community activity plan

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sample nursing community activity plan



Area of Duty: SOMBRERO, AMBUKLAO, BOKOD, BENGUETDates of Duty: December 20, 21,22,2012January 3, 4, 5, 2013 January 10, 11, 12, 2013Clinical Group: BSNIV F1

General Objectives:A. After 3 weeks of community immersion activity, the students should have acquired the attitude, skills and knowledge necessary in the care of individual, family and the community.

B. Within the 3 weeks of community duties, the students should be able to utilize the nursing process in rendering promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative health care needs of the clients in the community.

Specific Objectives:1. Apply principles of community living.2. Analyze interrelationship of individual health status to family and community and relationship of community socioeconomic, cultural health condition to individual and family health status.3. Implement health care process.



December 20, 2012(Thursday)- Departure from SLU grounds and arrival at Bokod Benguet at 9:30 AM

- Courtesy call to the Municipal Official of Bokod as well as to the people in the Rural Health Unit And Orientation conducted by the Municipal Health Unit Medical Technologist Brigitte Sanone and Nurse Aurelia K. Wales

- Courtesy call to the Punong Barangay: Mr. Arthur Solano- Courtesy visit to the Barangay Health Clinic with the Sombrero Midwife: Mrs. Gloria C. Maxion- Ocular survey at Sombrero, Hilltop, Lebong, Ambangol & Spillway.- Discussion of rules and regulations, house rules

- Back to the staff house for discussion of activities, planning for future activities and requirements (FNCP, Teaching Plan, Case Presentation)

- Discussion of family assessment and making of FNCP-With other clinical groups who were assigned in Bokod, Benguet

- To be done by the whole group with the C.I.

December 21, 2012(Friday)- Initial case finding, home visit

- BP Taking

- Initial gathering of data for FNCP, family assessment

- Information Dissemination about massage and BP taking at Sombrero Barangay Hall - To be done by C.I., with the whole group

- To be done by the whole group with the C.I.

December 22, 2012(Saturday)-COMMUNITY IMMERSION (massage and BP taking) at Sombrero Barangay Hall

- Update weekly sitio progress report

- Staff house general cleaning

- Trip Back to Baguio in the Afternoon- To be done by the whole group with the C.I.



January 3, 2013(Thursday)

- Trip to Bokod,Benguet

- Ocular Survey to Relocation Site, Labey, Bokod, Benguet

- home visit and case finding,implementation of nursing interventions and health teachings planned by each student

- Sitio Class Regarding First Aid

- Update weekly sitio progress report

- Find prospect of family case loads

- Initial gathering of data for FNCP, family assessment.

- Update weekly sitio progress report

- In coordination with the community folks at Relocation Site Labey

- With consent from client, and with supervision of C.I.

-To be performed by the subgroups

January 4, 2013(Friday)- home visit and case finding,implementation of nursing interventions and health teachings planned by each student in Sitio Labey and Hilltop

-Complete family case load assessment

- Termination of nurse family relationship at Sitio Labey and Hilltop

-Back to the staff house for the discussion about First Aid and planning for the next day Activity

- Update weekly sitio progresss report

- Courtesy call to the Punong Barangay: Mr. Arthur Solano

- Update spot map

- To be done by the subgroups of students, guided by the C.I.

January 5, 2013(Saturday)- Continuation of home visit and case finding, implementation of nursing interventions and health teachings planned by each student in Sitio Sombrero, Ambangol & Spillway.

- Information Dissemination( Sitio Class About First Aid) in Sitio Ambangol

- Staff house general cleaning

- Trip back to Baguio City in the afternoon- To be done by the subgroups of students, guided by the C.I.



January 10, 2013(Thursday)

- Arrival at Bokod, Benguet

- Update weekly sitio progress report at Sombrero Barangay Hall

- Home Visit and Complete Family Assessment Caseload at Sitio Ambangol and spillway and Information Dissemination about the Sitio Class

- Complete IDB, and implement some interventions

- Leopolds Maneuver Done

- Visit to Sombrero Elementary School.

- Back to the staff house for the discussion about First Aid and planning for the next day Activity

- To be done by the subgroups of students, guided by the C.I

- In coordination with the Barangay Officials and Teachers in Sombrero Elementary School

January 11,2012(Friday)- Journal Sharing

- Case Presentation

-Evaluation of interventions done to families

- Update weekly sitio progress report

- First Aid Drills- ARAS- To be done by the subgroups of students, guided by the C.I

January 12, 2013(Saturday)- Sitio Class about First Aid at Sitio Ambangol and Spillway

- Staff house general cleaning

- Departure from Bokod Ambukalo, Benguet- In coordination with the community folks at Sitio Ambangol and Spillway

- With consent from client, and with supervision of C.I.

- To be performed by the subgroups