com 225 persuasive evaluation

Kevin Qian COM 225 Professor Randy Persuasive Speech Evaluation After watching my Persuasive presentation on “Milk” I’ve concluded that there were definitely flaws that I’ve noticed throughout the presentation that I need to work on such as giving audience eye contact, improving my transitioning to one topic to another, and increasing the time limit of my presentation by incorporating more facts. Although there are flaws I’ve managed to establish through ethos by indicating that milk isn’t good for you health so daily milk drinkers can save on their monthly spending by not purchasing milk that centered the audience since it was a counter argument to Shannon’s persuasive speech. Also my thesis was clearly stated but I still needed to work on introducing all the main points of my presentation so I can be even more engaged with the audience. So I would say I did well on the thesis and gathering the audience’s attention, but I need to work on introducing the main points of my speech and a hook. During the body of my speech I was quite prepared. However, I really need to work on my transitioning from different facts. However, I felt my speech was still organized because I made a note card of topics to talk about starting from the production of milk, the chemicals they put

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Page 1: COM 225 Persuasive Evaluation

Kevin Qian

COM 225

Professor Randy

Persuasive Speech Evaluation

After watching my Persuasive presentation on “Milk” I’ve concluded that there

were definitely flaws that I’ve noticed throughout the presentation that I need to work on

such as giving audience eye contact, improving my transitioning to one topic to another,

and increasing the time limit of my presentation by incorporating more facts. Although

there are flaws I’ve managed to establish through ethos by indicating that milk isn’t good

for you health so daily milk drinkers can save on their monthly spending by not

purchasing milk that centered the audience since it was a counter argument to Shannon’s

persuasive speech. Also my thesis was clearly stated but I still needed to work on

introducing all the main points of my presentation so I can be even more engaged with

the audience. So I would say I did well on the thesis and gathering the audience’s

attention, but I need to work on introducing the main points of my speech and a hook.

During the body of my speech I was quite prepared. However, I really need to

work on my transitioning from different facts. However, I felt my speech was still

organized because I made a note card of topics to talk about starting from the production

of milk, the chemicals they put in the milk, the effects of milk on the human body, and

why we don’t actually need to drink milk. Therefore, I felt that I did well on educating

the audience with facts and telling them where the sources came from. However, I need

to improve on providing from facts to persuade the reader.

Furthermore, when it comes to my visual aid, it contributed to the thesis of my

speech because it showed that despite what those various mustache got milk celebrities

have been telling the audience for years, humans have no nutritional need for milk.

Therefore, visual aid of milk mustache celebrities helped strengthen the thesis. Also, after

the end of the presentation I’ve provided healthy alternatives for milk such as almond

milk, soymilk, and various greens that was shown on the visual aid presentation. So

overall I think it was a great visual art but I believe a sample of almond milk would of

been a worthy alternative to my visual aids.

Page 2: COM 225 Persuasive Evaluation

Last and not least, the conclusion is what I needed to improve the most. Like it

was quite obvious my speech was ending but I needed to review the various main topics

in my conclusion to fully persuade my audience instead of not giving my audience the

solid take away by finishing my speech with a bang. So to be honest I didn’t feel like I

did too well, because I needed improvement on restating the main points and the thesis.