combating compassion fatigue and burnout in cancer care

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  • 8/20/2019 Combating Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Cancer Care


    Combating Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Cancer CareLinda Emanuel, MD, PhD, Frank D. Ferris, MD, FAAPHM, Charles F. on !unten, MD, PhD, "aime H. #on $oenn,MD

     "une %&, '%((

    Editor's Note:

    This text has been excerpted and adapted from: Emanuel LL, Ferris FD, von Gunten CF, Von Roenn ,eds! EPEC)*+ Education in Palliatie and End*o-*li-e Care -or +ncolog/ "odule #$:Cancer Doctorsand %urnout&, Cop'ri(ht  The E)EC* )ro+ect, Chica(o, L, -..$&! The EPEC) /0 curriculum 1as

     produced b'  The E)EC* )ro+ect , 1ith ma+or fundin( provided b' the 2ational Cancer nstitute, and 1ithsupplemental fundin( provided b' the Lance 3rmstron( Foundation!

    Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Cancer Care

    0orking as a healthcare proider 1ith patients 1ho hae cancer has man re1ards, but can also bechallenging and stress-ul. Healthcare proiders caring -or persons 1ith cancer and their -amilies are atincreased risk o- deeloping burnout and compassion -atigue, 1ith potentiall deastating conse2uencesnot onl -or themseles, but also -or patients and -amilies.

    3his oncologist is sho1ing eidence o- burnout ** anger, e4haustion, and detachment. His co1orkersoice concerns.


    Burnout, a pschological sndrome, is a response to chronic interpersonal stressors on the +ob. 5(6 3heconcept o- burnout 1as -irst deeloped in the (78%s. 5'6

    3he 9 ke dimensions o- this response are

    • :ndiidual oer1helming e4haustion; -eelings o- being oere4tended and depleted o- one and detachment -rom the ?ob. Cnicism re-ers to a

    negatie, callous, or e4cessiel detached response to arious aspects o- the ?ob; and

    • @el-*ealuatie sense o- ine--ectieness and lack o- accomplishment ** :ne--ectieness re-ers to

    -eelings o- incompetence and a lack o- achieement and productiit at 1ork.

  • 8/20/2019 Combating Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Cancer Care


    Pines suggests, 3he root cause o- burnout lies in people than those in priate adult oncolog practice /&9>.

    @till other studies b !raham and $amire= hae -ound prealence rates on 9 dimensions o- burnout -rom(9 to 9G, 1ith an estimated prealence o- pschiatric diagnoses among oncologists o- 'G. 5('6

     Another stud o- 97 head and neck surgeons, also using an inestigator*constructed 2uestionnaire,-ound that 9 o- respondents reported -eeling burned out, '8 indicated -rustration 1ith disease, &8indicated -rustration 1ith goernment, and G indicated -rustration 1ith the economics o- medicalpractice. 5(96

    :n the nited ingdom, the percentage o- clinicians reporting high leels o- e4haustion on the MaslachBurnout :nentor 1as similar to that o- the normatie sample /9( s 99, respectiel>. 5(,(6 Amongboth the cancer clinicians and the normatie sample, 99 reported a sense o- lo1 personalaccomplishment. @igni-icantl -e1er o- the cancer clinicians reported high leels o- depersonali=ationcompared 1ith the @ sample /'9 s 99, respectiel>. :n general, Iorth Americans reported higherleels o- burnout than did Europeans. 5(6

    :n a stud b Cancer Care +ntario, the comparable -igure -or phsician e4haustion 1as 9.9; -or alliedhealth pro-essionals, 98.(; and -or support sta--, 9%.. Almost hal- /7> o- phsicians reported hainglo1 -eelings o- personal accomplishment, as did o- allied health pro-essionals and 9(. o- supportsta--. 5(&6 3he -eelings o- depersonali=ation in the Canadian group 1ere similar to those o- the sample,1ith ''.( o- phsicians /s .9 o- allied health personnel and . o- support sta--> reporting -eelingso- depersonali=ation. 3hese -igures ma be uni2ue to +ntario, or ma indicate an increase in stress inoncolog partl as a result o- eer*increasing 1orkloads and limited resources.

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     A stud o- oncologists, housesta--, and oncolog nurses -rom Memorial*@loan ettering Cancer Centerreported that housesta-- e4perienced the most burnout, emotional e4haustion, -eeling o- emotionaldistance -rom patients, and a poorer sense o- personal accomplishment. 5(86Iurses reported more phsicalsmptoms than housesta-- or oncologists; ho1eer, the 1ere less emotionall distant -rom patients.

    Potter and co1orkers 5(76 inestigated the prealence o- compassion -atigue and burnout among oncolognurses, using the Pro-essional Jualit o- Li-e $eised, ersion :# /ProJ+L $*:#> scale, a commonl used

    instrument -or measuring the positie and negatie e--ects o- 1orking 1ith people 1ho hae e4periencede4tremel stress-ul eents 5'%6. :t consists o- 9 subscales, measuring compassion satis-action, compassion-atigue, and burnout. Among the (9 respondents /mostl registered nurses 5$Is6>, sta-- 1orking oninpatient nursing units had the highest percentage o- high*risk compassion satis-action scores. High*riskscores -or compassion -atigue 1ere e2ual among inpatient and outpatient sta-- /98 and 9respectiel>; but o- inpatient sta-- /s 99 o- outpatient sta--, a non*signi-icant di--erence> 1ere athigh risk -or burnout. +ther studies o- oncolog nurses -ound bet1een 98 and 8 reporting highemotional e4haustion, ((*8 reporting high depersonali=ation, and '%* e4periencing lo1personal accomplishment.

    @imon 5'(6 e4amined the prealence o- secondar traumatic stress among oncolog social 1orkers, and-ound that the e4perienced compassion -atigue and burnout, 1hich 1as inersel related to compassionsatis-action and that empath 1as compromised b compassion -atigue.

    @ome studies 5''*'6 seem to indicate that hospice and palliatie care phsicians and nurses -are better thantheir oncolog associates 1hen it comes to compassion -atigue and burnout, 1hereas other studiesdispute this. :n studing hospice nurses, Abendroth and Flanner 5'6-ound G% to be at moderate to highrisk -or compassion -atigue.

    3aken together, these studies illustrate that healthcare proiders caring -or persons 1ith cancer/phsicians, nurses, social 1orkers, and others>, e4perience signi-icant rates o- compassion -atigue andburnout.

    $isk Factors -or Burnout and Compassion Fatigue

     A number o- indiidual, cultural, and personalit characteristics are associated 1ith burnout andcompassion -atigue. +rgani=ational -actors also pla a role.

    Individual Risk Factors

    :ndiidual characteristics can be related to burnout. Ho1eer, these associations are 1eaker than those-or burnout and situational -actors, suggesting that burnout is more a social phenomenon than anindiidual one. 5(6

    Age. People ounger than % ears o- age hae more burnout than those older than % ears o- age. Ageis con-ounded 1ith 1ork e4perience, so burnout ma be a greater risk earlier in one

  • 8/20/2019 Combating Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Cancer Care


    Cultural Factors

    0hen phsicians in 3he Ietherlands 1ere compared 1ith those in the nited @tates, older phsicians inthe nited @tates reported a greater sense o- control oer their 1ork enironment compared 1ith ounger phsicians, 1hile in 3he Ietherlands this age di--erential 1as much less pronounced. 5'76

    :n the nited @tates, male phsicians described haing signi-icantl more 1ork control than -emale

    phsicians. European 1orkers generall tended to hae lo1er aerage leels o- e4haustion and cnicismcompared 1ith similar Iorth American samples. @ome aspects o- burnout, particularl cnicism, ma bemore acceptable in the strongl indiiduali=ed Iorth American culture, or the orientation to1ard higherachieement in Iorth American societ ma cause more stress. 5(6


    Compulsiveness. 3he compulsie characteristics o- phsicians, 1hen present in con?unction 1ith othercharacteristics o- oerl controlled emotions and lo1 need -or rela4ation and pleasure, makes the medicalstudent, and later the phsician, more ulnerable than others to depression, alcoholism, pschiatricdisorders, and suicide. 59%6 An oncologist said, Lots o- us 1ho -eel oerloaded and oer1orked create itourseles. 0e start dancing to a tune that ou, and sho1 greater inolement andsatis-action 1ith their 1ork. 59'6

    "evelopmental sta#ilit. Phsicians 1ith the least stable childhood and adolescent ad?ustment haebeen identi-ied as being the most ulnerable to occupational ha=ards. 5996

    Personalit c!aracteristics. 3he personalit characteristic o- hardiness, consisting o- commitment,control, and challenge, is associated 1ith improed coping among house sta--. 59%,9,96 Hardiness isassociated 1ith less demorali=ation and a greater sense o- accomplishment. Housesta-- and nurses haea lo1er sense o- accomplishment than oncologists. 5(86 $esilience has been -ound to be an importantcharacteristic in coping 1ith negatie circumstances. :n his stud o- pediatric oncolog nurses, Kander-ound that the resilience correlated 1ith hope, sel-*e--icac, control, competence, and coping. 3hose 1itha range o- positie coping strategies -ared better than their counterparts 1ho emploed a narro1 range o-coping strategies, or 1ho used negatie coping strategies. 59&6

    $evel of Social Support and Spiritualit%Religion

    Female phsicians 1ith oung children are % less likel to e4perience burnout 1hen the hae thesupport o- colleagues, spouses, or signi-icant others in balancing 1ork and home issues. 5'86 :n anealuation o- burnout among nurses, -ello1s, and oncologists, those 1ho reported being 2uite a bit toe4tremel religious had lo1er leels o- diminished empath or depersonali=ation and less emotionale4haustion on the Maslach Burnout @cale, compared 1ith those 1ho 1ere not as religious. 5(86

    &ork $ife

    $ong !ours. Burnout is strongl associated 1ith long 1ork hours and 1ork*home inter-erence in both thenited @tates and 3he Ietherlands.5'76

    'olume of work. 3oo high a olume o- 1ork, 1ith inade2uate sta-- to do the ?ob properl, leads to

    pressure to make deadlines, con-licting demands on time, and disruption o- home li-e as a result o-e4tended 1ork hours. 5(&6 3he combination o- being oerloaded, e4periencing inter-erence 1ith one

  • 8/20/2019 Combating Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Cancer Care


    displa or suppress emotions on the ?ob, re2uirement to be emotionall empathic>, and has -ound thatthese emotional -actors account -or additional ariance in burnout scores oer and aboe ?obstressors. 5(,986

    Models o- Burnout

    $ecent research has -ocused on the degree o- match or mismatch bet1een the indiidual and & domains

    o- the ?ob enironment. 5(6 3he greater the (ap or mismatch bet1een the person and the enironment, thegreater the likelihood o- burnout. 3he greater the match or -it, the greater the likelihood o- engagement1ith 1ork. Mismatches arise 1hen the process o- establishing a pschological contract leaes criticalissues unresoled, or 1hen the 1orking relationship becomes unacceptable to the indiidual. Mismatcheslead to burnout.

    3he -ollo1ing & areas o- 1ork li-e come together in a -rame1ork that encompasses the ma?ororgani=ational antecedents o- burnout

    (. 0orkload

    '. Communit

    9. Control

    . Fairness

    . $e1ard

    &. #alues

    Burnout arises -rom chronic imbalances bet1een a person

  • 8/20/2019 Combating Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Cancer Care


     A number o- li-estle management techni2ues ma help reduce one.

    +a#le ,. Signs and Smptoms of Burnout


    Lo1er 2ualit o- care




    !astrointestinal disturbances


    @ta-- turnoer 

    Lo1 morale

    Phsicalemotional e4haustion

    0eight loss

    :mpaired ?ob per-ormance /decreased empath, increasedabsenteeism>

    Deterioration o- phsician*patient relationships

    Less satis-action, desire to reduce time spent seeing

  • 8/20/2019 Combating Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Cancer Care


    patients, greater likelihoodo- ordering tests or procedures, greater interest in earlretirement

    :nabilit to leae 1ork /1orking longer and longer hours>,absenteeism, less ?obsatis-action, lo1er sense o- personal accomplishment

    Management o- Burnout and Compassion Fatigue

     A paucit o- eidence*based interentions has been sho1n to be e--ectie -or either the preention or thetreatment o- compassion -atigue or burnout in healthcare proiders caring -or persons 1ith cancer.Preliminar inestigations and anecdotal and empirical reports o--er suggestions such as communicationskills training, stress management 1orkshops, sel-*care behaior coaching, indiidual counseling,mentoring programs, sta-- retreats, and sabbaticals.

    +ne program that has been studied and -ound to be e--ectie is the Accelerated $ecoer Program/A$P>, a *session coprighted protocol deeloped to address the smptoms o- compassion -atigue andburnout in caregiers. 5(6 A Certi-ied Compassion Fatigue @pecialist 3raining -or A$P 1as deeloped, and-ound to be e--ectie in reducing smptoms o- compassion -atigue in participants 1ho attended the train*the*trainer sessions. 5'6

     Another approach that has sho1n promise in small obserational and a -e1 controlled clinical trials ismind-ulness*based stress reduction /MB@$>. :t combines mind-ulness, meditation, and oga in astructured G*1eek program, and has been demonstrated to reduce stress, increase coping, and improeempath in health pro-essionals 1ho complete the program. 596 +- interest, inestigators studingindiiduals 1ho hae undergone MB@$ training hae identi-ied, on 1hole brain analsis, increases in gramatter densit in seeral areas o- the brain, including the posterior cingulate corte4, the temporo*parietal

     ?unction, and the cerebellum, 1hen compared 1ith pre*interention and controls.56

    Preention and earl detection are thought to be the best approaches to minimi=e the risk -or seriousconse2uences -rom burnout and compassion -atigue. A ariet o- li-estle management techni2ues mahelp healthcare proiders maintain balance in their lies and reduce the risk -or burnout /3able '>.

    +a#le -. $ifestle Management +ec!niues

    Monitoring -or and recogni=ing smptoms earl

    Maintaining good nutrition

    Maintaining spiritual li-e; meditating; spending time innature

    !rieing losses e--ectiel

    $educing oertime 1ork

  • 8/20/2019 Combating Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Cancer Care


    E4ercising aerobics, oga, 2i gong, tai chi

    Maintaining energ $eiki, healing touch, therapeutictouch

    Maintaining a sense o- humor 

    @eeking consultation i- smptoms are seere

    Discussing 1ork*related stresses 1ith others 1ho sharethe same problems;isiting counterparts in other institutions; looking -or ne1solutions to problems

    Meier and colleagues 56 recentl proposed an approach to phsician a1areness that inoles identi-ingand 1orking 1ith emotions that can a--ect patient care. Although originall proposed 1ith the phsician inmind, the approach has applicabilit to other healthcare pro-essionals. 3he approach inoles looking athealthcare pro-essional, situational, and patient risk -actors that can in-luence proider emotions andpatient care. 56 3he steps include

    (. :denti- the -actors that predispose to emotions that might a--ect patient care.

    '. Monitor -or signs /behaioral> and smptoms /-eelings> o- emotions.

    9. Iame and accept the emotion.

    . :denti- possible sources o- the emotion.

    . $espond constructiel to the emotion.

    &. @tep back -rom the situation to gain perspectie.

    8. :denti- behaiors resulting -rom the -eeling.

    G. Consider implications and conse2uences o- behaiors.

    7. 3hink through alternatie outcomes -or patients according to di--erent behaiors.

    (%. Consult a trusted pro-essional colleague.

    More research needs to be done on organi=ational changes to reduce burnout. Hierarchical organi=ationsthat oeremphasi=e standardi=ation and e--icienc, combined 1ith increasing e4pectations o- per-ection/b patients, corporations, and colleagues> ma promote burnout and reduce the 2ualit o- pro-essionalpractice. 5&6 3he underling theme in burnout and 1ork engagement is that group and management

    processes hae to promote more open -utures in 1hich emploees are better able to deplo their gi-ts inmeaning-ul 1as and gro1 as human beings.

    :t ma be essential to measure the moral climate, assess the culture o- each 1orkplace, and ealuatespiritual concerns o- sta--. 3he latter might include clari-ication and strengthening o- meaning and purposeconducie to both personal italit and that o- the organi=ation.

    :nterentions that combine changes in managerial practice 1ith educational interentions, on the basis o-the & areas o- 1ork li-e, ma reduce burnout. 5(6 People ma be able to tolerate heaier 1orkloads i- thealue the 1ork and -eel the are doing something important, or i- the -eel 1ell*re1arded -or their e--orts.

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    :nterentions can target alues and re1ards. A stud b Fallo1-ield and co1orkers 586 sho1ed thatimproements in communication skills o- oncologists leads to more personall and pro-essionallre1arding consultations, 1hich can hae a signi-icant impact on clinical care and the 1ell*being o- bothpatients and phsicians.

    Points to $emember 

    Burnout is prealent among cancer care proiders and phsicians. 0omen are more o-ten a--ected bburnout than men. Age is an independent predictor o- burnout, 1ith a higher prealence o- burnout inpeople at earlier stages o- their careers. 3o preent ** or address ** burnout, monitor oursel- -or signs andsmptoms o- burnout and compassion -atigue. 3he li-estle management techni2ues 1ill help oumaintain balance in li-e and reduce the risk -or burnout. Changes in management strategies combined1ith educational interentions ma -urther reduce burnout.

    /e +ake01ome Points

    • e dimensions o- burnout are e4haustion, cnicism, and a sense o- personal ine--ectieness;

    • Burnout o-ten presents as a -eeling that ou don

  • 8/20/2019 Combating Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Cancer Care


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    Medscape Iurses Q '%(( 0ebMD, LLC

    Cite this article Linda Emanuel, Frank D. Ferris, Charles F. on !unten, et. al. Combating Compassion Fatigue andBurnout in Cancer Care. "edscape. "un %&, '%((.