commissioning wire drift chambers for use in the bethe-heitler pair production experiment

Commissioning Wire Drift Chambers for use in the Bethe-Heitler Pair Production Experiment Yash Shevde University of Virginia Dr. Bradley Sawatzky Thomas Jeerson National Accelerator Facility August 1, 2014 Abstract The Bethe-Heitler (BH) Pair Production experiment will require a det ector package consisting of 4 wir e chambers , tri gge r scint illa - tors and a data acquisition (DAQ) system as a part of the apparatus. The wire chambers have been out of use for a long duration, and the testing is vital to demonstrate that they can still be used for a real experiment. An Event Displa y soft ware (EV e) pack age will be used for this purpose. This project invo lves the recommission ing of the 4 wire chambers for experimental use, and will help develop the EVe soft war e and DAQ system for the BH experimen t. A new DAQ was developed involving a coincidence trigger with 2 scintillator paddles in order to read out the wire cham bers. Wire chamber commission ing began in parallel by owing a specic gas mixture for testing, and incrementally increasing high voltage to train them up to operational vo ltag e. The EV e sof tw are is bein g opt imi zed for spec ic usage for the wire chambe rs and the SHMS det ect or. It is see n in the tes ting that the wire chambers are in good condition to be used at full opera- tional capacity, complimented by the data acquisition system, and the Event Display software will fulll the tracking needs for the successful comple tion of the experiment . 1

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Post on 02-Jun-2018




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8/10/2019 Commissioning Wire Drift Chambers for use in the Bethe-Heitler Pair Production Experiment 1/17

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