sthere is/are sentences, and some of the commonly used verbal sentences.Mastery of th is infonnation will give the user a basis f ~ r reproducing aninfinite number of similar structures as (s)he expands hlsfher vocabulary.


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    Ki Co lloquial Azerbaijani

    The material on the cassettes may be used separately or toge ther with thebook. The user may listen to the cassettes by using a walkmantype cas.sette player any time or anywhere s)he wishes. Reference cards are pre.pared to give the user easy and convenient access to the most frequentquestions, requests, phrases and vocabulary, so they could convenientlybe used in probably any environmentOne last piece of advice to the user of th is or any other language course:When learning a new language it is better to study it as frequen tly aspossible. So it is better to spend 20 minutes studying it every day ratherthan 2-3 hours but once a week. And try to use your newly acquiredknowledge whenever the opportunity arises.

    Chapter 1. PronunciationAzerbaijani is written in a modified Latin script. Most letters represent onesound, but some, more than one sound. This chart will give the user a generalidea of the Azerbaijani sounds It is better to listen to the pronunciation ofthese letters in different positions to detennine the different phonetic values ofeach letter.


    c ; ~DdEeaFrGgtgHh


    fatherbigj ollychurchdaygetdadfullgethit

    AzerbaijaniExampl es hl>gunhava

    Xx similar to Scottish loch xeyri iJ jk



    kid2 hit3 girl


    guide2 simil r to Scottish loch3 kite



    b l ~ qiltifaqlapmin



  • 8/12/2019 Colloquial Azerbaijani


  • 8/12/2019 Colloquial Azerbaijani


  • 8/12/2019 Colloquial Azerbaijani



    E. PronounsPersonal Pronouns:

    Iyouhe, she itweyouthey

    Colloquial Azerbaijani



    Note thaI Azerbaijani has lWO pronouns for you ': s an for the singular, sizlorthe plural. However siz can also be used or the singular in polite speech.Personal Suffixes:man bilif'itm. I knows n bilir n you knowo bilir he, she, it knows

    biz bilirikl ~

    onlar bi l i rmwe knowyou knowthey knowThe suffu used for the second person plural. s in iz can also be used for the

    second person singular 1 indicate po ileness with or witlwut the word siz:[siz] biUrsiniz means you know either for one person or more than one person. To be polite. it is a good idea to use the second person plural forms Opronouns and personal suffues to address one person.

    80lmaz xaDim mani gordO.s;}njonubizisizionlan

    m3nim kitablms3n in admonun evibizim ki tab lmlzslzin admlzonlarm evi

    Co lloquial AzerbaijaniMrs . Solmaz saw M..

    youhi m, her, itusyouthem

    my bookyou r name (fam il iar)his, her, its houseou r bookyour name po lite)their house


  • 8/12/2019 Colloquial Azerbaijani


    Colloquial Azerbaijani 9Chapter 4. Numbers31 otuz bir 64 durd 97 doxsan yeddi199 32 otuz iki 65 alt lTIlj bel 98 doxsan s ~ k k i zI bi r 34 otuzdord 67 a 1 t m yeddi 33 01uz i l ~ 66 a l t n u ~ altl 99 doxsan doqquz2 iki 35 o t u l ~ 68 m ~ s ~ k k i z3 36 otuz altt 69 a l n u ~ doqqul. 100,4 do rd 37 otuz yeddi 70 yetm i 100 yilz 110 yilz on5 bel; 38 otuz s :; kkiz 71 y e t m i ~ bir 200 iki yilz 201 iki yilz bir6 alh 39 01uz doqquz 72 y e t m i ~ iki 300 ii-; yijz 322 illY ytiz iyinni iki7 yeddi 40 q rx 73 y e t m i ~ 400 dord yiiz 435 d/:ird yill. otuz b e ~8 s3kkiz 41 qlrx bir 74 y e t m i ~ dord 500 bel; yilz 548 b e ~ yill qlrx s ~ k k i z9 doqquz 42 qLx k 75 yetmi\ bel; 600 altl yilz 659 alt l ytiz doqquz10 on 43 qlrx i l ~ 76 y e t m i ~ alh 700 yeddi yilz 763 yeddi yuz n u ~ i l ~on b ir 44 qlrx dord 77 yetmi yeddi 800 s3kkiz y ijz 877 ~ k k i z yiiz yetmi.s yeddi12 on iki 45 ql,tx bes 78 yetmi s ~ k k 900 doqquz yilz 986 doqquz yGz altl13 on i l ~ 46 qlfx altl 79 yetmi doqquz

    14 on do rd 47 qlrx yeddi 80 s ~ k s 3 n 1000,15 on bel; 48 qlrx s ~ k k i z 81 k s ~ n bir 1,000 min 1.001 min bir16 on alll 49 qlrx doqquz 82 ~ k s ~ n iki 2,000 iki min 2,245 iki min iki yilz qlrx be j17 on yedd i 50 I l i 83 s ~ k s 3 n i i ~ 3,000 mi n 3,500 i l ~ min b e ~ yilz18 on s3kkiz 51 dlli bir 84 sak. 3n dard 4,000 do rd min 4,280 dord min iki yilz ~ k s ~ n19 on doqqu1 52 ~ l I i iki 85 saksdn 10,000 on min 10,500 on min bes yilz20 iyirmi 53 a lii 86 l al1l 31,000 otuz bir l1}in 23,410 iyinni i l ~ min dord yilz on21 iyi i bir 54 olli dord 87 a k s ~ n yeddi 800,000 sakkiz yilz mi n 260,400 iki yilz a l t m l ~ min do rd yiiz22 iyinni iki 55 oIli bel 88 saksan sakkiz23 iyinni i l ~ 56 alii altl 89 s a k s ~ doqquz

    1,000,000s24 iyirmi dord 57 alii yeddi 90 dOxSan 1,000,000 bir milyon 1,500,000 bir mityon b e ~ yiiz min25 iyirmi b e ~ 58 ~ I i s ~ k k i z 9 1 doxsan bir 2,000,000 ikl milyon 2,650,000 iki mityon altl yiiz alii min26 iyi i altl 59 ~ l I i d o q q u z 92 doxsan iki 50,000,000 milyon27 iyi i yeddi 60 m l ~ 93 doxsan28 iyirmi s ~ k k i z 61 t n u ~ bir 94 doxsan dord 1s t, 2nd etc.29 iyinni doqquz 62 t n u ~ iki 95 doxsan b e ~ 4,h do rdil ncil30 otu1 63 a t t n u ~ i i ~ 96 doxsan altl lSI bi rinci2nd ikinci 5,h ~

    8 3rd i l ~ i l n c i i etc. [n umber inci]

  • 8/12/2019 Colloquial Azerbaijani


    10 Colloquial AzerbaijaniFractions, Decimals and Percentagesone halfone quarterthree quartersone third1 53.85.251025

    yanmdordda bir, r . kdordda


    i i ~ tam ooda sakkizb e ~ tam yiizd., iyirmion faiziyirmi faiz

    Chapter 5. TimeA. Hours, Minutes and SecondsWhat time is it?(It's) one o'clock.

    Saat e ~ d i r ?(Saal) birdir.

    saat means 'time. hour, clock. watch.'(It's) two o clock. (Saat) ikidir.(It's) three o'clock. (Saat) i i ~ d i i r(h 's) half past tw o(It's) half past fi ve(It's) a quarter past three.(It s) 20 minutes past seven.(It 's) quarter to eight.(It s 20 minutes to four.At what time?aI S OO 1.00 p.m.

    t 4.00 6.30 11 .00 p.m.

    (Saal) i i ~ i i n yan sldlf.(Saat) altmm yansldlr.Dorda on daqiqa i b .S3kkiza iyinni daqiq3 l y i bSakkilA} on ~ daqiqa qahb.nord aiyirmi daqiqa qahb.Na vaxt? Saat e ~ a d a ?sahar saat sakkiwa (morning)giinorta saat birda (midday)giindiiz saat dordda (afternoon)

    saat yeddinin yarumda (evening)geea saat on bird;) (night)


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    12 Colloquial Azerbaijani

    When?How long?secondminutehalf an houra few minutesa quarter of an hour10 minutes ago1 hour agoin three hoursan hour latertwo hours lateruntil four o clockfor 20 secondsfor 10 minutesfor two hoursevery hourDo you have time?I have time.r don t have hoursall dayB. Days, Months and DatesMonday bazar ert si

    N;} zaman, n;} vaxt?Na qadar vaxt?saniyadaqiqayanm saatbiriki daqiqaon b e ~ daqiqaon daqiqa avvalbir saat avvali i ~ saatdan sonrabir saatdan sonraiki saatdan sonrasaat dorda qadariyirmi saniya miiddatinaon daqiq;} miiddatinaiki saat miiddatinahar saatVaxbmz varml ?Vaxtlm var.

    . Vaxttm yoxdur.i j saatlanbiitiin gUn

    Friday cumaTuesday ~ r ~ a n b a axs.aml Saturday ~ n bWednesday ~ f a n b a Sunday lJazarThursday cUma a x ~ a m l

    MonthsJanuary yanvarFebruary revralMarch martApril aprelMay mayJune iyunSeasonsSpring yazSummer yaythe l l ~ h of Juneon the 8th of August1993in SummerIn May 1970.What s the date today?Today is the 8th of January.What day is it today?Today is guntoday bu guntomorrow sabahthe day after

    tomorrow birisigiinyesterday diinaneveryday har gUnweek h ftthi s week bu haftanext week galan haftalast week k e ~ a n haftaevery week har hafta

    Colloquial Azerbaijani 13

    July iyulAugust avgustSeptember sentyabrOctober oktyabrNovember noyabrDecember dekabr

    Fall paylzWinter q l ~iyunun on biriavgustun sakkizindamin doqquz yiiz doxsanyaydaMin doqquz yilz e t m i ~ i n c i ilin

    mayaymdaBu giln aym n e ~ a s i d i r ?Bu gUn yanvarm sakkizidir.Bu giln hansl gUndiir ?Bu gUn cUmadir.month aythis month bu aynext month galan aylast month k ~ ; } n ayevery month har ayyear ;this year bu inext year galan illast year k ~ n ilevery year har ievery Friday har cUma

  • 8/12/2019 Colloquial Azerbaijani


    Chapter 6. Personal InformationA. Vocabularyage/old ~ to marry ev an-to be bornbigbirthdayboychildrendoctor

    anadan 01. name adboyuk nationality milliyyatad g iinii occ upation i jog 1an pe rso n ljaxs

    l a r school maktabhakim single subay, arsizmiihandis surname (amiliya, soyadlaila teacher miiallimengineerfami lygirl qlz wife arvadto graduatehusband

    bitir- woman qadm3r to work aman adam year iJ

    dash after -verb stemS indicates the infinitive form of the verb. which is-maq, -mak.B. Key Questions and PhrasesName:What is your name?My name is ..What is your surname?My surname isWhat is your wife s name?My -wife s nam e is ...What is your husband s name?My husband s name is ..Wh at is that person s name?That person s name is ...

    AdmlZ n3dir?Ad lm ...Familiyamz nad ir?Familiyam ....Arvadmlzm ad. nadir? ad l ..inizin ad . n3dir?3rirnin adl ...o a x s i n ad. n3dir?o axsin adl ...


    Colloquial Azerbaijani

    Age:How o ld are you? Sizin e ~ a y ~ D 1 z var?I am 18 years old. Manim on sakkiz yalm var.How old is th at person? 0 pxsin ~ a y ~ 1 var?(S)he is 45 years o ld . 0 ~ a x s i qlrx y ~ l var.In what year were you born? Siz hansl ilda anad an olmusunuz?Jwas born in 1974. Man 1974 Uda anadan o l m u ~ a mWhen is your birthday? Sinn ad giiniiniiz oa vaxtdlr?(My binhday) is July Slh. iyulun ~ n d .Fa mily:Are you marrit:d?(for a man on ly)Are you married?(for a woman only)Yes, I m married(for a man only)No, I m not mamed.(for a man only)Yes, I m ~ e d(for a woman only)No, I m not married.(for a woman only)I m single.Is your family big?Do you have any children?Nationality:What is your nationality?I m an .American.Are you a French?No. I m an Azerbaijani.

    Evlisinizmi?ardasinizmi?Bali, ev liyam.Vox, evli deyilam.Bali, arda yam.Vox, aeda deyilam.

    Subayam .Ailaniz boyiikdiinnii?U ~ a q l a n O l z varml.?

    Milliyyatiniz nadir?Man amerikahyam.Siz franslzslDlzml?Vox, man azarbaycanhyam.


  • 8/12/2019 Colloquial Azerbaijani


    6 C o l l o q u i ~ 1 Azerbaijani

    Occupation:What is your occupation ?I m an engineer.I m a doctor.Are you a teacher?Yes. I m a teacher.Where do you work?Education:Are you a student?Where are you studying ?I am studying at .J graduated from .C. Model dialogWhat is you r name?My name isWhat is your surname?My surname is ...Pue you married?Yes, I m mamed.Do you have children ?Yes, I have a boy and a girl.How o ld are they?My son is 5 years old,and my daughter is 8 years old.What is your wife s occupation.She is a linguist.Wh ere does she work?She works at the uni versity.Is she an American?No, she s German.

    N a ~ i s i n i z ?Man mub andisilmMiln hakimam.ii allimsinizmi?

    Bali, mU;)lIim3m.Siz harada ~ 3 y i r s i n i z ?

    Siz la l3basinizmi?Siz harada oxuyursunuz?Man dO oxuyuram.Man ... bitirdim.

    Admlz nadir?Ad.m ...Familiyanlz nadir?Familiyam ...Evlisinizmi?Ba li, evliyam.Upq larlnlz varm.?Bali, bir ogIum, bir qlzlrn var.Onlarm n e ~ a y ~ var?OgIumun ~ qlZlmm sakkiz

    val .Arvadml z ~ i d i r ?o i l ~ i d i ro harada a y i r ? .Universitetda ~ l a y i ro amerikahdlrml?Vox , almandlr.

    Colloquia l Azerbaijani 17

    Ethnic AzerbaIjanis m ke u roughly mo o Azerbaijan:r population but as in otherparts o he former Sov iet Union people o many other ethnic backgrounds also livethere. Azerbaijanis very friendly people. Most speak Russian in addition to theirnative Azerbaijani. Some also know English orGenlUlll.In Baku a modern western styLe city people beha ve like Europeans but in thecountry and in smail lowns and villages Aze rba ijani norms similar 1 thosein the other parts o he Middle East are observed.D Supplementary Vocabularyaged y ~ h lecture muhaziraarcheologist arxeolog library kitabxanaarchitect me mar mother anabrother q a r d a ~ month ayday gun parents valideynlarEnglishman ingilis professor professorfaculty fakiilta relative qohumfather ata sister baciFrench franS1Z student ta labafriend dost to study oxuGennan alman writer y a z l ~grandchi ld nav a yea, nhi storian t a r i x ~ i you ng ganc

  • 8/12/2019 Colloquial Azerbaijani


    Chapter 7. Finding Your Way AroundA. Vocabularyleft sol under altmdaright sag on lOp of) iizarindanorth at the end 00 sonundasouth canub in the middle ortasmdaeast in front (of) qabagmdawest qarb behind arxasmdahere bura, burada inside ~ r i d athere ora,orada outside baYlrdanear yaxm next to (beside) yanmdafar uzaq between arasmdaWhere? ha rada, hardaat, in -da, -da*10 -8, -3, -ya, -yafrom .dan, -danby (wilh) .Ia, -l a, it ;)up to, as far as 8 qadal , - qadar, -ya qa

  • 8/12/2019 Colloquial Azerbaijani



    Where is the nearest hank?bUS-SlOPexhibitionhotel

    Is the madret far from here?uni versitytax i-stopchurchmosque


    an yax lR hank haradadlr?avtobus dayanacaglsargimehmanxana

    B azat buradan uz.aqdlrml?universitettaksi dayanacagikils3mascid

    How many kilometers fro m here ...Buradan ~ kilometroir?to Baleu? Baklyato Sumgait SumqaYltato Absheron A b ~ e r o n a10 Thilisi Tbilisiya

    How does one get downtown?to the airport10 the Hotel Azerbaijanto the Nizami street

    ... neca getmak olar?Sah;uin mj)[kazjnaaeroportaAzarbaycan mehmanx anasmaNizami k u ~ s i n 3

    Due to the Russian influence of he past hundred years, nwst street signs nd placenames an in both Azerbaijani nd Russian. Azerbaijan has a rich history andmany historical ploces to visil. m th a populaJion ofapproximately 2 million, Bakuis one of the most impor1ant educational nd industrial centers in thean a. The hea r of Baku is the Ichari Shahar; 'The Old Town,' dating back tomedieval times.

    Colloquial Azerbaijani 21

    D. Model DialogExcuse me, where is the

    Hotel Baku?Il is in downtown, on the

    Lenkoran street.Thank you very muc h.You re welcome.Ex cuse me , how can I get to the

    Le nkoran Street?Where would you like to go?I would like ,to go to the

    Hotel Baku.It s in the center of the ci.Is it far away from here?t s not that fa r

    How can go there?You can go there by bu sWhere is the nearest bus station?h is just behind that building.How much is the fare?Forty roanatsThank you very much.E. Supplementary Vocabularymetrominaretmonumenton footpalacesightseeing placestickettramtrolley bus

    l ~ l a Y l D Bakl mehmanxanaslharadadl r?

    ~ a h a r i n mark aziodadir,Lankaran n d a

  • 8/12/2019 Colloquial Azerbaijani


    Chapter 8. TransportationA. Types of Transportationbicycleboa tbuscarferryhelicopterB. D i a l ~ g : Taxi

    need a taxi .Is Ihis taxi free?

    o s i ~ dqaYlqavtobus


    Can you take meto the railway station?to th e airpon

    Where would you like to go?I want to go to Nizami Street .

    to the Hotel BakuPlease stop Mm.

    in front of that buildingPlease wait here for me.

    P l e a s e g o ~slower

    How much do lowe you?


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  • 8/12/2019 Colloquial Azerbaijani


    Chapter 9. Health and the Parts of the BodyA. Parts or the Bodyannbackbodycheekches tchineareyefacefingerfoothairhandheadheightB. Feeling IIII don't feel wel l.I am sick.I have a bead ache.

    a stomachan eara loo th

    qolkiirakbad.nya naqsina, i j ~fana

    qu laqgoziizbarmaqayaq

    s a ~. 1b ~boy

    I have a sore.lhmru.backarm

    heart urakkidney bOyr;lkleg ayaqlip dodaqlung ag ciyarmouth aglzneck boyunnose burunshoulder ~ y i nskin daristomach ma'dathroat bogaztongue diltooth d i ~waist bel

    Oz iimii pis hiss ediram.Man xastayam.

    ~ a g r l l rqarmmquJag.m

    d i ~ i mB 0eaz1m agnYlf.



    ,, Please call a doctor.

    Please take me to a the hospitalto a polyclinic

    Is there a doctor who canspeak English?

    C. At the Doctor's OfficeWhat is your complaint?I don't have an appetite.I have a cold.I've had food-poisoning.I am dizzy.I'm constipated.I have a fever.Open your mouth.Stick out your tongue.Cough.Take a deep brea th .Don't breathe.Hold your breath.Strip to the waisl.I am allergic to that medicine

    to mi lkto eggs

    I am pregnant.I have diarrhea.I have diabetes.

    Colloquial Azerbaijani

    Za hm t olma7Sa, h kim m nM ni h kjma apann .


    Burada ingil isca a m ~ a nhakim vardlrml?

    Nadan jika)'O}t edirsinii?i ~ t a h a m yoxdur.Man s o y u q a m ~ a r nMan n harl"nmi jarn.

    B ~ l r n gicallanir.Qabiz ~ a mistiliyim var.AgzmlziDilinizi ~ l x a nOsktirti n.Darindan nafas aim.Naf"s almaYID.Naf"sinizi s8xlaym.Bela qadar soyunun.Penisilioa a llergiyam varo darmana


    M n harnilayarn.isha) l m ~ a mMan diabetam,


    28 Colloquial Azerbaijani Co oquial Azerbaijani 29

  • 8/12/2019 Colloquial Azerbaijani


    I have vomited Q Qg;.twice

    I have high blood pressure.Take this medicine after meals.

    before meals3 times a day

    One pill QDg: a day.twice3 timesD. Model DialogAt the dentist:Excuse me where is the

    denti st's office?On the second floor.What are the visi ting hours?From 9 to 4.I have a terrible toothache .

    I can t t anything.

    Bic dafa qusdum.iki

    Qan tazyiq im yux3ndlr.Du darmam yemakdan sonra at m.

    yemakdan one3giinda i i ~ dara

    GOnda bie hab bie dara.iki d3f3dara

    dilj hakimininkabineti ha radadl r?

    ikinci m3rtabada.Hansl saa tlarda qabul edir?Saat doqquzdan dorda kimi.Disim bark agrlYJr. H e ~ bir

    3y yey., bilmir3m.

    Show me. which tooth hurts .The molar tooth on the left.It has a big cavity. I have to

    fill tYou need a crown on the

    lower right s ide.Let me fi ll it today.How are you feeling now?Thank you, I feel much



    Ha nsl diiniz incidir, gost3rin.SoJda kl aZi d ~ i

    D ~ i n i z d bQyiik hir oyuqvar. Ger3k on u dolduram .

    S in sag alt t3r3fda korpiilaz lmdlr.

    Qoy bu gun oyugu doldurum.indi oz unu zu neca hiss edirsiniz?Sag o lun, daha yaX lyam do ktor.

    Azerbaijan has socialized medicine Un til recently all medical facilities werestate owned and operated Now however some private medical establish-ments have begun 1 appear Medical services and equipment are slill inade-quate or below European and US standards Me dicines are currently shonsupply For this reason visitors 1 terbaijan are advised to take th ei r med-ications with them.E. Supplementary Vocabularyabscess kin measles qlzdcaampule am pula medici ne darm a nappendicitis appendisit mumps par olitblood qan nurse xastaya baxanbone siimiik optomet rist goz hakim ibreat h nafas pain agrtbum ya mq pharmacy aptekcancer pneumonia sa ta lcamdentist di., hakimi po ison za harto diagnose diagnoz qoy- presc ription rcseptto diet pahriz saxla- rash sapkidiphthe ria difteriya rheumatism revmalizminfec tion in feksiya sanitary towel sa ni tar bintilaxative a t m a darmam . surgeon carra hmalaria qlzdlnna swelling ~ i .

  • 8/12/2019 Colloquial Azerbaijani


    Chapter 10. Food and DrinkA. Key Words and Expressionsbread ~ o r a kbreakfas t sahar yemayicoffee-shop katecup fineandinner nahardish yemakdrink j ~ k ito dri nkto eat yeofood qidafork ~ n g 3 1glass stakanknife bu;aqWhat wou ld you like to eat?

    drinkI'd like J:I

    two bottles of beera cu p of tea

    Would you like some fish?chicken

    Would you like fish or chicken?I'd like some fish.I don't want chicken.


    lunch ikinci sahar yemayimenu menyunapkin salCetto o rde r s i f a r i ~ et-pepper istiotplate bOIQabrestaurant restoranrice cooked) plovsalt duzspoon q ~ qtea-pot d a m ~ a y d a mwater-jug siirahi, qralinwaiter orlSiantNa yem3k istayirsiniz?

    h;makMan uabfi: istayiram.

    ikl ~ l l i ; a pivabir staka

    HB l w istayi rs inizmi?toyuq

    Bahq istayirsiniz yoxsa toyuq?Man bahq istayiram.Man 12nw is tamiram .

    h e ~ bir


    Would you like s ome s ugru:?milksa ltpepperbread

    Yes please).No. thank you).This food is very delicious.

    hot (=wann)sa ltyco ld

    Are you hungry?I'm hungry.Are you thirsty?I'm not thirsty.

    Colloquial Azerbaijani

    Bir Z ist

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  • 8/12/2019 Colloquial Azerbaijani


    Chapter 11. AccommodationsA. Vocabularybathroom vanna room otaqbed ~ r p a y l soap sabunchair stu} table masa, stolcold water soyuq su telephone teleConhot water isti su television televizorhotel mehmanxana toilet tualetB. Key Questions and PhrasesI am looking for a good hotel.Do you have a vacancy?

    Man Yaxlil bie mehmanxana axtarlram.nornraniz varml?

    I need a room for one person.two people

    Mana bjroafarlik otaq lazlmdlr.ikinafarlik

    three people i l ~ n a f a r l i k

    l C J ~ - . r - - -~ < : ,,\ .

  • 8/12/2019 Colloquial Azerbaijani


    I will be leaving in the two o clockin the afternoo non edn esday

    I want to se ttle the account.Call me a taxi please.

    Man ubir at ikidagiinortadan sonra~ 3 M i 3 n b a giinii

    Man haqq-hesab ~ k m k ist3yir.lm .Mana taksi ~ g i r

    Every large city has some good hotels. bur book your room in advance. MO good ho/els have a bar restaurant and live music. Rooms in these hot el..have hot running w r nd telephones. Until recently all hotels were sta f,owned,. bur now foreign and domestic companies are building hotels ; 1Baku.C. Model DialogDo you have a vacancy?

    need a room for one person.How many days will you stay?Two days.I need a room with a bath .We have a room with a shower.Would you like to see it?Yes please.It's very nice. I'll take it.Your passport please.Here is my passport.Here is your key. Room number12. It s on the 2nd floor.Thank you. Is there a restaurant

    here?Yes, there is. On the first floor.

    B o ~ nomraniz var m l?Mana birnafarlik otaq laz lmdlr.N ~ a gu n qalacaqslDlz?iki gu n.Mana vannall bir otaq lazlmdlr.D ~ u olan bir otaglmlz var.

    G o n n ~ istayirsinizmi?Za hm3t olmazsa gorum.Bu otaq ~ o x bunu gotilriiram.Pasportunuzu verin.Buyurun, bu da m3nim pasportum.Buyurun bu da sizin a ~ a n D i zOtagtnlZln nomrasi 12dir. 0 ikincim3rtab3d;KIir.Sagoluo. Burada restoran

    vanni?Bali var. Birinci martabadadir.

    D. Supplementary Vocabularybaggage bagaj passport pasportblanket yorgan pillow bah>;to call zang et- pillow cover b l ~ i i z i lcupboard dolab refrigerator soyud ucufonn blank to reserve s i r r ~ ciahotel director administrator sheets lto iron utili;) shower d 'imattress d o ~ 3 k taxi taksimirror giizgii towe l dasmalnumber nomra to wake up oyat-

    Chapter 12. Colloquial Azerbaijani 39

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    A. Key Vocabularyamount miqdar to exch nge moneybank bank foreign currencybank account bank hesabl interestcash noqd pul moneycashier kass ir to paycashier's window kassa to sendto change xlfdala to signcheck small changecoms sikka traveller's checkexchange rate m3Z

  • 8/12/2019 Colloquial Azerbaijani


    A. Vocabularyaddress unvanaddressee maktub sahibiair mail h v ~ t uenvelope zarfform blankletter maktubpaper kaglzparcel baglamato phone ung VUfB. At the Post Office

    I want 0 send this to Moscow.kll

  • 8/12/2019 Colloquial Azerbaijani


    There is a ca ll for you.The number that you are calling

    is not answering.May I speak to Mrs. Aynur?You ve got the wrong number.Speak loude r I cannot hear you.What is the charge per minute?O. Model DialogI d like to send an ... telegram.


    Where to?To London. What is the rate

    per word?

    Siza telefon d a Q l ~ 1 1 l 1 var.2.3og vurdullunuz nomr acavab vermir.

    Aynur xammla daOll j bilarammi?Siz sahv ~ m i i s i i n i i zBarkdan a n ~ m Sizi ~ i t m i r a m .Bir daqiqasi n ~ y a d i r ?

    Man ... telegram gondarmak ita cili

    Haraya?Londana. Bir sozOn qiymati

    n e ~ d i rThe rate per word is 15 manats.How much does my telegram cost?

    240 manats.Bir soziin qiymati 15 manatdlr.Telegranllm Uti qadar pul tU,tor?

    240 manat.When will they get it? Telegram oraya na vaxt a t a c a q .The communication system in Azerbaijan is better than in many deveLopingcountries but in ferior to that in Europe and the US There are public phoneson busy street comers nd aLmost all offices but only a few homes havephones To make a long distance call it is advisable to go to a major hotelMail service from Azerbaijan usually takes much Longer than from other com-parable areas One can find all the postal services such as telegram phoneparcel post etc but they are relatively slow Fax is just being introducedE. Supplementary Vocabularyto dialdomestic letterexpresshellolong distance

    nomn Ig-daxili m3ktubt3 ci lialouzaq masafa

    mail boxmoney orderparcel sectionpublic phoneto speak on the phone

    p o ~ t qutusupul barabbagIama bOlmasiteleCon-avtomatteleConda damlj-

    Chapter 14. ShoppingA. Vocabularybook store kitab dfikaOl expensive bahahto buy satm al- to go shopping bazarhq ct-cashier kassir market bazarcheap ucuz price qiymatclothing store geyim diikaru salesperson sabelcustomer a l t a m ~ a r i shop diikandepartment bolm3 store magazadepartment store univermag scale tarazi

    44 Colloquial Azerbaijani Colloquial Azerbaijani 45

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    B. Key Phrases and QuestionsWhen does the shop ~ ?

    closeI want to buy a ~

    tooth pastetooth brushhandkerchief

    How much is it?How much is this ~


    How much are these ~socks

    This is too expensive.Can you lower the price?Yes . we can).No(, we can't),Is there a cheaper one?


    Do you have a sweater?skirtjacket

    Which shirt do YOll want?Which coat do you like?I want the blad. raincoat.


    Show me that silk shirt.I liked this one.I didn't like this one.I'll buy this one.

    Dilkan n3 vaxt iWlIt?bagJantr

    Man paltar almaq istayiram.d i ~ pastasl

    d i ~ f l r ~ l31 yayh lJ

    Bo n e ~ y a d i r ?Bu b J uza ~ 3 y 3 d i r ?.n

    papaqBu Salvar e ~ 3 y a d i r ?corabBu ~ o x bahahdlf.Qiymatini ~ a g l sala bilarsinizmi?Bali.Vox.Bunun lItlW l vanhr?


    Sizda s ri lu VardlfmJ?yubkajaket

    Hansl koyn3yi ist3yirsiniz?Hansl palto xosunulia galir?Man UB U\ p l ~

    qahvayiqlrmlzlgoyYali llsari

    M3na 0 ip3k koyn3yi gostarin.Bu x o ~ u m a galdi.Bu x o ~ u m a g3lmadi.Man hunu I cugum.

    C. Model DialogI need Azerbaijani books.What kind of books are you

    interested in?I am interested in Azerbaijani

    classics.Do you have any books by

    Akhundov?Yes, we have.Could you show me that book.Here it is.Do you have an English-Azerbaijani

    Dictionary?Yes, we have the new edition.How much is it?Ninty manats.

    Mom;} AZ3rbaycanca kitablar lazlmdlr.Sizi n3 elir kitablar

    maraqlandll lr?M3ni AZ3rbaycan klassikl3ri

    maraqlandmr.Sizd3 Axundovun kitablart

    vardlrml?B;}li, vardlr.Z3hm3t olmazsa, bu kitab, m3m


    Iilqat vardmm?Bali, yeni n ~ r i var.Liiq-at n e ~ y 3 d i r ?Doxsan manatdlr.

    There are several state-owned department stores in large cities. Private storesand shops began to appear after independence, and their number is graduallyincreasing. Azerbaijani open) TIUlrkets known as bazaars, are cheap nd verycolorful. One can find all kinds of ood items here. The goods are usually veryfresh. Bargaining is very common except in department stores.D. Supplementary Vocabularybelt kamar men's adamlarbiglloose boyiik perfume alirchildren's usaqlar to put on gey-clothes paltar satin atlasclothing geyim shoes ayaqqablcolor rong short qlsacomb daraq size boyfabric p r ~ tight darlong uzun women's qadmlar

    Chapter 15. Weather Colloquial Azerbaijani 47

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    A. Vocabularyair havaclimate iqlimcloud buludcloudy buludlucold soyuqcool sarindegree daracahot istilightning j m ~ a kmist, fog dumanrain y a g l ~rainy yagmuclusnow qar

    B Key Phrases and QuestionsWhal's he weather l i k e ~


    snowy qarhstonn (.rtmastonny fll1mah,u n

    g i i m ~sunny g i i n a ~ 1 itemperature temperaturthermometer terrnometrthunder goy giirUltUsi iwann istiweather hava

    . weather report han ma'JumatJwind kUlakwindy kUlak li

    Bo gilo hava necadir?indiThe weather is today. Bhal u gun hava y a x ~ l d l r .istidirWhat's (he temperature hAa,,? B u gun havanm hararati n e ~ a d i r ?now indiIt is +10 C now ._3 C n d l ~ dane;) jstidjr.

    What will the th dar3ca ~ a x t a d l rwea er be like 2da,y? Bo giin hava nec;} olacaq?tomorrow sabah 'next week. . galan haftaIt will nun tomorrow . Sab h v va Dm yagacaq.




    It will be m in :l tomorrow.mildwindy

    What splendid weatherC Model DialogWhat will the weather be like

    tomorrow?It will snow tomorrow.What will be the road conditions?Some roads will be open, and

    some closed.What s the temperature now?It is +8 C right now.I like this kind o weather.

    Sabah hava yaemurlu olaeaq.y u m ~ a q

    k i i l ~ k l iNa goz31 havad lr

    Sabah hava olacaq?Sabah qar yagaeaq.Yollar nee3 olacaq?Ba zj yoUar ~ l q , ba zil3ri

    bagh olacaq.indi havanm hararati n e ~ 3 d i r ?indi sakkiz d3r3Ca istidir.Bela hava x o ~ u m a galir.

    Azerbaijan is usually cold in winter and hot in swnmer The best time tois in late spring and early fall

    D. Supplementary Vocabularybad pis to melt ari-barometer barometr mild ~ a qto blow . . season r ~ s i ldrought quraqhq , ky goyfall paylz slippery sii riilikanto fall (of rain etc.) yag- spnng baharflood se l star ulduzfrozen d o n m ~ summer yayhail dolu sunnse giinaljin d l ~ l I I nheat harar3t sunset giina:jin Imtmus1icc huz winter