coming home to divine pr ence · your brain gradually rewires itself to the brilliant reflection...

Armation Se These powerful affirmations help you remember who you are as a majestic creator being of light, love and tremendous wisdom. Keep affirming your greater self as you step into the magnificent expression of who you really are. Your brain gradually rewires itself to the brilliant reflection you are projecting. Your cellular biology will respond and begin creating new neural pathways for consciousness expansion. Include the affirmations in your daily spiritual practice. Affirm with bold strength and divine conviction. Coming Home to Divine Pr ence

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Page 1: Coming Home to Divine Pr ence · Your brain gradually rewires itself to the brilliant reflection you are projecting. Your cellular biology will respond and begin creating new neural

Affirmation Series

These powerful affirmations help you remember who you are as a majestic creator being of light, love and tremendous wisdom. Keep affirming your greater self as you step into the magnificent expression of who you really are. Your brain gradually rewires itself to the brilliant reflection you are projecting. Your cellular biology will respond and begin creating new neural pathways for consciousness expansion.  Include the affirmations in your daily spiritual practice. Affirm with bold strength and divine conviction.

Coming Home to Divine Presence

Page 2: Coming Home to Divine Pr ence · Your brain gradually rewires itself to the brilliant reflection you are projecting. Your cellular biology will respond and begin creating new neural



You will be even more inspired by r e c o r d i n g y o u r s e l f s a y i n g t h e affirmations.

You can simply use your phone.

Then, play back the recording using headphones while listening to your own powerful voice giving the great commands f rom your spir i tual prowess.

Play your recorded voice at the gym, while walking in nature, doing yoga or while waiting in line.

You will be amazed at how beautiful this process can be and what great changes can potentially be the result.

There are 11 sets of affirmations for each module of the program.

You will receive the affirmations as each module is taken.

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Prodigy of Principle

Through the Law of Grace, I invoke and empower a greater alignment with the spiritual laws that govern the universe. May this alignment reveal effortlessly throughout all aspects of my life.

In the name of peace, I call forth a grand house-cleaning of my thoughts and feelings. Holy Spirit, please purify the totality of my consciousness, that I may be a clear and focused vehicle for inspired ideas.

I ask that this vibrational realignment into right divine order now ripple out to fortify the mantle of love which magnetically bonds the entire human race.

Let God’s light and love and power restore the plan on Earth.

* My consciousness is born from and permanently resides within the vast macrocosmic body called God awareness, or existence itself; the primary source from which everything emanates.

* I am an aspect of God in the flesh. Wholeness resides within me. I have never ever been separated. I have never ever been abandoned. I chose this human experience.

* I am shifting my mind's default by consistently placing my focus upon the greater, and with the highest version of who I really am. I am allowing that greater self, my beloved Divine Presence, to be the one and only navigator of my life.


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* To have an intention is to have purpose. To have intent is to know the meaning behind what I do.

* Clarity of my intentions and then grounding them firmly in my conscious awareness will set the infinite organizing flow of my Divine Presence into its every fulfilling action.

* When I stand unified with Divine Principle, all is magnetized to me in spontaneous flow, in perfect timing and in just the right quantity. No strenuous effort is required.

* I am within God and God is within me. I am one unified whole. The sum total of all of my thoughts, actions and beliefs is the way that God expresses itself through the unique gateway that is me, as a human channel.

* There is no greater power than the Divine Presence within me."

* Reality reflects my state of mind. State of mind reflects my reality.

* I am the creator in the physical reality. My current reality is a mirror to what is going on inside of me. My current reality has manifested as a result of my innermost dominant thoughts.

* I have the inner power to change any condition in my life that is not in resonance with my preferred reality. Higher vibration always consumes and transforms lower vibration.

* By affirming my intentions through positive daily action, a magnetic field of resonance completely shifts towards that intention. I am highly productive as an active co-creator in the manifestation process.

* In this phase of my evolutionary leap, my microcosmic human is going macro. I am expanding into bigger and bigger expressions of me, as a great radiant being.

* I am what my deepest desire is. As my desire is, so is my intention. As my intention is, so is my will. As my will is, so is my deed. As my deed is, so is my destiny.


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Soul Fusion

Through the influence of the unified field, I invoke vibrational support from the masters of light as I transition into greater embodiment of my soul-infused personality.

May this multidimensional tapestry continue to uplift and empower my every thought, word, action and feeling as I move throughout my day.

Beloved Presence, please weave this resonant field of personal mastery into the world consciousness so that we may help each other in unity consciousness. Thy Will be done.

* Initiation is my greatest life quest. As I learn and expand, I experience greater levels of truth and greater levels of the one true self to experience."

* I am thinking in wider and more inclusive terms. The desire to serve is strong. A greater creativeness has manifested within me. The lower centers are motivated and impelled by higher impulses.

* I am realizing my true self as an eternal and limitless being, one with the Divine Presence. * I do not place a priority on my human identity and there is no emotional attachment to my physical form. I recognize my physical body as a sacred temple that houses the Divine Presence.* My physical body is pure. The fogs of emotional glamour are dissipating. The illusions of the mind are dissolving.


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* My entire human energy system is spiritualizing. I feel liberated, expanded and peaceful. I am in full acceptance of the divinity inherent in all things. I am openhearted and generous.

* I am not a fearful or worrisome person. There is no longer a sense of struggle or suffering. My consciousness is rooted and grounded in love, wisdom and compassion. I regard everyone as my equal.

* I have control over my mind and thought processes. I do not feel confusion. My thought forms are clear and well defined. If discordant thoughts enter, they are immediately recognized and transmuted.

* I am thinking in wider and more inclusive terms. The desire to serve is strong. A greater creativeness has manifested within me. The lower centers are motivated and impelled by higher impulses.

* I am in direct communication with my Source through a soul-infused personality. I stand in perfect alignment with Divine Presence.

* I can perceive beyond the form and what the human senses are reading to the brain. I am receiving from many aspects of my existence and from many dimensions of awareness. * I know that my greater truth is always evolving as I expand into greater dimensions of myself. Therefore, any judgment towards another person and their version of truth is impossible.

* An inclusive attitude is shown in my walk and my talk. As a result, I am more universally aware and working from the frequency of collective coherence through the faculties of intuition, telepathy and active intelligence.

* A greater creativeness has manifested within me. Total commitment is with the realization of my oneness with humanity, to which I dedicate my life in service.

* I unequivocally know myself to be pure consciousness, experiencing life in a human body while radiating a force of light that greatly affects every person I meet.

* As I am raised up, all life is raised with me.


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Repolarization to Divine Mind

From the core of my Divine Presence, I call forth the diamond brilliance of my Higher Mind to enter into the deepest regions of my thoughts and feelings.

As this light intelligence permeates my consciousness,

My perceptions are expanding into the planes of pure spiritual power.

My receptivity to subtle soul impressions is increasing exponentially.

My blueprint of perfection is bursting forth in every particle of my being.

Holy Spirit, please clear and empower the pathways of light reaching into every human mind. Inspire maximum connection to the silent wisdom of God in every human heart.

Thy Will be done.

* My polarization is shifting to Divine Mind.

* I am transitioning my thinking to engage a more dominant thought structure, as one with Divine Mind, in order to reach my highest potential to where 'thought' can aspire."

* I am light intelligence. My brain is built upon God cells. I am naturally endowed with brilliance. There is a divine intelligence and directing influence that pervades every cell of my human form.


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* It is through my increasing capacity as a thinker that enables me to enter into the superconscious mind housed within my own individual being. All is truly within."

* I am a creator made in the image and likeness of my prime creator parent. Therefore, all realities lie within me and all realities are created by me.

* Physical reality is created by what I deem it to be.

* Everything is here for a reason. The circumstances in my life are giving a perfect experience for the soul and its evolutionary advancement.

* Stressful conditions have absolutely no power over me. The moment I cease feeding the condition with my energy, it no longer has life and, thus, it ceases to exist altogether.

* I choose to simply stop all thinking that perceives limitation of any type. I absolutely refuse any and all appearances of limitation in my life. I refuse to 'perceive' it as limitation. Then, I will no longer abide within it.

* In my refusal to accept limitation or any form of negativity in my life, I make grand departure from the paradigm of suffering.

* I am always taken care of and provided for.

* I already have all that I need within my own powerful being. It has only been through my separated imaginings that I have experienced reflections of suffering and limitation in my life.

* My Divine Presence is the God power. It governs all manifestation in my life perfectly. It is the power producing it and the force sustaining it.

* It is from this state of knowing, that every question is answered and every thought that I think produces a vibration that coheres my energy. * I am made of divine essence. I am one with divine mind. I live inside the very body of absolute source. I am divinity through the form.

* When I recognize perfection, I am that perfection. There is no other recognition. It is all God. I am an extension of that divinity.


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Your Masterful Reflection

In the name of divine intervention, I invoke the awesome power of my mind's capacity to create the most dynamic and inspiring realities.

I give thanks for the purification of my thoughts and feelings. I am so grateful for the total empowerment of my internal mirror to reflect only my highest preferences. Divine Presence, thank you for bringing me into total coherence with my life’s reflections. Through the light of spirit shining in the one mind of humanity, the reflections held in the mass consciousness are shifting for the highest good of all. A more vibrant and loving reality is now revealing everywhere.

* Reality reflects my state of mind. State of mind is the fuel to manifestation. As I perceive, life expresses.

* My thoughts control every single thing that happens in my unique and individual reality. I am my own entire universe.

* Everything in my life is reflecting my thought vibration.

* Whatever I am thinking, feeling and projecting, whether consciously or unconsciously, goes right into the mirror of physical reality. This mirror responds by giving me back a reflection.


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* I am in control of life's mirror by what I perceive to be true or what I believe I deserve.

* As a powerful creator, to change any pictures in my manifesting reality, I simply shift the thought that holds the belief in place.

* I have to first make this change on the inside so that mirror of outer experience can reflect a different picture.

* The first and most important step to create the reality I prefer is to always validate my self.

* Whatever it is that I perceive about another individual, I am forcing that quality into my own experience, whether negative or positive.

* By matching my vibration with the object of desire, I enter into an experience that corresponds to the very vibration of my thoughts and feelings.

* To be in the highest relationship with life, I love the self by loving all others. I love all others by loving my self.

* I place high value upon my life and how I am choosing to navigate it in order to learn and evolve. I honor my choices and am consistently living the true frequency of my core values.

* Self-validation is a masterful reflection.

* I am within God and God is within me. God, as my individualized Divine Presence, is experiencing itself through me as a human channel. This is my highest alignment and truth.

* I can master the game of life simply by acting only upon my inspiration and what gives me inner jubilation.

* The reality I choose to create is determined by my attitude. This sets up the sequence of causes and effects in my life.

* I am truly a creator God in training, disciplining my body to serve as channel to receive the currents of universal mind.


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Pillars of Divine Embodiment

From the silent sanctuary of my heart, I call forth a profound reconnection with my beloved source of life.

Through this grace of union,

* My beautiful being is opening to receive the blessing of divine intimacy.

* The universal light is empowering the deepest states of wholeness within me.

* My whole existence is aligning with the absolute perfection of Divine Presence. Beloved Creator, please send these jewels of unified awareness through the fields of higher consciousness to support spiritual reunification of the entire human race.

May your loving Will be done.

* My presence and very existence is founded upon the surrender to my one and true Beloved.

* I am fully accepting and loving my self, just as I am right now together with all of my experiences.

* Self-validation, self-respect and self-acknowledgement put me right in touch with the Divine Presence of my being.

* I consistently validate all of my experiences and situations as a blessing, full of meaning and an orchestration for my highest good.


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* Self-love is the gateway to divine intimacy.

* I am not defined by outside forces, including other people’s opinions.

* To love my self at the deepest level is to simultaneously know and experience the Divine Presence manifesting in my life. As a result, this becomes the pure mirror of my thought energy.

* I am aligned and living my true fundamental self. I am inspired and act upon that inspiration without hesitation.

* I am living my life according to my preferences and experience these inspired flows as joy, creativity and love.

* How I view myself is how I am inclined to interpret the world. It all begins within me.

* It is when I am in coherence with my greater self in daily communion that I am led down the path of non-stop opening doors.

* To be divinely embodied, I am holistically integrated from within. This brings pristine and seamless integrity to my entire energy field.

Through the quality of integrity, I create life reflections that mirror this holistic blending. This is my true power!

* My thoughts match my feelings; my feelings match my actions. I walk my talk in every way.

* I am an individualized Divine Presence. I exist now, only in this now moment. This moment is my only home, past, present and future combined.

* Presence is my natural state. I am fully present and centered. I am free from regretful thoughts, petty nuisances and future worries.

* When I am my natural, most authentic self, I can recognize the conflict-free zone of being perfectly centered in abundant life energy.


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Expanded Sense Perception

In the name of absolute clarity, I invoke the vast awareness of my Divine Presence to assist the continual expansion of my sensory capability.

As this wave of unifying light floods my consciousness…

True spiritual vision is blessing my mind. Expanded perception is empowering my thoughts. Rapturous union with my Source is revealing.

Beloved Creator, please establish an ever-expanding radiation of coherent and inspired thought within the global mind. We are deeply blessed by the love of your sustaining Presence.

* The Divine Presence is that aspect of brilliance that lives with me at all times as the voice of conscience.

* Through the internalization of my consciousness, I can shift beyond the human senses and tap into the blissful tone of Divine Presence reverberating through every particle of my body.

* Liberation into expanded sensory perception is actualized by learning how to expand into the formless, not bound by rigidity or the walls of separation.

* I am instrumental in my ability to positively influence others through expanded sense perception.


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* I gracefully evolve into the higher senses as I embrace more expansive views and consistently regard the bigger picture.

* My perceptual capability is expanding beyond the human dimension and is able to detect the finer, subtler vibratory fields.

To develop sensory sensitivity, I am raising my vibration to elevate above mass consensus realities. The faculties of the higher senses are developing because I am mentally calm, emotionally stable and have cultivated a deep sense of inner peace.

* The more that my perception can bend and flex, the more that my inner vision opens to see beyond the form and beyond the body bound senses. When the awareness is interiorized, the entrance is found more easily into the purity of my spiritual reality.

It is from the stillness that I am gifted with the sight to see beyond the form, where there is no more identity to the human; only to spirit and the holy vibration that I am.

* The more that I perceive from the higher senses, the more that greater truths are revealed. * I am a visionary of great sensitivity, able to tap into information from other dimensional frequencies.

* My mind is always attuned to the guidance of my higher mind. Through this attunement, I can co-create and magnetize all that I need and require.

* I am consciously responsive to impressions from the dimensions of Divine Mind.


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Opening the Channels to

Higher Knowledge

COME Divine Presence of my being and pour the universal light more intensely through my consciousness now. Show me how to open the channels to higher knowledge.

EXPAND my higher spiritual senses to their maximum capacity. Assist me in navigating life as an eternal being.

AWAKEN a deeper understanding of my all-inclusive holistic nature. Show me what lies behind the veil of material reality.

Almighty Spirit, please restore the memory of my multidimensional origins to the conscious mind of every person on Earth.

May the joy of existence reveal more profoundly through us all. And so it is.

* I am learning how to live from a greatly expanded perception that brings through information from the impalpable and the invisible.

* It is from mental stability that the intelligence of Divine Presence is purely influencing my thinking.

* I am learning how to perceive from the bigger picture. This expanded viewpoint constantly reflects the multiple meanings and inherent unity of life's reflections.


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* When I am focused in the intelligence of the abstract mind, this level of consciousness is like a doorway. It provides access to a blended union with my higher mind.

* Once the mind and emotions are stable, my Divine Presence can work in collaboration with the personality.

* Divine Presence is reorienting my physical brain and entire consciousness to function through high states of coherence.

* I can focus the consciousness easily with clear thought processes.

* I am not dependent solely upon my brain but also with a channel of attunement that goes beyond the cognizing intellect.

* My wise and compassionate heart and the mind's intelligent awareness are joined and operate as a single entity.

* As a result of soulful and aligned thought, the antahkarana bride is building, joining my human mind to the higher mind. It is fortified by a sincere desire to be of service to others.

* The building of my antahkarana helps me to be consciously responsive to impressions from the language of light.

* My pineal gland is expanding into a multidimensional antenna.

* As my pineal gland becomes stronger and more active, my ability to access information from the higher mind is dramatically increasing.

* The channel of my pineal portal is open and expanding. I rhythmically move with the voice of my greater conscience. * I am navigating life through the unfailing voice of divine intuition and the harmonic rhythms of synchronicity.


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Dissolving the Duality Within

In the name of transcendence, I invoke a much deeper attunement to the vast field of coherent, divine love that guides and sustains the entire universe.

Through this frequency attunement, I invite the transforming power of love’s intelligence to help restore an expanded awareness of wholeness to my mind and feeling bodies.

Beloved Creator, please empower a greater development of my multidimensional abilities so I can stay firmly anchored in a more holistic worldview at all times.

May the light of Divine Presence now go forth to activate the highest levels of expanded perception in the one consciousness of humanity.

Let the truth of our oneness set us free.

And so it is.

* There is only one overarching power in the universe and this field of energy is omnipresent, pure divine love. * All dualities are mind-born illusions that keep me divided. Therefore, I choose to no longer perceive things from the lens of duality, as either black or white, but with multidimensional, holistic view.

* My mind formulates perceptions from the absolute totality of being.

* Through divine perception, I am in constant observation and keen discernment in how I am qualifying both my talk and my walk.


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* Transcending duality means to be the 'unattached observer' of what is happening all around me, while not allowing myself to get triggered, or pulled into anything of a divisive vibration.

* I am transitioning away from the dual lens and perceiving from the wholeness of life.

* When I know the self and the Divine Presence to be one, unified entity, every thought I think produces a vibration that coheres my energy. This coherence becomes the reflective mirror of my life experiences.

* If I truly experience from the eyes of divinity, in the sense that all is a part of a harmonious whole, then I do not create a conflicting pole; thus, no tipping of the dualistic scales occurs.

* I am simply a witness to all that is rising and falling. I do not fight anything; neither am I conflicted. I just am, accepting of all.

* Everything is here for a reason. The circumstances in my life are giving a perfect experience for the soul and its evolutionary advancement.

* I maintain my focus only upon what I am doing, the bigger picture of my life.

* I walk in equanimity. From this neutralized composure, I live life in the eternal now with an evenness of mind that is undisturbed and unattached to anything of the temporary world.

* Equanimity is my real nature. It is realized from the remembrance of the one consciousness at play in the weavings of my daily life.

* The Divine Presence dwells in me and I dwell within this magnificent creation field. My entire being resides inside the body of absolute perfection.

* One of the greatest services that I can give to life is to simply be a bright beacon and neutralizing pillar while selflessly invoking Divinity... to be in this world, but not of it.


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Ego Transcendence

By and through the power of God, I invoke a complete recalibration of my ego complex into the oneness vibration.

I ask that a great surge of universal light intelligence now move in, through and around my multi-body matrix, stimulating maximum synergy and fusion.

Divine Presence, please activate the deepest embodiment of compassionate love and personal sovereignty in my life expression.

May this vibrational shift within me radiate out to help accelerate the most profound revelations of unified awareness in every sphere of life.

Thy Will be done.

* My entire energy hologram is recalibrating into the oneness vibration.

* I am allowing the ego to relax and step aside so that another, more advanced intelligence can take the reins.

* To fully embody my expressive potential, I am allowing the death and dissolution of the ego's hold to happen.

* I am dissolving the monkey mind and its control over my free will.

* Calling Divine Will to me creates an enormous infusion of spiritual energy into my life that supersedes the will of the ego and awakens new realizations.

* I am consciously merging with the greater Will, so that this holy determination becomes the pure mirror of my thought energy.


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* When I regard all aspects of my uniqueness as part of one, unified whole, then that whole can flow through me and support me. * I am learning how to thrive as a divinely inspired human expression. This is a rich inner experience, which reflects as holistic integrity and absolute wholeness. * I am empowering my personal sovereignty by authentically expressing who I truly am and how I choose to express. * I fully accept everyone based on his or her authentic soul expression that is experiencing life in this unique schoolroom called Earth. * Compassionate love is the basis for all of my decisions. My love is all-inclusive and radiates to all of life. * I am removing the fear driven perceptions and the electrically charged responses exerted by the ego and its drive to be the controller over thought.

* I am letting go of all attachment to self-identity and perceived self-importance.

* With my inner awareness as the only guide, I am letting go of the need to confirm my identity and forward movements through external resources.

* I am learning how to consistently regard the bigger picture and from the wholeness of life. My body is now recalibrating into this vibrational resonance. * Any and every way that my vision and dreams reflect to me the understanding of my unified self is reflected in my external world.


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Building Spiritual Radiance

In the name of the holy AUM, I invoke the invincible action of Divine Love, Wisdom and Power, to blaze through the full expanse of my consciousness.

Saturate my thoughts, feelings, actions and words with this triple wave of universal light, amplifying the radiant power of my human expression.

Open the channels for divine joy to flow freely from my greater self into my illumined conscience, increasing my ability to positively influence the world.

Beloved Creator, please initiate the most profound recalibration in the human race. Align every person with the radiant vibration of divine love.

Thy Will be done.

* Overcoming my limitations is very important to my spiritual development. This mastering of energy beautifully results in greater levels of radiance. * I am evolving as a radiating presence. I am firmly anchored in the resonance of my highest preferences. I affirm and validate my beautiful self by following what inspires me and brings me joy.

* It is through living a humble life, without attachment or dependency upon anything outside of the self, that I am making transition into a clear vehicle for the wisdom and generosity of God's love.

* As divine love is expressed in service to others, I release creation’s unlimited storehouse of supply. If I truly love, I cannot help but give. To give is to expand and thus the Law of Love is fulfilled.


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* The purity of my greater love gives constantly as its inherent nature, requiring nothing back in return. With no expectation of return, it is impossible to avoid receiving.  The energy is returned to me, amplified, through the natural fulfillment of the law.

* The love of my Divine Presence is always with me. This love is all giving. All of my needs are taken care of at all times.

* Active service in the spirit of generosity is one of the most significant understandings to realizing myself as part of the benevolent God force. 

* My attitude is to live and serve. I ask nothing for myself and do not need any type of reward. The act of giving is the reward.

* It is through humility and meekness that I am able to serve as an effective vessel to radiate the light of love and its transforming grace.

* My spiritual radiation is a form of vibrational medicine within the unified field of interconnected energy.

* Spiritual radiation is a living remedy empowered by my divine alignment and coherence with the unified field.

* Once I am able to sustain my vibration with the love of my Divine Presence, my entire energy field naturally becomes a useful channel.

* As a radiating channel of love, I can best assist those who are challenged by what I have already overcome.

In my role as love's radiator, I essentially form a bridge between worlds and serve as a guardian of the divine light.

* In this guardianship, I am sustaining and building upon its momentum by consistently and consciously qualifying every thought, word, feeling and action with the power of love.


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Empower Your Magnificence

In the name of total empowerment, I acknowledge the blazing light of my true Self, burning bright within me. With deep gratitude, I bow to this inner Divine Presence, allowing the full embodiment of my magnificence to come forth now. By and through universal law, I affirm:

My human biology is revealing the unimaginable brilliance of my dormant potential. The light of grace is flooding my entire consciousness, inspiring harmony and beauty wherever I go. My perceptions are shifting into wholeness and acceptance, unveiling the truth of my divine nature.

Beloved Presence, please send forth the light of remembrance to penetrate deep into the mass consciousness, restoring peace to the global mind through self-empowered union. Thy Will be done.

* I am an aspect of God in the flesh.

* I am within God and God is within me. We are one unified whole. The sum total of all my thoughts, actions and beliefs is the way that God expresses itself through the unique gateway that is me, as a human channel.


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* I live, move and breathe inside the body of God, of absolute source. I have never, ever been separated.

* I am already self-realized, liberated and free.

* My consciousness is born from and permanently resides within the vast macrocosmic body called God awareness, or existence itself; the primary source from which everything emanates.

* Divine Presence is my true nature. I am an imperishable, eternal and individualized identity that is also a part of every other human being.

* Divine Presence is my greater self. My Divine Presence is the non-physical component of my self that acts as a conduit to all other dimensional aspects of my self.

* I am the entire universe and one small fragment of my consciousness is experiencing itself in the form of a human being.

* My unique consciousness existed before my human aspect was born. It has always existed and always will exist.

* My Divine Presence is always communicating with me and supporting me.

* When the thought of the Divine is held while carrying out my daily life activities, this supreme energy percolates into my personality. It starts expressing in my actions, feelings, and speech. 

* My Divine Presence is the God power. It governs all manifestation in my life perfectly. It is the power producing it and the force sustaining it. * When I stand unified with this divine principle, all is magnetized to me in spontaneous flow, in perfect timing, and in just the right quantity.

* I function from a state of divine immanence. I know, without any fiber of doubt, that the omnipresent nature of God permeates all aspects of my life.

* There is no greater power than the Divine Presence within me.

* I am so blessed.

