committed to delivering affordable proton cancer therapy energy focused on saving lives

Committed to Delivering Affordable Proton Cancer Therapy Energy Focused on Saving Lives

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Page 1: Committed to Delivering Affordable Proton Cancer Therapy Energy Focused on Saving Lives

Committed to Delivering Affordable Proton Cancer Therapy

Energy Focused on Saving Lives

Page 2: Committed to Delivering Affordable Proton Cancer Therapy Energy Focused on Saving Lives

Forward looking statement

This presentation may contain certain projections and other forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, results of operations, businesses and prospects of Advanced Oncotherapy plc (“Oncotherapy” or the “Company”). These statements are based on current expectations and involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend upon circumstances that may or may not occur in the future. There are a number of factors which could cause actual results or developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Any of the assumptions underlying these forward-looking statements could prove inaccurate or incorrect and therefore any results contemplated in the forward-looking statements may not actually be achieved. Nothing contained in this presentation should be construed as a profit forecast or profit estimate. Investors or other recipients are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements contained herein. Advanced Oncotherapy undertakes no obligation to update or revise (publicly or otherwise) any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or other circumstances. Neither this presentation nor any verbal communication shall constitute an invitation or inducement to any person to subscribe for or otherwise acquire securities in Advanced Oncotherapy.

Page 3: Committed to Delivering Affordable Proton Cancer Therapy Energy Focused on Saving Lives

ADAM (A CERN Spin-off Company)


LHC (Large Hadron Collider)

27 km

14,000,000 MeV

99.9999% speed of light

LIGHT (LINAC for Image Guided Hadron Therapy)

24 meters

230 MeV

60% speed of light

Note: LHC = Large Hadron Collider; world’s most powerful accelerator invented by CERN

Page 4: Committed to Delivering Affordable Proton Cancer Therapy Energy Focused on Saving Lives

ADAM (A CERN Spin-off Company)


CERN operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world with 2,500 staff

– Created the world’s most powerful accelerator (LHC) – 14,000,000 MeV energy– A CERN scientist invented the World Wide Web

Acquisition of ADAM in 2013 – ADAM is a spin-off from CERN– Designed and built the first linear proton accelerator– Technology validated at 72 MeV in 2010 and expected to achieve 230 MeV energy

by August 2016

Note: ADAM: Application of Detectors and Accelerators to Medicine

“We are pleased to have found a partner with AVO who not only understand the technology we have developed with CERN but also the path to commercialisation of the applications of that technology”

Alberto Colussi, Chairman of ADAM

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Progress So Far


Listed on AIM; Market Cap. of c.£120m(1)

HQ in London with operations in UK, Switzerland and the US

LIGHT technology validated by LIBO prototype– Planned to be approximately one third the price and size of existing technology

Attracted leading component suppliers to achieve mass production

Entered into LOIs with world class hospital operators SUNY, BMI & Spire

Signed lease to house first LIGHT machine on Harley street, Central London – Development costs borne by Howard de Walden Estates

First full commercial purchase order with Sinophi – Hospital operator in China backed by Morgan Stanley Private Equity Asia

(1) Source: Share price per FactSet as at 28th May 2015 and no. of shares outstanding per RNS

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The Growing Cancer Market


Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death worldwide– Approximately only 50% of cancer patients predicted to survive 10 years or more(1) – 8m people are likely to have died as a result of cancer in 2012(2)

Growing incidence supported by ageing population and lifestyle– 12.7m new cancer cases in 2008 worldwide; set to grow to 21m a year by 2030(2)

– Incidence is growing particularly strongly in Asia

The global economic cost of new cancer cases in 2009 was $286bn

(1) Source: Cancer Research UK(2) Source: World Health Organisation

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X-rays, a Key Modality… Now at its Physical Limit


X-rays – One of the 3 major modalities with surgery and medication

– Used for more than 100 years– Between 1/2 and 2/3rds of cancer patients(1) receive x-


Use of energy to damage the DNA of cancer cells and kill them

X-rays travel through the patient's body on their way to the tumour, both before and after the tumour site

– Surrounding tissues exposed to radiation

Implications: short-term side effects, possibility of late carcinogenesis, possible later dysfunction in growing normal tissues and growth retardation (for children)

CT images of a child’s abdomen/spine with a neuroblastoma requiring x-rays

(1) Alone or in combination with other modalities

Health tissues are exposed to radiation as well as the cancer

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Proton, the fundamental atomic particle

Energy released by protons destroys cancer cells in the same way as x-rays

Proton technology is validated– First clinical use in 1954– More than 120,000 patients treated

to date

Less healthy tissue damaged during treatment

– Bragg-peak effect

There is a More Effective Type of Radiation Therapy

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Proton Therapy – Illustrations and Key Benefits



Better targeting to the tumour and not surrounding organs

Reduced side effects and better quality of life

Can reduce length of treatment and thus cost

Particularly beneficial – When tumours are located near critical

organs or structures (e.g. brain, heart or spinal cord)

– For children with cancers

D=0 D=50%

Teenage girl treated for medulloblastoma

Protons X-rays

Restrictive Lung Disease

0% 60%

Growth Abnormality

20% 100%

IQ Drop of 10pts at 6yrs

2% 29%

Page 10: Committed to Delivering Affordable Proton Cancer Therapy Energy Focused on Saving Lives

What Are Scientists(1) Saying?


“If the costs of existing proton facilities were to come down, then all radiotherapy will be delivered using proton technologies within the next 10 years.”

Jay Loeffler, Prof Radiation Oncology, Harvard Medical School and Department Chair at Massachusetts General Hospital

"If the costs were the same, there would be no debate. Less radiation to healthy tissue is always better for the patient."

Leonard Arzt, executive director of the National Association for Proton Therapy

“The beauty is that you can use higher doses of radiation and therefore increase cure rates, while avoiding tissues that are exquisitely sensitive to radiotherapy and therefore at high risk of side effects.”

Dr Adrian Crellin, Dean, Faculty of Oncology, Royal College of Radiologists

(1) None of these scientists are directly associated with Advanced Oncotherapy

Page 11: Committed to Delivering Affordable Proton Cancer Therapy Energy Focused on Saving Lives

Existing Proton Therapy Technology

First cyclotron built in 1930s at Berkeley First suggestion for treatment made by Robert

R. Wilson in 1946 First treatment performed at Berkeley

in 1954 and then in Sweden in 1957 FDA approval of proton therapy in 1988 on

certain cancers World’s first hospital-based proton therapy

centre was a low energy cyclotron centre for

ocular tumours

History Today

Harvard Cyclotron #2 which treated c.10,000 patients between 1970-2001

Existing cyclotron / synchrotron

technologies are very large and expensive− Weigh 200 – 300 tonnes− Extensive bunkering required− Expensive to build

• Mayo clinic to build 2 facilities for

$370m• UK government has committed

£250m to fund two proton

therapy centres− Expensive to maintain

• Complex maintenance

54 proton therapy facilities in the world

providing 121 treatment rooms (vs. 21,000

conventional radiotherapy machines)

120,000+ patients treated using proton

therapy since first use and growing− c.20% increase in patients treated p.a. 9

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Our Solution – LIGHT (Linac for Image Guided Hadron Therapy)


First linear accelerator for proton therapy – Key breakthrough vs old technologies(1)

(e.g. cyclotron/synchrotron)– Same frequency as conventional

radiotherapy LINACs

More affordable

More compact– Can fit into existing city centre hospitals

Linear Accelerator for Proton Therapy

An integrated system and turn-key solution which is modular

Lower maintenance and operating cost compared to competition

(1) Key drawbacks for old technologies: Can weigh up to 200 / 300 tonnes; Extensive bunkering required and moving parts result in complex and expensive maintenance

Precise and Dynamic Scanning Beam – More precise– Rapid variation of energy, expected to be 2-3 milliseconds– Better operational efficiency and utility

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Supporting Stakeholders – Our People



Prof Ugo Amaldi– TERA; awarded Gold Medal for

Science and Culture by the President of Italy

Dr Nick Plowman– Head of Oncology Radiation at St

Bartholomew Hospital and Senior Clinical Oncologist at Great Ormond Street Hospital

Prof Hanne Kooy(2)

– Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School (Radiation Oncology)

Prof Jay Loeffler– Professor of Radiation Oncology

at Harvard Medical School

Dr Margaret Spittle– Clinical Oncologist at UCLH and

adviser to HM Royal Navy

Leadership Team

(1) Also on the Board of Directors(2) Taking up full time position; in charge of project development

Lord David Evans, Deputy Chairman

– Newsdeskmedia Ltd.

Michael Bradfield– Hospital plan insurance


Tim Lebus– Duke Street, Deutsche Bank

Dr Henri Vanni– McKinsey, Novartis

Dr Euan Thomson– Accuray, Khosla Ventures

Prof Chris Nutting– Chair of Radiation Oncology

at The Royal Marsden

Dr Sanjeev Kanoria– McKinsey, Anadi Bank AG

Dr Mike Sinclair(1), Chairman – Totally Plc, Allied

Investments Limited, Lifetime Corporation Inc, Atlantic Medical Management LLP

Sanjeev Pandya(1), CEO– Lehman Brothers,

Surgeon, McKinsey

Nicolas Serandour(1), CFO– JPMorgan, Lazard,

Lehman Brothers

Bob Rose, Operations/ Manufacturing director

– Elekta, E2V, Vitec Group, Formula 1

Donatella Ungaro, ADAM managing director

– Based at CERN

Board of Directors

Page 14: Committed to Delivering Affordable Proton Cancer Therapy Energy Focused on Saving Lives

RF system

RF Power

LIGHT accelerator

RFQ / Proton source



Building / Installation


Other systems

Dose delivery system


Other support Cooling system, Vacuum system, Beam line,Support system, RF network


Key Component Suppliers

Note: RFQ: Radio Frequency Quadruple; SCDTL: Side Coupled Drift Tube Linac; CCL: Coupled Cavity Linac

Page 15: Committed to Delivering Affordable Proton Cancer Therapy Energy Focused on Saving Lives

The Harley Street Agreement


Harley street, one of the most prestigious medical addresses in the world…

… Will house the first next generation cancer treatment centre in the UK

Proton system to be installed into 2 standard row houses (8,000 sq. ft)− Not possible with any of the existing proton

systems currently operational

“The next generation 'LIGHT' protons look to supplant current generation technology. It is great news for UK patients that London will spearhead this advance.“

Nick Plowman, Senior Clinical Oncologist to St Bartholomew's Hospital & Great Ormond Street Hospital

− Further validation re. safety and compact size of the LIGHT machine

Cost of the redevelopment: £6-7m – borne by Howard de Walden Estate− Owns the majority of properties across a 92 acre area in London

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First Commercial Contract with Sinophi in March 2015


1st commercial sale for c.US$40 m(1)

– LIGHT system to be part of a regional oncology hospital (total investment of over $200 million) in Huai’an City

– Supporting up to 3 treatment rooms in a catchment area of 20m+ people– AVO to install and maintain the LIGHT machine once it becomes operational– AVO to receive milestone payment to support working capital requirements

Exclusive 15 year distribution agreement to be 1st tier distributor for the LIGHT system in China and a number of other countries in S.E. Asia

– Access to the large and fast-growing China market (22% of world’s newly diagnosed cancer cases)

Sinophi – a UK Healthcare consultancy and investor in Chinese hospitals– Strong healthcare and financial partners (incl. Morgan Stanley Private Equity Asia)

(1) Final price dependent on customisations and treatment options selected by Sinophi

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SUNY Upstate Medical University Hospital, New York - Letter of Exclusivity (Dec-14) to install the first LIGHT system in the highly-sought after area of Syracuse, Central New York State

− Leading academic medical centre in Central New York, serving 1.8 million people − SUNY is set to become AVO’s hub for R&D− The agreement supersedes the Letter of Intent signed earlier in the year

Spire Healthcare (Aug-13)− 39 private hospitals in the UK

BMI Healthcare (Jun-13)− 70 hospitals and healthcare facilities throughout the UK


A Growing Pipeline

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Summary of Key Milestones Achieved So Far


Dec-14Exclusivity with SUNY,



American entity set up

Aug-14Contract with


Jan-15First CCL module


Aug-13LOI from




Jul-14Contract with




Jan-15Contract with


Sep-13LOI from SUNY,

New York


CERN Scientific

Review Board

Jul-14Contract with ScandiNova

Nov-14Contract with


May-14US expansion

plan set up

Jun-13LOI from BMI

Suppliers Customers Others

Jan-15Harley Street Agreement

April 2013 May 2015

May-15£20m fund


May-15RF power testing (CCL)


Commercial sale to Sinophi

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Apr 13 Jul 13 Oct 13 Jan 14 Apr 14 Jul 14 Oct 14 Jan 15 Apr 15

AVO Share Price (GBp)

March 2015Apr 2013Acquisition of ADAM

Aug - Sep 2013LOIs from Spire and


Jul - Aug 2014Contracts with ICT,

ScandiNova & Toshiba

Jan 2015Harley Street Agreement

Mar 2015Sale to Sinophi


8.8p(25th June 15)


Source: FactSet as at 25th June 2015(1) % growth between 1st April 2013 and 25th June 2015

Share Price Performance (April 2013 – Present)


Page 20: Committed to Delivering Affordable Proton Cancer Therapy Energy Focused on Saving Lives

Clear Path for Delivering the First LIGHT System

Supporting system

Proton Source

RF Power






LIGHT machine

Jan-15 Feb-15 May-15 Jun-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Mar-16 Q1/2-17 Q3/4:17

Integration and testing (up to end 2016)

Ready 1st testing1


Facility design2


Ready for integration


3Ready 1st testing4


Ready for high power



Construction commenced







Ready for high power



Facility ready10


Regulatory 11


First patient


Key:P – milestone achieved

Page 21: Committed to Delivering Affordable Proton Cancer Therapy Energy Focused on Saving Lives

Global market with strong growth characteristics

Proton therapy set to transform the market for cancer treatment

Technology already validated by LIBO prototype

Disruptive – significant advantages over competition

Close collaboration with first class global suppliers

First commercial contract signed and various LOIs with highly recognised customers

Highly recognised and experienced management team

Track-record of creating value and clear strategy to meet corporate objectives

In Summary – Why Advanced Oncotherapy?


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Page 23: Committed to Delivering Affordable Proton Cancer Therapy Energy Focused on Saving Lives

54 Proton Therapy Centres Worldwide

Country Number of Proton Centres

China 1

Czech Republic 1

France 2

Germany 7

Italy 2

Japan 13

South Korea 2

Poland 1

Russia 2

Saudi Arabia 1

South Africa 1

Sweden 1

Switzerland 1

Taiwan 1

USA 18


Page 24: Committed to Delivering Affordable Proton Cancer Therapy Energy Focused on Saving Lives

1st LIGHT Machine

Bunker to Assemble and Test 1st LIGHT Machine

App-2Source: AVO

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The LIGHT product is designed for proton radiotherapy– Accelerator – Only system with rapid energy switching – Beam Scanning System – Optimised for LIGHT– Patient Dose Plan – Optimised for patient and unique LIGHT features– Advanced Imaging – Commensurate with accuracy of the proton beam– Record Management – Manage all data and processes

We aim to enhance the user experience and operability beyond that available from competitors

– Leverage core competencies of our partners– Leverage core clinical, physics and operational competencies– Includes all critical systems– Operationally more similar to conventional radio therapy LINACs

LIGHT, More than a Product – An Entire System


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Dynamic Spot-scanning Technology

Paints > 10x faster with a narrow beam

More cost effective due to hypofractionation

Polfaces of Dipol-magnets

TUMOURSimulated Volume

Horizontal scanning

First Magnet


Second Magnet


Last Layer

Maximum energy

First Layer

LIGHT has an active longitudinal modulation along the beam axis which can be electronically varied during treatment, giving a superior alternative to passive modulation


Page 27: Committed to Delivering Affordable Proton Cancer Therapy Energy Focused on Saving Lives

LIGHT has innovative accelerators (cyclotron or synchrotron not required)

Our Solution – LIGHT (Linac for Image Guided Hadron Therapy)

First linear accelerator for proton therapy

Same frequency as conventional radiotherapy linacs

Note: RFQ: Radio Frequency Quadrupole; SCDTL: Side Coupled Drift Tube Linac; CCL: Coupled Cavity Linac; BTL: Beam Transport Line; MeV: Mega Electron Volts App-5

Page 28: Committed to Delivering Affordable Proton Cancer Therapy Energy Focused on Saving Lives

Our Solution – LIGHT (Linac for Image Guided Hadron Therapy)


Note: RFQ: Radio Frequency Quadrupole; SCDTL: Side Coupled Drift Tube Linac; CCL: Coupled Cavity Linac; BTL: Beam Transport Line; MeV: Mega Electron Volts App-6

SCDTL CCL Gantry and

Patient couch

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Overview of the RFQ (The Injector)

The first 750 MHz RFQ ever built

2 metres long

First RFQ designed and manufactured at CERN

Construction costs lower than previous RFQ’s

Module under construction

Proton energy up to 5 MeV


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Overview of SCDTL

In collaboration with ENEA Institution

6.1 metres long

Structure efficient at low energies and stable with respect to manufacturing errors

Proton energy from 5 MeV to 37.5 MeV


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Overview of CCL

Designed by ADAM team

15.4 metres long

Successfully tested in 2010 to 72MeV

Proton energy from 37.5 MeV to 230 MeV

First module manufactured by VDL (Jan-15)


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How Do We Power the Whole Accelerator?

Modulator – Stores energy from electrical network – Supplies power to klystron

Klystron– Providing the adequate frequency to protons in the accelerator

Very few suppliers for such ‘state of the art’ components – Mainly used in radar, TV, radio broadcasting


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Overview of RF System

Suppliers: Toshiba and ScandiNova

7.5 MW peak

Same identical power source for CCLs and SCDTLs (12 units in total)

RF System


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A Technology Already Validated

(1) LIBO: LInac Booster App-12

LIBO(1) – Existing validation

Prototype built / Conceived by Ugo Amaldi (advisor to the Company)

First time a high frequency LINAC used as a cyclotron booster (energy boosted from 62 to 72 MeV)