common assessment


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Alex mcmahel

Page 2: Common assessment


I made this powerpoint to show my learning for the unit. I chose five products and I am writing about the values and marketing strategies of each one.

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Brand colgate



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Nicholas Sparks

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Values Toothpaste: Some of the values I would associate with this

product are hygiene and health. It is associated with hygiene because when you use the product it will help make your teeth cleaner. It will also help make your teeth whiter. Health is a value it should be associated with because brushing your teeth helps keep your teeth and gums healthy. It also helps you to not get cavities or get a gum disease.

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Shoes: The values associated with converse shoes are comfort, freedom, and fun. One of the values is comfort because when you wear the shoes they are comfortable and you feel good when you wear them. Another one of the values is freedom because when you wear them, you feel in charge and you are able to make your own decisions when buying them because you can choose different colors. The last value is fun because when you wear them you are having fun and you can have fun choosing the style of shoe you want.


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Shirts: The values I would associate with Aeropostale shirts are freedom, acceptance, and comfort. I think that one of the values should be freedom because when you are picking out a shirt; you can choose what style and what colors you want the shirts to be. Another value I think should be associated with this product is acceptance because Aeropostale is a very popular brand in the States, so if you buy them you could be accepted by other people because you are wearing Aeropostale. The shirts are also comfortable to wear, so another value sould be comfort.

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Books: The values I should associate with the Nicholas Sparks books are love, freedom, and comfort. It should be live because when you read the books they are love stories and people in the books are falling in love. The next value should be freedom because you have the power to choose which book you want to read and you can also choose whether or not you need to finish the book. The last value I thought of was comfort, because when you read the books, you feel comfortable because you get to know the characters and you feel at ease with the story because you are comfortable with the charters.

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laptop: The values I would associate with the Macbook Pro are freedom, power, and fun. The first value is freedom because when you use this laptop, you have the freedom to choose what programs you want to use and what you need to use it for. It is associated with the value power because when you use the laptop, you have the freedom to do things that a normal laptop can't. You also have the freedom to choose where you want to use it because it is portable. The last value is fun because when you use the computer, you have fun browsing the internet or playing with photo booth or chatting with your friends. You can also have fun playing music that you can download.

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Marketing strategies for Colgate

Toothpaste: The marketing strategy that Colgate used in their commercials is fear because you see a person walk up to the counter, and they have plaque on their teeth. When they use Colgate total though, there is not as much plaque and their teeth feel better. The message they are projecting is that if you don’t use Colgate total your teeth will be unhealthy.

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Marketing strategies for ConverseShoes: the marketing strategies Converse shoes

used are perceptions of beauty and ideal kids. The first is beauty because converse shoes are cool, and if you buy them you will be cool too. The second is ideal kids because when see advertisements the kids are cool and they are wearing the shoes, so if kids want to be cool, they should wear these shoes.

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Marketing Strategies for Nicholas Sparks Books: the marketing strategy associated with these

books is heartstrings, because Nicholas Sparks’ books are sad and even though they are sad, they make you feel good. It also draws you in so well, that after you finish the book, you are left wanting to read more.

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Marketing Strategies for AeropostaleShirts: The two marketing strategies Aeropostale

uses are branding and perceptions of beauty. They use branding because Aeropostale is seen as cool, so if you buy the product, you can be more popular. They use beauty also because when you buy the product, you can be seen as cool.

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Marketing Strategies for Apple

Laptop: The marketing strategies that Apple used are branding, product placement, and guilt. They use branding because when you see people with the product everyone thinks that the computer is so cool, and therefore the person is cool. They used product placement because if you watch a movie and you see one of the characters with the product you will want it. If you see it everywhere, you would want one because it seems like everyone has one. Guilt is a strategy they used because if a parent sees a ad for an Apple laptop, than they will feel guilty that their child doesn’t have one and that it seems like all of there friends have them.

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Influences for Colgate

Since my parents buy Colgate, I buy it because it is the toothpaste that I am used to using.

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Influences for Converse

Many of my friends have Converse, and I liked the style of the shoe, so I bought it.

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Influences for Apple

My friends think Apple is cool, and I agree with them. When my dad asked if I wanted one I said I did, and we bought my computer.

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Influences for AeropostaleI never really liked shopping, but one of my friends

dragged me to the store, so I bought some clothes and found that I liked them, so I went back to the store. Since all of my friends liked that store and shopped there I went with them sometimes over the summer.

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Influences for Nicholas Sparks

I had stolen a book from my friend, and I started to read it. It was a Nicholas Sparks book. I read it last year. This year I started to read them again because I needed to read a new genre.