communication in the workplace

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Communication in the Workplace


Communication in the Workplace

Communication in the Workplace

Objectives:To be able to define Communication.To be able to identify the two types of Communication (verbal and non-verbal). To be able to give suggestions and tips on how to communicate in the workplace.

Good communication is a key part of success in the workplace.

All organizations of more than one person must use workplace communication in one way or another. One person must give another instructions before any activity can occur. CommunicationThe exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior. The art and technique of using words effectively to impart information or ideas. Acceptable communication differs from company to company, but many aspects are universal.

What are the most common ways we communicate?Spoken WordWritten WordVisual ImagesBody LanguageThe Communication ProcessSENDER(encodes)RECEIVER(decodes)BarrierBarrierMediumFeedback/ResponseBarriers to communicationNoiseInappropriate mediumAssumptions/MisconceptionsEmotionsLanguage differencesPoor listening skillsDistractions

Without communication skills we are unable to let others know what we think, feel, or want to accomplish.

We are unable to build partnerships, motivate others, or resolve conflict.

What is a workplace?Dictionary definition - A place, such as an office or factory, where people are employed.

Tips to help us communicate effectively in the workplace

Listen - When you listen to others attentively it makes them feel good. It also makes for a deeper and more positive connection with others. In turn, you form an understanding and they will listen to you when its your turn to speak.Poor listening happens often and results in misunderstandings and miscommunications. Hearing Physical process, natural, passiveListening Physical as well as mental process, active, learned process, a skillListening is hard.You must choose to participate in the process of listening.

Hearing Vs ListeningWHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE? Have Intention - Ask yourself what your intention is before starting a project, going to a meeting, or speaking to someone. Knowing your intention will help you be more conscious of what youre doing or saying.Always think ahead about what you are going to say.ESSENTIALS OF COMMUNICATIONDOsUse simple words and phrases that are understood by every body.Increase your knowledge on all subjects you are required to speak.Speak clearly and audibly.Check twice with the listener whether you have been understood accurately or notIn case of an interruption, always do a little recap of what has been already said.Always pay undivided attention to the speaker while listening.While listening, always make notes of important points.Always ask for clarification if you have failed to grasp others point of view.Repeat what the speaker has said to check whether you have understood accurately.

ESSENTIALS OF COMMUNICATIONDONTsDo not instantly react and mutter something in anger.Do not use technical terms & terminologies not understood by majority of people.Do not speak too fast or too slow.Do not speak in inaudible surroundings, as you wont be heard.Do not assume that every body understands you.While listening do not glance here and there as it might distract the speaker.Do not interrupt the speaker.Do not jump to the conclusion that you have understood every thing.

SPEAK CLEARLYSpeak Clearly - Take a deepbreath and remain positive when talking to people. Try to cut out the ums, uh-hmms and ahhs;these make it difficult for people to understand what youre trying to communicate. Try to keep your voice steady and dont talk too quickly or too quietly. Be confident in what youre saying and others will feel your confidence too.

BE GENUINEBe Genuine - Being genuine can include speaking honestly, expressing excitement or sadness when you feel like it, and being friendly. There is nothing wrong with saying, no, I dont really agree with that, or you know, I think youve changed my mind! However, dont be rude. I was just being honest is not a good excuse for being harsh. Being genuine builds your confidence. Be ReceptiveBe open to what others are saying or offering.

Often, people restrict the flow of ideas or communication because theyre making too many assumptions or are being too quickto judge and criticize. CommunicationFlowDownward communication, Upward communication, Lateral communication, and the Grapevine.

Communication FlowDownward Workplace Communication: Enabling And, as information moves downward in the workplace, it grows increasingly detailed. And, at each stage the information become less abstract, more specific, and more detailed. Upward Communication: Less DetailedLateral communication: CoordinationInformation that flows back and forth between you and your peers, whether you're a front-line worker, a manager, or a member of the board of directors. This is lateral communication. Lateral communication:CharacteristicsFirst, no superior/subordinate relationship exists here; it's strictly a case of two people with roughly equal amounts of power and prestige. That makes this form of communication voluntary and discretionary.Yes, the boss may tell us to communicate with each other, but unless we both want to do it, we're not going to exchange much information of value. ReciprocatingThe quality and quantity of information we provide to our peers generally reflects what we get back from them. I may provide good information to you when we start working together, but I won't continue to provide it unless you reciprocate in kind.

Team CommunicationTeam communication is a special form of lateral communication, and an essential one. For teamwork in the workplace, members must not only communicate with each other, but will often need to communicate with peers outside their immediate group. Leaders will need to keep these communication flows in mind, as well as the upward and downward flows that connect them directly to their co-employees.Communication for team building and just plain teamwork and is many-faceted and requires consistent attention. The Grapevine: Filling the GapsIts Tuesday morning, and Lee just emptied out his desk and left the building. Apparently for good. Everyone wants an answer to the same question: "Why?" If there's no official answer, and sometimes even if there is one, the people around him begin speculating about possible reasons. This is a communication channel that no one owns and no one controls. And while we might complain about gossips and busybodies, we all use it sooner or later. It has a function

Despite its many faults, though, the grapevine does have a place, a function, in all organizations. It fills in gaps left behind by conventional and official communication. Downward communication delivers enabling information from superior to subordinateUpward communication involves compliance information reported back to the superior by the subordinateLateral communication takes place between peers, helping us coordinate with each other. New toolsTraditionally, the grapevine revolved around mouth-to-mouth communication, with only occasional bits of information written down or put on paper. But, new technologies mean change. The Internet opened up all kinds of new opportunities for unofficial communication. What is your communicating style?Good communication skills require a high level of self-awareness. Understanding your personal style of communicating will go a long way toward helping you to create good and lasting impressions on others Three basic communication styles AggressivePassiveAssertive

Elements of the Aggressive StyleBeliefs "Everyone should be like me.""I am never wrong.""I've got rights, but you don't."

Communication Style Close mindedPoor listenerHas difficulty seeing the other person's point of viewInterruptsMonopolizing

Characteristics Achieves goals, often at others' expenseDomineering, bullyingPatronizingCondescending, sarcastic

Behavior Puts others downDoesn't ever think they are wrongBossyMoves into people's space, overpowers Jumps on others, pushes people aroundKnow-it-all attitudeDoesn't show appreciation

Nonverbal Cues Points, shakes fingerFrownsSquints eyes criticallyGlaresStaresRigid postureCritical, loud, yelling tone of voiceFast, clipped speech Verbal Cues "You must (should, ought better).""Don't ask why. Just do it."Verbal abuseConfrontation and Problem Solving Must win arguments, threatens, attacksOperates from win/lose position Feelings Felt Anger HostilityFrustrationImpatience

Effects Provokes counteraggression, alienation from others, ill healthWastes time and energy oversupervising othersPays high price in human relationshipsFosters resistance, defiance, sabotaging, striking back, forming alliances, lying, covering upForces compliance with resentment

Elements of the Passive Style Beliefs "Don't express your true feelings.""Don't make waves.""Don't disagree.""Others have more rights than I do."Communication Style IndirectAlways agreesDoesn't speak upHesitant Characteristics Apologetic, self-consciousTrusts others, but not selfDoesn't express own wants and feelingsAllows others to make decisions for selfDoesn't get what he or she wants

Behaviors Sighs a lotTries to sit on both sides of the fence to avoid conflictClams up when feeling treated unfairlyAsks permission unnecessarilyComplains instead of taking actionLets others make choicesHas difficulty implementing plansSelf-effacing

Nonverbal Cues FidgetsNods head often; comes across as pleadingLack of facial animationSmiles and nods in agreementDowncast eyesSlumped postureLow volume, meekUp talkFast, when anxious; slow, hesitant, when doubtful

Verbal Cues "You should do it.""You have more experience than I do.""I can't......""This is probably wrong, but...""I'll try..."Monotone, low energy

Confrontation and Problem Solving Avoids, ignores, leaves, postponesWithdraws, is sullen and silentAgrees externally, while disagreeing internallyExpends energy to avoid conflicts that are anxiety provokingSpends too much time asking for advice, supervisionAgrees too often

Feelings Felt PowerlessnessWonders why doesn't receive credit for good workChalks lack of recognition to others' inabilitiesEffects Gives up being him or herselfBuilds dependency relationshipsDoesn't know where he or she standsSlowly loses self esteemPromotes others' causesIs not well-liked

Elements of the Assertive StyleBeliefs Believes self and others are valuableKnowing that assertiveness doesn't mean you always win, but that you handled the situation as effectively as possible"I have rights and so do others."Communication Style Effective, active listenerStates limits, expectationsStates observations, no labels or judgmentsExpresses self directly, honestly, and as soon as possible about feelings and wantsChecks on others feelings

Characteristics Non-judgmentalObserves behavior rather than labeling itTrusts self and othersConfidentSelf-awareOpen, flexible, versatilePlayful, sense of humorDecisiveProactive, initiating Behavior Operates from choiceKnows what it is needed and develops a plan to get itAction-orientedFirmRealistic expectationsFair, justConsistentTakes appropriate action toward getting what she wants without denying rights of others

Nonverbal Cues Open, natural gesturesAttentive, interested facial expressionDirect eye contactConfident or relaxed postureVocal volume appropriate, expressiveVaried rate of speech

Verbal Cues "I choose to...""What are my options?""What alternatives do we have?"Confrontation and Problem Solving Negotiates, bargains, trades off, compromisesConfronts problems at the time they happenDoesn't let negative feelings build up

Feelings Felt EnthusiasmWell beingEven temperedEffects Increased self-esteem and self-confidenceIncreased self-esteem of othersFeels motivated and understoodOthers know where they stand

Clearly, the assertive style is the one to strive for. Keep in mind that very few people are all one or another style. In fact, the aggressive style is essential at certain times such as: when a decision has to be made quickly;during emergencies;when you know you're right and that fact is crucial;Passiveness also has its critical applications: when an issue is minor;when the problems caused by the conflict are greater than the conflict itself;when emotions are running high and it makes sense to take a break in order to calm down and regain perspective;when your power is much lower than the other party's;when the other's position is impossible to change for all practical purposes (i.e., government policies, etc.).

Remaining aware of your own communication style and fine-tuning it as time goes by gives you the best chance of success in business and life.

Thank you....