com /n! son of mr. and mrs....

M NKWB Q Business IKrectory Plumbing - Heatii^ H . O ffhlingrr ABXNA. N. Y. TMepbMM U-B-11 Arkvillc Mobilgas Service Station JOHN HUGHES Tlrea Tube* Batteries , Wsahlng Oreasliig Jester’s Funeral Home Andes, N. Y. Phone Andes 2121 AMBULANCE SERVICE WATER WELXS DRILXED Speotallze In 6 and 6-in. Casing Prompt Service Terms Available DONALD BUTGHEB Bainbridge, N. ¥.> BD S CaU CoUect Sidney 4490 ARTESIAN WELL. DRILUNO All Work Guaranteed L. VANLOAN p. O. Box 42, Highmonnt, N. Y. Phone Pine Hill 3041 4, 41/ 2 , 6, 8-Xnch WeUs M argaretville Artificial Breeders Assn. ITie surest way to improve your herd is to use superior Brown Swiss, Holstein, Guernsey, Ayr- shire, Jersey, Black Angus sires. Donald Conine, Margaretville Phone IStil Robert Dailey, Andes Phone 2721 GFNERAL PLUMBINp and HEATEVG CONTRACTOR lobbing Promptly Attended To All Wonk Gnaranteed CHARLES ROSENDOBF Free Estimates Phone 41 Fleischmanns, N. Y. Specializing In Steering and Brs^e Service Wheal Balancing Wolding Frame and Axle Correction ' Phone 2064 BEAR MJNEMENT SERVICE MargaretvlUe Bridge St. Value Built by General Motors Your Key to Greater Value JOHN STOREY Phone 8^F-11, Margaretville All Types Plumbing & Heating No Job Too Large or Too Small Benefit SENIOR CLASS Margaretville CENTRAL SCHOOL GYM 1:45 and 8 :15 P.M . Tuesday, Msurch 16 Adults 90c, Studrats 50c, Tax Inci. Tickets on Sale by All Members THE JAMES M ClRC«5 15 BIGTOPGIRGUS 15 ACTS Stars Direct Ftam Televbloa Featurinc Great Bedell TroBpe Whiriwind Teeterboard ArUsta Famous Heerdinks Champion Bar Performers Cole's faiaops M ilifary Powet Siortall, Worli’s H igtist DW ig Dog Merris Bros., CcnieiyAcrobats World Renowned Clowns W ireArtists-rootlBggleft And Many Other Wonders j Rfteewtli faiwversary Tot I Biggar, Better. CranderThan Efcr ATreitFDfTlieEitlnFiBliii GIFTS BLACK CAT POTTERY Salt and # e i^ r Tea Poti Sugar and Creamer Bank Ash Tray M argaretville Gift Shop Op«i DaUy 9-5, Sat. 9-9 P.O. Building MargaretvUle DANCE Onteora Central School Bolcevllle FRTOAY, MARCH 12 Andes Central School FRIDAY, MARCH 19 Dry Brook Community Hall FRIDAY, MARCH 26 Fleischmanns High School FRHtAY, APRIL 2 EVERY SATURDAY NITE At Lexington Music by The Melody Boys SWITCH TO MILK lie PER POUND THEMSSEgVICE PEOPLE PREFER It’s Metered ywM^allvimiMsR. COMBINATION RANGE Coal and Gas A-1 Condition $100 Margaretville Elec. &.Gas Co. Phone 1511, Margaretville, N. Y. GALU-CURCI THEATRE M argaretville Phone 22S1 Margaretville Evening performances continu- ous from 7 p. m. Matinee Saturdays at 2 p. m. Friday-Saturday March' 12-13 Alaskan Seas” Robert Ryan - Jan Sterling —plus— “Private Eyes” Leo Gorcey & the Bowery Boys Sunday Monday Tuesday March 14-15-16 ''The Long, Long Trailer” LuciUe Ball Desi Arnaz Wednesday Thursday March 17-18 “Vice Squad” Edward G. Robinson 'Paulette Goddard —plus— “The Lady Wants Mink” Ruth Hussey - Dennis O’Keefe Friday-Saturday March 19-20 “Gun Fury” Rock Hudson - Donna Reed —^plus — ^Sky Commando’ Dan Duryea • Frances Gifford From The Pages OflhePa^ One Year Ago March IS, 1963 Pine flill—^Virgil German of Arltville was found dead in his pickup truck after it struck stone culvert and overturned. Margaretville — Seven - year- old John Huggins flow ed the ex- ample set by his four weeksi ago and broke his leg while ski- ing at Belleayre Moimtain. Pepacton—The Delaware aque- duct has been holed through at Lew Beach, linking the Pepacton and Rondout reservoirs 26 miles apart. Fleischmanns—A feimily of four persoi^ escaped, uninjured,' but without any personal belongings, when fire destroyed a three-story farm boarding house occupied by Dante DiBenedetto. Margaretville—March sun failed to overcome the cold air hovering over the mountauis, and tempera- ture^ were beloW normal for the first time this N^inter, dropping as low as minus five Wednesday morning, colder than at any time during February. Margaretville — Volunteers of the Margaretville Rotai-y club are building an air spotters’ shelter on the Margaretville baseball field. Roxbury—Quick discovery of a chimney blaze In the Clarence Burdick home prevented its des- truction. The fire was* held in check with an extinguisher and water buckets until the arrival of Roxbury firemen. Roxbury — Prof. Frederick K. Teichmann, a Roxbury native and graduate of Roxbury high school, predicted future speeds of 20,000 miles per hour in a speech at New York. Oliverea—The Central Catskills association has appointed a com- mittee to confer with Sen. Wicks about a new road between Boice- ville and Fleischmanns. Ten Years Ago March 10, 1944 MargareA^ille — Sgt. Murray Schrier was a member of a flying fortress crew which brought its badly damaged plane Dack to its base in England after a severe sky battle on a bombing mission over Germany. Dry Brook—An electric line is being built into Rider Hollow. Margaretville — MCS students gathered 12 tons of scrap paper, which was sold for $149. This was divided between the two Red Cross organizations. Dry Brook—^Pfc Charles Ingram has been awarded the purple heart for war wounds suffer^ in Italy. New Kingston—A posthumous silver star award for Sgt. Bruce Cow%n was presented by a group of Army officers to his sister, Mrs. Howard Ruff. Msurgaretville — An emergency allowance of penicillin released by the Army was rushed by state police relay from Albany to Mar- garetville, where it was used by Dr. Palen in an attempt to save the life of an eleven-year-old Downsville girl Ul with meningitis. Andes—Thermometers reached six to ten below zero March 5 and 6. Twenty Years Ago March 16, 1934 Margaretville — Running maple sap, boys’ m arble' g£unes and robins are a sure sign that the most severe winter this section has ever known has come to an end. Margaretville — Earl Jenkins, Ira E. Terry and George Merritt were unapposed for election as vil- lage trustees. Fleischmanns—A lively election is expected in Fleischmanns for three trustee posts, v^orris Hal- pern for police justice is the only unopposed candidate. Margaretville—^Wyckoff Myers, ll-year-ol(i piano prodigy and for- mer resident, participated in a concert at Palm Beach, Fla. Halcottville—The flooded base- ment of the Methodist church be- came frozen, and services have been canceled for several Sundays. Margaretville—Surface seepage continues to affect the taste of Margaretville water. Margaretville — A prominent angler, E. L. R. Phillips, says that the deep freezing of streams >^1 not affect trout fishing. THE KEYHOLE MargaretviUe Central School Staff Editor: Anna Wranovlcs Assembly news: Orilee Todd and Betty Cowan Grade news: Janet Robbins Typist: Lynn George Interviews: Gloria Roberts High scRom news: Alice Dough- erty Advisor: Mrs. Hjirvey Lawrence HALCOTTVILLE ■Interviews By Alice Dougherty Mrs. Harvey Lawrence was wel- comed to MCS as our new com- mercial teacher. Her permsment residence is Middleburgh. She is staying at Kelly Corners. Mrs. Lawrence is the mother of two little girls. To obtain the knowledge which she possesses for teaching, she attended Albany State Teachers college. Her favorite colors are a toss- up between blue and green, while ice cream is tops on her list of foods. The song “Amore” is the one which she chooses as her favorite. We are very glad to have her with us. Second, Grade NevMs By Barbara Roucek In room 103, we have been learning about community helpers. We made maps and painted them. Now we are working on pleins for a little post office in our room. We will make signs and then seil all kinds of stamps to people who want to mail their letters and cards in our post office. We are also writing a play about the com- munity helpers and a runaway box. By WilUam E. Griffln Halcottville, N. Y., March 8 The card dub met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Mead Friday evening. About 12 people attended. The WSCS met at the home of Miss Fannie Hubbell in Kelly Cor- ners last Thursday for an all-day meeting. Of a membership of 22, 20 were present. The next meet- ing will be held April 1 at the home of Mrs. Harry Hubbell Miss Marie E. Griffin of this village and Miss Eleanor Petts of Margaretville, ’ooth members of the Margaretville central school faculty, spent the weekend New York:. Elder Arnold H. Bdlows of Weit Hurley is the regular pastor.' F. Lee Keator of Kelly Comers and Henry Purchell of Roxbury, president and vice-president of the Catskill Mountain cht^ter of the Izaak Walton League, were in Uti^t last Saturday attending the first quarterly director’s meeting of the League at Utica. . - Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd A. Roberts of Coogerstown and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey S. Slauson of Albany spent the weekend at the homes of their respective parents in Hal- cottville. Huckleberry Brook Will Go to Japan A/2c Raymond M. Slauson of Chanute Air Force base, Rantoul, By Mrs. Edwin Gavett I Huckleberry Brook, N. Y., Mar. 9 Hydgewski spent the summer cottage his William weekend at here. Floyd Ingram of New Kingston 111., accompanied by his wife, the | was a weekend guest of his friend, former Alberta Finch of Vega, ar- Stephen Storey. , rived at their parents’ 'home last' ^rs. Richard Gavette and son, week to spend a short furlough Margaretville spent a before Airman Slauson starts for'day recently with Mrs. Edwin assignment in Japan. He is the Gavett. oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Hpward i t » nx u , ^ I Casper Bellows has sold his I cottage in Huckleberry brook to a party from New York city. Kindergarten 105 The children in room 105 made i books to send to several of the boys and girls who recently had their tonsils removed. They are Sally Huggins, Kathleen Scudder, and Carol Edgerton. Douglas Sluiter is also going to have his tonsils out. Slauson and has been in the serv- ice over two years. J. Brink Knickerbocker left last weekend to spend some time in Fishkill as the guest of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Charles Bogardus. Mrs. John Morse is a high blood pressure sufferer. Mrs. Benjamin Conklin is also ill at her home. She is abld to be up and about but is confined to her home. Mrs. Melvin Stahl and son, Wayne, were business visitors in Kingston Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harring- ton entertained relatives at their home lEist week/'Wednesday. i Howard Efubois of Roscoe is em- The Second Annual Cattle Show of Margaretville Artificial Breeders Co-op, Inc. Will Be Held Sometime in May, 1954 It is time to start picking out your favorite ani- mals and getting them ready to show. Show date will be announced later. For fiirther information contact Don Conine, M argaretville, or Robert Dailey, Andes. ,Sophomore Class News By Gloria Roberts The sophomore cljiss have been working diligently on plans for their first dance of this year. It is to be, a round and square dance, to be held this Friday, March 12. Because it is so near St. Patricks day, they are using green for decorations. With all of the hard work going into this dance, it should be a great success. Senior Class News By Alice Dougherty The Senior class of MCS have turned into salesmen. They are all busy selling tickets for “The Circus,” which they are sponsor- ing on Tuesday, March 16. There will be two performances, one in the afternoon and one in the eve- ning. Bring the family to see it. It has been enjoyed by both chil- dren and adults alike. The seniors are sure it will be a great success. ployed at the Loren J. Rojve farm in Bragg Hollow. Mr. and Mrs. "Oscar Case of Bristol, Conn., spent the weekend as guests of her sister and mother, Mrs. Mildred Sperling and Mrs. Elizabeth Bouton. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Street- er of Halcott Center called Sat- urday at the home of Mrs. Ida Mayes. Mrs. Nora German of Phoenicia was also a recent guest of Mrs. Mayes. The pancake supper held at the Grange hall here last week Wed- nesday evening brought $50. The next regular Grange meeting will be held at the haU on Monday eve- ning, March 15. Old School Baptist meeting was held -at the meeting house. Be- ginning in the near future, meet- ings wiU be held at the Yellow j Meeting House near Roxbury. | BOWLING Team standings: Essogals ________ Stout-Craft ! 5 w L 53 31 50 34 45 39 45 39 42 42 41 43 33 51 27 57 High team singles: Farmall, 886; Mobilgals, 8 ^ ; Arkvilla, High team triples: Farmall, 2592; Mobilgals, 2574; Arkvilla, 2504. High individual singles: B. Grif- fin, 211, 168: M. Pfarrer, 178; B. Gallo, 165; K. Barber, 159, 158; N. Griffin, 158. High individual triples: B. Grif- fin, 508: M. Pfarrer, 464; K. Bar- ber, 454; P. Barnes, 437; A. Rick- ard, 434; P. Sweeney, 434. Organization League Team standings; W L 60% 27% - 57% 30% — 50% 37% 47 41 — 44% 43% — 43% 44% 31 57 - 17% 70% D istrict W SCS Officers M et At Roxbury Thursday Roxbury, March 8.—A meeting of the Kingston district officers of the Women’s Society for Christian Service was held last week Thurs- day at the home of Rev. and Mrs. George B. Moody, Fleischmanns. Mrs. D. N. Secore of Kingston presided. Other officers present were Mrs. Gerald Hallenbeck of Catskill, Mrs. Milton Armstrong and Mrs. Robert Thompson of Saugerties, Mrs. Ellen E. Luce of Delhi, Mrs. Ira Bush of Catskill, Irma M. Griffin of Roxbury, Mrs. Harry France of Walton and Mrs. Carl Dodds of Treadwell. Plans were made for the spring conference of the Kingston WSCS to be held at Treadwell April 20, and other business matters dis- cussed. The members were asked to write to our representative in Congress, Mrs. Katharine St. George, to urge passage of the Bryson bill whifch would forbid the iadvertising of liquor w e r radio and television. High team triples: Masons, 2474; Inn Between, 2473; Tuttles, 2348. High team singles: Inn Between, 849; Tuttles, 847; Masons, 845. Top individual triples: H. Gar- rison, 546; D. Sanford, 544; F. Sanford. 537; W. Tweedie, 536; O. Whitney, 529. 200 games: D. Sanford, 216?No Suburban League Wilbur Electric __ Shavertown ____ F & F _____ - ___ 70 22 65 27 55 37 48 44 46 46 45 47 43 49 39. 53 33 59 16 76 High team triples: Furniture Store, 2435; New Kingston, 2402; Dry Brook, 2325. High 1:eam singles: Furniture Store. 884; Dry Brook, 863; New Kingston, 853. Top individual triples: H. Todd, 557; F. Ruff, 556; R. Robertson, 547; E. Traver, 533; H. Garrison, 312. 200 games: F. Ruff, 223; R. Felter, 221; H. Todd, 202; O. Haynes, 201. M ih M am m a ’s neu/ a v t o m a t i c Electric Clothes Dryer! You cam always keep ahead on baby’s and family’s clothes. Or, if you wish, wear ’em, wash em, dry ’em and wear ’em— all on the same day! NEW YORK STATE See Yowr Friemlly AppHance Dealerl ELECTRIC & GAS NOW l rotPOMAnC DIIVE* availabi* In oMFord and l-ton modab for '54. Fully autofflatic—no dutdiing, no manual ihifHngl Save tima, an«rgyl ^odel F-250 (shown), GVW 6,900 Ibi. Ntw POWa KAnS* now ovoilabl* on Ford Pickup NOW! roiOOMATIC DIIVE* ovaHabl* ior Ford S«ri«t NEWPOWU STHIIN6* available on most Big JOt (shown) and aU"V4-ton" modeU You fave on driving M 50 Parcel Delivery (diown). Fully automatic, cut* modeM Cuts steering effort as much at 75%. F-900 effort—your stopping It up to ona-tourth .•a iM ilop>and-go Hme. You handle bigger routes quidcerl (diown), GVW 27,000 Ibi., GCW 55,000 Ibi. N o o th e r tru ck lirie h a s th e m ig h ty co n cen tratio n o f p o w er y o u g e t in n ew FO R D TRU CK S Mor* Truck For Your Money! Put your goods on display the traffic .......................... where with -a dassified ad. is the heaviest HEW FOM CAI FOIWAIO modeisi New C-600 (shown). New C-9O0, 55,000 lbs. GCW, haub 35-ft. legoi-Pmit trailers in every State! New Driwizad Cab, fuH-vridth seat! NEWFAaOir-IUIlT t-WHBlEIS, up to 40,000 lbs. GVWI To haul loads up to i I m legal limit in oil Stated 1he*» Ford-built tandem axle itiodels are priced with the lowesH ' raxK Com /n! A. H. TODD & SON, INC •AnHM, atloK txtracotL Mightiest eoneentration of power per cubic inch ever tn any truck engine line! NEW OvsriMod Valves! NEW Hiflii CMnprassioal NEW low F iktionI NEW DMp-lbck DMipl NOW! FORD give^ you new greater power with proo^ gas economy, too! These new, smaUer-dj^Iacement engines that need less gas are now ^urs in ALL Ford’s m<»e t.hnn 220 truck models! TRIPLE K O N O M Y ! New economy imder the hood! New Ford Drwerized Cabs keep drivers firesh—booefe opeirating economy! W ith new Ford faxAaxy~ built t a ^ ^ axle 6-wheelers, Ford gives you economy of greater capacities! Main S tr^ t and Wagner Ave. neischmanns, N. Y.

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Page 1: Com /n! son of Mr. and Mrs. Hpward i ™ I Casper Bellows has sold hist» nx u , ^ • I cottage in Huckleberry




Business IKrectoryPlumbing - Heatii

H . O ffh ling r r ABXNA. N. Y.

TMepbMM U-B-11

A rk v illc M o b ilg a s

S e rv ic e S ta tio nJOHN HUGHES

Tlrea Tube* Batteries , Wsahlng Oreasliig

J e s te r ’s F u n e ra l H o m e

Andes, N. Y.Phone Andes 2121


WATER WELXS DRILXED Speotallze In 6 and 6-in. Casing

Prompt Service Terms Available

DONALD BUTGHEB Bainbridge, N. ¥.> BD S CaU CoUect Sidney 4490


L . V A N L O A Np. O. Box 42, Highmonnt, N. Y.

Phone Pine Hill 3041 4, 41/2 , 6, 8-Xnch WeUs

M a rg a re tv ille A r tif ic ia l B re e d e rs A ssn .

ITie surest way to improve your herd is to use superior Brown Swiss, Holstein, Guernsey, Ayr­shire, Jersey, Black Angus sires. Donald Conine, M argaretville

Phone IStil Robert Dailey, Andes

Phone 2721


CONTRACTOR lobbing Promptly Attended To


Free Estim ates Phone 41

Fleischmanns, N. Y.

Specializing InS te e r in g a n d

B rs ^ e S e rv ice

Wheal Balancing Wolding Fram e and Axle Correction

' Phone 2064


MargaretvlUe Bridge St.

V a lu e

Built by General Motors Your Key to G reater Value

JOHN STOREY Phone 8^F-11, M argaretville

All Types Plumbing & Heating No Job Too Large or Too Small

B e n e fit S E N IO R C L A S S


1 :4 5 a n d 8 :1 5 P . M .

Tuesday, Msurch 16Adults 90c, S tudrats 50c, Tax Inci.

Tickets on Sale by All Members




ACTSStars Direct F tam Televbloa

F e a tu r in cGreat Bedell TroBpe

Whiriwind Teeterboard ArUsta

Fam ous HeerdinksChampion Bar Perform ers

Cole's faiaops Milifary PowetSiortall, Worli’s Higtist DWig Dog Merris Bros., Ccnieiy Acrobats World Renowned Clowns

W ire A rtis ts - ro o tlB g g le ft

And Many Other Wonders j

Rfteew tli faiw versary To t IBiggar, Better. Crander Than Efcr



Salt and # e i^ r Tea Poti Sugar and Creamer

Bank Ash Tray

M a rg a re tv ille G if t S h o pOp«i DaUy 9-5, Sat. 9-9

P.O. Building MargaretvUle

DANCEOnteora Central School

Bolcevllle FRTOAY, MARCH 12

Andes Central School FRIDAY, MARCH 19

Dry Brook Community Hall FRIDAY, MARCH 26

Fleischmanns High School FRHtAY, APRIL 2


Music byT h e M e lo d y B oys






yw M ^allvim iM sR.


Coal and Gas A-1 Condition


Elec. &.Gas Co.Phone 1511, M argaretville, N. Y.


M a rg a re tv ille

Phone 22S1 M argaretville

Evening performances continu­ous from 7 p. m. Matinee Saturdays a t 2 p. m.

Friday-Saturday March' 12-13

Alaskan Seas”Robert Ryan - Jan Sterling


“Private Eyes”Leo Gorcey & the Bowery Boys

Sunday Monday Tuesday March 14-15-16

''The Long, Long Trailer”LuciUe Ball Desi Arnaz

Wednesday ThursdayMarch 17-18

“Vice Squad”Edward G. Robinson

'Paulette Goddard


“The Lady Wants Mink”Ruth Hussey - Dennis O’Keefe

Friday-Saturday March 19-20

“Gun Fury”Rock Hudson - Donna Reed

— plus —

Sky Commando’Dan Duryea • Frances Gifford

From The Pages OflhePa^O n e Y e a r A g o

March IS, 1963Pine flill—^Virgil German of

Arltville was found dead in his pickup truck after it struck stone culvert and overturned.

Margaretville — Seven - year- old John Huggins f lo w e d the ex­ample set by his four weeksi ago and broke his leg while ski­ing at Belleayre Moimtain.

Pepacton—The Delaware aque­duct has been holed through at Lew Beach, linking the Pepacton and Rondout reservoirs 26 miles apart.

Fleischmanns—A feimily of four persoi^ escaped, uninjured,' but without any personal belongings, when fire destroyed a three-story farm boarding house occupied by Dante DiBenedetto.

Margaretville—March sun failed to overcome the cold air hovering over the mountauis, and tempera­ture^ were beloW normal for the first time this N^inter, dropping as low as minus five Wednesday morning, colder than a t any time during February.

Margaretville — Volunteers of the Margaretville Rotai-y club are building an air spotters’ shelter on the Margaretville baseball field.

Roxbury—Quick discovery of a chimney blaze In the Clarence Burdick home prevented its des­truction. The fire was* held in check with an extinguisher and w ater buckets until the arrival of Roxbury firemen.

Roxbury — Prof. Frederick K. Teichmann, a Roxbury native and graduate of Roxbury high school, predicted future speeds of 20,000 miles per hour in a speech at New York.

Oliverea—The Central Catskills association has appointed a com­m ittee to confer with Sen. Wicks about a new road between Boice- ville and Fleischmanns.

T e n Y e a rs A go

March 10, 1944MargareA^ille — Sgt. Murray

Schrier was a member of a flying fortress crew which brought its badly damaged plane Dack to its base in England after a severe sky battle on a bombing mission over Germany.

Dry Brook—An electric line is being built into Rider Hollow.

Margaretville — MCS students gathered 12 tons of scrap paper, which was sold for $149. This was divided between the two Red Cross organizations.

Dry Brook—^Pfc Charles Ingram has been awarded the purple heart for war wounds su ffe r^ in Italy.

New Kingston—A posthumous silver star award for Sgt. Bruce Cow%n was presented by a group of Army officers to his sister, Mrs. Howard Ruff.

Msurgaretville — An emergency allowance of penicillin released by the Army was rushed by state police relay from Albany to Mar­garetville, where it w as used by Dr. Palen in an attem pt to save the life of an eleven-year-old Downsville girl Ul with meningitis.

Andes—Thermometers reached six to ten below zero March 5 and 6.

T w e n ty Y e a rs A g o

March 16, 1934Margaretville — Running maple sap, boys’ m arble' g£unes and robins are a sure sign that the most severe winter this section has ever known has come to an end.

Margaretville — Earl Jenkins, Ira E. Terry and George M erritt were unapposed for election as vil­lage trustees.

Fleischmanns—A lively election is expected in Fleischmanns for three trustee posts, v^orris Hal- pern for police justice is the only unopposed candidate.

Margaretville—^Wyckoff Myers, ll-year-ol(i piano prodigy and for­mer resident, participated in a concert at Palm Beach, Fla.

Halcottville—The flooded base­ment of the Methodist church be­came frozen, and services have been canceled for several Sundays.

Margaretville—Surface seepage continues to affect the taste of Margaretville water.

Margaretville — A prominent angler, E. L. R. Phillips, says that the deep freezing of streams >^1 not affect trout fishing.

T H E K E Y H O L EMargaretviUe Central School

StaffEditor: Anna Wranovlcs Assembly news: Orilee Todd and

Betty Cowan Grade news: Janet Robbins Typist: Lynn George Interviews: Gloria Roberts High scRom news: Alice Dough­

ertyAdvisor: Mrs. Hjirvey Lawrence


■InterviewsBy Alice Dougherty

Mrs. Harvey Lawrence was wel­comed to MCS as our new com­mercial teacher. Her permsment residence is Middleburgh. She is staying a t Kelly Corners.

Mrs. Lawrence is the mother of two little girls. To obtain the knowledge which she possesses for teaching, she attended Albany S tate Teachers college.

Her favorite colors are a toss- up between blue and green, while ice cream is tops on her list of foods. The song “Amore” is the one which she chooses as her favorite. We are very glad to have her with us.

Second, Grade NevMs By Barbara Roucek

In room 103, we have been learning about community helpers. We made maps and painted them. Now we are working on pleins for a little post office in our room. We will make signs and then seil all kinds of stamps to people who want to mail their letters and cards in our post office. We are also writing a play about the com­munity helpers and a runaway box.

By WilUam E. Griffln

Halcottville, N. Y., March 8

The card dub met a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Mead Friday evening. About 12 people attended.

The WSCS met a t the home of Miss Fannie Hubbell in Kelly Cor­ners last Thursday for an all-day meeting. Of a membership of 22, 20 were present. The next meet­ing will be held April 1 a t the home of Mrs. Harry Hubbell

Miss Marie E. Griffin of this village and Miss Eleanor Petts of Margaretville, ’ooth members of the Margaretville central school faculty, spent the weekend New York:.

Elder Arnold H. Bdlows of W eit Hurley is the regular p asto r.'

F . Lee Keator of Kelly Comers and Henry Purchell of Roxbury, president and vice-president of the Catskill Mountain cht^ ter of the Izaak Walton League, were in U ti^t last Saturday attending the first quarterly director’s meeting of the League a t Utica. .- Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd A. Roberts of Coogerstown and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey S. Slauson of Albany spent the weekend a t the homes of their respective parents in Hal­cottville.

H u c k le b e r ry B ro o k

Will Go to JapanA/2c Raymond M. Slauson of

Chanute Air Force base, Rantoul,

By Mrs. Edwin Gavett

I Huckleberry Brook, N. Y., Mar. 9 Hydgewski spent the

summer cottagehisWilliam

weekend at here.

Floyd Ingram of New Kingston111., accompanied by his wife, the | was a weekend guest of his friend, former Alberta Finch of Vega, ar- Stephen Storey. ,rived a t their parents’ 'home la s t' ^ rs . Richard Gavette and son, week to spend a short furlough M argaretville spent abefore Airman Slauson starts fo r'd ay recently with Mrs. Edwin assignment in Japan. He is the Gavett.oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Hpward i ™ t» nx u , •I Casper Bellows has sold his

I cottage in Huckleberry brook to aparty from New York city.

Kindergarten 105The children in room 105 made i

books to send to several of the boys and girls who recently had their tonsils removed. They are Sally Huggins, Kathleen Scudder, and Carol Edgerton. Douglas Sluiter is also going to have his tonsils out.

Slauson and has been in the serv­ice over two years.

J. Brink Knickerbocker left last weekend to spend some time in Fishkill as the guest of his daugh­ter, Mrs. Charles Bogardus.

Mrs. John Morse is a high blood pressure sufferer. Mrs. Benjamin Conklin is also ill a t her home. She is abld to be up and about but is confined to her home.

Mrs. Melvin Stahl and son, Wayne, were business visitors in Kingston Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. W alter Harring­ton entertained relatives at their home lEist week/'Wednesday. i

Howard Efubois of Roscoe is em-

T h e S e c o n d A n n u a l C a tt le S h o w o f

Margaretville Artificial Breeders Co-op, Inc.

W ill B e H e ld S o m e tim e in M a y , 1954

I t is tim e to s ta r t p ic k in g o u t y o u r f a v o rite a n i ­

m a ls a n d g e ttin g th e m re a d y to show . S h o w d a te

w ill b e a n n o u n c e d la te r .

F o r f i ir th e r in fo rm a tio n c o n ta c t D o n C o n in e ,

M a rg a re tv ille , o r R o b e r t D a ile y , A n d es.

,Sophomore Class News By Gloria Roberts

The sophomore cljiss have been working diligently on plans for their first dance of this year. It is to be, a round and square dance, to be held this Friday, March 12. Because it is so near St. Patricks day, they are using green for decorations. With all of the hard work going into this dance, it should be a great success.

Senior Class News By Alice Dougherty

The Senior class of MCS have turned into salesmen. They are all busy selling tickets for “The Circus,” which they are sponsor­ing on Tuesday, March 16. There will be two performances, one in the afternoon and one in the eve­ning.

Bring the family to see it. I t has been enjoyed by both chil­dren and adults alike.

The seniors are sure it will be a great success.

ployed a t the Loren J. Rojve farm in Bragg Hollow.

Mr. and Mrs. "Oscar Case of Bristol, Conn., spent the weekend as guests of her sister and mother, Mrs. Mildred Sperling and Mrs. Elizabeth Bouton.

Mr. and Mrs. George W. Street­er of Halcott Center called Sat­urday a t the home of Mrs. Ida Mayes. Mrs. Nora German of Phoenicia was also a recent guest of Mrs. Mayes.

The pancake supper held a t the Grange hall here last week Wed­nesday evening brought $50. The next regular Grange meeting will be held a t the haU on Monday eve­ning, March 15.

Old School Baptist meeting was held -at the meeting house. Be­ginning in the near future, meet­ings wiU be held a t the Yellow j Meeting House near Roxbury. |


Team standings: Essogals ________


!5w L53 3150 3445 3945 3942 4241 4333 5127 57

High team singles: Farmall, 886; Mobilgals, 8 ^ ; Arkvilla,

High team triples: Farmall, 2592; Mobilgals, 2574; Arkvilla, 2504.

High individual singles: B. Grif­fin, 211, 168: M. Pfarrer, 178; B. Gallo, 165; K. Barber, 159, 158; N. Griffin, 158.

High individual triples: B. Grif­fin, 508: M. Pfarrer, 464; K. Bar­ber, 454; P. Barnes, 437; A. Rick­ard, 434; P. Sweeney, 434.

Organization LeagueTeam standings; W L

60% 27%- 57% 30%— 50% 37%

47 41— 44% 43%— 43% 44%

31 57- 17% 70%

D is tr ic t W S C S O ffic e rs M e t

A t R o x b u ry T h u rs d a y

Roxbury, March 8.—A meeting of the Kingston district officers of the Women’s Society for Christian Service was held last week Thurs­day a t the home of Rev. and Mrs. George B. Moody, Fleischmanns. Mrs. D. N. Secore of Kingston presided. Other officers present were Mrs. Gerald Hallenbeck of Catskill, Mrs. Milton Armstrong and Mrs. Robert Thompson of Saugerties, Mrs. Ellen E. Luce of Delhi, Mrs. Ira Bush of Catskill, Irm a M. Griffin of Roxbury, Mrs. H arry France of Walton and Mrs. Carl Dodds of Treadwell.

Plans were made for the spring conference of the Kingston WSCS to be held at Treadwell April 20, and other business m atters dis­cussed. The members were asked to write to our representative in Congress, Mrs. Katharine St. George, to urge passage of the Bryson bill whifch would forbid the iadvertising of liquor w e r radio and television.

High team triples: Masons, 2474; Inn Between, 2473; Tuttles, 2348.

High team singles: Inn Between, 849; Tuttles, 847; Masons, 845.

Top individual triples: H. Gar­rison, 546; D. Sanford, 544; F. Sanford. 537; W. Tweedie, 536; O. Whitney, 529.

200 games: D. Sanford, 216?No

Suburban League

Wilbur Electric __Shavertown ____F & F _____ - ___

70 2265 2755 3748 4446 4645 4743 4939. 5333 5916 76

High team triples: Furniture Store, 2435; New Kingston, 2402; Dry Brook, 2325.

High 1:eam singles: Furniture Store. 884; Dry Brook, 863; New Kingston, 853.

Top individual triples: H. Todd, 557; F. Ruff, 556; R. Robertson, 547; E. Traver, 533; H. Garrison, 312.

200 games: F. Ruff, 223; R. Felter, 221; H. Todd, 202; O. Haynes, 201.

M ih M a m m a ’ s neu/

a v t o m a t i c

E l e c t r i c C l o t h e s D r y e r !

You cam always keep ahead on baby’s and family’s clothes. Or,

if you wish, wear ’em, wash em, dry ’em and wear ’em—

all on the same day!


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NOWl rotPOMAnC DIIVE* availabi* In oM Ford and l-ton modab for '54. Fully autofflatic—no

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Ntw POWa KAnS* now ovoilabl* on Ford Pickup NOW! roiOOMATIC DIIVE* ovaHabl* ior Ford S«ri«t NEW POWU STHIIN6* available on most Big JOt (shown) and aU "V4-ton" modeU You fave on driving M50 Parcel Delivery (diown). Fully automatic, cut* modeM Cuts steering effort as much at 75%. F-900 effort—your stopping It up to ona-tourth .•a iM ilop>and-go Hme. You handle bigger routes quidcerl (diown), GVW 27,000 Ibi., GCW 55,000 Ibi.

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NOW! FORD give^ you new greater power w ith proo^ gas economy, too! These new, smaUer-dj^Iacement engines th a t need less gas are now u r s in A LL Ford’s m<»e t.hnn 220 truck models!

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Main S tr^ t and Wagner Ave. neischmanns, N. Y.