community chest newsletter - anglesey 2012 - 13

2012 - 2013 2012 saw 45 sport clubs and organisations from across Anglesey share a funding pot of £52,480 thanks to the Community Chest Grant. Community Chest offers grant of up to £1500 in any 12 month period for activities that encourage more people to become more active, more often and/or raises the standards of existing activities. Applicants can now also claim a second £1500 if their application is based on one of the two priority areas. To be eligible they must demonstrate that their application either better prepares clubs to cater for interest generated via 2012 (Olympic legacy) or tackles inequality (BME, disability inclusion, women and girls, social inclusion). Local people of all ages have benefited from new sporting opportunities, for example the Cybi Striders Running Club received £720 towards Coach Education (Leadership in Running Course), enabling them to run a successful 10-week running course for beginners. Sports clubs and organisations are being encouraged to apply for funding in 2013. Did you know? The scheme is open to any group in Wales as long as they hold a bank account in the organisation's name. For guidelines, visit funding--support/our-grants/community-chest.aspx Total amount invested by the Community Chest scheme on Anglesey during 2012. Number of different organisations and sport clubs who were awarded the grants Cybi Striders Beginners Running Course

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Community Chest Newsletter - Anglesey 2012 - 13


Page 1: Community Chest Newsletter - Anglesey 2012 - 13

2012 - 2013

2012 saw 45 sport clubs and organisations from across Anglesey share a funding pot of £52,480 thanks to the Community Chest Grant. Community Chest offers grant of up to £1500 in any 12 month period for activities that encourage more people to become more active, more often and/or raises the standards of existing activities.

Applicants can now also claim a second £1500 if their application is based on one of the two priority areas. To be eligible they must demonstrate that their application either better prepares clubs to cater for interest generated via 2012 (Olympic legacy) or tackles inequality (BME, disability inclusion, women and girls, social inclusion).

Local people of all ages have benefited from new sporting opportunities, for example the Cybi Striders Running Club received £720 towards Coach Education (Leadership in Running Course), enabling them to run a successful 10-week running course for beginners.

Sports clubs and organisations are being encouraged to apply for funding in 2013.

Did you know? The scheme is open to any group in Wales as long as they hold a bank account in the organisation's name. For guidelines, visit

Total amount invested by the Community Chest scheme on Anglesey during 2012.

Number of different organisations and sport clubs who were awarded the grants

Cybi Striders Beginners Running Course

Page 2: Community Chest Newsletter - Anglesey 2012 - 13

Football 12 Gymnastics 1

Fitness Sessions 4 Weightlifting 1

Cricket 4 Climbing 1

Golf 3 Badminton 1

Swimming 2 Judo 1

Majorettes 2 Angling 1

Athletics 2 Sub Aqua 1

Outdoor Clubs 2 Aikido 1

Rugby 1 Mountain Biking 1

Sailing 1 Tai Chi 1

Orienteering 1 Water Polo 1

Out of the 45 successful applications

3 were aimed specifically for

or included disabled people 7 w e r e a i m e d a t

opportunities specifically for women and girls

5 w e r e a i m e d a t opportunities specifically for men and boys

33 offered opportunities for both male and females

1 6 c l u b s p r o v i d e d opportunities for both young and old people

18 were aimed at young people and 6 specifically for those aged 50+

25 applications included coach education

5 were awarded to non-traditional sporting groups and organisations such as the Women’s Institute

Some of the recipients included: Amlwch Judo Club who received £1500 and purchased textured mats for their visually impaired members Llangefni Juniors FC who have set up a new 12’s team for girls Ynys Môn Athletics and Sports Club who received £932 for the development of their Junior sessions Anglesey Federation of WI’s who used the funding to provide sessions in classes such as yoga, Tai Chi and

golf David Hughes Outdoor Activities Club who used their £1500 for creating opportunities for girls to do

climbing, mountain bike sessions and volunteer coach education.

9 applications from Holyhead & surrounding area

7 applications from Amlwch/ Benllech


10 applications from Menai Bridge/ Beaumaris area

12 applications from Llangefni


7 applications cover Anglesey

For more details on or to discuss your application contact:

Karen Williams on 01248 752046 or email: [email protected]


closing dates

April 5th, June 7th,

August 23rd, November 15th,

January 10th 2014

All decisions about

local Community Chest applications are made by

an independent panel who give up

their time freely.

Bouldering at the Indie Wall

Page 3: Community Chest Newsletter - Anglesey 2012 - 13

Yn 2012 gwelwyd 45 o glybiau a sefydliadau chwaraeon o bob rhan o Ynys Môn yn cael arian o gronfa o £52,480 - diolch i’r Grant Cist Gymunedol. Mae’r Gist Gymunedol yn cynnig grant o hyd at £1500 mewn un-rhyw gyfnod o 12 mis ar gyfer gweithgareddau sy’n annog mwy o bobl i gymryd rhan yn amlach mewn gweithgareddau corfforol ac/neu i godi safonau gweithgareddau cyfredol. Gall ymgeiswyr yn awr hefyd hawlio £1500 ychwanegol os yw eu cais yn seiliedig ar un o’r ddau faes blaenoriaeth. I fod yn gymwys rhaid iddynt ddangos bod eu cais un ai’n paratoi clybiau’n well i gwrdd â’r diddordeb a gafodd ei greu yn sgil Gemau Olympaidd 2012 (y gwaddol Olympaidd) neu’n mynd i’r afael ag anghydrad-doldeb (pobl dduon a lleiafrifoedd ethnig, cynhwysiant anabledd, merched a genethod, cynhwysiant cymdeithasol). Mae pobl leol o bob oed wedi manteisio ar gyfleon chwaraeon newydd, er enghraifft Clwb Rhedeg Cybi Striders a dderbyniodd £720 tuag at Addysgu Hyfforddwyr (Cwrs ‘Leadership in Running’), fel bod modd iddynt gynnal cwrs rhedeg 10 wythnos ar gyfer dechreuwyr. Mae clybiau a sefydliadau chwaraeon yn cael eu han-nog i wneud cais am gyllid yn 2013.

Oeddech chi’n gwybod? Mae’r cynllun ar gael i unrhyw grŵp yng Nghymru cyn belled â bod ganddynt gyfrif banc yn enw’r sefydliad. Am ragor o wybodaeth ewch i <>

Y cyfanswm a fuddsoddwyd gan y cynllun Cist Cymunedol yn Ynys Môn yn ystod 2012.

Nifer y gwahanol gly-biau a sefydliadau chwaraeon a gafodd

Cwrs Rhedeg Cybi Striders

2012 - 2013

Page 4: Community Chest Newsletter - Anglesey 2012 - 13

Pêl-droed 12 Gymnasteg 1

Sesiynau Ffitrwydd 4 Codi Pwysau 1

Criced 4 Dringo 1

Golff 3 Badminton 1

Nofio 2 Jiwdo 1

Majorettes 2 Pysgota 1

Athletau 2 Clybiau Tanddwr 1

Clybiau Awyr Agored 2 Aikido 1

Rygbi 1 Beiciau Mynydd 1

Hwylio 1 Tai Chi 1

Cyfeiriannu 1 Polo Dŵr 1

O’r 45 cais llwyddiannus

Roedd 3 yn benodol ar gyfer pobl anabl neu’n cynnwys pobl anablRoedd 7 yn rhoi cyfleon i ferched a genethod yn benodol

Roedd 5 yn rhoi cyfleon i ddynion a bechgyn yn benodol

Roedd 33 yn cynnig cyfleon i wrywod a benywod

Roedd 16 o glybiau yn rhoi cyfleon i bobl ifanc a phobl hŷn

Roedd 18 ar gyfer pobl ifanc a 6 ar gyfer pobl 50+ yn benodol

Roedd 25 o geisiadau yn c y n n w y s a d d y s g u hyfforddwyr

Rhoddwyd 5 i grwpiau a sefydliadau chwaraeon annhraddod iado l fe l Sefydliad y Merched

Roedd y rheini a gafodd grantiau yn cynnwys: Clwb Jiwdo Amlwch a dderbyniodd £1500 i brynu matiau pwrpasol ar gyfer eu haelodau sydd â nam ar eu

golwg Clwb Pêl Droed Plant Iau Llangefni sydd wedi sefydlu tîm newydd i enethod dan 12 oed Clwb Athletau a Chwaraeon Ynys Môn sydd wedi derbyn £932 i ddatblygu eu sesiynau i blant iau Ffederasiwn Sefydliad y Merched Môn sydd wedi defnyddio’r arian i ddarparu sesiynau mewn dosbarthiadau

fel ioga, Tai Chi a golff. Clwb Gweithgareddau Awyr Agored David Hughes sydd wedi defnyddio eu £1500 ar gyfer creu cyfleoedd i

ferched yn dringo, sesiynau beicio mynydd ac addysg hyfforddwr gwirfoddol.

9 cais o Gaergybi a’r cyffiniau

7 cais o ardal Amlwch/Benllech

10 cais o ardal Porthaethwy/


12 cais o ardal Llangefni

7 cais yn ymneud ag Ynys Môn


Am fwy o wybodaeth neu i drafod eich cais cysylltwch â:

Karen Williams ar 01248 752 046 neu anfonwch e-bost i: [email protected]

Dyddiadau cau

ar gyfer cyflwyno ceisiadau

Ebrill 5

Mehefin 7 Awst 23

Tachwedd 15 Ionawr 10, 2014

Mae'r holl

benderfyniadau am geisiadau

Cist Cymunedol lleol yn cael eu gwneud gan

banel annibynnol sy'n rhoi

o'u hamser Creiga ar y Wal Indi