communication technology in 2024


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Page 1: Communication technology in 2024


Bobby DiRaimo

Page 2: Communication technology in 2024

Technology Review

Technology covered are: Cellphones Television Online Gaming

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Theories Review

Theories covered are: Social Cognitive Theory Uses and Gratifications Theory Social Information Processing

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Cellphones: Past and Present

First cellphone started to be sold in 1986 and was produced by Motorola

Cellphones today are completely different thanks to the inventions of the iPhone and Android

The inclusion of apps on these smartphones have changed how we use them tremendously

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Future of Cellphones

Phones will continue to get smaller and lighter so it is easier for you to carry them around while also they will become more innovative

New innovations will include better camera possibilities, 3D screen and the ability to project videos and keyboard in a 3D format

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Social Cognitive Theory for Cell Phones

States that portions of an individual's knowledge acquisition can be directly related to observing others within the context of social interactions, experiences, and outside media influences

As cell phones evolve, the older generation will lean on the younger generation to teach them how to use these new phones and all of its new features

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Television: Past and Present

Televisions have evolved over the past century from box TVs now to big screen TVs and now to flat screen TVs while also adding color to the screen

Recently, the introduction of the smart TV has changed everything people can do with a TV now

You can now access the internet, use Netflix, and listen to Pandora thru your TV

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Future of Televisions

TV sets will become nonexistent and instead there will be a small device that you control that can project the screen on your wall or wherever you want to watch it

In the device, OLED lights will be used to make the picture look like its real life and happening right in front of you

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Uses and Gratification Theory for Television

An approach to understanding why and how people actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs.

As people’s needs evolve, with the evolution of the TV it can help people reach their needs thru their respective TV thru their different apps

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Online Gaming: Past and Present

Graphic have evolved extremely in the past decade and with the invention of Xbox Live, it allows users to connect with other users online and lets them talk to each other and play against each other

Unlimited types of games categories that allow you to play whatever type of genre you like

Inventions of PS4 and Xbox One have further advanced the reality of the games

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Future of Online Gaming

Users will be wearing headsets that lets them feel like they are actually in the games and also can control the video game with their hands instead of a controller.

Also like TVs, games will become more 3D and interactive and on Xbox Live, you will be able to see the other persons face when you talk to them

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Social Information Processing for Online Gaming

People are motivated to develop interpersonal relationships regardless of the medium and will develop strategies for overcoming the apparent lack of nonverbal cues typically found in Internet-based communication

When you use Xbox Live, the ability to now see the other person’s face while talking to them will now minimize the lack of nonverbal cues that used to exist on this platform

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Future of TV. (n.d.). . Retrieved April 25, 2014, from

TV Evolution. (n.d.). . Retrieved April 25, 2014, from

Video Game Evolution. (n.d.). . Retrieved April 25, 2014, from

Grant, A., & Meadows, J., Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals

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Sources Cont.

POLINANCE. (n.d.). : Future Phones: Coolest Concept Coming Cell Phones. Retrieved April 25, 2014, from

Let's see what's next, Microsoft. (n.d.). Retrieved April 25, 2014, from

Future of Video Games. (n.d.). . Retrieved April 25, 2014, from