
Journal of Surgical Oncology 2001;77:186–187 COMMENTARY The use of intraoperative lymphatic mapping (IOLM) and sentinel node biopsy has substantially changed the treatment of cutaneous melanoma. Ongoing arguments over elective versus delayed node dissection have ended, replaced by widespread adoption of IOLM among melanoma surgeons worldwide. The single biggest variable affecting success in IOLM is anatomic location. The lymphatic drainage patterns of the trunk, extremities and head and neck are all more variable than originally predicted from cadaver studies. However, the head and neck presents surgeons with by far the greatest challenges. The unique attributes of mapping in the head and neck will challenge an experienced surgical oncologist who performs IOLM predominantly for melanomas of the trunk and extremities. The head and neck is a three-dimensional (3D) anatomic area inter- twined with multiple nerves, cosmetic features, and boundaries. The ‘‘shine-through’’ problem limits the surgeon’s efforts to use preoperative lymphoscintigraphy to identify sentinel nodes that overlie radioactive injection sites. Combine the anatomic complexity with the fact that the average surgical oncologist sees few cases of head and neck melanoma, and the result is a learning curve that can be slow and sometimes painful. Conversely, the experienced head and neck surgeon rarely has a high volume of melanoma mapping cases, and cannot leverage the experience that surgical oncologists derive from performing sentinel node biopsies below the clavicle. Put these technical complexities and turf issues together, and it is no surprise that the acceptance of IOLM for melanoma has been slowest in the head and neck. Meanwhile, controversies abound about indica- tions, techniques, and adjunctive therapies to be used for head and neck melanoma patients. It is in this setting that Gibbs et al. offer their review of surgical therapy of head and neck melanoma. The ‘‘bottom line’’ is that they present no compelling reasons to believe the surgical treatment of melanomas in this location should be fundamentally different than elsewhere in the body. They suggest that IOLM and sentinel node biopsy will become standard care for head and neck melanoma patients. But are we there yet? Head and neck IOLM, like IOLM for melanomas elsewhere, has improved significant because of technical improvements in probe design and a better understanding of the anatomic variations. Our experience in trunk and extremity melanoma has taught us to aggressively interrogate multiple drainage sites to identify node-positive patients or exclude unnecessary node dissections if only one site is positive. The courage to attack the parotid in search of sentinel nodes has allowed surgeons to learn to find individual lymph nodes within the confines of parotid tissue without injury to the facial nerve. So the answer appears to be yes, the challenges posed by IOLM in the head and neck can be handled by the well-trained surgical oncologist or head and neck surgeon operating as part of an experienced multidisciplinary team. There are still, however, many opportunities to improve IOLM in the head and neck. Prospective clinical trials will be necessary to define the limits of use. For example, what is the lower threshold of lesion thickness for IOLM? Conversely, what are the benefits of IOLM in patients with deep melanomas (>4 mm) where, although regional failure is a major issue, traditional wisdom argued against elective node dissection? When micro- metastases are found within the sentinel nodes, what if any modifications of standard neck dissection procedures should be made? What adjuvant therapies, such as radiation and high-dose interferon-a, should be used in the sentinel node-positive patients? Outside the strictly medical sphere, we must also wonder whether reimburse- ment concerns will cloud the picture in the head and neck if clear data are not available to demonstrate efficacy of IOLM? We believe that IOLM in the head and neck is a powerful tool to stage and treat melanoma, with extraordinarily high degrees of patient acceptance. At our center, a multidisciplinary approach has allowed general surgical oncologists and head and neck surgeons to work side-by-side and benefit from each others’ expertise. Identical indications are applied to IOLM for head and neck melanomas as for those occurring elsewhere on the skin: all patients with melano- mas 1.00 mm and selected patients with melanomas <1 mm (specifically those with ulceration, extensive regression or a positive deep margin) are potential candidates. Likewise, the same approaches to adjuvant therapy are taken, with sentinel node-positive patients ß 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

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Journal of Surgical Oncology 2001;77:186±187


The use of intraoperative lymphatic mapping (IOLM)and sentinel node biopsy has substantially changed thetreatment of cutaneous melanoma. Ongoing argumentsover elective versus delayed node dissection have ended,replaced by widespread adoption of IOLM amongmelanoma surgeons worldwide. The single biggestvariable affecting success in IOLM is anatomic location.The lymphatic drainage patterns of the trunk, extremitiesand head and neck are all more variable than originallypredicted from cadaver studies. However, the head andneck presents surgeons with by far the greatestchallenges. The unique attributes of mapping in thehead and neck will challenge an experienced surgicaloncologist who performs IOLM predominantly formelanomas of the trunk and extremities. The head andneck is a three-dimensional (3D) anatomic area inter-twined with multiple nerves, cosmetic features, andboundaries. The `̀ shine-through'' problem limits thesurgeon's efforts to use preoperative lymphoscintigraphyto identify sentinel nodes that overlie radioactiveinjection sites. Combine the anatomic complexity withthe fact that the average surgical oncologist sees fewcases of head and neck melanoma, and the result is alearning curve that can be slow and sometimes painful.Conversely, the experienced head and neck surgeonrarely has a high volume of melanoma mapping cases,and cannot leverage the experience that surgicaloncologists derive from performing sentinel nodebiopsies below the clavicle.

Put these technical complexities and turf issuestogether, and it is no surprise that the acceptance ofIOLM for melanoma has been slowest in the head andneck. Meanwhile, controversies abound about indica-tions, techniques, and adjunctive therapies to be used forhead and neck melanoma patients. It is in this settingthat Gibbs et al. offer their review of surgical therapy ofhead and neck melanoma. The `̀ bottom line'' is that theypresent no compelling reasons to believe the surgicaltreatment of melanomas in this location should befundamentally different than elsewhere in the body.They suggest that IOLM and sentinel node biopsy willbecome standard care for head and neck melanomapatients.

But are we there yet? Head and neck IOLM, like IOLMfor melanomas elsewhere, has improved signi®cant

because of technical improvements in probe design anda better understanding of the anatomic variations. Ourexperience in trunk and extremity melanoma has taughtus to aggressively interrogate multiple drainage sites toidentify node-positive patients or exclude unnecessarynode dissections if only one site is positive. The courageto attack the parotid in search of sentinel nodes hasallowed surgeons to learn to ®nd individual lymph nodeswithin the con®nes of parotid tissue without injury to thefacial nerve. So the answer appears to be yes, thechallenges posed by IOLM in the head and neck can behandled by the well-trained surgical oncologist or headand neck surgeon operating as part of an experiencedmultidisciplinary team.

There are still, however, many opportunities toimprove IOLM in the head and neck. Prospective clinicaltrials will be necessary to de®ne the limits of use. Forexample, what is the lower threshold of lesion thicknessfor IOLM? Conversely, what are the bene®ts of IOLM inpatients with deep melanomas (>4 mm) where, althoughregional failure is a major issue, traditional wisdomargued against elective node dissection? When micro-metastases are found within the sentinel nodes, what ifany modi®cations of standard neck dissection proceduresshould be made? What adjuvant therapies, such asradiation and high-dose interferon-a, should be used inthe sentinel node-positive patients? Outside the strictlymedical sphere, we must also wonder whether reimburse-ment concerns will cloud the picture in the head and neckif clear data are not available to demonstrate ef®cacy ofIOLM?

We believe that IOLM in the head and neck is apowerful tool to stage and treat melanoma, withextraordinarily high degrees of patient acceptance. Atour center, a multidisciplinary approach has allowedgeneral surgical oncologists and head and neck surgeonsto work side-by-side and bene®t from each others'expertise. Identical indications are applied to IOLMfor head and neck melanomas as for those occurringelsewhere on the skin: all patients with melano-mas �1.00 mm and selected patients with melanomas<1 mm (speci®cally those with ulceration, extensiveregression or a positive deep margin) are potentialcandidates. Likewise, the same approaches to adjuvanttherapy are taken, with sentinel node-positive patients

ß 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

evaluated for adjuvant high-dose interferon-a, andpostoperative radiotherapy reserved for patients withgross extranodal extension or multiple positive nodes(situations rarely encountered when clinically negativenodes are found to have microscopic involvement). If thereport by Gibbs et al. serves to motivate surgeons to putaside preconceived notions and apply consistent surgicalstandards to melanomas arising above and below theclavicle, it will be a valuable contribution indeed.

Riley Rees, MD

Vernon K. Sondak, MD

Department of SurgcrySection of Plastic Surgery and

Division of Surgical OncologyMultidisciplinary Melanoma ClinicUniversity of MichiganComprehensive Cancer CenterAnn Arbor, Michigan

Commentary 187