community nutrition quiz

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Post on 04-Mar-2016




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Community Nutrition Quiz

Name : Syarfina RosyadahStudent ID : 030.10.262

1. Please explain briefly about three major determinants for maternal and child undernutrition !There is three major determinants for maternal and child undernutrition. The first major determinant is basic causes, this basic causes consist of social, economic, political context, and lack of capital. The second major determinant is underlying causes, these underying causes are income poverty, employment, self-employment, dwelling, assets, remittance, pensions, transfers etc. household food insecurity, inadequate care, unhealthy household environment, and lack of health service are the effects of this causesThe third major determinant is immediate causes,these immediate causes are disease and inadequate dietary intake.

2. What is stunting? Explain briefly why stunting is important! Stunting is very low height for age. It is the failure to reach ones genetic potential for height. The definition of stunting according to theWorld Health Organisation(WHO) is for the "height for age" value to be less than two standard deviations of the WHO Child Growth Standards median. children who have been chronically deprived of sufficient macronutrients (fat, carbohydrates, and protein) can become stunted. The lack of nutrients often combined with chronic infection and/or stress impacts the childs length more than weight. Stunted growth in children has the following public health impacts apart from the obvious impact of shorter stature of the person affected: greater risk for illness and premature death may result in delayed mental development and therefore poorer school performance and later on reduced productivity in the work force reduced cognitive capacity Women of shorter stature have a greater risk for complications during child birth due to their smaller pelvis, and are at risk of delivering a baby with low birth weight Stunted growth can even be passed on to the next generation (this is called the "intergenerational cycle of malnutrition")

3. What is the right time to introduce the complementary feeding to infant? The best time to introduce complemetary feeding is in six month of infant age. From 0 to 6 months, breast milk is completely enough to fulfil energy requirements. Theres no gap between breast milk nutrition and the energy requirement. After 6 months, energy requirements is bigger so breast milk no longer enough to supply the energy. The energy is very important because the 6 rapid phase of growth very essential (0-2 years) and the nutrition must meet the requirement. Based on the reason, the nutrion gap need to be fulfiled by giving complementary feeding to the baby.

Please explain why fortified food should be given to young children! Fortified food should be given to young children because to prevent macro and micro nutrient deficiencies in children. Beside that, efforts to increase the purchasing power requires sustainable economic development and pro-poor. While the results can not be expected to be seen in a short time. The children with Micro nutrient deficiencies (KGM) in need of help today. So, the fortified food program should be given to young children, so they can avoid negative impacts on health Micronutrients deficiencies, intelligence and productivity, when they mature

4. In malaria endemic area, what is the role hepcidin if iron supplementation is given to anemic patient? hepcidin as the main regulator of systemic iron homeostasis. Hepcidin synthesis is induced by iron loading and inflammation and suppressed by erythropoiesis. In the case of an iron load, increased hepcidin levels limit further enteral iron absorption and release of iron from the liver and the reticuloendothelial system to normalize plasma iron levels. With increased inflammation, elevated hepcidin levels cause the same sequence of events, leading to reticuloendothelial blockade and the anemia of inflammation. Conversely, by suppressing hepcidin production, erythropoietic activity increases the availability of iron by enhancing enteral absorption and release of iron from the liver and the reticuloendothelial system. RBCs, red blood cells; Fe-Tf, iron-transferrin complex.

5. Why do you think it is necessary to conduct dietary survey in the community? Please mention your opinion ! Dietary survey in comunity is very important because diet also related with disease. For example, most Indonesian people consume carbohyrates in a larger amount than any nutrients. That could be a reason why diabetes prevalence is quite high in this country. By doing dietary survey in the comunity we can identify diet-disease relationship, and also disease risk in community. This also help the government to monitor and improve the nutritional status of the citizen. Then the government can do some intervention after defining the nutritional status of the citizen.