common medical abbreviations

Abbrevia tion Interpretation A assessment a before A&O alert and oriented A&Ox3 Alert and oriented x time, place person A&Ox4 Alert and oriented x time, place person, and situation A&P auscultation and percussion A&W alive and well A-B apnea-bradycardia A-line arterial line A-P antero-posterior a.c. before meals (ante cibum) A.D. right ear (auris dextra) A.S. left ear (auris sinistra) A/C assis/control (ventilator mode) A/G ratio albumin-globulin ratio A/K OR AK above knee AA Alcoholics Anonymous AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm AAOC antacid of choice AAROM active assistive range of motion AAS Acute Abdominal Series ab abortion abd abdomen ABE acute bacterial endocarditis ABF aorto bifemoral bypass ABG arterial blood gases ABI ankle brachial index Abn abnormal ABW actual body weight AC fetal abdominal circumference ACA anterior cerebral artery Acc accommodation accel acceleration ACH adrenal cortical hormone ACL anterior cruciate ligament ACOA Adult Children of Alcoholics ACT activated clotting time ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone AD admitting diagnosis ad lib as desired (ad libitum) add adduction ADH antidiuretic hormone ADHD attention deficit- hyperactivity disorder ADHP Adult Partial Hospitalization Program ADL activities of daily living Adm admission adol adolescent ADS admission day surgery AEDP assisted end diastolic pressure AEP auditory evoked potential aer aerosol AF Anterior Fontanelle AFAFP amniotic fluid alpha fetal protein AFB acid-fast bacilli (bacillus) AFI amniotic fluid index

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A full list of the most commonly used medical abbreviations.


Page 1: Common Medical Abbreviations



A assessment

a before

A&O alert and oriented

A&Ox3 Alert and oriented x time, place person

A&Ox4 Alert and oriented x time, place person, and situation

A&P auscultation and percussion

A&W alive and well

A-B apnea-bradycardia

A-line arterial line

A-P antero-posterior

a.c. before meals (ante cibum)

A.D. right ear (auris dextra)

A.S. left ear (auris sinistra)

A/C assis/control (ventilator mode)

A/G ratio albumin-globulin ratio

A/K OR AK above knee

AA Alcoholics Anonymous

AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm

AAOC antacid of choice

AAROM active assistive range of motion

AAS Acute Abdominal Series

ab abortion

abd abdomen

ABE acute bacterial endocarditis

ABF aorto bifemoral bypass

ABG arterial blood gases

ABI ankle brachial index

Abn abnormal

ABW actual body weight

AC fetal abdominal circumference

ACA anterior cerebral artery

Acc accommodation

accel acceleration

ACH adrenal cortical hormone

ACL anterior cruciate ligament

ACOA Adult Children of Alcoholics

ACT activated clotting time

ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone

AD admitting diagnosis

ad lib as desired (ad libitum)

add adduction

ADH antidiuretic hormone

ADHD attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder

ADHP Adult Partial Hospitalization Program

ADL activities of daily living

Adm admission

adol adolescent

ADS admission day surgery

AEDP assisted end diastolic pressure

AEP auditory evoked potential

aer aerosol

AF Anterior Fontanelle

AFAFP amniotic fluid alpha fetal protein

AFB acid-fast bacilli (bacillus)

AFI amniotic fluid index

AFib atrial fibrillation

AFO ankle foot orthosis

AFP alpha fetal protein

AGA appropriate for gestational age

aGVHD acute graft-versus-host disease

AHD arterioschlerotic heart disease

AI aortic insufficiency

AICD automatic implantable cardioverter-defib.device

AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

Page 2: Common Medical Abbreviations

AIHA autoimmune hemolytic anemia

AIMS Abnormal involuntary movement scale

AIOP Africentric Intensive Outpatient Program

AKA above knee amputation

AKS arthroscopic knee surgery

alb albumin

alc alcohol

ALG antilymphocyte globulin

alk phos alkaline phosphatase

ALL acute lyphocytic leukemia

Allo or allo Allogeneic

ALP alkaline phosphatase

ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

ALT alanine aminotransferase

AM before noon

AMA against medical advice

Amb ambulate, ambulatory

AMI acute myocardial infarction

AML acute myelogenous leukemia

amnio amniocentesis

AMP ampule

amp ampere

amt amount

AN Anorexia Nervosa

ANA antinuclear antibodies

ANS autonomic nervous system

ante before

AOD alcohol and other drugs

AP antepartem

approx approximately

appt appointment

APR abdominal peritoneal resection

APRV airway pressure release ventilation

ARC AIDS-related complex

ARDS adult respiratory distress syndrome

AROM artificial rupture of membranes

art artificial

ArtT Art Therapy

ARV AIDS-related virus

AS aortic stenosis

ASA acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)

ASAM American Society of Addiction Medicine


American Society of Addiction Medicine Patient Placement Criteria for the Treatment of Substance Abuse Disorders 2nd Edition Revised

ASAP as soon as possible

ASCAD arteriosclerotic coronary artery disease

ASCVD arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease

ASD atrial septal defect

ASH asymmetric septal hypertrophy

ASHD arteriosclerotic heart disease

AST aspartate aminotransferase

ASU ambulatory surgery unit

AT Adjunctive Therapy

ATB antibiotic

ATC around the clock

ATN acute tubular necrosis

AUTO Autologous

AV atrioventricular

AV Node atrioventricular node

AV Shunt arteriovenous shunt

AVB atrioventricular block

AVF arteriovenous fistula

AVM arteriovenous malformation

AVR aortic valve replacement

AWOL absent without official leave

AXB axillary block

Page 3: Common Medical Abbreviations

AZT azidothymidine (retrovir drug)

B Black

B Bx breast biopsy

b.i.d. twice a day (bis in die)

B.S. bowel sounds

B/K or BK below knee

BA basilar artery

BAC Blood Alcohol Concentration

BAER brainstem auditory evoked response

BAL Blood Alcohol Level

baso basophile

BBB bundle branch block

BBS bilateral breath sounds

BCC basal cell carcinoma

BCP birth control pills

BDI Beck Depression Inventory

BE barium enema

BEAM brain electrical activity mapping

BEE basal energy expenditure

BF black female

BFA baby for adoption

BICU Burn Intensive Care Unit

bid Twice a Day

BIL bilirubin

bilat bilateral

BiPAP bilevel positive airway pressure

BKA below knee amputation

Blk black

BM black male

bm bowel movement

BMI Body Mass Index

BMT bone marrow transplant

BOO bladder outlet obstruction

BOT base-of-tongue

BOW bag of water

BOW-I bag of water-intact

BOW-R bag of water-ruptured

BP blood pressure

BPD Borderline Personality Disorder

BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy

bpm beats per minute

BPP biophysical profile

BPRS brief psychiatric rating scale

BPS bilateral partial salpingectomy

BR bedrest

BRP bathroom privileges

BS blood sugar

BSA blood surface area

BSC bedside-commode

BSO bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy

BSSO bilateral saggital split osteotomy

BUN blood urea nitrogen

BW Birth Weight

Bx biopsy

C cervical

C centigrade (Celsius)

c with

C&S culture and sensitivity

C+DB cough and deep breath

C-section cesarean section

C/O complains of

C/S cesarean section

c/w consistent with

CA cancer/carcinoma

CABG coronary artery bypass graft

CAD coronary artery disease

Page 4: Common Medical Abbreviations

CAP Community Acquired Pneumonia

CAPD continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

Card cardiology

cardiac cath cardiac catheterization

CAT Children's Apperception Test

cath catheterized

Cauc caucasion

CAVHD continuous arterial-venous hemodialysis

CBC complete blood count (cell)

CBI continuous bladder irrigation

CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CC chief complaint

CC UA C&S clean catch urine analysis culture and sensitivity

CCAM congenital cystic adenoatoid malformation

CCPD continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis

CCU coronary care unit

CD Conduct Disorder

cd chemical dependency

CDI Children's Depression Inventory

CEA carcino-embryonic antigen

CF cystic fibroses

cGVHD chronic graft-versus-host disease

CHD congenital heart disease

CHF congestive heart failure

CHI closed head injury

CHO carbohydrate

chol cholesterol

CI cardiac index

CIC cardiac inpatient care

CICU coronary intensive care unit

CID cervical immobilization device

cigs cigarettes

CIN cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

Circ circulation

CIS carcinoma in situ

CIWA-ArClinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol-Revised

CK-MB myocardial muscle creatinine kinase isoenzyme

cl clear

CLL chronic lymphocytic leukemia

CM cardiomyopathy

cm centimeter

cm costal margin

CML chronic myelogenous leukemia

CMO consult made out

CMV cytomegalovirus

CN cranial nerves

CNM certified nurse midwife

CNS central nervous system

CO cardiac output

CO2 carbon dioxide

coag coagulation

COC continuity of care

COCM congestive cardiomyopathy

COD condition on discharge

COE Computerized Order Entry

conc concentration

cont continuous

contr contraction

conv vent conventional ventilation

COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

CP chest pain

CPA cariopulmonary arrest

CPAP continuous positive airway pressure

CPD cephalopelvic disproportion

CPK creatine phosphokinase

Page 5: Common Medical Abbreviations

CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation

CPS complex partial seizures

CRC Clinical Research Center

creat creatinine

CRF chronic renal failure

CRH corticotropin-releasing hormone

CRL crown rump length

crp cardiac rehab program

CRP C-reactive protein

Cs consciousness

csa compressed spectral activity

CSA Cyclosporin level

CSF cerebrospinal fluid

CSS Central Sterile Services

CST contraction stress test

CT scan computerized axial tomography

CTA Clear To Auscultation

Ctx chest tube

CTX contraction

CUSA cavitron ultrasonic aspirator

CV cardiovascular

CVA cerebrovascular accident

CVC central venous catheter

CVP cenral venous pressure

CVS chorionic villus sampling

CVVH continuous venovenous hemofiltration

CWP centimeters of water pressure

Cx cervix

CX Culture

CXR chest x-ray

cysto cystoscopy

d Day

D & C dilation and curettage

D & I dry and intact

D/O Disorder

D5W 5% dextrose in water

DAP Diastolic Augmentation Pressure

DAT Dementia, Alzheimer’s type

DBP diastolic blood pressure

DCM dilated cardiomyopathy

DCU Day Care Unit

DDAVP Desmopressin acitate

DDS Doctor of Dental Surgery

dec decreased

decel deceleration

del delivery

Derm Dermatology

detox detoxification

DHS dynamic hip screw

DI diabetes insipidus

DIC diffuse intravascular coagulation

Diff differential blood count

DIG digoxin level

DIMS Disorders of Initiating and Maintaining Sleep

DIP distal interphalangeal

dis disease

disch discharge

DISH Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis

DJD Degenerative Joint Disease

DKA diabetic ketoacidosis

dl deciliter

DLC double lumen catheter

DLCO diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide

DM diabetes mellitus

DMD Duchenne's muscular dystrophy

DME Durable Medical Equipment

Page 6: Common Medical Abbreviations

DNR do not resuscitate

DNRCC Do Not Resuscitate Comfort Care

DNRCC-A Do Not Resuscitate Comfort Care Arrest

DNS Did not show i.e. keep appointment

DO Doctor of Osteopathy

DOA dead on arrival

DOB date of birth

DOD date of discharge

DOE dyspnea on exertion

DOES Disorders of Excessive Sleepiness

DP dorsalis pedis

DPT diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (vaccine)

Dr. delivery room

drng drainage

drsg dressing

DSD dry sterile dressing

dsg dressing

DSM-IV Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition

DST dexamethasone suppression test

DT's delirium tremens

DTR deep tendon reflexes

DU Dermal Pressure Ulcer

DVIU direct vision internal urethrotomy

DVT deep vein thrombosis

DWI driving while intoxicated

Dx diagnosis

E-STIM electrical stimulation

EAB elective abortion

EAP Employee Assistance Program

EAT Eating Attitudes Test

EBL estimated blood loss

EBV Epstein-Barr virus

EC enterocutaneous

ECCE extracapsular cataract extraction

ECF Extended Care Facility

ECG electrocardiogram

ECHO echogram

ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

ECT electroconvulsive therapy

ED Emergency Department

EDD Estimated Date of Delivery

EDI Electronic Discharge Instructions

EDS Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

EDW estimated dry weight

EEG electroencephalogram

EENT eyes, ears, nose, and throat

EF ejection fraction

EFM external fetal moniter

EFW estimal fetal weight

EGA estimated gestational age

EGD esphagogastroduodenoscopy

EJ external jugular

EKG electrocardiogram

elev elevated

EMD electromechanical dissociation

EMG electromyogram

EMS Emergency Medical Services

Endo Endocrinology

ENT ear, nose, and throat

EOM extraocular movement

EOMI extraocular movements intact

eos eosinophils

EP evoked potential

EPAP expiratory positive airway pressure

epis episiotomy

EPS electrophysiological studies

Page 7: Common Medical Abbreviations

eps extrapyramidal symptoms

equip equipment

ER emergency room

ERCPendoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography

ERG electroretinogram

ESP Extra Sensory Perception

ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate

ESRD end stage renal disease

ESS endoscopic sinus surgery

ESU electrosurgery unit

ESWL electrosock wave lithotripsy

ET enterostomal therapy

ETCO2 end-tidal carbon dioxide measurement

ETOH ethanol

ETS endotracheal suction

ETT endotracheal tube

EUA examination under anesthesia

eval evaluation

EVD external ventribular drain

exam examination

exp expired

ext external/extremity

F degrees Fahrenheit

F Father (add circle)

f frequency

F Female

F.S. full strength

F/U follow-up

FA forearm

FB foreign body

FBM fetal breathing movements

FBS fasting blood sugar

fdg feeding

FDS flexor digitorum superficialis

FECG fetal electrocardiogram

FEF forced mid-expiratory flow

FEN fluid, electrolyte, and nutrition

FEV forced expiratory volume

FFP fresh frozen plasma

FH family history

FHR fetal heart rate

FHRV fetal heart rate variability

FHT fetal heart tones

FIO2 fractional concentration of inspired oxygen

FL fetal femur length

FLACC Face, Legs, Activity, Crying, Consolability

flex flexion

FLM fetal lung maturity

FM Family Medicine

FNA Fine Needle Aspiration

FOB father of baby

FOM floor of mouth

FP family practice/ Family Practitioner

FPL flexor pollis longus

FR french (ie, catheter)

FS frozen section

FSE fetal scalp electrode

FSH follicle-stimulating hormone

ft foot

FTA fluorescent treponemal antibody

FTI free thryoxine index

FTP failure to progress

FTSG full thickness skin graft

FU follow-up

FUO fever- unknown origin

FVC forced vital capacity

Page 8: Common Medical Abbreviations

FWB full weight bearing

fx fracture

G Gravida

G-B Guillian-Barre

G-tube gastrostomy tube

ga gauge

GA gestastional age

GAD Generalized anxiety disorder

GAF Global assessment of functioning (scale)

GBBS group B beta strep

GBS Guillian Barre Syndrome

GC gonococcus

GDM gestational diabetes mellitus

GE gastroenterology

Gen. Med. General Medicine

GERD Gastro-esophageal reflux disease

gest gestation/gestational

GETA general endotracheal anesthesia

GH growth hormone

GI gastrointestinal

GIFT gamete intrafallopian transfer

gluc glucose

gm gram

GMA gross motor activity

gr grain

GSW gunshot wound

GTT glucose tolerance test

gtt drops

GU genitourinary

GVHD graft-versus-host disease

GYN gynecology

H high

H & P history and physical

h. hour (duplicate)

h.d. head

h.s. at bedtime

H/H or H & H hemoglobin and hematocrit

HA headache

HAA hospital administrative associate

HAAb hepatitis A antibody

HACE hepatic artery chemoembolization

HAMA Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale

HAMD Hamilton Depressin Rating Scale

HbA1C hemoglobin A1C

HBAB hepatitis B antibody

HbcAG hepatitis B core antigen

HBO hyperbaric oxygen

HBsAG hepatitis B surface antigen

HC head circumference

HCG human chorionic gonadotropin

HCO3 bicarbonate level

HCT hematocrit

HCVD hypertensive cardiovascular disease

HD Hodgkin's disease

HDL High-Density Lipoprotein

HEENT head,eyes, ears,nose and throat

HELLP hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets (count)

hemo hemodialysis

HEP heparin

Het hetrophil

HFV high frequency ventilation

Hgb hemoglobin

HGH human growth hormone

HHN hand held nebulizer

HI head injury

Page 9: Common Medical Abbreviations

HIT heparin induced thrombocytopenia

HIV human immunodeficiency virus (HTLV-III)

HKAFO hip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis

HNP herniated nucleus pulposus

HO house officer

HOB head of bed

HOPI history of present illness

HPG human pituitary gonadotropin

HPI history of present illness

HPL human placental lactogen

HPLC high pressure liquid chromatography

HR heart rate

hr hour (duplicate)

HS heart sounds

HSM hepatosplenomegaly

HSV herpes simplex virus

ht height

HTLV III human T-cell lymphotropic virus (old- HIV)

HTN Hypertension

HV Hemovac

HW Heparin Well

hx history

hyst hysterectomy

I independent

I&D incision and drainage

I&O intake and output

I.A.C. internal auditory canal

I:E inspiratory-expiratory ratio

IABP intra-aortic balloon pump

IBW ideal body weight

IC inspiratory capacity

ICA internal carotid artery

ICCE intracapsular cataract extraction

ICD-10 International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition

ICD-9International Classification of Diseases, 9th edition

ICP intracranial pressure

ICU intensive care unit

ID infectious disease

IDC idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy

IDDM insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

IDPN intra dialytic parenteral nutrition

IDV intermittent demand ventilation

Ig immunoglobin

IHSS idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis

IICP increased intracranial pressure

IJ internal jugular

ILS independent living skills

IM intramuscular

IMC intermittent catheratization

IMP intermaxillary fixation

imp impression

IMV intermittent mandatory ventilation

INC incontinence

info information

inpt inpatient

INR international normalized ratio

int-rot internal rotation

IOA intact on admission

IOL intraocular lens

IONTO iontopheresis

IOP Intensive Outpatient Program

IORT intraoperative radiation therapy

IP intraperitoneal

IPAP inspiratory positive airway pressure

IPF idiopathic pulmonary fibroses

Page 10: Common Medical Abbreviations

IPPB intermittent positive-pressure breathing

IR internal rotation

IS incentive spirometry

ISU intermediate surgical unit

ITP idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura

IUD intrauterine device

IUFD intrauterine fetal demise

IUGR intrauterine growth retardation

IUP intrauterine pregnancy (pg)

IUPC intrauterine pressure catheter

IV intravenous

ivc intraventricular catheter

IVC inferior vena cava

IVF in vitro fertilization

IVH intraventricular hemorrhage

IVIG intravenous immonuglobin

IVP intravenous push

IVPB intravenous piggyback

IVR intravenous retrograde

IVRO intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy

J-tube jejunostomy tube

JP Jackson-Pratt drain

JRA juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

JVP jugular venous pulse

K Cal Kilocalorie

KAFO knee-ankle-foot orthosis

kg. or Kg. Kilogram

KO keep open

KS Kaposi's Sarcoma (AIDS related)

KTC knee to chest

KUB kidney, ureter, and bladder

KVO Keep Vein Open

L low

L left (with circle around)+C929

L&D Labor and Delivery

L&W Lee and White coagulation

L/S ratio lecithin sphingomyelin ratio

LA left arm

lam laminectomy

LAO left anterior oblique

lap laparatomy

LAQ long arc quad

LAT left anterior lateral thigh

LAV lymphadenopathy associated virus (AIDS virus)

lb pound

LBBB left bundle branch block

LBQC large based quad cane

LCM left costal margin

Ld left deltoid

LD Learning Disabilities

LDH lactic dehydrogenase

LDL Low-Density Lipoprotein

LE lower extremity

LEEP loop electrosurgical excision procedure

LFT liver function test

LG left gluteus medius

lg large

LGA large for gestational age

LH leutinizing hormone

Li lithium level

LIMA left interior mammary artery

liq liquid

LL left lateral

LLE left lower extremity

LLL left lower lobe

LLQ left lower quadrant

Page 11: Common Medical Abbreviations

LMD local medical doctor

LMP last menstrual period

LOA leave of absence

LOB loss of balance

LOC Loss of Consciousness

LOF Leaking of Fluid

LOOP Lifeline of Ohio Organ Procurement

LOP lift occiput posterior

LOS length of stay

LP lumbar puncture

lpm/LPM liters per minute

LPN licensed practical nurse

LPO left posterior oblique

LPR Laryngopharyngeal reflux

LR lactated Ringer's

LSB left sternal border

LSD Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25)

LSO left salpingo-oophorectomy

LT long term

lt left

LTCS low transverse cesarean section

LTD long term disability

LTG long term goal

LTM long term memory

LUE left upper extremity

LUL left upper lobe

LUQ left upper quadrant

LV left ventricular

LVAD left ventricular assist device

LVH left ventricular hypertrophy

LVL left vastus lateralis

LVSW left ventricular stroke work

LVSWI left ventricular stroke work index

LWBS Left Without Being Seen

Lymph lyphocyte

lytes electrolyte

m murmur

M mother

MA mentum anterior

ma milliampere

MAC monitered anesthesia care

MAO Monamine Oxidase

MAOI monomamine oxidase inhibitor

MAP mean arterial pressure

max maximum

MAX A maximum assist

MB myocardial band

MBP mean blood pressure

mc millicurie

MCA motercycle accident

mca middle cerebral artery

mcg microgram(s)

MCH mean corpuscular hemoglobin

MCL midclavicular line

MCP metacarpophalangeal

MCV mean corpuscular volume

MD muscular dystrophy

MDD major depressive disorder

MDI metered dose inhaler

MDS Myelodysplastic Syndrome

mec. meconium

Mecfld meconium stained fluid

med medium

mEq milliequivalent (s)

mets metastasis

mg milligram (s)

Page 12: Common Medical Abbreviations

MI myocardial infarction

MICU Medical Intensive Care Unit

min minute

Min A minimum assist

MIV Maintenance IV

ml milliliter (s)

MM multiple myeloma

mm millimeter

MMPI Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

MMSE mini mental state exam

MMT manual muscle test

mo month

mod moderate

Mod A moderate assistance

MOM milk of magnesia

monos monocytes

MP mentum posterior

MPD Multiple Personality Disorder

MR mitral regurgitation

mr mental retardation

MR/DD mental retardation/developmental disability

MRA Magnetic Resonance Angiography

MRI Magnetic resonance imaging

MRSA methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureas

MRSE methicillin resistant staphylococcus epidermis

MSAFP maternal serum alpha fetal protein

MSAP mean systemic arterial pressure

MSE Mental Status Exam

MSLT Multiple Sleep Latency Test

MSPN medical student progress note

MT mentum transverse

MUGA multigated (cardiac exam)

MV minute ventilation

MVA motor vehicle accident

MVO2 mixed venous oxygen tension

MVP mitral valve prolapse

MVR mitral valve replacement

MVV maximum voluntary ventilation

N&V nausea and vomiting

n.b. note well (Latin abbreviation)

N/A not applicable

N/S neurosurgery

NA Narcotics Anonymous

NAD no apparent disease

NB newborn

NC nasal cannula

NCP nursing care plan

nCPAP nasal continuous positve airway pressure

NCV nerve conduction velocity

NEC necrotizing enterocolitis

neg. negative

Neuro Neurology

ng nanogram

NG nasogastric

NICU Neonatal Intenstive Care Unit

NIDDM non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

NIF negative inspiratory force

NIP nipple

NKA no known allergies

NKDA no known drug allergies

NMDP National Marrow Donation Program

NMS Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

Noc night

NOK Next of Kin

non-STEMI Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction

norm normal

Page 13: Common Medical Abbreviations

NOS Not otherwise specified

NOSIE Nurses' Observation Schedule for Inpatient Evaluation

NPC non-productive cough

NPH neutral protamine Hagedorn (insulin)

NPN nonprotein nitrogen

npo nothing by mouth

NR no reaction

NRM non rebreathing mask

NS normal saline

NSAID Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

NSCLC Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

nsg nursing care plan

NSR normal sinus rhythm

NST non-stress test

NSVD normal spontaneous vaginal delivery

NTD neural tube defect

NTS nasotracheal suction

NV not verfied

NWB non-weight bearing

NWS Narcotic Withdrawal Scale

O objective

O.D. right eye

O.S. left eye

O.T. occupational therapy

O.U. both eyes

O2 Oxygen

O2 SAT oxygen saturation

OA occiput anterior

OB obstetrics

OBS organic brain syndrome

OC toOR on call to operating room

occ occasionally

OCD obsessive compulsive disorder

OCP oral contraceptive pill

OCT oxytocin challenge test

OD overdose

ODADASOhio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services

ODH Ohio Department of Health

OFD occipital fronal diameter

OG oral gastric

OHRP open heart rehablilitation program

OM otitis media

OMFS oral and maxillofacial surgery

OMVI operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated

OOB out of bed

OP occiput posterior

OP Out-patient

OPC out-patient catheratization

OR operating room

ORIF open reduction and internal fixation

ortho orthopedics

OSA obstructive sleep apnea

osmo osmolarity

OT Occupational Therapy

OTA open to air

OTC over the counter (pharmaceuticals)

OTR registered occupational therapist

oz ounce

P Para

P & PD percussion and postural drainage

P&A percussion and auscultation

p.c. after meals

p.o. by mouth

p.r. per rectum

p.r.n. as needed

P2 pulmonic second sound

Page 14: Common Medical Abbreviations

pa pulmonary artery

PA posterioanterior

PAC premature atrial contraction

PaCO2 partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood

PACU postanesthesic care unit

PAF paroxysmal atrial fibrillaton

PaO2 partial pressure of O2 in arterial blood

PAP positive airway pressure

Pap Papanicolaou (stain, smear, test)

PARS post anesthesia recovery score

PAT paraoxysmal atrial tachycardia

PAWS Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome

PBI protein bound iodine

pc after meals

PC.A. patient controlled analgesia

PCA posterior cerebral artery

PCC patient care coordinator

PCEA patient controlled epidural analgesia

PCN penicillin

PCO2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide

pcp Phencyclidine, street drug (angel dust)

PCP pneumocystis carinii pneumonia

PCRM patient care resource manager

PCWP pulmonary capillary wedge pressure

PCXR portable chest x-ray

PD peritoneal dialysis

PDA patent ductus arteriosus

PDR proliferative diabetic retinopathy

PE physical exam

PEEP positive and expiratory pressure

PEF peak expiratory flow

PEG percutaneous endoscopic gastrotomy

PEJ percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy

PERL pupils equal, react to light

PERRLA pupils equal, round, regular, react to light, and accom.

PF peak flow

PFC persistent fetal circulation

PFT pulmonary function test

pg picogram

PG prostoglandin

PGF Paternal Grandfather

PGM Paternal Grandmother

pH hydrogen-ion concentration

PHN public health nurse

PHP partial hospitalization program

PI present illness

PICC peripherally intravenous central catheter

PID pelvic inflammatory disease

PIH pregnancy induced hypertension

PIP peak inspiratory pressure

PIPJ proximal interphalangeal

PJC premature junctional contraction

PK penetrating keratoplasty

PKU phenylketonuria

Plt platelets

PM after noon

PMHx past medical history

PMI point of maximal impulse

PMP previous menstrual period

PMR physical medicine and rehabilitation

PMS Premenstrual Syndrome

PNC prenatal care

PND paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

PNV prenatal vitamins

Po2 partial pressure of oxygen

POC products of conception

Page 15: Common Medical Abbreviations

POD post-op day

polio poliomyelitis

polys polymorphonuclear leukocytes

POM pulse oximeter monitoring

postop postoperative

PP or pp post partum

PPBC Post Partum Birth Control

PPBS postprandial blood sugar

PPD purified protein derivative

PPI proton pump inhibitor

PPN peripheral paterneral nutrition

PPV positive pressure ventilation

PRBC packed red blood cells

pre-op pre-operative

PRL prolactin

PRM partial rebreathing mask

prn as needed

PRO protein

pro TIME prothrombin time

PROM premature rupture of membranes/passive range of motion

prox proximal

PRV polycythemia rubra vein

PS/PSV pressure support ventilation

PSA patient service associate

PSG polysomnogram

PSH past surgical history

PSI pounds per square inch

psych psychology/psychiatry

PT physical therapy

pt patient

PTA prior to admission

PTC percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram

PTCA percutaneous transluminal coronary


PTH parathyroid hormone

PTL preterm labor

PTSD Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTT partial thromboplastic time

PUBS percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (cordocentesis)

PUD peptic ulcer disease

PUL percutaneous ultrasonic lithotripsy

pulm pulmonary

pulse ox pulse oximeter

PVB premature ventricular beats

PVC premature ventricular contraction

PVD peripheral vascular disease

PVFD paradoxical vocal fold dysfunction

PVO2 partial oxygen pressure of mixed venous blood

PVR pulmonary vascular resistance

PVS peripheral vasucular surgery

PWA persons with AIDS

PWB partial weight bearing

q. (1-2-3) m. every (_) minutes

q.h. every hour . Four times a day

q.w. once weekly

qns quantitiy not sufficient

qs quantity sufficient

qt quart

R reactions

r rub

R right (with circle around)

R.E.E. resting energy expenditure

R/O rule out

R/T related to

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RA rheumatoid arthritis

RAI radioactive iodine

RAIU radioactive iodine uptake

RAO right anterior oblique

RBBB right bundle branch block

RBC red blood cells

RCC renal cell carcinoma

RCM right costal margin

RCV red cell volume

RD registered dietician

Rd right deltoid

RDS respiratory distress syndrome

re regarding

REEGT registered electroencephalographic technician

rehab rehabilitation

REM rapid eye movement

resp respiration/respiratory

RET Rational Emotive Therapy

Rg right gluteus medius

Rh rhesus factor

RIA radio-immunoassay

RL Ringer's lactate

RLE right lower extremity

RLL right lower lobe

RLQ right lower quadrant

rm room

RML right middle lobe

RN registered nurse

ROA right occiput anterior

ROI release of information

ROM Range of Motion

ROMI rule out myocardial infarction

rop retinopathy of prematurity

ROP right occiput posterior

ROS review of systems

rout routine

RPO right posterior oblique

RR respiratory rate

RRR regular rate and rhthym

RRT registered radiologic technologist

RSB right sternal border

RSO right salpingo-oopherectomy

RSR regular sinus rhythm

RT respiratory therapy

rt/RT right

RTW Return to Work

RUE right upper extremity

RUL right upper lobe

RUQ right upper quadrant

RVL right vastus lateralis

RVR right ventricular rhythm

RVSW right ventricular stroke work

RVSWI right ventricular stroke work index

Rx therapy, treatment, prescription

RXN reactions

S subjective

S-G Swan-Ganz catheter

S/P status post

S1;S2;S3;S4 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th heart sounds (respectively)

SA sacroanterior

SAB subarachnoid block

SAH subarachnoid hemorrhage

SAM self-administered medication

SAT saturation

SBA stand by assist

SBE subacute bacterial endocarditis

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SBF Single Black Female SBM Single Black Male

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SBO small bowel obstruction

SBP systolic blood pressure

SBP systolic blood pressure

SBQC small base quad cane

SCC squamous cell carcinoma

schiz Schizophrenia

SCI spinal cord injury

SCLC small cell lung carcinoma

SD Spasmodic Dysphonia

SDH subdural hematoma

sed rate sedimentation rate

seg segmented (leukocyte)

SEM systolic ejection murmur

SFA superficial femoral artery

SGA small for gestational age

SGOT serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase

SGPT serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase

SH social history

SI Suicidal Idealization

SICU surgical intensive care unit

SIDD syndrom of isolated diastolic dysfunction

SIDS sudden infant death syndrome

SIEP serum immuno electrophoresis

SIMVsynchronous intermittent mandatory ventilation

SKC single knee to chest

SL sublingual

sl slight

SLE sytemic lupus erythematosus

SLP speech-language pathology

sm small

SMD senile macular degeneration

SMR submucous reconstruction

SMS somatostatin

SN sinoatrial node

SNA student nursing assistant

SNF skilled nursing facility

SO significant other (s)

SOB shortness of breath

sol solution

sp.fl. spinal fluid specific gravity

SPE sacroposterior

spec. specimen

SQ subcutaneous

SROM spontaneous rupture of membranes

SSEP somatosensory evoked potential

SSN social security number

SSRI Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitor

ST sinus tachycardia

staph staphylococcus

STAT immediately (statim)

STD sexually transmitted disease

STEMI ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction

stg short term goal

stim acoustic stimulation

STIs systolic time intervals

STM short-term memory

strep streptococcus

STSG split thickness skin graft

STV short term variability

SVBG saphenous vein bypass graft

SVC superior vena cava

SVD spontaneous vaginal delivery

SVG saphenou vein graft

SVR systemic vascular resistance

SVT supraventricular tachycardia

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SW social worker

SWF Single White Female

SWM Single White Male

Sx symptoms

sxn suction

synd syndrome

SZ seizure

T & A tonsillectomy & adenoidectomy

T & C type and crossmatch

T & H type and hold

T & S type and screen

T-surg thoracic surgery three times a day

T.R. Therapeutic Recreation

T.T. transthoracic

T.V. transvenous

T3 triiodothoyronine

T3UP T3 uptake

T4 thryroxine

tab tablet

tach tachycardia

TAH total abominal hysterectomy

TAM total active motion

TAS transabdominal sonography

TB tuberculosis

TBSA total body surface area

TCA tricyclic antidepressant

TCD transcerebeller diameter

TDK Tardive dyskinesia

TDWB touch down weight bearing

TECAB Totally Endoscopic Coronary Artery Bypass

TEE transesophageal echocardiogram

TEF trachoesophageal fistula

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tele telemetry

temp or T temperature

TENS transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

TER total energy requirement

TF tube feeding

TH Talbot Hall

THA total hip arthroplasty

THC Tetrahydrocannabinol

Ther ex therapeutic exercise

THOR Thoracentesis

TIA transient ischemic attack

TIBC total iron binding capacity

tid three times a day

tinct tincture

TIPS transjugular intrahepatic portcaval shunt

TKE terminal knee extension

TL Tubal Ligation

TLC total lung capacity

TM tympanic membrane

TMA transmetatarsal amputation

TMJ temporomandibular joint

TO telphone order

TOCO tocodynometer

tol tolerate

TOL trial of labor

Tot Prot total protein

Tox sceen toxicology screen

TPM total passive motion

TPN total parental nutrition

TPPV trans pans plana vitrectomy

TPR temperature, pulse and respiration

trach tracheostomy

TRH thryrotropin releasing hormone

TRH-ST thryrotropin releasing hormone stimulation test

TSB total serum bilirubin

TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone

TSS toxic shock syndrome

TT thrombin time

TTN transient tachypnea of newborn

TTP thrombolic thrombocytopenia purpura

TUIP transurethral incision prostate

TUR transurethral resection

TURB transurethral resection of bladder

TURBT transurethreal resection of bladder tumor

TURP transurethral resection of prostate

TV or VT tidal volume

TVD triple vessel disease

TVH total vaginal hysterectomy

TVR tricuspid valve replacement

TVS transvaginal sonography

Tx treatment

U.O. urinary output

U/S ultrasound

UA urinalysis

UAL up ad lib

UBW usual body weight

UC uterine contraction

UCA Unit Clerical Associate

UDP unassisted diastolic pressure

UDS urine drug screen

UE upper extremity

UFR urine filtration rate

UGI upper gastrointestinal

UIEP urine immuno electrophoresis

UR utilization review

URI upper respiratory infection

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USP unassisted systolic pressure

UTI urinary tract infection

UUN urine urea nitrogen

V. fib. ventricular fibrillation

VAD ventricular assist device

vag vaginal

VAS Vascular

VBAC vaginal birth after cesarean

VC vital capacity

VCD vocal cord dysfunction

VD venereal disease

VDR volumetric diffusive respiration

VDRL Venereal Disease Research Laboratory

VE vaginal exam

vent. ventilator

VER visual evoked response

VF ventricular fibrillation

Vit vitamin

VJ ventricular jugular shunt

VM ventimask

VO verbal order

VO2 Oxygen consumption

vol Volume

VP ventricular peritoneal shunt

VR ventricular rhythm

VS vital signs (temperature, pulse and respirations)

VSD ventricular septal defect

VSS vital signs stable

VSU venous stasis ulcer

VT ventricular tachycardia

Vtach ventricular tachycardia

VTX vertex

W well

W/D Wet to Dry

w/u work-up

W/W Wet to Wet

WAIS Weschsler Adult Intelligence Scale

WAIS-R Weschsler Adult Intelligence Scale Revised

WBAT weight bearing as tolerated

WBC white blood cell

WBN Well Born (Baby) Nursery

WC or W/C wheelchair

WDHA watery diarrhea, hypkalemia and achlorhydria

WDWN Well Developed, Well Nourished

WF white female

WFL within functional limits

WIC Federal agency for Women, Infant and Children

WISC Weschsler Intelligence Scale for Children

WISC-R Weschsler Intelligence Scale for Children Revised

WM white male

WNL within normal limits

WPW Wolff-Parkinson-White (syndrome)

WRAT Wide Range Achievement Test

wt weight

y Psychology, Psychological

Y/O years old

yr year

Z-E Zollinger-Ellison (syndrome)

ZMC zygomatical maxillary complex