community-based adaptation project inception workshop country programme strategy development © 2007...

Community-based Adaptation Project Inception Workshop Country Programme Strategy Development © 2007 UNDP. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Proprietary and Confidential. Not For Distribution Without Prior Written Permission.

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Page 1: Community-based Adaptation Project Inception Workshop Country Programme Strategy Development © 2007 UNDP. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Proprietary and

Community-based Adaptation Project Inception Workshop

Country Programme Strategy Development

© 2007 UNDP. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.Proprietary and Confidential. Not For Distribution Without Prior Written Permission.

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CBA Inception Workshop


CBA will have a three-level structure

Each national CBA programme will contribute to achieving the three outcomes of the CBA project

The CBA CPS (CCPS) will guide this process in each country

Goal of the CBA

Objective of the CBA

Outcome 1 of the CBA

Outcome 2 of the CBA

Outcome 3 of the CBA

Objective of the CPS1 Objective of the CPS2 Objective of the CPS10…….

Project 1 under CPS1

Project 2 under CPS1

Project x under CPS1

……… etc., for other CPS…

Goal of the CBA

Objective of the CBA

Outcome 1 of the CBA

Outcome 2 of the CBA

Outcome 3 of the CBA

Objective of the CPS1 Objective of the CPS2 Objective of the CPS10…….

Project 1 under CPS1

Project 2 under CPS1

Project x under CPS1

……… etc., for other CPS…

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CBA Inception Workshop


The CCPS will provide a framework in which CBA activities can be supported

Information required within the CCPS:1. Overall CBA Country Programme Strategy

Objectives and Impact IndicatorsSectoral focusVulnerability AssessmentBaseline-additionality reasoningFocal AreasLocal PrioritiesGeographic FocusCommunity Project TypologiesPolicy Strategy

2. Development of a CBA teamNCC Formulation

3. Identification and Capacity Building of Potential NGO/CBO Grantees

NGO/CBO IdentificationNGO Capacity Building

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CBA Inception Workshop


The CCPS will provide a framework in which CBA activities can be supported

Information required within the CCPS:1. Overall CBA Country Programme Strategy

Objectives and Impact IndicatorsSectoral focusVulnerability AssessmentBaseline-additionality reasoningFocal AreasLocal PrioritiesGeographic FocusCommunity Project TypologiesPolicy Strategy

2. Development of a CBA teamNCC Formulation

3. Identification and Capacity Building of Potential NGO/CBO Grantees

NGO/CBO IdentificationNGO Capacity Building

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CBA Inception Workshop


Each CCPS will adopt a country-level objective and impact indicator

All CCPS’s will have a similar objective (in line with the UNDP adaptation M&E framework):

“Reduced vulnerability of natural resources and natural resource-dependent livelihoods threatened by CC;


enhanced capacity to manage natural resources sustainably in the face of climate change.”

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CBA Inception Workshop


Each CCPS will adopt a country-level objective and impact indicator

All CCPS’s will also develop a set of impact indicators used to measure progress toward achieving the objective in the specific context of the country, expected climate change impacts, and the types of CBA projects expected.

In practice, they should:• be closely tied to other elements of the CCPS• provide benchmarks against which to evaluate progress• be consistent with UNDP-GEF’s M&E framework for


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CBA Inception Workshop


The CCPS will provide a framework in which CBA activities can be supported

Information required within the CCPS:1. Overall CBA Country Programme Strategy

Objectives and Impact Indicators

Sectoral focusVulnerability AssessmentBaseline-additionality reasoningFocal AreasLocal PrioritiesGeographic FocusCommunity Project TypologiesPolicy Strategy

2. Development of a CBA teamNCC Formulation

3. Identification and Capacity Building of Potential NGO/CBO Grantees

NGO/CBO IdentificationNGO Capacity Building

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CBA Inception Workshop


CBA country programmes will target a specific sector in order to maximize impact

Sectoral Focus will guide interventions to maximize aggregate impact.

Sectoral focus should be based on:• National Adaptation Priorities –as expressed in the National Communications to the UNFCCC, NAPA,

other docs

• Fit with the CBA mechanism–Potential to deliver adaptation impacts through community projects–Potential for GEB

• Consultations with relevant stakeholders–Aligning CBA with current adaptation priorities–Ensuring stakeholder participation in the projects

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CBA Inception Workshop


The CCPS will provide a framework in which CBA activities can be supported

Information required within the CCPS:1. Overall CBA Country Programme Strategy

Objectives and Impact Indicators

Sectoral focus

Vulnerability AssessmentBaseline-additionality reasoningFocal AreasLocal PrioritiesGeographic FocusCommunity Project TypologiesPolicy Strategy

2. Development of a CBA teamNCC Formulation

3. Identification and Capacity Building of Potential NGO/CBO Grantees

NGO/CBO IdentificationNGO Capacity Building

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CBA Inception Workshop


Vulnerability assessments will describe the climate risk being addressed

After a sector has been chosen, the climate change threats to that sector must be described.

This should be based on assessments in:–National Communications to the UNFCCC–NAPAs–IPCC 4th Assessment Report–Other expert literature

Vulnerability assessments should have an ecosystem focus:–Focusing on the natural resources that communities rely on for:

• Clean water • Agriculture• Storm protection• Etc

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CBA Inception Workshop


The CCPS will provide a framework in which CBA activities can be supported

Information required within the CCPS:1. Overall CBA Country Programme Strategy

Objectives and Impact Indicators

Sectoral focusVulnerability Assessment

Baseline-additionality reasoningFocal AreasLocal PrioritiesGeographic FocusCommunity Project TypologiesPolicy Strategy

2. Development of a CBA teamNCC Formulation

3. Identification and Capacity Building of Potential NGO/CBO Grantees

NGO/CBO IdentificationNGO Capacity Building

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CBA Inception Workshop


Baseline-additionality reasoning separates climate impacts from other impacts

CCPS’s must distinguish between impacts caused by climate change, and impacts stemming from other factors

Baseline:• Historically familiar climate risks (periodic floods or droughts)• Environmental degradation not caused by climate change• Socio-economic impacts

Additional:• CC-related intensifications of historical climate risks• New climate risks• Indirect pressures that are attributable to climate change

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CBA Inception Workshop


CCPS’s must distinguish between baseline pressures and additional pressures

What are the current pressures on the target sector?What are the climate change threats to the target sector?

Baseline Pressures

• Landlessness, insecure tenure

• Soil degradation

• Inequitable access to water resources

• Cyclical drought

• Cyclones• Landslides• Lack of early warning


Climate Change Pressures

• Increasing temperature (impacts on crop phenology, water stress)

• Increasing erosion (drought/flood)

• Reduced water quality (drought/flood)

• Changing seasonal water distribution• Salinization

• Intensifying cyclones• Severe flood/drought• Novel disasters

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CBA Inception Workshop


The CCPS will provide a framework in which CBA activities can be supported

Information required within the CCPS:1. Overall CBA Country Programme Strategy

Objectives and Impact Indicators

Sectoral focusVulnerability AssessmentBaseline-additionality reasoning

Focal AreasLocal PrioritiesGeographic FocusCommunity Project TypologiesPolicy Strategy

2. Development of a CBA teamNCC Formulation

3. Identification and Capacity Building of Potential NGO/CBO Grantees

NGO/CBO IdentificationNGO Capacity Building

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CBA Inception Workshop


Focal area strategies

CBA projects mustIncrease the resilience of GEB in the face of climate change

•Generally one or two focal areas will be prioritized. One is preferable in order to maximize lesson-learning.

•The strategy should describe both how individual projects might generate GEB, and how the portfolio as a whole with lead to GEB (generally through policy impact)

•GEB generated through CBA projects must be resilient in the face of climate change (ie: climate change impacts should not threaten to undo CBA project outcomes)

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CBA Inception Workshop


Resilience of GEB in the face of climate change

The GEF SPA is intended to build resilience in the focal areas in which the GEF works–GEB generated through co-financing–SPA funds support the “climate-proofing” of GEB

CBA projects must go over and above focal area projects, to ensure that GEB are resilient in the face of climate change


Focal Area Projects SPA Projects

LD: promote agroforesty to mitigate land degradation

BD: protect a given species through community-based habitat management

LD: work with communities to change maladapted agroforestry practices that will become untenable in the face of climate change

BD: ensure that species protection takes CC into account, establish migration corridors as species move in response to changing habitats

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CBA Inception Workshop


The CCPS will provide a framework in which CBA activities can be supported

Information required within the CCPS:1. Overall CBA Country Programme Strategy

Objectives and Impact Indicators

Sectoral focusVulnerability AssessmentBaseline-additionality reasoningFocal AreasLocal Priorities

Geographic FocusCommunity Project TypologiesPolicy Strategy

2. Development of a CBA teamNCC Formulation

3. Identification and Capacity Building of Potential NGO/CBO Grantees

NGO/CBO IdentificationNGO Capacity Building

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CBA Inception Workshop


Geographic Focus

CBA projects will focus on a specific geographic region where there is both:• High vulnerability to climate change impacts• High potential for generating global environmental benefits

• Two regions may be prioritized in certain cases.

• Areas with high vulnerability

• Areas with high potential for GEBCBA projects will

operate where vulnerability and GEB intersect

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CBA Inception Workshop


The CCPS will provide a framework in which CBA activities can be supported

Information required within the CCPS:1. Overall CBA Country Programme Strategy

Objectives and Impact Indicators

Sectoral focusVulnerability AssessmentBaseline-additionality reasoningFocal Areas

Local PrioritiesGeographic FocusCommunity Project TypologiesPolicy Strategy

2. Development of a CBA teamNCC Formulation

3. Identification and Capacity Building of Potential NGO/CBO Grantees

NGO/CBO IdentificationNGO Capacity Building

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CBA Inception Workshop


Local priorities can be added to focus on specific additional concerns

In order to give the national CBA programme greater focus, or in order to integrate the CBA programme with ongoing national initiatives, additional priorities based on these considerations can be added into the CCPS.

These could potentially include:• Focus on specific gender, ethnic, livelihood or social groups• Prioritization of certain types of interventions• Use of local ecological knowledge

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CBA Inception Workshop


The CCPS will provide a framework in which CBA activities can be supported

Information required within the CCPS:1. Overall CBA Country Programme Strategy

Objectives and Impact Indicators

Sectoral focusVulnerability AssessmentBaseline-additionality reasoningFocal AreasLocal PrioritiesGeographic Focus

Community Project TypologiesPolicy Strategy

2. Development of a CBA teamNCC Formulation

3. Identification and Capacity Building of Potential NGO/CBO Grantees

NGO/CBO IdentificationNGO Capacity Building

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CBA Inception Workshop


Community Project Typologies

The CCPS should include brief descriptions of eligible typologies of projects. It will describe how the other elements of the proposal (geographic focus, focal area strategy, baseline-additionality reasoning) might manifest into community-driven projects.

This description will be for indicative purposes only -- as with regular SGP project, proposals will be driven by NGOs/CBOs.

Potential Examples: • Community-based agroforestry in a region vulnerable to climate-induced

soil degradation• Mangrove management for coastal defenses• Etc

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CBA Inception Workshop


The CCPS will provide a framework in which CBA activities can be supported

Information required within the CCPS:1. Overall CBA Country Programme Strategy

Objectives and Impact Indicators

Sectoral focusVulnerability AssessmentBaseline-additionality reasoningFocal AreasLocal PrioritiesGeographic FocusCommunity Project Typologies

Policy Strategy2. Development of a CBA team

NCC Formulation3. Identification and Capacity Building of Potential NGO/CBO

GranteesNGO/CBO IdentificationNGO Capacity Building

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CBA Inception Workshop


Policy Strategy

CBA country programmes should aim to influence policy on climate change risk management

–Through development and dissemination of best practices–Through capacity building and awareness raising–Through policy dialogue

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CBA Inception Workshop


Policy Strategy

CCPS’s should describe how the CBA portfolio will support this output. This should be tailored to fit country-level circumstances. It could include:

–Participation of key policymakers in the NCC–Organized site visits to successful projects–Development of reports and policy briefs–Development of new practices and promotion of their upscaling through informal, private sector, or governmental channels

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CBA Inception Workshop


The CCPS will provide a framework in which CBA activities can be supportedInformation required within the CCPS:

1. Overall CBA Country Programme StrategyObjectives and Impact Indicators

Sectoral focusVulnerability AssessmentBaseline-additionality reasoningFocal AreasLocal PrioritiesGeographic FocusCommunity Project Typologies

Policy Strategy2. Development of a CBA team

NCC Formulation3. Identification and Capacity Building of Potential NGO/CBO

GranteesNGO/CBO IdentificationNGO Capacity Building

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CBA Inception Workshop


The national coordinating committee

CBA projects will be approved and guided by a national coordinating committee, in the same way that SGP projects are guided by a national steering committee.

For SGP countries, the NCC will be composed of the existing NSC, with one or more additional members, introduced to add expertise in climate change adaptation. Inclusion of policymakers in sectors prioritized by the CCPS, and representatives from appropriate agencies encouraged.

For non-SGP countries, the NCC will be a new body, comprised of key stakeholders in fields related to CBA.

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CBA Inception Workshop


The CCPS will provide a framework in which CBA activities can be supportedInformation required within the CCPS:

1. Overall CBA Country Programme StrategyObjectives and Impact Indicators

Sectoral focusVulnerability AssessmentBaseline-additionality reasoningFocal AreasLocal PrioritiesGeographic FocusCommunity Project Typologies

Policy Strategy2. Development of a CBA team

NCC Formulation3. Identification and Capacity Building of Potential NGO/CBO

GranteesNGO/CBO IdentificationNGO Capacity Building

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CBA Inception Workshop


NGO/CBO Identification

CBA projects will be implemented by NGOs/CBOs with capacity to deliver successful projects that fit the CCPS.

The CCPS should provide a short list of potentially eligible NGOs/CBOs from whom proposals will be sought, as well as criteria and strategies for engaging new NGOs.

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CBA Inception Workshop


The CCPS will provide a framework in which CBA activities can be supportedInformation required within the CCPS:

1. Overall CBA Country Programme StrategyObjectives and Impact Indicators

Sectoral focusVulnerability AssessmentBaseline-additionality reasoningFocal AreasLocal PrioritiesGeographic FocusCommunity Project Typologies

Policy Strategy2. Development of a CBA team

NCC Formulation3. Identification and Capacity Building of Potential NGO/CBO

GranteesNGO/CBO Identification

NGO Capacity Building

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CBA Inception Workshop


NGO/CBO Capacity Building

Finally, the CCPS will elaborate a brief strategy for building the capacity of potentially eligible NGO/CBO grantees to develop successful CBA proposals.

Capacity building could take the form of training sessions for proponents, or any other form – the key is to ensure understanding of the CBA’s focus and requirements, facilitating good proposals.