community, cultural and emergency services contributions plan...regional community arts centre 2013...


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Page 1: Community, Cultural and Emergency Services Contributions Plan...Regional Community Arts Centre 2013 $900,000 Thrumster (Area 13) Branch Library & Administration 2013 $1,400,000 Thrumster
Page 2: Community, Cultural and Emergency Services Contributions Plan...Regional Community Arts Centre 2013 $900,000 Thrumster (Area 13) Branch Library & Administration 2013 $1,400,000 Thrumster

Community, Cultural and Emergency Services Contributions Plan

Port Macquarie-Hastings i


1.1 Preamble 1

1.2 Purpose of the Plan 2

1.3 Anticipated Development 2

1.4 Need for Services and Amenities 2

1.5 Summary of Future Works 2


2.1 Name of this Plan 5

2.2 Legal Context 5

2.3 Purpose of this Plan 6

2.4 When does this Plan take Effect 6

2.5 Areas and Developments to which this Plan Applies 6

2.6 Relationship with other Plans, Council Policies and Planning Instruments 7

2.7 Operation of Plan 9

2.8 When are Contributions Payable? 10 2.8.1 Timing of Payment of Contributions 10 2.8.2 Deferral of Payment 10

2.9 Works in Kind 11

2.10 Monitoring, Review and Adjustment of Rates 11

2.11 Construction Certificates and the Obligation of Accredited Certifiers 12

2.12 Pooling of Contributions 12

2.13 G.S.T. Implications 13

2.14 Allowances for Existing Development 13

2.15 Exemptions 13

2.16 Contributions Ratios 13


3.1 Development Background 16

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Port Macquarie-Hastings ii

3.2 Demographic Characteristics 16

3.3 Anticipated Development and Population Growth 18


4.1 Community Facilities 20 4.1.1 Background 20 4.1.2 Performing Arts Centre 20 4.1.3 Regional Gallery 21 4.1.4 Cultural Facilities 21 4.1.5 Youth Facilities 22 4.1.6 Museum 24 4.1.7 Multi Purpose Community Facilities 25 4.1.8 Community Halls Upgrade 25

4.2 Emergency Services 26 4.2.1 State Emergency Service (SES) 26 4.2.2 Rural Fire Service (RFS) 26 4.2.3 Surf Life Saving and Sea Rescue 26

4.3 Libraries 27 4.3.1 Regional Library 27 4.3.2 Local Libraries 27


5.1 Community and Cultural Facilities 28 5.1.1 Purpose of this Plan 28 5.1.2 Causal Nexus 28 5.1.3 Physical Nexus 29 5.1.4 Temporal Nexus 29 5.1.5 Apportionment 30 5.1.6 Contributions Formula 31 5.1.7 Community Facilities Works Schedule and Contribution Rates 32

5.2 Regional Cultural Centre 33 5.2.1 Purpose of this Plan 33 5.2.2 Causal Nexus 33 5.2.3 Physical Nexus 33 5.2.4 Temporal Nexus 34 5.2.5 Apportionment 35 5.2.6 Contributions Formula 35 5.2.7 Regional Cultural Centre Work Schedule & Contribution Rates 36

5.3 Library Resources 37 5.3.1 Purpose of the Plan 37 5.3.2 To what Areas does this Contributions Plan Apply? 37 5.3.3 Causal Nexus 37 5.3.4 Physical Nexus 38 5.3.5 Temporal Nexus 39 5.3.6 Expected Demand for Library Resources 40

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Port Macquarie-Hastings iii

5.3.7 Present Library Book Stock Collection 41 5.3.8 Future Library Book Stock Provision 41 5.3.9 Book Stock Cost Estimate Derivation 42 5.3.10 Apportionment 42 5.3.11 Regional Contributions Formula 44 5.3.12 Local Contributions Formula 45 5.3.13 Works Schedule & Contribution Rates 48

5.4 Surf Life Saving and Sea Rescue 50 5.4.1 Purpose of Plan 50 5.4.2 Causal Nexus 50 5.4.3 Physical Nexus 51 5.4.4 Temporal Nexus 51 5.4.5 Apportionment 52 5.4.6 Contributions Formula 53 5.4.7 Works Schedule & Contribution Rates 54

5.5 NSW Rural Fire Service – Port Macquarie-Hastings Branch 55 5.5.1 Purpose of Plan 55 5.5.2 Causal Nexus 55 5.5.3 Physical Nexus 55 5.5.4 Temporal Nexus 56 5.5.5 Apportionment 57 5.5.6 Contributions Formula 57 5.5.7 Works Schedule & Contribution Rates 59

5.6 State Emergency Services – Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA 60 5.6.1 Purpose of Plan 60 5.6.2 Causal Nexus 60 5.6.3 Physical Nexus 60 5.6.4 Temporal Nexus 61 5.6.5 Apportionment 61 5.6.6 Contributions Formula 62 5.6.7 Works Schedule and Contributions Rate 62








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Port Macquarie-Hastings iv




SCHEDULE 9 – AMENDMENTS TO HASTINGS CONTRIBUTIONS PLAN 1993 VERSION 1.5 69 List of Tables Table 1 - Summary of Works Program......................................................................................3 Table 2 - Summary of Development Contributions Rates.........................................................4 Table 3 - Development Contributions Plans Repealed or Amended by this Plan .....................8 Table 4 - Contributions Ratios for Residential Development..................................................14 Table 5 - Port Macquarie-Hastings Population Distribution ...................................................17 Table 6 - Population Projections..............................................................................................19 Table 7 - Community Facilities Contributions Summary........................................................32 Table 8 - Regional Cultural Centre Work Schedule ................................................................36 Table 9 - Summary of the Contributions Calculation for Local Contributions Rate...............36 Table 10 - Library Book stock Contributions Summary .........................................................45 Table 11 - Summary of Library Contributions Rates ..............................................................49 Table 12 - Schedule of Lifeguard Equipment Purchases.........................................................54 Table 13 – Surf Life Saving and Sea Rescue Contributions Summary ...................................54 Table 14 – RFS Summary of Contributions Calculation .........................................................59 Table 15 - SES Facilities Works Schedule and Contributions Rate ........................................62

List of Figures Figure 1 - Map of Area to which this plan applies, Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA .................7 Figure 2 - Community and Cultural Facilities Locations ........................................................30 Figure 3 - Location of Regional Cultural Centre .....................................................................34 Figure 4 - Development Contributions Library Catchments ...................................................38 Figure 5 - Beach Visitation vs. Population Increase................................................................51 Figure 6 - Surf Life Saving Clubs & Locations.......................................................................52 Figure 7 - Port Macquarie-Hastings RFS and NSW Fire Brigade Boundaries........................56 Figure 8 - SES HQ Sites, Existing and Proposed ....................................................................61

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Community, Cultural and Emergency Services Contributions Plan

Port Macquarie-Hastings Page 1

1 PART A – Executive Summary

1.1 Preamble The Port Macquarie-Hastings Local Government Area (LGA) contains a current approximate population of over 70,000 residents within an area of approximately 368,100 hectares. Urban development within the LGA is diverse, ranging from Greenfield Rural-Residential Subdivisions to High Density Mixed Commercial/Residential Flat Buildings. Historic development of the area has led to most urban development being focused on the city of Port Macquarie and coastal satellite towns of Lake Cathie, Bonny Hills and the Laurieton/Camden Haven to the south. To the west, however, Wauchope on the Hastings River has also experienced above state average growth rates. Population forecasts indicate that the population of the Port Macquarie-Hastings is likely to grow by a further 33,220 persons between 2005 and 2025. A majority of this growth will be distributed between the greenfield subdivision areas of Area 14 (Lake Cathie/Bonny Hills) and Area 13 (Thrumster/Sancrox). A significant proportion of this growth will be attributable to net in-migration of retirees, persons aged over 55-years and to a lesser extent, young families. New residential development will generate an increase in demand for public facilities and services provided by Port Macquarie-Hastings Council. Thus the population generated by new development should make a reasonable contribution toward the provision of these new and/or augmented facilities. The facilities, which Council will require development contributions, under this plan, include the following:

Regional Cultural Centre

Multi-Purpose Community Facilities

Library Facilities

Surf Life Saving Equipment and Facilities

Rural Fire Service – Infrastructure and vehicles

State Emergency Service – Infrastructure and vehicles This plan describes the forecast future demands for community, cultural and emergency services and facilities in the Port Macquarie–Hastings Council LGA; the program of works implemented by Council to meet the demands; the anticipated expenditure of the programs; and the underlying basis for determining a reasonable apportionment of the costs to the new residential populations.

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Port Macquarie-Hastings Page 2

1.2 Purpose of the Plan The primary purpose of this plan is to allow Port Macquarie-Hastings Council to require contributions towards the provision, extension or augmentation of Community, Cultural and Emergency Facilities and Services that will, or are likely to be, required as a consequence of residential development in the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA.

1.3 Anticipated Development It is anticipated that the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA will be subject to an increase of almost 50% in its residential population from 2005 to 2027. This growth and the associated increase in tourist development and temporary accommodation will create the demand for new and augmented facilities. This demand forms the basis for levying contributions on new development.

1.4 Need for Services and Amenities The new residential development in the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA will result in the need for augmented and/or additional:

Regional Cultural Centre Multi-Purpose Community Facilities Library Facilities Surf Life Saving Equipment and Facilities Rural Fire Service – Infrastructure and vehicles State Emergency Service – Infrastructure and vehicles

Related to this will be the need to regularly review and update this plan’s population estimates, work schedules and cost estimates. Therefore new development also generates the need for planning, administration and management activities associated with this plan, which are covered in Council’s Section 94 Administration Levy Contributions Plan.

1.5 Summary of Future Works Table 1 below outlines the facilities, which development contributions under this plan are to be levied; the year in which these facilities are estimated to be provided and the total cost of these facilities. The year of commencement also places the works in order of priority.

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Table 1 - Summary of Works Program

Facility Year of Commencement Cost

Library - Port Macquarie - Funds Recoupment 2004 $466,900

Library - Wauchope & Kings Creek - Funds Recoupment 2004 $156,038

Library Resources 2004 $2,970,000

New Station Beechwood - Funds Recoupment 2005 $65,000

Hastings RFS Control Centre - Funds Recoupment 2005 $70,910

Community Facilities Upgrade 2007 $1,000,000

Regional Cultural Performing Arts Centre 2007 $28,780,246

Surf Life Saving Clubs Upgrading 2007/10 $500,000

Surf Life Saving Equipment 2007/10 $126,000

Town Beach Amenities and Sea Rescue 2008 $1,800,000

RFS - Vehicles 2008/12 $890,000

Area 12 Community Centre Port Macquarie 2009 $1,824,251

Lake Cathie/Bonny Hills (Area 14) Branch Library & Administration 2009 $1,400,000

Lake Cathie/Bonny Hills (Area 14) Community Centre 2009 $2,679,800

New Station - Combining Lake Cathie & Bonny Hills RFS Brigades 2010 $600,000

Upgrade Existing Station - RFS Thrumster (Area 13) 2010 $50,000

State Emergency Service Building Central Road 2010 $950,000

RFS Station Extensions - King Creek 2010 $25,736

Camden Haven Cultural Precinct 2013 $985,000

RFS New Station - Camden Haven 2013 $600,000

Regional Community Arts Centre 2013 $900,000

Thrumster (Area 13) Branch Library & Administration 2013 $1,400,000

Thrumster (Area 13) Community Centre 2013 $3,679,800

Wauchope Cultural Precinct and Youth Facility 2013 $1,952,000

Regional Museum 2017 $4,679,602

Regional Youth Facility 2017 $1,640,600

RFS New Station - Telegraph Point 2018 $600,000


Summary of Future Works Program and Cost

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Table 2 - Summary of Development Contributions Rates


1. Bushfire Contributions for Innes Peninsula are only applicable to lots shown outside the NSW Fire Brigade Area as shown in Figure 7 - Port Macquarie-Hastings RFS and NSW Fire Brigade Boundaries

2. The above Rates are adjusted quarterly in accordance with CPI Adjustments published by Australian Bureau of Statistics as detailed in clause 2.10. The actual rates may differ from those shown above dependant on time of print. Please contact Council’s Development Contributions Staff for a copy of the latest Contributions Rates.

Contribution Port Macquarie

Innes Peninsula

Sancrox / Thrumster Wauchope Kings Creek

Lake Cathie / Bonny Hills

Camden Haven

Rural (Not included in other areas)

State Emergency Service $21 $21 $21 $21 $21 $21 $21 $21Surf Life Saving $124 $124 $124 $124 $124 $124 $124 $124Bushfire $368 $368 $368 $368 $368Community Facilities $1,351 $1,351 $1,351 $1,351 $1,351 $1,351 $1,351 $1,351Regional Cultural Centre $1,514 $1,514 $1,514 $1,514 $1,514 $1,514 $1,514 $1,514Library $354 $354 $787 $436 $436 $820 $229 $229Total(6) $3,364 $3,732 $4,165 $3,446 $3,814 $4,198 $3,239 $3,607Residential Multi-Unit Development1 - bedroom = 50% of 1ET $1,682.00 $1,866.00 $2,082.50 $1,723.00 $1,907.00 $2,099.00 $1,619.50 $1,803.502 bedroom = 67% of 1ET $2,253.88 $2,500.44 $2,790.55 $2,308.82 $2,555.38 $2,812.66 $2,170.13 $2,416.693 bedroom = 90% of 1ET $3,027.60 $3,358.80 $3,748.50 $3,101.40 $3,432.60 $3,778.20 $2,915.10 $3,246.304 bedroom = 1ET = 1 Lot > 450m2 $3,364.00 $3,732.00 $4,165.00 $3,446.00 $3,814.00 $4,198.00 $3,239.00 $3,607.00

Port Macquarie Hastings Council - Development Contribution Rates for Community, Cultural & Emergency Services Contribution Plan - Summary By Locality

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Port Macquarie-Hastings Page 5

2 PART B – Administration and Operation of the Plan

2.1 Name of this Plan This Contributions Plan may be referred to as the Port Macquarie-Hastings Community, Cultural and Emergency Services Contributions Plan 2005 – Version 1.0.

2.2 Legal Context This Contributions Plan is made under the provisions of Section 94EA of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (as amended) and in accordance with Part 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000. Following public exhibition, this plan can be adopted by Council and provide the basis for levying Section 94 Contributions in the future. The enabling legislation permits Council to levy a charge to cover the costs associated with development in the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA. This is a contribution paid to cover the costs of Community, Cultural and Emergency Services/Facilities provided to meet the demands created by new development. Guidelines for the use of Section 94 impose requirements upon Council to review its current practices and to adopt consistent and accountable methods of administering Section 94 Contributions. The key features of these requirements are:

Establishing a nexus (or direct relationship) between the need created by a new development and the provision of public services;

The Contributions must relate to or be imposed for a planning purpose; The Contributions must be reasonable for the particular development; The Contributions must be spent on the purpose for which they are collected

within a reasonable time-frame; The funds collected must be accounted for in a clearly identifiable manner.

These concepts are discussed below and demonstrate the nexus, planning purpose and reasonableness requirements of the Section 94 Practice Notes as issued by the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources (DIPNR).

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Port Macquarie-Hastings Page 6

2.3 Purpose of this Plan This Plan will enable Council to levy Section 94 development contributions towards the improvement of Council’s Community, Cultural and Emergency Services/Facilities to ensure the efficient and effective provision of these services/facilities within the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA. Other purposes of this plan are:

To identify the extent and nature of new Council Community, Cultural and Emergency Services/Facilities required to service the needs of the growing population;

To offer the public, and those involved in the development industry, some certainty as to current contributions levels and Council's intentions regarding the nature, location and timing of the provision of public services and amenities;

To provide a comprehensive strategy for the assessment, collection, expenditure, accounting and review of development contributions, and to ensure that these contributions are fair and reasonable;

To provide public services and amenities for new development in a timely fashion, to a level and location determined to be appropriate for residents' needs;

To ensure that the existing community is not burdened by providing public services and amenities required as a result of development;

Enable Port Macquarie-Hastings Council, in future years, to recoup funds, which it has spent on the additional public infrastructure in anticipation of the new residential development.

To authorise Council, when granting consent to development applications or the issuing of complying development certificates, to impose conditions under s94 of the EP&A Act requiring the payment of monetary contributions or the dedication of land or both.

2.4 When does this Plan take Effect This Contributions Plan is operational from 3 April 2006

2.5 Areas and Developments to which this Plan Applies This Contributions Plan (CP) is designed to be an LGA-wide plan to respond to the demands of the whole of the Port Macquarie-Hastings, whilst also catering for local catchments based facilities. Accordingly, where appropriate a regional contributions rate will be apportioned across the entire LGA, whilst a local rate per specific catchments will be charged where appropriate for local facilities. The Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA is represented in Figure 1. All residential developments that will or are likely to require the provision of or increase the demand for additional public amenities or public services, including the subdivision of land, dual occupancy, multiple dwellings, multi-storey buildings and aged-care housing will be charged a contribution under this CP. A full schedule of applicable

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development types is listed in Table 4 - Contributions Ratios for Residential Development, of this Plan. In assessing the demand from new residential development, an allowance has been made for tourist developments and temporary accommodation for residents from outside the Council area. The occupancy rate used to calculate the contribution rates in this plan is based on ABS figures for all dwellings and not just permanent accommodation. As a result the occupancy rate and contribution rates are lower than if the contribution were attributed just to the increase in permanent residents. Figure 1 - Map of Area to which this plan applies, Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA

2.6 Relationship with other Plans, Council Policies and Planning Instruments

This plan relates to the following relevant Council plans and policies:

Hastings Council LEP (2001) Hastings Urban Growth Strategy ‘HUGS’ (2001) Hastings Development Contributions Assessment Policy Hastings Works in Kind Policy

Further this Plan operates independently from previous contributions plans adopted by Council. However previous plans are relevant and integrated with the production of this plan. Table 3 shows development of contributions plans in the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA, for which this plan replaces and/or amends.

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Table 3 - Development Contributions Plans Repealed or Amended by this Plan Name of Plan Details of Plan or Amendment Hastings Community Facilities – Regional Cultural Centre Contributions Plan – Version 1.2


Hastings Section 94 Library Resources Contributions Plan – Version 1.1


Kings Creek Contributions Plan Version 2.3

Amended as detailed in Schedule 1

Port Macquarie-Hastings s94 Major Roads Contributions Plan Version 2.1

Amended as detailed in Schedule 2

Port Macquarie-Hastings s94 Open Space Contributions Plan Version 2.1

Amended as detailed in Schedule 3

Port Macquarie-Hastings Innes Peninsula s94 Road Works Contributions Plan Version 1.2

Amended as detailed in Schedule 4

Port Macquarie-Hastings The Baines Dairy s94 Road Works Contributions Plan Version 1.2

Amended as detailed in Schedule 5

Port Macquarie-Hastings Administration Building s94 Road Works Contributions Plan Version 1.2

Amended as detailed in Schedule 6

Port Macquarie-Hastings North Haven Neighbourhood Business Precinct Contributions Plan Version 1.2

Amended as detailed in Schedule 7

Hastings River Drive s94 Road Works Contributions Plan Version 1.1

Amended as detailed in Schedule 8

Hastings Contributions Plan 1993 Version 1.5

Amended as detailed in Schedule 9

Preparation of this plan has involved review of the works schedules contained in contributions plans listed in Table 3 above. Where individual works have not yet been completed and the works remain appropriate and relevant to Council’s Works Program, this plan has absorbed the works from the previous plans into the works schedule. Outstanding fund balances associated with these works items at the time of the plan’s introduction, have also been accounted for in this plan. Development approvals containing conditions requiring payment of development contributions under the previous plans will only be required to pay the contributions amount identified in the consent, as adjusted by Consumer Price Index quarterly reviews. This Plan is consistent with Council’s current Management Plans, providing a means of funding for priority Community, Cultural and Emergency Service/Facilities within the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA.

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2.7 Operation of Plan In determining a development application, Council may impose a condition requiring the payment of a monetary contribution and/or the dedication of land in accordance with the provisions of this plan. This plan identifies the quantum of contributions to be levied on an individual development, and what facilities the contributions may be directed towards. Such details are to be included in the respective development consent and accompanying Notice of Payment Form – Developer Contributions. The parameters and assumptions used to identify contributions and the works as a result of development occurring are dynamic. As a result, this plan will be reviewed regularly. Information on the contributions received and monies expended on facilities described in this plan will be reported in Council’s annual financial statements. A register of contributions received under this plan will be maintained and made publicly available by Council.

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2.8 When are Contributions Payable?

2.8.1 Timing of Payment of Contributions Council will require Section 94 Contributions in the following manner:

Where a DA is required including integrated housing

Prior to the release of the construction certificate. Where no building approval is required, payment is to be made within three months of the granting of development consent, prior to occupation or as specified in the Development Consent, whichever is sooner

Subdivision Prior to the subdivision certificate being issued, or as specified in the development consent

Strata Development Prior to the release of the construction certificate where required. If no construction certificate is required, prior to the subdivision certificate being issued or as otherwise specified in the development consent

2.8.2 Deferral of Payment Council will accept deferred payment of Development Contributions involving the construction of a building only, subject to the following conditions:

i. Lodgement of an irrevocable guarantee for the amount of the contributions plus an additional 12-month interest amount calculated at the average rate of Council’s investments performance over the past 12 months plus 1%.

ii. The maximum period for which the guarantee will be accepted is the sooner of 12 months or the issue of an occupation certificate for the development.

iii. Guarantees will only be accepted from an institution approved by the Manager Corporate and Financial Planning.

iv. If at the end of the period for the lodgement of the guarantee, the outstanding contributions plus the additional amount referred to in ‘i’ have not been paid, Council will call in the guarantee without further reference to the applicant.

v. A pro-rata reduction in the amount referred to in ‘i’ will be allowed for payment of the outstanding contributions within 12 months or the calling in of the guarantee within 12 months.

vi. The guarantee is to provide for Council to unconditionally call in the guarantee for the full amount at any time.

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2.9 Works in Kind The council may accept an offer by the applicant to provide an “in-kind” contribution (i.e. the applicant completes part or all of work/s identified in the plan) or through provision of another material public benefit in lieu of the applicant satisfying its obligations under this plan. Council may accept such alternatives in the following circumstances:

(a) The value of the works to be undertaken is at least equal to the value of the contribution that would otherwise be required under this plan; and

(b) The standard of the works is to council’s full satisfaction; and (c) The provision of the material public benefit will not prejudice the timing

or the manner of the provision of public facilities included in the works program; and

(d) [Other as appropriate in the circumstances]. The matters to be addressed and the procedures to be followed in making a application to Council for “works-in-kind” or “material public benefit” are set out in Council’s “Works-In-Kind Policy”. Council will require the applicant to enter into a written agreement for the provision of the works. Acceptance of any such alternative is at the sole discretion of the council. Council may review the valuation of works or land to be dedicated, and may seek the services of an independent person to verify their value. In these cases, all costs and expenses borne by the council in determining the value of the works or land will be paid for by the applicant.

2.10 Monitoring, Review and Adjustment of Rates Council will adjust the contributions levy in this plan on a quarterly basis. To ensure that the value of the contributions is not eroded by inflation, Council will increase the levy in accordance with the Consumer Price Index All Group Index Number for Sydney (CPI), as published by the ABS. Where contributions have been levied under an existing consent, granted in accordance with this Plan, but not yet paid, the contribution will continue to be indexed on a quarterly basis in accordance with the above until such time as they are paid. Contributions rates will be adjusted in accordance with the following formula





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Where CRA is the adjusted contributions rate at the time of adjustment in the Contributions Plan, or at the time of payment of the contributions, as applicable. CRO is the original contribution rate in the contributions plan, or at the time of the development consent, as applicable. CPIO is the original CPI rate at the time of adoption of the contributions plan, or at the time of the development consent, as applicable. CPIC is the current CPI rate at the time of adjustment of the contributions rate in the Contributions Plan, or payment of the contributions, as applicable. The cost of proposed works in the contribution plan will be reviewed annually if warranted, but at least every three years, to ensure the CPI adjustments reflect the 'real' cost of acquisitions and construction. Council will also review this plan if it becomes necessary to borrow additional funds to meet the Section 94 funding component of the works program due to a shortfall in the receipt of development contributions.

2.11 Construction Certificates and the Obligation of Accredited Certifiers

In accordance with Section 94EC of the EP & A Act and Clause 146 of the EP & A Regulation, a Certifying Authority must not issue a construction certificate for building work or subdivision work under a development consent unless it has verified that each condition requiring the payment of monetary contributions has been satisfied. In particular, the certifier must ensure that the applicant provides a receipt(s) confirming that contributions have been fully paid and copies of such receipts must be included with copies of the certified plans provided to the Council in accordance with Clause 142(2) of the EP & A Regulation. Failure to follow this procedure may render such a certificate invalid. The only exceptions to the requirement are where a works in kind, material public benefit, and dedication of land or deferred payment arrangement has been agreed by Port Macquarie - Port Macquarie-Hastings. In such cases, Council will issue a letter confirming that an alternative payment method has been agreed with the applicant.

2.12 Pooling of Contributions This plan expressly authorises monetary S94 Contributions paid for different purposes to be pooled and applied (progressively or otherwise) for those purposes. The priorities for the expenditure of the levies are shown in the works schedule.

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2.13 G.S.T. Implications Pursuant to the Division 81 determination made under the Goods and Services Tax Act 1999 by the Federal Treasury, no Goods and Services Tax (GST) is applicable to the payment of contributions made under Section 94 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. The exemption applies to both cash contributions or land works in lieu of contributions.

2.14 Allowances for Existing Development Contributions will be levied according to the estimated increase in demand. An amount equivalent to the contribution attributable to any existing (or approved) development on the site of a proposed new development will be allowed for in the calculation of contributions. In assessing the contribution of existing development the following occupancy rates, as outlined in Table 4 will be used. Where development does not fall within any of the items in Table 4, Council will determine the credit on the basis of the likely demand that the existing development would create.

2.15 Exemptions The types of development exempted from the application of this plan include:

• Non-residential land uses and other uses that are not specified in Table 4. • Exiting vacant residential lots currently rated for water and sewer (except where

development involves subdivision or an increase in population density). • A change of land use not involving the creation of additional lots, dwellings or

increased population. • Development exempted by direction of the Minister pursuant to Section 94E of

the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (No. 203) • Rural or farming enterprises, which do not result in an increase in the demand

for Community, Cultural, Administration and Emergency Services/Facilities. • Development exempted by Council’s Development Contribution Assessment

Policy. • A Granny Flat, where the floor space is equal to or less than 50m2.

2.16 Contributions Ratios The purpose of Contribution Ratios is to charge equitable proportions of contribution rates for residential development based on proportionate increases in expected population. Contribution Ratios contained in Table 4 below show the percentage of the contribution (Equivalent Tenement (ET)) chargeable to residential and tourist accommodation development.

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Table 4 - Contributions Ratios for Residential Development

Description Percentage

A house - single density (one lot with one dwelling entitlement) detached dwelling in Rural 1(a1),1(a3) or 1(a4) zones (eg managers residence or rural worker's dwelling) Lots > 450 100

Flats, units, town houses, villas, dual occupancies, Integrated Housing designed for lots less than 450m2 etc. and permanent self-contained caravan park accommodation

• one (1) bedroom 50 • two (2) bedroom 67 • three (3) bedroom 90 • four (4) or more bedrooms 100 High density (3 or more storeys) • one (1) bedroom 50 • two (2) bedroom 67 • three (3) bedroom 90 • four (4) or more bedrooms 100

Boarding houses, guest houses, hostels, B&Bs etc

• not self-contained, shared facilities for cooking, laundry and bathrooms per bedroom not dormitory or bunk rooms 25

• partially self contained, shared facilities for cooking & laundry but own ensuite per bedroom not dormitory or bunk rooms 35

• not self-contained, shared facilities for cooking, laundry and bathrooms per bed, dormitory or bunk rooms 12.5

• partially self contained, shared facilities for cooking & laundry but own ensuite per bed, dormitory or bunk rooms 17.5

• B&Bs are currently contributions exempt for a trial period Nil

Motel unit

• partially self contained (shared facilities for cooking & laundry but own ensuite) 25

• self contained (ensuite and kitchen) Equates to a 1 bedroom unit. For motel suites in excess of 1 bedroom, apply the percentages for high density units


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Description Percentage

Aged unit where the development is approved under SEPP (Seniors Living) or the Applicant demonstrates to Council's satisfaction that the development will be occupied by older persons as defined in the SEPP and the maximum occupancy for any unit is 2 persons

• self contained (ensuite & kitchen) 1 bedroom 40

• self contained 2 bedroom 55

• self contained 3 or more bedrooms 75

Nursing Home/Hostels

• High Dependency/Residential Care Facility (per bed) Nil

• Low Dependency/Hostel (per bed) 35

Caravan parks and or camping sites

• transient, not permanent (not self-contained) 25 • transient, not permanent (partially self-contained) 35 • permanent (not self-contained) 25 • permanent (partially self-contained, ensuite) 35

• permanent (self-contained, ensuite & kitchen) see flats, units,

townhouses etc

Note: Residential Development means any use listed in this table whether or not the use is intended for temporary, short term, long term, permanent, or tourist accommodation.

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3 PART C – Demographic Characteristics of the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA

3.1 Development Background The Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA contains approximately 70,000 residents, within an area of approximately 368,100 hectares. In terms of settlement hierarchy, the Port Macquarie urban area is the major population and service centre with a population of 37,405 people (2001 Census). Other towns include Wauchope to the west on the Hastings River and the coastal settlements of Lake Cathie, Bonny Hills, Laurieton and Camden Haven to the South. Villages include Comboyne, Beechwood, Kew, Kendall, Long Flat, Telegraph Point and Herons Creek. Smaller rural enclaves include Rollands Plains, Pappinbarra, Hollisdale, Ellenborough, Rawdon Island, Lorne and Sancrox. The coastal area of the Port Macquarie-Hastings has experienced rapid population growth since the late 1960’s, with the Port Macquarie Township being the focus centre of growth. Hastings Urban Growth Strategy (HUGS) population projections indicate a population increase of approximately 8000 people every 5 years up to 2021. The Mid-North Coast is a desirable place to live and the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA is experiencing a significant net in-migration of families and retirees to the area. A majority of the population growth will be catered for in the coastal urban areas of Port Macquarie and Lake Cathie/Bonny Hills, with flow on effect for Wauchope and Camden Haven. These factors have resulted in the Port Macquarie-Hastings experiencing both redevelopment of older urban development, especially Port Macquarie, and sprawling greenfield subdivisions on the urban fringes.

3.2 Demographic Characteristics The 2001 Census identified that 58.6 percent of the Port Macquarie-Hastings’ population resided in Port Macquarie. The population of the individual townships in the Port Macquarie-Hastings and their growth characteristics differ substantially. The following table shows the distribution of the Port Macquarie-Hastings population throughout the LGA, upon which this plan is based. An aspect of the Port Macquarie-Hastings’ population is a significantly different age profile from the NSW State average. The Port Macquarie-Hastings’ has a relatively older population with 21.7% of people being aged 65 years and over (Census 1996), compared with a state average of 12.7%, and a Mid North Coast average of 17.5%. Further in 1996 Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA had the 6th highest, median age of all LGAs within the State, whilst the Camden Haven and Lake Cathie localities had the highest median in the Port Macquarie-Hastings with 57.6 and 46.7 years, respectively. The Median age of the LGA for 2001 was 43 years (ABS Census 2001).

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Table 5 - Port Macquarie-Hastings Population Distribution


Population (2004 estimate)

Port Macquarie 38, 998Innes Peninsular 1,805Sancrox/Thrumster 1,450Lake Cathie / Bonny Hills (Area 14) 4,670Wauchope 5,435Camden Haven 9,481Rural Western 7,405

Total 70,200

Another distinguishing feature is the lower proportion of people in the 0-4, 15-19 and 20-39 year age groups in the Port Macquarie-Hastings compared with NSW; however the percentage of children under 14 is only slightly lower than for NSW as a whole, at 20.7% compared with 21.4% for the State. The following features of the Port Macquarie-Hastings population were documented in the Port Macquarie-Hastings Facilities Study - Open Space, Community, Cultural and Recreation by BBC Consulting Planners, May 2001. These features were based on 1996 data, however, in a relatively established region such as the Port Macquarie-Hastings, the statistics are still considered representative of the overall population:

The dominant household types were couple families without children (33.5%), comparatively higher than NSW (23.6%);

There is a relatively lower percentage of couple families with children (28.3%) compared with NSW (35.7%);

A slightly higher percentage of lone person households (23.8%) residing in the Port Macquarie-Hastings compared with 22.2% for NSW;

There is a slightly lower percentage of one parent families (9.3%) compared with NSW (10.1%);

Resident mobility is high compared with both Mid North Coast (53.9%) and NSW (57%) with only 50.1% of residents living at the same address 5 years previously;

Port Macquarie-Hastings has a high percentage of early school leavers (65.9% of students who had left school were under 17 years of age) compared with 51.8% in NSW;

A significantly lower percentage of the population attended CAE/University in the Port Macquarie-Hastings (0.9%) compared to NSW (3.3%);

Only 11.5% of the population had a degree or diploma compared with 17.4% for the State but a higher proportion had a trade qualification (16.2% compared with 14.1%);

Reflecting an older population, a large percentage of the population was not in the labour force (50.3%) compared with 37.9% in NSW;

The unemployment rate at the Census of 16.1% was almost double that of the State (8.8%);

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A higher percentage of the labour force consists of males (55%) than females (45%), however younger males have the highest unemployment rate (29.1% for 15-24 year olds, compared with 16.3% for NSW);

Main industry of employment in Port Macquarie-Hastings was retail (18.3%), health and community services (12.1%), followed by construction, hospitality and manufacturing.

Lower proportions of people were employed in manufacturing, property and business services, finance and insurance, transport and storage, compared to NSW as a whole;

Income levels were relatively low, with the majority of households earning less than $500 per week (54.6%) compared with only 35.4% for NSW;

55% of the population had personal incomes less than $15,548 per annum ($299 per week) compared with 36.9% for NSW.

Majority of residents reside in separate houses (69.8%) lower than for Mid North Coast SD (75.7%), but similar to NSW at 35.4%;

Port Macquarie-Hastings has a higher percentage of flats three storeys or less (10.6%), compared with 9% in the Mid North Coast, but less than NSW at 12.4%;

Occupancy rates are comparatively lower at 2.47 people per dwelling, than NSW with an average of 2.67 persons per dwelling as a whole.

The overall age profile of the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA tends to mask differences between Localities as mentioned in Table 5 above. The Localities of Port Macquarie and Camden Haven have significant numbers people over the age of 65, at 23% of the total population for Port Macquarie and a staggering 36.6% for the Camden Haven. Whereas the Localities of Wauchope and Kendall/Kew have a lower than average proportion of people over the age of 65, with a higher than average proportion of people aged between 0 and 29. The Rural area of the LGA also has a younger population. The data on older residents is important, as it is likely that the Port Macquarie-Hastings, with its above average ‘older’ population, will suffer from an exaggerated ageing of the population compared to the projected state averages This is expected to continue as the “baby-boomer” cohort advances into the older age groups. The local implications for the Port Macquarie-Hastings will be accentuated by the high local percentage of aged people. It is projected that from 2001 to 2011 that the population of people aged 75 years and over will increase by 26.2%. The aging of the Port Macquarie-Hastings population has implications for the delivery of many services, which Council provides, particularly open space, recreation, community and library facilities.

3.3 Anticipated Development and Population Growth Council has prepared population projections for the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA, which has resulted in the preparation of the following four documents:

Hastings Urban Growth Strategy (HUGS), adopted by Council May 2001 and endorsed by the Director General of DIPNR August 2001.

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Camden Haven Urban Growth Strategy (CHUGS), adopted by Council June 2003 and endorsed by Director General of DIPNR September 2003.

Wauchope Urban Growth Strategy (WUGS), currently in draft. Rural Residential Release Strategy adopted by Council on 22 March 2004 and

the Director General of DIPNR on 20 April 2004. The aim of the HUGS, WUGS and CHUGS documents are to accommodate and guide population growth in the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA through to the year 2021 by:

Urban consolidation, particularly Port Macquarie: Expansion of Area 14 (Lake Cathie/Bonny Hills) based on Sewage Treatment

Plant expansion to 12,000 EP, with deferral of approvals for further urban development of residential-zoned land in Area 14 until infrastructure service capacities are adequate;

Development of Area 13 New Town (West of Port Macquarie); Providing sustainable urban settlement; Providing land release strategies consistent with community needs and

aspirations; and To protect the environment, character and amenity of the Port Macquarie-

Hastings LGA. Population projections provide an indication of the future demand for public facilities. Council has reviewed its projections for the future population of the LGA and in this plan those projections are used as a basis for determining the appropriate contributions which should be levied on new development which generates increased population or an increased demand for public amenities or public services Council’s population projection for the period 2004 to 2027 is shown in Table 6 below: Table 6 - Population Projections 2005

Estimate 2027

Estimate Increase No. Increase

% Port Macquarie-Hastings

71,815 108,849 37,034 34

Notes: Growth estimates are based on the adopted projections in HUGS.

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4 PART D – Facility Strategies

4.1 Community Facilities

4.1.1 Background The Hastings Open Space, Community, Cultural and Recreation Facilities Study (OSCCAR) was undertaken to review the population growth and demographics of the Port Macquarie-Hastings and to and to identify and assess the needs for future community and cultural facilities. This study forms the basis for the provision of community facilities in this plan. The following provides a brief justification for additional community and cultural facilities in the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA.

4.1.2 Performing Arts Centre The need for Regional Cultural Facilities in the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA has been a established through community discussion, consultation and professional research during the past decade:

i. 26 May 1993, a public meeting was held at Port Macquarie High School to determine public interest in the provision of a Performing Arts Cultural Centre in Port Macquarie by the year 2000.

ii. 31 May 1993 a Council meeting adopted the Mayor’s recommendations that

a committee of interested persons be formed to investigate the feasibility of a Performing Arts Cultural Centre for Port Macquarie.

iii. 1997, the Arts & Cultural Working Group of the Community/Social Plan

found in relation to the performing arts that the performing arts mostly have to suffer totally inadequate facilities, including the almost unusable Civic Centre, various club auditoriums designed for commercial club applications, and a scattering of very basic community halls which are usually small, in a state of disrepair and almost completely lacking in ancillary facilities or comforts (Port Macquarie-Hastings Community Services Plan 1997-2000).

iv. The Hastings Development Plan - Council and the community looking to the

future 1996-2016, identifies the vision for a prestige drama and entertainment complex that caters for theatrical productions and other entertainment not provided for by clubs, including a range of cultural entertainment for youth.

v. The Hastings Community Services Plan 1997-2000 identifies the need for a

Performing Arts Facility, noting that existing facilities are inadequate in terms of size, state of repair and appropriate facilities. The Cultural Facilities Taskforce was formed to advise on a strategy to achieve the vision, which, in

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1997 was estimated to cost around $7M, with the facility to be open by June 2003.

vi. 1998, the Minister of Arts - Regional Program Manager stated the Civic

Centre site could be adopted for use as a Performing Arts Facility. Dollar for Dollar funding was investigated under the Regional Arts Infrastructure funds.

vii. 1999 an Arts & Cultural Futures Community Consultation was undertaken. viii. July 2000 Council contracted Cultural Planning Facilities Consultants

Australia Street Company - Byron Harford & Associates to undertake a Cultural Facilities Planning Workshop with staff and Councillors.

The OSCCAR report states “ the threshold for a community supporting a Performing Arts Centre is reached at around 60,000 people. Given that the future population of the catchment area will be around 100,000, a large centre should be planned which caters for a much larger population than that existing. A centre to serve both the existing population and the population anticipated in the next 20 years” (Stage 3 Report, Page 11).

4.1.3 Regional Gallery The existing gallery is located on the future site of the Regional Cultural Centre and will be reinstated in the new building to provide gallery space to provide for a future population of 100,000.

4.1.4 Cultural Facilities Port Macquarie-Hastings Council has an arts/cultural program, which has enabled cultural development staffing at Council to be increased. This stimulation of the arts and cultural sector is placing extreme demands on resources and facilities to meet the ongoing level of demand for cultural programs and facilities. The level of demand is only going to increase in the Port Macquarie-Hastings, with the increasing population and the attraction of the Port Macquarie-Hastings region as a tourist destination. The need for cultural precincts or facilities in the urban localities of the Port Macquarie-Hastings, including, Port Macquarie, Wauchope and Camden Haven were identified in the Open Space, Community, Cultural and Recreation Facilities Study (OSCCAR). Existing facilities in the Port Macquarie-Hastings are not adequate to meet the future needs of the region due to size, location, technical facilities and the fragmentation of cultural facilities. Therefore, in order for the Port Macquarie-Hastings to continue to grow and develop in the arts and cultural sectors, centralised cultural precincts or facilities will be required in the above-mentioned urban localities.

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Proposed cultural facilities include: Regional Cultural Performing Arts Centre Wauchope Cultural Precinct Camden Haven Cultural Precinct (Village Green)

Council is already committed to the Regional Cultural Performing Arts Centre. Land for the Camden Haven Cultural Precinct is the process of acquisition from the Anglican Church. It is proposed that the Wauchope Cultural precinct would be based on Bain Park. A final site for the Regional Community Arts Centre has not been determined.

4.1.5 Youth Facilities In the past, there has traditionally been a loss of young people aged 15-24 from the Port Macquarie-Hastings. However, demographic projections from the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources suggest that there is likely to be an increase in the 5 to 24 year age groups, although proportionately, the total percentage of this age group will decrease. Where Council has previously played little role in the planning for young people, this may become an increasing priority and pressure, as there is currently a low level of service and facility provision in the Port Macquarie-Hastings. Providing facilities for youth in the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA is particularly important, as it will encourage the retention of and attract youth to the region. The provision of services and facilities for youth will play an important role in youth crime prevention and building social cohesion. Boredom has been identified as a critical factor in risk taking, anti-social and criminal behaviour in young people. Increased services and facilities would lead to a continued reduction in juvenile crime rates and generate greater acceptance and understanding between young people and older people. With Australia’s increasing trend of an ageing population, the retention of younger persons in the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA will be paramount. The current labour market situation is that there are more persons that are at exit age compared to persons at entry age, which foreshadows a contraction of the labour market. In the Port Macquarie-Hastings this would result in labour shortages and limited potential for economic growth in the region. Council must be proactive in providing facilities and services for youth. Services and facilities required in the Port Macquarie-Hastings include a dedicated space for youth, meeting facilities, space for the collocation of service providers, access to IT facilities for cultural and education purposes and spaces for recreational activities including alternative sports and cultural pursuits. It should also be noted that if youth are retained and encouraged to the region, the likelihood of other youth and family services and facilities coming to region would be increased. They may include, but is not limited to increased university places and courses, increased TAFE courses, increased business opportunities and more family based activities.

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Proposed youth facilities include: Regional Youth Facility Wauchope Youth Facility

Recent surveys in relation to Youth in the Port Macquarie-Hastings have identified a lack of youth specific space in Port Macquarie impacting on the community in two key areas.

1. Youth report a lack of public space in which they feel they can participate outside of the consumer arena. This has created issues in relation to young people feeling that are being constantly moved on, or unwelcome in areas such as the two shopping complexes and key CBD areas. This moving on has sometimes occurred in a public manner, contributing to the perceived linkages between anti-social behaviour and groups of youth.

2. The recent Social Plan survey identified that a lack of youth space and activities

was seen as an important factor in raising community concerns (rating 4th highest at 10.9%) in relation to crime. Not coincidently anti-social behaviour rated as the number one concern.

A proposed Regional Youth Facility would provide an opportunity for young people to access a community space, which has been developed specifically with their needs in mind. Ideally this facility would cater for young people aged from 13 to 24 years. As a base line the regional youth facility would provide resources including but not limited to; an auditorium space for the provision of events that would cater for up to 200 spectators; a ½ basketball court; indoor skate space and a graffiti wall. Ideally an area for locating a Barbeque would also be available. An allocation of space within the facility for office usage would attract local specialist Youth Service providers to the building, providing the centre with a hub of activity during the day whilst adding to the atmosphere and credibility of the service. The regional youth centre will require a site located in (or within close proximity) to the CBD. Emphasis should be placed on access to resources such as transport and local food and shopping facilities. As indicated through previous consultations with young people, this group prefers to gather in areas that are centralised and that are traditionally well lit. The Wauchope region has also been identified as a high priority area for a local Youth Facility. Whilst consultations report the lack of youth centric activities and facilities to be the most significant issue experienced by youth, the issue in Wauchope is compounded by a greater lack of existing services in comparison to the Camden Haven and Port Macquarie areas. This includes a lack of Shopping complexes, cinemas and perhaps the most significant, the distance to local beaches. In responding to the Social Plan survey young people recorded beaches as the second highest feature that instilled a sense of belonging to a community. The absence of this feature in areas such as Wauchope places a higher demand on other resources including the creation of constructed alternatives such as Youth Facilities.

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It is anticipated that a potential site for a youth based facility could be placed at Bain Park and would include similar features as identified in the Port Macquarie centre albeit on a smaller scale to the Port Macquarie complex.

4.1.6 Museum It has been identified by Council that the development of a Regional Museum is important in the Port Macquarie-Hastings area. Therefore it was resolved by Council on the 29th March 2005, to proceed with the following five goals in regards to a Regional Museum:

Goal 1 Develop a distinctive regional museum (concept, design, policy, governance)

Goal 2 Develop significant collections, and promoting access and community awareness of their values

Goal 3 Interpret the history, people, places, cultures, and identity of the Port Macquarie-Hastings (exhibitions, interpretation, collaborative programs)

Goal 4 Strengthen the network of sustainable museums and enhancing volunteer skills (mutual support, training, museum standards)

Goal 5 Build diverse audiences, and enhancing community participation and enjoyment of museums and heritage in the Port Macquarie-Hastings

The development of a regional museum is necessary in the Port Macquarie-Hastings as:

There are 10 local historical groups and museums in the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA all volunteer managed and resourced. The aging volunteer base is not being replenished and Council needs to consider this depletion of resources to successfully plan for the future to ensure our unique heritage is preserved.

The present working conditions of local museums are sub standard and do nothing to encourage new/younger volunteers into this area. With the Regional Museum development will come better facilities for volunteers and wider choices of areas in which to volunteer.

The establishment of a regional museum will formalize the momentum of the Port Macquarie-Hastings Museums Working Group where the 10 groups work together in co-coordinated thematic studies.

A regional museum would act as orientation to the area where the story of our early settlement and development would be told. The regional museum will be a multi-campus model with each of the existing historical groups telling an individual element of the Port Macquarie-Hastings Story.

Better use of Council resources i.e. Curator and Heritage Officer working within a coordinated structure of museums.

Cultural heritage has been identified as a booming sector of the tourism industry where visitors seek knowledge and experiences of areas they are visiting.

Large numbers of visitors already visit our local museums (114,582) but with better interpretation and continuing collection documentation the local story could be told in a more exciting and interactive way (use of holograms, soundscapes, computer technology. interactive displays)

The requirements for this type of a facility would include:

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Workshop space Collection working space Meeting/Training room Exhibition space Theatrette Cafe Retail shop Storage

The preferred location for the proposed Regional Museum is at the rear of existing Historic Museum in Clarence St.

4.1.7 Multi Purpose Community Facilities In the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA, a key gap in the hierarchy of facilities is Multi-purpose Centres. Multi Purpose Centres are needed in Port Macquarie, Wauchope and the new urban growth areas. Both Port Macquarie and Wauchope have smaller community facilities, however, the existing facilities do not meet the current needs, or are not designed for the purpose for which they are currently being used. It is predicted that the population of the LGA will increase by approximately 16,000 people, therefore, additional facilities will be required to cater for the increased population. Additionally, the new urban growth areas including Area 12, Area 13 and Area 14, which are all expected to have significant population increases in the coming years, will require multi purpose centres for the new populations in these areas. Proposed Multi Purpose Centres will need to contain flexible meeting rooms, office space for service providers and multi purpose function rooms. Proposed Multi-Purpose Facilities include:

Area 14 Community Centre Area 13 Community Centre Area 12 Community Centre

100% growth funding is proposed for the Community centres for Area 12, 13 and 14. The Area 14 centre will however also contain a Library and Council office component that will need to be apportioned with the existing population.

4.1.8 Community Halls Upgrade In addition to providing additional community facilities and centres it has been identified by Council that upgrade works are required on many of Council’s existing community halls and centres. Upgrade works proposed involved raising access and fire safety standards, extension of car-parking areas and provision of improved amenities.

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4.2 Emergency Services As discussed under Community Facilities above, the Port Macquarie-Hastings population will increase from its current 70,200 persons to 103,177 by 2024. This increase will place greater pressure on Council’s Surf Life Saving Service due to larger beach visitation numbers; on the Port Macquarie-Hastings District Rural Fire Service as residential development encroaches upon State Forests and National Parks; the Port Macquarie-Hastings State Emergency Service, as a greater number of people could be affected during natural disasters such as flooding and storm events; and the Port Macquarie Sea Rescue as a greater number of water craft venture over the Hastings River mouth.

For these services to operate efficiently and effectively in times of emergency modern facilities are required to store and maintain equipment; train staff and volunteers; and to communicate with and coordinate operations in the field.

4.2.1 State Emergency Service (SES) The SES is currently located in Gordon Street in a building that is greater than 50-years old and still operates on a septic tank system. The facility is no longer able to store all vehicles and equipment onsite, which significantly hinders response times. A new facility is proposed in Central Road, which will provide a modern facility capable of servicing the SES for the next 20-years. A new facility has also recently been completed adjacent the Wauchope District RFS Operations Centre.

4.2.2 Rural Fire Service (RFS) The RFS has recently completed a new District Operations Centre in Wauchope and a new Brigade Station at Beechwood, which both received assistance from Council in regards to funding. As populations grow upgrading, and/or replacement Brigades have been forecast in areas such as Bonny Hills/Lake Cathie, Camden Haven and Telegraph Point.

4.2.3 Surf Life Saving and Sea Rescue The Port Macquarie-Hastings Surf Life Saving has witnessed a significant increase in beach visitations to the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA’s patrolled beaches over the past 10-years. To cater for the continuing growth additional equipment is required to improve surveillance of beach users and to improve response times. Further the Council’s Town Beach Surf Life Saving Amenities building, which also houses the Port Macquarie Sea Rescue above, requires upgrading to cater for future population growth and demands.

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4.3 Libraries

4.3.1 Regional Library Port Macquarie Library The port Macquarie Library acts a local library service for Port Macquarie residents and also as regional library coordinating the activities of Council’s branch libraries. This building is expected to be sufficient to cater for the needs of the Port Macquarie-Hastings Library Network until the year 2011, at which time consideration is to be given to a further expansion of the Network’s facilities. This Contributions Plan applies only to the current life expectancy of the present building. Book Stock In addition to the regional building construction costs, a Contribution is to be applied to the cost of acquisition of new library resources necessary to stock the 3 Port Macquarie-Hastings libraries at a rate of 2.3 resource items per capita to meet the demands of incoming population.

4.3.2 Local Libraries Port Macquarie A Local Contributions component is to apply to the immediate catchment of the Port Macquarie Library. While the Library Network’s primary administrative functions are undertaken from within this building, a significant portion of the functions undertaken within the library provide a direct service to the specific members of the Port Macquarie Library. These include the daily processing of borrowings and returns, and the management of educational programs, school activities, and other associated services. Wauchope A Local Contributions component is to apply to the immediate catchment of the Wauchope Library. The civic facility in which the library building is situated was re-acquired from NorthPower in 1996. The Wauchope Library building is of sufficient size to cater for population growth within the Wauchope & Kings Creek Library Catchment Area until the year 2024. Thrumster (Area 13) and Lake Cathie/Bonny Hills (Area 14) Future

Branch Libraries A Local Contributions component is to apply to the immediate catchments of the future growth areas known as Areas 13 and 14. Facilities of approximately 600m2 are proposed to be constructed and will also include provision for Council administrative functions. The branch libraries are to be constructed in unison with multi-purpose community facilities.

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5 PART E – Contributions Plans

5.1 Community and Cultural Facilities

5.1.1 Purpose of this Plan The purpose of this Plan is to enable Council to levy Section 94 Contributions for the provision of a number of Regional and District Community Facilities to meet the social and cultural needs of the projected incoming population resulting from new residential development by way of subdivision and redevelopment of existing urban areas. Rationale for the provision of the facilities was reviewed as part of Recreation Planning Associates’ Hastings Open Space, Community, Cultural and Recreation Facilities Study (OSCCAR) of June 2001. These facilities include Area 12, Area 13, & Area 14 Community Centres; Camden Haven Cultural Precinct; Wauchope Cultural Precinct and Youth Centre; Regional Community Arts Centre; Regional Museum; and Regional Youth Facility

5.1.2 Causal Nexus Capacity of Current Facilities (Supply) It is evident from the discussion under Part D above that the capability of Community and Cultural Facilities throughout the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA to cater for future population expansion is virtually nil, as they are currently operating at full capacity. Therefore a comprehensive strategy has been developed based on the OSCCAR Report to cater for future demand, resulting from incoming population over approximately the next 20-years. Anticipated Growth Table 6, demonstrates the projected growth patterns through the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA up-until the year 2024. The projections contained in this table are derived from Council’s adopted Port Macquarie-Hastings Urban Growth Strategy (HUGS). Further projections based on this data to 2027, being the projected life of this Contributions Plan, calculate an ultimate increase in population from present day, of approximately an additional 40,000 people. This increase will raise Port Macquarie-Hastings current population of 71,800 persons to approximately 108,000 people in 2027. With the Port Macquarie-Hastings’ Community and Cultural Facilities already operating at capacity new Regional and District level facilities will be required to meet the demand of the incoming population. Regional facilities will benefit the entire population, whilst District level facilities will provide facilities at a more local level for the immediate surrounding population base.

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Port Macquarie-Hastings Page 29 Facilities Required to Satisfy Demand Table 7, below outlines the proposed Regional and District level facilities to be provided to meet the demands of the projected population growth. Community Centres are proposed to be provided centrally in major growth areas such as Area 14, between Lake Cathie and Bonny Hills; and Area 13 Thrumster and Sancrox to the west of Port Macquarie. Cultural Precincts are proposed for both Camden Haven and Wauchope, whilst Youth Facilities are proposed for both Wauchope and Port Macquarie. Further argument and justification for these facilities is contained in Part D above.

5.1.3 Physical Nexus The Community and Cultural Facilities Strategy discussed under Part D presents a broad range of facilities to be provided across the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA, with Table 7 below, outlining which facilities apply specifically to this Contributions Plan. Figure 2 shows the approximate location of the proposed facilities. The Community Centres, whilst being local to the growing populous will be constructed to cater for the whole community on a Regional Scale, with multi-purpose facilities, i.e. meeting rooms, admin offices, meeting halls, District Libraries (refer to Library Contributions Plan), kitchens and outdoor courtyards. Cultural precincts will be located central to the Camden Haven and Wauchope CBD’s. Similarly a site/premises for the Regional Community Arts Centre is yet to be identified, however a site or premises in close location to the Regional Cultural Centre/Regional Gallery complex is foreseeable and/or considered preferable. The Wauchope Youth Facility is proposed to be located on Bain Park in conjunction with cultural precinct. The Regional Youth Facility requires a site to be identified, however it is anticipated this facility will be located in close proximity to the Port Macquarie CBD to be effective. The preferred location for a Regional Museum would be at the rear of the current Museum in Clarence Street, however facilities will be located throughout the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA for specific Historical Sites.

5.1.4 Temporal Nexus The timing for the provision of each of the facilities is provided in Table 7, which estimates that the first of the facilities will to be provided in 2009 with the final facility expected to be provided in 2017. These facilities are expected to cater for the projected Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA population of 108,000 people in the year 2027. Therefore it is considered reasonable to levy contributions from population generating development until 2027.

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Figure 2 - Community and Cultural Facilities Locations

5.1.5 Apportionment The facilities outlined in Table 7 (excluding the Area 12, 13 & 14 Community Facilities) are to be provided to benefit the existing Port Macquarie-Hastings Population and the incoming population from 2005 to 2027. As such only 35% of the cost of each facility will be recouped through development contributions, as this relates to the percentage increase in population over the stated 22-year time period. However the Community Facilities for Areas 12, 13 and 14 are required as a direct result of the growing population, therefore 100% of their cost is attributable to growth. Whilst each of the proposed facilities will directly serve their immediate surrounding population, they will also serve a Regional role throughout the Port Macquarie-Hastings for community groups, individuals and Council Functions. As such the cost of all facilities will be levied across the entire incoming population, thus avoiding disproportionate district level contributions rates for community facilities throughout the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA. Funding for the facilities will only become available as contributions are received for the full growth to 108,000 people, estimated to be approximately 22 years. As two of the facilities are to proceed in the next four financial years it will be necessary to burrow funding and recoup the loan interest through the contributions. An interest component has been added to the contributions to service loans taken out by Council to allow the timely provision of the facilities. The interest has been calculated with a long-term

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interest rate of 7.5%, over differing time periods relative to the timing of each facility. Table 7 provides a break down of the interest component of each of the scheduled facilities. Further funds collected from previous Local Contributions Plans for Community facilities, namely Area 12, will put towards those specific facilities.

5.1.6 Contributions Formula The contributions are calculated in two stages as follows: Stage 1: Calculates the contributions amount to be funded for each facility using the

following formula:

Contributions Amount = ( )( ) PIABTC ×+− Where, TC = Total Cost of Facilities - sum of capital costs of the infrastructure, which is to

be provided, plus Land AB = Account Balance (from previous plan) P = Proportion attributable to new development I = Proportional Interest on Loan attributable to New Development Table 7 provides detailed calculations for each facility and derives the Total Contributions amount to be funded. Stage 2: Calculates the final Contributions Rate payable per ET as follows:

Contributions Rate = (Per ET/Lot) R



Where, CA = Contributions Amount (Result of Stage 1) N = Population Increase R = Average Occupancy rate for detached single house taken from 2001 Census

(2.44 persons) ET = Equivalent Tenement e.g. A house – single density, one lot with one dwelling


This equates to figures of:

=× 44.2034,37

978,740,20$ $1364 Per ET/Lot

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5.1.7 Community Facilities Works Schedule and Contribution Rates Table 7 - Community Facilities Contributions Summary




n (A



ent t

o N










ng In





94 In





94 T




n In





cy R





n R


Per E



100% $1,824,251 $1,529,711 $3,353,962 37,034 2.44 $220.97

100% $2,679,800 $2,247,124 $4,926,924 37,034 2.44 $324.61

100% $3,679,800 $2,326,632.00 $6,006,432 37,034 2.44 $395.73

34% $335,133 $211,894.94 $547,028 37,034 2.44 $36.04

34% $306,213 $193,609.59 $499,822 37,034 2.44 $32.93

34% $664,142 $419,917.68 $1,084,059 37,034 2.44 $71.42

34% $1,592,171 $699,348.41 $2,291,520 37,034 2.44 $150.98

34% $558,192 $245,181.32 $803,373 37,034 2.44 $52.93

100% $1,000,000 $1,000,000 37,034 2.44 $65.88

$12,639,702 $7,873,419 $20,513,120 $1,351

Facilities Proposed










n C
















s on




al C

ost (



g In



Area 12 Community Centre Area 12 2009 800 $1,800,000 $381,450 $300,000 $657,199 $1,824,251

Area 14 Community Centre Area 14 2009 1200 $2,100,000 $79,800 $500,000 $0 $2,679,800

Area 13 Community Centre Area 13 2013 1800 $3,150,000 $79,800 $450,000 $0 $3,679,800

Camden Haven Cultural Precinct

Camden Haven 2013 400 $600,000 $0 $385,000 $0 $985,000

Regional Community Arts Centre

Port Macquarie 2013 600 $900,000 $0 $0 $0 $900,000

Wauchope Cultural Precinct and Youth Facility

Wauchope 2013 1200 $1,800,000 $152,000 $0 $0 $1,952,000

Regional Museum Port Macquarie 2017 1600 $4,000,000 $679,602 $0 $0 $4,679,602

Regional Youth Facility

Port Macquarie 2017 1000 $1,500,000 $140,600 $0 $0 $1,640,600

Community Facilities Upgrade Regional 2004 $1,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000

Total $16,850,000 $1,513,252 $1,635,000 $19,341,053

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5.2 Regional Cultural Centre

5.2.1 Purpose of this Plan The purpose of this contributions plan is to enable Council to levy contributions to provide a much-needed facility for the existing population while providing for a developing and expanding community. Appropriate apportionment has been calculated with a resultant contributions rate being calculated as applicable to each new population generating development. The community will gain a facility where art and culture could develop and flourish in purpose built facilities at a central location to the Port Macquarie-Hastings community. These facilities will add value to the community in terms of overall community facilities, the building of social capital and as a place for expression by all members of the community. The community and Council would also benefit through the common use of amenities, foyer space, and reception and office space. This would allow for economies of scale to be developed and the minimisation of recurrent expenditure to run the facility.

5.2.2 Causal Nexus The nexus between a growing population and the need for a Regional Cultural Centre has been established having regard to:

A rapidly increasing population in the Port Macquarie-Hastings Local Government area (Hastings Urban Growth Strategy 2001, Hastings Council, August, 2001 ).

The expected increase in demand for performance space, gallery space and

cultural administration facilities, due to a growing residential and tourist population in the Port Macquarie-Hastings (Port Macquarie-Hastings Open Space, Community, Cultural and Recreation Facilities Study, May 2002, BBC Consulting Planners).

The quality, capacity and usage of existing cultural facilities throughout the

LGA (private & public owned)

5.2.3 Physical Nexus The physical nexus indicates the reasons for the location of the particular facility to be provided. The proposed Regional Cultural Centre is to replace the existing Council owned Civic Centre, Visitor Information Centre (VIC) and Regional Art Gallery on the corner of Clarence and Hay Street, Port Macquarie. This location has been chosen for the following reasons.

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Land is currently owned by Council and therefore negates the need to acquire

property. The location is well known as community/public space. The central location provides good visibility and access to the significant public

facilities to be housed on this site. Co-location with the regional shopping and administrative central business

district (CBD) of Port Macquarie and therefore the Port Macquarie-Hastings. Figure 3 - Location of Regional Cultural Centre

The cost estimates utilised have been developed through a design and estimation process carried out by Rider Hunt Sydney P/L, Property and Construction Consultants.

5.2.4 Temporal Nexus The temporal nexus indicates the reasons for the staging and provision strategy chosen by Council for the community facilities. The timing is based on early provision of the facility by 2007. This early provision in the plan is due to the ‘Port Macquarie-Hastings Open Space, Community, Cultural and Recreational Facilities Study’ identifying the need for a facility of this type for a minimum population of 60,000 and an ultimate population of 100,000. The existing population exceeds the base figure and is predicted to reach the ultimate load in approximately 20 years.

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5.2.5 Apportionment The population at time of commencement of the plan in 2003 was estimated to be 68,700. As the development is to proceed over the next two financial years it will therefore be necessary to recoup the loan interest through the Contributions. Loan borrowings will not be completed until 2027 and therefore population growth over the next 22 years has been used in the apportionment. The estimated population in 2027 is 108,859 with a population growth of 40159. From this the proportion of the Regional Cultural Centre attributable to growth is 36.9%. Due the provision of the facility at the beginning of the plan an interest component of has been added to the contributions to service the loan. The interest has been calculated with a long-term interest rate of 7.5%. Land costs have been apportioned on an area basis using the apportionment percentage attributable to growth of 36.9%. The total site area is 2552.3m2 and accordingly the site area attributable to new development is 942 m2. The existing community has contributed the existing civic centre site land of 1146 m2. The gallery site land of 881.5m2 was purchased in 1997. The Ritz arcade site of 524.8m2 was purchased in 2005. On this basis new development should contribute to the whole of the cost of Ritz arcade site and to 417.2m2 of the acquisition of the gallery site.

5.2.6 Contributions Formula The contributions amount is calculated using the formula below. The formula calculates a rate per Equivalent Tenement (ET), which is the rate for a single house or one residential allotment with one dwelling entitlement. The rate for multi-unit and other forms of residential development are calculated as a percentage of the low-density single dwelling rate contributions as show in Table 4.

Contributions Rate = (Per Lot or ET)

( ) rn



= ( ) 44.2159,40



= $1514 Per ET

TC = Total Cost of Facilities - sum of capital costs of the infrastructure, which is to be provided (Excluding Land)

P = Proportion attributable to new development 36.9%) I = Interest on Loan for New development Proportion L = Land Cost for new development N = Population Increase to 2027 - period of loan repayment (40,159) R = Occupancy rate for single house (2.44 persons) ET = Equivalent Tenement e.g. A house – single density, one lot with one dwelling

entitlement) NB: Government subsidies and grants that are received for the provision of the facility will be applied to additional costs for improved sound and lighting.

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5.2.7 Regional Cultural Centre Work Schedule & Contribution Rates The Work Schedule is shown in Table 8. Construction of the facility is due to commence in 2005 with completion in 2007. Table 8 - Regional Cultural Centre Work Schedule

Item Description Cost ($)

Performing Arts Centre and Regional Gallery Construction

600 – 650 tiered, continental seat theatre Approx. 600 m2. Of front of house & 400 m2. Back of house space for Gallery development


Consultants $2,000,000Land Acquisition Ritz Arcade 2005 $3,200,000Land Acquisition Gallery Site 1997 $700,000 The contributions rate calculated in this Contributions Plan is summarised in Table 9 based on the development proportion of 36.9% of the construction and consultant’s cost, 47% of the gallery site acquisition and 100% of the Ritz Arcade site. The contribution levied by Council is a multiplication of the contributions rate per person by the average occupancy rate for a single lot with one dwelling house. Table 9 - Summary of the Contributions Calculation for Local Contributions Rate

Item Contributions Plan Proportion

Population Increase

Contributions per Person

Contributions per ET

Construction and Land Costs


Land $3,529,000

Interest $12,269,117




$620.70 $1514

These amounts are current at the date of this Contributions Plan but are subject to change with time. The contributions amounts applicable, at any particular time, are available on request from Council.

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5.3 Library Resources

5.3.1 Purpose of the Plan The Library Resources Section 94 Contributions Plan will enable Council to levy contributions on development that is likely to create demand for the provision of additional library book stock in the Port Macquarie-Hastings. The plan will also allow Council to recoup part of the cost of the recent construction of the Port Macquarie Library Building in Grant Street; the establishment of the Wauchope Library in 1996; and the future provision of branch libraries in Areas 13 and 14.

5.3.2 To what Areas does this Contributions Plan Apply? At present, Port Macquarie-Hastings Council provides library services to the Port Macquarie-Hastings Community through its central library in Port Macquarie, and its branch networks at Wauchope and Laurieton. In the near future, at least 2 more libraries will also be needed to service the urban release areas known as Area 13 (Thrumster) and Area 14 Lake Cathie/Bonny Hills. The “regional” Library Resources Contributions will apply to all properties located within the Port Macquarie-Hastings Local Government Area represented in Figure 1. “Local” Contributions will also apply to the specific library catchments of the Port Macquarie, Wauchope and Areas 13 and 14. These catchment areas are illustrated in Figure 4. All residential developments within the library catchments where an increase in population is proposed, including the subdivision of land, dual occupancy, multiple dwellings, multi-storey buildings and aged-care housing, will be charged a regional contributions under this CP. Table 4 contains specific apportionment rates for these various types of development, generally based on bedroom numbers.

5.3.3 Causal Nexus The nexus between the anticipated development in the Port Macquarie-Hastings Library Network catchment areas and the nominated library resources & infrastructure has been established having regard to:

the type and extent of the anticipated development; the expected increase in population as a consequence of that development; the characteristics of the population and the requirements for additional library

resources; the capacity of the existing library infrastructure, and availability of book stock

at Port Macquarie, Laurieton and Wauchope.

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Presently, this Council provides library services to the Port Macquarie-Hastings community through its central library in Port Macquarie and branch networks at Wauchope and Laurieton. Recent improvements at the Port Macquarie and Wauchope facilities have been necessary to provide a continued service to the members of these catchment areas. The rationalisation of the Network’s administrative functions from within the newly established Port Macquarie building has also been necessary to ensure the regional Library Network is efficiently managed. A further expansion of the library network is envisaged in the near future as anticipated resident and visitor populations place a greater demand on the existing Port Macquarie-Hastings Library Network resources. The provision of additional book stock will be necessary to resource the existing population’s demand for the library facilities, and the expanding library network. Figure 4 - Development Contributions Library Catchments

5.3.4 Physical Nexus The Port Macquarie-Hastings Library service is managed as a network. The existing library facilities provide functions primarily for local population catchments, but the flexibility in administration within the system enables users to access resources at all facilities within the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA. Presently the Port Macquarie, Wauchope and Laurieton libraries are easily accessible, and the majority of the LGA’s population is within immediate proximity to derive

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benefit from the Library Network’s resources. In the near future, the Port Macquarie-Hastings Library Infrastructure Network will be expanded to the growth centres of Area 13 and Area 14. The existing and likely future library facilities are thus located where the contributing development will be able to derive benefit from them. The physical nexus in providing additional book stock relative to contributing development is therefore met, and it is reasonable to levy contributions to all future development where population increases will occur. The provision of the new Port Macquarie Library building was essential to the efficient management of the Port Macquarie-Hastings Library Network, and is located closest to the largest membership catchment of the Network. As the majority of the Network’s administrative functions are undertaken within this building, it is reasonable to apply contributions to all properties within the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA, taking into account a local apportionment relative to the benefit derived from the Port Macquarie library catchment. In this respect, the Port Macquarie building houses the Library Network’s computer systems, the majority of the Library Network’s staff, and over 60% of the Network’s total book stock. All courier services, re-stocking & deliveries of new book stock are also managed from this building. An apportioned rate, respective to the local catchment area of Port Macquarie, and one for the regional catchment of the Port Macquarie-Hastings Library Network is to be applied to the cost of the Port Macquarie building’s establishment. The Wauchope Library building was acquired by Port Macquarie-Hastings Council from NorthPower in 1996 and established as a library facility at a total cost of $616,750. This building is centrally located to the Wauchope community so as to efficiently service the catchment of the Wauchope Library members. The current building is of sufficient capacity to accommodate the growth of this catchment to the year 2024. Administrative functions undertaken within this building, and indeed all processing, borrowing and educational activities are for the direct benefit of the members of this catchment. Accordingly, a local contributions apportioned across the 20-year life expectancy of the current infrastructure is to be applied to development located within the catchment area.

5.3.5 Temporal Nexus The Port Macquarie Library building was completed in 1999 after consideration of a strategic analysis undertaken by the State Library of NSW Building & Planning Advisory Service. In concluding its assessment for the erection of the library building, Council acknowledged that: “The proposed building is approximately 2170 sq. metres which will cater for the Port Macquarie-Hastings population growth to 2011. The library growth strategy beyond 2011 is to use the Grant Street site as a base with expanded services being provided in a decentralised model utilising existing and possibly new locations.” The overall cost of the library’s establishment was $3,335,000 and while not originally covered by a contributions plan, it is now considered appropriate to recoup some of these construction costs from the incoming population, apportioned against the 2011 population estimates.

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The 2011 life expectancy of the Port Macquarie Library building that was anticipated at its construction is still considered to be realistic. Therefore, the recoupment of monies up until this date is considered to be fair and reasonable contributions to which new development can be levied. The Wauchope building is anticipated to be currently sufficient to cater for population growth up until the year 2024. No further improvements, extensions or refurbishments to this building are currently envisioned in this contributions plan. Further assessment of the building’s capacity, and the demands of the Wauchope Library members may be undertaken during annual reviews of this contributions plan in the future. For Areas 13 and 14 it is anticipated that construction of the facilities in these respective localities will occur in 2009 for Area 14 and 2013 for Area 14. These facilities will cater for the existing and incoming population up until 2027. In relation to book stock, the temporal nexus seeks to ensure the timing for the provision of additional library resources equates as closely as possible to the demand for these resources. It is therefore proposed to expand the library resources annually, based upon the rate of development in the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA, the resultant increase in demand for additional book stock, the expected contributions income, and Council’s financial resources (in terms of the existing community’s cost component). Council currently relies on general revenue, supplementary grants and subsidies to provide resources for the Port Macquarie building and its two other branch libraries. Council’s ability to continue funding the re-stocking of its Libraries is becoming limited with the increasing demand created by new development. Accordingly, Council will require that development identified in this Plan also pay the costs of continuing to provide these resources for the growing population.

5.3.6 Expected Demand for Library Resources The membership of the Port Macquarie-Hastings Library Network in 2001 was approximately 34,911 patrons with the geographic distribution of members extending to most locations within the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA. Based on the latest Census data, it is anticipated that future library patronage will remain fairly consistent; that is, the incoming population will be generally similar in age structure and mobility to the existing population. The only demographic trend likely to have an impact on patronage of the Port Macquarie-Hastings Library Network is the continual increase in the proportion of the aged population in the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA. Figures indicate that the over-60 age group currently make up approximately 41% of the Port Macquarie-Hastings Library’s membership numbers, whereas this demographic comprises only 28% of the total population of the LGA. In the longer term, it could be expected the aging population may thus increase the demand for suitable library services.

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Should a significant increase in demand be identified in the future, a review of the Contributions Plan would be undertaken and placed on public exhibition for comment accordingly.

5.3.7 Present Library Book Stock Collection In 2001 the Port Macquarie-Hastings Library Network held 121,979 items in collection, representing a level of 1.89 items per capita held within the Port Macquarie-Hastings Library Network against the LGA’s total population of 64,483 for that year. The NSW State average for library materials in 2001/2002 was 2.57 items per capita. A target of 2.3 items per capita is considered an acceptable level of book stock for the Port Macquarie-Hastings Library Network, which although lower than the State average is reflective of regional standards in libraries of similar structure and future trends in book collection size. In 2002, although the total number of book stock items held by the Network increased to 130,583, a further 22,260 items would have been needed to provide a standard of 2.3 items per capita for the 2002 population of 66,543. Thus a backlog in book stock items persists. This book stock will not be funded via this contributions plan. Rather, the costs of these resources will be sourced from Council’s general funds.

5.3.8 Future Library Book Stock Provision Council expects that population growth for the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA will be sustained at a rate of between 2.3% and 2.5% in the immediate future (refer Port Macquarie-Hastings Urban Growth Strategy 2001). For 2005 for example, this represents an approximate growth of around 1700 persons. To maintain a satisfactory level of service within the Port Macquarie-Hastings Library Network, the acquisition of book stock at a rate of 2.3 items per capita for this future growth will be undertaken. At the time of adoption of this contributions plan, the average purchase cost per book stock item is $35.50, meaning Council would be required to spend approximately $138,805 in 2004 to provide the additional 3910 items of book stock required to keep up with that year’s growing population. This figure has no regard to the costs in meeting the current shortfall of library resources, or the annual replacement cost of out-dated and/or damaged stock. These latter costs will be sourced from Council’s general funds, the various subsidies obtained from the State Government, and from community donations. Developer Contributions will directly fund the estimated annual $135,000+ cost associated with additional book stock acquisition for the growing population.

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5.3.9 Book Stock Cost Estimate Derivation Council incurs a cost to acquire library resources. The average cost of purchasing items has been determined having regard to current book supplier prices, and comparisons with other coastal and regional areas. The State Library of NSW provides a subsidy to Council based primarily on population. During the 2001/2002 financial year Council received $120,585. Population in 2001 was estimated at 64,483, thus the subsidy amounted to approximately $1.87 per person. Current figures for the State Library subsidy have not increased a significant amount, but put the figure closer to $1.90 per person. This subsidy is provided for the management and control of the library service but is non-specifically targeted. It must however, be spent within the financial year it is granted. Other occasional library grants available include funding for local special projects, and general library development grants. For example, a special purpose grant of $18,032 was also awarded to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council during the 2001/2002 financial year. These monies can be used for various purposes, but cannot be guaranteed and are granted depending on the characteristics of funding approval. The levying of contributions on development to directly fund the acquisition of new book stock allows these grants and subsidies to be utilised for the replacement of damaged and/or out-dated resources, the improvement of the library facilities and infrastructure, and to facilitate the establishment of additional library features such as special projects, and children’s educational programs.

5.3.10 Apportionment Apportionment is a process that seeks to define the demands for the provision of a public facility to ensure that the contributing population only pays for its share of the total demand. Port Macquarie The Port Macquarie building serves as the principle administrative centre for the management of the Port Macquarie-Hastings Library Network. Accordingly, a regional rate for the catchment of the Port Macquarie-Hastings Library Network is to be applied towards this building’s construction. The relative apportionment for the construction of the Port Macquarie Library is based on the central administrative activities of the Port Macquarie-Hastings Library Network undertaken within this building. Thus, while it is recognised the Port Macquarie facility provides a direct service to the members of the Port Macquarie catchment, the Library Building also provides an indirect service to the members of the Wauchope and Camden Haven catchments and the future catchments of Areas 13 and 14. The principal Systems Librarians work from within the Port Macquarie facility and maintain the computer systems and all peripherals for the branch libraries. All new

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stock are delivered and processed at the Port Macquarie facility, and a daily courier service facilitating the distribution of resources between branches is managed through this building. In terms of administrative hours, it is estimated that senior library staff operating from within the Port Macquarie Library Building spend about 30% of their daily activities on branch-specific matters. Therefore, the level of service provided directly to Port Macquarie members by the staff and facilities at the Port Macquarie Library is estimated at approximately 70% of the total Network’s administration. The Regional library members receive indirect benefit from the remaining 30% of administrative functions carried out within the Port Macquarie Library. These relative apportionments are reflected in Local and Regional contributions rates as detailed in Table 11 below. In addition, it is necessary to also determine the relative apportionment relative to the incoming population generated by new development. In this regard, it is recognised the 1999 Port Macquarie Library building was a “replacement” of this town’s previous library building in Clarence Street. Therefore the land acquisition, and construction of the Grant Street building was of direct benefit to the existing Library Network members. It is reasonable therefore to only levy contributions to new development at an apportioned rate against the proportional increase in population likely to result from that development. Wauchope No regional contributions rate is applicable towards the establishment of the Wauchope Library building as this facility services only the local member catchment. A local contributions, apportioned over the current life expectancy of the infrastructure will apply to new development located within this catchment. Thrumster (Area 13) and Lake Cathie/Bonny Hills (Area 14) No regional contributions rates are applicable towards the establishment of the Area 13 and 14 Branch Library facilities, as these facilities will only serve the local respective populations of the catchments. Thus local contributions, specific to each catchment, will apply. The local contributions will be apportioned appropriately between the existing and incoming populations, over the anticipated life expectancy of the proposed facilities. Book Stock To provide best possible customer service, the Port Macquarie-Hastings Library Network circulates all book stock between the three branch libraries. A reciprocal arrangement between the three facilities enables members of the Port Macquarie-Hastings Library Network to borrow and return library materials at any of its branches. Council proposes to ensure that new stock will continue to be distributed throughout the expanded Port Macquarie-Hastings Library Network, so that access to material is optimised for all residents. Thus this component of the contributions rate will be apportioned across the entire LGA at the same value rather than on the basis of a rate per specific Library Catchment.

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5.3.11 Regional Contributions Formula Port Macquarie Library Construction The cost of the library’s 1999 construction was $2,400,000 including the costs associated with the provision of the external car park and landscaping. Council acquired the land on which the building is situated in 1997 at a cost of $700,000. The building’s fit-out totalled $235,000. This building is expected to be sufficient to cater for the needs of the Port Macquarie-Hastings Library Network until the year 2011, at which time consideration is to be given to a further expansion of the Network’s facilities. This Contributions Plan applies only to the current life expectancy of the present building. The Port Macquarie building also serves a local service to the members of the Port Macquarie Library catchment. In this respect, it is appropriate to apportion only 30% of the cost of this library’s establishment to the calculation of a regional contributions figure. The formula for the calculation of the regional contributions towards the Port Macquarie Library building can be expressed as:

Contributions Rate = (Per Lot or ET) OP



Where, TRC = Total “Regional” Cost of Facility A = Apportionment attributable to new development P = Estimated Population Increase OP = Occupancy Rate This equates to figures of:

Contributions Rate = (Per Lot or ET) 30$44.2



The regional contributions calculation for the library building’s construction is summarised below in Table 11: Book Stock

In addition to the regional building construction costs, a Contribution is to be applied to the cost of acquisition of new library resources necessary to stock the 3 Port Macquarie-Hastings libraries (with an additional 2 in the future) at a rate of 2.3 resource items per capita. The regional contributions for the acquisition of book stock is calculated using the formula below:

Contributions Rate = (Per Lot or ET)


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Where: TC = Total Cost of Resources P = Proportion attributable to new development BS = Book Stock rate per person OR = Occupancy Rate per New Lot (1 ET)

This equates to figures of:

Contributions Rate = (Per Lot or ET)

199$44.23.2%10050.35$ =×××

The regional contributions calculation for the acquisition of book stock is summarised below in Table 10: Table 10 - Library Book stock Contributions Summary

5.3.12 Local Contributions Formula Port Macquarie In addition to the Regional Contributions referred to above, a Local Contributions component is to apply to the immediate catchment of the Port Macquarie Library. This recognises that while the Library Network’s primary administrative functions are undertaken from within this building, a significant portion of the functions undertaken provide a direct service to the specific members of the Port Macquarie Library catchment area. These include the daily processing of borrowings, returns, and management of educational programs, school activities, and other associated services. A 70% local apportionment has been applied to the costs of this building’s establishment. The local contributions for the establishment of the Port Macquarie Library building is calculated using the formula below:

Contributions Rate = (Per Lot or ET) OP



Where, TLC = Total “Local” Cost of Facility A = Apportionment attributable to new development P = Estimated Population Increase

Continuing Plans (Recoup) Library - Book Stock Lo






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Regional Library - Book Stock Regional 2004 2024 $36 2.3 2.44 $199.00

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OP = Occupancy Rate This equates to figures of:

Contributions Rate = (Per Lot or ET) 125$44.2



The local contributions calculation for the library building’s construction is summarised below in Table 11: Wauchope A Local Contributions component is to also apply to the immediate catchment of the Wauchope Library. The civic facility in which the library building is situated was acquired from NorthPower in 1996 at a cost to Council of $850,000. $182,750 of this cost related to the specific Wauchope Library Building. A further $434,000 was then spent on refurbishing, and of this building for its library purpose. The Wauchope Library building is of sufficient size to cater for population growth within the Wauchope & Kings Creek Library Catchment Area until the year 2024. The local contributions for the establishment of the Wauchope Library building is calculated using the formula below:

Contributions Rate = (Per Lot or ET) OP



Where, TC = Total Cost of Facility A = Apportionment attributable to new development P = Estimated Population Increase OP = Occupancy Rate This equates to figures of:

Contributions Rate = (Per Lot or ET) 206$44.2



The local contributions calculation for the Wauchope Library building’s establishment is therefore summarised below in Table 11: Thrumster - Area 13 Branch Library The Area 13 Branch Library is to be constructed in conjunction with the Area 13 Community Facility. The estimated cost of providing the Branch Library facility is $1,400,000, which will serve an ultimate population of 10,000 people by the year 2027. Further as funds for the facility collected from the contributions levy will not all be immediately on hand until the ultimate population of the locality is reached in 2027 and the facility is to scheduled to be provided in 2013, a loan component is required to be

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built into the levy. The loan is calculated to be repaid over a 14-year period, 2013-2027, at an annual fixed interest rate of 7.5%. The contributions are calculated as follows:

Contributions Amount = ( ) RN



Where, TC = Total Cost of Facilities - sum of capital costs of the infrastructure, which is to

be provided, plus Land ($1,400,000) P = Proportion attributable to new development (100%) I = Proportional Interest on Loan attributable to New Development ($885,180) N = Population Increase (10,000) R = Average Occupancy rate for detached single house taken from 2001 Census

(2.44 persons) ET = Equivalent Tenement e.g. A house – single density, one lot with one dwelling

entitlement) This equates to figures of:

( )=×

×+ 44.2000,10

%100180,885$000,400,1$ $558 Per ET/Lot Lake Cathie/Bonny Hills - Area 14 Branch Library The Area 14 Branch Library is to be constructed in conjunction with the Area 14 Community Facility. However, unlike the Community Facility, the Library Branch will also benefit the existing populations in the Lake Cathie and Bonny Hills localities. Thus the cost of the Library component of the facility will be a local Contribution apportioned appropriately between the existing and future population that it will serve. The estimated cost of providing the Branch Library facility is $1,400,000, which will serve an ultimate population of 10,911 people by the year 2027. The current population of the locality is estimated to be 4,670 people. Thus an increase of 6,241 people will be experience in the locality until 2027, which results in 59% of the facility being attributable to growth. Further as funds for the facility collected from the contributions levy will not all be immediately on hand until the ultimate population of the locality is reached in 2027 and the facility is to scheduled to be provided in 2009, a loan component is required to be built into the levy. The loan is calculated to be repaid over an 18-year period, 2009-2027, at an annual fixed interest rate of 7.5%.

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The contributions are calculated as follows:

Contributions Rate = (Per ET/Lot)

( ) RN



Where, TC = Total Cost of Facilities - sum of capital costs of the infrastructure, which is to

be provided, plus Land ($1,400,000) P = Proportion attributable to new development (59%) I = Proportional Interest on Loan attributable to New Development ($689,091) N = Population Increase (6,241) R = Average Occupancy rate for detached single house taken from 2001 Census

(2.44 persons) ET = Equivalent Tenement e.g. A house – single density, one lot with one dwelling

entitlement) This equates to figures of:

( )=×

×+ 44.2241,6

%59091,689$000,400,1$ $591 Per ET/Lot

5.3.13 Works Schedule & Contribution Rates The total contributions figures for the Port Macquarie-Hastings Library Facilities are summarised in Table 11, which also contains the proposed timing of the facilities. While a library facility exists for the Camden Haven, a local Contribution for this catchment will not be applied to this location until such time as further investigations into the long-term location of the Port Macquarie-Hastings Branch Administration Office are undertaken.

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Table 11 - Summary of Library Contributions Rates

Continuing Plans (Recoup) Library Buildings Lo






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Regional Library - Other Areas

Port Macquarie 2004 2024 $3,335,000 30% $1,000,500 13% $133,067 10800 2.44 $30 $199 N/A 229$

Local Library - Port Macquarie

Port Macquarie 2004 2024 $3,335,000 70% $2,334,500 14% $333,834 6502 2.44 $125 $199 $30 354$

Local Branch Library - Wauchope

Wauchope 2004 2024 $616,750 $156,038 25% $156,038 1844 2.44 $206 $199 $30 436$

Local Branch Library - Area 13 Thrumster 2013 2027 $1,400,000 $1,400,000 $885,180 100% $2,285,180 10000 2.44 $558 $199 $30 787$

Local Branch Library - Area 14

Lake Cthie/Bonny Hills

2009 2027 $1,400,000 $821,774 $689,091 59% $1,510,865 6241 2.44 $591 $199 $30 820$

Totals $10,086,750 $5,712,811 $1,574,271 $4,418,983

Library Plan Continued

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5.4 Surf Life Saving and Sea Rescue

5.4.1 Purpose of Plan This contributions plan enables Port Macquarie-Hastings Council to levy contributions under Section 94 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 for the provision of additional Surf Life Saving equipment and the upgrading of Surf Life Saving Club Buildings required in anticipation of development that is likely to increase visitation to beaches. Council’s Lifeguard Service provides a level of surveillance that promotes the safety of beach users, both in and out of the water. Lifeguards act quickly and efficiently preventing rescues occurring where possible, or performing rescues and rendering First Aid when required in a manner to minimise injury to patient of rescuer. As the Port Macquarie-Hastings continues to enjoy record growth, the demand on the Lifeguard service increases. More than a quarter of a million beach users enjoy Port Macquarie-Hastings’ beach facilities each year, thus the level of responsibility for the safety and supervision of locals and tourists is a major consideration for Council. Council also provides for the Sea Rescue Control Centre above the Town Beach Surf Life Saving amenities Building. This building requires replacement as it is suffering the effects of concrete cancer. With an increased population comes an increase in water craft navigating the Hastings River Entrance, therefore Council is responsible for providing the Sea Rescue with an up to date facility capable of providing an efficient service to water craft users

5.4.2 Causal Nexus Surf Life Saving The Port Macquarie-Hastings has been experiencing a significant upward trend in the number of people visiting beaches within the LGA. Figure 5 illustrates an exponential upward trend in beach visitations. The anticipated increase in population in the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA will place greater demands on the provision of Lifeguard services on Council’s beaches. Sea Rescue The Port Macquarie-Hastings Sea Rescue is a volunteer organisation, whose facilities are provided by Port Macquarie-Hastings Council. The current Control Centre located at Town Beach, over-looking the Hastings River entrance, has reached the end of its’ economic life. The building is decaying and requires replacement. A replacement amenities building and Sea Rescue Control Centre is being planned for Town beach to serve the existing population and projected population to 2027.

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Figure 5 - Beach Visitation vs. Population Increase

5.4.3 Physical Nexus To serve the needs of the growing population of the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA, Council provides Lifeguard Services at five beaches during the summer season, as illustrated in Figure 6. The provision of additional facilities and equipment has been determined having regard to each beach’s estimated level of usage and specific safety issues. The new Sea Rescue Control Centre is to remain located at Town Beach overlooking the Hastings River Entrance. However this facility will be capable of co-ordinating Rescue operations along the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA coastline.

5.4.4 Temporal Nexus A 10 year plan has been developed, to provide in a timely manner, additional equipment to Council’s Lifeguard Service that is required to serve the growing population of the Port Macquarie-Hastings and beach users. The Surf Life Saving Clubs upgrade works and Town Beach-Surf Club/Amenities/Sea Rescue Control Centre building are covered by a 22 year plan due to the longer life expectancy of building works.

Beach Visitation and Population Growth









1994/95 1999/00 2003/04 2008/09

Year Season


of P



Beach Visitors

Hastings Population

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Figure 6 - Surf Life Saving Clubs & Locations

5.4.5 Apportionment Whilst the projected population to 2027 creates demand for a new Town Beach Amenities/Surf Club/Sea Rescue Control facility the new building will continue to provide a service to both the existing population as well. Therefore the Building cannot be fully funded by the incoming population, as it would be unreasonable to burden the incoming population with the full cost of a facility that will also provide a benefit to the existing population. With a current population of approximately 71,815 and an estimated projected population of 108,849 by 2027, the proportion of the Building attributable to growth is 34%. This equates to $612,426 of the funding of the Town Beach Facility being growth related. Funding for the entire project will only become available as contributions are received for the full growth to 108,849 people, estimated to be approximately 22-years. As the development is to proceed in 2008 it will be necessary to recoup the loan interest through the contributions. As the facility is being provided in 2008 an interest component calculated over a 17-year period at a long-term interest rate of 7.5% is added to the contributions to service the loan. With regard to the surf life saving equipment it is considered equitable that 100% of the cost of the equipment listed in the works schedules be born by the incoming population as the additional equipment and upgrades are required as a result of the additional population.

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5.4.6 Contributions Formula The formula to be used for the calculation of contributions involves three steps: Step 1 – Contributions for Infrastructure Per ET

Contributions Rate = ( ) RN



(Per Lot or ET) Where, TC = Total Cost of Facilities - sum of capital costs of the infrastructure, which is to

be provided ($1,800,000) P = Proportion attributable to new development (36%) I = Interest on Loan for New development Proportion ($639,130.54) N = Population Increase (37,034) R = Average Occupancy rate for detached single house taken from 2001 Census

(2.44 persons) ET = Equivalent Tenement e.g. A house – single density, one lot with one dwelling


Thus ( ) 73$44.2034,37


×+ Per ET

Step2 – Contributions for Surf Club Upgrades Per ET

= RP


Where, C = total cost of Upgrades to be provided $500,000 P = anticipated additional population increase 37,034 people R = Occupancy Rate (2.44 is the average occupancy rate for single dwelling lot

under the 2001 Census).

Thus, 32$44.2034,37000,500$

=× Per ET

Step 3 – Contributions for Equipment Per ET

= RP


Where, C = total cost of equipment required to be provided $126,000 P = anticipated additional population over 10-years 15,832 people

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R = Occupancy Rate (2.44 is the average occupancy rate for single dwelling lot under the 2001 Census).



000,126$=× Per ET

Therefore Total Contributions Per Lot (ET) = $73+ $32+$19 = $124

5.4.7 Works Schedule & Contribution Rates Table 12 - Schedule of Lifeguard Equipment Purchases

Table 13 – Surf Life Saving and Sea Rescue Contributions Summary

Y ear o f Purchase Equ ipm ent B each Q ty C ost per Item T otal C ost

Q uad B ike T ow n Beach 1 $11,000 $11,000.00

R escue Board T ow n Beach & F lynn 's Beach 2 $1,500 $3,000.00

H and H eld U H F R adios A ll Beaches 4 $750 $3,000.00

C ar Based U H F R adio A ll Beaches 1 $1,000 $1,000.00

2008 Jet Sk i R escue C raft T ow n Beach 1 $16,000 $16,000.00

R escue Board A ll Beaches 4 $1,500 $6,000.00H and H eld U H F R adios A ll Beaches 4 $750 $3,000.00

O xygen Soft Pack A ll Beaches 1 $2,000 $2,000.00

F irs t A id K its A ll Beaches 4 $250 $1,000.002010 Beach C leaner A ll Beaches 1 $80,000 $80,000.00

T O T AL $126,000.00



Surf L ife Sav ing Equ ipm ent C ost Sum m ary

Surf Life Saving

Facilities & Equipment


r of C








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Town Beach Amenities and

Sea Rescue HQ2008 Town

Beach $1,800,000 34% $612,426 17 $502,211 $1,114,636 37,034 2.44 $73

Surf Club Facilities Upgrades

2007/10 Regional $500,000 100% $500,000 $500,000 37,034 2.44 $32

Surf Life Saving Equipment 2007/10 Regional $126,000 100% $126,000 $126,000 15,832 2.44 $19

$2,426,000 $1,238,426 $502,211 $1,740,636 $124TOTALS

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5.5 NSW Rural Fire Service – Port Macquarie-Hastings Branch

5.5.1 Purpose of Plan As the population of the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA continues to grow, urban areas, by the way of subdivision, continue to sprawl outward amongst former rural land toward State Forests and National Park Nature Reserves. This urban expansion places ever-increasing pressure on the Port Macquarie-Hastings District Rural Fire Service, having regards to available equipment, infrastructure and management. Port Macquarie-Hastings Council funds a significant component of the equipment and infrastructure with a proportion of grants received from the State Government. The aim of this plan is to ensure the continued provision of additional equipment and Brigade Station upgrades required to meet the needs of the incoming population.

5.5.2 Causal Nexus The Port Macquarie-Hastings District NSW RFS refers to the New South Wales Rural Fire Service Standards Of Fire Cover, for calculating the required infrastructure and equipment to service the Port Macquarie-Hastings. This document calculates the level of Fire fighting Resources required in a prescribed area using population, structures number and type, topography, vehicle response times, current number of brigades, vehicles and fire-fighters. The works Schedule in this Plan is based on the standards referred to in the document in relation to the estimated population increase throughout the Port Macquarie-Hastings until 2024.

5.5.3 Physical Nexus The townships of Port Macquarie, Wauchope and Camden Haven are the responsibility of the NSW Fire Brigade, not the NSW RFS. However, the NSW RFS will assist the NSW Fire Brigade when required. Figure 7 demonstrates where the NSW Fire Brigades operates within Port Macquarie, Wauchope and Camden Haven townships. All other remaining land in the Port Macquarie-Hastings is covered by the Port Macquarie-Hastings District RFS. In this regard, whilst directly serving the localities in which the brigades are situated, the RFS operates on a comprehensive inter-dependant operational structure. Depending on the extent of a bushfire, the Fire Control Officer can mobilise any number of fire control units to assist in fighting an outbreak. Thus the combined Brigades of the Port Macquarie-Hastings Rural Fire Service provide an LGA wide Bushfire fighting service.

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Figure 7 - Port Macquarie-Hastings RFS and NSW Fire Brigade Boundaries

5.5.4 Temporal Nexus Infrastructure The Port Macquarie-Hastings District NSW RFS Head Quarters in Wauchope was completed in 2004 along with the Beechwood Brigade’s new station. Council was required to borrow $50,000 and contribute $115,826 to complete the Wauchope HQ building; and borrow $65,000 for the Beechwood Brigade Station, which should serve the Port Macquarie-Hastings rural population for at least the next 20 years. The projected incoming populations of Telegraph Point, Camden Haven, Areas 13 and 14 over the projected 22-year period to 2027 will require new stations to be constructed/upgraded within the next 5-years to serve those populations. Thus a 22-year life expectancy of these buildings is considered to be realistic, for which the recoupment of monies up until 2027 is considered to be a fair and reasonable. Under Part F of the Kings Creek Contributions Plan, as repealed by this plan, an amount of $54,264.00 has been accrued from contributions levied in that locality. This amount has been taken into account in the determination of the cost of the specialist fire fighting vehicles.

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Equipment/Vehicles Although the recently constructed and proposed RFS buildings will serve the incoming population to 2027, the required specialist fire fighting vehicles cannot be expected to serve for the same life span due to general usage and, at times, extreme conditions they are required to operate under. Thus their replacement is more regular, as such a 10-year period is considered to be a realistic figure for the recoupment of monies spent on these vehicles.

5.5.5 Apportionment It is considered equitable that 100% of the cost of the facilities and equipment listed in the works schedules be born by the incoming population. The Rural Fire Service, based on the population projections in HUGS, has calculated the demand for these facilities using the manual discussed under the Causal Nexus. However development in areas serviced by the NSW Fire Brigade will not be levied contributions toward bushfire.

5.5.6 Contributions Formula The contributions rate is calculated as follows in three steps: Step 1 – Proposed Brigade Station Works

Contributions Rate = ETRN


TC = Total contributions refundable: Sum of the total cost of the facilities to be

provided minus Funds on Hand, as collected from previous plan ($1,875,736) N = Population Increase (26,959) R = Average Occupancy rate for detached single house taken from 2001 Census

(2.44 persons) ET = Equivalent Tenement e.g. A house – single density, one lot with one dwelling

entitlement) Thus,


000,930,1$=× Per ET

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Step 2 – Proposed Specialist Fire Fighting Vehicles



Where, TC = Total Cost of vehicles required, plus recoupment of previously purchased

vehicle, less contributions to date. ($890,000) P = anticipated additional population over 10-years (5,145) people R = Occupancy Rate (2.44 is the average occupancy rate for single dwelling lot

under the 2001 Census).

Thus, 37.181$44.2243,11

736,835$=× Per ET

Step 3 – Recoupment for Works Completed



Where, TC = Total contributions made by Council to Facility ($135,910) P = Anticipated additional population over 20-years: 26,959 people R = Occupancy Rate (2.44 is the average occupancy rate for single dwelling lot

under the 2001 Census). Thus, 30.12$44.2


=× Per ET


=++ 30.12$37.181$68.174$ $368 Per ET/Lot

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5.5.7 Works Schedule & Contribution Rates Table 14 – RFS Summary of Contributions Calculation

Facilities ProposedLo






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Hastings RFS Control Centre (Completed - Funds Recoupment)

Wauchope 2005 2027 $1,412,089 $1,341,179 $70,910 100% $70,910 26,959 2.44 $6.42

New Station Beechwood (Completed - Funds Recoupment

Beechwood 2005 2027 $65,000 $65,000 100% $65,000 26,959 2.44 $5.88

RFS - Vehicles Regional 2008/12 2015 $890,000 $54,264 $835,736 100% $835,736 11,243 2.44 $181.37

New Station - Combining Lake Cathie & Bonny Hills Brigades

Area 14 2010 2027 $500,000 $100,000 $600,000 100% $600,000 26,959 2.44 $54.31

Upgrade Existing Station -Area 13 Sancrox 2010 2027 $50,000 $50,000 100% $50,000 26,959 2.44 $4.53

Station Extensions - King Creek King Creek 2010 2027 $80,000 $80,000 100% $80,000 26,959 2.44 $7.24

New Station - Camden Haven

Camden Haven 2013 2027 $500,000 $100,000 $600,000 100% $600,000 26,959 2.44 $54.31

New Staion - Telegraph Point

Telegraph Point 2018 2027 $500,000 $100,000 $600,000 100% $600,000 26,959 2.44 $54.31

Total $3,997,089 $300,000 $1,395,443 $2,901,646 $2,901,646 $368.00

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5.6 State Emergency Services – Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA

5.6.1 Purpose of Plan The purpose of this plan is to levy contributions under the provision of S94 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, from development to enable Council to recoup funds for the provision of the proposed SES facilities in Central Road.

5.6.2 Causal Nexus The Port Macquarie-Hastings population growth has been placing ever-increasing pressure on the Port Macquarie-Hastings District State Emergency Service (SES). The local service has out grown its’ current Head Quarters in Gordon Street, as there is limited storage for the Service’s emergency vehicles and equipment, as well as limited office space for staff and volunteers. Council recognises the shortfalls of the current 50 year old SES HQ building and have proposed a new site in Central Road to construct new premises that will cater for the SES’s requirements for approximately the next 20 years (to 2027), in which time the Port Macquarie-Hastings is expected to experience an increase of approximately 37,034 people. Such an increase in population will place continuing pressures on the SES during natural disasters, such as storm events and flooding. As Council funds the infrastructure and equipment of the SES, with the assistance of State Government grants, there is a Nexus for Council to utilise Section 94 to levy contributions from the incoming population to help recoup funds spent on the project.

5.6.3 Physical Nexus A new site has been chosen in Central Road, Port Macquarie for the new SES Head Quarters. The facility is Centrally located to the existing population and proposed residential expansion areas of Area 13. Figure 8 identifies the location of the proposed new site in relation to the existing HQ. The site is flood free and provides efficient access to three main collectors roads, those being Lake Road, Ocean Drive and the Oxley Hwy, allowing for quick response times to any location in the Port Macquarie and greater Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA. Whilst the proposed facility in Central Road will directly serve the city of Port Macquarie, the facility will also serve to coordinate operations throughout the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA. Depending on the extent of an emergency the facility will be able to mobilise any number of SES units to assist in any emergency situation or

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multiple situation throughout the LGA, e.g storm damage, flooding. The SES provides an LGA wide Emergency Service. Figure 8 - SES HQ Sites, Existing and Proposed

5.6.4 Temporal Nexus The new SES facility is expected to be completed by 2009/10 and should serve the Port Macquarie and greater Port Macquarie-Hastings region until at least 2027. Thus a 20-year life expectancy of these buildings is considered to be realistic, for which the recoupment of monies up until 2027 is considered to be a fair and reasonable contributions to which new development can be levied.

5.6.5 Apportionment As the SES operates to the benefit of all new development and the existing population, it is considered equitable to apportion the contributions levied accordingly. The present population is estimated to be 71,815 with a projected growth to 108,849 by 2027. From this the proportion of the State Emergency Service Building attributable to growth is 34%. This equates to $337,316 of the funding of the centre being growth related.

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This funding will only become available as contributions are received for the full growth to 108,849 people, estimated to be approximately 22-years. As the development is to proceed over the next five financial years and will be funded from the sale of remaining land to NSW Fire Brigade and Ambulance Service, no loan component is required in the calculation. Therefore this plan will recoup the percentage the cost attributable to growth, minus any State Government Grants.

5.6.6 Contributions Formula

Contributions Rate per ET = ( )( ) RN



Where, TC = Total Cost of Facilities - sum of capital costs of the infrastructure, which is to

be provided ($1,000,000) S = Direct Subsidies and Grants (Government subsidies anticipated to be received

for the provision of the facility - $50,000) P = Proportion attributable to new development (34%) N = Population Increase (37,034) R = Occupancy rate for single house (2.44 persons) ET = Equivalent Tenement, e.g. A house – single density, one lot with one dwelling

entitlement Thus,

( )( )=×

×− 44.2034,37

%34000,50$000,000,1$ $21 Per ET

5.6.7 Works Schedule and Contributions Rate Table 15 - SES Facilities Works Schedule and Contributions Rate

Facilities Proposed






of P





n C














al C





n (A



ent t

o N

ew P






94 T




n In





cy R





n R


Per E



SES Facility - Central Road

Port Macquarie 2010 2027 $800,000 $200,000 $50,000 $950,000 34% $323,225 37,034 2.44 $21

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• Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2001 Census • Australian Bureau of Statistics Data:

o Census Collector Districts Comparisons 1981-2001 o Population Projections by CCD Data o Structure of Dwellings by Number of Persons o Housing Balance Data o CPI Index

• Development Contributions Practice Notes – July 2005, DIPNR

• Hastings Community Profile 2003, Port Macquarie-Hastings Council, 2003

• Hastings Urban Growth Strategy 2001, Port Macquarie-Hastings Council,


• Hastings Open Space Community, Cultural and Recreation Facilities Study – Recreation Planning Associates, August 2002

• Transport and Population Data Centre NSW SLA Population Projections,

2001 to 2031, 2004 Release - Detailed Data, Version 1.2, DIPNR

7 Dictionary “Bed & Breakfast Establishment” means a building used as a single dwelling and for providing holiday accommodation. Such holiday accommodation is to be limited to three bedrooms and is not to include self-contained accommodation. “Capital cost” means all of the costs of a one-off nature designed to meet the cost of providing, extending or augmenting infrastructure. “Catchment” means a geographic or other defined area to which a contributions plan applies. “Cluster Housing” means integrated residential development that consists of:

• The subdivision of land into 3 or more allotments; and • The erection of single dwelling on each of the allotments to be created by that

subdivision provided that the erection of the dwelling occurs prior to the issue of a subdivision certificate.

“Community infrastructure” means infrastructure of a communal, human or social nature, which caters for the various life-cycle needs of the public including but not limited to childcare facilities, community halls, youth centres, aged persons facilities.

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“Contributions Plan” means a public document prepared by council pursuant to s94EA of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act. “Development” means:

• the erection of a building on that land • the carrying out of a work in, on, over or under that land • the use of that land or of a building or work on that land • the subdivision of that land.

“Dwelling” means a room or suite of rooms occupied or used so as constructed or adapted as to be capable of being occupied or used as a separate residence. “Developer Contributions” means a monetary contribution, the dedication of land free of cost or the provision of a material public benefit. “Dual Occupancy” means 2 dwellings, whether attached or detached, on a single lot. “Granny Flat” means a dual occupancy where the secondary dwelling contains only one (1) bedroom (with no separate studies or other similar rooms) and has a floor area of 50m2 or less. “Integrated Housing” means the same as cluster housing. “Material Public Benefit” does not include the payment of a monetary contributions or the dedication of land free of cost. “Nexus” means the relationship between the expected types of development in the area and the demand for additional public facilities to meet that demand. “Planning agreement” means a voluntary agreement referred to in s93F of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act. “Planning authority” means:

• a council, or • the Minister, or • the corporation, or • a development corporation (within the meaning of the Growth Centres

(Development • Corporations) Act 1974), or • a public authority declared by the EP&A Regulations to be a planning

authority for the purposes of this Division. “Planning benefit” means a development contribution that confers a net public benefit, that is, a benefit that exceeds the benefit derived from measures that would address the impacts of particular development on surrounding land or the wider community. “Planning obligation” means an obligation imposed by a planning agreement on a developer requiring the developer to make a development contribution.

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“Public” includes a section of the public. “Public benefit” is the benefit enjoyed by the public as a consequence of a development contribution. “Public facilities” means public infrastructure, facilities, amenities and services. “Public purpose” is defined in s93F(2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act to include the provision of, or the recoupment of the cost of providing public amenities and public services (as defined in s93C), affordable housing, transport or other infrastructure. It also includes the funding of recurrent expenditure relating to such things, the monitoring of the planning impacts of development and the conservation or enhancement of the natural environment. “Recurrent costs” mean any cost, which is of a repeated nature that is required for the operation or maintenance of a public facility. “Residential Development” means any use listed in table 4 whether or not the use is intended for temporary, short term, long term, permanent, or tourist accommodation. “Residential Flats” means a building containing three or more self-contained dwellings, whether or not those dwellings are use for short stay holidaymakers, including serviced or managed apartments; or for permanent accommodation either being leased or owner occupied. “Thresholds” means the level at which the capacity of an infrastructure item is reached or the event which triggers the requirement for the provision of a facility. “Utility service” means basic engineering services such as power, water, sewerage and telecommunications. “Works-in-Kind” means the construction or provision of the whole or part of a public facility that is identified in a works schedule in a contributions plan.

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Schedule 1 – Amendments to Kings Creek Contributions Plan Version 2.3 [1] Delete Table A1 and insert instead the following table Table A1: Summary of the Work Schedule

Kings Creek CP apportionment



Total Cost



TRANSPORT C(i) Roadworks

various road lengths & intersections



$1,866,563 TRANSPORT C(ii) Cycleway

Along King Creek Rd



$174,005 TRANSPORT C(iii)Bus Shelters

Upgrades & New



$255,924 Sub-Total



D. Water General capacity upgrading




E. Community Facilities

Community hall & recreation facilities




Transport Study

Study commissioned to provide background information for transport section of plan.




TOTAL $6,532,363 $4,143,554

[2] Delete table A2 and insert instead the following table Table A2: Summary of the Contributions Calculation for Local Contribution Rate

Kings Ck Rural Residential


Total Cost

Kings Creek CP proportion

No. of lots

Contrib. rate

($/lot) C(i)TRANSPORT Road works





C(ii)TRANSPORT Cycleway




407.51 C(iii)TRANSPORT Bus Shelters









5,378.20 D. Water





E Community Facilities




704.45 Transport Study





TOTAL $6,532,363.00 $4,143,554.36 $9,703.87

[3] Delete clause titled “Review and Indexing of this Contributions Plan” in Part B and insert instead clause 2.10 of this Contributions Plan “Monitoring Review and Adjustment of Rates” [4] Insert at the end of Part B, clause 2.12 of this Contributions Plan “Pooling of Contributions”

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[5] Delete table B2 and insert instead table 4 “Contributions Ratios for Residential Development” of this contributions plan [6] Amend the version number of the Contributions Plan wherever occurring to 2.4

Schedule 2 – Amendments to Port Macquarie-Hastings s94 Major Roads Contributions Plan Version 2.1 [1] Delete clause 2.8 and insert instead clause 2.10 of this Contributions Plan “Monitoring Review and Adjustment of Rates” [2] Insert after clause 2.9, clause 2.12 of this Contributions Plan “Pooling of Contributions” [3] Delete table 3.5 and insert instead table 4 “Contributions Ratios for Residential Development” of this contributions plan [4] Amend the version number of the Contributions Plan wherever occurring to 2.2

Schedule 3 – Amendments to Port Macquarie-Hastings s94 Open Space Contributions Plan Version 2.1 [1] Delete clause 2.8 and insert instead clause 2.10 of this Contributions Plan “Monitoring Review and Adjustment of Rates” [2] Insert after clause 2.9, clause 2.12 of this Contributions Plan “Pooling of Contributions” [3] Delete table 3.5 and insert instead table 4 “Contributions Ratios for Residential Development” of this contributions plan [4] Amend the version number of the Contributions Plan wherever occurring to 2.2

Schedule 4 – Amendments to Port Macquarie-Hastings Innes Peninsula s94 Road Works Contributions Plan Version 1.1 [1] Delete clause 1.3.3 and insert instead clause 2.10 of this Contributions Plan “Monitoring Review and Adjustment of Rates” [2] Insert after clause 1.3.6, clause 2.12 of this Contributions Plan “Pooling of Contributions”

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[3] Delete table 3 and insert instead table 4 “Contributions Ratios for Residential Development” of this contributions plan [4] Amend the version number of the Contributions Plan wherever occurring to 1.2

Schedule 5 – Amendments to Port Macquarie-Hastings The Baines Dairy s94 Road Works Contributions Plan Version 1.3 [1] Delete clause 2.8 and insert instead clause 2.10 of this Contributions Plan “Monitoring Review and Adjustment of Rates” [2] Insert after clause 2.9, clause 2.12 of this Contributions Plan “Pooling of Contributions” [3] Delete table 3.5 and insert instead table 4 “Contributions Ratios for Residential Development” of this contributions plan [4] Amend the version number of the Contributions Plan wherever occurring to 1.4

Schedule 6 – Amendments to Port Macquarie-Hastings Administration Building s94 Road Works Contributions Plan Version 1.1 [1] Delete clause 2.8 and insert instead clause 2.10 of this Contributions Plan “Monitoring Review and Adjustment of Rates” [2] Insert after clause 2.9, clause 2.12 of this Contributions Plan “Pooling of Contributions” [3] Delete table 3.3 and insert instead table 4 “Contributions Ratios for Residential Development” of this contributions plan” [4] Amend the version number of the Contributions Plan wherever occurring to 1.2

Schedule 7 – Amendments to Port Macquarie-Hastings North Haven Neighbourhood Business Precinct Contributions Plan Version 1.1 [1] Delete clause titled “Indexation and Review of Contributions” and insert instead clause 2.10 of this Contributions Plan “Monitoring Review and Adjustment of Rates” [2] Insert after at the end of the contributions plan, clause 2.12 of this Contributions Plan “Pooling of Contributions” [3] Amend the version number of the Contributions Plan wherever occurring to 1.2

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Schedule 8 – Amendments to Hastings River Drive s94 Road Works Contributions Plan Version 1.1 [1] Delete clause the clause titled “How will the Contributions Rates be Reviewed?” and insert instead clause 2.10 of this Contributions Plan “Monitoring Review and Adjustment of Rates” [2] Insert at the end of Part B, clause 2.12 of this Contributions Plan “Pooling of Contributions “ [3] Delete table 3.5 and insert instead table 4 “Contributions Ratios for Residential Development” of this contributions plan [4] Amend the version number of the Contributions Plan wherever occurring to 1.2

Schedule 9 – Amendments to Hastings Contributions Plan 1993 Version 1.5 [1] Delete clause 10 and insert instead clause 2.10 of this Contributions Plan “Monitoring Review and Adjustment of Rates” [2] Insert after clause 11, clause 2.12 of this Contributions Plan “Pooling of Contributions” [3] Delete Part D [4] Amend the version number of the Contributions Plan wherever occurring to 1.6
