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1 COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STRATEGY 2016 - 2018 Ministry of Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs

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2016 - 2018

Ministry of Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs

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Communication and Media Strategy 2016-2018


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Ministry of Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs

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AcknowledgementsMessage from Chair of the Board

List of Abbreviations and Acronyms Executive Summary


SECTION ONE:1. Introduction2. Fundamental considerations3. FGM as a human rights issue4. Situational analysis5. Establishment of the Kenya Anti-FGM Board


SECTION TWO1. Why this communication strategy2. The communication objectives3. The target groups4. The principle guide to the strategy



STEP 2: Develop initial message concepts STEP 3: Assess message conceptsSTEP 4: Fine tune messages STEP 5: Validate messages

STEP 6: Message executionSTEP 7: Evaluation of message impact






SECTION THREE1. Communication and media channels2. The media channels

3. Other communication platforms

SECTION FOUR: IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STRATEGY1. The structure to manage the strategy2. The critical inputs

3. Implementation logics and work plans4. Measuring and evaluating effectiveness of the strategies applied


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LIST OF TABLESTable 1- Communication Strategy Implementation Logic

Table 3-Anti-FGM Board Communication and Media Work Plan

Table5-Performance Monitoring FrameworkTable 6- Stakeholder Levels and Roles


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The formulation of this communication and media strategy has benefited from the contribution ofa number of internal and external stakeholders. First we want to thank USAID for the financialsupport, without which this plan would not have been possible. We want to acknowledge BettyMugo, the USAID M&E/Gender Specialist for her technical support throughout the process ofdeveloping this plan.

Special thanks to the Chairperson of the Board, Hon. Linah Jebii Kilimo and her team of Directorsfor providing valuable direction and useful support during the process of preparing this plan.

Thanks also to International Rescue Committee (IRC), Peace Initiative Kenya Project, forprogrammatic support under the leadership of Ms. Jebiwot Sumbeiywo. We are grateful to thejoint technical committee that comprised of Joyce Muchena (IRC), Julius Musau (AFGMB), ValineMoraa (IRC), Ruth Oywaya (IRC), Milton Omondi (AFGMB), and Dr. Boniface Muoka (MoIC&T).

We are grateful to Arthur Okwemba, Gwaro Ogaro, Ag. Director of Information and BrowneKutswa, Deputy Director of Public Communication, Ministry of Public Service, Youth and GenderAffairs, for ensuring high level technical soundness of the strategy.

We thank the Ag. CEO of the Anti-FGM Board, Ms. Jane Mwereru, for the overall oversight of thisexercise. To Lucy Mongony and Jared King’oina, many thanks for your support and advice. Weare also greatly indebted to the consultants – Dr. Khamati Shilabukha, who did the initial workand Barrack Muluka, who helped to finalise the drafting process.

Finally, we want to acknowledge that during the formulation of this plan, we wish to thank all thestakeholders who sacrificed their valuable time to attend a number of validation meetings thatcontributed immensely to the successful completion of this strategic plan. We say “Asante Sana ”for making this plan a reality.

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From the Desk of the Chair of the Board

When I was appointed the first Chair of the Anti-FGM Board in December 2013, I was bothhappy and apprehensive. I was happy because my campaigns against female genitalmutilation (FGM), including my contribution in the enactment of the Prohibition of FemaleGenital Mutilation Act, 2011, had been appreciated by no less than the President of theRepublic of Kenya, His Excellency Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta, CGH.

My apprehension on the other hand stemmed from the fact that I was tasked with establishingthe Board from scratch. Several questions ran through my mind. Would I succeed in setting upthe Board? How long would it take to be fully established? Would it have adequate finances?Would the public appreciate its work?

Today, I am happy that the Board is not only fully functional, but its impact in the campaignsagainst FGM in the country is clear to all. Our presence can be felt everywhere as we continueto rally against FGM.

It is against this background that I welcome this communication and media strategy as itsignifies that the Board has positioned itself well to execute its mandate as spelt out in theProhibition of Female Genital Mutilation Act, 2011. I recognise the great financial andintellectual effort put in the development of this communication and media strategy by theInternational Rescue Committee and consultants Dr. Khamati Shilabukha and Mr. BarrackMuluka. I appreciate the work of the technical committee, comprised of staff from the Board,IRC and our other partners in coming up with this strategy.

This strategy will greatly aid the work of the Board, which is mainly advocacy. It will help theBoard to realise its mission and vision and position it well to disseminate awareness about FGMand establish linkages among stakeholders. The strategy is also an important tool that shouldfacilitate the mobilisation of resources for programmes and activities aimed at eradicating FGM.

Being a first of its kind, this strategy will not only benefit the Board, but will also be used by allthose who are involved in the campaigns against FGM. It will help the Board to developappropriate messages for targeted audiences and enhance its interaction with one of mostvalued partners, the media, in the campaign against FGM.

Further, this strategy will guide the Board in conducting research and in monitoring andevaluation of its programmes.

With this strategy, I am confident the Anti-FGM Board in partnership with other campaignersagainst FGM should manage to eradicate FGM in the country in one generation.

Hon. Linah Jebii Kilimo,EGH

Chairperson, Anti-FGM Board

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Preface by the Chief Executive Officer

The Anti-Female Genital Mutilation Board is a semi autonomous government agency that wasestablished in December 2013 following the enactment of the Prohibition of Female Genital MutilationAct, 2011.

The functions of the Board as set out in Section 4 of the Act, includes designing, supervising and co-ordinating public awareness programmes against the practice of FGM; advising the Government onmatters relating to FGM and the implementation of the Act; designing and formulating a policy on theplanning, financing and co-ordinating of all activities relating to FGM and providing technical and othersupport to institutions, agencies and other bodies engaged in the programmes aimed at eradication ofFGM.

Other functions of the Board are: designing programmes aimed at eradication of FGM; facilitatingresource mobilization for the programmes and activities aimed at eradicating FGM; and performing suchother functions as may be assigned by law.

To achieve its mandate, the Board required an elaborate and long term communication plan for asuccessful public awareness campaign. It is for this reason that the coming to fruition of thiscommunication and media strategy is highly welcome. It is without doubt a milestone for the Board.Given what the Board has achieved so far with limited resources and without a communication andmedia strategy, I can foresee a more visible Board and vibrant anti FGM campaigns.

It is worth noting that this strategy would greatly help the Board realize its Strategic Plan for the period2016-2018. It will go a long way in enhancing our collaboration with our partners in the campaignsagaisnt FGM.

This strategy will be particularly useful in the Board’s media campaign given its elaborate media specificimplementation matrix and work plans. It will also guide the Board in conducting research as well asmonitoring and evaluating its programmes.

I wish to appreciate all individuals and organizations including partner organizations, governmentministries and departments, and universities for their invaluable contribution to the development of thisstrategy through financial, technical and moral support.

I also acknowledge the technical committee that worked tirelessly with the two consultants to ensurethis strategy is of the highest standards.

Your efforts will definitely go a long way in ensuring the girl-child in Kenya and beyond our borders issafe from FGM and other harmful cultural practices.

Jane Mwereru

Ag. Chief Executive Officer

Anti-FGM Board

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Definition of Terms

Audience – individuals or groups who are the targets of a communication process for behaviour change.

Behaviour - the range of actions and mannerisms made by individuals or groups in conjunction with themselves or their environment.

Best practice - successful initiatives which have a demonstrable and tangible impact on improving people’s quality of life through behaviour change initiatives.

Campaigns - a series of operations intended to achieve a particular objective, such as behaviour change, confined to a particular area involving a specified type of approach.

Communication – the sharing of messages between two or more individuals, groups or organisations with the aim of influencing behaviour change.

Culture - the sum of attitudes, customs, and beliefs that distinguishes one group of people from another.

Development - the systematic use of scientific and technical knowledge to meet specific objectives or requirements to improve life conditions of a community.

Female Genital Mutilation – these are procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.

Gender - the range of characteristics pertaining to, and differentiating between, men and women in specific cultural contexts.

Media - the collective communication outlets, channels or tools that are used to store and deliver information or data.

Nyumba Kumi initiative - a Homeland Security system intended to create National Security Awareness amongst citizens from grassroots level in Kenya.

Policy - basic tenets upon which management or development objectives are built.

Stakeholder – person, a group, or an organisation with an interest in or a requirement for an organisation.

Strategy- a coordinated and planned set of actions and decisions that are impaled with a common intent of addressing a specific decision problem.

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List of Abbreviations and Acronyms























KV 2030


















Audience’s Attention to Interest and Desire that will lead to Action

African Medical Research Foundation

Agricultural Society of Kenya

Behavior Change Communication

Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women

Community Based Organization

Chief Executive Officer

Convention on the Rights of the Child

Civil Society Organization

Department for International Development

Directorate of Public Prosecutions

Frequently Asked Questions

Faith-Based Organizations

Female Genital Mutilation

Frequency Modulation

Gender Based Violence

Government of Kenya

Human Immune-Deficiency Virus /Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

Information Communication Technology

Information Education Communication

Keep It Short and Simple

Kenya National Assembly

Kenya Vision2030

Monitoring and Evaluation

Medium Term Development Plan

Ministry of Education Science and Technology

Non-Governmental Organization

Political Economic Social Environmental Technological Legal

Public Private Partnerships

Social Change Campaigns

Sustainable Development Goals

Short Messaging Service

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats

Teachers Service Commission

United Nations

United Nations Fund for Population

United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund

United States of Agency for International Development

World Health Assembly

World Health Organization

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Executive Summary

One of the mandates of the Anti-FGM Board is to design, supervise and co-ordinate public awareness

programmes against the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM). This is in line with the

Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation Act, 2011. However, we recognise that Female Genital

Mutilation is an entrenched practice in many communities in Kenya. Supporters of the practice rely

on religious and traditional beliefs to rationalise its perpetuation. Yet the practice has significant

health, psychological and ethical problems as it violates essential principles of medical ethics and

human rights. The changing nature of the practice also makes fighting it problematic. There is a

tendency towards medicalisation of the practice, while some communities are cutting girls as young

as two years to avoid the law. One of the major gaps in reducing the number FGM cases and

eliminating it altogether rests on the type of messages and how these messages are communicated.

Providing information that will dissuade communities from practising FGM is one of the key

interventions. But this information has to be offered in a very strategic manner for it to produce the

desired results.

It is in this regard that the Board has formulated this communication and media strategy as a tool

that will assist to create knowledge, awareness, educate and communicate to the people of Kenya

about FGM. In addition, this strategy aims at strengthening and improving the coordination of

campaigns against FGM.

In coming up with this strategy, the Board went through various processes including a desk top

review, meetings and consultations. There were also meetings with members of the Board and

Secretariat to discuss their information needs and evaluate the communication tools they have in

place. Focus group discussions and key informant interviews with civil society organisations, faith-

based organisations and county government officials were also conducted. The development of this

strategy was participatory to enhance ownership and success in the implementation. Furthermore,

the strategy borrows heavily from best practices in communication for behaviour change by

international and local practitioners.

Through thorough stakeholder analysis and audience segmentation, the strategy has identified

different stakeholder and audience groups for purposes of effective communication on FGM. This has

laid the foundation for the development and dissemination of messages through various channels.

The strategy has also incorporated a robust monitoring and evaluation framework, complete with a

reporting mechanism. The full realisation of the goals and benefits of the strategy is dependent on

the effective participation of all the stakeholders.

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1.0 Introduction

The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) as all those

procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to

the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.

FGM is an entrenched practice in many communities in Kenya. Its impact has been most harmful

to girls and women in the country. Its consequences include: early marriages, bleeding to death

after the mutilation, girls dropping out from school to get married, and marginalization of women

among many other undesirable outcomes. The practice has significant health, psychological and

ethical problems as it violates essential principles of medical ethics and human rights.

For their part, the champions of this practice have built strong myths, taboos and other value

loaded philosophies and popular narratives that make it a huge challenge to end the

practice.Campaigns against FGM are often seen as assaults against a “respected” or even

“revered” cultural practice.

Addressing the practice is furthermore complicated by its emotive nature as communities avoid

conversation around an issue they consider a taboo because it is about sexual organs and sexual

matters. The changing nature of the practice also complicates matters further. There is a tendency

towards “medicalization” of the practice. Some people now operate on girls who are as young as

two years so as to circumvent the law. It is important to drive home the message that whatever

guise FGM takes, it is not just an abuse of the victims, it is also a breach of the law.

1.1 Fundamental considerations

Taking the foregoing into account, this strategic communications plan begins by recognizing the following:

a) That the campaign against FGM sets out to challenge a heavily value loaded practice. Campaignsagainst FGM are likely to be misrepresented to appear like assaults against everything in thecommunity.

b) That there will be need to eliminate the practice while leaving the dignity of the communityundisturbed. Those who practice FGM must not be made to feel as if the campaign is an affrontagainst them as a community and against the rest of their values and practices. Community valuessymbolized by the practice must continue to be seen to be respected, even as the practice iseliminated.

c) That the campaign will receive resistance from those who benefit from the practice. Thosebenefitting from the practice need to see alternative benefits.

d) That there already exist popular and entrenched communication channels and narratives throughwhich the practice is promoted and that these need to be either countered or converted intopartnership forums. The communications approach will moreover seek to be conversational andpersuasive rather than combative and confrontational.

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1.2 FGM as a human rights issue

FGM is a form of Gender Based Violence (GBV), harmful practice and violation of human rights ofgirls andwomen1. Women and girls suffer long-term physical, psychological and health-related complications.The practice is performed at different ages. Some communities perform it to children as young astwo years of age while others perform it on adult women. The severity of the cut also varies fromcommunity to community, making the fight against it difficult because some communities point totheir less severe forms of cut as justification for continuing the practice. In essence the practiceviolates the sexual and reproductive health rights of women as well as the right to privacy andhuman dignity. In some communities, girls are taken out of school to be cut, resulting in prolongedabsence from school. Once circumcised, the girls are considered adults and, therefore, married off2 .What this means is that the girls’3 education ends immediately after the cut . Anti-FGM programmes

need to focus on advocating for girls’ and women’s rights as a major pillar of advocacy and

communicating these rights in a language that the community understands.

1.3 Situational analysis

The global scene

FGM is practised in many countries in Africa and Asia as a deeply rooted socio-cultural and religiousrequirement for girls and women4 . It is also found in Europe, the US and Canada among immigrantcommunities that usually fly their daughters back home to Africa and Asia5 to be circumcised. Thepractice has significant health, psychological and ethical problems as it violates essential principles ofmedical ethics and human rights of girls and women6 . In most cases women are blamed for thepersistence of the practice, yet it is a self-enforcing social convention to which families feel they mustconform to, to avoid uncut daughters facing social exclusion.

There is also a link between FGM and the socio-economic wellbeing of individual girls and households.

Although detailed studies on FGM are yet to be conducted in many African countries, studies from

other regions reveal that FGM leads to a decline in family earnings, erodes household savings and

investments and leads to high cost of treatment, resulting in the accumulation of debts which further

deepen household poverty7.

Studies have indicated that if practicing communities themselves decide to abandon FGM, the practice

can be eliminated very rapidly8 . Progress at both international and local levels includes:

International and regional protocols against FGM such as CEDAW and the Maputo Protocol to

the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa

Revised legal frameworks and growing political support to end FGM (law against FGM in 24

African countries, as well as 12 industrialized countries with migrant populations from FGM

practicing countries);


2 Frances A. Althaus, 1997, Family Planning Perspectives Special Report Female Circumcision: Rite of Passage or Violation of Rights? Volume 23, No. 3




6 Country Profile: FGM in Kenya May 2013

7 Global Consultation on Female Genital Mutilation

8 Hilabukha, 2010 in Oka Obono. A tapestry of African sexualities

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The Kenyan scene

The Kenya Demographic Health Survey (KDHS, 2014) estimates the prevalence of FGM in girls andwomen(aged 15-49 years) at 21%. This represents a decrease from 32% in 2003 and 27% in 2008-2009. The survey shows significant regional variations, with prevalence ranging from 94% among theSomali, 68% among the Samburu , 84% among the Kisii and 78% among the Maasai to two or lesspercent among Luhya, Luo, Turkana and Mijikenda. The Somali and Maasai for instance have highprevalence rates that are attributed to religion and persistent cultural beliefs, respectively. On theother hand, the Meru are experiencing declining rates due to education and urbanisation9 . Amongthe Gusii, the trend of medicalisation has been noted10. The country has initiated legislative andinstitutional efforts to stop FGM. Among these are the Children’s Act, 2001, the Sexual Offences Act,2006, the Penal Code, the Constitution of Kenya (2010) and the Prohibition of Female GenitalMutilation Act, 2011.

One of the blue prints for development in Kenya is the Vision 2030 . Under the Social Pillar, the Vision

highlights public awareness campaigns against FGM and early and forced marriages as the key

interventions to be implemented under Gender mainstreaming flagship projects. Kenya is also a

signatory to several Conventions, which provide a basis for the characterization of FGM as a violation

of Human Rights. These include the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women

(CEDAW), Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the Maputo Protocol . The policies and

protocols call on stakeholders to promote legislation, public education, advocacy, media coverage,

the empowerment of women, and access to reproductive health and other support services to

address FGM.

Source: Data based on the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey, 2014 Report



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1.4 Establishment of the Kenya Anti-FGM Board

In December 2013, the Government of Kenya established the Anti-Female Genital Mutilation Board

following the enactment of the Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation Act, 2011. The mission, vision

and core values of the Board spell out the operations of the Board upon which this Strategy is


Functions of the Board

As spelt out in the Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation Act, 2011, the functions of the Board areto:1. Design, supervise and co-ordinate public awareness programmes against the practice of FGM.

2. Advise the government on matters relating to FGM and the implementation of the Act.

3. Design and formulate a policy on the planning, financing and coordinating of all activities relating to FGM.

4. Provide technical and other support to institutions, agencies and other bodies engaged in the programmes aimed at eradication of FGM.

5. Design programmes aimed at the eradication of FGM.

6. Facilitate resource mobilisation for the programs and activities aimed at eradicating FGM.

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2.0 Why this communication strategy?

Implementation of any strategic mission requires effective and efficient communications with various

publics that are key to the mission. These include both internal and external audiences. It is of the

greatest essence that internal publics read and speak from the same script.

Internal audiences must understand their mission the same way and read from the same script on the

nature, meaning and thrust of the task at hand. Every staff must have the same understanding and

interpretation of the assignments and expected outcomes of the strategy. It is only then that a

common and effective message can be sent to external audiences. But for this to happen, there must

be a deliberate, planned and sustained communication effort, which can only be realized with a

communication plan. But it is important to note that a strategic communications plan does not

function in a void. It seeks to contribute to the realization of the institutional strategic plan. In this

regard, this communications plan seeks to help the Anti-FGM Board realise its strategic plan for the

period 2016 – 2018.

The five-year Strategic Plan has measureable goals, objectives, activities, as well as expected results

for the period. The Plan is aligned to Kenya’s Vision 2030 and its Medium Term Plan. Through the

Strategic Plan, the Board intends to ensure that it achieves its mid-term and long-term objectives

through timely implementation of activities. This will ensure that FGM issues are addressed adequately

through an appropriate linkage among all the stakeholders. The development of this communication

and media strategy is therefore designed to assist in the achievement of the outcomes in the strategic


The communication and media strategy seeks to achieve the proposed results through implementation

of robust annual plans at the Board, to be derived from this master plan for the period (2016 – 2018).

Each annual plan will be subjected to quarterly reviews within each year, as well as an end year

evaluation. In addition to helping the realisation of the mission of the Board, this strategy is also

designed to increase the Board’s visibility and the visibility of the work of the Board. If implemented

well, this strategy should contribute immensely to the interventions designed by the Board to address

FGM issues in the country. Various stakeholders listed in this plan can also align their communications

activities with the strategies laid out in this plan.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

A SWOT analysis conducted around how the Board does its communication revealed the followingscenarios;1.One of the key strengths of the Board is the presence of individuals with respected track records in

the fight against FGM. These people constitute a strategic channel for delivering anti-FGM messages to

communities across the country.

2.The other strength is the Board, being a government outfit, is a brand that many stakeholders like to

engage with. This includes media and other organizations that are in the business of communicating

anti-FGM messages.

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But there are weaknesses, too.

1.One major weakness is lack of a communication strategy. This gap makes it difficult for the Board

to run structured communication interventions and to fundraise for communication related activities.

2.Compounding this are the threats to the campaign against FGM. The communities being targeted

have powerful communication strategies and channels that pass messages which people listen and

trust. Such people will be suspicious of what other people, considered as ‘outsiders,’ might tell them.

Nevertheless, there exists opportunities that could advance the Board’s advocacy against FGM.

Recent studies show a number of communities abandoning the practice at fairly faster rate. This can

be used for case studies for the Board to advance its campaign.

The ranks of male champions against FGM is growing. This is a good sign. More men should be

sensitized to contribute to the campaign, especially as advocates. The legal framework especially the

Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation Act,2011 is a great opportunity for the Board in addressing

FGM in the country.

1. Political will to end FGM is also on the rise, as is the number of girls and women resisting going

through the cut.

2. Emergence of vernacular radio stations now makes it easier to communicate to the communities in

a language they understand better.

These opportunities will make it easier for the Board to deliver its anti-FGM messages.

2.1 The communication objectives

The broad objective of this strategy is to increase awareness on the negative effectives of FGM and to

trigger communities and individuals into action to end the practice. The specific objectives are to:

1.Increase awareness on the dangers and implications of FGM and debunk myths that perpetuate

violation of the human rights of girls and women.

2.Develop the right messages and provide guidelines for the co-ordination of public awareness

campaigns against FGM.

3.Identify, plan and execute the right kinds of communication activities using the most appropriate

channels for reaching desired stakeholders and audiences.

4.Support resource mobilisation and financing for communication and media campaigns against FGM.

5.Monitor and evaluate the communication interventions and their impact in realizing the Board’s goal

of eliminating FGM.

2. The target groups

Audience segments and stakeholders

For a successful communication and media campaign against FGM, various stakeholder groups havebeen identified. This is vital for effective engagement with dissimilar strategic groups of interest. Theplan recognizes that each of these dissimilar groups falls under either of the two categories:

• Internal audiences• External audiences

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Internal audiencesThe analysis of stakeholders took into account their relationships to the Board. These were identifiedas:•Board members/Decision makers•Employees of the Board•Development partners•Different demographic groups and stakeholder populations in communities in which FGM is practised

External stakeholder analysisDifferent external audiences and stakeholders have different information needs, contingent upon theirinterests and existing knowledge and interest in FGM. Therefore, based on the diversity of informationand communication needs, this strategy distinguishes three levels of audiences and stakeholders.These are primary, secondary and tertiary audiences and stakeholders.

Primary stakeholders

• Girl Child from age 4 years11

• Parents, Guardians and Relatives• Boy Child from age 4 years• The traditional circumciser• Communities that practice FGM

Messages for girls and boys at the tender age will be through songs and creative communication

methods such as use of cartoons.

Secondary Stakeholders•Anti-FGM Board•Council of elders•Rescue Centres•Youth anti-FGM networks at the grassroots•Ministry of Education•Ministry of Health•The civil society organizations•Ministry of interior and coordination of National Government

Tertiary Stakeholders

•The Judiciary•The media•The National Parliament•Development Partners•Faiths based organisations•County Governments•Research Institutions•Office of the of the Director of Public Prosecution

(See detailed Stakeholder Analysis in Annex 1)

11Messages for girls and boys at the tender age will be through songs and creative communication methods such as use of cartoons

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2.3 Principles to guide the strategy

The following principles will guide this communication and media strategy

1.Strategic partnerships are key to the reduction and elimination of FGM.

2.Coordinated messages will be agreed on by all partners, with anti-FGM Board taking the lead.

Messages and information given to public by the Board and partners should not appear to be


3.Communities practicing FGM are valuable partners in ending FGM.

4.High quality and accurate information on FGM will be channeled to all stakeholders using the most

accessible and appropriate channel of communication.

5 Timely feedback to all media outlets, no matter their size or reach, are relevant to the campaign

against FGM.

6.All employees of the Board will work tirelessly for the success of this strategy.

7.Proactive and not reactive approach to managing FGM to be applied.

8.Media outlets are key allies in the fight against FGM.

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3.0 Communication and media channels

To effectively address and make significant inroads against the practice of FGM, the Board will rely

heavily on strategic communication in its outreach interventions. Changing behaviours and practices

requires effective communication to realise the desired results. But this can only happen when an

organization or an individual uses strategic communication channels that resonate with the specific

audience being targeted. The type of message being delivered and the effect it is intended to

produce will greatly inform the communication channels to be used.

In the case of FGM, a mixture of communication channels will be used by the Board. This will include

both conventional and traditional channels. Print, electronic, and online channels will be applied.

Traditional modes of communication that communities which practice FGM use to pass messages

about key issues around FGM are also going to be used. Experience has shown that some of these

channels are extremely effective in producing certain results.

While deciding on the communication channel to use, it is important to keep in mind the following;

What is the central issue that the Board wants to communicate? To whom does the Board want to

communicate the issue? What are the characteristics of the target audience in terms of the following:

Age: youth and adults; Gender: women and men; ethnicity; education level; income level; the blind

and deaf ;the policy makers; general public; the law enforcers; and the donors.

These factors will greatly inform the communication channel to be adopted. Here are the media

channels that are going to be of great value in disseminating information, education and messages

around FGM.

3.1 The media channels

Community mediaCommunity media is one of the critical channels that the Board will have to use. This is because a lotof communication around FGM is mediated through this community channels. The Board can also usethese very channels to advance its agenda and the anti-FGM agenda. Included here are thecommunity/vernacular radio stations that now mediate a lot of important conversations in manycommunities. Since they are affordable and reach so many people, the community radio becomes avery powerful tool for social change, especially in regard to changing attitudes, behaviours andpractices. During radio programmes, drama series focusing on specific theme areas are to be used toeducate people and stimulate discussions on given FGM related issues. Public address system,Poetry, Folk songs that convey anti-FGM messages, drama, storytelling, Cultural Festivals, Chief’s orother forms of Baraza’s, and Church functions will be used at the community level to communicateanti-FGM issues. Mapping of the community channels used in the media is to be done beforedecisions on which channels to use.

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Print channelsUnder this are the mainstream newspapers or newspapers with a nationwide reach; the Countynewspapers; and Magazines or newsletters addressing specific health or social issues. The printchannels are extremely important in reaching certain classes of stakeholders. The mainstreamnewspapers are also very useful in reaching huge masses, but they might not be very effective as acommunication channel when targeting communities. They are however effective in targeting peopleor actors who influence certain decisions designed to eradicate FGM. These include policy makers,decision makers, donors, advocates against FGM, and opinion makers.

Electronic channelsThese include the radio, television, and mobile phones.

The radioThe radio is the most widely listened to channel of communication and has the widest reach. Over 80percent of Kenyans own a radio set, with over 90 percent of them listening to radio at least onceevery week. There are over 100 radio stations in Kenya, broadcasting across the country in eitherKiswahili, English or vernacular languages. The radio stations are crucial avenues for disseminatinginformation and education, particularly in the rural areas and resource poor settings. Vernacularradio stations are even more effective in addressing community specific needs and issues. Similarly,the FM stations have emerged as one of the critical avenues to reach young people with messagesaround FGM. This is because majority of young people tune to FM stations for entertainment. Forthis reason, these stations provide opportunity for offering edu-entertainment messages to this targetgroup.

One of the advantages of the radio is its accessibility in terms of cost; and with the advent of mobile

phones; many more people can now listen to it while going on with their business. The Board will

have to rely heavily on this form of communication to speak to the heart and soul of the


TelevisionTelevision is another channel that is watched by a massive number of people. Its reach is estimatedto be in the region of 30 per cent to 40 per cent of the population. By 2015, close to five (5) millionshouseholds in Kenya had a television set, which is very effective with certain target groups.Television is very good when communicating issues to policy, decision, and opinion makers. Thedrawback is this form of communication is every expensive. The Board will have to use cost-effectivestrategies when it comes to television. This may include partnering with the stations under theirCorporate Social Responsibility. It will also mean working with strategic media practitioners andmedia organizations that influence content in the mainstream media to pass messages on thisplatform in a more cost-effective manner.

Mobile phonesThis platform will be used when it comes to sending text messages to high volumes of people. TheBoard will have to engage mobile service providers to agree on a very cost-effective way of goingabout this. This will include getting easy and unique numbers for this purpose.

Online media and channelsTwitter, blogs, Facebook, e-social networking and chat forums.The internet has become a major source of information and platform where discussions are held. It

has a wide reach and is affordable. This then means that for communication strategies aimed at

behaviour change, the internet becomes a very critical tool. In recent years, the internet has become

a major tool for raising awareness on issues and applying pressure on the authorities or the

community to do something. The Board will need to have a very strong online presence to reach a

category of the population that may help amplify its anti-FGM messages. This will require a very

interactive website. A blog maintained by the Board is going to be vital.

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against certain cultural practices. Likewise, the Board will work with other organisations that have vibrant online

media presence to pass its messages. Strategic partnerships in this regard may need to be developed.

reach the section of population active on this platform.

3.2 Other communication platformsThe Board will use other robust communication platforms in the campaign against FGM, apart frommainstream media. These approaches will place emphasis on mass awareness and sensitization onthe health risks, the social limitations and the legal risks about FGM. These platforms include;

The Board’s websiteThe Boards website is one of the key channels of communicating and updating stakeholders onemerging issues. It is also a platform where it interacts with individuals, communities and institutionsthat have an interest in FGM. New research, publications, and trends in the campaign around FGMare to be deposited on this website.

This website should therefore have up-to-date information that can help the stakeholders make

decision on issues relating to FGM. The website should serve as an information and knowledge hub,

with relevant materials that diverse stakeholders can use to advance the anti-FGM campaign. On this

website, the following interactive tools have to appear: Twitter, Facebook, Live chat, Instagram,

Blog, Google, and YouTube. This website is to be managed on a daily basis by a full-time Online


NewsletterA newsletter is an important way of communicating to stakeholders about a given issue, in this caseFGM. Through the newsletter, the Board will provide regular updates on projects, activities, successstories, best practices, and emerging strategies in addressing the practice, among other things. Thisnewsletter will be used as a sharing and learning platform for organisations and communitiesadvancing anti-FGM interventions. Media practitioners, individuals and organisations working aroundFGM will contribute content to this newsletter.

The Board’s information department assisted by an editorial team will provide guidance and ensure

quality and adherence to standards in the generation of content for this newsletter. The newsletter

will be key in informing and providing regular updates, from different parts of the country, on what is

going on in addressing the FGM problem. This newsletter is to come out on quarterly basis. To cut

down cost, it will largely be online with very limited copies printed to be delivered to strategic persons

and organisations.

Experience and knowledge sharing and learning platformsTo ensure effective and coordinated responses to FGM, experience and knowledge sharing andlearning platforms are to be used to bring together stakeholders to share what is working and whatis not working. These forums will take place at county level once every six months and at thenational level once every year.

Days that offer opportunity to communicate anti-FGM issues

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4.0 The structure to manage the strategyA communication focal person will be identified to coordinate all matters to do with theimplementation of this strategy. A communication committee made up of the key staff of the Board willbe formed to provide leadership and direction on specific issues in this strategy. The focal person willfunction as the secretary to the communication committee.Some of the functions of the committee will include;

• Providing guidance on message development.• Identifying the appropriate communication channels to be used.• Identifying themes to be discussed during the Radio and TV talk shows and the resource

persons to attend.• Overseeing the implementation of this strategy in respect to the implementation of the logics

and the work plan.

• Responding to urgent concerns around FGM.

4.1 The critical inputsResources that are to play important roles in ensuring this strategy succeeds willinclude:• The communication/information officer/manager.• The communication committee.• Financial resources to implement the activities.• Media practitioner trained and knowledgeable about FGM issues.• Strategic partners working around FGM.• Tools to monitor the realization of milestones as defined in this strategy.

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4.2 Implementation logics and work plans

Table 1- Communication strategy implementation logic

Objective Activities Target group Communication





IndicatorMeans ofverification



To Develop the Development of The Board A workshop to Communication Developed The published Clarity and

right messages communication officially launch guideline and guidelines unity of purpose

and provide guidelines the guidelines developed published in anti-FGM

guidelines around messages

for the co- FGM related

ordination Interventions

of public




female genital


Development Young girls Vernacular Messages Number of Collection of

of context radio stations addressing messages messages

appropriate Female in targeted various developed developed

Anti-FGM Circumcisers communities aspect of FGM

messages developed

Organization FM radio stations


against FGM Online platforms


Build the Community Training forums 20 Partner Number Workshop Anti-FGM

capacity based organizations of partner reports messages visible

of partner organization with enhanced organization and delivered

organizations on working around communication whose Participants list in powerful and

messaging and FGM and media capacity transformative

communicating skills has been Feedback from manner

issues around Anti-FGM enhanced partners on

FGM advocates the value of

working in the training




officers who

deal with FGM

and GBV issues

To identify, plan Production of Individuals in Online platforms Organizations Number of The published Informed

and execute, a quarterly communities and individuals organizations newsletter anti-FGM

using the most newsletter practicing FGM A few hard copies working around and stakeholders

appropriate providing delivered to FGM aware of individuals

communication updates on Government strategic people developments receiving the

platforms, emerging issues institutions at and offices in Anti-FGM newsletter

products, and in FGM, and The the national campaign

channels for Board’s work and county

reaching desired level Number of

stakeholders feedback

and audiences. CSOs working on the

around FGM newsletter

and GBV content



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Objective Activities Target group Communication





IndicatorMeans ofverification



Identify and MOESTST that Drama festivals Strategic Number of Partnership

develop coordinates partnership strategic agreement and

strategic Colleges and Public lectures at established partnerships arrangements

partnerships Schools drama Universities and with established formulated

arrangements festival Colleges organizations

with institutions and institutions

and other Universities and

arrangements colleges


disseminating Cultural

anti-FGM festivals in

messages the targeted


Production of Communities IEC materials Number of T-shirts, caps Informed communitiesT-shirts, caps, that practice with IEC materials and fliers

fliers, tickers FGM informative developed with anti-FGM

with anti-FGM messages on messages

messages Advocates of FGM developed


Schools and


where young

girls spend

most of their


Hold learning, Girls and Dialogue forums 20 Number of Forum reports Organizations

experience, women who organizations organizations campaigning

and knowledge have and have campaigning benefiting List of against FGM

sharing forums not experienced against FGM from the participants applying best

at the County FGM aware and knowledge practices in their

level on a knowledgeable and interventions

quarterly basis Other about best experience

and at the stakeholders practices in sharing

National level working tackling the forums

once every year towards the practice

elimination of

the practice

To support Establish An experienced ToRs for TORs and Increased flow

resource a resource resource resource list of team of funds for

mobilisation and mobilization mobilization mobilization members implementing

financing for team and team put in formulated communication

communication develop its place and list and media

and media terms of of names activities around

campaigns reference provided FGM


female genital


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Objective Activities Target group Communication






Means of




Increase Training of Health Training 90 journalists Number of Workshop Media

awareness on journalists on reporters in workshops knowledgeable journalists reports practitioners

the dangers and reporting FGM the print, about FGM trained supportive

implications of electronic, Stories on and

female genital community, FGM written publishing

mutilation on, vernacular, by trained or airing

and debunk and online journalists content that

myths that media advance the

affects the anti-FGM

health and cause


of girls and Increased

women visibility

of FGM

issues on a



Sensitize Sub-editors, Discussions 50 editors Number Forum reports

editors on managing forums sensitized on of editors

the need to editors and the FGM and sensitized Stories

offer space producers its implication appearing

and airtime in radio and on health and or being

for content television empowerment aired by the

that advance of the girls and media houses

anti-FGM represented

messaging by the editors

and promote


rights of


Conduct Communities Community and 50 radio and Number of CD recordings

aggressive practising FGM Vernacular radio television talk radio talk of the talk

radio and and television shows on FGM shows held shows

television Policy and stations held

awareness decision Report of the

programs, makers Kiswahili and talk shows

taking the English FM

format of talk CSOs working stations

shows around FGM

Conduct Reporters 10 media Number Stories written

media who write on encounters in of media or aired by

encounters health and communities encounters journalists

by selecting social issues practicing FGM conducted who

journalists to conducted participated

do specific in the media

stories on encounter

FGM with



Table 2-Media Specific Implementation logic

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Table 2-Media Specific Implementation logic

Run short Communities English, Kiswahili, Five television Number of Reports of the

anti-FGM that practice and vernacular stations running television TV stations

messages FGM television news anti-FGM stations running

on during bulletins messages running anti- messages and

prime time on Girls and FGM messages at what time

television women in

communities Recordings of

that practice news bulletins

FGM where the

messages are

Policy makers appearing

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Objective Activities Target group Communication






Means of




Run profiles Communities Radio stations 20 profiles on Number Profiles Increasedof successful that practice that broadcast in positive aspects of profiles published, number of

women who FGM communities that of not going disseminated aired, or Girls and

have not gone practice FGM through FGM on the circulated families

through FGM Men, women, published various media online opting out

and girls in Community media platforms of FGM

communities platforms

that practice

FGM Print newspaper

Run profiles Communities Radio stations 10 profiles of Number Profilesof Anti- that practice that broadcast in men advocating of profiles published,

FGM male FGM communities that against FGM disseminated aired, or

champions practice FGM published on the circulated

Men, women, various media online

and girls in Community media platforms

communities platforms

that practice

FGM Print newspaper

Undertake and Communities Radio stations Five case Number of Case studiespublish on that practice that broadcast in studies that case studies published

various media FGM communities that showcase the done and

platforms case practice FGM advantage of published

studies of Development communities

communities partners Community media not practicing

that are platforms FGM published

leading in the Policy makers

reduction of Print newspaper

FGM related Men, women,

cases and girls in


that practice


Undertake Media houses Dialogue forums One content Number Content Mediacontent Reporters and Internet analysis of content analysis study houses and

analysis on editors detailing how analysis published journalists

how media media covers studies done coverage

covers FGM FGM done of FGM

issues every year informed

by study


Hold annual Print, Internet Five awards Number Reportmedia awards Electronic, given out to of awards of award

for journalists and online Newspapers, journalist and given out for ceremony

and media journalists and radio, and media houses transformative

houses that media outlets television on coverage of FGM stories List of

communicate FGM journalist and

well on the anti-FGM

media houses

campaign that won the


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Brand the Organization Mainstream print Anti-FGM Board Number and Branding of

Anti-FGM working on and electronic identified and times branded messages

Board as FGM issues media acknowledged materials on delivered by

the lead as the lead anti-FGM is the Board and

organization Development Vernacular radio organization on used by the partners

on partners with stations FGM Board and

interventions programmes organization Books, Pen’s

around FGM around FGM Online platform working and T-shirts

(twitter, blogs, around FGM of staff and

Individuals face book, e-mail) issues community

working on advocates

FGM issues with the


messages and


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Objective Activities Target group Communication






Means of




Establish Mainstream Partnership Number of Partnership Partnership Media houses

partnerships print and agreements on partnership agreements Agreements supportive of

with media electronic disseminating agreements entered into signed the anti-FGM

institutions for media anti-FGM entered into with specific campaign

cost-effective messages media houses

dissemination Community/ established with

of anti-FGM vernacular radio 15 media outlets

messages and and television


Online media


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2016 2017 2018

Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Development of communication

guidelines around FGM related


Development of context

appropriate Anti-FGM messages

Build the capacity of partner

organization on messaging and

communicating issues around


Production of a quarterly

newsletter providing updates on

emerging issues in FGM, and

The Board’s work

Identify and develop strategic

partnerships arrangements with

institutions and other

arrangements for disseminatinganti-FGM messages

Production of T-shirts, caps,

fliers, tickers with ant-FGM


Hold learning, experience, and

knowledge sharing forums at the

County level on quarterly basis

and at the National level once

every year

Establish a resource mobilization

team and develop its terms of


Establish partnerships with

media institutions for cost-effect

dissemination of anti-FGM

messages and information

Develop and send to appropriate

institutions communication

related proposals

Brand the Anti-FGM Board as the

lead organization on

interventions around FGM

Monitor and evaluateimplementation of the activities

Table 3-Anti-FGM Board Communication and Media Work plan

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2016 2017 2018

Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Train journalists on reporting FGM

Sensitize editors on the need to offer space and airtime for content that advance anti-FGMmessaging and promote alterna-tive rights of passage

Conduct aggressive radio and television awareness programs, taking the format of talk shows

Conduct media encounters by selecting journalists to do spe-cific stories on FGM with specific communities

Run short anti-FGM messag- eson during prime time ontelevision

Run profiles of successful wom-en who have not gone throughFGM

Run profiles of men who are on the forefront against FGM

Undertake and publish on various media platforms case studies of communities that are leading in reduction of FGM

Daily monitor how media iscovering GBV

Undertake content analysis on how media covers FGM issues

Hold annual media awards for journalists and media houses that communicate well anti-FGM campaign

Table 4-Media Specific Work Plan

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4.3 Measuring and evaluating effectiveness of the strategies applied

IntroductionMonitoring, evaluation and reporting will be essential aspects of this Strategy. For media monitoring, the Board will undertake a baseline study to assess how media covers FGM issues and the levels of awareness of FGM and its consequences. This data will be used as reference point to assess progress made with interventions. Specific tools for monitoring media as well as other interventions are to be developed. The monitoring and evaluation reports will be produced bi-annually. Media related evaluations such as Content Analysis can be done every year. The Board should however come up with reporting timelines that it is comfortable with. Below is the performance monitoring framework.

Table 5-Performance Monitoring Framework


ResultsIndicators Milestones

registered this


Milestones to

dateMeans ofverification

Data (How the

data will be


Frequency at

which data will

be collected


Outcome: Clarity

and unity of

purpose in anti-

FGM messages

Number of

organization s

using and


agreed upon


6 organizations

using the agreed

upon messaging

in their activities

10 organizations

using the agreed

upon messaging

in their activities

Reports of the

message usage

Filings of

reports FGD

with partners

Once everyquarter







against FGM

applying best

practices in their


Number of


replicating best

practices around


3 organizations

using practice

models in their


5 organizations

using practice

models in their


Reports of


using best


Interviews with



best practicemodels

Once every

yearA consultant

Output: An




team put in


ToRs for resource


formulated and

list of names


One proposal for


support written

and submitted to

relevant donors

Four proposals



support written

and submitted to

relevant donors

Copies of the


Filings of

proposals done

Once every a

proposal is


Head of fund

raising team



agreements on




established with

15 media outlets

Number of



entered into

3 partnerships



6 partnerships



Copies of



Filings of theagreements

Copies of the






Output: 90



about FGM

Number of

journalists trained30 journaliststrained

60 journaliststrained


reports Stories

done by the


Cuttings of the


published or

CD recordings

of stories aired

Every time the

story is

published or





Output: 50 radio

and television

talk shows on

FGM held

Number of radio

talk shows held15 talk showsconducted

20 talk showsconducted

CD recordings

of the talk


Recordings ofthe talk shows

Every time a

talk show





Output: 10


encounters in


practicing FGM


Number of media



Four mediaencounters held

Six media

encounters held

Stories done

journalists who

are part of the



Cutting of


published and

recordings of

those aired

Every time the

story is

published or





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ResultsIndicators Milestones

registered this


Milestones to

dateMeans ofverification

Data (How the

data will be


Frequency at

which data will

be collected


Output: One Number of One content Two content The content Filings of Every time A Consultant

content analysis content analysis analysis report analysis report analysis report the content the analysis is

report detailing studies done done done analysis done

how media reports

covers FGM

done every year

Output: 20 Number of 10 organizations 15 organizations Forum reports Filings of After every The

organizations organizations participated participated reports knowledge and Information

campaigning benefiting from in knowledge in knowledge experience Officer

against FGM the knowledge and experience and experience sharing forum

aware and and experience sharing forums sharing forums

knowledgeable sharing forums

about best

practices in

tackling the


Output: Five Number Five awards 10 awards Report Filing of award After every The

awards given of awards given to given to of award reports award Information

out to journalist given out for journalists and journalists and ceremony held ceremony Officer

and media transformative media houses media houses

houses on FGM stories promoting anti- promoting anti-

coverage of FGM messages FGM messages


Output: Two Number of One evaluation One report A copy of the Copies of the At the middle The

reports on Evaluation report published published evaluation report and at the Information

the evaluation reports published report end of this officer

of anti-FGM published three year

communication communication

interventions strategy


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Annex 1

Stakeholder Role/Functions of


What the Board should

do to meet Stakeholder


What the stakeholder

should do to meet the

Board’s expectations


for targeting the


Primary Stakeholders

Girl Child from age 4 Report cases of FGM Enhance public campaigns

about FGMReport cases of FGM MOEST/church/mosque

Boy Child from age 4 Report cases of FGM Advocate against FGM and

protect the girls/sister/

cousin etc.

Report cases of FGM MOEST/Religious bodies

Parents, Guardians and


Protect the child and

report cases of FGM

Enhance public campaigns

about FGMReport cases of FGM Community meetings,

Ministry of Interior (MoI)

and Coordination of

National Government


The traditional circumciser Make public declarations

against FGM

Educate them about the

dangers of FGM

Become part of the

campaign team

Community meetings/

Nyumba Kumi

Community based artists To promote local


Engage them to work with

the Board to create various

artistic messages through

music, dance and drama

Compose songs, plays

and skits in traditional

moulds to help pass the


Community theatre, radio

and TV

Faith Based Organisations

and their leaders (FBOs)

Enhance public education


Preach persuasively against

the practice and initiate

persuasive conversations

on the subject

Talk about the dangers of

the practice in community

doing it differently

Community meetings/

Church meetings/Mosque


Radio and TV

Community elders, nyumba

kumi, chiefs and assistant

chiefs, teachers, Council of

elders and other opinion


Make public declarations

against FGM

Provide information about

the practice

Begin and lead in local

conversations (both formal

and informal) on alternative

approaches to values

represented by FGM

Participate in such

conversations on local radio

and TV

Talk about the dangers of

the practice in community

Community meetings/

Nyumba Kumi/ MoI and


Secondary Stakeholders

Anti-FGM Board Staff Implement and

coordinate FGM

communication activities

Provide a conducive

working environment

Participate in other

appropriate and useful

activities in the campaign

effort as will be necessary

Implement policy and

exhibit commitmentBoard meetings/seminars

Members of the Board Direct PolicyEducate the public on the

mandate of the Board

Provide information on


Fundraise and direct

policy formulationBoard Meetings/Seminars

Rescue Centres Provider safe space for

rescued girls

Enhance public campaigns

about FGMReport cases of FGM Board Secretariat/Moi

Law enforcers (police,


Make prompt arrests and

charges culprits

Enhance public campaigns

about FGM and organise


Monitor what is

happening in the


MoI and CoNG,

Government /Dept. of

Children/Ministry Sports,

Culture and the Arts



Table 6- Stakeholder Levels and Roles

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Stakeholder Role/Functions of


What the Board should

do to meet Stakeholder


What the stakeholder

should do to meet the

Board’s expectations


for targeting the


Schools and their Boards of

GovernorsProtect children Facilitate meetings Monitor what is

happening in schoolsMOEST

The Teachers ServiceCommission

Enforce law Facilitate meetings and

dissemination of

information about FGM

Monitor and report what

is happening to girls in



Ministry of Health Provision of Health care

Public Education on the

dangers of FGM

Partnership andcollaboration

Educate staff and Monitor

the implementation of

policy on FGM

Children’s Dept/ Ministry of

Interior and Coordination

of National Government

The civil societyorganisations

Advocacy and lobbying Coordinate sensitizationstakeholder meetings

Monitor what is

happening in communities

MOEST/Ministry of Labour/

Ministry of Interior and

Coordination of National


Ministry of interior and

coordination of National


Make prompt arrests and

charges culprits

Coordinate public

campaigns about FGM and

organise meetings

Monitor what is

happening in the


Ministry of Interior and

Coordination of National


Tertiary Stakeholders

The Police Service Enforce the law Facilitate meetings andeducate on existing law

Implement the law Ministry of interior and

coordination of National


The Judiciary Implement, interpret andenforce the law

Coordinate stakeholder


Timely and consistent

rulings on cases of FGMThe Judiciary/Office of theDPP

Parliament Enact lawsResearch and resourcemobilisation

Implement the law on FGM

and provide information on

the status of the progress

on elimination of FGM

Enact legislation that is

supportive of the Board’s

mandate and provide

adequate budgetary


Parliamentary committees/

Ministry of interior and

coordination of National


Office of the of the Directorof Public Prosecution

Implement, interpret andenforce the law

Facilitate meetings Timely prosecution of

FGM cases

Office of the DPP/ Ministry

of interior and coordination

of National Government

Media Publish information onFGM

Partnership andcollaboration

Provide timely and

accurate information on

anti-FGM campaigns

ICT Information

County Governments Enforce the law and

allocate resources to

address F

Partnership andcollaboration

Prioritise FGM, Establish

and support committees

to address FGM issues,

Council of Governors/County Assemblies

Research Institutions Provide up to date data

on trends and incidence

of FGM and disseminate


Partnership andcollaboration

Provide analyses of policy

and information on FGM

issues as well as

disseminate information


Development Partners Mobilise resource toaddress FGM issues

Enhance Partnerships andcollaboration

Timely and consistent

provision of budgetary


The Board Secretariat

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Annex 2


How the Board designs its anti-FGM messages is key to winning or losing the war against thispractice. Like in marketing, powerful messages that resonate with the targeted group can producetremendous results. In this case, the reduction of FGM will require compelling and informativemessages. Developing the right messages that appeal and compel people to do things in a wayadvocated by the message can help change behaviours and attitudes on FGM. But for the messagesto have any of this intended effect, then their development has to go through a well thought-outprocess. Undertaking a baseline survey or using existing evidence as a basis of developing themessage is very important.

It is equally important that the messages are not ad hoc or developed without going through thenecessary steps. For messages to be compelling, relevant and informative, they have to go throughthe following steps;

The Anti-FGM Board is to consider the following issues as they develop the message:36

Step 1: Defining the issue

Understand FGM and why it is popular or preferred. What value does the community attach to it and what are the recent developments. You may need to do a Focus Group Discussion to tease out information to guide your message development.

Checklist for Step 1The following demographic issues need to be considered in regard to the target group:1.Age2.Gender3.Family structure4.Ethnicity5.Education level6.Income level

It is important to appreciate what your target groups think, believe, or feel about the issue you want to communicate. Do they hold positive or negative thoughts about the FGM practice? If so, to what extent?

Step 2: Develop initial message conceptsThe information gathered in stage 1 will help to define the specific actions and behaviours that you want to

encourage or discourage.

Checklist for Step 2In this step, the people designing the message should ask themselves the specific actions they want their

audience to adopt? Consider issues that may make it difficult for a person to adopt a certain behaviour and

how to respond to them.

Step 3: Assessing message conceptsTest if the messages developed in stage 2 are relevant and mean something to the target audience. Does the message convey the same meaning to, say, 9 out of 10 people? Ask the audience the following ques- tions: How do you interpret this message? Do you identify with the message? Does it compel you to do something?


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Checklist for Step 3Find out if the message is meaningful to the target audience and if it motivates them to do something

positive to end FGM?

Step 4: Fine-tune messagesIf the message fails the test in step 3, then subject it to further fine tuning. And assess it afresh.

Checklist for Step 4In this stage, assess the receptiveness of the audience to the message. Did they interpret the message as per the intended purpose? Were the interpretations varied? If so, then what was the problem? Once you establish the problem, fine tune the message.

Step 5: Validate messagesAfter stage four, validate the message again to test its relevance and meaning to the target audience. Asking Questions in step five to many people:• How receptive was the audience or public to the message?• Did the consumers interpret the message in the way you intended them to? Why or why

not?• What are the connotations they derived from the message? Which part of the message was

clear or unclear?• Will minor word changes improve the meaning or should it be completely rewritten?

Checklist for Step 5

Subject the audience once again to the fine tuned message and assess how they interpret it. If 8 out of 10 people interpret the message the same way, then it is a good message.

Step 6: Message ExecutionOnce the message has been validated and found to communicate the same meaning to as many people as possible, it is ready for dissemination.

Step 7: Evaluation of message impact

Monitor and evaluate the message acceptance and impact on the targeted community.

These are some of the things to consider to ensure that the developed message is effective:•Work closely with communities and opinion makers in the community that practice FGM to come up with powerful messages and to win their support.•Work closely with the best communication professionals and creative talent available to produce a high-quality product.•Ensure that the developed messages are thoroughly pretested.•Be cautious with information that is not well understood or is offensive to the intended audience.•Scrutinize and approve all messages before they are sent for mass consumption.

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