comment 097 june 1996

K I G'S College LO DO FoundedI829 I I (!'Il, ENT the College Newsletter Post-merger Headships T he Chairman of Council. Sir jame\ Spooner, and rhe Chairman of rhe Bo,mJ of (;O\ernor\ of L':'\IDS, Lord Ihmertield. hal e :Igreed rhe following de\ign,l[ed healhhip roil:\ for member,> of \rafT in rhe \ledic,1I School\ and Biomedical Science\ I li\ i\ion ar and l '\1 DS. The form,1I appoinrmenr, 11 ill rake e.:tTecr on rhe of merger for :1 period of rhree ('ldju\reu if [() bring rhe appoinrmenr c\cle in line 11 irh rhe College\ financial Ir i\ e,pecred rhar rhe Ilc.:ad in eaeh School 11 ill \ucceed ro rhe 11e,l(J\hip 'Ir rhe end of rhe rhree rerm. The llead\' currenr pmirion\ ,Ire \hclII n in IHacker\. Professor Adrian Eddleston Dean of the School of Medicine (Dean, l:aCl1lr\ of Clinical \lc.:dicine, KCL) Professor Gwyn Williams Deputy Dean of the School of Medicine (Ik:ln of Clinical \lc.:dicine l \IDS) r:f)//Iillllrrl Oil 3 A rChbi\hOp De\mond Turu, alul11nu\ 'Ind Felloll of King'>. i\ [() be \ucceetil:d a\ \rchbi\hop of Cape TO\I n another King'\ alumnu\. ;-\jongonkulu \\'in\ron \:dung:lIle, Bi\hop of Kimberle\' 'lIld I' u ruma n. Bi,hop :'\dungane (il:fr) lI'a\ ordained in 1'.17-1 and ,rudied ar King\ from 197:' ro 197'.1. I le.: 11 a\ '1\I,lrtil:d ,I Bachdlr of Dil inir\ degree in 197K and hi,> '\I'I\rer of Theolog\ rhe 1'011011 ing \ear. I le.: 11 a\ al\o allarded an . \wlciare\hip of King\ Colil:ge (.\KC). lie rhen ,en cd a, a"isranr prie\r of in Primro\e Ilill. Ilammer\mirh and I\lircham. Afrer a chaplaincy in Pari,>. he ,el'eral congregarion\ in Cape '1'011 n, and 11 a, rhe fir,r black per,on appoinrcd a\ IHOI incial c,ecuril'e officer in rhe ,\nglican Church. I le.: became Bi\hop of Kimberil:y and Kuruman in 19')1. The Dean, Dr Richard ,\ Burridge, i, rral"(;lIing [() Sourh I\frica [() ,mend .\rchbi\hop Tuw', Rcriremenr Sen ice and 11 ill mecr rhe .\rch bi\hop-de,ignare . 1'1L:e 1

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rChbi\hO p De\mond Turu, on rhe da~ of merger for :1 period of (Ik:ln of Clinical \lc.:dicine I~kcr. l \IDS) of Kimberil:y and Kuruman in 19')1. The Dean, Dr Richard ,\ rhree ~ear, ('ldju\reu if neee\\ar~ [() Bachdlr of Dil inir\ degree in 197K ,\nglican Church. I le.: became Bi\hop Chairman of rhe Bo,mJ of [() ,mend .\rchbi\hop Tuw', Ilammer\mirh and I\lircham. Afrer a .\wlciare\hip of King\ Colil:ge (.\KC). ordained in 1'.17-1 and ,rudied ar King\ bring rhe appoinrmenr c\cle in line 1'1L:e 1


Page 1: Comment 097 June 1996

KI G'SCollege

LO DOFoundedI829

I I (!'Il,

ENTthe College NewsletterPost-mergerHeadships

T he Chairman of Council. Sir

jame\ Spooner, and rhe

Chairman of rhe Bo,mJ of

(;O\ernor\ of L':'\IDS, Lord

Ihmertield. hal e :Igreed rhe following

de\ign,l[ed healhhip roil:\ for

member,> of \rafT in rhe \ledic,1I

School\ and Biomedical Science\

Ili\ i\ion ar Kin.~·\ and l '\1 DS. The

form,1I appoinrmenr, 11 ill rake e.:tTecr

on rhe da~ of merger for :1 period of

rhree ~ear, ('ldju\reu if neee\\ar~ [()

bring rhe appoinrmenr c\cle in line

11 irh rhe College\ financial ~earl. Ir i\

e,pecred rhar rhe Depll[~ Ilc.:ad in

eaeh School 11 ill \ucceed ro rhe

11e,l(J\hip 'Ir rhe end of rhe rhree ~ear

rerm. The llead\' currenr pmirion\ ,Ire

\hclII n in IHacker\.

Professor Adrian EddlestonDean of the School ofMedicine(Dean, l:aCl1lr\ of Clinical \lc.:dicine,


Professor Gwyn WilliamsDeputy Dean of the School ofMedicine(Ik:ln of Clinical \lc.:dicine I~kcr.

l \IDS)

r:f)//Iillllrrl Oil fif~!!/' 3

A rChbi\hOp De\mond Turu,

alul11nu\ 'Ind Felloll of King'>.

i\ [() be \ucceetil:d a\

\rchbi\hop of Cape TO\I n b~ another

King'\ alumnu\. ;-\jongonkulu \\'in\ron

\:dung:lIle, Bi\hop of Kimberle\' 'lIld

I' u ruma n.

Bi,hop :'\dungane (il:fr) lI'a\

ordained in 1'.17-1 and ,rudied ar King\

from 197:' ro 197'.1. I le.: 11 a\ '1\I,lrtil:d ,I

Bachdlr of Dil inir\ degree in 197K

and hi,> '\I'I\rer of Theolog\ rhe

1'011011 ing \ear. I le.: 11 a\ al\o allarded an

.\wlciare\hip of King\ Colil:ge (.\KC).

lie rhen ,en cd a, a"isranr prie\r

of pari,he~ in Primro\e Ilill.

Ilammer\mirh and I\lircham. Afrer a

chaplaincy in Pari,>. he ~en"(;d ,el'eral

congregarion\ in Cape '1'011 n, and 11 a,

rhe fir,r black per,on appoinrcd a\

IHOI incial c,ecuril'e officer in rhe

,\nglican Church. I le.: became Bi\hop

of Kimberil:y and Kuruman in 19')1.

The Dean, Dr Richard ,\

Burridge, i, rral"(;lIing [() Sourh I\frica

[() ,mend .\rchbi\hop Tuw',

Rcriremenr Sen ice and 11 ill mecr rhe

.\rch bi\hop-de,ignare.

1'1L:e 1

Page 2: Comment 097 June 1996

F if t d tinations of King' fir t degree graduates

Thc pcrccntagc of Kinl(',

grau ua tc~ k no\\ n w bc

cntcring cmplm mcnr in 199.::'

cominucd w ri,c and therc \\ a, a

further fall in thc uncmplo~mcm ratc

from 1994. Thi, imprm cmcnr i, clear

t:\ idencc of ,u~raincu t:conom ic

rt:cO\'cP~ rclati\ c [() tht: ~i[llation in

19lJZ. :"ational figurc' for 19<).">

graduate~ arc nl)[ ~ct a\aihlble for


For 1<)9."> gradllatt:' \\ e al,o ha\ t:

mort: cOlllplctt: informawn on \\ here

I>.inl(\ graduatc, \\cnr than for thc

prc\ iou, ~car. Thc telephonc ,unc\

conducrcd b~ C:an.:er~ ~t:[\ icc ,ralT Jnd

thc colkcrion of information from

degrcc prt:,cnration cercmonie,

continucd [() bc tht: major ,ourcc~ of

,uch information, Ilclp from academic

'rafT \\ ith 'unkno\\ n' fir,t dc,tin,nion,

\\a, an imporram ,ourct: a, \\a, tht:

'cnding of qucqionnarie,. 1nl <)<)5

11 ESA [()ok 0\ cr re~ponsibiJit~ for tht:

national collection from L'~R. 11 ES \

rcquin.:, a minimum, 0 pcr ccnr rcrurn

for homc ~tudt:nr, and f:H morc

complc\ data than ['SR. \\ ith

a"ocian:d re,ourcc implication,.

Data from 1<)<)."> King',

po,tl(radU'HC' (2.0 per ccnt

uncmplo~cd, 7.6 pcr ccm unkno\\ n)

,hO\\ cd rh,lt. a, bcforc. the~ h,1\ ea

bcttcr cmplm mcnt rccord than lir,t

dt:grcc graduatc,.

)"ml' (~lgmr//I{llio/l

EmplO\ t:u

Furrhcr Sruuy!


:--:or ~I\'ailablc (including

()\ t:r,ca, graduarc,

ka\'ing LTK)




19r,F;* 199-1 199.1 199.!

X2Z 667 ,::'X9 493

H<).7 pt:r ct:nr) (4,::',4 pcr cent) (41.1 pcr ccnr) (,,4.7 per ct:nt)

4,)9 39<) 424 411

(26.6 per ccnt) (n.1 pt:r ccnt) (29.6 pt:r ccnt) (21'1.9 pcr ccm)

166 179 19, 199

(10.0 pt:r ccm) (12.2 pcr ccnr) (1.,.1'1 pt:r cent) (14.0 pt:r ccnt)

96 9."> 110 1.">6

(5.1'1 pt:r cent) (6..::' pcr ccnr) (7.7 pcr ccnt) (11.0 per cent)

130 131 111 161

(7.9 per ccnt) (1'1.9 per cenr) (7.1'1 pcr ccnr) ( 11.3 pcr ccnr)

1653 1470 14.E 1420

include~ a wt,d of 74 Project 2000 ,rudt:m, completing the Diploma in :'\'ur,ing Studie,. a, rt:qut:,ted b~ III·:S,\.

:'\'mc: Thc 199,- data art: thc dc,tination, of thc g;r'lduare, \\ hich \\ e \\ ere a,kcd w col\cct b~ thc Ikgi,tr\. Thc\ \\ ill nut

ncce"arih march III·:S.\', publi'hed figure, \\ hich arc ba't:d on a difft:rcnr targct population.

Sut: Dirmiki,

Scnior Carct:r, ,\d\ i,cr

I lI L" ~

CBE forFreedman

P rofc~,or La\\ rcncc Frccdman,

Profe"or of \\'ar Srudit:, and

I kad of rhe Ikparrmcnr of War

Studit:,. recei\cu a CHE in rhc

Quecn\ Birrhda~ Ilonollr, on IS Junt:

for ,t:[\ ict:, w dcfencc ,rudic,.

(:oin Srn:er fe"ri\ al

Tht: Coin Srrct:r I:c,ti\al run,

from 31 \ Lt\· to I Scptcmher.

E\ cm, at Cabrid', \\'harf.

ncar Corn\\allllou,t:, includc a

Carni\'<lL mu,ic. football. fair,. ere: all


hJr furrht:r derail, and a brochure,

phonc 0171-401 3(lI0.

'n) all map 10\ er"

O IIC [() the ration,di'ation of

tht: Collcgt: r.lap Colkction

in tht: Geogra pll\

Dt:parrmcnt 'omc m,'1v, of thc [I K

Ordinancc SU[\c~ 1 ,crie, 19.;(h and

1940, arc \\ aming a homc. (:onract

Rom,l Ik,llimonr on C\trl 21'102.

Page 3: Comment 097 June 1996

Po r-ll1crgt:r Hc,lu ... hip ...({Jlllill/{Idfrolll jJ(/~1 I

c\\ Din:cror for rhc Rm al (Jcogr~lphical "()Cler~

Rila (,'ardlll'r. 1/;1' lIl"idj' l'!1'i'1{'r! OiJr'('/Or of1/;1' Royal (;{'ogmp/;iml Soril'l\', pirlIlJr'r! ill

.\'{'pal (111ill/l' o/I/;c Suil I-.msiflll (1/Ir!1I'((ll'r R(~\'o((ln' Pmjnl.

Professor Frank AshleyDean of the School ofDentistry(Dean oflknral School. l \ID")

Or Alex InglisDeputy Dean of the School ofDentistry(Dean, Faculr\ of Clinical Demi,[f~,


Professor Simon HowellDean of the School ofBiomedical Sciences(I lead of Di\ i,ion of Biomedical


Or Hywel ThomasDeputy Dean of the School ofBiomedical Sciences, UMDS(Dean of Ih,ic \ledical Science,.

l'\1 DS)

In rhe period !cad iIl.l!; up [()

mere;er rhere \I ill be much \I ork [(J

cn'lIre rhar rhe appropriare academic

,ub,rrucwre of dcparrmem, :lnd

dil i,io!l\ i, neared. and rhar

arrangemem, for reaching and rhe

,e!cerion of ,wdenr, for rhe tir,r

combined inwke arc complered.

Sir .I:1I1iC' Spoon cr. 11 irh rhe

,upporr of Lord Buuertield, ha' abo

confirmcd rhar Sir C:vril Chanrl<:r \I ill

Ilecolllc \'icc Principal of rhc (:ollege

,pceified in SunJ[(.: I It\ [() be ncared

b~ rhe Bill currem" bdiJre P:lrliamcnL

Ir i, e'\pcered rhar ar I<:a,r onc

:.Iddirional \'ice Principal II ill be


~ir lames Black

Jallle, Black, I'rofc"or of

\na" rical l)harlll'lColog~ ar rhe

R,I\ ne In,riwre. h:" been c1eercd

[() rhe Fcllm\<'hip ofrhe RCJ\al Collegc

of I)h~ ,icia!l\ of Edinburgh.

Rir:\ (;ardner, former" of rhe

IkparrmeJl[ of Geograph\ ar

King\, ha, been el<:cred

Dirccror of rhe Royal Geot(r:lphical


\I, (jardncr 'aid of her

appoill(mem:'1 perccile rhi, to be one

of rhe Illo,r challcnging rlllle, for rhe

Socicr\, parrl~ becllI,e of rhe rcccnr

Illergcr (of rhe Rm.1I (jeographical

Socier~ and rhe In,rirure of Briri,h

(jco.t(rapher') and p:ml\ ml ing [() rhe

changc, in rhe 1\ ider 'ocial.

educarional and economic climare

1\ irhin 1\ hich ir funerion, and ro \\ hich

ir comribure,. :\or on" do rhe,c affeer

rhe po,irion of geograph~ \\ irhin rhe

,chool curriculum and rhe re,earch

agcnda, of rc,earch council\. bur \I c

al,o 'cc changing empha,i, in highcr

educarion and far-reaching

dCI eloplllem, in informarion

rech nolo.g~.'

Rira Gardner 11:.1' a I<:cwrer in rhe

Ikpamm:1l( of (jeograph\ until j<.J'J-L

Page 4: Comment 097 June 1996

ew Fello vs

The la~r edirion of (.(J/IIII/m/

announced rhe llell Fellml

for 1996. Belc)\\ arc ,horr

biographical nO[e~ abour each.

Profe..,..,or Bri.1Il BondProfessor of Military History,King's College LondonBrian Bond i, Brirain\ leadin~

academic in rhe field of milirar~

hi~rory. Ili, lI'ork ha, demon,rrared an

abilir~ ro range from rhe anah ,i, of

barrlt:s ro rhe del"Clopmcnt of ~rand

,rrareg" [() rhe nU~lnee, of ,rraregic

rhoughr. Ili, book on Bri/ish .lfi/i/fII)'

Po/iry IJelU"ent /he Tr<.·o Worlr! Wrrn i\recogni,ed a~ being definiri\"C.

Ili, connection \\"irh King\ began

in rhe ca rh 1960, 11 hen he \rudicd for

an \1.\ in Ili,rory. Afrer reaching po,r\

ar rhe l' ni\'cr,irie~of E ,erer and

Li\ erpooL he rerurned ro King', a, a

Lecru rer in rhe nell'ly formed

\)eparrmenr of \"ar Srudie, in 1966. In

19H6 he lIa, conferred 11 irh a per,onal

chair. Of parricular inrere,r ha, been

his \l'Ork on Sir Basil Liddell Ilarr,

\\"ho\e librar: and paper, form rhe ba,i,

for King'~ collection of miliwr\ hi,[()r~.

I le is Presidenr of rhe Briri,h

Commission for t\lilirary Ili~rory and

his larcsr book 'lite PNnNi/ r~( I'if/or)' ha,

ju,r been published [() grear acclaim.

The Lord Clinwn-D<1\ i..,Labour Peer, House of LordsOpposition Spokesman onTransport, Consultant onEuropean affairs and law to S JBerwin & Co, Solicitors andformer European CommissionerThe Lord Clinron-\)a\ i" a gradu:He of

King\ (LLB), ha\ been honoured for

hi\ dedicarion ro public ,en icc. lie

11:(\ a local Councillor for Ilackne~

beforc becoming \Ia\or in 196H. From

1970 ro 19H.1 hc \\"a, rhe Labour \ IP li,r

Ilaekne\ C:enrr:lI, and 11 a, an [T nder

Seererar~ of Srare in rhe I)eparrmcnr of

Trade and in oppo,irion lIa, rhe

,pokc,m:1n on rrade ~lnd con,umcr

prorecrion and rhen forcign ~lfTair,.

From 19H.1-WJ hc 11 a, :1 member of

rhe COl1lmi"ion of rhe I·:C. ,cn ing:(\

Commi"ioncr for Tran,porr, rhc

EIlI ironmenr and 0:uclear Sarcr~, and

he ma,rerlllinded rhc Europcan ) e:lr of

rhe EIlI ironmenr. lie lIa, allarded rhe

(;rand Crn" of rhc Ordcr of I,copold 11

b\ Belgium for ,en ice, ro rhe EC

In 19<J0 he became a \ le III ber of

rhe (Iou,c of I,ord, and i, Oppo,irion

Spokc,man on Tran,porr. lie

conrinue\ hi, legal lIork ~(\ Con,ulrant

ro S J Berll in eco. lie i, Joinr

Prc,idenr of rhc Socier~ of Lahour

Lall ~ er, and a mcmber of rhe ,\dl i,o[\

Board of rhe C:cnrrc of European I ,all

ar King\.

Profc~..,or Bri~ln Da\ ic.." FRSProfessor of Mathematics,King's College LondonBrian ()a\ ie, i\ a Icading allthorir~ In

rhe field of marhemarical anah\i,. Ili,

re,careh ha, recci\cd 11 ide,pread

inrernarional recognirion. e,peei:tlly in

rhe area of quanrum rheor~ and

\emigroup\. I1 i\ 11 ork on hcar kcrnel,.

,peerral rheor~ and diffcrcnrial

opcraror\ - illl oh ing rhe inrerpla~ of

anah-\i, and gcomerr\ - ha\ led ro nCII

and prcci,e in\ighr, inro a cenrral arca

of marhemaric,. lie 11 a, elecred Felloll

of rhe Royal Socicr~ in 199.1.

\!o,r of hi, academic carcer ha,

been ,pcnr at Ch ford and ar King',. lie

joined King\ in 19HI, and lI'a, head of

rhc Deparrl1lenr of 1\ (arhemaric, from

1990-9,;. lie i, reguLtrl~ il1\ ired [(J I isir

orher disringui,hed in,rirurions in

Europe and rhe l'nired Sr:He,.

lie ha, pl:t\l:d a ,igniticanr role in

rhe n~lrional and internarional

marhemarical communirie" and ha,

had ,ub,ranrial in\ oh cl1lenr in rhe

ediring of \cienritic journal, and ,erie\

of rc,rbook, 0\ cr man~ ~ car,. lie ha,

hinnelf 11 rirren rhrce 11 iuel~ quorcu

re,earch monograph, on marrer\

relaring to ,emi,group rheor: in quanrum

mechanic, and ,pecrral rhcor~. lie i, a

I1lcm bcr of rhe \ IarlH:maric, C:01 kgc of

rhe EPSRC and ha, been a ,cicnrific

adl i\or ro a nUl1lbcr of inrcrnarional

,eicnrific bodie\.

Profc..,..,or \drian Eddlc..,wnProfessor of LiverImmunology, and Dean of theFaculty of Clinical Medicine,King's College London.\drian Eddk,ron i, inrcrnarion:1lh

rccogni'ed in rhc field of li\er

il1ll1lunolog\ and i, a hi!!;hl~ regarded

and rC\IKctcd ph~,ician and a mcmbcr

of l1lan~ learned ,ocierie\. lie i,

Ediror-in-Chief of rhe f·.Nmpmll

.!ON/'l/(// o(C/illim/ fllus/ixrr/irl/l a\ IIcll

a, bcing a member of rhe edirorial

hoard\ of ,i'\ refer<:ed journab. For rcn

~ e~lr, he ha, bcen a member of rhe

;\ ledical Rc,earch Council E "perr

Commitrcc on llepariri, \·aecinc.

lie joincd King\ Collcgc Ilmpiral

in 19(17:t'> \ledical Hegi,rr:lr "nd :lparr

from a r\l'o-year \1 RC \'i,iring

Re,carch Felll)\\ [0 \Iinneapoli,. [·S,\.

h", rcmaincd lIirhin King\. In I<JH2 hc

11.(\ appoinretl I'rofc"or of I,il er

Iml1lunolo~~, King\ C:ollc~e School of

\ledicinc e Iknri,u\, :lnd Ilonorar\

Con,ulranr Ph\\ieian, King', Collc~c

Ilo,piral. Sincc 1992 he ha\ hcen DCln

ofrhc Faclllr~ of Clinical \ledicinc in

rhc School. lie i, :I non-e'\ecllril c

memher of rhe King'\ lleal[hcare "liS


lie ha, hcen c1o,el~ il1\ oh cd 11 irh

rcforming rhe medical curricula: a

major innmarion in medical cducnion

in 11 hieh Kin~', i, raking rhe lead.

Profc..,..,or John (;orrodProfessor of Biopharmacy andResearch Professor, King'sCollege London.John Gorrod i, an inrern:nional

,Iurhorir~ on drug mcraholi\m and

ro'\icolog\. lie 11 a, Dirccror of rhe

Drug Conrrol :lnd Teaching Cenrrc

Cenrre lilr aloll1o\r ren \·e:lr,. Ir i, onc

of rhc fell ccnrrc\ in rhc lIorld 11 hich i,

accredired 1)\ rhc Inrernarional

Ol~ mpic C:ommirrce.

lie joined Chc"ca College in Il)(l,'i

(lIhich mcrged lIirh King', in II)H.1l.

lie 11 a, appoinrcd I'rofc'>\or of

Bioph~lrmae\ and I lead of DeparrmeJH

of Pharmae\ in IlJ,'-t -:I po,r hc

rcwincd UJHil 1990. Dllrin~ rhi, rimc

he del c10pcd rhc 1kparrmcnr ~lJld

broughr in nell ,raffll irh high academic

profile, :tnd re,carch poreJHial.

Ili, rc,careh ha\ bccll rccoglli,cd

h\ rhc ~lIIard of DSc (\ 'ni\er,ir\ of

I,ondon). and election ro l:ellO\I ,hip,

of rhc I{oyal Socier~ of (:hcmi,rr\ and

(almO'>r uniquel~) rhe Ho\al College of

Parho!ogi,[,. lie ,cn c, on ,e\ cnd

inrcrnarion:tl commirree" h~h

Page 5: Comment 097 June 1996

publi hed nearh' 300 \cientilic paper\

and edited 12 boob. King\ honoured

him \\'ith the title Re~c'Hch Profe ,or

in 1990.

Professor of EndocrinePhysiology, and Head of theBiomedical Sciences Division,King's College London.'imon I 1011 ell i~ a leading :llIthorit~ on

diabete, Jnd hJ\ made a major

contribution to the field. Thi~ Ila\

recogn I\ed wi th the :1\\ ard of the

pre~tigiou~ L:I\\Tence Lectllre~hip of

the Rriti'h Diabetic ,\\\ociatiol1 and

the :\Iink()\\~ki PriLe of the European

.\\\ociation for the ~tlIth of Diabete\.

lie i, al~o Steering Commiuee

Chairman of the BD" \\'arren

Repo~itor~.a D:'-' collection relating

to l 'K diJbete\ fJatienr, II hich i~ the

largc~t of it~ typc in the Ilorld.

IIc joined Queen Eli/.aheth

College in 19HO(\\hich merged Ilith

King', in 19H.'i) and wa, afJpoinred

Profe"or of Endocrine Phy~iology in

19H.'i and Ilead of the Biomedical

Seicncc, Dil i\ion in 19H7. lie ha

madc an out,wnding contrihurion to

thc organi~:ltionof thc School of I,ife,

Ra\ic ,\ledical e Ilealth Science, and

hi\ concept of re~earch cenrre\ i, ,een

a, the II ay fOr\\'ard b~ Re,earch

Councih and othcr funding agencie\.

lie i, a"o an anil e member of tht:

group Ilorking on thc mt:rger hc[\\eenKing'~ and ll\IDS.

\Ir (,crald IIughc ...Bursar, King's College LondonGerald Ilughe, ha, del med the mJjor

part of hi, I\orking life -.B year, - to

the \en ice of King', College and

before that Chel\ea Collcge (\\ hich

mer.ged \\ith King\ in 19H.'i). lie

joint:d Cht:l,ea College in 196,) a, ,1

Chief Technician in the Dt:partmt:nt

of Ph~ ,ic, and aftt:r a ,uct:e,\ion of

'uh,equent adl11ini,tratil<: po, to" ha,

ri,en to bt:comc Bur,ar of tht: College.

\\'hil\t :It Cht:hea Collegc he rook

an actil e role in thc local hranch or the

,\"oci:ltion of Scientilic Technic,t1 and

\lan:l,gt:rial Staff, and hecame

chairman, producing a mln,formation

in indu,trial rclatiOll\ to tht: bt:nefit of

both tht: Collcge and union n1Cmber,.

The role of Bur,ar ha, required

managerial ,lIld enrrefJrencurial \kilh of

a I t:r~ high ordt:r. I· or e'\ample.

I atation leuing , for \\ hich he i\

re,pon,ible. hal e earned tht: College in

c'\ce 01'£10 million during hi, period

of officc. lie ha regularl~ had to deal

\\ ith ,en,itile and potentiall~

damaging iruation, and in dealing

\\ ith uch i ue ha~ demon trated a

remarkable abilit~ to make finel~­

balanced judgement\.

Treasurer, King's CollegeLondon, and Chairman ofLucas IndustriesSir Brian ha been a member of King',

College Council inec 1990 and

Treasurer for three \ear,. lie i, also

Chairman of the Finance Committee

and the Audit Committee. I li\ ,en'ice

to the College as Trea,urt:r during the

critical period of re'trucruring ha~ been

of fundamental importance, not only

within King\, but aho in dealing, with

outside organi~ation~.

:\ Iuch of Sir Brian', career ha,

bcen spent in banking. lie lIorked for

Barclay Bank for ol'er -10 year"

holding \ ariou, PO,t~, lauerl\'

becoming Finance Director. In 1991 he

was apfJointed Chief E:-.ecutill: of

:\Iidland Bank. Sir Brian wa~ President

of the Chartered In'titute of Banker.

for the year 1993/9-1. IIc ha, been

Chairman of Luea~ Indu,trie, ,inec


Among other post,. Sir Brian i\

Chairman of the Ilou~ingCorporation

and Chairman of Briti~h Inl i~ibl<::~, and

i~ a Director of Smith e ;'\'ephe\\·, the

Briti~h .\merican Chamber of

Commerce, I.ondon Fir~t Centre and

the I3riti~h 01 cr~ea, Trade Board. He

i, al,o Chairman of the DTI ,pon~ored

Committee on South ,\frica Trade. /-It:

i\ a mcmber of the Council for

Indu,rry and I Iighcr Education.

ProfL "or Robcrr Si11111101l,>

I Re.,Professor of Biophysics, andDirector of the RandallInstitute, King's CollegeLondonRobert Simmon, ha, madt: out,tanding

,cientific adlanccment\ in the field of

mu~ck bioph\\ie, and i, a IClding

international expert in the area of

mu,clc colltracrion at the molet:ldar


lie ha\ del t:lopt:d pioneering

technique~ to anal\'~e tht: mobilit~ of

indil idual molecule~ of m~o,in. and

their interaction \\ irh actin. during the

proce~, of mu~t le contraction. l- ,e of

the tcchnique. knoll n a 'optieal

t\\ee/er . ha, ignifjlantf~ adl'anced

the under'tanding of the \1 a\ mu~c1e

\Iork. In recognition ofhi\ \Iork he \\J\

elected Fell()\\ of the Royal Societ~ 111


Profe"or Simmom joined King',

in 1970 and \Ia' appointed Profe~ or of

Bioph~ ,ic\ and I lead of the

Department of Biophysic~ in 19 .'. I lei~ nOlI Director of the Randall

In~tirute. ba,ed at King\, a biomedic:d

re,earch in'titutc which ha, done

much to rai,e the randard, and profile

of biomcdical rc,e,lrch at tht: College.

lie i, Director of the :\Iedical Re~earch

Council l'nit in l\lu~c1e and Cdl

\Iotilit). aho ba~ed at King\.

Prok ......or (,nh,ll11 ")r-ll1rol1

Professor of New TestamentStudies, King's College LondonGraham Sranton ha, t:swbli~hed an

international repu(:ttion a, a ,pecial"t

on the Go,peh and on early Chri~tian­

.le\\ i~h relation,. lie ha~ \\ ritten four

book~ and numerou~ article. For man~

year, he ,en·ed a~ editor of the leading

journal .\'1'''''' '(/',(1(111/1'111 .'Ill/dies and of thc

pre'tigiou, SOl'il'ly of .\'/"&2' Te,(I(lII//'II1

SllIdies .lIr)//ogmph Saie.i. lie i, Gent:ral

Editor of the IlIlemrrlioll(l/ c"iliml

(.'OIl/II/I'lIll11il',(, for the past century the

mo~t ~ub~rantial and influential

commentary \eries on thc Bihlc.

Ili~ di,tinction i, reflected in thc

fact that in 1996-97 he ,erve\ a,

Pre,ident of the international ~ociet~ in

hi tiekl, Srudiorum :'-.'01 i Tetamellti

Societa\, an honour held by a Briti\h

,cholar onl) elcry ten year, or '0.

lie joined Kin,g\ in 1970 and ha,

cnjo~ed a di,tingui~hed cart:er \\ ithin

thc College. lie \Ia~ appointed

I'rofc"or of '(ell Te~tamentStudie in

1977. In the 19H()., he \ened a\ Dean

of the former Fat:ult~ of Theolog~ eReligiou\ Studie,. and for 't:1 en year,

a\ Ilead of tht: Ikpartmellt of Biblical

Srud ie,. lie beC()I11eS I lead of the

DefJartment of Theology e Religiou\

Studie, from I ,\ugU\L

Page 6: Comment 097 June 1996

Historic TUrsing ( A ere 1110n . Ro Tal ledalfor rl"horncs

Profc"or lohn Thornc'. 11e,ld of

the Ikpaf[l11ellt of (;co!.!,ral'h\,

II cl, prc,cnrcd \I ith onc of thc

Rm ctI (;co~rapll\ '-,ocicr\' t\l 0 Rm ct!

\ICllal, on'; June, I'he PCltr<ln\

\ ledct!. apprOl cd h\ 11\ I Thc Qucen.

\la, prc,ented to I'rok"or 'I'hornc, h\

Lord ,klllcoe. Prc,idcnr of rhc '-;Ol ict\.

in rcco,!.!,nltion of hi, contrihutlon, ro

!.!,COl11orpllOlo~\, I'rofe"or Thornc, i, ,I

,pccictli,t on \ Icdilerrane~ln

el1\ ironmenr, and a former \'ice

I'rc,idenr of the Societ\, lie \I a,

rcccnth :In inl itcd 'l1Cakcr at the El

Forul11 on ('Iilllflll flllIl {)~f)1I1'1IIIhl

/)((<>"1I0/1hl Ininl 1/IIImllilllll,

1nl' Prillt"i/it/I/irt'StIIIS Pmlf'S,I'llr Jl'IJi(rr \\ 'i/.wlI-!JIIJ1I1'11 IJl/d Pm!i-sstlr.lill ,llm!md Clt/d:

If) Ilrr RIJ,ml II~'.[hlll~I'S Pri/III'ss ,l/nflllllm 1/1 \\'I'SllIIillSlI'r CtIIlml lit/I/.

J hl." RO\.11 \..)Ol'il."[\ of( hCllli [I' \\\ Llrd


Badge, and cef[iticare, \I ere

pre,enred to IXO ,e;mduate, of

rhe ~ightine;ale /n,titllte and

(;U\', College of Ilealth b\ IIRII

Prince" ,\Ie,andra at Cenrral llall

\Ye,tmin,ter on I() \Ia\, The nur,e,

pre,enred included the final group' of

,tudenr, to complete the traditional

Regi~tered General :"ur,e (RG'\)

training. a number of enrolled nur,e,

\I ho had undertaken a COI1\ er,ion

cour~e to gi\'e them Regi,tered

General :"ur,c 'Wtu,. ~lI1d ,omc \I ho

had completed a mental health nlJr,ing

cour,e to hecome R\I~"

The Principal \la, pre,ent to

\lelcol11e IIRII Prince" .\Ie'andra.

\I IHhe kind ne" in pre,entll1g the

certitiGlte, e'tended to e'prc"ing hcr

pcr,onal inrere't in each e;rcldu.ltc,

\t rhc conclu,ion of thc

prc,cnrarion, an addrc', to thc

qualit\ine; nur,e, \la, l11adc h\ \1,

\Yi Inu \ LlcPheNJIl. Di rcctor of

'\ur,ine; and Qualit\ at (;11\', and ~r

Thoma,' Ilmpital, Tru,r. l pholdin~

thc traditional I aluc, pionccrcd h\

Florencc '\i~htin~alc. \I, \1~lCPher,on

told thc~raduatc, that \I hiht thc\

,hould a,pire to achie\ ing hi,~h

rcchnical ,randard, thc\ ,hould at thc

,:.In1(; maintain ~l rcputation a, the he't

carcr" Like Florcncc '.,ightingale. ,hc

\I a, of thc firm helief th~lt nur,ing i~ a

fine cm and ,he called upon the nur~e'

to GIn, thc name on thcir hadgcs \I ith

pride \I herelcr their C,lreer, might

takc them,

On hehalf of Cl er~onc pre,ent

Profc"or Jcnifcr \\'il,on ({arnen. I lead

of the Dil'i,ion of ~ ur,ing e\ Iid\l ifer~, thankcd Princc"

,\Ie'andrcI and \h \lacPhcr,on,

Before procced ing to the I,ectll rc

Ilall/Libran to join ~raduatc, and rhcir

~uc,t, for ~lftcrnoon tca, I1 RII Princc"

,\Ie':.Indra \I cl' pre,cnrcd \I ith a po"h~ TracCl \Ilen. former R(;,\ Gu~',


The Rmctl '-;oclet\ of

('hcmi,tr\', Cl\lard for

TheoretIcal and

(:ol11puwtional (:hemi,rr' (,pon",rcd

h\ EI,cI ier Scicnce I,td L ha' hecn

:I\lardcd to I'rok"or \likc Robh for

hi, del elopmcnr of nOl cl

computationalmctholb in quanrum

mcchanic' and fil!' the application of

thc'e method, to prohlem, in

photophy,ic, and to thc elucid'ltion of

thc mcchani"l11 of organic

phorochemical rcaction"

"iIH,!;\ Rc l."arth (;rLlI1['1 andSwdcfl[ hip" ()crohcr ll)l)h

[() (k roher ll)l)7 cllrrCC[iOIl

We apolo~i,c for a couple of

error, in thi, itcl11 111 \LI~

(.01111/11111, I~c,clrl h

'-;tlIdenr,hip, are funded a" :.I re,ult of

.t!umni 'UppOf[ for the "CL \nnual

Fund, not ,\Iumni Fund. and the

"CL,\ Re,e~lrch Student,hip Schcl11c

"uPIH'rt', not equipmenr. but thc mo,t

promi,in~ \oung 'tlIdenr, to

underrakc a cour,e of po"tgraduatc

rc,earch in an~ di,cipline,

Page 7: Comment 097 June 1996

Oman \lllli [er \ I I[ School of EdllcHion (;old \ led.1! for Profc" orTrc\ or .lone

!lis f~ \fdfem)' SfIlTid SOlfd Bilf fhmhill/ .\f Rlfstlidi.. lfinisl!'!' of f·.dlfmliolf f~fOll/tllf, (/I

Ihl' SrI/fH)/ of f·;dlfmlion. (/(U)II/j!(II/i"r! hI' Ih!' Sf'lfif)!'

On 17 '.Iay. the \Iini,terof

Education for Oman. liE

Sa~~id Soud Bin Ibrabim.\1BlI',aidi. \ i,ited the Colle/!;e and met

\\ ith the Principal and member, of thl:

School of Education. Thl: \ i,it formed

part of a profc.,.,ional programme

organi'ed h~ the Briti,h Council and

l:o\l:red arl:a., of Sciencl: and

\Iathematie, curricula and the u'e of

COmpLlter, in ,choo\'"

Profe">or Treulr .lone. \\ ho i., a

Felll)\\ of lIle College. a \'j,iting

Profc, or. .1 mcmber of the

College Council and an alumnu.,. ha.,

been a\\ ended the 1996 Charter Gold

\ Icdal b~ the Ro\ al Pharmaceutical

~ociet~ ,

Thl: medal \\a, pre,ented to \ Ir

.Ionl:' b\ .\nn Le\\ i.,. the Pre,idenr of

the Societ\, She de,cribed \ I r .lone,.

\\ ho i, Dirl:cwr General of thl:

:\.,v)ciation of the Briti~h

Plurmael:uticallndu,tr\, \\'hl) chaired

the Briti,h Pharmaceutical Conference

in London in 19iG. and \\'ho ha.,

,en cd on many national aLh-i,or~

committl:l:., on pharmaceutical affair,.

a., 'an out,randing pharmaci,t \\ ith

career, in academic and the

pharmacl:utical indu.,try \\ hich ha\'e

brought him great di,tin<:tion.'

(:ollabora[ion \\ i[h [he \1.. -Plan<.:k In,,[iw[c S[l\[[g:~tr[ Spon" .;" S()ci~t1 (:llIb oll[ing

Acollahoration \\ ith n;,earcher,

at thl: i\la:-.-Planck In.,titute

Sruttgart \\'<1'; establi,hed in thl:

field of micro,copic thl:or~ of high­

tl:mperarurl: supereondueti\'it~during

a rl:Cl:nr \ i,it of 1)1' 1~I~akulll Klepfi.,h.

a re,earcher in the theoretical

conden,ed matter phy,ic, group at

King\. The joinr attempt \\ ill be

Profc~~or Ilcl\\ ic

Profc.,.,or R ,\ 111)\\ ie. Fell()\\ of

King\ from 19HO, ha, been

eleetl:d I're'iidenr of the

Gemmolo,gical .\.,.,ociation of Great

Britain. Profc.,.,or /10\\ ie \\'a, I lead of

the Geolog~ I)epartment at King\

unril the merger with Bedford and

Chel,ea Collegl:' when it \\~'" mO\ed

to RO\al Ilolloway College.

directed to\\ ard, the ,ruLh of the

Lh'n~lmic, of 'trongh correlated

ell:etron ,\ ,tl:n1>. Thl: re,earch \\'ill bl:

ba.,ed on ach'anced computl:r

,imulation'i with ,ub,equenr deri\'atioll

of d~ namic propertie,. u,ing the

im er,e problem., technique de\ eloped

at King'~ by Profe.,-,or Ro\' Pike FRS

and hi., group.

King'sconnection forne,v I-IordChief Jllstice

Lord Bingham ofComhill.

formerlY \la.,ter of thl: Roll'>.

ha' been appoi nred IAnd'itice. Lord Bingham. \\ ho

rake, over thl: pmt from Lord Taylor

of (;osforth. i, a I're.,enration Fellow

of the College (1992) and a former

member of College (:ouncil.

T he Staff .-\nnual Outing \\ ill

rake place on \\'cdnc'iday 7Augu,r. ,\, l:\ uyone cnjo~ l:d

thelll,eh'e, la,t Ycar, it has bcen

deciLled that wc rerum to IIa,ting,.

The coach \\,ill depart from

out,ide the Social Club, :)3 Surrey

Street, at H.-I5. Plea,e arrive at the

'oeial club Iw H.30 to ell'iure a prompt

dl:parrure, Coache., \\,ill arri\'e back at

thl: Social Club at 20. I.::;. The cmt of

the trip ha., been .,l:t at £H,OO pu

per.,on and gue'ts/children (a

ma'\imum of four) arc \\'elcome to


Scat., \\ ill be alloeatcd on a lir,t­

l:omc (\\ ith IX1\ ment) fir.,t-,cned

ba,i" For further detail'>. contact e'\t\l'

1052 or 3.,.::;-1.

Page 8: Comment 097 June 1996

Changes in the 111cdical cllrriclllul11

Health care i"ue, an: ,cldom

our ofrhe public e~e, Thc

:\ liS reform" breakthrough,

in ueatmem, allegatiom of negligence.

,(()rie, of courage. hitherw

unappreciated health ha/.ard, and the

likc frequenrl~ feature in lead ,wrie,

in the media, But one c'>'>cntial a,pect

of health care II'hich will el'entuall~

affect u, all ha~ gone large" unnoticed

outside the profes,ion, N~ltioll\l ide,

med ica I cd ucation is undergoi ng a

reI olution, and King\ College School

of I\ledicine e I)enri,tr\ is onc of thc

acknO\,ledged leader', II itherw,

allIances in medical and ,cientific

knOll ledge werc incorporated

piecemeal into existing cour,e" bur

the 01 erall suucture and method of

teaching remained unchanged for 01 er

a centur~, Teaching ha~ relied on

formallecture~as the principalmeam

of imuucrion and the empha,i, ha,

been on ueatmenr and di,ea,e. rather

than prel ention and health. and on

medicine as practised in ho,pital rather

than in the communit~,At King\ I1 e

halT ,taned afresh, designing a cour,e

appropriatc for thc nced, and

expectations of doctor, and their

patients, whose careers \\'ill span the

first ..H) \"ear~ of the next millennium,

Changing pattern\\'e hal e done this for man\" rca,on,.

including the changing pattern of

health care (shoneI' in-patienr hospital

'tay, and the emergence of general

practice a, a ,pecialit~ in it, 0\1 n right

11 ith an increa,ing tendenc\ for

patienr, to be managed out,idc

ho,pital,): increasing all·arcnc,>,> of the

imponance of ,kill, a \\ ell as

knOll ledge and of the importance of

docwrs hal ing appropriate profe'>'>ional

attitude, and being able to

communicate effectil l:1~: the need for

docwr, to be able to conrinue to learn

throughout their profes,ional lil e" and

to take charge of their OIl n educltion,

and ,0 on,

The need to take action Ila,

highlightcd b~ the General \lcdical

Council (the bod~ re,pon,ible for

I alidating medical cducation in the

l'K), and facilitated bl the Chief

\lcdical Officer. l..jir "enncth Calman.

who made al ailable e"ential fund, to

cnable mcdical ,chool'> w prm idc ,taff

to work on curriculull1 dCI'clopmcnt.

"arious local. national and Cl en

intcrnational net\lork, Ilere ,et up bl

tho,e inl"()" cd to e"\ch,lI1gc

information and idea"

InnovativeInnOl',nil c feature, of our nell cour,e

at King\ include: integratel! teaching

(that is, tcaching se'>'>ion, inl ol\'ing

scicnti~ts and cliniciam, and within

those groupings, specialist, in differcnt

di,cipline,): early e"\po,urc to clinical

practicc. large" in the cOll1munitl: a

reduction in core factllal contenr

coupled I1 ith thc introduction of

Special Studl \Iodule, Ilhich I1 ill

allo\\ ,tudent' w 'tlIdl wpics of thcir

oll'n choicc (including the humanitie,

a, \\ell a, sciencc and clinical ,ubject'):

more ,mall group teaching and ,cll'Oo

din:cred learning. including problem­

ba,ed learning and increa,ed empha,i,

on the practical ,kill'> - clinical.

laborawry. communication.

information technolog~ and elen 'tre,'

managemcnr - I1 hieh are essential [()

conrcmporary mcdical practice, The

as'>essment', I1 hich are sO important

not onl~ in confirming that our

students hal'c reached an appropriate

ICI'el of compctence (() be allowed to

practice medicine. but al'>o because

the\" arc an important factor in

determining the ,tlIdenr,' attitude, (()

their cducation, hal e been de,igned (()

reflect our 01 erall objectil e" There

I1 ill be careful a,>,>e,>,>ment throughout

the cour,e u,ing all ide lariety of

a,>,>e,>,>ment technique" E"\amination,

I1 ill he held at the cnd of each ~ e~lr.

I1 ithout a 'big-bang' final, a, at

present; 11\: knOll that the latter

encourage, superficial learning

(cramming) and 11 ell ill al oid thi, both

1)\ the natllre of the asse,>,>ments :lJld

b~ reI i,iting topic, throughout thc

cou r,e,

Our ,tudents come from a larietl

of haekgroun<.j., and educational

e"\perience, Somt: hal e done biolog~ at

\ k:1 cl. other, not. Tht: tir,t ~ car

bt:gin, I1 ith a filt: Ileek Foundation

Cou r,e, in I1 hich ma Il\ of thc major

topic, of the course 11 ill be introduced,

and in I1 h ich I1 e 11 ill teach ,ome ba,ie

learning. librar\ and information

technolog~ ,kill" This should bring

,tudent' wa common starting point.

adequatel~ equipped to follOlI the fil e

principal suand, of the cour,e in the

fir,t [\1 0 ~ car" The,e ~lfe Cdlx fI/lr!

,I/oln/ll/'S (cellular and molecular

biolog~ initiall~ illu,uated b\ and

increasingl~ incorporating patholog\);

,S:l's/tll/S (multidisciplina~ COl eragt: of

thc major body ~\ ,tem, eg.

cardiOl·ascular. re,pirarc)[)); Pmflia' 4,J!('(lif'illt (an introduction to health and

di,e"e. epidt:miolog\', ,ociolog~,

p'>lcholog) and ethic,); PI'f~/i'...sio((tt!

Skillx and the Spnitt! S/IIr11' ,1/oll'fltkl'.

The opportunit~ to intercalate a

BSc. onc of the ,rrength, and

attrauions of the pre,ent cour,e. I1 ill

be presen cd in the nell curriculum

and indt:t:l! I1 ill be encouraged.

Intcrcalation I1 ill also be po'>'>iblt: after

~ear, three and four in the nell cour,e,

Shadow opportunitiesIn ~ t:ar, three anl! four. the empha,i,

,hifts from ,cience (() clinical practice,

although 11 ith a continuing input of

b~.... ic medical ,cience, i\ radical

departure in the nell course I1 ill be a

highl~ locnion,tl fifth lear. Student'

I1 ill Ilork as members of clinical team,

in medicine. ,urgery. gent:ral pr.lctice

etc. ,had()\\ ing qualified doctor, but

hal ing 'I defined role ,0 (hat the~ can

dt:I'clop their ,kilh of patient

management in a protected

ell\ ironment. \re knOll that at pre,ellt.

man~ of our nell I~ qualified doctor,

feel ill-equipped for their prt:­,tration pO,t, (becau,e (he~ lack

,kill, rather than knOll ledge). and a

major objectile of~ear file 11 ill be to

prepare stlldent, for their pre­

regi,tration po,t, and indeed to

capitali,e on 11 hat ha, gone hefort: and

prepare them for a lifetime of learnin.~

in their chO'>cn ,pecialit\',

During the planning of thi, course,

the poS'>ibilit~ of a mt:rger of King".,

College School of \lcdicine eDcnti,tr~ I1 ith the l'nited \Icdical eDental Schooh of Gu~ ''I eSt Thoma,'

Ilo,pital, ha, progre'>Sed (() I irtual

cenaint\, Our colleague, al l'\1 DS

hal c.: been kept all arc of our plans

Page 9: Comment 097 June 1996

rhrough borh formal and informal

conracrs and indeed hal e conrribured

anil el~ ro our II'ork, Ar II har will

undoubredh- come ro he regarded a~

an hi~roric meering of rcprc~enrarile~

of rhe [\\ 0 Schooh, held in .\ la~ 1996.

ir II a., dccided thar thc fir.,t [\1 0 ~ car.,

ofrhe I-:ing's and ll.\/D. eour.,e., Ilere

~ufficienrh' imilar for us to be ahlc [()

offer a common rhird ~ear course in

1998. fourtb yearcour.,e in 1999 and

fifth ~ear cOllr~e in 2000. Thi~ wa., a

major achiel'emenr and \I ould nor

ha\'c been possible II ithour rhe

cncouragemenr of rhe Dcam of bmh

Schoob and the commirment and

willingne~sof the reachers [() acccpr

change and work rogerher wirh a

common inrere~r from rhis rime on.

Wc ~rarred planning our ne\l'

coursc in .\Ia\ 1992. From rhc ourser

\I e appreciatcd rhar it II'as essenrial

rhar lIT de~igned a course that could

be adaprcd in rhe lighr of c'\pcrience

and ro changing circum~wnces, Ir is as

II ell rhar II e did: rhe pacc of medical

de\\:lopmenr has becn inerea.,ing and

changing Cl cn whilc the tk:~ign

proccss has been going on. and rhe

ne\l coursc can bc readily adaprcd to

incorporarc rhe medical adl'anccs of

rhe furure. :\Tonc of rhe Ilork thar II c

hal'e done will h,1\'e been was red since

ir will all be I'aluabk: in informing

furure dcn:lopmenL \\'e look forward

[() conrinuing ro work with our

collcaglles ar L l\ IDS ro dc\'elop an

cI'cn bencr course as wc become a

.,ingle mcdical school, and (() cnsuring

rhat ir offers rhc bcsr mcdical

educarion of any mcdical ~chool in rhe

COUlltr\ .

\\'illiam .\Iarshall

Sub-Dean for Curriculum

I)el elopmcnr

Paul Booron

Curriculum Sub-Dean

Chinese visitor

Profcs.,or Yu'\in Zheng of rhe

Departmenr of Philosoph\'.

:"anjing L'nil'ersiry. China will

\·i.,ir rhe Deparrmcnr of Philosophy ar

King's for a pcriod of fil'e monrhs from

20 .\pril (() 20 September 1997.

He has been a\lardcd a Brirish

.'\cadel11\· I-: C ,,"ong Fe 110\1 ~hip,

Thcse arc [() enable ourstanding

Ch inese scholars from rhc People' s

Republic of China (() undertake a

period of research in Brirish

lInil'ersiries in collaborarion \I'irh

British collcaguc,>,

Ha urn honou red h\European ()e~ln,> .

T he Si~rh i\nnllal .\Ieering of

rhe European Associarion of

Dcan., of 'cicnce II as held in

Paris from H - 11 .\Iay. This year's

rheme II'as Thr dl'rlillillg illll'll'SI O/Ihe

,1'Ol/lh ill EI/ropl' 10 SIIIr/y .I/tlthrl//(/Iirs.

Physirs ({I/d r:hl'lIIislly: .l!l'l'lill[{ Ihl'

eht'l//mgr. Deans from 30 differenr

counrries. from Alb:lnia (() Iceland.

arrended II'irh rhc keynore speech

delilTred by the Swedish ~/inisrer of

Educ:ltion and Sciencc,

Harold Baum. Professor of

Biochemisrr\' and former Head of rhe

School of Lifc. Basic I\ledical c'?Healrh Sciences. was guest of honour

and was elcered Ilonorar\' Life

I\lember. a~ 'rhe Founding Farher of

rhe Associarion·. Th i'> wa,> ser up in

1989 and ha~ grown from a ner\l ork in

1\ hich idea., and information could be

c:\changed ro bccoming a lobbying

force in rhe area of science and

education in Europe.

COl11l11ol1\\ealrh ,>rlllh0pp0f[Unlrle<.,

We hal C been senr dcrails of

I':lriou,> o,cholarship and

fellow'>hips for

posrgraduates and nrhl:r ,dlOlars ro

,rudy in Australia. Canada and or her

CommoJl\1 ealrh countries, Copies of

[he marcrial arc availablc from France'>

Chapman in rhe PreS'> e Publicarion>

Office, cxrn 3202,

Profe.,sor Zheng will work wirh

Profc.,.,or Donald Gillies on a projecr

cuncerned wirh rhc inreraerions

bcm een philo ophy of science.

philo.,ophy of marhemaric'> and

artificial inrelligence. Ir is hoped rhat

rhcsc rc~earcheswill re,ult in a short

book which II ill be published in

Chinese and English,

Professor Donald Gillics

Departmenr of Philosoplw

Profe",>or .\nrhca Tinker

Professor Anrhea Tinker. Ilead

of rhe Age Concern Jnsrirure of

Gerontology. has been cho.,en

bv rhe European Commis ion a., onc

of four academics to el'alu:Hl: research

undertakcn on rhe Ageing and

Tl:chnology iniriaril'e across Europe.

The initiaril'e looks ar Il'a\S in

which rechnology can help elderly

people rhroughour Europe, bl'

t1el'Clopmenrs such as 'smart houses'

and a"lrm'>, 1\ report on rhe finding~ of

the research will be produced LwChrisrmas.

The firsr meering of the

cvaluatOrs was held in Brussei'> in la~

and rhe sccond will be held ar I-:ing's

in Juh, followed by a fu rther meeti ng

in Finland in October and annrher in

.\w,rria in 0:ol·ember.

w c apologise for an error rhc

1\ lay is'>ue of CO/llIIIl'lll

II hcre II e referrcd to

ProfcS'>or Graham Sranron :1'> rhe

prmpecril'c Ilead of rhe J)epartml:nr

ofTheolog\" IIc will be thc I lead of

rhc Dl:partmenr of Theology eRei igiou~ Swd ic,>.

Page 10: Comment 097 June 1996

1'.1~<': 1(I

In thenews

'I he Pilrd,) n h(hl erI'rof..:"or (j.mJin..:r. I)i\ I ion of

Lifc "ci..:ncc' anu I'rc,iucnr of d1":

l.innean oci..:t\. t:rc,m:d a ,cn,arion in

rh..: pr..:, follO\I in~ hI'> Ieuur..: \I hieh

rc\ c.lIed rh..: lu..:nrir~ of rhe I'ilruo\l n

honer. The re'\r appeareu 111 ,\'tll/IIT

rh..: ua\ b..:for..: rh..: Ienure anu wa,

rhen COl ereu b\ e\ e~ narional paper

.lnd man~ of rhe uail~ regional'>. I le

.Ippeared on ,e\Tral rauio program mc,

anu in ,ome of rhe foreign meuia,

\Y.Her "ho[(Jt!;cJohn l·ffQC. '.:a,h I'rofe'>'>or of

Enginccring La\l. al,o appeareu in all

rh..: narional papcr, anu rhe regionah in

hi, role ,\,> Chairman of rhe inquif\ inro

York,hirc \\'arcr. Ili, linuing, rc\..:alcd

rhar rhe lIarer ,horrage rhar affecreu

York,hire ,0 bad" la,r ,ummer "'h a

cri,i, lIairing ro happen.

\\~lf uilllc"Thc inrernarional criminal rribunal

again,r Du'>an Tauic. rhe allegeu \lar

criminal. rook place in The Ilague and

11 a, r..:porreu in TItI'Ti///l's. Dr Jame,

(;0\1. Lecrurer in War Sruuie,. an

..:'pcrr on rh..: Balkan" appearcd a, rhe

firsr wirne'>'>,

1'.lleer of ph rh 1I,\[eThe rccenr conrr()\er,~ O\'er ph rh aIcl[e,

in bab~ milk led ro Dr Keirh JOIll;S,

Reauer in Chemisrry being quored in

rhc !lId1fm/r/ml, lle oplained rhar

phrhalclre, arc u'>cd in rhe making of

pla,ric, such as P\'C 11 here rhe\' an as

a 'plasriciser' [() enhance rhe physical

properrie, of rhe pla,ric, Their u,e i,

e'(rremt:l~ 11 ide,pn;ad and rhc\ arc

nOli founu in m ,111 \ place, in rhc

el1\'ironmenr. '\\'e ofren find rhem a,

conraminanr'> of producr, in rhe

labofarof\ b..:cau,e rhe~ arc e,rfaned

from rhe rubber and pla,ric rubing of

Jabor'HOf\' cquipmcnr. Replacing rhcm

\I irh orhcr prouucr, \I mild be ler~


Tre,Hn LI r for Iikrt!;ieRe,earch carried our ar rhe Randall

Imrirurc eoulu lead [() an effeni\'C

rrearmenr for all allergic condirion'>,

The ream. led by Dr Brian Surwn,

Reader in I\lolecular Biophysic" hal'e

,uecessful'" synrhesi,eu a pepride

molecule capablc of blocking rhc

inrefacrion bef\lcen IgE and rhe

,urface of l1la,r ct:ll . Th..: molel'u\<.:.

11 hleh mimiC rhe narurall\ ol'l'urrin~

pror..:in' on ma r cell'>. 11 oulu blol'K all

allcrgil'rcJulon r..:ganJle, of all..:r~en,

Thi, 11 ,I, rcponcd 111 man\ of rh..:

na[lonal d.II" paper, Jnu P"/.i/. Dr

<'urron \I a, al'>o inr":f\ iell eu on rh..:

\\'orld ~":f\ ic..: and IOl'al r.ldio.

(lull' \\.lr \ ndrolllc,\ million-dollar ,rud\ [() d..:rermine

\I herher Culf \\'ar \ ndromc ha,

affen..:u Briri,h ,oldier, being

underwk<.:n ar "CS\ ID \I"a, repom;d in

'l'Ite 'II////'S, Dr Simon \\·c",ley. R..:ader in

I''>Yl'hological :".ledicine \\'ho i, leading

rhc srud~. appeareu on ['I''.: :"e\l',

\I.Hh" CdUC.Hiol1.\ htrgarer BrOil n. Ilcad of rhe Sl'hool of

Edul'arion and I'rofe'>'>or of

.\Iarhemaril" I':dul'arion, wrore an

arril'le for the 11Ir//f)mr/ml que,rioning

\I here rhe Cl idem:e I\"a, for ,a\ ing rhar

l'hildr..:n'" ,tandaru, in marhemaril"

arc ,Iipping. She \I'a' al,o quo[(:d in

r\l 0 T!~S imid..:' concerning rhe

real'hing of marhemari..:',

l nh,d,ll1lCd dicrThe lare,>t dier craLc kno\\'n a, the

Drop Diet ha, bcen rhe ,ubjen of

artides in the J)(fil)' ,l/r/il and the

!",,['mill:; SIIIIIr/rlld. Lr il1\ oh-cs making a

,oup of a nllmber of l'Cgerable, and

eating I er\' lirr\<.: else. Dr 1\ loira Ta) lor.

Lccrurer in Nutrition e Dictcrie,

srrongl" alii i,ed peopl<.: again~r ir and

~aid rhar lIeight ,11OUlu he lo,t ,I()\\ 11

11 ith a balanced dier.

Relc\ ,ll1ee of nlucariol1,lllrhoririe"1\ fearure in rhc T1~S c-.;amined rhe

rolc of educarion aurhoritie, in the

light of \ear, of Icgi,larion l'cnrrali,ing

pOllcr, f{c,earch led b\ Srcphen Ball.

I'rofe'>'>or of Eduearion, on rhe effect'

of rccenr cducation Iegi,lation

concluded rhar 'Linl<.: rcmain'> of rhe

con,iuerablc planning. policy-making

and aCl'oulltabilir~ rol<.:~ \I~hil'h \\'ere

le,rcd in LE.\, prior [() 19HH,'

Re"i"r.ll1ce to Llnribioric"I'rofe'>'>or .\Iark Ca'>e\\'ell, I lead of

Dcpartmenr and l)rofc'>Sor of 1\ Iedil'al

l\licrohiology, gal'e a leeturc [() rhe

European Chemothcrapy Conferencc

\I'hieh \\'a, reponcd in rhc Bin//i//glt{l///

PO.f1 and the (;/f/.fgoO!' Ill'I"ald. lie ,aid

Page 11: Comment 097 June 1996

rhar infccrion' coulu in fuwrc bccomc

imp()',\iblc [() ucar u,in~ aIHibimic\.

Thc numbcr of bacrcri,d infecrion\

prOl ing rC\i\raIH [() alm()',r e\ crI

knO\I n amibimic are on rhe incrc'I'c.

L \\ hI L

I)r \Iarih n I ,orU. Scnior Lecwrer in

Hiomeuieal En!!;incerin!!;, \la,

imcn ic\\eu on Rauio -1\ .lIlrliliJII .\"II~·

in conncerion \\ irh a ne\\ compurer­

'Iiueu de,ign 'y\rcm for orthop'leuic


Ldlllarioll Cl'i\ il \\,11I)r Zorall P'ljic, School of 1.01\\. \\ '"

qu()[eu ill an arricle in '1'hI' 'j'illll'.1 \\ hich

dc\crihed h(lII higher euuc,nion in

Sar'ljclo '11ld Tu/.la h'I' bcell cffeered

h\ rhc ci\ il lIar and rhe or,galli\;nion

,\cadcmic I ,ifclinc \\ hich ha\ bccn 'cr

up [() help re.,[()re it.

I orCIl Il '>L1LIlLCKin~', \\'01' ho,r [() rhc BBC receIHh

\\ hen a ui,cu"ion pro~rammcon

foren,ic 'cicncc \\," rccordcd for Rauio

-I <. Irll.ilJl. Taking parr \\ a, Tcrn

Gou~h. Profc\\or of Forcn.,ic Sciencc.

and four orher forcll\ic \cicIHi,r' 'Ind

p,nhologi,r\ from our,iuc rhe Colle~c.

\Iany i.,.,uc, \\crc COICfCU incluuing

rhc public image of rhe forcmic

'ciemi\[, rraining. ,cenc, of crimc 'lI1d

hlllOra[()r\, \l'ork, and rhe role of 1)1'\,\

profi Iill,!!;.

l..)c dl'>crimill.ltiollRcscarch carrieu our hy I)r \Iarrin

I:ro\r, Lecrurcr in Geogr'lph\', ahour

rhe rapid inerea\e in rhe number of

\\ oman uri\ ing [() \\ ork, \\a\ circu in an

'lrricle in Pn:lOlllld Fur/flY. The rc,c,nch

\\ '" parr of rhc ESRC ccn\u\ rc'carch

programmc looking ar rhc p;\[[crn\ of

pcople,' journc\'\ [() \l'ork. Thc articlc

c,amincu rc,carch \\ hich \ho\\ed rhar

dc\pire rhe ~nlll in~ number of

\\orking \\omcn <jualit\ ing for

comp'II1\' Glr\. cmploycr\ arc \rill

di\eriminaring in fa\ our of m;11c

collclgue\ \\ hen ir eome\ [() ,t1locaring

I chicle makc anu mouel.

I ,i re () I dC .Ith,\n .ljil'l' f)rlll; pro~ramme debarill~

ho\\ rhe :'-SI IS .,houlu rcach deei,ions

on rhe rarioning of healrh care

1'0110\\ ing rhe ucarh of 'Child H' \\a,

chaireu b\ fan Kenm:dy, I kad ofrhe

School of I,a\\ anu Profe\\or of

\kdical 1,.1\\ ,lI1d I·:rhic\.

loh,1c phollc'> C 1·ldi.ltiollTed (jram. I'rofe\.,or of ":'pertmcmal

Phy ic\. 1\,1' imen ie\\ ed on rhe BBC

\\'orlu Sen ice on rhc ,afer\ of mohile

rc Iephone\ ,lIld rhc biolo!!;IGtI Lffccr, ot

rhe radiarion emirred by rhem. I k \\ a,

able [() rea\\ure li\rcncr\ rhar mJny

\ CH' of'cielHitic re\earch hau been

UCI ()[cd rll rhi, arca and rhar rh.:re \\ ,"

no el idcncc for ,I\\uming rhar mobile

relephone, con,rirurcd a healrh hal.ard.

kdirCITlllcall tic crrific.1tioll.\ rcport in rhe 1-:1110/11'1111 c'''l1lined rh.:

El' projecr \\ hich i, ,c'lI'ching for \\'1\\

[() 'oh c rhc prohlem of dc,crrilicarion

in rhe \lcdircrranc'ln. The re,e;lI'ch i\

heing conducred in ,Ollle -1-1 ":uropean

uni\ cr\iric' and eO-lIrdinarcd 1)\ John

Thornc,. 11c'ld of l)eparrmcIH ,lIld

I'rofe\\or of PIli \ical Geogr'lplll ar


I h I "cldtnt!,Dr Ilclen Fieluing. I ,ecrurer in

Chcmi\u\. \\ a\ rhc ,ubjcer of" fearurc

in rhc I~.!'SR(.'mag'l/ine.

I 10\\ cr hoolIl'i/rl F/Of."l'J:I, a reI i.,eu edirion 01';1

hook hI' I)r Pcrer \ loorc, Rcader in

Ecolog\, \\a., rc\ ic\\ cd in rhc {·!itel'

.\'(~ii!·s 1.('llel'. The book cOIHaim

informarion on 01 er 1,000 ,pecic\,

[()~erher \l'irh a pierure of each.

\idco rc\ iL \\Chri,rine Ilarri'on. Lecrurer in Science

EUUGHion, re\ ie\\ cu I ideo\ \\ hich

encuura~c pupih [() e,plore rhe

en\ ironmcIH: l.i/i' Pmll.I.I' (//II! I.icill,!'.

'I'hillg.\. Slil'lIfI "'el'SI(/,!'.l'.1 I rl/lr/.! I iueo\.

anu a\'c\\cd \ome tk,iblc nurerial\

for 10\\'Cr \econdary pupih in rhc TFS.

( orrccrillllThc Li,rcnin~ Frienu\ \chcmc

rcporreu in rhc hl,r cuirion of COIIIIIIIIII

\\a, ,cr up b\ \Ir ,\Ltn :\arhan.

Lccwrer in Pharmacy Pracricc,

rogerher \\ irh rhe I)irecwr of Lc~al

Scn'ic<:' ar rbc Rmal I'harmaceurical


1',1 'e I'

Page 12: Comment 097 June 1996

Students'l nlon e\ s

rC' C

The currem e,ecuti\ e Jt KCL. l' Jre

reJching the end of their [(;rm in

office, Jnd \\'ould like [() tJke the

opporwnity of thJnking College for

their co-operJtion throughout the yCJr.

It i, hoped thJt the JbbJ[I(:al team

made life a linle eJ,ier for the ,tJff at

College thi, year. and thJt \\' ith the

Jrri\'al of the ne\\' e,ecuti\ e, another

tep Il1Jy be taken in imprO\ ing


The four ,ablxlticab \\ i,h their

,ucee~sor. all the \ cry be,t for next

\"ear and hope thJt J)uncan Ra~or and

his team find their time both

rewJrding Jnd enjoyable.

I I [I1C'..,.., ( C'lHfC'

The tamford Srrect Firne'" Cenrre is

due ro open on 1HSeptember, and \\ ill

be anlilable [() ,wdenrs, sraff and the

general public alike. For further

details, conract 0:ick Laing on e't


Other areas \I ithin the Swdems'

L'nion [() undergo possible

de\ elopmem include the \\'aterfronr

Bar and Deli, the ,rain\ elh. lift lobbie,

and [Oilet'.

.•\l11C (h.\ ( \)0 I(

The Boat Club recenrly held a Boat

:'\aming Ceremoll\ attended by about

40 people, mainly pa,t and currenr

member, of the clllb. .10 J\gne\\ had

the honour of naming fi\'e new boat,:

SmutI' e S({pimler, '1nl' FOIIlJdilJg

PrilJfip{{!., of Killg's ('oll~f. ll'i/limll

OIler, SirJohll .11i:iIlS and Iln/m1

TiJllJlilJSf)IJ. Both the l'nion and the

Boat Club ha\'e e;\pressed their

gratitllde for the commitmem and

recognition.lo ha gi\ en [() POrt at

KCI.. 'l

( tll 1

Tuesday 2. \Iay a\l the L'nion

organi,e a t:hamy netball match in aid

of this yeJr'" Rag t:haritie" Whia Kidand \\'ater \id, Four team, [()ok part:

the current e't:t:uti\ c officer, the

e,ecuti\ e,clecr, the Roor ne\\ 'paper

team and thi, year's L'Ll' champion"

the :'\etball 2nd" There are no priLe,

for guessing \\ ho the \\ inning team

\\as, bur the e,ecllti\ e did gi\e the

Ill:tballt:r, a run for their mone\"! The

day \\'as follo\\'ed up by an e\'emful

barbecue and an end of \"ear party.

hosted by the Sabbatical'>. Lots of

money \\a., raised and a good day \I'a,

had by all in\·oh-ed. Thanks to all

tho,e \\ ho participatcd in any \\a) to

help in rai.,ing fund, for Rag,

1.1IIliu: \\ ill ill'> m()\ c.., onThe l' nion said a sad farewell [() its

longest ,en ing member of staff,

ElInice \\'ilkin,. Eunice began life

with KCI.Sl' 17 yecus ago, srarting as a

secretary, before she became \ lanager

of the enn:rpri,ing l' nisraff. helping

student' in their ,earch for paid \\ork

[() supplement their mediocre gram

cheques. She \\ a, kno\\ n by Illany

,tudents and 'taff of College, and ,he

\\ ill 1)(.; sorely Illissed, The sraff and

e'ecuti\"c of KCLSll would like [()

thank Eunice for her tirdes~

contribution to the running of thc

l'nion. and \\ ish her the \'ery best for

the futllre,

1'.lge 12

'1nl' E.\eflili,:e Imlll ({llhe Ihrrrill' //I'lflall !JJallh ill .1/111',

Page 13: Comment 097 June 1996

SlIl'lC .., for J-:in.!!;\ in international la" competItion

ThC Prc~~ e Publicarion~

Office prcparc~ prc~~ rclea~c~

abour graduaring ,rudclH~

11 ho h:1\ c inrere,ring ,«)ric~ [() reil. If

\ ou rhink rhar rhe per~onal and / or

academic ach iCI cmcnr~ of any of \ our

,rudcnr~ mi/!:hr make nCII ~\I onh\

~«)ric~, plca~e conracr :--1 clan il:

Gardnl:r, Pre~~ e Informarion Officer

on e,\(fl .Ion.

Free l'opie'> of l'hr !?tj)f)/1

WC ,rill hal c ~ome eopie~ of

'1111' NrjJo/1 1996 \I h ich \I e

can make :11 ailahlc (frl:e) «)

llt:panmenr~ or rcam, \I ho need «)

'cnd Oll[ pack~ or puhlicarion~«) q!;.

porenrial rl:,earch ,pon,or~, \'11'"I i,i«)r~ erc. I'le:l'l: conwC( F rancc~

(:hapman. I'rl:S, e Puhlicarion~ Officc

e'\[I1 .'-20.2.

T \lO Kin/!:'" hilI ~rudell[~, :'-.'arira

Bahra and IIan1l.a S\"cd werc

among rhe finali,r~ in rhi~

\'ear'" IlHcrncl[ional Clienr Coun,e1ling

Compl:ririun, held in Qucen,land.


:"arira and I bnl/a came fir~r in :1

Clienr In((;n ie\l ing Comperirion.

,pon,orcd h~ Simmo!l'> and SiJl1mon~,

11 hich wok pLicl: \I irhin College, and

\lenr on «) 11 in ar narionallt:l'cl ar a

comperirion held ar \\'l:~rmin,rer

Cen[[:llllall in larl: Fchruan.

The 11(;,\r ~ragl:, rhe Loui~ \1Hrmm Inrernariona I Cl ienr

Coun ..elling Compl:ririon, «)ok placc at

Bond t 'ni\ er,ir\, Queen,Lind and \I"a,

King\ Rl'j)(j111 <)<)7

All ,raffare il1\ ired [() ,uhmir

idl:a~ for anicle~ ur rheJl1l:s for

ncxr ycar', King', N''jJor! ((0 be

publi .. hl:d in Fdxu:H\' 1(97). The

R'jJ()/1 i, 'l:nr «) a \I idc rangl: of

dcci,ion-makl:r,. including mini rcrs,

cil il ,Cn:.llH" re,l:arch council,

profe"ional and aeadl:mic

organi,arion~and chid' l:xccuril e~ of

largo businessl:s, and prOl"idc,:.l ShOlI"­

CI,C of cxciring \I ork going on ar

King's in rcsearl:h and rcaching.

Topics arc ,elt:c((;d for rhc RejJol1

from a long-lisr drall'n up by rhe Press

er Publie:l(ions Officl:, This li,r is rhen

considered by rhe Principal and an

inclependenr ediwr, \I ho ,elecr topics

fur ,gcnl:ral inrere~r, «) gil'e a spread of

,ubjeC(~ acrms rhe Collt:ge. and if

\I on b~ rhe t' ni\l:r~ir~ of Oregon.

:"arira and Ilam"'a. srudenr delegare~

reprc~clHing England and \\'ale,

managcd [() find rime w fjr rhe CI'l:nr

inwa I crI bu" rcrm. rerurning wLondon w "ir rheir final~, Their

:.lehielemenr i.. all rhe morl: remarkable

a~ rhc\ \I ere up again~r ,rudenr"

formal" coached in rhe rl:ehniqul:~of

clienr irm;n il:\I ing.

:"arira plan-. [(J go on «) Bar School

in I,undon and Hamz:.l is «) pursuc a

carl:<.:r in aecoulH:lI1e~.

In !CJ97 rhe Inrl:rnarion:d Client

Coun,dling Comperirion \I ill tllml: «)

rhe t 'nil'crsiry of Briswl.

pm,ible w fir in \I irh a broad 0\ er­

arching rhemc.

Thi, i, rherefurl: rhe opponunir\

for you w ~ubmir an idea for a ropic w

be l:OI l:red or for a rheme for rhe

\I holt: Nf!1011 (onc rhar ha, alread~

hl:l:n suggesred i~ 'TolnHds rhe

\Iillt:nnium'), (fmu \lould like w,uhmir an idea for a sror\', plea~e do

nor wrire an anicle, bur enclose a brid'

ourline (onc or r\\'o pages maximum ­

rhis could bl: frum l:xisring

dOl:umenrarion) uf rhe ,ubjccr, and

send ir w me ar Corn\l·:.lll Huu~e

befurl: rhe end ofJul\',

Chrisrinl: Kenyon Jonl:s

Dirl:cror of Public I~clari()ns

Page 14: Comment 097 June 1996

l'.lgt: 1-1



15 JulyThird Annual Education LecturePedagogy - the last corner of thesecret gardenAnthea Millett, Chief Executive ofthe Teacher Training Agency18.00 Great Hall, StrandFor invitation details please callTrevor Pearce 0171-872 3183


Centre for Philo"ophicalSrudie.,

Seminar Series in collaborationwith the LSE:The philosophy of architecture

4 JulyArchitecture and traditionAnthony O'HearRoom T206, Tymes Court, LSE,Portugal Street

Centre for '1'\\ cnrierhCen (Ltr\ Cui ru r,t! ')(lJ die.,

21 and 22 JuneTwo day conferenceThe European Impact of the CivilWarSpeakers will include:David Childs, Nottingham:Germans on the Left and Right inthe Spanish Civil WarHilary Footit, Westminster: TheFrench Right and the Spanish CivilWarHwyel Francis, Swansea, Wales:'Say nothing and leave in themiddle of the night': Welsh minersand the Spanish Civil WarRichard Griffiths, KCL: 'And so Godin his infinite goodness has causedhis son to triumph again in Spain':British Catholics and the SpanishCivil WarGeoffrey Harris, Salford: Malraux& Spain: Myth & RealityBert Hogenkamp, Amsterdam:Cinema and the Spanish Civil WarJulian Jackson, Swansea, Wales:The French Popular Front and theSpanish Civil WarDouglas Jackson, UCL and KCL:French intellectuals and theSpanish Civil War

Paul Preston, LSE: ItalianIntervention in the Spanish CivilWarClaire Spencer, KCL: Tangier in thecontext of the Spanish Civil WarSarah Wilson, Courtauld Institute:The visual arts of the Spanish CivilWarCouncil Room, StrandFriday, 21 June 9.30 to 20.00,Saturday, 22 June 10.00 to 17.00

Documentary films to be shown onFriday evening:Spanish ABC (British 1938)Im Kampf gegen den WeltfeindHelden in Spanien (German 1938and 1939)

Fees: one day £10.00, two days:£15.00Contact Wendy Pank, HumanitiesResearch Centres Office, School ofHumanities 0171-873 2360


6 JulyCommunity Law in English CourtsOne-day conference organised bythe Centre of European LawChaired by Lord Bingham ofCornhill, the Lord Chief JusticeGreat Hall, Strand 9.00 to 18.00Fee £100.00. To make a reservationplease contact Liz Haigh, Centre ofEuropean Law, tel/fax 0171-8732387. Law Society accreditation 7CPD hours: level S

16 SeptemberReception: House of LordsLord Clinton-Davis, a graduate ofthe School, has kindly agreed tohost an early-evening reception forformer students and currentfriends of the School of Law andguests. The terrace of the House ofLords. Tickets: £30.00 single,£50.00 doublePrior booking essential. ContactAlan Bradshaw, Assistant Dean,School of Law, tel 0171-8732324,fax 0171-873 2465,email [email protected]

Page 15: Comment 097 June 1996

10, 17 and 24 OctoberRecent Developments in ECCompetition Law

A series of three two-hour lecturesreviewing developments in ECCompetition Law from 1 October1995 to 30 September 1996 (18.00to 20.00), with detailed notes andmaterials. Each lecture isaccredited by The Law Society forContinuing ProfessionalDevelopment (two CPD hours perlecture)

10 OctoberArticle 85

17 OctoberArticle 86 and the EC MergerRegulation

24 OctoberPractice and Procedure

Speaker: Richard Whish, Professorof Law, Fee: £75.00 per lecture£200.00 for all three

A similar series of three lecturesby Richard Whish on the abovetopic will be held in March 1997.For reservations please contact LizHaigh, Centre of European Law,tel/fax 0171-873 2387

Life Science...

Sad.lcr [l1'>ritllre ofPlllm()nar~ Pharmacolog~

All seminars from 13.00 to 14.00 inthe Seminar Room, Department ofRespiratory Medicine, King'sCollege Hospital Medical School,Bessemer Road, London SE5Contact Professor C Page on 0171­3463610 or 333 4767

5 JulyApoptosisProfessor C Haslett, University ofEdinburgh

26 JulyVascular permeability in theairwayDr C Persson, University of Lund

20 SeptemberRegulation of airway smooth

muscle proliferationDr S Hirst, UMDS

1 NovemberMechanisms of airwayhyperresponsivenessDr P Stark, University of Leiden

1'.1 'L 1:;

Page 16: Comment 097 June 1996

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