commas that set off added elements commas that set off

Commas That Set Off Added Elements {Nonessential Expressions) * Practice 1 Commas With Nonessential Expressions A noneaseniitd repression, ahnn or long. ;!lv«-. additional iniormacjof! afitui somronf or so:r>etjur>n in a sentence. Because ti can be left, out without changing the !jna»c mt'tanin,' ol irt« scmenr:*:, u is s?'t off \VIL : > rtsinitias. ESSENTIAL AN!) NQNESSENT1AL EXPRESSIONS My cousin ft a? cym/jutf? cxyieri ;s growing rich : Cathy, a imupwer tuspcrrf. ktiow5 BASIC anci COBOL. Essenliai: Tli'- man ztunrbtvj in a;e corridor is the pnJicipaJ. AtoncsseruiaL D>. Rogers. (*oi/> stanainct in the corritiur. is die principal. J EsserUial- The bov u?ho fines «-. .'//•? new ht«,ise plavs the French horn. ! Norwrsi^nnac My tnusiij Phil, whf Hues- in Uu> ruir hrjuw. plays rise Frencli horn. Uxj n g Commas With Nonessential Expressions. Add commas io sei ofT ncuiettsciitia) expressions. Not every sr.nterici- contains* a nonessaittaJ expression EXAMPLE." Our new car a used Fore) has radial tires. Our new car. a used Ford, has radial Sires j JjK'kie Rctairison A fine hitter was ciarinti mnner. U. The ,ttj! who leads thr chorus speaks Mire? languages ;. Me!icids«c»nn who was born in ISOfi «ave his lirst pertbnrnantt; a; the age o: nine. 4 Aiex vv);n w;.;; ks ari::i school rualvcs ihe Honor Roll each war . 5 Tli? Jiows-rs gmv.'inf; in the wijjrtov bo>; \vr.n: purrrhaMed ir. a j'lursttv. "j" uu.'nv-a isic capital tn' Curuicia is a beautiful, clean eirv 7 T)v? ? a:*r rcrnrrter tiiat lv wants is very expensive. S The siur. 1 TJK Scui'ici ll-iis" is atxjut the relationship ofiwo bnitfjers i j Tliis is Saaciniore Jlill UK- home oi ThecxiorR r<oos«n p e!t. 1'j .'vash-.UIc whi« ii is neat UK: center of T'lerincsst-c is the harm: of country music Writing Essential and Nonessential Expressions. Complete eacii semerjw:. Set 08 LJJI- tiontssentiy] expressions, \vitii co EXAMPLE: Htrr shoes a ,t^rr<>,''smittois. xvere surprisingly uncoruforuibk!. wiJi tell you where hti, aJTiir is J: Wr '•isttecl ,S;-u-. Fiautiscc and i-<js. Annies 0 Marrli WHS, rapidly ar>proachjng •1. SLOIJ In, <iDij set- Mrt Hanlinj; ?; TIR procran-. was v<vv ;xirin^. ft. 1'hr 1^11 _ is rnv bmtjifr's ~ His f;::imi!.V-titrr tutors students in snath a. S^ncXx will he st:rvrd a' intermission. 9 Wi- sa.'v siidr.s o: mv t«'«i lavortic !•'.' was barkm« loudly. Date Commas That Set Off Added Elements (Nonesseniiai Expressions) « Practice 2 Using Commas With Nonesientif.! Expressions. Add commas i.u set oil all nonessentiuj expressions! an the following senteniT^s. E&A.MPLE.' JLsmeniida our curious a.nd trie: dos£ ni-jes io expiurr the ueight>orh<xid. Esrneraldii, our crurims^ a.nd iriendly dog. likes expiore tlie neighbortorf. t. My ortriodanLisJ who jus'i ram? ijack frrxu a trip co Hawaii lightened my bracts iL Tne woman wiiu was hired as a companv madr soitit line suggestions io the- nKinasemftns. >'. The President's wife is the on« boarding the plane n«hr now;. 4= Cililgraphy the art oi"b«tut51'ui wriling takes practice and skill ;j; order for one to become prolicienr ;u u w Tne suit worn by the mtxJd on Ihe left probaoiy costs a fort; ine S. The museum held !h? saddle of John Wayne ont- of the must fcarnous HoUywixtci aFwbws 7" f-iavf; you ever visited the Alamo a fascinating building i\- Texas? S Yosemite Falls which drops 2,4Ii5 Jw.t to tht riv«r below/ almost dnes up After ;i h'» summer 1) JOcUiflc Lewis vvtn? hapffens to be rny cxjusii; wnres news fiMicles (or iocai tel^visioit; 10. Pde a tiimous soccer player rroni Brazil played in the L'nit«d Si:at«.^ Mrverai year:; ,.ie.J«. i 1 This siran&: locust wiiich ap^ncls scvenreen yearr? clwirloping in she earll; live.v onh- s:x wi«cits ;;.s .n: adult 32-. Dinusaurfj tht' animals thai cjorriuiaicd tne i:ann lor ove: 140 uiillnni vtrary. I;ecai7ic cxtwu:: S5 inilljur: years age. jU:' Tljf ricwljorn ftuppy t?lkrd a tiy niuat .s'.'/iin to Uic suriace oind lakr- ,1 au!p of £iir tjeii..Ti' i? can ;?winj wpL'. .1-': Mail'. TWJUII Use author u! 'Hit.' Adixr.twas of I'-iucA.te-tit.'rn/ /r-ji^ us«Ci :i nverboar !< ;I JTI:; as his ptn t^iue. t5 Paincia's last, vjcatami a hicytrle irtp across v.hina did noi <;cKr as much a.s she hitd aMtunnaic^J Writiny Sentences WKh NonessenLiaJ Expressions. VVr-ie n set;i«u:t lor «nch nonesseniial fixprcssion. Be sure u.> set »fl ihe nor«ssi-nnas expression with a curnnna or conmsas. : the capital yj'our state . f/u? ccyittd q/ our ^taic- 1 . ho:., a duA -. n iy neighuor s c»i i. !.iie lira! one io taste tiie 4 . ITimVj ia-.'onte 3 p/hc> means a great deal to me !i. im Comnioi Ihol 5e! Off Added Etemenl: fNoneisciiliol Expressions! * 175 Commas That Set Off Added Elements (Places, Dates, Titles, Other Uses) Practice 1 Commas "With Places. Dates, and Titles When a gcoi;i aphical name or ;i date is mack: up of two o: mort pare-.-, us«r ji cornnw each item excepi in the case of a monti: foliowwl by a day. Use commas so SC! oil a Utit: tolitnvjnt! '•> name I G«ographioal Nam« Koustwi. Texas. Is a rat)idlv groirtug dtv. ! Date i On SepvsjnfK:; 19. 1939. German oatisiers irsvaded Poianti , Name Wltli Title Jirn Thun. M.D.. discusfecti safe wnys to k««e Other Uses of the Comma U«<- J;"; thi: sisutitions shown tn the cnart below Address SaiuraLion aud Closing Numbers Elliptical Sentence Direct Quotation To Prevent Confusion Semi (he package tri J BIXIWTL. 10 Elk Lane. Glen Cove. New York 1 IS4J D«vr J'etf:r. Very flu Iv yours 31.S54 «;velnues Ltirraine plays to'-' guitar; )ier bmtlier £>arn. the flute "In s few ntitiutes," ianfjhed Julio. "you'D know the surprise.* For Oarlu. Jonas had designer! a unique costume. *OT' ^iiMiiii|n^"iifttiBfr*innt]g| llliM^iiiiiiii^JiJP Adding Commas to Sentences, insert romrnas whert: Ijiey are needed, EXAMPLE: Settn ML'os D.D.S if( r»u dental hygiene Strarj Milt-: f>T> 5.. lectured on dental hy,iti;ne. 1 \Vriii-. u. Rcai-lnitrkfc 72 Wall Avrri-jf Nrsrx^Tilk ConntxrJci:! 0685*• 2 Tii' 1 lualh ass : if!.niT!cnt. U»k lortv-(i\'t:;: (.he science an hour '.:'• 'liit pi;iui!»!iri:i u! rhr nejrt counu is 42375 * The I'anr. dtrrrusr remarked "U'tr'li hiivr our i^ext rtrhc^irssaJ on Jfuiusry tO ' 5. Jahri Firjjitjs^. !r in:jcriti:d nis latlit-. s t)usii it;. 0 ;;' f.. Aft'*r the !*vonn cicuci^ WKTC whit? anrl tiei'i'v 7 On June 20 I 7Q. 0 , LI.- V/hiitifV iijipjiefl inr ii jisteu'. fur 1 hi& (*»fion ijui. S it: 1H5" :b- Ij:-jitci1 Sfairis iiad :55yWl; ho-spirai be.Ji in 6S1^ h 'j "For iii<- Utsl Un«" cxriauricr! '?ut: "will y^u !>• riuiKt? 1 " JO in sunri' plai Punftunting a Letter Act.: cnrnmas wherf/er wc-essar,- in lilt foliowuig istte: IFvt Morris DriX't i^»: Angeii;s C.ali!oniUi 9003ti Cjr.tobev ] i' i ySS i ain rescin rhirtg rhc Uinri^rijr. kitiiiajipjnx! ca«e On Man:i) I 19.'J2 Liiifil«:rE;ti s f.igiiteen-rnorjth-oki .sn;i was Uikrrj iron: tnc UridDiT!»i; hiini!- in riopewel! Nfiv Jersey A ransom no'.K demanding. $f>OC)00 wa. 1 kiijnc Erunri H;«;upni;inn was arrrs'.rcl fur tin- crime on September 15 1934 Police found $14000 of the ransom money in his hum!: Foum! euiiiy. HauLpJivinn w'as tu\ecnt.ed on April 3 1936- Your fnenc! Cine* Nanrs Commas That Set Off Added Elements (Places, Dates, Titles, Other Uses) Practice 2 Using Commas With Places, Dates, and Titles, Add me necessary wmutm-- in £iu g yenfences. EXASMPLE: On June 9 .1987 we moved t«i Houston Te:o&. C.»n June 9- 1987, wr moved to Hoixstotv Texas L. iMirrnfei: Int;. opened on the New Vv>rk Stock ExchjUigc at fei-l [.*.' !5<i:'«>. £ ™i)K bus stopped in Tex;irlvuui on tts way to Little RooK Arkansas 3 "lie nurst; si.eneM her letter of tesignalion "Alltsou E'.vajis R.N " 4. ">n July 4 iS8-' trie Statut of Uherty was afficiaUy pr««?eiiieri ui the Unir«<3 Slater 5 Ii5 it tnje rhal yuur ancestors trawled from St. Louis Missouri' tu San Francist-o •CaJt'fcjmiH iw *:i(inn ITiliil? i r/nifcsscir Jotm H Coleman Ph.D. accepted a posirtrui ac atiothtrr umve:suy T Utease cajicel delivery oJ our newspaper [rom Tuesdav Augusf 8 to Sunday August l!?. S sire RiuuialJ Kjiudtsen Sr, aiul RancJfiiJ linvidtseu Jr. wntiung lor thf «urc tiectrt>n3U- .'unifiaii',' unw" $». l.hf boy was oil exchtuifij'.' siutlfm fron: Sruttgart O»iTin<iny. M TU-iii- txwt vviil stop tr. BriUsetown Etubados on Janusiirv- t ] 15 LlltiX If Using Commas in Other Situations. Arid the :iecMs8:iry swttences . : Ami .guessed tiiat Ihejtu couialnw; 3.S64j-ilJv '»cens AIUJ gu«JSflci that the jar amtainco 3.3G4 jdSy bean^ 1 l*ie Last-known address of tiw F'ru'ktjr farraly was I.? IS View Ridge L>vi.-«- Misff 2 OCJucagv is 2189 rnlJes l>t*iii Los Angeitss. 13 fiiie uaretUii neaded ol! io work: the childTtr.i to srhool H S^eauifl was bom on SepteroLwrt 15 i97'i Lr: Honoiulu Hawasi. 2 (TjuJsidi: On.; lOTUSf. iookf.d a.v new as tlic t;av w;: iwvuhi it IT 5om*;Qn« un<r« said 'A ijraijctp.u cnt it. a child* :>«?:• j>r*st. afcicn! ' 7 IHi«- sclitKil h address is l j .u Btix SOu Cuperiuio CAl-;^rm.i yriOi-l. 5 W*hen reading rjie boy hoyr.s nuthint; aMiuiu: hirr,. 6 "IT i. 1 : mucii easu:r U, be (;ijli:,:;il tfian io be currev'" Ek;r:t-uiun DlS*iiefi orst~: i>i 10 Utic lirst iwrse shown was a>. Arabian. Hir srtvavi ;i quarter horsf :t>-r mm:l a Mro.taiu

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Commas That Set Off Added Elements{Nonessential Expressions) * Practice 1

Commas With Nonessential Expressions A noneaseniitd repression, ahnn or long. ;!lv«-. additionaliniormacjof! afitui somronf or so:r>etjur>n in a sentence. Because ti can be left, out without changing the!jna»c mt'tanin,' ol irt« scmenr:*:, u is s?'t off \VIL:> rtsinitias.

ESSENTIAL AN!) NQNESSENT1AL EXPRESSIONSMy cousin f t a? cym/jutf? cxyieri ;s growing rich

: Cathy, a imupwer tuspcrrf. ktiow5 BASIC anci COBOL.Essenliai: Tli'- man ztunrbtvj in a;e corridor is the pnJicipaJ.AtoncsseruiaL D > . Rogers. (*oi/> stanainct in the corritiur. is die principal.

J EsserUial- The bov u?ho fines «-. .'//•? new ht«,ise plavs the French horn.! Norwrsi^nnac My tnusiij Phil, whf Hues- in Uu> ruir hrjuw. plays rise Frencli horn.

Uxjng Commas With Nonessential Expressions. Add commas io sei ofTncuiettsciitia) expressions. Not every sr.nterici- contains* a nonessaittaJ expression

EXAMPLE." Our new car a used Fore) has radial tires.Our new car. a used Ford, has radial Sires

j JjK'kie Rctairison A fine hitter was r« ciarinti mnner.U. The ,ttj! who leads thr chorus speaks Mire? languages;. Me!icids«c»nn who was born in ISOfi «ave his lirst pertbnrnantt; a; the age o: nine.4 Aiex vv);n w;.;; ks ari::i school rualvcs ihe Honor Roll each war.5 Tli? Jiows-rs gmv.'inf; in the wijjrtov bo>; \vr.n: purrrhaMed ir. a j'lursttv."j" uu.'nv-a i s i c capital tn' Curuicia is a beautiful, clean eirv7 T)v? ?a:*r rcrnrrter tiiat lv wants is very expensive.S The siur.1 TJK Scui'ici ll-iis" is atxjut the relationship ofiwo bnitfjersij Tliis is Saaciniore Jlill UK- home oi ThecxiorR r<oos«npe!t.

1'j .'vash-.UIc whi« ii is neat UK: center of T'lerincsst-c is the harm: of country music

Writing Essential and Nonessential Expressions. Complete eacii semerjw:. Set 08LJJI- tiontssentiy] expressions, \vitii co

EXAMPLE: Htrr shoes a ,t^rr<>,''smittois. xvere surprisingly uncoruforuibk!.wiJi tell you where hti, aJTiir is

J: Wr '•isttecl ,S;-u-. Fiautiscc and i-<js. Annies0 Marrli WHS, rapidly ar>proachjng•1. SLOIJ In, <iDij set- Mrt Hanlinj;?; TIR procran-. was v<vv ;xirin^.ft. 1'hr 1^11 _ is rnv bmtjifr's~ His f;::imi!.V-titrr tutors students in snatha. S^ncXx will he st:rvrd a' intermission.9 Wi- sa.'v siidr.s o: mv t«'«i lavortic!•'.' was barkm« loudly.


Commas That Set Off Added Elements(Nonesseniiai Expressions) « Practice 2

Using Commas With Nonesientif.! Expressions. Add commas i.u set oil allnonessentiuj expressions! an the following senteniT^s.

E&A.MPLE.' JLsmeniida our curious a.nd trie: dos£ ni-jes io expiurr the ueight>orh<xid.Esrneraldii, our crurims^ a.nd iriendly dog. likes (» expiore tlie neighbortorf.

t. My ortriodanLisJ who jus'i ram? ijack frrxu a trip co Hawaii lightened my bractsiL Tne woman wiiu was hired as a companv madr soitit line suggestions io the- nKinasemftns.>' . The President's wife is the on« boarding the plane n«hr now;.4= Cililgraphy the art oi"b«tut51'ui wriling takes practice and skill ;j; order for one to become prolicienr ;u uw Tne suit worn by the mtxJd on Ihe left probaoiy costs a fort; in eS. The museum held !h? saddle of John Wayne ont- of the must fcarnous HoUywixtci aFwbws7" f-iavf; you ever visited the Alamo a fascinating building i\- Texas?S Yosemite Falls which drops 2,4Ii5 Jw.t to tht riv«r below/ almost dnes up After ;i h'» summer1) JOcUiflc Lewis vvtn? hapffens to be rny cxjusii; wnres news fiMicles (or iocai tel^visioit;

10. Pde a tiimous soccer player rroni Brazil played in the L'nit«d Si:at«.^ Mrverai year:; ,.ie.J«.i 1 This siran&: locust wiiich ap^ncls scvenreen yearr? clwirloping in she earll; live.v onh- s:x wi«cits ;;.s .n:

adult32-. Dinusaurfj tht' animals thai cjorriuiaicd tne i:ann lor ove: 140 uiillnni vtrary. I;ecai7ic cxtwu:: S5 inilljur:

years age.jU:' Tljf ricwljorn ftuppy t?lkrd a tiy niuat .s'.'/iin to Uic suriace oind lakr- ,1 au!p of £iir tjeii..Ti' i? can ;?winj wpL'..1-': Mail'. TWJUII Use author u! 'Hit.' Adixr.twas of I'-iucA.te-tit.'rn/ /r-ji^ us«Ci :i nverboar !<;IJTI:; as his ptn t^iue.t5 Paincia's last, vjcatami a hicytrle irtp across v.hina did noi <;cKr as much a.s she hitd aMtunnaic^J

Writiny Sentences WKh NonessenLiaJ Expressions. VVr-ie n set;i«u:t lor «nchnonesseniial fixprcssion. Be sure u.> set »fl ihe nor«ssi-nnas expression with a curnnna or conmsas.

: the capital yj'our state. f/u? ccyittd q/ our ^taic-1. ho:., a duA

-. n iy neighuor s c»i

i. !.iie lira! one io taste tiie

4 . ITimVj ia-.'onte

3 p/hc> means a great deal to me

!i. im Comnioi Ihol 5e! Off Added Etemenl: fNoneisciiliol Expressions! * 175

Commas That Set Off Added Elements(Places, Dates, Titles, Other Uses) • Practice 1

Commas "With Places. Dates, and Titles When a gcoi;i aphical name or ;i date is mack: up of two o:mort pare-.-, us«r ji cornnw each item excepi in the case of a monti: foliowwl by a day. Use commas soSC! oil a Utit : tolitnvjnt! '•> name

I G«ographioal Nam« Koustwi. Texas. Is a rat)idlv groirtug dtv.

! Datei On SepvsjnfK:; 19. 1939. German oatisiers irsvaded Poianti, Name Wltli Title Jirn Thun. M.D.. discusfecti safe wnys to k««e

Other Uses of the Comma U«<- J;"; thi: sisutitions shown tn the cnart below


SaiuraLion aud ClosingNumbers

Elliptical SentenceDirect Quotation

To Prevent Confusion

Semi (he package tri J BIXIWTL. 10 Elk Lane. Glen Cove.New York 1 IS4J

D«vr J'etf:r. Very flu Iv yours

31.S54 «;velnues

Ltirraine plays to'-' guitar; )ier bmtlier £>arn. the flute"In s few ntitiutes," ianfjhed Julio. "you'D know the surprise.*For Oarlu. Jonas had designer! a unique costume.

*OT' ^iiMiiii|n^"iifttiBfr*innt]g|llliM^iiiiiiii^JiJP Adding Commas to Sentences, insert romrnas whert: Ijiey are needed,

EXAMPLE: Settn ML'os D.D.S if( r»u dental hygieneStrarj Milt-: f > T > 5.. lectured on dental hy,iti;ne.

1 \Vriii-. u. Rcai-lnitrkfc 72 Wall Avrri-jf Nrsrx^Tilk ConntxrJci:! 0685*•2 Tii'1 lualh ass:if!.niT!cnt. U»k lortv-(i\'t:;: (.he science an hour'.:'• 'liit pi;iui!»!iri:i u! rhr nejrt counu is 42375* The I'anr. dtrrrusr remarked "U'tr'li hiivr our i^ext rtrhc^irssaJ on Jfuiusry tO '5. Jahri Firjjitjs^. !r in:jcriti:d nis latlit-. s t)usii it;.0;;'f.. Aft'*r the !*vonn cicuci^ WKTC whit? anrl tiei'i'v7 On June 20 I 7Q.0, LI.- V/hiitifV iijipjiefl inr ii jisteu'. fur1 hi& (*»fion ijui.S it: 1H5" :b- Ij:-jitci1 Sfairis iiad :55yWl; ho-spirai be.Ji in 6S1^ h'j "For iii<- Utsl Un«" cxriauricr! '?ut: "will y^u !>• riuiKt?1"

J O in sunri' plai

Punf tunt ing a Letter Act.: cnrnmas wherf/er wc-essar,- in lilt foliowuig istte:

IFvt Morris DriX'ti^»: Angeii;s C.ali!oniUi 9003tiCjr.tobev ] i' i ySS

i ain rescin rhirtg rhc Uinri^rijr. kitiiiajipjnx! ca«e On Man:i) I 19.'J2 Liiifil«:rE;ti s;i was Uikrrj iron: tnc UridDiT!»i; hiini!- in riopewel! Nfiv Jersey A ransom no'.K demanding. $f>OC)00 wa.1

kiijnc Erunr i H;«;upni;inn was arrrs'.rcl fur tin- crime on September 15 1934 Police found $14000 of theransom money in his hum!: Foum! euiiiy. HauLpJivinn w'as tu\ecnt.ed on April 3 1936-

Your fnenc!



Commas That Set Off Added Elements(Places, Dates, Titles, Other Uses) • Practice 2

Using Commas With Places, Dates, and Titles, Add me necessary wmutm-- in £iug yenfences.

EXASMPLE: On June 9 .1987 we moved t«i Houston Te:o&.C.»n June 9- 1987, wr moved to Hoixstotv Texas

L. iMirrnfei: Int;. opened on the New Vv>rk Stock ExchjUigc at fei-l [.*.' !5<i:'«>.£ ™i)K bus stopped in Tex;irlvuui on tts way to Little RooK Arkansas3 "lie nurst; si.eneM her letter of tesignalion "Alltsou E'.vajis R.N "4. ">n July 4 iS8-' trie Statut of Uherty was afficiaUy pr««?eiiieri ui the Unir«<3 Slater5 Ii5 it tnje rhal yuur ancestors trawled from St. Louis Missouri' tu San Francist-o •CaJt'fcjmiH iw *:i(inn

ITiliil?€i r/nifcsscir Jotm H Cole man Ph.D. accepted a posirtrui ac atiothtrr umve:suyT Utease cajicel delivery oJ our newspaper [rom Tuesdav Augusf 8 to Sunday August l!?.S sire RiuuialJ Kjiudtsen Sr, aiul RancJfiiJ linvidtseu Jr. wntiung lor thf «urc tiectrt>n3U- .'unifiaii',' unw"$». l.hf boy was oil exchtuifij'.' siutlfm fron: Sruttgart O»iTin<iny.

M TU-iii- txwt vviil stop tr. BriUsetown Etubados on Janusiirv- t ]

15 LlltiX IfUsing Commas in Other Situations. Arid the :iecMs8:iryswttences .

: Ami .guessed tiiat Ihejtu couialnw; 3.S64j-ilJv '»censAIUJ gu«JSflci that the jar amtainco 3.3G4 jdSy bean^

1 l*ie Last-known address of tiw F'ru'ktjr farraly was I.? IS View Ridge L>vi.-«- Misff2 OCJucagv is 2189 rnlJes l>t*iii Los Angeitss.13 fiiie uaretUii neaded ol! io work: the childTtr.i to srhoolH S^eauifl was bom on SepteroLwrt 15 i97'i Lr: Honoiulu Hawasi.2 (TjuJsidi: On.; lOTUSf. iookf.d a.v new as tlic t;av w;: iwvuhi itIT 5om*;Qn« un<r« said 'A ijraijctp.u cnt it. a child* :>«?:• j>r*st. afcicn! '7 IHi«- sclitKil h address is lj.u Btix SOu Cuperiuio CAl-;^rm.i yriOi-l.5 W*hen reading rjie boy hoyr.s nuthint; aMiuiu: hirr,.6 "IT i.1: mucii easu:r U, be (;ijli:,:;il tfian io be currev'" Ek;r:t-uiun DlS*iiefi orst~: i>i

10 Utic lirst iwrse shown was a>. Arabian. Hir srtvavi ;i quarter horsf :t>-r mm:l a



Commas That Set Off Added Elements(Introductory Material, Parenthetical Expressions)• Practice 1

Commas After Introductory Material Use r. comma after an Introductory word, phras*. or < -iausf.


,'ricrfjaucfonj Word: ,Nt>. 1 don't think ' can goinrrr finnan F Kirose. 7?eachii«'i (*>:• lake, sht searched for heriritrwiurrorL! Clause: Wh<;« she entered t)u? buildinp. she was confused and frightened.

Commas With Parenthetical Expressions Use commas CD set .-.II patenihr-dcal expressions


iM- ofPeopk1 Beirut Addressed: ! know. Susan, thai you will rim u-ftUi . u i ' i Arii«frbs; 1 decided, the^c/orr u? wait

Convnar: Expressions: Mi. Wong. agreed. / bchttix. to goExpressions: The morn is narrow not uricfe.

r Recognizing introductory Material. Write the introductory word, phrase, or clause

in each aer>i«nce. and acid the needed comnia-

EXAMPLE: Yes I wili attend. _V«s._

1 Nf. 1 rn ainud his ex«.:us«r was not accept ahlct

2 To grow c;im yon need Icniif- soil.2. Determined shr statkec; into tht <it'lice.

•; If sj-tf siitiif 1'r.-. sure she- wii) winWailing uMicnttv shr saw rl>c bear

Whf.i I fv ; taji v.riie very wellSmci- v«u \\.TOif th<: sr.uaUoii has ciiangec. entirelv

£ Car1 u'hv don't yw- use niy typcvrUeir'•vi To uryprovp cu:r gtmic- w< pviiotuier) evety m<jn<..

iO . Rt-.allv ! ro- rm; stirc: about this, ikcw pl;ui ol yours,.

Using Commas. Correctly. Adki. r.onunas - an- n«cl«i m ead, se

EXAMPLE: HUS shiliiy no1, tii-s peisonahry is me issueHis abihiy. noi his ;jersoriaUr%f ir» '.li

! Her r*xjin unioriunatety ?s> rt^hl OV<T (he g2 Mrs Erikscn will vou expiait: that answer aiUitn.

?• Ou- vsit-iiUon is n«;as Ihc end of .July no! in AuJtusi4 AlfhiMjglj sht' i? exceilem at Vntlk-! slw prcfwy rmxifm dance

5 His reiusi"! I &ni fsjrtaun i'aii f.tisiiy h-v explattjrtl.

o Srnilinr: happily -sin- tactxi to Lhe from door.~ You knov of coijrsf that tile Ptv-sidtn; will speak

b >KS ; cer^ajri)-. vvoulc Itki tf. visit W alder. Pond.

if Tf stop tlif retreat the- an»u- landed parwiTorjjnjrs.Ui Tht- decision conse<iuei'.Uy was reversed by the court

41'..! -

Name ._

Commas That Set Off Added Elements(Introductory Material, Parenthetical Expressions)* Practice 2

D Using Commas After Introductory Material. Underline the irunxhjctory wphrase, or clause in ench s«iicr'.<.s. adding unv iie<;rr?i^arv w>

FXAJV1PLE.' Boys arid .tairls. weirom<r tu the- Winchester Housi?Boys_amI .airis. welcotrie 'o th<? W:nct.iestev House1

i l ! Attc]1 >•<».; heii!- Sarah W:rn;iicster vuu will probably atst*-.: cha. she: v.-..i.s(2} F'riHowmu a sliott and ronianiic cMurtsl'itf.1 Sar;'.li Farde'"; mjimetJ Willuu'ti W.incl«istf.i trf\WtWllCKW ti.13) Upon her husbands death Sarah inhcrinuJ twenty million dollars from tits estate. '.4! Fearinji (hof people killed bv Wjnchcster guius she fell, she must bulk*. CBBtiimOttsty lo kecji tluan tions hayiitini* her(5) With a great deal o.l detemiinatioi; stw boviglit an eighteen-roorii house und hireii «xteeti workmen «••add rooms u> it. |6) To kircp the ghosts coni'usse«J she had door« op«n int.o brtc>i walla arid staiis lenci up mU'thr celling. (7) Oh the workmen must havt- thought her atnin^c. but good wages kepi Uietn builrtlnji forthJny-eigJit years. (8) Testing their ioysxJiy to her Mrs. Winrhesi«- occasii;-nr.Iiy iiad the gardeners plant heroraiiae trees upside dox'-Ti, (GJ When she dU:d ir look si:t rnovir.g vans arid st;c weeks u> r:tnp(y th« house.(10! Within her 160-room mansion carjjcntt:r3 ht«.* installed 2.TOO doors and 10,000 windows.

,' comma? toUsing Commas With Parenthetical Expressions. Add theoff the parenfhcueaJ ex]ir«;:>s1ori» ui suj<;ii sentftnct1-

EXAMPLE: l i is warm encngh I think, to plan; the tu-riwitoesIt i» wjurn trtsoij^h 1 think to uiani (bf f.on)ai.:«s

J Tiitf new (lianis lu«wever "lid I">OL survive tl\t; Irost.2 ! will vacuurr) Haze! ;! vou will wash ihe windov,«!o He wrrjt to Harvard Law Si-hcxil I believe4. The young lui rJienuorc pnt sail in my iu'<iit bow!

a Spread lime in th« t'ardei: not near tht- rtveriyeetii.

G. Typinti your paper VOL: Icnow utli snalie it easief if. icaii

7. The plar.r theictbff did no", arnvc. on Urne5. Tt-nnia nut i»oll is my iavrtnu: spon.

y May i help you tarry that pi.«-k:u.'.e MJ'. t^jt.idrnatiV10. l l ' i i rail1.* tin: picnit: will ;>i ptsstrxjiied uiu:! ne\i »'c:?k ! >;\:j:p'isi:.

i 1 . Did ynii know Cynthia that tosncnxnv is IJ:UTS birlticUy''1

12 Auni .Marirt simiiary Kniovs -.vtann:; h;its13 Tnc (v.irjfi iii any ease will ix; i i fn? bv rinot:.14. Dr S^tirhez ni>i. Dr. Monrov: is UTV dcnbss]S Dirl yovi l;ave iin appoiituncnt Ms. Martinez'--itl. The backyard on thr oUier tumd is we!; tended.

17. TJiii titrA'spapers aitd pa|wn'*>ui:U.>i howwftr .siiouiU bs- iciiyckii.

18. Sht is (tiendly pn<m^h in m> opinion to t«: a .t-dnd socia: noorciuuihir19. Dirici likes upple not p«cnc pic.20 The ieav-ss of course should be raked.