commercial, 'tile .'rue amekio an. senate st. charles...

~ dPlay of t r O.mpOtP, 1 mnewill o noea~ o r alo. A.b r hlhh lhby dsirea, the favorite Fare of the DARRIACK ROOM. ~r, Mr. lbarret, Mrs.. re FoR HAVANA. -. : ,• ,.•J l,"5_ rles nillna, eoppele~d packet hrii " A NIC• LRFF1, 2dn nr, ('opta'n "Walker, wl• U poaltively mallaot lrrdov, ltijhon t. A li or c•lnbhinl enaaged, and for remainler of 'f"delqh wbmch will Ie taken nt low rates, or panoage, hiengpl didmalmdd fhn eeoreooa,.dadiono for 30 pea- app ly no board, id tier bew the Ferry. o1i~mdes 'JO oterajid pono~lgeri. .. . .J ROBERTS,4 ienvile at, or to •o Wm ZIRmERR O9 Common It TL DFIlanI COR PMATE 'Thelat sailiog, firstclase. copperod brig s, , LUNA, 180 tofit; aptin HaIallett, stows 31;0 hhor. oo ready to receive cargo for any p pt, y to Wm BRYAN, I ' J. o 95 Common at o a Ter* days mare and postietly not longer. H ' nHE SPLENDID EXHIBITION OF THE MAJRBSTIC. 'hlie Giraflb, or Camelopard !! hoTtHItCi will cloe on the 8th ins t., and l e ave an e jpernteanloo -Geiaf W oa rws Hn ot-ye me th reo tt weond r of the n kltngdOm, ltold call nat St cinrlen trsret, z nwl view ando ju dge for themselvos, what has delighted haothonadr.m l-doaply-interstetd-thecurious and acieru- K H . of Admissio, 50 cenm--Cl;idren asod oeroants ha'fprs.. l •, the adjoiuling Pavilion, Ma. . R. Ga. N.LrtS, orln withoot anupe, will continuo'hls astonishing per. ncbe orocEanne. _ _ jul. A OTICE-Mr. Harlob Hooker retired front and r caioed to e a partner of the firm of 'J Thly- . on the firstday of October last, by manto . tTliner & T Twitchell have continued, atnI will tilleooeltrethe husineres as usual, under the finn of fbhayr & Co,' and ne authorized to close all the busminsn of the late firm. New Orleans, Januarv 4th, 1839. ,T h Private Journal oftaron Burr, in mvo, s. rvo, ;Jy Matthew Lb-aris, author of Memnoir of Aaron Burr, S ae~Patly'lotdl. The For West or, A Tour beyond the Moutltnins: 4i 2 Vols. P Also n Perr oapply of iHtomewar lBound, and I latest rovla ofCoop- Htte as hrOUrd, 5 er. MHo'Clloch'a Ctum' arreil Dictionary, 1 vel, a very valoahle work for the comk.ercial wo;tl. EJOIINS & CO, J7 o ernor St Charlas & Conmon ast MA5YORALY OFh NEW ORIEANS. HfIl priceo froll floor to-day is $8 75 per barrel, 3_ 8.. e fia-to the tarinf the bakers sholl give d-. ' mig tlheocalingi week (romn Mooladny 7th iust.) 31 oun- cee of bread for a hitt. Bread of the second quality in required to weigh 25 per cent. more, vea: 431 ouncem. jan7 C. GENOIS, Mauyor. , C HOI.ATE-.'. caet swaeet Chocolate, landing froml ship Conrlanitne,for sale by j,7 InSAAC BlRIDGE i CO, 131 Mlnnezine ot uHt',(.\tAN--2 Uatesa, ,toitamo tern's prioe kipl Sbrgans and hesoy hip hoots, forsale by ISAAC BRll) E &iE 1O. JaI 7 134 largane st 16an700 Capital Prize, T ick-Cts only $4 00, GRAND STATE LOTTERY. .Draing of the Grand State Lottery Claps 74. 2, 9, 55 61, 47 62, 58, 46, a0 29, 53 07. I.ASS No, 75. Antlhorioed byh•YI,.nilatil•,ntu the State. t "1' be .ASdr,wnStia)&, Jun ,- 4139, at 5 o'clock, P. h1. a, Bijeopl dHnt,:, ,ee, ftcsrerihorn to $202639 1 , ol t$4N• •ll-sl, h tkrn 2 0e-QR m rtaers I 1 1 V - acknenof STieket for $100, wrrnttdl to drnr a . t leat $18 Packages of'5 IlalfEtickeln $591 1i watr- rated to draw ntlelast el 4 00 Pmrkagesn of .5 Quarter Tickets $ -5 00 warranted to dwarst lIats $12 For packar;en ofairgla ticket, opllyv at tahe IMANAGiERO'' OFFICE, JnT 1ii Chartres st TO BE DRAWN TO-hIORRIIW, Jn. Bib, S The following ate tie drawn numbers of the Louis- I .. 1a.. tLrtaleryy ePia 1O, Orr18lr.9: 2, 24, f4, 72, 50, 52, 39, 23, 22, m. 31. 25. Sli rite lnlder of ticket rombiatirin 2, 24, 64, ,euti- tie tM the prizne of 20,110 dollars,, is rrqrnertrd to cull at the ofiee offt). S.(Gregory & Cr. 35 Canal at. $10,000 CAPITAiL 'RIZE. LOUI SIANA LOTTERY. Authoirized by Act of legislRtuOre. Chapt XIlrItI, panted Matoh '21. 18":, Cloas No. 36 for 18I to Ire drawn an Ttsaloy, Joan. r8th 18:9, at 5 o'carck, P. - Mt. at thie Excltrrr e Htoterl, St. Charrles t. D. S. GIREGORY & Co,. Surcceeor to y'ATES MclINTYRE A" Co. 75 Nutharn-l3 Drawn Ballotlis. GIsNI) SCIIEMIF.. I prilce of $10 o.) is $I 1 noo 1 do 2 :5•11)0 o25 1 dt 2010 2 1)00 I 1 do 1500 1 500r I to 1 300 1 30 S do 1201) 1 200 1 do 1 110 1 1140 19 do I non 10 0n0 , I do: 251 1500 10 do 150 500 10 do 1211 1 1100 161 do 70 11 4111 63 do 38 2205 63 do 25 1575 IN26 do 10 126:1 090- do 0 9: 41361 3 436 do. 3 70 308 23 814 Prize amoerntiu to 71-1I5 854 Tickets $3 00- tlalve $lI 50-Qrtnrtrrs O 75 Packages of 25 tickets fr $4t. Preirkages of 25 half ticketa $7"2. I'roknhee of 45 Qmrtrer ickrts ta or I$11. For Packhee or sinle Tickete, apply Pt I).S IREGOIIY & Co. the tanagers -filet, jan7 :5. Canal striet, next to Camp st LAW NOTICE. ' AMES a MAYFIELD, Co Cnspllor snd ttorneo at Laow, of'reetn, has onode an arrangeentrt with JoerphA H. Wrhie Esq., Inte Del'egste in Contre-s from Florida. and C msonellor at Lnwof the Supyreme Cotrt of the United Status, to give his deire, Ilegal oapiilorn and intrnlticnO i all curves in which ha is retained in Texas. Crl. Whlite willin all cases gite writteninatrnetione, and in cases nofgrea imptreance, will attenrd in persn tlhe Supremne Court of Texrs. IHe is in ponsraeion of all the Spanish ansi Mexican Ordin. snce, anti hnas at New Orleans, tihe largest civil law library in Aamerica. Land Tites, In all caen in whichi Jnmra S. Mntfiell is rctaind ad 'an attorney anl counllolir in Texai, he "ill receive my assrirstance, and advice as a eoteerllr. H7 JOB mt WIIITFE. SITUAiTIi•i--WANTEI -.-A first rtore EAM1- STRESS wants a rituttiot. She is crpnlhle of dling Fancy Sewiane. anld any deriplin of Dress le- kin, tor hillinery. Would have no obiectio, to en into a private fartily. Can eivn unexreptiolnble ref- ereneee, as to cuharateralnd albility. Eaqrre at 207, Carondelet at. in7--t B ANK NOTE E tGOAVING-Rttrdn. Tl'rihl, Hatlch & Epson, ve openr,,d anl oeirc in, New Orleans. posersiine eqrtal adrvantoges with their house in New York, ftr the purpose onfongravitg ano I piutl- ing Bank Noten, BRotds, Bills of IExchantge, C(ertifiC'es oIlf)epeite., Checks and other inportat palicers reqr- ring ,eritnv agenitt lorgferie. ntd Ihansntaole ampleo ptnvlrion for tlrhe afe keepine o all plates and ialpren- iaola entruted to thlrir cante; tlreirrpeteil•rns etn brace the notea of over fine hur.Ired Iotniki•e inslitution., and all orders will he execuntod willth promptilitle, and on r.easonable ternms. Ofsa,coreeerof Iloyal & Cranl Street. ja--tf `•PE RM CANI)IE-9A6 hIoxes Sperm Candles, landing from ehiptCmel nrtine, for sate by ja7 IS ' AC DRIIDGE & ('o, 134 lagazine rt N D S -'S- -•) ba es L otw ell Lind ,•u a , tannling for Ii salekhy STIETSON & AVERY. J 0 (ratvier et N •-• x1 -Tio Prrrolate Jotral of Anrtn j Barr doeine hia reidencte of hlor years it, :?u- npa., wilh selnetions from his eurrenl.rtrdnee. Edited $H by Melaihe L fioin, asliterof mersoirs el Aora.r Burr. The P. e rcel; or. aTnrr herondl the o nnroonoas, embeoiag uatlitr.s of WeMter, life it ndl seeror.; skoeteh- 51 of the pairiles, rers acieut nloutndroe.rlv seotle- mesto f tre Frenah, &., ,Svoln, itlst receivrd by ja7 WM MI'KEAN, ror ('atop Cotnotn st (UIfiC S--' balro fine Itradtiek, receiverl anid fore ale by ITETt)N N AVERY. jn7 8O: Goierrst tir Ja.. 1039. 5 ORDERS. UXJAMhINGTON GUARDS.--Attend montthly YV meeting this cacnlng, the 7ltr mnt. at 7 o'cleFe hP Lsetearmorn, and full rlreu .- raeda, to'morrow, 8th 0hat.-t |.M. Byorldrof ' Csptain (] F HOZEY, P SM I CROOKE, nst osrgeant . F•ORDAGE. Ikee-•lO eoils tarred Ropae agoort-- - S.Jei nfrom Ito 6 isch- spunyarn and Rastrte .tal_ stlu, IUep sea sod Ianolead liher; Rggirrg - " IrlAD & BARSTOW,? Bank Plae_ zislr esl by 44, Ileeeiee-frm• his mna,,fa- U se le ilaesoaa a Ormenelta. eltII Cigars. S of a bef qatllity--Tmrbnca, Reliseh, Comnesr. fer COMMERCIAL, c LaSWs• ,Oa .s. Cbarlto.De ........... 1 WAhilgm,Dee ........ 5 Mow York'do....;.... 15 I Ciicon•.ti do...... 1 Plndelphis do .t.... . t.16 Looville, do........... I. -Ir oo -do . 1 St. I.louio ........ 14 aOVou.5I do....... . t9 t vrpeol, Nov...........3 lountoH (tu) Dee...... 13 Pris Ot ... ........ hto. do .............. go Iodoo. Nor......... shville, Nov............ 8 Havre do .............. 'FO'RT OF NEW ORLEANS. se - Ihe CLEAR+ANCES. Inery 4. Ire Ship M••ornt Porhbes. ing, for Boston, J K Lyon Ship Oa Washington, Proinl, for Bastaia, Ci rchmidt & W'ersmr Park amp.,Demigoer, for Nuos, J ager Brig Audubon, Saboti. for Hoavan, K Groolog & o elhr Elisittlh, Porsytlh, for Poeatnola, Maur Bchr Motgoneory. Sawvye r ,ftorl "l tps Isoy, MNtlr chr tleury, Lonl. St Jagde t Cuba, in balld, Oeo BSdford [j ARRIVALS. p !' Towoaht Potchurtroio, Etbn, from the NE Pio.; hieing 5. op .roceeded down light; returned to the city with brig Tusk r. of Let on the 5thlast, at B n m; report severnl shipsand hrigl e, nL the elmnel andsoveral brigl lld Icnrs in the liver bound T-uP1ow!oatl Graops. Morrison. from 8 W Posi; haviug toweord to se shipBentor, std bork Anne Loots; returned tothle city with ero, sark JohanoaGeorge. brig Salovdore. bhr Cor, andSp ochr Balio. Lefton the 3d int. It 0 pom, reports othing olf, seerl riigLs and schooners in the rive. Towboat PorifL Msatill; from the Pa.e; hltrin towed to sea shipsVickhlstburg, Vallilant. ld I)iligenoe; retorned tothe city with ship Saratolg, rhn Htellry Clay andOeompke. L ef on the4th i at, t p m, reports oole Sp brig ad 2 sthr in the river bound up. t y Towhoat Tiger, Bo.b, from N E Pau; having went downo light; returned to the cily wit Ibrig Active, and schr Casoh; left on tile 4th Int, at 4 po m reports one brig in the oau and su i b'i, insido titu Bar. S Ship drsrtogo, lathawauy. 15 day from New York, to J B Haden. Hultes. BE Ori Tuosker. tant , 45days from Rio, to Multer. Brig Active, Sltkenont.tO dlly from iBremen,to Mirter. BriS AhulstnO . tUI Gieorlch, 19 days frot Now York, in i blllast, to Mister. Brson Itrk Johanta 6eolue.tHohorst, 56 daysfrom Bretoan to T P Ules 4 eo. O p brig•.dladore, Hernaodel, S days from IHavanae. to J Pratt 4 sOn. o ehr CornRattiford, 8th Dec. from Mtatmorul, to J W ro, Znehario & so. ed St chr Bullo , Ooyney. 19 days from St Juot deUias, to tt Koni, Dhnn-A o, uo ballot.-- Sehr Cirilb Grri.h, l3 days from Newbury Port. to Mnter. ,ts, .,h. IlenryCloy, P. to..t..., i. day. from Tasmpioo, to SLhr rOeompk Thompn.Too . days from St Marks. Lt, chr Iludsou, Ilymoun, 20days from Middletoo, to Colt I er. Co. Strmertlltllttvnile, Jordan., fom BsOou Pars. te l Steamer l.ivineto.o,Sweeny, from Alls+ndria. Stoueeor Yicktiturt. Pea.o. from, Vicklhurg. t oteunlor Alhabamian. Rhoden, froom Monto. S(teamer Vlocipede. Dslmon. troto Alexandria. S Steamer Dianni Caller. fromt 4 milesIelow RSundelph, vill Steamer Caroline, Suttonn, frot Mohile, of gtemerTeotlt', Chnuvln. from lIoqurmine. the Pntboastrnm Ciiouati--eargo, 11i2 brli dour, and 3 do wiiskey, to order. EXPOILTS. tfIe T f IO S..Per ship Margrret Polrbs.. 853 hole.cotton. Ot, BA'TAVIA.. Per shipGeno WV hintgtnn..21hllds sand10half lo beer, 4 halfl itos wine. 300 eases loop. 5 ton gbx lno ware. 0 ios .,il clotlh, 5 hIs bags. 10t brle tlr.25 dlo and50 Illfdo pork, IUO honkeos ins: empty bttttles. SNTZr-Per hark Zalnp. 1065 aloes cotton. HAVANA..Por brig Audubon..Sdt kehg ard 65 brim lard, 790 op. qrt flour. PESACOIoA.. Per sbr Elizsltall..300 brim breed. 15 casks srie, 17 i-lus otolnoeu, 60 brl flour. 8 ihid, rgy gsrt I;l'ftca.ks du rico,:i0 kegs lard, and L18 lrim pork. TAMPA DAY..Perolr P hr Mntnry., 819 macks corn, 3'2 do t oats,solid 3 tealohult t boilclr., IMPOlTS. on, TASIPICO..Per rrhr IlenryClay..5,NO0 ir specie aud iog- w,- wood. o ST .iAKK(..Per schrO.ompke..80 lIll cotton, and wine to Od- rdr. y s BOtithoEN.oIu r 'rio Aiiive.sigloooorre mofd ,odze. ............. Per hark Johoaollll Geinre..lO20 stone, 46 bh ranlde. S01t domljobnl. 1384 htimperr potsttu.e to SFUlers . co,Sclllidt, & WeVernr,. •clhask ling & co. P Frey Jr co. oerntlso'grt oand order. NEWBUV Y PORT--Per schrCaleb.. d tolts fresh eudfith VN ansd ice, to Mastler. H- AVANA..'or rig dolrodrtr..765 bags coffee. Iotf rigarsm tilt and ftuit, to t I.opez, Albut, ACaumps, and order. MATAMOILAS..Per tltr Coro..223h1i1s oo, 2497I hideo, to eat J V Znlrliriu & co. NEW YO PK. Per rsipt Seoartoo..a.'d mdse. RIO..l'er bre g Inuskr.. .170 stcks entree, to Mlsster. SIDPDLE''ON..Per schr ludOl..5. fetcurt, s , 53 hbundll bsy, 8o emtro nt.trs'tc caII, (.oitk co. . .- IiECE;, '1S OF`PonR cOL . . ""- At io+!... fri tet ,oo r Lel ^a!t. Air+1o"2R1Wohr;1 by- . t o.';.. urll to414h y56) W :o. 94 do 9 huhc '.' " " +"_ "-. i t lt, Ferriduy k•J) , 24 do CToledsno, or- re md"<..I+ ,+,,++++ Itrwn. Motmro.. ,P .... morA lbamrian..45 his cotton, Lambth & '. ho,r 0.n,.'20 do () WVhitn,,ll, 54) do J Armour 3 do Pierce ollnlon & Bro. 18dO J tI lalbe, 4 do A StClhir, 121 do WFloor, t do J W Stliiwell r 6o,4 do Georg Goodoll, 0 do Riohard Bck,21 do Toylor, Gardnter r o, I brl nsod I bor, 039 Wlltor & co, 157 Ilt cotton, A .Ledoux & co, 8do Burkeni Watt t. eor. t2 do A iutorer & ro. 03, do MStloury ." Poord. 2 blsdeer skin., anl 7 rrfhllidt,, H lultenger.;. hlt peltry K w W Elliuott, 6 bxs tobuco, A Masynord, B bit. der skit., nr- Owuers ou bonrd. rtic Aleitndrlrn..Ptcrttnotre Vnloripredr..21 his rotton, Pry- rolx. AriottIl 1 co, 14 do C Tolledtlo, II do Castock & PIo ol d• , 151 do J 11 l.everieh, 9 do A Rivnrde &ro. II do dtilh & Voolrhtot, 9 do A Ledool 4 to, 76do J U Plouohie t Vi•tbr ckrg..Por stamer Vickslurg..143 hi raltnf. Bannrt. -- Prriday & co. Itl do Ithlrtke, Wrtt & to. 73do Nugellt. Tur- pin , att. Vo, dI do bI.nbethl & l'lntprn. I)0do W Ilogarl, 1i ido lstrtinPlearoonts, do 0 Iligh. 2 ,luo Thol S Ilykers, II t.t , I . Carpenter, o'0 do g'oll.,illl, Bolto & Defooeltu. "J cesrs I;lcon., 6 btrl lordl, otiSo1 2031ctlIS•I.t Ilhtrl, O io chPrse Lowroelle & t.rgoolere, 7 Ibtxa cJtt:e, W.,Iton & Kemp, 3 has tl. odo, 'oPylor it Sodley. cull Alt•eUlsri;..l.r •temeler Vtlnriprde.. Gov Whits, A Ca- m.rd. l, to Pylro, Lallarkl , JA rlolll, V Protro. E T Jolote, Klby, Jno Dlalliels, iek Irwin, JOkolltn, G T K:y. Bishop, l WVinn. W git Sper, 1 J Hearl, Sweelly, i Arthurs. M Sore,, 3 Piti,. J II loor. LofiO, Rohbnrd, Iounbar, Marks, 5 1Mad n•otite, Mt Cllew, A Tltor. Coalphlerl, Blrown, Fergn- son, Joat•o, Sntitl,It Kny, O J llnoto, Trylor, Koyglor..5 15oll duck. g'. iiRatllp h..Pr ter a Ditna... hls cotton, Il Vllitie & WVtio b "o; •8,lo A Mourn & co, 641 brh floor, and 73 do ES rhiskrey. Ogdent Snothgute. Plbqlorrno..Per tealoer Terbe. 51 fil cotton. Yorkn & Brn, I do J ty Stilwell . co.:Addo L Le C.rpenter. 43 do, 6 hhie rsngar. rod i' tc. molase.s, fP (,,iltrtt, 6 his otllon,. 000 10hhd sgurt nd 4ll0 Irls molusesn, A Mluren & co, 22 his 5 oltoon, Gourdain l• lllnelto. 12lls cotton. Folloio. Bellitr 4O Iu Dergelo.s, 51)brls oinlo.... II P Glrny, 3 his cotton. Lonoe, 6 1 b:0lrectottao, Ilenry & Lwrellos sulldrylots furniture, coops l500 fwI., Owl0r0 ot b.ard. 3 B0 Bayou Sra.. Per steamer Henltvills..144 his rotton. A 'on Leldnx - co, 100 do Pitloy& . 50 Io •1 White & co, 30do (140Burke, Watt o t co,55 ,,o A Rivarle & c-l, 48do Lasduony Onotco, 29 do Ht V Btxter,. 21do 'aylor, Gurdtner " co,2l do 5 W elwar. e39 do J A rolllolr, 21 do Goyle 4 Stewart 17do J B500 Plnucbh & co 37do WV Otky & eu, 20 do J A Fontells, 50i 7do Thro Durrett. 13do C Toiedono, 14; do Owne.ron board, 00 9 do Hail Itrit. 5 do Martin Pleasllts. 5 doCnldroel 4 iti1Ilitkoy, 14 Ido Ioeynoldt. lyryon 00.2o d LLo Carpester. 24 CON•I'GNEES. New Ylk..Prtr hlip trntnmnn..Allnlh. Clark 4 to, Kidder SHind, te.lnl:llt, & ., A P Fo.lnry. Colntnetk. ilydtr cot, Hlllry •,llinlt, Slth 3 Vnrhnees, Slidell t Stewart,. Winl. nonu I Shall, Riunln, (Wt on, tnur .a Gridley, E Kip, Paul Tulan. & cnto Nuortur, Steel co, JCnllt.jr. rowtn&l I co, I.nln, lepheua t4 rn, artilnlt' Ple3nallt.. Vhiting & Blahrk. SIntrull & Avery. J 1kcDantll , York . aln. Adanlt VlWhit-i. all, Kitkln-lu, Alberthllly 4 Illini, J W Stilwell, J 11a. A Grait, nWllod n Sinla,,all, N'aeut,1'a Trlin:r W t, , I lalul- lell. Johns & o, Bollarq, Denalon & co, iiH Amea, W Ilolgrt, n tuckaer,ttalloa & co, J C Park., W Dine, J Fiihben, J N Rotert, .V IIW Field 4. ca,Ilob.on GOlaoch. J IItlleck. J P Frenlll, n & r. Rttbitnso' 4 leugnl. Hiblr & Waterman,, Thentore Sprlnn•l, JC 'nagner & cno R Pt.mllert Hyde 1 (iuidrit.h, "' ' Lodge, C 4 E Bernard, Scnlllidt & Wner,t b Gee 'lce, E C Mutn.rllh enron I 4 Sllilln. S W Oakey A co, J m Bye., I;urke, Watt4 c., WVTophIam, V Allitt, E Frost, J tllll wtjr, Lepng, & Bro, Dalvid Felt & .o Richllrd c Mill., tinll, Bllack & c, F. Irower & to, J Craky. ineeker & I.ewi IIl .Itt,,l IV ittatyeny, CT hlldaun. R Levy, J Fowler. E Lealnd, iticllardll& A & Wlaternau. Wood 4 himn. ,Uon. lIl ''hile is co, S A Belden, J DUta, JC Chanlberlainu,. Prenost, n re, HI Keennnn, Pope, Powcr & en, Birn i Btueaide, Dail A er, PNeel & Nulth, C J Mneeker. Dllin, D C nwain. I 11ii White, Tnylor & nB.dlny, Dwiht i4 T'low- hridgye, tkith, Hu'bhard .l co, A Gra,M Q Chitledon,. (ien H MeDowell. Ili V Cauhntl. Alnltll.d & Sprine, Palml. &t SJoontone, C Do;ane, R Adtum, JuU Grilnhaw, Stroud 4 At.,. kin, Pl'ollaltd & (iGreona. PASSEINGERS. Alexandrl.. Per steamer Livinlaton..C Mulhollan and iaIt DrMadden. W II Kitchen,, HG WViliialt, John O'Flahelty' rGay. lullahnlu, W Callicut, L B Horine; U Lnadry, O Bsr .nrd. Binno..Pnr sItalner Als tnmin..Mnlj Downel and Ilady, Wil.ou and InAdy, D N flnnest, Philipn.Col Millneny. Man. ' Jnne,Hnolland, Judllg Brye, nr OGrayton. Hn.i .Kul, I Tholrns. Lyullnn. B•nlett, Douglas. Minow, Dnaon tnd lady,. Min tlunhh. Jn,., Phillipl., Gale, Huh•ho. McKnigttl Pngatn Kirbhy, Beardl, Mthnet., BlOan, Cook, Lee, Drenu Moay nd hlhdy. ito deck. Vlah.hnrlt..'er Latclaer Vickahurl..Mr Nicholton nld d', D.lvis, laudy and slt. r3, (tade., AInr lcltniarrek and anunhttr, DLDnehii.,l ntd laldy..lita Dnhil. felrt Newcllh, King, SBlll. Bltt$, Pund. Kilel.ata. Smith, Aluryhy, Jorden, tamponn. Cnolter. I.opezroux. Jooun . t'nwanth. t.ollinl, Ptr- ,ustan, PeEr. a lr, arsI. lIPlay. J, ne., Aolliare, Visau, t rnadwell, 'ghl'. Trylnr,. DV Wi lin,,. 4 tvt. Ilromnn..Per bark Jlllnna George..(i WV Kelt, lndy and nton J WlIther, C L innyer, N aytp, J Itochlaw, Neidner nid danllllhler. A Keil, Mx D Slkt.. lld seePng•. lnatltnornt..Per i chr Corn..•Mr Carroll. G Gllta,J RtR Jnwett. A Stnrrt, Ii G ShlnuanO, Ti' Whiltey, Ki gntre, B [ce(nlllell, Davey. Cahill. Si Altnl de Ulla. .,Per chr Balita .1J B Sina, 8 Letertw, X Bn.a y . J Iltorden, A Barnt, J Reyllal. Gurciul. F Avlnctl,J Cuall. J •nl. , F Rstedn, H St VYulle, M Triguero, J Cru, alithy I Guadt'. J Chnteletn. New York..Pnr thip Sannltnng..Mrl ReddeA n and child, David Chritie,. MrlJohn Blinrhend, Win Itoyd, A G IBoyd. D.,.,, Allop, G Pumeroy, J Smthnl•lrs peakmani and a ehildrnll..II in the steerage Ratnldolh..Per Steaner Diana..S Vorthinton and family' ank anld flil y biss WlVtilmru,. Worthi-ton, ltrn Biowden J ilunel, *rairknt. Cooper. Phllipl, D iRintt. Lelland Ilulgeman. (apti J Suawyer, RK Air McClayi . Jn D namuon J ihse. Ilwtn, J Stanhdl, C Johtlstuu, Abraham SBnttin nrlwtert, aynantI Rodwell, S Levy. Moblli..Per nteamer Camuiue..Mr i J Vilton. family and nly., Jnltn IPtntnl. Brldfod TC .h'lpmann, John M B Strr. Elbert 'riiolnnpln, Iouoler, Proun, B Idler. S BR iBaiakin W E npusdin., Jalaot (irrardl. R R GiLhb. YW rHlaki., Cnurrit, i!a1er, F H Walker. JC Walker. Ths u Sluhtlel. P utlier Thus iltlet,Antnio Berllaud, John M Intll, Geo Chapman Arnllltroa. g Dr Madden, L A Lewis, W C Stlnlbur•, Craw- ford. and5 on deck. Piaquenine. Persteamer Teehe..Mi . McCtll, ir Z L.- bo.rn, lady. rhild atid rli, •bl Cinuvin, and 2 children. Mr H C Thibhldnnn, lady, and A tntl. II Thlhednu. daughtenr and at. 'Betitin andlady. J King. R ('aron,. S W SouthmtnaydI Dntvi. J •,• J R .nlllwy, 1Fagot and 3 at. E Leh, J S Arnteand i tt T R Shitds. A Arcenaun. J Bartlelt, J A ilenet J II Eioin IItlanu, F Rnleand. R I.amntemnn. K D[rrhat"y. V Letul.le, JHlber, A Jacob, S Rouerl, K Lehuuf A Rivet Cal R G Elles. 3 ton. and art, a•r1 Gatenai and Ait.', hol Th line and ant, R • ioatm, J C ianity. A Iwiond FEtevatn and nvl, M ourg, V I' WVindsor, U W Squire, E Du tauK. E Enntraon. iose. Truilllo. S on n dink. BIaynn Sanra..Per steamer Iltlviile.. WV Sllimen. 8 Bo- hertl Ji Cuh and nnt, P H Bu!tard, P A t lmit.Jud t Btttltr. J C Walker, J H Hans and slt. R HBully nnd Nst. 8Keller and it. Johu C WVlker. Latwi W D &nSil, Io.r. G I. Rn- ttnnu, JDnpre. J Cat PCh.ndy, tHatrlson. J arrit. J Morln.Mn M WIlker and Irti. MdtH Yout entd lady. anbtr. tDunltr and fnlily, Outlle., Kennltty, Remat. Lrnlne. iltl., Larrty, eGtjoan. P Brown. Darnell, C Rliea, J Allan. WL NMay, Wrd Conrad ad It' J A elley, P intebons, B Mr- 1tin. Sb Mc nutoheon. lady, daunhtr t nd 9 vtl., Llnning. IMra Groandy.Goody. A Doinion. JO Diven, ODr Main and ston. B I n O C Raymund, Pool, from Pieulacol, in Itellst, to Ridder 4 Head. MEMORANDa. TIhe Misittippi I. elinely bloaked .p with It 4 miles bel.w Randolph. Oni the .t init. Et OA .'SUGAR--|t bl1 tlifferent lalilien. in loe. r li .'dforrsl|,by RIIHLL &BROWN, egents' ellsoler tefintv, 3 s.5 B4t gMa ziri4.t 'TilE .'RUE AMEKIO AN. ' BDITEDRO D Y Juler OslUeN Presi tives pAIT1 TUL AND BOLD. clerk NEW OR LEANS: he - O ,MONDAY, JANUARY 7. 1S39. anus DtREcronY.-It is contemplated by tno sub ratio scriber, provided sufficient encouragement is given At by the publie, to publifsh, an addenda, to his-Di- rectory and Guide of the City of New Orleans artIo comprising the new residents, and the changes gab' that have taken place during the past season. exc Persons desirous of having their names inserted the in the addenda, will please leave them with their to professions and residences at the Counting Rootm Nu of the subscriber, Exchange Hlotel. van Cards tastefully inserted at a moderate price. gee The Addenda will be sold bound with the Di- pw ectory at fo u r dollars, or by itself at one dollar. ofI JO, HN GIBSON. Itt LETTERS FROM THE COAST. the No. 2. th In the first place not sufficient distinction is drawn ra between a high and hlow pressure Boat. The law directs on that whenever aboat stops, the Engineer shall raise tile th safety valveand let offsteam, under pain of being fined af S$200. Now in a low pressure boat, this is a wise and m safe precaution; but in high pressure boats or engiles, bu unless the pumpabe set at work at the same time, while I the escape of steam by the safety valve is taking place, ro the dangerin most eases, is only enhanced, instead ofhe- g langlessened. For instance, when the boat steps, all the heat of the boilers is retained and steam continues to accumulate or increase, and when let escape, leaves e the quantity of water in the boilers greatly diminilted. et ar, Consequentlythe longer the engine and pumps are ca te stopped and the more steam let off, the greater the dangerbecomes. For the water finally gets so low that k the ironof the boiler above the line of the level be- l comes red hot, consequently, when the engine is again put in motionand freshportions of water freely thrown p' into the boilers, it soon raises the level of the water to above the red Iot iron, when such a sudden evolution th ofsteam takesplanee, that no strength of material can as withstand its force, and an explosioc, or collapse en- in do sue. Hence we alwarvshear of steamboat explosions, TI just as they areleaving wharfs, landings, or wood yards, tit and very seldomwhen ,uder way for any considerable Ie a length of time. The reason is, atht the pumnp is always r o necessarily in operation when the boat is moving. C en If Congress had mIde it obligatory on the engineer, never to stop the engine longer than 8 or 10 minntes I9 without putting the pumps in operation in addition to tb the letting off steam by the safery valve, it would have tdn been a wise precaution, and well calculated to prevent to l9 explosion. But to fine him for not doing a thing, h! do which without using the pump at thenete time. only of increnscs the dnger, is to punish him for not incereas- re ing the hazard of bheing blowr up i On the Mississippi, se too, owing to the adhesive quality of the fine mud, or w to to some magnetic, or adhesive quality in the metal of er the safety walve, it frequently happens, that the valve p lza will remnain firmly closed, after nearly all the weight n tak is removed,andit will then require several jerks Irem al tth the engineer betbrethe valve will rise, and after it has once given way, the steam will afterwards continue to raise it, although all the weight may he replaced. This cirenmstance should he generally known among engi- tO neers. because, it may happen, in some instances, that an inexperienced engineer, tay when he removes the Sweig t fron, the en sty valve conclude, that, it is not a' Sraise 'r d,cnonequtItly Ili hand•f sart,,~ is not great, and " xphsaiIV~ th aifety valve has no tl6hh ah •"•aiid mptrtn~ i'dret it.r p lava nr s fr•mtn , the very t'jeclioon•le and defective manner of ete ot.:;r t. In the first place, the salary naid t theso entrusted with the examinatn of rthe hulls v do and of stearn boats is not sullicisnt, In secure the C o5r services of the most practical and skillful men in ti i. 2 such pursuits. Neither can the jiudresof the U. r s, Saltes courts be considered qualified hy their pro. Ii fessionr to act judiciously in appointing such offi- p rcaer.. No man can makea proper examination of a h boilers for $5-or of the hull either. The conse- ii quence has been so far that the examinations are r. of the most superficial character, and pronounced li et, favourably alike on most all boats, and the eerrifi cates freely given as soon as the five dollars are b: paid. It is stated on good authority that Mr. M- the inspector of straon boat boilers was called td, upon int New Orleans to examine the boilers ofthe I steam boat WuRRTnr. The engineer had just be be, fore applied a patch ofiron to one of the boiler on b S the under side to stop a hole, made by iurning thie boiler through at that place. WlVhe the in- I do epectorcame on board to examine t h e boilers, tilte & engineer left hbl to find out the patch, withoout 5, telling of it. He walked round the boilers,--oak- I l ed at ,hem,-then went into the calbin, gr a e e certificate of their good condition, received his five r opa dollars and left? It isn standing joke amnong the A engineers, and ticklesthem very much. Noxt to Ido trying boilers w i th steam, the best and yet more do simple m thid of testing their strength, in with k' cold water, by hydraulic pressure. Does your in. aid, specter know this? Or if he did know the method, coul d t he apply it for five dollars? The plan to which we allude, is this, the pumps are set to work by a strong force of manual loaborr no, forcing cold water into the boilers till they are per. fectly filled. A greater weight is then put upt.n ctthe safety valve, than it is supposed it will ever be ri necessary for it to carry under a pressure of steam the pumping'is continued till either the boilers give rt, way, or the safety valve is raised. If there be any j leak,or weak place in the boilers this method will an, not fail to detect it. So powerful is this force on a, boilers, that you will find the greatest opposition 0, It it among those mostl interested in the boat; be. erd cause eve n bilers entirely new, and deemed per- ' fectly good could be burnt and rendered useless by a trial of this description. There arcso manny io, defects in the law, which so much embarnasses tie file, whole act, that I do not know how eongress aes rmend it, to any ndvantage. It will be much better for congress to repeal it altogether, and begin over and over again and pasrs a new lw. Let them ap- t, pdint a conmirsa on the subject, to sit during " the recess of congress. if necessary, and authorize e them to summone before them every leadig prac- d, ticalman in thie country: includicg promninent & ou, anperienced engineerr from the Missiosippi, and Spiletr, and esaptrnis of boats, entgine builders, ma. r onufactlurt rc, and men well versed in mechnnienl sad arta,-and swear them, and take down their an- S swers toquestions proposed, in writing and report en tile whole to Congress, which information thus as, elicited,would form the bases of the most usefll and and probably one of ohe most effectual laws that ad can ever be devised it the present atate of know- JR ledge. The pre•ent law of Congress was paaed laet July- and riaeeitwent into operatin,, there has been moren boats and lives lost on the 3Mississippi River than has prolably ever happened, within the same period, siace their invention! In my next. I will briefly point out what appears to be the most oeummon caues of danger in producing ex- plosions on the Illisieippi River, with the best appar- eant means of prevertion. Yours, very reepeetrully, A- Thereis a rumor in thlie city confirming the in- telligenece of a fight between the French and thr, Mexicans under Snuta Anna, in which the latter succeeded in expelling the former from Vera Ciruz butwere itmmediatly compelled to give tp theme advnnta•ee. SantaAnna was wounded in the lg which he was compelled to have amputated. We have Louisville dates ofthe31st; but they do n ot announcethe resumption of navigation. The Cincinnati Sun says that all the water left in the river is frozen toe solid cake of ice! SutIIDE. Lieutenant Stephen T. Tibbatts, U. S. A. terminated his existence by cutting his throat with a razor, in a fit of temporary derange. ment, at Louisville Ky. on the 30th ult. He had engaged in the rectuiting service at that point for several months pert. The Montreal Herald gives a report that Col. Prilce.-has been arrested for shooting four of his prisoners in cold blood. The volunteers consider rd the arrest an insult, and had refused to obey general orders, unttil doe reparation had been mad. The) were a nice set of buys. glterser .T-he general ausaeb f Leasi a L ui tmdets, and there will probably be a quorum oi the both honuses present. The Senate has to aprlont its ten President for the year, and the lhouse of representa- wit tivers to elect its Speaker forthis term of two years. A the clerk and other oflficers are also to be appointed by the house cf representatives. On being organized the Governor will trenamit hirs r0 tannual message to both-branches of the legislature. We will suaggest some topics for legilative cotnside- C ration, which seem toclaim particular attention. pr. And firet, thegreatsubject of internal imprvremenl* r presents Itself. There are few, perhaps r iC ofthe i states ofthe Union, more susceptible of improv nient by Di artificial means than Lousiana. By opening her navi- e gable rivers and numerous bayous, and making artifi- ib cial drains, canals and levees, immense quantities of excellent land willbe reclaimed, and facilities given to ed the planters to transport the ground staples of the state r to market at a eheap rate. One of the first objectsof int.mal improvement is the hi a" New Orleans and Nashville Rail Road, which is ad- at vancing with fine prosprets,and from its magnitude and u general utility demands particular notice. This great in work has been commenced by private enterprise, sup- C t- ported by the city of New Orleans, and a small loan of State Bonds, the payment of which is well secured. t It has now nearly reachedthe Pass Manehne, which is a fair test of its practicability: and when it reaches c the Pine Woods beyond, it will open a new world to h the city, and a profiable market for the country. It w only requires legislative atteation without any actual t s oudtlay from the treasury, tecarryr this noble roid into tile the heart of the stateofMisisimppi. We understand ed a project will be submitted to the Legislature for the lm nd means of its advancement, without, in any degrees 1 Sburthening the stelate with a peeuniary debt. Other rail f ils roads arein progress which require the fostering aid of ge- government. The Banks have all come to a specie standard and re- quire but little legislattve interposition. A strict ex-n Ue aminallon, with a view to eoreet any local .buses, ptch I asn faveritism,or irregular banking is the most that is a erequired. The currney is now as gorm as locathanks can make it. ae The Judiciary eslls loudly for reform: especial. e- ly the supreme Judicial tribunnl. We learn that there are upward of two hnndred causes on the So. wn preme Court docket, pending an appeal in the E•e. tier tern District at New Orleans, alone. That one of ion the terms failed in the Western District this fall, can and many important causea were continued over en- in the other at Alexandria, and remain undecided. Ins, Thus a prompt and eficient administration of jrs- r td, lice is denied to the people, who have a right to tile demand it in all its purity and vioetr. The Coneti- aye Itnion provides amply for an efficient Supreme Court with competent salaries to its memhers; and justice should no longer be withheld. The pres- tees to ent organization ofthe Court seems to want revi. ace sion. More jud ec are authorised by the Consti. nter trution, and a full bench is imperiously demanded ng, by the present state of the punrlic husin es. Som e raly of the present incumbents are ineffieient and should os.- resign, that other and more capable men might he ppi, selected to fill their pisaces. One of the judges, or whom we esteem as an enlightensd jurist and ex- of cellent man has antnounced his resignation to take tire place this mnth. Would it not be well for all ight nowin offic to surrender their commissions and ram allow a new and complete organlinlionn to take bas place. We would recommend that a law he pare. to ed,providing that the Supremoe Court shall hereaf- his ter consist of a Chief Justice and foarur Associate er-t Judges; the chief justice to be appointed without the reference to thore now in commirsion, and - not t no the sh!rest jlr;hitsiiof r te tle. In, and annur nu Pricientt, and a~e Cou•t .,j *; yhd 0 ' '., .nte of the country, and J t would commntrr! the corfidence and respect sin hie phopas. r of The great and inestimable privilege of freemen. aaid the RIGHT OF SUFFRAGE wants revision. llt WVhilst it is enlarged to the extent permitted by the the Constitution, it should be made at the same time n in togive equal rights and privileges to all. The U. recent practice of v,tinc on joint ptrchases ef pub- pro. lie land operates unequally. In some places it is nfli- permitted and in rther parts of the state it is not Srif authlrised, irindeed thought of. This produces nse- inequality of right and great injtlsice to many atre citizens. A law should be passed defining and tred limiting therighr t stuffrage under the Constitu- rtif ion soas lto make ii uniform and equal through- nre out the state. I- We have thussuggested twot or three trpies for Iled the ' pres ent, ad will pursue the matter further, the hereaeter, if expedient. ./lfairs o llarrisbturgh. A propositio . was nrlad by the members of the Pennsylvanan L.itlntetrei I who elected '. S. Cunninghlam Spieaker, to Ihe Locolocos. which the latter deolined, itht th two speakers elected by their respective parties should resign, and that the members whose seart were undisputed should proceed to elect a speaker--that a special law be passed to provide for contentingl the rights to seats in the legislature--or as an al- lercative both sats from the county of philade'- phia to resign and a writ for a new election to be t tssued. The proposition includJed the following t provisioos: That until the committee to be appointed to in. vestig;te the right to said contested seatse shall have reported: or until a new election shall be had, and thie returns thereof received, as the ase I may be, no bills of a party nature shall be passd; nor shall a Sl a te Treasurer, or a United States Se- natnr be elector. In case if a resignation of the respective parties claimingi to be tetreesentaives from tile couuny of Philadelphia, both houses, if the Senate agree, snall adjourn on the 24th inst. to teet againi on the lth or 10th of Jannary, to allow time fr a now election in said county; and ttttmelntloiy al:er the cum mitteeean above provided fr, shall reprtt ; or the returns of said elect;ot fr peihake.r andI other olficers of the house, shall be had, to serve Ifr the remainder of the session-unlil whcI, eCII.C liun none of the standing commliticc shall be aip. poltted.' This proposition as we before remarkd w re declined. On the tweny fiftlt, the S trite, after a protracted discussion decidled by a yut if 17 to 18, to recognise the 'Flnpkins i lsr.' The Locos, of course, triumphIed in the dieraee if th ir country. The result is to be inourntld, ti the de. mocracy were determlined to carry thri.ghll their high handed measuree,and they encounleret ,lsone pliant tools whom thae bought up, in order to gain a quorumn. If ever men deserved to have black lines drawn around their namtes, these minions of eairdid selfishness deserve perpetual oplproblrinum. Mr. Wagner the Senator fur the ascnd district composed of the eunty of Philadelphia, resigned his seat. Mr. Hanna alson from Plhilalelphts county addressed a note to the chairman t of the i coftrui- tee appointed to inviestigate his claims to a seant, Ideclining to offer any tIrther evidence on th e stl . ject of the subject of the contreted electini, but still alleging hia clait•i. lHe conasidered the pst taken by a portion of the committer, as prejudging his case. Mr. Casset, senator from Adams ceunty was found dead iut his hed on the morntingp of lth; 0th. LATEST FROIt MEXIC;O. By the arrival of schooners Cora and Balian, the for. mer from Metamoras, the latter fromt St. Juan d'Ullua, we have received the following itees: The Cora left on the 'hith ult. Every thing wars Ier- fect!y quiet at that date. The Federals w th a force of 900 men hlad surrounded PMetamorse. The same parly had succeeded in taking Victoria. Santa Anut with 10,0110 men was stationed three miles tlisint from Vera Cruz. He had issued a proclamation, de!taing his die- termination to fightt to the last in defence of his gover n- menrt against the alleged unjust claims set ip by tihe French. Gen. Urrealhad full ant peaceablre lIo sessioill ofTampico. An English frigate was at St. Ju en when thIeBaliza sailed. The schooner WVatchlman was t-. king in specie and passengers at PMetamoras, and wasi soon to clear for this port. Afr. Rives, who mayjustly he considered nee of the leaders of the conservative party,han thrown himself int the frontrank of those opposed to the chimerical selhe- mings of the alministration. Ie is in hit determination against the fallacies proposed by iMr. Van ouran, and draws a line betweern the party who defend the seats and meauurea of the President and the people, which at once sets at reet it idea that hets could ever be wiled back to sustain such an alinfnis.. rtation. It is stated that Allan MeNah distinguished in the Caroline affair on Nisgara river, and kniehred for the same,has been shot. lie is the saeond of tihe promi- .ens actors in that affair, who has fallen by tihe hands of the aassauin. Another paper statest:at the treprlt is without any morn foundation than that his carriat• was stOpped, but Sir Allan ass not there! ,. CainAl a Tzras• l-•o Saturday evenetng I the 'temple' was well filled, jhe whrle of the ex. G tensive pit being occupied by tie Firemen to• whom.. Mr. Caldwell had thr wn open the doors tihat evening. The ploy of he' Poour Gentilemrn• went off with great splirit, and Mr. Fin's hum- R orous song of 'The Firenman' was enthusiastically o cot•d. A general call was then made for Mr C.i ,l ath irnloe forward and in a very ip- pr., ,',at a ' hanudslme manner expressed hlis M "raude t lire Depar ment for tlreir exer. ions ro aving the spletndid Temple of the Drums in which they were then sitting, and an. nouneed that the complthent he had offered them that evening, wee lut preliminary to al fnllter expreeslon of his grateful feeling-that a Il to cae a0ns•IT would be shortly given to the Firer g' Associati o n, an institution whose formation he to had aided in forming, and whose advancement Is d. and perpetuity he should always continue to ud urge. He ealo stated that he should take a paert at in the performances on that occasion. Whet' Mr. R P Caldwell appeared entd when he retired,long and tn loud were the cheers which resounded through a the St.Charles. Theenthusiasm with which he , was greeted must heve been most gratifying to t him. The evening's ent(rtainments concluded It with the Adopted Child,i which J. R. Scott raI curtained the part of Michael with fine effectr. LeIcomple's BeneJft takes place at the Camp this Ire evening, when she will slpear in La Sylphide. tee The bare enuneiation of the fact is enough to all fill the house- of atroineal Rote. Sonme misunderstanding oc- re. curred between the eudience and the "menage- e. m rent" of the National Theatre, N. Y., occasioned oh by the announc e ment of a b•nefit for Mr. Mitch. is el, which did not take place. The uproar was of eke the me.. . egn(fientf kindl hut thtere wee e. .s.- . lenee, and the tumult wns quelled by Mr. Wal- at lck promising a t h umpina benefit t Mr. Mitchel. 3n. Augusta took her benefit at the Park on the 24th, s. as Lc Sylphide. Sithe ie charming creature, and of should have made her way to New Orleans, ere nI,this. ver A handsome present -A beautiful laiquet was ed. thrown to Miess Sheriff front one of the private houes, te- at the National, N.Y., on thl evening of the 23d. The to force with which it had been thrown, broke the silk sti- with which it was circled, ltd the whole fell to pieces. me It was then discovered that besides the flowers, which tnd of themselves were no small subjects of curiosity and rees admirationat this season of the year, there were vari- i. ous articles of jewelry, consisting of a necklace and cross. shadedwith emera'lds anrd diamonds, to the val- otie o fet least $300. me a TH REuvGaTTA.-- Mobile hast sent over her elite, old who with the Ariel of this city will corntend in a the race, to comle of l opposite Coerrnllt)n tormorrrow, s, . Ifor an rler ,nnt silver pitrlher. HSom othe r boats re- nreapkrn ,f,-, poocible roprrir .rrit r fr the pr z^. tle tlost e mentt.onr d above are lr n :v entterer. Inr all print of argese tile Mlrotle itrns hve rather the nnd ndvrntaeg., but thoie who lnurl ihe N, re ()rlrons ike barge, say thr t thiey shaltl not heratr l the prize ,e. without " a puIl." 'iThe diita:ce will be three aTf- miles-or one mnile and a half up the river, arnd ite return. Tihe W,.rather poriniea to r be nvitiing, randl oout the roncourse t,o witrnes thin exn io;g nd intern• r.. g trial of se.rl. wrill ii'"' ,. tie vOrty g rat. Tnr,.r Chrlies Blrookshho been rppoint d Irre- Ifesor of Naturarl History itt the University of tie City aid el New York. We learnby a -lip fronm the Louisville Ganette af the 29th ult.that thu case otf Meners. Will insnn and M51r- daugh for the killing of Rothwell nd tMeeks hnd jnntr closed before the examniinig ('ourt, Judge Jn.yen pre- siding. Doctor Wilkinson wandtenlarged, Judge 2Wil- kinson and dMr. Murdtnugh were held in bail, the frnmr in $50,000C, the itter in $5,0110. The bail was givent aud the prisonern left the Itonse without diturbannce. 'Tnn PorVr.ATIn or CNctnanat in esimn ted by tihe a Post at 50.0110. We know eon.ething lf that city, and a think 35,000 wo Ild he a nrfer e.tinlnmt. 5011.I001 Why the pork tite a sould begin to feel as thou;t h rile Iight in a few years, tnead on nurnheeln! WVlhen Ihne ,t•rs,' cmlne rnnnd, she lany throw in her lhon nad ll, ntlonnt gaze at New Onlennn i n pnerl arelive The Cincinnali News callithn Iedllouin Ar,ls a Ina.b •,nonusrerron;a ; Itnili dtituyan-• ni•eus wh •l e wr as tI , . q p Ir'. The Oiin Jltrcr--F't,,i' P n,'-en alrid W\.ini. ge nt' Piige. l[mrrrirt of thelln dLll nln., ten, t'"I1plhe fola wilng lltie n f ithe sla e ul tling•S ul l t it . ville: "Thi, Iliver on laen Anlnday froze vler, annd illnt thit time tlhe weathltr has been coll and nt.e i,:e has entinued tothicken. Yeaterd -y mInrlnoe an nertern wind prevailed, and al.but nine .'clock it commenced snowing. I hlie prospect is of a hb'. v) fall of snow. It is quite probahle, that the snow rllay and ill rain, Tne wind cones from the east and the weather lihes already motlderted. On the other hand, if we should have rain, it may clear offeld, so that it is nmt possible to form a cncjec- ture as to the openinllf navigatinn." Commandant of the Welt India Squadron -T'he Norfolk Herald statesthat Commodore nhuhrick, who was appointed to the command of the WVet India Squadron, arrivedthere on the 23n1 in thlie Steamboat olmhia, fromnt Washingtnn, and will sail for his desti- nation in the Meaedonian, an soon as that ship can be got rredy. The British Queen e Ileetrmined to niagment tilhe Nn.v, with a view of re-ilfinreinc the fl-ets in thie Mediterranean, the Indias, and alacswhere. \Vbatt has little Vic inl view Ieside ? Col. Totten has nnlterrd no his duties as hief of tile U. S. Engineer I)epanrnnet.t in place of Col. (I rntiat removed. Fire at Lynahburg.a.-nA fir. lnaltnn.d io l.varnttnrg a. att the l t llh nult. aille Intai nn' " lnlfnne oa ihe tlnwll in ashes. Manyfthellt citizent were left wtihout hou- see in which to shelter their fnamilies. iFrom Teat. Wen. Dryan Esq. of tllis city has bh-en appointed Consel. lir. WVilson fromnt lrriseh(e, has hernexpelled from the Senate for using profane lncnutage and resisting the officers of the chahmber. The aur- deter, Cok. of Mii-'istiplli. has been nprehr.nded at Galveeslrn. A collcea haa beent recoammendl, d in the bill hbefore Cnreess, toI be inastiated n pprd t bppirtedl he anlp• ofthe npi'lie domanin. Pres- ident Lamnnrlhas instead a precinua Iong n•tssage. Hie esquin'e at Alexico-segngesting that she has still i hankering after the lcnqueta of Trxas,and rath. er intinanting that the new R. pnublic may find it In her interest to earry the war into the cnenny't camp. Thomns Ilulter inawho mad red a l r Whire in a hagnin ni Cnecinneti, has been arrested near Jeff r- sonvitle I , and lodged in jail Cod Fish. Fresh Clodfish will lie offered ftr sale at the tnd Munieipality anllket hLosea, this mornian,sby way of experiment. Of course there are Ilvers of this delicaey a ho will not suffur the experiment to fail. A hank has been organized at Albany, N. Y, under the general Banking law, entitled the Ex- ' change Bank, with a capital of $100 000 with the privilege f increasing it to $10,000,000! D. C. Mitchel and S. T. McAlister, ofNatehez ihave purchased tihe ship Ambassador, at $35,000, with the intention of running her in the line from that place to Liverpool. Governor McNutt, of Mississippi, offers a re- ward of $300 for thll apprehension of Hcram Hobbs of Pine county, of that state. He is described as "45 years old, 6 fee I inch in height, square shoul- deted, thin visaged, singular voice, dank comnplex- inn and eyes, drun•ard, gambler, &c ." Truly he i is a rum one and i supposed to be gone to Texas. The Rail Road. Attention is being directed to this most important work, at the North. The y uncertainty of the navigation of our rivers was r never more forcibly illustrated, than during the d present season. the importance of having other n nodeoftransporetttion has been rendered singu- aIrly apparent. The products of the west are shut out from the!rnatural dep o t, and the fertile valley of the Ohio is suffering for the productions Sofour clime, and those necessariee which are i. alone procured via New Orleans. Shall the im in pereant work, which is to obviate these dflniculties, rt be suffred to be passed by with indifference by a our Logislature We look tar smrae of the man-i ear spirits to taka itup inseatnet. CAMP STREET Tk TRE. M P. and MUME, LeCO, TE, Respectfully announce to thei ends and the inhabitants of the City ncrally, Sir Sthat their BENEFIT wi take place on . I MONDAY EVENING, JAN. 18ISg , When will be produced fo bd h. isat time the opera-bal•f LA SYLPH •E! SWith newSernery and ecaorations, hih Madame L m p1re will peorm th S id, aeat intwo I grand pam. a Moas. MARTIN, i it will anlso appear in two grandpol, asa4d by a Mii J.R. ItNBULL, E SI and a nurerous aorle detballet. Tie ••llpal sctenel tof the celebratled ballet ofLa Sylnhide itae Aeaderay r. Royal of 'arie have been introduead, ai all the oen- d ginal Music of Schneitgoefler. 'lhe d i sa sadd 't- Sblaux cmposed by Mradame Lecopte and buglht a out ulder lrr iarmediate diirectior. jS--2I aI Great Attractio !• IN CONILE STREET, NEAR HO PI'rAL. o Ocelot. - T | v:s s . h1 n a nd Hit a1d wll neu no Sud an. e amlt, el. 1trr, and wilrl.rr e ri trpn trc few dtavs uh'. T .ew ho ire ndrofNaturrlrr lis ur,will do wcl h, tvan s aII r rlradrlt exlr tire mart erxtesive ald rare d Spl mneratis of Naturar l Ii slry ever offered, ai s tte, •Ilr e i r rmnin but a few dayra tre Ci)pn frrom I till 5, anrd at early candle light. Admittance ".3cts.-h-ildliren and serva to, halT prico. Jan r-it al, ulk ral- NEW ORLEANS J; JOCKEY C LUB RACES!! n Itt I.1'Sli COURt E.r.' z ^. I'n t ic u lnt' in d i e t im , N . < ; I V : 1 , the GOVER•NOR'S IHOi l ' E GUARIL)Sl I rur- pre- Wil- lve m r FEA, l; lmV to lhig'de or, , No. 18, you ate , t i l hereb lr d tlrr II rIIoIu Jr ilm rad e tll d .Ieviar l. "" (n I I i I) A i, the !8lt ,tl1 iui rrI ', inst. at I tIl e t o'slr k , p rer rl yel , +\ . 1 .iii tu ll ,i Orrlrl. it tZrIa + Ind il lhlr -ipt 1)1' l+ n ItIslt the ,tI t larl ll,'+' llhrntre, it 11d Chares •ire Sr t. Y older f 'a i r ('r . 'ry ri " Jiri CN it's Circut,. irt f'N4ciari. rtll a Co'a CiIr(cuI. cars rsM rth it- 1`t, IIloI 01 , by" ,., of Crude and Ii uap~ilnl atreeta, by no eelliaaell soompoly of Equoorojo Ilig Malster, Word, Cl~own, '414411400 I)Dates ooen ll parolR o1,lork. potfarouooe to r oot- ` nwnen. at 7. Atit it tameVC Itaxes Ooe dalllnr. (:lhildtrn its ihalf lir l e I ', Fifty resits. 495. *' Arolmal1c ne ul"Iho s, abet.. l I,o, o 1Fi 1 " 1 I aoe 0,ro44lt 0 4 ouir,l ill hehld at1 the P Is, dram Asylumo, ool WI,. ,..4ov the I lbt ileol betweeo 1i th uiso I.. .roil 'loeeoo-rrie pi ,o po. o rlrelt s UiII Outuilr IIo ooLI.o, 4. th 4,ltn r,ear.14 j5-I rGNIF: DlES P'(1.lUPIVES lIE LA N. ORLE.( Na r ES ction. itO 4401444 aIr l resentlulifi0s41440. 1 Fe.rrier piru.l ,; , Ii Bureaou de la Com .gaiesI, 1 ue tilt l'aaga.) _____ C:. I. TR(ACY, Sre. /7 Fl-wi; a'oh l'e l'i,,oooa'a lo,,,eoeeo (.'uopoy of! f l 1 Noe Nooroan lsl.- 1,11.1 alu ol la sIo e herebyI .o liftyd,Itor 10' ,-14a1 INTA~tr 001,10.41,0ad tCo,. aoo, -ICompoopolr.e e It I IEItACE, tII y11 _ _ 8eL'y f N SAB ANA (C4F1EE-31110 Iau 44ri4eqality, in storeo, and for sale by j.ol AIIS1 hil XI 14rl4lf:l, 31 44 1' y OIIAACC)- -4U Luxes Vl!giulIR I'ollucru, nsnm't-d-, fi jet ABRIAHAMI '1'IIIEel, 34 i:l vier at (UN9 4. B iAGS-14 boide (Dann Ilaer, of luo e f ?f uml prime te reI, suitbleho lila Snit, by ja .1 iIt1U1.I IIS Illntsn r4 t 1 I)II.-39 teals suit eor olro.iued apo*rot oil, \rearru d 4lpoe I b~i ,4 Bun sti 4'roi ,, its,I c4,0 0s by jut 1 ISRII1l)l"5 \" r,,131 Ml~gazine et r i1S'IIt. I" lSi~lil:- I.1,ft she rllllll 01L'II-\ HI.I-? I j 15UI,' lllru.Illb. to al,1 al rIet o4,o- It 1orva, aftut l aet ho I I, lt,111 . Ie 11 11 rd f-e4, ondl tIll y,,lff, ot cli.,o, aI wII,.,S I,,'lter A spt, abullt the sioo oIis d.,llaruo ye his,ItII eooo i Jreltie .1 joai Tll Dollar, 'll varl mid lit, piles ( slo un [ r .too lnll w o wrrlll rtr hsIIt(Iaie l td u al nonhee pr i" ail. at :I A1.ANlOIll( U,1.-o75 elerook 'ol 'aoer's i,.j.7 r jR1 'J93 C0111111 0 llee_ 4S. of the00argo of IIh.baqrqu iyohju, a lI riu sle0 by j..4 1. A GAILE, 9.1 CommoiltRSo t r otte,'o teeby LEVI 11 (.AI.4.. ja4 93 C'44000 01 111 4.4 (Ili 415 -li-I Ili aiio iorsloolrh , II 11 1); 14, 41 :`. ',Ne Level II',R 411144b 0)Us loll, 44,444,t ;.IO lr 'salt ja '\VH0 4T1I1412E & Cu, 741 .4Ieeoo.z 0 j II;1* I Ldlil Ii fI raeI7L4 moisle Y.i-t'in role I,,i j__ S& 3 I' 19I44I11. KY, 7:31.4441445 '%iA n'I'Ellr-. 1 ..,i,,d 4yolo-le se t,.t, t,, I.. Ibo 4 444l4 fa sm a 0ll famttiy; ,4pp~ly yl Nol4ii ClIottree8 INIf E14I UIL-LCt'pprero te a R Il:el, lo4 elul, LJ andlur sae by Ut111sLY, _ _ _ _ "1INew l eve. NTIIIIACITI- COAL l.RO 1,4 , 4.4 114th bI't 91,11. A si4 oero,-r, Cool., toling fr44m44barq::;ii,,,n.b, froom Philadelpbhia, otr allove if toa o the La ts, by IIOL9IEo & 1114.l.4, j.4 4, Ilblk Plo, REGATTA AT CAIROLUON. GIRAND It o goll i0 t444440 off at 0 orrItou on the 7th Jan., (rsen 41a all fooo, sar1d club houos, roweold by ,,,ole ooOtarsen, for a prize ofa riioor Pitlh. or ,,,,d saIver. The following ollleieo bae alreody bee,, IhoFAriel fooa Club, of Noo Ooroo, 0440r 1110their our oared boat nAriel. h'e 4 SE0RIFT 0ROAr CLUB, of Iolailo rotor I.eir four )tired bou Ilut FAIRY. SITo'41 AV0 U' .1, of lobliI,,, t ter, thoir boot Coo. :I11414444a orthi race4* be m iide - ii-or 7eOte the Jhll ll .1 n ul IIlill'v IJX( -IANI; N ~ MI,.,40.4,7. II 44014 do4,~ oig~ll, 1jor roboby- crI;'"! ' N& VERY, J'S St3 Gtovier 1`l St. Charles Theatre. 'I'THs EVENING, JAN. 7, Will be pelornlmed the IlelutlilfTl Pla'y of A NEW WAY TO PAY OLD DEBTS. Sir Giles Overreach, Mr. 3 RI Scott, Wehlb rur llarrism, AlirlI, Farren, Sreedy. (well, Lady Allworth, Mrs. Cowell, Margaret, lluomer. An Overture by the Orchestra drand Pas sent, by Mad'le Ravenos. To conclude with the new Piece of NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. Admiral Kingston, Mr. Fine, Linst. Kingston, Brnwne, o Short, Cowel. Miss Mortimer, Mrs. Plumer. JOHN V. CHILDS, ENGRAVER AND COPPER-PLATE PRINTER, ,. No. 3, Camp St. I. 'ILL engrave na Irint to order, banknotes, bills S L ofaexcalangr-, bills of Indillng, liplooms, m'ecant it tile end nisiineg cards. natari I, cOiulan r ,rd corstlng house ssals, door plates, silver ware, ie.. always on hand, an assartsent of silver pleted eid brass dooeer P• Cardspr;nted from plates alreadyengraved. nov20 CITY BANK, New tirlr-e, lib1 Dei. 183:1.L lll E Brl rd c ifDir ittrs rf this Illelaitrimr B. r Ihi .it dtcelnreerde Il.vell adrif 'l'cteer pe rieiton sln Ce ri thr rri. lieatlh tFr 'li Sir' h,,I.l.s, or tliir *,,gii irpIie i ruire Ii rcl i r 'r o i i.rl\tdrr, it -lisle (tP (711", 111 39. 1l• .J. '.1 . l, IF",,: A ~ "f. N NFORIIMA'TION WANTED.. . i ,' PA'I'R.CK cCANN, who loft New York fl' r tiis city, about the mnirlclo of Orrnlrer last, and has not since iheerheard from. Aay in. foremtini left at this olfle concerning hint will hr theI' l•: lly receivnd by his wife, (who is now in tloi elly.) lnouldl this m, et his sye Ihe is earnestly rnerl!Rmied ti) iilinie knownI to hlir hils place l rent. ing , Dressc & MasquleradIe all, A"" V 4IIINGTON IIALL RIO3144 SIt. PIrilip treet, IbeiwePrl IRvyal & Ilillrlhn. I i'll 1: l l l'roflthe nb,,w"IIII1; Ihrll IRi. n, 1 •.rn .- I al to ' I f,i i e, r i' e rlr'rei ' tre bairic l' l Ilien 'r rale Is. Ir eI nl lr iner ihriiled e l him forIci i rr,, l ri-n , ri. e. 4,ftllv itlfirlmus th n tb hrIIIl,, erthbli hatrl.t h.,a r e,. -ll l .rien r ir r tI' IIIrril I O Ii'll h i f v:ithlr ir h I In bly e ie 11, i1 ,ll iii i ,' e t r li rer. , hlil I•lr ,i•i lIill ill .i kel, l I 1v ore ahhlr-t I{, l um ~mmi111 ill IIr c I'uiv4 l *Iro Tir l -,; ,,e o,,ill r-lc i i oll SiI aIdILy yri Ir : Ill of Nuvenerl n-r iairsie I NIlANI II ) 1 )_1S & M'ANSII.UI'IAI1' iALL, nod will tbke prrlu,,P. l u (. vtr, ,lovldov, Wedneo- inillE neli'•'r rlmP tir Ir'llrhlcli tile l.l llir l lllu lll, ireo -u Ja.LInl. I iiliel' tir IlliJ N. II. The enier ae'onirrnion will Ie nil 'i keep- inigprrf'iet order thrnughulr thirr sIre alirili aenit, was 5 done I.oglltltnl ll I For mle hIy l J i' VIIITNEY, d 18 Ti tip et y NUa 'I, r -- 'I'I•N ,I r a ,'ru II ciii li1 15 IlIi, spirile TaR ._hlh .( n'!! l 11 1 hh r rI'nl ' i ll ire S IIe iby J IRVIS & . t, i1 V". •i , d11l8 r. . ( 'u.nI&'T"llipitolsuln ll ae SAItl)--I2 k,-'. mad I In ii lirs rate mriel', Iin ls orle hry ). li. ll.IS.9, 1 I Uc ." .• 111,11 1 i r . ! ri m ,m i mII rrniiU , Ii aIles below the rIite h lire reli Ir dl AI)AtiA & Will 1A;' I., 67 iranvier At NEW OiRLEANS & NAsIIVl.LE 1I- IA I1R(AD), I b"claber sI, 1838. OTICE-- o Colntractor>---iid pllposial will I r.( cived Ilunil the rIrd ml Jlllliery, 1839, for mi king tIhe iluplrsiruct ire,rl ,IiIn li I I len irilrh of Roade;ciolllll llue ig il, liPosuiirlithie anrld extending to- w iird, thi t ity. SI iritililln uln bIre cure , oild rlen lilons made knowia f Iii mihi,areturn It lthir millrit. I) 1l(OA III), il -liin ('i. .ngr. and Iltri. Snper'dt. -vIV ,.I S''ll, AII -IWiI+S--I-'Fr, grrrnwd -rn rl ni and ,u1ckhiXt Xilliur, burs- l-e"l,adppelae oril ats al d nlllll, 1 ii Ti rliillr , iawinlg: tild rind i. g done n wusul. All n Ilr, inrl' eenr h arepiir edl riiglie. jeluni. nlly n l , yl .1 (ITT Tivoli Circle. I +I"- ; -- !;I - -~ +•c " "AlMlT F I Ih l IIt.b.i, (t Lelan id I . Iillin l ,14f linod Sat. A I) 1 N II(RMIt,. ulh Id li e. h.o olwner is, ( Ale u Io r fill ' iii ,lrl l'.l'elli'r ery, I' chlnrgeil 01. Sierts, lAn. II w u p1 r ial, r rll. iieed le r sle niy jl i 11I i l lhll' 1 11 Ii (", ' c1 1 3 cln• irg t ieitllA j lll •--I.,d -luai i i I , 4 I ns- e f fneslis j I IInI GI, ' 'r . 131 hi urn'lin r At ' I 1' ill . 'd t I I.Ii 1 ii I , ll. i n i leI I1: (' m1+ 1I! I n _ 1 ( 11. 1, m. , rtn1 I,. lI Inll. tr Ii i h - vini . T gthrl wihlli m rtiin t of cu 1 e-. Fire t1 Nil II I Cl U lt ,6Mgnzine Aiti t1 1E i- II, il II I 'rin ipe ig re, cr )I Ii 1 , .e i' l, " I 'i inin :.5 ale li I'Ihe:l(-Ill keg, eiiiiccc.l r beet qualitr orner liClE- rli r l ' It niorhe. ire r 'ei eailddrn r h Alee ; r1i hesa lrrrinnl r er W clilsl 'n? ivto rent . with _5. 1,1u h.; I hIne llll', dX ridgeI . l ll itll l untiIgts. ire, l F7 . r bIrl I+ An• lbrIll mensl . I urle . :Jai n s eh~wd,. I . joa5cor n odwh r 1 Iaib 'A r Cane. 1.0l Il 1i hl21, ai ll 11 r , ei. \ ilrl h ll, allowhd (1( J. I llIlhllli ' .l \'(I l;, 1 [I ln iie cc I I fr ni ' c mallti ul,- ri-i' I nR eiua i ,e ,l I "t tl il .IX I'littER, 49Iisrer at lit n X ,_.. .. . .. ,l+ N++ . IiIXIXI._ 441' e _' _ ,ai 5_ 5 I g I'1. I t1•451' In Li.. .)N h.'l ltl)Ytl , Jaiu r0" l -th, I::1iintherity F :x hnge. , St. Lnis mtre;:,nt 1'2 ,'luk. Tir . ieligibly sitnuated , l- JeTroal on 1i,.l seetl , near lhen I c olNr f , aroI ne( I street. n itth e rall I halr l side Irlon lthe river. T'h, " inilsrivtmlw lentyl s c Is - i o it lirne brick w rehoos11ni oil t(iet rear of no11r lul the lots, ada fraLII lno d(ellhng house on ithe fllait 1of tt,,o lotf l lots with tlo ;orr kitchens. T hei. Io shich are nlow 1ented er lmlvo hu hed d l n ros 7 )el a, Lit No. I llln'ur s - , lt i icheiP llnd 7 lines. fro+ntl Ib)y 127 firct 9) il,,h 1, in i,, rwe or hiDs. frollt by 1'7 f et 7 ilnc 'h ., ill dellth nl thi e liio line, n1d 15J IBct icfhee, and 3 linlle ll on tle otullr line, nlore or Lot No. 4 mn-eau t rs L : G.-' f inlhes and 7 lines, front lv 15) feel 8 liin'hi' lun :3lill' in . i. ti, nrell.r or lnss. F'i( i)--lt'in vnlll e lt• ioif .Iiroiunilli.' ii Alugazinne & LoF t ,o. I : 1 l L3~e1ai e a 1or-, malsurel Q.5 ftll front ht ii"o 1 tlt) i11 dellth. I oil No. 22 diltto. Lot :no. 36;o, l'e1..ity t.'I jho.l'sthe nihove thiree e f-ri o ithle othir line. S i t N•l 3 I7 Ill ifiily set mlll'eas u re in lfrinrt,f7 feet S3 inlcs L by I(;i lel in t th, on one line, anId 15 elte o l lt. e l tclrahvl llln'I sii i w i h ll tn li .tritle lUL.n, per pl iai which will b. e exihile oi the. day ioii i..' i 'T'l+t:MIS-Onelirmtthan-h--hnlantte- in 12, 18, 24, 311 and31; nIonlihb cre, t--- 'ithOul ilnterest, for notes atio- I fnctorily edlllllrd Il l eain ring las••n l .n inl piay.- i11ent. If the iest ren. i+t pI liat n.inility they shall beorinterest at lhe rate o1 II) per cent pct anm11um, froumt i 1 Pelvdrts 1relttl ,llljoinll1'-' the, 1lllllO4i+ (.'ll rrh,thl o lot Slllu +.ul.(,s 25 Ier 7 inches f,.nt I•.e I, l , l h in lie h, mnre or less, the house is l glod two story frailll s illilF. 'ileg with, Ilttlies an1d1 tno st or y kilchlrn:, the purlor nrt. a dra, withot i nail dnti.Lr p irnidn ted 8iullo:l with nlanrbte Il i I J pn sLJ ti illi i i The iiiiprntivn'i limit.e in.'.; I'h'I pamlrtedm , mnil led! ip a nd ore nof ill firsnt rale i.'-r, f Ur. Illt n u a ignld 'i teant for nle )car fan tIeI iil I N ientber Insi, at the raite ofnF$L'-1i t'e orair, -Uyaiei. in. ithli. Ther, is i in he yn rd i hivl'tr illl 11 eiito i ii rn 1I1 i tite; . n 'L,:IS a--(t:a fimlh roil, lph, huh.sore aled rle ba Syearn, wminmo n ilerestl, trior lo"'art lily tendolltred and hberiiig ilaitn•ee till fn I a Iuai.a ashnuld tho i.tera not bi pid ati iiit'y Iiheyi a slall hiar at the ruee ,of Ill pitr Cnoi I.r n .allaUU. illl niiaid timi tilL pid. Act aofnlrai ihr betnb p issed I.eft II. Ii. Coatha, Esq., INotnry lr'bli, ati the reiin e if h 'il lr'hll pr . N.o. It r If ll itse a llr nare nILi cmanlpit d nt it in 1 dua s from the dna of sil.l, they 'till be ri'nOld at Ihe risk 'nd cost of tile " urceluacs. n ._ :_J LIIAI Eli 4" ( , 1 he O.1v .'hliiftt'r. dinietir istory, by the uthier aI iFtlhe "Subnal•er.," 6c. ill vl2lt. tinry Itaini ol . ,laid nihier'l'no• Iby Mr Gore anthor. ir as o 'l ietin, a.lld [)aug ticr," 'c* illn' volt. 'hre lei;r iof 'i n iil, by Ih'll nuthLurena of "'oethers Sant t).uahhterr, "Ax. ilu Vls. All h", Veiaiin, ir ta Il llihrniilen'd alnndklrcrhil , iL S)llitll i L aldd+d -- ,nricllt| IiI rinOin,o r 'h. lflne tloa•tn '!:'ilnl bi )lims Leslie, iuhital' F'l.t'neil Slcbch- rr &:'dc illnemf val. i, .an,. o J ita-'e n tl u• , Its r l II" 1'61. 'KEn., SI j ani i'.r i'i ni e, at'..a t4 4.

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Post on 23-Mar-2018




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Page 1: COMMERCIAL, 'TilE .'RUE AMEKIO AN. Senate St. Charles · W oa Hn rws ot-ye me th reo tt weond r of the n

~ dPlay of

t r O.mpOtP,

1 mnewill o noea~ o r alo. hlhh lhby dsirea, the favorite Fare of the

DARRIACK ROOM.~r, Mr. lbarret,

Mrs.. re

FoR HAVANA.-. : ,• ,.•J l,"5_ rles nillna, eoppele~d packet hrii

" A NIC• LRFF1, 2dn nr, ('opta'n "Walker,wl• U poaltively mallaot lrrdov, ltijhon t. A

li or c•lnbhinl enaaged, and for remainler of'f"delqh wbmch will Ie taken nt low rates, or panoage,hiengpl didmalmdd fhn eeoreooa,.dadiono for 30 pea-app ly no board, id tier bew the Ferry.

o1i~mdes 'JO oterajid pono~lgeri... . .J ROBERTS,4 ienvile at,

or to •oWm ZIRmERR O9 Common It

TL DFIlanI COR PMATE'Thelat sailiog, first clase. copperod brig s,

, LUNA, 180 tofit; aptin HaIallett, stows 31;0hhor. oo ready to receive cargo for any

p pt, y to Wm BRYAN, I' J. o 95 Common at o

a Ter* days mare and postietly not longer. H' nHE SPLENDID EXHIBITION OF THE


'hlie Giraflb, or Camelopard !!hoTtHItCi will cloe on the 8th ins t., and l

eave •

an e jpernteanloo -GeiafW oa rws Hn ot-ye me th reo tt weond r ofthe n kltngdOm, ltold call nat St cinrlen trsret, znwl view ando ju dge for themselvos, what has delightedhaothonadr.m l-doaply-interstetd-the curious and acieru- K

H . of Admissio, 50 cenm--Cl;idren asod oeroantsha'fprs..

l •, the adjoiuling Pavilion, Ma. . R. Ga. N.LrtS,orln withoot anupe, will continuo'hls astonishing per.

ncbe orocEanne. _ _ jul.A OTICE-Mr. Harlob Hooker retired front andr caioed to e a partner of the firm of 'J Thly-

. on the first day of October last, by manto

. tTliner & T T witchell have continued, atnI willtilleooeltrethe husineres as usual, under the finn of

fbhayr & Co,' and ne authorized to close all thebusminsn of the late firm.

New Orleans, Januarv 4th, 1839.

,T h Private Journal oftaron Burr, in mvo, s. rvo,;Jy Matthew Lb-aris, author of Memnoir of Aaron Burr,S ae~Patly'lotdl.

The For West or, A Tour beyond the Moutltnins:4i 2 Vols. P

Also n Perr oapply ofiHtomewar lBound, and I latest rovla ofCoop-Htte as hrOUrd, 5 er.MHo'Clloch'a Ctum' arreil Dictionary, 1 vel, a very

valoahle work for the comk.ercial wo;tl.EJOIINS & CO,

J7 o ernor St Charlas & Conmon ast

MA5YORALY OFh NEW ORIEANS.HfIl price o froll floor to-day is $8 75 per barrel,

3_ 8.. e fia-to the tarinf the bakers sholl give d-.• ' mig tlheocalingi week (romn Mooladny 7th iust.) 31 oun-

cee of bread for a hitt. Bread of the second quality inrequired to weigh 25 per cent. more, vea: 431 ouncem.

jan7 C. GENOIS, Mauyor.

, C HOI.ATE-.'. caet swaeet Chocolate, landingfroml ship Conrlanitne,for sale by

j,7 InSAAC BlRIDGE i CO, 131 Mlnnezine ot

uHt ',(.\tAN--2 Uatesa, ,toitamo tern's prioe kiplSbrgans and hesoy hip hoots, for sale by

ISAAC BRll) E &iE 1O.JaI 7 134 largane st

16an700 Capital Prize, T ick-Cts only $4 00,GRAND STATE LOTTERY.

.Draing of the Grand State Lottery Claps 74.2, 9, 55 61, 47 62, 58, 46, a0 29, 53 07.

I.ASS No, 75. Antlhorioed by h•YI,.nilatil•,ntuthe State. t "1' be .ASdr,wnStia)&, Jun ,-

4139, at 5 o'clock, P. h1. a, Bijeopl dHnt,:,

,ee, ftcsrerihorn to $202 639 1

, ol t$4N• •ll-sl, h tkrn 2 0e-QR m rtaers I 1 1V -acknenof STieket for $100, wrrnttdl to drnr a

. t leat $18 Packages of'5 IlalfEtickeln $591 1i watr-rated to draw ntlelast el 4 00 Pmrkagesn of .5 QuarterTickets $ -5 00 warranted to dwarst lIats $12

For packar;en ofairgla ticket, opllyv at taheIMANAGiERO'' OFFICE,

JnT 1ii Chartres st

TO BE DRAWN TO-hIORRIIW, Jn. Bib,S The following ate tie drawn numbers of the Louis- I

.. 1a.. tLrtaleryy ePia 1O, Orr 18lr.9:2, 24, f4, 72, 50, 52, 39, 23, 22, m. 31. 25.

Sli rite lnlder of ticket rombiatirin 2, 24, 64, ,euti-tie tM the prizne of 20,110 dollars,, is rrqrnertrd to cullat the ofiee offt). S. (Gregory & Cr. 35 Canal at.


Authoirized by Act of legislRtuOre. Chapt XIlrItI,panted Matoh '21. 18":, Cloas No. 36 for 18I to Iredrawn an Ttsaloy, Joan. r8th 18:9, at 5 o'carck, P.

- Mt. at thie Excltrrr e Htoterl, St. Charrles t.D. S. GIREGORY & Co,. Surcceeor to y'ATES

MclINTYRE A" Co.75 Nutharn-l3 Drawn Ballotlis.

GIsNI) SCIIEMIF..I prilce of $10 o.) is $I 1 noo1 do 2 :5•11)0 o2 51 dt 2010 2 1)00 I1 do 1500 1 500rI to 1 300 1 30S do 1201) 1 200

1 do 1 110 1 114019 do I non 10 0n0

, I do: 251 150010 do 150 50010 do 1211 1 1100

161 do 70 11 411163 do 38 220563 do 25 1575IN26 do 10 126:1

090- do 0 9: 413613 436 do. 3 70 308

23 814 Prize amoerntiu to 71-1I5 854Tickets $3 00- tlalve $lI 50-Qrtnrtrrs O 75

Packages of 25 tickets fr $4t. Preirkages of 25half ticketa $7"2. I'roknhee of 45 Qmrtrer ickrts ta orI$11. For Packhee or sinle Tickete, apply Pt

I).S IREGOIIY & Co. the tanagers -filet,

jan7 :5. Canal striet, next to Camp stLAW NOTICE.

' AMES a MAYFIELD, Co Cnspllor snd ttorneoat Laow, of'reetn, has onode an arrangeentrt with

JoerphA H. Wrhie Esq., Inte Del'egste in Contre-sfrom Florida. and C msonellor at Lnwof the SupyremeCotrt of the United Status, to give his deire, Ilegaloapiilorn and intrnlticnO i all curves in which ha isretained in Texas. Crl. Whlite willin all cases gitewritteninatrnetione, and in cases nofgrea imptreance,will attenrd in persn tlhe Supremne Court of Texrs. IHeis in ponsraeion of all the Spanish ansi Mexican Ordin.snce, anti hnas at New Orleans, tihe largest civil lawlibrary in Aamerica.

Land Tites,In all caen in whichi Jnmra S. Mntfiell is rctaind ad

'an attorney anl counllolir in Texai, he "ill receivemy assrirstance, and advice as a eoteerllr.

H7 JOB mt WIIITFE.SITUAiTIi•i--WANTEI -.-A first rtore EAM1-

STRESS wants a rituttiot. She is crpnlhle ofdling Fancy Sewiane. anld any deriplin of Dress le-kin, tor hillinery. Would have no obiectio, to eninto a private fartily. Can eivn unexreptiolnble ref-ereneee, as to cuharater alnd albility. Eaqrre at 207,Carondelet at. in7--t

B ANK NOTE E tGOAVING-Rttrdn. Tl'rihl,Hatlch & Epson, ve openr,,d anl oeirc in, New

Orleans. posersiine eqrtal adrvantoges with their housein New York, ftr the purpose onfongravitg ano I piutl-ing Bank Noten, BRotds, Bills of IExchantge, C(ertifiC'esoIlf)epeite., Checks and other inportat palicers reqr-ring ,eritnv agenitt lorgferie. ntd Ihans ntaole ampleoptnvlrion for tlrhe afe keepine o all plates and ialpren-iaola entruted to thlrir cante; tlreir rpeteil•rns etn brace

the notea of over fine hur.Ired Iotniki•e inslitution., andall orders will he execuntod willth promptilitle, and onr.easonable ternms. Ofsa,coreeerof Iloyal & CranlStreet. ja--tf

`•PE RM CANI)IE-9A6 hIoxes Sperm Candles,landing from ehiptCmel nrtine, for sate by

ja7 IS ' AC DRIIDGE & ('o, 134 lagazine rtN D S -'S- -•) ba es L otw ell Lind ,•u

a, tannling for

Ii salekhy STIETSON & AVERY.J 0 (ratvier et

N •-• x1 -Tio Prrrolate Jotral of Anrtnj Barr doeine hia reidencte of hlor years it, :?u-

npa., wilh selnetions from his eurrenl.rtrdnee. Edited$H by Melaihe L fioin, asliterof mersoirs el Aora.r Burr.

The P. e rcel; or. aTnrr herondl the o nnroonoas,embeoiag uatlitr.s of WeMter, life it ndl seeror.; skoeteh-

51 of the pairiles, rers acieut nloutndroe.rlv seotle-mesto f tre Frenah, &., ,Svoln, itlst receivrd by

ja7 WM MI'KEAN, ror ('atop Cotnotn st(UIfiC S--' balro fine Itradtiek, receiverl anid

fore ale by ITETt)N N AVERY.jn7 8O: Goierrst

tir Ja.. 1039. 5ORDERS.

UXJAMhINGTON GUARDS.--Attend montthlyYV meeting this cacnlng, the 7ltr mnt. at 7 o'cleFe

hP Lsetearmorn, and full rlreu .-raeda, to'morrow, 8th0hat.-t |.M. Byorldrof

' Csptain (] F HOZEY,P SM I CROOKE, nst osrgeant

. F•ORDAGE. Ikee-•lO eoils tarred Ropae agoort--- S.Jei nfrom Ito 6 isch- spunyarn and Rastrte.tal_ stlu, IUep sea sod Ianolead liher; Rggirrg

- " IrlAD & BARSTOW,? Bank Plae_

zislr esl by 44,

Ileeeiee-frm• his mna,,fa-U se le ilaesoaa a Ormenelta. eltII Cigars.

S of a bef qatllity--Tmrbnca, Reliseh, Comnesr. fer


Cbarlto.De ...........1 WAhilgm,Dee ........ 5Mow York'do....;.... 15 I Ciicon•.ti do...... 1Plndelphis do .t.... . t.16 Looville, do........... I.

-Ir oo -do . 1 St. I.louio ........ 14aOVou.5I do....... .t9 t vrpeol, Nov...........3lountoH (tu) Dee...... 13 Pris Ot ... ........hto. do .............. go Iodoo. Nor.........

shville, Nov............ 8 Havre do ..............


CLEAR+ANCES.Inery 4. Ire

Ship M••ornt Porhbes. ing, for Boston, J K LyonShip Oa Washington, Proinl, for Bastaia, Ci

rchmidt & W'ersmrPark amp., Demigoer, for Nuos, J agerBrig Audubon, Saboti. for Hoavan, K Groolog & oelhr Elisittlh, Porsytlh, for Poeatnola, MaurBchr Motgoneory. Sawvye

r,ftorl "l tps Isoy, MNtlr

chr tleury, Lonl. St Jagde t Cuba, in balld, Oeo BSdford[j ARRIVALS. p

!' Towoaht Potchurtroio, Etbn, from the NE Pio.; hieing5. op

.roceeded down light; returned to the city with brig Tusk r.of Let on the 5th last, at B n m; report s evernl ships and hrigle, nL the elmnel and soveral brigl lld Icnrs in the liver bound

T-uP1ow!oatl Graops. Morrison. from 8 W Posi; haviugtoweord to se ship Bentor, std bork Anne Loots; returnedto thle city with ero, sark Johanoa George. brig Salovdore.

bhr Cor, and Sp ochr Balio. Left on the 3d int. It 0 pom,reports othing olf, seerl riigLs and schooners in the rive.

Towboat PorifL Msatill; from the Pa.e; hltrin towed tosea ships Vickhlstburg, Vallilant. ld I)iligenoe; retorned to thecity with ship Saratolg, rhn Htellry Clay and Oeompke.L ef on the4th i at, t p m, reports oole Sp brig ad 2 sthrin the river bound up.ty Towhoat Tiger, Bo.b, from N E Pau; having went downo

light; returned to the cily wit Ibrig Active, and schr Casoh;left on tile 4th Int, at 4 po m reports one brig in the oau andsu i b'i, insido titu Bar.S Ship drsrtogo, lathawauy. 15 day from New York, to J BHaden.


BE Ori Tuosker. tant , 45 days from Rio, to Multer.

Brig Active, Sltkenont.tO dlly from iBremen,to Mirter.

BriS AhulstnO.tUI Gieorlch, 19 days frot Now York, in

i blllast, to Mister.

Brson Itrk Johanta 6eolue.tHohorst, 56 days from Bretoanto T P Ules 4 eo.O p brig•.dladore, Hernaodel, S days from IHavanae. to JPratt 4 sOn.

o ehr Corn Rattiford, 8th Dec. from Mtatmorul, to J Wro, Znehario & so.ed St chr Bullo , Ooyney. 19 days from St Juot deUias, to

tt Koni, Dhnn-A o, uo ballot.--

Sehr Cirilb Grri.h, l3 days from Newbury Port. to Mnter.,ts, .,h. Ilenry Cloy, P. to..t..., i. day. from Tasmpioo, to

SLhr rOeompk Thompn.Too . days from St Marks.Lt, chr Iludsou, Ilymoun, 20 days from Middletoo, to Colt I

er. Co.Strmertlltllttvnile, Jordan., fom BsOou Pars.

te l Steamer l.ivineto.o, Sweeny, from Alls+ndria.

Stoueeor Yicktiturt. Pea.o. from, Vicklhurg.t oteunlor Alhabamian. Rhoden, froom Monto.S(teamer Vlocipede. Dslmon. troto Alexandria.

S Steamer Dianni Caller. fromt 4 miles Ielow RSundelph,vill Steamer Caroline, Suttonn, frot Mohile,

of gtemerTeotlt', Chnuvln. from lIoqurmine.the Pntboas trnm Ciiouati--eargo, 11i2 brli dour, and 3 do

wiiskey, to order.EXPOILTS.

tfIeTf IO S..Per ship Margrret Polrbs.. 853 hole. cotton.

Ot, BA'TAVIA.. Per ship Geno WV hintgtnn..21 hllds sand 10 half

lo beer, 4 halfl itos wine. 300 eases loop. 5ton gbx lno ware. 0 ios .,il clotlh, 5 hIs bags. 10tbrle tlr.25 dlo and 50 Illfdo pork, IUO honkeosins: empty bttttles.

SNTZr-Per hark Zalnp. 1065 aloes cotton.HAVANA..Por brig Audubon..Sdt kehg ard 65 brim lard, 790

op. qrt flour.PESACOIoA.. Per sbr Elizsltall..300 brim breed. 15 casks

srie, 17 i-lus otolnoeu, 60 brl flour. 8 ihid,rgy gsrt I;l'ftca.ks du rico,:i0 kegs lard, and L18lrim pork.

TAMPA DAY..Perolr P hr Mntnry., 819 macks corn, 3'2 dot oats, solid 3 tealohult t boilclr.,

IMPOlTS.on, TASIPICO..Per rrhr Ilenry Clay..5,NO0 ir specie aud iog-

w,- wood.o ST .iAKK(..Per schr O.ompke..80 lIll cotton, and wine to

Od- rdr.y s BOtithoEN.oIu r 'rio Aiiive.sigloooorre mofd ,odze.

............. Per hark Johoaollll Geinre..lO20 stone, 46 bhranlde. S01t domljobnl. 1384 htimperr potsttu.e to

SF Ulers . co, Sclllidt, & WeVernr,. •clhaskling & co. P Frey Jr co. oerntlso'grt oand order.

NEWBUV Y PORT--Per schr Caleb.. d tolts fresh eudfithVN ansd ice, to Mastler.

H- AVANA..'or rig dolrodrtr..765 bags coffee. Iotf rigarsmtilt and ftuit, to t I.opez, Albut, ACaumps, and

order.MATAMOILAS..Per tltr Coro..223h1i1s oo, 2497I hideo, to

eat J V Znlrliriu & co.NEW YO PK. Per rsipt Seoartoo..a.'d mdse.RIO..l'er bre g Inuskr.. .170 stcks entree, to Mlsster.

SIDPDLE''ON..Per schr ludOl..5. fetcurt, s , 53

hbundll bsy, 8o emtro nt.trs'tc caII, (.oitkco. . .-

Ii ECE;, '1S OF`PonR cOL . . ""-

At io+!... fri tet ,oo r Lel ^a!t. Air+1o"2R1Wohr;1 by-. t o.';.. urll to414h y56) W :o. 94 do 9 huhc

'.' " " +"_ "-. i t lt, Ferriduy k•J) , 24 do CToledsno,or- re md"<..I+ ,+,,++++ Itrwn.

Motmro.. ,P .... mor A lbamrian..45 his cotton, Lambth &'. ho,r 0.n,.'20 do () WVhitn,,ll, 54) do J Armour 3 do Pierce

ollnlon &

Bro. 18 dO J tI lalbe, 4 do A St Clhir, 121 doWFloor, t do J W Stliiwell r 6o,4 do Georg Goodoll, 0 doRiohard Bck,21 do Toylor, Gardnter r o, I brl nsod I bor,039 Wlltor & co, 157 Ilt cotton, A .Ledoux & co, 8do Burkeni

Watt t. eor. t2 do A iutorer & ro. 03, do MStloury ." Poord. 2bls deer skin., anl 7 rrfhllidt,, H lultenger.;. hlt peltry Kw W Elliuott, 6 bxs tobuco, A Masynord, B bit. der skit.,nr- Owuers ou bonrd.

rtic Aleitndrlrn..Ptcrttnotre Vnloripredr..21 his rotton, Pry-rolx. AriottIl 1 co, 14 do C Tolledtlo, II do Castock &PIo

o ld• , 151 do J 11 l.everieh, 9 do A Rivnrde &ro. II do

dtilh & Voolrhtot, 9 do A Ledool 4 to, 76 do J U Plouohie

t Vi•tbr ckrg..Por stamer Vickslurg..143 hi raltnf. Bannrt.-- Prriday & co. Itl do Ithlrtke, Wrtt & to. 73 do Nugellt. Tur-pin , att. Vo, dI do bI.nbethl & l'lntprn. I)0 do W Ilogarl,1i ido lstrtin Plearoonts, do 0 Iligh. 2 ,luo Thol S Ilykers, IIt.t , I . Carpenter, o'0 do g'oll.,illl, Bolto & Defooeltu. "Jcesrs I;lcon., 6 btrl lordl, otiSo1 2031ctlIS•I.t Ilhtrl, O io chPrseLowroelle & t.rgoolere, 7 Ibtxa cJtt:e, W.,Iton & Kemp, 3 has

tl. odo, 'oPylor it Sodley.cull Alt•eUlsri;..l.r •temeler Vtlnriprde.. Gov Whits, A Ca-m.rd. l, to Pylro, Lallarkl , JA rlolll, V Protro. E T Jolote,Klby, Jno Dlalliels, iek Irwin, JOkolltn, G T K:y. Bishop,l WVinn. W git Sper, 1 J Hearl, Sweelly, i Arthurs.M Sore,, 3 Piti,. J II loor. LofiO, Rohbnrd, Iounbar, Marks,

51Mad n•otite, Mt Cllew, A Tltor. Coalphlerl, Blrown, Fergn-son, Joat•o, Sntitl, It Kny, O J llnoto, Trylor, Koyglor..5

15 oll duck.g'. iiRatllp h..Pr ter a Ditna... hls cotton, Il Vllitie &

WVtio b "o; •8,lo A Mourn & co, 641 brh floor, and 73 doES rhiskrey. Ogden t Snothgute.Plbqlorrno..Per tealoer Terbe. 51 fil cotton. Yorkn &

Brn, I do J ty Stilwell . co.:Addo L Le C.rpenter. 43 do, 6hhie rsngar. rod i' tc. molase.s, fP (,,iltrtt, 6 his otllon,.

000 10 hhd sgurt nd 4ll0 Irls molusesn, A Mluren & co, 22 his5 oltoon, Gourdain l• lllnelto. 12 lls cotton. Folloio. Bellitr 4O

Iu Dergelo.s, 51)brls oinlo.... II P Glrny, 3 his cotton. Lonoe, 61 b:0lrectottao, Ilenry & Lwrellos sulldry lots furniture, coopsl500 fwI., Owl0r0 ot b.ard.

3 B0 Bayou Sra.. Per steamer Henltvills..144 his rotton. A'on Leldnx - co, 100 do Pitloy& . 50 Io •1 White & co, 30do(140Burke, Watt o t co, 55 ,,o A Rivarle & c-l, 48 do Lasduony

Onot co, 29 do Ht V Btxter,. 21 do 'aylor, Gurdtner " co, 2l do5 W elwar. e39 do J A rolllolr, 21 do Goyle 4 Stewart 17 do J

B500 Plnucbh & co 37 do WV Otky & eu, 20 do J A Fontells,50i 7do Thro Durrett. 13 do C Toiedono, 14; do Owne.r on board,

00 9 do Hail Itrit. 5 do Martin Pleasllts. 5 do Cnldroel 4iti1Ilitkoy, 14 Ido Ioeynoldt. lyryon 00.2o d LLo Carpester. 24

CON•I'GNEES.New Ylk..Prtr hlip trntnmnn..Allnlh. Clark 4 to, KidderSHind, te.lnl:llt, & ., A P Fo.lnry. Colntnetk. ilydtr cot,Hlllry •,llinlt, Slth 3 Vnrhnees, Slidell t Stewart,. Winl.nonu I Shall, Riunln, (Wt on, tnur .a Gridley, E Kip,Paul Tulan. & cnto Nuortur, Steel co, J Cnllt.jr. rowtn&l • Ico, I.nln, lepheua t4 rn, artilnlt' Ple3nallt.. Vhiting & Blahrk.SIntrull & Avery. J 1kcDantll , York . aln. Adanlt VlWhit-i.all, Kitkln-lu, Alberthllly 4 Illini, J W Stilwell, J 11a. AGrait, nWllod n Sinla,,all, N'aeut,1'a Trlin:r W t, , I lalul-lell. Johns & o, Bollarq, Denalon & co, iiH Amea, W Ilolgrt, ntuckaer,ttalloa & co, J C Park., W Dine, J Fiihben, J NRotert, .V IIW Field 4. ca,Ilob.on GOlaoch. J II tlleck. J PFrenlll, n & r. Rttbitnso' 4 leugnl. Hiblr & Waterman,,Thentore Sprlnn•l, J C 'nagner & cno R Pt.mllert Hyde 1(iuidrit.h, "' ' Lodge, C 4 E Bernard, Scnlllidt & Wner,t bGee 'lce, E C Mutn.rllh enron I 4 Sllilln. S W Oakey A co,J m Bye., I;urke, Watt4 c., WV TophIam, V Allitt, EFrost, J tllll wtjr, Lepng, & Bro, Dalvid Felt & .o Richllrd cMill., tinll, Bllack & c, F. Irower & to, J Craky. ineeker &I.ewi IIl .Itt,,l IV ittatyeny, CT hlldaun. R Levy, JFowler. E Lealnd, iticllardll& A & Wlaternau. Wood 4 himn.,Uon. lIl ''hile is co, S A Belden, J DUta, J C Chanlberlainu,.Prenost, n re, HI Keennnn, Pope, Powcr & en, Birn iBtueaide, Dail A er, PNeel & Nulth, C J Mneeker. Dllin,D C nwain. I 11ii White, Tnylor & nB.dlny, Dwiht i4 T'low-hridgye, tkith, Hu'bhard .l co, A Gra, M Q Chitledon,. (ienH MeDowell. Ili V Cauhntl. Alnltll.d & Sprine, Palml. &tSJoontone, C Do;ane, R Adtum, JuU Grilnhaw, Stroud 4 At.,.kin, Pl'ollaltd & (iGreona.


Alexandrl.. Per steamer Livinlaton..C Mulhollan and iaItDr Madden. W II Kitchen,, HG WViliialt, John O'Flahelty'rGay. lullahnlu, W Callicut, L B Horine; U Lnadry, O Bsr.nrd.Binno..Pnr sItalner Als tnmin..Mnlj Downel and Ilady,

Wil.ou and InAdy, D N flnnest, Philipn.Col Millneny. Man. 'Jnne, Hnolland, Judllg Brye, nr OGrayton. Hn.i .Kul, ITholrns. Lyullnn. B•nlett, Douglas. Minow, Dnaon tnd lady,.Min tlunhh. Jn,., Phillipl., Gale, Huh•ho. McKnigttlPngatn Kirbhy, Beardl, Mthnet., BlOan, Cook, Lee, DrenuMoay nd hlhdy. ito deck.

Vlah.hnrlt..'er Latclaer Vickahurl..Mr Nicholton nldd', D.lvis, laudy and slt. r3, (tade., AInr lcltniarrek andanunhttr, DL Dnehii.,l ntd laldy..lita Dnhil. felrt Newcllh,King, SBlll. Bltt$, Pund. Kilel.ata. Smith, Aluryhy, Jorden,tamponn. Cnolter. I.opezroux. Jooun .t'nwanth. t.ollinl, Ptr-,ustan, PeEr. a lr, arsI. lIPlay. J, ne., Aolliare, Visau, trnadwell, 'ghl'. Trylnr,. DV Wi lin,,. 4 tvt.Ilromnn..Per bark Jlllnna George..(i WV Kelt, lndy and

nton J WlIther, C L innyer, N aytp, J Itochlaw, Neidner niddanllllhler. A Keil, Mx D Slkt.. lld seePng•.

lnatltnornt..Per i chr Corn..•Mr Carroll. G Gllta, J RtRJnwett. A Stnrrt, Ii G ShlnuanO, Ti' Whiltey, Ki gntre, B[ce(nlllell, Davey. Cahill.Si Altnl de Ulla. .,Per chr Balita .1J B Sina, 8 Letertw,

X Bn.ay .

J Iltorden, A Barnt, J Reyllal. Gurciul. F Avlnctl,JCuall. J •nl. , F Rstedn, H St VYulle, M Triguero, J Cru,alithy I Guadt'. J Chnteletn.New York..Pnr thip Sannltnng..Mrl ReddeA n and child,

David Chritie,. Mrl John Blinrhend, Win Itoyd, A G IBoyd.D.,.,, Allop, G Pumeroy, J Smthnl•lrs peakmani and aehildrnll..II in the steerageRatnldolh..Per Steaner Diana..S Vorthinton and family'ank anld flil y biss WlVtilmru,. Worthi-ton, ltrn BiowdenJ ilunel, *rairknt. Cooper. Phllipl, D iRintt. LellandIlulgeman. (apti J Suawyer, RK Air McClayi . Jn D namuonJ ihse. Ilwtn, J Stanhdl, C Johtlstuu, Abraham SBnttinnrlwtert, aynantI Rodwell, S Levy.Moblli..Per nteamer Camuiue..Mr i J Vilton. family andnly., Jnltn I Ptntnl. Brldfod TC .h'lpmann, John M B Strr.Elbert 'riiolnnpln, Iouoler, Proun, B Idler. S BR iBaiakin W Enpusdin., Jalaot (irrardl. R R GiLhb. YW r Hlaki., Cnurrit,i!a1er, F H Walker. J C Walker. Ths u Sluhtlel. P utlierThus iltlet, Antnio Berllaud, John M Intll, Geo ChapmanArnllltroa. g Dr Madden, L A Lewis, W C Stlnlbur•, Craw-ford. and 5 on deck.Piaquenine. Per steamer Teehe..Mi . McCtll, ir Z L.-

bo.rn, lady. rhild atid rli, •bl Cinuvin, and 2 children. MrH C Thibhldnnn, lady, and A tntl. II Thlhednu. daughtenr andat. 'Betitin and lady. J King. R ('aron,. S W SouthmtnaydIDntvi. J •,• J R .nlllwy, 1Fagot and 3 at. E Leh,J S Arnte and i tt T R Shitds. A Arcenaun. J Bartlelt, J Ailenet J II Eioin II tlanu, F Rnleand. R I.amntemnn. KD[rrhat"y. V Letul.le, J Hlber, A Jacob, S Rouerl, K LehuufA Rivet Cal R G Elles. 3 ton. and art, a•r1 Gatenai andAit.', hol Th line and ant, R • ioatm, J C ianity. A Iwiond

FEtevatn and nvl, M ourg, V I' WVindsor, U W Squire, EDu tauK. E Enntraon. iose. Truilllo. S on n dink.BIaynn Sanra..Per steamer Iltlviile.. WV Sllimen. 8 Bo-

hertl J i Cuh and nnt, P H Bu!tard, P A t lmit.Jud t Btttltr.J C Walker, J H Hans and slt. R H Bully nnd Nst. 8 Kellerand it. Johu C WVlker. Latwi W D &nSil, Io.r. G I. Rn-ttnnu, J Dnpre. J Cat PCh.ndy, tHatrlson. J arrit. J

Morln.Mn M WIlker and Irti. MdtH Yout entd lady. anbtr.tDunltr and fnlily, Outlle., Kennltty, Remat. Lrnlne. iltl.,

Larrty, eGtjoan. P Brown. Darnell, C Rliea, J Allan. WLNMay, Wrd Conrad ad It' J A elley, P intebons, B Mr-1tin. Sb Mc nutoheon. lady, daunhtr t nd 9 vtl., Llnning. IMra

Groandy.Goody. A Doinion. J O Diven, ODr Main and ston.B I

nO C Raymund, Pool, from Pieulacol, in Itellst, to

Ridder 4 Head.MEMORANDa.

TIhe Misittippi I. elinely bloaked .p with It 4 milesbel.w Randolph. Oni the .t init.

Et OA .'SUGAR--|t bl1 tlifferent lalilien. in loe.r li .'dforrsl|,by RIIHLL &BROWN,egents' ells oler tefintv,

3 s.5 B4t gMa ziri4.t





,MONDAY, JANUARY 7. 1S39. anus

DtREcronY.-It is contemplated by tno sub ratio

scriber, provided sufficient encouragement is given At

by the publie, to publifsh, an addenda, to his-Di-

rectory and Guide of the City of New Orleans artIo

comprising the new residents, and the changes gab'

that have taken place during the past season. exc

Persons desirous of having their names inserted the

in the addenda, will please leave them with their to

professions and residences at the Counting Rootm Nuof the subscriber, Exchange Hlotel. van

Cards tastefully inserted at a moderate price. gee

The Addenda will be sold bound with the Di- pw

ectory at fou r dollars, or by itself at one dollar. ofIJO, HN GIBSON. Itt


In the first place not sufficient distinction is drawnra between a high and hlow pressure Boat. The law directs on

that whenever aboat stops, the Engineer shall raise tile thsafety valveand let off steam, under pain of being fined af

S$200. Now in a low pressure boat, this is a wise and m

safe precaution; but in high pressure boats or engiles, buunless the pumpa be set at work at the same time, whileI the escape of steam by the safety valve is taking place, rothe danger in most eases, is only enhanced, instead ofhe- g

lang lessened. For instance, when the boat steps, allthe heat of the boilers is retained and steam continuesto accumulate or increase, and when let escape, leaves e

the quantity of water in the boilers greatly diminilted. etar, Consequently the longer the engine and pumps are cate stopped and the more steam let off, the greater the

danger becomes. For the water finally gets so low thatk the iron of the boiler above the line of the level be- l

comes red hot, consequently, when the engine is againput in motion and fresh portions of water freely thrown p'

into the boilers, it soon raises the level of the water toabove the red Iot iron, when such a sudden evolution th

ofsteam takes planee, that no strength of material can aswithstand its force, and an explosioc, or collapse en- in

do sue. Hence we alwarvshear of steamboat explosions, TIjust as they are leaving wharfs, landings, or wood yards, titand very seldom when ,uder way for any considerable Iea length of time. The reason is, atht the pumnp is always r

o necessarily in operation when the boat is moving. Cen If Congress had mIde it obligatory on the engineer,

never to stop the engine longer than 8 or 10 minntesI9 without putting the pumps in operation in addition to

tb the letting off steam by the safery valve, it would havetdn been a wise precaution, and well calculated to prevent to

l9 explosion. But to fine him for not doing a thing, h!do which without using the pump at thenete time. only of

increnscs the dnger, is to punish him for not incereas- re

ing the hazard of bheing blowr up i On the Mississippi, setoo, owing to the adhesive quality of the fine mud, or w

to to some magnetic, or adhesive quality in the metal of erthe safety walve, it frequently happens, that the valve p

lza will remnain firmly closed, after nearly all the weight n

tak is removed, and it will then require several jerks Irem al

tth the engineer betbre the valve will rise, and after it has

once given way, the steam will afterwards continue toraise it, although all the weight may he replaced. Thiscirenmstance should he generally known among engi-

tO neers. because, it may happen, in some instances, that

an inexperienced engineer, tay when he removes theSweig t fron, the en sty valve conclude, that, it is not a'

Sraise 'r d,cnonequtItly Ili hand•f sart,,~ is not great, and

" xphsaiIV~ th aifety valve has no tl6hh ah•"•aiid mptrtn~ i'dret it.r p lava nr s fr•mtn, the very t'jeclioon•le and defective manner of

ete ot.:;r t. In the first place, the salary naid ttheso entrusted with the examinatn of rthe hulls v

do and of stearn boats is not sullicisnt, In secure the C

o5r services of the most practical and skillful men in tii. 2 such pursuits. Neither can the jiudresof the U. r

s, Saltes courts be considered qualified hy their pro. Ii

fessionr to act judiciously in appointing such offi- prcaer.. No man can makea proper examination of a

h boilers for $5-or of the hull either. The conse- iiquence has been so far that the examinations are

r. of the most superficial character, and pronounced liet, favourably alike on most all boats, and the eerrifi

cates freely given as soon as the five dollars are

b: paid. It is stated on good authority that Mr. M-the inspector of straon boat boilers was calledtd, upon int New Orleans to examine the boilers ofthe I

steam boat WuRRTnr. The engineer had just bebe, fore applied a patch ofiron to one of the boiler on b

S the under side to stop a hole, made by iurningthie boiler through at that place. WlVhe the in- I

do epectorcame on board to examine th e boilers, tilte

& engineer left hbl to find out the patch, withoout5, telling of it. He walked round the boilers,--oak- Il ed at ,hem,-then went into the calbin, gr a e

e certificate of their good condition, received his five r

opa dollars and left? It isn standing joke amnong the

A engineers, and ticklesthem very much. Noxt toIdo trying boilers w i th steam, the best and yet more

do simple m thid of testing their strength, in withk' cold water, by hydraulic pressure. Does your in.

aid, specter know this? Or if he did know the method,coul

dt he apply it for five dollars?

The plan to which we allude, is this, the pumps

are set to work by a strong force of manual loaborr

no, forcing cold water into the boilers till they are per.

fectly filled. A greater weight is then put upt.nctthe safety valve, than it is supposed it will ever be

ri necessary for it to carry under a pressure of steam

the pumping'is continued till either the boilers givert, way, or the safety valve is raised. If there be any

j leak,or weak place in the boilers this method willan, not fail to detect it. So powerful is this force on

a, boilers, that you will find the greatest opposition0, It it among those mostl interested in the boat; be.

erd cause eve n bilers entirely new, and deemed per-

' fectly good could be burnt and rendered uselessby a trial of this description. There arcso manny

io, defects in the law, which so much embarnasses tiefile, whole act, that I do not know how eongress aes

rmend it, to any ndvantage. It will be much better

for congress to repeal it altogether, and begin over

and over again and pasrs a new lw. Let them ap-

t, pdint a conmirsa on the subject, to sit during" the recess of congress. if necessary, and authorizee them to summone before them every leadig prac-

d, ticalman in thie country: includicg promninent &

ou, anperienced engineerr from the Missiosippi, and

Spiletr, and esaptrnis of boats, entgine builders, ma.

r onufactlurt rc, and men well versed in mechnnienl

sad arta,-and swear them, and take down their an-

S swers toquestions proposed, in writing and reporten tile whole to Congress, which information thus

as, elicited,would form the bases of the most usefll

and and probably one of ohe most effectual laws thatad can ever be devised it the present atate of know-

JR ledge.

The pre•ent law of Congress was paaed laet July-

and riaeeitwent into operatin,, there has been moren

boats and lives lost on the 3Mississippi River than has

prolably ever happened, within the same period, siace

their invention!In my next. I will briefly point out what appears to

be the most oeummon caues of danger in producing ex-

plosions on the Illisieippi River, with the best appar-eant means of prevertion.

Yours, very reepeetrully,A-

There is a rumor in thlie city confirming the in-

telligenece of a fight between the French and thr,

Mexicans under Snuta Anna, in which the latter

succeeded in expelling the former from Vera Ciruz

but were itmmediatly compelled to give tp theme

advnnta•ee. Santa Anna was wounded in the lgwhich he was compelled to have amputated.

We have Louisville dates ofthe31st; but they

do not announce the resumption of navigation.

The Cincinnati Sun says that all the water left in

the river is frozen toe solid cake of ice!

SutIIDE. Lieutenant Stephen T. Tibbatts, U.

S. A. terminated his existence by cutting his

throat with a razor, in a fit of temporary derange.

ment, at Louisville Ky. on the 30th ult. He had

engaged in the rectuiting service at that point for

several months pert.

The Montreal Herald gives a report that Col.

Prilce.-has been arrested for shooting four of his

prisoners in cold blood. The volunteers consider

rd the arrest an insult, and had refused to obey

general orders, unttil doe reparation had been

mad. The) were a nice set of buys.

glterser .T-he general ausaeb f Leasi a L uitmdets, and there will probably be a quorum oi theboth honuses present. The Senate has to aprlont its tenPresident for the year, and the lhouse of representa- wittivers to elect its Speaker for this term of two years. A theclerk and other oflficers are also to be appointed by thehouse cf representatives.

On being organized the Governor will trenamit hirs r0tannual message to both-branches of the legislature.We will suaggest some topics for legilative cotnside- C

ration, which seem toclaim particular attention. pr.And firet, thegreatsubject of internal imprvremenl* r

presents Itself. There are few, perhaps r iC ofthe i

states ofthe Union, more susceptible of improv nient by Diartificial means than Lousiana. By opening her navi-

e gable rivers and numerous bayous, and making artifi- ib

cial drains, canals and levees, immense quantities ofexcellent land willbe reclaimed, and facilities given to

ed the planters to transport the ground staples of the state

r to market at a eheap rate.One of the first objects of int.mal improvement is the hi

a" New Orleans and Nashville Rail Road, which is ad- at

vancing with fine prosprets,and from its magnitude and ugeneral utility demands particular notice. This great inwork has been commenced by private enterprise, sup- C

t- ported by the city of New Orleans, and a small loanof State Bonds, the payment of which is well secured. tIt has now nearly reached the Pass Manehne, which is

a fair test of its practicability: and when it reaches cthe Pine Woods beyond, it will open a new world to hthe city, and a profiable market for the country. It wonly requires legislative atteation without any actual ts oudtlay from the treasury, tecarryr this noble roid into

tile the heart of the stateofMisisimppi. We understanded a project will be submitted to the Legislature for the lm

nd means of its advancement, without, in any degrees 1Sburthening the stelate with a peeuniary debt. Other rail f

ils roads are in progress which require the fostering aid of

ge- government.The Banks have all come to a specie standard and re-

quire but little legislattve interposition. A strict ex-nUe aminallon, with a view to eoreet any local .buses, ptch I

asn faveritism, or irregular banking is the most that is aerequired. The currney is now as gorm as locathankscan make it.

ae The Judiciary eslls loudly for reform: especial.

e- ly the supreme Judicial tribunnl. We learn that

there are upward of two hnndred causes on the So.

wn preme Court docket, pending an appeal in the E•e.

tier tern District at New Orleans, alone. That one of

ion the terms failed in the Western District this fall,can and many important causea were continued overen- in the other at Alexandria, and remain undecided.

Ins, Thus a prompt and eficient administration of jrs-r td, lice is denied to the people, who have a right to

tile demand it in all its purity and vioetr. The Coneti-aye Itnion provides amply for an efficient Supreme

Court with competent salaries to its memhers; andjustice should no longer be withheld. The pres-

teesto ent organization ofthe Court seems to want revi.

ace sion. More jud ec are authorised by the Consti.

nter trution, and a full bench is imperiously demanded

ng, by the present state of the punrlic husin es. Som e

raly of the present incumbents are ineffieient and shouldos.- resign, that other and more capable men might heppi, selected to fill their pisaces. One of the judges,or whom we esteem as an enlightensd jurist and ex-of cellent man has antnounced his resignation to take

tire place this mnth. Would it not be well for allight nowin offic to surrender their commissions andram allow a new and complete organlinlionn to takebas place. We would recommend that a law he ed,providing that the Supremoe Court shall hereaf-

his ter consist of a Chief Justice and foarur Associateer-t Judges; the chief justice to be appointed without

the reference to thore now in commirsion, and -

not t no the sh!rest jlr;hitsiiof r te tle. In,

and annur nu Pricientt, and a~e Cou•t .,j *;

yhd 0 ' '., .nte of the country, and

J t would commntrr! the corfidence and respect

sin hie phopas.r of The great and inestimable privilege of freemen.

aaid the RIGHT OF SUFFRAGE wants revision.

llt WVhilst it is enlarged to the extent permitted by thethe Constitution, it should be made at the same timen in togive equal rights and privileges to all. The

U. recent practice of v,tinc on joint ptrchases ef pub-

pro. lie land operates unequally. In some places it is

nfli- permitted and in rther parts of the state it is not

Srif authlrised, irindeed thought of. This produces

nse- inequality of right and great injtlsice to manyatre citizens. A law should be passed defining and

tred limiting therighr t stuffrage under the Constitu-

rtif ion soas lto make ii uniform and equal through-

nre out the state.I- We have thussuggested twot or three trpies for

Iled the ' pres ent, ad will pursue the matter further,

the hereaeter, if expedient.

./lfairs o llarrisbturgh. A propositio . was nrladby the members of the Pennsylvanan L.itlntetrei I

who elected '. S. Cunninghlam Spieaker, to IheLocolocos. which the latter deolined, itht th twospeakers elected by their respective parties shouldresign, and that the members whose seart wereundisputed should proceed to elect a speaker--that

a special law be passed to provide for contentinglthe rights to seats in the legislature--or as an al-lercative both sats from the county of philade'-

phia to resign and a writ for a new election to be ttssued. The proposition includJed the following t

provisioos:That until the committee to be appointed to in.

vestig;te the right to said contested seatse shallhave reported: or until a new election shall behad, and thie returns thereof received, as the ase Imay be, no bills of a party nature shall be passd;nor shall a Sl ate Treasurer, or a United States Se-natnr be elector.

In case if a resignation of the respective partiesclaimingi to be tetreesentaives from tile couuny ofPhiladelphia, both houses, if the Senate agree,snall adjourn on the 24th inst. to teet againi onthe lth or 10th of Jannary, to allow time fr a no welection in said county; and ttttmelntloiy al:erthe cum mitteeea n above provided fr, shall reprtt ;or the returns of said elect;ot fr peihake.r andIother olficers of the house, shall be had, to serveIfr the remainder of the session-unlil whcI, eCII.Cliun none of the standing commliticc shall be aip.poltted.'

This proposition as we before remarkd w redeclined. On the tweny fiftlt, the S trite,after a protracted discussion decidled by a yut if17 to 18, to recognise the 'Flnpkins i lsr.' TheLocos, of course, triumphIed in the dieraee if th ircountry. The result is to be inourntld, ti the de.mocracy were determlined to carry thri.ghll theirhigh handed measuree,and they encounleret ,lsonepliant tools whom thae bought up, in order to gaina quorumn. If ever men deserved to have blacklines drawn around their namtes, these minions of

eairdid selfishness deserve perpetual oplproblrinum.Mr. Wagner the Senator fur the ascnd district

composed of the eunty of Philadelphia, resignedhis seat. Mr. Hanna alson from Plhilalelphts countyaddressed a note to the chairman t of the i coftrui-tee appointed to inviestigate his claims to a seant,Ideclining to offer any tIrther evidence on th e stl .

ject of the subject of the contreted electini, butstill alleging hia clait•i. lHe conasidered the pst

taken by a portion of the committer, as prejudginghis case.

Mr. Casset, senator from Adams ceunty was

found dead iut his hed on the morntingp of lth; 0th.

LATEST FROIt MEXIC;O.By the arrival of schooners Cora and Balian, the for.

mer from Metamoras, the latter fromt St. Juan d'Ullua,we have received the following itees:

The Cora left on the 'hith ult. Every thing wars Ier-fect!y quiet at that date. The Federals w th a force of900 men hlad surrounded PMetamorse. The same parlyhad succeeded in taking Victoria. Santa Anut with10,0110 men was stationed three miles tlisint from VeraCruz. He had issued a proclamation, de!taing his die-termination to fightt to the last in defence of his gover n-menrt against the alleged unjust claims set ip by tiheFrench. Gen. Urrealhad full ant peaceablre lIo sessioillofTampico. An English frigate was at St. Ju en whenthIeBaliza sailed. The schooner WVatchlman was t-.king in specie and passengers at PMetamoras, and wasisoon to clear for this port.

Afr. Rives, who mayjustly he considered nee of theleaders of the conservative party,han thrown himself intthe front rank of those opposed to the chimerical selhe-mings of the alministration. Ie is tncolmproitt.ingin hit determination against the fallacies proposed byiMr. Van ouran, and draws a line betweern the party

who defend the seats and meauurea of the President andthe people, which at once sets at reet it idea that hetscould ever be wiled back to sustain such an alinfnis..rtation.

It is stated that Allan MeNah distinguished in theCaroline affair on Nisgara river, and kniehred for thesame,has been shot. lie is the saeond of tihe promi-.ens actors in that affair, who has fallen by tihe handsof the aassauin. Another paper statest:at the treprltis without any morn foundation than that his carriat•was stOpped, but Sir Allan ass not there!

,. CainAl a Tzras• l-•o Saturday evenetng Ithe 'temple' was well filled, jhe whrle of the ex. Gtensive pit being occupied by tie Firemen to•whom.. Mr. Caldwell had thr wn open the doorstihat evening. The ploy of he' Poour Gentilemrn•went off with great splirit, and Mr. Fin's hum- Rorous song of 'The Firenman' was enthusiasticallyo cot•d. A general call was then made for MrC.i ,l ath irnloe forward and in a very ip-pr., ,',at a ' hanudslme manner expressed hlis M"raude t lire Depar ment for tlreir exer.

ions ro aving the spletndid Temple of theDrums in which they were then sitting, and an.nouneed that the complthent he had offeredthem that evening, wee lut preliminary to al

fnllter expreeslon of his grateful feeling-that a Ilto cae a0ns•IT would be shortly given to the Firer g'

Associati o n, an institution whose formation heto had aided in forming, and whose advancement Is

d. and perpetuity he should always continue to

ud urge. He ealo stated that he should take a paertat in the performances on that occasion. Whet' Mr. R

P Caldwell appeared entd when he retired,long andtn loud were the cheers which resounded through a

the St.Charles. Theenthusiasm with which he

, was greeted must heve been most gratifying tot him. The evening's ent(rtainments concludedIt with the Adopted Child,i which J. R. ScottraI curtained the part of Michael with fine effectr.

LeIcomple's BeneJft takes place at the Camp thisIre evening, when she will slpear in La Sylphide.tee The bare enuneiation of the fact is enough toall fill the house-of

atroineal Rote. Sonme misunderstanding oc-re. curred between the eudience and the "menage-

e. m

rent" of the National Theatre, N. Y., occasionedoh by the announce ment of a b•nefit for Mr. el, which did not take place. The uproar was ofeke the me.. . egn(fientf kindl hut thtere wee e. .s.-

. lenee, and the tumult wns quelled by Mr. Wal-

at lck promising a th umpina benefit t Mr. Mitchel.

3n. Augusta took her benefit at the Park on the 24th,s. as Lc Sylphide. Sithe ie charming creature, andof should have made her way to New Orleans, erenI, this.

ver A handsome present -A beautiful laiquet wased. thrown to Miess Sheriff front one of the private houes,te- at the National, N. Y., on thl evening of the 23d. Theto force with which it had been thrown, broke the silk

sti- with which it was circled, ltd the whole fell to It was then discovered that besides the flowers, which

tnd of themselves were no small subjects of curiosity andrees admiration at this season of the year, there were vari-

i. ous articles of jewelry, consisting of a necklace andcross. shaded with emera'lds anrd diamonds, to the val-otie o fet least $300.

me a TH REuvGaTTA.-- Mobile hast sent over her elite,

old who with the Ariel of this city will corntend in a

the race, to comle of l opposite Coerrnllt)n tormorrrow,

s, .Ifor an rler ,nnt silver pitrlher. HSom othe r boats

re- nreapkrn ,f,-, poocible roprrir .rrit r fr the pr z^.tle tlost e mentt.onr d above are lr

n:v entterer. Inr

all print of argese tile Mlrotle itrns hve rather the

nnd ndvrntaeg., but thoie who lnurl ihe N, re ()rlrons

ike barge, say thr t thiey shaltl not heratr l the prize

,e. without " a puIl." 'iThe diita:ce will be three

aTf- miles-or one mnile and a half up the river, arndite return. Tihe W,.rather poriniea to r be nvitiing, randloout the roncourse t,o witrnes thin exn io;g nd intern•

r.. g trial of se.rl. wrill ii'"' ,. tie vOrty g rat.

Tnr,.r Chrlies Blrooks hho been rppoint d Irre-Ifesor of Naturarl History itt the University of tie City

aid el New York.

We learn by a -lip fronm the Louisville Ganette af the29th ult. that thu case otf Meners. Will insnn and M51r-daugh for the killing of Rothwell nd tMeeks hnd jnntrclosed before the examniinig ('ourt, Judge Jn.yen pre-siding. Doctor Wilkinson wandtenlarged, Judge 2Wil-kinson and dMr. Murdtnugh were held in bail, the frnmrin $50,000C, the itter in $5,0110. The bail was giventaud the prisonern left the Itonse without diturbannce.

'Tnn PorVr.ATIn or CNctnanat in esimn ted by tihe aPost at 50.0110. We know eon.ething lf that city, and athink 35,000 wo Ild he a nrfer e.tinlnmt. 5011.I001 Whythe pork tite a sould begin to feel as thou;t h rile Iightin a few years, tnead on nurnheeln! WVlhen Ihne ,t•rs,'cmlne rnnnd, she lany throw in her lhon nad ll, ntlonnt

gaze at New Onlennn in pnerl areliveThe Cincinnali News callithn Iedllouin Ar,ls a

Ina.b •,nonusrerron;a ; Itnili dtituyan-• ni•euswh •l e wr as tI , . q p Ir'.

The Oiin Jltrcr--F't,,i' P n,'-en alrid W\ nt' Piige. l[mrrrir t of thelln dLll nln., ten, t'"I1p lhe

fola wilng lltie n f ithe sla e ul tling•S ul l t it .ville:

"Thi, Iliver on laen Anlnday froze vler, annd illntthit time tlhe weathltr has been coll and nt.ei,:e has entinued tothicken. Yeaterd -y mInrlnoe

an nertern wind prevailed, and al.but nine .'clock

it commenced snowing. I hlie prospect is of a hb'.v) fall of snow. It is quite probahle, that thesnow rllay and ill rain, Tne wind cones from theeast and the weather lihes already motlderted. Onthe other hand, if we should have rain, it may clearoffeld, so that it is nmt possible to form a cncjec-ture as to the openinllf navigatinn."

Commandant of the Welt India Squadron -T'heNorfolk Herald states that Commodore nhuhrick, whowas appointed to the command of the WVet IndiaSquadron, arrived there on the 23n1 in thlie Steamboat

olmhia, fromnt Washingtnn, and will sail for his desti-nation in the Meaedonian, an soon as that ship can begot rredy.

The British Queen e Ileetrmined to niagment tilheNn.v, with a view of re-ilfinreinc the fl-ets in thieMediterranean, the Indias, and alacswhere. \Vbatt haslittle Vic inl view Ieside ?

Col. Totten has nnlterrd no his duties as hief of tileU. S. Engineer I)epanrnnet.t in place of Col. (I rntiatremoved.

Fire at Lynahburg.a.-nA fir. lnaltnn.d io l.varnttnrga. att the l

tllh nult. aille Intai nn' " lnlfnne oa ihe tlnwll

in ashes. Manyfthellt citizent were left wtihout hou-see in which to shelter their fnamilies.

iFrom Teat. Wen. Dryan Esq. of tllis city hasbh-en appointed Consel.

lir. WVilson fromnt lrriseh(e, has hernexpelledfrom the Senate for using profane lncnutage andresisting the officers of the chahmber. The aur-

deter, Cok. of Mii-'istiplli. has been nprehr.ndedat Galveeslrn. A collcea haa beent recoammendl, din the bill hbefore Cnreess, toI be inastiated

n pprd t bppirtedl he anlp• ofthe npi'lie domanin. Pres-ident Lamnnrlhas instead a precinua Iong n•tssage.Hie esquin'e at Alexico-segngesting that she has stilli hankering after the lcnqueta of Trxas,and rath.

er intinanting that the new R. pnublic may find it Inher interest to earry the war into the cnenny't


Thomns Ilulter inawho mad red a l r Whire in ahagnin ni Cnecinneti, has been arrested near Jeff r-sonvitle I , and lodged in jail

Cod Fish. Fresh Clodfish will lie offered ftrsale at the tnd Munieipality anllket hLosea, this

mornian,sby way of experiment. Of course thereare Ilvers of this delicaey a ho will not suffur theexperiment to fail.

A hank has been organized at Albany, N. Y,under the general Banking law, entitled the Ex-

' change Bank, with a capital of $100 000 with theprivilege f increasing it to $10,000,000!

D. C. Mitchel and S. T. McAlister, ofNatehezihave purchased tihe ship Ambassador, at $35,000,with the intention of running her in the line fromthat place to Liverpool.

Governor McNutt, of Mississippi, offers a re-

ward of $300 for thll apprehension of Hcram Hobbsof Pine county, of that state. He is described as"45 years old, 6 fee I inch in height, square shoul-deted, thin visaged, singular voice, dank comnplex-inn and eyes, drun•ard, gambler, &c ." Truly hei is a rum one and i supposed to be gone to Texas.

The Rail Road. Attention is being directedto this most important work, at the North. The

y uncertainty of the navigation of our rivers wasr never more forcibly illustrated, than during the

d present season. the importance of having othern nodeoftransporetttion has been rendered singu-

aIrly apparent. The products of the west areshut out from the!rnatural depot, and the fertilevalley of the Ohio is suffering for the productionsSof our clime, and those necessariee which are

i. alone procured via New Orleans. Shall the imin pereant work, which is to obviate these dflniculties,rt be suffred to be passed by with indifference bya our Logislature We look tar smrae of the man-i

ear spirits to taka itup inseatnet.


M P. and MUME, LeCO, TE,

Respectfully announce to thei ends andthe inhabitants of the City ncrally, Sir

Sthat their BENEFIT wi takeplace on .


When will be produced fo bd h. isattime the opera-bal•f

LA SYLPH •E!SWith newSernery and ecaorations, hih Madame LL.crm p1re will peorm th S id, aeat in two

I grand pam.a Moas. MARTIN, iit will anlso appear in two grandpol, asa4d by

a Mii J.R. ItNBULL, ESI and a nurerous aorle detballet. Tie ••llpal sctenel

tof the celebratled ballet ofLa Sylnhide itae Aeaderayr. Royal of 'arie have been introduead, ai all the oen-

d ginal Music of Schneitgoefler. 'lhe d i sa sadd 't-Sblaux cmposed by Mradame Lecopte and buglhta out ulder lrr iarmediate diirectior. jS--2I

aI Great Attractio !•IN CONILE STREET, NEAR HO PI'rAL.

o Ocelot.- T | v:s s .

h1 n a nd Hit a1d wll neu no Sud an. e amlt,

el. 1trr, and wilrl.rr e ri trpn • trc few dtavs uh'.

T .ew ho ire ndrofNaturrlrr lis ur,will do wclh, tvan s aII r rlradrlt exlr tire mart erxtesive ald rare

d Spl mneratis of Naturar l Ii slry ever offered, ai s tte, •Ilr e i

r rmnin but a few dayra

tre Ci)pn frrom I till 5, anrd at early candle light.Admittance ".3cts.-h-ildliren and serva to, halT prico.

Jan r-ital,



J; JOCKEY CLUB RACES!!n It t I.1'Sli COURt E.r.'

z ̂ . I'n t ic u lnt' in d i e t im , N . < ; I V :

1 ,



I rur-


lve m r FEA, l; lmV to lhig'de or, , No. 18, you ate, t i l hereb lr d tlrr II rIIoIu Jr ilm rad e tll d .Ieviar l."" (n I I i I) A i, the !8lt ,tl1 iui rrI ', inst. at I

tIl e t o'slr k , p rer rl yel , +\ . 1 .iii tu ll ,i Orrlrl. it tZrIa +

Ind il lhlr -i pt 1)1' l+ n ItIslt the ,tI t larl ll,'+' llhrntre, it11d Chares •ire Sr t. Y older f 'a i r ('r .

'ry ri " Jiri CN it's Circut,.

irt f'N4ciari. rtll a Co'a CiIr( rsM rth


1`t, IIloI 01 , by" ,.,of Crude and Ii uap~ilnl atreeta, by no eelliaaellsoompoly of Equoorojo

Ilig Malster, Word,Cl~own, '414411400I)Dates ooen ll parolR o1,lork. potfarouooe to r oot- `

nwnen. at 7. At it it tameVC Itaxes Ooe dalllnr. (:lhildtrn itsihalf lir l e I ', Fifty resits. 495.

*' Arolmal1c ne ul"Iho s, abet.. l I,o, o 1Fi 1 " 1I aoe 0,ro44lt 0 4 ouir,l ill hehld at1 the P Is,

dram Asylumo, ool WI,. ,..4ov the I lbt ileol betweeo 1ith uiso I.. .roil 'loeeoo-rrie pi ,o po. o rlrelt s

UiII Outuilr IIo ooLI.o, 4. th 4,ltn r, ear.14 j5-I

rGNIF: DlES P'(1.lUPIVES lIE LA N. ORLE.( Nar ES ction. itO 4401444 aIr l resent lulifi0s41440. 1

Fe.rrier piru.l ,; , Ii Bureaou de la Com .gaiesI,1 ue tilt l'aaga.)

_____ C:. I. TR(ACY, Sre./7 Fl-wi; a'oh l'e l'i,,oooa'a lo,,,eoeeo (.'uopoy of! fl 1 Noe Nooroan lsl.- 1,11.1 alu ol la sIo e herebyI .oliftyd,Itor 10' ,-14a1 INTA~tr 001,10.41,0ad

tCo,. aoo, -ICompoopolr.e e It I IEItACE, tIIy11 _ _ 8eL'y f N

SAB ANA (C4F1EE-31110 Iau 44ri4eqality,in storeo, and for sale by

j.ol AIIS1 hil XI 14rl4lf:l, 31 44 1'

y OIIAACC)- -4U Luxes Vl!giulIR I'ollucru, nsnm't-d-, fi

jet ABRIAHAMI '1'IIIEel, 34 i:l vier at

(UN9 4. B iAGS-14 boide (Dann Ilaer, of luo e f?f uml prime te reI, suitbleho lila Snit, by

ja .1 iIt1U1.I IIS Illntsn r4 t 1I)II.-39 teals suit eor olro.iued apo*rot oil, \rearru d

4lpoe I b~i ,4 Bun sti 4'roi ,, its,I c4,0 0sby jut 1 ISRII1l)l"5 \" r,,131 Ml~gazine et ri1S'IIt. I" lSi~lil:- I.1,ft she rllllll 01 L'II-\ HI.I-? I

j 15UI,' lllru.Illb. to al,1 al rIet o4,o- It1orva, aftut l aet ho I I, lt,111 .Ie 11 11 rd f-e4,ondl tIll y,,lff, ot cli.,o, aI wII,.,S I,,'lter A spt,abullt the sioo oIis d.,llaruo ye his, ItII eooo i Jreltie .1

joai Tll Dollar, 'll varl mid lit, piles ( slo un [ r.too lnll w o wrrlll rtr hsIIt(Iaie l td u al nonhee pr i" ail. at


A1.ANlOIll( U,1.-o75 elerook 'ol 'aoer's i,.j.7 rjR1 'J93 C0111111 0 llee_

4S. of the00argo of IIh. baqrqu iyohju, a lI riu sle0by j..4 1. A GAILE, 9.1 CommoiltRSo t r

otte,'o teeby LEVI 11 (.AI.4..ja4 93 C'44000 01111 4.4 (Ili 415 -li-I Ili aiio iorsloolrh ,

II 11 1); 14, 41 :`. ',Ne Level

II',R 411144b 0)Us loll, 44,444,t ;.IO lr 'salt

ja '\VH0 4T1I1412E & Cu, 741 .4Ieeoo.z 0

j II;1* I Ldlil Ii fI raeI7L4 moisle Y.i-t'in role I,,ij__ S& 3 I' 19 I44I11. KY, 7:31.4441445

'%iA n'I'Ellr-. 1 ..,i,,d 4yolo-le se t,.t, t,, I.. Ibo4 444l4 fa sma0ll famttiy; ,4pp~ly yl Nol4ii ClIottree8

INIf E14I UIL-LCt'pprero te a R Il:el, lo4 elul,LJ andlur sae by Ut111sLY,_ _ _ _ "1INew l eve.

NTIIIIACITI- COAL l.RO 1,4 , 4.4 114th bI't 91,11.A si4 oero,-r, Cool., toling fr44m44barq::;ii,,,n.b,froom Philadelpbhia, otr allove if toa o the La ts,by IIOL9IEo & 1114.l.4,


GIRAND It o goll i0 t444440 off at 0 orrItou onthe 7th Jan., (rsen 41a all fooo, sar1d club houos,

roweold by ,,,ole ooOtarsen, for a prize ofa riioor Pitlh.or ,,,,d saIver. The following ollleieo bae alreody bee,,

I hoFAriel fooa Club, of Noo Ooroo, 0440r 1110theirour oared boat nAriel.

h'e 4 SE0RIFT 0ROAr CLUB, of Iolailo rotor I.eirfour )tired bou Ilut FAIRY.

SITo'41 AV0 U' .1, of lobliI,,, t ter, thoir boot Coo.

:I11414444a orthi race4* be m iide - ii-or 7eOtethe Jhll ll .1 n ul IIlill'v

IJX( -IANI; N~ MI,., 40.4,7. II 44014 do4,~ oig~ll,1jor roboby- crI;'"! ' N& VERY,

J'S St3 Gtovier 1`l

St. Charles Theatre.'I'THs EVENING, JAN. 7,

Will be pelornlmed the IlelutlilfTl Pla'y ofA NEW WAY TO PAY OLD DEBTS.

Sir Giles Overreach, Mr. 3 RI Scott,Wehlb rur llarrism,AlirlI, Farren,Sreedy. (well,

Lady Allworth, Mrs. Cowell,Margaret, lluomer.

An Overture by the Orchestra

drand Pas sent, by Mad'le Ravenos.

To conclude with the new Piece of

NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS.Admiral Kingston, Mr. Fine,Linst. Kingston, Brnwne,o Short, Cowel.

Miss Mortimer, Mrs. Plumer.


,. No. 3, Camp St.I. 'ILL engrave na Irint to order, bank notes, bills

S L ofaexcalangr-, bills of Indillng, liplooms, m'ecant

it tile end nisiineg cards. natari I, cOiulan r ,rd corstlnghouse ssals, door plates, silver ware, ie.. always onhand, an assartsent of silver pleted eid brass dooeer

P• Cards pr;nted from plates already engraved.nov20

CITY BANK,New tirlr-e, lib1 Dei. 183:1.L

lll E Brl rd c if Dir ittrs rf this Illelaitrimr B. r dtcelnreerde Il.vell adrif 'l'cteer pe rieit on

sln Ce ri thr rri. lieatlh tFr 'li Sir' h,,I.l.s, or

tliir *,,gii irpIie i ruire Ii rcl i r 'r o i i.rl\tdrr, it -lisle

(tP (711", 111 39. 1l• .J. '.1 .l, IF",,: A ~ "f.

N NFORIIMA'TION WANTED.. .i ,' PA'I'R.CK cCANN, who loft New York

fl' r tiis city, about the mnirlclo of Orrnlrer

last, and has not since iheer heard from. Aay in.

foremtini left at this olfle concerning hint will

hr theI' l•: lly receivnd by his wife, (who is now in

tloi elly.) lnouldl this m, et his sye Ihe is earnestlyrnerl!Rmied ti) iilinie knownI to hlir hils place l

, Dressc & MasquleradIe all,A"" V 4IIINGTON IIALL RIO3144SIt. PIrilip treet, IbeiwePrl IRvyal & Ilillrlhn.

I i'll 1: l l l'r oflthe nb,,w" IIII1; Ihrll IRi. n, 1 •.rn .-I al to ' I f,i i e, r i' e rlr'rei ' tre bairic l' l Ilien 'r rale

Is. Ir eI nl lr iner ihriiled e l him forIci i rr,, l ri-n ,

ri. e. 4,ftllv itlfirlmus th n tb hrIIIl,, erthbli hatrl.t h.,a

r e,. -ll l .rien r ir r tI' IIIrril I O Ii' ll h i f v:ithlr ir h I Inbly e ie 11, i1 ,ll iii i ,' e t r li rer. , hlil I•lr ,i•i lIill ill .i

kel, l I 1v ore ahhlr-t I{, l um ~mmi111 ill IIr c I'uiv4 l *IroTir l -,; ,,e o,,ill r-lc i i oll SiI aIdILy yri Ir : Ill ofNuvenerl n-r iairsie INIlANI II ) 1 )_1S & M'ANSII.UI'IAI1' iALL,nod will tbke prrlu,,P. l u (. vtr, ,lovldov, Wedneo-

inillE neli'•'r rlmP tir Ir'llrhlcli tile l.l llir l lllu lll, ireo -u

Ja.LInl. I iiliel' tir IlliJ

N. II. The enier ae'onirrnion will Ie nil 'i keep-

inig prrf'iet order thrnughulr thirr sIre alirili aenit, was5 done I.oglltltnl ll

I For mle hIy l J i' VIIITNEY,d 18 Ti tip et

y NUa 'I, r --'I'I•N ,I r a ,'ru II ciii li1 15 IlIi, spirile

TaR ._hlh . ( n'!! l 11 1 hh r rI'nl ' i ll ire S IIe ibyJ IRVIS & . t, i1 V". •i ,

d11l8 r. . ( 'u.nI&'T"llipitolsuln ll ae

SAItl)--I2 k,-'. mad I In ii lirs rate mriel', Iin

ls orle hry ). li. ll.IS.9,

1 I Uc ." .• 111,11 1 i r • . ! ri m ,m i mII rrniiU , IiaIles below the rIite h lire reli Ir

dl AI)AtiA & Will 1A;' I., 67 iranvier At

NEW OiRLEANS & NAsIIVl.LE 1I- IA I1R(AD),I b"claber sI, 1838.

OTICE-- o Colntractor>---iid pllposial willI r.( cived Ilunil the rIrd ml Jlllliery, 1839, for

mi king tIhe iluplrsiruct ire,rl ,IiIn li I I len irilrh ofRoade; ciolllll llue ig il, liPosuiirlithie anrld extending to-w iird, thi t ity.

SI iritililln uln bIre cure , oild rlen lilons madeknowia f Iii mihi,areturn It lthir millrit. I) 1l(OA III),

il -liin ('i. .ngr. and Iltri. Snper'dt.

-vIV ,.I S''ll, AII -IWiI+S--I-'Fr, grrrnwd -rnrl ni and ,u1ckhiXt Xilliur, burs- l-e"l,adppelae

oril ats al d nlllll, 1 ii Ti rliillr , iawinlg: tild rind

i. g done n wusul.All n I lr, inrl' eenr h arepiir edl riiglie. jeluni.

nlly n l , yl .1 (ITT Tivoli Circle.

I +I"- ; --!;I - -~+•c " "AlMlT F I Ih l IIt.b.i, (t Lelan id I . Iillin l ,14f linodSat. A I) 1 N II(RMIt,. ulh Id li e. h.o olwner is,

( Ale u Io r fill ' iii ,lrl l'.l'elli'r ery, I' chlnrgeil

01. Sierts, lAn. II w u p1 r ial, r rll. iieed le r sle niyjl i 11I il

lhll' 1 11 Ii (", ' c1 1 3 cln• irg t ieitllA

j lll •--I.,d -luai i i

I , 4 I ns- e f fneslis

j I IInI GI, ' 'r . 131 hi urn'lin r At' I 1' ill . 'd t I I.Ii 1 ii • I , ll. i n i leI

I1: (' m1+ 1I! I n

_ 1 ( 11. 1, m. , rtn1 I,.

lI Inll. tr Ii i h - vini .

T gthrl wihlli m rtii n t of cu 1 e-. Firet1 Nil II I Cl U lt ,6Mgnzine Aiti

t1 1E i- II, il II I 'rin ipe ig re,

cr )I I i 1 , .e i' l, " I 'i

inin :.5 ale

li I'Ihe:l(-Ill keg, eiiiiccc.l r beet qualitrorner liClE- rli r l ' It niorhe. ire r 'ei

eailddrn r h Alee ; r1i hesa lrrrinnl r er W clilsl 'n? ivto rent . with

_5. 1,1u h.; I hIne llll', dX ridgeI . l ll itll l untiIgts. ire,l F7 . r bIrl I+ An• lbrIll mensl .I urle .:Jai n s eh~wd,.

I . joa5cor n odwh r 1 Iaib 'A r Cane.

1.0l Il 1i hl21, ai ll 11 r , ei. \ ilrl h ll, allowhd(1( J. I llIlhllli ' .l \'(I l;, 1 [I ln iie cc

I I fr ni ' c mallti ul,- ri-i' I nR eiua i ,e

,l I "t tl il .IX I'littER, 49Iisrer at

lit n X ,_.. .. . .. ,l+ N++ . IiIXIXI._ 441' e _' _ ,ai 5_ 5

I g I'1. I t1•451' In Li..

.)N h.'l ltl)Ytl , Jaiu r0" l -th, I::1iintherityF :x hnge. , St. Lnis mtre;:, nt 1'2 ,'luk. Tir .

ieligibly sitnuated , l- JeTroal on 1i,.l seetl , near lhenI c olNr

f , aroI ne( I street. n itth


rall I halr l side Irlonlthe river. T'h,

" inilsrivtmlw lentyl

s c

Is -i

o it lirne brick

w rehoos11ni oil t(iet rear of no11r lul the lots, ada fraLII lnod(ellhng house on ithe fllait 1of tt,,o lotf l lots with tlo;orr kitchens. T hei. Io shich are nlow 1enteder lmlvo hu hed d l n ros 7 )el a,

Lit No. I llln'urs

- , lt i icheiP llnd 7 lines.fro+ntl Ib)y 127 firct 9) il,,h 1, in i,, rwe or hiDs.

frollt by 1'7 f et 7 ilnc' h .,

ill dellth nl thi e liio line, n1d15J IBct icfhee, and 3 linlle ll on tle otullr line, nlore or

Lot No. 4 mn-eaut

rs L :

G.-' f inlhes and 7 lines, front

lv 15) feel 8 liin'hi' lun :3 lill' in . i. ti, nrell.r or lnss.F'i( i)--lt'in vnlll e lt• ioif .Iiroiunilli.' ii Alugazinne &

LoF t ,o. I : 1 l L3~e1ai e a 1or-, malsurel Q.5 ftll frontht ii"o 1 tlt) i11 dellth.

I oil No. 22 diltto.Lot :no. 36;o, l'e1..ity t.'I jho.l's the nihove thiree

e f-ri o ithle othir line.S

it N•l 3 I7 Ill ifiily set mlll'eas

ure in lfrinrt,f7 feetS3 inlcs L by I(;i lel in t th, on one line, anId 15

elte o l lt. e l tclrahvl llln'I sii i wih ll tn li .tritle lUL.n, per

pl iai which will b. e exihile oi the. day ioii i..' i'T'l+t:MIS-Onelirmtthan-h--hnlantte- in 12, 18, 24, 311

and 31; nIonlihb cre, t--- 'ithOul ilnterest, for notes atio-I fnctorily edlllllrd Il l eain ring las••n l .n inl piay.-i11ent. If the iest ren. i+t pI liat n.inility they shallbeorinterest at lhe rate o1 II) per cent pct anm11um, froumt

i1 Pelvdrts 1relttl ,llljoinll1'-' the, 1lllllO4i+ (.'ll rrh,thl o lot

Slllu +.ul.(,s 25 Ier 7 inches f,.nt I•.e I, l , l h in lie h,

mnre or less, the house is l glod two story frailll s illilF.'ileg with, Ilttlies an1d1 tno st

o ry kilchlrn:, the purlor nrt.

a dra, withot i nail dnti.Lr p irnidn ted

8iullo:l with nlanrbte Il i I Jpn sLJ ti illi i

i The iiiiprntivn'i limit.e in.'.; I'h'I pamlrtedm , mnil led!

ip a nd ore nof ill firsnt rale i.'-r, fUr. Illt n u a ignld

'i teant for nle )car fan tIeI iil I N ientber Insi, at

the raite ofnF$L'-1i t'e orair, -Uyaiei. in. ithli. Ther, is

i in he yn rd i hivl'tr illl 11 eiito i ii rn 1I1 i tite; .

n 'L,:IS a--(t:a fimlh roil, lph, huh.sore aled rle baSyearn, wminmo n ilerestl, trior lo"'art lily tendolltredand hberiiig ilaitn•ee till fn I a Iuai.a ashnuld thoi.tera not bi pid ati iiit'y Iiheyi a slall hiar atthe ruee ,of Ill pitr Cnoi I.r n .allaUU. illl niiaid timi tilLpid.

Act aofnlrai ihr betnb p issed I.eft II. Ii. Coatha, Esq.,INotnry lr'bli, ati the reiin e if h 'il lr'hll pr .

N.o. It r If ll itse a llr nare nILi cmanlpit d nt it in 1

dua s from the dna of sil.l, they 'till be ri'nOld at Iherisk 'nd cost of tile " urceluacs.

n ._ :_J LIIAI Eli 4" ( ,

1 he O.1v .'hliiftt'r. dinietir istory, by the uthieraI iFtlhe "Subnal•er.," 6c. ill vl2lt.

tinry Itaini ol . ,laid nihier'l'no• Iby Mr Gore as o 'l ietin, a.lld [)aug ticr," 'c* illn' volt.

'hre lei;r iof 'iniil, by Ih'll nuthLurena of "'oethers

Sant t).uahhterr, "Ax. ilu Vls.All h", Veiaiin, ir ta Il llihrniilen'd alnndklrcrhil , iL

S)llitll i L aldd+d --,nricllt| IiI rinOin,o r 'h. lflne tloa•tn

'!:'ilnl bi )lims Leslie, iuhital' F'l.t'neil Slcbch-rr &:'dc illnemf val.

i, .an,. o J it a-'e n tl u• , It s r l II"1'61. 'KEn.,

SI j ani i'.r i'i ni e, at'..a t44.