communicate with spirit guides

Blair Robertson ©2012 BRP Inc. Page 1 How To Communicate With Your Spirit Guides Blair Robertson

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Page 1: Communicate With Spirit Guides

Blair Robertson

©2012 BRP Inc.

Page 1

How To Communicate

With Your Spirit Guides

Blair Robertson

Page 2: Communicate With Spirit Guides

Blair Robertson

©2012 BRP Inc.

Page 2

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Page 3: Communicate With Spirit Guides

Blair Robertson

©2012 BRP Inc.

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Blair Robertson’s Official Guide To Guides

Two men in two different parts of the world at the

same time fall into a swimming pool. Neither man can swim. Both flail about not realizing that their frantic

efforts are causing them to go under and panic is causing them to swallow water.

Strangely, out of the corner of their eye and just to

their right is a figure standing at the side. Watching. Strange, because they were sure they were poolside all

alone to collect their thoughts. The man in Phoenix, Arizona slips under again and

again. Eventually losing consciousness and very shortly after, loses his life. But not before the desperate thought of wonder: why didn’t that guy help me?

The man in Brisbane, Australia slips under again and

again. He feels himself getting weaker and musters everything within him to call out, “help me!” He’s so weak, he’s not even sure he makes a sound.

As he slips from consciousness, the mysterious man

reaches out and grabs him, pulling him to the edge and out of the water.

Medics manage to save his life. And he goes through

life thankful, but never discovering whom this mysterious figure was.

Who was this figure?

Stories like this happen time and time again. Somehow,

in some manner, a mysterious figure comes to help, guide and direct us.

Some call them angels. I call them guides. My grandfather, “Granda,” used to say that there was

one simple commonality amongst them: they will only help when asked.

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Blair Robertson

©2012 BRP Inc.

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They do not interfere. They do not alter things. They do not prevent things from happening. But they do GUIDE you over, under, through or around

hazards and point you into the direct that you will best benefit.

Sometimes they will guide you into challenges that you

won’t want to take. But, like a good parent who sometimes has to do things for a child that will teach them lifelong lessons, so will they. For your benefit.

But the “trick” to getting their help is to ask for

it. There ARE people who go through their entire lives without even knowing that they have guides.

Sad. We all have guides. They are ‘assigned’ to us at

birth. Some of us have only one, but most have two or more. The best way to think of them is to visualize them as

wise mentors. They will not just dish out advice to anyone, but need to know that you want it and are willing to take action on it.

Basically, it’s a trust thing. Think about it. Do you give advice to people who don’t want to listen

or aren’t prepared to take action? Of course not. It’s a waste of time.

Same deal with your guides. You’ve got to go to them. You’ve got to show them that

you are ready, willing and prepared to accept their guidance. Their help.

Wake ‘em up a bit, so to speak. THEN they’ll start giving to you.

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Blair Robertson

©2012 BRP Inc.

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Once they see that you listen and take action, it motivates them to get off their spiritual butts and get active with you.

Hey. I don’t make the rules. I just know this from 30

years of experience.

How To Build A Relationship With Your Guides

There are two ways that I recommend you immediately

explore to build trust and a relationship with your spiritual guides.

The good news? Both are EASY to do.

The EASIEST Way I Know To Tap Into Your Sprit Guides Inner

Guidance And Build A Relationship The fastest and easiest way to connect with your

spirit guide is to use a pendulum. A pendulum is simply a weight at the end of a cord or

string. Allowing the weight to hang down you can ask your guides to give you answers to questions.

If the pendulum swings in a circle, that means “no.” If it swings in a straight line, that means “yes.” It really doesn’t get simpler than that. You simply

ask the pendulum (or your spirit guide) a question that can be answered yes or no.

That’s it. Keep in mind only one thing. Your guides have NO

INTEREST in answering every single trivial question you have.

The job of a guide is like a good parent: to get you

to stand on your own two feet and think for yourself.

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Blair Robertson

©2012 BRP Inc.

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They are patient. Obviously, in the beginning you are

likely to ask a lot of questions, but do your utmost to make sure they aren’t frivolous.

Asking what movie you should go see tonight it

frivolous. In martial arts you are taught to have and show

respect for your elders and masters. It makes sense as after all, they have earned it.

For me, I treat mine as wise and sacred. They give me

so much wonderful information that helps others that I simply have the highest amount of respect for them. I treat them like a living Zen Master.

Seriously. If they were to manifest themselves, I

would certainly bow low to them out of tremendous respect. Because I revere them, and I act on what they

tell/show me, they confidently give me a considerable amount of solid information.

Have you ever heard the expression that the teacher

will show up when you are ready? It’s the exact case with your guides. The pendulum is a GREAT way to get started… and it’s

fun too! The NEXT best way is actually even easier for most:


Simply close your eyes in a peaceful environment and simply call upon your guides.

WARNING: Unlike a LOT of books and teachers who tell

you how to meditate using ridiculous frou-frou words and techniques, I talk to them like they are my buddies and we’re hanging out.

Here’s my take on it: they ARE my buddies and they ARE

my guides who help me and countless others around the world. I love them, highly respect them… but… we are familiar with each other.

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Blair Robertson

©2012 BRP Inc.

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Let me clarify just one thing… while I do talk “normal” to them, I always have an underlying tone of respect. Okay?

So, go ahead. Skip the “fairy feathers” and “waves of

fragrant flowers in the meadows” talk. Let’s get real and give you an example of a chat I had literally JUST this morning with my guides before doing my radio show interviews.

This is a true example, albeit a bit paraphrased. I

always thank them and then ask them for help. It went something like this:

“Hey guys! Just want to say good morning to you at

this horrible hour of 3:00am! Thanks for guiding me. “It’s Monday morning and I have some radio shows to

do, so I’d love to ask you to help me have a fun spirit on the shows and be light-hearted where appropriate and to be serious where I need to be. Please pour only information that helps those who call in and also help me to show others that there is another side…

“Help me form the words quickly and smoothly when you

show me things. Thanks much, let’s have some fun!” That’s it. Takes but a minute to do. No memorized

frou-frou crap. Note the respect in the underlying tone, but the good-

natured approach. This was a true example from this morning and I’d like

to point out an area that I asked for specific help for: I LOVE doing radio but I’m often under tremendous pressure as the time is really short to make connections.

My guides often show me symbols and when I’m doing

private readings I can afford to take a moment to ponder what they are showing me. But on radio, I’ve got to keep talking and be fast.

My guides never fail to assist me and I literally just

stream out stuff that often proves true almost instantly, if not shortly thereafter.

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Blair Robertson

©2012 BRP Inc.

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No credit to me. It’s my guides. They trust me. I trust them. I just flow and they give me the stuff to talk about. It’s pretty cool.

Give Thanks

We live in a world that hardly says thanks anymore.

We’re quick to ask for help, but slow to say thanks. Because of this, I’m mindful to send a message of

thanks for many, many things throughout the day to them. And example was the other night. I was locking the

doors prior to going to bed and I felt a gentle nudge to go outside my backyard. I didn’t feel like it, truth be told, but I did.

“Look up,” I heard. Arizona is known for it’s beautiful night skies filled

with stars but this was UNBELIEVABLE. I stood there for about five minutes just staring at

the stars and all I said was, “Goodnight guys. Thanks for showing that to me… that was AWESOME.”

I went to bed totally peaceful and slept like a baby. Get in contact with your guides. They are waiting

there for you right now. Peace.