comments on health care reform

Ut . 3/24/2010 13:05:05Please submit a law suit against the recent Health Care Bill signed by the President on March 23, 2010. It will cost me and my family too much and I don't want to be told what to do by the government. Let me make my own decisions. Thank you, Angela C. Maes . 3/24/2010 13:06:10Dear Governor and Attorney General: Enclosed is a transcript of the March 21, 2010 broadcast of Blunt.Fm Truth Radio on the US Health Care Reform Bill. Please listen to this broadcast and read the transcript for important information to help your state with the health care reform. Information provided on by Bryan Farnum is intended to help the US government become stronger. This broadcast is listened to by 124 countries around the world and its purpose is to help all world leaders. I would like to see your state benefit from this information. Thank you for your time and attention. Sincerely, Jill E. Meyer P. O. Box 2810 McCall, ID 83638 2083151860 THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED Note: As you read this excerpt, (from Bryan Farnum’s March 21, 2010 broadcast), please keep in mind that it was a live broadcast and intended for listening, not a book format, and should be read with this in mind. To listen to the entire broadcast please visit the Listening Room and Entire March 21, 2010 Broadcast: Total length 2:20:15 Seg 1) Topic: “A Deeper Understanding of LDL Low Density Lipoprotein” Seg 2) Conversation with Hippocrates Seg 3) Topic: The US Healthcare Reform Bill Seg 4) Special Healing of the Soul The US Health Care Reform Bill Thank you. So, as they’re trying to… we’re approaching 9:30 soon, any… any minute or minutes… and Washington’s busy... and that vote’s supposed to take place. And you look at the world, what’s going on… instead of bringing everyone together, we’re causing many to be divided. For many are being divided through foreign policy. The Turks are upset. The Russians… He’s telling: Great Britain’s going to be

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Ut        .   3/24/2010  13:05:05  Please  submit  a  law  suit  against  the  recent  Health  Care  Bill  signed  by  the  President  on  March  23,  2010.  It  will  cost  me  and  my  family  too  much  and  I  don't  want  to  be  told  what  to  do  by  the  government.  Let  me  make  my  own  decisions.    Thank  you,  Angela  C.  Maes  .   3/24/2010  13:06:10  Dear  Governor  and  Attorney  General:    Enclosed  is  a  transcript  of  the  March  21,  2010  broadcast  of  Blunt.Fm  Truth  Radio  on  the  US  Health  Care  Reform  Bill.  Please  listen  to  this  broadcast  and  read  the  transcript  for  important  information  to  help  your  state  with  the  health  care  reform.  Information  provided  on  by  Bryan  Farnum  is  intended  to  help  the  US  government  become  stronger.  This  broadcast  is  listened  to  by  124  countries  around  the  world  and  its  purpose  is  to  help  all  world  leaders.  I  would  like  to  see  your  state  benefit  from  this  information.  Thank  you  for  your  time  and  attention.      Sincerely,    Jill  E.  Meyer  P.  O.  Box  2810  McCall,  ID  83638  208-­‐315-­‐1860      THIS  IS  A  RUSH  TRANSCRIPT.  THIS  COPY  MAY  NOT  BE  IN  ITS  FINAL  FORM    AND  MAY  BE  UPDATED    Note:  As  you  read  this  excerpt,  (from  Bryan  Farnum’s  March  21,  2010  broadcast),  please  keep  in  mind  that  it  was  a  live  broadcast  and  intended  for  listening,  not  a  book  format,  and  should  be  read  with  this  in  mind.  To  listen  to  the  entire  broadcast  please  visit  the  Listening  Room  and    Entire  March  21,  2010  Broadcast:  Total  length  2:20:15    Seg  1)  Topic:  “A  Deeper  Understanding  of  LDL-­‐  Low  Density  Lipoprotein”  Seg  2)  Conversation  with  Hippocrates  Seg  3)  Topic:  The  US  Healthcare  Reform  Bill  Seg  4)  Special  Healing  of  the  Soul    The  US  Health  Care  Reform  Bill    Thank  you.  So,  as  they’re  trying  to…  we’re  approaching  9:30  soon,  any…  any  minute  or  minutes…  and  Washington’s  busy...  and  that  vote’s  supposed  to  take  place.  And  you  look  at  the  world,  what’s  going  on…  instead  of  bringing  everyone  together,  we’re  causing  many  to  be  divided.  For  many  are  being  divided  through  foreign  policy.  The  Turks  are  upset.  The  Russians…  He’s  telling:  Great  Britain’s  going  to  be  

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upset  soon.  So,  there’s  something  coming  down  the  pipeline.  He’s  saying:  Syria.  And,  of  course,  the  Israelis…  Israel  being  the  heart…  I  mean,  that  region  explodes,  we  are  in  big  trouble.  And  so,  we  have  a  critical  vote  taking  place  tonight  in  the  US  House.  And  if  you  watch  C-­‐SPAN,  as  the  different  senators  will  have  their  one  minute…  the  ones  “for”  are  very  convincing.  They  use  passion,  emotion.  The  ones  “against”…  they  also  use  passion,  emotion.  And  they  come  up  with  numbers  and  make  statements.  And  who  is  speaking  the  Truth?  And  so,  what  this  part  of  the  broadcast…  I  will  disclose  to  you  the  Truth.  I  have  discerned  this  today.      You  know,  when  you  look  at  a  bill,  about  2700  pages…  whether  or  not  that  bill  makes  sense,  whether  it’s  e=  mc2…  it’s  not  more  than  10%.  When  you  take  that  information,  you  infuse  it  with  what’s  going  on  in  the  United  States  and  you  infuse  it  with  what’s  going  on  around  the  world…  and  through  my  Gift,  I  realize  that  this  is  a  very  dangerous  bill….  a  very  dangerous  bill.  And  it’s  mc2  not  more  than  10%  out  of…  out  of  100%.  So  I…  I  started  discerning.  I  said,  “Father,  so  what  about  the  benefit?”  Not  much  of  a  benefit,  when  you  consider  the  factors  of  time  and  when  you  consider  the  unknown  that  is  not  being  taken  into  consideration.  And  the  Father  says  that  this  bill  will  create  a  much,  much  higher  deficit.  Yes,  it  will,  if  it  gets  passed,  potentially  move  the  US  closer  to  bankruptcy,  impacting  their  credit  rating.  See,  the  issue  is  that  the  current  government  of  the  United  States  is  trying  to  make  health  care  available  to  everyone  with  no  adequate  regulatory  system  to  be  in  place.  There  is  none.  Says  this  is  the  major  problem.  Where  I  learned,  you  know,  when  you  take  a  look  at  trying  to  manage  the  medical  hospital  network  system  in  the  US  or  any  country…  but  we’re  going  to  focus  on  the  US…  on  average,  I’m  saying  on  average,  the  hospitals  are  managed  effectively  not  more  than  10%  out  of  100%.  So  they’re  already,  to  begin  with,  poorly  managed.  He  says  there’s  going  to  be  too  much  of  a  burden,  a  workload,  financial  load,  on  the  government,  that  the  government  should  not  be  the  police  for  health  care.  It  should  not  be  the  ones  to  do  a  takeover.  And  so,  many  senators  will  say,  you  know,  people  are  saying,  “Well,  it’s  a  takeover.”  It  is  a  takeover.  It’s  100%  a  takeover.      So  I  asked,  I  said,  “Father,  why  is  it  that  the  government  should  not  pass  this  bill?”  Again,  He  says,  does  not  have  a  structure  to  regulate  health  care.  He  says  the  cost  to  set  this  structure  up  would  be  prohibitive.  Then  I  learned  that  the…  the  ones  who  are  making  the  decisions  for  this  bill  does  not  have  more  than  a  10%  understanding  of  the  overall  current  health  care  system.  And  so,  I  heard  a  senator  talking  about  dictatorship…  dictatorship…  it’s  not  a  dictatorship.  And  so,  I  asked  the  question.  And  I  was  told  that  the  health  care  reform  bill  would  mostly  support  a  dictatorship  management  government/regime.  And  He  used  the  word  “regime”  with  me.      So,  the  third  round  of  questions…  I  asked  about  the  patients,  “How  is  it  that  they’re  not  going  to  benefit?”  He  says  the  health  care  bill  is  based  on  essential  services.  They  way  that  it  would  be  practiced  out,  would  be  the  squeaky  wheel  gets  the  grease,  not  really  based  on  preventative,  although  they  speak  of  preventative.  But  that’s  not  true.  He  says  the  bill,  in  some  areas,  will  deprive  others  of  treatment,  determined  by  a  doctor,  a  committee…  and  this  is  what  disturbed  me…  in  the  name  of  reducing  

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costs.  In  other  words,  patients  will  not  always  get  the  best  possible  treatment,  particularly  if  that  treatment  is  costly.  But  they  say,  “Not  so.”  But  I  go  with  what  I’ve  been  told,  what  I’ve  discerned.  And  it  is  so.  And  so,  the  trouble  with  this  bill,  as  it’s  really  based  on  essential  services,  is…  this  is  the  important  point:  As  the  deficit  climbs…  because  it’s  going  to…  essential  services  will  be  cut  back.  So,  it’s  going  to  get  to  a  point,  even  essential  services  will  not  be  awarded  to  many.  Because  the  money’s  not  going  to  be  made  available.    So,  I  went  on  to  the  fourth  round  of  questions…  looking  out  for  the  doctors,  their  interests.  And  what  I’m  surprised  with  is,  I’m  surprised  that  we’re  not  seeing  1,000,  2…  3,000  doctors  protesting.  Where,  through  this  bill,  if  passed,  they’re  going  to  be  impacted  in  a  big  way,  particularly  if  the  deficit  climbs.  Father  says  that  the  doctors  will  have  less  authority.  In  many  cases,  they  will  not  have  a  voice  to  express  serious  concerns.  Their  voice  will  be  received  on  deaf  ears.  That  the  system  will  go  after  doctors  aggressively  who  make  mistakes.  And  it  will  be  a  system  where  you  work  long  hours,  longer  hours,  with  less  financial  compensation.  Doctors  would  be  under  more  stress.  You  see,  it’s  tough  to  practice  medicine  in  the  United  States.  Some  doctors  pay  100,000…  even  more,  150,000…  per  year  for  medical  insurance.  They  got  to  pay  that  first.  Then,  they  got  to  pay  their  expenses  if  they  rent  a  place.  They  have  staff.  And  then,  they  pay  themselves.  I  mean,  it’s  not  easy.  And,  can  you  imagine,  you  are  a  medical  student  coming  out  of  Harvard  and  you’ve  got  maybe  80,000…  100,000  already  in  student  loans?  See,  the  system  has  to  look  at  the  existing  system.  Why  is  it  that  there’s  only  a  10%  factor  of  effective  management  for  the  average  hospital  in  the  United  States?  That’s  what  we  need  to  look  at.  Understand  what’s  out  of  balance  and  work  to  correct  it.  You  don’t  take  it  over  without  having  a  structure  to  properly  regulate  the  system.      So,  the  fifth…  the  nurses…  what  else  is  new?  I  know  in  Canada  the  nurses  are  worked  hard.  They’re  under  a  lot  of  stress.  And  this  will  only  get  worse  in  the  States.  He  says  the  system  will  be  more  disorganized,  causing  many  nurses  to  leave.  But  someone,  a  doctor,  somebody  will  go  in  and  say  that’s  not  true.  And  they’ll  say,  “Bryan?  No,  Bryan’s  not  speaking  the  Truth.”  They’ll  make  that  statement  without  knowing  that,  through  my  Gift,  I  know  them  better  than  they  know  themselves.  And  I  know  why  they  make  the  statement.  Father  says  there  will  be  an  increase  of  nurses  facing  frequent  mental  imbalances;  could  be  increased  rate  of  anxiety,  paranoia,  depression,  stress-­‐related  breakdowns.  And  you  got  to  think  about  what’s  going  on  in  the  United  States…  that  they’re  looking  to  cut  back  on  essential  services  in  the  United  States,  police  forces  in  these  small  towns.  Schools  are  being  closed.  So  now  you’ve  got  overcrowding  of  students  being  transferred  to  other  schools.  You  got  the  stress  levels  going  up.  And  you  got  people  worried  that  there’s  no  police  force.  I  just  look  at  what’s  going  on…  it’s  like,  division  is  being  created  among  so  many.  Conflicts  are  being  triggered.  And  it’s  not  necessary.  It’s  not  necessary.      The  sixth  point…  I  asked,  I  said,  “Father,  what  about  the  impact  on  the  private  sector,  business?”  He  says  eventually  the  private  sector  will  be  forced  to  pay  higher  insurance  premiums.  We’re  talking  about  the  corporations  that…  that  employ  

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people.  They’re  going  to  be  paying  much  higher  premiums  over  time.  And  it’s  going  to  force  many  businesses  to  shut  down.  And  it’s  going  to  trigger  more  unemployment.  And  companies  that  were  thinking  of  starting  up,  they’ll  start  up,  but  differently.  Because  what  they’ll  do,  it  will  encourage  employers  to  hire  part-­‐time  workers  instead  of  full-­‐time.  So,  the  United  States  is  going  to  be  a  land  leading  towards  part-­‐time  workers.  And  the  Father  says,  it  will  eventually  create  higher  rates  of  unemployment.  So,  you’ve  got  all  this  going  on…  the  higher  rates  of  unemployment.  You  create  the  instability  in  the  United  States.  You  create  more  instability  in  the  Middle  East.  Where  is  this  heading  to?  Where  are  we  going?  Hey,  you’ve  got  a  lot  of  people  out  of  work  in  the  US.  Where  are  they…  where  are  they  going  to  go?  Crime?  Unemployed?  Drink  wine  in  the  park?  Or  would  they  just  join  the  military?  Would  they  be  forced  to  join  the  military?  It  appears  that  what’s  going  on  domestically  is  being  set  up  for  something  to  take  place  internationally.      The  seventh…  I  asked  about  research  and  development.  Father  says  research  and  development,  for  the  most  part,  does  not  focus  on  cures.  It  focuses  more  on  having  a  patient  live  longer  and  to  be  more  comfortable.  He  says  it’s  going  to  be  much  more  difficult  for  researchers,  in  general,  to  get  funding.  He  says  it’s  a  bill  that  does  not  encourage  accountability  and  responsibility  for  the  researchers.  I’ve  always  discerned  that  the  scientific  community  should  have  a  general  reporting  base,  where  anyone  can  go  into  that  general  reporting  base  and  see  what  research  has  already  been  done…  including  governments  of  the  world.  So,  when  government  funds  or  private  funds  are  being  requested  for  research,  people,  the  government  can  research,  through  this  vehicle,  if  that  research  has  already  been  done,  and  what  were  the  results.  He  says  this  health  care  reform  bill  will  generate  more  waste  money.      So  I  asked,  going  on  to  the  eighth  round  of  questions…  “Why  more  waste  money?”  And  so,  I  went  into  another  round…  He  says,  I’m  going  to  take  you  over  here  now.  And  I  said,  “Okay.”  And  He  says  it’s  designed  to  take  over…  what’s  going  on  is  designed  to  take  over  the  health  care  system  and  the  banking  system  at  the  same  time.  He  says  for  the  Federal  Reserve  Bank  to  have  less  regulatory  power  over  the  banks,  other  banks,  is  very  dangerous.  I  was  told  that  a  weaker  Federal  Reserve  banking  system  equals  a  weaker  economic  system,  domestically  and  internationally.  Where,  based  on  this  weaker  economy,  it  will  not  be  able  to  support  this  health  care  reform  bill.  And  this  is  what  most  senators  are  not  focussing  on.  Instead,  they’re  coming  up  with  the  abortion  issue:  “Well,  we  don’t  want  to  vote  for  this  bill  because  of  the  abortion.  We  don’t  want  to  pay  for  someone  to  have  an  abortion,”  instead  of  looking  at  the  fundamental  issue,  the  economy,  the  weakened  economy  and  the  breakdown  of  foreign  relationships.  So  I  asked,  I  said,  “Father,  why…  why  should  this  bill  not  be  passed?”  He  says  it  simply  wasn’t  thought  out  carefully.  And  so,  people  are  wondering,  “What  should  I  think?”  and  saying,  “Who  should  I  believe?”  And  so,  I  knew  there  was  about  2,700  pages.  I  said,  “Father,  what  do  the  senators  need  to  focus  on  in  that  report  and  how  should  they  read  that  report?  The  health  care  reform  bill?”  He  says  they  all  should  start  with  page  number  96.  Then,  they  should  read  page  number  97.  Then,  they  should  read  page  number  44.  Then,  they  

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should  go  to  page  number  122.  Then  to  page  587.  And  then  to  page  680.  And  then,  they  should  go  to  681.  And  then  741.  Then  987.  Then  page  441.  Then  page  535.  And  lastly,  page  231.  Some  of  you  are  saying,  “Are  you  going  to  go  to  1,000  pages?”  Nope,  last  page,  231.  And  focus  on  this  question:  On  which,  what  area  is  this  reform  bill  going  to  harm?  And  so,  you  need  to  focus  on  eleven  areas:  The  young  American  generation  The  scientists  The  doctors  The  nurses  The  teachers  The  insurance  corporations  The  blue  collar  workers  The  large  corporations  The  small  businesses  The  US  Treasury  The  Government  of  the  United  States.      Father…  He  explained  to  me  and  I  learned  from  Him…  He  says…  He  says  those  who  are  supporting  the  current  bill,  does  one  have  the  courage  to  do  the  right  thing?  Or  is…  or  is  it  the  courage  that  they  have  to  do  the  wrong  thing.  Because  you  can  have  courage  in  both  areas.  He  says  that  those  who  support  this  bill  do  not  support  protecting  the  people  of  the  United  States.    Thank  you.                  March  21,  2010  Truth  Radio  Broadcast  ©  .   3/24/2010  13:36:41  I  am  in  hopes  you  are  intending  to  fight  this  legislation  along  with  other  states.  It  is  forcing  us  to  buy  something  we  don't  want  and  places  a  burden  on  the  majority  of  taxpayers.  .   3/24/2010  13:36:52  Dear  Mr.  King,    Please  join  in  the  suit  with  other  states  of  this  great  Union  to  block  the  unconstitutional  health  care  legislation  know  as  Obamacare  from  taking  effect  in  New  Mexico.  Thank  you,  Warren  and  Melissa  Ellis  NM  Registered  Voters.    .   3/24/2010  13:39:43  I  am  so  angry  with  the  Democrat  Congress  for  passing  the  horrible  legislation.  We  can't  afford  it!  I  will  be  voting  against  Democrats  in  the  up  coming  elections.    

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I  am  urging  you  and  your  office  to  join  other  states  that  feel  this  bill  is  unconstitutional  and  challenge  it  in  the  court  system.  People  are  frustrated  and  angry  that  their  elected  leaders  are  NOT  listening  to  them.  .   3/24/2010  13:40:26  I  am  so  angry  with  the  Democrat  Congress  for  passing  the  horrible  legislation.  We  can't  afford  it!  I  will  be  voting  against  Democrats  in  the  up  coming  elections.    I  am  urging  you  and  your  office  to  join  other  states  that  feel  this  bill  is  unconstitutional  and  challenge  it  in  the  court  system.  People  are  frustrated  and  angry  that  their  elected  leaders  are  NOT  listening  to  them.    Thank  you  for  hearing  my  comments.  .   3/24/2010  13:47:21  Attorney  General,    I  believe  the  new  Health  Care  bill  to  be  Unconstitutional.  I  abhor  the  fact  that  this  bill  was  pushed  through  using  bribes,  back  door  deals  and  arm  twisting  with  tax  payer  money.      I  am  hoping  that  my  state,  New  Mexico,  will  join  with  the  other  13  states  and  challenge  this  matter.    Sincerely,  Susan  Long  .   3/24/2010  13:47:39  New  Mexico  needs  to  join  the  other  states  protesting  Obamacare's  being  unconstitutional!    When  will  elected  officials  begin  to  listen  to  those  of  us  who  elect  them?    Ernie  and  Beverly  Little  Hobbs,  NM  .   3/24/2010  14:01:40  If  the  recently  signed  health  care  bill  is  soon  to  be  challenged  in  court,  to  be  unconstitutional,  is  your  office  and  OUR  state  going  to  challenge  it  as  well?  Have  you  made  any  public  comment  on  the  constitutionallity  of  this  bill?  If  so  when,  and  if  if  not,  why  not?  I'm  not  too  informed  on  the  day  to  day  quotes  coming  from  Santa  Fe  or  ABQ,  but  I  do  turn  into  the  news  every  night,  so  will  you  make  a  comment  on  one  of  those  local  news  stations?  Thank  you!  .   3/24/2010  14:07:17  Please  file  AGAINST  this  awful  piece  of  legislation.  There  is  a  reason  that  11  states  have  lined  up  to  file  suit.  And  I  believe  there  to  be  more  of  them  following  soon.  Do  not  back  away  at  this  time.  We  need  real  leaders  in  this  battle  and  you  can  be  one  of  them.  Election  time  is  just  around  the  corner.  This  will  be  a  part  of  the  election  if  you  like  it  or  not.  Thank  you.  .   3/24/2010  14:32:18  Dear  Sir,    I  wanted  to  let  you  know  that  I  would  like  for  you  to  join  the  rest  of  the  Attorney  Generals  fighting  this  Health  Care  Bill.  I  live  here  in  Farmington,  NM  and  I  am  extremely  concerned  about  not  only  the  cost  on  our  state,  which  is  under  great  

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burden  already,  but  also  to  the  rights  we  have  in  this  country  to  not  be  forced  to  purchase  something.  I  do  not  see  how  this  is  constitutional.  I  can  not  even  imagine  the  nightmare  to  the  state  to  run  this  program  and  the  cost  that  is  being  forced  on  our  state  to  provide  this.    Thank  you  for  the  work  you  do  for  our  state,  Jenesis  Soukup  Farmington,  NM  87401  .   3/24/2010  14:32:48  I  think  New  Mexico  should  enter  the  lawsuit  to  find  this  bill  unconstitutional.  It  is  letting  the  federal  government  take  more  and  more  of  our  basic  rights  away  from  us.  It  is  also  going  to  be  disastrous  to  our  economy.  People  are  barely  making  ends  meet  now,  if  they  are  forced  to  have  insurance  it  will  be  devastating  to  everyone.  Small  business  oweners  will  be  hit  the  hardest  for  a  program  that  will  not  benefit  anyone  but  the  insurance  companys.  We  need  a  health  care  bill  but  not  this  one.  Linda  Pebsworth,  Lovington  N.M.  .   3/24/2010  14:44:21  Gary  King,  Please  take  action  to  stop  the  legislation  concerning  health  care  in  this  state.  What  a  disaster  it  will  be  for  all  New  Mexicans  and  the  United  States.  They  have  never  said  HOW  they  would  pay  for  all  of  it,  because  the  truth  is,  there  is  no  monies  to  pay  for  except  to  create  a  NATIONAL  TAX  .   3/24/2010  14:46:18  Dear  Sir,  Please  join  the  other  AG's  in  fighting  this  unconstitutional  health  care  takeover.  The  NM  people  are  counting  on  you.  Thank  you  .   3/24/2010  14:47:49  Gary  King,  Please  do  whatever  you  can  do  to  stop  the  Health  Care  legislation  that  has  just  been  signed  by  Obama.  It  will  be  a  disaster  for  all  New  Mexicans  who  work  and  pay  taxes,  because  there  is  no  money  to  pay  for  this  disasterous  takeover  of  our  health  care  EXCEPT  .   3/24/2010  14:50:52  Gary  King,  Please  do  whatever  you  can  do  to  stop  the  Health  Care  legislation  that  has  just  been  signed  by  Obama.  It  will  be  a  disaster  for  all  New  Mexicans  who  work  and  pay  taxes,  because  there  is  no  money  to  pay  for  this  disasterous  takeover  of  our  health  care  EXCEPT  TO  CREATE  A  NEW  NATIONAL  TAX.  YOur  father  would  have  been  HORRIFIED.  Thank  you  and  go  forth  with  courage!!  Alice  Springer,  citizen  of  NEW  MEXICO.    .   3/24/2010  15:07:48  This  state  needs  to  join  forces  with  other  states  yo  take  legal  action  to  challenge  not  only  the  legality  but  the  constitutionality  of  the  health  care  bill  just  passed  by  the  US  House  of  Representatives.also  known  as  Obamacare.      Our  family  wants  action  taken  by  you  acting  as  our  Attorney  General  to  put  a  stop  to  this  illegal  and  unconstitutional  health  care  reform.  We  supported  you  in  the  last  election,  make  sure  we  have  reason  to  support  you  in  the  next.    RobertnBarbara  Hilton  (Active  Voters)  4158  Calle  Libertad  Las  Cruces,  NM  88005    

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.   3/24/2010  15:11:26  The  health  care  bill  is  unconstitutional  and  an  infringement  upon  our  unalienable  rights  in  exchange  for  something  that  is  not  to  be  mandatory.  I  and  my  family  support  a  class  action  lawsuit  in  response  to  this  unprecedented  breech  in  the  rights  of  the  american  people  and  the  limitations  of  government.  I  can  be  contacted  at  505-­‐948-­‐8908  if  necessary.  thank  you,  Jeremy  Ortiz  .   3/24/2010  15:13:51  I  urge  the  Attorney  General  to  file  law  suit  against  this  unconstitutional  bill.  Please,  for  the  sake  of  liberty-­‐loving  New  Mexicans,  do  this!  .   3/24/2010  15:16:32  My  husband  and  I  are  registered  Democrats  who  are  adamantly  opposed  to  the  Health  Care  Bill  that  has  been  put  upon  us.  We  are  concerned  about  the  high  cost,  the  Unconstitutionality  of  the  Bill,  and  the  debt  that  it  will  put  on  future  generations  for  years  to  come.  We  ask  that  you  join  other  states  filing  law  suits  against  the  Bill.  Bill  and  Suzanne  Fickel  (505)  822-­‐8845          .   3/24/2010  15:23:06  I  am  hopeful  that  this  state,  like  others,  will  join  in  the  lawsuit  against  the  recently-­‐passed  "Health  Care"  bill.  I  do  not  believe  it  is  in  the  Constitution  that  anybody  has  a  right  to  health  care,  nor  do  I  believe  that  anybody  has  a  right  to  force  me  or  anyone  else  to  buy  anything  against  their  will.  I  am  confident  that  you  will  do  what  is  in  the  best  interest  of  the  citizens  of  New  Mexico.  .   3/24/2010  15:25:14  Greetings  Mr.  King,    I  do  hope  you  will  consider  filing  a  suit  regarding  the  National  Health  Care  Bill.  I  was  under  the  impression  that  as  a  citizen  of  a  democracy,  individual  choice  played  the  major  factor  as  to  what  I  might  wish  to  do  with  my  already  exhaustively  taxed  income.  Now,  I  have  no  choice  regarding  healthcare  other  than  participating  or  paying  a  hefty  fine.  This  sordid  piece  of  legislation,  the  by-­‐product  of  socialist  if  not  Marxist  thought,  cannot  be  allowed  to  go  unchallenged.    Sincerely,    Geoff  Henry  .   3/24/2010  15:25:21  KILL  IT.      Kathleen  Phillips-­‐Hellman  Capitan  NM  .   3/24/2010  15:41:45  MR.  KING  I  would  like  were  you  stand  on  filing  a  law  suit  aginst  the  Obama  adminastration  for  this  unconstitutional  action  that  was  taken  AGAINST  the  will  of  the  people.  I  would  earge  you  to  join  the  other  AGs  that  understand  the  constitution  and  wish  to  protect  it  .    John  S  Williams  American  .   3/24/2010  15:45:52  MR.  KING  I  would  like  to  know  were  you  stand  on  filing  a  law  suit  aginst  the  Obama  adminastration  for  this  unconstitutional  action  that  was  

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taken  AGAINST  the  will  of  the  people.  I  would  earge  you  to  join  the  other  AGs  that  understand  the  constitution  and  wish  to  protect  it  .    John  S  Williams  American  Please  respond  at  [email protected]  .   3/24/2010  15:50:54  I  encourage  the  State  to  join  with  the  13  other  states  in  rejecting  the  "Pbama  Care"  Federal  Legislation.  In  addition  to  being  unconstitutional  on  it's  face,  our  citizens  don't  know  the  size  of  the  truck  they  are  about  to  get  with.  The  citizens  who  actually  do  pay  taxes  (aprox  54%  nationally)  will  be  pickung  up  the  subsidies  for  those  who  don't,  in  addition  to  paying  more  for  their  own  insurance.  The  state  can't  aafford  massive  increases  in  Medicaid  and  the  average  New  Mexican  won't  be  absorb  any  more  taves.  Help  defeat  this  tracesty  of  the  Progressives.  .   3/24/2010  15:51:21  Good  Afternoon,    First  off  I'd  like  to  state  that  I'm  not  in  opposition  to  health  care  reform.  I  am  however  in  opposition  to  the  government  mandating  it  and  then  making  special  exemptions.  This  is  either  a  Republic  where  the  majority  rule  or  a  Dictatorship.  I  hope  the  attorney  general  will  for  that  reason,  choose  the  correct  course  and  represent  us  by  challenging  the  legality  of  law.    /r  .   3/24/2010  15:57:33  Please  join  with  other  AG's  across  America  and  file  suit  to  protect  New  Mexico  citizens  AGAINST  the  Health  Care  Bill  congress  is  trying  to  levy  on  us.    .   3/24/2010  16:07:58  The  unfunded  mandates  and  unintended  consequences  of  this  bill  are  unacceptable  to  the  country  and  to  New  Mexicans.  I  believe  New  Mexico  should  join  with  other  states  in  opposing  this  bill.  Health  care  does  need  reform,  but  the  nature  of  this  bill  requires  those  who  don't  wish  to  purchase  services  to  spend  money  out  of  their  own  pocket.  Since  when  did  the  government  have  the  right  to  tell  me  how  to  spend  my  money?    Please  consider  joining  in  these  lawsuits.    Respectfully,    Robin  L.  Perini  Bernalillo  County  .   3/24/2010  16:13:14  Mr  King,  I  would  like  to  see  New  Mexico  get  involved  with  the  other  states  that  are  filing  lawsuits  again  the  new  health  care  reform  bill.  We  are  in  such  financial  trouble  right  now.  And  even  before  this  financial  downturn,  we  are  just  one  of  the  poorest  states  in  the  union.  We  can  hardly  afford  the  increases  in  Medicaid  as  well  as  forming  the  commissions,  training  and  staffing  those  commissions.  Thank  you  for  your  consideration.    Shawn  Campbell  

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Rio  Rancho,  NM  .   3/24/2010  16:41:06  I  am  afraid  those  of  us  who  pay  for  our  insurance  will  end  up  paying  for  insurance  for  those  who  can't  afford  to  pay  for  insurance,  including  illegal  immigrants.  .   3/24/2010  17:24:44  I  would  like  to  start  off  by  saying  I  believe  health  care  is  in  need  of  a  overhaul.  This  bill  that  just  passed  is  Not  it.  This  bill  is  unconstatutional  and  flys  in  the  face  of  our  freedom.  Try  as  I  might  I  just  can't  feel  good  about  what  the  government  is  trying  to  do.  For  every  good  thing  that  the  health  care  bill  offers  there  is  10  bad  that  is  being  rammed  down  our  throats.  Please  do  not  let  this  injustice  stand.  We  put  our  faith  in  the  officals  we  elect.  Please  show  us  our  faith  is  well  placed.      I  don't  know  if  you  are  a  religious  man,  but  I  hope  so,  because  if  this  isn't  stopped  this  country  will  need  God  more  than  ever.      Thank  you  for  your  time    Rodney  .   3/24/2010  18:03:30  Dear  Mr.  King:      I  know  you  are  a  man  of  integrity,  and  I  have  always  been  fond  of  that  trait.    Please  file  a  suit  on  behalf  of  my  family  and  I,  as  well  as  for  people  of  the  State  of  New  Mexico  against  the  federal  government.  This  is  because  the  federal  government  is  not  allowing  us  equal  protection  as  promised  in  the  US  constitution.  Specifically  the  Church  of  Christian  Science,  and  the  Amish  are  being  allowed  to  not  have  to  engage  in  the  health  care  bill  just  passed,  but  the  rest  of  us  have  to.  On  a  side  note,  it  is  interesting,  the  Amish  for  a  long  time  haven't  been  subject  to  social  security  either.  Hence,  because  of  my  religious  affiliation  my  family  and  I  are  being  discriminated  against.      Of  course,  it  is  also  unconstitutional  for  the  federal  government  to  mandate  that  its  own  citizens  purchase  something.      Please  do  the  right  thing  and  listen  to  the  citizens  of  New  Mexico  who  have  been  violated  by  this  unconstitutional  health  care  bill.      Thank  you.    Regards,      Paul  Butcher  and  Family  3407  San  Luis  Street  Santa  Fe,  NM  87507  505-­‐231-­‐6598  .   3/24/2010  18:17:10  I  support  the  Health  Care  bill  and  oppose  a  law  suit  to  try  and  stop  the  bill.  I  think  NM  citizens  need  health  care  reform.  Insurance  

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companies  should  not  be  deciding  who  gets  health  care  and  neither  should  ones  ability  to  pay.  In  our  wealthy  country,  I  think  it  is  selfish  that  the  Republicans  are  saying  that  it  is  limiting  freedom.  I  cannot  help  but  think  their  motive  is  to  keep  from  paying  higher  taxes.  We  get  the  society  we  are  willing  to  work  for.  Allowing  only  people  with  lots  of  money  to  enjoy  a  good  life  is  not  a  democracy.  In  a  democracy,  everyone  should  have  a  choice  and  opportunity.    Dr.  Brenda  Blume,  DOM,  MSW  .   3/24/2010  18:36:42  March  24,  2010    RE:  sue  against  the  constitutionality  of  the  federal  mandate  that  individuals  purchase  health  insurance    TO  ATTORNEY  GENERAL,      Sunday  the  House  of  Representatives  enacted  "the  government  takeover  of  health  care  that  will  ration  treatment,  increase  the  cost  of  premiums,  and  force  Americans  onto  government-­‐run  insurance”.      Today  at  least  15  states  are  currently  pursuing  litigation  against  the  health  bill:  Virginia,  Alabama,  Florida,  Nebraska,  Pennsylvania,  Texas,  South  Carolina,  Washington,  Utah,  North  Dakota,  South  Dakota,  Michigan,  Idaho,  Colorado,  and  Louisiana.      The  "Constitution  does  not  permit  Congress  to  enact  any  mandate  for  individuals  to  purchase  anything,  let  alone  health  insurance."      This  is  a  critical  moment  in  our  nation's  history.  Defeating  the  individual  insurance  mandate  in  court  would  disarm  a  critical  aspect  of  the  healthcare  bill.  With  your  help,  we  can  make  that  happen.  I  urge  you  to  get  on  board.  There  is  too  much  at  stake.      The  American  people  owe  Attorney  General  Cuccinelli  a  debt  of  gratitude  for  taking  the  initiative  to  overturn  the  most  egregious  assault  on  individual  liberty  in  a  generation."    Won’t  you  follow  in  his  footsteps  and  help  stop  this  bill  from  going  into  effect?    Sincerely,    CORA  ROTUSSNEY  83.34  LEFFERTS  BLVD  #5E  QUEENS,  NY  11415    .   3/24/2010  18:58:54  I  hope  that  the  state  of  New  Mexico  will  be  joining  the  other  states  in  their  lawsuits  against  this  terrible  healthcare  bill  and  how  it  goes  against  our  constitution  and  our  rights.  It  makes  me  sick  to  my  stomach  to  think  that  

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our  President  and  his  party  used  every  "dirty"  trick  in  the  book  to  get  this  "rammed"  down  our  throats!  The  MAJORITY  of  Americans  DO  NOT  want  this!  Please  stand  up  for  us!  .   3/24/2010  19:08:09  Dear  Mr.  King:  I  prey  upon  you  to  join  the  legal  action  against  the  health  care  bill.  The  unfunded  mandates  forced  on  the  state  would  be  a  burden  not  seen  before  by  New  Mexicans.    Thank  you,  Leah  Persons  .   3/24/2010  19:18:49  I  know  that  you  think  that  "cooler  heads  will  prevail"  on  this  "obamacare"  fiasco,  but  you  need  to  get  together  with  the  other  States  Attorney's  General  and  protect  our  citizens  against  this  unconstitutional  power  grab.  And,  that  is  all  that  it  is  ...  a  power  grab.  It  obviously  has  nothing  to  do  with  providing  adequate  health  care  to  all  of  our  "legal"  citizens,  otherwise  it  would  have  gone  after  common  sense  things,  like  Tort  Reform  and  purchasing  insurance  across  state  lines.  Even  Rep.  Dingall  admitted  that  this  was  just  a  way  to  "control"  all  U.S.  citizens.    We  all  know  that  the  way  our  Governor  has  spent  our  State  into  massive  debt,  we  cannot  afford  to  pay  for  the  unfunded  mandates  that  Obama  will  make  this  State  pay  for  his  "health  takeover".    So  please,  do  us  all  a  favor,  and  join  with  the  other  States  who  are  willing  to  fight  back  against  this  unconstitutional  bill.    Thank  you.    Cynthia  Fleming  1775  Eldorado  Loop  Bosque  Farms,  NM  87068  .   3/24/2010  19:24:36  Dear  Sir,  Because  of  the  unconstitutional  action  taken  against  the  will  of  the  people  yesterday  when  this  legislation  called  "Health  Care"  was  signed,  I  am,  as  a  registered  voter  in  the  state  of  New  Mexico,  asking  that  you  join  in  suit  with  other  states  in  action  against  the  federal  government  to  block  this  legislation  from  taking  effect  in  our  state.  Please  hear  the  voices  of  your  citizens.  Cordially,  Ernestine  Morris  Albuquerque,  NM  .   3/24/2010  19:34:16  Hi  I  don't  think  I  should  be  forced  to  purchase  insurance;  I  believe  it  is  unconstitutional.  I  also  feel  that  this  law  will  be  a  huge  burden  on  our  state  financially;  which  we  can't  afford.  The  health  care  coverage  I  currently  have  may  no  longer  be  available  to  my  family  thanks  to  this  bill  [HSA].  I  see  this  bill  being  the  first  step  to  taking  away  our  rights  and  freedom.          

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.   3/24/2010  19:34:30  I  would  encourage  you,  AG  King,  to  file  suit  against  the  federal  government  on  behalf  of  the  citizens  of  New  Mexico.  We  must  stand  against  the  tyranny  demonstrated  in  this  weekend's  violation  of  our  constitution  and  must  also  defend  the  state  of  New  Mexico  against  the  rolling  of  responsibility  without  funding  from  the  federal  government.  Already,  we  cannot  retain  qualified  doctors  as  medicare  reimbursements  make  practicing  medicine  in  this  state  cost  prohibitive.  If  we  do  not  file  suit  and  delay  the  enactment  of  this  bill  in  our  state,  we  will  most  certainly  lose  qualified  doctors,  will  gain  people  from  states  who  are  filing  lawsuits  and  will  lose  fiscal  control  in  our  state.  It  is  your  fiduciary  responsibility  to  file  suit  against  the  US  government.  Please  count  this  as  3  votes  to  file  suit,  as  I  represent  in  this  email  3  registered  voters  in  my  household  who  hold  the  same  view.    Thank  you  .   3/24/2010  19:35:41  In  spite  of  your  position  on  this  issue  up  to  this  time,  we  ask  you  to  consider  the  fact  that  this  supposed  "health  care  reform"  bill  is  both  a  violation  of  the  US  Constitution  and  an  affront  to  our  country's  founding  principles  of  freedom  of  the  individual.  We  certainly  agree  that  there  is  a  certain  portion  of  our  citizens  that  needs  help  from  the  general  population,  but  turning  our  health  care  system  into  a  governmental  agency  is  not  an  appropriate  way  to  accomplish  this  goal.  Please  work  to  stop  this  destruction  of  the  greatest  health  care  system  in  the  world,  if  not  for  yourself,  then  for  your  (and  our)  children  and  grandchildren,  who  will  most  certainly  suffer  the  consequences  -­‐-­‐  both  in  terms  of  their  finances  and  their  personal  medical  care.  .   3/24/2010  19:51:35  March  24,  2010    Attorney  General  Gary  King    P.  O.  Drawer  1508    Santa  Fe,  NM  87504-­‐1508        Dear  Attorney  General  King,        I  respectively  request  you  to  join  the  14  states  that  have  filed  suit  in  Federal  Courts  to  prevent  the  Government  of  the  United  States  from  violating  the  U.S.  Constitution  in  the  Health  Care  Bill  that  was  passed  by  the  House  and  Senate  this  week.  From  the  way  things  are  going,  this  measure  will  be  the  end  of  the  Democratic  Party  as  I  have  known  it  during  my  lifetime.  I  suggest  you  travel  to  Albuquerque  on  April  15th  (Tax  Day)  and  visit  your  constitutes  that  will  be  lining  Manual  Blvd.  to  protest  the  prior  year  actions  of  the  Federal  Government  and  the  President.        

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 Your  future  in  New  Mexico  Politics  depends  on  your  immediate  action  for  the  next  two  years.  If  you  are  a  Conservative  Democrat,  you  must  take  a  stand  now  against  the  Progressives  (aka  Socialists),  to  survive  the  next  election.  I  suspect  that  the  population  (except  for  illegal  aliens)  will  cut  the  ranks  of  everyone  in  government,  especially  the  Democrats.        Cordially  Yours,    Max  Sanchez  USN/RET  PO  BOX  12418  Albuquerque,  NM  87195  505-­‐306-­‐0032        .   3/24/2010  20:43:39  Dear  Attorney  General  Gary  King,    My  name  is  Mr.  Douglas  W.  Smith.  I  have  been  a  resident  of  New  Mexico  since  1994,  the  year  I  completed  my  four  year  degree  in  BS  Chemistry,  from  Kentucky.  I  am  also  a  member  of  the  Navajo  Tribe,  Chapter  House  located  in  Shiprock,  NM.  I  am  currently  a  returning  student  at  UNM,  working  on  a  graduate  degree/program  in  exercise  science/biochemistry.  Before  returning  to  school,  I  was  a  New  Mexico  high  school  science  teacher  for  nearly  ten  years.    My  concern  today  is  about  the  new  health  care  law  signed  by  President  Obama,  on  March  23,  2010.  Specifically,  I  am  concerned  about  the  mandate  in  the  law  that  requires  all  US  citizens  to  purchase  some  form  of  health  insurance  or  pay  a  fine.  Which  branch  of  the  Federal  Government  actually  regulates  this  part  of  the  mandate  has  not  been  verbally  stated  by  any  of  the  Democrat  legislators  in  Congress.  When  pressed  upon  this  question,  Rep.  Anthony  D  Weiner  couldn't  give  a  clear  answer.  Rumor  has  it  that  it  will  be  the  IRS!    Therefore,  I  am  requesting  that  you  undertake  the  initiative  to  investigate  the  constitutionality  of  this  Federal  mandate-­‐-­‐forcing  citizens  to  purchase  a  product  even  if  they  do  not  what  to  and  to  find  out  which  department  of  the  Federal  Government  is  responsible  for  carrying  out  the  fines/penalties.  Personally,  I  believe  this  part  of  the  law  is  in  violation  of  the  10th  Amendment  of  the  US  Constitution,  and  is  not  supported  by  the  Commerce  Clause,  the  general  Welfare  Clause  and  Necessary  and  Proper  Clause,  as  stated  by  the  Democrat  legislators  in  Washington.  Powers  delegated  to  the  states  are  reserved  in  the  10th  Amendment.    Thank  you  for  listening  and  undertaking  this  request  in  a  timely  manner.    Sincerely,  

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Mr.  Douglas  W.  Smith      Contact  information:    P.O.  Box  91024  Albuquerque,  NM  87199  505-­‐417-­‐8143  (cell)  [email protected]  .   3/24/2010  21:07:33  You  have  my  respect  and  support  as  Attorney  General  of  New  Mexico,  and  I  hope  that  will  continue.  However,  it  is  imperative  that  you  enter  into  the  lawsuits  filed  by  the  many  states  with  respect  to  the  unconstitutionality  of  the  just  passed  Obamacare  bill.  Any  independent  thinker  can  see  the  damage  this  bill  will  do  to  our  country  and  our  state.  I  trust  that  you  can  understand  that,  unlike  Bingaman,  Udall,  Heinrich  and  Lujan.  They  will  be  delalt  with  in  November.  Please  listen  to  the  majority  and  do  the  right  thing!    Linda  Williams  .   3/24/2010  21:39:08  We  are  small  business  owners  here  in  Albuquerque.  The  tax  credit  provided  by  the  health  care  bill  only  matters  if  your  company  is  making  a  profit!!!  The  additional  costs  associated  with  the  passage  of  this  legislation  threaten  to  leave  us  with  no  choice  but  to  shut  down!    Please  join  with  other  AG's  across  America  and  file  suit  to  protect  New  Mexico  citizens.    .   3/25/2010  0:30:14   Hello,  My  name  is  Victoria  Foster  and  I  don't  want  to  be  forced  by  penalty  of  fines  to  purchase  anything.  I  do  not  feel  represented  at  all.  Some  people  suggested  contact  your  AG  and  that  is  what  I  am  doing.  Please  help  me,  I  don't  want  to  loose  my  freedom.  I  don't  really  care  what's  in  the  bill,  I  care  that  the  choice  is  no  longer  mine.    .   3/25/2010  5:24:12   The  Health  Care  bill  is  unconstitutial.  Lets  join  the  other  14  states  and  Sue  The  Federal  Governmnet  to  stop  this  illeagle  action.    Tom  Bacon  505.899.5535  .   3/25/2010  5:29:30   I  support  the  Health  Care  Bill.  It  is  good  for  our  country  and  was  put  into  place  by  voting  for  the  bill  in  the  House  after  it  passed  the  Senate  and  was  signed  by  the  President.  The  states  and  the  Federal  government  need  to  work  together  in  these  difficult  times.  This  morning  on  the  news,  I  heard  about  people  throwing  rocks  though  the  windows  of  the  offices  of  Representativies  who  voted  for  Health  Care  Reform.  This  reminds  me  of  activities  of  bullies  or  terriorists.  They  are  trying  to  force  us  to  take  their  stand  by  violence  and  fear.  Please  help  our  country  be  strong  and  compassionate.  The  Republicans  seem  to  be  afraid  capitalism  is  loosing  some  of  its  hold  on  us.  But  our  democracy  is  indeed  strong  and  our  county  is  a  democracy  first  and  most  importantly.    

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Thank  you,  Brenda  Blume  [email protected]  .   3/25/2010  6:43:01   no  health  care  bill  and  no  gun  controll  .   3/25/2010  6:45:58   Sue  the  U.S.  Government  for  an  illegal  bill.  .   3/25/2010  6:49:05   Please  take  action  against  the  federal  government  forcing  health  care  upon  American  citizens.  States  rights  should  prevail.    Thank  you    Scott  McNally  .   3/25/2010  6:56:26   The  recent  Health  Care  Bill,  parts  of  which  violate  the  basic  tenants  of  our  national  constitution,  must  be  challenged  in  court  by  the  State  of  New  Mexico.  Failure  of  the  State  Government,  including  its  Attorney  General,  to  heed  first  the  needs  of  New  Mexico  Citizens  rather  than  the  distant,  uninfomed,  and  arrogant  imposition  and  intrusion  of  Washington  will  result  in  the  further  decline  of  our  State  into  a  polity  whose  only  movement  will  be  to  reach  its  empty  hand  to  the  Federal  Government.    I  have  been  considering  moving  to  a  State  that  is  more  attuned  to  the  democratic  process  than  has  been  the  case  recently  in  our  State  and  by  our  Governor.  Should  New  Mexico  government  leadership  remain  supine  under  the  boot  of  Washington,  I  can  only  conclude  that  my  future  cannot  be  secure  here  and  that  I  must  look  elsewhere.  To  that  end,  I  am  visiting  Utah  and  Kansas  in  May.    I  will  attend  your  actions  with  rigorous  interest.  .   3/25/2010  7:24:58   I  am  proud  to  be  a  New  Mexican,  born  and  raised,  and  i  worked  closely  with  your  father  at  the  state  fair  and  donated  several  animals  to  the  ranch.    I  am  considering  becoming  a  Mexican  and  moving  to  Rocky  point  MX.    Please  do  not  follow  the  lead  o  theose  in  Washington,  my  whole  family  has  insurance  and  I  do  not  want  to  be  governed  in  this  way.  Sincerely,  S  Young  .   3/25/2010  7:29:18   Please  join  with  other  attorneys  general  in  looking  at  the  constitutionality  of  mandating  purchase  of  health  insurance  by  all  citizens.  Look  also  at  taking  the  option  of  student  loans  out  of  private  industry.  Do  not  try  to  value  the  impact  of  the  legislation  as  your  press  release  indicated...look  at  its  legality.  That  is  your  job,  to  protect  the  rights  of  the  state  of  New  Mexico  and  its  citizens.  .   3/25/2010  7:30:54   I  expect  you  are  hearing  from  those  opposed  to  the  federal  health  reform  legislation,  to  join  with  those  state  attorneys  general  vowing  to  have  it  deemed  unconstitutional  or  otherwise  litigate  against  it's  passage.  I  urge  and  support  you  to  not  join  this  effort.  Jan  Luchsinger  

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Tesuque,  NM  .   3/25/2010  7:36:43   Since  we  can't  trust  our  representatives,  I'm  hoping  that  our  state  will  at  least  join  in  with  the  other  states  to  stop  this  travisty  of  a  health  care  bill.  I  am  depending  on  you  to  do  the  right  thing.    Thank  you,  Ellie  Margiotta  [email protected]  .   3/25/2010  7:39:24   Please  join  the  suit  of  13  other  states  against  the  federal  government  requiring  all  citizens  to  purchase  government  approved  health  insurance.  This  is  an  obvious  and  blatant  overstepping  of  the  commerce  clause  and  interference  with  state  sovereignty.  If  a  person  chooses  not  to  purchase  a  product  from  a  company  that  person  is  not  engaging  in  commerce  and  cannot  be  regulated.  Not  only  that,  but  there  is  no  interstate  commerce  in  the  purchase  of  health  insurance  anyway  because  the  federal  government  has  made  it  illegal  to  purchase  health  coverage  policies  across  that  lines.      If  we  take  this  lying  down,  we  might  as  well  tear  up  the  constitution,  give  James  Madison  the  bird  and  forget  having  a  New  Mexico  state  government  all  together.  Do  we  really  want  the  IRS  criminalizing  New  Mexico  citizens  for  deciding  not  to  purchase  what  they  tell  us?  Please  join  the  fight  to  stand  up  for  our  rights  as  citizens  of  New  Mexico.    Sincerely,    Erin  Clements    4601  Montano  Rd  NW  #21  Albuquerque,  NM  87120  575.680.4004  .   3/25/2010  7:50:19   Please  oppose  the  recently  passed  health  care  bill  as  unconstitutional  and  an  infringement  upon  states  rights.  Thank  you.  .   3/25/2010  7:53:01   First  of  all  we  cannot  afford  this  dangerous  bill  !  I  believe  the  democratic  party  woke  a  sleeping  giant  -­‐  THE  AMERICAN  PEOPLE!!!!  Washington  works  for  us;  not  the  other  way  around.  AG  Gary  King  please  join  with  other  AG's  and  file  suit  against  this  horrendous  bill.  I'm  ashamed  to  write  that  I  am  a  registered  democrat,  and  to  those  democrats  who  voted  and  gloated  for  this  bill;  November  elections  are  not  as  far  off  as  you  think!!!            .   3/25/2010  7:53:52   Dear  Sirs,    I  would  like  to  report  a  scam.  It  it  about  to  be  perpetrated  against  the  entire  population  of  New  Mexico,  and  in  fact,  the  entire  population  of  the  United  States  of  America.  It  is  (erroneously)  being  call  the  "Health  Care"  bill.  This  bill  has  been  has  been  rammed  down  the  throat  of  the  American  People,  the  VAST  majority  of  which  do  not  now  and  have  never  wanted  it.  This  bill  is  entirely  unconstitutional  and  must  be  stopped  NOW!!  

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I  hereby  urge  Mr.  Gary  King,  Attorney  General  of  the  State  of  New  Mexico  to  join  the  other  Attorneys  General  from  many  other  states  in  filing  suit  against  the  Federal  Government  to  stop  this  bill  from  going  forward.  I  believe  this  action  is  critical  to  the  welfare  of  all  New  Mexicans  who  will  be  saddled  with  a  greatly  degraded  health  care  system,  and  burdened  with  the  tremendous  cost  of  this  monstrosity  for  many  generations  to  come.    Sincerely,    Timothy  D.  Roberts  1330  Dakota  St.  S.E.  Albuquerque,  NM  87108  (505)228-­‐0663    .   3/25/2010  7:58:46   I  am  strongly  encouraging  you  to  act  alongside  other  states  in  filing  suit  against  the  new  health  care  'reform'  law.  This  is  not  only  an  atrocity  to  what  America  stands  for,  but  I  feel  it  is  also  unconstitutional,  illegal,  immoral,  and  degrading.  It  flies  in  the  face  of  what  our  country  is  all  about.  It  is  the  final  insult  to  the  American  way.  We  are  now  no  longer  any  better  than  any  socialist  country  that  has  failed  at  the  exact  same  process.  This  shameful.  Please  fight  this  in  any  way  possible.  .   3/25/2010  8:03:50   My  husband  and  I  are  very  disappointed  in  the  passing  of  the  Health  Care  Plan  by  our  President  and  the  Democrats  in  Washington.  We  understand  that  you  are  waiting  to  see  about  filing  a  lawsuit.....well  I  don't  think  you  need  to  wait...I  think  that  there  are  millions  of  Americans  and  many  of  them  from  New  Mexico  who  are  very  disappointed  in  the  choices  being  made  in  Washington  and  the  Health  Care  is  one  that  really  angers  our  vote  is....file  the  lawsuit....thank  you...Mr.  and  Mrs.  Emiliano  Sanchez  .   3/25/2010  8:04:46   Please  file  a  lawsuit  preventing  the  new  healthcare  bill,,  Thanks!  Anthony  Biernacki  Placitas  NM  .   3/25/2010  8:06:17   Please  don't  force  us  to  take  something  we  don't  want.  I  would  rather  wait  and  obtain  something  that  the  American  people  will  want  and  can  afford.  PLEASE  don't  obligate  us  to  something  that  will  ultimately  fail!  Lori  Gibson  Ruidoso,  NM  .   3/25/2010  8:09:02   The  government  has  no  business  forcing  people  to  buy  anything  and  that  includes  health  insurance.  .   3/25/2010  8:11:05   Please  Join  the  other  Attorneys  General  who  have  prepared  to  file  suit  against  the  federal  government  for  this  unconstitutional  action  that  was  taken  AGAINST  the  will  of  the  people.  This  Health  Care  legislation  is  going  to  destroy  the  greatest  health  care  delivery  system  in  the  world.  Please  block  this  legislation  from  taking  effect  in  our  state.      Thanks  Garret  Robinson  .   3/25/2010  8:11:10   Mr.  King,  

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 Please  join  the  suit  of  13  other  states  against  the  federal  government  requiring  all  citizens  to  purchase  government  approved  health  insurance.  This  is  a  novel,  obvious  and  blatant  overstepping  of  the  commerce  clause  and  interference  with  state  sovereignty.  If  a  person  chooses  not  to  purchase  a  product  from  a  company  that  person  is  not  engaging  in  commerce.  There  is  no  interstate  commerce  in  the  purchase  of  health  insurance  anyway  because  the  federal  government  continues  to  make  it  illegal  to  purchase  health  coverage  policies  across  state  lines.      If  we  take  this  lying  down,  we  might  as  well  tear  up  the  constitution  and  forget  about  having  a  New  Mexico  state  government  all  together.  Do  we  really  want  the  IRS  criminalizing  New  Mexico  citizens  for  deciding  not  to  purchase  what  they  may  not  want  or  can’t  afford?  Please  join  the  fight  to  stand  up  for  our  rights  as  citizens  of  New  Mexico.      Sincerely,    Erin  Clements    4601  Montano  Rd  NW  #21  Albuquerque,  NM  87120  575.680.4004  .   3/25/2010  8:13:58   In  addition  to  being  another  move  toward  making  state  governmnents  obsolete,  this  bill  intrudes  on  the  right  of  citizens  to  make  decisions  about  their  own  health  care.  While  the  government  already  regulates  health  care  to  some  degree,  this  unprecedented  expansion  of  power  should  be  resisted.  The  impact  on  NM  cannot  be  good  when  it  comes  to  retaining  or  increasing  health  care  provider  numbers,  costs  of  health  care,  and  the  creation  of  a  huge  national  bureaucracy  that  will  move  like  a  dinosaur.  Reform  is  needed,  but  this  is  not  the  right  reform.  .   3/25/2010  8:14:46   Please  join  the  other  states  that  are  saying  this  is  unconstitutional.  Or,  better  yet,  do  what  Virginia  did  and  sign  a  bill  saying  the  feds  cannot  mandate  us  to  buy  their  insurance  that  they  don't  even  want  for  themselves.  Karen  Mitchell  Hc  46  Box  623/  1687  Wood  Lane  Ruidoso  Downs,  NM  88346  e-­‐mail  address:  [email protected]  .   3/25/2010  8:16:08   Attorney  General,  Mr.  Gary  King,    I  am  requesting  that  you  file  an  Article  5  Convention  against  the  United  States  Government  for  violating  my  Constitutional  Rights  by  mandating  health  care  for  every  American.      I  quote  from  the  PRINCIPLES  0f  LIBERTY:  The  proper  role  of  government  is  to  protect  equal  rights,  not  provide  equal  things.    It  is  your  duty  to  file  this  to  protect  the  Constitution  and  our  individual  and  states  rights.  Please  do  not  let  the  Federal  Government  take  away  these  rights.  

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 Sincerely,  Craig  Ward  .   3/25/2010  8:16:09   Attorney  General,  Mr.  Gary  King,    I  am  requesting  that  you  file  an  Article  5  Convention  against  the  United  States  Government  for  violating  my  Constitutional  Rights  by  mandating  health  care  for  every  American.      I  quote  from  the  PRINCIPLES  0f  LIBERTY:  The  proper  role  of  government  is  to  protect  equal  rights,  not  provide  equal  things.    It  is  your  duty  to  file  this  to  protect  the  Constitution  and  our  individual  and  states  rights.  Please  do  not  let  the  Federal  Government  take  away  these  rights.    Sincerely,  Craig  Ward  .   3/25/2010  8:30:01   Mr.  King,    Please  join  the  suit  of  13  other  states  against  the  federal  government  requiring  all  citizens  to  purchase  government  approved  health  insurance.  This  is  a  novel,  obvious  and  blatant  overstepping  of  the  commerce  clause  and  interference  with  state  sovereignty.  If  a  person  chooses  not  to  purchase  a  product  from  a  company  that  person  is  not  engaging  in  commerce.  There  is  no  interstate  commerce  in  the  purchase  of  health  insurance  anyway  because  the  federal  government  continues  to  make  it  illegal  to  purchase  health  coverage  policies  across  state  lines.      If  we  take  this  lying  down,  we  might  as  well  tear  up  the  constitution  and  forget  about  having  a  New  Mexico  state  government  all  together.  Do  we  really  want  the  IRS  criminalizing  New  Mexico  citizens  for  deciding  not  to  purchase  what  they  may  not  want  or  can’t  afford?  Please  join  the  fight  to  stand  up  for  our  rights  as  citizens  of  New  Mexico.      Sincerely,    Ed  Hughs  5530  Remington  Road  Las  Cruces,  New  Mexico  88011  .   3/25/2010  8:30:57   I  believe  the  recently  passed  health  care  bill  will  increase  the  burden  on  small  &  large  businesses.  I  do  not  agree  that  those  of  us  working  hard  to  afford  overpriced  health  care  should  be  burdened  with  more  support  and  entitlement  programs.  I  believe  the  answer  to  our  health  care  problem  is  in  controlling  costs  not  blanket  coverage.  We  are  already  overtaxed  to  support  indigent  funds  and  medicaid.  .   3/25/2010  8:32:36   As  a  native  New  Mexican  who  has  worked  two  and  sometimes  three  jobs  to  keep  my  family  healthy  and  fed  for  most  of  my  adult  life,  I  

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have  always  taken  offense  to  supporting  those  people  who  want  a  free  hand  out  from  the  government.  Our  health  care  need  to  be  fixed,  I  agree,  but  the  bill  that  has  passed  infringes  on  my  rights  as  an  honest,  hard  working,  tax  paying  American.  The  bill  needs  to  challenged  by  every  state  in  our  union.  I  am  asking  for  you  help  to  oppose  and  challenge  this  health  care  bill.  .   3/25/2010  8:34:21   Th  HC  bill  is  no  good.  Too  much  back  door  dealings.  We  really  don't  know  what  is  in  the  bill.  Where  has  all  the  honesty  gone?  If  someone  would  stand  up  and  "speak  out"  and  stay  standing  up  on  this  honesty/transperency  issue  they  would  make  there  way  to  the  top  in  politics.  People  are  tired  of  working  fo  the  Govt.  We  need  to  prop  up  our  Constitution  and  stand  for  the  good  of  the  Country,  and  not  the  good  for  political  groups,  special  interests,  political  parties,  etc...  All  this  spending  when  the  rubber  meets  the  road  is  no  more  than  a  payoff.  Wait  and  see!  To  much  money  being  thrown  around  to  keep  track  of,  and  yet  we  stiil  and  may  never  know  where  it  has  gone  to.  I  pray  for  all  of  our  public  servants,  and  pray  for  someone  with  true  patriotic  and  God  fearing  morals  and  values  to  make  there  way  into  Govt.  Any  office;  city,  state,  federal,  etc...  We  need  people  to  (REPRESENT)  us  not  Dictate  to  us!!!!!!!!!!  I  hope  when  we  find  the  Un-­‐Constitutional  aspects  of  the  HC  bills  that  we  will  stand  up  for  ourselves  and  do  what  it  right  according  ot  our  CONSTITUION!!    .   3/25/2010  8:40:29   Please  join  the  suit  against  the  federal  government  regarding  the  health  care  reform  on  behalf  of  New  Mexico.  Thank  you.  .   3/25/2010  8:42:18   Worst  change  to  our  American  way  of  life  that  has  occured  in  my  lifetime!  As  a  sidenote,  the  economic  effect  on  the  state  of  New  Mexico  will  be  terrible.  "Free"  healthcare  has  to  be  paid  somehow  and  the  state  will  be  responsible  for  a  considerable  portion  if  not  the  majority  of  the  real  costs.  The  best  move  for  New  Mexico  is  for  the  Attorney  General  to  jump  in  to  attempt  to  prevent  the  introduction  of  this  terrible  law.  .   3/25/2010  8:46:42   I  encourage  you  to  join  with  other  state  Attorney  Generals  across  the  United  States  to  block  the  Health  Care  Bill.  PLease  file  suit  against  the  federal  government  to  protect  the  citizens  of  New  Mexico.    Respectfully  Yours,  Steve  Collins  Portales,  New  Mexico    .   3/25/2010  8:48:28   I  would  like  the  State  of  New  Mexico,  to  file  suit  against  the  Federal  Government.  I  feel  the  Federal  government  has  violated  my  constitutional  rights.  According  to  the  Constitution  the  IRS  is  not  a  bill  collector.  I  feel  the  we  the  people  should  have  been  heard  on  this  issue,  and  we  were  not.          .   3/25/2010  8:49:01   Dear  Mr.  King,  several  state  Attorneys  General  have  prepared  to  file  suit  against  the  federal  government  for  this  unconstitutional  action  that  was  taken  AGAINST  the  will  of  the  people.  I  know  that  Mr.  Gary  King  has  considered  filing  suit  as  well,  but  has  NOT  done  so  to  date,  and  is  compiling  a  list  of  caller’s  names  who  call  and  want  New  Mexico  to  join  in  the  suit  with  other  states  to  

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block  this  legislation  from  taking  effect  in  our  state.  I  would  like  to  put  my  thoughts  down  as  in  favor  of  this  and  ask  that  you  please  join  with  other  AG’s  across  America  and  file  suit  to  protect  New  Mexico  citizens.  Thank  you  for  your  consideration.    Sinerely,  Ron  Jennings  Citizen  of  New  Mexico  .   3/25/2010  8:55:30   Please  join  the  Suit  against  the  federal  government  regarding  the  health  care  reform.    Thank  you  for  your  time,  JeNeé  Chinn  .   3/25/2010  8:56:46   Please  file  a  lawsuit  to  stop  the  health  care  reform!  My  husband  and  I  cannot  afford  if  this  goes  takes  effect!!  Our  son  has  a  kidney  aliment  that  the  insurance  companies  will  not  insure.  We  had  him  insured  through  the  New  Mexico  Insurance  Pool.  Now  that  the  insurance  pool  will  not  exist  in  New  Mexico  what  will  we  do?  Our  insurance  will  go  through  the  roof.  Now  our  child  will  not  have  insurance.  Please,  Please  stop  the  health  reform  and  file  the  lawsuit.  Thank  you,  Christa  505-­‐870-­‐9862.  .   3/25/2010  8:59:43   I  have  but  one  simple  request.  As  our  State's  Attorney  General  I  ask  that  you  join  in  the  lawsuit  which  seeks  to  prohibit  the  Obama  Health  Care  Bill  from  being  implemented.  I  do  think  you  have  done  quite  a  good  job  in  the  office  of  the  A.  G.-­‐-­‐I  always  feel  that  when  a  compliment  is  deserved,  it  should  be  given.    Sincerely,  Virginia  Woodside,  Albuquerque  .   3/25/2010  9:06:59   I  would  like  to  strongly  encourage  Gary  King  to  file  suit  against  the  Federal  Government  regarding  the  unconstitutional  health  care  "reform"  bill  just  passed  by  congress.    Respectfully,    Jeanne  Kimball  .   3/25/2010  9:12:25   New  Mexico  needs  and  should  join  the  fight  against  this  Health  Care  system  being  pushed  onto  the  American  people.  We  don't  want  it  and  NM  needs  to  join  the  opposition.  NM  is  always  last  on  the  good  fights.  Don't  let  this  be  another  one!    I  am  native  to  NM  and  I  am  tired  of  the  current  government  in  NM.  I  am  not  going  to  stop  until  we  remove  corruption  from  our  political  system!  .   3/25/2010  9:23:37   Hey!!!!!  .   3/25/2010  9:25:47   I  am  writing  to  ask  you  to  fight  this  health  care  bill  on  behalf  of  New  Mexico.  I  know  that  many,  many  people  feel  the  same  way.  We  should  NOT  be  FORCED  to  buy  this....and  we  are  sick  of  this  BIG  government  control!!!  Thank  you,  Linda  Allen  .   3/25/2010  9:29:00   Attorney  General  King:  

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I  am  writing  to  encourage  you  to  join  several  other  states  who  are  going  to  court  against  how  the  Health  care  bill  was  shoved  down  our  throats.  The  bill  was,  in  my  opinion,  a  terrible  piece  of  legislation  but  the  way  it  was  acted  upon  was  an  even  worse  insult  to  the  American  people.  I  encourage  you  to  oppose  it's  actually  becoming  our  law  in  any  way  you  possibly  can.    Robert  L.  Davis  15600  Central  av.  S.E.  Albuquerque,  N.M.  87123  .   3/25/2010  9:33:48   Attorney  General  King,    I  implore  you  to  please  join  the  Attorneys  general  from  13  states  who  have  sued  the  federal  government  Tuesday,  claiming  the  landmark  health  care  overhaul  bill  is  unconstitutional  just  seven  minutes  after  President  Barack  Obama  signed  it  into  law.  This  federal  mandate  is  unfunded  and  with  cause  further  financial  crisis  to  our  state  economy.  Our  state  budget  is  already  in  an  approximately  $1,000,000,000.00  deficit.  So  beyond  the  constitutionality  issues  of  this  legislation,  NEW  MEXICO  JUST  CAN  NOT  AFFORD  IT!  I  also  ask  that  you  support  legislation  similar  to  what  Virgina  passed  which  specifies  that  its  residents  cannot  be  required  to  purchase  health  insurance.    Here  are  a  few  reasons  why  we  oppose  this  legislation.    1)  IT  IS  NOT  IN  THE  CONSTITUTION  -­‐  IT  IS  NOT  A  RIGHT!  IT  WAS  INITIALLY  PROVIDED  TO  EMPLOYEES  AS  A  FRINGE  BENEFIT  OR  LATER  TO  SENIORS  AS  PART  OF  MEDICARE,  ETC.  NOT  ONLY  IS  IT  NOT  A  CONSTITUTIONAL  OBLIGATION,  IT  IS  IN  FACT  UNCONSTITUTIONAL  ON  SEVERAL  LEVELS  INCLUDING  (A)  US  GOVERNMENT  CAN  NOT  COMPEL  CITIZENS  TO  BUY  A  PRODUCT,  MUCH  LESS  FINE  THEM  FOR  REFUSAL  TO  BUY  IT.  (B)  I  BELIEVE  IT  IS  A  VIOLATION  OF  THE  EQUAL  PROTECTION  CLAUSE  BECAUSE  IT  OFFERS  SPECIAL  EXEMPTIONS  AND  BREAKS  TO  CERTAIN  GROUPS  INCLUDING:  UNION  MEMBERS,  NEBRASKA,  LOUISIANA  CITIZENS,  AMISH  AND  CHRISTIAN  SCIENCE  RELIGIONS,  NOT  TO  MENTION  SENIOR  CONGRESSIONAL  STAFF  WHO  WROTE  THE  BILL  &  EXEMPTED  THEMSELVES!    2)  WE  HAVE  NO  CONFIDENCE  IN  GOVERNMENT  RUN  PROGRAMS.  THEY'RE  PERFORMANCE  HAS  BE  ABYSMAL  WITH:  MEDICAID,  FANNIE/FREDDIE  MAC,  SOCIAL  SECURITY,  USPS,  CASH  FOR  CLUNKERS,  ETC.  ETC.    3)  GOVERNMENT  MANDATES  ON  PRICES  WILL  DECREASE  PROFIT  FOR  DOCTORS  AND  DISCOURAGE  PEOPLE  FROM  ENTERING  THE  MEDICAL  FIELD.  LESS  PROVIDERS  LEADS  TO  RATIONED  CARE.  RECENTLY  THE  NEW  ENGLAND  JOURNAL  OF  MEDICINE  SURVEY  OF  DOCTORS  RESPONDED  THAT  NEARLY  1/2  OF  THEM  WOULD  LEAVE  THEIR  PRACTICE  RATHER  THAN  OPERATE  UNDER  THIS  PLAN  AND  COMPROMISE  THEIR  HIPPOCRATIC  OATH.    

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12)  MANY  OF  US  HAVE  A  MORAL  DIRECTIVE  NOT  TO  PARTICIPATE  IN  ABORTION  &  THIS  LEGISLATION  WOULD  FORCE  CITIZENS  TO  PAY  FOR  ABORTION  UNDER  THIS  PLAN.    13)  ADMINISTRATION  OFFICIALS  HAVE  SAID  THAT  THEY  PLAN  TO  CUT  THE  PROFITS  OF  DOCTORS,  INSURANCE  COMPANIES  AND  PHARMACEUTICAL  COMPANIES.  THIS  WILL  STIFLE  GROWTH  AND  INNOVATION  IN  IN  THE  INDUSTRY  AND  REDUCE  THE  ABILITY  OF  THE  DRUG  COMPANIES  TO  BRING  NEW  DRUGS  TO  THE  MARKET  PLACE.  THIS  WILL  UNSEAT  US  AS  THE  WORLD  LEADER  IN  THE  HEALTH  CARE  INDUSTRY.    14)  WE  CAN  NOT  AFFORD  IT!  IT  IS  ESTIMATED  TO  COST  $2.5  TRILLION  ($2,500,000,000,000,.00)  PER  YEAR.  THIS  IS  SIMPLY  UNSUSTAINABLE  AND  WILL  PUT  MY  GREAT  GRAND  CHILDREN  IN  DEBT  BEFORE  THEY  ARE  EVEN  BORN.  EVEN  THE  REPORTED  NUMBERS  ARE  QUESTIONABLE  WHEN  THE  TAX  INCREASE  KICKS  IN  IMMEDIATELY  BUT  THE  "BENEFITS"  DON'T  START  FOR  4  YEARS.  EVEN  WITHOUT  THIS  LEGISLATION,  AMERICA'S  CREDIT  RATING  HAS  BEEN  ON  ROPES  DUE  TO  OUR  CURRENT  RECORD  BUDGET  DEFICIT.      .   3/25/2010  9:35:34   Please  join  the  suit  filed  against  the  Health  Care  Bill.  It  will  put  most  of  New  Mexicans  in  such  a  bind  that  it  will  cost  jobs  and  cause  welfare  to  sky  rocket.  But  most  of  all  we  don't  need  insurance  programs!  We  need  Doctors,  Nurses,  and  Hospitals.  It  is  40  miles  for  us  to  go  to  an  emergency  room,  60  miles  the  other  direction  to  a  hospital  and  then  we  are  evaced  to  Lubbock  which  does  not  help  New  Mexico.  Please  help  us  get  back  on  the  cowboy  sense  track  instead  of  the  lets  spend  it  all  cause  it  comes  from  the  government.  People  don't  realise  we  are  the  government  that  the  money  comes  from.  Thanks.  Mary  McCLain  Taiban,  NM    .   3/25/2010  9:37:06   A  New  Mexico  resident  against  the  Heath  Care  Bill,  requesting  that  Mr.  King  be  a  voice  for  our  state  that  the  elected  officials  in  Washington,  DC  were  not.    Please,  give  New  Mexican's  the  voice  and  file  suit  against  this  bill.  Thank  You,  Mrs.  Winter  .   3/25/2010  9:52:23   Mr  King  I  respectfuly  ask  that  you  file  suit  aganst  our  federal  government  on  the  basis  that  they  have  violated  our  trust  and  as  diong  so  have  violated  our  constutional  rights  ,  This  year  has  been  tough  for  many  Americans  an  we  have  weathered  many  bad  times  but  this  latest  hardship  is  above  what  we  should  be  made  to  endure!  The  real  effect  of  what  Mr  Obama  has  done  will  not  be  fully  realized  for  years  to  come,  but  there  are  many  of  us  that  have  been  quiet  for  far  to  long  ,  and  now  we  are  very  upset  over  our  Government  giving  no  regard  for  what  the  people  want  ,  we  are  tired  and  it  is  time  WE  THE  PEOPLE  were  heard  so  many  of  us  are  upset  .  I  for  one  would  never  propose  violence  but  we  are  going  to  take  out  Country  BACK!  I  do  hope  someone  who  has  your  ear  reads  this  ,  thanks  for  your  time.  

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Sincerly:  Richard  M  Twonson  [email protected]    .   3/25/2010  9:52:49   Is  there  any  hope  that  our  state  will  sue  over  the  "Health  Care"  Bill?  I  personally  regard  it  as  a  tragedy  unworthy  of  a  democratic  nation.    Thank  you.    Joan  Cady  [email protected]  .   3/25/2010  10:00:12  My  name  is  Jo  Ann  Grenemyer,  my  husband  and  family  have  lived  in  Albuquerque,  NM  since  1972.  Our  son  is  in  Family  Practice  in  Albuquerque  after  having  a  private  practice  in  Edgewood  in  the  1990's.  Our  daughter  taught  in  the  Moriarty  Middle  School  in  the  late  1990's.  As  a  mother  and  grandmother  of  ten  grandchildren  I  am  asking  you  to  join  with  the  thirteen  (at  my  last  count)  other  Attorney  Generals  and  their  States  in  filing  against  the  health  care  reform  that  was  voted  and  forced  on  us  last  week-­‐end.  Thank  you  I'm  praying  for  you  and  that  you  will  make  the  right  decision.    Jo  Ann  Grenemyer,  Albuquerque,  NM  .   3/25/2010  10:01:52  I  WANT  YOU  TO  TAKE  THE  FEDERAL  GOVERNMNET  TO  COURT  ON  THIS  HEALTH  CARE  MESS.  IT  ISN'T  RIGHT  THAT  THEY  REQUIRE  INDIVIDUALS  TO  PURCHASE  ANYTHING  FROM  NON-­‐GOVERNMENTAL  ENTITIES.  THANK  YOU  .   3/25/2010  10:06:09  The  law  passed  this  weekend  is  unconstitutional,  join  other  states  in  the  judicial  fight  against  this  bill.      Bradley  and  Candice  Tidmore  Alb.    .   3/25/2010  10:10:00  Please  file  suit  against  the  federal  government  that  will  force  us  to  have  health  insurance.  .   3/25/2010  10:11:37  Please  file  suit  against  health  care  and  it's  cost  to  the  state  tax  payers.  We  need  protection  from  Washington.Follow  the  smart  states  ie,  AZ  TX  WV  and  a  handful  of  others.  We  have  SO  many  illegals  here  and  do  not  need  to  pay  for  them!  .   3/25/2010  10:20:16  Dear  Sir,Please  join  the  other  states  that  are  filing  the  law  suit  against  the  federal  government  on  the  constitutional  legality  of  the  health  care  mandate.Thanks.          .   3/25/2010  10:28:16  Please  join  the  Law  Suit  about  this  Health  Care  Bill.  Stand  up  for  what  is  right.  Eric  and  Christine  T  [email protected]    .   3/25/2010  10:40:16  It  is  going  to  ruin  our  Country  for  sure!!  .   3/25/2010  10:47:39  Health  care  bill  is  No  good  for  anyone!  .   3/25/2010  10:48:42  Please  I  ask  you  to  follow  the  other  states  that  have  filed  a  lawsuite  against  our  government.  We  do  not  want  this  health  care  bill.  We  have  been  screaming  for  a  year  to  deff  ears.  I  want  to  be  in  control  of  our  health  care.  I  want  to  be  able  to  make  the  desicions  for  my  children  care.  I  do  not  want  anyone  

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telling  me  what  kind  to  treatment  we  can  have.  This  type  of  healthcare  has  not  worked  in  other  countries,  why  is  it  going  to  work  here.  Thank  you  for  your  time.    Tim  Adcock  (505)  870-­‐3878  .   3/25/2010  11:00:19  I  AM  ABSOLUTELY  INCENSED  ABOUT  THIS  DEBACLE  OF  SO  CALLED  "HEALTHCARE  BILL"!  It  can  not  be  Constitutional  to  IMPOSE  upon  Americans  the  requirement  of  purchasing  ANYTHING  much  less  Health  Care.    I  AM  SO  MAD  ABOUT  THIS  I  CAN  HARDLY  STAND  IT.  WHO  DO  THESE  PEOPLE  THINK  THEY  ARE?????  GOD  ALMIGHTY?  EVEN  HE  DOES  NOT  IMPOSE  UPON  MAN'S  FREE  WILL.    PS:  I  vote  and  NO  elected  official  that  voted  for  this  will  get  my  vote  I  PROMISE.  .   3/25/2010  11:02:20  Please  allow  New  Mexico  to  join  the  other  states  in  filing  suit  against  the  United  States  government’s  health  care  plan.  .   3/25/2010  11:03:44  Gary  I  would  like  to  see  you  file  a  law  suit  like  the  rest  of  the  states  that  already  has.  If  the  avg  American  has  to  follow  the  guide  lines  of  this  bill,  then  this  health  care  bill  should  be  the  same  health  care  package  that  our  congressmen  should  have  for  themselves  also,  and  the  way  I  understand  this  is  that  our  congressman  have  a  total  different  health  care  program  for  themselves.  It  is  also  time  for  the  states  to  stand  up  and  follow  the  wishes  of  it's  people  not  the  FEDS.  I  also  WILL  NOT  have  a  fed  or  insurance  Co  at  any  level  tell  me  what  I  can  and  can  not  do  with  MY  HEALTH  Thanks  for  your  time,  Chris  Maedche  .   3/25/2010  11:05:01  Something  must  be  done  to  STOP  this  "Health  Care"  crap.  There  will  be  a  revolution  IF  this  is  not  stopped........  It  can  not  be  acceptable  to  demand  payment  for  something.....  we  have  enough  "Tax"  on  enough  products  NOW!  Stop  this  Farce  or  People  WILL  TAKE  ACTION.  Our  great  country  does  not  need  Socialistic  Ideaology  imposed  upon  it  (us).  .   3/25/2010  11:06:43  I  am  deeply  concerned  over  the  passage  of  legislation  that  exempts  certian  citizens  and  mandates  to  others.  I  believe  even  the  thought  of  this  health  care  bill  is  unconstitutional  and  outside  the  scope  and  authority  of  the  Federal  Government.  I  am  urging  Mr.  King  to  join  with  other  Attorney  Generals  across  the  nation  and  fight  the  constitutionality  of  this  legislation.  Furthermore  I  would  like  to  see  efforts  made  to  mandate  that  congress  makes  no  law  that  either  exempts  them  or  sets  them  apart  from  the  rest  of  the  people.  Thank  you,  Roger  Hatcher  1393  Rose  Dr.  Clovis,  NM  88101  .   3/25/2010  11:09:31  Please  sue  the  federal  govt.  we  have  plenty  of  protection  by  the  state  and  do  not  need  the  feds  taking  over  Health  Care.  Steve  Pacheco  .   3/25/2010  11:17:38  I  have  a  productive  life  as  a  teacher  and  am  still  working  2  jobs  at  72  so  that  I  can  afford  the  best  health  care.  I  don't  like  the  federal  secretive  deals  and  bribes  and  I  urge  you  to  join  other  attorney  Generals  to  file  suit.  

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Anne  .   3/25/2010  11:17:42  I  want  New  Mexico  to  join  in  the  suit  with  other  states  to  block  this  legislation  from  taking  effect  in  our  state.    Thank  You  and  Regards,    David  B  Thompson  505-­‐730-­‐2213  [email protected]  .   3/25/2010  11:17:45  Please  join  the  other  AGs  who  are  filing  lawsuits  to  stop  the  Obama  Healthcare  bill.  I  respectfully  ask  you  to  do  this  as  your  constituent.  I  have  always  believed  you  and  your  family  were  honorable  public  servants.  Thank  you.  By  the  way,  I  spoke  to  Paul  in  your  ABQ  office  and  he  was  great!    Lorena  Thompson  PO  Box  160    Tijeras,  NM  87059  .   3/25/2010  11:21:11  Please  sign  on  to  the  lawsuit  from  13+  states  against  the  Patient  Protection  and  Affordable  Care  Act.    New  Mexico  has  enough  of  its  own  financial  and  healthcare  issues  that  we  cannot  afford  to  sponsor  the  federal  government's  issues  as  well.    They  dumped  this  legislation  on  New  Mexico  without  funding  mechanisms  to  support  it  and  we  don't  need  any  new  taxes  within  the  state  to  cover  the  cost.    We  tolerated  this  same  problem  when  the  No  Child  Left  Behind  was  enacted  without  a  funding  mechanism  and  look  at  our  public  education  system  now!    This  act  has  clearly  exceeded  the  legislative  powers  of  Article  I  of  the  US  Constitution  and  has  encroached  on  state  sovereignty  guaranteed  by  the  10th  Amendment  to  the  US  Constitution.    New  Mexico  should  join  the  suit  with  Florida  and  the  other  states.  .   3/25/2010  11:36:47  Please  join  the  37  other  states  in  filing  suit  the  health  care  reform  as  it  clearly  violates  the  constitution  and  violates  State  rights  Thanks  Kerry  Hunter  Chaves  County  .   3/25/2010  11:37:31  I  was  very  pleased  and  relieved  when  health  care  reform  was  passed.  I've  heard  that  a  lot  of  people  are  asking  Gary  King  to  assist  in  pulling  NM  out  of  this  new  health  care  program.  Doing  that  would  be  a  major  mistake  for  NM.  Let's  welcome  the  new  health  care  reform  and  make  it  work  for  NM.    Dick  Mastin  Alto,  NM  

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575-­‐336-­‐2170  .   3/25/2010  11:38:37  I  am  a  97  year  old  retired  teacher  and  school  counselor.  I  now  require  24-­‐hour  care.  I  feel  that  the  federal  healthcare  bill  is  unconscionable  and  will  not  serve  America  well.  the  American  people  have  spoken  and  did  not  want  this  bill.  I  do  not  understand  why  the  federal  government  insists  on  disregarding  the  will  of  the  people  who  elected  them.  Please  file  suit  along  with  the  other  attorney  generals.  Ruth  Turner  .   3/25/2010  11:39:11  I  am  against  the  Health  Care  Bill  that  was  passed.  I  would  like  to  join  those  who  are  filing  suit.  .   3/25/2010  11:41:07  As  our  attorney  general  I  think  it  is  your  duty  to  sue  the  federal  government.  Sandra  Homer,  [email protected]  .   3/25/2010  11:46:26  Mr.  King    I  agree  with  the  following  statement  and  hope  you  take  action.  Yesterday’s  unconstitutional  actions  by  our  federal  government  on  the  passage  of  the  so  called  “Health  Care”  legislation  requires  immediate  actions  across  our  great  state  of  New  Mexico.  Mr.  King,  please  join  with  other  state  AG's  across  the  nation  and  fight  this  unconstitutional  action  taken  place  by  our  current  federal  congress.    Thank  you  in  advance...    Signed,  Steven  Anderson  5228  Old  Adobe  Trl.  NW  Albuquerque  NM,  87120          .   3/25/2010  12:15:42  Please  express  my  concern  to  the  Attorney  General  King  about  the  constitutionality  of  the  Health  care  bill  that  President  Obama  signed  into  law  today.  I  do  not  see  any  place  in  the  US  Constitution  that  grants  the  Federal  Government  the  power  to  mandate  insurance  or  force  the  American  people  to  buy  anything.  No  one  can  argue  that  the  health  care  in  America  needs  reform  and  change  but  violating  the  US  Constitution  is  not  the  way.  We  the  people  need  to  have  our  rights  protected  that  are  expressly  stated  in  the  Constitution,  specifically  the  10th  Amendment  in  this  case.  My  wife  and  I  are  asking  that  the  State  of  NM  join  Florida  and  the  other  states  that  are  filing  suit  against  the  Federal  government  concerning  this  bill.    Kevin  and  Jill  O'Brien  20  Speis  Rd  .   3/25/2010  12:16:31  Great  work!!!  Thank  you!!!  .   3/25/2010  12:16:34  My  husband  and  I  are  both  thrilled  that  the  Health  Care  Bill  passed.  It  was  such  hard  work  by  so  many  people,  it  took  up  so  much  of  President  Obama's  first  year  in  office,  and  it  was  altered  in  such  convoluted  ways  in  

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order  to  pass,  but  it  passed!  This  is  such  very  important  legislation.  It  will  affect  every  family  in  this  country  in  significant  ways.    We  have  trailed  the  rest  of  the  "developed"  nations  on  this  issue  for  too  long.  It  is  time  for  us  to  place  the  health  care  needs  of  the  people  of  this  country  ahead  of  the  financial  gain  of  medical  and  insurance  corporations.  Sincerely,  Cheryl  Hastings  Datil,  NM  .   3/25/2010  12:17:19  I  have  read  HR  4872,  I've  also  read  the  ronconciliation  bill  that  the  senate  discussed  (refused  the  Republican  amendments  that  might  have  helped  it)  and  sent  back  to  the  house.    HR  4872  took  five  hours  to  read,  and  the  reconciliation  bill  took  10  hours  to  read.    First  of  all  my  comments  are  this  ...  This  bill  contains  massive  cuts  in  Medicare  (cuts  that  could  cost  my  mother  in  Texas  her  life).    Secondly,  the  congress  exempted  their  selves  from  having  to  follow  this  bill.  It's  such  a  great  bill  for  us,  but  not  for  them?    Also,  this  bill  is  FEDERAL  mandated  which  means  that  it  directly  assaults  the  10th  amendment  rights  of  the  states    And  why  must  we  buy  the  insurance  that  the  government  mandates  for  us?  I  know  people  who  work  in  the  insurance  industry,  (as  did  I  when  I  worked  for  the  temp  agencies  in  Texas).  This  bill  will  put  the  private  insurers  out  of  business  within  3  years.      Also  there  is  other  legislation  in  the  mix  as  well.  THe  Autism  treatment  acclerated  act  S  819  in  the  senate  ...  states  plain  as  day;  that  people  with  AUtism  will  be  covered  by  insurance  until  age  26.    Well  what  happens  when  we  go  to  a  single  payer  system,  and  we're  27?  According  to  this  bill  we're  subject  to  fines  and  possibly  prosecution.  And  why?  Because  we  (as  I  and  even  my  two  daughters  do  have  Aspergers)  are  the  way  G-­‐d  made  us?      For  all  I  know,  they  can  sneak  this  bill  in  as  a  amendment  (even  though  it's  in  the  military  committee  for  now)  ...    This  bill  doesn't  promote  health  care,  it  promotes  control  and  power  for  the  current  administration.    I  urge  you  to  sue  under  the  10th  amendment,  under  the  civil  rights  act,  the  violaton  of  the  ADA,  under  AGE  discrimination  (even  though  my  mother  is  in  Texas  and  not  New  Mexico)...what  ever  you  have  to  do  to  repeal  this  bill.    

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Truly,  Debra  R  Steinman  [email protected]  505-­‐662-­‐2099  .   3/25/2010  12:18:23  I  have  read  HR  4872,  I've  also  read  the  ronconciliation  bill  that  the  senate  discussed  (refused  the  Republican  amendments  that  might  have  helped  it)  and  sent  back  to  the  house.    HR  4872  took  five  hours  to  read,  and  the  reconciliation  bill  took  10  hours  to  read.    First  of  all  my  comments  are  this  ...  This  bill  contains  massive  cuts  in  Medicare  (cuts  that  could  cost  my  mother  in  Texas  her  life).    Secondly,  the  congress  exempted  their  selves  from  having  to  follow  this  bill.  It's  such  a  great  bill  for  us,  but  not  for  them?    Also,  this  bill  is  FEDERAL  mandated  which  means  that  it  directly  assaults  the  10th  amendment  rights  of  the  states    And  why  must  we  buy  the  insurance  that  the  government  mandates  for  us?  I  know  people  who  work  in  the  insurance  industry,  (as  did  I  when  I  worked  for  the  temp  agencies  in  Texas).  This  bill  will  put  the  private  insurers  out  of  business  within  3  years.      Also  there  is  other  legislation  in  the  mix  as  well.  THe  Autism  treatment  acclerated  act  S  819  in  the  senate  ...  states  plain  as  day;  that  people  with  AUtism  will  be  covered  by  insurance  until  age  26.    Well  what  happens  when  we  go  to  a  single  payer  system,  and  we're  27?  According  to  this  bill  we're  subject  to  fines  and  possibly  prosecution.  And  why?  Because  we  (as  I  and  even  my  two  daughters  do  have  Aspergers)  are  the  way  G-­‐d  made  us?      For  all  I  know,  they  can  sneak  this  bill  in  as  a  amendment  (even  though  it's  in  the  military  committee  for  now)  ...    This  bill  doesn't  promote  health  care,  it  promotes  control  and  power  for  the  current  administration.    I  urge  you  to  sue  under  the  10th  amendment,  under  the  civil  rights  act,  the  violaton  of  the  ADA,  under  AGE  discrimination  (even  though  my  mother  is  in  Texas  and  not  New  Mexico)...what  ever  you  have  to  do  to  repeal  this  bill.    Truly,  Debra  R  Steinman  [email protected]  505-­‐662-­‐2099  

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.   3/25/2010  12:22:36  Dear  Attorney  General  King,  Am  strongly  opposed  to  the  health  care  bill  that  Congress  recently  passed.  This  bill  is  UNCONSTITUTIONAL  and  has  been  passed  against  the  will  of  the  people.  This  terrible  bill  carries  a  $1,500  fine,  a  jail  sentence,  or  both  for  any  citizen  refusing  to  accept  the  Federal  Govt.  plan.  How  dare  our  elected  officials  in  Washington  treat  any  American  in  this  unlawfill  manner.  Furthermore,  this  bill  allows  members  of  Congress  and  their  staff  to  keep  the  insurance  they  already  have  for  life,  without  being  penalized.  My  understanding  is  that  quite  a  few  states  are  opposing(Or  considering  to  oppose)  this  Unconstitutional  legislation,  and  kindly  ask  you  to  also  consider  opposing  it.  Thank  you  very  much  for  reading  this  letter!  With  great  respect,  Louis  M.  Rudanovich  [email protected]  .   3/25/2010  12:32:23  There  comes  a  time  to  draw  a  line  in  the  sand.  Sooner  is  better  than  after  all  states  rights  have  been  taken  from  us.  Our  AG  should  act  now.  .   3/25/2010  12:40:40  Attorney  General,      I  believe  that  the  recently  passed  National  Health  Care  Bill  is  totally  unconstitutional  in  that  it  is  assuming  powers  and  rights  allocated  to  the  States.  New  Mexico  should  act  to  preserve  it's  State's  Rights  in  what  ever  means  that  may  be  necessary.    Michael  S.  White  PO  Box  580  Dexter,  NM  88230  [email protected]  .   3/25/2010  12:44:26  Please  file  a  lawsuit  against  the  federal  Government's  usurpation  of  States  rights  in  passing  the  so  called  Health  care  bill!!  This  bill  is  unconstitutional!!!!!  Our  Constitution  is  the  law  of  the  land!!!  The  voice  of  the  people  has  been  ignored  and  I  for  one  am  very  angry  about  it!!!  What  happened  to  the  "consent  of  the  governed"?!  "Government  is  never  more  dangerous  than  when  our  desire  to  have  it  help  us  blinds  us  to  its  great  power  to  harm  us!!"  Ronald  Reagan  I  will  be  fighting  at  the  ballot  box!!  I  will  do  ALL  I  can  to  oust  anyone  who  supports  this  bill,  they  do  not  deserve  to  represent  the  American  people.  .   3/25/2010  12:46:51  Dear  Attorney  General,    In  speaking  for  the  New  Mexico  Farm  &  Livestock  Bureau  which  represents  14,900  farm  and  ranch  families  in  New  Mexico  I  would  like  to  lodge  our  complaint  against  the  recently  passed  National  Health  Care  Bill  in  Washington.  This  bill  appears  to  be  unconstitutional  and  encroachs  upon  the  States  Rights.  We  believe  that  you  should  do  all  you  can  to  oppose  this  bill  even  if  it  means  suing  the  Federal  government.    Thank  You  Michael  White,  President  New  Mexico  Farm  &  Livestock  Bureau    .   3/25/2010  12:50:25  Please  look  in  to  following  the  other  39  States  who  are  considering  filing  a  suit  against  the  Unconstitutional  Healthcare  bill.It  violates  the  10th  Amendment.Alot  of  people  are  out  of  work.How  will  we  pay  for  this  and  why  should  we  be  sent  to  jail  for  something  we  can't  help?Please  help  us.  Debrah  Levy  

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Carlsbad,NM  5053071342    .   3/25/2010  12:50:35  Mr.  King,  I  would  like  to  take  this  opportunity  to  urge  you  to  file  suite  angainst  the  Federal  Government  concerning  the  passage  of  the  recently  passed  "health  care"  bill.  Not  only  is  this  bill  detrimental  to  the  people  economies  of  this  state  and  nation  but  is  also  unconstitutional  and  goes  agaist  the  4th,  10th  and  13th  amendments.  As  the  Attorney  General  of  the  state  of  New  Mexico  I  feel  it  is  your  duty  to  do  everything  in  your  power  to  protect  the  residents  of  this  state  against  these  types  of  attacks  on  our  constitutional  rights  and  abilities  to  make  a  a  living.    Thank  you  for  you  time,    Randy  Teague  p.o.  box  14  Hanover,  NM  88041  .   3/25/2010  13:00:23  Please  stop  the  socialist  movement.  Please  join  in  the  many  lawsuits  and  STOP  this  garbage.  Thanks.  Scott  .   3/25/2010  13:19:57  I'm  37  and  on  disability.  I  have  Medicare,  a  private  insurance  suppliment  and  partial  Medicade.  I  have  Asthma,  an  anxiety  and  depressive  disorder.  I  depend  on  my  coverage  to  keep  me  well.  I  think  what  Washington  has  done  is  aweful,  and  I  feel  that  most  of  the  American  people  were  ignored  with  this  new  heathcare  law.  I'm  asking  for  you  to  file  suit  with  the  other  Attorney  Generals  against  this  new  healthcare  law.  Heather  Bunnell    .   3/25/2010  13:26:50  Dear  Attorney  General,  I  sincerely  hope  to  see  you  take  some  form  of  action  against  the  healthcare  bill.  Join  the  chain  of  National  lawsuits  testing  the  constitutionality  of  the  Bill.  If  you  support  this  Bill  and  fail  to  take  action  to  protect  our  rights,  I  will  not  vote  for  you  for  any  political  position  you  run  for  in  the  future.  Start  fighting  for  the  people.  I  am  strongly  against  this  bill  and  don't  feel  the  people  I  have  elected  have  been  fighting  for  us  but  are  instead  securing  positions  for  themselve  in  the  future.  We  can't  allow  the  federal  government  to  steal  power  from  the  states  and  the  people  and  force  us  or  bully  us  into  buying  the  products  or  services  they  want  us  to.  Please  Mr.  Attorney  General,  let  me  see  you  make  a  difference.  Erik  Dallas  .   3/25/2010  13:48:44  A.G.  Gary  King,    Sir  I  implore  you  to  bring  a  suit  against  the  Heath  care  bill.  The  system  does  need  help  but  not  this  way,  by  such  crooked  methods.  I  ask  you  to  join  with  other  states  and  stop  this  destructive  bill.      Sincerely,    

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Jason  Sailer  [email protected]  505  839  9696  Abq.  NM  87121-­‐2279  .   3/25/2010  14:03:07  I  would  like  New  Mexico  to  join  the  law  suit  to  stop  the  health  care  bill  that  just  passed.  I  feel  this  will  bankrupt  our  state  and  our  nation.  I  also  find  it  very  sad  to  have  Castro  supporting  this  bill.  There  are  many  things  I  would  like  to  spend  money  on  right  now  but  I  am  smart  enough  to  know  I  can  not  afford  to  spend  therefore  I  am  trying  to  save.  Please  Stop  the  endless  spending.  We  the  people,  who  still  have  jobs,  can  not  afford  much  more  of  this.  Thank-­‐You,Sue  Ann  Voris    .   3/25/2010  14:03:07  Please  file  suit  against  the  Health  Care  Bill  which  was  pushed  down  our  throats  and  doesn't  solve  any  problems.  No  bills  should  exclude  Congress/President  from  participating  -­‐  if  they  think  they're  good  for  us  they  should  LEAD  the  way  -­‐  doing  it  first  to  show  us  how  great  it  works  -­‐  not  exempt  themselves.  Don't  let  this  legislation  take  place  in  NM  and  furthermore,  exempt  illegal  aliens  from  accessing  our  health  care  systems.  We're  paying  for  illegals  on  the  backs  of  hard  working  tax  payers.  ENOUGH!  .   3/25/2010  14:09:33  Repeal  the  health  care  bill!  .   3/25/2010  14:10:17  Please  file  suit  with  the  federal  government  for  the  exact  same  reasons  the  14  other  states  are  doing  because  of  this  health  care  bill.  Forcing  the  public  to  purchase  something  is  unconstitutional.  Health  insurance  is  not  a  right,  it  is  an  opportunity  to  plan  ahead.    I  am  a  young  college  student  right  now  not  making  much  and  not  asking  for  handouts.  In  the  next  five  to  six  years  I  will  be  making  over  $350,000  a  year  owning  my  own  business.  I  WILL  NOT  BE  PAYING  A  TAX  FOR  HAVING  HIGH  WORK  ETHIC  so  others  may  recieve  something  no  one  is  entitled  to.  America  was  designed  with  the  people  in  mind,  lets  keep  it  that  way.    Thanks  for  your  time.          .   3/25/2010  14:14:52  We  would  like  to  petition  you  as  our  AG  to  take  whatever  action  is  legally  feasible  to  protect  New  Mexicans  from  the  noxious  fallout  from  this  health  reform  legislation.  We  were  told  to  be  brief  in  our  comments  as  they  will  be  read.  For  that  we  are  thankful  &  will  try  to  be  brief.  We  perceive  this  bill  to  be  a  Frankenstein  monster  that  will  not  only  destroy  this  country's  health  care  system  (not  without  problems,  but  the  best  in  the  world)  but  bankrupt  us  as  well.      Mr.  Michael  Connelly,  author,  teacher,  and  retired  constitutional  attorney,  said  it  well  in  an  interview  on  KKIM  radio  with  Frank  Haley  on  Oct.  10,  '09:  "It  frankly  scares  me  to  death.  It's  not  really  about  health  care.  It's  a  massive  transfer  of  power  to  the  executive  branch  of  government."  Mr.  Connelly  went  on  to  describe  how  this  bill  violates  the  4th  &  5th  as  well  as  the  9th  &  10th  Amendments  to  the  Constitution.      

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One  of  the  more  egregious  violations  involved  in  this  legislation  is  the  mandate  to  purchase  this  gov't  insurance  or  be  penalized.  At  no  time  in  history  have  people  in  this  country  been  forced  by  gov't  to  buy  a  commodity.  Some  groups  are  apparently  exempted  from  this  mandate  via  sweetheart  deals  (e.g.,  Amish  &  Christian  Scientists),  so  they  will  not  be  punished  by  this  as  will  the  rest  of  us.    We  need  to  be  rescued  from  this  unprecedented  gov't  power-­‐grab.  Please  do  everything  you  can  to  help.    Sincerely,    Ann  Hutton    Nancy  Bower  Corrales,  NM  898-­‐8546  .   3/25/2010  14:17:27  Attorney  General  Gary  King,  Please  join  the  other  Attorney  Generals  across  America  &  file  suit  to  question  the  constitutionality  of  the  passage  of  the  recent  Health  Care  Reform  Bill.  Congress  has  not  listened  to  the  majority  of  the  American  people.  I  join  others  and  say  that  we  do  not  want  this  kind  of  health  care  reform.  The  Federal  Government  should  not  mandate  that  an  individual  MUST  have  health  care  insurance.  The  government  should  not  be  allowed  to  force  citizens  to  purchase  insurance.  It  should  remain  a  choice.  Please  help  protect  New  Mexico  citizens  from  this  abuse  of  power.  Larry  Miller  POB  1470  Capitan,  NM  88316  (575)  354-­‐0217    .   3/25/2010  14:18:31  The  majority  of  Americans  did  not  want  the  OBAMAcare.  But  the  Democrates  voted  it  in  against  the  peoples  will.  What  ever  happened  to  majority  rules?  I  hope  the  everyone  that  voted  against  the  people  will  rue  the  day  they  did  so!    This  is  America  not  Europe,  China  or  Russia  we  are  not  Sociallist  we  pay  our  on  way,  we  take  care  of  our  Goverment  not  the  Goverment  taking  care  of  us.    Sociallism  has  never  worked  any  where  and  it  won't  work  here!    I  beleive  in  taking  care  of  the  sick  &  elderly  but  everyone  else  should  work  and  pay  their  on  way.  This  creates  self-­‐esteem  and  dreams  to  do  better  for  themselfs.  And  armed  with  Dreams  &  believe  in  oneself  in  America  all  thing  are  possible!  There  is  no  free  rides,  someone  has  to  pay!  Lorin  Sanders,  Roswell,NM  .   3/25/2010  14:22:58  This  bill  is  unconstitutional  and  will  severely  harm  the  sovereignty  of  the  State  of  New  Mexico  and  the  citizens  of  this  state.    Please  join  with  others  in  the  effort  to  protect  New  Mexico  from  the  recently  passed  Health  Care  Reform  Bill.  

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.   3/25/2010  14:36:27  Dear  Attorney  General  King,    We  want  protection  from  the  unconstitutional  federal  health  care  legislation.    Please  join  with  other  Attorney  Generals  from  states  across  America  and  file  suit  to  protect  New  Mexico  from  the  special  treatment  and  sweetheart  deals  doled  out  to  other  states  to  buy  congressional  votes.    Please  let  me  know  what  action  you  will  take  to  protect  New  Mexicans  from  the  biggest  Federal  takeover  in  American  history.    Thanks,  Jim  Burnham  4800  Samantha  Ln  Farmington,  NM  87402  .   3/25/2010  14:43:27  Dear  Mr.  Attorney  General:  We,  Michael  and  Sheryl  Foland,  are  citizens  of  Roswell  and  registered  voters  in  New  Mexico.  We  encourage  you  to  take  any  and  all  legal  action,  up  to  and  including  suing  the  Federal  Government  regarding  the  passage  of  the  health  care  reform  bill  by  the  US  House  on  Sunday,  March  21,  2010.  We  believe  the  components  of  this  bill,  including  forcing  us  to  purchase  "federally  approved"  insurance,  violates  our  civil  rights  as  citizens  of  the  State  of  New  Mexico.  Thank  you  for  your  attention  to  this  matter.  .   3/25/2010  14:52:58  THIS  HEALTH  CARE  BILL  IS  AN  ABORTION  ,  JOIN  THE  OTHER  AG'S  IN  BRINGING  THIS  ANTI  AMERICAN  BILL  TO  THE  COURTS  .  .   3/25/2010  14:56:37  This  is  a  conservative  (overly  conservative)  approach  to  a  long  term,  enormous  US  problem.  It  will  not  do  nearly  as  much  as  it  should.  The  only  logical  overall  solution  would  be  some  form  of  single  payer  system,  cutting  out  the  enormous  overhead  in  the  present  system.  But  it  is  the  best  that  can  be  had  now.    I  find  the  right  wing  reaction  (over  reaction)  to  the  health  bill  astonishing.  I  think  it  has  very  little  to  do  with  the  plan  itself,  but  represents  anger  over  their  lack  of  power,  which  they  think  they  deserve.  Why  are  you  so  concerned  with  this?  Are  you  testing  the  political  waters  to  see  if  you  can  participate  in  the  right  wing  attempt  to  torpedo  the  whole  thing?  That  wouild  be  an  error.  .   3/25/2010  15:02:20  Attorney  General  King,  this  is  Retired  Warrant  Officer  John  l.  Thompson.  I  am  totally  in  favor  of  your  attempts  to  over-­‐turn  the  Health  Care  plan  the  President  just  signed.  I  believe  this  plan  is  not  at  all  in  keeping  with  a  common  sense  approach  to  health  care  reform,  and  is  bound  to  be  a  budget-­‐killer  for  the  American  people.  We  are  Medicare  recipients  and  although  we  know  it  is  in  need  of  an  up-­‐grade,  it  is  not  broken.  The  only  thing  this  health  care  program  is  going  to  to  is  reduce  the  quality  of  our  health  care,  and  increase  our  cost  for  a  lesser  quality  of  care.  Thank  you  for  your  efforts  in  this  regard.  John    .   3/25/2010  15:03:12  Attoney  General  Gary  King,    

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I  would  like  to  express  my  concern  about  the  new  health  care  bill.  I  fill  that  we,  as  a  nation  need  a  health  care  bill  to  cover  those  in  need.  But  not  at  the  expense  of  US  Constitution.I  would  like  to  request,that  you  file  suit  to  try  and  stop  this  health  care  bill.  I  fill  that  what  is  in  this  bill  will  not  help  New  Mexico,  but  bring  unwanted  and  costly  expense  to  the  state  and  its  citizens.  As  a  american,  please  uphold  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States.  Thank  you    Steven  Ulibarri    .   3/25/2010  15:06:14  I  do  not  favor  sueing  the  federal  government  to  repeal  the  Health  Care  Bill  that  was  passed  last  Sunday.    I  am  82  years  old  on  Medicare  and  am  somewhat  concerned  about  losing  some  benefits,  but  we  need  to  try  this.  There  will  be  problems.  One  of  them  in  not  enough  primary  care  doctors  to  take  care  of  additional  people.  But  we  cannot  continue  to  ignore  these  people  who  are  without  care.    A  next  step  should  be  some  really  good  state  and  federal  scholarships  so  that  perhaps  students  who  might  not  otherwise  afford  medical  school  could  become  primary  care  physicians.....June  Reed  Harwell,  Democrat,  Otero    County.  .   3/25/2010  15:11:30  PLEASE  consider  joining  other  Attorneys  General  in  bringing  suit  against  our  Federal  Government  concerning  unconstitutional  mandates  as  well  as  other  issues  addressed  in  this  horrendous  health  care  bill  which  was  just  signed  by  our  President.    LaMonte  B.  and  Marsha  K.  Christensen,  Conservatives  Silver  City,  Grant  County  .   3/25/2010  15:19:37  This  bill  will  cause  us  to  slide  rapidly  down  the  slippery  slope  toward  increasing  government  control  of  health  care.  They  contain  the  biggest  expansion  of  Medicaid  since  the  program’s  creation.  They  impose  an  unprecedented  federal  mandate  for  coverage  backed  by  the  enforcement  authority  of  the  Internal  Revenue  Service.  They  will  increase  government  spending  by  nearly  $2  trillion  when  fully  implemented.  They  give  the  secretary  of  health  and  human  services  the  power  to  define  benefits  for  all  private  plans  and  to  redefine  those  benefits  annually.  From  a  new  health-­‐choices  commissioner  to  a  center  for  comparative-­‐effectiveness  research,  these  bills  create  dozens  of  new  bureaucracies,  increasing  the  federal  role  in  health  care.  All  of  this  amounts  to  a  lot  of  power  over  people’s  lives.      Even  worse,  the  bill  fails  to  solve  the  fundamental  problems  in  health  care.  They  take  no  serious  steps  to  reduce  costs,  either  for  the  health  care  system  or  for  individuals.  The  bill  will  cause  insurance  premiums  for  scores  of  people,  especially  those  who  are  relatively  young  and  healthy,  to  go  up,  not  down.  They  tighten  the  allowable  price  variation  for  insurance  rates,  so  that  millions  of  people  who  are  expecting  lower  costs  as  a  result  of  reform  will  end  up  paying  higher  premiums.      

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Please  stand  up  with  the  other  AG's  around  the  country  who  are  standing  up  against  the  constitutionality  of  this  legislation.    Thank  you  for  your  attention  to  this  matter,    Jeff  Clark    6948  Glen  Hills  Dr  NE  Rio  Rancho,  NM  87144  [email protected]  .   3/25/2010  15:21:54  Dear  Attorney  General  King,  I  am  writing  to  you  to  join  the  cause  of  overturning  the  recent  Health  Care  Bill  Legislation  that  was  recently  passed.  I  am  a  concerned  citizen  and  see  as  a  means  for  the  Federal  Government  to  rule  my  choice  of  being  insuranced  or  not.  I  also  feel  that  if  the  Congressional  Members  aren't  willing  to  be  a  part  of  it  then  why  should  I  be  required  to  participate.  It  seems  to  me  that  NM  has  done  a  lot  in  trying  to  get  the  uninsured  insured.  We  have  enough  worries  in  our  own  state  to  have  to  take  on  this  additional  tax  burden.      Kindest  regards,    Sandy  Correia  906  Mason  Roswell,  NM  88201  .   3/25/2010  15:24:38  I  request  that  you  bring  a  law  suit  against  the  new  Health  Care  Bill.  Please  follow  along  with  others  in  best  interest  of  New  Mexico  citizens.  With  more  citizens  against  the  bill  I  see  no  way  for  your  office  not  to  bring  a  law  suit.  This  is  not  nor  should  it  be  about  a  party  but  what  is  best  for  this  country  and  its  citizens.  I  appreciate  your  consideration.    Lindol  Hill,  Democrat,  8405  Dunhill  Av  SW.,  Albuquerque,  NM  87121  .   3/25/2010  15:27:22  We  as  a  state  that  is  factored  in  as  a  "real  reason  "for  the  need  of  the  Obama  health  care  plan  passed  this  past  week  should  hear  from  ALL  the  people  in  New  Mexico.  I  would  be  in  support  of  filing  a  suite  against  the  fedeal  government  for  the  carless  passage  of  the  healthcare  bill.This  is  such  a  monumental  action  that  will  not  turn  out  well  for  the  people  of  New  Mexico  from  doctors  all  the  way  through  to  patients  and  their  loved  ones.  I  ask  that  you  please  take  actions  to  protect  my  well  being  of  our  families  friends  and  neighbors  by  letting  the  majority  speak  out.  Thanks  for  your  time  and  energy  in  regards  to  this  important  issue.  .   3/25/2010  15:33:12  Thank  you  for  this  opportunity  to  express  my  dismay  at  the  passing  of  the  so-­‐called  health  care  bill.  Please  allow  New  Mexico  to  join  the  states  that  have  filed  legal  objections.  Our  country  will  never  accept  legislation  backed  by  only  some  members  of  one  party  -­‐  34  democrats  along  with  all  republicans  refused  to  vote  for  this  health  care  reform  bill.  This  issue  will  not  disappear.  It  will  only  become  more  serious  and  the  country  more  divided  as  the  months  pass.  Repeal  is  inevitable,  whether  parts  or  the  whole  are  recalled.    .   3/25/2010  15:50:40  Please  help  repeal  the  Healthcare  bill    

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M/M  Graham  Silver  City,  NM  .   3/25/2010  16:00:06  Sir,  I  have  concerns  about  the  recent  news  regarding  violence  against  Congress/reps  such  as  threats  in  the  Internet  Blog  sites  and  rhetoric  that  I  believe  is  violent  and  has  already  led  to  violent  acts  against  Democratic  headquarters  in  several  states.  I  wonder  what  laws  there  are  in  NM  that  would  offer  protection  to  such  headquarters  and  to  our  Representatives  who  did  vote  for  the  Health  Care  Bill.  I  clearly  remember  the  violence  against  the  Civil  Right  workers  that  lived  in  the  South  and  the  workers  who  traveled  to  the  South  seeking  to  register  voters.  I  am  fearful  of  such  violence  happening  again  and  I  am  certain  you  and  your  office  are  aware  of  the  violence  such  as  verbal  threats,  spitting,  name  calling,  bricks  thrown  into  windows  and  the  brother  of  a  Representative  gas  line  being  cut.  What  laws  are  there  regarding  such  acts  and  especially  acts  done  thru  the  Internet  sites  that  appear  to  have  led  others  to  act  in  violent  ways.    .   3/25/2010  16:01:09  I  just  submitted  a  concern  regarding  violence  did  you  automatically  get  my  email  address.  it  is  [email protected]  as  I  do  want  a  response.  thank  ou  so  much          .   3/25/2010  16:01:14  Please  join  the  lawsuit  to  sue  the  Federal  Govt  on  the  unconstitutional  Health  Care  legislation  the  Congress  passed.  Thank  you  William  Kluck  .   3/25/2010  16:15:45  Please  join  with  other  AG's  across  the  country  to  protect  our  individual  and  state's  rights.  Our  Constitution  has  been  completely  ignored  in  the  passing  of  mandated  health  care.  Bribery  took  place  in  order  to  get  this  bill  passed  and  it  was  against  the  will  of  the  majority  of  citizens.  No  one  should  be  forced  to  purchase  anything  or  risk  governmental  interference.  This  is  unlike  car  insurance,  in  that  I  can  choose  not  to  have  a  car  if  I  don't  want  to  pay  for  insurance.      Sincerely,  Sara  Laughlin-­‐Medina  Las  Cruces,  NM  [email protected]  575.644.4579  .   3/25/2010  16:19:01  Thank  you  for  taking  time  to  hear  us.    1st...I  believe  it  is  illegal  to  force  the  States  to  comply  to  nation  wide  Health  care.  2nd..If  everything  becomes  free,  ie  housing,  foodstamps,  utlilites,  medical,  perhaps  more......why  work?  Why  go  to  school  to  learn  more  to  get  ahead?  Will  this  not  add  to  our  problems?  3rd..I  lived  in  England  for  two  years  and  those  who  I  talked  to  hated  the  medical  system....why?  took  forevery  to  see  a  doctor  and  even  longer  to  schedule  an  appointment  for  any  kind  of  surgery.  Doctors  were  not  as  good  as  we  have  here  in  US  -­‐  no  reasons  to  try  to  be  better  than  others.  

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4th..  I  would  recommend  you  to  read  "The  5000  year  Leap"  or  listen  on  CD  The  Principles  of  Freedom  101.  I  have  just  started  it.  I  believe  you  will  like  it..  copyright  2007  National  Center  for  Constitutional  Studies      Douglas  DeVore  40  Barranca  Road  Los  Alamos,  NM  87544  505-­‐662-­‐6851  .   3/25/2010  16:24:50  The  recently  passed  health  care  bill  is  not  constitutional  -­‐  the  Federal  government  cannot  force  citizens  to  purchase  a  product  (insurance).  New  Mexico  needs  to  join  with  other  states  in  bringing  this  issue  to  court.    Robert  and  Carol  Hogan  Silver  City,  NM  88062  .   3/25/2010  16:30:15  I  also  believe  this  new  law  that  purports  to  reform  national  health  care  is  unconstitutional.  If  we  must  pay  a  tax/penalty  for  not  buying  health  insurance,  that  cannot  be  a  part  of  the  'commerce  clause'  as  I  have  not  participated  in  such  commerce.    That  is  only  one  point,  you  have  stated  others.  Please  join  Florida  and  Idaho  and  the  rest  in  a  lawsuit  to  get  a  decision  from  the  Supreme  Court  of  the  United  States.    Thank  you  for  your  attention  to  this  most  important  part  of  our  western  liberty.    Barbara  Thompson,  Alamogordo  NM  .   3/25/2010  16:36:32  Please  join  the  brave  States'  Attornies  who  have  filed  lawsuits  on  Obamacare  on  the  grounds  that  it  is  unconstitutional.  No  one  is  above  the  law.  .   3/25/2010  16:58:41  I  am  confused...    I  now  feel  compelled  to  fire  all  of  my  US  citizen  employees  and  hire  all  illegal  immigrants  that  are  not  subject  to  this  law.      I'll  watch  my  competition,  and  if  they  raise  any  of  their  prices,  I  will  raise  mine  as  well.  The  increased  cost  to  comply  with  this  healthcare  reform  for  employers  is  going  to  be  passed  on  to  all  Americans.      Much  of  the  important  issues  in  this  law  could  have  been  addressed  without  all  of  this  government  involvement.  Pre  existing  conditions  and  children  age  coverage  extensions  could  have  been  regulated  by  each  state  without  Federal  intervention.    jk    .   3/25/2010  17:01:10  Join  the  other  AGs  the  fight  he  health  care  bill.    I  won't  buy  something  if  I  don't  want  to.    

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The  procedure  was  very  dirty  .   3/25/2010  17:02:46  Dear  Attorney  General  King,    I  urge  you  to  join  the  the  14  other  states  to  oppose  the  Health  Care  Reform  Bill.  There  are  a  large  number  of  problems  with  the  bill  including  unfunded  mandates  to  our  state,  unconstitutional  requirements  on  states  and  citizens,  and  illegal  bribes  and  deals  that  were  used  to  buy  votes  in  the  house  and  senate.    We  am  very  much  for  fixing  problems  with  rising  costs  of  health  care.  This  bill  however  goes  against  the  principals  of  liberty,  freedom,  commerce,  and  checks  &  balances  in  our  great  democracy.      Please  join  your  colleagues  and  force  this  monstrosity  back  to  the  drawing  board  and  protect  New  Mexico  citizens  against  the  overreaching  bureaucrats  in  Washington.      Respectfully,  R.  Paul  &  Susan  Grunwald  Albuquerque,  NM      .   3/25/2010  17:05:38  Mr.  King,  I  urge  you  to  join  other  AG  to  file  a  suit  against  the  Health  Care  Bill.    Roma  Wilcke  3721  Spring  River  Road  Roswell,  NM  88203  .   3/25/2010  17:19:04  There's  no  way  we  should  be  doing  this  at  this  time  in  this  way.  I  hope  we  can  stall  this  and  start  over  again  with  a  better  way,  including  raising  the  deductible  for  Medicare  and  stopping  those  free  scooters.  Why  can't  democrats  have  some  common  sense?  Alice  Tucker  .   3/25/2010  18:08:34  While  I  am  reluctant  to  join  in  with  many  I  don't  agree  with,  the  proof  has  even  inspired  me  to  join  with  others  in  opposition  of  the  constitutionality  of  the  national  health  bill.  Please  look  into  this  matter  on  behalf  of  myself  and  other  concerned  New  Mexicans.  Thank  you.    .   3/25/2010  18:24:28  As  a  lifelong  resident  of  New  Mexico  and  a  proud  American,  I  would  like  to  see  this  new  health  care  program  be  repealed.  If  it  is  possible  for  individual  states  to  proceed  with  legislation  against  the  federal  government,  the  NMAG  will  have  my  full  support  in  doing  so.  I  believe  it  is  extremely  un-­‐constitutional  to  have  something  like  this  shoved  down  our  throats.  Most  politicians  seem  to  think  they  know  best  for  America  even  though  WE  THE  PEOPLE  are  screaming  NO!    I  am  so  tired  of  the  bigger  names  in  Washington  telling  me  how  stupid  I  am!  I  personally  believe  and  have  heard  from  my  fellow  Americans  that  there  will  be  a  political  slaughter  in  November,  but  no  one  in  D.C.  is  listening...yet.  AG  King,  please  help  us!      

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Sincerely,  Michael  Hansen  Silver  City  resident  [email protected]  .   3/25/2010  18:45:16  Mr.  King,  My  name  is  Roger  Martinez,  I  am  a  PGA  Professional  and  have  lived  in  NM  since  I  played  college  golf  for  both  NM  JR  College  and  then  NM  State  University  in  the  middle  1980's.  I  have  been  a  golf  professional  in  Sandoval  County  for  the  past  22  years  and  see  and  serve  over  75,000  golfers  annually.  I  am  so  saddened  by  our  President  and  the  decision  to  create  another  socialistic  program.  Overwhelmingly,  I  here  most  of  my  guests  coversations  on  the  opposing  side  of  this  new  legislation.  Many  of  them  are  registered  Republicans  and  Democrats.  I  recognize  that  you  are  part  of  the  Democratic  Party  and  the  Democrats  overwhelmingly  supported  this  legislation.  Not  all  democrats  support  this  legislation  and  I  pray,  as  unpopular  as  it  may  be  for  you,  that  you  oppose  it  as  well.  I  hope  you  will  do  what  is  right,  not  popular.  Ultimately,  we  all  stand  accountable.  I  am  writing  to  voice  my  opinion  that  I  should  not  be  forced  by  my  government  to  accept  an  unconstitutional  law.  I  am  writing  to  ask  you  to  join  with  the  other  11  states  that  are  suing  the  US  Government  based  on  the  unconstitutionality  of  this  law.  This  may  not  be  popular  now,  but  I  am  sure  that  it  will  be  in  November.  Inasmuch  as  every  Democrat  jumped  on  the  anti  Bush  wagon,  I  fear  all  will  ride  this  one  as  well.  Please,  for  your  sake  and  ours,  do  not  support  this  and  continue  to  give  my  children  more  debt  than  they  can  pay  for.  We  are  over  13  Trillion  in  debt.  We  are  supposed  to  teach  our  children  responsibility  yet  our  own  government  has  no  fiscal  responsibility.  Rome  did  not  fall  from  without,  but  from  within.  We  are  on  a  parallel  path  to  implosion.  Please  read  this  and  if  you  are  so  inclined,  respond  to  [email protected].  Thank  you.  .   3/25/2010  18:52:52  Please  join  in  with  other  AG's  and  file  a  suit  to  stop  the  inconstitionalty  of  the  HC  bill.      Jim  Hartman  Roswell  .   3/25/2010  18:55:34  Please  join  the  other  Attorneys  General  to  protect  NM  against  this  bill.  .   3/25/2010  19:16:14  Governor  King,  The  Health  care  plan  submitted  by  Obama  is  unconstitutional,  and  I  DO  NOT  want  to  be  FORCED  to  use  it.  Please  sue  the  Federal  Government  for  something  that  is  unconstitutional.  Roberta  McKelvy  2708  N.  Washington  Roswell,  NM  88201  575  623-­‐8951  .   3/25/2010  19:26:37  I  am  urging  you  to  join  in  the  lawsuit  against  the  US  government  to  prevent  the  unconstitutional  intrusion  in  our  lives  by  forcing  people  to  purchase  health  insurance.    .   3/25/2010  19:30:35  How  can  we  join  the  suit  against  the  health  care  reform  items  that  are  unconstitutional?  

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 Thank  you,  Jan  Montgomery  .   3/25/2010  19:41:29  Dear  Attorney  General  King,    It  is  clear  that  more  than  70  percent  of  the  American  people  do  not  want  this  Health  care  bill  and  have  made  their  voices  heard  for  over  a  year  and  half  and  yet  this  Adminstration  and  the  current  Leadership  in  Congress  wanted  to  "Win"  at  all  cost,  that  includes  the  future  of  this  Great  State  and  its  Citizens.  I  strongly  want  you  to  join  the  other  Attorney  Generals  that  have  shown  great  leadership  and  courage  and  filed  lawsuit  on  behalf  of  our  State.  I  KNOW  ,  that  you  are  a  Democrat  and  so  was  your  wonderful  father,  who  I  regarded  as  a  great  leader  and  stateman.  In  saying  that,  I  want  to  express  my  thanks  for  your  families  service  to  New  Mexico  and  Country  and  please  sir  do  the  right  thing  again  for  New  Mexico  and  file  that  law  suit.  Thank  you  ,  Irene  Pine          .   3/25/2010  20:03:39  Please  file  suit  to  exempt  New  Mexico  from  the  bill  passed  by  Congress.  It  is  unaffordable  and  unconstitutional.  I  cannot  believe  what  is  happening  to  our  country.  .   3/25/2010  20:05:53  Mr.  King,    Please  join  the  suit  of  13  other  states  against  the  federal  government  requiring  all  citizens  to  purchase  government  approved  health  insurance.  This  is  a  novel,  obvious  and  blatant  overstepping  of  the  commerce  clause  and  interference  with  state  sovereignty.  If  a  person  chooses  not  to  purchase  a  product  from  a  company  that  person  is  not  engaging  in  commerce.  There  is  no  interstate  commerce  in  the  purchase  of  health  insurance  anyway  because  the  federal  government  continues  to  make  it  illegal  to  purchase  health  coverage  policies  across  state  lines.      If  we  take  this  lying  down,  we  might  as  well  tear  up  the  constitution  and  forget  about  having  a  New  Mexico  state  government  all  together.  Do  we  really  want  the  IRS  criminalizing  New  Mexico  citizens  for  deciding  not  to  purchase  what  they  may  not  want  or  can’t  afford?  Please  join  the  fight  to  stand  up  for  our  rights  as  citizens  of  New  Mexico.      Sincerely,  James  A.  Wagner  1223  Edgewood  Ave.  Las  Cruces,  NM  88005-­‐1127  575-­‐524-­‐3890  .   3/25/2010  21:19:03  Thank  you  for  the  opportunity  to  write  my  opinion  on  this  huge  matter.  I  know  this  is  a  hard  time  for  any  one  in  public  office.  The  choices  and  decisions  made  by  a  few  will  be  felt  for  generations  to  come.  This  is  why  I  am  writing  to  you  to  please  join  the  other  Attorney  Generals  in  filing  suit  against  the  federal  government  for  this  unconstitutional  action  that  has  taken  place  against  the  will  of  the  people.  The  passage  of  the  so  called  "health  care"  legislation  requires  

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immediate  action.  Please  protect  us  from  the  government  who  wants  to  control  our  lives.  I  think  they  believe  we  are  not  capable  of  thought  or  reason.  That  we  are  not  able  to  make  wise  choices  and  the  federal  government  needs  to  be  our  guardian.  This  is  what  makes  this  so  very  scary.  Consider  who  is  sending  the  President  kudos  about  the  "health  care",  Castro  from  Cuba  is  so  proud  of  Obama's  choices.  I  know  this  will  be  a  very  hard  road  to  take  and  we  know  you  will  have  to  be  brave.  But  you  are  Attorney  General  for  such  a  time  as  this.  My  family  and  I  will  be  praying  for  you.  God  Bless  you  and  you  family.  Thank  you,  Jo  Quintero  .   3/25/2010  21:21:08  The  State  of  New  Mexico  cannot  aford  the  new  health  care  bill  signed  by  President  Obama.  Our  taxes  will  surley  go  up  and  at  a  time  we  can  ill  aford  it.  I  believe  the  State  of  New  Mexico  should  join  the  other  states  in  bringing  suit  against  the  federal  government  to  opt  out  of  the  federal  health  care  plan.  .   3/25/2010  21:38:39  Are  you  really  considering  a  law  suit  to  stop  the  health  care  bill  in  New  Mexico?  I  couldn't  believe  it  when  I  heard  that  was  a  possibility.  PLEASE  DON'T  DO  THIS!!!  Carol  Pittman  Datil  .   3/25/2010  21:45:26  The  United  States  Congress  has  now  reached  too  far  by  demanding  that  citizens  be  required  to  purchase  health  insurance  or  face  stiff  penalties.  I  find  this  action  intrusive  on  my  personal  rights  as  a  citizen  and  a  constitutional  violation  of  our  state's  rights.    I  implore  you  to  join  the  fourteen  other  states  which  are  protecting  states  rights  by  filing  a  lawsuit  against  the  federal  government's  healthcare  mandate.  As  my  Attorney  General,  please  let  me  know  you  are  standing  with  me  and  our  state.    Sincerely,      Bethany  Nance  .   3/25/2010  22:00:10  Please  join  with  other  Attorney  Generals  across  America  and  file  suit  to  protect  New  Mexico  citizens  from  the  so  called  Health  Care  Bill.      This  was  an  unconstitutional  action  that  was  taken  AGAINST  the  will  of  the  people  of  these  United  States!      PLEASE  PROTECT  US  FROM  THIS  "GOVERNMENT  TAKE  OVER".  .   3/25/2010  22:13:07  Please  file  suit  with  the  other  states  attorney's  general  against  the  federal  government  declaring  the  health  care  reform  bill  as  being  unconstitutional.  The  federal  government  cannot  make  an  individual  citizen  of  this  state  engage  in  commerce  and  be  forced  to  buy  any  product.  In  addition,  the  federal  

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government  is  violating  our  states  rights  by  forcing  us  to  pay  for  the  unfunded  mandate  of  a  federal  law.  Please  take  action  now.  Thank  you,  .   3/26/2010  3:10:26   Good  day  to  you  -­‐  Please  do  whatever  you  can  to  get  New  Mexico  OFF  the  President's  new  healthcare  plan.  It's  a  slap  in  the  face  to  Americans  who  want  freedom  in  our  daily  lives  without  the  government's  tentacles  invading  our  every  move.    The  thought  of  America  turning  into  Mr.  Obama's  dream  of  a  socialist  country  makes  my  stomach  turn.  A  better  idea  would  be  to  have  a  'pool'  we  could  contribute  to  that  would  cover  pre  existing  conditions  as  well  as  people  who  are  helpless  NOT  clueless!  Leave  the  rest  of  us  alone!  .   3/26/2010  5:54:12   To  whom  it  may  concern:    I  would  like  to  go  on  record  that  I  want  to  Join  the  Suit  against  the  federal  goverment  healthcare  bill.  Respectfully  Mike  Seib  .   3/26/2010  6:36:00   Mr.  King,    Calm  Heads  have  prevailed,  it  is  time  to  enjoin  the  other  states  who  will  file  suit  against  the  Health  Care  Act.  If  this  country  wants  to  support  it's  citizens,  then  create  jobs.  Create  an  environment  that  allows  business  to  thrive,  not  be  choked  to  death  by  endless  regulation  and  tax.    Craig  Hyatt,  Albuquerque  .   3/26/2010  6:46:31   What  to  our  rights  to  refuse,  this  is  not  a  fair  plan,  you  guys  are  suppost  to  protect  us  from  this  kind  of  stuff,  isn't  that  why  we  vote  you  in.  My  vision  of  how  are  we  all  going  to  prison  if  we  have  lay  offs,  or  can't  find  work  because  companies  can't  the  pay  for  their  employees,  this  is  a  double  kill.  I  guess  you  guys  better  start  building  more  prisons,  because  there's  alot  of  us  who  won't  be  able  to  pay  the  specified  insurance...pls  talk  to  your  maker  and  do  the  right  thing  for  everyone  included,  what  goes  around  will  come  are  to  all  the  politicians  that  voted  this  to  take  affect,  starting  with  president,  read  your  bible  about  the  first  born......pray  hard  guys...vickie  davis,  of  NM.  .   3/26/2010  7:03:44   Attorney  General  King,  I  would  like  to  highly  encourage  you  to  join  in  the  suit  to  challenge  the  constitutionality  of  this  ridiculous  Health  Care  Bill.  We  need,  as  a  State,  to  stand  up  to  this  insane  legislation  before  it  bankrupts  or  just  forces  every  small  business  in  the  state  to  give  up  and  quit.  Please  join  in  this  suit  and  show  the  rest  of  the  country  where  New  Mexico  stands  on  this  important  issue.  We  can  not  afford  not  to  take  a  hard  stand  on  this  issue.    Thank  you,  Jim  Wetzel  Operations  Mgr,  Gila  Valley  Electric  Silver  City,  NM  

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.   3/26/2010  7:24:28   If  you  truely  represent  New  Mexico  and  the  Constitution  of  the  US,  you  will  file  a  lawsuit  to  over-­‐turn  the  Fed  heatlth  care  bill  as  unconstitutional.    Jim  McCoy    3412  N  Atkinson  Roswell,  NM  88201  .   3/26/2010  7:28:51   Atty  Gen  King,  thank  you  for  joining  in  the  suit  with  other  states  to  block  the  health  care  legislation  from  taking  effect  in  NM.    NM  Registered  Voter,  Sharon  Vesely  of  Silver  City  .   3/26/2010  8:00:34   Was  wondering  when  and  if  the  state  of  NM  is  going  to  join  other  states  in  the  suit  against  the  federal  gov.  for  the  unconstitutional  actions  of  the  Health  Care  Bill.  .   3/26/2010  8:01:29   I  urge  you  to  join  the  14  states  that  are  filing  suit  against  the  federal  government.  The  health  care  bill  is  in  violation  of  the  10th  Amendment  of  the  US  Constitution.  It  will  also  bankrupt  our  already  financially  stressed  state.  .   3/26/2010  8:07:16   Mr.  King,  I  believe  that  you  should  file  a  suit  concerning  the  health  care  bill.  Please  don't  assume  that  just  because  the  other  states  that  filed  suit  are  Republicans  that  it  is  just  a  partician  ploy.  First  of  all,  the  federal  government  cannot  require  that  everyone  must  purchase  a  product  or  service,  second,  this  bill  is  truely  taxation  without  representation  in  that  the  majority  of  the  people  do  not  want  this  bill  in  its  current  state  which  is  going  to  tax  us  both  in  federal  and  state  taxes.  Anyone  who  looks  at  this  bill  honestly,  and  not  through  a  democrat  or  republican  eye  understand  a  mandated  entitlement  only  is  paid  through  taxes,  both  state  and  federal,  especially  since  this  bill  mandates  that  the  state  pay  for  a  good  portion  of  these  entitlements.  Unfortunately,  I  need  to  work  with  a  customer  who  just  walked  in  to  my  office,  so  I  will  write  another  comment  when  I  can,  because  I  have  heard  some  disturbing  news  because  of  the  bill  and  current  Medicaid  cuts.  thank  you  for  your  time    LB  Vasquez  (505)  350-­‐8479  .   3/26/2010  8:07:52   Dear  Mr.  King,  I  urge  you  to  join  in  the  lawsuit  filed  by  about  13  other  states'  AGs  (so  far)to  overturn  the  health  care  bill  passed  by  Washington  this  week.  I  believe  it  is  an  Unconstitutional  intrusion  on  the  lives  of  Americans,  violates  states  rights,  and  will  be  breathtakingly  expensive.  Further,  I  believe  it  violates  the  16th  amendment,  wherein  the  Constitution  allows  direct  taxation  "without  apportionment"  among  the  states,  which  the  special  deals  given  to  buy  Congressional  votes  clearly  ignores.  Sincerely,  Brad  Ross  PO  Box  611  Moriarty,  NM  87035  

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.   3/26/2010  8:08:44   Please  repeal  the  Health  Care  bill.  I  find  it  to  be  unconstitutional.  The  government  is  overstepping  it's  role  by  dictating  to  every  individual.  We  live  in  America  and  we  are  supposed  to  be  free  to  decide  what  is  best  for  our  own  families.    Sincerly,    Mickey  Nelson            .   3/26/2010  8:10:49   I  believe  it  is  necessary  for  the  state  to  challenge  the  healthcare  bill  as  it  violates  constitutional  law.  The  federal  government  cannot  mandate  individuals  to  purchase  health  insurance  and  set  a  fine  structure  if  citizens  choose  not  to.  There  are  people  who  choose  to  "pay  as  they  go"  because  they,  or  their  families,  don't  get  sick  often  and  it's  cheaper  to  pay  cash  whebn  they  do.      Additionally,  the  governor  said  that  New  Mexico  wouldn't  join  in  the  federal  system  if  it  passed.  The  people  should  be  able  to  choose  how  they  want  to  handle  their  healthcare  issues.  .   3/26/2010  8:11:21   Repeal  the  Health  Care  Bill.  This  bill  in  unconstitutional.  More  government  control  is  not  the  solution.  How  can  we  pay  for  this  when  we  can't  pay  for  SS  &  Medicare/Medicad.  We  can't  get  under  more  debt  with  China.    John  Nelson  .   3/26/2010  8:14:11   AG  King,  Please  join  the  Attorneys  General  from  the  other  13  or  so  states  to  defeat  this  unconstitutional  abridgement  of  states  and  more  importantly  individual  rights.  Both  my  wife  Lisa,  my  mother  in  law  Amelia  Sullivan,  and  I  demand  that  you  join  this  fight,  if  not  explain  to  me  what  the  lay  of  the  land  is  going  to  be  if  some  states  are  successful  in  getting  out  of  this  nightmare.  Are  we  then  going  to  be  on  the  hook  for  their  portion  of  redistribution  of  our  wealth  to  New  York,  Los  Angeles  Chicago,  etc?  That's  going  to  work  nicely  with  the  current  financial  situation  in  this  state,  thank  you,  Brad  Taisey,  LCDR  USN  (ret)  .   3/26/2010  8:15:17   I  do  not  support  forced  government  run  health  care.  I  do  not  agree  with  the  health  care  reform  that  has  been  passed  by  congress  and  signed  by  the  President.  I  want  to  be  able  to  make  my  own  decisions  concerning  my  health  care  and  that  of  my  family.  I  urge  the  State  Attorney  General  to  fight  this  matter  to  protect  the  citizens  of  the  great  State  of  New  Mexico.      Thank  you  for  your  consideration  in  this  matter.  Sharon  Hamilton,  Roswell,  NM  .   3/26/2010  8:24:55   Dear  Mr.  King,  I  urge  you  to  protect  the  citizens  of  our  great  state  from  the  federal  government.  We  are  standing  on  the  edge  of  financial  ruin  and  the  federal  Health  Care  Bill  (along  with  other  berserk  spending)is  going  to  sink  us  all.    

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I  have  followed  this  one  sided  debate  for  over  a  year  and  I  do  have  a  general  knowledge  of  what  is  in  the  bill,  possibly  more  than  some  of  the  folks  in  DC  that  voted  for  this  monstrocity.  Please,  please  stand  up  and  do  the  right  thing  and  join  in  the  legal  fight  to  overturn  this  bill.  I  firmly  believe  it  is  in  violation  of  our  Constitution.    The  current  administration  has  cleverly  turned  over  the  collection  and  administration  to  the  IRS  as  a  ruse  to  mask  this  as  a  tax  according  to  Section  8  of  the  Constitution.    Clear  minds  see  this  for  what  it  is.  Please  don't  disappoint  us.  Respectfully  submitted.  Gail  Jones  Rio  Rancho,  NM    .   3/26/2010  8:26:46   As  Attorney  General  of  NM,  I  am  asking  that  you  stand  for  the  protection  of  New  Mexicans  to  be  in  control  of  their  health  care  and  their  health  care  in-­‐  surance  by  combating  the  new  health  care  bill  out  of  Washington  that  puts  an  unconstitutional  act  in  between  a  citizen  and  the  decisions  regarding  the  care  of  his  own  being.  This  bill  goes  far  beyond  what  is  good  government  and  free  peoples  and  needs  to  be  halted.  .   3/26/2010  9:04:33   Mr.  King,  PLEASE,  PLEASE,PLEASE,  join  the  other  State  AG's  in  filling  the  necessary  paperwork  to  stop,  cancel,reject,erase  and  part  and  all  of  Obama  Care.  I  am  a  5th  generation,  life  long  New  Mexico  res.  and  disabled  and  I  can't  believe  the  harm  to  our  State  and  Nation  that  this  bill  is  doing.  Just  like  the  Carter  admin.  wrecked  our  defences  and  intelligence  communities  this  bill  is  going  to  ruin  small  business,  some  of  us  living  on  a  fixed  income  will  have  to  move  in  with  our  kids  and  health  care  determinations  that  will  be  made  in  Washington  (not  by  my  Dr.-­‐who  I  choose,  like  and  want  to  treat  me),or  outsourced  to  who  knows  were.  PLEASE,  PLEASE,  PLEASE  join  with  other  states  and  stop  this  craziness.  Thank  you  for  your  time.  Kathy  Otero  .   3/26/2010  9:26:14   Dear  Mr  King,  PLEASE  join  the  12  other  state  AG’s  who  are  brave  and  concerned  enough  to  fight  for  our  Rights.  first,  let  me  thank  you  for  allowing  us  to  have  our  voices  heard,  having  said  that  let  me  tell  you  that    I  don't  believe  this  health  bill  will  benefit  NM  residents  or  our  country,  more  importantly  our  country,  you  stated  that  it  may  help  New  Mexicans,  fine,  but  what  about  the  rest  of  America  I  believe  that  American's  rights  have  been  placed  in  jeopardy  by  this  bill,  no  place  in  the  constitution  does  it  state  that  we  must  have  health  insurance,  I  have  spoken  to  residents  of  Canada,  and  they  have  informed  me  that  socialized  medicine  is  not  the  way  to  go,  if  it  were  so  good  why  would  a  high  ranking  political  leader  from  Canada  go  to  Florida  to  receive  treatment?  I  also  believe  that  the  costs  will  sky-­‐rocket,  maybe  not  now  but  in  the  future,  how  can  the  state  benefit  then?  I  don't  mind  paying  a  few  extra  dollars  on  taxes  to  benefit  our  state  and  our  legal  residents  but  why  must  I  also  pay  for  non-­‐citizens?  New  Mexico  is  already  in  debt  but  with  the  provisions  in  the  HC  bill  New  Mexico  will  have  to  go  

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deeper  into  the  taxpayer  pocket  and  the  state  coffers  in  order  to  pay  for  health  care.  we  are  not  given  a  choice!  Sure  we  may  be  given  stimulus  money  but  where  does  that  money  come  from  and  how  far  can  it  go?  In  the  long  run  the  American  public  is  hurt.  Thank  you  for  listening,  Gloria  Hunter  a  concerned  citizen.  .   3/26/2010  9:28:26   Dear  AG  King,    I  am  strongly  opposed  to  this  insulting  legislation.  I  am  an  exercise  physiologist  that  has  practiced  for  over  22  years  and  have  worked  across  the  nation  and  with  groups  such  as  the  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services  &  Centers  for  Disease  Controll  on  improving  health  in  the  US.  I  agree  that  “health  care”  and  the  system  that  delivers  and  pays  for  it  is  in  need  of  improvement/reform,  but  this  abusive,  pork  filled,  special  interest  driven  legislation  does  not  even  come  close  to  doing  this.  It  isn’t  even  well  thought  out  to  the  end  it  seeks,  which  is  not  bringing  a  real  value  to  the  citizens  of  this  great  country.  With  this  in  place  we  will  lose  the  opportunity  to  make  the  proper  change  necessary  to  elevate  care  &  health.  As  a  state  we  didn’t  even  benefit  from  any  of  the  bribery  and  pork!  The  two  largest  drivers  of  health  care  cost  according  to  the  Centers  for  Disease  Control  and  every  other  credible  source  are:  1)  cost  of  care  (think  $20  aspirin  when  you  visit  the  urgent  care),  2)  management/treatment  of  behavior  related  disease(estimated  to  drive  75%  of  cost  of  care  by  CDC).  300,000  Americans  die  annually  from  complications  related  to  obesity-­‐think  all  care  that  goes  in  to  them  prior  to  death  (heart  disease,  stroke,  type  2  diabetes,  cancer,  Alzheimer’s  etc.).  400,000  American  die  annually  from  smoking,  not  to  mention  the  hundreds  of  thousands  in  the  cue.  It  takes  a  lot  to  treat  these  users  of  the  system  prior  to  death.  This  bill  doesn’t  even  scratch  the  surface  of  addressing  these  issues.  All  of  these  issues  are  “choice”  related,  zero  accountability.  Think  if  this  is  how  we  issued  car  insurance,  regardless  of  driving  record  and  type  of  vehicle!  Now  add  tort  reform  to  address  escalating  liability  insurance  costs  for  practitioners.  Poor  management  and  waste,  the  majority  owned  by  the  Medicare/Medicaid  government  run  system  (92%  of  every  dollar  in  these  entities  is  estimated  to  go  to  pushing  paper,  8%  to  care!)  New  Mexico  already  has  a  pooling  system,  NM  Health  Care  Alliance,  all  New  Mexicans  can  apply  based  on  income  and  participate  on  an  income  scaled  system  that  gives  them  access  to  United,  Lovelace,  BCBS,  and  Presbyterian.  Many  full  time  employed  low  income  individuals  will  get  their  coverage  for  free!  Now  look  at  the  constitutional  aspect,  I  should  not  be  require  to  purchase  something  by  my  government!  I  beg  you  to  spare  our  poor  state  this  indignity  and  join  the  other  states  that  are  fighting  for  the  rights  of  their  residents.  This  is  serious  stuff  and  I  m  just  one  of  the  majority  that  is  outraged.  We  need  unity,  and  it  is  obvious  that  the  leadership  of  this  country  is  seeking  division.    Thank  you  for  your  attention.  .   3/26/2010  9:39:46   Honorable  Attorney  General  of  the  State  of  New  Mexico:  

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 This  is  such  an  ancient  and  beutiful  state.  I  pray  that  self-­‐governance  will  take  precedent  of  governing  from  the  outside,  whether  from  Washington  DC  or  Santa  Fe.  We  do  need  governmen  in  its  clearly  defined  rolet,  but  not  involved  in  everydecision  we  make.(Government)  Monopolies  have  been  known  to  destroy  people  and  empires.    Respectfully,    Kaarina  Jager  Roswell,  NM  .   3/26/2010  10:03:59  Health  care  for  our  nation  is  sadly  so  long  overdue...I  hope  you  will  stand  with  our  President  and,  though  the  bill  as  it  stands  may  not  be  perfect,  it  is  a  start  which  we  should  all  be  proud  to  say  we  are  a  part  of.      I  had  the  pleasure  of  knowing  both  of  your  parents,  having  served  on  the  Board  of  Directors  for  Youth  Shelters  and  Family  Services  back  in  the  nineties.  In  fact,  your  parents  stood  next  to  me  as  Honorary  Chairpersons  for  a  fund  raiser  I  chaired  in  1990  entitled  "New  Mexico  Artists  for  Youth  at  Risk."    I  am  very  sure  in  my  heart  of  hearts  that  they  are  proud  of  all  that  you  are  doing  for  the  citizens  of  this  State.    I  thank  you.      Most  sincerely,  Elizabeth  McLeod  175  Country  Lane  Alto,  NM  88312  .   3/26/2010  10:07:56  The  United  States  Congress  has  now  reached  too  far  by  demanding  that  citizens  be  required  to  purchase  health  insurance  or  face  stiff  penalties.  I  find  this  action  intrusive  on  my  personal  rights  as  a  citizen  and  a  constitutional  violation  of  our  state’s  rights.    I  implore  you  to  join  the  fourteen  other  states  which  are  protecting  states  rights  by  filing  a  lawsuit  against  the  federal  government’s  healthcare  mandate.  As  my  Governor  and  Attorney  General  you  have  every  constitutional  right  and  obligation  to  take  a  stand  against  this  usurpation  of  power  and  protect  the  freedom  of  choice  for  the  citizens  of  New  Mexico.  Please  let  me  know  you  are  standing  with  me  and  our  state.  .   3/26/2010  10:12:55  Absolutly  support  the  Health  Care  Bill.  In  God  We  Trust  should  extend  to  helping  those  less  fortunate.  Either  our  beliefs  follow  through  in  every  aspect  of  our  lives  or  are  meaningless.  Cathy  Hufstedler  .   3/26/2010  10:42:08  Mr  King,    I  do  not  understand  how  you  cannot  see  how  this  legislation  violates  several  sections  of  the  Constitution,  a  pact  we  entered  into  with  good  faith  that  the  U.S.  

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Government  would  follow  the  limitations  of  enumerated  powers  listed  in  Article  1,  Section  8.  When  reading  this  section  I  cannot  find  any  section  discussing  health  care.  Even  if  you  try  to  stretch  the  "general  welfare"  clause,  Madison  himself,  the  author  of  the  words  of  the  Constitution  says  in  the  federalist  papers  that  enumerated  powers  limit  the  "general  welfare"  or  congress  would  have  unlimited  power.  Then  we  have  the  Ten  Amendment  added  because  the  people  did  not  trust  the  Federal  Government  to  stay  within  the  framework  prescribed.  On  the  basis  of  the  Tenth  Amendment  alone  you  should  challenge  this  legislation.  Then  the  Ninth  Amendment  should  also  come  into  play,  then  the  fourth  if  I  am  to  "  be  secure  in  their  persons,  houses,  papers,  and  effects,  against  unreasonable  searches  and  seizures,"  while  the  IRS  is  snooping  through  my  effects...    On  the  Cod  Fishery  Bill,  granting  Bounties.  (House  of  Representatives,February  3,  1792  )    If  Congress  can  employ  money  indefinitely  to  the  general  welfare,  and  are  the  sole  and  supreme  judges  of  the  general  welfare,  they  may  take  the  care  of  religion  into  their  own  hands;  they  may  appoint  teachers  in  every  state,  county,  and  parish,  and  pay  them  out  of  their  public  treasury;  they  may  take  into  their  own  hands  the  education  of  children,  establishing  in  like  manner  schools  throughout  the  Union;  they  may  assume  the  provision  for  the  poor;  they  may  undertake  the  regulation  of  all  roads  other  than  post-­‐roads;  in  short,  every  thing,  from  the  highest  object  of  state  legislation  down  to  the  most  minute  object  of  police,  would  be  thrown  under  the  power  of  Congress;  for  every  object  I  have  mentioned  would  admit  of  the  application  of  money,  and  might  be  called,  if  Congress  pleased,  provisions  for  the  general  welfare.    Thank  you  Sir,    Kiran  Androlewicz  Albuquerque,  NM,  87123  .   3/26/2010  10:49:27  I  urge  you  to  try  and  stop  this  health  care  that  has  been  forced  on  the  American  people  by  these  people  in  Washington,D.C.  How  are  we  going  to  pay  for  it.  Dwain  Johnston,Farmington,N.M.  .   3/26/2010  10:50:03  I  urge  you  to  try  and  stop  this  health  care  that  has  been  forced  on  the  American  people  by  these  people  in  Washington,D.C.  How  are  we  going  to  pay  for  it.  Dwain  Johnston,Farmington,N.M.  .   3/26/2010  10:54:57  Mr.  King...    As  a  proud  citizen  of  this  great  state  of  NM,  we  can  not  let  the  federal  government  steamroll  it's  citizens  into  forced  healthcare.  Healthcare  is  a  privilege  not  a  right  nor  

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a  directive  under  duress.  I've  worked  very  hard  all  my  life  to  support  my  family  and  to  purchase  healthcare  for  them  and  I've  done  this  by  election.  In  violation  of  the  constitution  of  our  government,  congress  and  the  President  have  signed  into  law  ObamaCare,  forcing  all  citizens  to  purchase  government  ran  healthcare.  Of  course  they  remain  exempt  and  we  the  pawns  of  the  country  must  comply  or  be  fined  or  go  to  jail.      Please  step  forward  as  AG  and  initiate  a  law  suit  against  the  federal  government  to  protect  our  constitutional  rights  against  forced  participation  in  socialized  healthcare.  Failure  to  do  so  will  leave  us  without  any  protection  to  the  dictators  in  Washington.    At  last  count  14  other  states  have  filed  law  suits  against  the  federal  government  to  protect  its  citizens.  Please  don't  leave  us  unprotected.    Sincerely,  Dennis  Fortier  .   3/26/2010  11:04:28  We  believe  New  Mexico  should  be  one  of  the  states  to  find  the  Obama  Health  care  bill  unconstitutional  in  our  state.  No  one  should  be  'forced'  to  buy  something  they  don't  want  or  mandated  to  accept  something  they  don't  want  and  we  don't  want  Obama  Care!  We  also  do  not  want  to  pay  for  Obama  Care  for  everyone  who  doesn't  have  insurance  and  be  forced  to  have  our  own  Medicare  benefits  cut  drastically  to  do  so.  Please  stop  Obama  Care.  Sincerely,    Bill  and  Cheryl  Corder  Roswell,  NM  88201  .   3/26/2010  11:10:57  The  attorney  general  is  sworn  to  uphold  the  US  &  NM  Constitution.  Failure  to  do  so  would  be  a  dereliction  of  duty.    Protect  Individual  New  Mexicans:  1.  Due  Process,  Search  Warrant    2.  Right  not  to  self-­‐incriminate  3.  State  Soveriegnty  4.  Forcing  people  to  engage  in  commerce,  when  there  is  no  threat  of  harm  to  person  or  property  of  another.  5.  Health  care  bill  will  force  NM  to  raise  taxes  on  a  population  who  can't  afford  it.  6.  Protect  business  owners,  big  and  small  (Just  watch  financial  related  TV  stations,  even  BIG  businesses  are  going  to  lay  off  employees  now).    Protect  the  State:  1.  From  further  bankruptcy.  2.  NM  must  balance  its  budget,  unlike  the  Feds,  NM  doesn't  have  an  Uncle  Fed  monopoly  money  treet.  3.  Enforce  10th  Amendment,  state  sovereignty.  4.  Protect  JOBS    

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Failure  to  protect  the  State  and  the  Individuals  of  this  state  from  an  oppressive  government  will  have  consequences.  It  will  hasten  the  hyperinflationary  collapse  of  this  country.  It  will  hasten  an  increasing  sentiment  of  open  defiance.  That  sentiment  is  in  check  at  the  moment,  however,  history  has  shown  over  and  over  since  the  days  of  the  Roman  Empire  what  happens  when  government  acts  irresponsibly  towards  its  citizens.  .   3/26/2010  11:19:48  GARY,  (MR  ATTORNEY  GENERAL),  Please  Join  the  Other  States  Who  Have  filed  Suit  To  Contest  the  Constitutionality  Of  The  New  Heatlh  Care  Reform  Bill.  It  Cannot  Be  Constitutional  WHEN  IT  REQUIRES  "PURCHASE  OF  HEALTH  INSURANCE"  BY  EVERY  CITIZEN  IN  THE  U.S.  Thanks,    Harold  Byford,  Retired  NM  State  Police  Captain  (and  old  friend  of  Your  Father,  Whom  I  miss  Dearly).          .   3/26/2010  11:25:53  I  am  so  very  much  against  this  Health  Care  Bill.  I  seems  impossibly  costly,  very  poorly  designed,  and  is  not  in  keeping  with  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States.  I  deeply  resent  having  it  forced  on  me  with  no  consideration  as  to  what  I  want.  I  believe  that  reforming  health  care  is  called  for  I  do  not  think  it  has  been  done  correctly.  This  makes  me  really  think  that  the  United  States  of  America  is  on  the  fast  tract  to  becoming  something  that  none  of  us  ever  believed  it  would  become.  I  want  you  to  do  your  part  in  protecting  us  from  this  ill-­‐conceived  Health  Care  Bill.  This  should  not  be  happening  in  the  USA!  Please  join  with  other  States  and  file  the  suit  to  have  this  overturned.  Shirley  Sweetman  .   3/26/2010  11:26:08  Please  join  the  other  States  that  are  trying  to  defend  and  protect  us  from  this  unconstitutional  monstrosity  called  Healthcare  Refom.  NM  is  Sovereign  as  are  all  other  States,  reiterate  this  FACT  and  say  NO  to  the  Federal  money/power  grab.  Thank  you!    Dianne  .   3/26/2010  11:42:18  I  am  asking  that  you  join  many  other  Attorney's  General  across  this  nation  and  file  suit  to  protect  the  citizens  from  those  aspects  of  the  recently  signed  Healthcare  Law  in  what  surely  must  be  a  violation  of  our  US  Constitution.  .   3/26/2010  11:44:11  I  hope  you  will  join  with  other  state  AG's  and  file  suit  against  the  constitutionality  of  the  federal  government  telling  the  states  what  they  must  do.  I  believe  this  will  eventually  bankrupt  our  state.  Unlike  the  federal  government  we  are  bound  to  balancing  the  budget.  I  believe  that  will  be  an  impossibility  if  we  continue  on  this  path.  .   3/26/2010  11:52:45  I  want  to  whole  heartily  ask  you  to  file  against  the  new  health  care  bill  in  accordance  with  our  rights  and  our  constitution.  You  must  remember  this  bill  was  passed  through  behind  closed  doors  and  against  the  wishes  of  millions  of  people.  You  took  an  oath  at  some  point  and  I  hope  that  you  would  find  it  in  yourself  to  keep  that  oath.  This  bill  is  a  direct  violation  of  our  rights  as  Americans  and  you  should  do  the  right  thing  and  represent  New  Mexico  is  correct  light.  If  you  choose  to  do  nothing  I  can  assure  you  that  the  people  of  New  Mexico  will  

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not  forget  and  when  your  election  comes  around  don’t  count  on  us  to  do  anything  for  you.    .   3/26/2010  11:56:35  I  urge  you  to  join  the  other  states  and  file  a  lawsuit  condemning  the  new  healthcare  legislation  that  the  US  Government  is  trying  to  force  on  us  without  any  constitutional  merit.  Bill  Byford  Las  Cruces,  NM  .   3/26/2010  12:10:26  I  respectfully  request  that  you  file  suit  against  the  Federal  government  regarding  the  health  care  law.  .   3/26/2010  12:11:56  Dear  reader  of  this  comment,    I  am  writing  to  ask  that  a  lawsuit  be  filed  concerning  the  unconstitutionality  of  the  Health  Insurance  bill  passed  by  the  House  of  Represenatives  last  Sunday.    If  there  is  a  survey  I  can  sign  please  call  me  at  505-­‐463-­‐1310.    Sincerely,  James  Bergin  .   3/26/2010  12:13:02  AG  King  Communist  healthcare  did  not  work  in  any  of  the  communist  countries.  In  fact,  it  was  atrocious.  Socialized  healthcare  does  not  work  in  England  or  Canada.  Socialized  healthcare  will  be  disaster  in  this  country  and  will  be  even  worse  here  in  our  state.  I  strongly  urge  you  to  file  suit  against  the  Federal  Government  to  stop  this  assault  on  the  Constitution.  Thank  you,  Vince  Bergman  Roswell,  N.M.  .   3/26/2010  12:22:34  Dear  Attorney  General  Gary  King,    Please  file  suit  against  the  Federal  Gov't  regarding  the  Health  Care  legislation  that  passed  AGAINST  the  will  of  the  people.  Please  block  this  legislation  from  taking  effect  in  New  Mexico.    Thank  you  for  all  you  do.    Sincerely,    Diane  Minor  115  Maple  NE  Albuquerque,  NM  87106    505-­‐247-­‐3936  .   3/26/2010  12:24:07  Dear  Mr.  Gary  King,    

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I  humbly  and  respectfully  demand  that  you,  as  representative  of  our  constitutional  rights  in  the  state  of  New  Mexico,  lead  the  lawsuit  against  the  "Obamacare"  health  bill.  I  myself  have  read  the  bill  and  conclude  that  this  is  not  about  the  American  citizens'  health,  but  about  the  control  and  demise  of  our  soveriegn  rights  granted  in  the  CONSTITUTION.  This  healthcare  bill  is  a  travesty  and  WE  MUST  join  the  movement  along  with  the  other  free  thinking  states  to  defeat  and  destroy  this  bill.  Otherwise  we  will  not  have  any  rights  to  have  an  opinion  in  the  future.  Fidel  Castro  has  even  endorsed  this  bill  (and  look  at  what  kind  of  leader  he  is.)  This  bill  destroys  our  way  of  life  as  a  nation.  Please  remember,  YOU  WORK  FOR  US,  NOT  the  government.  A  line  is  being  drawn  in  the  sand.  Which  side  do  you  choose  to  be  on  sir?  I  hope  that  it  is  on  the  side  of  the  CONSTITUTION.  Please  read  this  bill  and  START  a  lawsuit  against  this  bill.  WE  THE  PEOPLE  need  your  help.  THIS  IS  NOT  ABOUT  LEFT  OR  RIGHT.  ITS  ABOUT  RIGHT  OR  WRONG!!!    Sincerly,  Mr  Miguel  J  Herbelin  UNM  student    .   3/26/2010  12:31:13  Please  join  in  the  lawsuit  with  other  states  fighting  the  implementation  of  the  Health  Care  Bill.  I  agree  that  steps  need  to  be  taken  to  improve  health  care  in  the  U.S.  However,  I  do  not  feel  this  particular  bill-­‐-­‐as  written-­‐  is  the  way  to  go.  There  are  too  many  facets  to  this  bill  that  I  feel  violate  the  rights  of  individuals  and  the  states.    Sincerely  Gayle  Lyn  Smith  .   3/26/2010  12:49:39  Real  this  bill.  Fight  it  with  all  your  might!!1  .   3/26/2010  12:50:31  This  bill  has  to  be  stoped  along  with  Rep  Martin  Heinrich!  .   3/26/2010  12:51:24  I  am  opposed  to  the  "healthcare"  just  passed.  It  is  unconstitutional  to  require  citizens  to  buy  anything  just  to  exist  within  our  own  country.  .   3/26/2010  13:07:45  I  too  agree  that  it  is  unconstitutional  to  required  to  buy  insurance  to  be  a  citizen  born  in  this  country.  .   3/26/2010  13:11:02  I  truly  believe  the  State  of  New  Mexico  should  join  in  the  lawsuit  against  the  health  care  legislation.  The  mandates  imposed  on  businesses  and  individuals  will  seriously  hurt  our  nation's  economy  at  a  time  it  is  struggling.    All  of  the  polls  I  have  seen,  have  shown  the  American  people  are  against  the  legislation.  At  the  very  least,  individual  states  should  have  the  option  of  opting  out  of  the  mandate.    Doctors  spend  many  years  in  school  and  the  vast  majority  start  their  practices  with  large  student  debt.  Over  40%  of  doctors  indicated  that  they  would  get  out  of  the  profession,  if  they  had  to  endure  Socialized  medicine.  Doctors  need  to  be  compensated  for  the  huge  investment  they  have  in  education  and  money  spent  out  of  pocket.  This  bill  prevents  that  from  happening.Thirty  million  people  added  to  the  health  roles  and  a  significant  declines  in  physicians,  does  not  add  up  to  a  good  situation.    

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This  health  bill,  in  the  long-­‐run  will  really  hurt  our  health  care  system  and  I  for  see  a  time  when  our  nation  will  no  longer  be  the  place  that  the  rest  of  the  world  looks  to  for  medical  treatment.      Thanks,  Edward  N.  David  Roswell,  NM  .   3/26/2010  13:18:21  Please  add  our  names  to  the  list  of  people  that  would  like  to  see  the  State  of  New  Mexico  file  suit  along  with  other  states  that  believe  the  recently  signed  health  care  bill  infringes  upon  states  rights,  individual  liberty  and  that  federal  government  is  overstepping  its  constitutional  powers.      John  and  Pat  Shows  La  Luz,  NM  .   3/26/2010  13:28:37  I  would  urge  you  to  join  the  states  that  are  filing  against  this  legislation.  The  federal  government  cannot  force  us  to  purchase  any  product.  This  must  be  reinforced.    Thank  you,  James  Hardin  Tijeras,  NM  .   3/26/2010  13:29:33  Mr.  King,    PLEASE,  file  with  the  other  states  to  stop  this  madness  while  we  still  can!    Kevin,  Beverly  and  Lindsey  Boyd  Bosque  Farms,  NM  87068  505-­‐869-­‐2442          .   3/26/2010  13:34:12  Attorney  General  King,    I  urge  you  to  please  join  the  Attorney  generals  from  13  states  who  have  sued  the  federal  government  Tuesday,  March  23,  2010,  claiming  the  landmark  health  care  overhaul  bill  is  unconstitutional  just  seven  minutes  after  President  Barack  Obama  signed  it  into  law.  This  federal  mandate  is  unfunded  and  with  cause  further  financial  crisis  to  our  state  economy.  Our  state  budget  is  already  in  an  approximately  $1,000,000,000.00  deficit.  So  beyond  the  constitutionality  issues  of  this  legislation,  NEW  MEXICO  JUST  CAN  NOT  AFFORD  IT!  I  also  ask  that  you  support  legislation  similar  to  what  Virgina  passed  which  specifies  that  its  residents  cannot  be  required  to  purchase  health  insurance.    Here  are  a  few  reasons  why  we  oppose  this  legislation.    1)  IT  IS  NOT  IN  THE  CONSTITUTION  -­‐  IT  IS  NOT  A  RIGHT!  IT  WAS  INITIALLY  PROVIDED  TO  EMPLOYEES  AS  A  FRINGE  BENEFIT  OR  LATER  TO  SENIORS  AS  PART  OF  MEDICARE,  ETC.  NOT  ONLY  IS  IT  NOT  A  CONSTITUTIONAL  OBLIGATION,  IT  IS  

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 Sincerely,  Angela  L.  Sanchez  .   3/26/2010  13:53:02  Mr.  Attorney  General:    I  urge  you  to  join  the  other  states  in  the  lawsuit  that  other  states  have  filed  reference  the  new  health  care  bill.  Youra  truly,    Bruce  and  Barbara  Glasgow        .   3/26/2010  14:02:46  I  am  a  registered  Democrat  and  am  completely  AGAINST  this  monsterous,  2000  page  Healthcare  bill.  The  State  of  New  Mexico  Should  Definately  join  in  the  fight  against  this.  The  whole  thing  needs  to  be  scraped,  re-­‐written  and  pared  down  to  under  100  pages  with  laws  to  help  not  to  hurt.  We  will  be  in  bad  shape  in  a  few  years  if  something  isn't  done.  WE  DO  NOT  NEED  THE  FED'S  running  anything  else,  especially  of  this  magnitude.  .   3/26/2010  14:04:07  Dear  Attorney  General  King:    We  would  like  to  impress  upon  you  the  unconstitutionality  of  this  Health  Care  Bill.  The  contents  of  this  bill  are  so  unconscionable  that  no  servant  of  the  people  could  possibly  honor  it  -­‐  much  less  the  very  people  who's  rights  are  being  violated.  The  10th  Amendment  is  clear  on  this  issue  in  that  the  Federal  Government  has  clearly  overstepped  its  authority  by  usurping  rights  never  given  to  it  by  the  individual  states.    Please  join  with  the  other  State  Attorney  Generals  who  are  filing  suits  against  the  Government  for  the  above  violations,  not  to  mention  the  dismantling  of  the  greatest  health  care  system  in  the  world.  This  is  clearly  a  violation  of  the  rights  of  the  people  under  the  guise  of  health  care  reform.    Sincerely,    Brad  &  Mary  La  Fleur  3  Kings  Court  Tijeras,  New  Mexico  87059  .   3/26/2010  14:08:28  I  am  extremely  dossiappointed  in  my  goverment's  decision  to  implement  a  national  health  care  bill  which  steps  on  peoples  consitutional  rights,  and  will  cause  the  downfall  of  many  health  practitioners.  I  was  ill  for  twenty  years  with  a  misdiagnosed  illness.  After  twenty  years,  a  doctor  finally  found  i  had  mercury  poisoning  from  silver  dental  fillings,  whcih  are  50%  mercury.  This  illness  devastated  my  immune  system,  caused  a  super  sensitivity  to  many  drugs,  medications,  and  chemicals.  The  traditional  medical  community  was  never  able  to  help  me.  The  traditional  medical  community  could  not  even  figure  out  

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what  was  wrong  with  me.  The  holistic  doctors,  the  homeopathic  physicians,  were  able  to  help  me  medically,  .  After  twenty  years  of  illness,  a  Dallas,  Texas  doctor  figured  out  what  was  wrong  with  me.  I  was  a  student  at  the  University  of  New  Mexico  when  i  first  became  ill.  i  was  23  when  i  forst  became  ill.  i  was  43  before  a  doctor  found  what  ws  wrong  with  me.  i  was  scheduled  a  couple  of  years  ago  to  testify  in  front  of  the  FDA  in  Washington,  DC  in  regard  to  this  poison  which  has  been  used  in  dental  fillings  for  about  100  years.  I  was  interviewed  on  the  television  news  in  regard  to  this  problem.    The  government  control  that  is  going  to  be  a  result  of  this  atrociaous  health  care  bill  will  put  these  wonderful  doctors  of  mine  out  of  business.  Though  these  doctors  practice  alternative  medicine,  they  are  still  highly  qulaified  MDs  or  Dos.  Many  of  these  doctors  believe  in  more  natural,  holistic  approaches  to  good  health  ,  preventative  ,  integrattive  medicine.  They  will  many  times  likely  suggest  one  take  Aloe  vera  juice  or  garlic  tablets  to  help  high  blood  preesure  (it  works)  than  to  take  expensive  drugs  which  someone  like  me  tend  to  be  allergic  to.  One  of  my  doctors  informed  me  the  other  day  that  since  his  supply  costs  are  expensive,  he  will  probably  have  to  go  out  of  business  with  the  current  health  care  bill.  Doctos  will  not  be  able  to  make  as  much  money.  Plus  thier  freedom  to  help  people  in  the  alternative  route  will  be  squshed  under  too  much  governmetn  control.  Unemplyment  will  go  up  do  to  medical  practices  closing.  i  have  heard  that  employers  of  50  or  more  people  will  have  to  pay  more  in  health  care  coverage,  unemployment  will  go  up  as  a  result  of  this.  .  Many  employers  will  probably  hire  less  people  in  order  to  avoid  paying  so  much  for  employee  health  care.  Whart  will  th  governmetn  do  then,  put  emploers  in  jail  for  hiring  less  people?  it  would  not  surprise  me  under  this  governmetn  which  seems  to  be  leaning  straight  to  communism.  When  my  doctors  go  out  of  business,  i  will  not  be  able  to  get  the  wonderful  health  care  i  have  been  able  to  get  for  years.  By  the  way,  no  insurance  companies  have  covered  me  since  i  have  been  ill  for  twenty  years,  i  have  not  been  able  to  work  due  to  illness.  i  am  one  who  has  no  health  insurance,  and  I  am  financially  poor  due  to  bad  health.  However,  i  am  not  for  this  atrocious  national  health  care  bill  .  Money  for  better  health  care  should  have  been  put  into  county  health  hospitals  and  health  care  systems.  This  nation  is  too  broke  to  instill  a  national  health  care  program.  My  father  was  a  world  war  2  veteran  who  won  a  navy  cross.  He  fought  for  the  freedom  of  this  country.  He  is  passed  away.  He  would  be  sickend  at  our  current  government  and  how  it  is  gradually  taking  away  the  freedoms  of  citizens.    I  grew  up  in  New  Mexico.  i  now  live  in  Texas.  However,  much  of  my  family  is  still  in  New  Mexico.  i  still  feel  New  Mexico  is  my  home,  though  i  am  physically  no  longer  there.  I  am  alarmed  at  what  seems  the  state  of  New  Mexico's  determination  to  support  this  health  care  bill  which  will  kill  private  health  practitioners  businesses  and  excercise  too  much  control  over  citizens.    .    I  also  understand  that  under  the  national  health  care  bill,  a  person  would  be  required  to  pay  a  monthly  premium,  If  one  chooses  not  to  pay  this  fee,  the  IRS  will  penalize  that  person.  i  have  been  so  broke  sometimes  due  to  my  health,  i  may  not  be  able  to  afford  this  fee.  Will  I  be  fined  (yes)  taken  to  jail  by  the  IRS  (possibly)  .  This  

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type  of  action  is  of  Hugo  Chave'z  Venezuela  or  Fidel  Castro's  Cuba,  nota  free  United  States.  The  traditional  medical  doctors  who  will  now  be  treating  me  in  the  socialistic  health  care  system  may  not  be  able  to  help  me  at  all.  They  have  not  been  able  to  help  in  the  past.  why  should  i  pay  for  somthing  that  is  of  no  help  to  me?    Finally,  i  wish  to  say  that  politicians  who  have  no  better  scruples  or  sense  than  to  support  this  health  care  bill  may  soon  find  themselves  out  of  a  job.  The  next  step  is  for  citizens  to  vote  any  politician  out  of  office  who  not  only  supports  this  health  care  bill,  but  who  is  ignoring  peoples  right  to  their  freedoms.  i  pray  that  you  will  join  my  state  of  Texas,  and  the  other  states  who  are  suing  over  this  terrible  health  care  bill.  You  have  now  heard  a  opiniion  of  a  woman  with  chronic  health  problems,  and  who  has  had  no  health  insurance  to  ever  cover  her.  .The  answer  to  mine  and  other  poor  people's  health  problems  is  not  a  nationa  lhealth  program  which  will  drive  practitioners  of  the  alternative  route  out  of  business.    Thanks,  Virginia  Pritchett,  Weathrford,  Texas    .   3/26/2010  14:11:45  I  just  e-­‐mailed  a  lengthy  letter  to  the  attorney  general.  my  e-­‐mail  address  is  [email protected]  if  I  am  to  recieve  a  reply.  i  did  not  see  an  area  to  write  an  e-­‐mail  address.-­‐Thanks,  Virginia  Pritchett,  Weatherford,  Texas(  i  am  also  a  resident  of  New  Mexico)    .   3/26/2010  14:13:27  Please  join  the  lawsuit  to  stop  the  health  care  bill  that  congress  passed  .   3/26/2010  14:20:09  Please  file  suit  against  the  Federal  Government  for  the  unconstitutional  action  against  the  will  of  the  people  of  NM.    Sincerely,    Rachel  S  Cleveland  [email protected]  PO  Box  255  T  or  C,  NM  87901-­‐0255    .   3/26/2010  14:25:30  Deat  Mr.  King,    I  oppose  the  government  takeover  of  our  health  care  system  through  the  passage  of  ObamaCare  (H.R.  3590  and  H.R.  4872).  ObamaCare  is  an  unconstitutional  infringement  on  my  inalienable  rights  and  will  further  bankrupt  our  nation.    I  support  lawsuits  and  other  efforts  in  the  courts  to  stop  enforcement  of  ObamaCare  and  rule  it  unconstitutional.  I  also  support  legislative  and  legal  efforts  in  New  Mexico  to  prohibit  enforcement  of  ObamaCare.    I  urge  you  to  take  immediate  action  to  make  sure  that  New  Mexico  is  one  of  the  states  which  enters  into  one  or  more  lawsuits  to  halt  the  President's  Health  Care  package!!    Sincerely,    

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Juanita  Hadley  P.O.  Box  161  Texico,  NM  88135  (5750  482-­‐3857  .   3/26/2010  14:26:10  Please  stand  up  for  the  people  who  do  not  want  more  government  interference  in  their  lives.  No  government  should  be  dictating  health  care  regulations  to  a  free,  democratic  society.  We  can  certainly  decide  for  ourselves!  Please  fight  this  health  care  legislation,  and  the  progressive  government  takeover  of  yet  another  aspect  of  our  lives.  .   3/26/2010  14:32:44  The  costs  will  destroy  the  American  standard  of  living,  which  we  have  tried  to  improve  from  generation  to  generation.  Please  protect  us  from  this  disaster  about  to  happen.  .   3/26/2010  14:41:26  Dear  Attorney  General  King,  I  respectfully  ask  that  you  sue  the  the  US  Congress  for  passing  this  outrageous  bill  which  will  drive  our  superior  health  care  into  the  ground.  I  have  been  very  happy  with  my  health  care  and  have  had  numerous  problems  especially  in  2009.  If  I  did  not  have  the  excellent  insurance  I  was  blessed  with,  I  would  now  be  bankrupt.  (My  total  billings  were  over  $280,000.)  I  also  object  to  paying  for  people  who  can  afford  other  "luxuries,"  but  who  claim  they  cannot  afford  health  insurance.    Thank  you  for  your  attention    Cathy  Walters  Los  Alamos  .   3/26/2010  14:53:50  I  would  really  like  to  see  the  state  of  New  Mexico  stand  up  for  it's  citizens  against  this  healthcare  bill.  The  way  that  it  was  passed  was  deplorable.  I  have  indeed  read  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States  many  times  and  I  don't  see  anywhere  that  it  says  our  government  can  force  us  to  buy  anything  including  health  insurance!  This  bill  is  discriminatory  because  Christian  Scientists  and  The  Amish  do  not  have  to  abide  by  the  bill  and  everyone  else  does???????  It  also  says  in  the  Constitution  that  The  Government  cannot  force  something  upon  us  that  they  are  exempt  from!  There  are  so  many  things  wrong  here!  Help  us  please.  Thank  You,  Monica  Walsh,  Rio  Rancho  .   3/26/2010  14:57:58  We  need  to  join  the  other  13  states'  that  filed  suit  vs.  the  federal  government,  contesting  the  constitutionality  of  the  Health  Care  bill.  We  must  act  quickly  to  stop  this  basic  violation  of  our  civil  rights  and  the  ultimate  nationaliztion  of  our  private  healthcare  industry.  .   3/26/2010  15:02:35  This  health  care  is  a  disgrace  to  this  Great  Country  of  ours!  I  would  like  for  you  to  join  in  with  other  states  to  press  charges  against  this  sham  of  a  goverment!  We  the  people  will  not  give  up  on  our  Constitutional  Rights!  Thank  -­‐you  Mrs  Fran  Wilderson  Silver  City,  NM.    .   3/26/2010  15:18:16  Defend  New  Mexico's  constitutional  rights!    

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When  they  formed  the  Constitution,  the  states  delegated  17  powers  -­‐  and  no  more  -­‐  to  the  central  government.  Those  powers  are  listed  in  Article  I,  Section  8.  Since  Congress  has  only  the  powers  granted  to  it  by  the  states,  if  a  power  is  not  listed  in  Article  I,  Section  8,  Congress  and  the  president  have  no  legitimate  authority  to  act.  Every  other  "power,"  or  right  to  act,  is  reserved  to  the  states  by  the  10th  Amendment.    You  will  look  in  vain  among  the  enumerated  powers  of  Article  I,  Section  8  for  the  right  of  the  federal  government  to  mandate  that  American  citizens  purchase  health  insurance.  It's  not  there.    This  means  Governor  Richardson  has  every  constitutional  right  and  obligation  to  take  a  stand  against  this  usurpation  of  power  and  protect  my  freedom  of  choice  in  health  care.    Fourteen  states  have  already  filed  suit  against  the  federal  government  to  protect  their  citizens  from  the  overreach  of  the  federal  government,  but  New  Mexico  has  not.    Please  do  this  P  de  Gomez  .   3/26/2010  15:22:36  Hello  Mr.  King,  I  am  a  long  time  resident  of  New  Mexico,  (Melrose,  LaMesa,  Las  Cruces,  Lovington,  and  now  Albuquerque)  and  I  love  it  here.  I  am  sending  comments  because  I  believe  the  recently  passed  Healthcare  is  unconstitutional,  and  will  bring  a  very  heavy  burden  on  our  great  State.  I  am  most  disappointed  in  our  Representatives  and  Senators  who  I  think  failed  to  represent  the  people  of  NM.  Thinking  they  were  looking  out  for  us,  they  simply  were  taking  their  party's  word  for  their  promises.  Since  they  have  let  us  down,  I  am  asking  that  you  join  other  States  in  filing  law  suits  against  the  Constitutionality  of  the  Healthcare  Bill  that  was  passed.  We  all  know  that  we  need  healthcare  reform,  but  we  don't  need  the  cost  nor  the  government  management/mandates  that  this  bill  contains.  Thank  you  for  your  service  and  for  your  consideration  of  this  request.  Alan  Miller,  927  Tony  Sanchez  SE  Albuquerque  NM  87123  (505)323-­‐4209    .   3/26/2010  15:22:43  I  hope  you  sue  the  federal  government  over  this  unconstitutional  bill  that  was  passed  without  any  regard  to  the  people  and  against  the  wishes  of  the  people.  This  is  nothing  more  than  a  takeover  by  the  federal  government.  This  is  not  about  health  care  it's  about  control.  Thank  you  for  your  time.  Rudy  Taebel  .   3/26/2010  15:28:17  Please  join  the  AGs  of  other  states  in  filing  a  lawsuit  to  stop  this  health  care  bill!  .   3/26/2010  15:40:12  Dr.  Gary  King,      Please  help  the  citizens  of  New  Mexico  by  filling  suit  to  think  that  this  bill  is  unconstitional.  The  reason  I  think  that  it  is  unconstitutional  is  because  they  are  requiring  health  care  on  every  citizen.  That  does  not  seem  american.  Please  stand  

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for  want  the  american  people  want.  It  should  help  people  but  it  should  not  be  mandated  that  we  have  to  get  it.  This  bill  is  wrong  for  American  and  it  is  wrong  for  the  State  of  New  Mexico.            .   3/26/2010  15:43:33  The  "Health  Care  Bill"  is  anything  but  that.  It  is  a  "Death  Care  Bill"  for  America  and  all  its  citizens.    Please  bring  legal  actions  to  stop  it.    Health  Care  .   3/26/2010  15:48:07  This  so  call,  Health  Care  Bill,  is  NOT  wanted  by  THE  PEOPLE.  We  are  being  force  fed.  This  is  a  deliberate  attack  on  this  country  -­‐  to  destroy  it!!!!  Why  is  Obama  reading  a  book  titled,  "The  Post-­‐American  World"?  .   3/26/2010  16:10:56  Suit  the  Federal  Government.  The  Health  Care  Bill  is  nothing  more  that  a  re-­‐distribution  of  wealth.  If  it  was  so  great,  senators  &  Congressmen  would  want  to  be  on  the  plan,  but  they  are  not.  It  will  ration  health  care,  cost  jobs  and  make  the  U.S.  a  third  world  country.    Jim  Schultz  Roswell,  NM    .   3/26/2010  16:22:33  Very  happy  that  something  was  done.  Hopefully  it  will  be  a  beginning  to  many  more  moves  for  the  working  class  men  and  women.  I  am  tired  of  the  Party  of  Nope  .   3/26/2010  16:25:54  Dear  Sir:    I  am  so  very  surprised  that  Obama  Care  has  passed.  How  could  it  pass  if  our  delegates  are  doing  their  jobs?  I  have  yet  to  speak  to  anyone  who  is  in  favor  of  Obama  Care,  doesn't  what  "We  the  people  of  the  United  States"  mean  anything  to  this  government?    If  you  ask  me,  I  don't  think  there  is  a  trustworth,  God  fearing  person  that  works  for  the  rights  of  American  Citizens  any  more.  I  have  become  so  disgusted  with  this  whole  thing,  primarily  Obama  -­‐  who  doesn't  seem  to  know,  no  that's  not  right,  who  doesn't  seem  to  care  what  the  people  of  America  wants.  If  he  does,  he's  blatantly  ignoring  them.  If  he  does,  he's  a  real  Non-­‐American.    I  can't  believe  that  he  is  in  the  White  House  in  the  first  place.  He  has  deceived  and  lied  and  coerced  anyone  who  expresses  a  viewpoint  other  than  his,  until  he  gets  what  he  wants.    This  isn't  the  America  I  was  born  into!!!  We  are  no  better  than  Russia  was  during  the  Cold  War.  What's  wrong  with  people  these  days,  are  they  just  so  tired  of  fighting  (because  it  doesn't  do  any  good  anyway)  or  are  they  just  plain  stupid?????  If  we  don't  get  off  our  backside  and  start  getting  involved,  we  are  going  to  be  just  another  3rd  World!      

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How  can  we  mobilize  our  people  and  make  them  understand  that  this  is  just  the  top  of  the  iceberg,  because  there's  a  whole  lot  they  don't  see  and  can't  even  conceive  of  what  is  going  on.    Mr.  King,  can  you  help  us?  What  can  we  do  to  help?  I  am  so  frustrated  at  this  point,  I'm  glad  I'm  the  age  I  am  and  won't  have  to  see  our  great  United  States  of  America  go  down  -­‐  that's  where  we're  heading  right  now!    Thank  you  for  anything  you  can  do  for  us,  Barbara  Taylor  2801  W.  8th  St.  Roswell,  NM  88201  575-­‐622-­‐0656  .   3/26/2010  17:03:07  I  believe  that  this  new  law  is  unconstitutional,  it  REQUIRES  that  EVERYONE  buys  health  insurance,  except  for  those  who  managed  to  exempt  themselves  in  the  legislation.  This  law  will  hurt  New  Mexico  in  the  form  of  the  increased  costs  in  Medicaid,  reduced  benefits  for  those  enrolled  in  Medicare,  cost  hundreds  of  millions  of  dollars  to  New  Mexico's  economy  and  basically  hurt  the  entire  state.  I  believe  there  are  many  OTHER  options  that  could  have  and  should  have  been  debated.  It  shouldn't  take  a  nearly  3000  page  bill  to  get  health  insurance  for  those  who  desire  it  and  can't  afford  it  and  make  the  insurance  companies  accountable  as  well  as  maybe  reduce  the  number  of  lawsuits  or  the  amount  of  those  lawsuits  with  some  tort  reform  which  would  eliminate  many  of  the  costly  "add  ons"  which  elevate  the  cost  of  health  care.    Please  voice  our  concerns  and  join  in  the  other  states  that  have  filed  lawsuits  to  modify  or  repeal  this  law.  We  really  don't  need  this  law  interfering  with  us  when  we're  on  the  edge  of  bankruptcy,  anyway.  We  do  need  to  fix  the  health  care  system,  just  not  this  way.    Thanks  for  all  your  support      John  Chidester  .   3/26/2010  17:10:07  Please  follow  suit  against  healthcare  .   3/26/2010  17:19:43  I  urge  you  to  use  your  office  to  cause  the  health  care  bill  that  just  passed  Congress  against  the  will  of  the  majority  of  the  American  people  to  be  repealed  or  whatever  it  takes  to  cause  it  to  go  away.  .   3/26/2010  17:37:32  I  believe  Obama  healthcare  is  unconstitutional  and  will  destroy  the  medical  profession  as  we  know  it  today.  I  believe  the  Attorney  General  of  New  Mexico  should  join  in  the  lawsuit  against  this  law.  I  personally  will  get  involved  in  politics  and  work  to  see  that  all  democratic  members  of  congress  are  defeated  this  November.  .   3/26/2010  17:47:03  You  better  stand  up  to  obamacare  and  kick  them  out  and  all  federal  powers  or  you  will  be  out  of  office.  You  have  to  follow  the  CONSTITUTION  

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.   3/26/2010  18:47:27  Please  join  with  other  state  attorneys  general  in  challenging  the  Constitutionality  of  the  recent  health  care  legislation.  The  Federal  Government  has  no  Constitutional  authority  to  require  each  of  us  to  purchase  health  insurance  and  to  punish  us  if  we  chose  not  to  do  so.    Forcing  states  to  fund  the  Medicaid  changes  in  the  health  care  legislation  is  surely  a  violation  of  state's  rights.  This  too  should  be  challenged  since  it  imposes  a  financial  burden  on  our  state.    Please  do  everything  you  can  to  prevent  the  implementation  of  this  attempt  by  the  Federal  Government  to  further  usurp  our  individual  freedoms.    Tom  Parry  .   3/26/2010  19:01:15  Please  join  the  others  states  in  filing  suit  to  repeal  the  Obamacare  plan.  Please  protect  our  constitutional  rights.  .   3/26/2010  19:59:36  Dear  Attorney  General  King,    I  urgently  request  that  you  jump  on  the  band  wagon  with  the  other  states  that  are  filling  law  suites  against  the  recent  health  care  bill  that  was  passed  &  signed  into  law.  I  know  you  are  a  man  of  integrity  &  honor.  Please  don't  let  a  politicial  party  get  in  the  way.  Do  the  right  thing  for  the  people.  Help  stop  this  horrible  wrong  doing.    Thank  you  for  your  consideration  &  time.    Sincerely,  Bob  &  Dolly  Wallace  .   3/26/2010  20:00:15  Dear  Attorney  General  King,    I  urgently  request  that  you  jump  on  the  band  wagon  with  the  other  states  that  are  filling  law  suites  against  the  recent  health  care  bill  that  was  passed  &  signed  into  law.  I  know  you  are  a  man  of  integrity  &  honor.  Please  don't  let  a  politicial  party  get  in  the  way.  Do  the  right  thing  for  the  people.  Help  stop  this  horrible  wrong  doing.    Thank  you  for  your  consideration  &  time.    Sincerely,  Bob  &  Dolly  Wallace  .   3/26/2010  20:05:09  Attorney  General  King,  It  should  not  matter  how  our  state,  or  any  individual  is  affected  by  the  healthcare  bill  if  parts  violate  the  our  sovereignty  which  is  prescribed  in  the  Constitution.  Dennis  Schlessinger  Los  Lunas  .   3/26/2010  20:17:18  I  believe  th  Health  Care  Bill  is  uncostitutional  and  would  love  to  see  NM  join  in  on  the  fight  against  it.  As  a  small  buisness  I  will  not  be  able  to  afford  to  hire  any  employees  in  the  future  due  to  the  tax  burden  it  will  impose.      

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I  don't  feel  I  can  be  fined  for  not  having  insurance  when  I  can't  even  afford  the  one  I  had  before  the  slow  down  in  the  economy,  so  how  will  I  afford  to  pay  a  fine.  They  might  as  well  put  all  middle  class  people  in  jail,  but  who  would  support  the  poor.    Sincerely,  Brad  Tate  Lovington,  NM  88260  575-­‐441-­‐1966  .   3/26/2010  21:10:41  I  would  like  to  let  Atty  Gen.  King  know  that  I  would  like  him  to  join  others  across  the  nation  who  are  defending  their  states'  10th  amendment  rights  and  the  individual  liberties  of  their  citizens  by  opposing  the  federal  healthcare  bill.  Government  cannot  mandate  that  an  individual  buy  a  product  or  punish  them  for  not  doing  so.  This  law  is  unconstitutional.  Please  take  a  stand  for  us.  Thank  you.    Kristin  Pope  Carlsbad  .   3/26/2010  21:23:06  I  urge  you  to  join  other  states  in  a  lawsuit  against  the  Health  Bill  recently  passed  by  the  U.S.  Legislature.  .   3/26/2010  21:24:25  I  urge  you  to  join  other  states  in  a  lawsuit  against  the  Health  Bill  recently  passed  by  the  U.S.  Legislature.    Robert  L.  Stockwell  1403  Doepp  Drive  Carlsbad,  NM  88220  [email protected]  .   3/26/2010  21:24:45  I  urge  you  to  join  other  states  in  a  lawsuit  against  the  Health  Bill  recently  passed  by  the  U.S.  Legislature.    Robert  L.  Stockwell  1403  Doepp  Drive  Carlsbad,  NM  88220  [email protected]          .   3/26/2010  21:46:32  Mr.  Attorney  General,  You  have  made  comments  concerning  the  recent  health  care  bill  debacle  that  indicate  you  believe  you  should  not  intervene  with  a  challenge  to  the  constitutionality  of  the  bill  enacted  into  law  because  the  law  as  passed  will  probably  be  beneficial  to  the  citizens  of  New  Mexico.  I  believe  you  should  re-­‐think  your  position  and  challenge  this  health  care  law  on  behalf  of  the  State  of  New  Mexico  because  it  is,  in  my  opinion,  unconstitutional  and,  if  left  standing,  will  be  detrimental  to  the  custom  and  culture  of  the  citizens  of  the  State  by  forcing  undue  costs  upon  the  citiizens.  Please  assert  our  State's  rights  and  challenge  this  unconstitutional  law.  Sincerely,  Charles  D.  Goetz  

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HC  32,  Box  12  Truth  or  Consequences,  NM  87901  .   3/26/2010  22:38:21  Please  challenge  the  constitutionality  of  the  new  health  care  law.    Jerry  Beck  abq  nm  .   3/27/2010  4:57:46   I  regard  the  Health  Care  Bill  as  unconstitutional.  Please  use  your  office  to  begin  litigation  against  new  law.  Thank  you.    Anna  Roxey  Denison    702  No.  Richardson  Roswell,  NM  88201  575-­‐623-­‐3453  email  [email protected]    .   3/27/2010  6:20:35   AG  King    Just  join  the  nationwide  suit  on  the  constitutional  illegality  of  the  Health  Care  Legislation    .   3/27/2010  7:07:14   Please  join  other  state  Attorneys  General  in  filing  a  lawsuit  against  the  federal  government  challenging  the  constitutionality  of  the  healthcare  bill  signed  by  the  President,  especially  the  bill's  mandate  that  every  American  must  purchase  health  insurance  or  pay  a  fine  to  the  federal  government.  Thank  you  for  your  consideration  regarding  this  very  important  issue.  .   3/27/2010  7:18:48   Mr  King,  I  urge  you  join  AG's  of  many  other  states  to  repeal  the  massive  Health  Care  bill  just  passed  by  Congress.    Ross  Hyden  .   3/27/2010  7:20:04   Please  join  the  other  states  attorneys  general  and  file  suit  questioning  this  constitutional  merit  of  the  new  national  health  care  law.  As  we  are  now  allowed  time  to  read  the  legislation,  there  are  many  more  concerns  contained  therein  than  originally  noted  including  whether  said  legisaltion  is  constitutional.  .   3/27/2010  7:35:37   Dear  Gary  King,  I  ask  you,  as  I  have  never  asked  anyone  before  to  please  proceed  with  a  lawsuit  to  protect  NM  from  the  "healthcare"  fiasco.  The  health  care  system  in  our  country  is  the  greatest  in  the  world.  This  is  where  people  from  all  over  the  world  come  for  care  if  they  are  seriously  ill.  That  will  come  to  a  screeching  halt  if  this  fiasco  is  allowed  to  continue.    I  am  a  registered  nurse  who  has  spent  my  career  working  with  patients,  and  now  I  work  for  Presbyterian  Health  Plan,  and  I  know  what  is  available  and  what  works.  Obamacare  will  destroy  this  state's  healthcare.    Please!    

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Pam  Wilson,  RN  .   3/27/2010  8:17:00   Everything  I've  heard  about  the  bill  sounds  positive.  I  doubt  that  that  bill  will  solve  all  our  problems.  The  disease  management  industry  in  t  his  country  is  pretty  powerful  and  will  do  whatever  it  can  to  maintain  its  hegemony  over  disease  management.      Probably  the  most  important  thing  is  that,  after  many  decades  of  wrangling  over  this  issue,  there  was  at  least  SOME  movement.  Now  if  we  could  move  away  from  disease  management  toward  at  least  some  support  of  actual  health  care,  well,  WOOHOO!  wouldn't  that  be  great.    It  is  truly  amazing  to  me  that  the  special  interest  groups  who  want  to  force  women  into  situations  they  don't  want  to  be  in  can  have  so  much  control  over  what  goes  on  in  our  government.    .   3/27/2010  8:17:01   Dear  Mr  King:    I  would  like  to  add  my  name  to  the  list  of  people  who  would  like  you  to  join  in  all  of  the  lawsuits  on  behalf  of  all  New  Mexicans  regarding  the  new  Health  Care  law.  The  law  is  fiscally  irresponsible  and  will  result  in  higher  costs  for  everyone  in  this  country.  The  budget  deficit  in  New  Mexico  is  bad  enough  already.  We  certainly  can't  afford  to  have  more  unfunded  mandates.    Health  insurance  issues  are  the  province  of  the  States.  The  federal  government  has  overreached  on  this.    Thank  you.    Carlene  Hobbs  Rio  Rancho  87144  .   3/27/2010  10:03:11  Gary,  I  haven't  met  you,  but  know  your  family  well.  Bruce  and  my  father  (Rev.  George  Brittain  from  Grants)  were  good  friends,  and  David  and  I  have  been  friends  since  college.  My  concern  is  that  this  health  care  bill  is  giving  the  government  control  over  the  people  and,  (I  believe)  is  unconstitutional.  If  anyone  in  NM  had  pulled  stuff  like  this,  you  would  have  been  on  them  like  stink  on  a  skunk.  I  encourage  you  to  file  a  lawsuit  against  the  US  Senate  and  Congress.  This  is  wrong  for  NM  and  wrong  for  America.  Retired  Pastor  Bob  Brittain  Phone  505-­‐285-­‐4441  Address  809  Santa  Marina  St.  Grants,  NM  87020  .   3/27/2010  10:24:31  Please  do  whatever  is  necessary  to  prevent  me  and  other  New  Mexicans  from  having  the  recently  passed  Health  Care  overhaul  rammed  down  our  throats.  We  can't  afford  it.  Don  Bridges  Albuquerque  505-­‐797-­‐8264    .   3/27/2010  10:45:59  Mr  King,    As  you  are  already  aware,  several  state  Attorneys  General  have  prepared  to  file  suit  against  the  federal  government  for  the  unconstitutional  action  that  was  taken  against  the  will  of  the  people.  To  clarify,  I  am  speaking  of  the  passage  of  the  "Health  

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Care  Reform  Bill".  I  have  heard  that  you  have  considered  filing  suit,  but  you  have  not  done  so  to  date.  I  am  urging  you  to  allow  New  Mexico  to  join  in  the  suit  with  other  states  to  block  this  legislation  from  taking  effect  in  our  state.  I  understand  that  New  Mexico  is  already  losing  federal  monies  which  will  increase  our  outlay  for  health  and  other  areas.  I  believe  that  health  care  may  be  in  need  of  reform  but  my  feeling  is  that  this  bill,  as  it  stands  in  it's  current  form,  is  not  the  answer  America  or  New  Mexico  is  hoping  it  might  be.  This  was  forced  upon  us  and  I  do  feel  that  the  passage  of  this  bill  was  done  in  contradiction  to  our  Constitution.  Please  hear  the  cry  of  the  people  unlike  our  legislators.    Thank  you,  Tom  Meluso  Sandia  Park  .   3/27/2010  10:52:25  Please  join  the  lawsuit  against  the  unconstitutional  Health  Care  Bill.  It  goes  against  everything  this  country  was  founded  on,  namely  the  right  to  succeed  or  fail  as  we  choose.  This  country  was  founded  on  the  benefit  of  the  individual  being  paramount  and  not  the  benefit  of  the  masses.  Besides,  this  bill  is  not  about  health  care,  it's  about  the  control  of  the  people.  Be  assured  I  and  my  family  will  be  voting  based  mostly  on  this  issue  in  November.    Thank  you,  Greg  Orndorff,  Jr.  .   3/27/2010  11:39:28  We  are  encouraging  our  NM  ATtorney  General  to  join  with  other  states  to  oppose  the  Obamacare  bill.    .   3/27/2010  11:47:32  Mr.  King    My  father  was  as  devout  and  loyal  an  American  citizen  there  could  have  ever  been.  He  fought  in  WWII,  and  after  retiring  from  the  federal  gov’t  in  1987,  relocated  to  a  small  town  in  WA  State.  He  was  the  commander  of  the  local  VFW,  and  would  recite  a  eulogy  at  every  fellow  veteran's  funeral,  something  he  was  proud  and  honoured  to  do.  On  February  29  2004,  he  was  at  such  a  funeral,  and  after  having  handed  his  fellow  veteran's  family  the  folded  American  flag  he  suffered  a  major  heart  attack.  He  passed  away  one  week  later.  This  was  6  years  ago  and  I  still  love  him  and  miss  him  as  much  now  as  I  did  then.  He  so  loved  GOD  and  he  so  loved  his  country,  and  was  very  proud  to  have  been  a  small  part  of  preserving  the  freedoms  and  rights  not  only  of  his  fellow  countrymen,  but  for  their  future  heirs.  It  would  absolutely  break  his  heart  to  see  the  condition  of  his  country  now  and  the  reckless,  dangerous  decisions  made  by  a  handfull  of  terrorists  in  Washington.  I  use  this  term  because  terrorists  have  black  hearts,  are  destructive  and  deadly,  whose  sole  purpose  is  to  maim  and  destroy  any  and  all  they  come  in  contact  with.      This  beautiful  country  is  suffering  and  is  on  the  road  to  ruin  because  of  a  handful  of  traitors.  My  father's  love  for  his  country  has  filtered  down  to  his  children  and  grandchildren,  and  we  love  this  country  just  as  much  as  he  did.  My  daughter  is  currently  serving  her  country  in  Afghanistan,  leaving  behind  her  infant  son  in  my  care.  As  much  as  I  miss  my  father  I  thank  GOD  he's  not  here  to  witness  not  only  the  destruction  of  his  country,  but  the  slaughter  of  the  very  Constitution  he  himself  so  believed  in.    

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 I  cut  and  pasted  the  following  about  the  recent  health  care  bill  passage,  which  has  nothing  to  do  with  health  care,  but  everything  to  do  with  total  government  control.  If  this  "health  care"  the  federal  government  deams  so  appropriate  for  it's  citizens,  why  have  they  exempted  themselves  from  it?    "The  legislation  that  was  labeled  "Health  Care"  that  passed  Sunday  is  in  no  way  a  piece  of  legislation  that  fixes  our  health  care  problems  but  in  fact,  it  is  going  to  destroy  the  greatest  health  care  delivery  system  in  the  world.  Everyone  in  foreign  countries  knows  that  America  is  the  place  to  be  if  you  are  seriously  ill.  With  this  government  take-­‐over,  that  will  change.  We  can't  allow  this  government  to  destroy  our  health  care  system  and  we  certainly  can't  allow  them  to  change  our  form  of  government.  People  must  understand  that  this  legislation  is  mislabeled  and  it  protects  NO  ONE  except  Unions  and  Congress."      I'm  still  reeling  from  this  decision,  which  will  ruin  the  country  for  my  children  and  my  grandchildren,  and  I  suspect  yours  as  well.  We  are  not  a  third  world  nation!  We  as  American  citizens  can  NOT  trust  or  depend  on  those  few  we  elected  into  higher  office  to  be  our  voices  in  Washington.  We  the  people  have  spoken  out  against  this  bill,  and  clearly  have  voiced  our  disgust  with  government  control,  but  with  the  dirty  deals  behind  closed  doors,  bold  faced  lies  and  threats,  bribes,  extortion,  and  payouts  that  got  this  bill  passed,  there's  no  one  for  us  to  trust  anymore.  What  has  happened  to  Washington?      We  as  a  country  have  many  problems,  but  if  we  have  the  right  mix  of  GOD  fearing  loyalty  and  devotion  in  leadership  at  the  top,  we  can  overcome  anything  in  time  because  this  is  our  nature.      Mr.  King,  please  join  with  other  AG's  across  America  and  file  suit  to  protect  New  Mexico  citizens.  We  can  no  longer  rely  on  bigger  government  to  place  our  best  interests  at  heart,  so  we  now  must  turn  to  our  government  closer  to  home.  We  have  your  back,  now  please  have  ours.    Thank  you,  my  father  thanks  you,  and  GOD  bless.    Sincerely,    Jennifer  Roth  [email protected]  505-­‐307-­‐5689  .   3/27/2010  12:53:47  Do  not  read  the  bill  for  "political  expediency".  Read  the  bill  in  light  of  the  constitution.  First  of  all,  the  Federal  Government  is  overstepping  their  boundry  by  forcing  the  states  to  cover  costs  on  a  federal  mandate.  Secondly,  the  feds  are  trampling  on  my  rights  as  a  US  citizen,  "making  me  buy  something  I  may  or  may  not  want!!!!"    

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Do  what  is  right  because  it's  right...    "No  man  can  always  be  right.  So  the  struggle  is  to  do  one's  best,  to  keep  the  brain  and  conscience  clear,  never  be  swayed  by  unworthy  motives  or  inconsequential  reasons,  but  to  strive  to  unearth  the  basic  factors  involved,  then  do  one's  duty."  Dwight  Eisenhower    "They  that  can  give  up  essential  liberty  to  obtain  a  little  temporary  safety  deserve  neither  liberty  nor  safety."  Ben  Franklin  .   3/27/2010  13:12:22  I  am  so  disappointed  in  our  situation  with  the  new  health  care  bill.  I  am  not  a  lawyer,  but  I  don't  believe  it  is  constitutional  for  our  government  to  force  us  into  paying  for  anything  against  our  will.  I  believe  American  was  founded  on  the  prinicples  of  freedom  and  people  should  be  free  to  choose  whether  or  not  they  have  insurance.  Please  join  the  other  states  who  are  contesting  this  bill.    Thank  you,  Travis  and  Jill  Crandall  Carlsbad,  NM  .   3/27/2010  13:29:37  I  am  very  disappointed  in  the  passage  of  this  health  care  bill.  Has  anyone  even  read  it  to  find  out  what  is  in  it?  That  scares  me  spitless!!  If  this  is  such  a  "good"  bill  why  did  the  president  have  to  make  so  many  private  deals  to  get  it  to  pass?  I  would  really  like  you  to  join  other  Attorney  Generals  in  sueing  the  government  over  this  bill.  The  fact  that  it  is  not  equal  for  all  is  enough  for  me  to  be  against  it  and  it  should  be  enough  for  you  too.    .   3/27/2010  13:39:34  I  believe  that  the  health  care  bill  is  unconstitutioral  .  I  think  the  bill  this  important  should  have  been  voted  on  by  the  American  public  .  Not  by  the  elite  of  our  goverment  .  The  American  public  should  have  a  voice,I  hope  you  will  be  our  voice  by  joining  the  other  states  in  the  law  suit  !  sincerly,  Carroll  Murphy  39  La  Montana  Silver  City  New  Mexico  88061            .   3/27/2010  13:47:03  Dear  Sir;  I  feel  the  Health  Care  Bill  is  unconstitutional  and  is  not  benefical  to  the  American  Public.  I  think  as  Americans  we  have  the  right  to  choose  what  happens  to  our  own  bodies.  Not  a  government  choosing  what  health  care  we  should  have  or  having  a  chip  placed  inside  our  bodies.  We  are  people  not  machines.  I  currently  have  health  car  for  myself,  but  do  not  have  health  cae  for  my  husband  due  to  him  being  laid  off.  So  we  would  be  penalized  more  for  not  havig  it,  or  not  being  able  to  afford  it.  We  the  people  should  be  allowed  to  choose,  not  the  government  officials.    I  believe  our  state  should  join  the  suit.  We  are  americans  and  need  to  uphold  the  Constitution.      Sincerly;  Darla  Murphy  Po  Box  64  

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Silver  City  NM  88062    .   3/27/2010  14:16:57  Please  join  other  states  in  filing  a  lawsuit  against  the  Federal  Government.  The  health  care  bill  is  unconstitional  in  requiring  everyone  to  buy  health  insurance.  Please  stop  this  from  ever  being  implemented.  Protect  NM  citizens  from  this  intrusion  into  our  lives.  .   3/27/2010  15:39:11  Does  the  Uniform  Commercial  Code  have  any  applicability  to  the  recently  enacted  federal  legislation  on  health  care  insurance?  .   3/27/2010  16:13:31  Mr.  King,  Please  inform  us  on  what  and  how  you  are  protecting  the  citizens  of  this  great  state  concerningn  the  recent  care  bill.  It  seems  there  are  many  other  state  raising  the  constitutionality  of  this  health  care  bill  that  has  been  forced  on  the  nation.  What  is  your  commitment  on  this  subject?  Respectfully,    /s/  Captain  Richard  Daniels,  USN,  (Ret)  .   3/27/2010  16:14:48  You  need  to  file  lawsuite  regarding  the  unconstitutionality  of  the  new  Obama-­‐care  law.  IT  SUCKS.  .   3/27/2010  16:28:37  Everyone  agrees  we  need  some  sensible  health  care  reform,  but  this  is  neither  sensible  or  consititutional!  You  continue  to  totally  ignore  the  will  of  the  majority  of  the  legal  citizens  of  this  great  nation.  We  are  disgusted  but  not  surprised  at  your  heavy-­‐handed  partisan  politics,  and  there  will  be  a  day  of  reckoning  come  November!  .   3/27/2010  16:55:03  March  27,  2010  Dear  Attorney  General  King,  I  am  writing  to  ask  that  New  Mexico  join  the  several  other  state  Attorney  General's  in  filing  a  lawsuit  against  the  recently  passed,  unconstitutional  Health  Care  Reform  Bill.  The  federal  government  increasingly  exceeds  it's  constitutional  boundaries  regarding  the  States  and  'we  the  people'  just  let  it  happen.  No  where  in  either  the  US  Constitution,  nor  the  NM  Constitution,  does  it  give  anyone  the  power  over  health  care.  That  is  a  personal  choice.    It  is  time  to  tell  the  federal  government  to  get  the  hell  out  of  our  state  and  our  business.  Thank  you  for  your  attention  into  this  matter.  Sincerely,  Jonna  Lou  Schafer  Otero  County  Resident  575  963  2846  .   3/27/2010  17:45:31  You  should  be  filing  suit  against  this  bill  on  the  basis  of  State's  rights  and  protection  of  individual  rights.  Forcing  each  citizen  to  buy  healthcare  coverage  at  the  risk  of  a  fine  is  untenable,  especially  when  the  public  is  opposed.  13  States  have  filed  and  NM,  unfortunately,  is  not  one  of  them.  Is  this  position  of  yours  political?  shouldn't  it  be  a  legal  decision?  Your  office  needs  to  be  shown  as  protecting  the  citizens'  rights  of  the  State.  Where  are  the  Statesmen  leaders  of  this  State?    

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CJ  Jorgensen  .   3/27/2010  18:01:41  I  am  requesting  that  the  NM  AG  begin  a  law  suit  of  the  Federal  Government  ASAP  regarding  the  wretched  health  care  bill.  I  would  also  like  to  see  NM  declare  its  sovereignty  from  the  US  OUT  OF  CONTROL  corporation.    Larry  Kreitzer  Alto,  NM  88312  .   3/27/2010  18:08:42  Dear  Mr.  Gary  King,  This  is  in  violation  of  my  Constitutional  rights  and  i  ask  that  you  not  only  file  suit,  but  will  lead  this  fight!  As  being  only  18  years  old  this  scares  me  to  death  that  they  have  passed  such  a  bill!  As  a  new  voter  I  will  HIGHLY  consider  you  in  my  vote!  Please  do  what  you  can!    .   3/27/2010  18:08:49  Please  oppose  the  Federal  Health  Care  by  joining  the  other  states  in  opposition  to  this.    .   3/27/2010  19:01:22  It  is  UNCONSTITUTIONAL  for  the  Federal  Govenment  to  force  any  US  citizens  under  penalty  of  law/punishment  to  purchase  any  service  or  goods.  Only  the  State  can  impose  such  a  requirement  and  the  State  of  New  Mexico  does  not  have  any  law  that  states  that  I  must  purchase  the  government  health  care  under  penalty  of  law/punishment.    I  require  that  you  investigate  and  file  suit  against  the  United  States  Government  in  behalf  of  the  residents  of  New  Mexico  stating  that  the  Obama  Healthcare  bill  be  deemed  unconstitutional  in  the  State  of  New  Mexico  .   3/27/2010  19:26:06  Dear  Attorney  General  King,  Please  join  with  the  other  Attorneys  General  across  the  nation  who  are  defending  their  states'  10th  amendment  rights  and  the  individual  liberties  of  their  citizens  by  opposing  the  federal  healthcare  bill.  Government  cannot  mandate  that  an  individual  buy  a  product  or  punish  them  for  not  doing  so.  This  law  is  unconstitutional.  Please  take  a  stand  for  us.  Thank  you.    Thank  you,  Tina  Kincaid  Carlsbad  New  Mexico  .   3/27/2010  20:00:50  This  State  must  join/file  lawsuits  to  challenge  the  constitutionality  of  the  Obamacare  healthcare  bill.  This  is  NOT  a  healthcare  issue.  THIS  IS  A  STATE'S  RIGHTS  ISSUE.  Why  in  God's  name  haven't  we  done  this  already?  David  Walker  9301  Galaxia  Way  NE  Albuquerque,  NM  87111  .   3/27/2010  20:01:58  Mr.  King,  Please  take  a  stand  for  state's  rights  and  keep  the  federal  government  from  taking  over  in  private  insurance.  The  Commerce  Clause  is  supposed  to  protect  the  people  from  being  forced  to  purchase  something.  This  is  clearly  an  unconstitutional  bill  and  We  the  People  do  not  want  it.  Please  join  the  other  states  in  filing  a  lawsuit  over  the  Health  Care  Bill.  Stacey  Broersma  .   3/27/2010  20:20:59  Mr.  Attorney  General,    

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I  believe  that  we  should  sue  the  federal  government  over  the  health  care  bill  because  it  is  unconstitutional.  I  feel  that  this  is  a  huge  violation  to  our  constitutional  rights.      Thank  you,  Emily  Broersma    .   3/27/2010  21:09:43  I  would  like  to  see  New  Mexico  join  the  suit  over  the  Health  Care  law/bill.  Susan  B.  .   3/27/2010  21:36:45  Please  stand  up  for  us  New  Mexicans  and  our  constitutional  rights  as  citizens  of  the  United  States  and  file  suit  against  the  federal  government  for  imposing  heath  care  upon  the  people,  against  our  will.    I  am  a  voting  New  Mexican  and  will  vote  you  out  of  office  if  you  do  not  represent  the  constitutional  rights  of  the  people.  .   3/27/2010  21:48:46  I  cannot  believe  that  America  wants  a  Socialist  form  of  Healthcare,  which  will  lead  us  to  a  Socialist  Government.  This  President  will  be  the  first  Dictator  President  in  the  USA.  .   3/27/2010  21:51:33  REPEAL  THE  BILL          .   3/27/2010  22:27:23  Our  country  is  turning  into  the  land  of  entitlements.  People  need  to  work  for  the  things  they  need.  .   3/28/2010  6:15:46   While  I  understand  it's  expensive  to  file  a  law  suit  against  the  Federal  Government,  I  hope  that  it's  being  considered  in  the  State  of  NM  concerning  the  new  health  care  law.  I  was/am  opposed  to  the  law  for  several  reasons,  but  I  believe  that  the  law  extends  the  power  of  the  Federal  Government  beyond  what  was  intended  by  the  Framers  of  our  Nation's  Constitution.  I'm  tired  of  the  Federal  Government  "bullying"  us  around  from  Washington,  D.C.  Let's  take  back  what  our  Founding  Fathers  intended  us  to  have.  Please  file  against  the  Federal  Government.    Thank  you,    Peggy  Hoffer  Las  Cruces,  NM    .   3/28/2010  7:17:38   Since  you  are  under  orders  from  the  head  Communist,  I  can  understand  why  you  are  afraid  of  thinking  for  yourself,  or  the  people  of  New  Mexico.    Just  because  Dictator  Obama  perjured  his  "Oath  of  Office"  to  uphold  the  Constitution,  going  along  with  these  Communist  ideals,  I  accuse  you  of  "Constitutional  Teason."  .   3/28/2010  9:02:10   Dear  Sir:  

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Since  it  appears  that  our  Washington  representatives  are  not  listening  to  us,  I  would  respectfully  urge  you  to  undertake  legal  action  to  repeal  the  health  care  bill  and  it's  unconstitutionality  as  it  pertains  to  state's  rights.  I  fully  support  health  care  reform,  but  object  to  the  fiscal  irresponsility  of  this  recently  passed  bill.  Especially,  considering  the  financial  ramifications  it  will  have  in  our  State's  already  financially  burdened  condition.  Thank  you  for  your  time  and  service  to  New  Mexico.  Sincerely,  Keith  A.  Cass  .   3/28/2010  9:09:35   We  believe  the  health  care  bill  is  an  unlawful  government  takeover  of  our  rights  and  freedoms  as  citizens,  taxpayers,  and  consumers.  This  toxic  travesty  will  harm  everyone,  regardless  of  age  and  regardless  of  employment  status.    We  urge  Attorney  General  King  to  join  with  other  states  to  fight  against  the  most  egregious  and  unlawful  parts  of  this  bill,  such  as  forced  insurance  mandates  for  all.    Thank  you,    Cynthia  and  Dan  Corrales,  N.M.  .   3/28/2010  9:36:56   Dear  AG  King:  Due  to  many  of  the  provisions  in  the  so  called  Health  Care  Reform  bill  that  I  feel  are  unconstitutional,  I  am  strongly  opposed  to  the  bill  and  would  like  you  to  join  the  other  states  that  are  opposing  the  "Reform  Bill".  Thank  you!  Carolyn  Brown  519  Green  Valley  Rd.  NW  Albuquerque,  NM  87107  [email protected]  .   3/28/2010  9:51:44   Please  file  suit  against  the  Federal  government  for  the  unconstitutional  action  against  the  will  of  the  people!  I  understand  you  have  not  started  action,  yet.  I  ask  you  to  do  so  NOW.  We  can  not  afford  to  meekly  go  along  with  them.  We  must  do  anything  we  can  to  stop  them!!  Thank  You,    Rachel  Cleveland  PO  Box  255  T  or  C,  NM  [email protected]  .   3/28/2010  14:00:31  Please  consider  joining  the  other  AGs  in  the  suit  over  the  health  care  reform  bill.  It  certainly  does  not  represent  my  desires.  I  know  of  one  (1)  New  Mexican  who  feels  this  is  a  move  in  the  right  direction.  I  don't  understand  how  Congress  could  vote  for  something  that  most  of  America  was  against.  The  numbers  do  not  make  sense,  the  CBO  estimates  make  no  sense,  and  there  are  so  many  issues  wrapped  into  this  bill  that  it  has  become  impossible  to  understand,  virtually  unsupportable,  and  I  fear  it  will  create  a  huge  target  for  even  more  fraud  than  we  have  with  Medicare.  I  think  we  are  making  a  big  mistake  moving  the  

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Federal  Government  into  the  healthcare  business.  As  New  Mexican  taxpayers  we  have  already  been  supporting  medical  care  for  all  our  citizens  through  BCMC  and  UNMH  -­‐  or  at  least  that  is  what  I've  been  told  all  these  years  as  I  pay  those  taxes.  I'm  strongly  opposed  to  'free'  healthcare  for  those  who  are  not  legal  citizens  and  I  am  strongly  opposed  to  my  tax  money  being  used  to  provide  abortions.  I  do  not  think  these  issues  have  been  adequately  addressed  from  what  I've  seen  of  the  thousands  of  pages  of  legislation  I've  tried  to  understand.  I  appreciate  your  consideration  and  hope  we  do  what  is  right  for  the  country.    Thank  you  S  Hogan,  Albuquerque  .   3/28/2010  14:37:51  We  need  to  do  something  about  this  health  care  atrocity,  it  is  both  unconstitutional  and  unwanted  by  American  citizens.  This  Government  is  supposed  to  be  here  for  the  people  of  the  United  States,  we  don't  work  for  you.  We  are  tired  of  the  elitists  blocking  out  what  the  American  people  have  to  say  so  that  they  can  line  their  pockets.  People  were  bribed  and  we  know  it,  yet  it  is  not  brought  to  light  by  our  Commander  and  Chief  because  he  did  what  it  took  for  this  to  happen.  As  somebody  who  served  in  two  tours  for  my  country  I  am  appalled  at  what  just  happened  in  both  the  Senate  and  the  House.  I  know  that  this  is  not  what  I  fought  for,  it's  also  not  what  so  many  have  died  for.  I  feel  as  if  we  have  been  betrayed,  yet  the  betrayal  has  continued  and  we  the  people  are  sick  of  it.  There  are  not  many  cases  where  I  would  beg  of  anybody  to  do  anything,  but  in  this  case  I  beg  of  you  Attorney  General  King  file  this  suit  against  the  Federal  Government.  It  wont  go  unnoticed  by  the  people  of  New  Mexico  and  you  will  get  our  backing  and  full  support.    .   3/28/2010  14:59:29  Please  file  suit  like  the  AG's  of  other  states  have  done  to  stop  this  healthcare  legislation.      Thank  you,    Deana  Smiel  12415  Rainier  Way  NE  Albuquerque,  NM  87111  505-­‐508-­‐0681  .   3/28/2010  16:42:27  Dear  Mr.  King  Please  join  the  suit  being  filed  by  Attorney  Generals  across  this  nation  against  Obama's  health  care.  The  federal  government  has  no  business  requiring  people  to  buy  health  care  and  I  don'  t  want  to  pay  for  for  health  care  for  others  who  smoke,  drink,  do  drugs  and  don't  exercise.  I  also  don't  think  the  federal  government  should  pass  on  health  care  costs  to  the  state  nor  has  the  constitutional  right  to  infringe  on  states  rights.Support  the  constitution,  join  the  lawsuit  and  protect  New  Mexicans  .   3/28/2010  17:02:27  Dear  Attorney  General  King  -­‐    On  behalf  of  all  New  Mexicans,  I  urge  you  to  join  many  of  your  fellow  U.S.  Attorneys  General  in  filing  a  lawsuit  against  the  newly-­‐signed,  so  called  "Health  Care  Bill."  This  bill  mandates  that  all  Americans  buy  health  insurance...  an  unfunded  mandate  I  

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don't  see  in  the  US  Constitution.  Whether  I  choose  to  purchase  insurance  or  pay  as  I  go  from  my  own  pockets  is  my  decision,  not  Congress'  or  the  President's.  Health  care  is  not  a  right  I  find  in  the  Constitution  or  Bill  of  Rights.    Some  liken  this  mandate  to  purchasing  liability  insurance  when  owning  a  vehicle.  Since  driving  is  a  privilege,  and  I  am  afforded  the  right  to  choose  whether  to  drive  or  not,  I  can  choose  to  avoid  such  insurance  mandate  by  not  owning  and  driving  a  vehicle.  The  health  insurance  just  signed  into  law  gives  me  no  such  choice.  I  buy  or  I  will  be  penalized.  This  is  outrageous  at  the  least,  and  unconstitutional  at  the  worst.    Please,  protect  my  rights  as  a  US  Citizen  and  challenge  the  constitutionality  of  this  bill.  Although  I  agree  that  health  care  reform  is  needed,  I  don't  agree  that  trampling  on  the  rights  of  our  citizenry  is  the  way  to  accomplish  it.    Thank  you  for  your  efforts  on  my  behalf.  .   3/28/2010  19:13:13  Atty  General  King:  Thank  you  for  taking  the  time  to  read  my  request.  My  husband  and  I  are  very  concerned  about  the  legality  of  this  bill,  It  seems  to  usurp  states  rights.  Plus  the  added  burden  of  the  expense  of  covering  more  medicare  and  medicade  costs.  Please  give  these  requests  careful  conaideration.  Reba  Hardin  .   3/28/2010  19:13:39  Atty  General  King:  Thank  you  for  taking  the  time  to  read  my  request.  My  husband  and  I  are  very  concerned  about  the  legality  of  this  bill,  It  seems  to  usurp  states  rights.  Plus  the  added  burden  of  the  expense  of  covering  more  medicare  and  medicade  costs.  Please  give  these  requests  careful  conaideration.  Reba  Hardin  .   3/28/2010  19:16:09  Based  on  preliminary  review  of  the  Act,  a  sufficient  legal  basis  exists  to  contest  the  individual  mandate  to  carry  health  insurance  or  pay  a  penalty  under  the  Act.  It  is  not  clear  that  Congress  has  an  enumerated  power  under  Article  1  of  the  U.S.  Constitution  to  impose  this  requirement  on  a  citizen.  Further,  the  tax  imposed  on  a  citizen  for  failure  to  carry  such  insurance  may  not  comport  with  the  requirement  that  any  direct  tax  be  apportioned  among  the  states  in  accordance  with  Article  1,  Sections  2  and  9  of  the  U.S.  Constitution.    In  addition,  I  am  very  concerned  that  the  Act  upsets  the  proper  balance  of  power  between  the  federal  government  and  the  states  that  was  envisioned  by  the  Founders.  The  federal  government  is  a  government  of  limited,  enumerated  powers.  For  Congress  to  act,  it  must  have  power  given  to  it  by  the  U.S.  Constitution.  Any  power  not  given  to  the  federal  government  resides  with  the  states  under  the  Tenth  Amendment,  unless  the  exercise  of  state  power  is  limited  by  a  state  constitution.  What  Congress  has  approved  in  the  Act  is  a  sweeping  mandate  that  every  citizen  in  the  country  purchase  health  insurance  or  face  a  penalty.  The  power  asserted  here  is  unprecedented  and  unique.  The  United  States  Supreme  Court  has  not  had  a  prior  opportunity  to  evaluate  an  equivalent  exercise  of  power  by  Congress  under  the  Act.    

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As  the  state  attorney  general,  you  have  a  unique  obligation  to  ensure  that  the  citizens  of  our  state,  through  their  elected  representatives,  retain  the  power  to  determine  our  own  laws  without  encroachment  from  the  federal  government,  except  as  authorized  by  the  U.S.  Constitution.  Importantly,  the  New  Mexico  Legislature  has  never  enacted  a  law  to  require  our  citizens  to  carry  health  insurance  or  face  a  penalty.  .   3/28/2010  20:11:23  Please  help  NM  join  the  other  38  states  in  suing  the  federal  government  for  fousting  the  health  care  bill  upon  us.  It  is  bad  for  business  and  ultimately  bad  for  consumers  who  will  pay  the  price  of  the  bill.  The  Constitution  does  not  give  us  a  right  to  health  care.  In  my  opinion,  we  have  a  lousy  definition  of  health  care  in  the  US  anyway.  If  health  care  were  aimed  at  preventing  chronic  disease,  it  might  be  economically  viable.  Thank  you.    Eve  Flanigan  3510  Seven  Rivers  Hwy  Carlsbad,  NM  88220  .   3/28/2010  20:41:53  Please  join  the  some  13  other  States  Attorneies  General  and  maintain  the  Freedom  of  the  people  of  New  Mexico.  Please  fight  this  unconstitutional  Health  Care  Bill  and  keep  the  Federal  away  from  our  private  business.  On  what  law  do  they  the  Federal  government  get  the  authority  to  tell  me  or  any  other  citizen  to  purchase  anything  from  a  private  party.Help  stop  the  socialist  from  getting  into  every  facet  of  our  lives.  Join  the  fight  for  Right  .  I  will  not  give  up  my  Liberity  for  Security.  Thank  You  .   3/28/2010  21:17:01  Dear  AG  King,  Please  join  the  law  suit  against  the  Health  Care  bill.  It  is  unconstitutional.  It  has  never  been  a  requirement  to  be  forced  to  purchase  anything  or  a  product  in  order  to  become  a  citizen  of  the  United  States  of  America.  Thank  you,  Jan  Swardson,  Taxpayer.  .   3/29/2010  5:56:27   I  would  like  for  you  to  file  suit  with  the  other  states  against  this  so  called  health  care  bill.  Bill  Shifflett  .   3/29/2010  7:10:52   I  am  not  in  favor  of  the  State  of  New  Mexico  participating  in  lawsuits  associated  with  the  recently-­‐passed  Health  Care  Reform  bill.      Sincerely,    John  Weckerle  Edgewood          .   3/29/2010  8:43:36   Please  file  suit  against  the  Health  Care  Bill  on  my  behalf  on  the  grounds  that  it  is  unconstitutional  and  will  not  address  my  needs  for  affordable  health  care.  .   3/29/2010  8:50:09   PLEASE  JOIN  OTHER  AG  IN  PROTEST  OF  THIS  HEALTH  CARE  ISSUE.  THERE  ARE  MUCH  BETTER  WAYS  TO  REACH  OUT  TO  THE  UN-­‐  OR  UNDER  INSURED.  WITH  A  FAR  LESS  EXPENSE  TO  EVERYONE.  WE  NEED  TO  MAKE  

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SURE  WHEN  OUR  LAW  MAKERS  PASS  THESE  THINGS  THEY  SHOULD  NOT  BE  EXEMPT  FROM  THEM  .  .   3/29/2010  10:04:47  Hi  Attorney  General  King,    I  am  from  Albuqueruque  New  Mexico  and  I  would  like  to  strongly  urge  you  to  join  the  lawsuits  against  the  illegal  health  care  bill  passed  by  the  House.    Thanks,  Daniel  Bracken  .   3/29/2010  10:37:07  Dear  Mr.  King,  I  request  that  you  file  suit  against  the  federal  government  on  the  grounds  of  the  unconstitutionality  of  the  health  care  bill  recently  signed  by  Mr.  Obama.  That  bill  violates  individual  rights  in  countless  ways,  not  the  least  of  which  is  compelling  individuals  to  buy  a  service/product  they  do  not  want.    sincerrely,  Sylvia  Bokor  4105  New  Vistas  Ct  NW  Albuquerque,  NM  87114  (505)  897-­‐3921  [email protected]  .   3/29/2010  10:42:42  Dear  Sir;  I  would  like  you  to  know  that  I  am  displeased  with  the  passing  of  the  new  Health  care  bill.  It  goes  against  the  Constitution  and  therefore  is  illegal  and  against  my  rights.    I  respectfully  request  that  you  file  a  lawsuit  against  this  health  care  bill.  We  the  people  are  for  the  majority,  against  the  willful  breaking  of  our  Constitution  and  rights.  Respectfully,  Christa  Kelley  .   3/29/2010  10:47:07  Dear  Mr.  King,    I  am  asking  you  to  join  with  the  other  States  to  sue  the  US  gov  to  repeal  the  Obama  healthcare  bill.  The  bill  as  it  now  stands  will  strip  the  States  and  individuals  of  their  rights  and  it  must  be  stopped.  I  will  be  looking  forward  to  your  response  to  this  most  important  issue.  Thank  you,    CD  McDaniel  Clovis,  New  Mexico    .   3/29/2010  10:47:32  We  want  to  join  the  burgeoning  number  of  citizens  of  the  United  States  who  are  against  the  Obamacare  Health  Care  Plan.  We  are  encouraging  you  as  the  Attorney  General  of  New  Mexico  to  follow  other  states  and  file  suit  against  the  federal  government's  plan  to  take  over  the  health  care  of  the  citizens.  We  cannot  even  list  the  number  of  ways  it  will  be  destructive  to  us  and  the  economy.    Verner  &  Betty  Gibbs  

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P.O.  Box  13  Sandia  Park,  NM  87047  phone:  505-­‐281-­‐3639  e-­‐mail:  [email protected]  .   3/29/2010  10:50:52  Dear  Sir;  I  respectfully  request  that  you  file  a  lawsuit  against  the  new  healthcare  bill.  It  is  unlawful  and  unconstitutional.  It  is  known  that  70  percent  of  the  population  oppossed  this  legeslation,  and  our  arrogant  government  passed  it  anyway.  We  the  people  and  I  myself  are  sick  and  tired  of  a  government  that  will  not  abide  by  the  same  laws  that  I  must.  This  must  stop!    Respectfully,  Mark  Kelley  .   3/29/2010  10:56:37  I  would  like  to  request  that  you  file  a  law  suit  against  the  federal  government  re  this  healthcare  issue.  It's  unconstitutional,  it  will  cost  our  country  way  too  much  money,  we  can't  afford  it,  and  it  will  give  our  government  way  too  much  control.  What  they  are  doing  and  how  they  went  about  it  is  UNCONSTITUTIONAL!  If  you  let  them  do  this,  it  will  only  be  the  beginning.  Our  rights  and  freedoms  are  going  down  the  toilet.  Janine  Williams  3050  Twin  Oaks  Dr.  NW  ABQ,  NM  87120  506-­‐2866  [email protected]  .   3/29/2010  11:06:03  Michael  Letwenko  7216  Pisa  Hills  Rd  NE  Rio  Rancho,  NM  87144      Dear  Mr.  Attorney  General,  I  am  writing  to  encourage  you  in  the  strongest  possible  terms  to  include  New  Mexico  in  the  lawsuit  opposing  the  recently  passed  health  care  bill.  I  believe  the  federal  government  is  overstepping  its  constitutional  authority  in  requiring  states  to  comply  with  this  federal  mandate.  As  such,  it  would  be  irresponsible  for  any  State  Attorney  General  to  acquiesce  to  such  far  reaching  legislation  without  challenging  its  constitutional  validity.  This  is  not  simply  a  question  of  the  bill’s  “popularity”,  but  of  its  lawfulness.  The  citizens  of  New  Mexico  have  a  right  to  expect  their  Attorney  General  to  protect  their  constitutional  state’s  rights.    Sincerely,    Michael  Letwenko    .   3/29/2010  11:06:10  Michael  Letwenko  7216  Pisa  Hills  Rd  NE  Rio  Rancho,  NM  87144    

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 Dear  Mr.  Attorney  General,  I  am  writing  to  encourage  you  in  the  strongest  possible  terms  to  include  New  Mexico  in  the  lawsuit  opposing  the  recently  passed  health  care  bill.  I  believe  the  federal  government  is  overstepping  its  constitutional  authority  in  requiring  states  to  comply  with  this  federal  mandate.  As  such,  it  would  be  irresponsible  for  any  State  Attorney  General  to  acquiesce  to  such  far  reaching  legislation  without  challenging  its  constitutional  validity.  This  is  not  simply  a  question  of  the  bill’s  “popularity”,  but  of  its  lawfulness.  The  citizens  of  New  Mexico  have  a  right  to  expect  their  Attorney  General  to  protect  their  constitutional  state’s  rights.    Sincerely,    Michael  Letwenko    .   3/29/2010  11:06:51  Sir    With  Respect,  Please  file  suit  to  block  the  federal  health  care  bill.  Our  state  for  her  citizens  want  nor  can  we  as  a  state  afford  this  bill  and  the  burden  it  will  plate  on  our  sates  coffers.    With  respect  sir  do  what  is  right  here  keep  New  Mexico  free  to  stand  without  the  federal  government  dictating  what  we  must  to  inside  our  own  state  in  regards  our  health  care  system.    We  already  have  one  of  the  poorest  populations  in  the  country  why  saddle  us  with  more  taxes  due  to  the  HC  bill  in  Washington.    Regards  Sheri  Rogers  Rio  Rancho  NM  .   3/29/2010  11:13:42  Mr.  King:  I  am  in  favor  of  your  good  offices  getting  involved  in  the  national  protest  against  the  unconstitutionally  Obama/Pelosi/Reed  "health  care  bill".  Regardless  of  your  political  position,  this  bill  was  rammed  thru  the  congress  and  will  put  the  American  people  at  risk  forever  with  added  debt  that  will  be  unable  to  be  paid.  Your  involvement,  along  with  other  states,  will  help  stop  this  rape  of  the  Constitution.  Thanking  you  in  advance  for  your  efforts.      Alonzo  F.  Clayton  1756  Hudson  River  RD.  Rio  Rancho,  NM  87144  TEL:  505-­‐771-­‐1925  E-­‐MAIL:  [email protected]  .   3/29/2010  11:15:45  I  am  against  Congress  telling  Americans  that  we  have  to  buy  health  insurance  and  have  a  penalty  if  we  don't.  Please  join  the  other  states  that  are  joining  Virginia  and  Idaho  and  filing  a  lawsuit.  Maria  Lovato  10015  High  Range  Rd.  S.W.  Albuquerque,  NM  87121  

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505.831.4493  505.720.6148  .   3/29/2010  11:19:52  What  does  one  do  now?  I  have  no  money  and  no  insurance.    [email protected]  .   3/29/2010  11:31:25  Mr.  King,    Sir,  you  are  there  to  protect  the  citizens  of  the  State  of  New  Mexico...    Recently,  you  have  made  comments  about  the  Health-­‐Care  Reform  Legislation  passes  and  signed  into  law  recently  that  were  EXTREMELY  disturbing...such  as  opposition  to  this  law  was  a  "philosophical"  debate...    Sir,  this  is  no  philosophical  question...this  is  a  requirement  for  Americans  to  pay  out  from  their  pockets  for  a  product  because  they  are  Americans...while  undocumented  workers  are  under  no  such  compulsion  as  part  of  their  life  here.    This  compulsory  effort  will  be  enforced  by  the  Internal  Revenue  Service;  an  arm  of  the  Federal  Government  charged  with  collecting  TAXES  is  now  going  to  be  in  charge  of  a  matter  of  COMMERCE...    I,  my  family,  and  everyone  else  I  see  around  me  is  now  under  compulsory  directives  from  a  Federal  Agency  to  engage  in  unwanted  and  unwarranted  commercial  business;  with  the  IRS  in  charge  of  the  "stick"  should  we  not  want  to  be  involved,  but  the  government  finds  it  necessary  to  involve  us  anyway...    I  implore  you  to  file  suit  against  this  assault  on  our  liberties,  sir...without  YOU  DECIDING  whether  it  is  "a  good  thing"  or  not  for  the  State  as  a  whole...I  do  not  grant  you  that  decision;  it  is  up  to  me  and  my  family  alone...  Should  you  find  yourself  at  a  consternation  over  this,  remember;  one  day,  Republicans  may  find  it  necessary  to  force  YOUR  compulsion  with  something  they  wish  to  do...and  you  will  have  not  done  what  was  needed  to  stop  it...    Sincerely,    David  J.  Cerame  Los  Lunas,  NM  .   3/29/2010  11:42:23  I  AM  100%  AGAINST  obama's  HEALTH  CARE  TAKEOVER.  Iam  for  health  care  reform  that  has  been  thought  out  carefully  and  is  truly  a  good  thing  for  the  American  people.  obama's  health  care  plan  is  ABSOLUTELY  NOT  good  for  the  people.  obama  is  trying  to  ram  this  crap  down  our  throat.  From  what  I  hear  around  town,  sh&t  is  going  to  hit  the  fan  if  this  kind  stuff  keeps  up.  I  would  hope  that  you  realize  this  is  NOT  going  to  be  a  good  thing.  I  hope  and  pray  for  all  our  sakes  that  you  will  do  everything  in  your  power  to  fight  against  this  mandated  load  of  crap.  The  State  of  New  Mexico  should  pass  a  bill  immediately,  

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exempting  it's  citizens  from  any  requirements  steming  from  the  obama  health  care  plan.  .   3/29/2010  11:46:02  Dear  Mr.  King,  I  respectfully  request  that  you  file  suit  on  behalf  of  the  State  of  New  Mexico  against  the  federal  government  on  the  unconstitutionality  of  the  health  care  bill.  The  federal  govt's  powers  stop  at  the  doorstep  of  the  states.  Thank  you.    Sincerely,  Linda  Downum  1090  Priaire  Zinnia  Bernalillo,  NM  87004  Phone  (505)  771-­‐0171  .   3/29/2010  11:46:37  I  would  like  to  go  on  record  as  encouraging  you  to  join  other  states  who  are  filing  a  lawsuit  to  bring  NM  out  from  under  the  unconstituional  health  care  bill  recently  passed  by  the  Legislators  in  Washington.  My  name  is:  Patricia  Houston,  544  Alcazar  SE,  #3,  Albuquerque,  NM  87108-­‐4294.  Phone:  505-­‐255-­‐1897.  .   3/29/2010  11:50:58  Per  your  requirement,  this  is  a  written  request  for  your  office  to  file  a  suit  against  the  federal  government’s  new  health  care  bill  as  unconstitutional.  We  tax  payers  feel  we  have  no  representation  in  Washington  and  the  Tenth  Amendment  clearly  defines  the  federal  government’s  lack  of  authority  to  require  this  type  of  legislation.  If  we  continue  to  allow  the  federal  government  to  overstep  it’s  authority,  the  sovereign  states  of  this  country  will  be  rendered  powerless  to  protect  the  citizens  from  a  complete  breakdown  of  our  democracy  and  our  liberties.      It  is  your  duty  to  protect  and  defend  the  Constitution  of  this  country,  not  your  political  party  agenda.      Fulfill  your  responsibilities.  Jo  Summers,  Taxpayer  and  Voter          .   3/29/2010  11:56:11  Please  join  the  other  states  and  protect  my  individual  rights.  The  health  care  bill  is  unconstitional.    Bob  Young  Albuquerque  [email protected]  .   3/29/2010  12:48:29  From  Donna  Bracken,  Albuquerque  Please  file  suit  against  Congress  &  the  President  for  this  outrageous  act  against  We  the  People  in  the  form  a  Health  Care  Bill.  Our  Constitution  does  not  allow  for  this  type  of  dictatorship  forcing  me  to  purchase  anything!  .   3/29/2010  12:53:42  I  believe  that  the  health  car  bill  is  fundamentally  unconstitutional  and  should  be  repealed.    

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Article  IV  of  the  U.S.  Constitution  states:  The  right  of  the  people  to  be  secure  in  their  persons,  houses,  papers,  and  effects  against  unreasonable  searches  and  seizures,  shall  not  be  violated,  and  no  Warrants  shall  issue,  but  upon  probable  cause......    That  the  health  care  bill  will  force  me  to  give  my  medical  records  to  the  government  does  not  keep  me  secure  in  my  papers.  Nor  will  I  be  secure  in  my  person  if  the  government  is  telling  me  what  health  care  I  can  receive  and  by  whom  it  is  delivered.    I  request  that  you  file  suit  against  the  US  Govt  to  right  these  wrongs.  David  Harris,  [email protected]  505-­‐275-­‐9512  .   3/29/2010  12:59:31  We  as  a  state  should  try  to  stop  this  force  feed  health  insurance.  We  still  live  in  a  free  nation  (for  now)  .   3/29/2010  13:08:11  Dear  Attorney  General,    We  are  writing  to  request  that  you  join  in  the  lawsuits  of  over  30  states  in  filing  against  the  current  healthcare  bill.  As  New  Mexicans  we  would  like  our  voices  heard  regarding  this  vital  issue  of  healthcare.  We  understand  that  our  current  healthcare  system  needs  tremendous  changing,  however,  we  do  not  think  this  current  bill,  along  with  the  huge  cost  is  in  the  best  interest  of  the  American  people  and  the  future  of  our  state  and  great  nation.  We  would  appreciate  your  support.    Thank  you,  The  Constant  family  Albuquerque  .   3/29/2010  13:23:41  Mr.  King,  As  Attorney  General,  you  are  required  to  look  at  the  legality  of  the  law.  The  supposed  benefit  or  detriment  is  not  for  you  to  evaluate.    I  don't  believe  it  is  legal.  US  Constitution  Amend.  X  says  The  Powers  not  delegated  by  the  Constitution...  are  reserved  to  the  States,  respectively  or  to  the  people.  Further  Article  I  Sect.  8  states  that  all  Duties,  Imposts  and  Excises  shall  be  uniform  throughout  the  United  States.  The  health  bill  does  not  meet  the  above.  Stop  being  a  partisan  hack  and  do  your  job!  .   3/29/2010  14:24:59  I,  as  a  legal  citizen  of  the  USA  and  New  Mexico,  resent  the  heavy  handed  tactics  used  by  Washington  to  pass  this  health  reform  law.  The  citizens  of  the  United  States  and  New  Mexico  cannot  afford  the  financial  burdens  this  law  will  place  on  us  and  future  generations.      I  request  that  my  name  be  added  to  the  list  asking  that  you  enter  into  litigation  to  protect  New  Mexico  citizens  from  ever  being  obligated  to  participate  in  this  constitutionally  flawed  law.      Sincerely,  Terry  Franklin  PO  Box  2526  Ruidoso,  NM  88355  

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.   3/29/2010  14:34:58  Please  join  the  other  State  Attorney  Generals  and  file  a  suit  against  the  Federal  government's  Health  Care  Bill  as  it  is  unconstitutional  and  against  the  will  of  the  people.  Federal  government  is  mandating  and  penalizing  the  citizens  of  the  United  States.  Please  protect  New  Mexicans  from  this  mess.  Thank  you    .   3/29/2010  14:54:22  Dear  AG  King,  I  urge  you  to  file  suit  against  the  fedearal  government  on  this  health  care  bill.  It  is  unconstitutional  requiring  citizens  to  have  to  pay  for  anything.  It  will  cost  my  company  a  minimum  of  $100K,  which  will  cause  several  events.  We  will  have  to,  at  a  minimu,  terminate  20  people  or  move  our  headquaters  to  a  state  that  will  not  accept  this  gross  take  over  of  our  freedom.  New  Mexico  has  many  problems,  but  if  you  do  not  file  suit  or  make  it  unconstitutional  for  our  state  with  this  bill,  you  all  will  be  voted  out  and  our  state  will  suffer  tremendously.  Michael  R.  Miller    10030  Club  Court  NW  Albuquerque,  New  Mexico  87114  505-­‐899-­‐3789  .   3/29/2010  15:07:22  Dear  Gary  King,  I  want  to  tell  you  about  how  I  feel  about  the  health  bill  that  our  US  congress  passed  recently.  I  fear  that  our  future  is  in  serious  jeopardy  due  to  added  entitlement  programs.  Already  the  US  government  has  shown  that  it  does  not  care  nor  wants  to  fix  its  fiscal  responsibilities  associated  with  Social  Security  and  Medicare.  Both  programs  are  on  the  verge  of  going  bankrupt.  What  makes  anyone  think  congress  will  do  any  better  at  health  care  cost  control?  Also,  the  most  important  question  in  this  legislation  deals  with  the  constitutionality  of  the  bill.  I  think  the  very  basis  of  this  bill  violates  the  constitution  and  therefore  must  be  changed  from  its  current  state.  I  recommend  that  you  take  up  the  challenge  with  the  appropriate  judicial  courts  to  carefully  debate  these  issues.    Thank  you  for  listening.    Joseph  W.  Bonahoom  3505  Britt  NE  Albuquerque,  NM  87111    phone  505  296  4450  .   3/29/2010  15:35:52  Please  file  suit  against  the  Federal  Government  on  behalf  of  the  citizens  of  NM  AGAINST  the  unconstitutional  "Health  Care"  legistlation.  This  legislation  is  going  to  destroy  the  greatest  health  care  delivery  system  in  the  world.  Everyone  in  foreign  countries  know  that  America  is  the  place  to  be  if  you  are  seriously  ill.  With  this  government  take-­‐over,  that  will  change.  We  can't  allow  the  Federal  government  to  destroy  our  health  care  system  and  we  certainly  can't  allow  them  to  change  our  form  of  government.  I  certainly  agree  that  our  health  care  system  need  some  reform,  but  this  is  not  the  way  to  go  about  it.  Please  file  suit  for  NM.  Thanks,  

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Juliann  Brian  4200  Montgomery  Blvd  NE  #313  Albuquerque,  NM  87109  505-­‐980-­‐8006  .   3/29/2010  15:36:38  Please  file  suit  against  the  Federal  Government  on  behalf  of  the  citizens  of  NM  AGAINST  the  unconstitutional  "Health  Care"  legistlation.  This  legislation  is  going  to  destroy  the  greatest  health  care  delivery  system  in  the  world.    Thanks,  Sean  Brian  4200  Montgomery  Blvd  NE  #313  Albuquerque,  NM  87109  505-­‐463-­‐9249  .   3/29/2010  15:39:47  Dear  Mr.  King,  I  am  a  mother  of  3  children  and  step-­‐mother  to  3  more  children,  who  range  in  age  from  25  to  15.  I  am  absolutely  appauled  that  our  non-­‐representing  representatives  have  passed  the  monstrosity  that  they  call  HealthCare  Reform.  This  bill  is  unconstitutional  on  the  face  of  it  because  healthcare  is  NOT  a  right  and  should  not  become  one!  I  urge  you,  on  behalf  of  my  family,  to  join  in  the  lawsuit  to  fight  against  this  unconstitutional  bill.  If  you  have  any  questions,  please  feel  free  to  contact  me  at  505-­‐220-­‐7696,  or  you  can  send  a  letter  to  my  address  to  Jeanette  Glaze  520  Sandler  Dr  NE,  Albuquerque,  NM  87123  Thank  you  for  fighting  for  the  Constitutional  Rights  of  all  New  Mexicans  and  for  my  family,  Jeanette  Glaze  .   3/29/2010  15:57:14  Dear  Gary  King,    My  name  is  Rachel  B.  Lueras  and  I  am  a  24  year  old  college  student  at  NMSU.  I  absolutely  do  not  agree  with  the  health  care  bill  that  was  recently  passed.  I  feel  that  it  is  an  invasion  of  the  rights  of  the  American  People  and  that  it  is  only  for  the  benefit  of  the  Unions  and  Congress.  As  the  Attorney  General  of  New  Mexico,  I  am  pleading  with  you  as  a  New  Mexico  resident  to  please  join  the  other  Attorney  Generals  in  filing  a  suit  against  the  health  care  bill.  Thank  you  for  your  time!  We  have  to  stand  up  for  our  rights  as  American  Citizens  and  fight  for  what  is  right!!  The  government  can  not  run  our  lives.      Sincerely,    Rachel  B.  Lueras    .   3/29/2010  18:25:37  AG  King,    Please  take  the  stand  against  this  healthcare  bill.  Stand  with  the  other  states  and  get  this  bill  out  so  that  the  right  bill  can  be  passed.    Nancy  J  Barras  .   3/29/2010  18:37:04  Dear  Mr.  Attorney  General,  

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 I  appeal  to  you  to  join  the  Attorney  General's  from  across  our  country  to  file  suit  against  the  Federal  Government  for  the  abuse  of  the  Commerce  Clause  to  force  citizens  to  purchase  health  insurance,  and  for  imposing  unfunded  healthcare  mandates  on  the  State  of  New  Mexico.  Thank  You,    Richard  Rollins  108  Road  3961  Farmington,  NM  87401  .   3/29/2010  19:17:25  From  what  I  heard  you  say  is  that  the  State  should  not  sue  because  many  people  will  benefit  from  the  bill.  In  other  words,  if  something  might  be  illegal,  it's  OK  if  enough  people  use  the  service.  We  shouldn't  prosecute  speeders  for  example  because  enough  people  do  it.  How  ridiculous.  You  are  the  one  playing  politics  with  this.  I  can  see  waiting  until  you  look  over  the  bill  to  do  something  but  it  is  obvious  by  your  remarks  that  you  don't  want  to  touch  this.  If  it  was  a  Republican  president  and  congress  that  did  something  unconstitutional  you  would  be  all  over  it.  People  can't  be  forced  to  buy  anything,  and  please  don't  use  the  car  insurance  argument  because  it's  not  the  same.  .   3/29/2010  20:31:08  To:Attorney  General  Gary  King  Dear  Mr  King  I  would  like  to  request  that  you  join  in  the  lawsuit  that  is  being  filed  by  other  states  concerning  the  federal  governments  attempt  to  force  the  citizens  of  the  United  States  to  purchase  health  insurance.  I  believe  that  if  this  law  is  allowed  to  stand  it  leaves  open  the  possibility  that  it  could  in  the  future  be  used  by  the  other  political  party  to  push  through  their  own  political  agenda.  Thank  You!  Andy  Luna    .   3/29/2010  20:54:05  please  do  not  spend  money  for  such  frivolous  lawsuits  as  the  one  other  states  attorney's  general  are  filing  against  the  healthcare  bill.  if  I  remember  correctly,  this  state  went  blue  in  the  last  election  and  I  hope  that  it  will  remain  so.  .   3/29/2010  21:18:45  I  believe  New  Mexico  should  join  with  other  states  in  filing  a  suit  to  determine  the  constitutionality  of  the  Health  Care  Bill.  It  greatly  exceeds  the  powers  given  to  the  federal  government  by  the  constitution  and  I  believe  that  it  would  and  should  be  declared  unconstitutional.      It  seems  that  for  too  long  New  Mexico  has  not  provided  leadership  for  issues  that  negatively  impact  the  freedoms  and  financial  stability  of  its  citizens.      This  issue  is  too  important  to  remain  on  the  sidelines.  It  will  have  immediate  and  longterm  negative  impact  upon  the  citizens  of  New  Mexico  and  the  United  States.  Now  is  the  time  and  opportunity  to  draw  the  line.  I  encourage  you  to  file  a  suit  immediately  to  protect  our  liberties,  and  the  intents  and  spirit  of  the  constitution.            .   3/30/2010  2:16:49   I  am  a  resident  in  lincoln  county,  Mr.  King  I  would  like  to  know  if  you  are  going  to  support  this  bill  or  oppose  it?  I  personaly  think  that  this  is  a  bad  bill,  it  should  be  repealed  and  started  over.  I  hope  that  you  will  join  in  with  

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the  38  states  that  we  need  to  do  away  with  this  bill  which  will  bankrupt  our  country!  We  need  a  bypartisn  bill  that  is  not  a  goverment  takeover.  Mr.  King  you  were  raised  on  a  farm  and  ranch  you  know  living  on  over  extended  dept  is  a  quick  way  to  lose  what  our  past  generations  have  worked  for  and  done  with  out,  so  they  could  pass  it  on  to  there  kids.  Belts  need  to  be  tighten  in  all  gov.  to  get  us  out  of  this  mess  we  are  in,  so  we  can  pass  on  to  our  kids  what  has  been  pass  to  us.  thank  you  for  your  time.  Respectfully  Leland  Jackson  .   3/30/2010  7:00:07   Attorney  General  King  I  am  a  concerned  citizen  of  this  country  and  the  state  of  New  Mexico.  You  were  elected  to  uphold  the  laws  of  the  land.  The  Health  Care  that  was  passed  or  should  I  say  forced  upon  us  is  the  first  step  in  eroding  our  states  rights.  I  encourage  you  to  take  the  next  steps  to  start  legal  proceedings  to  file  a  lawsuit  against  the  Federal  Government  to  stop  this  mandate  to  force  us  to  buy  insurance  or  any  other  product  against  our  will.  Please  don't  sit  by  and  allow  this  to  happen  without  a  fight.  Don't  let  us  down.  Remember,  silence  is  consent!!    Evelyn  Belio  .   3/30/2010  7:20:53   I  am  a  concerned  NM  citizen  who  urges  you  to  join  with  other  attorney  general's  across  the  country  in  blocking  legislation  from  taking  effect  on  our  state.    Health  Care    Charlene  Vanden-­‐Heuvel  .   3/30/2010  8:36:15   Dear  AG  King,  Please  file  a  law  suit  against  the  federal  govt  regarding  the  imposition  of  this  legislation  (Health  Care  Bill)  on  our  state.  If  we  do  not  reject  this  imposition,  our  rights  as  a  state  under  the  10th  amendment  to  the  Constitution  will  be  nullified.  I  will  support  your  action  to  bring  suit  against  the  federal  govt  in  anyway  I  can.  Teresa  Ellen  Chamberlin  8904  Cherry  Hills  Rd.  NE  Albuquerque,  NM  87111  505-­‐803-­‐1400  .   3/30/2010  8:39:38   I  am  totally  against  the  so  called  Healthcare  reform  bill,  what  has  happened  to  our  rights  as  American  citizens???  The  government  wants  to  control  everything  in  our  lives  and  it  is  a  going  against  our  constitution  and  our  rights  as  American  citizens.  I  will  vote  oput  every  ___  this  year  who  has  voted  and  was  bribed  to  support  this  Healthcare  bill!!!!!  WAKE  UP  AMERICA,  OBAMA  IS  DESTROYING  OUR  COUNTRY!    .   3/30/2010  8:55:48   Nothing  less  than  universal  health  care  is  acceptable.  The  current  system  is  run  by  pharma  and  the  insurance  industry.  People  who  aren't  medical  professionals  are  making  my  health  care  decisions  and  overriding  and  denying  the  requests  for  care  my  Doctors  have  ordered  for  me.  Allowing  the  insurance  companies  to  profiteer  and  exploit  my  pain  and  illness  is  cruel,  inhumane,  and  promotes  inequality  in  a  country  that  demands  equality  as  a  basic  human  right.  The  insurance  companies,  much  like  the  Mafia,  have  the  right  to  decide  how  and  IF  I  

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get  to  live  and  enjoy  the  freedoms  defined  by  the  constitution.  If  you  complain,  they  raise  your  premiums  or  deny  your  medication.  How  can  America  allow  such  exploitation  of  its  weakest  (physically)  citizens  much  less  justify  the  profiteer  insurance  racket?  This  is  not  the  American  way.  We  can  spend  billions  on  killing  people  or  bailing  out  the  rich  but  providing  health  care  for  all  citizens  is  "impossible"?  We  can  build  bombs  and  nanobots  but  raising  or  saving  the  average  Americans  from  medical  catastrophe  just  "can't  be  done"?  I  don't  agree.  If  we  ever  want  to  prosper  again,  start  with  providing  education  and  health  care  so  people  don't  have  to  fear  getting  sick  and  losing  everything  they  ever  worked  for.  Punishing  the  sick  for  being  sick  is  against  everything  America  stands  for  -­‐  compassion,  cooperation,  community,  and  equality.  The  American  worker  is  what  makes  this  country  strong  and  they  are  dying  of  stress  if  they  aren't  sick  and  left  for  dead  if  they  are.  Sounds  more  like  old  Russia  than  the  country  I  live  in.  I  want  America  to  be  beautiful,  strong  and  prosperous  for  everyone  not  just  the  top  1%.  That's  why  this  country  was  created  -­‐  for  freedom  and  justice  for  all  without  denying  our  inalienable  rights  to  make  the  best  of  our  lives  without  corporate  interference.  We  don't  need  the  insurance  industry  -­‐  no  one  should  have  a  middleman  between  them  and  their  doctors.  My  doctors  are  trained  to  help  me  but  the  insurance  companies,  proudly  motivated  by  profit,  won't.  Why  do  we  even  bother  with  doctors  if  they  aren't  allowed  to  help  us?  Thanks  for  listening.  .   3/30/2010  9:12:50    I  would  like  to  request  New  Mexico  join  the  other  states  in  REPEALING  the  Healthcare  legislation.  Thank  you.  .   3/30/2010  9:28:34   My  name  is  Olivia  Counts.  I  can  not  support  anyone  who  thought  a  bill  that  gives  the  government  this  mouch  control.  No  one  should  have  unilateral  control  over  our  lives  this  is  a  free  country.      That  they  made  a  provision  to  take  access  to  my  bank  account  is  unconstitutional.  I  pay  my  taxes,  what  left  should  be  for  my  family  and  not  subject  to  anyone  elses  use.    Forcing  me  to  purchase  insurance  from  a  private  company  when  we  are  stuggling  just  to  put  food  on  the  table  is  also  unconstitutional.  When  I  need  to  see  a  doctor  I  pay  to  do  it,  why  should  I  pay  thousands  of  dollars  for  coverage  that  I  will  never  use.  My  children  qualify  for  medicaid  so  they  are  covered  but  as  an  adult  I  should  have  the  right  to  say  no.    Giving  free  medical  care  to  illegal  aliens  while  charging  Americans  barely  scraping  by  is  wrong...  I  am  not  saying  we  should  kick  them  out  but  if  they  are  here  they  should  be  subject  to  the  same  laws  we  are.    The  fact  that  Congress  and  the  Senate  are  exempt  from  this  monstrosity  of  a  bill  is  so  wrong.  When  did  being  elected  to  a  public  office  move  away  from  serving  your  citizens  and  become  a  big  brother  position  where  you  tell  people  to  do  as  I  say  and  not  as  I  do?    

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There  are  many  other  things  about  this  bill  that  having  me  seething  but  I  will  end  it  with  this,  if  something  isn't  done  about  this,  then  our  government  no  longer  cares  for  it's  people  and  needs  to  be  cleaned  out.    .   3/30/2010  10:13:53  Dear  Mr.  King      I  meet  you  years  ago  when  my  husband  coached  you  stepson  in  football,  David  Pickard.      My  comment  on  this  Health  Care  Bill  is,  it's  not  Constitutional,  the  Federal  Govenment  cannot  make  people  buy  Heatlh  Care.  My  biggest  concern  is  how  costs  are  going  to  go  up  and  care  is  going  to  go  down.  There  is  just  no  way  around  this.  My  sons  are  in  college  and  grad  school  and  I  am  concerned  with  what  this  will  do  to  their  future-­‐The  expense  of  this  bill.  I  am  very  disappointed  in  our  Federal  Government  regarding  this  Bill.  Thank  you  for  your  time,  Judy  Hightower  .   3/30/2010  10:48:00  Dear  AG  Gary  King,  Several  states  are  preparing  to  sue  the  Federal  Gov't  due  to  the  unconstitutionality  of  the  Health  Care  Bill.  If  the  bill  is  truly  violates  US  Citizens'  Rights,  the  bill  must  be  resinded.  Also,  at  this  time,  in  a  recession,  this  bill  will  hit  all  Americans  hard  and  I  fear  the  taxes  and  inflation  that  this  will  cause.  There  have  been  many  key,  experienced  financial  experts  that  claim  that  the  Health  Care  Bill  will  bankrupt  our  Nation.  Also,  polls  show  a  majority  of  citizens  did  not  approve  of  the  bill  and  yet  they  chose  not  to  listen  to  the  people.  We  are  concerned!  The  value  of  the  dollar  is  already  down  and  the  world  is  watching  us.  Please  choose  to  fight  for  the  rights  of  the  Citizens  of  New  Mexico  and  protect  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States.  .   3/30/2010  10:54:21  Joan  Letwenko  7216  Pisa  Hills  Rd  NE  Rio  Rancho,  NM  87144    To:  Attorney  General  Gary  King,    I  believe  that  the  health  care  bill  recently  passed  in  the  U.S.  Congress  violates  states’  rights  and  should  be  legally  challenged.  Therefore,  I  am  asking  you  to  include  New  Mexico  in  the  multi-­‐state  lawsuit  against  the  implementation  of  this  bill.  This  legislation  will  affect  every  man,  woman  and  child  in  America.  It  is  not  too  much  to  ask  that  our  Attorney  General  should  take  this  as  seriously  as  we  do.    Respectfully,    Joan  Letwenko  .   3/30/2010  11:55:45  I  believe  the  Federal  Government  has  over  stepped  its  Constitutional  Rights  by  requiring  all  citizens  to  purchase  Health  Insurance.  I  would  urge  you  to  file  in  Federal  Court  against  the  new  Health  Care  Bill.    .   3/30/2010  13:11:44  Dear  Attorney  General,    The  health  care  bill  is  unconstitutional,  you  should  file  suit  against  it.    

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.   3/30/2010  13:11:49  Mr.  Attorney  General,    I  am  by  no  means  a  legal  expert,  but  I  listen  to  some  very  bright,  intelligent  people  that  say  some  parts  of  the  Health  Care  Reform  Bill  may  be  unconstitutional.  I  am  convinced  by  the  Attorneys  General  and  Governors  of  the  states  that  are  challenging  the  bill  that  there  are  some  things  wrong  with  it.  Personally,  I  don't  think  the  US  Government  should  mandate  anyone  to  purchase  health  insurance.  I  also  believe  that  the  government  has  no  right  to  penalize  those  that  choose  not  to  carry  insurance.  During  the  debates  and  up  until  it  passed,  I  contacted  both  Senators  and  all  3  Congressmen  and  I  voiced  these  same  opinions  as  well  as  the  cost  to  the  states  if  it  became  law.  Now  that  it  is  law,  I  urge  you  to  join  with  the  other  AG's  and  Governors  in  opposing  this  law  as  being  unconstitutional.  Thank  you.  Respectfully,    Louis  Perez  Santa  Fe,  NM    .   3/30/2010  13:28:23  Protect  New  Mexicans  by  joining  other  state  attorney  general's  by  filing  suit  against  the  federal  government  on  the  legallity  of  inforcement  of  soverign  citizens  of  our  state  being  forced  by  the  feds  to  purchase  a  good  or  service  .   3/30/2010  13:58:06  I  am  asking  you  to  file  suit  against  the  Federal  Government.  Again  I  am  asking  you  to  file  suit  against  the  Federal  Govern-­‐  ment  for  my  choice  Amendment  XIII,  (involuntary  servitude)  by    making  me  buy  health  insurance.  There  are  two  other  laws  that  are  being  violated  so  I  say  file  on  all  three.  My  next    choice  is  Constitutional  Confrence.  We  the  people  will  not  stand  by  and  let  this  happen  to  America.    Signed  without  Predjuice,  Anna  Burnett  .   3/30/2010  15:05:04  Where  in  the  Constitution  does  it  give  our  government  the  power  to  make  someone  do  nothing.  If  I  decide  to  do  nothing  then  I  can  be  fined  by  my  government.  Outrageous!  Health  care  should  be  regulated  by  the  state.  Please  do  sue  the  Federal  Government.    Jeff  Harper  110  Los  Balcones  Rio  Rancho,  NM  87124  .   3/30/2010  16:02:22  this  heath  bill  is  a  crock.  It  will  only  put  America  more  in  debt.    Put  everyone  to  include  the  senators  and  congressmen  in  this  bill  and  see  what  they  all  say.  I  guess  they  will  say  NAY.!!!!    and  while  your  at  it  how  about  putting  them  in  to  the  social  security  program  all  your  money  paid  to  that  would  bring  the  S.S.  administration  back  into  the  green  for  ever  instead  of  going  bankrupt.    

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and  then  maybe  the  general  public  would  get  a  raise  like  you  all  do.  .   3/30/2010  16:05:55  Please,  File  suit  against  the  federal  government  for  the  unconstitutional  health  care  bill  this  current  administration  has  passed..  Those  in  DC  now  are  out  of  control,  starting  to  be  as  socialist  countries  abroad..This  bill  is  outrageous,  illegal  and  immoral..America  is  a  Republic,  a  FREE  people,  not  a  people  DICTATED  to  by  their  government..If  I  knew  how,  I'd  call  for  the  impeachment  also  of  all  NM  congressmen  and  senators  in  DC  who  supported  and  voted  AYE  for  the  health  care  bill..  All  in  my  opinion,  are  guilty  of  high  crimes  against  the  people  of  America,  and  have  failed  to  obey  their  Oath  of  Office,  in  part,  to  protect  and  defend  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States  of  America..  Thank  you..  Again,  I  support  the  NMAG  filing  a  lawsuit  against  the  feds...    Nathan  Good  POB  833  Tatum,  NM  88267  575-­‐398-­‐2386  .   3/30/2010  17:01:48  It  is  the  worst  piece  of  legislation  that  I  have  ever  seen  and  it  has  been  crammed  down  our  throats!  Our  Attorney  General  needs  to  join  the  other  16  states  in  filing  suits,  based  on  the  constitutionality  of  the  legislation.  I  am  currently  in  a  Medicare  Advantage  program,  which,  no  doubt,  will  go  out  of  business  next  year,  costing  me  several  thousand  more  dollars  to  find  other  insurance  that  will  afford  me  the  same  coverage.  I'm  astounded  by  the  absolute  arrogance  and  corruption  that  has  been  involved  by  our  Congress  People  to  get  this  bill  passed.  They  all  need  to  be  ousted  in  2010.          .   3/30/2010  17:06:54  As  a  New  Mexican,  I  do  not  want  Obama's  Health  Care  shoved  down  my  throat.  I  am  happy  with  the  current  insurance  that  I  have.  I  would  like  you  to  join  with  all  the  other  Attorney  General's  across  America  to  fight  this  outrageous  unconsititional  act!  Barbara  Sibley  .   3/30/2010  17:40:12  This  health  care  bill  was  forced  on  us.The  american  people  don't  want  it.Nore  can  we  afford  it.Please  do  not  let  this  bill  into  our  state,  save  our  freedom.  .   3/30/2010  17:41:03  The  Health  Care  Bill  is  an  unconstitutional  act!  I  do  not  want  it,  nor  do  I  know  anyone  who  does  want  it.  I  ask  you  to  join  the  other  Attorney  General's  lawsuit  against  this  unconstitutional  act.  Thank  you,  Larry  Sibley  .   3/30/2010  18:01:06  I  want  New  Mexico  to  be  a  vital  part  of  the  actions  necessary  to  prove  that  the  health  care  reform  bill  as  passed  is  unconstitutional.  The  federal  government  does  NOT  have  the  right  nore  the  authority  to  force  citizens  to  purchase  anything.  This  is  nothing  more  than  a  back-­‐room,  dirty  deal  to  take  away  my  right  to  control  my  own  life.  .   3/30/2010  18:14:32  The  more  we  hear  about  this  monstrosity,  the  worse  it  sounds.  We,  Bill  &  Elaine  Henderson  of  Albuquerque  URGE  you  to  pursue  any  legal  avenue  to  challenge  the  constitutionality  of  the  law.  New  Mexico  needs  to  make  

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smarter  decisions  than  the  Federal  government  has  regarding  running  up  the  unbelievable  debt.  .   3/30/2010  19:01:43  We  want  Attorney  General  King  to  join  in  the  law  suit  against  the  health  care  bill.  We  believe  it  is  unconstitutional  and  must  be  overturned.  Thanks,  Trisha  and  Dave  Dworsky  Rio  Rancho,  NM  .   3/30/2010  20:53:20  Take  ACTION  Now!!!  Cannot  urge  you  strongly  enough  to  FILE  A  LAWSUIT  against  the  recently  passed  UNconstitutional  Healthcare  Law.  Stand  up  for  the  U.S.  Constitution  and  for  the  citizens  of  New  Mexico.    Thank  you,  Carmen  Campbell  Silver  City,  N.M.  .   3/30/2010  21:08:59  I  strongly  urge  you  to  file  a  law  suit  to  stop  the  destruction  of  our  great  country  by  this  illegal  monstrosity  of  a  "so  called"  health  bill,  that  most  of  see  right  thru  as  socialism-­‐  New  Mexico  is  already  broke,  we  cant  afford  it  as  a  state,  or  as  individuals-­‐  please  step  outside  of  your  "democrat"  box  and  represent  the  people  of  New  Mexico.  Sincerly  Stacy  Abruzzo  51  year  native  New  Mexican,  with  family  businesses  here  that  will  suffer  and  have  to  cut  jobs  if  this  is  allowed  to  be  acted  upon  .   3/30/2010  21:30:58  The  health  care  bill  requires  the  state  to  take  actions,  reduces  resources  of  the  state  and  limits  the  state's  flexibility  to  create  solutions  to  Ne  Mexico  problems  while  giving  very  little  to  the  state  in  return.  The  bill  also  requires  New  Mexico's  citizens  to  take  actions  which  are  detrimental  to  the  liberties  we  have  enjoyed  all  our  years  in  NM.  The  requirement  that  all  people  buy  insurance  is  likely  to  be  held  unconstitutional  so  I  ask  that  New  Mexico  join  with  the  other  states  that  are  seeking  redress  through  the  judicial  process.  New  Mexico  should  continue  to  be  a  leader  in  protecting  its  citizen's  rights.  .   3/31/2010  5:50:22   I  am  asking  you  to  file  suit  against  the  Federal  Government  for  my  choice  Amendment  XIII  (Involuntary  servitude)  by  making  me  buy  health  insurance.  There  are  two  other  laws  that  are  being  violated  so  I  say  file  on  all  three.  My  next  choice  is  Constitutional  Conference.    America  needs  your  help.  Signed  without  prejudice,  Kristine  Guillory  .   3/31/2010  6:20:59   Obama  is  too  offensive,  now!  This  bill  is  not  about  health.  There  is  some  medical  orientation.  A  lot  of  control  orientation!  I  follow  Natural  Health  Practices  and  do  not  use  the  medical  doctors.  Why  should  I  be  forced  to  pay  for  it!  This  extra  cost  will  cause  more  unemployment.  People  barely  making  it  can't  afford  it.  I,  with  the  child  support,  forced  to  pay  this  will  have  to  live  on  the  street  and  try  to  keep  my  job.  

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Obama  is  a  proven  con-­‐artist!  He  compares  this  bill  to  having  car  insurance.  Bad  comparison!  If  you  don't  want  the  car  insurance  and  the  other  maintenance  for  a  car,  you  don't  have  to  own  a  car.  Owning  a  car  is  a  choice.  For  many  people  not  necessary  nor  preferred.  The  hidden  agendas  in  the  bill  are  incredible!  Kirk-­‐Allen;  Isslieb  .   3/31/2010  7:54:40   Mr.  King.  I  ask  on  behalf  of  myself  and  my  family  that  you  uphold  the  Constitutional  Rights  afforded  us  and  file  for  State  Sovereignty  for  the  State  of  New  Mexico.  This  Administration  has  outreached  its  authority  and  our  Congress  and  Senate  have  virtually  no  common  sense  or  fiscal  responsibility  or  intelligence.  It  is  within  the  scope  of  your  authority  to  protect  New  Mexicans  from  the  abolishment  of  our  States  rights  under  the  Constitution.  Once  you  allow  this  intrustion  on  State  Sovereignty,  the  door  is  opened  and  difficult  to  close.  I  urge  you  to  join  into  the  litigation  to  protect  the  rights  of  Americans  and  the  rights  of  the  States.    Leda  D.  Cook  .   3/31/2010  8:08:04   Please  do  not  initiate  law  suits  in  opposition  to  Health  Care  Reform  Legislation.  We  have  need  reform  for  a  century,  and  now  we  have  at  least  a  beginning.  Let  us  move  on  with  it  and  make  it  stronger,  rather  than  trying  to  destroy  it.  Thank  you  very  much.      Janet  Bellamy  10160  Elmhurst  Dr  NW  Albuquerque  NM  87114  .   3/31/2010  8:25:40   Dear  Mr.  King,  We  would  like  you  to  follow  the  other  states  that  have  filed  suit  against  the  Federal  government  regarding  the  health  care  reform  law.  We  have  not  talked  to  one  person  that  is  in  favor  of  this  LAW  !,other  than  the  law  makers  that  forced  it  upon  us!  We  do  not  need  the  government  dictating  to  Americans  that  we  need  health  insurance,the  government  dictates  to  much  already.Please  hear  our  plea  and  join  the  fight  to  over  turn  this  terrible  deal  laden  bill.  Thank  You  for  your  time,James  &  Margaret  Kidd-­‐Union  County,NM  .   3/31/2010  8:52:57   Attorney  General  King    My  family  would  appreciate  it  if  you  would  include  New  Mexico  in  the  federal  suit  suing  the  President  and  several  cabinet  Secretaries  because  the  suing  states  (and  we)  believe  that  the  passage  of  the  Health  Care  Bill  is  Unconstitutional.    It  represents  a  power  grab  by  the  Obama  administration  to  subjugate  States'  Rights  by  requiring  that  each  U.S.  State  pay  Medicaid  to  families  making  up  to  400%  of  the  poverty  level.  New  Mexico  cannot  afford  this!    It  also  represents  a  hijacking  of  individual  liberties  by  mandating  the  purchase  of  insurance.    

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Again,  please  join  the  lawsuit  of  the  at  least  15  other  states,  to  save  our  state,  our  liberties  and  the  United  States.    Thank  you!  .   3/31/2010  9:25:43   I  entreat  you  to  use  the  power  of  your  office  to  join  the  atttorny  generals  of  the  states  that  are  challenging  the  constitutionality  of  the  recently  signed  health  care  bill.  It  is  your  duty  to  uphold  the  law,  and  this  bill  is  unlawful  under  the  constitution.  I  look  forward  to  your  action.  Ron  Kaehr  505-­‐344-­‐3591  Albuquerque  .   3/31/2010  9:37:41   Please  join  the  other  Attorneys  General  in  the  law  suit  against  this  unconstitutional  Bill.  Thanks  you!  .   3/31/2010  11:15:10  I  would  like  to  encourage  you  to  file  a  suit  against  Congress  stating  the  health  care  bill  is  unconstitutional.    .   3/31/2010  13:04:01  It  is  time  to  seek  redress  through  the  courts  for  this  unconstitutional  act.    .   3/31/2010  13:07:24  Dear  Attorney  General  King,    I  have  received  information  regarding  the  possibility  that  some  United  States'  Attorneys  General  intend  to  file  challenges  to  the  constitutionality  of  the  health  insurance  reform  bill  passed  on  March  21st  by  the  House  of  Representatives.  I  completely  disagree  with  that  position  and  urge  you  not  to  embarrass  the  State  of  New  Mexico  by  joining  those  other  Attorneys  General  in  a  frivolous  waste  of  state  and  federal  law  enforcement  time  and  funds.      Your  office  might,  in  the  next  few  days  and  weeks,  receive  calls  for  you  to  include  the  State  of  New  Mexico  in  such  a  suit,  based  on  much  erroneous  information  that  is  being  spread  on  the  Internet  and  through  television  advertising.  Please  know  that  there  are  many  of  us  in  the  state  who  know  that  the  health  insurance  reform  legislation  will  not  fix  all  of  the  health  care  problems  in  the  state  and  the  country,  but  we  do  not  believe  it  will  destroy  the  current  health  care  system  in  which  we  receive  excellent  care  provided  by  deeply  dedicated  professionals  and  their  staffs.      We  know  that  there  is  no  scheme  for  the  government  to  take  over  every  aspect  of  our  lives,  with  health  care  only  the  first  step  in  a  "grand  socialistic  plan."  Nor  is  implementation  of  health  insurance  reform  the  initiation  of  a  secret  plot  to  revise  the  republican  form  of  government  of  the  United  States.      On  the  other  hand,  health  insurance  reform  is  the  answer  to  the  government's  obligation  to  provide  security  to  the  American  people  -­‐  security  of  their  health  without  fear  of  losing  their  homes  and  other  personal  and  financial  accomplishments  due  to  bankruptcy  caused  by  medical  bills.  I  cannot  think  of  a  more  clear  definition  of  the  Constitution's  term,  general  Welfare,  than  personal  security  in  my  health.  This  legislation  is  a  long  overdue,  forward-­‐looking  step  towards  bringing  the  US  health  care  system  back  into  the  top  10  countries  in  the  world  in  low  percentage  of  cost  per  citizen,  high  percentage  of  favorable  outcome  in  

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curing  the  sick,  and  high  percentage  of  sickness  prevention  in  the  overall  population.  And,  it  is  projected  to  cut  the  federal  deficit  over  time!      Please  include  my  name  on  any  lists  of  New  Mexico  citizens  and  voters  that  are  opposed  to  any  challenge  to  the  constitutionality  of  the  health  insurance  reform  legislation  that  President  Obama  signed  last  week.    Nikki  Murphy  Ruidoso  (575)  258-­‐4350            .   3/31/2010  13:45:18  Dear:  Attorney  General  of  the  Great  State  of  New  Mexico.    I  am  totally  against  the  helth  care  bill  that  the  federal  Government  has  shoved  down  our  throats.  I  am  reading  the  Constitution  of  our  once  great  nation,  when  I  went  into  the  Army  in  1966  I  swore  to  uphold  and  defend  the  Constitution  of  The  United  States  of  American  as  did  all  the  politicians.  I  believe  if  any  of  them  read  the  Great  document  this  Nation  was  founded  on  they  have  forgot  everything  it  stands  for.  I  believe  New  Mexico  should  join  the  other  states  that  are  filling  a  suit  on  the  Bill.  I  truely  believe  it  to  be  unconstitutional.  Thank  you    Larry  Crites    P.O.  Box  743  Jal,  NM  88252    .   3/31/2010  13:57:10  I'm  looking  forward  to  hearing  that  your  office  will  be  joining  the  other  attorney's  general  in  defending  the  citizens  of  New  Mexico  and  the  Constitutional  Right  to  not  have  the  Federal  Government  force  us  to  buy  a  product  we  may  not  need  or  want.  .   3/31/2010  13:57:51  Hello.  My  name  is  Robert.  Stamper  and  I  live  in  Deming,  New  Mexico.    I  was  researching  the  constitution  today  and  I  have  found  that  this  healthcare  bill  and  the  way  it  was  passed  is  in  violation  of  our  constitutional  rights.  That  and  the  fact  that  the  Gov.  officials  that  voted  for  this  bill  and  a  few  who  are  with  the  President  are  exempt  from  this  bill  and  the  laws.  I  have  found  that  this  falls  under  discrimination  and  does  not  represent  the  american  people.  What  can  we  do  to  fight  this  bill?  I  am  disabled  and  I  only  make  &245.00  per  month.  I  have  medical  insurance  through  the  state  of  New  Mexico  and  from  what  I  have  seen  on  the  internet  and  the  news  is  that  I  would  have  to  pay  more  than  I  make.  What  can  I  do  to  help  fight  this  bill?  Thank  You  for  going  up  to  bat  for  the  people  of  New  Mexico.  We  all  have  rights  and  when  the  american  people  loose  their  rights,  the  rights  given  to  them  by  God,  then  I  think  their  is  a  big  problem.  Thank  you.  .   3/31/2010  14:00:27  Hello.  My  name  is  Robert.  Stamper  and  I  live  in  Deming,  New  Mexico.    

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I  was  researching  the  constitution  today  and  I  have  found  that  this  healthcare  bill  and  the  way  it  was  passed  is  in  violation  of  our  constitutional  rights.  That  and  the  fact  that  the  Gov.  officials  that  voted  for  this  bill  and  a  few  who  are  with  the  President  are  exempt  from  this  bill  and  the  laws.  I  have  found  that  this  falls  under  discrimination  and  does  not  represent  the  american  people.  What  can  we  do  to  fight  this  bill?  I  am  disabled  and  I  only  make  &245.00  per  month.  I  have  medical  insurance  through  the  state  of  New  Mexico  and  from  what  I  have  seen  on  the  internet  and  the  news  is  that  I  would  have  to  pay  more  than  I  make.  What  can  I  do  to  help  fight  this  bill?  Thank  You  for  going  up  to  bat  for  the  people  of  New  Mexico.  We  all  have  rights  and  when  the  american  people  loose  their  rights,  the  rights  given  to  them  by  God,  then  I  think  their  is  a  big  problem.  Thank  you.  .   3/31/2010  14:29:26  As  a  concerned  citizen  of  New  Mexico,  I  would  like  to  request  that  suite  be  filed  again  the  United  States  Congress  for  the  illegal  passing  of  the  health  care  legislation.  Our  god  given  rights  are  being  destroyed  by  these  people  and  so  is  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States.    Tammy  Slaugh  Hobbs,  NM    575-­‐631-­‐4911  .   3/31/2010  14:58:45  Hello,  I  implore  you  as  our  ultimate  legal  representative  of  NM  to  bring  suit  to  the  Federal  Government  for  overstepping  the  Constitutionof  the  United  States,  This  corrupt  back  lot  deal  is  simply  a  power  grab  and  sets  up  government  run  healthcare  as  the  only  option  in  the  future.    Please  help  the  people  to  stop  this  atrocity.  Thanks,  Stuart  Smith,  Albuquerque.    .   3/31/2010  15:32:08  Mr  King,    Please  explain  why  you  are  not  outraged  about  the  fact  that  Americans  are  being  forced  to  purchase  a  service  just  because  they  were  born?  If  you  do  not  have  a  problem  with  this  I  have  a  problem  with  you  sir.    Dan  Fisher  9513  Giddings  Ave  NE  Albuqueruque,  NM  87109  .   3/31/2010  16:25:38  I  am  requesting  that  the  New  Mexico  Attorney  General  Gary  King  join  in  with  the  other  states  in  filing  suite  to  question  the  constitutionality  of  the  Health  Care  bill  the  U.S.  Congress  passed.  I  also  believe  the  Attorney  General  should  have  filed  suite  without  running  a  poll  first.  It  is  the  duty  of  the  Attorney  General  to  protect  New  Mexico  from  any  Law  that  has  the  ability  to  be  Unconstitutional.  Thank  you.  Alva  Carter,  Jr.  .   3/31/2010  17:07:05  please  join  other  states  that  are  trying  to  stop  health  care  reform  and  protect  our  rights  .   3/31/2010  17:14:32  Mr.  King,  

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,please  join  Florida  and  other  states  to  STOP  healthcare  reform  .   3/31/2010  19:25:10  I  urge  the  State  of  New  Mexico  to  support  the  lawsuit  being  file  by  the  Attorney  General  of  the  State  of  Florida  challenging  the  constitutionality  of  the  recently  adopted  Federal  Health  Care  law.  It  is  critical  that  such  a  massive  overhaul  of  federal  law  which  reorganizes  the  relationship  between  the  government  and  the  governed  that  has  stood  for  over  200  years  through  its  mandate  of  purchase  of  health  care  and  its  attempt,  for  all  practical  purposes,  to  seize  private  property/funds  to  redistribute  them  to  those  the  government  has  deemed  worthy.  It  is  the  duty  of  the  Attorney  General  to  protect  the  citizens  of  the  state  of  New  Mexico  in  this  regard.    Thank  you,    Ralph  Williams,  PE    .   3/31/2010  19:58:36  Mr.  State  Attorney  General;    The  recently  passed  health  care  bill  I  feel  is  in  violation  of  the  US  Constitution.  I  base  this  opinion  on  the  original  Document  and  the  10th  Amendment.  As  health  care  is  not  called  out  as  a  service  or  right  held  by  the  Federal  government  (unlike  the  postal  service),  this  is  reserved  for  the  States  and  the  People.  The  Great  State  of  New  Mexico  has  been  providing  for  and  funding  health  care  for  the  disadvantaged  and  underprivileged  for  quite  some  time,  which  would  indicate  that  this  right  is  not  only  reserved  but  exercised.    My  opinion  is  that  a  constitutional  amendment,  whereby  the  States  agree  to  this  definition,  is  required  to  enact  such  a  change.  Passing  such  a  bill  is  not  within  the  operational  authority  of  the  Federal  Legislative  nor  Executive  Branches.    I  request  that  the  Great  State  of  New  Mexico  take  action  to  challenge  this  legislation,  as  is  afforded  by  the  US  Consitution.    -­‐  Sincerely,  Scott  A.  Miller  1430  42nd  Street  Los  Alamos,  NM  .   3/31/2010  19:58:39  Dear  Gary,    Please  have  New  Mexico  join  the  suit  to  establish  the  constitutionallity  of  the  Obama  Health  Care  bill.  All  New  Mexican's  need  to  know  if  this  Federal  Law  is  legally  binding  upon  the  citizens  of  this  state.  Our  Federal  Congressional  representatives  have  been  un-­‐reponsive  to  the  needs  and  requirements  of  the  voters.  It  is  now  an  obligation  of  your  office  to  become  involved  and  represent  the  people  of  New  Mexico.  .   3/31/2010  20:02:22  Mr  King,  I  hope  New  Mexico  will  join  with  other  states  to  put  a  stop  to  this  massive  health  bill.  I  feel  it  is  the  biggest  invasion  of  privacy,that  has  ever  been  tried  in  american  

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history..I  do  not  want  to  be  told  to  buy  anything  ,or  to  have  my  health  records  an  the  internet.I  also  feel  we  New  Mexicans  cant  afford  it..  thank  you  ms  virginia  jackson  .   3/31/2010  20:16:01  I  support  you  in  filing  suit  for  New  Mexico  against  this  federal  health  care  bill.  This  is  a  mistake  that  will  become  a  monster  for  our  country.      Kim  W.  Jarigese  10700  Lowe  St  NE  Albuquerque  NM  87111  .   3/31/2010  20:17:44  Dear  Sir,    I  have  been  giving  the  Health  Care  Bill  recently  passed  in  Washington  alot  of  thought  and  I  have  come  to  the  conclusion  that  the  Federal  Government  does  not  have  a  Constitutional  right  to  tell  me  how  to  spend  my  money;  i.e.  must  buy  insurance.  The  argument  that  the  "government"  forces  auto  insurance  is  false  on  two  fronts.  First,  I  maintain  my  basic  right  to  drive...or  not.  Second,  the  States  dictate  that  law,  not  the  Feds.  I  ask  that  you  join  with  other  states  in  filing  a  lawsuit  against  the  federal  government  in  which  you  claim  this  law  is  unconstitutional.  Forget  politics  and  act  as  a  Statesman...your  father  would  be  proud.    Sincerly,  Ronald  Karaskiewicz  9301  Lagrima  De  Oro  Albuquerque,  NM  (505)  610-­‐1120  .   3/31/2010  20:23:43  I  implore  you  to  file  suit  against  the  federal  government  for  this  health  care  monstrosity.  It  is  your  duty  as  the  AG  of  the  state  of  New  Mexico  to  stand  up  for  the  rights  of  its  citizens.  Stand  up  for  us!!  .   3/31/2010  21:54:17  Mr.  King,    I  would  like  to  know  if  you  as  AG  will  join  the  other  states  that  are  filing  suit  against  the  Federal  government  regarding  the  Healthcare  bill.    What  is  your  opinion  on  this  healthcare  bill,  thanking  you  in  advance  for  your  response.    Sincerely,  Joanne  Melcher  Tularosa,  N.M.  88352  [email protected]  .   3/31/2010  22:03:08  Thank  you  for  providing  a  place  for  feedback  regarding  the  latest  health  care  legislation.  I  am  grateful  for  the  opportunity  to  express  my  support  for  the  bill.  I  think  it  is  a  step  in  the  right  direction  and  will  help  many  Americans,  specifically  rural  New  Mexicans.      

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I  campaigned  for  the  Democratic  Party  in  Portales,  NM  during  the  '08  election.  During  that  time,  I  knocked  on  many  doors  and  heard  the  concerns  of  my  neighbors  and  friends.  The  rising  cost  of  health  care  was  a  big  issue  for  many  of  them.  I  believe  the  people  of  this  community  want  (and  will  ultimately  benefit  from)  the  passage  of  the  health  care  bill.  I  do  not  think  our  state  should  attempt  to  thwart  this  important  legislation.    I  would  like  to  see  our  government  move  forward  to  tackle  new  issues  facing  our  country,  rather  than  dragging  the  health  care  debate  out  any  longer.    Once  again,  I'd  like  to  thank  you  for  creating  an  easily  accessible  method  for  the  people  of  New  Mexico  to  share  their  opinions  on  this  important  topic.    Sincerely,    Katie  Chambers  900  W.  16th  St.  Portales,  NM  88130  .   4/1/2010  2:04:44   Attorney  General  King,    Sir,    I  respectively  request  that  you  join  the  other  13  states  in  filing  a  law  suit  against  the  US  Government  for  their  violation  of  the  US  Constitution,  State  of  NM  sovereignty  and  the  bank  rupting  our  republic  with  thier  passing  of  the  Health  Care  Bill.  It  is  time  to  return  common  sense  to  this  very  out  of  control  country.  I  cannot  afford  nor  can  the  state  of  New  Mexico.    Thank  you,    Josh  Kauffman    Las  Cruces,  NM            .   4/1/2010  7:27:24   Dear  Attorney  General  King,    I  believe  that  if  won't  do  all  that  is  in  our  power  to  stop  socialized  Health  Care  that  this  is  going  to  have  an  effect  on  our  children  and  grandchildren.  Do  we  really  want  to  shackle  them  with  this?...our  forefathers  fought  socialism  and  communism  and  the  communists  of  that  day  just  laughed...they  said  quote  "We  will  lead  you  to  socialism  so  quietly  that  you  won't  even  know  it".  Well  they  have....    Is  there  a  chance  that  your  office  can  sue  the  government?  This  Healthcare  bill  is  not  about  healthcare  reform...It  is  against  the  constitution...there  is  too  much  pork  in  this  bill.  It  is  no  more  about  healthcare  reform  than  the  stimulus  bills  were  to  stimulate  the  economy.    

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Thank-­‐you,  Shelly  Weeks  Grant  County  Resident  .   4/1/2010  8:32:33   We  urge  you  to  join  other  states  in  opposing  the  Health  Care  Bill.  The  problem  is  not  necessarily  the  Health  Care  Bill  itself.  The  Health  Care  Bill  is  just  a  culmination  of  the  steady  erosion  of  State's  Constitutional  Rights.  The  states  are  becoming  irrelevant.  All  the  states  are  in  fiscal  trouble  due  in  part  to  massive  unfunded  liabilities  and  federal  mandates.  We  the  people  have  to  pay  once  for  the  massive  federal  bureacracy  and  then  again  for  the  massive  state  bureaucracy.  This  erosion  of  the  proper  role  of  the  states  has  to  be  reversed.  The  Health  Care  Bill  provides  the  best  opportunity  to  do  just  that.  Please  join  in  the  efforts  to  do  that.  Thank  you  James  and  Donna  Crawford  19  Lucero  Road  Los  Lunas,  NM  87031  505  864  7225  .   4/1/2010  10:24:01   To  Attorney  General  of  New  Mexico,  Gary  King,    I  respectfully  ask  you  to  uphold  your  oath  of  office  to  protect  the  "Constitution"  of  the  United  States  and  the  New  Mexico  State  Constitution,  thereby  protecting  the  free  citizens  of  New  Mexico.    To  do  so,  requires  you  to  file  suit  against  the  federal  government  and  invoke  the  fourth,  ninth,  tenth,  and  thirteenth  amendments  to  the  United  States  Constitution  as  well  as  Sections  1  and  2  of  the  New  Mexico  State  Constitution.    Citizens  of  New  Mexico  are  aware  of  our  Constitutionally  protected  rights,  as  well  as  the  seriousness  of  your  oath  of  office  and  fully  expect  you  to  execute  documents  swiftly  to  protect  us  against  the  unconstitutional  and  punitive  actions  against  the  people  and  the  state  of  New  Mexico  by  the  federal  government  and  unelected,  non-­‐representing  bodies  of  the  federal  and  state  government,  including  but  not  limited  to  the  EPA.    All  governments  in  America  are  a  Republic  form  and  our  Constitution  is  our  guarantee  from  all  elected  officials  that  our  inalienable  rights  will  be  guarded  and  protected.  Elected  officials  do  not  take  oaths  to  the  people  or  to  the  government,  but  to  the  Constitutions  of  the  states  and  the  United  States.      As  Attorney  General  of  New  Mexico,  we  the  People  place  our  faith  and  trust  in  your  integrity  and  ability  to  carry  out  the  duties  you  are  charged  with.  Those  duties  being  fully  executed  are  our  protection  from  an  over  reaching  government  body  and  all  intrusive  actions  by  any  branch  of  government.    The  recently  passed  health  care  legislation  is  one  case  in  point  as  it  denies  a  free  people  the  right  to  make  their  own  choices  about  their  personal  lives,  which  right  was  never  delegated  to  government  by  the  people.  All  authority  to  govern  comes  

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from  the  people  and  the  people  strongly  reject  the  insinuation  that  we  have  relinquished  our  authority  to  any  branch  of  government  on  any  matter  not  expressly  granting  them  authority  to  govern  spelled  out  in  the  United  States  Constitution.    Attorney  General,  I  come  to  you,  pleading  with  you  to  execute  your  duties  and  authority  under  law,  to  file  suit  against  all  federal  regulations  that  interfere,  impede,  or  otherwise  interfere  with  the  rights  of  the  people  and  the  state  of  New  Mexico.    I  will  await  a  response  from  you  or  your  staff.    Thank  you,  Jeanie  Coates  2637  N.  Albertson  Hobbs,  NM  88240  575.318.6333  .   4/1/2010  10:38:01   I  understand  that  you  are  considering  sueing  the  federal  government  regarding  the  passage  of  the  national  health  care  bill.  I  am  all  in  favor  of  you  doing  that.  Many  things  that  our  senators  denied  are  in  fact  in  the  bill.  For  example,  they  told  us  that  we  would  not  be  required  to  buy  into  the  national  healthcare.  That  is  not  true.  If  we  leave  our  job  or  are  fired  or  retire,  we  will  be  required  to  carry  the  national  healthcare  insurance.  We  do  not  have  a  choice  when  our  current  insurance  is  up  to  due  to  circumstances  out  of  our  control.  Also,  I  don't  like  the  idea  that  I  have  to  be  under  this  program,  and  the  senators  and  representatives  don't  have  to.  What  is  good  enough  for  us,  should  be  good  enough  for  them.  I  also  feel  that  the  folks  on  Capitol  Hill  were  in  such  a  hurry  to  pass  this  bill,  that  I  serious  doubt  that  they  even  know  what  is  in  the  bill.  Many  have  admitted  they  don't.  How  can  we  pass  a  piece  of  legislation  that  is  so  important,  when  no  one  knows  what  is  really  in  it?  Thank  you  for  your  cooperation  in  this  matter.  Sincerely,  Kathleen  Campbell  Deming,  NM  .   4/1/2010  11:24:09   If  you  are  getting  flooded  with  e  mails  requesting  that  you  file  suit  against  the  federal  government  claiming  that  the  Health  Care  Reform  bills  are  unconstitutional  consider  this  a  strong  vote  against  that.  This  landmark  legislation  needs  to  be  implemented  not  obstructed.  Kathy  Garrett  9405  Lexington  NE  Albuquerque,  NM  87112  .   4/1/2010  11:34:55   The  health  care  bill  is  unconstitutional  and  it  is  violating  state's  rights.  Please  join  other  states  in  suing  the  federal  government.      New  Mexico  cannot  afford  the  increased  Medicaid  costs  for  all  the    uninsured.    Judy  Raver  .   4/1/2010  11:52:40   I  encourage  you  to  join  the  other  states  that  have  filed  lawsuits  challenging  the  constitutionality  of  the  health  care  reform  bill.  This  is  not  a  

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partisan  issue  but  an  issue  of  the  loss  of  states  rights  to  the  federal  government.  This  bill  must  be  challenged.  I  know  this  is  probably  something  you  personally  don't  want  to  do  because  of  yours  and  Mr  Richardson's  party  affilitations  but  this  is  a  bigger  issue  than  that.  Please  consider  this  lawsuit  as  a  way  to  slow  down  the  assault  on  the  American  people's  right  by  this  administration.    Thank  you,  Shawn  Campbell  .   4/1/2010  12:23:56   Is  New  Mexico  joining  in  the  lawsuit  against  the  healthcare  bill?  Thank  You,  Victoria  .   4/1/2010  12:32:58   Attorney  General  Gary  King  As  life  long  new  mexican  I  grew  with  Bruce  King  being  pretty  much  our  leader  he  was  a  good  fair  man  who  stood  with  the  people.  I  as  you  to  follow  his  lead  and  join  in  the  law  suit  against  this  healthcare  bill  the  people  are  very  clear  against  this  and  we  ask  you  to  stand  and  the  right  side  the  side  of  the  people.  The  people  do  want  healthcare  reform  but  not  this  form  of  it  our  state  and  our  children  especialy  my  little  girl  will  have  to  pay  for  this.    .   4/1/2010  12:55:37   I  want  you  to  join  with  other  AG's  across  America  and  file  suit  to  protect  New  Mexico  citizens.    Susan  Zook,  SOLT  886  Hwy  116  Bosque,  NM  87006  505-­‐385-­‐2618  .   4/1/2010  13:36:03   Dear  Mr.  King,  I  am  really  concerned  with  this  new  health  care  bill  that  was  passed  recently.  I  feel  America  is  heading  in  a  bad  direction,  deficits  and  an  economy  still  on  the  verge  of  collapse.  I  do  feel  health  care  reform  is  necessary  but  not  to  the  extremes  it  has  reached.  I  for  one  am  New  Mexican  who  is  working  hard  to  make  a  life  for  myself  and  times  have  been  tough  but  with  ambition  and  hard  work  I  will  reach  the  place  I  want  to  be,  being  that  this  is  America.  Mandating  insurance  to  those  of  us  who  are  healthy  is  insane  and  gonna  make  it  harder  for  many  of  us  to  afford  life.  I  am  really  hoping  that  you  will  take  our  cry's  into  consideration  and  think  about  how  this  is  going  to  have  a  BIG  impact  on  many,  devastating  the  young  middle  class  who  are  getting  on  our  feet,  but  facing  bigger  tax  hikes,  bigger  deficits,  and  and  a  shaky  economy.....PLEASE  HELP!!!!    Thanks  for  your  time  and  consideration,  E.  Israel  Morfin  .   4/1/2010  13:58:13   I  worked  55  yrs  to  make  certain  my  wife  and  I  have  health  care  in  our  old  age.  I  am  opposed  to  the  recently  signed  healthcare  bill  that  will  increase  my  costs,  interfer  with  my  patient/Doctor  relationship  and  give  the  benefits  I  worked  for  to  others  who  haven't  and  won't  pay  for  it.  If  Atty  Gen  King  could  get  me  out  of  this  program  I  would  be  very  grateful.  Tom  Rabourn  5058210100  

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.   4/1/2010  14:39:44   I  think  that  New  Mexico  should  join  the  16  or  so  other  states  to  block  implementation  of  this  new  federal  health  care  law.  As  a  citizen  of  NM  I  feel  very  strongly  that  my  states  rights  to  live  without  these  burdensome  federal  laws  are  being  infringed  upon.  The  Federal  government  is  overstepping  it's  authority  and  as  AG  you  have  an  obligation  to  defend  the  sovernity  of  NM.  If  you're  not  willing  to  fight  then  why  don't  we  just  abolish  the  state  altogether.  Todd  Williford  Hobbs  NM    .   4/1/2010  16:57:58   You  need  to  stand  upp  for  the  rights  of  the  people  of  New  Mexico.  We  are  having  our  choices  taken  away  from  us.  In  a  free  country,  you  have  the  right  to  "choose"  if  you  want  insurance  or  not.  This  State  is  poor  and  the  taxes  will  kill  small  business  and  jobs.    Since  our  elected  Washington  officials  did  not  have  the  guts  to  represent  us,  rather  than  their  political  power,  it  is  up  to  you,  to  show  us  that  you  do  Represent  the  people  of  New  Mexico.  .   4/1/2010  17:41:01   I,  like  a  lot  of  others,  feel  that  the  Federal  Government  can  not  force  the  States  to  accept  blindly  the  health  care  bill  that  they  are  attempting  to  force  on  us.  Please  by  all  means  join  the  other  states,  who  have  done  so,  and  file  a  lawsuit  against  the  Federal  Government.  .   4/1/2010  18:28:17   Dear  Attorney  General:    Please  file  suit  immediately  to  protect  our  citizens  against  the  federal  health  care  legislation  as  well  as  protecting  us  against  punitive  regulations  by  unelected  boards  and  commissions,  such  as  the  EPA,  EIB  and  NIH.    Respectfully  yours,    Marlene  Brown  Hobbs,  NM  88240    .   4/1/2010  19:16:07   Dear  AG  King;    As  a  graduate  and  doctor  of  chemistry,  you  should  know  that  the  current  healthcare  bill  that  was  passed  by  Congress  is  an  abomination  sending  us  to  becoming  a  Socialism  America.    Please  consider  seriously  of  filing  a  suit  against  the  unconstitutional  Health  Care  Bill,  like  many  other  states  are  doing.  The  horrible  bill  with  only  a  few  good  things  in  it,  is  not  about  health  care.  Is  is  about  POWER  and  taking  away  our  Freedoms.  Also  a  bill  that  we  can  not  afford,  sending  a  massive  debt  to  our  children  and  great  grand  children.    It  is  not  about  saving  money,  it  is  about  POWER  of  the  Democratic  Congress  and  our  President...    Thank  you  for  listening.    Norma  Glover    .   4/1/2010  19:42:16   Dear  Mr.  Attorney  General,  I  wrote  many  letters  to  your  Dad  through  the  years,  and  one  time  I  even  changed  my  voters  registration  from  R  

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to  D  so  I  could  vote  for  him  in  the  primary.  He  and  your  Mom  did  many  wonderful  things  for  the  State  of  New  Mexico  and  you  too,  are  sure  to  follow  in  their  footsteps.  I  was  married  to  Louie  Nalda  in  Catron  County  for  25  yrs.  and  your  Dad  helped  me  to  get  elected  and  serve  as  County  Commissioner  for  two  terms,  later,  I  became  a  NMLicensed  Alcohol  and  Drug  Abuse  Counselor  and  I  married  Jamie  Woods  in  Socorro  after  both  our  spouses  died.  I  was  living  in  Socorro  Co.  and  worked  for  you  in  your  campaign  for  Gov.  But  as  God  would  have  it,  you  are  in  the  place  to  do  the  work  He  needs  you  to  do.    I  cannot  make  Obama  my  God.  My  values  and  principals  dictate  that  I  am  honest  and  forthright  in  all  that  I  do.  I  was  sick  and  disturbed  when  the  Health  Care  bill  passed.  I  believe  that  it  was  a  lying  and  blasphemous  piece  consisting  of  deceptions.  I  am  very  scared  that  our  country  is  gradually  being  eaten  away  by  people  who  only  want  to  revel  in  Power  and  Control.    I  hope  that  you  will  consider  the  feelings  of  your  people,  you,  John  Arthur  Smith  and  Tim  Jennings  are  our  only  hope  in  the  Democratic  Party  who  can  represent  and  listen  to  ALL  the  people.  It  is  for  certain  that  neither  Senators  Udall  and  Bingamin  only  have  the  interests  of  themselves  as  related  to  Obama,  Polosi,  &  that  other  crowd  of  Socialists.  Please  help  us  to  take  back  our  freedom,  our  dignity,  and  honesty.    Please  go  against  the  Health  Bill  and  help  us  get  out  from  the  fist  of  power  and  control.  Thank  you,  Judy  Laughter  Parker  .   4/1/2010  20:49:21   Please  immediately  file  suit  to  protect  us  against  the  federal  health  care  legislation  as  well  as  protecting  us  against  punitive  regulations  by  unelected  boards  and  commissions,  such  as  the  EPA,  EIB  and  NIH.  .   4/1/2010  21:11:16   Dear  Mr.  King,  The  commerce  clause  in  the  constitution  clearly  does  not  allow  the  federal  government  to  punish  non-­‐commmerce.  Not  only  that  but  the  Health  Bill  defies  states  rights.  Please,  join  the  13  other  states  in  the  lawsuit  against  the  federal  government.  Christian  Jogi          .   4/2/2010  5:33:24   Please  file  suit  to  protect  us  from  this  unconstitutional  power  grab  by  the  current  WH  and  congress.  The  last  thing  we  need  is  them  running  our  healthcare.  They  are  deaf,  corrupt,  and  inept,  with  an  utter  lack  of  respect  for  the  Constitution.  Help  New  Mexico  now  by  filing  the  lawsuit.    .   4/2/2010  10:34:47   Dear  Mr.  King,  We  are  writing  to  plea  for  you  to  file  a  lawsuit  AGAINST  the  Federal  Goverment's  Healthcare  Reform  Bill.  It  will  be  a  burden  on  our  State's  budget.  It  infringes  on  state  powers  under  the  Constitution's  Bill  of  Rights.  We  do  NOT  want  the  Federal  Goverment  to  be  involved  in  this  part  of  our  lives!  Thank  you  for  your  time,  Jason  and  Cindy  O'Neal  Alto  New  Mexico  .   4/2/2010  11:12:26   this  bill  needs  to  be  stopped.  the  fact  that  only  a  handfull  of  people  know  the  bill  front  to  back  should  be  enough  to  scare  you.  since  

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when  have  we  put  that  much  blind  trust  in  ANYONE?  i  do  belive  you  will  do  the  right  thing  in  getting  involved  in  this  suit.  thank  you.    -­‐J.  Smith  .   4/2/2010  12:12:18   We  are  Deming,  N.M.  senior  residents  .  We  are  totally  opposed  to  Obamacare.    .   4/2/2010  12:46:51   Dear  Mr.  Attorney  General,  I  feel  the  recent  Healthcare  bill  has  TRAMPLED  the  constitution.  As  one  of  thousands  concerned  NM  citizens,  I  respectivley  request  that  you  join  the  other  states  and  challange  this  bill.  It  is  time  NM  stand  up  to  Federal  Goverment  takeover.  Sincerely,  Richard  Grooters  .   4/2/2010  12:58:29   Please  take  legal  action  on  behalf  of  New  Mexico  citizens  to  challenge  Obamacare.  Federal  government  usurption  of  states'  authority  must  not  stand.  .   4/2/2010  13:48:08   Is  Mr.  King  going  to  join  other  attorneys  general  in  the  suit  regarding  the  unconstitutionality  of  the  health  care  bill?  I  encourage  him  to  do  so  before  our  country  sinks  further  into  debt.    Thank  you  .   4/2/2010  14:03:14   Please  sir  I  urge  you  to  file  suit  about  the  health  care  bill  and  protect  our  state  from  this  unconstitional  bill.  It  is  your  duty  as  an  elected  official  to  make  sure  that  the  laws  passed  are  constitutional  and  if  they  are  not  then  it  is  your  duty  to  protect  our  state  from  them.  Please  protect  our  state  as  you  swore  to  do  when  you  were  sworn  into  office.  God  Bless  you  sir,  I  hope  you  make  the  right  decision,  I  will  pray  for  you.  .   4/2/2010  14:03:25   Please  sir  I  urge  you  to  file  suit  about  the  health  care  bill  and  protect  our  state  from  this  unconstitional  bill.  It  is  your  duty  as  an  elected  official  to  make  sure  that  the  laws  passed  are  constitutional  and  if  they  are  not  then  it  is  your  duty  to  protect  our  state  from  them.  Please  protect  our  state  as  you  swore  to  do  when  you  were  sworn  into  office.  God  Bless  you  sir,  I  hope  you  make  the  right  decision,  I  will  pray  for  you.  .   4/2/2010  14:54:04   I  want  to  know  what  you  are  doing  to  protect  me  and  the  other  residents  of  New  Mexico  from  the  federal  mandate  imposed  by  the  recent  health  care  bill?  I  expect  you  to  join  with  the  other  30  states  attorneys  general  who  have  either  filed  suit  or  are  contemplating  filing  suit  against  the  federal  government  in  opposing  this  unconstitutional  coverage  mandate.  .   4/2/2010  16:48:51   It's  not  about  either  party  as  I  am  an  independent  but  it  is  about  the  10th  amendment  and  fiscal  responsibility.  We  are  already  taking  care  of  the  poor  and  we  need  to  stand  up  to  this  monstrosity  and  let  Washington  know,  along  with  the  other  strong  states,  that  they  will  not  mandate  federal  laws  on  our  state  legislature  or  citizens.    .   4/2/2010  18:55:33   I  think  the  health  care  bill  is  terrible.  Free  health  care  to  illegals,  Wow.  Even  the  senators  who  voted  for  it  don't  want  it  for  themselves.  What  is  wrong  with  our  system  that  some  help  for  the  poor  and  low  income  can't  be  

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implemented.  This  bill  is  so  Marxest  and  against  the  good  old  constitution.  What  is  going  on  in  DC  ?  PLEASE  join  the  Attorney  Generals  in  their  suit.  This  bill  will  ruin  the  USA  as  it  is  now.  Our  constitution  is  going  down  the  drain  and  NO  one  is  doing  anything  to  stop  it.  PLEASE  help.  Evelyn  Stanford,  Portales,  NM  .   4/2/2010  20:05:10   Dear  Attorney  General  Gary  King,    I  am  writing  to  urge  you  to  join  the  bipartisan  effort  of  your  fellow  State  Attorney  Generals  in  the  fight  to  the  Supreme  Court  to  over  turn  the  National  Healthcare  Bill.  This  bill  is  not  good  for  the  people  of  New  Mexico,  the  people  of  the  United  States,  not  to  mention  it  is  unconstitutional  in  nature.  The  majority  of  the  citizens  of  the  United  States  of  America  feel  this  partisan  bill  is  wrong.  There  is  no  doubt  that  the  healthcare  system  needs  help,  but  it  needs  open,  bipartisan,  transparent  help.  So  please  help  the  citizens  of  this  great  state  to  tell  Congress  to  come  up  with  a  bill  the  country  can  support.      Sincerely,    Brett  and  Cynthia  Donis  .   4/2/2010  20:21:12   Please  join  the  other  states  in  filing  suit  against  this  horrendous  and  unconstitutional  health  care  bill.  thank  you  .   4/2/2010  20:23:43   I  don't  want  health  care  coverage....  especially  from  the  government.    .   4/3/2010  5:37:39   Sir,  I  know  you  are  a  lock-­‐step  Democrat.  But  even  you  must  have  hard  rumors  of  the  US  Constitution.  Please  join  the  other  states  in  fighting  the  new  Socialized  Medicine  being  jammed  up  our  behinds  by  our  alleged  representatives  in  Washington.  .   4/3/2010  8:34:04   Attorney  General  King:  Please  join  the  other  State  Attorneys  General  in  the  lawsuit  to  stop  the  unconnstitutional  Health  Care  Bill,  which  will  be  disastrous  for  our  country  in  so  many  ways.  Thank  you.    Janet  K.  Ridenour  [email protected]  10232  Jarash  Place  N.E.  Albuquerque,  NM  87122  .   4/3/2010  10:22:56   Dear  Mr.  King  your  father  was  a  great  man  and  I  know  you  will  be  too.  But  you  need  to  join  in.  File  suit  against  the  federal  government  on  behalf  of  the  New  Mexico  tax  payers  being  forces  to  pay  for  health  care  not  of  there  own  free  well.  Our  country  is  not  a  Dictatorship  Alan.  Do  the  right  thing  you  could  go  far.  .   4/3/2010  16:55:43   I  would  like  to  see  New  Mexico  join  ranks  with  other  Attorney  General's  to  fight  against  the  current  Healthcare  Reform  Bill.    Regards,  Victoria  Cook  Otero  County  

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.   4/4/2010  6:30:03   I  do  hope  that  New  Mexico  will  join  the  fight  to  overturn  this  ridiculous  health  care  bill.  Enough  is  enough.  The  federal  government  is  WAY  out  of  control  and  needs  to  be  reigned  in.  I  will  use  my  vote  to  speak  in  November,  but  I  hope  that  New  Mexico  moves  quicker  than  that.  There  is  a  much  needed  house  cleaning  coming  in  November  and  I  plan  to  be  part  of  the  broom.            .   4/4/2010  13:57:20   The  Health  Care  Bill  is  crucial  to  help  protect  the  lives  and  welfare  of  all  Americans,  particularly  those  among  us  with  preexisting  conditions  or  who  cannot  afford  care.  If  the  Attorney  General  were  to  waste  funds  to  sue  over  the  bill  it  will  be  recognized  for  what  it  is,  abuse  of  and  official  position;  waste  of  tax  funds;  a  cynical  political  stunt;  a  demonstration  of  abject  ignorance  of  constitutional  law;  a  good  way  to  lose  one's  job  and  credibility  with  the  voters.  Please  ignore  the  insistent  howls  to  file  any  contest  to  the  health  bill  unless  you  have  a  better  idea  to  take  care  of  our  impoverished  and  unhealthy  citizens.  Since  I  will  assume  that  the  Governor  and  State  Legislature  do  not  support  such  a  stunt  that  our  Attorney  General  will  share  those  sentiments.  The  AGs  who  have  filed  thus  far  will  be  embarrassed  for  being  on  the  wrong  side  of  history.  When  did  we  stop  taking  care  of  each  other?  The  government  is  meant  to  to  good  where  corporations  and  corporatists  refuse  and  will  always  refuse.  The  blood  of  44,900  people  per  year  who  have  died  for  lack  of  insurance  is  on  their  souls.  .   4/4/2010  15:21:44   The  HealthCare  Bribed  bill  forced  on  the  American  people  needs  to  be  opposed  by  your  office  by  joining  the  lawsuit  filed  by  other  state  Attorney  Generals.  This  bill  is  unconstititutional  and  opposed  by  the  majority  of  New  Mexicans,  do  your  job  or  step  down.    Michael  Prato  Rio  Rancho,  NM  Retired  USAF  Master  Sergeant  .   4/4/2010  15:39:56   I  sincerely  hope  you  have/or  will  take  the  appropriate  action  to  secure  New  Mexico's  sovereignty  from  the  Federal  Government.  I  also  strongly  urge  that  you  consider  to  join  with  other  states  in  sueing  to  free  our  state  from  this  unconstitutional  action.  There  are  many  flaws  hidden  within  the  bill.      Most  of  the  congressional  electorate  did  not  even  read  the  bill.  There  are  many  unknown  consequences  that  will  only  be  uncovered  with  time.  There  are  political  kickbacks  and  special  favors  that  were  given  to  secure  votes.  Why  do  they  need  to  hire  16,500  new  IRS  agents  to  police  the  people?  What  does  taking  over  the  student  loan  program  have  to  do  with  health  care?  I  feel  that  the  more  individual  states  that  participate  in  the  action  will  send  a  strong  message  that  the  people  DO  NOT  want  health  care  reform  as  it  is  presented  here.  This  entrie  action  is  a  wolf  in  sheep's  clothing.  Why,  are  the  benefits  not  being  realized  immediately  rather  that  years  from  now.  If  the  need  is  so  great,  why  are  we  paying  for  if  for  years  until  we  can  create  the  funding  for  it?  The  state  is  struggling  with  it's  own  budget  problems,  can  we  really  afford  to  implement  these  Federally  mandated  items?    

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Why  do  we  need  a  citizen  army  and  an  additional  140  new  government  agencies?  Even  the  doctors  who  have  looked  at  this  monster  are  wanting  to  run  the  other  way.  Please  join  with  other  states  and  have  the  courage  to  stand  to  protect  the  people  from  government  oppression.  Thank  you  for  your  time.  .   4/4/2010  18:28:30   new  mexico  needs  to  sue  the  federal  govt.  over  this  farce  of  a  health  care  bill.  This  bill  will  bankrupt  our  state.  Thank  you.  .   4/4/2010  22:38:50   Tuesday,  March  23,  2010  (original  submission  via  fax)      Hon.  Gary  King  New  Mexico  State  Attorney  General      Attn:  Healthcare    Dear  Sir;    As  our  elected  official  and  representative  of  the  people  of  the  great  state  of  New  Mexico,  I  am  requiring  your  office  immediately  file  suit  against  the  Federal  Government  based  on  the  unconstitutional  basis  this  legislation  operates.  These  include:    WHEREAS  The  tax  that  will  be  imposed  on  higher  cost  insurance  policies  is  a  direct  tax  and  punitive  in  nature  which  violates  the  16th  Amendment  and  the  uniformity  clause  of  Article  1,  Section  8  as  it  is  a  direct  tax  which  fails  to  apportion  the  tax  among  the  states  according  to  population.    WHEREAS  The  Supreme  Court  has  ruled,  on  several  matters,  that  a  tax,  whether  direct  or  indirect,  cannot  not  be  punitive  in  nature.    WHEREAS  The  ‘special  deals’  made  with  various  states  to  secure  their  votes  on  this  bill  would  violate  the  16th  Amendment,  Article1,  Section  8  if  the  tax  were  to  be  apportioned  as  the  states  have  cut  deals  exempting  them  from  costs  (tax)  associated  with  Healthcare  the  rest  of  the  nation  will  have  to  subsidize.      WHEREAS  This  bill  does  not  regulate  what  people  choose  to  do,  rather  it  requires  them  to  do  something  they  have  chosen  not  to  do  with  regard  to  when  and  if  to  purchase  healthcare  and  what  type  of  healthcare  they  should  purchase.    WHEREAS  The  enforcement  of  this  legislation  tramples  ‘states  rights’  in  their  ability  to  adopt  legislation  that  would  benefit  –  by  adoption  through  a  vote  –  the  residents  of  each  of  the  sovereign  states.    WHEREAS  The  10th  Amendment  states,  ”Powers  not  delegated  to  the  United  States  by  the  Constitution,  nor  prohibited  by  it  to  the  states,  are  reserved  to  the  states…”  The  Federal  Government  can  no  more  tell  us  what  type  of  car  to  buy  or  where  we  

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must  buy  our  food  from,  than  they  can  mandate  what  and  how  much  healthcare  we  purchase.    WHEREAS  Never  before  has  the  government  been  able  to  provide  a  product  or  service  which  is  more  practical,  cost  effective  or  efficient  than  the  American  people  have  been  able  to  procure  for  themselves  through  a  competitive  free  market  society.    and,  WHEREAS  Never  before  in  the  history  of  these  United  States  of  America  has  the  Federal  Government  acted  as  a  sole  source  provider  or  ‘clearinghouse’  of  a  product  or  service  it  mandates  the  People  to  purchase  from  them  or  through  them  under  Penalty  of  Law.  This  practice  must  not  be  allowed  to  be  forcibly  adopted  by  the  People  through  enforcement  by  their  State  Government.    This  as  well  as  previous  administrations  in  DC  have  deemed  that  the  term  “right”  and  “privilege”  are  interchangeable  according  to  the  Constitution  and  they  ARE  NOT.    And  further,  to  the  New  Mexico  State  Attorney  General,  whose  power  to  challenge  the  legality  and  constitutionality  of  this  legislation  rest  within  your  office,  I  do  not  ask  you  or  plead  with  you  to  protect  our  rights  –  I  require  you,  as  an  elected  official  responsible  for  representing  the  rights  and  wishes  of  the  People,  to  challenge  the  constitutionality  of  this  legislation  and  not  mandate  compliance  on  us.  As  Attorney  General  of  the  State  of  New  Mexico,  you  represent  us,  not  Washington  DC.        Sincerely,        DJ  Welsh  .   4/4/2010  22:52:54   This  fiasco  bill  will  bankrupt  the  economy  and  cause  the  debt  to  skyrocket.  Beside  that  it's  unconstitutional.      As  Andrew  P.  Napolitano,  the  youngest  Superior  Court  judge  ever  to  attain  lifetime  tenure  in  the  state  of  New  Jersey.  He  served  on  the  bench  from  1987  to  1995,  has  stated:    "The  Constitution  does  not  authorize  the  Congress  to  regulate  the  state  governments,"  Napolitano  says.  "Nevertheless,  in  this  piece  of  legislation,  the  Congress  has  told  the  state  governments  that  they  must  modify  their  regulation  of  certain  areas  of  healthcare,  they  must  surrender  their  regulation  of  other  areas  of  healthcare,  and  they  must  spend  state  taxpayer-­‐generated  dollars  in  a  way  that  the  Congress  wants  it  done.  "That's  called  commandeering  the  legislature,"  he  says.  "That's  the  Congress  taking  away  the  discretion  of  the  legislature  with  respect  to  regulation,  and  spending  taxpayer  dollars.  That's  prohibited  in  a  couple  of  Supreme  Court  cases.  So  on  that  argument,  the  attorneys  general  have  a  pretty  strong  case  and  I  think  they  will  prevail.”  

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 So  where  do  you  stand  AG  King?  .   4/5/2010  9:25:31   Please  file  suit  with  other  states  against  the  federal  government  to  block  the  health  care  legislation.  It  is  not  about  health  care,  but  more  federal  control  over  all  of  our  lives  and  is  another  step  to  turning  this  country  into  a  socialist  state.  Mary  Tiffany,  4825  Tobosa  Rd,  Las  Cruces,  NM  88011  .   4/5/2010  9:52:02   Attorney  General  King,    Please  add  NM  to  the  growing  list  of  states  filing  suit  over  the  illegal  Health  Care  Law.    Mandatory  health  care  is  a  violation  of  limited  Federal  government  guaranteed  by  the  Constitution  and  Bill  of  Rights.    Sherri  Tull  Albuquerque,  NM  .   4/5/2010  10:33:27   NMAG  King,    You  simply  must  fight  for  me,  New  Mexico  and  the  entire  United  States.  Please  join  the  other  Attorneys  General  from  all  across  the  US  and  file  the  required  lawsuit  challenging  the  Health  Care  Bill  on  Constitutional  grounds.  I  am  begging  you  to  stop  this  overreaching  Congress  and  restore  our  states  rights,  as  stated  in  Amendment  10  in  the  Bill  of  Rights  of  the  Constitution.      Rhonda  Auld  45  Road  5457  Farmington,  NM  87401  .   4/5/2010  13:22:48   Please  do  not  kill  babies  by  birth  controll  or  abortion  .   4/5/2010  20:33:56   We  need  health  care  reform  and  want  to  keep  the  new  reform  as  law.  What  we  need  is  for  each  state's  attorney  general  to  ensure  that  medical  insurance  companies  doing  business  in  their  state  do  not  take  advantage  of  policy  holders.  Insurance  companies  should  not  be  raising  their  premiums  either  since  reformed  just  became  law.  Mutual  of  Omaha  is  raising  its  rates  on  Plan  F  for  retired  people  in  addition  to  the  2010  rate  hike.  This  company  should  be  spanked  and  given  stern  warnings  about  abusing  their  policy  holders.  .   4/6/2010  12:25:47   This  government  is  supposed  to  be  "of  the  people,  by  the  people,  and  for  the  people".  The  people  have  spoken  across  America  and  have  decidedly  stated  that  they  don't  want  this  health  care  plan.  We  don't  want  socialism.  This  is  something  imposed  on  the  American  people  against  their  will.      We  need  to  increase  the  free  market  not  restrict  it.  Let  insurance  companies  compete  freely  across  state  lines.  If  certain  businesses  go  out  of  business  then  they  go  out  of  business.  This  will  insure  the  American  people  a  better  product  at  a  better  price.  This  is  what  the  United  States  of  America  was  built  on.  If  we  don't  stay  the  course  that  was  laid  out  by  our  Founding  Fathers,  then  the  country  that  has  been  

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known  as  the  United  States  of  America  will  be  on  a  downward  slide  that  will  be  all  but  impossible  to  stop.      Government  doesn't  run  business  well.  Just  look  at  Social  Security  along  with  a  long  list  of  other  government;  run  business.  As  Ronald  Reagan  said,  "Government  isn't  the  solution  to  our  problems.  Government  is  the  problem."  Why  do  we  think  other  countries  look  to  and  come  to  the  United  States  for  the  best  medical  care?  Why  do  citizens  from  countries  that  have  govt.  run  health  care  come  to  the  U.S.  for  major  surgery  etc?  Because  we  already  have  the  best  health  care  in  the  world.  Can  it  be  better?  Yes!  But  government  taking  over  isn't  the  way  to  make  it  better.  Increased  regulation  and  restriction  isn't  the  answer.  Fining  citizens  for  not  having  health  care  or  not  having  the  "right  kind"  of  health  care  is  socialism.      Please  fight  for  the  rights  that  our  Founding  Fathers  fought  and  died  for.  Lets  get  back  to  the  America  that  is  a  leader  in  the  world  and  that  the  rest  of  the  world  envies  by  letting  the  individual  shine  doing  what  he/she  does  best  instead  of  government  taking  away  our  initiative.      We  still  have  the  right  to  vote(for  now)  and  believe  me  it  will  be  used  to  the  utmost  effect  in  the  next  election.      Thank  you.    Wade  Fraze  .   4/6/2010  12:35:34   Hello,  the  health  care  bill  recently  signed  into  law  by  President  Obama  is  a  violation  of  the  rights  of  New  Mexicans  to  freely  associate  with  the  businesses  of  their  choice  and  is  also  unconstitutional  under  the  interstate  commerce  clause.  As  such  it  cannot  be  good  for  any  New  Mexican.  No  one  benefits  when  one  persons  rights  are  violated.  Please  join  the  other  states  and  sue  to  protect  our  rights.  I  will  be  voting  for  any  politician  who  opposes  this  bill  and  against  all  who  support  it.  Thanks,  Gregory  Mullen  .   4/6/2010  17:15:31   Dear  Attorney  General  Gary  King:    I  am  a  resident  of  Silver  City,  NM,  and  an  avid  voter,  and  a  new  active  member  of  the  Tea  Party.    I  am  too  outraged  for  words  over  the  Obama  policies.  This  healthcare  bill  does  NOT  one  bit  lure  me  into  thinking  it  will  do  Americans  any  good.  I  read  between  the  lines,  the  dangers  hidden  in  the  voluminous  pages.    Please  count  me  as  a  New  Mexican  who  STANDS  UP  for  you,  our  attorney  general,  to  file  a  lawsuit  to  stop  the  Healthcare  Bill  from  being  implemented  in  New  Mexico.    There  is  a  fascist  flavor  in  the  White  House  which  has  taken  America  by  storm.    Block  The  New  Healthcare  Bill.  Sue  them!  

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 Most  Gratefully,    Ms.  Diana  Peterlin  312  S.  Pinos  Altos  St.  #B  Silver  City,  NM  88061  575  388-­‐1189  .   4/6/2010  19:29:30   As  a  citizen  of  New  Mexico  I  ask  you  to  please  join  the  other  states  sueing  the  federal  government  to  stop  this  unconstitutional  health  care  bill.  You  gave  an  oath  to  uphold  the  NM  constitution  and  you  need  to  do  that.  It  doesn't  matter  if  you  are  a  Democrat,  Republican,  or  whatever.  This  bill  is  unconstitutional.  This  bill  is  bad  for  America  and  bad  for  New  Mexicans.  New  Mexico  needs  good  jobs  so  our  people  can  afford  their  own  insurance.  Our  state  is  full  of  natural  resources  to  create  jobs.  Our  forefathers  fought  and  gave  everything  they  had  for  this  country  and  our  constitution.  Please  stand  up  for  America,  our  constitution,  and  our  freedom.  Thank  you,  Judy  Salvo  HC  62  Box  624  Datil,  NM  87821  .   4/6/2010  19:32:00   The  last  that  I  heard,  16  States  were  filing  lawsuits  against  the  Federal  Governmemt  stating  that  the  healthcare  program  violated  the  Constitution.  I  agree  with  that  and  I  know  that  the  majority  of  Americans  didn't  want  the  program.  What  ever  happended  to  "Government  of  the  People,  for  the  People,  and  by  the  People".  Let  New  Mexico  file  with  the  others  and  make  it  17.  Bill  Menges    Tucumcari  .   4/6/2010  19:33:59   I  would  like  our  AG  to  defend  his  position  on  why  he  has  not  joined  the  other  states  in  their  defense  of  our  states  rights,  on  the  local  radio  (770  am)  .   4/6/2010  19:59:47   Mr.  Attorney  General,  It  is  refreshing  to  see  the  growing  list  of  Attorneys  General  and  Governors  from  other  states  with  the  courage  to  stand  up  against  the  central  government.  It  allows  me  to  at  least  fantasize  that  the  ninth  amendment  still  has  a  practical  application.  Perhaps  you  would  be  willing  to  show  such  courage.    Dennis  Schlessinger  Los  Lunas  .   4/6/2010  23:28:38   Health  Care  and  the  Constitution    After  a  year  of  contentious  debate,  it  became  clear  that  the  House  intended  to  pass  the  health  care  bill  by  whatever  means  necessary,  even  if  it  required  the  use  of  a  "deem  and  pass"  procedure  whereby  Members  would  not  vote  directly  on  the  bill.  After  a  massive  public  outcry  arose  against  that  unconstitutional  proposal  (Article  I,  §  7,  ¶  2,  and  §  5,  ¶  3  direct  that  "the  votes  of  both  Houses  shall  be  determined  by  

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yeas  and  nays"  on  a  measure  rather  than  just  "deeming"  it  passed),  Rep.  Chris  Van  Hollen  (MD),  head  of  the  Democrat  Congressional  Campaign  Committee,  urged  Democrat  House  Members  to  remain  quiet  and  avoid  talking  about  the  unconstitutional  process  in  an  attempt  to  lessen  the  political  backlash.  1    That  procedure  ultimately  was  not  used,  but  once  the  health  care  bill  passed,  voters  demanded  of  congressional  leaders  the  constitutional  provision  that  authorized  the  federal  takeover  of  health  care.  In  answering  that  question,  Rep.  John  Conyers  (MI)  replied:  "Under  several  clauses  –  the  Good  and  Welfare  Clause  and  a  couple  others.  All  the  scholars  –  the  constitutional  scholars  that  I  know  (I'm  chairman  of  the  Judiciary  committee,  as  you  know)  –  they  all  say  that  there's  nothing  unconstitutional  in  this  bill."  2    Of  course,  there  is  no  Good  and  Welfare  Clause  in  the  Constitution,  but  assuming  that  Conyers  simply  made  an  honest  mistake,  he  likely  was  referring  to  the  General  Welfare  Clause,  which  appears  in  two  locations:    We  the  people  of  the  United  States,  in  order  to  form  a  more  perfect  union,  establish  justice,  ensure  domestic  tranquility,  provide  for  the  common  defense,  promote  THE  GENERAL  WELFARE,  and  secure  the  blessings  of  liberty  to  ourselves  and  our  posterity,  do  ordain  and  establish  this  Constitution  for  the  United  States  of  America.  PREAMBLE  TO  THE  CONSTITUTION    The  Congress  shall  have  power  to  lay  and  collect  taxes,  duties,  imposts,  and  excises  to  pay  the  debts  and  provide  for  the  common  defense  and  GENERAL  WELFARE  of  the  United  States.  ART.  1,  SEC.  8,  PAR.  1    House  Majority  Leader  Steny  Hoyer  (MD)  agreed  that  "Congress  has  'broad  authority'  to  force  Americans  to  purchase"  health  care  "so  long  as  it  was  trying  to  promote  'the  general  welfare'."  3    (Rep.  James  Clyburn  –  the  No.  3  ranking  Democrat  in  the  House  –  did  not  invoke  the  General  Welfare  Clause  but  instead  candidly  admitted,  "Most  of  what  we  do  down  here  is  not  authorized  by  the  Constitution."  4  )    The  attempt  by  congressional  leaders  to  invoke  the  General  Welfare  Clause  as  a  cover  for  an  unconstitutional  act  is  nothing  new.  In  1792  when  New  England  was  suffering  a  crisis  in  one  of  its  most  important  economic  industries  (fishing),  some  Congressmen  proposed  that  federal  funds  be  used  to  subsidize  that  troubled  industry.  James  Madison  quickly  asserted  that  such  a  proposal  was  unconstitutional,  explaining:    Those  who  proposed  the  Constitution  knew,  and  those  who  ratified  the  Constitution  also  knew  that  this  is  .  .  .  a  limited  government  tied  down  to  specified  powers.  .  .  .  It  was  never  supposed  or  suspected  that  the  old  Congress  could  give  away  the  money  of  the  states  to  encourage  agriculture  or  for  any  other  purpose  they  pleased.  5  

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 Madison  then  warned  about  the  consequences  of  allowing  Congress  to  expand  the  narrow  meaning  of  the  "General  Welfare  Clause":    If  Congress  can  employ  money  indefinitely  to  the  "general  welfare,"  and  are  the  sole  and  supreme  judges  of  the  "general  welfare,"  then  they  may  take  the  care  of  religion  into  their  own  hands;  they  may  appoint  teachers  in  every  state,  county,  and  parish  and  pay  them  out  of  their  public  treasury;  they  may  take  into  their  own  hands  the  education  of  children,  establishing  in  like  manner  schools  throughout  the  United  States;  they  may  assume  the  provision  for  the  poor;  they  may  undertake  the  regulation  of  all  roads  other  than  post-­‐roads;  in  short,  everything  from  the  highest  object  of  state  legislation  down  to  the  most  minute  object  of  police  would  be  thrown  under  the  power  of  Congress,  for  every  object  I  have  mentioned  would  admit  of  the  application  of  money,  and  might  be  called,  if  Congress  pleased,  provisions  for  the  "general  welfare."  6    According  to  Madison,  if  the  original  intent  of  the  General  Welfare  Clause  were  ever  expanded,  then  Congress  would  begin  an  unbridled  intrusion  into  areas  that  were  deliberately  designed  by  the  Constitution  to  be  under  the  control  of  the  state  and  local  governments.  Two  specific  aspects  of  the  Constitution  were  intended  to  prohibit  such  federal  encroachments:  (1)  the  Enumerated  Powers  Doctrine,  and  (2)  the  Bill  of  Rights  –  specifically  the  Ninth  and  Tenth  Amendments.    Concerning  the  first,  the  Constitution  authorizes  Congress  to  address  only  eighteen  specifically  enumerated  (that  is,  individually  listed)  areas  and  responsibilities;  this  is  called  the  Enumerated  Powers  Doctrine.  As  affirmed  by  Thomas  Jefferson:    Congress  has  not  unlimited  powers  to  provide  for  the  general  welfare  but  is  restrained  to  those  specifically  enumerated,  and  .  .  .  it  was  never  meant  they  should  provide  for  that  welfare  but  by  the  exercise  of  the  enumerated  powers.  7    Many  other  Founders  were  equally  outspoken  about  Congress'  limitations  under  the  Enumerated  Powers  Doctrine.  In  fact,  this  doctrine  was  so  well  understood  that  in  America's  first  several  decades,  presidents  had  only  four  cabinet  level  departments:  the  Secretary  of  State,  the  Secretary  of  War,  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury,  and  the  Attorney  General  (occasionally  there  was  also  a  separate  Secretary  of  the  Navy,  but  many  presidents  often  placed  him  under  the  Secretary  of  War).  Today,  however,  there  are  almost  four  times  as  many  cabinet  level  positions,  including  a  Secretary  of  Agriculture,  Labor,  Commerce,  Housing,  Education,  Transportation,  Energy,  and  many  others.  8  Each  of  those  areas  was  also  very  important  two  centuries  ago,  but  because  the  Constitution  had  placed  these  areas  under  the  jurisdiction  of  state  governments,  there  was  no  federal  presence  involved  in  them.    Concerning  the  second  point  (the  Bill  of  Rights),  the  Founding  Fathers  –  dedicated  students  of  history,  government,  and  human  nature  that  they  were  –  knew  that  the  federal  government  would  invariably  try  to  step  beyond  its  enumerated  powers;  

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they  therefore  added  the  Ninth  and  Tenth  Amendments  to  the  Constitution,  directly  stipulating  that  all  areas  not  specifically  listed  in  the  Constitution  were  to  remain  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the  states  and  local  governments,  which  thus  included  areas  such  as  education,  criminal  justice,  energy,  agriculture,  and  many  others.  As  Thomas  Jefferson  affirmed:    I  consider  the  foundation  of  the  Constitution  as  laid  on  this  ground:  that  "all  powers  not  delegated  to  the  United  States  by  the  Constitution,  nor  prohibited  by  it  to  the  states,  are  reserved  to  the  states  or  to  the  people"  [the  Tenth  Amendment].  .  .  .  To  take  a  single  step  beyond  the  boundaries  thus  specially  drawn  around  the  powers  of  Congress  is  to  take  possession  of  a  boundless  field  of  power,  no  longer  susceptible  of  any  definition.  9    James  Madison  agreed:    I  declare  it  as  my  opinion  that  [if]  the  power  of  Congress  be  established  in  the  latitude  contended  for,  it  would  subvert  the  very  foundations  .  .  .  of  the  limited  government  established  by  the  people  of  America.  10    Jefferson  further  explained:    Our  country  is  too  large  to  have  all  its  affairs  directed  by  a  single  government.  Public  servants  at  such  a  distance  and  from  under  the  eye  of  their  constituents  .  .  .  will  invite  the  public  agents  to  corruption,  plunder,  and  waste.  .  .  .  What  an  augmentation  of  the  field  for  jobbing,  speculating,  plundering,  office-­‐building,  and  office-­‐hunting  would  be  produced  by  an  assumption  of  all  the  state  powers  into  the  hands  of  the  federal  government!  11    As  Jefferson  summarized  it:    The  states  can  best  govern  our  home  concerns,  and  the  [federal]  government  our  foreign  ones.  12    Significantly,  health  care  issues  often  arose  in  early  America  –  as  when  various  dangerous  fevers  would  periodically  appear,  ravaging  American  cities  and  killing  scores  of  citizens.  Concerning  health  care  issues,  the  Founders  specifically  placed  domestic  health  care  into  the  hands  of  the  state  governments,  leaving  issues  of  international  health  care  in  the  hands  of  the  federal  government.  As  Thomas  Jefferson  affirmed,  the  federal  government  was  "to  certify  with  exact  truth,  for  every  vessel  sailing  from  a  foreign  port,  the  state  of  health  respecting  this  fever  which  prevails  at  the  place  from  which  she  sails,"  but  that  "the  state  authorities  [are]  charged  with  the  care  of  the  public  health."  13  Under  the  Constitution,  states  were  to  handle  domestic  health  care  issues,  and  the  federal  government  foreign  ones.    –  –  –  ♦  ♦  ♦  –  –  –    

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 Notwithstanding  the  fact  that  a  majority  of  Congressmen  voted  for  the  recent  passage  of  the  unconstitutional  health  care  bill,  there  are  many  in  Congress  who  do  understand  the  constitutionally  limited  powers  of  Congress.  Dozens  of  these  Congressmen  formed  the  Constitution  Caucus,  chaired  by  Rep.  Scott  Garrett  (NJ),  and  many  of  its  Members  have  made  outstanding  efforts  to  return  Congress  to  its  constitutional  role;  two  such  measures  are  highlighted  below.    Rep.  John  Shadegg  (AZ)      Every  session  since  John  has  been  in  Congress,  he  has  introduced  "The  Enumerated  Powers  Act"  which  would  require  "that  all  bills  introduced  in  the  U.  S.  Congress  include  a  statement  setting  forth  the  specific  constitutional  authority  under  which  the  law  is  being  enacted."  14  As  Shadegg  explains,  "The  Enumerated  Powers  Act  will  help  slow  the  flood  of  unconstitutional  legislation  and  force  Congress  to  reexamine  the  proper  role  of  the  federal  government."  15    Not  surprisingly,  leaders  of  Congress  have  not  allowed  this  bill  to  move  forward,  nevertheless,  what  a  refreshing  idea  that  Congress  should  provide  constitutional  authority  for  the  actions  it  takes  and  the  bills  it  passes!    Rep.  Mike  Conaway  (TX)      Federal  law  establishes  September  17  (the  day  the  Constitution  was  signed  in  1787)  as  Constitution  Day,  requiring  that  on  that  day  every  school  receiving  federal  funding  spend  time  studying  the  Constitution.  Despite  the  law,  a  recent  survey  found  that  the  majority  of  high  school  students  had  never  heard  of  Constitution  Day,  and  only  ten  percent  could  recall  any  such  school  celebration  the  prior  year.  16    However,  Congressman  Conaway  believed  that  not  just  school  students  but  also  Members  of  Congress  and  their  staff  should  also  study  the  Constitution  on  that  day,  so  he  introduced  a  congressional  resolution  to  that  effect.  When  the  Chairman  of  the  Judiciary  Committee  heard  the  resolution,  he  told  Mike,  "That's  the  stupidest  idea  I've  ever  heard!"  –  an  attitude  far  too  common  among  many  in  Congress.    Nonetheless,  Mike  (and  many  other  Congressmen  like  him)  continues  to  study  the  Constitution  regularly.  In  fact,  Mike  always  carries  a  pocket  Constitution  with  him  and  each  time  he  reads  through  it,  he  writes  the  date  on  the  flyleaf  of  the  booklet  –  a  practice  he  began  even  before  he  became  a  Member  of  Congress.    –  –  –  ♦  ♦  ♦  –  –  –      Founding  Father  John  Jay  wisely  advised:  

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 Every  member  of  the  State  ought  diligently  to  read  and  to  study  the  constitution  of  his  country.  .  .  .  By  knowing  their  rights,  they  will  sooner  perceive  when  they  are  violated  and  be  the  better  prepared  to  defend  and  assert  them.  17    The  only  way  that  more  Congressmen  will  begin  to  study  the  Constitution  is  if  "We  The  People"  study  it  first  and  then,  through  the  power  of  our  voice,  calls,  letters,  and  votes,  insist  that  our  elected  officials  also  know  and  observe  it.    To  help  Americans  better  understand  the  Constitution  and  the  limited  government  set  forth  by  the  Founding  Fathers,  we  have  just  released  a  new  audio  CD  called  "The  Principles  of  Limited  Government,"  which  can  be  purchased  or  downloaded.  We  also  have  a  pocket  Constitution,  called  "Documents  of  Freedom."  Both  are  available  in  a  special  Limited  Government  Package  for  20%  off  and  are  also  available  in  our  online  store  at  .   4/7/2010  6:20:22   I  am  asking  you  to  join  the  other  states  that  are  suing  to  refuse  the  new  health  care  plan  for  NM.  It  was  shoved  down  our  throats  by  this  current  admistration.  READ  THE  ENTIRE  BILL.  I  HAVE!  It  is  NOT  what  we  need!  All  of  my  doctors  object  to  it.  Some  are  ALREADY  REFUSING  to  accept  any  new  Medicare  patients.  Where  is  GOVT.OF  THE  PEOPLE,  FOR  THE  PEOPLE  AND  BY  THE  PEOPLE  in  this?  If  you  truly  care  about  New  Mexico  and  it's  people  you  will  join  the  other  states  to  refuse  this  bill  for  us.  It  is  NOT  in  the  best  interests  of  our  state.  I  am  a  native  New  Mexican  and  have  lived  here  all  my  life.  Sincerely,  Betty  Coslett,  Tucumcari,  NM            .   4/7/2010  6:24:38   THERE  ARE  14  OTHER  A.G.'s  ACROSS  THE  U.S.A.  THAT  ARE  FILING  LAW  SUITS  AGAINST  THE  OBAMA  ADMIN.  HEALTHCARE  ,  ARE  YOU  GOING  TO  JOIN  THEM?????  PLEASE  READ  THE  CONSTITUTION  AND  BILL  OF  RIGHTS  ,  ....  AND  JOIN  THE  OTHERS.  .   4/7/2010  7:14:39   The  government  does  not  need  to  take  over  health  care.......Please  file  with  the  other  17  states....Too  much  spending,  not  enough  listening  to  the  people.....  .   4/7/2010  7:17:58   Dear  Attorney  General  King,  Please  join  the  other  states  who  are  opposing  the  unconstitutional  health  care  law  recently  passed  by  the  Congress,  the  Senate  and  President  Obama.  This  mandate  cannot  be  made  by  the  federal  government  and  with  the  exception  of  a  Constitutional  amendment,  the  Federal  government  cannot  oppose  a  state's  decision  to  nullify  an  unconstitutional  federal  law  without  resorting  to  extra-­‐legal  measures.  Article  I,  Section  8,  of  the  Constitution  does  state  or  imply  that  the  federal  government  has  the  legal  authority  to  force  this  mandate.  Thank  you  for  your  consideration  on  this  matter.  Sincerely,  Mark  and  Tina  Fischer,  Fischer  Cherokee  Ranch,  Arabela,  NM  .   4/7/2010  7:20:36   I  think  it  would  be  the  best  idea  to  sue  the  Government  for  attempting  to  take  away  our  rights  with  this  health  care  bill.  It  sounds  like  communism  to  me  and  if  we  let  them  do  this  slowly  step  by  step  they  will  take  away  all  of  our  rights.  Start  with  New  Mexico  and  fight  for  us.  

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Please!    Thanks,  Barbara  Cherry  575-­‐461-­‐1924    Tucumcari,  NM  88401  .   4/7/2010  8:03:39   We  are  senior  citizens  and  have  medical  problems  and  we  believe  that  with  the  new  Health  Care  Bill  we  will  not  be  able  to  get  the  medical  attention  we  need.  We  are  already  being  told  that  doctors  are  not  taking  new  Medicare  patients.  We  have  worked  all  our  lives  and  thouth  that  we  had  a  safe  retirment.  Now  we  feelthe  government  is  taking  it  away  from  us.  Thanks  for  listening  Judy    .   4/7/2010  8:36:44   This  attempt  at  government  take  over  our  lives  is  in  direct  conflict  to  the  Constitution  and  must  be  stopped.  I  proudly  join  thousands  across  the  State  of  New  Mexico  in  urging  the  Attorney  General  to  take  all  legal  actions  possible  to  repel  this  bill  and  return  the  rights  of  our  citizens  to  the  States.  Linda  Ward  1016  Desert  Willow  Ct.  Bernalillo,  NM  87004  .   4/7/2010  8:48:37   The  Health  Care  Bill,  passed  on  strictly  partisan  lines,  is  wrong  in  so  many  ways.  The  aspect  of  the  bill  of  concern  to  your  office  is  its  Constitutionality.  Empowering  the  Federal  Government  to  mandate  the  purchase  of  a  good  by  every  citizen  (don't  know  if  the  mandate  goes  to  illegals  who  will  still  receive  benefits  at  our  expense...but  that's  another  can  of  worms.)  far  outreaches  the  limits  put  on  our  government  by  our  founders.  The  future  power  grabs  by  both  parties,  if  this  is  allowed  to  stand,  will  inherently  change  the  very  fabric  of  our  country.  You,  sir,  represent  all  the  people  of  our  sovereign  state,  not  just  your  political  party.  Please,  stand  up  for  all  of  us  with  the  other  states  who  are  filing  suit  against  this  travesty.  Don  and  Diane  Buster  PO  Box  697  Tijeras,  NM  87059  .   4/7/2010  8:51:04   Why  are  we  not  aggresively  among  the  other  states  currently  seeking  Law  Suits  against  the  Federal  Government,  for  the  passage  of  the  recent  Healthcare  Bill?  Plain  and  simple,  no  matter  what  party  affiliation  anyone  may  have,  it's  100%  unconstitutional  and  you  know  it!  There  is  no  way  possible  that  it  can  be  legal  to  demand  states  participation  in  any  such  program,  without  a  vote  by  the  people  in  a  general  election,  and  the  people  agreeing  to  be  a  part  of  any  such  program.  You  know  it,  the  people  know  it,  the  Federal  Government  knows  it,  and  yet  you're  refusing  to  take  part  in  protecting  your  own  State's  Rights  by  not  participating???  .   4/7/2010  9:07:26   Attorney  General  Gary  King,  As  you  know  most  of  the  people  of  the  United  Stated  are  against  the  Health  Care  Bill  as  is.  Most  of  the  law  makers  of  the  land  have  not  read  it  and  do  not  know  what  is  in  it.  I  do  know  that  most  Americans  that  are  against  it  do  not  like  paying  for  something  to  give  to  people  that  are  illegally  in  this  country.  I  also  believe  that  the  Federal  Government  has  over  reached  its  power  to  force  the  people  to  buy  

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something  they  do  not  want,  like  abortion  and  higher  taxes.  I  would  hope  that  the  State  of  New  Mexico  would  be  one  of  the  states  to  join  in  the  law  suite  against  the  Federal  Government  to  stop  this  crazyness.  Thank  You,  Kenneth  D.  Bogard  Eagle  Nest,  New  Mexico  87718  .   4/7/2010  9:29:41   The  very  fact  that  we,  as  Americans,  can  be  FORCED  to  buy  health  insurance  is  reason  enough  for  NM  to  support  the  suit  to  stop  this  abuse  of  power  in  Washington  DC.  Please  use  your  powers  as  AG  to  protect  the  citizens  of  NM.    Thank  you  and  Gog  bless  Ev  Burton  Capitan  .   4/7/2010  9:50:50   The  new  health  care  bill  does  not  represent  my  best  interests  in  Health  Care  and  I  believe  it  to  be  un-­‐constiutional.  I  do  not  want  the  health  care  bill  in  New  Mexico.    Lee  Miller  .   4/7/2010  10:10:55   New  Mexico  is  already  facing  a  budget  shortfall  so  if  violating  the  US  Constitution  is  not  reason  enough  for  you  to  join  the  other  18  states  then  the  fact  that  NM  cannot  afford  the  added  expense  of  the  health  care  bill  should  be.  Please  become  the  19th  state  and  sue  to  protect  the  rights  of  the  citizens  of  NM.  We  need  you  to  not  stand  by  and  do  nothing  while  the  federal  government  grossly  oversteps  its  bounds  that  the  Founding  Fathers  intended.  Do  your  job.  Protect  our  rights.    .   4/7/2010  10:14:10  .   4/7/2010  10:39:44   Im  using  the  insurance  that  New  Mexico  offers.  It  works  well  for  me  and  for  the  people  that  I  know  that  have  it.  I  dont  feel  that  I  will  go  with  out  good  care.  The  Goverment  take  over  of  health  care  is  takeing  away  my  rights,  another  loss  of  freedom.And  the  quailty  of  care  will  go  down  .  Not  to  mention  the  berdin  of  expence  for  everyone.  Small  business  will  be  hert  as  well  Please  stop  this  goverment  take  over.  Mr.  Richards  has  done  well  with  Ever  Care  we  dont  need  something  that  will  distroy  that  program.    Danford  J.  Cross  Tucumcari  NM.  .   4/7/2010  10:57:46   Dear  Sir:  My  wife  and  I  are  among  the  85%  of  americans  who  have  a  good  healthcare  program.  I  worked  for  it  for  many  years  and  am  very  happy  with  it.  I  do  not  want  to  be  among  those  who  are  forced  to  have  a  government  program  that  tells  me  to  die  gracefully.  With  Obamacare,  this  country  will  soon  be  bankrupt,  and  even  my  insurance  will  disappear.  This  monstrosity  will  be  the  death  of  all  of  us...literally.  Thomas  Even  Sr.  Tucumcari,  NM  88401  .   4/7/2010  11:03:18   James  Madison  explained  in  the  Federalist  Papers:  “In  the  first  place  it  is  to  be  remembered,  that  the  general  government  is  not  to  be  

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charged  with  the  whole  power  of  making  and  administering  laws.  Its  jurisdiction  is  limited  to  certain  enumerated  objects.  .  .  .”  The  Federalist  No.  14,  at  65  (James  Madison)  (Carey  &  McClellan  eds.,  1990).  Here,  there  is  no  enumerated  power  in  the  Constitution  that  permits  the  federal  government  to  mandate  that  American  “residents”  purchase  health  care  coverage  or  face  a  penalty.  Their  political  objectives  can  only  be  accomplished  in  accord  with  the  Constitution.      I  am  requesting  that  our  state  A.G.,  Gary  King  respond  and  defend  our  rights  under  the  Constitution.  Please  join  the  other  states  that  have  filed  law  suits  against  President  Obama,  Kathleen  Sebelius,  Eric  Holder  and  Timothy  Geithner  and  protect  our  rights  as  Americans.  .   4/7/2010  11:04:14   NM  must  join  with  other  states  against  this  vile  and  tyranical  law.  It  is  an  apalling  assault  on  our  individual  freedom  of  choice.  Fines  and  jail  for  those  who  don't  "go  along"  make  us  nothing  more    more  than  slaves  in  the  former  land  of  the  free.  Fight  this!  Gary  Howard  .   4/7/2010  11:19:18   Please  join  with  other  states  and  bring  suit  against  the  Federal  government  We  do  not  think  this  is  a  constitutional  law  and  should  be  repealed.    A.  C.  &  Jeannie  Pepper  Tucumcari,  NM  88401  .   4/7/2010  11:39:59   Please  join  in  with  the  other  states  in  filing  a  lawsuit  against  the  proposed  health  care  bill  that  is  UNCONSTITUTIONAL!  Thank  you.  .   4/7/2010  12:02:46   When  is  NM  going  to  join  the  other  states  in  filing  on  the  Obamacare?          .   4/7/2010  12:15:22   Dear  Attorney  General  King,    I  am  a  senior  who  has  worked  my  entire  life;  paid  into  Social  Security  since  my  first  employment  that  required  it.  I  was  proud  to  do  this,  and  even  though  it  was  at  times  a  struggle  I  did  it.  Now  the  US  Government  has  robbed  the  funds  to  pay  for  'other  things'  more  important  to  THEM.  Now,  Health  Care  Reform  has  been  passed  into  law,  but  I  feel  it  is  UNCONSTITUTIONAL,  we  are  still  under  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States,  aren't  we?    I  am  urging  you  to  consider  suing  the  Federal  Government  for  this  injustice  to  the  American  people.  We,  the  PEOPLE,  talked  to  them;  they  refuse  to  listen  and  continued  their  back  room,  closed  door,  bribery  deals  to  get  this  bill  through  Congress.  Our  country  does  not  even  begin  to  look  like  the  country  I  grew  up  in,  raised  my  children  to  love  and  honor.  I  am  now  scared  to  death  for  my  kids  and  my  grandkids.  Please  help  us  save  our  freedom.    Sincerely,    

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Joyce  Butt  Rio  Rancho  .   4/7/2010  13:56:45   I  am  hoping  that  you  are  going  to  join  the  many  other  states  who  are  bringing  suit  against  the  Federal  Government's  passage  of  the  healtcare  bill.  We  MUST  .   4/7/2010  13:58:08   We  MUST  protect  our  State's  rights  and  fight  against  the  "big"  Federal  Government's  mandate  over  states.  Please  join  other  states  in  stopping  this  enormous  bill.  .   4/7/2010  14:19:08   Please  join  the  other  states  in  filing  suit  over  the  Health  Care  Bill.    Norma  Crellin  2701  S  Third  St  Tucumcari  NM  88401  .   4/7/2010  14:23:04   The  United  States  Congress  does  not  have  the  constitutional  authority  to  mandate  that  citizens  must  purchase  any  particular  product.  And  they  certainly  do  not  have  the  authority  to  mandate  that  when  the  product  is  not  even  sold  across  state  lines.  So  I  urge  you  to  join  with  other  states'  Attorneys  General  to  sue  to  stop  the  abomination  that  is  the  so-­‐called  health  care  reform  bill.  Thank  you,    Kathleen  Clute,  Mountainair  .   4/7/2010  14:24:08   Dear  Attorney  General  King:  I  would  like  to  see  you  step  up  to  the  plate  and  join  the  other  Attorney's  General  in  the  Health  Care  lawsuit.  Please  keep  in  mind  you  represent  the  People  of  New  Mexico  and  we  still  believe  in  the  Constitution.    Our  country  is  headed  in  the  wrong  direction.  Please  help.  Gwen  Gray  Tucumcari,  NM    .   4/7/2010  14:29:18   The  Health  Care  Bill  recently  passed  by  Congress  is  a  farce  and  an  insult  to  all  who  care  about  following  the  Constitution.  This  is  an  insult  to  the  people  of  New  Mexcico  and  the  country  at  large.  It  is  also  a  usuption  of  the  rights  of  the  indivdual  states  to  regulate  and  oversee  the  Health  Care.  A  clear  violation  of  the  10th  amendment.  Also  an  overreach  of  the  Commerce  Claus.  The  New  Mexico  Attorney  General  must  put  the  good  of  the  people  first  and  political  party  allegiance  second  in  this  issue.  Protect  the  citizens  of  New  Mexico  as  your  oath  of  office  calls  for.    .   4/7/2010  14:52:18   This  Health  Care  Bill  needs  to  be  gone.  Doctors  are  already  refusing  to  see  people  on  Medicare.  Senior  Citizens  have  spent  all  our  lives  paying  into  Medicare  to  have  a  living  when  we  got  old,  now  we  are  getting  the  shaft.  It  is  getting  to  where  we  cannot  even  afford  the  suplemental  insurance  because  our  has  went  up  twice  this  year  already.  What  is  going  to  happen  to  us?  Judy  .   4/7/2010  16:28:38   Attorney  General  King,    

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.   4/7/2010  17:45:56   As  long  time  NM  residents,  we  would  like  to  urge  you  to  join  other  states  in  filing  a  law  suit  against  the  Federal  government  requiring  us  to  purchase  health  insurance.  We  are  against  the  federal  government  mandating  health  insurance.  Our  rights  are  being  taken  away.  We  were  ignored  by  our  Senators  and  Representatives.  Please,  join  some  of  the  other  states  in  a  law  suit.  We  want  to  be  proud  of  New  Mexico  and  the  stand  she  takes.    Sincerely,    Jimmy  &  Jan  Wallace  Tucumcari,  NM  88401  .   4/7/2010  18:51:13   While  I  believe  that  there  are  Social  Issues,  they  need  to  be  addressed  within  the  various  States;  I  do  not  believe  the  Federal  Government  should  be  mandating  outside  their  Constitutional  Authority  on  Healthcare.  The  program  is  more  comprehensive  than  what  is  the  reasonable  leadership  responsibility  of  the  Federal  Government  to  promote  "General  Welfare".  It  is  more  appropriately  "General  Wealthfare"  and  cost  the  individual  taxpayer  a  higher  overall  cost.  Polciy  and  solutions  are  best  made  at  the  local  level  where  the  issues  actually  exist  and  the  care  needs  to  be  provided.      The  politics  involved;  with  heavy  influence  by  the  Insurance  and  Drug  Industry  provides  them  "favorable  treatment"  within  the  law  -­‐  is  suspect.  Overall  it  is  a  Mandated  "System"  which  infringe  on  Individual  State  rights  and  Individual  Citizen's  rights.      Overall  it  continues  a  Social  Agenda  that  has  been  more  harmful  to  our  country.  Current  Statistics  are  that  99%  of  the  Cost  Burden  of  the  entire  Social  Agenda  is  funded  by  those  earning  less  than  $200K;  this  works  out  to  be  28%  cost  burden  by  those  earning  less  than  $50K;  49%  by  those  earning  $50-­‐100K,  and  22%  by  those  earning  $100-­‐200K.  It  creates  a  large  pool  of  funds  targeted  for  profit  by  companies  owned  by  people  that  earn  well  over  $1M  -­‐  who  contribute  less  than  1%  for  these  same  programs.  Thus,  under  the  auspices  of  "helping  the  people"  the  programs  deprives  them  of  their  wealth  and  personal  liberties  for  alternative  solutions  and  makes  them  ultimately  dependent  on  the  "Gov't  System".  The  Federal  Gov't  does  less  for  its  individual  citizens;  yet  is  the  greatest  tax  burden.  The  Federal  Gov't  also  continues  to  run  up  a  deficit  that  "We  the  People"  will  pay  for,  for  years  to  come  if  it  continues  to  go  unchecked.    The  founding  father's  would  be  turning  over  in  their  grave.      "Governments  are  bound  by  essentially  the  same  moral  principles  as  individuals;  and  that  most  existing  and  historical  governments  have  acted  improperly  insofar  as  they  have  utilized  coercion  for  plunder,  aggression,  redistribution,  and  other  purposes  beyond  the  protection  of  individual  liberty".  This  law  is  the  result  a  a  Federal  Government  gone  unchecked.    

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I  would  strongly  urge  the  State  of  New  Mexico  to  join  the  Challenge  to  this  new  Law.  Federal  powers  gone  unchecked  and  used  for  such  outrageous  "redistribution"  of  wealth  and  eventual  forcing  the  purchase  of  a  product  from  a  corporate  entity  whose  owners  do  not  contribute  to  "helping  the  people"  yet  a  contributor  to  the  rising  costs.  The  role  that  Insurance  and  Drug  companies  played  in  crafting  the  bill  needs  to  also  be  investigated.  "Business  as  Usual"  in  Washington  does  not  make  their  practices  Ethical.  Currently  they  are  overstepping  the  Constitution  what  may  be  viewed  as  a  minor  way-­‐  But  where  does  it  end?    Are  we  all  to  be  taxed  into  submission?  A  system  where  the  States  must  beg  from  the  Federal  Gov't  for  the  crumbs  to  execute  their  State  programs  because  the  Federal  Gov't  has  all  made  the  citizens  so  poor  and  without  the  wealth.  Personal  Wealth  is  now  becoming  the  only  means  for  personal  liberty  -­‐  and  now  this  is  being  taken  as  well.  Redistribution  of  wealth  is  a  Gov't  power;  where  does  it  end...Do  they  next  allow  the  Freedom  of  Choice  for  Abortions  but  put  a  $1M  tax  on  them?    .   4/7/2010  19:16:00   I  am  very  happy  that  health  care  legislation  has  passed.  I  have  health  care  insurance  myself  and  could  not  imagine  the  anxiety  I  would  feel  without  it,  therefore  I  am  glad  many  more  millions  will  have  the  same  buffer.  I  am  completely  bewildered,  and  now  enraged,  by  those  who  would  repeal  it.  I  am  not  sure  why  one  particular  analogy  has  not  yet  been  used  to  describe  how  we  all  are  benefiting  when  more  people  are  insured.  NO  ONE  disagrees  that  if  you  own  a  car,  it  is  a  requirement  to  be  insured,  (no  socialism  in  that!).  Since  I  am  completely  surrounded  by  those  WITH  cars,  but  WITHOUT  driving  skills;  I  depend  upon  the  enforcement  of  car  insurance  for  car  owners  as  the  social  contract  for  being  part  of  a  community.      If  you  occupy  a  body,  it  is  your  responsibility  to  not  be  a  burden  to  others  if  catastrophic  care  is  required  for  you  and  the  only  options  left  are  the  most  expensive  and  the  least  effective,  but  a  burden  shared  by  everyone  else  anyway.  Could  someone  please  provide  this  explanation  to  the  fact-­‐challenged  and  stop  the  hysteria?  (which,  by  the  way,  is  covered  in  MY  health  care  plan).  .   4/7/2010  19:16:43   I  am  very  happy  that  health  care  legislation  has  passed.  I  have  health  care  insurance  myself  and  could  not  imagine  the  anxiety  I  would  feel  without  it,  therefore  I  am  glad  many  more  millions  will  have  the  same  buffer.  I  am  completely  bewildered,  and  now  enraged,  by  those  who  would  repeal  it.  I  am  not  sure  why  one  particular  analogy  has  not  yet  been  used  to  describe  how  we  all  are  benefiting  when  more  people  are  insured.  NO  ONE  disagrees  that  if  you  own  a  car,  it  is  a  requirement  to  be  insured,  (no  socialism  in  that!).  Since  I  am  completely  surrounded  by  those  WITH  cars,  but  WITHOUT  driving  skills;  I  depend  upon  the  enforcement  of  car  insurance  for  car  owners  as  the  social  contract  for  being  part  of  a  community.      If  you  occupy  a  body,  it  is  your  responsibility  to  not  be  a  burden  to  others  if  catastrophic  care  is  required  for  you  and  the  only  options  left  are  the  most  expensive  and  the  least  effective,  but  a  burden  shared  by  everyone  else  anyway.  

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Could  someone  please  provide  this  explanation  to  the  fact-­‐challenged  and  stop  the  hysteria?  (which,  by  the  way,  is  covered  in  MY  health  care  plan).  .   4/7/2010  19:22:01   I  encourage  you  to  join  in  with  the  other  states  in  filing  a  law  suit  against  the  Federal  Government  over  the  healthcare  bill.  There  are  so  many  things  that  are  unconstitutional  in  this  bill.  The  way  it  is  being  shoved  down  our  throats  is  just  not  right.  Thank  you  for  giving  us  some  hope.  Jo  Ann  Rush  McAlister,  NM    575-­‐458-­‐6365  .   4/7/2010  19:29:43   Attorney  General  Gary  King    I  am  requesting  that  you  file  suit  against  the  U.S.  Government  on  the  grounds  of  the  unconstitutionality  of  H.R.  3962  Patient  Protection  and  Affordable  Health  Care  for  America  Act.    Thank  you.    Pamela  Campbell  87122  .   4/7/2010  19:31:11   Attorney  General  Gary  King    I  am  requesting  that  you  file  suit  against  the  U.S.  Government  on  the  grounds  of  the  unconstituionality  of  H.R.  3962  Patient  Profection  and  Affordable  Health  Care  for  America  Act.    Thomas  Campbell  87122  .   4/7/2010  20:33:19   There  is  nothing  wrong  with  medicare  or  medicade  just  leave  it  alone  and  let  us  that  pay  our  bills  have  our  own  insurance  and  if  we  chose  not  to  then  don't  doctor  us....    America  voted  for  change  I  say  "Change  it  back"  .   4/7/2010  21:02:47   Mr.  King,  Thank  you  for  solicting  comments  on  the  recent  health  care  reform  legislation.  I  believe  the  American  people  have  been  lied  to  about  the  contents  of  the  bill  and  most  in  government  believe  they  know  better  than  I  about  what  is  best  for  me.  This  bill  was  passed  even  though  a  majority  of  the  American  people  did  not  want  it.  I  am  in  favor  of  NM  bringing  a  lawsuit  to  stop  this  horrible  piece  of  legislation  even  though  I  also  feel  litigation  should  be  the  last  avenue  pursued.  I  do  not  want  my  tax  dollars  to  support  abortion.    Thank  you  for  your  time.    Sincerely,  Eyvonne  Gunn  .   4/7/2010  21:22:27   please  join  the  law  suit  against  obama  care  in  the  behave  of  new  mexicans.    

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     .   4/7/2010  22:43:00   Please  file  a  suit  against  the  Obama  Healthcare  Bill  as  being  unconstitutional.  And  I  truly  believe  that  it  is.  I  already  have  health  insurance  and  am  happy  with  it.  But  this  unconstitutional  bill  is  'forcing  even  the  young  healthly  to  buy  insureance  or  pay  a  fine  of  $95.  Now  who  would  not  do  that,  and  then  quickly  go  buy  insurance  if  they  get  sick.  Please  help  keep  Socialism  out  of  America.    N.  Glover  [email protected]  .   4/7/2010  23:01:56   This  legislation  while  not  perfect,  does  represent  a  first  step  in  an  effort  to  make  the  provision  of  health  care  to  ordinary  citizens  a  reality.  Over  the  next  several  months  it  is  my  hope  that  some  of  the  more  egregious  parts  can  be  revisited  with  a  goal  changing  them  in  a  positive  manner.  If  such  change  is  not  realistic  then  the  removal  of  those  parts  should  be  required.  This  legislation  is  for  all  Americans  and  should  not  be  looked  upon  as  an  effort  to  control  or  limit  individual  freedoms.  Given  a  chance  and  going  through  revision,  this  legislation  will  benefit  all  Americans.  .   4/8/2010  3:01:15   mr.  king  I  would  like  to  know  if  there  is  any  way  that  you  can  join  the  17,and  more  comitting  to  suing  the  u.s.  government,and  this  congress,senate,and  last  but  not  least  the  obama  admin.  for  this  outrages  bill  they  call  reform.  It  will  start  the  ruin  of  the  u.s.  as  we  know  it!!!  respecfully  Leland  Jackson  .   4/8/2010  4:41:19   This  should  not  be  an  issue  at  all,you  took  an  oath  of  office  that  clearly  states  you  would  up  hold  the  U.S,Constituton.  The  health  care  bill  is  against  that  .It  will  kill  this  country.Every  bill  this  administration  passes  is  meant  to  hurt  the  country,the  people  and  the  economy.We,the  people  can  see  this,so  why  can't  you?We  DO  NOT  WANT  TO  BE  LIKE  EUROPE,anybody  who  does  should  feel  free  and  move  there  and  live  happily  ever  after.  .   4/8/2010  5:53:20   Passage  of  this  bill  is  a  serious  infringment  upon  freedom  of  choice  and  in  my  opinion  unconstitutional.  I  urge  you  to  join  the  lawsuit  filed  by  other  States.  .   4/8/2010  6:20:37   I  don't  believe  that  the  Federal  Govnernment  has  the  right  or  authority  to  force  this  health  care  on  us.  New  Mexico  is  a  sovereign  state  of  this  republic  and  I  for  one  believe  that  it  is  unconstitutional  and  health  care  is  not  covered  under  the  general  welfare  clause  as  it  is  not  one  of  the  enumerated  powers  specifically  to  them.  .   4/8/2010  6:47:21   Attorney  General  King,    Please  join  in  filing  the  law  suit  regarding  the  national  health  care.  We  do  not  want  choice  to  be  taken  away  for  us.  We  will  not  surrender  our  freedoms!    William  Goldberg  .   4/8/2010  6:51:18   This  will  only  help  the  people  that  won't  work  for  a  living,  that  only  suck  off  the  Goverment.;  They  are  able  to  work  but  won't  !  

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.   4/8/2010  7:01:44   Please  do  whatever  you  can  to  take  out  the  new  health  care  bill.  It  is  going  to  be  a  disaster  if  it  continues  to  be  let  thru.  It  will  really  hurt  the  seniors  a  lot.  Please  stop  this  from  happening.    Concerned  Citizen  .   4/8/2010  7:13:54   Health  care  needs  revision  but  what  the  government  has  done  is  simply  a  device  to  get  hold  of  more  power  and  our  money.  Our  business  in  NM  cannot  continue  to  grow  with  the  higher  taxes.  We  will  have  to  slow  down  instead  of  hire.  Please  do  all  you  can  to  repeal  this  law  before  it  tears  down  our  state  and  nation.  Judy  Rush  .   4/8/2010  7:45:55   Please  join  the  other  states  that  are  filing  law  suite  on  the  health  care  bill.  This  is  another  attack  on  free  America  an  the  rights  we  are  to  have  under  the  Constitution.  The  Obama  crew  is  trying  to  spin  this  as  legal  under  commerce  law.  I  can  see  nothing  legal  or  ethical  about  this  heath  care  law.  It  is  just  out  right  Socialized  Goverment.  Please  fight  for  a  Free  America.    VOTE  FOR  THE  NEW  GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  .   4/8/2010  7:51:46   I  am  asking  all  attorney  generals  to  join  with  the  13  who  have  filed  suit  to  stop  the  Health  Care  Reform  Act.  It  is  unlawful,  therefore,  it  must  be  stopped.  It  is  obvious  that  the  majority  of  the  American  people  are  against  this,  but  it  has  been  unlawfully  forced  upon  us.  Please,  do  all  you  can  to  stop  this  horrific  injustice  against  the  American  people.    Sincerely,  Jada  Horn  .   4/8/2010  8:15:37   PLEASE  JOIN  THE  OTHER  STATES  IN  THE  LAW  SUIT  AGAINST  THE  OBAMA  HEALTH  CARE  REFORM.  THE  HEALTH  CARE  REFORM  VIOLATES  THE  CONSTITUTION  OF  THE  U.S.THANK  YOU,  RICHARD  O'RILEY  .   4/8/2010  8:28:22   please  join  all  the  other  states  in  protecting  our  constitution.  thanks  .   4/8/2010  8:38:38   We  urge  you  to  join  the  other  states  on  behalf  of  the  citizens  of  New  Mexico  in  filing  a  lawsuit  regarding  the  the  new  Health  Care  Bill.  Duane  W.  Bradley  Pat  Clark  .   4/8/2010  8:45:18   Please  join  in  to  stop  this  health  care  mess.  We  know  the  system  is  broken  but  this  is  not  what  is  needed  .    Thank  you,  Keith  Clements  po  box  272  La  Luz,  NM  .   4/8/2010  10:38:15   I  think  what  our  Government  is  forcing  down  our  throats  is,  to  say  the  least,  unconstitutional  and  invading  individual  as  well  as  States  Rights.  If  our  state  will  not  stand  up  to  these  abuses  of  government  then  NM  is  no  better  than  the  Federal  system.  Our  voices  will  be  heard  in  November.  .   4/8/2010  10:47:37   The  Honorable  Gary  King,    

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I  am  writing  to  implore  you  to  join  the  fight  with  the  eighteen  states  that  have  filed  suit  to  repeal  the  healthcare  bill.  As  you  know  this  disasterous  bill  was  signed  into  law  against  the  will  of  the  majority  of  Americans.  With  medicare,medicade  and  social  security  facing  almost  certain  bankruptcy,it  is  insanity  to  implement  another  entitlement  program  that  will  bankrupt  the  country.  It  is  your  moral  obligation  to  help  stop  this  abomination.  Eighteen  Attorney's  Genral  have  made  the  right  decision,  will  you?    Respectfully,  Cheryl  Flamm    .   4/8/2010  12:01:12   I  would  like  to  see  the  Health  care  bill  repealed!!!!!!!!!!!!  .   4/8/2010  13:55:23   I  believe  the  State  of  New  Mexico  has  an  obligation  to  either  file  its  own  lawsuit  or  join  the  current  litigation  being  brought  by  17  states  to  block  the  implementation  of  the  Health  Care  Reform  Law  on  the  basis  that  it  violates  the  United  States  Constitution  on  multiple  occasions.    First,  the  federal  government  cannot  use  the  Commerce  Clause  in  its  argument  to  mandate  individuals  to  purchase  a  product  or  service  at  his  or  her  own  expense,  as  one's  inability  or  unwillingness  to  purchase  goods  does  not  constitute  commerce  or  economic  activity.    Second,  imposing  a  penalty  for  not  purchasing  health  insurance  violates  the  Eighth  and  Tenth  Amendments  of  the  United  States  Constitution,  which  bars  excessive  bail  and  reserves  authority  not  specifically  delegated  to  the  federal  government  by  the  Constitution  to  the  States  or  to  the  People.  I  would  argue  that  the  automatic  imposition  of  such  penalties  without  offering  defendants  a  trial  by  jury  would  result  in  the  federal  government  imposing  bills  of  attainder  against  those  not  purchasing  health  insurance,  which  are  also  constitutionally  forbidden.    The  health  care  legislation  further  violates  the  Tenth  Amendment  by  imposing  more  unfunded  mandates  on  New  Mexico  and  seizes  regulatory  power  of  the  health  care  sector  from  the  state  and  places  that  authority  with  the  federal  government.  Since  health  insurance  cannot  be  sold  across  state  lines,  the  Commerce  Clause  does  not  apply.      Finally,  the  expansion  and  direct  federal  regulation  of  Medicaid  of  great  concern,  as  it  creates  more  unfunded  federal  mandates  and  leaves  New  Mexico  taxpayers  bearing  the  expense.  Medicaid  was  originally  established  where  states  could  voluntarily  opt  out  of  the  program  (so  far,  Arizona  is  the  only  state  not  to  participate  in  Medicaid),  but  this  no  longer  becomes  an  option  for  states  as  the  health  care  reform  legislation  greatly  expands  Medicaid  eligibility,  which  will  cause  most  of  those  eligible  to  drop  their  current  coverage  (if  any)  and  enroll  into  Medicaid.  This  will  have  two  effects:  first,  it  will  add  to  already  massive  state  budget  deficits,  and  will  result  in  a  decline  in  the  quality  of  health  care  as  health  care  providers  leave  the  profession  to  pursue  their  careers  in  more  profitable  economic  sectors,  ultimately  leading  to  health  care  rationing.    

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 I  urge  you  to  join  other  states  in  their  fight  to  block  federal  health  care  reform  through  the  judicial  system,  to  defend  the  inalienable  right  of  New  Mexicans  to  freely  choose  how  they  obtain  health  care,  preserve  New  Mexico's  right  to  ensure  all  of  our  state's  citizens  are  afforded  quality  health  care,  and  preserve  the  constitutional  framework  upon  which  our  great  country  is  founded.    Sincerely,    Daniel  E.  Pagliaro  Albuquerque          .   4/8/2010  14:19:18   Hello  my  name  is  Harvey  Hebisen,  My  first  question,  is  New  Mexico  going  to  join  in  with  the  14  others  States  litigation  that  the  new  health  bill  is  unconstitutional.  I  certainly  hope  so  surely  this  is  wrong  to  make  everyone  buy  insurance  whether  they  can  afford  it  or  not  and  then  fine  them  if  they  do  not.  Where  is  our  freedom  is  this?    2nd  issue    There  is  gross  abuse  going  on  with  the  welfare  system.  I  will  explain  Couples  get  married  they  have  children,  then  the  get  legally  separated.  The  husband  leaves  for  a  little  while  but  then  he  comes  back  sometimes  he  never  even  leaves.  However  the  wife  and  children  can  receive  welfare  free  medical  free  food  stamps  money  for  her  and  each  child  all  the  while  the  husband  is  working  and  leaving  there  and  has  no  bills  to  pay  because  we  are  paying  them.  This  will  go  on  for  18  years.    There  has  to  be  a  limit  to  this  law  like  1  year  only  then  either  Divorce  or  get  back  together.  But  he  still  should  pay  for  his  own  children  anyway!!    It  gets  even  better  they  will  give  guardianship  to  their  grandparents  now  the  grandparents  will  be  able  to  file  for  assistance  because  they  are  raising  the  children.  They  can  receive  $2000  to  $4000  per  month.  The  Parents  and  also  the  Grandparents.    And  New  Mexico  wants  to  know  why  the  have  no  money  because  they  have  stupid  laws  and  nobody  pays  attention  to  anything.    I  would  like  this  to  stop  ASP  if  possible  Thanks  Harvey,  don't  forget  I  do  not  like  the  Health  Bill  at  all  .   4/8/2010  15:09:36   PLEASE  JOIN  THE  OTHER  16  OR  MORE  STATES  IN  FILING  SUIT  AGAINST  THE  FEDERAL  GOVERNMENT  REGARDING  THE  HEALTH  CARE  BILL  BEING  UNCONSTITUTIONAL.  IT  IS  -­‐  UNCONSTITUTIONAL  -­‐  AND  WILL  ONLY  SERVE  TO  FURTHER  BANKRUPT  AND  RUIN  ONCE  WAS  THIS  GREAT  NATION.  

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 THANK  YOU.  .   4/8/2010  16:51:55   WHY  HAVENT  YOU  FILED  SUIT  AGAINST  THE  OBAMACARE??  IT  IS  UNCONSTITUTIONAL  AND  OBAMA  NEEDS  TO  BE  STOPPED..  HE  HAS  CONSTANTLY  BYPASSED  THE  CONSTITUTION  AND  I  HAVE  YERT  TO  MEET  ANYONE  WHO  WANTS  THIS  ....  BARBEE  BEER  .   4/8/2010  17:34:09   1)  People  that  don't  purchase  healthcare  will  be  fined??  What  will  you  do  to  make  them  pay?  2)  Why  are  you  taking  what  I  have  worked  30  years  for  and  giving  to  somebody  that  doesn't  want  to  work  for  it  or  pay  for  it?  3)  What  help  will  I  get  to  pay  my  premium  when  it  doubles  or  triples  in  order  to  pay  for  all  the  pre-­‐existing  conditions  my  company  is  forced  to  cover?  4)  How  and  why  did  student  loans  for  college  get  added  into  a  'healthcare  reform  me?    Health  care  reform  was  needed  but  not  at  the  expense  of  breaking  our  country's  budget.  Our  freedom  and  our  country  is  in  jeopardy  due  to  leaders  that  think  there  is  an  endless  supply  of  money  for  programs  just  so  they  can  take  credit  for  'reform'!!  .   4/8/2010  17:37:01   I  am  against  the  health  care  reform  that  was  recently  passed  in  Washington.  Our  current  system,  although  flawed,  has  strong  points  and  I  believe  it  is  the  responsibility  of  our  lawmakers  to  improve  on  what  we  have  and  not  to  design  a  plan  that  is  impossible  to  fund  and  will  negatively  impact  the  care  we  receive.  Our  representatives  in  Washington  have  flagrantly  gone  against  the  will  of  the  people.  .   4/8/2010  18:14:02   You  know  more  than  I  do,  I  haven't  read  the  bill,  but  too  much  government  control.  I've  had  enough  of  the  IRS  we  DON'T  need  to  give  them  more  control.  We  don't  need  more  left  radical  programs  or  leaders.  Thanks,  Margaret  Collins,  San  Jon,  NM  .   4/8/2010  19:33:33   The  national  health  reform  rammed  through  Congress  is  giving  state  officials  headaches.  Writing  in  The  Wall  Street  Journal,  Indiana  Governor  Mitch  Daniels  outlines  several  problems  states  will  have  to  deal  with  as  a  result  of  Obamacare.    For  example,  Daniels  now  faces  the  prospect  of  terminating  a  popular  insurance  program  for  low-­‐income  Indiana  residents.  The  “Healthy  Indiana  Plan”  includes  health  savings  accounts  that  have  been  widely  popular  with  the  program’s  participants.  Due  to  new  health  care  law,  however,  Indiana  will  most  likely  have  to  dump  the  “Healthy  Indiana”  enrollees  into  Medicaid.    Moreover,  the  Legislature  will  probably  have  to  hike  state  taxes.  Though  federal  funds  will  cover–initially—the  medical  cost  of  expanding  Medicaid  rolls,  the  states  must  cover  the  additional  administrative  costs.  And  the  feds  won’t  cover  the  extra  health  costs  forever.  In  later  years,  states  have  to  pick  up  the  tab  of  expanding  benefits  as  well.  At  the  end  of  the  day,  the  Medicaid  expansion  will  prove  far  more  costly  than  “Healthy  Indiana.”    

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Daniels  also  notes  that  states  must  now  weigh  the  possibility  of  dropping  insurance  coverage  for  their  employees.  It  might  be  much  cheaper  just  to  pay  the  new  federal  penalty  for  not  offering  insurance,  and  letting  state  government  workers  use  lavish  federal  subsidies  to  buy  individual  or  family  coverage  in  the  new  exchange.  A  Heritage  analysis  shows  that’s  one  way  private  companies  with  a  high  proportion  of  insured,  low-­‐income  workers  can  cut  operating  costs.  It  might  work  for  some  state  governments,  too.    Of  course,  when  state  governments  save  in  that  way,  others  pay.  Hoosier  taxpayers  would  wind  up  paying  the  penalty  imposed  on  the  state  government  not  complying  with  the  law’s  employer  mandate.  And  federal  taxpayers  would  pick  up  the  tab  for  the  subsidies  given  to  help  state  workers  buy  coverage  in  the  exchange.    The  unintended  consequences  of  Obamacare  outlined  by  Gov.  Daniels  demonstrate  why  we  would  have  been  better  off  letting  the  states  take  the  lead  in  reforming  the  health  insurance  market.  A  federalist  approach  allows  states  to  adopt  reforms  that  best  suit  the  needs  and  desires  of  their  residents.  .   4/8/2010  19:36:23   According  to  the  Congressional  Budget  Office  (CBO),  over  half  of  President  Barack  Obama’s  new  $940  billion  health  care  entitlement  is  paid  for  by  price-­‐fixing  Medicare  cuts.  Never  mind  that  the  President’s  own  Centers  for  Medicare  and  Medicaid  Services  says  that  these  cuts  would  cause  “roughly  20  percent”  of  Medicare  providers  to  go  bankrupt  in  Obamacare’s  first  ten  years.  The  CBO  has  to  believe  these  cuts  will  happen  because  they  are  required,  by  law,  to  believe  everything  Congress  tells  them.  The  American  people  are  not.  So  the  American  people  ought  to  know  that  instead  of  cutting  doctors’  Medicare  reimbursement  rates  by  21%  as  required  by  law  on  April  1,  the  Centers  for  Medicare  and  Medicaid  Services  froze  payments  at  current  levels  until  Congress  could  come  back  after  Easter  recess  and  rescind  those  cuts.  Again.  As  they  have  done  every  year  but  one  since  the  cuts  were  first  enacted  in  1997.    This  doc  fix  is  big  enough  that,  if  it  had  been  included  as  a  cost  of  Obamacare,  it  would  have  sent  the  President’s  bill  into  the  red  all  by  itself.  But  the  half  trillion  dollars  in  Medicare  cuts  used  to  fund  the  rest  of  Obamacare  are  a  much  bigger  problem.  Even  if  we  assume  they  all  go  as  planned,  President  Obama’s  budget  would  borrow  42  cents  for  each  dollar  spent  in  2010;  would  run  a  $1.6  trillion  deficit  in  2010;  and  would  leave  permanent  deficits  that  top  $1  trillion  as  late  as  2020.  Add  on  the  half  trillion  dollars  in  Medicare  cuts  that,  given  Congress’  track  record,  the  American  people  would  be  naive  to  think  will  ever  happen,  and  the  federal  government  is  looking  at  a  pile  of  new  debt.    The  left’s  solution  to  this  problem  has  been  simmering  for  some  time  now.  Senate  Budget  Committee  chairman  Kent  Conrad  (D-­‐ND)  floated  the  idea  to  The  Washington  Post  last  May.  Speaker  Nancy  Pelosi  (D-­‐CA)  told  Charlie  Rose  it  was  “on  the  table”  in  October.  And  yesterday  White  House  adviser  Paul  Volcker  told  the  New  York  Historical  Society  it  should  be  considered.  The  “it”  here  is  a  Value  Added  Tax  (VAT),  which  is  a  fancy  way  of  saying  national  sales  tax.  

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 A  VAT  can  be  (and  has  been)  structured  in  many  different  ways.  But  the  real  world  results  are  always  the  same:  higher  taxes,  more  government  spending,  lower  growth,  fewer  jobs  and  more  special  interest  power.    Higher  Taxes:  Don’t  believe  for  a  second  that  a  VAT  will  help  offset  other  taxes.  International  evidence  clearly  shows  that  a  VAT  is  likely  to  increase  the  aggregate  burden  of  govern¬ment.  Europeans  used  to  only  have  a  slightly  higher  tax  burden  than  the  United  States.  But  beginning  in  the  late  1960s,  European  countries  began  to  implement  VATs.  Since  then,  the  overall  tax  burden  in  Europe  has  climbed  rapidly.  And  once  a  VAT  is  in  place,  the  evidence  shows  that  the  tax  rate  rises  over  time.    Higher  Government  Spending:  Not  surprisingly,  with  more  revenues,  European  governments  turn  around  and  spend  much  more  than  the  United  States  does.  According  to  a  study  by  the  U.S.  Chamber  of  Commerce,  government  spending  grew  45  percent  faster  in  VAT  nations  than  in  non-­‐VAT  countries.    Slower  Growth:  According  to  the  academic  literature,  there  is  a  strong  negative  relationship  between  govern¬ment  spending  and  economic  performance.  In  other  words,  more  government  spending  means  less  economic  growth  and  fewer  jobs.  Economic  growth  is  driven  by  individuals  and  entrepreneurs  operating  in  free  markets,  not  by  Washington  spending  and  regulations.    More  Power  to  Washington:  There  is  one  economy  that  would  greatly  benefit  from  a  VAT:  Washington,  DC.  No  VAT  could  ever  be  levied  evenly  on  all  goods  and  services.  Due  to  political  considerations,  a  VAT  in  addition  to  current  taxes  would  likely  exempt  politically  sensitive  items  like  food,  clothing,  health  care  and  housing.  Industries  would  lobby  heavily  for  exemptions  from  the  VAT  for  the  economic  benefits  described  above.  This  would  give  Congress  an  even  larger  role  in  picking  winners  and  losers  in  the  marketplace.  Success  would  depend  less  on  ingenuity  and  hard  work  and  more  on  the  ability  to  gain  political  favor.    Our  nation  faces  a  financial  crisis.  But  low  revenues  are  not  the  problem.  Spending  is.  Heritage  fellow  Brian  Riedl  explains:    Real  federal  spending  remained  steady  at  $21,000  per  household  throughout  the  1980s  and  1990s,  before  President  Bush  hiked  it  to  $25,000  per  household.  Now,  President  Obama  has  a  proposed  a  budget  that  would  permanently  spend  a  staggering  $32,000  per  household  annually  –  and  that’s  before  all  the  baby  boomers  retire  and  add  another  $10,000  per  household  in  Social  Security,  Medicare,  and  Medicare  costs  to  the  bottom  line.    So  the  problem  is  not  declining  revenues,  but  rather  a  spending  spree  unlike  any  in  American  history.  If  Washington  insists  on  spending  $32,000  per  household,  it  will  have  to  tax  $32,000  per  household  –  an  unaffordable  and  unfair  tax  burden  regardless  what  kind  of  tax  collects  it.  

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 Rather  than  tax  America  into  permanent  economic  stagnation,  President  Obama  and  Congress  must  rein  in  runaway  federal  spending.  Simply  bringing  real  federal  spending  back  to  the  $21,000  per  household  average  that  prevailed  in  the  1980s  and  1990s  would  balance  the  budget  by  2012  without  raising  a  single  tax  on  anyone.  Even  returning  spending  to  the  pre-­‐recession  level  of  20  percent  of  GDP  would  eliminate  two-­‐thirds  of  the  projected  2019  budget  deficit  without  raising  taxes.    Quick  Hits:    *  According  to  the  Treasury  Department,  President  Obama  and  Democratic  lawmakers  plan  to  raise  taxes  on  upper  income  Americans  by  $41  billion  next  year  and  $969  billion  over  the  next  decade.  *  Health  and  Human  Services  Secretary  Kathleen  Sebelius  announced  Tuesday  that  the  Obama  administration  plans  to  use  tax  payer  money  to  fund  a  “help  desk”  designed  to  educate  “Americans  about  the  benefits  for  them  in”  Obamacare.  *  The  pension  plans  of  Obama  administration-­‐owned  General  Motors  and  United  Auto  Workers-­‐owned  Chrysler  are  underfunded  by  a  total  of  $17  billion  and  could  fail  if  the  automakers  do  not  return  to  profitability.  *  The  White  House  hinted  yesterday  it  might  cancel  next  month’s  meeting  with  Afghan  President  Hamid  Karzai  and  declined  to  call  Karzai  a  U.S.  ally.  *  A  federal  appeals  court  ruled  yesterday  that  the  FCC  overstepped  its  authority  in  2008  when  regulators  barred  Comcast  from  managing  Internet  traffic  from  peer-­‐to-­‐peer,  video-­‐sharing  services.  .   4/8/2010  19:36:59   On  behalf  of  the  citizens  of  New  Mexico,  please  file  a  suit  to  stop  the  health  care  bill  recently  passed  by  Congress  and  signed  by  the  president.  This  bill  violates  our  constitutional  rights,  and  I  will  ultimately  end  up  worsening  our  health  care  system  rather  than  improving  it.    Thank  you,  Bruce  Mindheim  4900  Creek  Place  NW  Albuquerque,  NM  .   4/8/2010  19:37:21   Obamacare  was  sold  as  a  way  to  improve  benefits  and  expand  coverage.  But  it  doesn’t  seem  to  be  panning  out  that  way.    Almost  immediately,  major  companies  offering  excellent  health  coverage  to  both  active  workers  and  retirees  said  the  new  law  would  cost  them  a  bundle.  AT&T  alone  said  they’d  have  to  set  aside  an  extra  $1  billion  in  the  first  quarter  due  to  an  Obamacare  tax  on  their  retiree  drug  coverage.    Now,  both  retirees  and  current  employees  of  AT&T  and  other  affected  companies  are  “wondering  whether  the  new  law  could  mean  reduced  or  canceled  benefits  for  them  in  the  future,”  reports  Byron  York  of  the  Washington  Examiner.    

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Obamacare  devotees  have  described  the  tax  on  retiree  drug  benefits  as  a  move  to  close  a  “loophole.”  The  government,  they  said,  was  actually  subsidizing  the  company-­‐paid  benefits,  so  the  tax  is  merely  a  way  to  recoup  some  of  the  government’s  money.  Sounds  reasonable.  Until  you  get  the  back  story  and  the  details.    The  government  “subsidy”  was  created  in  the  Medicare  Modernization  Act  of  2003,  when  Congress  was  busy  passing  the  last  new  big  entitlement  before  Obamacare:  a  universal  prescription  drug  benefit  for  all  Medicare  beneficiaries.  That  baby  added-­‐  drum  roll  please-­‐  roughly  $8  trillion  to  the  unfunded  liability  of  the  Medicare  program.    Back  then,  roughly  three  out  of  four  seniors  already  had  prescription  drug  coverage  of  some  sort—often  as  a  retirement  benefit.  Rather  than  provide  a  prescription  drug  benefit  for  only  those  who  needed  it,  both  Democrats  and  Republicans  in  Congress  wanted  a  universal  drug  entitlement  added  to  Medicare.  So,  the  Congressional  Republican  leadership  enacted  it.  And  the  taxpayers  were  henceforth  on  the  hook  for  Medicare  drug  coverage  for  all  seniors—even  the  wealthiest—if  they  wanted  it.    During  the  big  Medicare  drug  debate  of  2003,  the  Heritage  Foundation  argued  strenuously  against  this  extravagant  approach,  warning  that  it  would  inevitably  crowd  out  private  coverage.  The  Congressional  Budget  Office,  too,  cautioned  that  the  universal  entitlement  would  encourage  companies  to  dump  their  drug  coverage  for  retirees.    To  keep  companies  from  dumping  coverage  as  a  result  of  their  own  handiwork,  Congress  offered  tax  free  federal  subsidies  to  private  companies  to  keep  offering  prescription  drug  benefits  to  their  retirees.  After  all,  it  was  cheaper  for  the  government  to  help  subsidize  the  private  coverage  than  to  pay  the  entire  cost  of  the  coverage  through  Medicare.    But  it  was  a  case  of  “fixing”  bad  policy  with  more  bad  policy.  Congress  effectively  ensured  that,  whether  seniors  receive  subsidized  private  benefits  or  the  new  Medicare  benefit,  taxpayers  would  foot  the  bill.    Cut  to  Obamacare.  To  help  pay  for  a  whole  new  health  entitlement  expansion,  it  guts  the  old  “fix”  that  was  originally  designed  in  2003  to  prevent  disruption  of  seniors  existing  drug  coverage  .  This  takes  bad  health  policy  to  a  whole  new  level.  Instead  of  helping  offset  the  cost  of  Obamacare,  it  will  doubtless  encourage  companies  to  scale  back  or  even  drop  their  retiree  drug  benefits  altogether,  thereby  increasing  the  number  of  seniors  directly  dependent  on  the  Medicare  program.  Of  course,  any  additional  costs  from  this  latest  move  will  be  billed  to  the  same  folks  who  paid  for  Congress’s  2003  corporate  welfare  subsidies:  the  taxpayers.  How  clever.  .   4/8/2010  19:38:05   Despite  all  the  talk  about  how  Obamacare  would  lower  health  care  costs,  it’s  already  becoming  clear  that  it  just  won’t  be  the  case.    

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The  Indianapolis  Star  reports  that  companies  can  expect  employee  health  insurance  costs  to  rise  even  faster.  “Driven  by  worries  about  the  economy  and  possibly  the  effects  of  health-­‐care  reform,  [health  insurers]  are  raising  rates  this  year  for  family  coverage  through  employer-­‐sponsored  plans…  from  8  percent  to  21  percent,  which  is  considerably  higher  than  the  5  percent  increase  the  Kaiser  Family  Foundation  reported  in  2009.”    Employers  will  undoubtedly  pass  the  price  hikes  on  to  their  employees  or  switch  to  less  expensive  plans  with  higher  deductibles,  lesser  coverage  or  both.  Those  outcomes  aren’t  exactly  hallmarks  of  successful  health  care  reform.    The  Obamacare  legislation  contained  numerous  “reforms”  (PDF)  that  can’t  help  but  escalate  costs  or  lower  benefits  for  those  who  get  their  health  coverage  through  their  jobs.  In  addition  to  the  new  taxes  on  high-­‐value  “Cadillac”  health  insurance  plans,  there  are  increases  in  the  Medicare  Part  A  hospital  insurance  tax  for  high  earners.  And  there  are  broad  fees  on  the  pharmaceutical  and  insurance  industries  that  will  be  passed  on  to  consumers  at  all  income  levels.    During  his  final  push  to  win  passage  of  the  health  bill,  President  Obama  told  a  crowd  in  Strongsville,  Ohio,  that  premiums  would  “fall  by  as  much  as  3,000  percent”  under  his  plan.  The  evidence  rolling  in  shows  that  the  President  not  only  misspoke,  he  got  the  entire  direction  of  premium  costs  under  Obamacare  exactly  wrong.  .   4/8/2010  19:39:48      Presidential  candidate  Senator  Barack  Obama  (D-­‐IL)  has  put  forth  an  ambitious  health  care  plan.[1]  The  plan  proposes:    *  Expanding  eligibility  for  existing  public  programs,  including  both  Medicaid  and  the  State  Children's  Health  Insurance  Program  (SCHIP);  *  Creating  a  National  Health  Insurance  Exchange  to  serve  as  a  federal  regulator  of  private  insurance  plans  that  would  compete  alongside  a  new  National  Health  Plan;  *  Providing  income-­‐related  subsidies  for  those  without  employer-­‐sponsored  health  insurance  while  mandating  that  children  have  coverage;  and  *  Requiring  that  medium  and  large  employers  provide  coverage  or  pay  a  tax,  while  extending  tax  credits  to  small  businesses  and  creating  a  government  reinsurance  program  to  cover  businesses'  catastrophic  health  costs.    Differing  Estimates    Analyzing  proposals  based  on  campaign  documents  and  media  accounts  is  inherently  difficult,  as  these  materials  lack  the  level  of  detail  necessary  for  a  rigorous  econometric  analysis.  Nonetheless,  several  organizations  have  done  so,  using  a  variety  of  assumptions  and  methodologies.[2]  Most  notable  are  the  Lewin  Group,[3]  Health  Systems  Innovations  Network,[4]  and  the  Urban  Institute-­‐Brookings  Institution  Tax  Policy  Center.[5]    

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The  best  independent  research  shows  that  the  Obama  plan  would  cover  roughly  half  of  the  45  million  uninsured  through  an  expansion  of  public  coverage;  rely  on  soft  methods  of  cost-­‐savings;  and  require  significant  increases  in  federal  expenditures.    Coverage.  According  to  the  Lewin  Group,  the  Obama  plan  would  reduce  the  number  of  uninsured  by  26.6  million  in  2010  if  fully  implemented  in  that  year.  The  plan  would  also  bring  about  significant  shifts  in  sources  of  coverage.  While  21.6  million  people  would  lose  their  private  health  insurance,  48.3  million  people  are  projected  to  obtain  public  coverage  through  Medicaid,  SCHIP,  or  the  new  National  Plan.  Private  employer-­‐sponsored  coverage  would  decline  by  13.9  million,  and  private  non-­‐group  coverage  would  decline  by  7.7  million.  Meanwhile,  18.6  million  employees  would  buy  into  the  new  public  plan  through  their  workplace  (as  their  employers  switched  to  this  plan  from  private  coverage),  13.1  million  individuals  would  buy  into  the  public  plan  in  the  non-­‐group  market,  and  16.6  million  individuals  would  become  newly  enrolled  in  Medicaid  or  SCHIP.  Therefore,  the  expansion  of  coverage  under  the  Obama  plan  would  be  driven  by  enrollment  in  public  coverage.  This  would  entail  a  crowd-­‐out  of  existing  private  non-­‐group  and  private  employer-­‐sponsored  insurance.    Estimates  of  sources  of  coverage,  however,  are  sensitive  to  assumptions  about  the  level  at  which  provider  reimbursement  is  set  for  the  National  Plan.  The  figures  above  are  based  on  the  assumption  that  the  National  Plan  would  reimburse  providers  at  a  level  halfway  between  private  market  rates  and  the  lower  rates  set  by  Medicare.  In  an  alternative  scenario  modeled  by  Lewin,  reimbursement  was  reduced  to  Medicare  payment  levels.  Enrollment  in  the  National  Plan  reached  as  much  as  42.9  million,  contributing  to  a  32-­‐million-­‐person  decrease  in  private  health  insurance  and  a  60.1-­‐million-­‐person  increase  in  public  coverage.  While  sources  of  coverage  would  change  significantly,  there  would  not  be  a  significant  change  in  the  net  reduction  of  the  uninsured.[6]    Lewin  applied  a  type  of  model  known  as  a  micro-­‐simulation.[7]  Health  Systems  Innovations  Network  (HSI)  conducted  an  analysis  (funded  by  the  McCain  campaign)  also  using  this  type  of  approach.[8]  It  found  that  the  plan  would  reduce  the  uninsured  by  25.5  million.  It  also  found  that  24.6  million  people  would  enroll  in  the  new  public  plan  through  employers  or  in  the  non-­‐group  market.  However,  the  HSI  study  did  not  look  at  the  proposed  expansions  of  Medicaid  and  SCHIP  that  would  further  increase  enrollment  in  public  coverage.    In  contrast,  the  Tax  Policy  Center  (TPC)  applied  a  different  type  of  model  known  as  an  elasticity-­‐based  approach.[9]  The  TPC  estimated  the  Obama  plan  would  reduce  the  number  of  uninsured  by  18.4  million  in  2009.  In  that  year,  4.3  million  people  would  gain  employer  sponsored  insurance,  5.8  million  would  obtain  non-­‐group  coverage,  and  8.3  million  would  enroll  in  public  coverage.  The  TPC  did  not  take  into  account  the  differences  in  provider  reimbursement  between  the  National  Plan  and  private  insurance.[10]  Moreover,  the  results  are  somewhat  confusing  because  it  is  impossible  to  determine  enrollment  in  the  National  Plan.  

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 Cost.  According  to  the  Lewin  Group,  health  care  system-­‐wide  savings  over  the  2010-­‐19  period  would  be  about  $571.6  billion.  Since  the  plan  does  not  fundamentally  change  incentive  structures  in  the  health  care  sector,[11]  most  of  its  anticipated  savings  come  from  various  delivery  system  improvements  common  to  Obama's  and  McCain's  plans,  ranging  from  health  information  technology  to  disease  management.  The  effectiveness  of  these  initiatives  assumes  major  behavioral  changes.  As  Professor  Mark  Pauly,  a  prominent  health  care  economist  at  the  University  of  Pennsylvania,  explains:    The  main  problem  is  that  these  [popular,  common  methods]  are  "if  only'  savings,  which  can  be  achieved  "if  only'  certain  events  would  occur,  such  as  physicians'  being  willing  to  adopt  health  IT,  consumers  being  willing  to  accept  changes  in  diet  and  exercise.  …  There  is  little  evidence  that  there  are  known  methods  to  cause  the  "if  only'  behavior  to  occur,  and  to  occur  quickly  on  a  large  enough  scale  to  matter.[12]    The  efficacy  of  these  "if  only'  savings  has  been  seriously  questioned  by  the  Congressional  Budget  Office  (CBO).  The  CBO  has  reported  that  evidence  of  disease  management,[13]  comparative  effectiveness,[14]  health  information  technology,[15]  or  prescription  drug  re-­‐importation[16]  reducing  costs  quickly  and  appreciably  is  lacking.    Obama  says  the  reason  people  lack  health  insurance  is  that  they  cannot  afford  it.  The  Obama  campaign,  in  an  effort  to  "talk  to  people  in  a  way  they  understand,'[17]  made  an  audacious  promise:  The  typical  family  would  save  $2,500  on  premiums  under  the  Senator's  health  plan.  In  calculating  this  figure,  the  Obama  advisors  relied  on  their  own  best-­‐guess  estimates  of  "if  only'  system  savings  at  full  implementation.  In  its  analysis  of  the  Obama  plan,  the  Lewin  Group  projects  that  the  average  savings  per  family  would  be  $426.    Lewin,  HSI,  and  TPC  all  found  that  spending  by  the  federal  government  would,  on  net,  have  to  increase  significantly  in  order  to  implement  the  plan.    Lewin  projected  that  the  Obama  proposal  would  increase  federal  spending  by  about  $1.17  trillion  over  the  2010-­‐19  period.[18]    HSI  estimates  the  Obama  plan  would  cost  $452  billion  per  year,  or  more  than  $6  trillion  over  a  10-­‐year  period.[19]  The  dramatic  difference  between  this  estimate  and  others  is  largely  a  result  of  HSI's  assumption  that  under  Obama's  mandate  to  cover  children,  the  federal  government  would  subsidize  virtually  the  full  cost  of  coverage.  Also,  HSI  finds  that  the  employer  mandate  would  add  sizeable  costs  to  the  federal  government.    The  TPC  projects  the  Obama  plan  would  cost  $1.6  trillion  over  10  years.  However,  the  TPC  model  did  not  account  for  any  of  the  savings  measures  in  the  plan.    

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In  May  2007,  advisers  to  the  campaign  issued  a  memorandum  to  "interested  parties'  that  estimated  the  plan's  cost.[20]  Under  "best-­‐guess'  assumptions,  the  Senator's  advisers  estimated  the  plan's  net  cost  at  $50-­‐$65  billion  a  year  at  full  implementation.  The  memorandum  then  claimed  any  new  cost  could  be  covered  by  rolling  back  part  of  the  Bush  tax  cuts.  It  is  controversial  because  of  both  its  cost  and  savings  estimates,[21]  and  other  analysts  have  called  into  question  the  memorandum's  conclusions.[22]  Since  the  Bush  tax  cuts  are  set  to  expire  within  two  years  anyway,  they  are  not  a  viable  offset,  because  beyond  expiration  they  are  built  into  the  federal  government's  budget  baseline.  Complicating  the  matter  further,  repealing  the  Bush  tax  cuts  early  has  already  been  proposed  by  Obama  as  potential  source  of  revenue  for  a  number  of  other  policy  initiatives.[23]    Expanding  Government  Control    The  Obama  plan  would  reduce  the  number  of  uninsured  citizens,  but  it  would  not  control  costs  in  any  significant  way  while  demanding  considerable  increases  in  federal  expenditures.  Coverage  expansion  would  be  driven  by  enrollment  in  public  plans  in  which  the  government  would  set  benefit  levels  and  provider  reimbursement  rates.  Cost-­‐savings  would  not  come  from  fundamentally  realigning  economic  incentives  but  would  rely  on  dubious  "if  only'  propositions  related  to  changes  in  health  care  delivery.    Greg  D'Angelo  is  Policy  Analyst  in  the  Center  for  Health  Policy  Studies  and  Paul  L.  Winfree  is  a  Policy  Analyst  in  the  Center  for  Data  Analysis  at  The  Heritage  Foundation.  Jeet  Guram,  a  Heritage  health  policy  intern  from  the  University  of  South  Carolina,  contributed  to  the  research  in  this  paper.  .   4/8/2010  19:40:53   President  Obama  promised  Americans  that  “If  you  like  the  plan  you  have  now,  you  can  keep  it.”  It  was  a  fundamental  promise  of  Obamacare.    But  if  the  coverage  you  like  comes  via  a  Health  Savings  Account  (HSA)  or  a  Flexible  Spending  Account  (FSA),  that  promise  may  not  hold.    A  recent  analysis  from  HSA  Consulting  Services  concludes  the  new  law  will  probably  lead  to  major  changes  in  how  consumers  can  use  such  plans.  And  many  of  those  changes  may  make  the  accounts  far  less  appealing.  It  all  depends  of  how  the  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services  writes  the  regs,  says  study  author  Roy  Ramthun.    The  Obamacare  law  limits  these  consumer-­‐controlled  accounts  in  two  ways:  it  restricts  the  types  of  health  products  you  can  purchase  with  your  HSA  money,  and  it  reduces  the  amount  of  money  you’ll  be  able  to  put  into  your  FSA.    Unsurprisingly,  there’s  a  price  hike,  too.  It  doubles—to  a  whopping  20  percent—the  tax  penalty  for  withdrawing  HSA  funds  to  cover  non-­‐medical  expenses.    

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But  the  worst  news  for  those  using  HSAs  is  the  provision  requiring  all  policies  to  cover  at  least  60  percent  of  the  actuarial  value  of  the  benefits  offered.  What’s  the  actual  value?  No  one  really  knows—not  until  the  Health  and  Human  Services  Department  issues  regulations  on  how  to  calculate  it.    Will  contributions  to  HSAs  be  included  in  these  actuarial-­‐value  calculations?  HHS  Secretary  Kathleen  Sebelius  will  make  that  call.  And  if  she  rules  “no,”  then  high-­‐deductible  health  plans  including  HSAs  will  no  longer  be  viable…  and  you  can  kiss  your  plan  good-­‐bye.    A  major  problem  with  our  health  system  is  that  consumers  typically  have  little  say  in  how  their  health  care  dollars  are  spent.  HSAs  and  FSAs  help  vest  that  decision-­‐making  power  in  the  hands  of  consumers,  rather  than  in  HSS  bureaucrats.  .   4/8/2010  19:42:10   A  signature  achievement  of  Obamacare,  we  were  told,  was  that  it  would  provide  immediate  protection  for  children  with  pre-­‐existing  conditions.  In  the  brave  new  world  of  Obamacare,  no  ailing  child  could  be  denied  coverage.    Turns  out,  that  just  ain’t  so.  According  to  the  Associated  Press,  “Under  the  new  law,  insurance  companies  still  would  be  able  to  refuse  new  coverage  to  children  because  of  a  pre-­‐existing  medical  problem,  said  Karen  Lightfoot,  spokeswoman  for  the  House  Energy  and  Commerce  Committee,  one  of  the  main  congressional  panels  that  wrote  the  bill  Obama  signed  into  law  Tuesday.  However,  if  a  child  is  accepted  for  coverage,  or  is  already  covered,  the  insurer  cannot  exclude  payment  for  treating  a  particular  illness,  as  sometimes  happens  now.”    It’s  a  problem  Congress  could  have  fixed  without  resorting  to  a  massive  restructuring  of  our  health  care  system.    How?  Well,  they  could  have  made  some  simple  changes  to  insurance  rules  to  make  sure  policies  will  cover  conditions  discovered  after  the  policy  is  issued.  They  also  should  have  moved  to  provide  a  path  for  the  uninsured  to  get  coverage  of  pre-­‐existing  conditions  on  a  conditional  basis.  And  they  certainly  should  have  made  it  possible  for  individuals  to  buy  coverage  from  outside  their  states.  This  would  both  allow  consumers  to  shop  on  a  national  basis  for  health  insurance  that  best  suits  their  needs  and  expand  the  coverage  options  available  to  them.  .   4/8/2010  19:42:26   Please  file  suit  to  stop  the  implementation  of  the  Obama  Health  Care  bill.  It  is  clearly  unconstitutional  to  force  citizens  to  purchase  specific  products  under  fear  of  penalty.  .   4/8/2010  19:43:18   Union  bosses  howled  about  one  Obamacare  tax  hike:  the  levy  on  “Cadillac”  health  plans  (expensive  plans  rich  in  benefits).  The  problem  with  this  tax,  as  they  see  it,  is  that  it  hits  the  very  plans  often  enjoyed  by  their  rank-­‐and-­‐file.    Ever  eager  to  please  the  unions,  Democratic  leaders  added  a  “fix”  to  the  reconciliation  bill  the  president  will  sign  into  law  today  (Tuesday).  It  delays  the  

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unpopular  tax  to  2018.  The  pols  are  touting  it  as  a  scaled  back  version  of  the  tax.  But  even  the  “fix”  is  broken.    While  the  tax  won’t  bite  until  after  the  president  leaves  office,  “scaled  back”  it  is  not.  The  revised  version  raises  the  threshold  for  plans  that  would  be  subject  to  the  tax.  But  it  also  indexes  the  threshold  to  rise  with  the  general  inflation  rate.    The  original  tax  was  indexed  to  general  inflation  plus  1  percent.  The  “plus  1”  was  meant  to  account  for  the  higher  rate  of  inflation  in  medical  costs.  Dropping  that  “plus  1  percent”  means  that  more  and  more  Americans’  health  plans  will  fall  under  the  tax  as  premium  costs  continue  to  outpace  inflation.    According  to  the  Joint  Economic  Committee,  “Under  the  provisions  of  the  proposed  “fix”,  the  high  cost  plans  tax  will  hit  the  average  family  plan  five  years  earlier.  The  subsidized  exchange  “silver  plan”  premium  would  be  subject  to  the  tax  eleven  years  earlier.”    Bottom  line:  Though  the  tax  may  be  “scaled  back”  in  the  short  term,  it  will  hit  more  Americans’  health  plans  sooner  in  the  long  term.    Rather  than  simply  increase  taxes  to  expand  government  health  programs,  Congress  should  replace  the  current  tax  exclusion  with  a  fairer  system:  universal  tax  credits.  Short  of  that,  there  are  a  number  of  practical  steps  Congress  can  take  to  expand  private  health  insurance  coverage  and  treat  all  citizens  more  equitably.  It’s  all  explained  here  by  Heritage  analyst  Stuart  Butler.  .   4/9/2010  5:09:20   Get  The  Federal  Goverment  Out  out  of  ouur  healthcare.  Join  the  law  suit  NOW!  If  we  want  any  goverment  involved,  it  should  be  state  or  local  goverment  not  the  Federal  Goverment.  .   4/9/2010  7:14:34   I  am  very  much  against  the  new  Health  Care  Bill!!!!!I  don't  think  it  is  right  for  the  government  to  tell  us  that  we  have  to  have  insurance.  The  majority  of  the  people  were  against  it  but  our  government  knows  better  and  passed  it  anyway!!!!!  The  day  is  coming  when  us  working  people  will  give  most  of  everything  we  make  to  support  the  one  that  don't  work.  When  that  day  come  we'll  all  quit  working  and  set  at  home  and  see  if  the  government  can  support  us.  .   4/9/2010  8:11:48   Soy  de  Argentina  me  han  estafado  por  internet  ofreciendome  un  trabajo  para  tipiar  textos  desde  Mexico  tengo  todos  los  datos  mi  correo  es  [email protected]  .   4/9/2010  8:25:27   NM  must  join  in  the  fight  against  the  Health  Care  Bill!!  This  bill  will  be  devastating  to  an  already  under-­‐served  populace.  Perhaps  if  physicians  had  participated  in  the  process  there  would  have  been  a  different  outcome.  Now  we  will  be  faced  with  doctors  leaving  our  state,  retiring  early,  and/or  limiting  their  practices  to  paying  patients.  We  do  not  have  a  sufficient  number  of  new  physicians  graduating  from  medical  school  to  make  up  the  difference.  We  need  more  medical  schools  to  train  and  practice  in  our  poor,  under-­‐served  state.  PLEASE  join  the  battle  against  this  bad  bill!    

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     .   4/9/2010  8:54:14   I  believe  the  "health  care  reform  act"  recently  passed  by  Congress  to  be  an  unconsitutional  usurpation  of  power.  It  is  not  Congress's  place  to  force  Americans  to  purchase  health  care.  A  simple  look  at  the  government  run  health  care  systems  in  any  country  and  the  VA  and  military  health  care  systems  of  this  country  show  that  our  government  has  no  business  running  health  care.  Government  run  health  care  will  reduce  stifle  research  and  lead  to  the  end  of  improvements  in  treatment  and  care.    .   4/9/2010  10:01:16   Did  the  Founding  Fathers  –  the  Framers  of  our  government  –  give  states  the  constitutional  power  to  nullify  federal  laws?As  will  be  seen  in  the  historical  evidence  presented  below,  the  answer  is  an  unequivocal  “No!”;  they  did  not  give  that  power  to  states.  In  fact,  every  major  Founder  condemned  this  type  of  state  nullification  –  including  Thomas  Jefferson,  who  is  wrongly  invoked  above  as  approving  it.    Notwithstanding  this  fact,  there  is  little  doubt  that  they  took  definite  steps  to  ensure  that  the  federal  government  would  not  intrude  into  state  issues  through  the  Tenth  Amendment  to  the  Constitution:    The  powers  not  delegated  to  the  United  States  by  the  Constitution,  nor  prohibited  by  it  to  the  States,  are  reserved  to  the  States  respectively,  or  to  the  people.    Under  the  Tenth  Amendment,  everything  not  specifically  enumerated  in  the  Constitution  was  to  remain  the  purview  of  the  states.  As  explained  by  Thomas  Jefferson  (on  numerous  occasions):    I  consider  the  foundation  of  the  Constitution  as  laid  on  this  ground:  that  “all  powers  not  delegated  to  the  United  States  by  the  Constitution,  nor  prohibited  by  it  to  the  states,  are  reserved  to  the  states  or  to  the  people.”…To  take  a  single  step  beyond  the  boundaries  thus  specially  drawn  around  the  powers  of  Congress  is  to  take  possession  of  a  boundless  field  of  power,  no  longer  susceptible  of  any  definition.  6    The  capital  and  leading  object  of  the  Constitution  was  to  leave  with  the  states  all  authorities  which  respected  their  own  citizens  only,  and  to  transfer  to  the  United  States  those  which  respected  citizens  of  foreign  or  other  states….Can  any  good  be  effected  by  taking  from  the  states  the  moral  rule  of  their  citizens  and  subordinating  it  to  the  general  [federal]  authority?...Such  an  intention  was  impossible  and...[would]  break  up  the  foundations  of  the  Union….  I  believe  the  states  can  best  govern  our  home  concerns,  and  the  general  [federal]  government  our  foreign  ones.  I  wish,  therefore…never  to  see  all  offices  transferred  to  Washington,  where,  further  withdrawn  from  the  eyes  of  the  people,  they  may  more  secretly  be  bought  and  sold  as  at  market.  7    Our  country  is  too  large  to  have  all  its  affairs  directed  by  a  single  [federal]  government.  Public  servants  at  such  a  distance,  and  from  under  the  eye  of  their  constituents,  must,  from  the  circumstance  of  distance,  be  unable  to  administer  and  

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overlook  all  the  details  necessary  for  the  good  government  of  the  citizens  and...will  invite  the  public  agents  to  corruption,  plunder,  and  waste.  8      James  Madison  agreed.  In  fact,  in  1792  when  a  proposal  was  made  for  the  federal  government  to  bailout  a  failing  industry  and  prop  it  up  with  federal  subsidies,  Madison  condemned  that  measure,  first  noting:    [T]hose  who  proposed  the  Constitution  conceived  [i.e.,  believed]…  (and  those  who  ratified  the  Constitution  conceived)  that  this  is  not  an  indefinite  [unrestricted]  government…but  a  limited  government  tied  down  to  the  specified  powers….It  was  never…supposed  or  suspected  that  the  old  Congress  could  give  away  the  money  of  the  states  to  bounties  to  encourage  agriculture,  or  for  any  other  purpose  they  pleased.  9      Madison  then  warned  that  if  the  federal  government  was  not  kept  limited,  it  would  soon  usurp  state  jurisdictions:    If  Congress  can  employ  money  indefinitely  to  the  “general  welfare,”  and  are  the  sole  and  supreme  judges  of  the  “general  welfare,”  [then  Congress  might]  take  the  care  of  religion  into  their  own  hands;  they  may  appoint  teachers  in  every  state,  county,  and  parish  and  pay  them  out  of  their  public  treasury;  they  may  take  into  their  own  hands  the  education  of  children,  establishing  in  like  manner  schools  throughout  the  Union;  they  may  assume  the  provision  for  the  poor;  they  may  undertake  the  regulation  of  all  roads  other  than  [the]  post-­‐roads;  in  short,  everything  from  the  highest  object  of  state  legislation  down  to  the  most  minute  object  of  police  would  be  thrown  under  the  power  of  [the  federal]  Congress.  10      Justice  Joseph  Story  (a  “Father  of  American  Jurisprudence”)  affirmed  the  same  constitutional  design  in  his  classic  1833  Commentaries  on  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States  (a  three-­‐volume  work  still  used  by  Congress  and  courts  today).  Of  the  Tenth  Amendment,  Story  explained:    Being  an  instrument  of  limited  and  enumerated  powers,  it  follows  irresistibly  that  what  is  not  conferred  is  withheld  and  belongs  to  the  state  authorities….All  powers  not  delegated…and  not  prohibited  are  reserved  [to  the  states].  11      Others  Founders  affirmed  the  same  intent,  including  Samuel  Adams,  12  Patrick  Henry,  13  George  Mason,  14  James  Wilson,  15  Elbridge  Gerry,  16  Thomas  McKean,  17  Richard  Henry  Lee,  18  Luther  Martin,  19  James  Monroe,  20  and  many  others.    Given  the  Framers’  clear  vision  of  a  small  and  limited  federal  government,  how  did  it  become  so  large  and  all-­‐encompassing?  The  first  reason  had  been  foreseen  by  Founding  Father  Samuel  Adams  (“The  Father  of  the  American  Revolution”),  who  cautioned:    

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If  the  liberties  of  America  are  ever  completely  ruined…it  will  in  all  probability  be  the  consequence  of  a  mistaken  notion  of  prudence  which  leads  men  to  acquiesce  in  measures  of  the  most  destructive  tendency  for  the  sake  of  present  ease.  21      The  first  step  in  losing  control  of  the  federal  government  was  that  it  became  easier  and  more  convenient  to  “acquiesce”  (i.e.,  give  in)  and  let  the  federal  government  begin  doing  things  never  before  permitted.  The  federal  government  then  felt  emboldened  to  enter  additional  areas  –  or  to  use  a  description  provided  by  Thomas  Jefferson,  it  began  “working  like  gravity  by  night  and  by  day,  gaining  a  little  today  and  a  little  tomorrow,  and  advancing  its  noiseless  step  like  a  thief,  over  the  field  of  jurisdiction,  until  all  shall  be  usurped.”  22    This  is  the  current  situation,  and  citizens  do  not  like  it:    *  64%  of  Americans  believe  that  government  is  too  big  (6%  believe  it  is  too  small,  and  only  25%  believe  that  it  is  “the  right  size”),  and  only  35%  believe  that  the  government  is  operating  in  line  with  the  U.  S.  Constitution.  23  *  When  asked  to  identify  the  biggest  threat  to  the  future  of  the  country,  55%  identified  big  government,  32%  big  business,  and  10%  big  labor.  24  *  70%  of  Americans  favor  “smaller  government  with  fewer  services  and  lower  taxes”  rather  than  “a  more  active  government  with  more  services  and  higher  taxes.”  25    .   4/9/2010  10:05:45   Madison  then  warned  about  the  consequences  of  allowing  Congress  to  expand  the  narrow  meaning  of  the  “General  Welfare  Clause”:    If  Congress  can  employ  money  indefinitely  to  the  “general  welfare,”  and  are  the  sole  and  supreme  judges  of  the  “general  welfare,”  then  they  may  take  the  care  of  religion  into  their  own  hands;  they  may  appoint  teachers  in  every  state,  county,  and  parish  and  pay  them  out  of  their  public  treasury;  they  may  take  into  their  own  hands  the  education  of  children,  establishing  in  like  manner  schools  throughout  the  United  States;  they  may  assume  the  provision  for  the  poor;  they  may  undertake  the  regulation  of  all  roads  other  than  post-­‐roads;  in  short,  everything  from  the  highest  object  of  state  legislation  down  to  the  most  minute  object  of  police  would  be  thrown  under  the  power  of  Congress,  for  every  object  I  have  mentioned  would  admit  of  the  application  of  money,  and  might  be  called,  if  Congress  pleased,  provisions  for  the  “general  welfare.”  6      According  to  Madison,  if  the  original  intent  of  the  General  Welfare  Clause  were  ever  expanded,  then  Congress  would  begin  an  unbridled  intrusion  into  areas  that  were  deliberately  designed  by  the  Constitution  to  be  under  the  control  of  the  state  and  local  governments.  Two  specific  aspects  of  the  Constitution  were  intended  to  prohibit  such  federal  encroachments:  (1)  the  Enumerated  Powers  Doctrine,  and  (2)  the  Bill  of  Rights  –  specifically  the  Ninth  and  Tenth  Amendments.    

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Concerning  the  first,  the  Constitution  authorizes  Congress  to  address  only  eighteen  specifically  enumerated  (that  is,  individually  listed)  areas  and  responsibilities;  this  is  called  the  Enumerated  Powers  Doctrine.  As  affirmed  by  Thomas  Jefferson:    Congress  has  not  unlimited  powers  to  provide  for  the  general  welfare  but  is  restrained  to  those  specifically  enumerated,  and  .  .  .  it  was  never  meant  they  should  provide  for  that  welfare  but  by  the  exercise  of  the  enumerated  powers.  7      Many  other  Founders  were  equally  outspoken  about  Congress’  limitations  under  the  Enumerated  Powers  Doctrine.  In  fact,  this  doctrine  was  so  well  understood  that  in  America’s  first  several  decades,  presidents  had  only  four  cabinet  level  departments:  the  Secretary  of  State,  the  Secretary  of  War,  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury,  and  the  Attorney  General  (occasionally  there  was  also  a  separate  Secretary  of  the  Navy,  but  many  presidents  often  placed  him  under  the  Secretary  of  War).  Today,  however,  there  are  almost  four  times  as  many  cabinet  level  positions,  including  a  Secretary  of  Agriculture,  Labor,  Commerce,  Housing,  Education,  Transportation,  Energy,  and  many  others.  8  Each  of  those  areas  was  also  very  important  two  centuries  ago,  but  because  the  Constitution  had  placed  these  areas  under  the  jurisdiction  of  state  governments,  there  was  no  federal  presence  involved  in  them.    Concerning  the  second  point  (the  Bill  of  Rights),  the  Founding  Fathers  –  dedicated  students  of  history,  government,  and  human  nature  that  they  were  –  knew  that  the  federal  government  would  invariably  try  to  step  beyond  its  enumerated  powers;  they  therefore  added  the  Ninth  and  Tenth  Amendments  to  the  Constitution,  directly  stipulating  that  all  areas  not  specifically  listed  in  the  Constitution  were  to  remain  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the  states  and  local  governments,  which  thus  included  areas  such  as  education,  criminal  justice,  energy,  agriculture,  and  many  others.  As  Thomas  Jefferson  affirmed:    I  consider  the  foundation  of  the  Constitution  as  laid  on  this  ground:  that  “all  powers  not  delegated  to  the  United  States  by  the  Constitution,  nor  prohibited  by  it  to  the  states,  are  reserved  to  the  states  or  to  the  people”  [the  Tenth  Amendment].  .  .  .  To  take  a  single  step  beyond  the  boundaries  thus  specially  drawn  around  the  powers  of  Congress  is  to  take  possession  of  a  boundless  field  of  power,  no  longer  susceptible  of  any  definition.  9      James  Madison  agreed:    I  declare  it  as  my  opinion  that  [if]  the  power  of  Congress  be  established  in  the  latitude  contended  for,  it  would  subvert  the  very  foundations  .  .  .  of  the  limited  government  established  by  the  people  of  America.  10      Jefferson  further  explained:    Our  country  is  too  large  to  have  all  its  affairs  directed  by  a  single  government.  Public  servants  at  such  a  distance  and  from  under  the  eye  of  their  constituents  .  .  .  will  

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invite  the  public  agents  to  corruption,  plunder,  and  waste.  .  .  .  What  an  augmentation  of  the  field  for  jobbing,  speculating,  plundering,  office-­‐building,  and  office-­‐hunting  would  be  produced  by  an  assumption  of  all  the  state  powers  into  the  hands  of  the  federal  government!  11      As  Jefferson  summarized  it:    The  states  can  best  govern  our  home  concerns,  and  the  [federal]  government  our  foreign  ones.  12      Significantly,  health  care  issues  often  arose  in  early  America  –  as  when  various  dangerous  fevers  would  periodically  appear,  ravaging  American  cities  and  killing  scores  of  citizens.  Concerning  health  care  issues,  the  Founders  specifically  placed  domestic  health  care  into  the  hands  of  the  state  governments,  leaving  issues  of  international  health  care  in  the  hands  of  the  federal  government.  As  Thomas  Jefferson  affirmed,  the  federal  government  was  “to  certify  with  exact  truth,  for  every  vessel  sailing  from  a  foreign  port,  the  state  of  health  respecting  this  fever  which  prevails  at  the  place  from  which  she  sails,”  but  that  “the  state  authorities  [are]  charged  with  the  care  of  the  public  health.”  13  Under  the  Constitution,  states  were  to  handle  domestic  health  care  issues,  and  the  federal  government  foreign  ones.  .   4/9/2010  10:22:05   Mr.  King;    If  you  have  read  the  health  care  bill  that  has  been  passed  by  the  President  and  Congress,  then  you  as  the  Attorney  General  should  know  that  it  goes  against  everything  our  founding  fathers  wanted  for  the  great  country  as  well  as  our  constitution.  Please  step  up  to  the  plate  and  go  to  bat  for  the  people  you  represent  and  file  that  suite  against  Congress  for  passing  an  unconstitutional  bill.    Sincerly,  Joyce  Wallace  Aztec,  NM  .   4/9/2010  10:27:50   I  strongly  support  the  health  care  reform  bill.  If  there  are  flaws  to  be  discovered  over  time,  they  can  be  fixed.  So  much  of  what  I  hear  from  the  opponents  to  reform  is  exaggeration  and  misinformation.  Please  do  not  let  these  voices  destroy  the  health  care  reform  bill.    Linda  Jones,  Los  Lunas,  [email protected]  .   4/9/2010  11:11:03   once  again  decent  hard  working  people  that  have  always  done  the  right  thing  are  going  to  be  punished  for  those  lazy  people  with  their  hand  out!  .   4/9/2010  12:26:02   Dear  Mr.  King:  I  am  respectfully  requesting  that  you  join  in  the  lawsuits  AGAINST  the  recently  passed  health  care  legislation.      Regards,    Jay  Glew  

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Albuquerque,  NM  [email protected]  .   4/9/2010  12:31:15   Mr.  King,  Please  join  with  the  other  states  filing  a  lawsuit  to  prevent  the  implementation  of  the  federal  Health  Care  bill.  This  bill  is  a  monstrosity,  and  it  is  unconstitutional.  Thank  you.    Gary  Wolf  6800  Vista  Del  Norte,  NE  Apt.  621  Albuquerque,  NM  87113  .   4/9/2010  12:39:33   Sir-­‐have  you  filed  the  lawsuit  against  Healthcare  as  we  requested?  .   4/9/2010  12:56:46   Attorney  General  Gary  King  P.  O.  Drawer  1508  Santa  Fe,  NM  87504-­‐1508    Mr.  King;    Please  accept  this  as  my  request  for  you  to  take  action  against  the  new  health  care  law  as  your  position  as  Attorney  General  requires  you  to  do.      If  you  read  the  ENTIRE  Health  Care  bill  (I  am  very  aware  of  how  many  pages  it  is)  you  will  become  aware  that  it  has  many  parts  that  will  harm  New  Mexicans,  let  alone  the  country.    Consider  this  my  strong  urge  that  you  take  steps  to  protect  New  Mexican's  from  a  health  care  law  that  cost  us  money  in  additional  taxes,  cost  us  badly  needed  doctors  in  rural  areas  (that  are  already  preparing  exit  strategies  to  leave  the  medical  profession),  and  has  items  the  work  against  constitutional  rights.    Thank  you  for  your  consideration    Sincerely      Chad  D  Petty  Albuquerque,  NM  .   4/9/2010  13:42:07   Please  join  the  other  states  in  their  lawsuits  against  the  Federal  Government  over  the  healthcare  bill.  We  do  not  want  any  part  of  this.  .   4/9/2010  14:27:19   i  hope  you  join  in  the  fight  to  stop  this  maddness.  This  is  not  a  free  country  any  more  when  you  have  to  pay  money  just  to  live  and  breathe.  .   4/9/2010  19:26:13   Dear  Sir,    What  is  the  state  of  New  Mexico  planning  to  do  to  protect  me  from  the  US  Government  when  I  refuse  to  purchase  the  required  health  care  or  pay  the  fines.  You  know  as  well  as  I,  this  is  un-­‐constitutional.  

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 Nay  Griffith  [email protected]  .   4/9/2010  21:25:55   Dear  Sir,    I  write  to  you  tonight  in  hopes  that  you  will  join  in  filing  suit  against  the  new  health  care  law.  As  I  am  a  common  man  that  doesn't  make  much  money  but  works  hard  to  pay  for  my  own  Heath  care  coverage,  I  fear  a  government  that  has  turned  from  being  a  protector  to  a  tyrant.  As  I  and  other  New  Mexicans  will  soon  lose  our  current  coverage  and  be  forced  into  a  government  program.  I  do  not  believe  as  a  free  man  we  should  be  force  by  a  government  to  purchase  something  we  don't  want.  I  believe  a  government  should  be  by  the  people,  for  the  people  and  not  bearing  over  the  people.  I  also  believe  that  this  new  health  care  bill  will  not  be  cheaper  and  will  lead  to  shortages,  rationing  and  increased  taxes  that  will  crush  the  common  worker.  I  also  believe  the  new  law  also  gives  tax  breaks  to  special  interest  groups/states  and  is  not  fair  to  non  union  folks  like  me.  Our  founders  would  not  have  been  in  favor  of  this  law.  Our  country  is  base  on  the  pursuit  of  happiness  and  not  government  guarantee  of  it.  All  this  bill  does  is  to  force  people  to  purchase  something  they  don’t  want.    Washington  promises  to  help  us  with  this  bill  while  stealing  control  of  our  happiness.  Four  those  who  argue  that  that  this  bill  could  be  fix  I  say  that  you  must  have  a  foundation  for  it  to  stand  and  this  bill  isn’t  it.  New  Mexico  does  need  health  care  reform  but  this  bill  isn’t  it.  It  valuates  our  most  basic  freedoms  and  makes  us  servants  of  the  state.  Never,  in  the  history  of  America’s  founding  has  our  government  force  us  to  purchase  something  just  because  we  live  here.  Our  government  could  have  lower  cost  by  simple  allowing  people  to  have  more  choices  then  fewer  ones.  Allowing  people  options  wouldn’t  hurt  anyone  except  the  special  interest  and  Washington’s  control  over  our  lives.  Please  help  me  put  a  stop  to  those  who  think  our  government  in  Washington  needs  to  tell  us  how  to  live  our  lives.  Sincerely  Yours  Jack  L  Love  Jr.  PO  Box  2242  Moriarty,NM  87035  .   4/10/2010  6:22:23   The  new  health  care  bill  is  a  total  disgrace!!!!  .   4/10/2010  13:29:30  Mr.  King...    It  seems  as  if  you  are  becoming  quite  recalcitrant  about  protecting  the  rights  of  the  Citizens  of  New  Mexico...    Mr.  Bart  Stupak  of  Michigan  has  decided  to  retire  in  the  prime  of  his  political  strength  and  focus  on  his  family,  rather  than  face  the  voters  over  his  support  over  the  "Health-­‐Care  Reform"  law...    

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I  URGE  you  to  not  make  the  same  mistake  he  must  challenge  this  legislation  IMMEDIATELY...or  be  associated  with  it;  to  the  faltering  and  eventual  dissipation  of  your  political  career  as  well...    Do  not  place  your  future  in  the  hands  of  people  who  have  sacrificed  fellows  on  the  altar  of  an  unconstitutional  law...don't  be  the  King  who  fell  for  abject  stupidity...  .   4/10/2010  13:47:04  I  hope  you  can  show  integrity  over  party  loyalty  and  join  the  other  AG's  in  challenging  the  clearly  illegal  and  illegally  passed  'health  care'  makeover.    .   4/10/2010  14:02:42  I,  Sherrel  Carryer,  am  NM  Voter  and  Tax  payer,  I  believe  that  the  recent  Healthcare  bill  passed  by  Congress  is  UNCONSTITUTIONAL  for  the  following  reasons:  1)  violation  of  States'  Rights  to  regulate  health  care  within  their  state  and  forces  the  states  to  submit  to  Federal  Taxation  and  Regulation  inforced  by  IRS  with  Direct  access  to  state  resident's  bank  accounts.  2)  It  forces  the  State's  residents  to  purchase  healthcare  against  their  will.  3)  Congress  exempted  themselves  from  the  law.  4)  Federal  Law  cannot  force  States  to  pay  for  ABORTION  AGAINST  the  States'  resident's  will.  5)  Our  NM  State  Representative's  voted  against  their  constiuent's  will  when  they  voted  for  this  healthcare  bill,  and  that  is  TAXATION  WITHOUT  REPRESENTATION.  They  should  all  be  recalled  from  their  office  and  thrown  out,  with  new  Representatives  put  in  place  that  WILL  REPRESENT  their  VOTERS  WILL.    Thank  You,  Sherrel  Carryer,  Tucumcari,  NM  575-­‐461-­‐3946  .   4/10/2010  14:10:22  Please  join  the  rest  of  the  states  that  are  filing  suits  to  repeal  the  healthcare  bill.    Thanks  .   4/10/2010  14:55:22  Please  file  a  lawsuit  questionning  the  Constitutionality  of  the  health  care  reform  legislation  that  is  being  forced  upon  our  state.  I  do  not  believe  our  state  can  afford  the  cost  of  additional  people  being  eligible  for  Medicaid.  I  am  also  greatly  concerned  that  more  doctors  will  stop  providing  services  due  to  cuts  in  Medicare  and  that  they  will  not  be  able  to  cover  their  own  costs.  I  do  not  believe  citizens  should  be  forced  to  purchase  health  insurance.  Thank  you.  Rafael  and  Carol  Cisneros,  Albuquerque  NM          .   4/10/2010  18:37:21  It  is  time  for  the  Attorney  General  Gary  King  to  do  honor  to  the  memory  of  his  father,  to  do  the  right  thing  for  the  state  of  New  Mexico  and  the  people  of  New  Mexico,  and  file  suit  along  with  the  other  states  that  are  challenging  the  Constitutionality  of  this  illegal  health  bill  that  has  just  passed  Congress.  Regardless  of  party,  political  loyalty,  it  is  time  for  him  to  come  to  the  defense  of  this  state.  This  bill  will  cost  the  State  immensely,  it  was  put  a  burden  on  the  people  of  this  state  as  Mredicare  and  Medicaid  gets  cut,  it  will  put  a  strain  on  those  who  pay  insurance  premiums  in  the  state  of  New  Mexico.  Gary  King,  step  up  to  the  plate  and  do  what  is  right.  .   4/10/2010  20:13:09    

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I  believe  there  is  a  possibility  that  the  health  care  bill  is  unconstitutional.  Never  mind  political  motives  or  party  affiliation,  Serve  the  people  and  find  out!      .   4/11/2010  4:09:16   I  am  for  suing  the  federal  government.  We  must  try  to  stop  this  madness.  .   4/11/2010  7:44:52   Go  for  it.  We  sure  need  to  do  something.  Feel  like  this  health  care  has  been  railroaded.I  have  paid  my  own  way  all  my  life.  Sure  don't  care  to  pay  for  people  who  wants  to  live  off  the  government.  .   4/11/2010  14:13:33  Please  show  support  for  our  brilliant  current  president.  It  is  long  overdue  that  we  have  an  intelligent  and  compassionate  person  in  the  highest  office.  We  all  deserve  to  be  cared  for  when  illness  strikes.  We  suffer  from  the  horrors  of  the  Bush  ignorance  in  our  economic  struglles  along  with  the  wars...Please  limit  the  outrageous  words  and  deeds  of  these  Sarah  Palin/  Tea  Party  fanatica...    .   4/11/2010  19:36:36  Allowing  the  federal  government  to  dictate  the  personal  behavior  of  its  citizens  is  beyond  unconstitutional,  it  is  immoral  as  well.  .   4/11/2010  19:46:32  Mr.  King,  Thank  you  for  your  service  to  New  Mexico.  This  is  a  request  that  you  help  NM  citizens  by  standing  up  against  this  unconstitutional  health  care  bill  ..this  violates  the  10th  Amendment  to  the  US  constitution...please  join  the  legal  proceedings  of  the  other  states  who  have  show  the  good  sense  to  call  this  what  it  is....illegal  attempt  to  force  federal  control  in  States  rights....Thank  you  in  advance  for  having  the  courage  to  be  a  States  rights  American..and  bring  NM  into  this  States  action  against  this  federal  mandate..which  tramples  individual  freedom  of  choice  and  States  rights  to  govern  our  own  health  care  system...  .   4/11/2010  19:49:43  Mr.  King,  Thank  you  for  your  service  to  New  Mexico.  This  is  a  request  that  you  help  NM  citizens  by  standing  up  against  this  unconstitutional  health  care  bill  ..this  violates  the  10th  Amendment  to  the  US  constitution...please  join  the  legal  proceedings  of  the  other  states  who  have  show  the  good  sense  to  call  this  what  it  is....illegal  attempt  to  force  federal  control  in  States  rights....Thank  you  in  advance  for  having  the  courage  to  be  a  States  rights  American..and  bring  NM  into  this  States  action  against  this  federal  mandate..which  tramples  individual  freedom  of  choice  and  States  rights  to  govern  our  own  health  care  system...Frank  Goff,  Rio  Rancho,  NM.  87124  .   4/11/2010  20:32:46  I  think  it  is  unconstitutional  to  require  citizens  to  have  a  minimum  level  of  Health  Insurance,  having  the  IRS  audit  and  enforce  something  that  should  be  up  to  an  individual  to  decide.  When  I  was  young  and  healthy  and  had  no  children  I  choose  to  decline  health  insurance  from  my  employers  so  I  could  have  more  cash  in  my  pocket.  This  Health  Care  Bill  will  take  money  out  of  my  pocket  to  pay  for  the  people  who  choose  not  to  work.  The  US  Government  is  to  PROMOTE  the  general  welfare  not  PROVIDE  it.  Let  me  keep  my  money,  for  my  family.  .   4/12/2010  6:22:20   Please  disregard  the  calls  to  join  any  lawsuit  against  the  health  care  reform  act.  Those  calling  for  such  a  lawsuit  -­‐-­‐-­‐  who  usually  criticize  court  actions  to  overturn  legislation  -­‐-­‐-­‐  are  hypocritical  political  losers.  

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.   4/12/2010  8:15:04   Mr.  Gary  King      Dear  Sir:  As  a  very  concerned  New  Mexico  citizen  concerning  Big  Government  and  specifically  Bill  HR  3962  regarding  the  recently  passed  Health  Care  Reform  Bill  I  am  requesting  that  you  proceed  with  a  Lawsuit  for  all  of  us  in  New  Mexico  to  have  the  Constitutionality  of  this  bill  determined  in  a  court  of  Law.    Thank  you  so  much,  Marvin  L.  Strong  718  W  Aspen  Ave  Lovington  NM  88260  .   4/12/2010  13:25:35  At  one  time  you  requested  letters  if  we  wanted  you  to  consider  a  lawsuit  against  Obamacare.  You  received  letters  from  all  over  NM!    Why  are  you  stalling?  We,  the  citizens  of  NM,  DO  NOT  want  government  run  healthcare,  and  we  want  you  to  file  a  lawsuit.  .   4/12/2010  18:55:49  I  would  like  you  to  take  action  to  sue  Barack  Obama  for  his  health  care  bill.  New  Mexico  residents  do  not  want  this  autrocity.  His  bill  is  removing  our  freedom  as  is  a  lot  of  his  other  actions.  I  understand  that  your  time  in  office  is  up  this  year.  I,  for  one,  will  be  watching  what  you  do  about  this  and  will  act  accordingly  with  my  vote.  This  is  for  a  lot  of  my  friends  down  here  in  Las  Cruces,  also.  Thank  you.  .   4/12/2010  19:40:51  i  think  the  health  care  bill  is  going  to  hurt  the  older  people    .   4/13/2010  11:58:21  I  support  New  Mexico  joining  the  lawsuit  being  filed  with  the  United  States  Supreme  Court  contesting  the  constitutionality  of  the  health  care  bill  passed  by  the  Senate  and  House,  and  signed  into  law  by  Obama.  Sandy  Knight  11109  Inverness  Ct.,  N.E.  Albuquerque,  NM  87111  .   4/13/2010  14:36:37  ridiculous  THIS  IS  THE  2ND  OFFICIAL  WHO  HAS  OUTLINED  THESE  PARTS  OF  THE  CARE  BILL    Judge  Kithil  of  Marble  Falls  ,  TX  -­‐  HB3200  highlighted  pages  most  egregious    Please  read  this........  especially  the  reference  to  pages  58  &  59    JUDGE  KITHIL  wrote:  "I  have  reviewed  selected  sections  of  the  bill,  and  find  it  unbelievable  that  our  Congress,  led  by  Speaker  Nancy  Pelosi,  could  come  up  with  a  bill  loaded  with  so  many  wrong-­‐headed  elements."  "Both  Republicans  and  Democrats  are  equally  responsible  for  the  financial  mess  of  both  Social  Security  and  Medicare  programs."  "I  am  opposed  to  HB  3200  for  a  number  of  reasons.    To  start  with,  it  is  estimated  that  a  federal  bureaucracy  of  more  than  150,000  new  employees  will  be  required  to  administer  HB3200.  That  is  an  unacceptable  

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expansion  of  a  government  that  is  already  too  intrusive  in  our  lives.  If  we  are  going  to  hire  150,000  new  employees,  let's  put  them  to  work  protecting  our  borders,  fighting  the  massive  drug  problem  and  putting  more  law  enforcement/firefighters  out  there."    JUDGE  KITHIL  continued:  "Other  problems  I  have  with  this  bill  include:    **  Page  50/section  152:  The  bill  will  provide  insurance  to  all  non-­‐U.S.  residents,  even  if  they  are  here  illegally.    **  Page  58  and  59:  The  government  will  have  real-­‐time  access  to  an  individual's  bank  account  and  will  have  the  authority  to  make  electronic  fund  transfers  from  those  accounts.    **  Page  65/section  164:  The  plan  will  be  subsidized  (by  the  government)  for  all  union  members,  union  retirees  and  for  community  organizations  (such  as  the  Association  of  Community  Organizations  for  Reform  Now  -­‐  ACORN).    **  Page  203/line  14-­‐15:  The  tax  imposed  under  this  section  will  not  be  treated  as  a  tax.  (How  could  anybody  in  their  right  mind  come  up  with  that?)    **  Page  241  and  253:  Doctors  will  all  be  paid  the  same  regardless  of  specialty,  and  the  government  will  set  all  doctors'  fees.    **  Page  272.  section  1145:  Cancer  hospital  will  ration  care  according  to  the  patient's  age.    **  Page  317  and  321:  The  government  will  impose  a  prohibition  on  hospital  expansion;  however,  communities  may  petition  for  an  exception.    **  Page  425,  line  4-­‐12:  The  government  mandates  advance-­‐care  planning  consultations.  Those  on  Social  Security  will  be  required  to  attend  an  "end-­‐of-­‐life  planning"  seminar  every  five  years.  (Death  counceling.)    **  Page  429,  line  13-­‐25:  The  government  will  specify  which  doctors  can  write  an  end-­‐of-­‐life  order.    HAD  ENOUGH????  Judge  Kithil  then  goes  on:    "Finally,  it  is  specifically  stated  that  this  bill  will  not  apply  to  members  of  Congress.  Members  of  Congress  are  already  exempt  from  the  Social  Security  system,  and  have  a  well-­‐funded  private  plan  that  covers  their  retirement  needs.  If  they  were  on  our  Social  Security  plan,  I  believe  they  would  find  a  very  quick  'fix'  to  make  the  plan  financially  sound  for  their  future."    Honorable  David  Kithil  

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Marble  Falls  ,  Texas    All  of  the  above  should  give  you  the  point  blank  ammo  you  need  to  support  your  opposition  to  Obamacare.  Please  send  this  information  on  to  all  of  your  email  contacts.  .   4/13/2010  16:24:37  Why  is  New  Mexico  not  joining  with  the  now  sixteen(?)  states  filing  a  lawsuit  against  the  federal  government  for  the  constitutional  violation  of  forcing  the  American  people  to  purchase  a  health  care  plan  that  WE  DO  NOT  WANT,  and,  can  ill  afford  in  an  economy  weighed  heavily  by  catastrophic  unemployment.  As  I  understand,  your  hands  might  be  somewhat  tied  by  our  Governor,  a  fine  representative  of  the  people  of  New  Mexico.  But  it  is  time  to  progress  towards  repealing  this  bill.  It  is  a  bill  that  we  cannot  afford  and  will  indebt  us  for  generations  to  come.  The  bill  will  prove  a  gross  reduction  to  the  medicare  system  only  to  bolster  an  unsustainable  medicaid  system  which  will  lead  to  healthcare  rationing  to  which  the  federal  government  will  define  priority.  It  will  take  all  incentive  for  small  business,  long  the  staple  of  the  American  economy,  to  hire  new  employees.  It  will  destroy  private  quality  healthcare  as  we  know  it.  This  bill  is  chock  full  of  earmarks  and  special  favors  and  we,  the  American  people,  were  not  given  ample  time,  as  promised  by  our  President,  for  it's  review.  This  bill  and  the  entire  Obama  regime,  that  with  unpresidented  arrogance,  has  ignored  the  will  of  the  people,  is  an  utter  disecration  of  the  works  of  our  forefathers  and  the  great  dream  they  held  for  our  country.  Obama  is  a  muslim,  but  through  a  grand  wealth  of  lies  and  the  pressing  of  hopeful  people  for  "change",  has  been  elected  to  turn  America  into  a  socialist  state.  This  is  only  the  first  bill  that  we  will  fight...  trust  me.  THE  REVOLUTION  IS  ON!!!    .   4/13/2010  18:05:19  The  people  have  been  ignored  long  enough.  A  republic  cannot  govern  against  the  will  of  the  people.  The  so-­‐called  health  care  bill  contains  elements  that  fly  in  the  face  of  The  US  Constitutuion.  If  an  official  truly  cared  about  such  travesties,  that  official  would  take  action.    [email protected]  .   4/13/2010  18:50:20  Mr.  King,  I  respectfully  ask  that  you  join  the  fight  in  repealing  the  health  care  bill.  We  the  people  said  no.  Want  want  Washington  to  know  that  we  have  a  voice  and  wish  to  be  heard.  Please  represent  the  people  that  placed  you  in  office.    Sincerely,  Jenny  Farmer  .   4/14/2010  10:02:26  If  you  believe  in  the  constitution  and  the  10th  ammendment  you  will  join  the  other  states  acting  in  the  best  interest  of  their  citizens  and  of  the  state's  budget.  If  you  will  not  work  in  the  states  best  interest  and  push  our  10th  ammendment  rights  we  will  need  to  replace  you  at  the  1st  opportunity.  Thank  you.          

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.   4/14/2010  12:39:16  Please  file  suit  against  this  horrible  healthcare  bill!  

.   4/14/2010  13:05:15  Hello  Mr.  King,    I  read  in  the  ABQ  Journal  today  that  GOP  representatives  have  sent  you  a  letter  requesting  you  join  them  in  trying  to  overturn  the  new  federal  health  care  bill.  I  am  asking  you  as  a  constituent  NOT  to  join  forces  with  them.  I  believe  we  need  a  federal  health  care  bill  and  would  like  to  at  least  give  it  a  try.  The  economy  is  recovering  faster  than  expected  and  Obama  naysayers  are  being  surprised  by  how  well  his  administration  is  really  working  for  the  American  people.  I  believe  we  need  to,  at  the  very  least,  give  this  health  care  bill  a  chance.    Thank  you  for  your  time.    Sincerely,    Leesa  Jenkins  Albuquerque,  NM  87108  .   4/14/2010  13:15:11  I  do  not  believe  or  feel  it  is  the  governments  job  or  responsibility  to  force  anyone  to  purchase  anything  they  wish  not  to  purchase  even  if  the  government  deems  it  a  betterment  for  the  common  good.  Please  work  with  other  states,  if  necessary,  or  independently  to  repeal/fight  this  federal  mandate.    Steve  Wamboldt  .   4/14/2010  17:38:07  My  husband  and  I  are  totally  and  completely  in  favor  of  the  health  care  reform  bill.  Please  ignore  those  idiots  who  want  to  sue  the  government  because  now  everyone  can  have  health  care.    Karen  &  Wayne  Davis  [email protected]  .   4/14/2010  17:53:15  Hi  Gary,  I  have  known  you  all  your  life,  was  your  neighbor  on  the  ranch  in  Stanley  and  have  followed  and  respected  your  family  throughout  all  these  years,  and  now  I  am  going  to  voice  my  opinion  on  what  I  think  is  a  very  disasterous  happening.  We  have  had  the  "health  care  bill"  shoved  down  our  throats  and  I  think  that  it  is  absolutely  unconstitutinal.  I  hope  that  you  seriously  consider  joining  the  other  states  in  sueing  the  government  on  this  issue.  I  really  hate  to  see  what  is  happening  to  our  country  because  of  our  children  and  grandchildren.  Respectfully,  Jeamie  Mckee  Bewley  .   4/15/2010  5:11:28   Please  consider  filing  suit  with  the  other  states  against  the  health  care  bill.  This  bill  is  horribly  unconstitutional.  The  government  can  gain  far  more  powers  than  the  constitution  allows  if  this  bill  is  not  repealed.  If  the  government  can  FORCE  someone  into  buying  health  insurance,  then  it  can  FORCE  one  to  buy  a  GM  car  or  borrow  from  the  government  run  banks.  Please  try  to  reverse  this  monster  of  a  bill  and  help  take  America  back.  If  not  for  us  than  for  our  kids  and  grandkids.  Thank  you!  .   4/15/2010  6:29:56   Hello  Mr  King,  

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I  hope  you  will  file  a  law  suit  on  the  Health  Care  Bill  that  was  forced  on  us.  I  believe  it  is  Unconstitutional.  Thanks  Wesley  Whitney  .   4/15/2010  6:51:10   I  do  not  want  the  government  telling  that  I  have  to  buy  insurance.  We  are  losing  all  of  our  freedoms  and  what  the  United  States  has  been  made  of  for  our  forfathers  are  turning  over  in  their  graves  at  what  is  going  on  since  Obama,  Reid  and  Pelosi  have  taken  over.  We  need  to  keep  our  Constitution  in  tact  and  honor  our  Tenth  Amendment!    How  dare  government  not  listening  to  the  people.  Let's  keep  socialism  out  of  the  United  States  and  stand  up  for  the  people.  .   4/15/2010  8:10:24   I  believe  that  NM  should  join  the  many  other  states  that  are  suing  the  Federal  Govt.  over  the  recently  passed  health  care  bill.  The  reasons  are  too  numerous  to  list  but  my  biggest  reason  to  keep  the  Feds  out  is  the  fact  that  Social  Security,  Medicare,  Fannie  Mae,  Freddy  Mac,  cash  for  clunkers,  bail  outs,  and  etc.  etc.  have  all  been  mishandled.  The  idea  that  the  Federal  government  has  fewer  crooks  and  can  do  the  job  better  than  private  enterprise  is  ludicrous.  Reform  should  be  accomplished  by  changing  the  rules  and  tightening  up  oversight.  .   4/15/2010  11:19:21  I  feel  this  health  care  bill  should  be  fought  against.  The  only  people  it  helps  are  the  people  unwilling  to  help  themselves.  It  makes  my  health  care  worse  exponentially  compared  to  what  I  had.  I  worked  hard  and  got  degrees  so  I  could  get  a  good  job  and  good  health  care  came  with  that.  Now  I  have  to  pay  more  to  get  less  and  the  handouts  to  the  so  called  'underprivileged'  get  bigger.  Please  join  the  lawsuit  against  it  and  let  congress  know  that  we  the  ACTUAL  people  of  the  United  States  do  not  approve  of  their  telling  us  what  to  do.  They  can  join  the  ranks  of  people  now  under  this  healthcare  and  we  will  see  how  they  like  it.    .   4/15/2010  11:24:20  Dear  Attorney  General  King,    I  am  writing  to  request  that  you  move  the  Courts  of  New  Mexico  to  declare  the  Patient  Protection  and  Affordable  Care  Act  to  be  in  Violation  of  ARTICLE  1  of  and  the  10th  Amendment  to  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States.      A  concerned  Citizen,  Joan  Carpenter,  Corrales,  NM  .   4/15/2010  11:48:01  I  believe  that  New  Mexico  should  join  in  the  lawsuit  filed  by  other  states  against  the  healthcare  bill.  I  believe  it  is  unconstitutional  to  be  required  to  buy  anything.  The  Federal  government  has  stepped  way  over  the  line.  This  bill  is  going  to  put  a  huge  burden  on  (and  one  that  can  not  be  overcome  by)  many  small  businesses.  Are  going  to  have  to  pay  for  employee's  car  insurance  next.    Debbie  Brown  .   4/15/2010  11:48:14  I  believe  that  New  Mexico  should  join  in  the  lawsuit  filed  by  other  states  against  the  healthcare  bill.  I  believe  it  is  unconstitutional  to  be  required  to  buy  anything.  The  Federal  government  has  stepped  way  over  the  line.  

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This  bill  is  going  to  put  a  huge  burden  on  (and  one  that  can  not  be  overcome  by)  many  small  businesses.  Are  going  to  have  to  pay  for  employee's  car  insurance  next.    Debbie  Brown  .   4/15/2010  14:34:56  Please  act  on  my  behalf  and  work  to  over  turn  the  Health  Care  Bill  as  it  does  not  act  in  the  best  interest  of  the  citizen  of  the  great  State  of  New  Mexico.  I  appreciate  your  support.    Teresa  Gallegos  A  Concerned  Citizen  who  Votes  .   4/15/2010  14:58:48  I  absolutely  support  the  new  health  care  bill.  It  brings  the  critical  groundwork  to  health  care.  We  can  build  on  its  provisions.  .   4/15/2010  15:00:29  Dear  AG  King:    It  is  widely  known  (by  people  that  watch  the  news)  that  the  suits  against  the  federal  government  and  health  care  bill  are  political  stunts  with  no  upside  to  the  consumer.    It  is  widely  known  that  these  are  election  year  political  stunts  that  will  only  COST  money  and  waste  time.    Please  don't  waste  our  money  on  such  stunts.  Get  elected  on  legit  efforts/outcomes.    Dr.  M.  Chanin.  .   4/15/2010  15:05:37  Please  do  not  go  along  with  Republicans  to  oppose  the  recently  passed  health  care  bill.  I  believe  this  bill  will  help  New  Mexicans.  As  the  official  party  of  "no",  this  is  all  about  opposing  everything  Obama  does  -­‐  it  has  nothing  really  to  do  with  the  health  care  bill.  Do  not  let  them  talk  you  into  joining  this  ridiculous  effort.    Mary  Justice  Santa  Fe  .   4/15/2010  15:06:52  Although  the  health  care  bill  needs  numerous  changes,  it  is  at  least  a  start  to  affordable  health  care  for  every  New  Mexican.  I  pay  taxes,  and  as  far  as  I  am  concerned,  I  would  100%  rather  pay  taxes  for  someone's  health  care  and  unemployment  than  for  this  criminal,  immoral,  illegal  Middle  East  War  or  for  the  $700  Billion  bank  bonus  gifts!!!    HOW  DARE  YOU  EVEN  THINK  ABOUT  DOING  ANYTHING  TO  JEOPARDIZE  WHAT  WILL  BE  A  BETTER  LIFE  FOR  NEW  MEXICANS?!?  .   4/15/2010  15:06:52  1)  I  support  for  the  recently  passed  federal  health  legislation.    2)  The  passed  health  reform  bill  is  especially  GOOD  for  New  Mexico.      3)  With  the  second  highest  rate  of  uninsured  in  the  country,  coverage  in  NM  will  be  extended  to  315,000  New  Mexicans  under  the  bill.  As  a  large  rural  state,  New  Mexico  

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stands  to  especially  gain  from  the  legislation  because  of  the  many  additional  resources  provided  to  rural  areas,  community  centers  and  medical  professionals  who  practice  in  underserved  rural  areas.      4)  I  urge  the  Attorney  General  to  resist  any  requests  to  bring  a  lawsuit  against  the  federal  government.    5)  The  health  care  reform  bill  is  constitutional  and  in  the  midst  of  a  fiscal  crisis  in  the  state,  politically  motivated  lawsuits  are  not  a  good  use  of  tax  payer  dollars.  .   4/15/2010  15:08:00  The  passed  health  reform  bill  is  especially  GOOD  for  New  Mexico.      With  the  second  highest  rate  of  uninsured  in  the  country,  coverage  in  NM  will  be  extended  to  315,000  New  Mexicans  under  the  bill.  As  a  large  rural  state,  New  Mexico  stands  to  especially  gain  from  the  legislation  because  of  the  many  additional  resources  provided  to  rural  areas,  community  centers  and  medical  professionals  who  practice  in  underserved  rural  areas.      I  urge  you  to  resist  any  requests  to  bring  a  lawsuit  against  the  federal  government.    The  health  care  reform  bill  is  constitutional  and  in  the  midst  of  a  fiscal  crisis  in  the  state,  politically  motivated  lawsuits  are  not  a  good  use  of  tax  payer  dollars.          .   4/15/2010  15:10:02  Please  don't  sue  the  federal  government  over  health  care  reform.  While  not  as  good  as  it  should  be,  this  plan  is  better  than  nothing  and  it  is  constitutional.    .   4/15/2010  15:13:12  Please  support  the  federal  health  care  legislation.  The  legislation  is  good  for  New  Mexicans,  where  we  have  an  incredible  number  of  people  not  currently  covered  by  any  health  care  plan.  Many  of  us  in  the  state  have  worked  for  years  to  get  some  kind  of  health  care  coverage  for  those  who  cannot  afford  health  insurance  or  have  no  access.  We  are  grateful  that  there  has  finally  been  federal  legislation  to  address  this  issue.  Please  do  not  engage  in  any  lawsuits  against  the  federal  government  regarding  this  legislation.    Thank  you  for  your  consideration.    Mallery  Downs  RN  Sandia  Park,  NM  .   4/15/2010  15:13:52  I  am  a  rural  health  care  provider  in  Grants  New  Mexico.  My  company  provides  rehabilitation  services,  primarily  Physical  Therapy  in  a  private  practice  setting,  for  the  hospital,  and  the  nursing  center.  I  DO  NOT  think  this  mess  of  a  bill  targets  the  specific  needs  of  our  patients.  It  is  a  shotgun  approach  in  the  hopes  that  something  with  "stick".  Changes  need  to  be  made  based  on  problem  analysis  not  political  will.  I  agree  that  our  state  should  join  with  other  states  in  suit  against  this  bill!  .   4/15/2010  15:18:27  Dear  Attorney  General  King,    

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As  a  registered  nurse  and  as  a  faculty  member  ofthe  UNM  College  of  Nursing  I  urge  you  to  not  support  any  state  movement  toward  suing  the  federal  government  over  the  Health  Reform  legislation.We  need  to  give  the  legislation  some  time  to  start  working.    Thank  you  Ruth  Nichols  MSN  RN  Clinical  Faculty  University  of  New  Mexico  College  of  Nursing  MSC09  5350  1  University  of  New  Mexico  Albuquerque,  NM  87131-­‐0001  [email protected]  272-­‐8835  .   4/15/2010  15:18:44  Dear  Attorney  General  King,    As  a  registered  nurse  and  as  a  faculty  member  ofthe  UNM  College  of  Nursing  I  urge  you  to  not  support  any  state  movement  toward  suing  the  federal  government  over  the  Health  Reform  legislation.We  need  to  give  the  legislation  some  time  to  start  working.    Thank  you  Ruth  Nichols  MSN  RN  Clinical  Faculty  University  of  New  Mexico  College  of  Nursing  MSC09  5350  1  University  of  New  Mexico  Albuquerque,  NM  87131-­‐0001  [email protected]  272-­‐8835  .   4/15/2010  15:42:02  In  my  opinion,  it  would  be  inexcusable  for  you  to  file  a  suit  against  the  Health  Care  bill,  and  deny  New  Mexicans  access  to  the  benefits.    Robb  Thomson  250  E.  Alameda  Apt  515    Santa  Fe,  NM  87501  .   4/15/2010  15:44:00  Despite  its  lack  of  "perfection,"  the  current  Federal  Health  Care  Reform  Bill  (passed  into  law)  will  provide  numerous  advantages  to  New  Mexico,  both  its  public  health  services,  as  well  as  gradually  improving  health  care  opportunities  for  New  Mexico  individuals.  The  last  thing  we  need  to  do  is  spend  needless  time  and  money  in  a  lawsuit  against  this  law:  instead  we  need  time  to  read,  digest  and  put  into  effect  in  our  state  the  benefits  that  this  new  law  will  have  for  New  Mexico.  Ignore  the  political  noise  being  created  by  obstructionist  Republicans!    

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Sincerely,  Susanna  de  Falla  [email protected]  Albuquerque,  NM  87108  Susanna  de  Falla    .   4/15/2010  15:44:11  Its  about  time  that  the  federal  government  addressed  the  problems  with  our  health  care  system.  Please  do  not  join  in  on  the  lawsuits  against  the  recently  passed  health  reform  legislation.  Thank  you.  .   4/15/2010  15:54:59  Sue  to  stop  New  Mexicans  from  getting  health  benefits?  Ridiculous!  .   4/15/2010  15:59:19  I  would  totally  support  a  law  suit  against  the  federal  government  regarding  the  new  health  care  bill.  To  sum  it  up,  our  country  can't  afford  it.  There  needs  desperately  to  be  constructive  reform,  but  this  isn't  it.  Please  join  other  states'  governors  in  this  effort  to  stop  this  most  concerning  assault  on  our  freedom.    Doris  Hight  4286  QR  42  Tucumcari,  NM  88401  (575)  487-­‐9518  .   4/15/2010  15:59:26  I  would  hope  that  you  would  resist  calls  for  New  Mexico  to  join  in  the  court  fight  over  the  constitutionality  of  the  health  care  bill.  This  bill  is  very  beneficial  to  New  Mexicans  and  opponents  are  simply  grandstanding.  .   4/15/2010  16:10:22  Please  don't  waste  taxpayer  money  on  trying  to  undermine  something  so  incredibly  beneficial  to  our  state.    .   4/15/2010  16:11:20  Dear  Attorney  General  Gary  King,    I  am  writing  to  express  my  support  for  the  recent  health  care  legislation.  Please  resist  attempts  by  special  interest  groups  to  persuade  you  to  bring  a  law  suit  against  the  federal  government  for  the  passage  of  health  care  reform.  Insurance  companies  who  drop  families  who  need  it  should  be  the  ones  brought  to  court,  not  the  federal  government.  Thank  you  for  your  support.      Doug  Erb,  RN  and  New  Mexico  resident.  .   4/15/2010  16:16:51  1)I  support  for  the  recently  passed  federal  health  legislation.    2)  The  passed  health  reform  bill  is  especially  GOOD  for  New  Mexico.      3)  With  the  second  highest  rate  of  uninsured  in  the  country,  coverage  in  NM  will  be  extended  to  315,000  New  Mexicans  under  the  bill.  As  a  large  rural  state,  New  Mexico  stands  to  especially  gain  from  the  legislation  because  of  the  many  additional  resources  provided  to  rural  areas,  community  centers  and  medical  professionals  who  practice  in  under-­‐served  rural  areas.      4)  Please  resist  any  requests  to  bring  a  lawsuit  against  the  federal  government.  

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 5)  The  health  care  reform  bill  is  constitutional  and  in  the  midst  of  a  fiscal  crisis  in  the  state,  politically  motivated  lawsuits  are  not  a  good  use  of  tax  payer  dollars.  .   4/15/2010  16:20:12  Dear  AG  King,  Although  the  health  care  reform  bill  is  not  everything  we  wanted,  it  is  the  best  that  we  can  hope  for  given  the  realities  of  the  day.  Clearly,  mandating  health  insurance  coverage  is  a  cornerstone  of  reform  that  allows  insurance  to  be  extended  to  all  (eventually).  Like  mandatory  auto  insurance,  it  is  clearly  in  the  public's  interest  to  have  everyone  participate  for  the  good  of  the  whole.  The  lawsuit  by  some  AGs  is  misguided  and  will  go  nowhere.  Please  make  a  very  positive  statement  in  favor  of  health  reform  as  you  turn  down  the  Republican  request  to  join  in  this  politcally  motivated  and  inapporpriate  law  suit.      We  know  we  can  count  on  you  to  do  the  right  things  here  as  you  have  for  so  many  important  issues  to  New  Mexicans.  Thanks  so  much.    Sincerely,    Barak  Wolff  Former  Director  of  Public  Health  in  New  Mexico  .   4/15/2010  16:20:43  Attorney  General  King:    I  urge  you  to  reject  the  request  made  by  Republican  members  of  the  state  House  of  Representatives  that  you  add  New  Mexico  to  a  lawsuit  challenging  the  new  federal  health  care  reform  law.  I  am  sure  that  your  own  careful  legal  review  of  the  issue  will  lead  or  has  already  led  you  to  the  conclusion  that  the  challenge  is  without  merit.      Moreover,  the  new  law  will  bring  substantial  benefits  to  our  state  and  should  be  welcomed.  New  Mexico  has  consistently  had  the  highest  or  second  highest  rate  of  uninsured  in  the  entire  country.  Hundreds  of  thousands  of  New  Mexicans  will  gain  access  to  health  coverage  -­‐-­‐  and  health  care  -­‐-­‐  as  result  of  the  law.  The  bill  will  implement  long-­‐overdue  insurance  market  reforms,  provide  financial  assistance  to  small  businesses  to  help  them  insure  their  employees,  improve  the  Medicare  program  for  seniors  and  people  with  disabilities,  promote  access  to  care  in  underserved  areas,  and  bring  billions  of  dollars  in  federal  cash  into  New  Mexico's  economy  through  federal  Medicaid  match  dollars.    Thank  you  for  your  consideration  of  these  comments.    Ellen  Pinnes,  J.D.  Health  Policy  Consultant  P.O.  Box  8251  Santa  Fe,  New  Mexico  87504-­‐8251  [email protected]  .   4/15/2010  16:31:57  As  a  physician  practicing  in  New  Mexico,  I  am  asking  you  please  NOT  to  join  the  lawsuit  against  the  health  care  reform  bill.  New  Mexicans  

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stand  to  gain  a  great  deal  from  this  bill.  It  will  also  encourage  physicians  to  practice  in  rural  and  underserved  areas.      Miriam  Komaromy,  MD  .   4/15/2010  16:33:30  As  a  behavioral  healthcare  provider  I  urge  you  to  not  allow  the  state  of  New  Mexico  to  sue  the  federal  government  to  stop  the  recently  passed  healthcare  reform.  Our  citizens  deserve  our  support  not  our  opposition  to  accessing  quality  affordable  healthcare.  Thank  you,  Martin  Klehn  lisw/ladac,  Santa  Fe,  NM.  .   4/15/2010  16:51:22  The  federal  Health  Care  Reform  Act  is  good  for  New  Mexicans.  Please  resist  any  attempts  by  others  to  persuade  our  state  to  join  in  suing  the  federal  government  over  health  care.    Thank  you,  Sally  Schwartz  2523  Carson  Rd  NW  Albuquerque,  NM  87104  [email protected]  .   4/15/2010  17:00:48  1)  I  support  for  the  recently  passed  federal  health  legislation.    2)  The  passed  health  reform  bill  is  especially  GOOD  for  New  Mexico.      3)  With  the  second  highest  rate  of  uninsured  in  the  country,  coverage  in  NM  will  be  extended  to  315,000  New  Mexicans  under  the  bill.  As  a  large  rural  state,  New  Mexico  stands  to  especially  gain  from  the  legislation  because  of  the  many  additional  resources  provided  to  rural  areas,  community  centers  and  medical  professionals  who  practice  in  underserved  rural  areas.      4)  I  urge  the  Attorney  General  to  resist  any  requests  to  bring  a  lawsuit  against  the  federal  government.    5)  The  health  care  reform  bill  is  constitutional  and  in  the  midst  of  a  fiscal  crisis  in  the  state,  politically  motivated  lawsuits  are  not  a  good  use  of  tax  payer  dollars.    Ray  Becich  Albuquerque  [email protected]          .   4/15/2010  17:02:58  I  was  appalled  this  morning  to  hear  on  the  news  that  some  people  were  trying  to  get  you  to  have  New  Mexico  join  in  a  suit  against  the  recently  passed  Health  Care  legislation.      This  bill  is  good  for  New  Mexico,  and  I  strongly  urge  you  to  NOT  join  the  suit.      

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Thank  you.    .   4/15/2010  17:10:19  I  think  you  should  bring  a  suit  challenging  the  provision  in  the  new  federal  health  care  "reform"  act  requiring  individuals  to  buy  private  insurance  plans.  Some  of  the  largest  health  insurance  companies  are  raising  rates  and  then,  finding  they  have  so  much  cash,  they  are  buying  back  their  own  stock  to  raise  share  price.  One  could  view  the  new  law  as  requiring  ordinary  people  to  buy  overpriced  policies  to  put  money  in  the  pockets  of  shareholders.    A  single-­‐payer  system  would  be  much  fairer  and  cost-­‐effective.  Let's  hope  New  Mexico  passes  the  Health  Security  Act  and  obtains  a  federal  waiver  necessary  to  implement  a  single-­‐payer  program  here.    James  S.  Goodman,  M.D.  Albuquerque,  NM  .   4/15/2010  17:17:07  I  support  the  recently  passed  federal  health  legislation.  I  come  from  ranching  and  the  rural  population  has  always  been  underserved.  This  legislation  should  aid  us  in  this  area.    thank  you,    j.  Salinas  .   4/15/2010  17:24:50  Dear  Attorney  General  King,  Please  do  not  consider  any  action  to  appeal  the  Health  Care  Reform.    Thank  you.    Siena  Sanderson  .   4/15/2010  17:32:50  Do  not  join  the  crazy  states  that  want  to  turn  down  health  care  reform  with  a  lawsuit.  I  have  worked  in  the  schools  and  for  the  Human  Service  Department.  I  can  attest  to  the  misery  of  not  being  able  to  get  needed  health  care  for  your  family.  We  need  to  go  forward  not  backwards  and  refine  these  ideas  as  we  see  how  they  are  implemented.  Above  all  we  need  to  care  about  each  other  and  share  the  wealth.  If  not,  we  will  be  left  behind  other  nations,  as  our  gap  between  rich  and  poor  widens.  Elaine  Giovando  LPCC  .   4/15/2010  17:32:52  The  opportunities  we  have  now  that  meaningful  health  care  reform  has  passed  the  Congress  are  immense.  I  strongly  urge  our  government  and  your  office  to  NOT  SUE  the  US  Govt  over  this  long  overdue  step  toward  bettering  health  care  for  our  citizens.  Thank  you,  Rick  Madden,  MD  Family  Physician  practicing  in  Belen  .   4/15/2010  17:39:49  I  worked  personaly  with  Wellstone  years  ago  in  MN.  I  have  fought  for  the  needs  of  those  oppressed.  Don't  let  those  who  only  care  about  themselves  and  their  selfishness  run  or  ruin  a  good  beginning  of  health  care.  .   4/15/2010  18:01:05  Those  urging  you  to  join  in  the  suit  to  block  national  health  care  reform  are  politically  motivated.  

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Federal  health  care  reform  will  be  disproportionately  beneficial  to  New  Mexico  with  its  high  rate  of  uninsured.    I  have  been  working  on  universal  health  care  reform  for  20  years  and  am  elated  that  the  U.S.  is  finally  taking  steps  to  join  the  rest  of  the  industrialized  world  in  providing  health  coverage  for  all  of  its  residents.  .   4/15/2010  18:06:43  Do  not  let  the  nay  sayer  sue  to  overturn  the  new  health  care  legislation!  I  am  Physician  Assistant  working  in  family  practice  in  santa  fe  and  we  need  all  the  help  we  can  get.  It  is  obviously  easier  to  treat  a  disease  like  diabetes  in  the  early  stages  than  wait  till  some  one  loses  a  digit  or  their  eyesight  or  has  a  heart  attack!    thanks,  Merry  Beyeler,  PA-­‐C  .   4/15/2010  18:15:51  Please  do  NOT  sue  the  federal  government  over  the  health  care  bill.  We  need  health  care  reform  in  the  worst  way  in  New  Mexico  as  we  have  a  high  number  of  uninsured  people.  I  personally  have  spent  $50,000  on  medical  bills  over  the  last  six  years  (not  including  premiums)  and  I  allegedly  have  good  coverage.  I  was  barely  able  to  keep  working  to  avoid  going  bankrupt.  Healthcare  in  our  nation  should  be  a  right  and  not  a  privelege.  Thank  you  for  providing  this  forum  for  comments.  .   4/15/2010  18:20:20  I  believe  it  is  premature  to  challenge  the  new  health  care  reform  bill.  I  believe  we  are  better  off  giving  it  a  chance  to  take  shape  and  then  modifying  it  as  needed  in  the  future.  Reform  was  necessary  and  there  is  no  sign  that  it  will  happen  if  the  present  bill  is  revoked.  We  must  move  forward.  .   4/15/2010  19:05:17  I  am  writing  to  ask  that  we  do  the  right  thing  as  a  state  and  support  the  general  health  and  well  being  of  all  of  the  residents  of  our  beautiful,  yet  economically  challenged  state.  Instead  of  resisting  the  health  care  bill,  let's  put  our  focus  on  positve  eocnomic  devleopment  of  renewable  energy  resources.  Please  don't  sue  the  federal  government,  it  would  be  embarrassing.  We  can  afford  it  if  we  make  it  a  priority.  Please  don't  listen  to  negative,  selfish  interests...we're  all  in  this  together.    .   4/15/2010  19:27:47  AG  King,  please  don't  buy  into  this  Teapublican  nonsense  about  suing  the  US  government.  You  know  as  well  as  I  do  that  their  constitutional  arguments  are  specious.  Let  those  states  unfortunate  enough  to  have  Republican  Attorneys  General  pay  the  bill.  .   4/15/2010  19:45:16  I  support  the  health  care  reform  bill.  It  will  improve  access  to  care  for  315,000  New  Mexican.  It  will  aid  a  large  portion  of  my  patients.  DO  NOT  sue  the  Federal  government  to  stop  these  much  needed  reforms.  Just  say  no  to  these  idiots  and  troglodytes  who  have  no  compassion  for  the  less  fortunate.  Regards,  Neal  Devitt  M.D.  La  Familia  Medical  Center  Santa  Fe    Past  President,  New  Mexico  Chapter,  American  Academy  of  Family  Physicians  

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.   4/15/2010  20:06:01  There  is,  of  course,  no  merit  to  the  wingers  request  to  legally  challenge  the  Health  Care  bill  -­‐  it's  all  political.    Please  ignore  requests  to  file  a  lawsuit  against  the  feds  regarding  this  bill.  This  bill  is  good  for  the  country,  and  it  is  especially  good  for  New  Mexico  with  its  large  uninsured  population.    Paul  Stokes  Corrales,  NM  .   4/15/2010  20:58:46  PLEASE  DO  NOT  PURSUE  A  LAW  SUIT  AGAINST  THE  RECENT  HEALTH  CARE  BILL.  I  fully  support  the  bill  and  NM  will  benefit.    Thank  you,    Phyllis  Bergman,  Cedar  Crest,  NM  87008  .   4/15/2010  21:08:04  If  this  bill  passes  I  will  need  to  know  who  is  running  against  you  in  the  next  election  and  how  soon  i  can  start  voting  you  out  of  office.  .   4/15/2010  21:23:45  I  want  you  to  know  that  as  a  New  Mexico  citizen,  I  am  absolutely  opposed  to  our  state  joining  with  other  states  who  are  proposing  a  lawsuit  -­‐-­‐  with  no  grounds  in  constitutionality  -­‐-­‐  against  the  Health  Reform  bill  just  passed.  This  is  a  terrible  use  for  our  much  needed  taxpayer  dollars!  Please  support  New  Mexicans  and  DO  NOT  support  this  bill.  .   4/15/2010  22:05:30  Dear  Attorney  General  King,    I  support  the  federal  health-­‐care  legislation.  I  urge  you  to  do  likewise.    Marvin  Moss  Former  Chairman  Democratic  Party  of  Bernalillo  County  .   4/15/2010  22:24:10  to  the  NM  Attorney  General,  Gary  King:    DO  NOT  SIGN  ON  WITH  OTHER  STATES  TO  SUE  THE  FEDERAL  GOVERNMENT  IN  PROTEST  AGAINST  THE  HEALTH-­‐CARE  REFORM  LAW.    THANK  YOU    JANE  E.  PETERSON            .   4/16/2010  6:52:44   DO  NOT  participate  in  any  sort  of  law  suit  regarding  our  national  health  care  reform.  We,  as  a  nation,  need  this  reform!!  Also  our  state  cannot  afford  to  participate  in  any  sort  of  frivolous  law  suit.  I  recently  was  notified  that  my  position  in  a  county  health  council  will  be  eliminated  due  to  budget  cuts.  Our  state  officials  need  to  THINK  about  where  the  money  is  going  and  we  cannot  afford  to  participate  in  such  an  action.  Let's  take  care  of  business  here  in  the  state  that  benefits  our  people  instead  of  involving  ourselves  in  a  lawsuit  that  will  help  the  

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angry  republicans  out  there  that  are  angry  and  are  just  not  being  good  leaders  for  their  states.  Let's  put  our  efforts  and  money  into  getting  our  New  Mexico  people  insured.  Thank-­‐you.    Bev  Lake  .   4/16/2010  7:08:08   This  is  from  one  New  Mexican  who  supports  President  Obama's  health  care  reform.  This  is  a  first,  small  step  toward  a  goal  the  U.S.  seriously  needs  to  meet.  Do  not  allow  the  radical  right  wing  to  throw  us  back  towards  the  Dark  Ages.    Thank  you,  Gene  Bundy  Portales  NM  .   4/16/2010  7:18:24    Hello  Gary:    I  would  urge  you  and  your  office  to  support  the  Health  care  Issue  by  not  believing  the  Republicans  in  filing  a  lawsuit  to  prevent  it  in  New  Mexico.  I  am  Executive  Director  of  a  nonprofit  that  helps  poor  and  needy  families,  and  so  I  know  the  need  for  Universal  Health  Care,  and  also  the  Chair  of  the  Espanola  Hospital  Board  and  I  would  appreciate  your  attention  in  this  matter.  Thank  You  very  much!  .   4/16/2010  7:35:12   Don't  cave  in  to  a  handful  of  people  who  represent  special  interests.  The  health  care  bill  is  an  important  step  toward  saving  and  improving  the  lives  of  New  Mexicans.  .   4/16/2010  7:45:37   As  someone  born  and  raised  in  New  Mexico  I  know  how  crucial  the  health  care  reform  is  for  the  citizens  of  New  Mexico.  With  the  second  highest  rate  of  uninsured  in  the  country,  coverage  in  NM  will  be  extended  to  315,000  New  Mexicans  under  the  bill.  As  a  large  rural  state,  New  Mexico  stands  to  especially  gain  from  the  legislation  because  of  the  many  additional  resources  provided  to  rural  areas,  community  centers  and  medical  professionals  who  practice  in  underserved  rural  areas.      The  health  care  reform  bill  is  constitutional  and  in  the  midst  of  a  fiscal  crisis  in  the  state,  politically  motivated  lawsuits  are  not  a  good  use  of  tax  payer  dollars.  Please  do  not  bring  a  lawsuit  against  the  federal  government  as  the  health  care  reform  is  a  huge  step  forward  for  our  country.    Perdita  Wexler  2600  West  Zia  Road,  Apt  H8  Santa  Fe,  NM  87505  505  670-­‐4963  [email protected]  .   4/16/2010  7:58:53   The  new  Health  Care  Reform  Bill  is  a  true  improvement.  DO  NOT  try  to  reverse  it  in  New  Mexico.  It  is  good  for  the  U.  S.  and  it  is  good  for  New  Mexico.  It  could  have  been  better  but  the  opposition  made  it  less  effective  than  it  

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could  have  been.  AMA,  AARP,  and  other  organizations  approved  of  it  and  so  do  we.  Let  it  stand.    Dick  and  Milly  Mastin  Alto,  NM  575-­‐336-­‐2170  .   4/16/2010  8:01:47   I  urge  you  not  to  yield  to  Republican  pressure  to  sue  the  state  over  the  health  care  reform.  It  would  not  be  a  good  use  of  taxpapers  $  especially  in  this  time  of  state  budget  deficit.    Judith  R;  Seltzer  Santa  Fe    .   4/16/2010  8:13:58   I  understand  that  health  care  reform  foes  are  eager  to  challenge  the  new  health  care  law  passed  by  Congress.  I  am  totally  against  this  useless  endeavor  and  favor  the  new  provisions  of  the  health  care  law.  It  will  greatly  benefit  the  citizens  of  New  Mexico.  Vivian  Skadron  .   4/16/2010  8:18:52   Please  do  NOT  file  suit  against  the  heath  care  bill.  Remember  Life,  Liberty  and  the  Pursuit  of  Happiness.  I  do  not  want  to  continue  in  the  path  we  are  going.  I  am  a  Tea  Party  Member  but  do  not  agree  with  what  they  are  saying.  .   4/16/2010  8:27:34   Sir,    .   4/16/2010  8:37:08   Mr.  Gary  King,  I  am  writing  you  this  letter  because  I  want  you  to  know  why  I  am  against  the  Healthcare  bill.  It  is  an  UNCONSTITUTIONAL  BILL,  the  US  Govt  had  no  right  to  pass  that  bill  when  the  American  people  have  been  quite  clear  that  we  do  not  want  this  bill.  The  government  has  no  right  to  mandate  anything  about  our  healthcare!  Please  sir  I  urge  you  to  do  the  job  that  you  swore  to  do  when  you  took  the  oath  of  office  and  uphold  the  Constitution  given  us  by  our  founding  fathers.  It  is  your  duty  to  this  state  and  to  the  people  of  this  state.  [email protected]  Emily  Cooper    13  Sandia  St  Moriarty,NM  87035  .   4/16/2010  8:38:00   I  do  not  want  the  state  of  New  Mexico  to  sue  to  be  exempt  from  the  Health  Care  bill.  New  Mexico  has  one  of  the  highest  population  of  people  who  are  uninsured.    The  Republicans  are  representing  big  business  and  do  not  care  about  most  of  the  New  Mexicans  who  are  barely  making  a  living  and  living  without  proper  health  care.  Do  not  let  them  bully  the  state  of  New  Mexico  in  fighting  Obama's  recent  Health  Care  Act.      Barbara  Hill  616  Parkland  Circle  SE  Albuquerque,  NM  87108  .   4/16/2010  8:44:32   Please  do  not  consider  sueing  the  federal  government  regarding  the  recent  passing  of  the  Health  care  reform.  As  CEO  of  19  rural  clinics  in  

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northern  NM  I  can  tell  you  that  the  need  for  health  care  is  there  and  unfortunately  many  of  the  citizens  in  this  state  cannot  access  the  care  due  to  lack  of  money.  The  health  care  reform  will  give  them  an  opportunity  to  have  health  care  on  a  regular  and  continuous  basis.  In  this  time  of  economic  downturn,  it  is  frustrating  to  see  the  money  that  is  put  into  the  health  care  issue  by  legislators  -­‐  money  that  could  help  the  low  income  get  care.  Thank  you  for  allowing  me  to  comment.  Lore  Pease,  CPA,  CEO  .   4/16/2010  8:59:33   Attorney  General  King:    Please  do  NOT  join  the  lawsuits  filed  against  federal  government  challenging  the  constitutionalilty  of  the  recently  enacted  federal  Patient  Protection  and  Affordable  Care  Act  of  2010,  as  amended  by  the  Health  and  Education  Reconciliation  Act  of  2010.  These  lawsuits  are  baseless  in  law,  frivolous,  and  a  waste  of  scarce  taxpayers'  resources.    Thank  you  for  your  consideration  of  this  request.    Very  truly  yours,    Clifford  M.  Rees,  JD  Santa  Fe,  New  Mexico  [email protected]  .   4/16/2010  9:30:19   I  do  not  want  New  Mexico  to  join  with  other  states  that  are  trying  to  undo  the  Health  Care  legislation  recently  passed.  New  Mexico  has  many  people  who  are  uninsured  and  will  benefit  from  this  legislation.  Yours,  Evelyn  Cole,  Santa  Fe  .   4/16/2010  9:39:17   Fully  support  Attorney  General  King.  We  have  received  32  and  30%  increases  for  our  small  company  9  employees  insured)  over  the  past  2  years  and  family  insurance  for  me,  my  wife  and  student  son  is  over  $20,000  per  year.  Wish  it  did  more  vis  a  vis  a  public  option.    David  Roddy  .   4/16/2010  9:44:36   Dear  Attornew  General  King,  I  urge  you  to  resist  any  attempts  by  the  Republicans  in  the  state  legislature  to  join  in  a  lawsuit  against  the  new  health  care  reform  bill.  The  reform  is  an  important  beginning  in  covering  health  care  needs  for  all  Americans,  and  here  in  New  Mexico,  is  especially  important  and  helpful  with  so  many  under  and  un-­‐insured.  These  attempts  by  the  Republicans  seem  to  be  politally  motivated,  attemping  to  undo  any  progress  that  President  Obama  achieves,  and  keeping  huge  profits  in  corporate  pockets  (and  their  own).  Let's  stay  focused  on  important  issues,  like  helping  everyone  achieve  health  care  security.  Thank  you,    Nancy  Johnson  and  Kim  Buehre    .   4/16/2010  9:50:51   Please  do  everything  you  can  to  support  this  health  care  bill.  This  is  something  that  New  Mexico  really  needs  and  will  make  a  positive  difference  for  all  of  our  communities.  

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.   4/16/2010  9:52:24   Please  do  not  join  in  the  suit  over  federal  health  care  reform.  Thank  you  .   4/16/2010  10:44:07  Mr.  King,  I  believe  Health  Care  Reform  is  the  beginning  of  universal  health  care  for  all  in  this  country.  Though  it  has  caused  controversy,  we  can  not  allow  political  decisions  to  get  in  the  way  of  the  people  that  are  without  health  care.  We  need  to  allow  time  for  success  and  adjustments  made  where  it  fails.  I  encourage  and  support  that  no  type  of  lawsuit  be  filed  in  regards  to  the  passage  of  Health  Care  Reform.  New  Mexico  is  one  of  the  states  that  will  gain  the  most  for  it's  citizens.  I  appreciate  you  allowing  us  to  comment  on  this  most  important  issue.          .   4/16/2010  11:06:24  NM  has  one  of  the  highest  populations  of  uninsured.  Health  Care  reform  has  to  happen  as  the  system  is  dysfunctional.  Please  allow  this  bill  to  implement  and  then  we  can  tweak  it  to  improve  it.  Do  not  bring  a  class  action  suit  against  the  federal  government.  .   4/16/2010  11:58:22  FOR  heaven's  sake,  please  do  NOT  pursue  the  repeal  of  the  recent  health  care  bill,  which  will  benefit  millions  of  people,  many  New  Mexicans.  It  would  be  a  feckless  endeavor  and  a  waste  of  public  monies.  That  some  AGs  would  even  consider  pursuing  this  cockamamie  goal  is  testimony  to  just  how  crazy  our  politics  have  become.  New  Mexico  government  has  been  pretty  sane  so  far  -­‐-­‐  we  don't  need  this  particular  insanity  to  cloud  our  politics.  Thank  you.  .   4/16/2010  11:59:42  Please  do  not  sue  the  federal  government  over  the  health  insurance  reform  bill  as  it  appears  to  be  good  for  New  Mexico.  Let's  at  least  give  it  a  try.  .   4/16/2010  12:00:55  I  live  in  Taos,  NM  and  although  I  have  a  full  time  job  I  have  never  been  able  to  afford  health  care  insurance.  I  strongly  support  the  federal  health  legislation.  With  the  second  highest  rate  of  uninsured  in  the  country,  coverage  in  NM  will  be  exteded  to  many  New  Mexicans  such  as  my  self.  The  health  reform  bill  is  especially  GOOD  for  New  Mexico.  I  believe  that  as  a  large  rural  state,  NM  stands  to  especially  gain  from  the  legislation  because  of  the  many  additional  resources  provided  to  rural  areas,  community  centers  and  medical  professionals  who  practice  in  unserved  rural  areas.  I  urge  you  to  resist  any  requests  to  bring  a  lawsuit  against  the  federal  government.    The  health  care  reform  bill  is  constitutional  and  in  the  midst  of  a  fiscal  crisis  in  the  state,  politically  motivated  lawsuits  are  not  a  good  use  of  tax  payer  dollars.  .   4/16/2010  12:07:26  I  strongly  urge  you  not  to  bring  a  law  against  the  federal  government  re:  the  recently  passed  health  care  legistation.  The  law  is  not  unconstitutional  but  is  simply  a  political  ploy  on  the  part  of  the  GOP.  Thanks  for  your  time  and  consideration  of  this  important  issue.    .   4/16/2010  12:25:29  The  times  are  bringing  out  everyones  true  colors,  fears,  and  inabilities  to  see  the  whole  picture.  Health  care  is  at  the  top,  I  am  a  provider  and  we  need  reform  otherwise  we  will  be  more  bankrupt  than  we  already  are.  The  legislation  is  not  perfect,  it  will  take  a  lot  of  work  to  tweak  but  there  are  plenty  of  good  ideas  if  the  political  machines  can  get  over  themselves.  Who  are  the  adults??  .   4/16/2010  13:04:59  Dear  Attorney  General  King:  

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Please  file  suit  opposing  the  Federal  health  care  legislation.  Due  to  the  "mandate  to  buy"  provision,  Americans  will  be  forced  to  purchase  health  insurance  whether  they  wish  to  do  so  or  not.  This  violates  our  rights  to  self-­‐determination.  This  legislation  is  unconstitutional.    The  IRS  will  enforce  this  "tax"  to  private  industry.  "Taxation  without  representation"  is  most  certainly  one  of  the  complaints  in  the  Declaration  of  Independence,  and  the  U.S.  Constitution  was  structured  to  prevent  such  abuses.  The  present  healthcare  legislation  places  undue  control  of  government,  business,  and  individuals  in  the  hands  of  one  particular  industry,  the  insurance  industry.  Furthermore,  the  Federal  healthcare  legislation  will  place  an  undue  burden  on  the  young  and  the  poor,  forcing  them  to  pay  for  health  insurance  they  cannot  afford.  The  poor  and  the  young,  who  are  trying  to  start  their  lives,  already  struggle  to  pay  for  food  and  shelter.  How  can  they  afford  this  other  expense,  especially  if  they  wish  to  remain  independent  of  government  programs  such  as  Medicaid?  Much  of  the  present  healthcare  legislation  is  "negotiable".  However,  the  "mandate  to  buy"  is  both  illegal,  unethical,  and  unfair.  Please  lead  New  Mexico  in  joining  the  other  States  that  have  filed  suit  in  this  grave  injustice  and  threat  to  our  freedoms.  Note:  I  am  a  Democrat,  and  I  would  very  much  like  to  see  a  just  and  fair  program  to  reform  our  healthcare  system.  This  one  isn't  it.  Please  feel  free  to  contact  me  with  any  questions.    Christopher  Kelly  P.O.  Box  25  Ojo  Feliz,  NM  87735      .   4/16/2010  18:21:27  Dear  Attorney  General  King,  Please  do  not  give  in  to  the  pressure  to  sue  the  Federal  Gov't  over  the  Health  Care  Bill!    Signed,  Robert  and  Pauline  Lagace  4405  Autumn  Leaf  La.  Santa  Fe,  NM  87507  .   4/16/2010  20:04:01  We're  confident  that  you  realize  that  the  Health  Care  Bill  is  a  good  start  for  our  nation  and  that  New  Mexicans  will  benefit  greatly  from  it.    Joe  and  Jean  Harris  .   4/16/2010  20:06:55  Please  join  the  other  states  bringing  a  lawsuit  against  the  Federal  Health  Care  Reform  bill  because  it  is  unconstitutional.  The  Constitution  is  specific,  it  lists  exact  powers  of  the  national  government  and  allows  them  no  others.  Health  Care  reform  is  not  among  their  allowed  powers.    thank  you  .   4/16/2010  20:07:22  I  am  in  favor  of  your  pursuing  a  lawsuit  against  the  federal  government  on  the  basis  that  the  recently  passed  health  care  reform  bill  is  

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unconstitutional  and  an  infringement  upon  my  and  the  state  of  New  Mexico's  constitutional  rights.  .   4/16/2010  21:12:38  Dear  Mr.  King,    I  am  appalled  that  President  Obama  had  the  audacity  to  jam  the  Health  Care  Bill  through  Congress  in  such  an  adamant  and  underhanded  way.  There  are  far  too  many  items  unrelated  to  healthcare  attached  to  this  bill.  It  will  also  create  an  undue  burden  on  citizens  who  consistently  pay  taxes,  work  hard,  and  conscientiously  perform  their  jobs.    I  would  be  very  grateful  if  you  would  join  with  other  states  who  are  challenging  the  constitutionality  of  the  bill.  This  bill  needs  to  be  repealed;  it  will  not  improve  life  in  America  for  citizens  but  force  those  who  work  hard  and  earn  a  decent  wage  to  be  penalized  for  their  efforts.    Thank  you  for  your  time.    Sandy  Mwei  6617  Welton  Ct  NE,  Albuquerque,  NM  87109  505.514.5218  .   4/16/2010  22:10:07  Please  do  all  you  can  to  stop  this  health  care  bill.  This  is  NOT  what  this  New  Mexico  family  wants  to  see  our  country  turns  towards.  We  do  not  need  any  more  government  run  programs  and  handouts  to  people  who  will  not  work.  Please  stop  this.  I  do  not  think  this  is  following  the  constitution.  Please  stand  up  against  this.  It  is  unaffordable  and  will  bring  this  country  down,  along  with  all  the  many  other  ways  our  elected  officials  so  foolishly  keep  spending  us  into  deep  debt.  Thank  you!  Dena  Dodd,  Melrose,  NM  .   4/17/2010  6:38:34   I  reside  in  Albuquerque  due  to  the  lack  of  specialized  health  care  services  my  family  requires.  We  were  living  in  San  Juan  county  on  the  Navajo  reservation.  I  support  the  Health  Care  Reform  bill  and  see  it  as  beneficial  to  ALL  New  Mexicans...  All  Americans.  I  would  encourage  the  Office  of  the  Attorney  General  of  NM  to  avoid  bully  efforts  by  those  that  oppose  health  care  reform.  The  cost  of  lawsuits  against  the  federal  government  for  something  that  is  legal  and  in  the  best  interest  to  the  citizens  of  this  state  would  waste  time,  money,  energy,  and  distract  Office  employees  from  other  important  and  urgent  issues.  Thank  you!  .   4/17/2010  6:39:44   Personal  Responsibility    There  is  much  being  made  about  the  individual  mandate  that  is  included  in  the  federal  health  care  reform.  People  are  concerned  that  the  government  is  going  to  tell  them  that  they  have  to  buy  health  insurance.  Well,  here  is  one  major  reason  why  the  government  should  tell  you  to  buy  health  insurance,  ordinary  citizens  are  sick  of  paying  for  your  health  care.  In  New  Mexico,  every  family  plan  has  a  surcharge  of  $2,300  and  every  individual  plan  a  surcharge  of  $1,000  to  pay  for  the  health  care  of  those  who  do  not  have  health  insurance.  This  is  in  addition  to  the  municipal,  county  and  state  taxes  that  are  dedicated  to  paying  for  uncompensated  care.  Also,  hospitals  add  surcharges  to  what  they  charge  other  in  

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order  to  help  them  pay  for  uncompensated  care.  So,  people  with  health  insurance  are  paying  a  hefty  price  for  those  who  want  to  exercise  their  right  not  to  buy  health  insurance.  My  parents  taught  me  that  my  rights  ended  when  they  started  to  infringe  upon  the  rights  of  others.  Well,  the  folks  who  want  to  exercise  their  right  not  to  buy  health  insurance  are  infringing  on  the  rights  of  others  in  a  big  way.    Individuals  who  can  afford  it  should  be  required  to  buy  health  insurance  and  the  government  should  provide  assistance  to  those  who  cannot  afford  it.  Hey,  that  sounds  a  lot  like  the  federal  health  care  reform  that  was  passed  last  month.    I  urge  you  to  reject  any  calls  to  sign  on  to  the  suit  to  block  implementing  the  individual  mandate.    Richard  Mason  600  Montego  Drive  SE  Rio  Rancho,  NM  87124  .   4/17/2010  9:13:38   Attorney  General  Gary  King:    Don't  let  New  Mexico  Sue  the  Government  to  Prevent  Health  Care  Reform.    The  New  Mexico  House  Republicans  have  called  on  you  to  join  with  several  other  states  in  bring  a  lawsuit  against  the  federal  government  over  the  recently  passed  (and  historic)  health  reform  legislation.  Constitutional  experts  have  weighed  in  there  is  no  constitutional  legal  merit  to  the  lawsuits  and  Secretary  of  Health  and  Human  Services  has  noted  the  lawsuits  are  politically  motivated.  You  should  know  that    1)  I  stronglysupport  for  the  recently  passed  federal  health  legislation.    2)  The  passed  health  reform  bill  is  especially  GOOD  for  New  Mexico.      3)  With  the  second  highest  rate  of  uninsured  in  the  country,  coverage  in  NM  will  be  extended  to  315,000  New  Mexicans  under  the  bill.  As  a  large  rural  state,  New  Mexico  stands  to  especially  gain  from  the  legislation  because  of  the  many  additional  resources  provided  to  rural  areas,  community  centers  and  medical  professionals  who  practice  in  under-­‐served  rural  areas.      4)  I  urge  you,  the  Attorney  General  to  resist  any  requests  to  bring  a  lawsuit  against  the  federal  government.    5)  The  health  care  reform  bill  is  constitutional  and  in  the  midst  of  a  fiscal  crisis  in  the  state,  politically  motivated  lawsuits  are  not  a  good  use  of  tax  payer  dollars.    

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PLEASE  DON'T  SUPPORT  THIS  MISGUIDED  ATTEMPT  TO  ROLL  BACK  THIS  BADLY  NEEDED  LEGISLATION!  .   4/17/2010  9:19:12   I  believe  it  is  unconstitutional  for  our  government  to  mandate  that  all  citizens  buy  healthcare  coverage.  The  government  exceeds  its  powers  under  Article  I  of  the  constitution  violating  thereby  the  10th  amendment.  It  is  an  unbearable  encroachment  on  the  sovereignty  of  the  states.  States  should  not  have  to  pay  for  federally  mandated  programs.    I  am  asking  that  our  New  Mexico  Attorney  General  file  an  injunction  against  the  President  of  the  United  States  and  the  Federal  Government  for  Violating  our  constitution.    Thank  you,    Regina  Ballard  204  Ferndale  Street  Carlsbad,  NM  88220    .   4/17/2010  15:46:36  Please  do  not  sue  to  stop  the  Health  Care  Reform  bill.  It  does  not  go  nearly  far  enough,  but  it  is  better  than  nothing.    Thank  you.  Mary  Ellen  Gonzales  Santa  Fe  .   4/17/2010  17:02:16  While  it  is  not  perfect,the  health  care  reform  bill  that  was  recently  passed  is  a  step  forward  in  the  direction  we  need  to  go.  Every  person  should  have  health  care  and  reasonable  medical  insurance.  To  argue  against  this  is  as  backward-­‐thinking  as  saying  that  fire  and  police  protection  should  be  private,  and  that  we  should  not  have  public  schools  and  libraries.  We  are  talking  about  human  rights  here,  and  I  think  it  is  time  for  the  United  States  to  join  the  other  civlized  and  developed  countries  in  having  universal  health  care.  .   4/17/2010  17:12:37  I'm  a  senior  citizen  and  I  strongly  support  the  health  care  bill.  I  know  it  isn't  perfect,  but  we  will  never  get  a  perfect  bill.    BJ  Apgar,  Las  Cruces  88005          .   4/17/2010  17:31:46  I  believe  the  health  care  reform  bill  will  be  good  for  New  Mexicans.  And  I  dont  understand  why  anyone  would  oppose  it.  Ellen  Whitman  .   4/17/2010  17:42:53  Esteemed  Attorney  General,  I  request  that  you  support  the  Federal  health  care  reform.  It  is  good  for  NM    we  have  the  second  highest  rate  of  uninsured.  Also    resist  requests  to  bring  law  suits  against  the  reform.    It  puzzles  me  why  it  is  mandatory  to  have  our  cars  insured,  but  not  health  insurance  for  all?  

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 You  are  doing  a  fine  job  and  continuing  the  King  reputation  for  honesty.  Thank  you  Marie  Rea  Trujillo  .   4/18/2010  8:19:12   I  urge  you  to  resist  any  pressure  to  bring  a  law  suit  aainst  the  Federal  Government  regarding  the  recently  passed  health  care  reform  bill.  The  bill  is  good  for  New  Mexico  because  of  the  needs  of  our  rural  and  poor  populations.  Dr.  Richard  Griego,  Retired  Presidential  Professor  of  Mathematics,  University  of  New  Mexico  .   4/18/2010  8:19:32   I  urge  you  to  resist  any  pressure  to  bring  a  law  suit  aainst  the  Federal  Government  regarding  the  recently  passed  health  care  reform  bill.  The  bill  is  good  for  New  Mexico  because  of  the  needs  of  our  rural  and  poor  populations.  Dr.  Richard  Griego,  Retired  Presidential  Professor  of  Mathematics,  University  of  New  Mexico  .   4/18/2010  16:11:27  The  New  Mexico  Attorney  General  should  NOT  enter  into  a  lawsuit  against  the  federal  government  on  the  issue  of  health  care  reform.  NM  has  the  second  highest  rate  of  uninsured  persons  in  the  country,  second  only  to  Texas.  Not  only  is  health  care  reform  in  our  benefit,  such  a  lawsuit  is  unnecessary  and  is  likely  to  be  deemed  unconstitutional.  Thank  you,  Gail  Chasey  1206  Las  Lomas  Rd  NE,  Albuquerque,  NM  87106  .   4/18/2010  21:31:54  Please  support  the  health  care  reform  bill  passed  by  congress.  It  is  good  for  New  Mexicans.      I  am  a  family  physician.  .   4/19/2010  2:55:56   We  STILL  don't  back  b.o.'s  socialistic  health  care  plan.  I  for  one  will  fight  it  with  ALL  I  have!    Thank  you,  R.W.  King  .   4/19/2010  4:13:17   I  support  health  care  reform  measures.  I  believe  it  is  time  to  move  on  and  not  bog  down  in  unnecessary  and  fiscally  imprudent  legislation  I  am  excited  about  this  reform  that  will  bring  health  care  to  many  needy  citizens.  Thankyou  for  your  time.  Ilene  Weiss  Albuquerque  NM  APS  Employee  .   4/19/2010  7:14:54   New  Mexico's  primarily  rural  community  with  a  large  proportion  uninsured  as  well  as  many  under  insured  necessitates  health  care  reform  measures  now!  Many  New  Mexicans  work  for  businesses  where  there  is  inadequate  or  no  health  insurance  offered.  I  know  because  I  am  a  healthcare  provider  and  I  do  alot  of  pro  bono  work.  It  breaks  my  heart  to  see  the  need  day  after  day  and  deal  with  so  few  resources  available  to  help  New  Mexicans.  The  health  care  bill  as  it  stands  doesn't  offer  enough,  but  it  is  a  step  in  the  right  direction!  Respectfully  submitted,  

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Cheryl  Brubaker,  MSN,  cFNP  .   4/19/2010  7:23:19   Amid  the  recent  actions  of  some  states  to  sue  the  federal  government  to  prevent  the  implementation  of  the  Health  Care  Bill:    I  strongly  urge  the  NM  AG  to  resist  calls  to  join  in  this  or  any  suit.  I  support  the  Health  Care  Bill,  believe  it  is  desperately  needed  by  ALL  states,  that  it  is  constitutional  and  particularly  needed  in  NM.  .   4/19/2010  8:16:05   The  healthcare  reform  bill  which  has  been  passed  is  a  good  thing  for  New  Mexico  and  the  whole  country.  It  has  taken  a  lot  of  work  to  get  this  bill  passed  and  it  is  essential  that  it  be  upheld.  Joan  Kaiser  404  Cortez  Place  Santa  Fe,  NM  87501  .   4/19/2010  9:09:12   Honorable  Mr  King,  I  am  writing  as  a  citizen  of  New  Mexico  who  supports  the  recently  passed  health  care  bill  in  US  congress,  and  as  a  low-­‐income  citizen  who  has  only  Molina  (state)  health  care  coverage.  I  have  heard  there  is  an  attempt  by  New  Mexico  legislators  to  sue  the  government  over  the  federal  bill  —  I  say,  please  keep  special  interest  politics  from  denying  the  people  of  New  Mexico  affordable  health  care.  Please  don't  support  the  use  of  much-­‐needed  New  Mexico  revenue  to  pay  for  a  ridiculous  cause  that  is  full  of  partisan  political  ramifications.  Whereas  Molina  may  not  be  the  most  comprehensive  health  plan,  I  am  so  happy  for  this  service,  and  the  many  other  state  services  that  help  people  like  me.  We  are  trying  to  avoid  the  scenario  that  people,  and  especially  children,  have  to  wait  for  the  worst  before  seeking  any  health  care  at  all.  Health  care  is  a  quality  of  life  issue,  unlike  car  insurance  or  homeowners'  insurance,  which  are  calamity  situations  by  chance.  Everybody  deserves  to  live  healthier  now,  and  not  let  their  health  worsen  for  lack  of  funds.  Please  keep  these  lawsuits  from  reaping  havoc  on  the  citizens  of  this  state.  .   4/19/2010  9:24:16   Dear  Attorney  General  King:    The  health  care  reform  legislation  recently  passed  by  the  federal  government  should  greatly  benefit  NM  with  large  numbers  of  uninsured  and  being  a  very  rural  state.  Please  do  not  join  any  lawsuit  challenging  the  law.  We  can  work  to  make  ongoing  improvements  as  necessary.    Sincerely,  Anne  Fitzpatrick  MD,  Family  Medicine  Albuquerque  .   4/19/2010  10:20:42  I  urge  you  to  resist  requests  to  join  with  other  AGs/states  in  a  lawsuit  against  the  federal  government  to  challenge  the  recently  passed  health  reform  legislation.  That  legislation  is  particularly  helpful  to  NM,  given  that  we  have  the  second  highest  rate  of  uninsured  in  the  country.  In  addition,  given  the  current  fiscal  crisis  in  NM,  politically  motivated  lawsuits  simply  are  not  a  good  use  of  taxpayer  money.  .   4/19/2010  10:24:20  Don't  even  think  of  spending  our  time  and  money  joining  the  lawsuit  against  health  reform.  Though  not  perfect,  this  law  is  one  of  the  

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greatest  changes  for  the  gente  of  New  Mexico  in  a  long  time.  I'm  a  physician,  and  if  you  like,  I  can  tell  you  hours  of  "I  can't  afford  it"  health  care  horror  stories.  Please  ignore  these  annoying  partisans  who  want  to  fight  it  (PS,  I'm  an  independent,  or  as  it  prints  out  in  our  state,  "DTS"=  decline  to  state).  Thanks,  Dr  Elaine.  .   4/19/2010  10:50:31  I  urge  Attorney  General  King  to  avoid  joining  the  lawsuits  against  health  care  reform.  Although  these  suits  purport  to  support  individual  liberties,  I  believe  the  opposite  is  true.  The  main  reason  why  the  government  should  mandate  buying  health  insurance  is  that  it  costs  us  more  otherwise,  and  has  already  resulted  in  extra  taxes.  In  New  Mexico,  every  family  plan  has  a  surcharge  of  $2,300  and  every  individual  plan  a  surcharge  of  $1,000  to  pay  for  the  health  care  of  those  who  do  not  have  health  insurance.  This  is  in  addition  to  the  municipal,  county  and  state  taxes  that  are  dedicated  to  paying  for  uncompensated  care.  Also,  hospitals  add  surcharges  to  what  they  charge  others  in  order  to  help  them  pay  for  uncompensated  care.  So,  people  with  health  insurance  are  paying  a  hefty  price  for  those  who  want  to  exercise  their  right  not  to  buy  health  insurance.    When  we  look  at  the  issue  from  this  perspective,  the  shoe  is  on  the  other  foot:  the  folks  who  want  to  exercise  their  right  not  to  buy  health  insurance  are  infringing  on  the  rights  of  others  in  a  big  way.    Individuals  who  can  afford  it  should  be  required  to  buy  health  insurance  and  the  government  should  provide  assistance  to  those  who  cannot  afford  it,  in  accordance  with  the  federal  health  care  reform  that  was  passed  last  month.  As  a  result,  With  the  second  highest  rate  of  uninsured  in  the  country,  coverage  in  NM  will  be  extended  to  315,000  New  Mexicans  under  the  bill.  As  a  large  rural  state,  New  Mexico  stands  to  especially  gain  from  the  legislation  because  of  the  many  additional  resources  provided  to  rural  areas,  community  centers  and  medical  professionals  who  practice  in  underserved  rural  areas.      Again,  I  urge  the  New  Mexico  Attorney  General  to  reject  any  calls  to  sign  on  to  the  lawsuit  that  would  block  the  implementation  of  the  individual  mandate.  Thank  you  for  your  attention  to  this  important  matter.    Sincerely,  Barbara  B.  Larson  107  Tierra  Rica  Drive  Santa  Fe,  NM  87505  .   4/19/2010  15:22:42  I  think  it  will  be  great  to  get  medical  insurance  for  all  people  in  our  communities  in  New  Mexico  .   4/19/2010  15:41:09  Please  don't  join  the  Republicans  or  other  states  to  repeal  the  Health  Care  Bill.  WE  need  it  so  much.  This  is  insane.  I  support  the  Health  Care/Insurance  Reform  Bill  and  want  you  to  also.  .   4/19/2010  16:36:03  Dear  Attorney  General  King:    I  strongly  support  the  recently  passed  federal  health  legislation  and  beleive  that  it  will  be  very  advantageous  for  New  Mexico.  

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 Our  rural  areas  will  benefit  and  thousands  of  uninsured  New  Mexicans  will  finally  get  coverage.    Please  do  not  succumb  to  political  pressure  to  bring  a  lawsuit  against  the  federal  government  over  this  beneficial  legislation.  No  efforts  should  be  made  or  tax  dollars  spent  for  such  ridiculous  deleterious  actions.    Thank  you  for  any  actions  you  take  to  ensure  the  Health  Care  Bill  stays  intact  and  working  for  all  Americans.    Margaret  T.  DeGrazio  Albuquerque,  NM  .   4/19/2010  17:37:51  New  Mexico  needs  the  new  health  care  reforms.  Please  support  this  important  change  in  our  health  care  system.    Alice  Myers          .   4/19/2010  18:44:38  THE  NM/  LOTTO  ,REF  ROAD  RUNNER  NEEDS  TO  BE  INVESTIGATED,  THE  SYSTEM  IT  USES  BY  COMPUTER  PICKING  IS  PROGRAMED  IN  SUCH  A  WAY  ,IT  CAN  SEARCH  IN  THE  ONE  HOURN  DOWN  TIME  PRIOR  TO  DISPLAY  ON  TV;IT  CAN  ALSO  PICK  A  PHONEY  OR  NOT  .  THE  OLD  FASHION  WAY  OF  THE  PING  BONG  BALLS  WAS  FAIR  PLAY.  THE  NEW  PROGRAM  WAS  SOLD  ON  THE  PRETENCE  THAT  IT  COULD  DO  AS  IT  DOES,  FULL  INVESTIGATION  NEED  BE  DONE  IN  ALL  FAIRNESS  ,  THE  PEOPLE  OF  NM  ;ARE  BE  DUPED.  JOE  .   4/19/2010  18:55:32  Dear  Attorney  General  King:  I  am  in  support  of  the  recent  achievement  of  federal  health  care  legislation.  I  am  disappointed  in  efforts  to  fight  against  this  landmark  bill.  Please  do  not  bring  any  legislation  against  the  bill.  New  Mexicans  will  greatly  benefit  from  the  insurance  reforms  and  increased  access  that  will  eventually  result  from  this  legislation.    Sincerely,  Amy  Robinson,  M.D.  Board  Certified  Family  Physician,  resident  of  Cedar  Crest  .   4/19/2010  19:15:19  Please  do  what  you  can  to  ensure  that  New  Mexico  receives  its  share  of  the  monies  in  the  health  care  reform  that  was  just  passed  by  the  US  Congress.  I  definitely  support  that  health  care  bill  that  will  provide  a  level  of  care  for  300,000  more  New  Mexicans.  Thank  you,  Jane  Ronca-­‐Washburn  .   4/19/2010  19:17:52  Please  allow  the  Health  Care  Bill  to  stay  put,  and  refrain  from  suing  the  US  government.!!!!  .   4/19/2010  21:19:05  I  urge  you  to  resist  any  request  to  join  in  a  lawsuit  against  the  Federal  Government  in  regards  to  the  Health  Care  Reform  Bill.  NM  has  the  second  highest  rate  of  uninsured  in  the  country,  and  this  bill  will  be  especially  beneficial  to  our  state  and  our  large  rural  population.  Stand  with  the  people  of  NM.  

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Do  not  embarrass  us  by  joining  forces  with  those  whose  only  agenda  is  to  see  this  government  fail.  The  Health  Care  Reform  bill  is  constitutional  and  using  tax  payers  money  for  a  frivolous  and  politically  motivated  suit  is  a  disservice  and  affront  to  the  people  of  NM.      Sincerely,  Jane  Schreiber  .   4/20/2010  6:14:19   Dear  Attorney  General  King:    I  am  contacting  you  to  voice  my  support  for  the  recently  passed  federal  health  legislation.  Many  measures  included  in  this  new  legislation  is  especially  GOOD  for  New  Mexico.      With  the  second  highest  rate  of  uninsured  in  the  country,  coverage  in  NM  will  be  extended  to  315,000  New  Mexicans  under  the  bill.  As  a  large  rural  state,  New  Mexico  stands  to  especially  gain  from  the  legislation  because  of  the  many  additional  resources  provided  to  rural  areas,  community  centers  and  medical  professionals  who  practice  in  underserved  rural  areas.      I  urge  you  to  resist  any  requests  to  bring  a  lawsuit  against  the  federal  government  regarding  the  constitutinality  of  the  health  care  reform  legislation.  Our  state  that  is  in  the  midst  of  a  fiscal  crisis  cannot  afford  to  waste  our  tax  payers  dollars.    Sincerely,  Janet  E.  Simon,  DPM  FACFAS  Executive  Director,  New  Mexico  Podiatric  Medical  Association  Chair,  Podiatric  Health  Section,  American  Public  Health  Association  Chair,  Podiatric  Public  Health  and  Preventative  Medicine,  American  Podiatric  Medical  Association    Podiatry  Associates  of  New  Mexico,  LTD  8300  Carmel  NE,  Suite  501  Albuquerque,  NM  87122  Phone:  505-­‐797-­‐1001  Fax:  505-­‐828-­‐1571  E-­‐mail:  [email protected]  .   4/20/2010  6:40:30   I  understand  that  Republican  legislators  want  to  bring  a  lawsuit  against  the  recently  passed  health  care  bill.  Don't  let  them  do  it.  What  in  the  world  are  they  thinking?  It's  been  deemed  that  there's  nothing  illegal  about  this  legislation,  but,  more  important,  it  will  help  many  New  Mexicans  get  the  health  care  formerly  denied  to  them.  Thank  you.  .   4/20/2010  7:29:58   Dear  AG,    As  a  NM  resident  health  care  provider  I  believe  that  the  health  care  bill  is  a  step  forward  and  I  disagree  with  the  idea  of  suing  to  stop  its  implementation.  Thank  you.    

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W.  Peplinski  DOM  .   4/20/2010  9:56:35   The  Health  Care  Reform  bill  is  good  for  New  Mexicans.  Do  not  bow  to  pressure  to  challenge  it.  I  am  so  greatful  for  the  changes  it  begins  to  make  in  the  health  insurance  industry  and  health  care  in  general.  .   4/20/2010  15:50:05  I  want  to  go  on  record  in  support  of  the  Health  Care  Bill  recently  passed  by  Congress.  It  doesn't  have  everything  I  had  hoped  for,  but  it  is  a  step  in  the  right  direction.  Thanks,    Bette  Betts  Santa  Fe,  NM  .   4/20/2010  19:11:01  I  strongly  support  the  recently  passed  health  care  reform  bill.  As  a  state  with  some  of  the  most  uninsured  and  also  as  a  heavily  rural  state,  we  will  benefit  in  untold  ways  from  the  provisions  in  the  bill.  The  lawsuit  proposed  by  Republicans  to  attack  the  health  care  bill  seems  politically  motivated  and  we  should  not  spend  public  dollars  when  we  are  in  an  extreme  financial  crisis  to  engage  in  a  politically  motivated  lawsuit.      I  for  one  am  so  pleased  that  we  finally  got  some  health  reform.  We  have  needed  it  for  so  long  especially  in  this  state.    Sincerely,    Karen  Hastings  .   4/21/2010  13:33:27  I  am  very  supportive  of  health  care  reform,  and  realize  how  important  health  care  is  for  our  nation,  and  also  here  in  New  Mexico.  .   4/21/2010  13:41:09  Dear  Attorney  General  Gary  King,    I  am  writing  again  and  this  time  I  am  asking  you  for  your  decision  on  whether  or  not  you  will  join  with  the  other  Attorney  Generals  across  the  nation  and  protect  the  citizens  of  New  Mexico.    I  would  also  like  to  ask  you  to  file  suit  against  this  unconstitutional  legislation  and  demand  that  the  federal  government  govern  within  the  scope  of  their  Constitutional  authority  and  no  more.    Time  and  again,  the  Supreme  Court  has  ruled  that  all  laws  contrary  to  the  Constitution  are  null  and  void.  I  would  ask  you  to  uphold  your  oath  of  office  and  stand  on  the  Constitution  and  oppose  this  socialist  policy.    I  would  also  ask  that  you,  as  a  public  servant,  remember  the  rights  of  the  citizens  are  not  granted  them  by  a  government  but  rather  are  endowed  them  by  their  Creator  and  therefore  cannot  be  infringed  on  by  the  government.  It  is  the  right  of  a  private  people  to  choose  for  themselves,  their  plan  of  health  care  and  choices,  or  to  choose  NOT  to  have  a  plan.    

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Were  the  state  of  New  Mexico  NOT  in  the  business  of  "socialism"  with  medicaid,  and  redistribution  of  wealth,  through  medicaid  also,  governments  at  all  levels  would  not  be  addressing  the  issue  of  health  care.    I  would  point  out  to  you  that  the  only  differences  between  welfare  and  slavery  is  one  is  done  under  the  cover  of  the  government  and  the  other  was  abolished.  What,  I  would  ask,  is  the  difference  between  the  government  forcing  me  to  pay  for  someone  else's  "needs"  by  taxing  me,  and  giving  my  "property,  ie.,  money",  to  someone  else,  and  a  thief  that  comes  into  my  home  and  picks  and  chooses  what  of  mine  he  wants  for  himself?  Both  take  from  the  fruits  of  MY  labor  without  due  compensation,  enslaving  me.  Both  take  from  the  fruits  of  MY  labor  without  my  permission.  The  only  difference  is  that  somewhere  in  the  line  of  our  history,  our  government  has  decided  for  themselves  this  "legal"  slavery  is  Constitutional  and  I  will  say  that  it  is  NOT.    Again,  I  would  ask  that  you  soul  search  and  reaffirm  your  Oath  to  the  Constitution  and  separate  the  sentiment  to  any  other  allegiances.  You  are  charged  with  the  duty  of  protecting,  preserving  and  defending  the  most  sacred  of  documents  to  the  People,  our  United  States  Constitution,  as  well  as  the  New  Mexico  Constitution.  Both  of  these  documents  are  contracts  between  the  government  and  the  people.  If  these  documents  are  not  going  to  be  upheld  by  government,  we  must  replace  those  elected  and  appointed  to  serve  the  Public  and  replace  the  individuals  with  men  of  honor  and  men  of  their  word.    I  ask  you  Sir,  when  you  took  your  Oath,  did  you  mean  it?  Will  you  be  a  man  of  your  word  and  honor  that  Oath  and  defend  the  People  of  New  Mexico  against  this  invasion  of  our  private  rights?  I  think  you  will.  I  hope  you  will.  I  pray  that  you  will.  I  am  counting  on  you  to  stand  up  for  us.    Sincerely,  Jeanie  Coates  2637  N.  Albertson  Hobbs  NM  88240  575.318.6333  .   4/21/2010  14:13:58  My  name  is  Gary  Popplewell.  I  reside  in  Tularosa,  NM.  Address  -­‐  P.O.  Box  7,  88352    I  would  ask  that  Attorney  General  King  bring  New  Mexico  alongside  those  independant  states  that  will  stand  up  against  the  Federal  Government  and  its  attempt  to  control  our  citizen's  rights  to  choice  and  liberty.  Stand  against  this  Bill  as  it  is  and  show  the  New  Mexico  spirit  of  independance.  .   4/22/2010  12:21:10  Why  is  it  taking  so  long  to  come  to  the  conclusion  to  stand  with  other  states  to  oppose  the  Obama  Health  Care  legislation  as  un  constitional?  Our  own  state  government  has  problems  enough  meeting  the  current  obligations  set  forth  without  taking  own  additional  mandates  from  Washington.  Government  should  not  be  taking  more  and  more  of  our  liberties  away!  Where  is  your  backbone  and  what  color  is  it?  

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.   4/23/2010  7:26:15   I  trust  you  will  join  the  other  states  that  have  filed  suit  against  the  Obamacare  Health  Care  bill.  I  am  against  every  part  of  the  government  take  over  of  my  health  care.  I  would  like  to  know  where  you  stand  with  the  state  of  New  Mexico.  We  can  not  afford  this,  nor  is  it  good  for  America.  Sandra  Emerson  Aztec,  NM  .   4/23/2010  7:42:19   Good  day.  As  someone  who  works  in  the  Healthcare  Financial  area,  I  believe  it  is  about  time  that  the  U.S.  has  finally  put  into  place  a  plan  to  cover  subtanially  all  our  citizens  for  healthcare  service.  The  devil  will  be  in  the  details  as  far  as  the  implementation  of  the  law  is  concerned.  I  feel  it  would  be  not  in  the  best  interest  of  the  county  to  undo  this  law.  As  a  taxpaying,  voting  citizen,  I  would  strenuously  object  to  New  Mexico  participating  in  any  lawsuit  to  prevent  the  implementation  of  this  law.  The  law  was  passed  by  the  legislative  bodies  that  were  legally  elected  by  us,  the  people  of  the  U.S.  .   4/23/2010  13:37:42  I  support  the  federal  health  legislation  and  NM  state  should  not  file  a  lawsuit  against  it.  .   4/23/2010  13:43:36  I  want  to  know  why  you  havent  files  suit  against  the  health  care  bill  ?  It  is  unconstitutional  and  we  dont  want  obamacare(  socialized  medicine)..What  is  the  hold  up  on  filing?  .   4/24/2010  17:52:45  I  was  excited  to  hear  the  Health  Care  Bill  passed,  with  it  Congress  passes  Elder  Justice  Act.  Being  a  victim  along  with  my  father  of  Elder  Abuse,financial  exploitation,  I  feel  a  passion  for  pursuing  efforts  to  mitigate  Elder  Abuse.  Raising  awareness  is  needed  to  confront  abuse,  Justice  for  this  offense  is  necessary  to  stop  it!          .   4/25/2010  17:48:14  Does  the  State  plan  to  or  have  the  power  to  address  the  real  issue  of  Healthcare?    The  Issue  is  "access  to  affordable  healthcare"  which  does  not  appears  to  be  happening.  The  solution  being  mandated  has  been  "access  to  Health  Insurance"  which  is  a  continuation  of  corrupt  monopolistic  practices.    Since  the  Insurance  Industry  has  now  established  an  80%  monopoly  on  the  HC  Industries  Clinics  and  Hospitals;  without  buying  their  "insurance"  product  we  are  denied  access  to  any  alternative  solutions.  The  typical  Insurance  Policy  is  not  the  service  I  desire;  I  merely  would  like  to  get  the  necessary  services  I  need  and  will  gladly  pay  for  them.  With  a  limited  number  of  Doctors  and  Nurses;  there  are  relatively  no  options  for  obtaining  care  unless  one  buys  Insurance.    The  Lack  of  Anti-­‐Trust  and  Competition  Law  enforcement  by  the  Gov't  at  any  level  has  led  to  this  crisis;  and  the  solution  appears  not  to  be  about  the  people's  needs;  but  about  continuing  the  monopolistic  control  by  the  Financial  Industry  of  the  Healthcare  Service  Industry  -­‐  while  the  Federal  Gov't  regulates  out  alternative  options  of  self-­‐insurance  and  consumer  choice.    

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I  would  contend  that  the  same  Conflict  of  Interest  of  why  doctors  are  not  allowed  to  own/operate  Hospitals  and  Clinics  would  apply  to  the  Insurance  Industry.  The  strong  linkage  between  these  two  aspects  has  developed  over  the  last  4  decades  and  enable  this  situation.  While  the  Insurance  industry  leverage  their  Government  Medicare  contracts;  Company  mandated  Employee  Insurance,  and  other  Gov't  mandated  practices  in  order  to  buy  out  or  develop  their  Monopoly  of  Healthcare  Service  facilities.    It  concerns  me  greatly  that  we  do  not  have  seperate  competition  of  Insurance  (An  optional  financial  instrument)  and  competition  at  the  Facilities  level  (A  healthcare  provider).  More  troubling  is  that  most  legislation  from  the  Government  appears  the  Government  has  not  been  representing  the  people;  but  instead  representing,  supporting  and  creating  this  corrupt  monopoly  to  the  detriment  of  the  people    While  I  support  Free  Markets;  when  will  the  Competition  Laws  and  Anti-­‐Trust  Laws  be  enforced  against  practices  that  exploit  the  people?  The  Federal  Law  is  now  Mandating  this  solution  at  a  State  level.    I  respectfully  request  that  the  State  of  NM  challenge  the  Constitutionally  of  the  Federal  Government  "take  over"  of  Healthcare  with  a  mandated  Insurance  solution  as  our  only  option.  I  also  request  that  the  State  of  NM  look  at  enforcing  its  own  Competition  protection  and  Anti-­‐trust  that  has  led  to  a  monopoly  in  our  own  State.    Thank  you  for  your  time  and  consideration.  .   4/26/2010  23:51:30  Because  of  the  Elder  Justice  Act,  I  hope  New  Mexico  Elders  can  be  protected  from  the  crimes  of  abuse-­‐financial  exploitation.  I  can't  seem  to  get  a  good  response  for  my  situation?  Justice  is  needed  for  this  cause  and  for  prevention  of  it.  Otherwise  it  will  continue  and  get  worse  if  that  is  possible  it  is  already  severe.  .   4/27/2010  8:12:33   I  understand  NM  may  join  other  states  in  a  lawsuit  opposing/questioning  the  recently  passed  federal  health  care  legislation.  Providing  healthcare  for  more  people  is  a  good  and  important  step  in  the  right  direction.  This  lawsuit  is  not  a  good  idea  and  I  urge  you  to  not  support  it.    Joseph  Salack  .   4/27/2010  21:21:14  The  federal  government  has  overstepped  their  authority  in  mandating  health  care.  When  did  the  "commerce  clause"  authorize  them  to  force  citizens  to  purchase  ANYTHING!  I  hope  New  Mexico  will  join  the  other  states  in  attempting  to  stop  this  bill.  There  are  numerous  issues  that  our  tax  dollars  should  be  spent  on  and  paying  for  health  care  for  individuals  that  are  too  lazy  to  work  and  provide  for  themselves  is  not  one  of  them.  Also  this  bill  will  increase  New  Mexico  liabilities  by  creating  more  people  on  assistance  and  taxes  will  also  go  up  at  the  state  level.  The  economic  status  of  the  state  and  the  nation  is  also  the  same  status  that  a  large  portion  of  the  population  is  suffering  from  and  we  need  to  reduce  medical  costs  not  increase  spending.  

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.   4/29/2010  14:43:32  I  am  disressed  that  the  nation  has  been  sold  to  the  insurance  companies  like  Blue  Cross  Blue  Shield.    .   4/29/2010  19:53:01  Dear  Attorney  General  King:    I  support  efforts  to  sue  the  Federal  Government  on  behalf  of  the  citizens  of  New  Mexico  regarding  the  Healthcare  Bill.  Every  day,  we  hear  more  and  more  about  how  this  bill  will  further  drive  up  the  deficit  and  create  an  unsustainable  bureaucracy;  and  now,  even  some  of  the  Obama  Administration/Congress  is  admitting  to  rationing,  which  they  said  would  not  happen  with  this  bill.    This  bill  was  badly  conceived  from  the  beginning,  done  behind  closed  doors  and  against  the  very  will  of  the  people  who  will  have  to  pay  for  this  nightmare.  We  spoke  out  in  many,  many  polls  throughout  the  entire  healthcare  discussion  and  across  the  country.  The  people  of  this  country  said  that  we  did  not  want  this  massive  bill,  only  to  have  Congress  and  the  President  push  it  through  anyway,  AGAINST  OUR  WILL.  That  is  not  democracy  in  any  way  one  can  imagine.  And  mandating  people  to  buy  insurance  under  pain  of  a  fine,  or  possibly  jail  time  (who  knows),  is  unconstitutional.  The  government  needs  to  stay  out  of  private  enterprise  except  as  a  regulator.  Our  government  has  greatly  overreached  its  bounds.    Please,  on  behalf  of  the  people  of  this  State,  join  all  of  the  other,  both  democrat  and  republican,  State  attorney  generals,  to  fight  against  this  injustice.  Don't  let  us  be  forced  into  something  that  will  eventually  cause  the  collapse  of  a  healthcare  system  that  may  be  broken,  but  it  is  at  least  functional  for  a  majority  of  Americans.  If  this  healthcare  bill  isn't  somehow  repealed  or  mitigated  or  declared  unconstitutional,  we  will  eventually  be  saddled  with  incredible  national  debt  and  a  healthcare  system  that  would  only  rival  that  of  a  third  world  nation.    Thank  you  for  your  consideration.    Claude  Peterson,  MBA  .   4/30/2010  22:30:01  Mr  King:  As  NM  Attorney  general  I  believe  that  you  should  join  as  other  state  attorney  generals  have  done  to  stop  the  federal  government  forcing  citizen  to  purchase  heath  insurance.  The  federal  government  has  no  right  to  force  it's  citizens  to  purchase  a  product  from  the  private  sector.  If  let  unchecked,  the  government  could  force  citizens  to  purchase  a  particular  make  and  color  of  car.  While  this  seems  far  fetched,  this  is  what  could  happen.  You  as  the  representative  of  citizens  of  this  state  has  the  obligation  to  protect  citizens  as  a  form  of  consumer  protection.  Thank  You  of  this  forum.  CECIL  STARK  4007  Killington  Rd  NW  Albuquerque,  NM  .   5/2/2010  21:15:53   Do  not  try  to  sue  the  US  Federal  Government  over  health  care.  We  need  health  care  and  we  do  not  support  the  TEA  party  or  Heather  Wilson.  It  may  be  easy  for  them,  but  for  most  of  us  New  Mexicans  we  need  health  care  for  all.  It  would  have  been  great  to  have  a  public  option,  but  at  least  we  are  moving  in  the  right  direction.  SO  please  do  not  fight  Presidents  Obama's  health  care  reform.  Thanks  Julie  Salas  

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