colyton high school

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT The start of 2018 is beginning to build real, positive momentum as we enter the second half of Term 1. We have welcomed our new Year 7 students and their families, as well as a number of new students from other schools who are seeking a quality education and have chosen Colyton High School. We have welcomed back current students and their families with whom we will continue to build those genuine learning partnerships that we strive to develop. I reiterate our commitment to our community which is to be, a school working tirelessly in partnership with students, parents and carers; and with the invaluable support of our key community organisations, to be the right school for your child. Whilst we may at times disagree about how that will be done, and frustrated by timeframes moving towards positive outcomes, there is absolutely no doubt that we agree on the key goal of achieving the best possible educational outcomes for our students, your children, to provide a range of the best possible post-school options. For that, we need to continue our unrelenting drive towards cohesion and strengthening the bond that helps us work together. We are currently developing and implementing our key Term 1 Wellbeing Programs to help build capacity of our school, particularly staff and students, to work cohesively. These programs are a vital part of our Strategic Direction No.1; developing connected, successful and thriving students. I thank our Wellbeing Team led by Mrs Gorman and our Student Adviser Teams, together with their Deputy Principals, who have been working hard to deliver important team building activities designed to bring students together, challenge them and interest them. In 2017 we delivered, very successfully, a wide range of team building days that achieved that and the photos that came back from those activities, spoke volumes about their success. 2018 will be no exception and we hope that as many students as possible will attend. Please encourage your children to attend because those that did in 2017 got so much out of 2018 Important Dates Term 1 March 19 P & C Meeting March 21 Harmony Day March 22 Werrington Cup Netball March 22 - Y7 Camp March 23 March 29 School Cross Country April 5 Y7 History Excursion April 11 University Shield Rugby League April 12 Y7 & Y8 Vaccinations April 3 - Y12 Half Yearly April 13 Exams April 13 Term 1 – Last Day May 1 Term 2 - Students Return The next P&C Meeting will be held on Monday March 19 in the Common Room at 7.00pm All are welcome to attend Colyton High School

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PRINCIPAL’S REPORT The start of 2018 is beginning to build real, positive momentum as we enter the second half of Term 1. We have welcomed our new Year 7 students and their families, as well as a number of new students from other schools who

are seeking a quality education and have chosen Colyton High School. We have welcomed back current students and their families with whom we will continue to build those genuine learning partnerships that we strive to develop. I reiterate our commitment to our community which is to be, a school working tirelessly in partnership with students, parents and carers; and with the invaluable support of our key community organisations, to be the right school for your child. Whilst we may at times disagree about how that will be done, and frustrated by timeframes moving towards positive outcomes, there is absolutely no doubt that we agree on the key goal of achieving the best possible educational outcomes for our students, your children, to provide a range of the best possible post-school options. For that, we need to continue our unrelenting drive towards cohesion and strengthening the bond that helps us work together.

We are currently developing and implementing our key Term 1 Wellbeing Programs to help build capacity of our school, particularly staff and students, to work cohesively. These programs are a vital part of our Strategic Direction No.1; developing connected, successful and thriving students. I thank our Wellbeing Team led by Mrs Gorman and our Student Adviser Teams, together with their Deputy Principals, who have been working hard to deliver important team building activities designed to bring students together, challenge them and interest them. In 2017 we delivered, very successfully, a wide range of team building days that achieved that and the photos that came back from those activities, spoke volumes about their success. 2018 will be no exception and we hope that as many students as possible will attend. Please encourage your children to attend because those that did in 2017 got so much out of

those days. Please do not let home finances act as a barrier to attendance as we are more than willing and able to assist families who are in need of a little extra support.

Our 2018 programs include Year 7 two day camp to Wiseman’s Ferry, Year 8 to Cables Waterpark at Penrith (sorry for those that may like to have water-skied…….the picnic/activity area not the water ski activities), Year 10 are off to Taronga Zoo for some teambuilding activities in a most beautiful part of Sydney, Year 11 are Laser Tagging at School and Year 12 are off to do some tree top adventuring! Unfortunately the Year 9 response for their proposed 2 day camp at Yarramundi was a little slow and we didn’t quite meet numbers before closing date to go in March. We will be working closely with camp staff over this term and they will come out to the school to talk more about the camp and its activities and the value of attending school camps. For those that have paid and those that would still like to go, we are negotiating an alternative date in May. So you if you have already paid the deposit, you may choose to keep that deposit at school for the second date.

Please remember it is so important that payment and permission note deadlines are met as this allows us to ensure we can meet our considerable financial obligations when organising these activities. As you can imagine there is so much organisation and planning that goes into these days and delays due to slow responses cause problems for organisers and sometimes lead to cancellations where everyone misses out. Thank you to all those that have paid promptly to date and are raring to go. You are showing the everyday leadership building strong foundations for our school. We look forward to the amazing 2018 photos and stories that come back to school and the strengthened bonds between students and staff that these days generate, contributing to that all important cohesion. And please remind your child to participate cooperatively and safely at these activities.

These Teambuilding Days, while huge events, are but one part of many programs we run at Colyton HS for the benefit of all. We are currently entering

2018 Important Dates

Term 1

March 19 P & C Meeting March 21 Harmony Day March 22 Werrington Cup Netball March 22 - Y7 Camp March 23 March 29 School Cross Country April 5 Y7 History Excursion April 11 University Shield Rugby League April 12 Y7 & Y8 Vaccinations April 3 - Y12 Half Yearly April 13 Exams April 13 Term 1 – Last Day May 1 Term 2 - Students Return

The next P&C Meeting will be held on Monday March

19 in the Common Room at 7.00pm

All are welcome to attend

Colyton High School

a long-term phase we are calling Building Everyday Leaders. There has been such an amazing response from students and families to our call for students to proudly wear full school uniform. It is fantastic to see a sea of school colours when addressing assemblies or during the mass movement of students to and from school each day. Every student can be that everyday leader in appearance (full school uniform and dressing to impress) as well as behaviour in public when our school is on display to the public.

As a result of the positive commitment in these areas across our school community, we continue to benefit from the positive word being spread across the wider Colyton community. This is bringing stronger enrolment interest to our school and as are enrolments continue to grow, this brings extra staff and resources to our school, leading to increased curriculum and extra-curricular opportunity for your children. So thank you to all of our community, in particular our students who make a committed choice to wear full school uniform each day and we encourage the small number of students who struggle with that choice, to please get on board and be part of that team. An impressive school image in public, benefits everyone. Please remember, do not let financial issues at home be a barrier to wearing full school uniform and “dressing to impress”.

Please also be reminded that Colyton High School has a strong and active P&C who are the parent voice in a range of matters impacting on our school. Our P&C meets in weeks 4 and 8 each term, Monday nights at 7pm. Our next meeting is planned for March 19. All welcome! Come and have a voice in key school decisions and find out more about all the great things happening at Colyton High School. One key area the P&C help determine is our Uniform Policy. In this newsletter you will find a letter of support from our dedicated P&C President, Mr Paul Robinson, who on behalf of our hardworking P&C is seeking your and your child’s support of our uniform policy and procedures. There are so many good reasons why Colyton High School needs a strong and supported Uniform Policy and a great uniform. We are currently addressing a need for a warm winter uniform and Tanya, P&C Canteen and Uniform Shop Manager, is currently sourcing good quality, warm and great looking tracksuit pants in time for winter. So look out for more news in that regard. And do not hesitate to come to any P&C meeting to share your thoughts and opinions on school matters.

Finally, our Everyday Leadership Plan is developing well and starting to build early momentum. We are so looking forward to increasing the genuine opportunities for our students to have increased involvement in determining the future directions of Colyton High School as we continue our march towards excellence. Watch out for an evolving, strengthened House system incorporating a vibrant, competitive but fun House Sports Competition. Recently there have been ideas floated for academic House competitions as well; stay tuned! The Colyton School and wider community deserve an excellent school across all areas of learning, teaching and leading, and we are committed to working in partnership to move our school from being a very good school, to that great one we are aspiring to be. So much more to talk about… much happening at Colyton High School! Watch out for upcoming news throughout the year.


DEPUTY PRINCIPAL’S REPORT From the desk of Ms White,

Two years have gone by since I arrived at Colyton High school, but it

seems like I walked through the door of this new adventure only yesterday. In the two years, we have achieved a lot. A few things that come to mind are:

• Change in the uniform code for Year 10 cohort from this year, they look very striking in their senior uniform. With the change comes a degree of expectation as well. We expect them to be the role models for junior year groups and to behave in a manner that promotes engagement, harmony and self-belief. They help us to uphold the values of our school and set examples for others.

• Interactive White Boards in all learning spaces that enable students and teachers to access up-to date information readily and easily. It enables staff to design and deliver interactive lessons that are engaging as well as educational. It promotes the use of technology in classes, which is essential in today’s world.

• Air-conditioned learning spaces that enable students to learn in an environment that is pleasant and conducive to learning. Providing comfort in a learning environment enables students to focus on their learning, which will help in improved outcomes for all.

• Greater number of students participating in sports during breaks. There is an atmosphere of joy and togetherness as we move around the school. The senior students mingle with the junior year groups and act as mentors. It is great to see students sitting around in groups, having a yarn, playing games or just listening to music. There is a calmness in the school that sets a very positive tone to the school.

• Over 20 students attending the homework centre on Tuesday and Wednesday every week from week 3. It is very satisfying to see students actively engaged in their learning and utilising the resources available to them. Teachers give up their afternoons to volunteer their time in the library helping students with assessment tasks, maths problems, essay writing or completing homework.

The term has started very well for the vast majority of the students and it is envisioned that they will continue to make good choices that will positively affect their learning. Many students understand the role of the school as well as their part in it. They

understand the value of hard work and effective use of class time. Some learners need gentle reminders to get them focussed on their task and the value of education. The school appreciates the support that parents and caregivers provide to teachers in ensuring that their children are engaged at school and are following the code of conduct of the school.

To my Year 8 cohort, welcome to 2018 and the start of a new chapter in your learning. This year is going to be challenging to you all because you are regarded as the leaders of the school, who have the task of shaping the culture of Colyton High school. I have belief that you all are up to this challenge and will leave a lasting legacy when you leave in Year 12. Each one of you have something useful to contribute to this school, so believe in your abilities and keep working towards your future goal. As always there are no negotiations on the use of phones in the classroom, you are expected to be in full school uniform, in class on time, hands and feet to yourself and be engaged in your classwork. We show respect towards each other as well as the learning and the teachers. I know each one of you will do your best this year and achieve great results. I look forward to a very productive year.

To my Year 11 cohort, I have seen you develop into mature young adults over the two years. The coming two years are very important to you, as they will help you to shape your future. My advice to you all is to take advantage of all opportunities given to you, embrace the learning that is provided, seek help when needed but above all, be selfish for your learning. Work with teachers to improve your understanding of content as well as work independently to feel in the gaps. Utilise the time in the classroom, as this is a very valuable instruction time. My expectations of you will remain high and I will hold you accountable for your learning. Out of uniform, phone use in classes, fights, disrespect as well as dis- engagement from your learning will not be accepted. Constantly out of uniform will result in an isolation or a call home to get changed. You are the leaders of the school and as such; you are expected to set high standards. I know that the next two years are going to hard but I have faith in your abilities. You all will succeed in your chosen field, if you put your mind to it. Looking forward to a very industrious year.


Dear Parents and Friends, The Colyton High School P&C, over many years, have discussed uniforms and the wearing of them. As a group we have collectively decided that Colyton High School will continue to be a uniform school. This means that in consultation with the P&C, the school executive and staff will continue to build its strategies to support the achievement of our goal to have every student at Colyton High School proudly wearing full school uniform each day. We believe our stance on the wearing of uniform will assist your child through the transition in life from high school into the working world, as well as continue to rebuild Colyton High School’s reputation as a great school, for the benefit of all students. The P&C have endorsed the school’s expectation that on all school excursions students must wear the full school uniform. Students who are not wearing full school uniform will not be allowed to go on the excursion when full uniform is required. From 2018 the School Executive and staff will be applying a system to support students the wearing of full school uniform. This will involve increased communication with parents and seeking parental support. The P&C always encourages and welcomes regular communication between school and home as a positive action towards building a stronger partnership. While we appreciate this may cause some concern we would ask for your cooperation in assisting the student to have a good school experience. To support the school towards the achievement of our full uniform goal, the P&C have purpose built a uniform shop near the school canteen where everything can be purchased at your convenience for the lowest possible unit price. We welcome your patronage and will continue to advertise opening times, each morning of the school year (8.00am – 8.25am) as well as during the January holidays in the lead up to the new school year. The P&C encourages parents facing financial difficulty to contact the school and discuss support that the school is able to give, as it is the policy of Colyton HS that no student should be disadvantaged by their family’s financial circumstances. We look forward to having a fantastic 2018 where our students can achieve the best possible learning outcomes. Regards, Paul Robinson, P&C President


Well done to our Soccer stars who came 2nd

place in the Werrington Cup on Monday

March 5!

MATHEMATICS FACULTY NEWS On behalf of the Mathematics faculty, I welcome back all students and teachers, especially the Year 7 students to 2018. Assistant Year Adviser Mrs Boxwell said that Year 7 students have settled well into the high school setting and it can be seen by their happy faces. Term 1 started smoothly with enthusiasm and high expectations. This year we have few staff changes

happening in the Maths faculty due to Mrs Kumar and Mrs Moxon taking some time off to spend time with their families. I welcome Mrs Singhal to the

Maths faculty to share Mrs Moxon’s classes. Mrs Singhal is already showing her dedication to Colyton by putting in her time and effort to settle well into classes and educate our students.

Congratulations to our last year, Year 12 students who received pleasing results in Mathematics. Some students did well in Mathematics and General Mathematics 2 receiving high bands and some of them are entering universities to do higher studies. We have a big responsibility as well as very high expectations on our current Year 12 students to prepare them for higher studies or for the workforce. Our students’ journey will not end at the end of Year 12 as they will need to show their skills gained at the high school in their workplaces. We urge our current Year 12 students to take

responsibility for their learning and improve attendance and work ethic to make us proud by achieving good results.

This year again we are running two Mathematics courses in Year 11, Mathematics and Mathematics Standard. Mathematics Standard is the new curriculum developed by NESA and gives numerous options to the learner in completion of senior Mathematics course. Students will have the opportunity to study Mathematics Standard 1 (Non ATAR) or Mathematics Standard 2 (ATAR) in Year 12. Year 11 students will have three assessment tasks to complete during this year and one of them is a research assignment. Students need to seek assistance when required in completion of such assessment tasks. It is important to develop good study skills from the beginning of the term to avoid unnecessary stresses and have a smooth run of their final years at school.

Our main target this year is to improve basic numeracy skills as well as work ethics of our students. In order to achieve the target, Mathematics Faculty is implementing several new strategies this year. ‘Quick quiz’ on basic numeracy for all junior classes, and past HSC questions for senior classes at the beginning of the lesson will help students to regularly revise concepts learnt. Maths faculty will continue using units of work for all levels as study materials and students will complete these work booklets in class and at home. It is a very good opportunity for students to make use of these booklets as a study guide for future reference once the topic is finished, in preparation for assessment tasks. I encourage all students to participate in all class activities and complete tasks on time to achieve outcomes at a higher level.

We have the opportunity to run a Trade Maths course for Year 9 5.1 students this year. The students who study Mathematics in Trade could benefit themselves when preparing for an apprenticeship entry assessment, and/or improve their mathematics, numeracy and financial literacy skills in Stage 5. The content in this course is aimed at the level that is needed for students to have the best opportunity to improve their mathematics and numeracy skills specifically for trades. Students of Mathematics in Trade are able to apply their mathematics and numeracy knowledge and skills in a real-world context. Students who have completed

the course will be receiving a course completion certificate which can be used as an added qualification to enter the workforce. I thank Mr Butler our Principal and Mr John Meng Co-Deputy Principal at Rooty Hill High School for their initiative and support in this course. Students in Year 9 are working on a garden project as part of the Maths in Trade course. Mr Isaac, Mrs Gilyana and Mrs Hapu’s classes are teaching students to design, construct and work out the cost to build the garden. Year 9 5.1 teachers are hoping to work closely with the Science and TAS faculty in this project. I thank Mr Brown, Mrs T Kaur and Mr Stratford for their support in this project. This year Mathematics Faculty Tuesday Afterschool-Tutoring lessons will be held in the library combining with the homework centre. Tutoring lessons will run for one and half hours from 2.35pm to 4.00pm each week. It is a pleasure to announce that the number of senior students attending afterschool tutoring lessons has increased significantly over the course of last year, and this is reflected in their results. I urge all parents to utilise this facility and encourage their children to attend these lessons regularly to maximise their performance. I appreciate and thank all teachers of the Mathematics Faculty for their dedication and commitment. It is a great pleasure to see students coming to class with required equipment, and I hope this will continue throughout the year. I encourage all students to bring a scientific calculator and use them in class by showing all working out in their workbooks. It is vital to have a Board approved calculator in a Mathematics class. If you do not have one, it is available to purchase at the school office for a reasonable price. I also request all students to pack their bags the night before so that they can get the best outcome of the lesson.

Last but not least, I urge all parents to encourage their children to attend school regularly and participate actively in class, as our teachers are working beyond their hours to give your children the best education they can. I wish you all the best for 2018. MRS JAYANTHA HAPUKOTUWA HEAD TEACHER MATHEMATICS

SWIMMING CARNIVAL 2018 Colyton High School held its annual Swimming Carnival on Monday February 12 at Charlie Lowles Leisure Centre Emerton. It was fantastic to see students enthusiastically

participating in the novelty events, beach volleyball and competitive races, all adding to the positive spirit of the day.

Congratulations to all swimmers and competitors on the day who entered numerous events, made the effort to support their house teams and earn as many points as possible. A massive thank you to all staff members who were all actively involved and helped contribute to making the day run smoothly and turning the swimming carnival into a wonderful school day.

Congratulations to the following Age Champions:Zac Woollett Bailey Shield Riley Saurine Jaydn Ferguson Joshua Stevenson Toby Stevens

Katelyn Kos Scarlett Williamson Emily Payne Georgia Crebbin Logan Taylor

Finally, a special congratulations goes to MILTON who won the swimming carnival with 189 points overall.

JAPANESE The year has started out fantastically for our Japanese students. Year 8 has been doing a lot of fun cultural activities with the addition of Ms Healy to the Creative Arts Faculty. She has taught the Year 8 students all about the traditional Japanese festivals, such as the Bean-Throwing Festival, as well as some origami and other amazing things.

This year we also have a keen Year 9 class and a Year 10 class, both of which are elective classes. The new Year 10 fortnightly routine of “Tea-party Friday” has been started, with a visit from Mr Butler. We all enjoyed the experience, and found it a good opportunity for some Japanese chatter, and teaching our Principal some new words in Japanese.

All classes have been learning a lot of new phrases and are doing well speaking a new language.



Congratulations to the Barefoot Beats Team. They were winners, in conjunction with the Neighbourhood Renewal Team, Penrith Council, in the category “Outstanding Project Promoting Social Cohesion and Community Harmony” at the Zest Awards. Zest Awards celebrates the innovative and inspiring success that define

and distinguish our communities in Western Sydney. We had thirty students representing Colyton High School this year.

Barefoot Beats is a powerful dance-based project for students of Aboriginal, African and Pacific heritage at Colyton High School in 2016-2017 promoting cross-cultural awareness, creative collaborations and acceptance. Powered by a team of culturally-diverse Western Sydney artists, students learnt traditional dance moves and costumes from Majeda-Beatty, Joe-Tau and Tele-Tuivanu while sharing their own legends with each other.

Using storytelling through movement, students developed storyboards and worked with dance video artist Luke Frace-Mercado to create tow broadcast-quality micro-short films with the message ‘be yourself’. The project has fostered respect and pride at school and at home as well as a hunger for more opportunities to interact, collaborate a nd create.