columbus day

Columbus Day! October 12th

Upload: emily-woerfel

Post on 15-May-2015




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A short history of Columbus Day.


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Columbus Day!

October 12th

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Who is Columbus?

Christopher Columbus was from Italy. He is famous for his voyage from Europe to the “New World”.

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What did he believe?

At this time, everyone thought the world was flat. Christopher Columbus knew it was round and in the end, The Catholic Kings, Isabel and Fernando gave him permission to explore.

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What did he do? When?

Columbus needed money for his voyage, but no one believed him. Finally, the kings of Spain gave him money. In 1492 he left to discover the New World.

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The Voyage!

On August 3rd, 1492, Columbus began his voyage with three ships; The Niña, The Pinta, and The Santa María. There were 90 men on the ships.

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Columbus had food such as cheese, fish, chicken, pigs, wine, bread, and water for the voyage.

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The voyage lasted 36 days. On October 12th, they found an island. It was the islands of the Bahamas. He said that these islands were now part of Spain.

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What did he find?

There were Native Americans on the islands when Columbus arrived. At first, they were happy, but Columbus stole their islands!

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The New World

Columbus didn’t find India, but he did find a land that no one knew. He made 4 voyages and discovered new places.

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“The Day of Race”?

Columbus Day is also called “El Día de la Raza”. Why do you think it is also called that?

The Native Americans and Columbus were friends at first, but later the Europeans killed many of them in wars and with diseases they brought from Europe. Native Americans were treated badly and we need to recognize this also.

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What do you think the cartoon means?

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Do you remember?Where is Christopher Columbus from?

When did he leave on his voyage?

How many ships did he have? What were their names?

How many men went on the voyage?

What islands did he discover first?

What day did he arrive in the “new world”?