comet winter 2014 newsletter

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  • 8/10/2019 Comet Winter 2014 Newsletter


    Communities of Maspeth and Elmhurst Together

    Newsletter Winter 2014

    NYS DOT and 104th Precinct

    Target Maspeth Truck Trafc

    Photo by Tom Porembski

  • 8/10/2019 Comet Winter 2014 Newsletter


  • 8/10/2019 Comet Winter 2014 Newsletter


    COMET Winter 2014 Pg. 3

    Important Message from 104th Precinctto Owners of Older Vehicles!

    The 104th Precinct is happy to report that major crime

    in the precinct is down 5.2% for the year. Although we

    are doing a great job in reducing robberies, burglariesand felony assaults, auto the remains a problem in the

    neighborhood, which by itself is up 4.1% from last year.

    Auto thieves are targeng older model cars,

    parcularly Hondas, Toyotas and Ford Econoline vans

    that are eight years of age or older. They target these

    vehicles because New York State law does not require

    a tle for these older vehicles, and the thieves can

    scrap these cars for quick cash at junkyards without

    being asked to produce a tle.We urge our community

    members to exercise care when parking vehicles by

    ensuring their car doors are always locked, and no

    valuables are le inside the glove box, door pockets or

    passenger compartment. Spare keys should never be le

    anywhere inside your car, as these will enable a thief tosimply drive away aer gaining entry to your car. A good

    deterrent to prevent auto the is to use the Club to

    lock the steering wheel.

    Please take advantage of the Police Departments

    many auto the programs such as Combat Auto The,

    Beat Auto The and VIN Etching by contacng our Crime

    Prevenon Ocers PO Hya or PO Collado at 718-386-

    6223. Also, as the holiday season approaches, we urge

    our community to be aware of their surroundings and

    protect their valuables, as this is a me where property

    crimes tend to increase. Thank you and be safe.

    Captain Christopher Manson, Commanding Ocer & Captain Gregory Mackie, Execuve Ocer

    School Bus ParkingWoes at PS 229

    Residents and school

    ocials were nding

    private school buses,

    not contracted by the

    City, being parked

    overnight, weekends and even longer on 67th Street,51st Road as well as Maurice Avenue in the connes of

    the 104th Precinct around PS 229. It was suspected that

    an auto repair business on 51st Avenue, located in the

    108th Precinct, was the culprit. However, the body shop

    owner said they didnt belong to him even though folks

    saw his workers parking them there.

    Then, along came Captain Gregory Mackie our new

    Execuve Ocer at the 104th Precinct. We provided

    him with the list of buses contracted by the City which

    was passed on to us by Jo Ann Berger our School

    Liaison. Captain Mackie went to the locaon and issued

    summonses on November 6th. Except for a couple of

    stragglers, which Captain Mackie said hell monitor, most

    of the buses have been moved. The 104th School Unit

    issued violaons for double parking and no standing. As

    a result, residents have more parking aer school hours

    and children can get on and o the buses safely at the

    curb rather than walking into the street to their double-

    parked bus. Great job, Captain Mackie!!

    104th Precincts MaspethGrafti Removal OperationIn mid-October Captain Manson and his team spent

    the morning covering the gra scribble at numerous

    Maspeth locaons that were passed on to us by

    community residents. Comet provided money towards

    paint and supplies thanks to funding from Assembly

    Member Marge Markey and Council Member ElizabethCrowley.

    Photo by Tom Porembski

    Photos by Tom Porembski

    Captain Christopher Manson, 104th Precinct

  • 8/10/2019 Comet Winter 2014 Newsletter


    Pg. 4 Winter 2014 COMET



    Great Taxi TowWe couldnt have been

    happier to see the numerous

    livery cabs that have beenhogging parking spaces in

    the vicinity of St. Marys

    Wineld, 70th Street at 48th

    Avenue, being towed by

    the 108th Precinct! Captain

    Brian Hennessy, the former

    Commanding Ocer at the

    108th Precinct, did a fabulous

    job helping us address this

    and other chronic problems

    in Wineld during his stay with us. We were sorry tohear he was transferred to the 115th Precinct.

    Unfortunately, the liveries have returned. PO Tiany

    Annese, the 108th Condions Team Ocer assigned

    to our community, has promised to connue the tow

    and summons operaons in the area.

    Photo by Geraldine Walsh

    104th Precinct & NYS DOTTarget Maspeth Truck Trafc

    On October 28th, the 104th Precinct and the NYS

    Department of Transportaon conducted a truck

    operaon on Grand Avenue at Remsen Place in

    Maspeth. Numerous summonses were wrien and

    NYS DOT towed ve trucks for various violaons.Local residents and businesses are adversely

    impacted daily by the several thousand huge tractor

    trailers, looking to avoid e-ups on the BQE that use

    Grand Avenue.

    Captain Manson, 104th Precinct, said he hopes to

    do more operaons on a regular basis.

    108th Precinct Crime

    Prevention TipPO Eli Gani, 108th Precinct Crime Prevenon

    Ocer, warns motorists not to leave licenses,

    registraon cards or other idenfying papers a

    thief could misuse in your vehicle. The Naonal

    Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) recommends the


    If you park in a commercial lot or garage, leave

    only the ignion key with the aendant. Do not

    keep your license, registraon or tle in the car.

    If le, thieves can use these documents to sell

    your car if it is stolen, or impersonate you when

    they are challenged by the police. Owners who

    indiscriminately leave keys, registraons and

    other idenable material in their vehicles may

    return to their residence only to nd that they

    are the vicm of a burglary!

    PO Tiany Annese,

    108th Precinct

    Photos by Tom Porembski

  • 8/10/2019 Comet Winter 2014 Newsletter


    COMET Winter 2014 Pg. 5

    108th Precinct Targets

    Wineld/Woodside GraftiIn mid-October, we spoed Captain Brian Hennessy

    and his troops, including our Community AairsOcers PO Luis Diaz and Marc Torres, covering gra

    in the vicinity of 70th Street and 48th Avenue which is

    a short distance from St. Marys. They not only cleaned

    the gra, they also picked up trash and weeds

    making it look much

    cleaner. Their presence

    added to the acvity in the

    area since the Long Island

    Railroad was working on

    the trestles. See our story

    about the railroad work.

    Thank you!

    Wineld Quality of

    Life ConditionsOK, we know a lot more work has to be done in the

    Wineld/Woodside area that is zoned manufacturing

    The 108th Precinct is working with us to address the

    problems. What amazes us is once we address an

    issue, another one seems to crop up! We hear yourconcerns and will connue to be persistent. Heres

    what we spoed in early November

    48th Avenue at 70th Street - liveries returned within a couple ofweeks of the 108th Precinct's "Great Taxi Tow"

    69th Place between Gareld and 51st Avenues -

    bakery business storing trucks

    Numerous vehicles parked without plates,

    especially along 70th Street between 48th

    and 51st Avenues

    School buses being stored on 51st

    Avenue shortly aer 104th Precinct did

    enforcement by PS 229

    48th Avenue at 70th Street - sign

    covered with pigeon droppings. Counci

    Member Elizabeth Crowley's oce ha

    reported this to NYC DO

    Photos by Tom Porembski

    We were pleased to see a

    "boot" on an ambulee.

  • 8/10/2019 Comet Winter 2014 Newsletter


    Pg. 6 Winter 2014 COMET

    LIRR Update Wineld/Woodside

    Thanks to the eorts of Assemblyman Michael DenDekker, work is at fulthrole under the trestles of the Long Island Rail Road at 70th Street and

    48th Avenue in Wineld/Woodside. While we were taking photos of the

    liveries being towed by the 108th Precinct, Comet member Tom Porembsk

    spoke to one of the workers who told him the project will take approximately

    one year.

    The concrete from the base of the pillars is being removed, the crumbling

    walls are being reinforced and any other structural issues will be addressed

    Both Assemblyman DenDekker and Council Member Crowley are trying to

    get the trestles power washed on a regular basis to remove the huge amount

    of pigeon droppings that constantly accumulates under the structure on

    the sidewalk. Parked vehicles can be seen covered with droppings. We are

    hopeful that either Assemblyman DenDekker or Council Member Crowley

    will be able to obtain funding to install some deterrent to keep the pigeons

    from cooping there.

    Good News from Councilman Danny DrommWe were pleased to hear that the city will be cracking down on illegal clothing bins that have sprung up

    throughout the City under a bill passed by the City Council. The legislaon allows NYC Department of Sanitaon

    to remove the bins immediately and ne the owner $250 or up to $500 for repeat

    oenders. The number of bins reported skyrocketed from 97 in 2012 to 2,093

    by the end of the scal year in June. Councilman Dromm is a strong supporter

    of this legislaon.

    Comet member Richie Polgar reported one of these clothing bins that was

    dumped near Elmhurst Park during the summer. It laid there for a couple of

    months and became a magnet for even more dumping. We want to thank

    Michael Mallon from Councilman Dromms oce for pushing the agency to get

    rid of this eyesore.

    Important Reminder: Snow & Ice RemovalEvery owner, lessee, tenant, occupant, or other person having charge of any lot or building mustclean snow and/or ice from the sidewalk within 4 hours aer the snow has stopped falling, or by

    11:00 am if the snow has stopped falling aer 9:00 pm the previous evening. Snow may not be

    thrown into the street. If the snow or ice becomes frozen so hard that it cannot be removed, the

    sidewalk may be strewn with ashes, sand, sawdust or a similar suitable material. The sidewalk must

    be thoroughly cleaned as soon as the weather permits. Complaints can be called into 311. Fines

    range from $100-$150 for the rst oense.

    Photos by Tom Porembski

    Clothing bin on Grand Avenuenear Elmhurst Park

    Photo by Richie Polga

  • 8/10/2019 Comet Winter 2014 Newsletter


    COMET Winter 2014 Pg. 7

    from the piles of trash outside the building. They also

    stated that porons of the contract were not available

    for public viewing prior to the hearing.

    As this newsleer goes to press, we have not

    received any updates with regard to this proposed

    contract. A group of residents formed a coalion calledElmhurst United. They will monitor this issue closely

    We commend them on the hard work they have been

    doing on this important issue.

    C.O.M.E.T. is Moving Our Meeting PlaceBeginning February 2015, Comet will be holding meetings at St. Adalbert, 52-40 84th Street.

    Enter through the side entrance closer to Grand Avenue. Parking is available.

    The reason we are moving is because Pastor and Mrs. Kim advised us that the NY Bethzatha Church of God propertyhas been sold and they will be leaving at the end of December. They have been part of the Elmhurst Community for 20

    years. They will be missed.

    Monday, February 2nd

    Monday, March 2nd

    Monday, April 13th

    Newsletter CommitteeMike Fordunski, Dick Gundlach, Christina Wilkinson, Richie Polgar, Tom Porembski, Geraldine Walsh,

    Linda Daquaro, Shirley Warren, Roe Daraio, Maspeth Press

    A Special Thank You!This newsleer is made possible by funding from Council Members Elizabeth Crowley, DanielDromm and Jimmy Van Bramer though the Department of Youth & Community Development.

    State funding allocated to Comet by Assembly Member Marge Markey went towards the

    Memorial Day Parade and gra removal.

    On November 13th, Elmhurst, Maspeth and

    Woodside residents aended a Public Hearing in the

    maer of a proposed contract between the Department

    of Homeless Services

    and Samaritan Village to

    operate a Stand Alone

    Transional Residence for

    homeless families at the

    former Pan Am Hotel. The

    total contract amount is

    $42,470,904. The contract

    term would run from 12/6/14 to 6/30/19 with a four-

    year renewal opon from July 2019 to June 2023.

    Some residents held up signs while others spoke

    and voiced their concerns about the warehousing

    of homeless families in one room with no cooking

    facilies, more overcrowding of the already over-

    capacity schools in District 24, lack of transparency

    and no advance noce to the community that a

    shelter was slated for their community. The fact that

    no criminal background checks are done to insure

    no pedophiles or violent criminals are living there

    was stressed as well as the rodent problem resulng

    Pan Am Homeless Shelter Update

    Photos by Geraldine Walsh

  • 8/10/2019 Comet Winter 2014 Newsletter


    C.O.M.E.T., INCP.O.Box 780151

    Maspeth, NY 11378




    Flushing NY

    Permit #1264

    Communities of Maspeth and Elmhurst Together

    Newsletter Fall 2014

    Printed by

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