communication process of ecg

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  • 7/31/2019 Communication Process of ECG..


    A study on

    East coast group&

    Its communication process


  • 7/31/2019 Communication Process of ECG..


    Report on

    East Coast Group & its Communication


    Submitted to:

    Mostafa Monzur Hasan


    Department of Finance

    Faculty of Business Studies

    University of Dhaka

    Submitted by:

    Amir Hossain Nadim

    On behalf of the group.

    17th Batch

    Date of Submission: 28-04-2011


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    We are -



    Name Roll No.

    1. Amir Hossain Nadim 17-0012. Md.Enayet Hossain 17-007

    3. Shougata Saha 17-0134. B.M. Rayhanul Islam


    5. Jannatul Ferdous Turna 17-073

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    Letter of Transmittal

    28th April, 2011

    Mostafa Monzur Hasan


    Department of Finance

    University of Dhaka

    Subject: Submission of a report

    Dear Sir,

    Here is our report on Communication Process of East Coast

    Group as you assigned us. It is a great pleasure for us to submit

    this report.

    This report discussed about the communication process of East

    Coast Group, in their functional level. This study has greatly

    helped to realize the communication system of an organization.

    To make this report effective, effort is devoted to a degree, asyou instructed. We hope you will appreciate the sincere effort.

    Very sincerely yours,


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    Amir Hossain Nadim

    Roll No. : 17-001

    On behalf of the group.


    It is a great honor for us to submit this report to our

    respected teacher Mostafa Monzur Hasan, Lecturer ofFinance Department. At first we want to convey our thanks

    and gratitude to her for assigning us to prepare report

    entitled, Communication process in East Coast Group.

    We are grateful to MD. Mustafizur Rahman , Head of

    Finance for his cordial assistance. He provided us the

    required documents we needed. We also thank the IT


    All of the efforts ended at a desired point for the co

    operation and hard work, sincerity and seriousness of our

    group members. So all of them as well as our group

    members are worth of pure compliment.

    All the group members of group the group.


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  • 7/31/2019 Communication Process of ECG..


    8.3. Barriers 178.4. Percentage of expense in

    External Communication18

    9. Routine Communication 1810. Preference of Media 1911. Strategies followed by ECG for

    developing effectivecommunication


    12. Conclusion 20

    1. Introduction

    East Coast Group emerged as one of the fastest

    growing business conglomerates in Bangladesh. The

    maiden journey was started having a lone company

    as its trading area focusing on oil & gas business

    which is still soaring as the flagship business of the


    Trading mainly in petroleum, crude oil and basestock followed by their transportation in early

    eighties and rest of the companies with diversified

    portfolios gained momentum in nineties. The group

    became active in different areas of business

    starting from trading in bank commodities to

    investing in manufacturing real estate, financial

    intermediaries, bank and insurance sector. Thegroup farther expanded its areas of operation to

    aviation business and development of power



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    Subsequently and investment arm was stretched

    having a merchant banking license to handle groups

    an house asset management functions including

    developing its business as independent financialintermediary. In order to capitalize, trading

    activities bank in a totally liberated consumer

    market, a distribution company was launched lately

    for import and distribution of brand products in the

    high end of segment.

    2. Objectives

    The report is prepared primarily for the fulfillment

    of the class requirement of Department of Finance,

    University of Dhaka.

    The secondary objective of this report are listed


    To know the communication processfollowed by East Coast Group.

    To identify various aspect for improving the

    communication process.


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    Suggesting strategies to improve

    communication process.

    It will also enable us to improve our skills

    on report writing. As corporate executive

    put great value on report writing as an

    important element in organization success,

    this part of the course will prepare us to

    face the future challenges of corporate


    To meet the curiosity in this stated subject.

    3. Methodology

    Research methodology: To collect information, the

    following techniques of researches were used-

    Collecting Data : Information was

    collected through face to face


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    interview as well as from official

    website of East Coast Group.

    Analyzing Data & presentation of the

    Fact: sector wise portfolio was made.Moreover the accumulated findings

    have been systematically presented

    throughout the report.

    4. Scope of the study

    The study covers the communication process of East

    Coast Group along with some recommendations to

    improve the communication process of the group.

    5. Limitations

    There are some limitations that we have faced

    during preparing the report. They are-

    Unavailability of genuine information

    Lack of available information source

    Inexperience of the researcher

    Lack of time

    This report is mostly text based


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    6. Communication process of

    East Coast Group (ECG)

    Communication plays a vital role for properly

    accomplishing business deals. The business has to

    communicate constantly for performing his various

    business functions such as production, distribution

    and other related works. So, for performing their

    business functions successfully and to the goals of

    organization East Coast Group (ECG) maintain a well

    communication system. For smooth functioning of

    their business they communicate with the people of

    the organization and continue regular transmission

    of information with the party concerned staying

    outside the business. Actually, their business

    communication is done for achieving the internal

    and external goals of their organization.

    7. Internal communication

    The communication which takes place with an

    organization is called internal communication. It is

    a communication within an organization may be

    priors, downwards to subordinates, or horizontal topeers be through formal channels established

    among employee. East Coast Group maintains their

    internal communication. The internal

    communication is occurred in two ways-


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    Communication with sub-ordinates

    Communication with superiors

    7.1. Media of Internal


    East Coast Group use various media for

    communicate with the superiors and the sub-

    ordinates. For communicate with the sub-ordinates

    they use Bulletin Boards, Company periodicals &

    employee handbooks, Letters & memos, Telephone

    (Intercom), E-mail, Instruction manual, Meeting,

    Report etc. Sometimes they also apply training


    Bulletin board: East Coast Group Use bulletin boardas their employees typically congregate, and to

    keep them up to date.

    Company periodicals: This media is very effective. It

    is sent to the sub-ordinates by peon or other media

    by the authority concerned.

    Letters & memos: East Coast Group most frequently

    used letters & memos. Especially among

    departments they use memos, which provide a

    format of concise message.


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    Telephone: For quickly transferring the message

    they use telephone (Intercom) inside the office


    Meeting & report: Sometimes they call for meeting& present report about their company to inform the


    The above Medias are mostly used by East Coast



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    Figure 1: Meeting among the


    For communicate with the superiors the sub-

    ordinates of the company use Reports, Complain &

    suggestion box, Informers, Direct communication


    Reports: Sometimes the sub-ordinates of East Coast

    Group prepares report for the superiors to inform

    messages and submit the report.

    Complain & suggestion box: Boxes for depositing

    complaints and suggestions are available in East

    Coast Group. There is a schedule and procedure for


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    collecting and reviewing the suggestions and

    complaints established.

    Informers: Sometimes the sub-ordinates of East

    Coast group supply information to manager, eithervoluntarily or by request. Coworkers resent this

    method of upward communication.

    Direct Communication: Sometimes the lower level

    employees of the company establish direct

    communication with their superiors on important

    and urgent issues at their initiatives.

    7.2. Feedback

    East Coast Group gets sufficient positive feedback

    from the employees as the company expected. For

    their effective communication process they can

    achieve successfully their organizational goals.

    Beside this, they are trying to make job satisfaction

    for the employees.

    Both the superiors and the sub-ordinates of East

    Coast Group trying to co-operate each other which

    is a good example of feedback.

    7.3. Barriers


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    In the way of the communication East Coast Group

    faces some problems. They are-

    Sometimes the negligence of the authority

    concerned that has the responsibility toinform the command of the superiors to the

    sub-ordinates, make delay in the

    communication process.

    Occurrence of technological problem.

    Excessive expense for using the media.

    7.4. Adaptation

    To make understand the organizational purpose,

    functions, deals and other systems the superiors

    of the company try to adapt with the sub-ordinates.

    They give importance to adaptation as they believe

    that it is important to realize the organizational

    goal all the employees and staff member of the

    company. So they try to adapt with the sub-

    ordinates along with all the members of the



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    7.5.Percentage of expense in

    Internal Communication

    Figure 2

    8. External Communication

    Communication network not only formed within the

    organization but also outside an organization. When

    a network is formed with the members of severalother organizations it is called external network.

    East Coast Group dependent on outside

    communication to generate the business that

    enables them to survive, grow and profit. Because


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    internal communication is important in terms of

    efficient management and operation of the

    business, but external communication is clearly

    essential, East Coast Group Maintain externalcommunication with importance.

    8.1. Media for External


    External Communication has a strong role in

    fulfilling the demands of a concern as well as in

    reaching targets. East Coast Group follows some

    medium for communicate externally that are-

    Telephone, Website, Internet, Exchanging letters

    and by participating in social works.

    Telephone: One of the modern devices ofestablishing communication with outsiders is

    telephone. East Coast Group uses telephone to

    communicate with the externals.

    Website: East Coast Group uses website facilities

    which are less costly, sophisticated and effective

    media of exchanging for external communication.

    By opening website, information is kept readily

    available for the inside and outside users.


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    Internet: East Coast Groupcommunicates with theoutsiders staying at any place in the world by the

    means of computer connected with internet.

    Exchanging Letters: It is another popular andprevalent method of communication to East Coast

    Group to communicate with the outsiders.

    8.2. Feedback

    For an organization the externals are the customersand clients of the company, suppliers and other

    professionals. Their Feedback is very important for

    an organization. Because their feedback will

    increase the companies goodwill and profit. For this

    reason East Coast Group try to use the media for

    external communication effectively. And the

    feedback of the external is as follow theirexpectations. Thats why East Coast Group is a

    renowned company in Bangladesh.

    8.3. Barriers

    In the way of external communication East CoastGroup faces some problems. They are-

    Excessive expense for using the media

    Occurrence of technological problem.


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    Lack of proper adaptation.

    8.4.Percentage of expense in

    External Communication

    Figure 3


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    9. Routine Communication

    Routine communication takes place for performingroutine or day-to-day works of an organization.

    Daily functions of East Coast Group such as file

    working, giving instruction to the sub-ordinates,

    telephone call, writing letters etc. For their routine

    communication they use bulletin boards, letters &

    memos, telephone, informers etc.

    An effective routine communication is very

    necessary for an organization. East Coast Group

    tries their level best to make effective their routine


    10. Preference of Media

    In the communication process of East Coast Groupthey use different types of media. But there are

    some media that are used mostly. For internal

    communication they like to use-



    Letters &memos

    Instruction manual

    Complain & suggestion box


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    For external communication East Coast Group

    preferred to use-




    Exchanging letters

    Though some of those media are expensive andsometimes they face technological problem but

    those media are effective and fast communication


    11. Strategies followed by ECG

    for developing effective


    Besides company periodicals East Coast

    Group try to publish employee handbook


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    ECG tries to established information racks

    in their office.

    They are trying to establishing loud speaker


    ECG tries to developing reliable information


    To avoid the technological problem they

    take help of the experts.

    To keep up to date with modern businesscompetition ECG updated their website

    regularly and connected to the internet.

    12. Conclusion

    While we were preparing the report, we have seenthat East Coast Groups communication strength is

    very high & this is the secret of their recent

    marvelous organizational performance. We think it

    was possible only for their efficient communication

    process and the proper use of communication in

    functional ways. This organization is much more

    effective than others to identify the weakness it

    carries as well as to solve them very effectively. The

    performance of East Coast Group is quite

    satisfactory. Obviously it strives for the best

    excellence in the modern business.


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